Children's New Year's program script. A universal scenario for a children's New Year's party. How to entertain children for the New Year


(senior group)


Adults: Leading Santa Claus Blizzard Snowman Children: hares, squirrels, foxes, blizzard, snowflakes, fire Snow Maiden

Children run into the hall to cheerful music, dance around the Christmas tree. Leading:

A wonderful day is coming

Comes to us New Year!

A holiday of laughter and inventions, a holiday of fairy tales for children!Happy New Year, Let the fun come to you. We wish you happiness, joy, to all children and guests. Child : Our cozy bright hall sparkles with a golden rain. The tree has invited to visit, The hour for the holiday has come!


How beautiful it is in our hall

We called our friends,

Our people are having fun.

Everything. We are celebrating the New Year!


Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

With a song, a tree, a round dance,

With beads, crackers,

With new toys!


Congratulations to everyone in the world,

We sincerely wish everyone:

So that your hands clap

To stomp your feet

To make children smile

They had fun and laughed.

Child. Hold your hands tight

Stand in a wide circle

Let's sing and dance

Let's celebrate the New Year!

Children lead a round dance "New Year is coming to us", muses. V. Gerchik, lyrics 3. Petrova.

Leading: New Year, New Year,

And Santa Claus still does not go.

He stayed on the way ...

Child. Maybe go to the forest to see him?

Leading: Only a long way, friends,

What about us, kids? Leading: I propose to send for Santa Claus the Snowman-mailer and give him christmas tree toy from our tree, so that he hurry up to the holiday to the guys. Guys, let's call the Snowman loudly. Children: Snowman! Snowman! (A Snowman enters to the music. A mail bag with newspapers is on his shoulder) Snowman: Hello guys, did you call me? Leading: Hello Snowman. Yes, we called you. Snowman: Did something happen to you? Leading: Happened, Snowman. Our New Year's holiday has begun, but Santa Claus is still gone. Could you go to him and hand over a Christmas tree toy from our elegant Christmas tree with an invitation to the New Year's holiday? After all, our guys have been waiting for this meeting for a whole year! Snowman: Yes ... The task is not easy ... The road is far to the forest, Well, okay, little by little I will find a way-road. That's just ... Leading: What's only, Snowman? Snowman: But the Blizzard was so angry this winter that it sweeps all the paths and paths, forbade the delivery of New Year's letters and parcels, ordered not to spend holidays, not to have fun, ordered to observe silence, not to disturb its peace ... She said that she sees everything from above, wherever I am I didn’t go ... Leading: What do we do? Snowman: Don't worry, I will tell Santa Claus that you are tired of waiting for him. Come what may, I'm not afraid of the Blizzard. You will have Santa Claus! You will have a merry holiday! Leading: How brave you are, Snowman! Happy journey to you. Let's look forward to Santa Claus! (The Snowman leaves to the music)Presenter: Guys, so that the road seems easy to the Snowman, we will dance at our New Year tree.

NEW YEAR CHURCHER "It's good that every year"

(A Snowman enters to the music, shakes off the snow)

Snowman: Well, I finally got there. The snowstorm has covered the paths so much that one cannot pass, one cannot pass. Leading: We were so worried about you, Snowman. Well, what, did you pass it on? Snowman: Of course. He even wrote you an answer ... Well, where is his letter? (looking for) (the majestic Blizzard enters to the music) Blizzard: Snowman! Snowman: Huh? (scared) Blizzard: How dare you disobey me? I forbade you to carry new year letters and parcels! Snowman: But the guys have a New Year's holiday. And they are looking forward to Grandfather Frost. Blizzard: You still dare to argue with me ?! Have you forgotten why I blinded you, your snowy head? Snowman: Right now I will remember ... to cover up the silence ... it's my fault, to observe the silence. Blizzard: Exactly, what are you? Snowman: I'm sorry, I gape, I started playing snowballs. Blizzard: Gape, then? Snowman: Yeah. Blizzard: Overplayed, then? Snowman: Yeah. Blizzard : Well, beware. Your holiday will never happen! I can destroy everyone and turn them into an icicle. No fun, no laughter, just silence ... Snowman, whirl, whirl, And turn into an icicle! (The snowman whirls and freezes in place. The snowstorm leaves, laughing coldly) Snowman: (sadly) I want to make all the girls and boys happy - there will be no New Year, you can leave. Leading: Well, no, it won't happen! Guys, we need to come up with something sooner! Child: Shall we call the Snow Maiden?

The children call Snegurochka. (Sit on the chairs) The scenery changes.New Year's scene.

Fire (out): In an icy big hut,
On the snowy edge
Where does the Snow Maiden live
The secret has been there for a year.
I want to know the secret
I will hide here and be silent.
(The Snow Maiden comes out of the house, sings and dances to the music.)
Snow Maiden: Here again winter has come,
Snow and Blizzard called,
My house is in the meadow
Grew up again by itself.
Only there is no stove at home -
Warmth has caused me a lot of trouble.
Fire (viciously): Now I know the secret -
The Snow Maiden melts from the fire! (hiding)
Snow Maiden: I have a lot of friends,
I will call them soon!
Hares, squirrels and foxes
Come run to have fun!
(Animals run in to the music and dance.)
Fire (viciously): I don't like fun,
I’ll disperse everyone in a flash.
(He waves a red cloak at the animals and immediately hides.)
Hare 1: Oh, how painful!
Hare 2: Help!
Fox: Save my fluffy tail!
Squirrel 1: Who prevented us from dancing?
Squirrel 2: Who hurt us now?
Hare 2: I haven't seen anyone!
Fox: I haven't seen anything!
Snow Maiden: Something here, friends, not so!
Someone wants to interfere
It's fun to celebrate the holiday!
Fox: We need to call the snowflakes,
Light white fluffs.
Squirrel 2: The wind carries them everywhere.
Squirrel 1: Maybe one of them met
A stranger on the way.
Hare 1: Well, Snegurochka, call!
Snow Maiden: Hey, snowflake friends,
Fly here quickly
Help us with advice.
(Snowflakes fly in and dance.)

Dance of the Snow Maiden and Snowflakes.
Snowflakes (in chorus): We flew to your call,
What did you want to know?
Fox: Someone wants to interfere
We celebrate the holiday with the children.
On the way to us here
Have you seen a stranger?
Snowflakes 1: We flew along the roads,
Snowflakes 2: We haven't seen anyone,
Snowflakes (in chorus): After all, a cold Blizzard
All roads were covered!
Hare 2: But someone was interfering with us,
Hare 1: He didn't let me have fun!
Snowflakes 1: Bring a blizzard to visit,
Snowflakes 2: Our old friend.
Snowflakes 3: Maybe she knows that
Snowflakes (in chorus): Solve this mystery!
Snow Maiden: Blizzard! Snowstorm! Come fly!
What happened, guess!
(A Blizzard flies in to the music and dances.)
Blizzard: Why were you shouting in the forest?
Squirrel 1: We called you for help!
Hare 2: Someone wants to interfere
We celebrate the holiday with the children!
Blizzard: I flew over the fields,
Coppices, meadows.
There are no traces of anyone anywhere!
Apparently, everything seemed to you!
Fire (joyfully): The blizzard was also not recognized,
From whom the trouble comes.
Blizzard: Feel free to go visit!
Fire (viciously): I'm going to burst out of anger now!
(Animals carry out to the music gifts from under the tree).
Squirrel 1: We are gifts for babies
We collect slowly.
Protein 2: Here are the nuts. (shows)
Hare 2: Here's a carrot. (shows)
Hare 1: We put everything neatly.
Fox: I caught the mouse under the snow!
Snow Maiden: What did you say, little fox?
No no no! No need for mice!
Fox: Sorry! I thought everyone was happy
Will be my gift.
Fire (viciously): Oh, that's it! Everyone will be hot now.
(The fire throws off the black veil and begins to wave a red cloak at the Snow Maiden to the music, the animals scatter.)
Snow Maiden: I'm afraid of fire, I'm afraid!
I will melt, I will melt.
Squirrel 2: We will protect the Snow Maiden,
And we will not give offense!
Squirrel 1: Hey, snowflakes, fly
And extinguish the fire in an instant.
(Snowflakes fly to the fire to the music, fire waves its arms, snowflakes run back and sit down.)
Snowflakes (in chorus): We can't handle the fire
We will melt, we will die.
Fire: You cannot destroy me,
You can't put me out!
I will melt the Snow Maiden,
I will quickly turn it into water.
You will not get to the holiday!
(A Blizzard with a white veil, a Squirrel, a Hare and a Fox with snow creeps up to the Fire from behind.)
Fire (turning): What else is there to attack?
(The blizzard throws a white blanket over the Fire and blows, circles around, the animals throw snow at it.)
Fire: What's happening to me?
I go out, and the smoke comes out! (runs away)
Blizzard: We won the fire together,
The Snow Maiden was released.
Snow Maiden: Thank you, dear friends!
Now I'm in a hurry to the holiday
And you rather get ready,
Go to the Christmas tree to the children.
(Artists bowing + applause.)
It's time to celebrate the New Year
Light a Christmas tree in the hall!
Santa Claus is waiting for us
The New Year is with him.
HEY! Santa Claus, where are you?
Santa Claus (due doors): Snow Maiden, I'm in a hurry to you!
(Santa Claus sings a song and goes into the hall, addresses the characters of the fairy tale.)
Father Frost: It's time for the children to go to the Christmas tree
The kids are looking forward to
All of us. Let's hurry.
Beasts (in unison): How to get there?
Santa Claus: We will decide!
Now I will wave my staff,
Everything will plunge into darkness.
(Santa Claus knocks with his staff, the light goes out and re-lights in the hall).
Father Frost: We are now in a spacious hall
I see that the guys were waiting.Hello kids!Boys and girls. We lingered a little.So hard was the road Beyond the mountains, beyond the forestsI always dreamed of meeting you.I remembered you every day.Yes, he collected gifts. Snow Maiden: Last year we were with you,
They have not forgotten anyone.
Have grown up, have become big.
I see that you recognize us.
Leading: Santa Claus was very much waiting for you, but trouble happened, the snowstorm flew by, the Snowman bewitched. He stands still, he is silent, he does not even move a carrot. Father Frost: But this grief does not matter, the Snow Maiden will cope with this. Granddaughter get your magic handkerchief, help the Snowman! Snow Maiden: My grandfather gave me a magic handkerchief
And this is what he told me in secret:
"Snow Maiden, granddaughter, wave a handkerchief
And whatever you want, you bring them to life! "

One, two, three Snowman dance!

Snowman Dance.

Father Frost: The snowman returns to the forest, and the children’s party continues (the snowman says goodbye and leaves). Snow Maiden: Santa Claus: It doesn't matter!
1,2,3 - smile
And our tree - light up!
(The tree does not light up).
Father Frost
(The tree lights up).
Child: Burns on the New Year tree
The lights are countless.

Snow Maiden: The lights are on, blinking
We are invited to a round dance.
Round dance "Santa Claus" Presenter: Father Frost: The presenter says: Father Frost: Hey people step aside
Turn the circle wider!
And the Snow Maiden do not be shy
Dancing with Grandfather is more fun!
Father Frost: Legs are shaking
Do not stand still.
Hey, let's go, friends,
Let's dance together!

Father Frost : Oh, I'm tired, oh, I'll sit,
I will tell everyone in secret:
I love poetry very much.
Well, who is brave, come out,
Tell me your rhyme.
Reading poetry.

Santa Claus left the house,
Frost hurried to the river
With a white cloud in hand.
On the paths, on the paths,
Where there were puddles
Santa Claus throws pieces of ice
And spinning on the ice,
Glides along the river, freezes,
Breathes into the willows,
Snow throws under the runners
With an ice gauntlet,
And then, grabbing an armful,
Pours on the porch

Disgustingly dusting in the face.
And catch up? Come on! Try!
Will lead Frost into the snowdrifts,
And in the snowdrifts - a tower.
Winter itself lives there.
G. Lagzdyn

Father Frost Now by fields, now by forests,
Between the trunks of birches
To our troika with bells
Santa Claus is coming.
Rides at a trot and gallop,
Knowing what is coming
Straight on secret paths
To people New Year.
Snow enveloped in soft cotton wool
Birch twigs ...
Red-cheeked, bearded
Santa Claus is coming.
G. Tukai

The most important of the guests

With a long white beard

And ruddy and gray?
He plays with us, dances,
With him, the holiday is more fun!
- Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!
I. Chernitskaya

If the frost ends
The snow will melt white
What is Santa Claus
The poor will do?
Water will run from him
Streams to the floor
From his beard then
Will it drip too?
Kind Grandfather Frost,
Darling, darling!
Hide, Santa Claus,
In our refrigerator! E. Tarakhovskaya

About Santa Claus Santa Claus on New Year's Eve
Anything you want will bring.
Make a wish you -

I painted on the sheets,
I put them under the tree
I carefully covered it with cotton wool,
Dad and mom didn’t tell

I brought everything I wanted.
It's a pity, only once a year
He takes care of us.
Tatiana Gusarova

Snow Maiden She is in white boots
And in a blue fur coat
A bouquet of ripe snowflakes
Brings you and me.
White-white to the waist
Luxurious braid
And warm, warm
Radiant eyes.
Mittens in transparent pieces of ice
And the hat is on her.
You give us light and joy,
The favorite of children.
Tatiana Gusarova

Alarm clock that the bear will wake up in the spring. N. Stozhkova

Snow Maiden At the entrance, on the site
I collected the snow with a shovel.
At least there was a little snow
I blinded the Snow Maiden.
I put it in the corridor,
And she ... melted!
Yu. Shigaev

Walking along the street
Santa Claus,
Hoarfrost scatters
On the branches of birches;
Walks with a beard
Shakes white
Stamps his foot

Snow Maiden

Father Frost:

Snow Maiden

Father Frost:

Snow Maiden

Father Frost:

Snow Maiden

Father Frost:

Both the girls and the boys were very good!

Snow Maiden .: You guys are very funny! Do you also want to play with Santa Claus?

Attractions "Move the snowballs with a shovel", "Find the same snowflakes"

Leading: It's good to play with you

And now we want to dance.

"Clap dance" or dance

Snow Maiden.

Father Frost ... I love children very much. And I give gifts to those whom I love.At this time, Santa Claus unties the belt from his fur coat and sentenced him. Father Frost:
Fly, twisted lace
My assistant is golden
Lengthen, bloom
Try to find gifts!
He throws one end of the belt into the open door leading out of the hall, and then slowly so that everyone can see it well, pulls the belt towards him and says: “I found a bag, I'm pulling, now there will be gifts.” He pulls out the whole lace, and instead of a bag, a shoe is tied to it. He looks gloomily at the belt and grumbles ...
Father Frost:
What are you doing, prankster?
Do you want to ruin the holiday for everyone?
Come on, don't be lazy, come on
Return the gifts to us. Santa Claus again throws the belt into the open door, referring to the belt, and again pulls it towards him, pretending that it is difficult for him. At this time he says: “Now, it’s harder, probably, for sure gifts. Wow, I can hardly pull. " But at the other end of the belt was a tied dad.
Santa Claus (scolding his belt):
Are you kidding me again?
Are you having fun behind your back?
You do not anger Frost
And return the gifts to us. Throws the belt again, calls several boys with a request to help him, and together they pull out a bag with gifts.

Father Frost (refers to his assistant - the belt):
Now I praise you
And I'll tie it to my belt.
Thank you for the bag
Once again I say.
Santa Claus pulls out a bag with gifts in the middle of the hall. The children come up to Santa Claus one by one, and he gives them gifts.
Father Frost:
We give you gifts
And we give you the order:
So that you are all healthy
They are getting better every day!
Snow Maiden: To have in your life
Both fun and laughter!
Together. Happy New Year, Happy New Year
Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!
Father Frost: See you next year.
You are waiting for me, I will come!

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden leave.

In the end, everyone stands around the Christmas tree and sings the New Year's song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest ..."


Scenario of the New Year's holiday for the 2nd junior group

"Magic egg"

Prepared by:

senior educator of the 1st qualification category A.V. Lukashova


Leading Snegurochka Ded Moroz Ded Baba Winter Chicken Ryaba (child from the prep group)

Children: bunny boys, snowflake girls

To the music of "Yolochka" children enter the hall and take part in a round dance. Ved. : Tell me, guys, What kind of holiday awaits all of us? Answer amicably, loudly, We meet ... Children: New Year!

Ved. : Cheerful hall glitters today Shining with many lights. On a noisy holiday, New Year's Call is friendly to guests. 1 child : Happy New Year! Happy New Year! With a song, a tree, a round dance, With beads, firecrackers, With new toys. 2 children : Yolochka, we have been waiting for you for many, many days, nights. We counted for a minute, To see as soon as possible, 3 reb. : How the needles sparkle Winter miracle - silver, How Grandfather Frost wrapped your branches with snow. 4 reb: A wonderful winter brought us a holiday, the Green Christmas tree came to the guys. She was dressed up, toys were hung, Everyone will have a lot of fun at the Christmas tree! Vedas: Let's join hands together, Let's go around the Christmas tree, Let's smile at our dear guest, We'll sing a song with joy. Round dance

Music sounds, Winter waltzes into the hall. Winter:Hello guys. I am Zimushka-winter. I came with cold weather and brought snow. I made ice on the river, I smashed all the fur coats. She covered the paths and houses with a blanket, But she loves, all the same Winter, of course, children.

Vedas: Why do we love winter? ...
5 child: For skis and skates,
For white fluffy snow,
For the Christmas tree lights ...
6 child: For having fun
In the winter, kids.
Us every day on the street
A new game awaits.
7 child: We throw snowballs
On a sled, we rush from the mountain,
We hung out the feeders:
Fly, bullfinches!
Winter song Winter: Attraction "Collect the snowballs" Winter: Ved. : And who is missing on the holiday? Children: Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. Ved. : Let's call Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. (Magic music sounds, the Snow Maiden enters, sings a song, waltzes) Sn. : Hello guys, hello guests! My name is Snegurochka. I am the granddaughter of Santa Claus, my friends came to your holiday to have fun with you. How many smart girls and boys are here! Ved. : We are celebrating the Snegurochka holiday, but our Christmas tree is sad, it does not burn with lights.

Snow Maiden:( mysteriously). A Christmas tree stands in the hall and, shining with toys, speaks to us. ("magic" music sounds)

But the winds blew, blew off the veil, It's cold for me, the Christmas tree, it's become in the clearing! Only you saved me - took me to kindergarten, Presented me with a festive, fabulous outfit. You sang songs to me, and I grew up, Higher than dad, higher than mom for the holiday, I became! Isn't she a beauty? Children: We all like the tree!

5 reb: Well, the tree, it's just a miracle,
How smart, how beautiful.
The branches rustle faintly
Beads shine bright
6 reb: And the toys are swinging -
Flags, stars, crackers.
Here the lights lit up on her,
How many tiny lights!
7 reb: And, decorating the top,
It shines there as always
Very bright, large,
Five-winged star.

Vedas: Our Christmas tree is both fluffy and slender and green, Only something with lights does not burn with us! We will fix the disorder, make the lights burn! Let's say loudly: “One, two, three - come on, Christmas tree, burn! Children repeat, the lights do not come on. Veda: It doesn't work - the lights don't come on! Come on, girls and boys, we will shake our finger at the tree (they threaten) And now we all clap (clap our hands) And we all stomp our feet (stomp)The lights do not come on.Veda: It doesn't work - the lights don't come on.Magic music sounds. The presenter pays attention to the Christmas tree. He listens to the tree, pretends that the tree is saying something.Veda: Guys, we all did it wrong. Now the Christmas tree told me in secret that there is no need to stomp and clap, and there is no need to threaten with a finger, but simply ask for our tree.

Christmas tree-beauty, play with us,Christmas tree-beauty, light up the lights!Let's say together: “One, two, three! Our Christmas tree, burn! "Children repeat. The lights come on.Ved: It worked, it worked: our tree lit up!

(everyone claps their hands). Let's go around the Christmas tree, we'll sing a song to the Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden : And where is Grandfather Frost, bearded and red nose? It's time for him to come. maybe he lost his way? (The presenter and the Snow Maiden are trying to distract the children, they ask where Santa Claus can be and why he is late, because he promised to be on time and knows the address well. Everyone starts to “search” around the hall, follow the Snow Maiden in flock, look outside the door, look at the audience. then the Snow Maiden brings the children to the window, when all their attention is occupied by the search for Santa Claus on the street, he unnoticed enters the hall, sits down in a chair and, leaning on a staff, “falls asleep.”) Sn. (turning around): Oh, guys, look! Santa Claus is sleeping in the hall, Grandpa sleeps sweet and sweet - New Year, and he snores! (goes up to grandfather, taps him lightly on the shoulder.) Grandfather, wake up, get up, congratulate the kids with the Christmas tree! (Children repeat the words of Snegurochka.) No, it doesn't work, Doesn't wake up in any way! Maybe a song will help, Wake up Frost will be able to? Children and the Snow Maiden (singing): Santa Claus, Santa Claus, why do you sleep for a long time? Santa Claus, Santa Claus, why are you snoring like that? Santa Claus, Santa Claus, get up quickly, Santa Claus, Santa Claus, play with us! Sn. : Doesn't wake up, let's wake him up with a dance.

General dance

Santa Claus (stretching, wakes up). Oh, sorry, I dozed off, I kept a long way. I rested near the tree

It turned out that he fell asleep. Boys and girls! Happy New Year I congratulate everyone. I invite you to a merry round dance.

Round dance "Santa Claus"

Sn. (sly): Oh, how Santa Claus loves to pinch children by the nose! D. M.: Yes, I will pinch the nose - it will become beautiful, or bright red, or blue-blue!

The game "We are not afraid of frost" Father Frost ... take care of your ears, nose, Frost will freeze you! “freezes” children: grabs them by the arms, legs, “snub-noses”, “watermelon-bellies”, “ears on the top of the head”, etc.) (2-3 times) (They sit on the chairs) DM: Oh, I haven't played like that for a long time! And not so much tired! For my family guys I would be glad to dance! Sn.: Well, grandpa, dance All the guys have fun!

Dance of Santa Claus.

D. M.: Oh, I haven't danced like that for a long time! Something grandpa is tired! Sn. : Sit down, grandpa, rest, Look at the kids. And the children will rest, They will read poems for you!

Free reading.

Dad chose a Christmas tree
The fluffiest
The fluffiest
The most fragrant ...
Herringbone smells like that -
Mom will gasp right away!
(A. Usachev)

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Have you brought us presents?
I've been waiting for you for so long
I don't go anywhere.

Soon, soon the New Year!
Soon Santa Claus will come.
A Christmas tree behind my shoulders
Fluffy needles.
He delivers gifts to us
And he asks us to read poetry.

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree

V. Petrova
Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,
I lit the lights on it.
And needles shine on it,
And there is snow on the branches!

Mom decorated the Christmas tree

V. Petrova
Mom decorated the tree
Anya helped her mother;
I gave her toys:
Stars, balls, firecrackers.
And then the guests were called
And they danced at the Christmas tree!

What's growing on the tree?

Samuel Marshak
What's growing on the tree?
Bumps and needles.
Colorful balloons
Do not grow on a tree.
Do not grow on the tree
Gingerbread and flags.
Nuts do not grow
In gold paper.
Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree
Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree -
Green needle!
Light up with different lights -
Green and red!
A Christmas tree came to the holiday
The smart one is standing
And on the top of the head there is an asterisk
Sparkles and glitters.

Ved. : They read poetry well, sang songs, danced. Also, our kids love to play!DM: I brought with me a magical cold-cold breeze. Now I will call the breeze and blow on you hard, hard.

Musical game "Children and the Breeze".

The soundtrack of the blizzard sounds. Children easily run around the hall in different directions. At the end of the music, they squat down. Father Frost: Oh, how much snow has covered. I'll collect this snowball. To a dancing melody, Santa Claus takes a shovel and "rakes the snow" - gathers the children in the center of the hall (children run across and gather in a bunch) Santa Claus: Oh, what a wonderful lump, I'll sit on it. The soundtrack of the blizzard sounds again. Children scatter. The game is played 3-4 times. Sn. : Santa Claus, these are not snowflakes, but our children. Take a closer look - they are playing with you. Santa Claus, putting away the shovel, says that, they say, he has become old, and mixed everything up. Sn: Snowflakes-girlfriends come out show your dance.

Dance of snowflakes

Ved .: Grandfather Frost And our children love riddles.D. M.: We know a lot of riddles And now we will guess them, Sn. : And the riddles are not simple, Fabulous - that's what! D. M.: My grandfather went out to the garden: what kind of miracle is growing there? The big one settled in the ground. (turnip) Sn. : He is not low, not high, He is not narrow, not wide,

Guess you guys? What is this?. (teremok.) DM: On sour cream he is mixed, On the window he is chilled, Round side, ruddy side, Who is this ?. (bun.) Sn. : In this fairy tale, the old grandfather and the woman lived together, Together with the pied chicken They called her. (poached). D. M.: (mysteriously). Do you want the fairy tale to come to life? To come to the Christmas tree for a holiday? Children: (Yes) D. M.: A fairy tale, a fairy tale, tell me, come here at the Christmas tree! ("Fabulous" music sounds, Santa Claus begins to tell a fairy tale.) Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, so they are coming here! They lived together, did not grieve, were always cheerful. Why should they grieve? Why should they miss? With them a chicken hazel-grouse - grandfather and grandmother are happy! KR: Ko-ko-ko yes ko-ko, am I not a beauty, the whole village likes my perky voice! Ko-ko-ko! Grandfather: Naughty girl, are you still singing? When will you lay the egg? K.R .: Did you feed the chicken? Have you given the chicken to drink? (Grandfather and Baba, alarmed, carry food and feed the chicken.) Baba: Here's a drink and crumbs. Grandfather: Eat a little grain! (The chicken "bites", the grandfather and the woman admire her.) Baba. : Oh, you are our dear! Grandfather: Oh, you are our gold! KR: Thank you, grandfather and woman, a poached egg will lay a testicle for you, But this is not a joke - wait a minute! (leaves.) Grandfather: Well, guys, let's wait, we'll sing a song for now. Baba: Well, guys, dance, show your prowess! And we’ll sit on the sidelines, look at the guys!Dance "Dance in pairs".

Sn. : How the guys danced merrily, right, Grandpa? D. M.: Are you tired? (No) Do you still want to play with me? The game “Oh, what kind of people behind the frost is going on? "(To the melody of the Ukrainian folk song" Oh, the hoop has burst. ") (Together with the Snow Maiden, the children stand in a flock behind Father Frost. on tiptoes behind Santa Claus and sentenced. "Oh, what kind of people are following the frost? Oh, what kind of people are following the frost?" DM (surprised) Who walks behind me, sings songs? Children: Kittens. : And I’ll catch up with you now! Children are skipping running away, Santa Claus chases after them, but without catching up with anyone, he is “surprised” at what dexterous “kittens.” Santa Claus: Well, let's play one more time, now I’ll definitely catch up! The game repeats , and children "turn" into other animals, in the latter they turn into hares, the leader puts on hats for the boys.) Ved. : Well, Santa Claus, you have not caught up with kittens, foxes, or hares, you better watch how the hares are dancing under an elegant Christmas tree. Dance with the words "Bunnies came out to dance" (Sit on chairs) KR: Where-where! Where-where! Grandfather, grandma, here! Here is an egg, but not a simple one - look, golden! Grandfather: Oh, it burns, burns like a heat - there wouldn't be a fire! Baba: Oh, it glitters, dazzles the eyes! miracles, oh, miracles! D. M.: Only all of a sudden, from a dark mink, a mouse deftly and nimbly Past the grandfather, past the woman, ran past the pockmark, just waved its tail, and the testicle was gone! Baba: What a problem, what a shame! What a grief! Well this is necessary! Grandfather: How, hazel-grouse, can we be? How to treat the kids? KR: Wipe away your tears! Let's go to Grandfather Frost! The fairy tale will end well, we will sing with you again! D. M.: You are in vain upset, Everything will be fine with us. Magic will help us. Gifts will be for kids! Come out as quickly as possible, and follow me after me.

Father Frost.

(Children and all participants of the holiday follow Santa Claus.)

Where are the gifts? Here's the secret.

Not on the right and not on the left! (To children)

Isn't it on the tree? (No!)

Isn't it under the tree? (No!)

Not on the stump? (No!)

No stump? (No!)

Not on the window? (No!)

Not under the window? (No!)

Isn't it on the chair? (No!)

Isn't it under the chair? (No!)

Doesn't mom have? (No!) Ask?

Doesn't dad have? (No!) Find out?

(approaching the snowdrift) But not in the snowdrift? (no!) Let's see! (Find kinder surprise big egg)

D. M.: Ryabushka, look here! What's in the snow? That's right (takes out an egg - kinder surprise). K.R.: Egg! Not golden - kinder surprise - that's what it is! Sn. : (admiringly) Yes, not an egg, but just a treasure! DM: Here are gifts for the guys! (Snow Maiden, Santa Claus are giving out gifts.) Sn. : Okay, you guys, DM: But it's time for us to leave. Children: This holiday is New Year's. We will never forget.


New scenario one holiday for a speech therapy group.


Winter Santa Claus Santa Baba - adults
Children: Snow Maiden
Gingerbread man Wolf Hare Fox Bear Girl Dasha

Entrance: "New Year's Polka"

I wish you happiness, friends!

Fun, joy not melting.
1 child: How good the Christmas tree is!
How she dressed up - look!
Bright beads shine in front.
2 child: Our Christmas tree is tall and slender,
In the evening, it will all sparkle

3 child: Christmas tree in your gold pockets

4 child: We came to an elegant Christmas tree,
Waited so long to meet her
Let's join hands

5 child: New Year! New Year!
Music calls to dance!
Let it spin near the tree
New Year's round dance!
Round dance at the Christmas tree

Winter: Hello my friends, I am Zimushka-winter. I looked in the mirror, I saw your holiday: laughter, enthusiasm, fun, songs. I hurried to you for the holiday, I put all the business aside. Leading. We are very glad to your arrival in Winter, we invite you to our merry holiday.Why do we love winter? ...
6 child: For skis and skates,
For white fluffy snow,
For the Christmas tree lights ...
7 child: For having fun
In the winter, kids.
Us every day on the street
A new game awaits.
8 child: We throw snowballs
On a sled, we rush from the mountain,
We hung out the feeders:
Fly, bullfinches!

(children sit on high chairs) Winter: I’m very glad guys, How did you meet me? I know a lot of games in winter, Let's play kids?Attraction "Collect the snowballs" Winter: Well, the children are great, you helped me very much to grind all the paths. But I say goodbye to friends, things are waiting for me in the forest. (Winter is leaving)
Leading. The holiday continues, but the Christmas tree does not light up. I'll ring the bell for Santa Claus. And you guys help Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden for the holiday, invite. Children: Father Frost! Snow Maiden! The music sounds, the voice of Santa Claus is heard: "Ay! Ay! I'm going, I'm going!". Santa Claus and Snow Maiden enter the hall. Father Frost. Happy New Year to you, friends, with a rich holiday! Santa Claus wishes happiness and joy to the children. I see you are all gathered In the New Year's, bright hour. For a whole year we have not met, I miss you. Hello my dears! Children. Hello Dedushka Moroz!Snegurochka: Hello kids, girls and boys! The Snow Maiden sings the Snow Maiden's song. Snow Maiden: Grandpa, look how beautiful the guys have a Christmas tree. But for some reason the lights do not burn on it.
Father Frost: It doesn't matter!
We light the tree from the New Year's smiles of children.
1,2,3 - smile
And our tree - light up!
(The tree does not light up).
Father Frost : This girl did not smile, and this snowflake is sad ... (Repeats): 1,2,3 - smile, Our tree - light up!
(The tree lights up).
Child: Burns on the New Year tree
The lights are countless.
How good, how fun it is today
How joyful and light it is on the tree!
Snow Maiden: The lights are on, blinking
We are invited to a round dance.
Santa Claus, and we will not let you out of the circle. Father Frost: How not to let it out? I'll go out now. (Santa Claus moves from one place to another, loses a mitten, the children pick it up, pass it to each other, and Santa Claus runs after her.)The presenter says:Santa Claus, dance for us, then we will release you. Father Frost: Hey people step aside
Turn the circle wider!
And the Snow Maiden do not be shy
Dancing with Grandfather is more fun!
Dance of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden Father Frost: Legs are shaking
Do not stand still.
Hey, let's go, friends,
Let's dance together!
Common dance with Santa Claus.(as shown by Santa Claus)
Father Frost : Oh, I'm tired, oh, I'll sit,
I'll take a look at the guys. (Sits down).
I will tell everyone in secret:
I love poetry very much.
Well, who is brave, come out,
Tell me your rhyme.
Leading: Santa Claus, do you like fairy tales? Father Frost: Oh, and I love fairy tales, children. Very much! Leading: Look grandfather New Year's fairy tale.
GRANDFATHER: Soon New Year. Would you bake some pies, or some kind of loaf, or at least a bun. It's somehow boring to celebrate the New Year without sweets ...
Baba: Pies, buns, cheesecakes ... If only our granddaughter, Dasha, came to stay. That would be real fun, that would be a holiday!
GRANDFATHER: I ought to send her a telegram or a letter, invite her to us. We would have dressed up a Christmas tree in the courtyard, you would have baked pies - we would have cheerfully celebrated the New Year!
Baba: Yes, that would be great! But the snow has poured, all the paths are skidded, powdered, who will deliver the letter to her, the post office is not working?
GRANDFATHER (thinking): And you woman, bake a bun. On New Year's Eve, all sorts of miracles happen, maybe he will help us deliver a letter to Dasha.
Baba: And that's the point. Why not try ?!
Voice-over: "Baba began to bake a bun, and Grandfather, meanwhile, wrote a letter to his granddaughter ..."
GRANDFATHER (writing a letter): Dear Dasha! We miss you very much. Come to us for the New Year and take your friends - everything will be more fun. We are waiting for you. Your grandmother and grandfather. And Kolobok will deliver the letter to you. Do not offend him. He is good.
GRANDFATHER: Come on, Grandma, we will tie the letter to Kolobok and leave it on the window. And now we'll go to bed - it's late. Perhaps that will come out with us.
Voice-over: "The gingerbread man was lying, but suddenly he opened his eyes ..."
KOLOBOK: Here's a task, a task
They asked me a woman, grandfather,
I must deliver as soon as possible
Warm greetings to the granddaughter.
Invite her to a holiday
And call her friends
Well, on the way, I will not hesitate.
We must find the granddaughter!
Forest. Polyanka. A bunny is jumping near the tree.
KOLOBOK: Hello, Bunny! How are you?
Why are you freezing here?
On the tree, New Year's holiday
Grandfather and grandma are calling!
HARE: Really ?! How?! Blimey!
I will be very glad!
I'll grab the carrot now,
To make them a salad!
KOLOBOK: You rather run to them,
It will be more fun for them.
Hey wait, tell me
How can I find Dasha?
HARE: Dasha? Granddaughter? I know I know,
I love her very much,
She is so kind
I'll give her cabbage.
There is a road to her through the forest,
The wicked Wolf lives there like a devil,
Watch out for him
Hurry to get to Dasha!
The hare runs away. The gingerbread man rolls on to the music. Song from behind the tree.
WOLF: I have at least a formidable look,
But in my heart I am not angry.
Alone in a huge forest,
I love pasta.
Not hares, and not birds.
I would eat a cup of pasta.
But where in the forest can I get them?
I am ready to cry out of grief. Ooh! ..
KOLOBOK: Don't bellow, what's the use?
And run quickly to the tree!
Grandfather and a woman, maybe
They can cook pasta.
WOLF: Really ?! Great! I'm running!
I will help my grandfather and woman.
I'll take a Christmas tree with me -
There will be no use without it.
We will dress her up
And wait for all the guests.
KOLOBOK: And I'm rolling towards Dasha,
I'm afraid of getting lost
Show the way
How to find her, tell me?
WOLF: The path to Dasha is still far away,
You may not be in time.
Run along the path
But don't wake the bear.
He wakes up - will be angry,
Get even with you.
Bear den. The gingerbread man looks into the "window".
BEAR: Sleep, peephole, sleep, another ...
It does not work...
Why am I in a dream
I'm celebrating the New Year, huh?
So it hurts me, to tears,
Santa Claus presents me
Doesn't bring ... well friends
Can't I have fun?
KOLOBOK (knocking): Enough, Misha, don't cry.
Take honey soon.
Grandfather and woman invite
Everyone is gathered for the Christmas tree,
Let's sing and dance
Let's congratulate Dasha!
BEAR: Dasha? I know and love
I'll grab her raspberries.
So as not to get sick in the winter,
You should eat raspberries with tea.
KOLOBOK: That's great! Take it!
Show me the way.
I'm in a hurry to Dasha,
I'm afraid of getting lost.
BEAR: Yes, there was a blizzard in the forest,
All roads were covered with snow.
Along this path boldly
Go village to Dashino.
But watch out for the fox -
There is no cunning in the forest.
The gingerbread man rolls along the path between the trees.
FOX: Stop! Don `t move! Beware!
Step aside, step aside!
Everyone thinks I'm bad
A redhead is called a cheat.
But what am I to blame
If I am rich in mind ?!
I can't help but be cunning -
It will be very boring to live.
Here come on, in order,
Guess my riddles.
Fox makes a guess new year riddles ... Children help Kolobok guess.
* * *
He is kind, he is strict,
Overgrown with a beard up to the eyes,
Red-nosed, red-cheeked,
Our beloved ...
(Father Frost)
We made a snowball
They made a hat on it,
The nose was attached, and in an instant
It turned out ...
He came unexpectedly
Surprised us all
Desirable for the guys
White-white ...
If the forest is covered with snow,
If it smells like pies
If the tree goes into the house,
What a holiday? ...
(New Year)
FOX: Have you guessed ?! Blimey!
Well, roll yourself then.
(offended turns away)
KOLOBOK: You are a sly fox, of course,
But I'm in a hurry.
I liked the riddles
I will invite you to the holiday.
FOX: Me? To the tree? Great!
I am very very happy.
I will decorate the tree
Here's a reward for me.
I'll grab gifts for dasha -
The beads are beautiful, long, bright.
KOLOBOK: Tell me the way to Dasha,
I'm in a very hurry
And for the New Year's holiday
I'm afraid to be late now!
FOX: Nowhere to rush now,
Dasha's house is here.
Here, in the forest, she lives alone
She is the daughter of a forester.
KOLOBOK (goes to the house): I went through the whole forest,
I found you, Dasha.
Here, I brought you a letter.
I almost froze my nose.
Dasha: Hello, hello, Kolobok!
How could you find me ?!
Thank you for the letter,
I'll drink sweet tea.
KOLOBOK: We need to hurry,
To be on time for the tree.
Friends are waiting for the holiday -
I invited all the animals.
We will lead a round dance
Drink tea with sweet raspberries,
Decorate the Christmas tree with beads,
Let's celebrate the New Year!
House of a woman and grandfather. New Year's music is heard, the noise of fun. Round dance at the Christmas tree ... In the foreground is the Kolobok.
KOLOBOK: How tired I am, friends!
I have gathered all the guests here.
The bunny and the bear are dancing
The fox is spinning
The wolf ate pasta -
Also having fun.
Grandfather and grandmother are very happy -
Dasha came to visit them.
And a noisy holiday with me
I brought it for the animals.
What a fine fellow I am!
Here and the fairy tale - the end!

Father Frost: Your tale is good. Let's play, kids?Attraction "Dress the Christmas tree" Leading: It's good to play with you

And now we want to dance.

Dance "Couples"

Snow Maiden. Granddad! All the guys made us happy today and deserved New Year's gifts. Father Frost .
They deserve their gifts
But it's not easy for us to find them -
You will have to go far!
Snow Maiden: What a joker you are a grandfather! Father Frost: Round, smooth like a watermelon ...

If you let go of the leash,
Father Frost: You found all the balls, Well, be present in the hall! (D.M. addressing one of the dads) Look at your daddy's feet and take out the gifts! (Dad takes out a bag of gifts). Ded Moroz and Snegurochkagive gifts to children. Snow Maiden: So the gifts are over,
And it's time for us to say goodbye.
Tomorrow on the road again
We must go in the morning.
Father Frost:
Because all the kids
They are waiting for gifts on the New Year,
Both girls and boys
They believe - Santa Claus will come.
Let your Christmas tree sparkle
Laughter and songs never stop
It will be joyful all year
Happiness will come to your family!
Ded Moroz and Snegurochka: Goodbye!
The heroes leave.

More funny friends and girlfriends,
So that everyone laughs with you around!
And so that you are not afraid of frost,
Have more skiing and sledding!

(congratulations from parents, common dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest")


The script for the New Year's holiday for the preparatory group.

Leading Gnome or a child at the choice of the teacher Blizzard Santa Claus - adults
Children: Snow Maiden
Snowflakes - girls
Skaters - 3 pairs
Forest animals (Squirrel, Bunny, Chanterelle, Wolf,)
Bears - Boys Gnomes - Boys

Entrance: "New Year's Polka"

Leading: Happy New Year to everyone!
I wish you happiness, friends!
We will celebrate the holiday with a round dance
Fun, joy not melting.
1 child: How good the Christmas tree is!
How she dressed up - look!
Dress on the tree Green colour,
Bright beads shine in front.
2 child: Our Christmas tree is tall and slender,
In the evening, it will all sparkle
With the sparkle of lights and snowflakes and stars
Like a peacock's tail open!
3 child: Christmas tree in your gold pockets
Hid a lot of different sweets
And she held out thick branches to us,
As if the hostess meets the guests!
4 child: We came to an elegant Christmas tree,
Waited so long to meet her
Let's join hands
Let's start our holiday soon!

5 child: New Year! New Year!
Music calls to dance!
Let it spin near the tree
New Year's round dance!
Round dance at the Christmas tree
Music sounds in the hall dancing Winter enters.

- Have you been expecting me for the holiday?
Here I am,
With a blizzard, snow, cold weather -
Russian Winter!
I covered the field with snow, the snow fell on the branches,
I chained the pond and the river under strong ice.
- Aren't you scared of me?
Did you cuddle up to the warm stove?
Did you complain to your mom?
Can I live with you?
Well, listen to me, answer me guys!

Winter. - I am a cold winter, blizzard,
friendly with icy winds!
Guys. - And we will go out with a sled for a walk,
take a walk around the yard with daring!
Winter. - Oh, how I will drive you into the rooms,
Into the light ones and into the warm ones!
Guys. - How do you drive us, Zimushka,
from the yard to the rooms, fierce!
Winter. - I will rage like a blizzard-powder,
I'll start a good blizzard!
Guys .– And we will go out in fur coats and felt boots,
In fur earflaps and mittens!
Winter . - I will cover all the paths with snow,
I will fill all the paths with white!
Guys. - And we will shovel the snow with shovels,
And we will sweep the white with brooms!
Winter. - And I will raise the north wind,
Doymu with a mischievous frost!
Guys. - And we all clap our hands,
Along and along the paths we will flood!
Winter: I see the children are glad that Winter-Winter has come Leading: Why do we love winter? ...
6 child: For skis and skates,
For white fluffy snow,
For the Christmas tree lights ...
7 child: For having fun
In the winter, kids.
Us every day on the street
A new game awaits.
8 child: We throw snowballs
On a sled, we rush from the mountain,
We hung out the feeders:
Fly, bullfinches!
Song - dance: "What we like in winter"
(children sit on high chairs) Winter: I’m very glad guys, How did you meet me? I know a lot of games in winter, Let's play kids?Attraction "Collect the snowballs"(2-3 children play, who bastre will collect snowballs with a shovel in a basket, it is allowed to take one snowball at a time, they do not help with their hands) Winter: Well, the children are great, you helped me very much to grind all the paths. But I say goodbye to friends, things are waiting for me in the forest. (Winter is leaving)
Disturbing music
What? For some reason it got dark
It smelled cold
Like Zimushka-winter
She waved her sleeve.
The light goes out, a dwarf sneaks under the tree and sits down on his haunches.
The music continues to play.
Blizzard "flies in".
I am the queen of the cold
I am the queen of ice
I love frost and cold
My name is Blizzard!
I want to freeze
All birds and all animals!
I'm rushing along the road -
Save yourself, who quickly!
Spins around the hall, notices the Gnome, says to him:
And who is here in front of me
Standing with your head up?
Ah, this is the rebellious Dwarf!
You will turn into a snowball!
You, Purga, I'm not afraid
And I will not submit to you!
So, apparently, you forgot who I am
We'll have to teach you a lesson!
You are the queen of the cold
You are the queen of ice
Daughter of Santa Claus
By the name of Purga.
And you forgot to tell me,
I am the keeper of the crystal pipe.
It's not true, mistress of the crystal pipe
The Snow Maiden is ours, and not you at all!
Although she is the youngest daughter of Santa Claus,
But both oaks and birches love her,
And funny hares and bear cubs,
And all the other forest animals.
(takes out a pipe from under the suit floor);
Have you seen this? Here comes the pipe!
Shines and sparkles like ice!
You don't know how to play the trumpet
Therefore, the snow is not obedient to you.
While the crystal pipe is silent
No snowflake will arrive.
And if the fluffy snow does not go,
The New Year will not come either!
I'll play easily on it now
And I will always be her mistress.
Blizzard diligently blows into the pipe, but it does not work.
At this time, the Snow Maiden comes in with the gnomes.
At first, she does not notice Blizzard, who is trying to play the trumpet.
Snow Maiden:
Friends, I am called the Snow Maiden -
The cold is not terrible for me.
I'm not afraid of the winter blizzard
I'm even friends with her,
Frost is my dear grandfather,
Snowflakes are kindred to me.
In the wilderness, silence of the forest
I live all the time.
With me my gnomes have come to you for a holiday.
Dwarfs dance to music
Turn to the blizzard
1st gnome: You try in vain
No power is needed here
And here you need skill,
And love is also important.
2nd gnomeAfter all, if you love
All birds and animals
Then you can trumpet
And it will snow everywhere.
3 gnomeNew Year will come with snow,
And the forest people will be happy.
I won't give you the pipe
I will rush along the rivers, through the forests,
I'll find myself teachers
To teach as soon as possible
Now play me on it
And bring snow to the ground.
The blizzard "flies away".
Snow Maiden
(to the gnomes):
This is the grief, this is the trouble,
After all, there is nowhere without snow!
We need to catch up with our sister,
Take away the crystal pipe,
And bring snow to the ground,
So that he pleases everyone!
The Snow Maiden with the gnomes leave.
Bears come out from behind the tree, perform the dance "Somewhere in this world"
Towards the end of the dance, Blizzard flies in.

That's who is strong, that's who is brave,
And, probably, skillful!
Come on, Bears, help -
You will teach me how to play!
The Bears:
What are you, formidable Blizzard,
We have never played
Not that on such a pipe,
And even on a simple pipe.
The bears are running away. Blizzard gets angry, tries to catch up with them, waves his hand. It blows into the pipe again, but it does not work out and it "flies away" behind the tree.
An artificial Christmas tree and a box with paper and plastic toys are displayed in front of the tree. Forest animals - Squirrel, Bunny, Chanterelle, Wolf
SquirrelWhat is New Year?
This is a friendly round dance
These are jokes, laughter and dancing,
These are songs, games, fairy tales!
BunnyThis is Santa Claus
Our cheeks and nose are freezing!
Chanterelle:These are skis and skates,
These are slides and snowballs!
Wolf:This is the laughter of funny guys,
This is dancing near the trees!
- perform the 1st verse of the song "Little Christmas tree ...", dance around it.
Suddenly Blizzard "flies in", everyone gets scared and hides from her. Seeing that there was no one left, Blizzard knocks over the Christmas tree and "flies away".
(saying on the go):
Everyone fled somewhere
Apparently they were very frightened.
Okay, I'll fly further, I'll look elsewhere.
Blizzard "flies away" for the Christmas tree, Skaters come out
Figure skater:
Wonderful day
The snow is falling quietly
We go to the yard with skates
And we go out to the rink
performing a dance of skaters
At the end of the dance, Blizzard appears.
Here is who will be able to help me
And overcome all difficulties
They will teach you to play the trumpet
But we must not frighten them ...
Blizzard(affectionately to the Skaters):
Come on, kids, help me
Look at the pipe
And answer me soon -
Who can play it?
Figure skater:
Oh yes, a wonderful pipe,
Made from ice.
But this is crystal -
I have never seen such a thing!
So come with me soon!
There, behind the forest, a snowy house,
I live in this house
I send Evil Frost to the ground,
Will you live with me
And teach me to play!
Figure skater(partner):
No, Seryozha, run away!
This is a furious Blizzard.
Figure skaters (together):
We need to run quickly
Call all your friends for help!
The blizzard grabs the boy and takes him away with her. The Skaters run towards the Snow Maiden, who comes out from behind the tree.
Snow Maiden:

What happened, tell me?
Skaters (together):
You can help us urgently!
Suddenly a blizzard flew
And she took Seryozha,
Took it with me
The house is cold, icy.
Snow Maiden:
We urgently need to run
And help Sergei out.
After all, in this house of ice
It will freeze very quickly!
But. The blizzard is very strong
And what is the strength - I do not know.
I, friends, will help you -
I'll run with you.
And we will save Seryozha,
And we will take the pipe.
Snow Maiden, Skaters, Dwarf go to the Ice House of Blizzard.

Hey Blizzard, open the door
And give Seryozha!
We found your snowy house
And everyone came for a friend.
Snow Maiden:
Yes sister come out
And take Seryozha out,
We came for him with friends,
We will take him to his mother.
And give it back, please,
We have a crystal pipe!
Then we can trumpet
And invite snow to the ground.
Ha ha ha! They came in a crowd!
You can't handle me -
I am the strongest in the world!
I will play it!
Saying these words, Blizzard waves his arms, and the Gnome, stealthily approaching her, rips off the cape. The exhausted Blizzard falls.

Oh, give it back, give it back, give it back!
Wait, don't tear it off!
That's it, I can't take it anymore -
I give you the pipe.
And take the boy
But don't chase me away
Hey, Seryozha, come out,
Look at your friends.
Blizzard holds out a "crystal" pipe to the Snow Maiden. Seryozha comes out, friends greet him. Purga leaves.
Snow Maiden
(hugging Seryozha):
Now, to the resounding singing
Of my crystal pipe
Whirl with impatience
Snowflakes are my friends.
They will cover with white snow
Plains, forests and fields
Will spin you in a snow waltz
And they will immediately warm you.
Fly, spin, magic snow!
May there be happiness on Earth!
The Snow Maiden "plays" the "crystal" pipe (soundtrack).
Snowflakes dance to musicThe rest of the children sit on high chairs.
Snow Maiden:

It all ended wonderfully -
In our house, harmony and peace,
But Santa Claus where is unknown,
Apparently he forgot about us.
Let's loudly, to the whole house,
We will call Santa Claus!
Kind Grandfather Frost,
You are our best guest!
Come quickly
And bring gifts!
The children, following the Snow Maiden, repeat:
Kind Grandfather Frost,
You are our best guest!
Come quickly And bring gifts!
Santa Claus enters.
Father Frost:

Hello dear children! Hello dear guests!
I am very glad to congratulate all the guests and all the guys!
Happy New Year, I wish you health and happiness!
I was with you a year ago, I'm glad to see everyone again!
They grew up, became big, but did you recognize me? (YES)
I walked to you from afar,
Wow, the road is not easy.
I have overcome the difficult path
But he is healthy, he is younger!
Tell me soon
What worries you friends
I can help you!
Leading:Santa Claus, guys are tired of waiting for you, it's time to start the holiday.Snow Maiden:Grandpa, look how beautiful the guys have a Christmas tree. But for some reason the lights do not burn on it.
Father Frost:It doesn't matter!
We light the tree from the New Year's smiles of children.
1,2,3 - smile
And our tree - light up!
(The tree does not light up).
Father Frost: This girl did not smile, and this snowflake is sad ... (Repeats): 1,2,3 - smile, Our tree - light up!
(The tree lights up).
Child:Burns on the New Year tree
The lights are countless.
How good, how fun it is today
How joyful and light it is on the tree!
Snow Maiden:The lights are on, blinking
We are invited to a round dance.
Song "Russian Santa Claus" Presenter:Santa Claus, and we will not let you out of the circle.Father Frost:How not to let it out? I'll go out now. (Santa Claus moves from one place to another, loses a mitten, the children pick it up, pass it to each other, and Santa Claus runs after her.)The presenter says:Santa Claus, dance for us, then we will release you.Father Frost:Hey people step aside
Turn the circle wider!
And the Snow Maiden do not be shy
Dancing with Grandfather is more fun!
Dance of Santa Claus and Snow MaidenFather Frost:Legs are shaking
Do not stand still.
Hey, let's go, friends,
Let's dance together!
Common dance with Santa Claus.(as shown by Santa Claus)
Father Frost: Oh, I'm tired, oh, I'll sit,
I'll take a look at the guys. (Sits down).
I will tell everyone in secret:
I love poetry very much.
Well, who is brave, come out,
Tell me your rhyme.
Reading poetry.

freezingThe sun just touched the roof
Santa Claus left the house,
Frost hurried to the river
With a white cloud in hand.
On the paths, on the paths,
Where there were puddles
Santa Claus throws pieces of ice
And spinning on the ice,
Glides along the river, freezes,
Breathes into the willows,
Snow throws under the runners
With an ice gauntlet,
And then, grabbing an armful,
Pours on the porch
It hits the windows with a frozen cap,
Disgustingly dusting in the face.
And catch up? Come on! Try!
Will lead Frost into the snowdrifts,
And in the snowdrifts - a tower.
Winter itself lives there.
G. Lagzdyn

Father FrostNow by fields, now by forests,
Between the trunks of birches
To our troika with bells
Santa Claus is coming.
Rides at a trot and gallop,
Knowing what is coming
Straight on secret paths
To people New Year.
Snow enveloped in soft cotton wool
Birch twigs ...
Red-cheeked, bearded
Santa Claus is coming.
G. Tukai

The most important of the guests
- Who is in an elegant warm fur coat,
With a long white beard
Comes to visit on New Year's Eve
And ruddy and gray?
He plays with us, dances,
With him, the holiday is more fun!
- Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!
I. Chernitskaya


If the frost ends
The snow will melt white
What is Santa Claus
The poor will do?
Water will run from him
Streams to the floor
From his beard then
Will it drip too?
Kind Grandfather Frost,
Darling, darling!
Hide, Santa Claus,
In our refrigerator!
E. Tarakhovskaya

About Santa ClausSanta Claus on New Year's Eve
Anything you want will bring.
Make a wish you -
And dreams will come true. I didn’t just think -
I painted on the sheets,
I put them under the tree
I carefully covered it with cotton wool,
Dad and mom didn’t tell
What I wished for myself. And so it happened. Father Frost,
I brought everything I wanted.
It's a pity, only once a year
He takes care of us.
Tatiana Gusarova

Snow MaidenShe is in white boots
And in a blue fur coat
A bouquet of ripe snowflakes
Brings you and me.
White-white to the waist
Luxurious braid
And warm, warm
Radiant eyes.
Mittens in transparent pieces of ice
And the hat is on her.
You give us light and joy,
The favorite of children.
Tatiana Gusarova

Santa Claus puts all the rabbits under the tree ...

Santa Claus puts all the rabbits under the tree
For a soft toy - a fluffy wolf.
Let every coward play
Who terrifies him in the forest.
And each chanterelle gets a new comb
For trendy, shiny and ginger hairstyles.
So that there was no time to offend the rabbits -
You have to keep your hair in order.
And what has Santa Claus in store for the bear?
A basket of raspberries? Keg honey?
Left under a huge forest spruce
Alarm clock that the bear will wake up in the spring. N. Stozhkova

Snow MaidenAt the entrance, on the site
I collected the snow with a shovel.
At least there was a little snow
I blinded the Snow Maiden.
I put it in the corridor,
And she ... melted!
Yu. Shigaev


Walking along the street
Santa Claus,
Hoarfrost scatters
On the branches of birches;
Walks with a beard
Shakes white
Stamps his foot
Only the crackling goes. S. Drozhzhin

Father Frost:And now after the verses
Who is ready to sing for me?
Solo song"The Christmas tree is not cold in winter"
Santa Claus praises the children for the song.
Snow Maiden.: Grandpa, what do you think. Who is more fun in our hall - girls or boys?

Father Frost:But now we will check, and for this we will split like this:

The guys will be freezing! They will laugh: ha ha ha!

Snow Maiden.: And the girls are snow boys! - hee hee hee!

Father Frost:Well, freeze, try it! (laugh)

Snow Maiden.: And now the snowmen! (laugh)

Father Frost:And the naughty boys - Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Snow Maiden.: And the girly-cheerful - Hee-hee-hee! Hee hee hee!

Father Frost:All of you made a splash, laughed, really, from the heart.

Both the girls and the boys were very good! Sing children from the heart!Round dance "What is New Year"

Father Frost:
There are many games in the world
Do you want to play, children?
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are playing a game with children.
Musical game "Hat"

Leading:It's good to play with you

And now we want to dance.

Dance "Troika"

Snow Maiden.Granddad! All the guys made us happy today and deserved New Year's gifts.

Father Frost. Well, here you won too,
They deserve their gifts
But it's not easy for us to find them -
You will have to go far!
Snow Maiden:What a joker you are a grandfather!Father Frost:Find my gifts, be smart. Hear the riddle:Round, smooth like a watermelon ...
Color - any, for different tastes.
If you let go of the leash,
Will fly away behind the clouds. (Balloon) Gifts are hiding in the balloon. The first ball is not easy, it is beautiful blue, the other is made of silver, the third ball is simple, simple pure white snow.If you collect lace snowflakes, Silver rain and fluffy snow, Then there will be a holiday for everyone. Go ahead, friends, look for gifts. The children, together with the teacher and the Snow Maiden, agree on which ball to look for - the first (blue), when they find it, they burst, find snowflakes in it, collect it; then they conspire and look for a silver ball - there is a silver rain in it, they go to look for a third ball, it turns out to be over the heads of the parents. The teacher bursts a ball from it, white confetti spills out on the parents' heads.Father Frost:You found all the balls, Well, be present in the hall! (D.M. addressing one of the dads) Look at your daddy's feet and take out the gifts! (Dad takes out a bag of gifts). Santa Claus and Snow Maiden give gifts to children.Snegurocheck:So the gifts are over,
And it's time for us to say goodbye.
Tomorrow on the road again
We must go in the morning.
Father Frost:
Because all the kids
They are waiting for gifts on the New Year,
Both girls and boys
They believe - Santa Claus will come.
Let your Christmas tree sparkle
Laughter and songs never stop
It will be joyful all year
Happiness will come to your family!
Ded Moroz and Snegurochka: Goodbye!
The heroes leave.
Guys, our New Year's holiday has come to an end.
I wish you success in the New Year!
More cheerful, sonorous laughter!


Winter brought us a merry holiday, the Green Christmas tree came to visit us. She was dressed up, toys were hung, It will be a lot of fun at the Christmas tree! - Come closer to the tree ...
Look above, above!
How beautiful and slender!
She came to you from the forest!
Come on, children, one after another
Around the Christmas tree, be bolder
And consider all the toys
What flaunts on it!

Children, together with the presenter to the music "New Year's toys", examine the Christmas tree.1st Child:We invited an elegant Christmas tree to visit, What an elegant Christmas tree in our hall!2nd Child:How beautiful she is with a silver star! Good Christmas tree for us, have fun with you! Children perform a musical greeting"Song of the Christmas tree." (sit on chairs)Leading:
What is this house by the path?
He's a stranger to me.
Well, now I'm in the window
I'll take a look with one eye. (Looks through the window).
This house is interesting
This house is not simple.
I'll call you once
Whose voice can I hear? (Ringing the bell).
Snow Maiden(leaves the house):
In this house
We live together with grandfather,
And the cold is not terrible for us.
We are glad to frosty days.
There is no stove in our house.
Grandfather is afraid of the fire.
Fire and I'm afraid
After all, I'm called the Snow Maiden.
I, Snow Maiden, will sing my song to the bell,
And, hearing my voice, a swarm of snowflakes will fly.
(The Snow Maiden sings a song).

Snow Maiden:Hello children! Hello adults! I am a Snow Maiden, all children have been friends with me for a long time. I love frost and wind, and a blizzard in winter! I know all the animals in the forest, I lead friendship with them! I sing songs loudly and slide easily on the ice!Leading:Hello Snow Maiden! We are very glad to see you at our holiday.Snow Maiden:Our Christmas tree is both fluffy and slender and green, Only something with lights does not burn with us! We will fix the disorder, make the lights burn! Let's say loudly: “One, two, three - come on, Christmas tree, burn! Children repeat, the lights do not come on.Leading:Nothing works - the lights don't come on! Well, girls and boys, we will shake our finger at the tree (they threaten) And now we all clap (clap our hands) And we all sink our feet (stomp) The lights do not light up.Leading:It doesn't work - the lights don't come on. Magic music sounds. The Snow Maiden pays attention to the Christmas tree. He listens to the tree, pretends that the tree is saying something.Snow Maiden:Guys, we all did it wrong. Now the Christmas tree told me in secret that there is no need to stomp and clap, and there is no need to threaten with a finger, but simply ask for our tree. Christmas tree-beauty, play with us, Christmas-tree-beauty, light up the lights! Let's say together: “One, two, three! Our Christmas tree, burn! " Children repeat. The lights come on.Leading:It worked, it worked: our tree lit up! (Everyone claps their hands). Let's go around the Christmas tree, we'll sing a song to the Christmas tree!Round dance "Fir-tree" (Music and lyrics by Kartushina).After the round dance, they go to the chairs and sit down.Snow Maiden:
This house is interesting
This house is not simple
I'll call you once
Whose voice can I hear?
(Ringing a bell. A bunny song is heard from the house).
It's cold for a bunny, it's cold for a white one.
How can I be in winter?
My tail is freezing.
(Jumps out of the house).
Oh, frozen, you need to warm up.
I should raise my paw,
The hares will dance.
Bunny dance
(Raises a paw, bunnies run out, dance. Music sounds, a bear appears, all the hares scatter).
I am hairy, clubfoot,
Slept sweetly in the winter in the forest,
But I heard the fun
And he got up quickly.
Tired of sleeping in a den
I want to walk my legs!
The bear wants to dance
The bear wants to play.
Game "Hares and Bear"
(The bear dances, tumbles, approaches, to the house).
True, the house is interesting
True, the house is not simple.
I'll call you once
Whose voice can I hear? (Calls).
Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku!
I'm in a hurry to your tree.
The fox is chasing me
He wants to take me with him.
Snow Maiden:
Do not be afraid, cockerel,
I'll save you, buddy.
Climb here soon,
Trouble won't find you.
(The cockerel climbs into a box made of cardboard. There is no bottom in the box, the box lies on the side. The fox runs out).
Children, you would tell me
Have you seen cockerel here?
No! No! (The fox looks into the box).
I see a red scallop
This is Petya the cockerel.
Snow Maiden:
But try it, catch it!
Cockerel, run like a bunny!
(The fox chases after the Cockerel, they crawl through the box several times. The cockerel runs away. The fox approaches the house).
This house is interesting.
This house is not simple
I'll call you once
Whose voice can I hear?
(The bell rings. The light goes out. Music sounds, the song of Santa Claus is heard. The Christmas tree is brightly lit, Santa Claus appears behind the screen with a greeting and an invitation to a merry round dance around the Christmas tree)
Father Frost:Hello guys, hello dear guests! I heard your song and immediately came! And, Snegurochka, my granddaughter, is here with you! How smart and beautiful you are. And the Christmas tree is the one I brought you to kindergarten. Do you like dancing? Then join hands and dance around the tree.Dance Santa Claus:Oh, what good fellows! Do you like to play? I brought magic snowballs with me.Snowball game(children and Santa Claus throw snowballs at each other)Leading:Santa Claus, did you bring us anything?Father Frost:I have brought toys for you, ringing bells.Rather, you take them and dance merrily with them.Dance with bells Santa Claus:Tired, tired, oh, how merrily they danced.You have a rest at the tree, read poetry to grandfather.Reading poetry. Child:Good Santa Claus knocks on New Year's EveIt sparkles with snowflakes, it is overgrown with icicles.He has a bright blush, a beard like white fur He prepared interesting gifts for everyone.Child:Santa Claus painted our windows with a white brush, He dressed a pole with snow, and covered the garden with snow.Song "Santa Claus"Father Frost(praises the children for their poetry): And now it's time for us children to play! Snegurochka, let's see if there are dexterous guys among the children? The Snow Maiden explains the rules of the game and shows how to play with Santa Claus 1 time.Game "Run around the tree and ring the bell".

Father Frost:How fun it is with you, but it's time for me to get ready for the journey!Snow Maiden:Grandfather Frost, have you forgotten about something!Father Frost:How have you forgotten? Santa Claus played with children! He danced by the tree! He sang songs! Did you laugh at the children? What else have I forgotten? All in chorus "Gifts".Father Frost:No! I am a cheerful Santa Claus - I brought all the presents! (pulls out a bell)Snow Maiden:What is this bell, grandfather?Father Frost:The bell is not simple, very sonorous, golden. You walk with him, call all the snowdrifts and find presents. The presenter and the Snow Maiden walk through the hall with the children, ring the bell behind the chairs, near the windows, near the house, on the edge, near the snowdrift (at this time a bag with gifts is put up at the screen), they go to the screen and find gifts.Snow Maiden:And here are the gifts for all the guys! Distribution of gifts. Children thank Santa Claus for gifts.Father Frost:Good Santa Claus brought you all gifts! It's a pity, friends, we have to say goodbye, it's time for everyone to go home!Ded Moroz and Snegurochka(together): Happy path, goodbye to you guys, kids! Santa Claus says goodbye to the children, the Snow Maiden takes the children to the group.Leading:Here, guys, our holiday is over. Let's say goodbye to our Christmas tree. Children say "Goodbye", the Christmas tree is blinking with lights. Goodbye, Santa Claus, Goodbye, Christmas tree, We will not forget the merry New Year for a long time! To the cheerful music, the children walk out of the hall in a chain.

New Year is the favorite holiday of mischievous children, and New Year's party can be its culmination. In order for a fairy tale in kindergarten to be a success, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail, take into account the age, preferences of the kids, and choose a good script.

With children, you need to learn in advance poems, songs, dances, discuss masquerade costumes, but you do not need to devote them to the plot of a magical action. New Year's scenario The matinee should turn young spectators into participants in the amazing adventures of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and, of course, negative characters, without which not a single fairy tale can do. Here's one of the options.

Scenario of the matinee "Baba Yaga and Leshy against ..."


Snegurochka, Ded Moroz (DM), Snowman, Baba Yaga (BY), Leshy

A funny melody sounds. Small participants, accompanied by a teacher, walk in a chain into the hall, where parents and other invited guests are waiting and stand in a semicircle near the Christmas tree. The Snowman appears, who will be the host of this holiday.

I tried, I was in a hurry to see you,
I covered everything with snow,
To make the tree sparkle
Decorated with lights
Our magical New Year.
Santa Claus is about to come.
In the meantime, we are waiting for him,
Let's start a round dance.

To a New Year's song, children do two or three circles of a round dance, adults can also join. The presenter offers to look at the Christmas tree, admire beautiful toys, tinsel. The music stops, the children sit down.


Our green beauty tree is good for everyone. But, no matter how hard I tried, the lights do not burn on it. Apparently, I can't do it alone. Let's call Snow Maiden for help.

All in chorus several times:

Snow Maiden!

The snowman cheers up to make it loud, fun. If it's quiet, let the adults join.

The Snow Maiden appears:

Hello my little friends! How smart you are, the tree is so beautiful. And the fact that the lights do not burn is not a problem. Let's say the magic words together: "One, two, three, New Year's tree, burn!"

All loudly in chorus repeat the phrase, the garland turns on. The Snow Girl continues:

So the Christmas tree is sparkling
Santa Claus rushes to us on a sled.
Who will read poems to us
Or will she dance a dance cleverly?

Children take turns or stand in a ruler and read poems prepared in advance. The host praises them and invites them to dance. The song "Icy Palms" or another song of your choice is played. We must try to involve all children and willing adults in the dance.


Friends, do you think Santa Claus got lost? Let's call him together.

Everyone calls Santa Claus.

To the melody of the ditties "Babok-Ezhek" from the cartoon "The Flying Ship" a colorful couple appears: Baba Yaga and Leshy. They drag a huge bag of gifts. In fact, it is filled with small airy or other light white balls. Baba Yaga has a kokoshnik on her head. Her companion has a white beard, a red cap, and a staff.

Snow Maiden:

Who are you?

I am a Snow Maiden, and this is my Grandfather. Here we have a bag of gifts and we know how to amuse the kids. To the song "Tell me, Snegurochka, where have you been?"

Suddenly the music stops. At this time, the Snowman walks up to the bag, unties it and empties the contents.

There are snowballs in the bag instead of gifts! They deceived us and their staff is not real.

No, the real one! Grandpa himself gave it to us when he decided to take a nap in the forest under the tree.

Snow Maiden:

So you bewitched my grandfather, and he confused our tree with a forest beauty? Children, let's help the wizard! Let's play snowballs, he will feel how fun it is with us, and will sooner find his way.

Snowy battle.

By this time, two assistants in costumes of hares or buffoons had collected the scattered balls and divided them into two equal parts. Children are also divided into two teams. The playing field is divided by a rope, ribbon, any strip. Teams are located randomly on both sides of the line and try to throw the maximum number of "snowballs" onto the enemy's territory.

Snowman and Snegurochka provoke players. After 3-5 minutes the winner is determined, awarded with sweets or small prizes. The losing team also receives honorable mentions. Children sit in their seats.

At this time, any New Year's melody begins to sound quietly and Santa Claus appears with the words:

I was in a hurry to the Christmas tree to the children,
But he accidentally got lost.
Apparently the Leshy tried
And he bewitched me.

He is without a bag, in his hands instead of a staff, a broom with a long handle. Goblin with Baba Yaga show concern, whisper. Trying to hide the bag and staff.

Indeed, Leshy is here, and even with his girlfriend Baba Yaga. Come on, robbers, my magic staff, which you have deceived me! Take your broomstick, Bone Leg, fly to your hut on chicken legs, and take your friend.

Let's return the staff if you can solve three riddles.

Scared! Make up your own riddles! My little friends crack them like nuts. Can you guys help me guess?

After Baba Yaga answered in the affirmative, the children say the answer in chorus, Santa Claus and Snegurochka thank them and treat them to sweets.

Riddle number 1:

Who is thorny, but not a hedgehog?
Tinsel, balls and rain
Glistening merrily in needles.
From the forest came to us ... (Christmas tree).

Riddle number 2:

It only comes in winter
In a warm fur coat with a beard,
Sly look, burgundy nose.
It's old, but funny, kind ... (Grandfather Frost).

Riddle number 3:

The carrot nose does not freeze,
He got used to the cold.
When spring comes, it will melt.
Who is it? .. (Snowman).

Well, you must have guessed everything!

Yes, kids, thanks! The grandfathers helped out with their wit and ingenuity. Give back, Baba Yaga, the magic staff, take the broom and fly for yourself. (Change with staff and broom).

Snow Maiden:

Grandpa, you can't let go of these deceivers, they have a bag of gifts.


Return gifts immediately or Santa Claus will turn you into icicles!

Okay, we'll return your gifts if the kids can show how clever and brave they are.

What a challenge! Yes, these girls and boys will plug anyone in the belt. Let's show the forest scum what we are capable of? And for warm-up - dance. Raise our beauties and heroes, Snowman, and let's start dancing.

Everyone dances to any funny melody and after a while they sit down in their places. During this time, assistants prepare inventory for the contests. You will need 2 chairs, 2 pairs of small skis, an icicle made of silver foil. The snowman is in charge of the contests, and Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden reward the participants with sweets, trying not to bypass anyone.

Magic icicle.

To the music, the children stand in a circle and pass the icicle to each other. The music is periodically interrupted, and the one who has an icicle at that moment recites a rhyme, sings, dances, or at least makes a funny grimace.

Ski race.

Participants are divided into two teams and receive a pair of short children's skis. Opposite each team, at some distance, a chair is installed. Having put on skis, you need to run around the chair, return and pass the baton to the next one. Babies may need adult help.

Christmas garland.

It will take two chairs and the same number of teams. The first participants, having heard the signal, run, bend around the chair, returning to their team, drag the next one by the hand and do the same together. Then a third participant is added to the chain, the fourth, until the last player. You need to run holding hands, you cannot break the "garland".

Everyone goes to their places, assistants clean up the inventory.

Well done, they tried, they made the old man laugh! Baba Yaga, Goblin, carry the sack. The kids were longing for gifts.

Snow Maiden:

Grandpa, they ran away and took the bag of gifts with them.

It doesn't matter, granddaughter! The magic staff is with me, which means it's fixable. At the same time, I’ll use the spell for this evil spirits. And one, and two, and three! My glorious staff, do wonders! (Strikes the floor with the staff three times).

Baba Yaga and Leshy appear and return the bag to Santa Claus. Their appearance has changed. Goblin in a forester's uniform cap. Baba Yaga with makeup, in a coquettishly tied handkerchief.

I am not a Leshy at all, but a forester. I will protect nature, teach mushroom pickers wisdom, plant new trees.

I also thought about it and was going to open a restaurant in my hut. I will regale tired travelers with tea and buns.

Well, fine! And we invite guests to circle around our beautiful Christmas tree and receive gifts from Santa Claus.

During the round dance, the heroes of the performance say goodbye to the little participants in the New Year's fairy tale and present them with gifts.

An obligatory part of New Year's concerts at school are short funny numbers performed by students. Most often, high school students prepare funny sketches for the New Year 2019 for school. It can be both funny congratulations for children and teachers, and mini-performances on topical topics, reminiscent of comic numbers from KVN. But even younger students, exactly like students from middle grades, can participate in funny scenes. For example, put on a number about Babu Yaga, who is trying to ruin the New Year, or a comic dance of Russian attendants of 3 people. The theme of such children's performances can be very different, ranging from musical parodies to reworked fairy tales in a modern way. Next, we offer you several interesting ideas which can be used for funny scenes for the New Year 2019 at school.

The funniest New Year's scenes for schoolchildren - short numbers, ideas and examples

To cheer everyone up at a New Year's concert for schoolchildren, it is not at all necessary to stage long numbers - short funny scenes are also perfect. Usually they are dialogues between several participants on topics close to the holiday. Also, actual options for a New Year's concert can be different school situations that are easy and fun to beat. For example, you can put on a short scene about Vovochka and the teacher, who chastises him for poor grades and reproaches that his father will soon have gray hair. To which Little Johnny cheerfully declares, they say, this will be an excellent New Year's gift for his dad, because he is completely bald.

Examples of short and funny New Year's scenes for schoolchildren, the best ideas

Another great plot for a funny New Year's scene to school - writing a letter to Santa Claus. Here you can play with, for example, a huge amount of writing (a total notebook of 48 sheets), mistakes in every word, because of which Santa Claus does not understand the content of the address to him. You will find some more interesting ideas for New Year's short sketches for school below.

Universal scenes for the New Year for children on modern topics - funny examples, video

Special attention should be paid to universal New Year skits for children on funny topics that are relevant in modern world... First of all, numbers of a certain format fall into this group. For example, musical medley - funny numbers using cuts of audio tracks from songs and phrases from movies. Also, the always relevant format of the scenes is a comic dance number, in which funny dressed participants perform - famous characters.

Universal examples of funny scenes for the New Year for children on topical modern topics

Another example of a generic format for funny scenes for the New Year for children - reworked fairy tales in a modern way. For example, you can put a number about how the characters from a fairy tale about 12 months would look today. Of course, the dialogues and images of the characters in this case will be very different from the classic plot. You will find several interesting options for universal and very funny scenes for a New Year's concert at a school for children in the following videos.

Very funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school students - modern ideas

If we talk about options for funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for students primary school, it is important to remember that such numbers should be short. Small children can very easily get confused when performing on stage and forget a long text. Therefore, it is better to choose short scenes in the form of dialogues between 2-3 people. It is also good to use music and dance numbers, which are much easier for students to remember. primary grades... For example, a safe New Year's Eve is the funny dance of Russian women who are trying to portray the bottom break dance.

Modern ideas for funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school students

As for the theme of the numbers, in elementary school, New Year's-themed scenes are especially relevant. These can be options using traditional characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Baba Yaga, etc. You can also play out a scene about New Year's wishes and the main traditions of this wonderful holiday. Some examples of funny scenes for the New Year for primary school students can be found in the following videos.

Cool modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for students of grades 5-7 of the school - the funniest options

For ideas for cool modern scenes for the New Year 2019, students in grades 5-7 of high school can also use funny options from the previous selection. But unlike elementary school students, high school kids can put on longer and more difficult numbers. For example, they can prepare not just an excerpt from a children's fairy tale, but completely remake this work on the New Year's theme. Suitable in the form of a cool scene and a comic parody. As an example, we can give a situation where show business stars could congratulate Santa Claus. For such a number, you need to choose the most recognizable and popular performers, and rewrite their hits in a festive way. Of course, in such a performance, the artistry of the performing students is very important, who are able to convey the image of a star through parody.

Funny options for cool modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for students in grades 5-7 of high school

Also as funny and cool scenes for the New Year, for students of grades 5-7, numbers on everyday topics are suitable. For example, a rather fun performance can be played around the traditional preparation of the average family for the New Year. You can also use popular scenes from KVN, playing them with a New Year's bias. You will find vivid examples of funny numbers for the New Year 2019 in the video selection below.

Funny and funny sketches for the New Year 2019 to school - options for high school students on modern topics

If we talk about funny and funny sketches for the New Year to school, then numbers on topical modern topics are best suited for high school students. For example, school graduates can put on a comic rap battle between students and teachers. Cool dance performances for modern hits using interesting costumes are perfect for a New Year's concert. In addition, high school students can use popular network challenges as the basis for a fun number.

Funny options for funny scenes on modern themes for high school students for the New Goal 2019 to school

A funny number for a New Year's concert performed by high school students can also be made in a stand-up format. This type of humorous performance has recently been gaining more and more popularity and will be relevant as part of a school event for the New Year. As a theme for a stand-up performed by high school students, you can use situations familiar to everyone from school life. Another fun format comic scenes- performances in the "expectation / reality" style. Moreover, such a scene can be played up, or it can be made interactive, for example, using large-format pictures or small video clips on the screen. Some examples of funny scenes on New Year's concert for high school students can be found in the following videos.

Scenes for the New Year 2019 for school should definitely be funny, funny and cool. Of course, the level of humor of such numbers largely depends on the performers - students in grades 1-4 of primary school, 5-7 grades of secondary school or schoolchildren from grades 8-11. It is clear that the older the children are, the more modern and sophisticated numbers can be delivered with their participation. But even short children's scenes can cheer up everyone present with a properly composed comic script for the holiday. For example, it can be funny greetings for teachers or popular numbers from the New Year's editions of KVN. Do not forget about mini-performances of 3-4 people, which can ignite the audience, for example, with the cheerful dance of Baba Yaga or restless Russian attendants. We really hope that the ideas and videos from today's article will help you plan an unforgettable New Year's concert at school!


New Year's Scenario for Older Children " Fabulous journey on New Year's Eve "


Organizer and presenter: Stepanova S.V.


Leading (Fairy of Fairy Tales), Aliens, Baba Yaga, Princess, Leshy, Sultan, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden.

Attributes: Sound recording: Flying saucer; Leading transformation; Arrival of aliens; Dance of the aliens; The appearance of Leshy (creak); Baba Yaga's whistle; The appearance of the Snow Maiden; The appearance of D.M .; Wind noise (blows away Yaga and Leshego)


Carpet - 2 pcs.;

Pillow for the Sultan;

Throne for the Princess;

Book for Leshy;

Refried flour (dust);

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden toys.

Holiday progress:

Children enter the hall to music, examine the tree and the decoration of the hall.

Host (Fairy of fairy tales).

You would have told me in unison

What kind of guest is in our hall?

Children. Christmas tree!


Well done! Now go

And look at the tree!

Children are examining the Christmas tree.


Good needles

At an elegant Christmas tree?

Children. Yes!


Answer from the heart:

Are all toys good?

Children. Yes!


Tall, beautiful, green, slim,

It shines with different lights!

Isn't she a beauty?

Children. We all really like it!

Children recite poetry

1st child.

It's good that in this room

We met with you again!

We have been waiting for this holiday for a long time

And he came in frost, in winter!

2nd child.

Oh, how beautiful our tree is!

Toys shine with joy!

And how many lights on the tree,

Probably more than guys!

3rd child.

Out the window from the frosty white streets

Winter admires us!

Look - all the guests smiled

Well, a holiday, in a good hour!

4th child.

Happy New Year

We will start a round dance

Let's sing and dance

To dignify our tree.

You rise to the ceiling

Become fluffy, high

All prettier and slimmer,

To delight guests!


Our tree is calling everyone

In the New Year's round dance!

We will sing about the New Year

We will sing as it snows!

All the children sit down


Now no one flies on a stupa,

And they don't go to the stove to get water!

The simple truth has long been known,

That the keys are lost to the world of wonders.

And only closer to New Year's night

So we are magicians today,

We all work miracles today ...

The presenter whirls under the sound recording, goes behind the tree and there throws off her outerwear, under which the outfit of the Fairy of Fairy Tales is hidden

Fairy of Fairy Tales.

Hello my friends!

I will immediately introduce myself to you.

My name is Fairy of Fairy Tales and I want to tell you a very interesting story.

The loud sound of the “ship” descending is heard (phono recording).

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Well, miracles fell like stars from the sky. It seems to me that someone came to visit us!


Hello dear!

Good day!

Merry hour!

Zer gut!

Salaam Aleikum!

Good morning!

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Hello dear guests! Where did they come from and why?


We have flown to you Alpha - planets!

We are looking for magic items for the museum!

Give two seconds for an answer!

Do you have something or not?

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Of course have! I just wanted to invite the guys to go to the magical land of fairy tales. Want to join us?

Aliens: Of course! With pleasure!

Suddenly, Baba Yaga appears in a fur coat and a hat of Santa Claus, but in slippers.

Baba Yaga:

Wow, what a beauty in this room

Didn't you children wait for me like that?

I'm going to the Christmas tree to see the children.

Ah, kids, and uncles, and aunts,

I have a question for you:

Are you waiting for Santa Claus here?

Well, then I am Santa Claus!

(He addresses the children in a rough voice.) Hello, my dears, hello, my darlings! Why are you suddenly subdued? Or did they not recognize me? Or from the joy that I finally came to you, that is, I came, Baba, ugh, that is, Grandpa ... you completely confused me! (Notices the host.) Oh, who are you?

Fairy of Fairy Tales. I AM?! I am a Fairy of fairy tales!

Baba Yaga: Hee-hee-hee! Fairy of fairy tales! I don’t believe it!

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Some suspicious Santa Claus! Grandpa, why are you wearing slippers?

Baba Yaga: Yes, my ... it's ... my boots got stuck in the snow.

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Why do you have a broom instead of a magic staff?

Baba Yaga: And the wolves ate my staff.

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Where is your bag of gifts?

Baba Yaga: A sack? Why gifts? Your best gift is me!

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Strange you are some kind of Santa Claus. And my nose reminds me of something ... Ah! I seem to have guessed who it is! Guys, let's tickle Santa Claus

Baba Yaga: Tickle? What for? Do not!

Children tickle Baba Yaga and Santa Claus's clothes fly off her.

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Well, we learned that this is not a real Santa Claus! It was Baba Yaga who wanted to deceive us

Baba Yaga: Yes! Because, live it up! Have sunk! Everyone sells, everyone buys! What's going on around! Everyone is shaking over his own good! And they, you see, do not need magic things! We are ready to give them up to the first alien we come across for nothing! I'll show you! I'll arrange for you! I'll grab them myself! (Whistles.)

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Children, let's sit down quickly so that no trouble happens!

Goblin comes out. He has a huge book in his hands. Goblin walks, examines the tree, the hall. He gasps and gasps with delight. A creak is heard at every step.

Baba Yaga: (comments on the appearance of Leshy.)

Yes-ah, we haven't seen each other for a long time ...

Years fly by ... Creaks, will soon crumble ...

Goblin, dear friend, hello! (They kiss.)

And what is it that you got carried away with books in your old age? Have you learned to read? (Takes the book.) What kind of literature? (Upside down.) Well, read it!

Goblin reads the name "ABC" by syllables.

Baba Yaga. Glyadik, competent ... Well, okay! Why, I was calling you! Listen!

He whispers in Leshy's ear, gestures with his hands, runs over to the other ear, Leshy is only surprised.

Goblin. NS! A-ah-ah! Ooh!

Baba Yaga: So much for you! Here you have to think!

We have gathered with you - two unclean forces,

To figure out how to concoct dark deeds! ..

We are different magic things

And we won't give them back for dollars! Ha!

(They dance.)

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Wait, wait! Do not hurry! How can you not give it up?

Baba Yaga: And we will interfere with you!

Goblin. And we will take all the magic things for ourselves! Ha ha ha! (Run away behind the tree)

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Guys, trouble! We must hurry to the magical land of fairy tales if you want to help our friends from another planet! We will help

Children: Yes!

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Then you need to hit the road faster! Are we going? (Children - yes!)

Children walk around the tree. At this time, a scene is being prepared, where the girl-Tsarina sits on the throne, takes a mirror in her hands.


My light, mirror, tell me

Yes, report the whole truth!

I am the loveliest in the world,

All blush and whiter?

Fairy of Fairy Tales. And her mirror answered:

You are beautiful, no doubt!

But he lives without any glory,

Among the high oak groves,

The seven heroes have that

Why are you dearer to you! ..

Queen (brandishing a mirror):

Oh you vile glass

Are you lying to spite me?

Child in a suit:

Hello dear queen!

Pretty girl!

Do not lead us to execute,

And tell us to speak!

The queen lowers the mirror without breaking it.

Queen: Speak, foreign guests!

Aliens repeat their story "We have arrived ..."

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Would you like to give us your mirror?

Baba Yaga and Leshy run out from behind the tree.

Baba Yaga: Give it to me!

Goblin. Us it! US!

Queen: Well, if you ask that, deserve it! Complete my assignment!

Baba Yaga and Leshy (together.): Which one?

Queen: Sing me a song about a Christmas tree, but such that I do not know it! Whoever wins will get my mirror.

Baba Yaga and Leshy sing "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Queen: I know this song! Sing another one.

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Guys, let's help the aliens and sing a song about the Christmas tree for the queen!

Queen: What a good song! I don’t know this, so the mirror is yours!

Gives the mirror to the aliens. At this moment B.Ya. and Leshy whisper and leave for the tree.

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Guys, where did B.Ya. and Goblin? (Answers of children). Well, okay, let's not get distracted and continue our journey.

They walk around the tree. At this moment, the following scene is being prepared: the carpet is laid down and a pillow is placed on it, on which the Sultan sits down.

Fairy of Fairy Tales. Dear Sultan! Would you like to present a flying carpet to guests from another planet? We have heard that you have it in your fairy tale.

At this moment B.Ya. and Leshy.

Leshy: Is this a flying carpet? (Examines the carpet). And there is no other?

Baba Yaga: Grab him!

Goblin scares everyone - shakes his hands, howls "A-a-a!". Together with B.Ya. grab the carpet and run away.

Fairy of Fairy Tales. So what should we do now?

Sultan. Do not be discouraged, my dears! This evil spirits of the forest have taken away the wrong carpet.

Baba Yaga: (Runs out from behind the tree). Ka-ak, not that one? (To Leshem). Where were you looking? Well, nothing can be entrusted

(Runs to the Sultan.)

Expensive-oh-th! Let's change?

You are from a fairy tale, I am from a fairy tale!

We will understand each other!

Sultan. If that's what you want, then I'll arrange a competition for you. Whoever guesses the riddles, the carpet!

Baba Yaga (to Leshem): Well, my well-read, show your knowledge!


He is kind, he is strict,

The head is gray-haired.

Red-nosed, red-cheeked

Our beloved ...

Leshy: Good ... Darling ... so it's me! (Children answer correctly - Santa Claus.)


What a beauty!

Stands, sparkling light!

How sumptuously removed ...

Tell me who is she?

Leshy: So this is B.Ya. look how beautiful she is!

Children laugh and answer correctly - Christmas tree.

Sultan (edifying to Leshem): Measure seven times - cut one!

Leshy: What are we going to cut? A?

Sultan (shakes his head, they say, eh, you ...): Listen carefully! The final riddle! In summer and winter, it is always full of water!

Baba Yaga (jumps forward): I know! It's a pot!

Everyone laughs, and Leshy also grabs his stomach.

Leshy: Yes, it's a well! Your limp leg!

Sultan: The winners are aliens and children! Take your carpet.

The aliens take the carpet and carry it to the "plate" behind the tree.

Fairy of Fairy Tales: Let's have some more fun. We'll tell you the poems!

Children recite poetry.

Everything became white around,

All the paths were covered with snow.

And in the morning dawn

The forest woke up in silver!

Winter got down to business

Buzzed and sang

Brought a lot of snow

And it brought frosts!

Before the winter holiday

For a green tree

The dress is white itself

Sewed without a needle

Shook off the white snow

Christmas tree with a bow

And is more beautiful than everyone

In a green dress!

Multicolored toys

She hung it up for us.

And everyone looks at the Christmas tree,

And everyone has fun today!

We all live merrily

We play happily

And we dance and we sing

We celebrate the New Year!

The star burns brightly

At the top of the tree.

The kids are having fun

And she laughs loudly!

Fairy of Fairy Tales: Well, our guests have received magical things, it's time for them to fly away. But our holiday does not end. (To the aliens.) Stay with us, okay? (Aliens nod - agree.) Well then, go to the guys!

All children sit down.

Baba Yaga (to Leshem): Well, we will continue ... They have magical things ... Yes, Santa Claus will come soon ... And we will ruin their holiday for them now. (To children.)

We will enchant your Christmas tree!

Let's blow on her lights!

Fairy of Fairy Tales:

Guys, trouble!

We need Santa Claus here!

We will call Grandfather in unison:

Santa Claus, guys are here,

Santa Claus, everyone is waiting for you!

Father Frost

Santa Claus appears under the soundtrack.

Santa Claus: Hello dear, small and large! Hello my friends! Did you find out? It's me, Santa Claus! I am sincerely glad to see guests here, guys ...

Today I am pleased to see how smart the kids are,

I will not get tired of having fun from the heart near the Christmas tree!

Hey, kindergarten people!

Come out to the round dance!

Give the dancers a pass!

We are meeting…

Children: New Year!


Santa Claus: Gloriously all of you will move in! Aren't you afraid of the frost?

Children: No, we are not afraid

Santa Claus: And here I will check. I'll freeze the pens! (Children hide their hands behind their backs). I'll freeze the legs! (cover your legs, ears, noses, etc. with your hands)

Fairy of Fairy Tales: Santa Claus, you see how brave our children are! You won't be able to freeze them!

So this is B.Ya. Did you want to ruin your holiday with Leshim? Well, wait, I'll get you! Guys, let's play with you in a game about B.Ya. let's play?

The game "Baba Yaga" begins; children stand in a circle, pronounce the text in chorus and all together perform the movements.

There is a hut in a dark forest.

(They go in a circle.)

Stands backwards.

(They jump in the other direction.)

There is an old woman in that hut

Grandma Yaga lives.

(They go in a circle in the other direction.)

She has big eyes.

(They open their fists like opening eyes.)

Like lights are burning.

Wow! (They squat.) What an angry woman!

The hair is standing still!

(They sharply raise their hands up.)

At the moment of the game, a mitten flies from the hand of Santa Claus. Yaga and Leshy appear, steal the mitten and run away behind the tree. Children sit down and seats.

Santa Claus (at the end of the game): Out of order! That this is my bare hand - it does not happen! Where is the mitt?

Behind the tree, the sounds of a quarrel are heard, Yaga and Leshy appear, pull each other's mittens, quarrel.

Baba Yaga (pulling out the mitten, shakes it):

One, two, three, gifts to us and

Magic things - give!

Together with Leshim they shake the mitten, repeating the words, but nothing happens.

You are asking wrong!

No, you're wrong!

Give it back! Don't touch! Throw, a magic thing, you will tear it!

You will tear yourself!

Goblin (pulls out his mitten): Well, give us something! (Shakes.) Come on! You're magical! Ugh, you! Worthless already, the stock has run out - throw it in the landfill!

Santa Claus: What are you sharing here?

Leshy: We stole your mitten here ...

Baba Yaga (interrupts): Found it! Found! Picked up and brought to you!

Santa Claus: Why did you take it?

Goblin: To pick up the magic things and take away the gifts!

Baba Yaga (aside): No! To bring gifts to children, and magic things to aliens!

Father Frost:

Oh, that's what you are! Pranksters!

You can't behave yourself at the party!

I will enchant you - I will blow it off with the northern wind from the holiday!

Grandfather and children are blowing, Yaga and Leshim "fly away" from the hall. Santa Claus is upset.

Fairy: Don't be upset, grandpa! Do you want me and the guys to sing a song about you and you will immediately have fun!

Fairy: Did you like the song, Grandpa

Santa Claus: Very much! Only now I'm a little tired! I'll sit down and rest! (sits on a chair near the tree.)


Grandfather is tired, tired!

Sang, played and danced!

Let the tree rest.

Who will read poetry to him?

Children read poetry.

Hello New Year holiday!

How beautiful it is!

Santa Claus is already coming

Across the greater Russia.

In the meantime, we are waiting for Frost,

Let's have fun

He hears - we sing

He will knock on our door.

Santa Claus walked through the forest,

Past the maples and birches

Past the glades, past the stumps,

I walked through the forest for many days!

He walked through the forest,

I dressed up the Christmas trees in beads.

This New Year's Eve

He will take them down to the guys

I can't believe my eyes

Santa Claus is at the door!

Smiles, sings

And he gives out gifts!

How did he guess?

Gave me a scooter!

I didn’t talk to anyone,

Daddy spoke quietly ...

Frost draws on the window

Patterns and snowflakes.

But I know, this is for me

He sends his pictures.

I took markers and a brush

I paint the windows.

Well, Santa Claus, look, study-

It is impossible for it to fade!

Painted in red and yellow

As if there is no winter!

Santa Claus is large,

Very old and gray-haired.

Apparently, grandfather is not easy

Walking all day in winter.

Santa Claus brought gifts

He has a big bag.

Grandpa got so hot

Santa Claus, open the bag!

Even the Christmas tree sparkles

Waving a twig for us!

Our Santa Claus is having fun

Here he started dancing again!

Santa Claus: Thank you guys for the poetry! Well, since we are talking about gifts, I’ll have to take care of them now! Well, the magic gauntlet! Help!

He walks around all the sitting children, and they blow into the mitten.

Now you have to say:

Mitten, grow up!

Mitten, help!

Children say words, Santa Claus runs around the tree, quickly puts down a mitten and takes a bag with gifts, pulls it to the center.

I will treat everyone with a gift -

I will not miss anyone!

Calls for help to the Fairy of Fairy Tales, they help him to hand over gifts.

Father Frost:

It's time, you need to say goodbye!

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts -

So that you live very amicably

Both adults and kids!

Until next time!
