Speech by the propaganda team on Teacher's Day. Performance of the propaganda team at the holiday "Teacher's Day" with the program "dear, kind, dear, we say" thank you! Program for Teacher's Day "The Big Question"

SPEECH OF THE AGIT BRIGADE AT THE FESTIVAL "TEACHER'S DAY" WITH THE PROGRAM "DEAR, KIND, DEAR WE SAY THANK YOU!" Yakushchenko Vera Viktorovna, teacher of life safety and music Author: MBOU "Secondary School No. 36", Angarsk Fanfares sound. All: Hello! 1st participant: Dear teachers! Drop everything! A cheerful propaganda team has come to visit you! 2nd participant: Our motto: Everyone: Make everyone smile! 2nd participant: Where do you live? All: School No. 36! 2nd participant: Mood? All: Cheerful! 2nd participant: Relationships? All: Good! 2nd participant: Complaints... All: No! Hello from us!!! 3rd participant: If you look at all the passers-by in the morning, You will immediately notice the teacher among them - Here is his portfolio, he is laid with books, Unthinkable phrases are in his head. 4th participant: He bent under the number of notebooks, But his suit is enviably flawless. For the sake of the school, for the sake of knowledge, for the sake of light, He sees neither the weather nor those he meets. 5th participant: Now he will enter the class and smile, Even if his heart is terribly sad, Even if nothing succeeds Being a teacher is a great art! 6th participant: Accept congratulations today, Remain disinterested and beautiful. Well, what about us, aren't we your creations? We will grow up and repeat, of course, we will! 1st participant: And you also forget books at home, Give up on notebook matters. And imagine: you girls and boys Get together, play, relax! 2nd participant: Of course, we won’t interfere with you, But if you get bored, just call, After all, when is it good for people in the world? When side by side everywhere, always a teacher! They sing to the motive of the song “Ah, Odessa” Why is it noisy at school today, is it good? What did happen, what happened? Maybe we’ll ask the guys - where are they in a hurry with bouquets? It turned out that this is your holiday! Children: girls and boys, Put aside their books. And now we have come to congratulate you, You will remember us for a long time! On Teacher's Day, we fervently sing a song, We will pay tribute to you, bow to you! May health be strengthened, strength will not change, And, of course, happiness to you in everything! 3rd participant: Dear (say the name of the director of the school) How difficult it is sometimes for you to manage the entire School! To understand everyone and forgive everyone ... We know that you are always in a rush, In worries, search, anxiety. And there is never peace, And a hundred questions on the threshold, And you need to give the right answer! They sing to the motive of the song “Chicken on the Street” At school, people are already making noise in the morning: Our dear director will come to us. About studying and hiking and about how the choir sings With her, we will have a conversation! Our children are friends with her, Love our director. And she will cover without difficulty, she will take care of everyone - Our director (name)! 4th participant: The country is terrified, the statistics are so terrible, Yes, and in the city we have hard things now! 5th participant: The mayor does not give finances and all the people suffer. And all this is seen by children - what is more tragic in the world? 6th participant: But all life is a guarantee, a student - that is to be, science. And it is not difficult, the discipline is only needed! 1st participant: Only all this is in dreams, in reality it’s not at all like that! They perform to the tune of the song “Wonderful Neighbor” How not to have fun now and there are no thoughts about the school. Koresh gave me a wonderful moped. On the way, I will ride and ride my neighbor. And a terrible crossroads with a breeze I will skip! I’m crying, there are only “deuces” in the diary, They brought the child and called mom and dad to school! I know, enough to relax, And I give my word to you to take up the mind! 2nd participant: Let's read the diary of one boy. 10 September. Today my mother sent me to the store to buy bread and eggs. I bought Coca-Cola with all my money because it is much tastier and healthier than eggs and bread combined. Got a belt. The belt is not tasty, though useful. September 17th. jumping with the guys from the garage. Serega jumped off and broke his leg. Then I jumped off and broke my arm. I don't know how I will jump tomorrow. September 20th. Mathematician turns brown by leaps and bounds. Today she said that I don’t know mathematics at all and put some grade in my diary. September 25th. Played on my father's computer. then he also played "Informbuhgalter". Also cool, reached the third level. I got screwed over with taxes. September 29th. There should be a singing test today. There were seven calls that the school was booby-trapped. Five I know, but who else is one? October 1st. Today at work they made cigarettes. 2 October. Smoked in the toilet. I coughed out of habit and missed the lesson of literature and botany. October 3rd. Went to fight in a parallel class. We made them. They beat us. The 20th of October. Mother helps with chemistry, and father with behavior. October 21. The teachers went on strike. As a class, we wrote a letter to the government that we first need to pay off the miners and pensioners. 28 of October. Yesterday, finally, I got an "A" in physics. After the lesson, I sat down and calculated the average mark - anyway, for a quarter it turns out 1.88. Something must be done! 3rd participant: Our dear teachers! You every day and every hour, devoting hard work One think about us, one care live. 4th participant: So that the earth is famous for us and that we grow up honest. Thank you teachers, thank you for everything! The song “This never happens again” is performed. 5th participant: Teacher! There is no better word! And there is nothing more beautiful than your deeds! And life today confirms again, That what you have done is not the limit! 6th participant: And how many springs are blooming ahead, your look ahead - for several centuries. To live forever later in the affairs of the future And in the memory of their students! 1st participant: And today, in honor of Teacher's Day, we, the students of the school, swear: 2nd participant: Never go to school ... with unlearned lessons. 3rd participant: Never greet teachers with gum in your mouth. 4th participant: Never solve problems by ... copying them from a neighbor. 5th participant: Never open textbooks ... with dirty hands. 6th participant: Never conduct chemical experiments ... in the yard or basement of the school. 1st participant: Never write dictations ... in physical education classes. 2nd participant: Never finish a quarter ... with bad grades. 3rd participant: Never open the doors of the school ... with a kick. They perform to the motive of the song "School time" Again, on an October day, we are not too lazy to sing a song, Dear, our kind ones, we really want to be more beautiful, now we can sing praises to you more friendly! A festive day and in any weather We are in a hurry to congratulate you in the morning. And let your roads be easy, you are our teachers strict! May the years, bright days, not change you, as now! Let adversity not touch, let the troubles of the water carry away, Please you every day and every hour! Let there be a hundred springs in life and full of bins! And let autumn be on the street, shine in your blue eyes, And even gray hair does not interfere with you! 4th participant: Well, now we are sure how important and difficult it is to be a teacher! 5th participant: So continue your work! we admit it's hard, like in a fight! Although any trouble can happen, the Teacher will help you everywhere and always! 6th participant: We are growing as a worthy successor, We will certainly study! We know all the rules by heart! We can teach anyone! They perform to the motive of M. Tariverdiev's song "Moments" Any school is a temple of sciences, And as always in the sublunar world, And the president, and the carpenter, and the shepherd Can't do without school, without studying. And Pushkin also attended school. It doesn't matter what the lyceum is called. Singer Kobzon wiped his pants here And we also consider him a genius. And I, and you, and we, and all around were Disciples without a doubt. It doesn't matter if you are an excellent student or an "oak" We will remember these school moments. And the years will remain in memory, And we will forget school more fun. Let the Teaching, teaching, teaching always continue! 1st participant: Finishing our speech, we once again say the words of gratitude to all the teachers of our school. 2nd participant: To those who arm us with the necessary knowledge. So tnank you!!! 3rd participant: Those who teach to be critical of themselves. So tnank you!!! 4th participant: Who teaches you to set goals for yourself and achieve their fulfillment! So tnank you! Thanks! Thank you!!!

Festive propaganda team for Teacher's Day

The song "Twice Two - Four" is performed (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky). After the song, the students read the poems.

1st student:

Teacher's Day, of course

The whole country celebrates.

This day is the best

Good day calendar.

2nd student:

Beyond mountains and forests

Wizards live now:

They come to school with us

Or rather, a little ahead of us.

3rd student:

We understand, we see for ourselves,

How dear to them any of our class,

How difficult it is for them to be with us

And how even more difficult without us.

The song "What is taught at school" (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky).

After the song, the students read the poems.

4th student:

All school years are given to us by the teacher

Treasures of knowledge, joy of discovery.

Thanks for this old friends -

Our beloved teachers.

5th student:

Who will always help you

Support with a kind word,

What he did not understand - will explain,

Praise you for your success?

6th student:

Who will put with a smile

Long-awaited five?

Who himself is not happy, upset,

If you deserve a deuce?

7th student:

Who does not like quarrels and noise,

Who can't stand lies?

Who furrows his brows angrily,

Why don't you learn your lesson?

8th student:

On this October glorious day

We will give a bouquet to whom,

Whom do we congratulate from the bottom of our hearts?

Well, of course, our strict,

Well, of course, our kind,

Well, of course, our dear ...

Students(in chorus):

Pupils perform ditties:

And we, Saratov guys,

We can sing or dance.

And today you are about school,

We are all happy to tell!
Old school building

It's not the first year they've been teaching.

But gathered here cheerful,

Oh, daring, dashing people!
Hallways in our school

At least appoint tournaments.

Don't stand in the hallway

Eh, you will be dropped by chance!
We will not be about marks

Here today to remember

But we owe teachers

Eh, give an order for patience!
Here we are given knowledge

Very comprehensive

Breathe our air

Oh, you will become more educated!
Teacher's day today

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

Be cheerful, healthy

Oh, good and kind!
Students read poetry

9th student:

We congratulate you on your holiday.

never mourn for anything

And we wish you never to get sick,

Happy life, success in everything!

10th student:

In family life we ​​wish you happiness,

May your children love you dearly

Let misfortune bypass you

And let it be sunny every hour!

11th student:

Let them settle in your house

Fun, luck, love for each other.

We wish you happiness, health, of course,

And smart and literate students!
Kositsyna, M.V. Festive propaganda team for Teacher's Day / M. V. Kositsyna // Pedagogical Council. - 2007. - No. 6. - P. 7.

Program for Teacher's Day "The Big Question"

At the entrance to the hall, all teachers are given two cards: blue and red. There are songs about school.

1st host: Good afternoon, our dear teachers!

2nd leader: We heartily congratulate you on the holiday!

1st host: Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your enthusiasm, dedication and endless patience!

2nd leader: You, to whom the proud name of Teacher, accept this program as a gift!

1st host: All teachers ask us, students, questions every day, and teach us to find answers to them.

2nd leader: And today we will switch roles, asking you tricky, well, oh-very difficult questions!

1st host: Invited to the stage ... ( teacher's first name).

2nd leader: Can ( teacher's first name) stand on one leg for one minute?

1st host: This is our big question. Whoever thinks he can, raise a red card, and whoever thinks he can't, raise a blue one.

The host calls two opponents to the table near the stage: with a red and a blue card.

2nd host (addressing opponents): Now justify your point of view. ( Answers.)

1st host: Attention, the time has come! The participant stands on one leg for a minute.

2nd leader: In this dispute, the winner is ... Our winner receives a prize, and the loser must enter the image of a school technician, and throughout the holiday portray this role. Props will help you with this: a bathrobe, a bucket of water, a mop. Get dressed and start your duties.

1st host: Our program continues, and the stage invites...

2nd leader: Can ( teacher's first name), eating a chocolate bar, at the same time expressively tell a poem?

1st host: This is the next big question. Who agrees? Who is against? Raise the cards.

(Two are invited to the stage.)

Justify your choice.

The contestant eats chocolate while reciting any poem.

2nd leader: The winner receives a prize, and the loser will become a school bell for a while, marking all subsequent questions and the most interesting moments of the program with a booming trill! Get started!

1st host: He is invited to the stage ... Will he be able to repeat the dance moves that the presenter will show?

2nd leader: Whoever thinks he can, raises a red card, who thinks he can’t, a blue one.

(Two are invited to the stage.)

Justify your choice.

The host shows the dance moves, the teacher repeats.

1st host: Our winner gets a prize, and the loser blows up balloons on stage - the more the better.

2nd leader: Invited to the stage ... Can ... blow a bubble of chewing gum?

1st host: Who agrees? Who is against?

(Two are invited to the stage.)

Justify your choice.

The contestant tries to blow a gum bubble.

2nd leader: The winner will get a prize, and the loser will make a raid "Cleanliness is the key to health!" Your task is to go around those present during the whole holiday with checking the cleanliness of shoes, hands, clothes, neck, ears, etc. And, at the request of the presenters, periodically report on the results of the work done.

1st host: Invited to the stage... Will our participant be able to say 10 compliments to herself in 10 seconds?

2nd leader: Who agrees? Who is against?

(Two are invited to the stage.)

Justify your choice.

The participant compliments for 10 seconds.

1st host: The winner gets a prize, and the loser gets a prize. It's autumn outside, slushy, we miss the warmth of the sun so much. On our holiday you will be the Sun. Every 2 minutes you must report that you warm us with your warmth so that we really feel this warmth. Key phrase: "I am the sun!"

2nd leader: Invited to the stage...

Will our next blindfolded contestant be able to pin an elephant (planar image on an easel) tail to the appropriate place?

1st host: Who agrees? Who is against?

(Two are invited to the stage.)

Justify your choice.

A blindfolded participant attaches the elephant's tail.

2nd leader: The winner receives a prize, and the loser makes airplanes on stage and lets them into the hall throughout the holiday.

Number block amateur performances. Note: during the program, the presenters activate the losers, drawing the attention of the audience to them, asking them to demonstrate their achievements (this creates a unique emotional and humorous mood).

1st host: Let's summarize and check how our participants coped with their tasks and thank them with applause!

Final parade.

2nd leader: And now the most important answer to the biggest question of today's holiday program:

The teacher is the creator of many values,

The source of goodness and wisdom is a spring.

What is the educator like today?

This is what a student will be like tomorrow!

1st host: We love you teachers! Happy holidays and see you soon!
Koreneva, M.A. The program for the Teacher's Day "The Big Question" / M.A. Koreneva // Leisure at school. - 2007. - No. 6. - P.13 - 14.

T. A. Inchikova

Sections: Extracurricular work

A conscious choice of a profession affects the future life, determines the success of self-realization, socialization, career and professional growth. The need to organize effective professional counseling aimed at helping a teenager in this, meets social and personal requirements, makes this problem extremely relevant. Each of us knows how important it is to find your place in life, to do what you like, to assert yourself in the professional field.

The choice of a profession is a serious and responsible issue, which sooner or later any graduate of a general education school has to decide. It is impossible to bypass the moral aspect of choosing a profession - to prepare young people for honest, conscientious work.

The propaganda team is an effective form. It is close and understandable to everyone, because it has accessibility and creative expression. The presented scenario forms a conscious and responsible attitude towards the choice of a future profession among future applicants.

The main goal of the project “Agitation team “My profession is my vocation”” was to prepare college students for career guidance in the schools of Valuyki as a method of forming a socially active and healthy personality, and, as a result, the emergence of new opportunities in life and their rational use. And it was creativity that helped to effectively achieve this goal. Raising a creative attitude to activity, developing the ability to find an original solution in a non-standard situation - such tasks were solved by teachers through the implementation of this project.

The hosts come out to the music, shots from a film about the college.

Host 1: Attention! Attention! Attention! Welcome to the propaganda team.

Everything: Vanguard!

Leading 2: The most important people in the college are the students.

Lead 3 : Students!

Presenter 4: Students!

Host 5: Students!

In chorus: Valuisky College!

Presenter 6: Our student can be seen everywhere: at regional festivals - competitions "Student Spring".

Presenter 1: “Slavic readings”.

Presenter 2: Scientific and practical conferences.

Presenter 3: festivals “I have an idea!”

Presenter 4: sports regional and district competitions.

Presenter 5: In rural and urban schools and hospitals in the region.

Presenter 6: and certainly where you have to defend the honor of an educational institution on stage in front of a large audience, as, for example, today in this hall ...

An anthem about professions sounds. Frames of the history of the educational institution.

Leaders come out.

Host 2:

In Valuyki there is such an institution,
What was born 100 years ago
And there's a huge simple intention
Tell all the people about it.

Presenter 3:

It was opened in last century,
It keeps counting from there for years
They began to grow in it a teacher, a person
Zemstvo decided to teach the people.

Presenter 4:

They went to work in all the villages
Graduates tried their best
In those days everyone wanted to learn
The prestige of the teacher was very high.

Presenter 5:

No matter what moments have passed
Native walls remember everyone
They are full of hope, inspiration
Faith, justice and success live here.

Leading 1 :

Teaching kids is great!
Let them grow smart and strong
But it happens that health is bad,
And it’s bad for you, and the pain is here and there.

Host 2:

The teacher will not cure this disease,
I'll have to turn my eyes to medicine,
Only a doctor will help and heal you,
Teach you to live long without diseases.

(Personnel is changing - medicine.)

Presenter 3:

To protect the people from all diseases,
Decided in the past to be so.
And medical school is helpful
In Valuyki - the city to open as soon as possible.

Presenter 4:

So many lives over the years
Saved sisters, pharmacists, paramedics.
Faithfully served the Fatherland,
Eyes without closing sometimes until the morning.

Presenter 5:

And changes can affect everyone,
Hearing the president's order,
They made a road out of two paths,
Combining two establishments at once.

Leading 1 :

Valuy College invites you all,
7 departments for study offers,
Without a doubt, you will become an expert
After all, as you know, light is learning!

(Interrupted by music.)

And now we'll show you
About student life


These shots were taken
"Hidden camera", it seems.

Presentation of specialties.

Pedagogical department.

(Screensaver "Hidden Camera".)

Leading 1 : : Well, who hasn't been a student?

Leading 2 : We've all been there!

Leading 3: A what? Like in the movie "School?"

Leading 4: That's just not necessary, it's some kind of horror movie.

Leading 5: Let's make up our own version of the film.

Leading 6 : So, the film “School 2” is presented to your attention.

(They leave, a girl runs out, clap ...):

Girl: Scene 1, take 1.

Scene "Truant".

(Father escorts daughter to school.)

Father: I lived, I see off my daughter to study. It's a shame from class. listen to the leader about your absenteeism. You are 12 years old!

Daughter: what 12, 15.

Father: (surprised) Yes, well? ... What's the difference! You are already 15 years old, and your father is leading you by the hand to school. Now every day I will bring and take away, so that you are ashamed. What is your sixth lesson last?

Daughter: The sixth.

Father: So, look, exactly at 14-45 I am at the entrance (leaves).

Dochura: (on the mobile phone) Seryoga, daddy fucked off, I'm waiting for you, we have 6 hours with you, you'll give me a ride at half past three, daddy will pick you up. I'm waiting.

Girl: Scene 2, take 1.

Fable "At the desk".

(The reader tells, on the screen there is a film with the participation of students.)

Disc #2 frame #1.

At a desk in college, our student
Suharil to satiety, to satiety,
Having eaten, slept on it,
Then, tearing his eyes, he got up
And he began to vilify all these theorems.
“Such an attitude to the sciences harms you,”
The teacher at the blackboard says
“If you treat your studies like that,
Your brain can dry out in an instant."
“Let it dry,” says our student,
"He doesn't bother me at all.
I see little use in it,
Don't be him at all - I won't regret it at all,
After all, there would be crackers, because I’m full of them ”
“Mad!” the teacher shouted
“When you could only understand,
That without science the world will perish,
And your crackers are an empty hobby.”
The student is still blinded
Rebuke and our Russian language, and physicists teaching,
He does not recognize Lomonosov's works,
And he likes cooking only fruits.

Girl: Scene 3 Take 1 Disc #2 frame #2.

Scene "In the classroom".

(The teacher enters the class, the students sit, chew gum to the beat, do not get up.)

Teacher: (sits down at table, opens magazine)

- Have a seat. Put all those who are absent on my table. We check the homework, it will go to the board ... (Raises her head and, under automatic fire, looks around at those present in the class, who take turns hiding under the table, only Ivanova remains.)
- Ivanova, go to the blackboard, prove the theorem (goes to the blackboard, writes).

(The door opens, Petrov flies in.)

Teacher: Petrov, you don't have a tongue to knock on the door, who do you look like? Don't you know there's a shoe fight at school? Show me your feet, the sole is the student's face, and what's on the head? The hair is not true, go out and fix yourself up. (Petrov leaves.)

Teacher: Alexandrov, eyes on the board, what are you chewing all the time, don’t you eat up, or what?

Vasiliev, why are you turning your head?

Vasiliev: Well, I think.

Teacher: Vasiliev, the brains should move silently, look at the blackboard with one eye, write with the other hand. Ivanov, where is the proof, show me with a pointer so that I don’t rummage through my eyes. Well done, Ivanova, now I look at you and see that I didn’t teach, but everything is correct, okay, sit down.

So, today in the lesson you will get acquainted with ... (the 1st symphony of piano and orchestra by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds, the teacher tells with inspiration, the students listen carefully).

They rebuild, a musical screen saver sounds. Personnel about teachers.

Leading 1 : And only for this it is worth being a teacher!

Leading 2 : Teacher! Before your name, let me humbly kneel.

Leading 3 : How much these words express. What deep meaning they have.

Leading 4 : Whatever you are, my teacher, I bow to you, because you still taught me something.

Leading 5 : But how few books have been written about you, songs have been sung, heartfelt poems have been told.

Leading 6 : Yes, little is written. But you can still be proud, my teacher, because your bright image has been preserved forever in the memory of your pupils.

Leading 1 : And as long as you are alive, teacher, my planet will also be alive. Because it is alive thanks to the kind and sympathetic, honest and merciful.

Leading 2 : And every person who dreams of becoming a teacher, let him live to such an honor as our teachers, to dissolve in the memory of the people with whom and for whom they lived, to become a particle of it and remain forever in the hearts of even such negligent and disobedient people as we.

All: So live forever and ever, my teacher!

Leading 3 : Well, we ... we will continue to carry the honor and glory of the Russian teachers, as it is carried by teachers and graduates of our educational institution, one of the oldest in Russia, which is already a hundred years old.

College song (melody fragment). Gradually the melody changes. On stage, students in white coats.

Medical department.

The song "People in white coats".

(Against the background of music, a demonstration of footage with the participation of students in practice in a hospital.) Disc #1 frame #1.

Presenter 1:

There are many different professions
We will only tell you this:
Better than ours, more interesting
You won't find it!

Host 2:

We are dedicated to our profession
Doing good is a great calling.
Once having chosen a profession, we will not change it.
We will bring people light, warmth and knowledge.

Mini-sketch Disc No. 1 frame No. 2.

At the crossroads, near the chestnut tree,
Our educational building is standing.
And in the evening and early in the morning,
The bell rings so happily.
Everyone, calling to classes ...
And the paramedic, and sisters, brothers,
Summaries on the go losing
And ahead of the lecturer
Hurry to take the last row,
Where can I discuss the outfit,
Play a game of chance
Or just - just sleep.
But we have other rows,
Both the first and the second.
Where students have a different goal,
And do not indulge in weaknesses,
You can study day and night
Laziness and melancholy throwing away.

Members of the propaganda team sing a song:

And the work is both dangerous and difficult,
And at first glance, as if not complicated,
If someone in this world is sick,
They need care
So we go to the rescue again and again,
Helping, giving our love
Here he is a paramedic!
Often we hear reproaches from relatives,
Sometimes we leave them alone
We treat the souls of lonely old people,
Waiting for someone to help.
We help them survive in a difficult hour,
And the fire of our hearts burns for you -
Here he is a paramedic!

Are being rebuilt.

Music saver.

Presenter 1:

Ancient Oath of Hippocrates
One day of the year is pierced.
Doctors, as they believe in God sacredly,
Himself, handing over and fate.

Host 2:

Everyone has their own path in life
Do not count the paths and ways,
But we tied our fate
With the health of people.

Presenter 3:

And the purity of the white coat
We are destined to forever cherish
And our loyalty to the Hippocratic Oath
Help people to be healthy and live.

Calls sound. Rebuilding.

Presenter 1:

Comes the question of your own life
Then the lives of your beloved children.
How to find a business, to be useful to the Fatherland,
How to choose a job, what is more important in life.

Host 2:

Live always, native institution
And be forever closer and dearer
Let them live in it with a smile, inspiration
Teachers, doctors of my native country

Presenter 3:

And in the new century, change again
Let the college call you now
But the main thing is completely unchanged
Here the most humane professions live.

Rebuilding. The background music changes.

Presenter 4:

So we gave ourselves to science
For the most precious person.

Presenter 5:

With confidence he will hand over into our hands
Your destiny, health and peace.
So we will be winged with trust
Give them the joy of their work.

Presenter 6:

It's time to say goodbye
Our speech will be short.
We wish everyone good health
And such good meetings.

The college anthem sounds.

Nina Efanova (Bulatova)

Start. Exit in a checkerboard pattern under the Bremen Town Musicians.

Well, we're starting. You are welcomed by preschool educational institution No. 24.

Irina reads poetry.

I am a caregiver

The world of childhood is sweet and thin,

Like a flute floating sound.

While the child laughs at me

I know that I don't live in vain

Friends say:

“There are quieter fields”,

But I won't back down.

I am these cute kids

As much as I love my own children...

And every day,

Like a premiere.

I enter a silent kindergarten:

I'm not going here for a career -

Here every child is happy for me.

To be in the midst of children's perceptions ...

And so for years -

My destiny - I am an educator!

There is no better lot on earth.

Ira: And we want to bring to your attention a few vital scenes. And the first sketch on the topic 1 working day

Olya, with a chair, Asya with a towel, Lena massage, (Music. escort: Laughter, gong, children's cry, jumble)

Olya is nervous, after the gong she goes backstage, but she copes with the work and shows her class under Yeralash!

Well, we continue and the next miniature is called "I love my job"

Nina and \Dasha with bags, the rest of the children with bows (romantic, laughter, from a horror movie, jumble)

The exit of two to the music in love with their work, the ticking of the clock, the working day, the noise of the children, the children running around, the end of the working day, fatigue. beating, class under Yeralash!

Like everywhere, our school year also ends with a vacation. And so at the reception at the head.

Dasha and Nina Dasha with a piece of paper, Nina tears it up at the expense of letting go and not letting go. (from horror movies, jumble)

Well, this is how we live...

Well, in conclusion, I would like to say that despite the responsibility of our work, we find time for creativity, love and new discoveries.

Song (The motive of the song from the movie "Dandies", "Bound in one chain")

We will always live

And we will walk in formation

The teacher for the country has always been a hero

The hour has come to tell about the educators

How each of us stepped into the profession

As a profession, each of us walked


Bound by one chain, bound by one goal,

We came here to the holy of holies

Each teacher is

Who teaches children sparing no effort

In whom the ardor of discoveries has not cooled down

We can all do it, education cannot be interrupted


Bound by one chain, bound by one goal

Bound by one chain, bound by one goal ...

Hold the spoon! Well done!

Each of us is the creator of children's destiny

Teachers will always be there

Always go as a unit

People will glorify teachers

After all, we are the strength of all nations.


Bound by one chain, bound by one goal

Bound by one chain, bound by one ...

We are always at work in the morning - be it hot or cold, or rain.

Our children are embraced by care, and misfortunes bypass them away.

There are many important and good professions And each one deserves lines.

But to us, to confess, among them the profession is more expensive - a preschool teacher!

This is how we love our job!

Creative success to you, dear colleagues!

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