Letter to Santa Claus New Year's party is average. The script of the New Year's holiday "letter to Santa Claus". Round dance "New Year's Dreams"


Adults: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Winter, Baba Yaga, Leading.

Children: Hares are a girl and a boy, snowmen are boys, gnomes are boys, snowflakes are girls.

To the music, children enter the hall and stand around the Christmas tree

Leading: Came to us again today

Christmas tree and winter holiday

This holiday is New Year's

We waited impatiently.

Leading: We invite everyone today

We are on New Year's holiday

There will be games, there will be a dance

It will be fun with us!

1st reb. I was going to visit us for a holiday for a whole year

The green beauty of the woods

Then she quietly dressed up

And now his outfit is ready!

2nd reb. We all admire the Christmas tree today

She gives us a delicate aroma

And the best New Year's holiday

Comes with her to Kindergarten!

3rd reb. Time rushes in full swing

Under the frosty chime of winter

" Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

We say to each other "

4th reb... With new happiness! Happy New Year!

Happy holiday for everyone

Let them ring under every vault

Songs, music and laughter!

Song - round dance "Out on the road New Year»

(children sit on high chairs)

Leading: Oh guys, quieter, quieter ...

What a wonderful ringing I hear?

A swarm of snowflakes rustles

The Snow Maiden is in a hurry to us!

The Snow Maiden enters to the music

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year

All children and all guests!

I wish you only happiness

New good news!

I'm rich in snowflakes

I love to play with them so much!

Admire guys

How can we dance!

Girls perform "Dance of the Snowflakes"

Leading: Oh guys, look -

Something the tree is sad,

She lowered the branches to the bottom.

We will cheer her up

And we won't let her get bored!

Let's say to the tree: ...

Together: one two Three,

Burn our Christmas tree!

Something doesn’t work, can we try louder again?

One two Three,

Burn our Christmas tree!

At this time, the Snow Maiden goes around the tree and finds an envelope.

Leading: Snegurochka, what should we do? The lights on the tree are off!

Snow Maiden: My dear guys, only my grandfather Santa Claus can help us in this, but that's the problem, look what I found. Holds out an envelope to the Presenter.

Leading:(reads) To kindergarten from Santa Claus (takes out a letter)

"Dear Guys!

Happy New Year to you! Excuse me, but I can't come to you for a holiday. Baba Yaga played a trick, stole a mailbox with your letters to me. And now, if at least one letter is lost and the boy or girl does not receive their gift, then the New Year may not come at all. So have fun without me, ehI will try to find Babu Yaga and fix everything.

Your Santa Claus "

Snow Maiden: What to do? How will Grandfather cope with Baba Yaga alone? I'm going to help him!

Leading: Wait, Snow Maiden! The guys and I also want to help Santa Claus and therefore we will go with you!

Snow Maiden: Aren't you scared?

Children: No!

Snow Maiden: Well, then let's go! Children get up one after another and walk around the tree. The soundtrack of the howling of the blizzard sounds, Zimushka comes out singing a song.

Leading: Look, guys, we ended up in the possession of Zimushka itself! Hello Winter-Winter! And what are you doing?

Winter: I spin the yarn.

Leading: Why so much yarn?

Winter: Let nature dress warmly.

Leading: You have prepared a lot of yarn.

You knit white things tirelessly,

Sleepy trees fluffy hats,

You knit mittens on herringbones on the paws.

Winter: My yarn is not simple, but magic.

Leading: Zimushka-Winter, help us find Santa Claus. We cannot live without him. Soon the New Year will come. The holiday must be celebrated. Listen to the song about the New Year.

The song "The winter wind blew"

After the song, the children sit on the chairs

Winter: Well, I'll help you. I have a magic ball, he will show you the way, but hurry up until the New Year is not long left (gives the snow maiden a ball).

Snow Maiden: In a sorceress winter

The forest is bewitched.

And under the snowy fringe

Fairy tales speaks softly.

And what should we do with the ball? Let's try to throw him, can he roll and show the way? (throws a ball) Oh, where did he go? Nothing is visible around, quite a blizzard swept all the paths. Who will help us now?

Leading: Snegurochka, do not be upset, the snowmen are walking with us, and they have wonderful panicles. Here they will help us to clear the paths from snow.

Snowmen are all brave

You guys are daring!

Well, all stand in a row,

As in the squad, pull yourself up.

Take the brooms in your hands,

Sweep the paths for us.

Boys dressed as snowmen perform the dance "March of the Snowmen"

Snow Maiden: What good fellows, snowmen! The paths were swept so well that even a magic ball was found. We will not throw it anymore. Let's all stand in a circle and pass it around in a circle, saying the magic words. Santa Claus will hear us and come out to us.

Santa Claus is coming, coming to us,

Santa Claus is coming to us,

And we know that Santa Claus

He brings us gifts. (Can't hear, let's say it again)

Santa Claus enters to the music

Father Frost: Hello kids, girls and boys! How did you wander into such a thicket on New Year's Eve?

Snow Maiden: Why, Grandpa, the guys got your letter and decided to go to your aid.

Father Frost: Oh, there it is! Well, thank you, my dears, for deciding to help the old one. So let's get on the road as soon as possible, look for this wretch.

Leading: And so that we are not bored on the way, we will sing a song for you Santa Claus.

Song "Santa Claus and felt boots" (children sit on chairs).

Snow Maiden: Oh, wait, guys, there are bunnies under the tree!

Jump: We are bunnies Jump and Hop,

We are not afraid of the gray wolf!

Dap: We have dressed up a Christmas tree

Beads, crackers.

New Year to celebrate

With friends and girlfriends.

Jump: And someone ruined our holiday

And he took the tree.

Leading: Probably, it was Baba Yaga who played a trick again. But do not be upset, bunnies, let's go together in dreams, we have a Christmas tree in the garden, and not even one!

Dap: Oh, how wonderful! I even wanted to dance!

Children in bunny costumes perform "Dance of the Bunnies"

Jump: Why look for her, there she lives behind that pine tree.

Father Frost: Oh, that's how! Well then, Baba Yaga, come out to us. Do you hear, Santa Claus and the guys are calling you!

Baba Yaga runs out

Baba Yaga: Well, why are they making noise, why are they making noise! What do you want, old one? Wow, I'll broom you now!

Snow Maiden: Give Baba Yaga the letters of the children to Grandfather Frost!

Baba Yaga: What are these letters? I don’t know anything, I don’t know anything!

Leading: Don't be fooled, Baba Yaga! We know that it was you who stole the mailbox with letters for Santa Claus and the New Year's tree from the bunnies!

Baba Yaga: Look, they shouted here! I'll give you your letters if you can solve my riddles.

Guess riddles

Snow Maiden: Well, Baba Yaga, we have solved all your riddles. Give us your letters.

Baba Yaga: No matter how it is, I will not give you anything!

Father Frost: Oh, you are worthless! Well, I'll wrap you up now, wrap you up, freeze you!

Baba Yaga: Fine, fine! Take your box! Only you won't get out of here! (in an ominous voice) I am sending a black, impenetrable night! (laughs and runs away)

Leading: Oh, how will the guys and I get to the kindergarten now?

Snow Maiden: Do not worry, we will ask the gnomes to help us. They have lanterns, they will illuminate our way.

Boys in gnome costumes perform "Dance of the Gnomes". After the dance, everyone follows the gnomes around the tree

Snow Maiden: So we returned to kindergarten! Grandfather Frost, the journey was long, not easy. Sit down, rest, and the guys will read poems to you.

Reading poetry

Father Frost: What good fellows, guys! You read poetry well, made the old man happy. But I look in the hall, you are out of order, the lights on the tree are not on! Well, Christmas tree, one, two, three, burn with the light of joy! (the tree does not light up) What an opportunity, what happened?

Baba Yaga runs in laughing

Baba Yaga: Well, old, does the Christmas tree light up? And all because I have only one letter, and I will not give it to you! You will not see the New Year as your own ears!

Father Frost: Oh, you're worthless! Come on, guys, take the snowballs, now we'll teach her a lesson!

Snowballing, Baba Yaga starts to cry

Baba Yaga: Okay, okay, take your letter and celebrate your New Year. But I just wanted to have a holiday too, with a Christmas tree, with gifts. And no one loves me and does not invite me to a holiday.

Leading: Because you, Baba Yaga, constantly offend everyone and do dirty tricks, nobody wants to be friends with you.

Baba Yaga: I won't anymore! Honestly!

Leading: Well guys, let's forgive Baba Yaga? Sorry for her!

Children: Yes!

Leading: Stay Yaga with us on the holiday, get up in the round dance. Let's celebrate the New Year with song and dance!

Round dance around the Christmas tree at the choice of the music director

Baba Yaga: Santa Claus, will you give me a present?

Father Frost: The gift must be earned, after all, you have been disgraceful all year, but if you play with the guys, I will forgive you and give you a gift.

Baba Yaga: I'll play, I'll play! I also have a favorite game "There was a merry Santa Claus"

Song game "There was a merry Santa Claus"

Father Frost: Well, Baba Yaga, she deserves her gift. Keep you a new, painted, high-speed broom!

Baba Yaga: Oh, thanks Grandpa!

I won't be mischievous now,

I will completely forget all teasers and pranks!

Now I love you, both adults and children,

Because now I am happier than anyone in the world!

I will fly to Kikimore with a present, I will boast!

Baba Yaga flies away

Father Frost: Well, it's time for us guys to return to their possessions.

Snow Maiden: Wait, Grandpa! Have you forgotten about gifts for the guys?

Father Frost: Oh, I'm old, a head with a hole! I forgot about the gifts! Where did I put them?

Not on the window? (No)

No outside the window? (No)

Not under the tree? (No)

Isn't it on the tree? (No)

Mom doesn't have it? (No)

Hey, daddy's not there? (No)

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, can your staff help you?

Father Frost: And that's true! Well, my magic staff, knock, give me an answer, are there gifts or not?

Santa Claus finds gifts and distributes them to children

Father Frost: I am glad to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

I am both adults and children.

And I hope this year

All of you are lucky in something

Hug and joke

And forgive all the insults.

And then a new year to you

Only joy will bring!

Snow Maiden: That's all, but we have to go,

Be happy guys!

To you on a holiday in a year

Santa Claus will come again!


Leading: Thank you Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.


Well, it's time for us to say goodbye

We want to wish everyone

Happiness, joy, good luck

Never lose heart!

Download documents:

Matinee "Letter to Santa Claus"

Presenter enters

Leading: Our dear guests

We hasten to congratulate everyone.

Let them come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you.

May for you good people

Not afraid of worries

It will not be just new,

Happy New Year!

Big children enter to the music, form a semicircle

Sveta: Happy New Year, Happy New Year,

With a song, a tree, a round dance,

With beads, crackers,

New toys.

Artem: How beautiful it is in our hall

We invited guests here.

All the people are having fun -

We are celebrating the New Year!

Lida: Soon it will be with us

Our beloved Santa Claus.

He will not forget anyone -

Will bring gifts

Leading: Dads, mothers are next to us,

We are celebrating the New Year!

He is both adults and children

Will bring a lot of happiness.

Leading: Fabulous herringbone

Spiky needles

Let's stand together together

And we'll sing you a song

The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" or "It's cold for a small Christmas tree in winter"

All sit on the chairs. Snegurochka comes out to the middle.

Snow Maiden: I am a Snow Maiden, and again

I came to your holiday.

I see you have everything ready.

Hello my friends!

Soon, soon New Year,

Santa Claus still does not go.

What are we going to do, friends?

It’s impossible without it.

Leading: Maybe maybe

The snowman will help us

Snow Maiden: Let's children, together together

We need to blind the snowman.

We'll snowball

We will write a letter to Santa Claus later

Let him hurry to the holiday to us

We've all been waiting for him

Everyone repeats the movements, rolls a lump, and the presenter rolls three lumps from behind the tree, and rolls them up there, gives there a hat and a carrot.

To the music, the Snowman comes out from behind the tree.

Snowman Song Game

Snowman: I am a cheerful Snowman

I got used to the cold since childhood

Here is a carrot - instead of a nose

Embers are my eyes

Hat - black pan

Hello, friends!

Snow Maiden: We blinded you to help us. Deliver an urgent letter to Santa Claus. We are waiting for him on our holiday. Hurry up.

He hands a letter to the Snowman and everyone sees him off.

Snow Maiden: We will continue the holiday

Have fun, sing, dance.

On New Year's Eve, as in a fairy tale

Full of miracles

Leading: Over the mountains, over the rivers

There is a magic forest

You will meet many miracles here

Let's take a look there and find out what's going on there. And Vasilisa the Wise will help us. She has a tablet with a magic apple. The apple will roll on the tablet and show us what we wish.

Vasilisa: Roll the bullseye on the tablet, show us the Snowman.

Where is he now and what's wrong with him.

The Snowman is walking along the road with a letter, and the Wolf is coming to meet him. In the middle, they look around together and collide, scream. The snowman hides behind a letter from fear.

Wolf: Who are you? (looks at the Snowman from head to toe, removes the letter from the Snowman's face) Have you fallen from the moon? Are you scared? Everyone in the forest is afraid of me, you see how strong, toothy and terribly hungry I am.

Snowman: And I'm not afraid at all (speaking in a trembling voice)

I'm just in a hurry

Excuse me, excuse me

Rather miss me

And of course tell

How can I find my way

To write this

Take Santa Claus.

Wolf: Oh, well, you can. You will go to the mountain, then to the mountain, then there you will see three pines, then to the left, then to the right, then all the time straight ahead, then to the right (The wolf shows, and the Snowman tramples behind him. The wolf confuses him)

Snowman: Listen, my dear, and your last name is not Susanin by any chance?

Wolf: What a hare with a mustache, no, he has no mustache.

The angry snowman leaves.

Wolf: (speaks after) Go, go where you need to get, (gloatingly) and you will disappear in the snowdrifts. I'll run to Baba Yaga, tell you that some white tadpole with a bowler hat on his head was looking for Santa Claus.

The wolf runs away.

Leading: And you roll the bull's-eye, show us the house of Baba Yaga. Well, there she is plotting, we will find out.

Baba Yaga appears with her nephew wearing glasses and a laptop.

Baba Yaga: What joy, what a nephew bestowed. Look, what a scientist, and everything, you probably know, you read different books?

I don't know the letters at all

What am I going to read here?

Ah, I only know the points

I won't read a single line here.

I can fly on a broomstick

Nephew: Eh, you are a retarded aunt. This is not a book, but a computer. Okay, I'll teach you how to read and play games on the computer.

Baba Yaga: Thank you then.

A knock on the door, the Wolf comes in.

Wolf: Hello everyone, a bunch. I saw a wonderful tadpole in a bowler hat. He was in a hurry to see Santa Claus, he said something about the letter. Come on, old one, let's stir up the crime of the century, otherwise something is so boring, even howling at the moon.

Baba Yaga: To Grandfather, you say, he is going, a letter, you say, carries. Probably it says where he hid his gifts

Wolf: Let's catch up with him and take away the letter, and your nephew will read it to us.

Baba Yaga: Yes, I have some correct one, but oh well, I'll deceive him. Now let's discuss the plan (whispering). The nephew overhears them.

Nephew: And I heard everything, how not ashamed. Like a woman in years, and all the dirty tricks in the brain. So I'll go and tell Santa Claus everything.

Baba Yaga: Oh, so, then I'll put you in a sack and tie you tightly.

He stuffs the Nephew into the bag, and he has no bottom. The nephew runs away, sneaks away.

Baba Yaga: Well, we got rid of this sneak, and you Wolf go, get ready for the crime of the century: there is a rope, pistols, black masks, everything is as it should be. And I'll go and call the Bear, though ... I'll have to share with him too, but oh well.

The wolf leaves, and Baba Yaga addresses the audience.

Baba Yaga: Forest people, have you seen the Bear? He's sleeping as always, probably, because it's winter. We need to wake him up. Can you scream loudly? I'll check it out now.

Game "And the girls - ha-ha-ha, and the boys - hee-hee-hee"

From behind the tree we go out Bear with a pillow.

Bear: If you are noisy, let me sleep. ( lies on the floor on the pillow)

Baba Yaga: Look, lie down. Let me sleep, let me sleep. We’ll wake you up now.

Game "Who fell asleep under the bush."

After the game, the Bear leaves with a pillow behind the tree.

Boogie Woogie Game

Baba Yaga: I danced here. It's time for me to prepare the crime of the century. Oh, nephew, how did you end up here? How did you get out of the bag, well done, my breed, just some kind of magician.

Nephew: Eh, you, your bags are torn, you couldn’t even sew them up, and there’s also a woman called. Nothing, you, you do not know how.

Baba Yaga: Tsyts, teach me here again!

Nephew: I have already accompanied your Snowman to the very house of Santa Claus, so that your crime of the century cried, nothing will come of yours.

Baba Yaga: Oh, well, well, we'll see. Gray, where are you? Plans are changing. We need to harm the children and drag the Snow Maiden.

They grab the Snow Maiden and the Nephew and tie them up with a rope.

Baba Yaga: You, gray, guard theirs here, look not to sleep. And I will fly to the children’s holiday for ransom. They need the Snow Maiden - let everyone give us gifts.

Sits on a broom and flies away. At this time, the Snowman comes. He sees that the Snow Maiden and the Nephew are connected, and the Wolf is guarding them.

Snowman: Disorder, you need to help friends in need. Think, think, Snowman! I forgot, my brains are frostbitten, what to do. Oh, I came up with it!

Appeals to the Wolf... Hi Susanin! How are you? Do you want me to show you a trick? Only I need a rope.

Wolf: But this one will do? (points to the rope with which the prisoners are tied)

Snowman: The very thing! Just close your eyes and count to 10, don't peep.

Unties the prisoners, they escape together. The wolf counts, then opens his eyes and also runs away.

Baba Yaga flies on a broomstick.

Baba Yaga: Again the technique failed ...

I was flying by

I saw you through the window

There you are! I knew it!

Haven't seen you for a whole year.

You are sitting at a holiday

You are looking at the Christmas tree!

And you want Frost

Have you got some presents?

Well, uh, me? I fly all day

I get nothing!

And never Santa Claus

He didn't bring me presents!

That's what, kids, pay me the ransom for the Snow Maiden. Show your gifts, where are they? Maybe you are hiding them somewhere? That there are no gifts? Oh, Grandfather hasn't brought it yet! Where is he? Call him quickly! I'll hide for now.

Leading: Scroll the Apple on the tablet, show us Santa Claus.

Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost: Hello children!

Finally I came.

Barely found you. I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

I wish everyone good health and good luck!

May your life be with his coming

Will get brighter and richer

I was in a hurry to see you from far away,

I was afraid to be late.

Now I am here!

And we can begin our holiday.

But what is it? The lights on the tree are off.

Disorder. I walk around her, conjuring with my magic staff.

Come on, tree, start up,

Come on, tree, smile!

Well, tree, one-two-three!

Burn with the light of joy!

The tree lights up.

Father Frost: And where is my granddaughter, Snow Maiden?

Baba Yaga comes out in disguise.

Baba Yaga: Yes, here I am, here.

Father Frost: Granddaughter, you don't look like yourself.

Baba Yaga: And the hairstyle - I just didn't get enough sleep, didn't put on makeup, there was a big queue at the hairdresser's. But I’m a beauty, don’t you like me.

Father Frost: Or maybe you got sick?

Baba Yaga: Yes, I'm healthy, healthy.

Father Frost: Some kind of suspicious, but I'll check you now. Sing a song about a Christmas tree. And, here you are, you are not my granddaughter, who are these children?

Here the Snowman, Snow Maiden, Nephew, and after them the Wolf appear at the holiday.

Father Frost: Well, everything became clear - who is who. Again Baba Yaga is mischievous, again you are for your own, so I'll take it and conjure it up, freeze it forever.

Baba Yaga: Come on, you can't even joke.

Well, forgive me,

I'm good friends.

Father Frost: Excuse me?

The holiday will continue

Come out to dance

Round dance "Santa Claus walked through the forest"

Santa Claus walks in a circle.

Leading: Santa Claus, we won't let you out of the circle!

Father Frost: Yes and no need, I'll get out myself.

Game "Dwarfs and Giants"

Father Frost: Okay, okay kids

It's time to play.

Game "Freeze"

Father Frost: Oh, Santa Claus is tired

Who would bring me some water

Leading: Have a seat Santa Claus. We will give you tea, as it should be according to Russian custom.

A cup is served. It contains chopped tinsel. It blows, tinsel flies.

Leading: That's how Grandpa froze our tea - only ice, snowflakes flew.

Father Frost: Thank you for your concern, the iced tea was good.

I'll sit for a while

I'll take a look at the guys.

Leading: We will continue our holiday

Let's listen to the verses now.

Father Frost: Well done boys! Can you play hide and seek?

Well then, I am hiding, and you are looking for me.

One, two, three, four, five

Let's play hide and seek

We close our eyes, we do not leave cracks

The game "hide and seek"

Father Frost: Well thank you guys

Played hide and seek

I've played enough with you

Well now it's time to go home

Goodbye friends!

Leading: Father Frost! Wait!

Children sang, danced

Have fun playing with you

And they danced around

Now it's your turn

Give an honest gift to the people.

Father Frost: Oh, forgive me,

You can see very old me

I forgot about the gifts

Somewhere my bag was here

Gives gifts. Photo for memory. Then he says goodbye and leaves.

Father Frost ,
Girl 1,
Girl 2,
Guy ,
Year of the Dog,
Year of the Rooster,
The narrator .

Girl 2:
Manner, arrogant, demonstrative. With styling, makeup, in a short fur coat. Shod in high-heeled shoes, in the hands of a handbag.

Guy :
Cheerful, simple, sporty. Dressed in a tracksuit, warm jacket. Sneakers on my feet, a pack of chips in my hands.

Father Frost :
Standard suit.

Year of the Rooster:
Snooty, arrogant, pretentious. Dressed in a bright shirt, bright trousers. On her feet are patent leather shoes (if this role is played by a girl, it is better to dress her up in a shiny dress, make her catchy makeup and colored strands. As shoes, you should give preference to stiletto heels).

Year of the Dog:
Calm, restrained, sophisticated. Dressed in an evening dress and a fur vest. Shoes are high-heeled shoes.

Scenery- a fabulous forest.

(Guests are seated in the hall, melodic music sounds, the curtain is lowered, the Storyteller appears on the stage.)

The narrator :
Once, several comrades went on one incredible journey to return faith in miracles to their city ...

(The curtain rises, there are 2 girls and 2 guys on the stage)

Girl 1:
I tell you, we turned the wrong way! It was necessary to roll 2 trees and 3 paths back!

Girl 2:
I shouldn't be here at all! And what have I forgotten in this forest? I would lie at home now, or sit in the salon, gossiping with my master, and instead there are only snowdrifts and Christmas trees around!

Guy :
Hey, cutie, we listen to you all the way! You went voluntarily, so stop complaining, go, come on!

Girl 1:
We are losing precious time, according to statistics, we have more chances to freeze than to get lost in the forest. But, we will not be discouraged!

Guy :
For several hours of our wanderings, for the 25th time I hear the word statistics!

Girl 2:
I'm cold, I want to eat! And I'm terribly tired, and I'm tired of this snow!

Girl 1:
Stop it when we’re still having so much fun! I am sure that a couple more glades, and we will definitely come!

Guy :
But I was talking ...

(Everyone starts arguing together)

(Santa Claus appears on the stage)

Father Frost :
What is the din and what is the noise?
Breaks the silence
And even in my forest!
Who are they? What have come?
They brought so much shouting!

Guy :
Does everyone see him? Live Santa Claus! Who would have thought!

Girl 1:
It really exists!

Girl 2:
Will you give me the latest phone model with an apple?

Father Frost :
I ask again, who are you? Why are you making noise in my forest?

Guy :
We are students (schoolchildren), we came to this forest for a miracle (alternately introduces companions and himself).

Father Frost :
For what miracle?

Girl 1:
For New Year's. You see, in our city everyone stopped believing in the magic of the New Year. All some kind of angry, dull, sad.

Girl 2:
Our city lacks beauty! And even the lights are no longer pleasing, and the manicure is festive, and even new shoes (sighs).

Guy :
And in the rocking chair, everyone is moping and cheating. So we read in Google that you, or rather you, can help us!

Girl 2:
Even tangerines don't cheer you up! And I love them so much!

Father Frost :
Where is your letter? I only accept with official papers!

Girl 1:
What papers?

Father Frost :
Letter to Santa Claus! I can't help without him!

Guy :
Dear, we are no longer at that age to write children's letters!

Father Frost :
I have no time! I'm also wasting time on you!

Girl 2 (pulls out the phone):
We will write everything now, just let me find Wi-fi! Wait a minute!

Father Frost :
Well, people,
Cheerfully with technique,
Steps forward!

Only that
I will not accept the letter,
I'm waiting in an envelope
Handwritten waiting!

And if you do not write,
I'll get angry
And New Year,
I will deprive you of it!

(Turns around and leaves)

Girl 2:
Well, is that okay? I froze my fingers, and he took it and left!

Girl 1:
Never mind, do not lose heart! Now we'll have some tea, get warm, write a letter and that's it! I have an envelope and a pen and paper!

Guy :
I don’t remember the last time I held a pen in my hands!

Girl 2:
A pen? It's not fashionable for a long time! She can't post on Instagram!

Girl 1:
What's the matter with you? Have you never written a letter to Santa Claus in your childhood? We'll do it in a couple of minutes!

(Noise is heard, Year of the Rooster and Year of the Dog appear)

Year of the Rooster:
And look, don't let me down! Wear trendy clothes, beautiful jewelry and stylish shoes! And also help people, bring happiness to their homes and eat well!

Year of the Dog:
What are you with me as a little! I have already been instructed, passed the testing, bought the dress and repaired the heels! I'm ready!

Guy :
I'm sorry, of course, but who are you?

Year of the Rooster:
How is who? We are the outgoing and future New Year!

Girl 2:
And you are stylish! Can I be friends with you?

Year of the Dog:
But who are you?

Girl 1:
And here we are writing a letter to Santa Claus, we want to help the city!

Year of the Rooster:
Aren't you too old for that?

Girl 1:
But we are young at heart!

Year of the Dog:
Of course, I have not yet assumed my post, I am just getting used to it, but I will hand over your letter.

Guy :
What are we going to write?

Girl 1:
As a child, I asked Santa Claus to bring me two brothers.

Guy :
And how, did you bring it?

Girl 1:
No, but my mother said that the letter was simply lost in the mail.

Girl 2:
Well, get everything you need already, otherwise my eyelashes will disappear from the cold now, and I only increased them yesterday!

Guy :
Well, you probably need to start with an appeal.

Girl 1:
Let me do everything myself! Now, not a minute has passed, but I wrote everything!

Year of the Dog:
And dyke, will I read it? You did it somehow quickly! Oh, just listen, such a letter should not be sent to Santa Claus, but to the president!

Year of the Rooster:
Seriously? Dear Santa Claus?

Year of the Dog:
You read the next line, it's even more fun!

Year of the Rooster:
We are sending you our New Year's request for consideration ...

Year of the Dog:
Seriously? Does this look like a child's letter?

Year of the Rooster:
With such a letter, you obviously will not achieve anything!

Guy :
What to do? Maybe you can help us?

Year of the Dog:
But no, you were given the task, not us! So get out, and we will convey the message! I recommend that your second one writes, I think she will succeed! And while we read the news, we will discuss matters.

Girl 2:
And let's write together, suddenly it will work out! I'll start, well, for example, the first line will be like this:
Dear Santa Claus, I am writing to you, the most beautiful and most wonderful in the world!

Guy :
Why are you only writing about yourself? Write on behalf of everyone! I also found the most beautiful one!

Girl 2:
OK OK! I will start over again: Dear Grandfather Frost, we write to you, the trinity from the magic glade.

Guy :
Write that we're sorry to bother you and stuff.

Girl 1:
No need to write and all that! Well, you ruined the sheet again! The last one stayed! You need to be more attentive, more attentive!

Girl 2:
Remember, it’s you who are smart, and I’m just beautiful. I can't think and write at the same time!

Guy :
Give me a pen, I'll write! And you dictate carefully!

Girl 1:
Dear Santa Claus! We know you are busy, but we ask you to help us in one difficult matter.

Girl 2:
Here, again you begin with your cleverness! Write:
Please bring us under the Christmas tree good New Year spirit, chocolates, new shoes, a handbag, a fur coat and the latest model of my favorite smartphone.

Girl 1:
You forgot about miracles! Why did we wander through the forest for so long?

Guy :
No quarrels! Now we will add everything!

Girl 2:
I ask you dear, the best grandfather in the world, return to our city the faith in miracles!

Girl 1:
We have to promise him something! As a child, I promised to behave well, and to obey my mother!

Guy :
So, I promise that in the New Year, I will go to all trainings and sometimes drop in to classes.

Girl 2:
I promise that in the New Year, I will try to be less beautiful!

Guy :
Sign and send in an envelope! I managed to freeze with you!

Year of the Dog:
I heard you finished, but read?

Girl 1:
New Year in a couple of days! Santa Claus will read! Call him soon, we have fulfilled the conditions!

Year of the Rooster:
Wait here!


Guy :
Yes, we have no choice at all!

(Santa Claus appears)

Father Frost :
I received your letter,
I considered your request,
Okay, I'll help you,
I will give you desire!
You want to return the faith,
Well, commendable, I approve,
I respect your impulse
I will certainly help you,
I will not refuse the request!
But tell me friends
Are there any kind words
Do you know congratulations?
Well, such, for the soul!

Girl 2:
Happy New Year to you, Grandpa,
Always be fashionable
And don't get tired,
This is what I wish!

Girl 1:
Have time everywhere and everywhere,
I wish you a rest
I wish you to jump less,
Eat more, sleep more!

Guy :
I wish you health
You love physical education,
And big muscles
I wish you to build up!

(You can use these too)

Father Frost :
Okay, I'll clap my hands
I will return the miracles to you,
I am very kind, good,
I will give you gifts!

(Claps her hands, the curtain falls. The Narrator appears)

The narrator :
And since then, miracles have returned. The city was filled with magic, warmth and alluring scent of tangerines and gingerbread. The holiday returned, people stopped swearing and happiness came. On my own behalf, I want to add, or rather wish that each of you never lose faith in miracles and enjoy the magic of every day!

Competition for New Year's corporate party"Letter to Santa Claus"
The presenter selects 6 participants (3 for each team). Participants receive an identical set of cut words, from which they need to assemble a letter to Santa Claus. Lead time 2 minutes. The difficulty is that you need to do it with your elbows, without using your hands. The competition is best held after 3-4 competitions.

Text of the letter (words for cards):
Dear santa claus! Bring us big salaries under the tree, lots of days off, a free schedule, satisfied customers and happiness. We promise to behave well, obey the management and not be late for work.

Competition for the New Year's corporate party "Valenki"
2 pairs are selected. Each receives a pair of boots. The task is to get around obstacles. The difficulty is that each of the participants in the pair must wear a felt boot. Perform to rhythmic music.

Letter to Santa Claus

Target: practicing writingletter by algorithm


    familiarity with the structureletters and the features of its construction; with rules and polite forms of correspondence;

    expanding and updating students' knowledge on the lexical topic "What is the New Year holiday?";

    to promote the formation of a desire in children to wish their relatives and friends a Happy New Year;

    to contribute to the formation in children of the desire to be kind to friends and family;

    help students understand social significance studying the topic;

    promote the development of creative initiative and thinking in children, the formation of a sense of harmony and beauty;

    to promote the development of students' value relationships to the surrounding reality;

    promote awareness of the values ​​of joint activities, the formation of a communicative culture;

    fostering a sense of pride in Russian traditions.

Course of the lesson

1 slide

Lead 1.

Making a fairy tale

Trees and houses

White came to the guys -

Winter sorceress.

What magical winter holiday is always eagerly awaited by both adults and children?(New Year).

Reader 1

It happens in the world

That only once a year

Light on the tree

A lovely star.

The star burns, does not melt

Beautiful ice glistens.

And immediately comes

Happy New Year!

2 slide

Reader 2

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Are you probably cold?
Day walked around the city
Frozen beard!
Put your nose on the battery -
I will warm you now!

Lead 1 ... We can warm Santa Claus with the kind words and wishes we wrote in the letter. The topic of our lesson is called “Letter to Santa Claus”.

3 slide

Lead 2. Guys, who is Santa Claus?(children's answers)

Santa Claus is considered the main magical character at the New Year's holiday, the main function of which is to give gifts to children. Santa Claus takes its roots in Slavic mythology, where his character personified winter frosts, as well as cold and fierce cold.

The creation of the New Year's tradition, which has survived to this day, falls on the middle of the 19th century, when a certain fabulous donor Morozko was introduced throughout the country, who comes to children in winter at Christmas and brings gifts.

Since then, Santa Claus began to be considered a symbol of the New Year, which fulfills children's wishes and leaves toys under the tree.Lead 1. Who of you guys knows where Santa Claus lives?(children's answers) Now we are this uvlet's go!

Video clip "Residence of Father Frost" until 3`23``

Knock on the door

Lead 1. - Who is this?

Postman (student)

Hello children! I'm the postman!

I have known all children in the world for a long time.

Letters, fresh newspapers, colorful envelopes,

I will deliver telegrams, congratulations to you without a doubt!

Is this boarding school # 9?

So you have a letter. Sign up.

Goodbye, guys! I'm in a hurry. I still have a lot of letters in my bag, all of them must have time to be delivered to the addressees - after all, the New Year is coming soon!( The postman leaves )

Lead 1. Guys, what did the postal worker bring us?(letter)

What is a letter?(children's answers) 4 slide

Letter Is a text on paper used in correspondence between two or more people.

“A letter is a conversation sent from one person to another” V. Dal.

Let's take a short excursion into the past and remember the history of the postal service.

Lead 2. The story of the exchange of news begins withstone age(cave drawings) 5 slide

Previously, information was transmittedsmoke from bonfires. Columns of smoke rise above the hills - higher, lower, lighter, darker. This language is understandable to many Indian tribes.

6 slide

Information could be conveyedblows into the signal drums.

Beat, drums thundered - and their rumble spread far away, rolled to the nearest village.

Another way -nodular letter . Multicolored knots were tied on long cords.

7 slide

Later startedsend messengers with oral messages ... Such a messenger would memorize the "letter" and retell it to the addressee. There was relay mail: one messenger retold the "letter" to another and so on until they reach the addressee.

8 slide

With the advent of writing, writingwrote on different materials : on stone, wood and clay plates, on palm leaves, papyrus, parchment, birch and, starting from the 15th century, on paper.

Lead 1. And only 200 years agosealedenvelope, began to be used in the form of a letter.

But he needed a postage stamp.

9 slide

Postage stamp (sticker on a postcard, envelope)- specialpostage sign.

Now it's worth remembering the rules of writing.

Lead 2. Rule 1.

Another's letter is a secret sealed with seven seals. Only the addressee can print and read the letter.

10 slide

Addressee - from the German word "address". The recipient of the letter is called the addressee.

Guys, how did the postman know that this letter was for you? (by the address.)

What is an address? (location of the addressee).

Our address: Sarov, Zernova st., 61

It turns out that the letter is addressed to you guys.

Now let's see who sent us this letter.

I will read the riddle, and you will answer my question in chorus, and we will find out who this letter is from.

Whose drawings are on the window

How is the pattern on the crystal?

Pinches everyone's nose

Winter Grandfather ... Frost.

Lead 1. Text of the letter:(read the letter)

“Hello, my dear guys!

Russian Santa Claus greets you from his glorious homeland - the city of Veliky Ustyug.

I often asked my assistants about you. Sometimes they made me happy, sometimes they made me sad. But I know that you have good hearts, and you can overcome all adversity, and I will help you in this.

My dear friends! The New Year is coming soon.

I wish you health as strong as my January frosts.

May you have as many friends as there are trees and pines in my forest.

Please Grandfather, write me a letter.


He who loves you with all his heart, your Grandfather Frost. "

Lead 3. Before you can write an answer, you need to organize a physical education session!

We will stand up and smile together, we will warm up with the Christmas tree.

Physical education "Yolochka"

Lead 1. Guys, the next rule of correspondence.Rule 2.

It is impolite not to reply to a letter. This must be done no later than 3-5 days from the date of receipt. Now let's see a video about how Santa Claus reads the letters he received, what he would like to know from the letters and what the guys write to him about.

Video "How to write magic letter Santa Claus? "

Lead 1. Shall we write a letter to Santa Claus?Writing a letter plan

Since a letter is a text, then before we write it, we must make a plan. This is necessary in order to determine the sequence of thoughts.

(Children are offered a table where only the left column is presented, and the right one is filled in by children with the help of the presenter)

11 slide

Dear Santa Claus!

Dear Santa Claus!

Initial phrase about the state of correspondence

I received your letter, we want to answer right away.

Main content of the letter, news message

We want to tell you ...

We have a lot of news, we will tell you about everything in order.

Questions to the addressee

How do you live?

How is your health?

What's new?

Request to write letters

We ask you to answer our letter.

Saying hello, goodbye

Say hello ...


Ending and signature

Yours faithfully ...

Date and place of writing

December 20__

G. Sarov, street Zernova, house No. 61, school-int. No. 9

The student writes down a jointly composed letter. Then the presenter ( Lead 3) reads the written letter aloud.

The song about Santa Claus sounds (children sing)

Presenter 3. Acquaintance with the rules of registration of a postal address

Tell the letter to reach the addressee, what needs to be done?

Correctly, in order for your letter to reach the addressee, you must put it in an envelope with the exact address.

Who did you write the letter to? - To Santa Claus.

Where will we send letters? Where does Santa Claus live? - In Veliky Ustyug.

It is imperative to write the index of the destination, this in order for the letter to reach the addressee faster.

12 slide

What is an Index? A postal code is a sequence of numbers added to a postal address to facilitate sorting.(Veliky Ustyug index 162390)

At the top of the envelope, you must write down who the letter is from and indicate the exact return address.

Lead 2. Now we will drop our letter into the mailbox. And it will definitely be delivered to our beloved Santa Claus!

And if any of you wants to write a personal letter to Santa Claus, please write! Santa Claus will be very happy!

So our lesson is coming to an end. Now we write more often emails, we send SMS - ki, we communicate in social networks... But the tradition of writing paper letters to Santa Claus still exists. It has come down from ancient times to our days and we honor it, observe it and continue on the eve of the New Year to send a letter in an envelope to the main storyteller of the country - our dear Grandfather Frost.

13 slide

Lead 1. Reflection

Where does Santa Claus live?

What is a letter?

Who can I write letters to?

What should be on the envelope?

Guys, raise your hand, who decided to write a personal letter to Santa Claus? Then hurry up! And for help, you can contact your parents and teachers.

Lead 1. Oh, yes, we still have something in the envelope! Let's see! What else did Santa Claus send you besides the letter ?! Medals!(hand out medals and candies)

The song "Best New Year" is played

(medals and sweets are distributed throughout the song)

Svetlana Stogneeva
The script for the New Year's party "Letter to Santa Claus"

Targets and goals: Develop the creativity of children. Improve etiquette norms of behavior in society. Continue to develop an interest in music, a musical responsiveness to it.

Children costumes: Snowmen



Maidens beauties

Heroes: Snowman mailer

Cockerel Petya

Father Frost

Snow Maiden

Holiday progress

Children enter the hall to the music and build themselves near the Christmas tree.

In an ice carriage rushes


The wind is knocking its wings

To sleepy houses.

Squares and parks are blooming

Snowy whiteness.

And frost builds arches

Above the forest path.

Children start a round dance to the song "Winter - Winter" Music by S. Bulatov. Verses by A. Prokofiev.

sit down.

The sad Cockerel enters the hall. (walks near the tree and sighs)

Cockerel: Hello guys.

My name is Petushok Petya. I am looking for my letter.

Have you seen him by any chance?

The children say no.

Leading: Petya, this is probably a very important letter, which is why you are so sad.

Cockerel: Yes, very important. I wrote this letter to Grandfather Frost. But a strong wind blew and it flew away. Now I am walking through the forest and looking for him.

Leading: Guys, let's help Petya find the letter.

Petya, among our guys there are snowman's assistants to the postal operator, let's ask them to dance a dance and call the Snowman for help. After all, all letters for Grandfather Frost are delivered by the Snowman - the mailer.

Boys come out in snowman costumes.

Child. 1:

Snow covered all over!

Our yard has become like a white sheet.

We'll roll up a big ball -

Well, snowman, mold!

Child. 2:

You are our faithful postman

Do not frighten snow and ice.

A million of our letters -

Santa Claus is very much waiting for them.

Child. 3:

Adventure ahead

But be careful.

(I wish we could go with you)

We are waiting for you. And good luck!

Snowmen dance

The snowman enters.

Snowman: hello my assistants. Did you call me?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Hello Snowman - mailer. We have a problem here and we can't figure it out without you.

Cockerel: Yes Yes Yes. Without you, no matter how. Help.

Snowman: Well, tell me what happened to you?

Cockerel: I wrote a letter to Grandfather Frost. And I lost it. The wind blew him away.

Have you seen my letter?

Snowman: I haven’t seen it, but I think we should ask Blizzard, she is my old friend. She knows exactly where to look for your letter.

Leading: well then it's time for you to hit the road. And the guys and I will accompany you with a song.

Round dance "New Year's Dreams".

Children sit in their places.

The Blizzard comes out to magic music.

Snowstorm: With a snow-white blanket

Covered, covered

And benches and bushes,

Both trees and bridges

Both paths and paths ...

Snowman interrupting the Blizzard.

snowman: Blizzard, Blizzard!

Snowstorm: What's up snowman?

Snowman: Here is my friend Petushok Petya,

He lost his letter, which he wrote to Santa Claus.

Cockerel: Yes, I lost (sad). Now my year will never come.

Snowstorm: Wait, wait. I saw one letter, but Baba Yaga picked it up in the forest. Go to her. I will help you, I have assistants Ice-cold. They will guide you.

Dance of the Ice.

(The girls sit down. Baba Yaga enters.)

Baba Yaga:(Reads the letter and laughs)

No, I won't let the new year begin. I feel good in the old as well. (hides the letter in his pocket).

The Snowman and Cockerel enter the hall.

Baba - Yaga is hiding behind a Christmas tree.

Snowman: Probably we came to the wrong place.

Cockerel: Yes. There is not any Baba Yaga here.

Children: There is. She hid behind the tree.

Leading: Guys, help me find Baba - Yaga. Come out Bogatyrs and bring Baba Yaga to us.

Children in the costumes of Bogatyrs come out and, holding on to a chain, pull Baba Yaga from behind the Christmas tree.

Baba Yaga: Okay, okay, I'm going out.

Cockerel: give us my letter!

Baba Yaga: What such a letter is, I did not see anything, I don’t know anything.

Children: she has a letter

Snowman: Guys, is she telling the truth or not?

Children: No

Cockerel: Give Baba Yaga a letter, we don't believe you.

Baba Yaga: But I won't give it up. I do not want a new year. They never give me gifts. And I won't let you.

Snowman: well ka Bogatyrs come out and show your heroic strength.

Dance of the Heroes.

Baba Yaga: OK OK. I'll give you a letter. Only you can guess my riddles.

Cockerel: Can you guys help us?

Well, guess your riddles.

Baba Yaga: If the forest is covered with snow,

If it smells like pies

If the tree goes into the house,

What a holiday ?.

(New Year)

There is a roar everywhere on this holiday!

Explosion, followed by cheerful laughter!

A very noisy toy -

New Year's ... (cracker.)

He flies in a white flock

And sparkles on the fly.

It melts like a cool star

On the palm and mouth.

They fly faster than the wind

And I fly three meters from them.

Now my flight is over. Clap!

Soft landing in a snowdrift.

Well, what can you do, you guessed my riddles. Take your letter.

Cockerel: Thank you guys, what a fine fellow you have guessed all the riddles. Well, snowman, will you deliver my letter to Santa Claus?

Snowman: of course, come on.

Children sing the song Santa Claus and lead a round dance.

They sit down.

Leading: guys and among you there are girls, beautiful girlfriends of the Snow Maiden. Come out girls, invite the Snow Maiden to us for a holiday.

Dance of the Maidens-beauties.

Snegurochka enters.

Snow Maiden: The girls are beauties, my friends, I heard familiar music and came. And I got to the holiday. New year is coming soon, and my grandfather is not yet. Let's call him.

Together: Santa Claus.

Santa Claus enters to the magic music.

Father Frost: Hello guys, beloved grandchildren. Have you been waiting for me?

And I was in a hurry to see you. But the Snowman brought me a letter. (takes out a letter and reads) By Petushok Petya.

Santa Claus. Hello, I am writing to you to remind you which year begins, because it is very important that every new year comes on time.

Yes guys this is important. Do you know which year starts?

Children: Yes. 2017. Santa Claus:

Father Frost:right. 2017 year of the Rooster.

Leading: Grandpa, our guys have prepared poems for you.

Child 1: Santa Claus, though old,

But he is naughty like a little one:

It pinches the cheeks, the nose tickles,

He wants to grab it by the ears.

Santa Claus, do not blow in the face,

Enough, do you hear

Do not spoil!

Child 2: Kind Santa Claus

All overgrown with a beard.

He's in a hurry today too

Together with the granddaughter to the kids.

Child3: Snow is falling from the sky

And grandfather has a bag.

In it he is to each of us

I have a gift.

Child4: She is in white boots

And in a blue fur coat

A bouquet of ripe snowflakes

Brings you and me.

Child. 5: White-white to the waist

Luxurious braid

And warm, pretentious

Radiant eyes.

Child. 6: Mittens in transparent pieces of ice

And the hat is on her.

You give us light and joy,

The favorite of children.

Father Frost: Oh, what good fellows.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, let's play with the guys?

Game Attention: Santa Claus!

Santa Claus walks around the room with his eyes closed, and the kids take turns running up and touching him. The one whom he manages to grab by the hand also closes his eyes and, together with Santa Claus, catches the children. Whoever they can't catch won.

Father Frost: You play great. But it's time to say goodbye, because there are more guys waiting for me.

Snow Maiden: What about grandfather, and the gifts?

Father Frost: My head is empty, (grabs his head). And I forgot about the gifts. I put them somewhere under the tree. Help me guys find gifts.

Children, along with Santa Claus and Snegurochka, go around the Christmas tree to look for gifts.

Father Frost: Ah, here they are.

Children sit down.

Father Frost: takes a gift from the bag and shows it to the children. Here's a present. And the rest of the gifts will be given to you by your teachers in the group.

Snow Maiden: Well guys, it's time to say goodbye. Expect us next year.

Santa Claus: Happy New Year Guys.

Leading: May winter be a silver powder

Freezes any trouble

We wish you all the best

In the coming New Year

Children go to the group.