Comic sketches for February 23 for children. Scenarios of the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday for adults. Competition "Dance Battle"

For Defender of the Fatherland Day, we offer you a scenario with contests for holding a holiday in high school.

There is a bench on the stage (or three chairs in a row), three girls are sitting on it, their chin resting on their hand, and sighing heavily. On the head there may be kokoshniks made of painted cardboard, or each girl has an artificial braid woven over her shoulder, in this case, it is appropriate to make a blonde, a brunette and a redhead. If possible, throw Russian scarves over your shoulders. Girls can dress as they like, the main thing is to indicate that they are almost Pushkin's "three girls".

1 Maid (yawns):

Girls, it's boring ...

2 Maid (sighs):

Very boring…

3 Maid:

People say the truth

Choosing a future husband

Difficult if there are no guys!

1 Maid (sarcastically):

You are logical dear

Amazingly smart

But while we're chatting,

Would you knit canvases!

2 Maid:

Well, for you, friend

A feast like a mountain, then merit!

3 Maid(jumps up, indignantly):

That is, to put it simply,

Should I give birth to a hero ???

No, girls, you are something completely! Maybe we will first choose the suitors, such good fellows, so that blood and milk, and a ward of mind, and a heroic horse to boot ...

1 Maid (sarcastically):

Yes, yes, and half a kingdom, how have you forgotten !!!

2 Maid:

Enough to pin up all the time, let's better and really think of something. February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day, so it's worth finding out who we have here is the best defender. I propose to introduce four nominations: "Tsar", "Tsarevich", "King", "Korolevich" ..

3 Maid:

You express it constructively!

1 Maid:

And now I’ll come up with such tasks that even Vasilisa the Wise cannot cope! For example: let our candidates for the defenders write - how to cook pasta and fry eggs! And while our kings are trying, they will speak ...

While the guys are doing the tasks, they can speak amateur performances- dance, song, magic tricks. It is desirable that this be a gift from girls to boys.

Competition "Culinary"

Young people have to put on paper the process of making pasta and scrambled eggs within five minutes, and for the correct answer it is worth taking the exact recipe - for sure, the boys will be mistaken somewhere in the technology, so it can turn out to be quite fun. The girls-presenters collect the leaves, and read out in turn, commenting. The winner is the one with the recipe closest to reality.

1 Maid:

Yeah, girls ... I should have made them cook it and eat it!

2 Maid:

Are you starting again? It's okay when a man doesn't know how to cook, the main thing is that he has potential! It's good that they even know what scrambled eggs are!

3 Maid:

Girls, would you know what I checked? Consideration! Let's give them puzzles, let them figure it out in five minutes!

Contest "Puzzle"

For the next competition, you need popular puzzles - it can even be Rubik's cubes or rings with ropes that you need to untangle. If all the guys cope with the task, then it is worth evaluating the result in terms of time - who did it faster. By the way, then, after the end of the competition, you can present such puzzles to all the boys as a gift, there are a lot of such toys at quite affordable prices, so as a small souvenir for the holiday this is a very good option.

1 Maid:

Well, I must admit, our princes are good at thinking. But I would, of course, come up with some other trick.

2 Maid:

Who would have doubted something ... But I also feel that something is missing.

3 Maid:

I know! You've heard the expression: "Men love with their eyes, and women - with their ears." We need to give them an assignment so that they read a poem dedicated to women with expression, and whoever does the best will win!

Competition "Poetic"

You will need to prepare in advance four different poems of great poets about love. Preferably about the same size. You can take Shakespeare's sonnets, because they are just written in one way of versification. Or, on the contrary, a poetry that is fundamentally different in style. For example, Mayakovsky has very beautiful lyrics, and it can be read very expressively. It will be enough for the children to read the poem to themselves once or twice, and already begin to improvise. Of course, it is very difficult to determine who reads better, but you can ask the literature teacher or class teacher to judge.

1 Maid:

What are they all the same ... fickle !!! (turns away, pretends to sob)

2 Maid:

What are you doing this?

3 Maid:

Never mind, it was she who was moved. But I'm impartial, so I think it's time to determine the winner.

Voting in three contests can be made unified, or you can let one teacher judge each contest, or let the audience judge with applause, or the presenters themselves. The main thing is to remember that all contests are comic, so it is quite possible to "fool around".

For 1 place "Tsar" you can make a crown, and, if you suddenly succeed, get a fake gray beard. If there is no beard, then it is quite possible to make it from a regular washcloth to which an elastic band is sewn. These "regalia" should be left to the participants of the competition as a keepsake.

"King" - 2nd place. The Russian tsar, as a character, is, of course, more important in Russia. Therefore, the title of king is awarded to the runner-up. He can also wear a crown on his head, only narrow and wide, and put on his shoulders a "royal mantle" made of a piece of fabric gathered with an elastic band or a ribbon around the neck.

"Tsarevich" - 3rd place. Here you can play a hooligan and present to a young man, for example, the Frog Princess drawn on a Whatman paper with an arrow in her mouth or in her paw, write a funny phrase, such as: "You are lucky, I am yours!" or “The prince was not looking for a ford, he wandered into a swamp for an arrow. I was always waiting for you, I was unapproachable! "

"Korolevich" - 4th place. For this young man, you need to prepare a ribbon over his shoulder, with medals sewn to it, and to it an epaulette - a cardboard oval sheathed with blue fabric, yellow fringe. You will need to attach it to clothes with double-sided tape, but in any case, it will not be for long.

One of the presenters or all three, reading a quatrain, congratulate all young people on the holiday:

Guys, we are confident in you

Although you are not all tested,

We look at you with confidence,

And we don't dream of titles.

Already and now we are sure

That you will protect the Motherland,

We look at you with confidence -

Truly, and not "like".

This is how humanity is arranged

That everything can be in the world.

And defending the Fatherland

Remember - you are his children!

After that, the girls can give young people souvenirs as a keepsake.

Great contests for February 23 for boys

"Italian" weaving

Weaving as a form of folk art appeared in time immemorial, because even primitive people guessed that all kinds of things or food can be stored in objects woven from rods. For weaving, the most different materials- these are birch bark and willow twigs, lianas, fishing lines, twine, ropes (by the way, we owe the last type of weaving to sailors and sea knots). But so far no one has tried weaving from ... spaghetti! Therefore, the participants of the competition can be invited to weave all kinds of knots that bear specific names from the weaving masters:

  • eight;
  • tie knot;
  • kalach;
  • Capuchin;
  • tatting.

Movements at an accelerated pace

Competitors can be asked to depict the simplest movements, but at the same time resort to a trick well-known among filmmakers - how to "scroll" their gestures in accelerated mode. This technique was used by many directors and cameramen shooting comedies - for some reason it always amused the audience. Participants need to "speed up" two or even three times, but at the same time show the simplest movements, for example.

The class is decorated with balloons, posters, the song "Boys" by the Ranetki group. (The boys are sitting, the girls are entering. Congratulations verses are played).

Our boys are dear!
We came to congratulate you!
You are the only one with us,
We couldn't find you better!

Be brave guys
And study all diligently,
Let your childhood be
Kind, sweet, serene!

Vanya, my dear classmate,

I congratulate you

On this wonderful holiday -

Twenty third of February!

Rustam, We wish you health and happiness,
Always be active you, brave and cheerful,
Smart and generous and smart and kind!

Denis, we wish you good luck,
So that there are no difficult tasks,
So that there are true friends
Happy life was yours!

Nikita, I wish you the best!
Be athletic, vigorous, energetic,
Smart, patient, cute!

Stas, We wish you to be obedient,
Every day so that it is not boring
So that all desires come true
All dreams were fulfilled
To become the happiest
The kindest and most beautiful!

Vova, Study well and be friends with sports,
You cherish your friends and relatives
Be smart and courageous, strive for victories,
May life give you happiness and joy!

Danya, May you be lucky, friend,
Let there be joy in life
So that you find everything that you are looking for,
Lost longing and sadness

Pasha, never give up
Persevere, try.
Let the problems
Do not disturb.
And on a men's holiday,
No matter what,
Friends smiles
Your happiness will be multiplied.

Vanya, you are a naughty boy,
Restless, funny,
Kind, very, positive,
Energetic and sporty!
Stay like that
And don't change a bit
You only become more mature
Every day a little bit smarter!
Be happy and healthy
Ready for trials!

Kostya, do not offend and help,
And protect against failure
Do not leave a friend at a difficult hour,
And they offend - let's change!

Elchin, Even if you haven't served yet,
You are persistent, strong, not capricious
The eye is sharp and the hand is steady,
Defender of the future Motherland!

Zhenya, you are a reliable friend!
And you will help if suddenly
I need help!
And I'm proud of you!
And congratulations heartily
From February 23!

Igor, I sincerely congratulate you
Happy holiday of the Defenders of the country!
I only wish the best
I wish you success in your studies and in love!

Girls give gifts to boys.

Now let's play.

Well-aimed arrows

The teams line up in columns. There is a bucket in front of each team. Each participant in turn must throw two "grenades" (crumpled paper) into the bucket. For each hit a point.

Moving on to the second edible competition. Well, what army can do without a field kitchen?

The competition is called Ax porridge ... The correctness of the named products and dishes is assessed, as well as the number of participants who gave the correct answers. Each team member must name one ingredient of semolina porridge. (Milk, semolina, water, sugar, butter)

Each team is invited to one participant: the strongest, the fastest.

The competition is called Faster and Stronger ... The team representative must inflate the balloon faster than anyone else until it bursts. The winning team is the team that has the fastest burst of the ball.

Mechanics competition.

Your task: using a spoon to transfer water from one vessel to another. Who will do it faster and more accurately? (props: 2 spoons, 2 plates, 2 glasses).

Doctors competition .

Look what the storm did to our bandages. Come on, doctors, put them in order. Task: twist the bandage. Who is faster and more accurate?

Mechanic competition

Fold an airplane from a sheet of paper. Speed ​​and accuracy are assessed.

Tug of war

And now summing up and drinking tea. As always, friendship won.

Each of us celebrates the holiday on February 23, but does everyone know what is behind it? Having come to the holiday, we will make you real men, so that you can celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day without a twinge of conscience! Scenario for adolescents for the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Scenario for February 23

A holiday is approaching, which our men are looking forward to - February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day, and many want to celebrate it somehow especially. We bring to your attention interesting scenario holding this wonderful, purely male holiday.

Scenario "Strong, brave, dexterous, skillful!"

Sports and game festival "Strong, courageous, dexterous, skillful!" dedicated to the celebration of February 23 by children of primary school age. The contests will require the participation of not only boys, but also their dads. During various competitions, participants will be able to demonstrate their courage, agility and resourcefulness.

Defender of the Fatherland scenario

The script for adults can be applied in various corporate organizations or just in a friendly company. The holiday begins with the presentation of gifts and congratulations. Then the banquet begins, everyone sits down at the festive table. The party program continues with fun tests and contests.

Scenario "How heroes rescued a magic chest"

Scenario for the Defender of the Fatherland Day for children. Baba Yaga stole a chest with fairy tales from Kuzi the Brownie. Children and their dads go to help him out, showing their skills in various contests along the way. But it turns out that good always triumphs over evil, and even strength is not needed here.

Scenario "February 23 - it's time to congratulate men"

Script for a gala event dedicated to February 23rd. Designed for holding an event as part of a corporate party. February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Any team is in a hurry to congratulate the representatives of the stronger sex of each enterprise. This scenario will tell you how to do it beautifully and tastefully.

Scenario for children "In Search of the Knight"

So the day has come, dedicated to our wonderful men, the day of February 23. On this day, we can give them maximum care and attention, and try to do only what they like.

Scenario for February 23 for a corporate party "Oh this holiday"

A corporate event is an important event in the life of a company, contributing to team cohesion. There are plenty of holidays in winter, but February 23 can be called one of the most important, since it is on this day that we congratulate our dear and beloved men. With this scenario, you can spend a memorable holiday for a small team (15-20 people).

On February 23, we pay tribute to those who defended their native land from the Nazi invaders. But in peacetime, many of the guys continue to carry out a difficult and responsible service. Therefore, special attention should be paid to boys, who in the near future will stand up to defend the Fatherland. Today it is a holiday not only as the birthday of our Red Army, but also as the day of real men.




CLEVER. Nerd girl. Wear glasses. Prefers science to marriage.

AMBALKA... Tall, broad-shouldered. Speaks in bass.

BLONDE... Doesn't need any comments. The only clarification: wears a bust of 4 sizes.

EMPLOYEE... A female ensign. There are no other differences.

TOLYAN... Ambalka's groom. True, Ambalka herself thinks so. Tolyan has his own opinion on this matter, but he prefers to keep it shut. Moreover, they are still intact.

LIGHT... Ambalka's friend and Tolyan's secret love.

RELATIVES... Unlimited extras.

LEADER. good evening, Dear friends! The holiday that has gathered us all in this hall today is truly a national one. Fatherland - what can be more precious for every person, citizen of the country. Defender of the Fatherland Day is one of our favorite holidays, the holiday of our beloved and dear men. And those who are now sitting in this hall, and those who at these moments are carrying out their difficult but honorable service!

SMART (comes out from behind the curtains). Listen, (name), I just stood behind the curtains, and that's what I thought. What is it, who gets a holiday, and who gets a service?

Ambalka enters the stage - slowly, with a heavy gait, waddling.

AMBALKA. What is the market about, girls? Who here decided to mow?

CLEVER. No one. We talked about the fact that many men perform their military duty on this holiday.

AMBALKA. Right! They didn’t want to perform the conjugal, let them now perform the military one! (To the hall). What am I talking about? Moreover, it was necessary to mow at the medical examination.

CLEVER. But this is unfair! I think that for one day a year, we women should take on this mission!

LEADER. What is it like?

CLEVER. We must take on the mission of defenders of the Fatherland. Just imagine: men are celebrating, and women are serving at this time!

The Blonde runs out onto the stage.

BLONDE. Oh, girls! What a beautiful word! Is a mission like shopping?

AMBALKA. In this case, the mission is something like a casting.

BLONDE (claps her hands happily). Oh, how I like it! Mission, casting! Where is it? A modeling agency?

BLONDE (claps her hands again). Oh, I want-want-want! Are there men there?

CLEVER. There is. But only on other days. And today - we will be in their place! Girls, to be honest, I'm afraid of the medical board. I have problems with vision.

AMBALKA. Do not be scared! The local ophthalmologist has only one letter on the poster.

CLEVER. What letter?

AMBALKA. The letter "O". This is the font! (shows).

BLONDE. Oh girls, I'm worried. I have a bust of only the fourth size, do you think they will take me? And my waist has recovered by three millimeters, and we don't have time for fitness anymore? Such a problem!

AMBALKA. Found a problem! Here's my problem!

BLONDE (sympathetically). What, also got better?

AMBALKA. Not. On my knees, neuropathologists break their hammers. Dad only works for them.

SMART (thoughtfully). Girls, but in the army - hazing ...

AMBALKA. Sleep. When we arrive, there will be Babovism!


CLEVER. Girls, be quiet! (Pulls out his phone, rings). Mom, don't wait for me today. I'm going to serve! No, only girls will be there. I know that I will never marry this way. You already offered me a monastery! But I have completely different goals in this life.

BLONDE (also takes out a phone). Hello, kitty! Don't come after me. The girls and I are going to the army, I'll be back late. Well, why did you immediately "go to the peasants"? All the men, by the way, are in your sauna today. We, in fact, are going to take the rap for you! Well, that's it, smack-smack!

AMBALKA (makes a sign to someone backstage. From there Tolyan comes out dejectedly - he is small, smaller than Ambalka. Doomedly approaches her, hugs her by the belt, cuddles. Ambalka speaks in a thick bass). Will you wait for me, Tolyan?

TOLYAN (speaks in a doomed tone). Lucy, how can I not wait for you. I could not have asked.

AMBALKA (in a threatening tone). And I didn’t ask. I warned. Watch me here. I find out that Svetka accompanied you home from a corporate party, I’ll come back and kill you.

TOLYAN (looks up imploringly). So I'll drink!

AMBALKA (thoughtfully). It is truth too. (Looks at Tolyan again). But only up to the fence! I find out that she was running into your yard, I’ll come back - I’ll kill you!

Leave the stage.


All three girls return to the stage.

CLEVER. Oh, girls, what do you think, which troops will take us now? Personally, I would like to serve in the engineering troops. This allows my education.

AMBALKA. And I am in the Airborne Forces! My beliefs allow it!

BLONDE. Oh, girls! And I would like to serve at the border! There are only foreigners there ... well, from the other side ... Imagine, I'm at my post ...

CLEVER. And the intruder is coming right at you!

BLONDE (enthusiastically). And he says to me: girl, what is your name? And I told him: Angela!

AMBALKA. Give him another phone number!

CLEVER. That's it! (ironically) What if he's not cute?

BLONDE (disappointed). Unsympathetic? Well, I don’t know ... well, then I’m in other troops, probably ...


The girls return to the stage, but do not have time to say anything: the Ensign enters the stage. He walks along the girls, examines them meticulously.

THE ESSENCE. Conversations in the ranks! Why not refueled? Where are the footcloths?

CLEVER. By the way, footcloths were canceled long ago!

THE ESSENCE. Who's the smartest here?

CLEVER. Drafted Ivanov!

THE ESSENCE. Break down! Two outfits out of turn!

AMBALKA. Are we already in the army? And what kind of troops?

THE ESSENCE. Who is the bravest one here?

AMBALKA. Conscript Petrov.

THE ESSENCE. Three outfits out of turn!

BLONDE. Did you say something about outfits? Can you try it on?

THE ESSENCE. And who is this, the most curious?

BLONDE. Sidorov's conscript. Can I try it on?

THE ESSENCE. You can try on a finger to your nose. And in the army they don't try on anything, in the army they believe in the word of a comrade warrant officer. Because Comrade Warrant Officer is now your mom, dad and daddy's salary card!

AMBALKA (interested). What do you say about the card? In the sense?

THE ESSENCE. In the sense that it is blocked.

BLONDE. What did you say about outfits there? What brands do you have?

THE ESSENCE. We have three brands: mop, rag and bucket! (looks closely at the Blonde). And, in general, what the appearance? Why not according to the charter?

BLONDE. (looks around herself). What is it? Well, yes, this is not a "hilfiger", it is much more expensive ...

All the girls begin to fuss: the clever one crouches, covers her head with her hands, Ambalka with fists at the ready is looking for the alleged danger, The blonde takes a pose - posing as in front of the camera.

THE ESSENCE. Flash on the right! (To the blonde.) Who was the team? For those who are especially stupid, I repeat two times: flash on the right!

BLONDE (turns the other side). Oh, right already? And I still think that on the left!

THE ESSENCE. What kind of carom is this not according to the charter?

BLONDE. But you said yourself - the flash on the right! So the photographer is on the right! Did I turn the wrong way?

THE ESSENCE. You were born wrong! Four outfits out of turn!

BLONDE. Oh, girls, as many as four outfits! Oh, how I like it in the army!

THE ESSENCE. Did the service seem like honey? Well, we answer the question quickly, without hesitation! Here is a plane flying. It is made of luminium!

CLEVER. Maybe aluminum?

THE ESSENCE. Who said?

CLEVER. Drafted Ivanov!

THE ESSENCE. Fell-wrung out three times! (Smart does push-ups three times, then sits exhausted). Move on! The plane is carrying a vigorous bomb!

SMART (beeps with her last bit of strength). Not vigorous, but nuclear!

THE ESSENCE. Who said?

CLEVER. Drafted Ivanov!

THE ESSENCE. Fell-wrung out three more times! Move on! A luminium plane is dropping a nuclear bomb on our unit. Your actions?

BLONDE. We need to call the cat!

AMBALKA. Legs need to be done before it kicks!

SMART (beeps). To urgently save the comrade ensign!

THE ESSENCE. Who said?

CLEVER. Drafted Ivanov!

THE ESSENCE. Drafted Ivanov - get in line! The rest - ten kilometers march! The first one went!

All the girls run backstage, followed by the Ensign.


05.02.2019 | We looked at the script 2114 human

Mid February
Messengers set out.
The message is carried to all ends,
That there is a holiday in Russia,
In One, it's scary to say:
Compliments to speak
And give a gift
(I swear no fools)
Only men are allowed!
No, not girls, not ...

Scene for February 23

05.02.2019 | We looked at the script 2713 human

5 people are involved (Marya, Daria, Akulina, Katerina and the presenter).
Part one.
The sounds of village life, a window on the screen and a part of the evening landscape.
Three sisters in the evening, sat outside the window,
Summer is dry and warm, everything seemed ...

An interesting script for congratulations on February 23 for adults

26.01.2019 | We looked at the script 4342 human

The ladies sat down on the sofa,
The washed floor dries up,
Those who did not make it home in time
He curled his curls quickly ...
The last stroke is completed
Shadows, mascara, lipstick, varnish!
Here Marina thinks

And I have a warehouse today!
And you?

Me from housing and communal services ...

Scenario of a corporate party for February 23 Three Maidens under the window.

24.01.2019 | We looked at the script 2042 human

Three maidens by the window
Spun late in the evening.

1 girl.
If only I was ...

The script for congratulating men on February 23

05.02.2016 | We looked at the script 7850 human

There will be two presenters in the script, but they are supposedly from different agencies, but they came to do their job in one place. Each in the hall will have their own table for games.

Trumpet and drumbeats are heard. Two presenters are trying to enter the hall at the same time, one in ...

Scenario - February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day

05.02.2016 | We looked at the script 8815 human

O! Hello Stepanovna!

Voiceover (in the style of dubbing the characteristics of the characters from the movie "Treasure Island"):
Stepanovna. As a child, she was a decent girl, but she got carried away by amateur performances and started rolling ... The character is groovy. Not...

February 23rd scenario for real men

05.02.2016 | We looked at the script 11760 human

Lead 1:
Men! Today we have gathered in a close collective circle to congratulate you, our defenders, on your lawful holiday - February 23!

Scenario for February 23 from the Babsky battalion

05.02.2016 | We looked at the script 9590 human

To the music of the episode from the movie "Wedding in Malinovka" (the exit of the Baba battalion), Yashka the artilleryman (the role is played by a woman) and 2 women (hereinafter referred to as Baba 1 and Baba 2).

Yashka the artilleryman:
Battalion! Attention! Report the situation!

Out of order ...

Scenario for February 23 "Merry congratulations"

05.02.2016 | We looked at the script 8221 human

February 23, according to the calendar, is a working day, so that from the very morning you can charge men with positive emotions by presenting them with bouquets. Defenders of the Fatherland will find this gift on their desktop. But the bouquets of a purely masculine character are made of fish. Dried fish is taken ...

Scenario of the holiday on February 23 "Fulfillment of desires"

05.02.2016 | We looked at the script 7009 human

Where, if not in the scenario on February 23, the dream of millions can come true - the fulfillment of desires by Golden Fish, Old Man Hottabych and Fairy. Such a fabulous gift can only be presented by women for their colleagues.

They enter the hall, talking, ...