Congratulations on March 8, nursery rhymes are short. Poems for children on the topic: "March 8". Today is my mother's holiday

Today is my mother's holiday!

I haven't cried all day
Didn't tease the dog.
Didn't drag a kitten
I'm not a prankster:
Today is my mother's holiday!

Women's holiday is an important occasion

Women's holiday is an important occasion
Give a bouquet of paper,
Mom, grandmother, sister,
After all, I'm a man from the cradle!

The eighth of March is a good day!

The eighth of March is a good day!
He - to congratulate women!
Both adults and baby girls
Wish them all the best.

Happy spring holiday!
In this bright hour,
Mothers are dear,

Let the sun shine brightly for you
Let the birds chirp outside the window!
So that not only the day of March 8 -
Every day was considered your day!

I love my mother very much
I will give her a gift:
A ray of sunshine in the window
And snowdrops in a basket!

I'm not a prankster today
Mommy is surprised
After all, today is a women's holiday,
Let her smile!

Mother's day
Elena Blaginina

I keep walking, thinking everything, looking:
"What will I give my mom tomorrow?
Maybe a doll? Maybe candy? "
Here's to you, dear, on your day
The scarlet flower is a light!

Tatiana Gusarova

We were preparing so much for Women's Day!
Dad and I made the menu ourselves,
We bought food, baked a cake,
We tried as best we could for mom.

We even licked the whole apartment !!!
And my mother ... was called to work.

Dad and I decided long ago
Boris Zakhoder

Dad and I decided long ago
To surprise mom on a holiday.
Washed, ironed, boiled
And, of course, surprised
What can I say about it!

Mom praised us
And ... I started cleaning.


Mom is congratulated by the kids

Mironova L.

That's how smart
Kindergarten -
It's mom's holiday
The guys.

We are for mom
Let's sing a song
We are for mom
Let's start the dance.

Mommy beloved

Mommy, beloved, dear,
The sun, chamomile, cornflower,
I don’t know what to wish you
On this wonderful day.

I wish you joy and happiness
Peace and good luck for your age,
So that the heart does not break into pieces,
My dear, my dear, man!

Congratulations for mom.

There are many poems about this holiday,
But I really won't get tired of congratulating on him.
Let the voices of children, merging into a chorus,
Our dear mothers will congratulate you!

Health, happiness and great love
We wish all women today.
Oh, if the nightingales sang in March
Or lilacs were blooming, like in warm May.

Dad brought mom a cake
Grandma - candy
And a whole load of toys
For little sister Sveta.

It was so offensive to me
Younger brother,
Why on the calendar
There is no boy's day.

Today is the day of March 8,
We congratulate all women,
Let their smile not fade away
And the ringing laughter does not stop!

All moms, grandmothers and aunts
We wish you happiness to the sea,
Your soul warmth, fun,
Love, peace of mind!

Happy Women's Day, our ladies:
Aunts, grandmothers and mothers,
Sisters, educators,
Babysitters, girls friends!

Happiness, joy, kindness
May spring add to you
The sun warms the soul
He accompanies you everywhere!

The sun shines brighter

I cooked semolina for breakfast
Mom was just shocked.
And in addition, early in the day
Festive read a rhyme.

March 8th I will congratulate
Neighbor, grandmother and mother,
And even Murka, our cat -
She's a little woman.

I will pick and give them from the garden
An armful of beautiful flowers.
I'll take and make a pie:
Yes, yes, I baked it myself!

Mom and Granny

Mom and Granny
I will say "I love" 100 times
And kiss you tenderly
I will give bouquets.

Let on this holiday
Flowers bloom for them
Let there be their smiles
Heavenly beauty.

Marina Druzhinina

Happy grandmothers, mothers, sisters,
Aunts, girlfriends and just girls!
I wish you always to be happy,
Strong, kind, very beautiful!

The sun may always smile at you!
Let your dreams come true soon!
But for myself, I want to wish:
To please you and help you in everything!

On the Eighth of March

On the Eighth of March
I will draw for mom
Blue sea,
Sky with clouds.

Next to this sea
Dressed with foam
Draw mom
With a festive bouquet.


Something strange is going on:
Mom is asleep, but dad is not.
He woke up very early
As soon as dawn came.

Quickly ran for flowers
And he brought a delicious cake.
And in his hands - a colored bag.
He was something, very proud.

Dressed me up in a shirt
And he handed me a sheet.
Congratulations on March 8!
Tell your mom a rhyme!

Why is the 8th of March
Is it called "Mother's Day"?
Is it really just mom
Congratulations in the morning?

Well, what about Aunt Masha,
What about grandmother, sister?
Congratulations to them too
I'd like very much in the morning!

I will prepare congratulations
Mom, grandmother, sister,
Educator, girlfriend,
To all the girls in the yard ...

Then everyone will be happy!
It will be very good!
Will please them, I hope
This holiday rhyme!

On this day, 8th March
The shops are crowded!
Buy all the gifts.
What am I going to do?

I still don't know how
I'm still a little years old.
But I don't regret at all
That there is no money in my pocket.

Since neither grandmother nor mother
I can't buy a gift
Anything I can with my hands
Make, cut, dazzle.

Let the candies, flowers
Congratulations to lovely ladies
To my grandmother and mother
I will give all my love!

Congratulations to grandmother

Finally everyone fell asleep
They won't spy on my secret
Because for granny
I'll draw a bouquet.

Roses, asters, daisies
Flare up brightly on the postcard.
I'll write to grandmother,
How I love her
That her pancakes
I always praise.

It's good that everyone fell asleep
It's already dawn outside the window.
I love you granny
And I give you a bouquet!

Valentin Berestov

Eighth of March, a holiday of mothers,
Knock Knock! - knocks on the door to us.
He only comes to that house,
Where mom is helped.

We'll sweep the floor for mom
Let's set the table ourselves.
We'll cook dinner for her
We will sing and dance with her.

We paint her portrait
We will draw as a gift.
- You can't recognize them! Blimey! -
Then mom will tell people.

And we always
And we always
We will always be like this!


At my mother's party
Gaida Lagzdyn

I got up earlier today.
How much? There are a hundred reasons.
First of all, I am the oldest
After dad, from men!

I washed myself, I wiped myself,
He took his own bed,
For three minutes I got dressed and went,
But do not gylyat!

I went to the store for bread
And more milk
Played with three-year-old Gleb,
I knocked out the rug with a fist,

I ate all the porridge at breakfast:
For yourself and for Natasha!
Nata told me quietly:
- I love this brother!

And then dad and I deftly
We baked a pie in the oven.
But! Neighbor's y first
Before lunch there was a conversation:

How much milk do you need?
Where is the vanilla? And where is the flour?
And what kind of jam to take?
What's in a pie? What's in a cookie?

My dad and uncle Pavel
We studied a lot of rules:
Everyone leafed through the manual
Under the name "Housekeeping".

Mom's holiday
V. Orlov

The month of March.
The eighth number.
There is no rest for me and dad.
What should I give my mom?
What to buy for the holiday?

We bought her some candy
And a bouquet of snowdrops.
We came home with a bouquet
We laughed, drank tea,
Together with mom candy
We ate by chance.

And then a pile of dishes
The three of us washed.
Have washed all the dishes
And then they rubbed the floor.

Mom said in the evening:
“I’m not tired at all.
So little business today!
I just got younger.
What an event!
I was lucky today.
It's a pity that tomorrow is not the eighth,
And the ninth.

We answered her directly:
- We are not too lazy to help you,
We agree that mom
Younger every day.

Spring holiday
Anna Alferova

The sun in the sky was merry
And caressed all the passers-by ...
Faces shone with joy -
People are like flowers:
Forget-me-nots and tulips
Chrysanthemums and mimosas,
Of the daffodils of Ekibana,
Lilies, carnations, roses ...

Pretty girly
They fluttered like butterflies.
In the tenderness of an old woman
They sighed over the gifts.
Take a closer look! .. You will find:
How majestic the ladies are -
This is from ordinary aunts
Our mothers have turned!

Glitter - in the eyes, charm
In every word, in every look ...
Confessions were heard everywhere
From family men and uncles ...
Like, a special case now ...
Didn't forget about anything
And the fair half
Even the doors were opened.

The sun in the sky was merry
Delighting girls with light,
And smoothed out on the faces
All the old ladies have wrinkles.
And the divine ladies
They cooed like doves ...
Grannies, girly, moms
On a spring day they rejoiced.

A wonderful day - the eighth of March!
How mysterious nature is!
From spring excitement
The bad weather has calmed down.
If all dads are good
Together to collect - at that time
Every day would be similar
On a spring women's holiday!

Children's poems for March 8 for teachers:

March 8th - sun and flowers,
All that warms the heart!
And may there always be the love of students
It helps you to be even happier!

Favorite teacher

To his disciples
You give your heart!
Thank you for everything
Good luck in your work,

Spring and warmth
Smiles, understanding,
May dreams come true
Desires will come true!

Spring holiday

On this joyful spring holiday
We are in a hurry with congratulations to the class -
Wish you success, luck,
We love and appreciate you very much!

May spring be kind, happy
Will bring many new victories!
Thank you for your support, for your sensitivity!
Bright, bright and creative years!

Let the sun shine

Let the sun shine for you constantly
May work always bring joy.
May great happiness come to your house,
Let tears, sadness and misfortune pass by.

Happy Women's Day! Spring blooming to you,
There are fewer problems in the teaching routine.
Always be bright, cheerful, lucky.
Set an excellent example for all of us.

On this day March 8
We want to tell you everything,
What is such a teacher
Not to be found in the whole world!

We value you, respect you,
We express our gratitude
For your care, for your work.
You are like our best friend!

Let everything bloom for you
May spring reign in your soul.
We wish you happiness, joy
And, of course, kind.

Happy holiday of spring and light

Happy holiday of spring and light
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
May there be summer in your heart
And the days will all be good.

You teach us to be kinder
Look for beauty in everything
Be educated, smarter,
Science is difficult to understand.

Thank you! Health, happiness!
Happy International Women's Day!
Thanks to your efforts
We will gain a lot of knowledge.

Children's poems for March 8 to mom:

Mom, I love you so much
I don't know directly!
I am a big ship
I will give the name "MAMA"

Our dear mom
Olga Vysotskaya

Mother's day! Mother's day!
Put on your best dress!
Get up early in the morning
Clean up the house
Anything good
Give it to mom.

Gift for mom
O. Chusovitina

I love my mom
I'll give her a gift.
I made a gift myself
Made of paper with paints.
I'll give it to my mom
Embracing affectionately.

I will collect a bouquet for mom

I will collect a bouquet for mom,
The most magnificent, the most fragrant.
Congratulations on March 8
And I wish you good:

Do not hurt, do not be sad, smile,
Have more fun, laugh.
Darling I hug you
And congratulations on the beginning of spring!

I'll sing to mom in the morning

I'll sing to mom in the morning
Such a song
To immediately understand
How I love her.

I keep my mother's work
N. Grozovsky

I keep my mother's work,
I help as much as I can.
Today mom is for lunch
Cooked cutlets

And she said: “Listen,
Help me out, eat! "
I ate a little
Isn't that help?

Mom a gift
O. Chusovitina

From colored paper
I'll cut out a piece.
I will make of it
Small flower.

Mom a gift
I will cook.
The most beautiful
Mom is with me!

I will not be capricious
I will not upset mom.
If there is no appetite -
We eat lunch anyway.

I will expand in order
I'm on the shelf of a book
I'll sit on the couch
Tiger, bunny, bear.

I'm not too lazy to work hard -
After all, today is my mother's day!

Mom is loved by everything in the world

Mom is loved by everything in the world
Mom's first friend.
Not only children love mothers,
They love everyone around.

If anything happens
If suddenly trouble,
Mommy will come to the rescue
It will always help out.

Mom is a lot of strength, health
Gives it to all of us.
So, the truth is not in the world
Better than our mothers.

Mom's holiday

Mom's holiday is coming
Mom's day is coming
I know my mother loves very much
Roses, poppies and lilacs

Only in March there is no lilac
You can't get roses and poppies ..
But you can, on a piece of paper
All flowers to draw

I will pin this picture
I'm over my mother's table.
In the morning I'll kiss my mom
And congratulations on Women's Day.

Gift for mom
Peter Sinyavsky

And what a gift to mom
Will we give it on Women's Day?
There is a lot for this
Fantastic ideas.

After all, prepare a surprise for mom -
It is very interesting…
We will knead the dough in the bath
Or wash the chair ...

Well, I'm a present for my mom
I'll paint the wardrobe with flowers
It would be good for the ceiling ...
It's a pity I'm short.

How much light there is in the house!
How much beauty!
Flowers are glowing on the table for mom.
I love my mother so much -
I can't find words!

I kiss you tenderly
I'll sit in a chair
I will wash the bowl,
I'll pour her tea,
I'll cover her shoulders
I will sing songs.

Let Mom Don't Know
Grief and worries!
May the Eighth March
Lasts a whole year!

Multicolored gift
P. Sinyavsky

I am a multi-colored gift
I decided to give it to my mother.
I tried, painted
With four pencils.

But first I'm on red
I pressed too hard
And then, after red immediately
Purple broke

And then the blue broke
And the orange one broke ...
All the same, the portrait is beautiful,
Because this is mom!


A bright star in the sky is burning.
Shines, but does not warm - mom says.
I will stretch a ladder from the balcony to the sky.
I'll take an asterisk for mom from the sky.

Mom will light this star on her chest.
And he will warm him up, he will sing a song.
Mom is my star, my bright one!
Sweetheart, good, I love you!

I will quietly approach my mother,
I will hug mom tight
I congratulate her on the holiday,
And I will thank her!

Oh no easy task
Congratulations to my mom
I need to make the bed too
And collect all the toys,

Don't pull the cat by the ears
Eat porridge and drink juice,
Here, mummy, because obedient,
Your son has become today!

On Women's Day, my mother
I will hug you tightly
I will spread my arms to the sides -
That's how I love you!

Be cheerful, smile
And sing songs in the kitchen
Never get upset
Know that I am always with you!

Better mommy beloved
There is no in the whole wide world,
I give her a ray of sunshine
And a big hello to spring,

And a bouquet of flowers first,
Warm rain at dawn
Mommy I love you
And I give the whole world to you!

There is no dearer in this world,
Human for me
You are closer to me than anyone else in the world
And I live for you!

Accept, on the day of March 8
All gifts and flowers!
Happiness, joy, fun,
Dreams come true!

Be an example along the way
And don't let him get off.
I love you, dear!
Mom - it's better not to find!

Gift for mom

Here comes the Eighth of March,
Breasts bursting with happiness
Mom needs to give me
Something on this holiday.

I'll wash her face as a gift
I comb her hair as a gift,
I'll fit into a pair of the best sneakers
And I'll perfume with perfume!

Bouquet of flowers

Let's go to the flower shop.
Here is the beauty and splendor of the shop windows.

Straighten the leaves of the rose
Yellow-eyed mimosas
The scents of the petals
A sea of ​​festive flowers.

We will buy a bouquet
On my mother's best holiday.

Dear mom

My dear mom
Congratulations and Appreciate!
Let the smile shine
And the face does not leave!

You are the best

There are many good women in the world,
But you are the best, my dear mother.
You are gentle, sensitive, kind, glorious
And in life you will always be the most important.

May the holiday of spring give you warmth
With you in my soul it is both easy and light.
I trust you all my secrets
As in childhood, I believe and trust you.

May the days be filled with happiness and light
It doesn't matter whether it's winter outside or summer.
And there will be spring in your eyes, mom,
And in the house the weather is warm and clear.

N. Maidanik

On the Day of March 8
Beloved mom
I will give the sun
Golden-maned ray!

Let the ray touch
Mom's head
Kiss on the cheek
Tender and awkward!

Through the clouds straight
My playful ray
Keep mom warm
With a golden mane

It tickles your eyes
Having fun playing
And mom will wake up
Smiling at the sun!

Vera Shugraeva

I will plant a sprout in a pot,
I'll put it on the window.
Hurry, sprout,
Open the flower -
I really need him.

The winds will rush outside the window
With a snowy winter
But it will be higher
Every day
Grow my flower.

When on the calendar
The time will come for spring
Eighth of March
I will give
I give my mother my flower!

I wish you on women's day, mommy

I wish you on women's day, mommy,
So that our dad flew like a bullet
I cooked dinner like a pressure cooker
Better than a real cook.

To give you a ring, a car,
And in your huge growth of flowers a basket,
So that I wore on my hands from morning to night,
And to love you very madly!

Children's poems for March 8 for girls:

International Women's Day
Tatiana Moroz

Today is a holiday all over the world -
International Women's Day!
It smelled in the street in the spring
And the first lilac wants to bloom!

I want to wish you good luck
Be the first and the best in school!
May cherished desires come true
You can reach heights without interference!

Long live the girls

Long live the girls
With and without pigtails!
Let the sun smile
They are from blue skies!

Long live the skinny ones
Long live the bbw
Those with earrings
And freckles on my nose.

We congratulate you all
And we ask you not to get angry:
Not everyone succeeds
To be born as boys!

Fragrant mimosas

I'm bringing to school today
Fragrant mimosas,
Bouquet wrapped in cellophane
From light frost.

At first I could not understand
- Oh, I'm such a muddler!
- Why congratulate the girls?
But my dad explained to me:

From each must grow
Stubborn capricious
Someone's faithful wife
And an affectionate mother!

Martha is already laughing loudly.

Martha is already laughing loudly.
All of you are in the mood.
Congratulations to you girls
Happy spring holiday.

Everyone - to smile more often
Do not be sad at the desk,
Each - to meet the prince.
Happy March 8!

Girls adorable

Happy spring holiday,
The girls are lovely.
You are so different -
Lovely, wonderful.

Sometimes funny
But always beautiful
Stay, the main thing
The happiest!

What kind of pigtails

What kind of pigtails,
Flower bows blossomed?
You are like sisters today.
We came to congratulate you.

Let it happen that we argue with you
And we don't want to communicate,
But as soon as we don't see you,
We are very sad.

Congratulations on March 8
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts
So that you, like today,
Were always good!

Children's poems for March 8 to grandmother:

Wishes to grandmother

Beloved grandmother,
The most beautiful!
Golden hands
The eyes are young.

Always be happy
Wise and beautiful.
Happy holiday, dear!
Congratulations again!


I will give flowers to my grandmother today,
Postcard with funny cats.
And I will hug you tighter, and I will smile quietly -
I take it to be your gift on a festive day.
You are the best, beautiful and very young
Darling, good, I adore you.

Smiles of grandmothers and mothers

Spring holiday in the yard -
Cheerful, warmest.
We are smiling lightly
All grandmothers and mothers.

Perky streams are ringing -
Goodbye, goodbye winter.
Spring will come to us for women's day
Celebrate yourself.

To my beloved granny

You will always understand me
And you will save me from thrashing.
How much did your
Golden pens!

There is no kinder grandmother.
I wish you:
Be fun, don't hurt.
Happiness! Congratulations.

Grandma beloved, you are my best friend

Grandma beloved, you are my best friend,
There is no one kinder than you around.
You will always forgive me any prank
You will boldly protect me from sorrows, troubles!

I will say thank you, grandma, to you,
May everything turn out perfectly in your destiny.
On March 8, I tenderly congratulate you
And I wish you good health from the bottom of my heart.

May kind eyes shine with joy
Let the bitter tear not touch them.
Remember, with all my heart I love you so much.
Happy holiday, my dear grandmother!

History of the 8 March holiday

The history of the holiday on March 8 begins from the time of the Roman Empire. The Romans celebrated a holiday that was dedicated to the goddess Juno, the wife of the supreme god Jupiter. They believed that Juno controlled the weather, that she was responsible for the well-being of the family; this goddess acted as the patroness of women during childbirth. Juno was given rich gifts in the days when marriages took place and a child was born.

The feast in honor of Juno was called Matronalia and was held on March 1. It is noteworthy that only married women - matrons took part in it. For all other girls and women, the holiday was banned. In the ancient Roman calendar, Matronalia coincided with the New Year.

Matrons received gifts from husbands and children, then put wreaths on their heads and went to the temple of Juno Lucina. On the way, they glorified the goddess and asked her to make family life happy. The slaves, although they did not celebrate Matronalia, were freed from their daily work - it was performed by ... men.

In the history of the Jewish people there is an analogue of the feast of women, which is called Purim.

In 480 BC, all Jews freed from Babylonian captivity were given the opportunity to return to their homeland. However, there were not very many such applicants. Surprisingly, during the period of being under occupation, many Jews arranged their lives well.

Not many people liked this state of affairs. Thus, one high-ranking courtier of the king Artaxerxes turned the monarch against the Jewish population. He motivated this by the fact that the Jews do not observe the laws of the empire, live by their own rules and do not honor the Persian gods.

This led to the fact that Artaxerxes issued a law that required the destruction of the Jews as a people. However, the king's wife was a Jewish woman named Esther. She, having learned about this law, arranged a feast for the king. By this, she pleased the ruler of the country so much that he allowed Esther to destroy all her enemies. Thanks to this cunning of the king's wife, the Jews exterminated their enemies and appropriated their property.

In the 19th century, the holiday received its further development... On March 8, 1857, women marched in New York demanding:

  • reduction of the working day from 4 pm to 10 am;
  • creation of normal, human working conditions;
  • the equation wages with the one that men get.

On March 19, 1911, workers went on strike in Denmark, Germany, Austria, Switzerland. They demanded the observance of equal rights for all. In 1913, another demonstration took place in St. Petersburg: its participants wanted to achieve equality for women in the economic and political spheres.

In memory of these historical events, March 8 was declared International Women's Day. This decision was made by the conference of socialists held in Copenhagen.

The United Nations officially recognized March 8 as International Women's Day in 1976. In our time, this holiday has ceased to carry a political connotation and is perceived as a day of beauty and femininity.

All children in kindergarten
Worked - were not lazy
Congratulate mothers and grandmothers
They were in a terrible hurry.
We made surprises
We learned dances, songs.
And now they have gathered
Together in an elegant room.
Relatives and loved ones,
We congratulate you all!
So that everyone is happy
We sincerely wish you!

There is one wonderful holiday
He comes to us in the spring.
Loved by adults and children
This holiday with all my heart.

Because our moms
Turn into princesses
And their smiles shine
From earth to heaven!

March 8 is a feast for the ladies.
Congratulations to grandmothers and mothers,
Educator, sisters
And my girlfriends - girls!

Smile, have fun
And shine with joy
Always be happy.
Happy March 8, hurray!

On a bright day March 8
We want to congratulate you!
Let the sun shine brightly
Gives the light of happy eyes!

Be always healthy
Don't go to doctors
Joy, celebration and fun
We will give it to you today.

Today is spring day
The day is bright, not easy
Congratulations today
All mummies with spring!

You are our beloved
The most beautiful,
The closest people,
Mothers are dear!

We wish you happiness
Joy, success,
Lots of laughter!

Today is a bright holiday
Today is a holiday for mothers,
And I'll give my mom a present:
Even if it is not huge, and not even big,
But it was made with love and with a childlike soul!

I congratulate mom very much
Happy spring holiday!
My beloved, dear,
I wish you - be happy!

Happy March 8, we congratulate everyone!
Even if we are still small, but we already know:
All women should be congratulated in the spring,
Give them flowers and read poetry.

Mom and grandmother need to be hugged
To wish our teacher happiness.
We all together congratulate you in unison!
Are we good? Praise us!

Since March 8, our ladies -
Babysitters, grandmothers and mothers,
Educators, girlfriends
And funny girls!

Laugh, sing, smile,
Swim in happiness, in joy.
All health and goodness,
In the eyes of sparkle and fire!

It's getting warmer outside the window
And the icicles melt.
Today beloved mothers
Children congratulate.

The snow has melted, the sun is shining
And the snowdrop bloomed again
The most joyful in the world
The Women's Day has come to us!

Congratulations to everyone today,
Bloom like flowers!
And we wish you gifts
Unprecedented beauty!

We are in a hurry to congratulate you
Here today and now
With this spring holiday,
With a bright, light mood!

Spring is knocking at kindergarten
He pleases the guys with himself
And with her comes the holiday of mothers,
We would like to congratulate them.

Let's read our poems for them,
We confess our great love.
Let's dance, ringing laughter,
To please you all.

Mom, dear, dear
And grandma dear
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Happy spring holiday to you!

Joy, kindness, warmth
I want to wish you.
To make you happy
I donate my poems.

Spring in boots
Walks along the paths
We hug mom
We wish her joy!

For mommy beloved
I'll read poetry.
Always be happy
And love me.

I'm drawing a postcard for mom.
My mom is the best!
I love her smile
And a kind, beautiful laugh.

I congratulate her on March 8,
I'll hand over a bouquet of tulips.
I make my mom happy every day
And I want to hug.

This flower is not simple:
He is fragrant, he is alive.
He is dear to mommy,
Beloved, dear!

We did not sleep with my brother for a long time,
Made a gift to mom.
Let everyone know today:
Our mom is the best!

I'm not a prankster today
Mommy is strangled.
After all, today is a women's holiday,
Let her smile!

Our lovely mothers
Congratulations on March 8,
Kindness, love and happiness,
And we wish you patience!

Beloved mom
Kind, beautiful
Congratulations on the eighth of March,
I wish you an ocean of love!

We congratulate mom
Let's give a bouquet!
Be healthy, mom
Live for many years!

I love my dear mother very much,
I will give her flowers in a bouquet, delicate ...
Let her laugh, let her rejoice
Let her not know what sadness is!

No mom is prettier, no mom is sweeter,
The eyes of my mother are all relatives in the world.
I love my mom very much,
On a spring holiday I give a postcard.

I'll get up early today
To congratulate your mom.
Happy holiday
Happy Spring Day!

My bouquet is small
Very small,
I will give mommy
With feeling and soul
Mommy is happy:
Well done, son,
Your little bouquet
Like a light!

Here is a small flower
Here is a flower - scarlet,
He is dear to mommy,
Beloved, dear.

Mommy dear,
My beloved grandmother.
I congratulate you
The flowers are beautiful.

There are no flowers on the street
I will draw with paints.
My surprise is ready for mom,
I congratulate you.

I congratulate you
Mom and Grandma!
I will give them a bouquet
I wish them to live a hundred years!

May this day be bright
Let the drops ring for you
May all flowers bloom for you
And gifts are waiting for everyone at home.

I love my mother very much!
I kiss, hug,
And I will tell her: “Mom,
You are my main one! "

Mommy, my dear!
I'll tell you, without melting -
How much I love -
And I will give you joy!

My dear mother
Wonderful, beloved
Congratulations on the women's holiday,
I wish you to be happy!

I will give flowers to my dear mom
And I'll tell you how much I love her!
Always be beautiful
The happiest!

Small bunch
I'll give it to my mom.
I am her, good,
I love most of all!

Congratulations to mom
Spring holiday
And I wish, mommy,
Happiness, kindness!

To smile
You are always light
I give a piece
Your warmth!

I will draw a flower
And I'll give my mom
After all, I am her very, very
I love and love.

My mom is dear
All the softer and kinder
And, not hiding a smile,
I will hug you soon!

Spring has come to us again
Brought a holiday again.
Happy spring day
And with good mood!

I am a flower for my mother
I will give it now.
I am very much you
Darling, I love you.

I will collect a bouquet
And I'll give it to Mom.
Happy holiday, my dear,
You are the only one with us:

The most beautiful,
Most beloved
Affectionate, gentle
Like a snowdrop flower.

Happy March Eighth, dear ones:
Mothers, grandmothers, relatives!
Let everythnig will be alright,
And the soul is always warm!

Congratulations to mommy
My dear!
Dear mom
I love most of all!

I am pleased with my mom
Happy spring
Because, mommy,
I am your son!

I will collect the toys myself,
I will wash the plates, mugs,
While mom is resting
I gently sweep the floor
It will be seen a mile away
Beauty and purity
Let everyone know today
How I help my mom!

Our dear granny
Dear Mom,
We love you so much
Congratulations now!

To only smile
You, my beloved.
Believe me, I have you
The most beautiful!

Mom and Granny
You were beautiful -
More beautiful than all of us!

Congratulations mommy
Happy March 8!
I will give her today
The best gifts!
I'll sing her a song
And I will say that I love!

Congratulations to mommy
Today is Women's Day,
We will give her poems,
Let's sing a song.

Let her smile
Warms our hearts
Let the warmth give
Spring is coming soon!

Mom I love you,
Simply adore.
Happy spring holiday
I congratulate you!

I love my mother very much
I will give her a gift:
A ray of sunshine in the window
And snowdrops in a basket!

Congratulations to mom!
Mom is the best
Let it sound more often
Her sonorous laugh!

Today is a women's holiday,
Today is a holiday for mothers.
Be nice, beautiful
We wish you!

Happy holiday, mommy!
I love you
And always with you
I want to be near.

Let me be very few years old
I give my mother a bouquet
I wish my mom happiness
Congratulations on March 8!

My mom is the best
My mother is kinder to everyone
I love my mom
I will save you from all troubles!

My mommy,
I love you,
Small bouquet -
My love secret!

An Important Meeting, or What to Present for Mothers (Kirill Avdeenko)

Everything in the forest is noisy, singing -

Mother's holiday is coming!

Everyone needs to discuss:

Shall we give mothers what?

The monkey dads will say:

We will buy bananas for mothers!

To cook all year round

Banana compote for us.

Hamster dads will say:

We will buy hooks for mothers!

To day-day to night

Sweaters were knitted for us!

Daddy-bears will say, say:

Buy-buy covers for mothers!

Let's buy jars, roots -

Let the mothers cook the jam!

Well, the bunny is at the edge

Rushing into the distance, ears outstretched,

Hey, wait! Where are you going?

I'm in a hurry to buy flowers!

After all, why give hooks?

Eh, you bears, hamsters!

For moms to rest

So that birds flutter like birds,

Let's love mothers!

We will give them flowers!

So stop thinking a lot!

All for me on the road, the road!

For a gift - the very hour!

Mothers are waiting for us with flowers.

And where to get flowers - we will find!

Let's go to the mothers with them in the forest,

Mothers' holiday - after all, it's a big day ...

We love mom with all our hearts!

(Kirill Avdeenko)


The needle moves quickly

From stitch to stitch

I'm silk by the eighth of March

I embroider a cockerel.

Rooster spread my wings

I lifted my head up

I'll close the doors soon

So that he does not run away into the yard.

You don't move prankster,

I'm talking to the cockerel.

Tomorrow I will have you for a holiday

I'll give it to our mom.

Congratulations to mommy (L. Kazakova)

I congratulate mom

Happy holidays.

I will do for mom

Anything I want.

I'll clean my table

I'll wash the toys

I'll make a bed

A doll to a friend.

Together with the doll Nina

Let's bake cookies.

Though from plasticine

But a treat.

Our gift to mom

We'll put it on the table.

Together with the doll Nina

Congratulations to Mom.

On mommy's cheeks

Two magic dimples.

And when she laughs

The light is so magical

That snowdrops grow

Blossom right before our eyes.

Mom, my sun,

I sunflowers her.

It's good to be happy

Love your mom.

If I was a girl

I would not waste time.

I wouldn't jump on the street,

I'd wash my shirts.

Would wash cups, spoons.

I would peel the potatoes myself.

All my toys myself

I'd put them in their places.

Why i'm not a girl

I would help my mom like that.

Mom would immediately say:

“Well done, you son!

Mom brings me

Toys, candy.

But I love my mother

Not at all for that.

She sings funny songs.

We are bored together

It never happens.

I reveal all my secrets to her.

But I love my mother

Not only for that.

Love my mom

I'll tell you straight.

Well, just for

That she is my mother.

I walk, I think, I look

What will I give my mom tomorrow?

Maybe the doll is not.

Maybe candy - no.

Here's to you, dear, on your day

The scarlet flower is a light.

My mum (V. Russu)

There are many mothers in this world.

Children love them with all their hearts.

Only mom is alone

She is dearer to me than everyone else.

Who is she? I will answer:

This is my mom.

Gift for mom (A. Passova)

I am a gift to mom

I started to paint

The sun came out

I'm calling for a walk ...

Do not be angry!

Better sit side by side.

Mother's holiday once a year

I'll draw it and go! Okay?

Grandma's hands (L. Kvitko)

I am with my grandmother

I have been friends for a long time.

She's in all things

With me at the same time.

I don't know boredom with her,

And I love everything about her

But grandma's hands

I love most of all.

Oh, how many hands are these

They are doing wonderful things!

They tear, then sew, then mold,

They are doing something.

To sleep, the night light will light up -

And then they suddenly shut up.

Smarter than they are in the world,

And there are no kinder hands.

*** (V. Korkin)

I help my grandmother

I'm big already.

Grandma smiled -

And she became young.

Young grandmother!

People says.

I am for our grandmother

I am glad.

Me guys to grandmother

I'm not rude

Because grandma

Let's be our grandmothers

Help with you!

Smile grandma

Always be young!

*** (B. Zakhoder)

Dad and I decided long ago

To surprise mom on a holiday.

Washed, ironed, boiled

And, of course, surprised

What can I say about it!

Mom praised us

And ... I started cleaning.

*** (K. Tangrykuliev)

Mom lived in the world

For many years

No one is dearer than mom

In the whole world, no.

She goes to bed the last

Rises first of all

he is busy around the house all day,

Even though it gets tired.

You live in the world, mom,

Many, many years.

No one is dearer than you

In the whole world, no.

Happy Women's Day!

Lovely grandmothers and mothers

Happy Women's Day!

We want to wish you

Bright joy in everything!

To make work argue,

So that worries melt away

For many years in a row

The look was radiant and clear.

To make the house a full bowl

Your children wish you!

I'll give my mom a napkin

I will decorate the edge with a fringe,

Embroidered a branch on a napkin

And the flower is blue.

We blinded the whole city -

Towers, stairs, palaces.

We will give it to mom.

Mom will say: "Well done!"

My sister and I together

We'll clean the whole apartment.

We will bake a ruddy cake

We will wait for the arrival of mom.

Only mom on the doorstep -

And we have the pie ready!

I sew a toy for my mother.

From a colored shred

I will cut out the tail and ears,

I'll fill my sides with cotton wool.

Do you recognize? This is a cat!

I'll paint his mouth.

I will give a kitten to my mother

He will live with us.

Mother's day

I will not be capricious

I will not upset mom.

If there is no appetite -

We eat lunch anyway.

I will expand in order

I'm on the shelf of a book

I'll sit on the couch

Tiger, bunny, bear.

I'm not too lazy to work hard -

After all, today is my mother's day!

Gift for grandmother

I have a Grandmother,

She bakes pancakes

Knits warm socks

Knows fairy tales and poems.

I love my grandmother

I'll give her a postcard!

Wish for mom

My dear mom

I would like to wish

More often at home to be with me

So that I do not get bored alone.

So that we read books

Sewed a hat for the bear

It's light next to my mother

Both cozy and warm!

Vases with flowers

I will draw in the album

Wildflowers bouquet,

It will become more festive in the house

The sun's light will immediately flare up.

I will paint carefully

Corolla, stem, petal,

To become brighter and more beautiful

Every little flower.

This vase of flowers

I will give it to my beloved mother.

Mom's smile

There is nothing sweeter

Mom's smile -

Like the sun's light flashes

The shaky one will dispel the darkness!

As if it will sparkle with a tail

Gold fish -

Joy will immediately bring

Mom's smile!

Mom's hands

My mother's hands -

A pair of white swans:

So tender and so beautiful

There is so much love and strength in them!

They fly all day

They don't know as if tired.

They will bring comfort in the house,

They will sew a new dress,

Caress, warm -

The kindest and dearest!

I always recognize him

I forget about toys

And I run to my mother's call.

I will gently hug my mother,

I will not upset her!

Mom is my beloved friend

Like turquoise -

Mom's eyes

Clear and clean

Kind, radiant.

Like stars are burning

Illuminating everything around

And they say to me:

Mom is my beloved friend.

My present

The shops are crowded?

They buy all the gifts

What am I going to do?

I still don't know how

I am still so few years old.

But I don't regret at all

That there are no coins in my pocket!

Since neither grandmother nor mother

I can't buy a gift

Anything I can with my hands

Make, cut, dazzle!

Let the candies, flowers

Congratulations to lovely ladies -

To my grandmother and mother

I will give all my love!

Mothers party (B. Berestov)

Eighth March, a holiday for mothers,

Knock Knock! - knocks on the door to us.

He only comes to that house,

Where mom is helped.

We'll sweep the floor for mom

We will set the table ourselves.

We'll cook dinner for her.

We will sing and dance with her.

We paint her portrait

We will draw as a gift.

You can't recognize them! Blimey!

Let mom tell people.

And we always

And we always

We will always be like this !