An interesting number of amateur performances for the new year. Funny sketches for high school students for the new year. They go into the hall. The chiming clock turns on

New Year's holiday for high school students.

New Year at school.

New Year's Eve script for high school students.

Scenario for the New Year for senior schoolchildren "In search of icy freshness"


Snow Maiden

Father Frost



Dance collective or group

The foyer is festively decorated, there is a Christmas tree in the center, a podium in the right corner of the hall. The podium is like a snowball or an ice floe. There is a small table. The Snow Maiden is sitting at the table, bored.

Snow Maiden: Every year the same thing ... Oranges - tangerines, Christmas trees, garlands, a Christmas tree was born in the forest ... nothing new. After all, everyone already knows these round dances by heart ... the Christmas tree, light up, and the plug into the socket ... there is nothing to be surprised ...

Santa Claus (a young, possibly also a high school student or student) has been standing for some time and listening to her whining. Finally the Snow Maiden notices him.

Snow Maiden: Oh, who are you? And, I see - another dressed up. Newbie, or what?

Father Frost: And even if he is dressed up, and even if he is new, but I do not breed dampness and despondency here ...

Snow Maiden: And who breeds? You know, if you're all so positive, go ahead and drive all this boring stuff (puts him in his place). Here's a tree for you, here's a microphone for you, here's some gifts for you, and here's your contingent ... Come on ... Why did you calm down?

Father Frost: Wait, don't make a noise, you interfere with concentration ... The solution to the question of an interesting vacation must be approached conceptually, including, so to speak, creative thinking ...

Snow Maiden(stunned): What did you say now? Are you scoffing, yeah? Are you clever, huh? Is this what I need? All sorts of things go around here, you know, they throw offensive words ... I don't understand a damn thing ...

The Director appears. She is in a New Year's suit.

Director: So what's the noise, and there is no fight?

Snow Maiden: It's a lot of honor to fight everyone. Here he is - cool, let him work hard here, let the youth soar, and I, thank God, have already passed this age.

Director: Calm down, we'll figure it out now. Why isn't the tree working? I mean, it doesn't shine with bright lights? Come on, kids, joined hands together - let's say a Christmas tree: light up!

Snow Maiden: Mary Vasilna, well, what kind of kids they are, look at them.

Director(turns to the audience): What, we will not light the tree already, and we will not lead a round dance too?

Snow Maiden: Yes, plug it in - and all business!

Comes to Santa Claus, looks up.

Director: Wow, what Santa Claus has been sent to us today, he's just too young ... Let's ask Santa Claus to turn on the Christmas tree for us! (Shouts, calling the audience) Santa Claus, Santa Claus ...

Father Frost(shrugs): Okay, I'll turn it on, it's not difficult for me. (Goes and turns on the Christmas tree)

Director: And now the round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"! We take the handles, we take it ...

Accordingly, no one is in a hurry to this very round dance.

Director(to Santa Claus, in a whisper): You, a young man, would help or something ... (Shifts the arrows to him) And what are you, in fact, trying to do to spoil the event for us?

Father Frost: How can you spoil it if it seems to be spoiled from the very beginning ...

Snow Maiden: Oh you...

Father Frost: Well, you yourself said that boring things, that nothing new ...

Director: Well, well, interesting. Who said that?

Snow Maiden: You never know what I said, and in general - come on, you otsedova, who even called you here?

Father Frost: Like who? Everyone calls me now, I'm Santa Claus!

The Snow Maiden is indignant and has no answer.

Director: That's it, enough bickering. I have a constructive suggestion ...

Snow Maiden: Mary Vasilna, and you, too, express yourself in all sorts of words here, is it infectious, or what?

Director: Sit down! Write!

The Snow Maiden sits down at the table and prepares to write.

Director: Here he is now, as a representative of the young, so to speak, generation, and will explain what they, the young, need on this holiday. How to make it truly interesting and memorable.

Father Frost(inspired): Write! To stir up good party, you have to become a real scumbag for a while!

Director: What?!!

Snow Maiden: Generally a blockage ...

Father Frost: Yes, you do not understand. Not in the sense that it is bad, but in the sense that it is good. FROST - that is, FROM FROST representatives, from young FROST, Ferstein?

Director- Nope, not fershtein!

Father Frost: Well, don't you watch TV? There, in one advertisement, young people call themselves scumbags, well, in the sense that they are not cold anywhere, so they are looking for sharp, in the sense of, cold sensations. So they say: scumbags in search of icy freshness.

Snow Maiden: Something familiar...

Director: Stimorol, and ... this is such a gum. So what's next?

Snow Maiden: Rather, in search of last year's snow. Snow is problematic nowadays.

Director:Good idea... About last year's snow. (To Santa Claus) Well, come on, or something, collect your scumbags.

Father Frost... So so. Thugs, they generally differ in intelligence and ingenuity.

Snow Maiden: Can I start, so to speak, by seniority, I have questions here - "Winter associations" are called.

Quiz "Winter Associations" ... Based on the results of the quiz, a company is recruited, divided into 2 teams, and the game "Take the Prize" is held. (Chair, felt boots 2 pairs, prizes and fun music)

Snow Maiden(asks the participants): Well - ice? No, not ice.

Father Frost: Well, if not ice, then let's continue!

Director: Eh, young people, how addicted you are all! Do you know, for example, that the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia has filed a lawsuit against Pepsi and is facing a fine of 400 to 5000 minimum wages and the removal of the video from the air ... For what? According to officials, the content of the video contradicts the law on disturbing the peace of citizens at night. Maybe someone will figure out what kind of video we are talking about?

Roma the Beast "Districts, quarters ..." and "Pepsi". The one who answered is invited to the stage.

Father Frost: Interestingly, are there many fans of Roma the Beast in the audience? And who will tell his real name - Roma? (Bilyk). (Who also answered the stage.)

Contest "Sound advertising" ... 2 participants get 2 people for themselves in teams. They show a video on the screen, and in 30 seconds. the team must voice it. The audience votes for this or that team. And you need to vote like this: ice is not ice.

The tradition of holding matinees in kindergartens and schools on the eve of the New Year in our country was formed at the beginning of the last century. And since then, kindergarteners and students of primary and secondary schools annually come up with a script and rehearse interesting, funny and modern New Year's scenes... Now, on the eve of matinees and winter holidays, teachers and educators are looking for scenes for the New Year 2019 for primary school and high school students who would like both the children themselves and the guests of the holiday. And with the greatest joy, children and adolescents learn modern scenes with jokes and comic congratulations, as well as short KVN performances and mini-scenes about the New Year. Our website contains scripts and videos of the funniest New Year's scenes for elementary school students, grades 5-7, high school students and for children preschool age that are sure to please modern kids and teenagers.

  • Funny and modern sketches for the New Year 2019 for elementary school
  • Funny and modern sketches for high school students for the New Year 2018
  • Scenes for the New Year 2018 - funny and modern for 5-7 grade school
  • Funny and modern sketches for the New Year for children
  • Funny short Christmas sketches for schoolchildren

Comic and funny modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school

Pupils of grades 1-4, unlike teenagers, sincerely believe in Santa Claus and Snegurochka, so they prepare with all diligence for the New Year and enthusiastically learn New Year's songs, poems and funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school. And since modern children watch a lot of films and cartoons, their imagination in preparation for a festive event is almost limitless.

In order to interest children and make them want to participate in scenes and theatrical performances dedicated to the onset of the New Year, it is important for teachers to compose interesting scenario holiday. This scenario is best to include active games and creative contests, modern scenes based on cartoons and films, and of course, many presents from Santa Claus.

Modern funny scene "Clash of the Titans" for children 7-11 years old

Primary school children have a lot of energy and talents that they will happily showcase to educators, classmates and parents. And the New Year's scene "Clash of the Titans", in which 8-13 children can take part, will give the kids the opportunity to fully reveal their talents and have fun at the festive matinee.

Characters: 2 grandfathers (Frost and Heat), Snow bun, Snow Maiden, Snake, Firefighter, children (from 2 to 5 people).

First action.

On the stage - decorations imitating snowdrifts. Children and the Snowball appear. They bring a little tree, decorate it.

Snowy Gingerbread Man: - Well, the Christmas tree is ready, Santa Claus will come soon with gifts.

Masha: - It's good that there is a New Year! It's so beautiful around: snowflakes, fluffy snowdrifts ... holiday, gifts ...

Petya: - And in hot countries, we were told at school, there is no snow at all!

Masha: - How do they, poor things, live there? Without snow, Christmas tree, Santa Claus?

Snow bun: - I heard they have the main Grandfather Heat there.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden appear, bring the globe.

Santa Claus: - Children, I overheard your conversation. Let me tell you a secret: we have an agreement with Ded Zhara. His domain is at the equator, mine is here. He has cacti, I have trees. We do not interfere in each other's affairs! Look!

He takes out a bag of snow (it can be confetti), carefully sprinkles snow on the globe, bypassing the equator.

- This is my magic snow, but I sprinkle it only on my possessions. Snegurochka, hold the globe, it's time for me to go for gifts.

Santa Claus leaves. The Snow Maiden and the children are looking thoughtfully at the globe.

Masha: - Children who live at the equator have never seen snow?

Petya: - No, of course, there is only sand!

Snow Maiden: - Let's make them a New Year's gift - a snow surprise.

Children: - Great! Here they will be delighted!

The Snow Maiden takes magic snow and sprinkles it on the equator.

After that, everyone leaves.

Second action.

There are cacti on the stage, decorations imitating sand lie. A snake lies on the sand.

Suddenly snow begins to fall. The snake screams:

- What's going on here? What is this powder?

Grandfather Heat enters: - It's snow! So I thought he would break the treaty! Well, Santa Claus, beware, now you are melting with me!

Together with the Snake, they take cacti and hit the road.

Third action.

There is a tree and snowdrifts on the stage again. Children play snowballs. Suddenly, Grandfather Heat and the Snake appear. They are removing the tree, placing cacti on the stage. Drifts disappear (melt).

Snow bun: - What's going on? Why is it so hot? I'm melting now!

Children loudly call Santa Claus. He comes, sees Ded Zhara:

- Colleague, are you here? What are the fates? Is it overheated?

Ded Heat: - You broke the contract. Where did the snow come from on the equator now?

Santa Claus: - You are definitely overheated. There can be no snow at the equator, every student knows this. Really, children?

Children are silent, looking at the floor.

Snegurochka: - Grandpa, I'm sorry, it's my fault, you left the globe and magic snow ... We wanted to surprise the children on the equator ...

Grandfather Heat: - And you did it! Enough talk. The contract is no longer valid. Now here is my domain. Children, take off your boots, it will be hot in here soon.

Santa Claus: - Forgive us, colleague. My granddaughter, young, inexperienced, has done things. And the kids are not to blame, out of the kindness of their soul they wanted to surprise your children.

Grandfather Heat: - And surprised. I even started sneezing cacti, caught a cold. No, dear, I cannot forgive this!

He gives a sign to the Snake, she grabs Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, ties them up with a rope.

The snowball is hiding in fear behind the backs of the children.

Masha: - We must do something!

Petya: - They can melt! The heat is dangerous for them!

Snowball: - I have something in stock. Secret weapon.

Runs away.

Children: - What have we done? Everything is lost. No Santa Claus, no New Year, no gifts, only cacti ...

The Snow Bun returns, with a Fireman in a helmet and large mittens walking with him.

- What happened? Is there a fire here?

Snow bun: - Worse! We now have a fever and cacti. Father Heat captured us.

The firefighter comes up to Grandfather Heat, grabs him with mittens: - Well, hello! You and I agreed that we would not interfere in your affairs, and you in ours. Do you remember at the last fire you promised me that? Why are you breaking the agreement?

Grandfather Heat: - It's just a New Year's joke! Just don't water me with a cannon, please! I'll let go of your Santa Claus!

Unleashes the captives.

Firefighter: - Now you understand that promises need to be kept? That is great! And now - stop fighting on New Years! Make up immediately.

Ded Heat: - Everything, world. Just don't hug. I'll catch a cold.

Santa Claus: - I will melt.

Firefighter: - Then let's celebrate!

Merry New Year's music turns on, everyone is dancing.

A very interesting and funny scene for the New Year for children of 1-2 grades - video

In the video below you can watch an interesting scene prepared by the children of one of the Russian schools. In this scene, some of the fairy-tale characters were played by high school students, who took on the role of presenters. However, both primary school teachers and toddlers can cope with these roles.

Cool, funny modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for high school students

High school students are often reluctant to take part in the preparation of school New Year's events, since traditional matinees seem boring and outdated to them. But changing the attitude of adolescents to the school holiday is very simple - just invite them to play funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for high school students with actual jokes and gags.

It would also be a great idea to arrange a New Year's Eve in the style of a humorous show or KVN, where students can laugh themselves and make the guests of the event laugh. Moreover, some of the jokes and numbers can be found by the teacher, and some - by the high school students themselves. After all, perhaps some of the guys have a real talent for writing jokes and humorous scenes, and at the New Year's holiday everyone will see the first performance of the future Stand Up star.

New Year's scenes for KVN for a festive evening - video

There are many ideas for cool New Year's sketches, the humor of which will be understandable to modern high school students. And in the video below you can see the brightest and most interesting ideas of scenes for New Year's Eve in KVN format.

Scenario of a cool scene for the New Year for high school students

New Russian grandmothers, Matryona and Tsvetochek are recognizable characters in our country. Therefore, the images of these heroines can be used to stage a New Year's scene at a festive event in high school. Funny scenes teenagers will surely like congratulations and modern jokes, and they will gladly take part in the production of the number. And here we will provide an approximate scenario of a scene for the New Year 2019 for high school students about new Russian grandmas.

(The grandmas come, immediately go to the Christmas tree. Matryona in a Snowflake costume, Flower - Squirrel.)

Matryona: Well, you see, Tsvyatochek, the tree is a real one, and you - deceived, deceived ...

Flower: Aha! .. She is the very, straight, as in childhood, wow! I'm just worried about everything - a rhyme flies out of my head, and without a rhyme, Santa Claus won't give a gift! .. (sobs)

Matryona: Come on, don't worry, Santa Claus will give you a discount on your sclerosis!

Flower: Yeah ... if only they would make a discount on it in stores, or at least in pharmacies! ..

Matryona: Look, I’m dreaming! So, and we already have a discount, from the pension minus 30%, what have you forgotten?

Flower: Well, yes, well, yes ... (examines Matryona) And you, Matryon, what kind of New Year's suit is this?

Matryona: Well, what, can't you see? (proudly) Snowflake!

Flower: Yes ... Oh, I don’t know ... You are too old, in my opinion, for a snowflake, well, if only a snow woman ...

Matryona: You yourself are a woman! Look at yourself! Who are you?

Flower: (embarrassed) Squirrel ...

Matryona: I would tell you what a squirrel, because there will be tears - Santa Claus will have all his boots soaked!

Flower: (crying)

Matryona: Okay, everything, calm down! (stroking her)

Flower: Listen, Matryon ... (embarrassed)

Matryona: Well, go ahead, embarrassed, how red the girl is!

Flower: Matryon, tell me, do you believe in Santa Claus?

Matryona: I really believed in my childhood! In my youth, then I doubted a little, and now I believe very strongly again!

Matryona: (ironically) Of course! Now only a miracle can change our life for the better! Well, where is Santa Claus, to whom should I tell poetry? Until the memory is completely lost!

Flower : Come on, get out, let's tell everyone!

Together: Happy New Year!

We wish you all good health!

May this New Year to you

Will bring good luck to everyone!

Scenes for the New Year 2019 for grades 5-7 school - funny and modern ideas

Scenes for the New Year 2019 for grades 5-7 of the school can be funny and modern, fabulous and comic, in the form of a short dialogue or a theatrical performance, with jokes and serious. Children of middle school age are happy to participate in amateur performances, and often even argue among themselves for the best roles in art numbers at matinees.

In order for each student to be able to demonstrate their talents, it is necessary to select such funny and modern scenes for the script of the New Year's matinee, in which many students participate. And of course, the teacher should give the children the opportunity to choose their own role in the New Year's scene, and, if desired, supplement its plot with a funny joke or a beautiful congratulation.

Videos with funny and original New Year's scenes for high school students

Get interesting and original ideas modern scenes for the New Year for students in grades 5-7 of the school can be found from the videos below. These videos were filmed in ordinary Russian schools, which means that middle school students of any school will be able to organize and stage an art performance no less talentedly and with humor than on video.

Funny and modern sketches for the New Year for children based on fairy tales

Whatever is fashionable this year, Russians folk tales remain relevant at all times. Therefore, funny and modern scenes for the New Year for children cannot be imagined without famous fairy-tale characters - Baba Yaga, Kolobok, Volchik, Bunny, Three Little Pigs. Moreover, the children themselves are very fond of representing themselves as heroes of fairy tales and are happy to prepare costumes, learn their roles and take part in the productions of such scenes.

Very funny scene of Baba Yaga for children

Baba Yaga is one of the most famous characters in children's fairy tales, and modern children are not afraid of the grandmother living in the hut, but laugh at her. And some girls on New Year's party in school or kindergarten, they don't dress up as princesses or snowflakes, but as grandmothers, Ezhki. Therefore, the scene of Baba Yaga for children, the script of which is given below, will be relevant on any children's party dedicated to the New Year.

(Baba Yaga comes out)

Did you recognize Grandma Yozhka?

And the faq didn't call me?

Well, tea is also a man,

At least, I’m already a century old.

And even though I'm old, but I know

I'm such an entertainer.

I will write now for you

An amazing story.

You will help a little

Ask well!

(Children in chorus ask Baba Yaga to tell a story)

... Everything, a fairy tale is ready ...

(Reads a fairy tale)

So the story ended,

Now let's dance.

Do not be lazy, do not sit,

Knead your bones.

Don't sit still.

Tea you are not two hundred!

I have something for you.

Please, lottery.

Pull the ticket first

Is there a win there al no?

Don't look from afar.

Tea, I'm a good Yaga!

(A win-win lottery is held - each child pulls out some sweetness from Santa Claus's bag)

It's fun, funny with you,

But one must say goodbye hastily.

Do not be angry if you are,

I love you dearly!

Smack, smack, smack over your shoulder!

Scene for children for the New Year "Three Little Pigs" - video

Another interesting and funny scene based on fairy tales on new way for children - the scene "Three little pigs". This scene can be played both at a matinee in a kindergarten or school, and at a home celebration of the New Year.

New Year's scenes for schoolchildren - funny and short creative numbers

Many schoolchildren want to prepare sketches and art numbers for the New Year's party themselves. And as a rule, children prepare such numbers together or three together - together with their best friends. For such cases, short and funny New Year's sketches for schoolchildren for a company of 3 people will come in handy. The scripts for such short scenes are shown below.

Scene "Proven Method"

Daughter: - Mom, do you think dad will give you a fur coat for the New Year?

Mom: - Probably not. It is very expensive.

Son: - Have you tried to lie on the floor, yell and kick? I checked it works!

Scene "Things must be planned in advance"

The snail slowly crawls along the tree, encounters a worm on the way.

Worm: - Happy New Year, snail! Where are you going?

Snail: - I'm crawling for berries, otherwise I didn't have time last time, they ate everything before me.

Worm: - What berries? Winter, New Year! They will only be in the summer.

Snail: - And now I'm smart, I went out in advance! I will definitely be in time by the summer!

Scene "Excellent teacher"

Child: - Yeshkin cat!

Mom: - Son! Who taught you such a bad word?

Child: - Santa Claus! I heard him say this when he tripped over a bicycle in my room at night.

Scenes for the New Year - an opportunity for children to show their imagination and demonstrate their talents

Funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for children, rehearsed under the guidance of their beloved teacher, are a great opportunity for schoolchildren to demonstrate their talents and acting skills to classmates, teachers and parents. Short and funny New Year's scenes will be easy for elementary school students to learn and play, and for high school students, scripts of funny scenes with up-to-date humor are suitable. The main thing for teachers is to give children the opportunity to choose for themselves interesting scenes and roles, as well as allow them to show imagination when creating a festive image, because already for the 5-7th grade of school this task will not be difficult, but on the contrary, it will allow children to feel like adults and reveal the talent of an artist.

Scenario of a holiday for high school students, dedicated to the New Year. This script is a composition that will help every child to see the role of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden in his life.

New Year's scenario for high school students

Lead 1. good evening to all those present in the hall!
Host 2. Hello dear guests!
Host 1. Hello everyone who came to this hall, and even those who were late for the ball. We congratulate everyone, we invite everyone to let only laughter sound in this hall!
Host 2. Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness, we congratulate you again. The holiday is cheerful and it's time for us to start a wonderful evening.
Host 1. Listen! As if in a magical dream, the lights will shine at the school today, music will sound here and laughter is a festive evening for everyone today.
Host 2. Whoever loves laughter, who knows how to joke, let him come to this hall. we invite everyone, we invite everyone to the New Year's carnival.
Presenter 1. Festive, cheerful, healing smiles full on every face. Winter, joyful, exciting, it does not repeat itself twice.
Presenter 2. Listen, listen to the highest order: it's time to have fun, it's time to rejoice in us. in the one who fulfills these prescriptions, now all dreams come true.
Presenter 1. Happy New Year, we congratulate you, we wish you all happiness, so that you will live this year and be sad and without troubles, so that you will willingly work, and have fun on the holiday. And success in your business, smiles on everyone's lips.
Host 2. Here is our opening speech, we all started well, but now we ask everyone to have noise and laughter in the hall, so that you meet the artists and applaud them sincerely. We haven't slept for more than one night and prepared a fairy tale for you, don't blame me, somehow it doesn't fit, for this fairy tale is in a new way.
Host 1. We ask you, you are awake! Stomp in the hall and whistle! Fairy tale characters are already sitting on the needles under the Christmas tree, we will invite them to this hall for a festive carnival.
Host 2. Listen, it's time for us to shut up and start our fairy tale! And so, a wonderful tale about a red cap and a gray wolf is shown to us by the honored artists of our school, students of the 9th grade

Leader 1. Thanks to the 9th grade for their fairy tale. our festive New Year's program continues. therefore, more jokes, more laughter, are permitted with us, all dance, have fun, for the time has come for this.
Host 2. Today we are having fun, we are greeting the New Year, and we warmly welcome everyone who has come to us.
Presenter 1. There are surprises for everyone in the new year, in the year _____! The 11th grade will soon be finished school, there are only troubles ... do not worry, the certificates will be issued in the June days!
Host 2. It will be difficult for you to enter institutes in the year ___! Your troubles are completely useless, I want to give polite advice: a lot of good, bright changes await you in the new year, so work, do not be lazy and the bell will strike good luck!
Presenter 1. Happy New Year, tenth grade! happiness to you! heat in the house! good deeds to you, good friends and best assessments, be you strong, strong, courageous, hardworking in health.
Presenter 2. We send the best congratulations to the class, we are nine! let love warm your heart, all your life and everywhere, and everywhere! May your hope not fade away, people always respect!

Presenter 1. Let the girls' beauty not fade. May fate bloom luxuriously! let love on all become like the plants of the sun in the field!
Presenter 2. We wish our teachers that there was mutual understanding, so that the seeds of science would sprout with a high yield!
Presenter 1. We wish you to start new business in the new year, and such that your stubborn business already thundered!
Host 2. Let life in the country become both stable and prosperous, so that the life given to us by God can be lived by everyone with dignity! Together: Happy New Year! With new happiness! Happy New Year, the melodious voices of our school greet you
Presenter 1. It's time to call those, without whom the new year does not happen. I think that everyone guessed who they are talking about? Therefore, all together, together, let's call: “Santa Claus! Snow Maiden"

(Santa Claus and Snow Maiden enter the hall)

Snow Maiden: Good evening, dear friends! Happy New Year! With new happiness! Let me congratulate you and sincerely wish you the best in the world!

Father Frost:
Give, God, in a good hour,
To make good stay in you!
To have a lot of things
To make your life bloom.
We sow, we sow, we sow.
Happy New Year to you!

Snow Maiden:
May a new year to every school
Will bring good enough
Full of sun, full of laughter
For everyone's joy and pleasure.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
And best wishes:
Everyone should live in health -
Both big and small!

Father Frost:
May your dreams come true
Everybody this year
May fate smile at you
At every step!
So that in happiness and health
From now your time has passed!
Happy New Year!

Host 2. Well, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are in place. You can move on to entertainment.
Host 1. Oh, and I caught a snowflake, I have to make a wish.
Host 2. And which one?
Host 1: Listen! All my life I dreamed of attending a real ball, well, at least 5 minutes, so that there were real beauties, princes and "waltz".
Host 2. On New Year's Eve, all wishes come true, so you will have a waltz.

(Dance "waltz" from students of ___ grade)

Host 1. Well, how do you like tonight?
Host 2. Seems okay! but I want something super fun.
Lead 1. Then it's time to move on to games, contests and entertainment.

Competitions for high school students

Uncovering talents

Forfeits are in a hat or a bag. Each of the guests chooses one and reads. Then, in turn, everyone demonstrates their talents. The phantoms can be written: to portray a statue of the Discobolus, to play the role of a drunken loader, to sing a romance to words nursery rhyme, dance a hopak, show a double toe loop in figure skating, and so on. The one who best reveals his talent deserves a reward.

One-handed news

Every day, television, radio and the press unleash a sea of ​​information on a person. The information may be detailed, it may not be very detailed, and it may be very short, consisting of literally one sentence. This information is what they say “News in one line”. Try to compose a one-line message about an event that happened somewhere in the world. In this case, be sure to use five words in the text of the message. And the words should be like this:
Azerbaijan, skyscraper, robbery, navigation, ozone;
Chile, iceberg, opposition, rally, chess;
Malaysia, stadium, space, emigration, harvest;
Liechtenstein, oasis, film, panic, accusation;
Tunisia, pavilion, flood, disease, anniversary.
All proposed nouns can be turned into verbs or adjectives, you can add as many other words as you like to the proposed words; the main thing is that the message has at least some meaning.

New company name

Hundreds of new firms appear in our country every day. Most of them soon die, and only a small part will have a happy fate and prosperity. The success of an enterprise largely depends on the type of its activity: the fewer other competing firms are engaged in the same activity, the greater the chances of success. And success also depends on a bright name that reflects the specifics of the company. Imagine that in one city there are a number of businesses offering unique types of services. But they don't have names yet. Help aspiring entrepreneurs and come up with a name for the company if it is known that it is engaged in ...
sharpening of disposable blades;
repair and maintenance of scooters;
tuning harmonicas;
accelerated Hindi language learning;
installation of birdhouses.

New road signs

It is difficult to imagine a modern city without road signs: warning, prescribing, prohibiting, etc. Road signs help regulate traffic, inform about the condition of the road, warn of possible danger. And, although there are many road signs, there are still situations, such dangers that are not reflected in the “alphabet of roads”. Help the traffic police and draw a new one road sign, which may soon appear on certain sections of the road. These signs are categorized as “warning” and are named as follows:
“Caution: deaf old women”;
"Caution: Low-flying Comets";
“Caution: Liquid Asphalt”;
“Beware: Evil Terrorists”;
"Caution: unpleasant odors."


When a person gets a job, they usually write an autobiography. In his autobiography, he reports where and when he was born, who his parents were, what school he graduated from, whether there is a secondary or higher special education, where and in the capacity of whom he worked, in what troops and by whom he served, whether there are awards. Imagine that some people decide to get a job. fairy tale characters... Try to write their autobiography on their behalf. This autobiography must belong to ...
Babe Yage;
Old Man Hottabych;
Baron Munchausen;
Kashchei the Immortal.

Collective masterpiece

Any guest who wants to feel like a real artist can participate in this team game. Participants are divided into two or more teams of 3-4 people. Each team is given a sheet of paper, preferably in A1 format, so that there is a large field for artistic activities. And each participant is given a felt-tip pen (or marker). To make it more interesting, each "artist" is blindfolded (with a handkerchief or scarf). The presenter names a theme for drawing, it is better if it is something New Year's (snowman, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden), then commands: "One, two, three - start drawing," and everyone starts drawing at the same time. The team that draws the fastest will win. But in this competition, the accuracy of the work performed must also be taken into account.

Mixed up song

The presenter begins to perform a song (better some well-known, New Year's). But the words from one song are sung to the tune of another song (For example: the words from the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" is sung to the tune of the song "Little Christmas tree"). The winner is the participant who guesses which song was taken as the basis for the performance. The winner can become the host and mix up the next song himself. It will be more incomprehensible if there are two presenters and they will perform the proposed songs in a duet.

New Year's masquerade ball

Carrying out plan (calculated for 4 hours):
1. Meeting guests at the entrance (greeted by girls dressed as fairies)
2. Introducing the guests, introducing them to the King and Queen of the ball.
3. Ball - a dance marathon with the participation of a dance master, with contests, an auction and small performances.
4. Seeing off the old year and meeting the new one.
5. The arrival of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Contests.
It is very important to think over contests that will be comfortable to perform in costumes!

Scenario for the New Year 2018 at a school for high school students: Video

An obligatory part of New Year's concerts at school are short funny numbers performed by students. Most often, high school students prepare funny sketches for the New Year 2019 for school. It can be both funny congratulations for children and teachers, and mini-performances on topical topics, reminiscent of comic numbers from KVN. But also younger students, absolutely, like students from middle grades, can participate in funny scenes. For example, put a number about Baba Yaga, who is trying to ruin the New Year or a comic dance of Russian attendants of 3 people. The themes of such children's performances can be very different, from musical parodies to reworked fairy tales in a modern way. Next, we offer you several interesting ideas which can be used for funny scenes for the New Year 2019 at school.

The funniest New Year's scenes for schoolchildren - short numbers, ideas and examples

To cheer everyone up at a New Year's concert for schoolchildren, it is not at all necessary to stage long numbers - short funny scenes are also perfect. Usually they are dialogues between several participants on topics close to the holiday. Also, various school situations that are easy and fun to beat can be relevant options for a New Year's concert. For example, you can put on a short scene about Vovochka and the teacher, who chastises him for poor grades and reproaches that his father will soon have gray hair. To which Little Johnny cheerfully declares, they say, this will be an excellent New Year's gift for his dad, because he is completely bald.

Examples of short and funny New Year's scenes for schoolchildren, the best ideas

Another great plot for a funny New Year's school scene is writing a letter to Santa Claus. Here you can play with, for example, a huge amount of writing (a total notebook of 48 sheets), mistakes in every word, because of which Grandfather Frost does not understand the content of the address to him. You will find some more interesting ideas for New Year's short sketches for school below.

Universal scenes for the New Year for children on modern themes - funny examples, video

Special attention should be paid to universal scenes for the New Year for children on funny topics that are relevant in modern world... First of all, numbers of a certain format fall into this group. For example, musical medley - funny numbers using cuts of audio tracks from songs and phrases from movies. Also, the always up-to-date format of the scenes is a comic dance number, in which funny-dressed participants - famous characters - perform.

Universal examples of funny scenes for the New Year for children on topical modern topics

Another example of a universal format for funny sketches for the New Year for children is reworked fairy tales with a modern twist. For example, you can put a number about how the characters from a fairy tale about 12 months would look today. Of course, the dialogues and images of the characters in this case will be very different from the classic plot. You will find several interesting options for universal and very funny scenes for a New Year's concert at a school for children in the following videos.

Very funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school students - modern ideas

If we talk about options for funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school students, then it is important to remember that such numbers should be short. Small children can very easily get confused when performing on stage and forget long lyrics. Therefore, it is better to choose short scenes in the form of dialogues between 2-3 people. It is also good to use music and dance numbers, which are much easier for students to remember. primary grades... For example, a sure-fire option for the New Year is the funny dance of Russian attendants who are trying to portray the lower break dance.

Modern ideas for funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school students

As for the theme of the numbers, in elementary school, scenes on the New Year theme are especially relevant. These can be options using traditional characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Baba Yaga, etc. You can also play out a scene about New Year's wishes and the main traditions of this wonderful holiday. Some examples of funny scenes for the New Year for primary school students can be found in the following videos.

Funny modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for students of grades 5-7 of the school - the funniest options

For ideas for cool modern scenes for the New Year 2019, students in grades 5-7 of high school can also use funny options from the previous selection. But unlike elementary school students, high school kids can play longer and more difficult numbers. For example, they can prepare not just an excerpt from a children's fairy tale, but completely remake this work on the New Year's theme. Suitable in the form of a cool scene and a comic parody. As an example, we can give a situation where show business stars could congratulate Santa Claus. For such a number, you need to choose the most recognizable and popular performers, and rewrite their hits in a festive way. Of course, in such a number, the artistry of the performing students is very important, who are able to convey the image of a star through parody.

Funny options for cool modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for students in grades 5-7 of high school

Also, as funny and funny sketches for the New Year for students of grades 5-7, numbers on everyday topics are suitable. For example, a rather fun performance can be played around the traditional preparation of the average family for the New Year. You can also use popular scenes from KVN, playing them with a New Year's bias. You will find vivid examples of funny numbers for the New Year 2019 in the video selection below.

Funny and funny sketches for the New Year 2019 to school - options for high school students on modern topics

If we talk about funny and funny sketches for the New Year to school, then numbers on topical modern topics are best suited for high school students. For example, school graduates can put on a comic rap battle between students and teachers. Cool dance performances for modern hits using interesting costumes are perfect for a New Year's concert. In addition, high school students can use popular network challenges as the basis for a fun number.

Funny options for funny scenes on modern themes for high school students for the New Goal 2019 to school

A funny number for a New Year's concert performed by high school students can also be made in a stand-up format. This type of humorous performance has recently been gaining more and more popularity and will be relevant as part of a school event for the New Year. As a theme for a stand-up performed by high school students, you can use situations familiar to everyone from school life. Another fun format comic scenes- performances in the style of "expectation / reality". Moreover, such a scene can be played up, or it can be made interactive, for example, using large-format pictures or small video clips on the screen. Some examples of funny scenes on New Year's concert for high school students can be found in the following videos.

Scenes for the New Year 2019 for school should definitely be funny, fun and cool. Of course, the level of humor of such numbers largely depends on the performers - students in grades 1-4 of primary school, 5-7 grades of secondary school or schoolchildren from grades 8-11. It is clear that the older the children are, the more modern and sophisticated numbers can be delivered with their participation. But even short children's scenes can cheer up everyone present with a properly composed comic script for the holiday. For example, it can be funny greetings for teachers or popular numbers from the New Year's editions of KVN. Do not forget about mini-performances of 3-4 people, which can ignite the audience, for example, with the cheerful dance of Baba Yaga or restless Russian attendants. We really hope that the ideas and videos from today's article will help you plan an unforgettable New Year's concert at school!

Before celebrating the New Year and leaving for the winter holidays, all schools begin to massively hold matinees for students. If a couple of contests with gifts are enough for kids, then for older children, the organizers try to draw up a modern and funny scenario of the New Year in advance.

Pupils sometimes prepare funny scenes for the holiday themselves. But in order not to come up with a script for the New Year for high school students on their own, you can use several ready-made options. It is easy to swap the prepared New Year's scenes or add others so that it turns out cool and modern script taking into account the interests and hobbies of adolescents.

Scenario for New Year 2019

A mass matinee is held for high school students: 9, 10 and 11. The event takes place in the form of a costume ball, where children do not walk around the Christmas tree like little ones, but sit at tables or chairs in the auditorium. Sometimes, in the process of action, they are involved in the game, but more often they act as passive participants, observing the unfolding events.

For the role of leaders, guys from parallel classes or teachers who wished to participate are suitable.

Pupils are divided in pairs, to the sounds of classical music they enter the prepared assembly hall. They are seated in pre-arranged seats and the event begins.

Lead 1:“So we met all those gathered in this decorated hall!”.
Lead 2:“Happy New Year 2019, everyone! May the coming year pass without sorrows, worries, as easy and fun as today's holiday! "
Lead 1:"Today, everyone is ordered to have fun, celebrate, laugh, amuse themselves, but I do not hear any stamping, no whistle, or laughter at all."
Lead 2:“It's time to start tonight's show. A wonderful fairy tale will now be shown by the artists of our school - pupils of the 10th grade ”.

On a note!

In the scenes for the matinee of high school students, it is more interesting to involve students from the younger classes. Then the event will take place in a friendly and "kindred" atmosphere of fellow practitioners of one educational institution.

Scene based on the fairy tale "Snow Maiden"

Everyone knows the fairy tale "Snow Maiden". Such a scene is perfect for celebrating the New Year. Moreover, they will be played in a modern way. Several schoolchildren are involved in it, who will have to choose the right outfits. The scenery is prepared in advance, as events take place in the house and on the street.

The Old Man and the Old Woman are sitting in the house. It is snowing outside the window, children make snowmen and snow women, ride each other on sleds. The Old Man and the Old Woman are engaged in a leisurely dialogue.

Old man: “Old woman, maybe we should blind ourselves to a snow girl? I would like very much to hear children's laughter in our house ”.
Old woman: "Good idea. Well, let's go and blind our daughter. "
The Old Man and the Old Woman go out into the yard and fashion their daughter. As snow, you can use pieces of cotton wool, behind which later the heroine will hide unnoticed. The old people stand and admire her.
Old woman: "She came out beautiful with us!"
Old man: "I agree, we did a good job."
Old woman: “Look quickly, my daughter's cheeks are reddened and lips. This is a miracle! "
The Snow Maiden looks at the Old Man and the Old Woman with a smile, and then tries to move her arms and legs and steps over the snowdrift.
Old man: "She is alive! I'm so happy! Let's go to the house soon! "

Music begins to play, the old men and the Snow Maiden enter the house. There they sing songs, dance, lead a round dance. After some time, the music is changed, now the singing of birds sounds, the clatter of drops from melting icicles.

Old woman: “Spring has come to us. It will get warmer soon. "

The Old Man and the Old Woman notice that the Snow Maiden is sad.

Old man: “What happened, daughter? You had fun all winter, sang and danced, and now you are sad. Maybe something hurts you? "
Snow Maiden: "It's okay, I'm healthy."

The old people do their thing: they cook the food, they clean it up. Summer is coming. Girlfriends come to invite the Snow Maiden for a walk. The Snow Maiden refuses, hiding from the sun, continuing to be sad.

Old woman: “What are you, daughter? Go, take a walk, have fun. "

The girls go out into the street, go to the forest, sing, have fun, but the Snow Maiden continues to be sad. It gradually gets dark, the girls collect brushwood and kindle an impromptu fire. All in turn jump over it, and the Snow Maiden, having jumped, disappears behind the scenery. Everyone begins to look for her and call her to no avail. The process takes 1-2 minutes.

And then she appears. During the search by the rest of the characters, the Snow Maiden has time to change into the costume of the girl Elsa from the cartoon "Frozen". Simultaneously with her comes the second actor in the form of a funny snowman Olaf. Both are holding umbrellas with bundles of cotton wool attached. Appearing on the stage, she says: "Now I will never evaporate, because I, like Olaf, have my own cloud of snow!" The Old Man and the Old Woman hug their transformed granddaughter. The scene comes to an end, the actors bow, the audience claps their hands.

On a note!

After the completion of one action and before the start of another, the attention of the unused schoolchildren should be switched from the stage to another part of the hall. For this, it is more convenient to place the presenters away, for example, near a Christmas tree. Then, between different episodes, it will be much easier to remove the beaten props and install a new one.

Lead 1:“Thanks to our actors for such a wonderful scene! And we continue to have fun! "
Lead 2:“The upcoming year of the earthen pig for the eleventh graders is difficult, but we hope you will not wallow in the mud as stubbornly as she did. And we wish you to successfully pass all the exams and enter the best universities! "
Lead 1:“We wish the tenth graders excellent grades and good friends and acquaintances around! May kindness always warm your hearts! And the piggy squealing of happy friends does not distract from the transfer exams. "
Lead 2:“May the coming year for the ninth grade be successful, may everyone around you respect and support, and may there always be a spark of hope in your soul! And the Pig will endow you with perseverance, and you will achieve your goals. Those who decided to leave school success in career guidance. For those who remain, try not to destroy the school completely! "
Lead 1:“Well, now let's be goodies! After all, the time has come to invite those without whom no New Year can be spent. Let's meet Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with applause! "

Santa Claus and Snegurochka enter the hall and wave to everyone.

Snow Maiden:"Happy New Year! I wish you all great happiness! "
Father Frost:"May all dreams come true, and may health never leave!"
Lead 1:“Grandpa, you probably love the well-known Soviet classics of cinema. The Irony of Fate is a traditional New Year's film. And all good films are usually remade. Students of our school have prepared a scene based on this wonderful movie especially for you and the Snow Maiden. "

Scene based on the film "Irony of Fate"

Students show how to shoot an episode from the film "Irony of Fate." Several people take part in the scene, playing the role of Zhenya, Ippolit, Nadia, the director and the Christmas tree. It's funnier if all the roles are played by the same boys.

Director:"Soooo. Everything in its place, let's start shooting! ".

Music from the film "Irony of Fate" is playing, Zhenya is sleeping on a mattress in the form of a bed. Nadia enters the apartment and notices a stranger. The tree stands defiantly independently in the corner. All the actors pronounce their words insipidly and casually, without emotional connotations, like news on the radio.

Nadya:“What are you doing? Get out of my house! "
Zhenya:"Leave me alone, I want to sleep."

Nadia takes the kettle from the table and starts pouring water on Zhenya.

Zhenya:“Stop it! Are you taking me for a lawn? Where have you removed the headset from Poland? "

The bell rings. Nadia walks to the door. Hippolyte enters the apartment with flowers.


Director:"Stop! Enough! Where are the emotions? A young woman finds a completely unknown person in her house! She is sad and terrified at the same time! The man is also upset, someone took his Polish headset! Show your emotions! "

Behind the stage, sad music is played, the tree dangled its branches in frustration. Sad Zhenya lies on the mattress. Nadya enters the apartment, notices him.

Nadya:(in a very sad tone) “What have you lost here? Who are you?"
Zhenya:(almost sobs) “Why are you bothering? I want to sleep. "

Nadia chokes with tears, trying to pour water on Zhenya.

Zhenya:“Enough, am I a lawn or what? Where is my headset from Poland? "

Someone rings the doorbell, Nadia, runs into the hallway to open the door as soon as possible. Hippolyte, wiping his tears with a handkerchief, enters the apartment.

Hippolyte:(sobbing sadly) "Nadenka!"

Director:"Enough! You are setting up an insane asylum here! We're filming a comedy! The tree played well! So, only about her and we will shoot a movie! All in their places! Let's start again. "

Cheerful music sounds, Zhenya reads a magazine with anecdotes under the veil, giggles. Nadya comes in, sees Zhenya and starts laughing.

Nadya:"Who are you?"
Zhenya:(also bursts into laughter): “A horse in a coat! Where did my headset go from Poland? "

Hippolyte enters the apartment laughing loudly.

Hippolyte:(bursting into laughter and hiccupping) "Nadenka!"
Director:“What is this disgrace! What am I just paying money for? I'm messing around here with you, and I'm a genius! Do you understand, stupid fellows? The tree is done again! Let's start again! "

Ominous music plays, someone rustles under the blanket and fiddles suspiciously. The Christmas tree grins viciously and glares around. Nadia enters the apartment and cautiously walks to the bed.

Nadya:(in a frightened whisper) "Who are you?"
Zhenya:(dissatisfied with sleep) "Well, I want to sleep."

Nadia takes the kettle off the table and pours water on Zhenya.

Zhenya jumps up sharply, he can see protruding vampire fangs.

Zhenya:(advancing aggressively) "Where is my headset?"

Something bangs the door, lifeless Hippolyte bursts into the apartment.

Director:(tired and doomed) “Okay, enough. Let's try fiction better. "

All the lights are on at the tree, Zhenya gallops around the room with a lightsaber. Nadya walks into the apartment.

Nadya:"Who are you anyway?"
Zhenya:“I am a Jedi. I need to pick up my Polish headset. "

The door swings open. Hippolyte walks in the guise of Darth Vader.

Director:“No, that's not it. We need a reliable option - Indian cinema! ”.

An Indian song is playing, the tree is dancing, wriggling with its entire "trunk", Zhenya is already asleep under the mattress. Nadia enters.

Nadya:(moving in dashes, utters in a chant) “Who are you? Give me an answer!".

Pours Zhenya with water from a teapot.

Zhenya:"What are you doing?"

He gets up, rolls up his sleeves. Nadia sees a large painted spot on Zhenya's hand.

Nadya:“I have a birthmark of the same shape! Brother!".

They both start singing and dancing. Somebody's knocking on the door. Nadia unlocks the door, Hippolyte comes to them and stretches his hands to the girl. Nadia sees the same birthmark.

Zhenya and Nadya:"Father!".
Director:“Okay, not so bad anymore. We are all tired today. Will see you tomorrow".

Actors take the stage and bow to the audience.

Lead 2:“What are our actors great! We made such a cool remake! "
Lead 1:“Yes, the students did a great job, came up with wonderful New Year sketches for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.”


More than two scenes with the involved characters are impractical to conduct at a school-level event. Because the time for the matinee is regulated and it is imperative to keep within it. Plus, it's time for teenagers to warm up and participate in more dynamic activities than just being spectators.

Lead 2:"And now you can start having fun!"
Lead 1:“Oh, I caught a snowflake! Now I’ll make a wish. ”
Lead 2:"Tell all of us what you want."
Lead 1:“All my life I dreamed of attending a ball where princes and princesses were present, and so that they would definitely dance a waltz. At least 5 minutes to visit there! ".
Father Frost:"Not a problem! On this day, all desires become reality, so here's a ball for you! "

Students begin to dance to old classical music.

Lead 2:"Well, what, how do you like our ball?"
Lead 1:“I'm happy, I like everything so much! Now it would be nice to start having fun. "
Lead 2:"Then let's move on to the contests!"


Lead 1:“Santa Claus needs help packing gifts. Girls, which of you knows how to do it beautifully? "

1 - Competition "Gift Wrapper". The presenters choose several girls and report that the best gift for the Snow Maiden is a man. Therefore, girls choose guys as gifts and wrap them with toilet paper. For a certain amount of time, they wrap the guys in paper. The winner is the girl who wraps her gift more beautifully and faster than anyone else. The presenters give her a token.

Lead 2:"The next competition is for those who like to watch films."

2 - For the competition, applicants are selected, who in turn say the names of films related to new year holidays... The one who does not remember in time is eliminated, and the one who names the most films wins. The hosts give the winner a token as a reward.

Lead 1:"Now there is a competition for marksmanship, you need to throw snowballs into the basket."

3 - The presenters divide the participants equally into two teams, give each of them several snowballs. Each player in turn throws their balls into the basket. When everyone has done this, the presenters count the number of balls. The team that throws the most snowballs wins. All participants receive a token.

4 - Those who wish are given a hoop. They twist it with their hands folded behind their heads. At the same time they sing an excerpt of eight lines from the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." The presenters give out a token to those who do not drop the hoop and do not open their hands while spinning the hula-hoop and singing.

Lead 2:"And the rest of the guys will be casting for the symbol of the year."

2-3 participants are selected, who will run around the room, depicting an animal of the upcoming 2019. You can kneel down, defiantly lie in the mud, smack the food you see. But if classmates still did not guess, publish a characteristic grunt. The winner is determined by the audience vote, he is put on a patch with an elastic band.

Lead 1:“Now everyone can test their knowledge of the New Year in the quiz! Grandpa, do the last poll this year, check what kind of students are being prepared at this school? "

On a note!

Before holding the quiz, you need to organize the event in such a way that the maximum number of children have tokens. Therefore, Santa Claus will have to hand them 2-3 or more pieces, to everyone who answers as quickly and correctly as possible.


Santa Claus and his granddaughter conduct a quiz consisting of several questions. For each correct answer, the student is given one token. Questions can be chosen comic:

  1. What is the name of the homeland of the Christmas tree? (Forest)
  2. What is the name of the ritual dance around the tree, which has been carried out since ancient times? (Round dance)
  3. What suspicious forest figure trots past a tree? (Wolf)
  4. What is the name of such a natural phenomenon that causes massive falls, broken noses or fractures? (Ice)
  5. What is this ball where everyone is hiding their real identity? (Masquerade)
  6. What is the name of the drink, opening which guests risk? (Champagne)
  7. What is the name of the only fish that is dressed in a fur coat for the New Year? (Herring)
  8. What kind of sculptures made of natural natural material in white symbolize the New Year? (Snowman)
  9. What is the name of a special New Year's lighter? (Fireworks, Bengal candle)
  10. When there is a great need for it, they must throw it away, but it has become unnecessary - they take it with them. (Anchor)
  11. A transparent sieve hangs, de on knitting needles or crocheted. (Gossamer)
  12. We do not have time to send one out the door, as the other already enters. (New Year)
  13. The pre-New Year's salary of the forester, if there is a crisis in the country. (Christmas tree)
  14. Why do all pirates have only one eye? (They drank champagne on New Year's, knocked out the cork)

The quiz ends, Santa Claus announces the lottery. He names the numbers, and the students compare them with those written on the tokens received earlier. If the number matches, Grandpa gives the student a gift under that number.

Lead 1:"Well, well, 2019 begins, and our holiday ends."
Lead 2:"Santa Claus and Snegurochka are going further, and we wish everyone success in any endeavors in the coming year!"