Dassault Rafale is a formidable "Flurry" from the last century in the modern sky. Multipurpose fighter Dassault Rafale (France) Raphael fighter

DassaultRafale(Dassault Rafale - Flurry) is a French multi-role fighter created by Dassault Aviation in the 1990s.

Rafale history

The history of the creation of the Rafale begins in the mid-1970s, when the French Air Force and Navy began evaluating a promising aircraft to replace the aging fleet.

Requirements for round-the-clock operation of the aircraft in any weather and the ability to perform a wide range of missions to combat air, ground and surface targets were mandatory. The new aircraft was supposed to be versatile and replace many different aircraft that were in service at that time. To save money, France initially joined the group to create a single European fighter (future), however, soon left it due to disagreements on the concept - the French needed an aircraft capable of operating from an aircraft carrier, the rest was a heavier machine.

As a result, Dassaut initiated its own fourth-generation ACX fighter program. In 1985, the first demonstrator Rafale A was created. The Snecma M88 engines were still not ready, so the first aircraft was equipped with GE F404 engines from a fighter. By 1990, the prototype still received "native" engines.

In 1990, after the collapse of the OVD and the USSR, the program was questioned - it became unclear with whom to fight. To save money, the Air Force cut the project budget and sent money to modernize Mirage fighters.

Nevertheless, the design of the new fighter continued. In May 1991, flight tests of the Rafal C01 experienced fighter, painted completely black, began at the LITS in Istra. Over the next years, prototypes of two-seater and deck-based versions of the aircraft were created.

In the end, on May 18, 2001, the first production Rafale began to enter service with the French Air Force and Navy.

Rafale Video: Airshow fighter flight demonstration video

Rafale design

It is made according to the “tailless” aerodynamic configuration, which is traditional for Dassault Aviation fighters, with an additional high-positioned forward horizontal empennage and two engines in the tail section of the fuselage.

The air intakes are made S-shaped and shield the compressor blades, which reduces the RCS of the aircraft.

The designers managed to create a relatively simple fighter with unregulated air intakes and no air brake flaps, thus simplifying maintenance.


The Dassault Rafale, along with Saab, are probably extreme warplanes created in Europe by one country. Obviously, the fifth generation fighter alone cannot be mastered by any EU country. The Rafale is also the youngest aircraft of the fourth generation and is therefore one of the most sophisticated.

For 2014, more than 121 fighters were produced. They have already taken part in NATO operations in Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq.

Dassault Rafale fighter scheme

I would like to note that the article deals only with the situation of close maneuverable air combat. At the same time, from what is written in the article, it follows that "Rafale" in close combat at low altitudes, as a rule, will have the advantage of the first missile launch, losing it at medium and high altitudes.

The situation of missile combat at medium range is not considered in the article. In my humble opinion, "Rafale" with the upgraded RBE2-AA radar with AFAR and MBDA Meteor missiles will have the advantage of the first launch in a missile battle at medium range if the Su-35S is not armed with an RVV-BD missile or a promising UR with a ramjet engine. In this case, the Su-35S pilot will have to use active orthogonal maneuvering to disrupt the escort of the enemy radar while simultaneously performing a missile counterattack, since the ability of our fighter's radar to perform such an active maneuver makes it possible. At the same time, it is desirable to include a device for releasing towed false air targets into the Su-35S onboard defense complex.

Unfortunately electronic version the article is not complete. It does not contain tables and graphs.

In the early 1990s, the appearance was formed and flight tests of the first 5th generation fighter, the F-22, began. Experts determined its cost from 70 to 100 million dollars, and this figure seemed astronomical. That is, the new fighter was evaluated as a link of the 4th generation fighters of the F-15C type. Hence, according to the "efficiency / cost" criterion, it was assumed that the combat capabilities of the new fighter should have increased more than fourfold.

A quarter of a century has passed, and the serial production of the F-22A ended, the production of tactical fighters of the 5th generation F-35A (B, C) began, the military aviation of European states was re-equipped with the 4+ generation aircraft of the EF-2000 and Rafale types. These aircraft are exported, and their prices have surpassed the most daring forecasts of the past years. So, France offers India and Egypt a multi-functional light fighter "Rafale" at 120 ... 130 million euros apiece. What kind of aircraft is this and does its efficiency correspond to such a high cost?

Flight tests of the single-seat variants of the Rafale C aircraft for the French Air Force and the carrier-based Rafale M began in 1991. "Rafale" M has the characteristic features of a carrier-based aircraft: a reinforced airframe, a brake hook in the shock loads when landing on deck and catapult takeoff, automatic deck landing system and others. At the end of the keel is the Telemir system, which provides data exchange between the onboard navigation system and the aircraft carrier's navigation equipment. As a result, the Rafale M became 500 kg heavier than the Rafale C.

In 1993, a two-seater version - "Rafale" B, appeared, and in 2006, its carrier-based counterpart - "Rafale" N. These aircraft are intended mainly for solving strike missions to destroy land and sea targets. The appearance of the second crew member led to an increase in mass by 350 kg and to a decrease in the amount of fuel in the internal tanks. "Rafale" N lost its built-in artillery mount.

Since 2008, it was planned to enter into service with the Air Force and the French Navy 198 Rafale C (B) aircraft and 35 Rafale M (N) carrier-based fighters.

Aircraft of this type had a power plant consisting of two M88-2 turbojet engines. This engine is distinguished by its low weight (about 900 kg), compactness (diameter 0.69 m) and high fuel efficiency. The gas temperature in front of the turbine is almost 1580 ° C, the total pressure ratio in the compressor is 24.5. Specific fuel consumption is equal at maximum operating mode with a thrust of 5100 kg CR = 0.8 kg / (kg ∙ h), and at afterburner - 1.7 kg / (kg ∙ h). Afterburner thrust reaches 7650 kg.

In the future, the M88-2 engines were planned to be replaced with a more advanced version of the M88-3 with a thrust increased by 20% due to an increase in air consumption.

The Rafale family comes standard with modern equipment, typical of the 4+ and 5th generation multifunctional combat aircraft. The basis of the information complex is an on-board radar with AFAR RBE-2 with electronic scanning of the beam in elevation and azimuth. The station can operate on air, ground and surface targets, form a digital map of the area with high resolution, ensure flight in the mode of following the terrain.

The RBE-2 airborne radar is capable of detecting a fighter-class air target with an RCS σ = 3m2 at a range of up to 90 km against the background of free space and up to 55 km against the background of the earth. In the mode of action against air targets, the radar can detect and simultaneously track up to 40 targets, select eight of the highest priority among them and ensure the simultaneous guidance of missiles at four targets. The field of view is ± 70º in elevation and ± 60º in azimuth. The minimum RCS of the target detected in the lower hemisphere σ = 0.1m2. An improved version of the RBE-2AA radar with increased radiation power will increase the target detection range by about 1.5 times.

The fighter is equipped with an optoelectronic forward-looking system OSF. It includes two modules (a heat direction finder and a television camera capable of operating in low light conditions) associated with a laser rangefinder. The functions of detecting and tracking a large number of targets are taken over by the thermal sensor, and the identification of the target and the determination of the distance to it is taken over by the television laser module.

The system is capable of detecting an enemy flying in afterburner at a range of up to 80 km, identifying at a range of up to 50 km and determining the distance to a target at a range of 30 ... 40 km. OSF provides simultaneous tracking of up to 10 air targets and ranking of eight of them in priority.

For action on ground targets and guidance different types intelligence provides for the possibility of placing additional equipment in a suspended container.

Aircraft "Rafale" have a high degree of protection against various air defense systems, including MANPADS. The minimum RCS of the fighter in the heading plane has been reduced to 1.5 m2. The Spectra airborne defense complex (BKO) includes radar and laser receivers, a built-in missile approach detection sensor (operating in the infrared range), a thermal, optoelectronic and radar decoy target ejection system, as well as a digitally controlled active radar jamming system. It is planned to include a towed radar target and a laser system designed to destroy approaching missiles with a thermal homing head. The aircraft uses a system for injecting a substance into the jet of engine exhaust gases that blocks the engine nozzle for the duration of radar and infrared visibility.

Thanks to modern digital technologies, the Spectra system can passively detect targets at a great distance, carry out their identification and assess the degree of threat. The BKO includes a high-performance processor, in the memory of which data on various targets is accumulated. Thus, on board "Rafale" a large database is formed with the results of electronic and electronic reconnaissance. In the course of further improvement of the Spectra system, data exchange channels may appear, as a result of which two Rafale fighters will be able to triangulate with an accuracy of a meter to determine the coordinates of a potential threat.

Since its inception, Rafale has been seen as part of the global information system NATO. In its onboard complex, the capabilities for the exchange of tactical information were laid. With the help of the Link 16 multifunctional information distribution system, each Rafale fighter will have access to data received by other aircraft (including AWACS and U) and ground surveillance equipment. This system will allow the fighter, through the exchange of data and the use of passive sensors, to minimize its own signature and suddenly attack the target.

The Rafale's primary weapon against air targets is the MICA air-to-air missile, capable of engaging targets in close combat and beyond visual range. The missile has a launch weight of 112 kg and is highly maneuverable. With the help of an engine with a deflected thrust vector, a developed tail and highly efficient control surfaces, it is capable of realizing an overload of up to 50 units. Thus, MICA in its parameters is close to the Russian short-range missile R-73.

The armament of the Rafale fighter includes two variants of the rocket: MICA-EM with an active radar guidance system and MICA-IR with a thermal imaging homing head. Targeting missiles in close air combat can be carried out using the Topsight helmet sight. In the future, the planes are supposed to be equipped with Meteor long-range air-to-air guided missiles (UR).

The artillery armament of the aircraft includes a 30 M 791 cannon. This single-barreled 30-mm revolving cannon has a rate of fire of 2500 rounds per minute. The muzzle velocity of the projectile is 1025 m / s. The effective firing range at an air target is 1500 m. The ammunition load is 125 rounds, loaded with shells with high incendiary properties and penetrating power.

The analysis shows that the Rafale onboard complex and armament are modern in composition and characteristics and allow solving a wide range of combat missions. However, it is obvious that the combat capabilities of the aviation complex are largely determined by the characteristics of the platform on which this equipment and weapons are deployed. During the service life of the aircraft, its "electronic filling" can change several times, changing its combat capabilities, and even the very purpose of the aircraft. The better the flight characteristics of a combat aircraft, the higher its potential for further modernization.

Aircraft "Rafale" is made according to the "tailless" scheme with an additional all-turning front horizontal tail (PGO), triangular mid-wing of low aspect ratio λ = 2.55, sweep χPC = 48º. The vertical tail is single-fin.

Aircraft of such an aerodynamic design allow for a lower specific wing loading (p = G / S) and a drag coefficient at zero lift (Cx0). But at the same time, this arrangement has more modest bearing properties, has a flatter inductive polarity (compared to the normal circuit), which significantly reduces the aerodynamic quality when maneuvering with large overloads. Due to the unfavorable interference interaction between the PGO and the keel, the aircraft of this scheme are prone to loss of directional stability and controllability at angles of attack α ≥ 24º. Thus, the available angle of attack of "Rafale" is limited to αdop. = 22º.

Let us assess the maneuverable characteristics of the Rafale C fighter in the range of heights and speeds typical for close air combat, under the most favorable conditions for combining the mass of the aircraft and the thrust of the power plant. We will assume that the aircraft is equipped with M88-3 engines, and the weight of the empty "Rafale" C has not changed after its modernization and is 9850 kg. Then the initial design parameters of the aircraft will correspond to the data given in table. 1. The maneuvering characteristics of the aircraft are shown in Fig. 2 ... 7 when using the afterburner operation of the engines.

From the data in Fig. 2 it can be seen that, due to the high thrust-to-weight ratio, the Rafale C has an energy rate of climb practically the same as that of the F-22A. This quality is especially valuable when solving interception tasks, when overcoming air defense, during anti-missile maneuvering in long-range air combat and ensures a safe exit from combat.

In fig. 3 ... 5 show the available maneuvering capabilities of the aircraft when maneuvering in the horizontal plane - the characteristics of the turn.

Due to the low specific load on the wing "Rafale" C has high available overloads (Fig. 3), but when they are realized, the aircraft decelerates too vigorously, losing speed, and with it the available overload (nua rasp.). Judging by the values ​​of the tangential overload (nha) arising when performing forced turns (Fig. 4), the rate of speed drop when reaching αadd. and reaching nue max. = 9 is 105 ... 125 km / h per second.

The high rate of speed decline makes the calculated maximum values ​​of the angular rates of turn ωvir.max practically unrealizable. (Fig. 5) without the threat of exceeding the permissible angle of attack and loss of control or exceeding nue max. and structural destruction. Real ωvir max. will be about 5 º / s less.

In fig. 6 and 7 show the characteristics of steady-state maneuvers performed at a constant speed. From the diagram of available overloads in Fig. 6 and current tangential overloads in Fig. 4 shows that to implement nue max. = 9 without loss of speed "Rafale" C can only when flying near the ground, starting a maneuver at a speed of at least 1000 km / h. In the high-speed mode, typical for the beginning of close air combat (BVB), "Rafale", despite the very high thrust-to-weight ratio, will begin to lose speed when creating nua> 7 ... 7.5.

This is due to the fact that the normal thrust limit is determined not only by the thrust-to-weight ratio (μ = Р / G, where Р is the available thrust of the power plant; G is the estimated weight of the aircraft), but also by the current value of the aerodynamic quality (K) at a given overload (nу pr. ≈ μ ∙ K). With an increase in overload and angle of attack, the aerodynamic quality of the Rafale aircraft with a low aspect ratio wing will rapidly decrease, and at αadm. = 22º will decrease by more than 5 times relative to Kmax ..

As the flight weight, altitude and speed increase, due to a decrease in thrust-to-weight ratio, this effect will manifest itself more strongly, and the Rafale's ability to maneuver vigorously will decrease.

In order to assess the effectiveness of the Rafale C in solving one of the main combat missions of a fighter aircraft, we will carry out an imitation-stochastic mathematical modeling of close air combat with its participation against a Russian 4+ generation fighter of the Su-35 type. We believe that both aircraft have similar standard armament: four air-to-air missiles and an artillery mount. The possibility of reducing the IR signature of "Rafale" by injecting a special composition into the jet of engine exhaust gases, as well as reducing the effect of normal overload on the pilot's body due to an increased angle of inclination of the seat back up to 29º, has also been taken into account.

Evaluation of effectiveness is carried out according to several criteria, the average values ​​of which are determined based on the results of simulating 500 air battles lasting 90 seconds, starting from a neutral tactical situation. Realizations of fights are distinguished by a combination of random factors and the tactics of the behavior of opponents.

Considered two groups of battles, differing in initial height: Н1 - low heights; H2 - medium heights. The final results of single air battles between aircraft "Rafale" C (No. 2) and Su-35 (No. 1) are presented in table. 2.

The results obtained show that, despite the slightly higher specific wing loading and lower thrust-to-weight ratio of the Su-35, the opponents have practically the same chances of winning when entering air combat at low altitudes (WP 1 = WP 2 = 47.4%).

Excessive loading on the wing of our fighter is compensated by the large available value of the lift coefficient (Su add.). As a result, the ratio Su add./p, which determines the available overload (Fig. 3), for the Rafale C and Su-35 aircraft are the same (Su add./p = 0.0051). In addition, the Su-35, having engines with a controlled thrust vector, can maintain controllability up to critical values ​​of the angle of attack and realize the maximum value of the lift coefficient, significantly increasing Su / r and available overload at low speeds. However, the so-called "super-maneuverable" capabilities of our fighter turn out to be unclaimed when fighting "Rafale". Indicators of the effectiveness of the Su-35, given in table. 2 are achieved using only 75% of the allowable angle of attack without using thrust vector control.

The lower thrust-to-weight ratio of our aircraft is more than compensated for by a higher aerodynamic quality, which provides the Su-35 with a noticeable advantage in thrust-limit overloads. Analysis of the cyclograms of the current overloads shows that the Su-35 holds nу ≥ 7 by 15% more in time.

“Rafale” C, performing a forced maneuver, started at high speed, has a higher gradient of increase in the angular rate of turn in the first seconds of the fight and, accordingly, has the ability to attack earlier. Analysis of the distribution of missile launches in time shows that 46% of them are fired by the French fighter in the first 15 seconds. If this attack is successful, Rafale wins; if the battle drags on, the tactical advantage goes to our aircraft and the Su-35 wins. His attacks are more evenly distributed over the battle time, 48% of them are carried out in the interval from 30 to 60 seconds.

Analysis of the relative position of aircraft after the time of the battle shows that in 75% of cases the Su-35 is located in the rear hemisphere (ZPS) of the enemy. At the same time, in 32% of cases, the "Rafale" is in the field of view of the UR homing heads, that is, in the presence of missiles, it can be attacked again.

A typical picture of the development of a tactical situation in air combat at low altitudes is shown in Fig. 8. Here "Rafale" C, having completed a forced turn, manages to launch a rocket at the 14th second of maneuvering, which three seconds later ended with the defeat of our aircraft with a probability of 0.50. Then the initiative goes to the Su-35, it responds with four effective attacks at 39-, 49-, 64- and 84th seconds of maneuvering. Conditions for the use of artillery weapons did not arise. As a result, the chances of shooting down opponents accumulated during the battle were: the probability of shooting down "Rafale" С - Wsb.2 = 0.77; the probability of shooting down the Su-35 - Wsb.1 = 0.50. It follows that our fighter in this implementation of air combat won a victory with a positive difference in the probability of shooting down ΔW = Wsb.2 Wsb.1 = 0.27.

With an increase in the height of engagement (H2> H1), the thrust-to-weight ratio of aircraft decreases, the value of the angles of attack required for maneuvering increases, and under these conditions, the factor determining the effectiveness of a fighter becomes its aerodynamic perfection, in which the Su-35 is out of competition.

The short-term advantage of "Rafale" at the beginning of the battle gradually disappears with increasing altitude, and three quarters of the fights end in the victory of the Su-35 (WP 1 = 74.2%). The persuasiveness of these victories is confirmed by the overwhelming advantage of our fighter in the ratio of the number of missile attacks (n1 / n2 = 4.25), attacks that ended in target destruction (neff. 1 / neff. 2 = 3.96), and the average probability of shooting down opponents (DWav . = 0.37).

A typical picture of the development of a tactical situation in air combat at medium altitudes is shown in Fig. 9. Here the Su-35, as a rule, is ahead of the enemy in the use of weapons at the beginning of the battle and then retains the advantage due to its higher maneuverable characteristics. In the proposed implementation of air combat, our fighter completely consumes the stock of missiles within 60 seconds without a single attack from the enemy, achieving almost absolute success (Wsb.2 = 0.96). The fight ends with a convincing victory with a score of ΔW = Wsb.2 Wsb.1 = 0.96.

The analysis carried out in this article, as well as in the work, shows the following:

modern multifunctional fighters entering service with NATO countries are primarily aimed at solving strike missions, assuming either the absence of active counteraction in the air, or the suppression of this counteraction by attacks from long ranges, using global information superiority;

the Russian Su-35 fighter is able to successfully fight against opponents such as F-35 (A, B, C), "Rafale" (C, B, M, N), EF-2000 and others, providing cover for troops and ground targets from attacks from air;

recognizing the high combat potential of the 4+ generation French multifunctional fighter "Rafale", it should be noted that its overpriced clearly does not correspond to its effectiveness.

In conclusion, I would like to advise our colleagues from India, Egypt and other states friendly to Russia, not to spend money on expensive "toys" for waging colonial wars, but to buy Russian weapons of victory of the "Su" brand.

Leading military developers different countries almost simultaneously, in the 1980s ... 90s of the last century, they came to the idea of ​​the need to create a medium multi-role fighter. So a project appeared in Europe, and work on the future began in the USSR. However, the French military designers felt that they needed a lighter aircraft capable of performing the same functions and carrying practically the same weapons.

France refused further participation of its firms in the pan-European project Eurofighter-2000 (Typhoon) and Dassault Aviation began developing the Shkval fighter, later famous as the Dassault Rafale, a formidable fourth-generation multipurpose aircraft designed entirely by the French.

History of creation

The Rafale, a French combat aircraft, appeared due to the divergence of military doctrines of Western countries: Germany and England wanted to see in Eurofighter-2000 a powerful air defense system, the latest interceptor, and France preferred the development of an aircraft that could replace the 2000 D / N series assault Mirages. Or Étendard, Etander (also developed by Dassault).

The newest fighter and attack aircraft was to be used not only in defense, but also for gaining air supremacy, assault strikes against ground targets, and air superiority.

The development of the new "Combat Experimental Aircraft" (fr. "Avionde Combat Experimentale" or ACX) began at the Etander-producing company even before France left the all-European Eurofighter program.

The history of the emergence of one of the best multipurpose air vehicles of our time can be summarized as follows:

  • 1983, Dassault begins development of a multi-role fighter based on the Tactical Military Aircraft;
  • 1985, the project is named "ASH";
  • 1986, Avion de Combat Experimentale makes its first test flight;
  • 1987, the project gets the name Rafale-A and the turbojet engine of the French manufacturer "SNECMA";
  • 1990, developed and tested the single-seat Rafale C (from Chasseur, “hunter” as fighters are called in France) and Rafale-B (two-seater);
  • 1991, test flights with landing on the aircraft carrier of the Rafale M fighter with reinforced landing gear from Messier-Bugatti.

Somewhere around 91-95, the multipurpose Rafale still ceased to be completely French, a small but important import detail appeared: the Martin-Baker Mk.16 (US16E) ejection seat, this model developed at Lockheed was better than any French analogs.

Since 1996, large-scale production of the Dassault Rafale began immediately for both the Air Force and the French Navy, in 2004 (Navy) and 2006 (Air Force) the aircraft entered service with the Fifth Republic.

Fighter-bomber design

The Rafal belongs to the single-keel aircraft class, with both engines located at the rear. It is made according to the aerodynamic model "duck" or "tailless", which has already proven itself on the Mirages. When creating Shkval, the military demanded two main things from the manufacturer:

  • the plane should be lighter than the European one;
  • be less visible to enemy radars.

The Dassault Aviation engineers managed to achieve an elegant solution to their tasks when they decided to use three main materials for the aircraft body and its wings:

  • titanium;
  • aluminum-lithium alloys;
  • kevlar;
  • carbon fiber;
  • composites.

More than 20% of the parts (over 25% by weight) of this aircraft are made of composites and carbon fiber. As a result, it turned out not a thoughtless copying of American stealth technologies, but an elegant purely European solution with impressive overall performance characteristics:

  • wing area - 46 sq. m .;
  • wingspan - only 11 m (which is much less than the same figure for MiGs or American multipurpose fighters);
  • length ─ 15.3 m;
  • weight (empty aircraft) ─ 9 tons (sea, with the M index exactly 500 kg heavier);
  • weight (maximum takeoff) ─ 21.5 tons;
  • height ─ 5.3 meters.

At the same time, the machine is capable of speeds up to 2 thousand km / h, climbs to a practical height of more than 15 thousand meters and is technically capable of withstanding overloads up to 9 g. Thus, the new multipurpose vehicle is capable of performing supersonic flights and maneuvers at speeds over 1.4 M or over 1700 km / h. The aircraft is equipped with a forward horizontal tail for greater maneuverability during sharp turns in air battles or avoiding anti-aircraft shells or air-to-air missiles.

The creators have provided space for spare fuel tanks, both suspended (PTB) and conformal (KTB). In the case of supersonic flight, outboard fuel tanks are provided with smaller volumes than for operations at long distances (1250 and 2000 liters, respectively).

An interesting feature of the aircraft was the location of the parabolic antennas of aviation radars: they are installed on interceptors mainly in the front, while fighters have more of them at the stern. On Rafale, these schemes are successfully combined (later became common for multi-purpose projects of the fourth and "4+" generations).

At the same time, the radars of the French fighter have been equipped with phased array antennas (PAR) since 2012, both passive and active (AFAR), which increases its survivability.

In addition to the traditional radar facilities, the aircraft is equipped with such an interesting system as the SPECTRa developed specially for it. The name of this latest development stands for "Rafale Protection and Prevention System".

It includes a system of infrared sensors that warn of radar and laser irradiation of the fighter. And even equipment capable of suppressing enemy electronic warfare and laser illumination.


The main armament is an automatic revolving aircraft gun of the "Nexter DEFA 791B" type with only 125 rounds of ammunition. But they rarely use it. But missile armament allows "Shkval" not to resort to this "last argument" for as long as possible.

Can carry air-to-air missiles of the following types:

  • the French short-range rocket MICA;
  • American Seindounder or AIM-9 with infrared guidance head;
  • American Slammer medium range AIM-120;
  • British infrared homing ASRAAM (AIM-132) for short range;
  • ultra-modern missiles Magique-II or Meteor.

These are weapons for aerial combat and air superiority. For attacking ground objects, the following can be installed:

  • Anglo-French aviation cruise missiles Storm Shadow ("Storm threat");
  • air-to-surface missiles such as Apache, AM-39 or ASMP, and the latter can be equipped with a nuclear warhead.

On a combat mission, a multipurpose fighter is capable of taking 12 bombs and from 8 to 12 (depending on the type) missiles.

As intended, the Dassault Rafale is well-armed for both aerial combat and ground attack and suppression.

Modern modifications

At the moment, only 165 Rafales have been produced, while they, as required for a multipurpose military aircraft, differ quite strongly in "specialization", since more than ten modifications of this formidable aircraft have been developed. However, apart from the models specially modified for the Air Force of India and Egypt (the index "BM" and "DM" for the Egyptians and the types "BH", "DH" for the Indians), the main types of Dassault Rafale today are:

  • single, types "D" and "M" (land-based and sea-based, respectively);
  • modification for the naval forces of the Standard F2 type (in service since 2006);
  • carrier-based double, index N;
  • aircraft for the use of vigorous missiles, with the index BM.
  • The first "Squalls" also fall into this classification, but Rafale types "A" and "B" are no longer produced, and the Rafale C variant, mistakenly mentioned on most sites, has long been renamed into Rafale D.

    Combat use

    Dassault Rafal, along with the obsolete Mirages and other western aircraft carrier-based aircraft, tested his own forces in the combat operation of the Western allies in Afghanistan (the first baptism of fire of the land-based Squall type "D") and in the invasion of the combined forces of the alliance in Libya.

    During the last combat operation, an event advertised by the Western media took place: as part of the combat aviation of the Western Allies, carrier-based Rafale M multipurpose fighters destroyed six twenty-third MiGs and two Crocodiles (MI-35 helicopters).

    Later, information appeared that these interceptors and attack helicopters of our production were really destroyed by the Raphael, but during the attack on the airfield, and not in the air. So, Rafal has not yet been able to meet a real and serious air enemy (as well as the latest Russian or American multipurpose aircraft).

    Now type "M" aircraft carrier-based are actively used on board the flagship of the French Navy, the nuclear aircraft carrier Charlesde Gaulle in the Syrian company against ISIS.

    It is curious that as attack aircraft on the "Charles de Gaulle" are still used ... the same "pan-European" Super-Ethanders, which France at one time refused to work on, and not Rafale.

    An interesting fact is that, despite four disasters, in which five Dassault Rafal were irretrievably lost (in one of the incidents, two such fighters collided), there were reports that any "Shkval" was shot down in a combat situation, like our Su -24 in 2015, not reported.

    All accidents with French "skyhawks" were due to technical problems, or due to inattention of the pilot, like the last disaster in the joint Franco-American exercise in 2012.

    Comparative performance characteristics and performance characteristics according to the Indian Salon 2012

    The successful multipurpose "Dassault Rafale" firmly entered the history of aircraft construction and the development of the world Air Force. This was proved, in particular, by the victory of the designers from Dassault Aviation over the American manufacturers of military aircraft from Lockheed and Boeing, as well as over the Russian MiG bureau at the 2012 commercial exhibition in India.

    A detailed table of data on the Indian Air Show 2012, technical and flight characteristics of Rafale in comparison with other, also very well-known brands of air combat vehicles of this class:

    NameDassault RafaleF-16 Fighting FalconF / A-18E / F Super HornetMiG-35Eurofighter Typhoon
    Length, m.15,30 15,03 18,31 18,31 15,96
    Wingspan, m10,90 10,00 13,62 12,00 10,95
    Wing area, sq.m.45,7 27,9 46,5 30,0 50,0
    9500 7800 8050 7000 7500
    Weight (empty plane), kg10000 9979 14552 11000 11000
    Armament pendants14 (5 for heavy weapons)11 11 10 13
    Maximum thrust with afterburner, kN.2x751x1442x982x88.32x90
    Maximum thrust, kN.2x501x842x622x532x90
    Max. speed at height, M.1,8 2,0 1,8 2,25 2,25
    Combat radius, km1389 550 722 1000 1390
    Practical ceiling, m15.240 18.000 15.000 17.500 19.812
    Cost (for the year of the salon, $ million)85-124 50 55 45 120

    When comparing numbers, even without a calculator, it is clear that the creators of Rafale were able to achieve a golden mean between the mass of the aircraft, its armament and flight performance. And unlike the MiG-35 or Fighting Falcon, to which claims arose, Rafale was able to confirm all design characteristics on test flights.

    A footprint in the skies of military history and computer games

    Taking into account the results of the "Indian tender", as well as the fact that of the ultra-modern multipurpose military vehicles presented on it, only Rafale took part in real hostilities, we can say that this French fourth generation fighter has forever entered the history of aircraft construction and military affairs. ...

    It was on the basis of Rafale that similar aircraft were built in Japan, India, China and Taiwan. True, in the Indian (code designation "Diamond") and Taiwanese (Chingguo) variants, this unique device has lost its multipurpose significance and is produced exclusively as a fighter.

    Particularly interesting is the joint project of China and Pakistan "Chengdu FC-1 Xiaolong", in the Pakistani classification - JF-17 Thunder.

    Chinese and Pakistani aircraft designers have managed to successfully "cross" the merits of Dassault Rafal and new developments based on Chinese modifications of the MiG-21!

    The popularity of the multipurpose "Shkval" is also proved by the fact that since 1997 aircraft of Rafale modifications are constantly present in one of the most popular foreign computer flight simulators - "Jane'sFightersAnthology".


The latest best military aircraft of the Air Force of Russia and the world photos, pictures, videos about the value of a fighter aircraft as a combat means capable of providing "air supremacy" was recognized by the military circles of all states by the spring of 1916. This required the creation of a special combat aircraft superior to all others in speed, maneuverability, altitude and the use of offensive small arms. In November 1915, the Nieuport II Webe biplanes entered the front. It is the first aircraft built in France to be used for air combat.

The most modern domestic military aircraft of Russia and the world owe their appearance to the popularization and development of aviation in Russia, which was facilitated by the flights of Russian pilots M. Efimov, N. Popov, G. Alekhnovich, A. Shiukov, B. Rossiyskiy, S. Utochkin. The first domestic machines of designers J. Gakkel, I. Sikorsky, D. Grigorovich, V. Slesarev, I. Steglau began to appear. In 1913, the heavy aircraft "Russian Knight" made its maiden flight. But one cannot fail to recall the first creator of the aircraft in the world - Captain 1st Rank Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky.

Soviet military aircraft of the Great USSR Patriotic War tried to hit the enemy troops, his communications and other objects in the rear with air strikes, which led to the creation of bombers capable of carrying a large bomb load over considerable distances. The variety of combat missions for bombing enemy forces in the tactical and operational depth of the fronts led to the understanding that their performance should be commensurate with the tactical and technical capabilities of a particular aircraft. Therefore, the design teams had to solve the issue of specialization of bombers, which led to the emergence of several classes of these machines.

Types and classification, the latest models of military aircraft in Russia and the world. It was obvious that it would take time to create a specialized fighter plane, so the first step in this direction was an attempt to arm existing aircraft with small arms offensive weapons. The movable machine-gun installations, which began to equip the aircraft, demanded excessive efforts from the pilots, since the control of the machine in maneuverable combat and the simultaneous firing from an unstable weapon reduced the effectiveness of firing. The use of a two-seater aircraft as a fighter, where one of the crew members played the role of a gunner, also created certain problems, because the increase in weight and drag of the car led to a decrease in its flight characteristics.

What are the airplanes. In our years, aviation has made a big qualitative leap, expressed in a significant increase in flight speed. This was facilitated by progress in the field of aerodynamics, the creation of new, more powerful engines, structural materials, and electronic equipment. computerization of calculation methods, etc. Supersonic speeds have become the main flight modes of fighters. However, the race for speed also had its negative sides - the take-off and landing characteristics and maneuverability of the aircraft sharply deteriorated. During these years, the level of aircraft construction reached such a value that it turned out to be possible to start creating aircraft with a variable sweep wing.

Combat aircraft of Russia for a further increase in the flight speeds of jet fighters exceeding the speed of sound, it was necessary to increase their power-to-weight ratio, increase the specific characteristics of turbojet engines, and also improve the aerodynamic shape of the aircraft. For this purpose, engines with an axial compressor were developed, which had smaller frontal dimensions, higher efficiency and better weight characteristics. For a significant increase in thrust, and, consequently, flight speed, afterburners were introduced into the engine design. Improving the aerodynamic forms of aircraft consisted in the use of a wing and tail with large sweep angles (in the transition to thin triangular wings), as well as supersonic air intakes.

The Dassault Rafale is a fourth generation French multirole fighter jet developed by Dassault Aviation.

It first flew in 1986. It was adopted by the French Navy in 2004 and by the Air Force two years later.

In 2009, the Ministry of Defense of this state placed an order for another sixty aircraft.

Dassault Rafale has become one of the priority areas for the development of the French aerospace industry. All components of the aircraft and its production were carried out by France itself, without the involvement of foreign partners.

At the end of 2011, it was announced that if foreigners did not order the Rafale, then production would end. The following month, the Indian Air Force signed a contract for the supply of 126 aircraft. But since 2012, the price of fighters has more than doubled. This could induce the Indian Ministry of Defense to purchase Russian Su-30MKIs, which are more efficient and economical, instead of French products.

1. Photos

2. Video

3. Construction

The design is made according to the "tailless" scheme with an additional front high-lying horizontal tail, two engines in the fuselage tail and a triangular mid-wing with root influxes.

In front of the wing there is a pivoting front horizontal tail. This is for greater maneuverability. Power point is twin-engine. Single-keel. A runway with a length of 0.4 km can be used.

The aircraft is equipped with an RBE / RBE2 phased array / active phased array radar, fire alarm system and SPECTRA warning system. The latter includes: radar and laser warnings and the DDM-NG missile attack warning system, which in turn consists of two passive infrared sensors located on the keel. DDM-NG in the corresponding range can produce a spherical picture.

The air intake ducts are made in the shape of the letter S and provide shielding of the compressor blades, creating a reduction in the effective dispersion area of ​​the fighter.

4. Options

  • Rafale A - demo.
  • Rafale B - ground based, with two seats.
  • Rafale C, until 1990 Rafale D - ground-based, with one seat.
  • Rafale M - carrier-based, with one seat.
  • Rafale N, first name Rafale BM - carrier-based, with two seats.

The manufacturer currently sells fighters such as the Rafale B, Rafale C and Rafale M.

5. Combat use

  • War in Afghanistan, spring 2007.
  • War in Libya in 2011.

6. Tactical and technical characteristics

6.1 Specifications

  • Crew, people: 1 - 2
  • Length, cm: 1530
  • Wingspan, cm: 1090
  • Height, cm: 530
  • Wing area, m2: 45.7
  • Empty weight, t: 10
  • Normal takeoff weight, t: 14, 71
  • Maximum takeoff weight, t: 24.5
  • Payload weight, t: 9.5
  • Fuel mass in internal tanks, t: 4.7
  • Fuel weight in outboard fuel tanks, t: 6.7
  • Engine: two SNECMA M88-2-E4 turbojets with afterburner, engine dry weight, kg: 897, thrust with afterburner, kgf: 2 × 7500, maximum thrust, kgf: 2 × 5100, gas temperature in front of the turbine: +1577 ° C (1850 K).

6.2 Flight performance

  • Maximum speed at high altitude, km / h: approximately 1900 (M = 1.8)
  • Combat radius, km: 1800
  • Combat radius of fighter-interceptor, km: 1093
  • Service ceiling, km: 15.24
  • Rate of climb, m / min: 18 300
  • Maximum operating overload: −3.2 / + 9.0 g
  • Thrust-to-weight ratio: 1.03.

6.3 Armament

  • Cannon: one Nexter DEFA 791B, caliber 30 mm, rate of fire, rds / min: 2500, ammunition - 125 OPIT rounds with a bottom fuse.
  • Missiles: "air-to-surface" - Apache, Storm Shadow, ASMP with nuclear warhead, AM.39, AASM; Air-to-air: MBDA Meteor, Mazhik II, AIM-9, AIM-120, AIM-132, MICA.

6.4 Engine

First, the fighters were tested on the basis of the F404 engines. Since 1996, the manufacturer's own engine, the M88-2, has been mass-produced. He is the fifth generation. Consists of stages such as: counter-rotation of rotors, single-stage turbine high pressure, single stage low pressure turbine, three stage LPC, five to six stage high pressure compressor.

Engine type: twin-shaft turbojet engine with afterburner. Composition - annular combustion chamber with ceramic sputtering, blades made of titanium alloys, gases in front of the turbine are heated up to +1580 ° C, nozzle and afterburner. FADEC control system. Turbine discs and monocrystalline blades are made by powder casting. The unit box is at the bottom.

  • Forced thrust, kgf: 7440
  • Specific fuel consumption, kgf per hour: afterburner - 1.75 kg, without afterburner - 0.875 kg
  • Outer diameter, cm: 78
  • Length, cm: 350
  • Weight, t: 0.88.