Scenario Ideas for the Last Call. Scenario of the ceremonial part of the prom Themes for the last bell 11

The music “School Waltz” is played. / Karaoke number 3218 /.

Nice, serene, of course,
We have had this year.
Today, here in the hall, the premiere,
Today - "Last Call".

Exams, rest, work -
Flashing in their turn
And we are outgoing year
We'll wave our hand sadly.

We strive for happiness and believe:
Farewell is a meeting pledge.
The school has a premiere today -
Our school last call.

Good day to all!

I am delighted to welcome everyone gathered today to our beautiful hall. According to the good old tradition, for many years now, the sounds of the “School Waltz” have been heard at holidays like ours, in all schools of our large country, stirring the souls and hearts of teachers, parents and friends of those who are going to leave the walls of their native school. This is sadness and joy, regrets and hopes ...

For teachers, this is a part of their life, which they lived with the children, giving them their knowledge, experience and love.

For parents, this is a nervous shock, the realization that children are already adults, and now new chores await them.

For the children themselves, this is a farewell to childhood, to the amazing school world.

Many of our teachers, working at school for many years, try to preserve such moments in their memory, and, probably, now they remember the time when they themselves were students, remember their school.

The years go by
We are getting older every year.
But no matter how long I live,
As soon as I find myself under the school arch
I see the past here in reality.

Warmer to a man on difficult roads,
In a harsh edge from
That somewhere in the world there is a cute school.
There is a good school of him.

Let's hope that our school will become for today's eleventh graders a kind of symbol of the tenderness and purity of childhood. And I would like this holiday to bring all of us closer together, to leave in the hearts of everyone who came here the most joyful, bright and happy memories of these minutes.

Why is there so much free space in our hall? Having started our holiday, we definitely forgot about someone! Someone else hasn't come? Ah, I got it! There are no heroes of our celebration, our eleventh graders! It is with great pleasure that I correct my unforgivable mistake.

And again May in this world.
On a school joyful planet
Nature comes alive again
Ringing, blooming, fragrant.
And this is a miracle in our hall ...
What kind of people have we gathered here!
There is a sea of ​​smart, clean eyes,
Here youth enchants us.
Here souls are full of anticipation
In love by an accidental confession ...
Excitement reigns solemnly ...
The usual intro sounds
For those who have waited, counting the days ...
Attention - graduates!

Students of the final eleventh grade enter to the music, sit down in their seats.

Dear colleagues, graduate students of the eleventh grade, school staff, distinguished guests, parents and everyone who has gathered today in our beautiful hall! Today, on May “__”, 200_, State Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1970 of the South-Western District of the capital of our Motherland, the hero-city of Moscow, I am glad to welcome all of you on the holiday of the last school bell. Today, our students say goodbye to the most carefree and joyful time of their lives - school years. And today each of them will be called for the first time with a beautiful proud word - a graduate of our school. Today our students will say gratitude to the school that taught them for several years, and, of course, to their teachers.

In our city, among many schools
There is one in which you came to study ...
There is one such, without which it is impossible,
School in which they work
All beloved teachers!

In turn, my colleagues and I prepared parting words for our students who are entering a big life. Because it is with our help that they must successfully overcome the second in their still very short life, but a very important milestone - passing the examination session for the subsequent receipt of the "Certificate of complete secondary education."

Dear eleventh graders! Today, on this sunny May day, your whole life will be divided into two unequal halves: school life and non-school life. We understand that each of you had a very difficult and special journey to this holiday. And each of you now has conflicting feelings, which can be compared with the following words:

Tell us, fate, on the cards,
After all, today is the “last bell”.
At a brand new brown desk
We answer the last lesson.

What is fateful fate preparing?
What are your curves?
We are all waiting, trusting in you,
Believe it will deprive us of our need.

Guess the teacher too.
No matter how strict he is with us here.
After all, today is an unusual day,
Here today is the “Last Call”.

We will leave school very soon,
We will remember her for a long time.
Tell us, fate, on the cards!
All that will be, we want to know!

But, to our great regret, very few of us are given to foresee the future. Unfortunately, we do not know how to do this. That's why. Before talking about your future, let's take a short excursion into history to remember all your school years.

But, really, it would be nice to go back 11 long years and see what our students were like.

The sun stopped suddenly at dawn.
Then they were going to the first grade.
And on the school doorstep with excitement
We saw you for the first time.

And you accepted us without fear,
You liked everyone as one.
And suddenly good fairy tales came to life:
Snow White, Pierrot, Aladdin.

There were all sorts of things,
But I want to say without embellishment:
Your heart gave us warmth
Warmed us like the sun.

I hope you already guessed what this is about. And it is about that very fine September day in 199__, when each of the current students of the 11th grade for the first time crossed the threshold of the school. Each of them had a first teacher, whose image they will carry through the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, we do not have the opportunity to invite all your first teachers to our holiday. And the students of our elementary school will help us remind you of these bright moments of your life.

At our beloved school
There is a law like this:
See off the whole family
On the way of graduates.

On the day of "Last Call"
Even toddlers
In a hurry to congratulate the senior class
From all their little souls.

So, the floor is given to the students of our primary school.

Speech by primary school students.

Elementary school students present bells to 11th grade students to music. And those, in turn, give them memorable souvenirs.

Continuing all of the above, I would like to remind our eleventh graders about the following:

Over the 11 years of your studies within the walls of the school, you had 12506 lessons, the last of which begins in these minutes, and will continue for the rest of your life; 152 textbooks, and in them - 25843 pages, most of which were studied by you to varying degrees; 25012 calls have rang for you ... And today here, in this hall, the last bell in your school life will ring for you.

We gathered again in our hall together,
To say the last “Sorry”!
Whatever happens to you in later life,
Remember the school with a kind word!

In the school corridors, ringing, indefatigable,
Your last call will ring.
And fate is for a long time, you are fate for a long time,
Will invite you to your lesson.

Dear Guys! We know that today your hearts are filled with excitement for the future, for a new life. Believe me, it has always been this way. At all times, people held various exams before their teachers, before themselves, before life itself.

These are the lines written in 1814 by the young A.S. Pushkin to his friends on the day of the end of the course at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum:

Parting awaits us at the door
A cheerful light noise awaits us.
And everyone looks at the road
With the excitement of proud young thoughts ...

And the symbol of the end of your long school journey, in addition to the last school bell, is one very important document. Which? Now let's try to figure it out:

For some, a road is prepared for oblivion,
But the one that will be read here
Staying in everyone's heart is calculated.

There are a lot of orders in the routine of school affairs ...
But this is your road to life!

And who should issue this order? Who is the main person in our school? That's right - the director. And while our dear Tatyana Nikolaevna is preparing to read the order already known to you, I will allow myself to devote a few lines to our director:

Who confidently rules the school, as the helmsman?

Who puts the school, as a child, on its feet?
Your kids here welcomes you out,
We tell you three times our Hurray! HURRAH! HURRAH!

So, the floor for reading the order on admission of pupils of the final eleventh grade to the final certification for the course of a complete secondary school is given to the director of the State educational institution of the Secondary School of General Education No. 1970 in the South-Western District of Moscow, the Excellence in Public Education, who has awards from the city of Moscow and the Government of the Russian Federation Yudina Tatiana Nikolaevna.

Speech by the school director T.N. Yudina / reads the order /.

Director, ah, as long as you are here
Have a proud patience.
Your long work will not be lost,

School is given to you for a reason,
For business and for consolation.
She will not let you fall into despondency
And there can be no doubt about that!

Tatiana Nikolaevna, Mrs. Director,
You are a rector for our school, as for a university.
Leisure and study were top class!
We have not appreciated ... You will forgive us ...

These are the words our today's graduates would like to say to you. Taking this opportunity, I want to thank you, our dear and beloved director, for everything you do for all of us.

All the long years of your studies at school, your teachers have walked hand in hand through the land of knowledge with you. And only thanks to their skill honed by many years of work, unsurpassed teaching talent, boundless patience, sensitivity and kindness, we all happily lived up to this wonderful day for all of us.

Many years have passed, you have grown out of school,
And now the path is open for you at will.
But believe me, school days are fun
You, friends, will not be able to forget.

As if on the nerves, on the teachers', playing,
You sometimes caused a thunderstorm,
And now they, seeing you off,
They hide a tear that has come running.

The work of a teacher is a joyful work!
To be a teacher is to learn
Means to write in the heart of a child
As on a frequent notebook page.

What will I leave in children's hearts?
How will my word echo in them?
Let no sorrow, no pain and no fear
Within the school walls, their souls will not touch.

Our esteemed teachers are ready to say the words of parting words to our graduates. And even today, on this difficult day for us, teachers, modern computer technologies come to our aid, so, sometimes, making our teacher's life easier. Now a small video material about our school, its teachers and students will be offered to your attention. And it is with his help that our teachers will congratulate our graduates. By the way, all the material for this film was filmed, selected, edited and prepared for showing by the physical education teacher of our school, the class teacher of the 11th grade, the best woman in Moscow and the Moscow region, Alevtina Vladimirovna Melentieva. I give her the floor.

Demonstration of the film with comments by A.V. Melentyeva.

Thanks to our dear teachers for the kind, heartfelt words spoken to our graduates. May kindness and smile always accompany you.

On my own behalf, I want to appeal to our graduates with the help of verse lines written by me not so long ago:

Today is your day -
Both sad and cheerful ...
Today you say goodbye to school.
The choice of a new path is before you,
Which you have to go through.
May this path be worthy
And in a young life
Your wide road
Will not become a narrow path!

And, taking this opportunity, let me congratulate the incomparable Alevtina Vladimirovna especially on this holiday. She, like all of us, has been waiting for this day for a long time. You can talk endlessly about this wonderful woman. And he will listen in difficult times, and with advice will help both teachers and students. With its arrival, energy and enthusiasm burst into our school life. And Alevtina Vladimirovna played a very important role in my life. Two years ago, due to the circumstances then prevailing, she accepted the class leadership in the class I graduated, for which I am incredibly grateful to her. And in memory of all the events that have occurred during the 4 years of our joint work, I want to devote the following lines to Alevtina Vladimirovna:

What suddenly brings you here?
You haven't looked for easier ways.
Mind and heart, soul and warmth
I gave it to young talents.

For the sake of kindness
Through all the doubts and worries
You carry high dreams
And I knew the joys and ups.

May hope come true now!
Our share on Earth -
The ideals of the teacher in life
Let the young tribe introduce.

Years, parting - it doesn't matter!
Memory for childhood will pave the right path.
You are a teacher for them forever -
The most important, the very, very first!

Let's take a look at a school photo someday
And let's remember about our class.
And we will feel sad for a moment for some reason,
But from what - we do not understand.

Thank you, Alevtina Vladimirovna, for teaching our children to appreciate the good that our school does for them.

We still have to say at this hour
About those who gave you life,
About those closest to world people,
About those who helped grow
And it will still help in many ways!

Parents follow you invisibly,
And in joy, and in the hour when trouble came.
They seek to ward off sorrow
But you, alas, do not always honor them.

And you did not accept their worries,
Their efforts seem superfluous to you at times.
And you remember your parents,
When a sudden disaster has already overtaken you.

Forgive them, dear, dear,
After all, they have no more people than you!
As they say, children are the joy in life,
And you for them are a support in it.

Dear Guys! Your parents' care has played a significant role in your learning and growing up. They, your fathers and mothers, studied with you, helped in difficult times, did everything possible and impossible for you. Now they are infinitely happy and happy with you.

Years flew by courier train,
Stopping nowhere, they walked.
And sons and daughters grew up
And they became strong people.

And today with a grateful feeling
The path is already going on an independent one.
Parents are both happy and sad,
That their children will heal differently.

On behalf of the parent committee of the final grade 11, a parting word is given _____________________________________________

A word from the representative of the parent committee.

Thank you, dear parents for your help and support.

We are all very pleased that today, together with us, in this hall, there are students of the tenth grade. As the Russian proverb says: "A holy place is never empty." Time runs inexorably forward. Today's graduates will leave the school, and a new generation will take their place - the current tenth graders.

So, the word for greeting is given to students in the tenth grade.

Word from 10th grade students.

Many fast days
In disputes and doubts
A friendly school family was formed.
There were also joys in her,
There were disappointments
We, friends, shared everything equally with you.

Soon there will be a moment for exams.
After all, it was not in vain that you studied
I've been at school for so many years.

Life will ask you questions
Difficulties increased
And for everyone you need to give
Correct answer.

And now it's time to say goodbye
The parting bell rings ... / What, already? /
We say: “School, goodbye -
Everything has its hour, everything has its own time ... "

We are in no hurry to say goodbye
And now a hundred times more mile
We will become images and faces
Relatives of their teachers.

But the hour has come, we know it ...
And this is our special hour.
You are gratefully invited
Our best class to your room.

So, the floor is given to the graduating 11th grade.

Speeches by 11th grade students.

Here comes the culmination of our holiday. There is very little time left before what we are all gathered here in this hall for. You may not have thought about the fact that all the previous years were lived by you for this moment. Think about these words! You have become adults. After this moment, you are no longer just girls and boys. You can safely be called full-fledged citizens of our great Motherland. Very soon you will say goodbye to your dear and beloved school, carefree life, and your beloved teachers.

In anticipation of leaving school, remember that:

  • The best arena is serving goodness and truth.
  • The most sacred concepts are mother, father's house, Motherland.
  • The surest path is the path of honest labor.
  • The most significant thing is the one that you yourself have chosen and to which you are devoted.
  • The most courageous act is to admit your own mistakes.
  • The strongest life support is knowledge.
  • And the best school is 1970 !!!

We send you on a long journey,
Build life and walk boldly
But over time, here, at the doorstep,
We are waiting to replace your children.

Don't worry, we can handle them,
Since we were able to cope with you.
We bring them up together like this
So that you could be proud of them.

Everything that was taught to you at school,
Will not pass, will not disappear like smoke.
Goodbye, painfully familiar
A corner that has become dear to all of us.

Let the bright place be remembered
Your feelings, worries, deeds.
Let's wish each other success
And love, and kindness, and warmth.

Once again, completing the school year,
Let this school bell ring
Bell ringing meeting
Everyone who came to the school bell.

Let these balls fly to the sky
Let the cranes fly high ...
We let you all go, guys ...
Bell - rings, rings!

The last school bell rings.

Students of the 1st and 11th grade leave the hall by the hands.

Methodological development of the event "Last bell - 2016"

The festive event "Last Bell" has become a tradition in all schools of the Russian Federation and requires a responsible attitude to the organization of this event. In our school, high-ranking officials and guests of honor are invited to this celebration every year. In 2016, the year of Russian cinema, we decided to make the last call in the style of cinema.

Purpose of the event: creating a festive atmosphere for graduates, teachers and parents.


    development of students' creative abilities;

    education of moral purity and aesthetic attitude to life;

    the formation of the continuity of generations and the strengthening of traditions.

The preliminary stage of preparing the holiday includes:

    drawing up a list of invitees;

    script writing

    selection of concert program numbers;

    choice of leading and main characters of the script;

    preparation of musical accompaniment;

    work with an asset of the 10th grade for the release of a wall newspaper about students of the 11th grade;

    conducting rehearsals with first graders, leaders, 10 and 11 grades.

On the eve of the holiday:

    the hall is being drawn up (banner "Goodbye, school!", balloons, posters, desks and chairs for graduates, chairs and benches for 10-graders, teachers and parents

    the serviceability of the equipment is checked (computer, sound-amplifying equipment, microphones, stands, etc.)

The course of the event.

In the hall there are invited guests of honor, teachers, tenth graders, performing first graders, a dance group, a vocal group.

Deputy director by VR: Good afternoon, dear parents, guests and teachers! We are glad to see you at our event.

Today is an unusual day: the sun has risen, washing itself with dew,

On the last call, the graduation class has already gathered.

May day plays outside the window, the breeze whispers softly in the foliage,

On the way of their pets, seeing off, the school will give them the last call.

There will be a sea of ​​guests to worry, there will be many poems and flowers -

We greet the graduates with oceans of stormy applause!

Meet the 11th grade and its class teacher Zotova Elena Anatolyevna!

(a beautiful melody sounds and graduates enter the hall and sit down at their desks)

Deputy director by VR: Hello, our dear graduates! We're glad to welcome you.

Behind the last lessons

But your heart is a little sad

And now the teacher does not seem to be strict -

There are different feelings in my soul now.

After all, now no one will teach,

Life will teach itself,

Not a cheat sheet will help and not a miracle,

You will have to answer before your conscience.

And today we guys wish you

So that luck does not let you down,

So that you pass the exams successfully,

And the road led you to victories

And now we welcome the Anthem of the Russian Federation and the village of Sheregesh

the Anthem of the Russian Federation and the village of Sheregesh sounds

Deputy director by VR: I want to tell you interesting news: in our school, the shooting of the next series of the feature film "Farewell tour, or the graduates are crying too" continues. You see the main characters in the center of the frame. For the information of the parents present here: if you missed something in this series, then briefly about the events taking place, you can say this: your children have grown! It is with great pleasure that I present to you the guests of honor, the producers of our film:

congratulations from the guests of honor (deputy head of the Tashtagol region, head of the village, chief specialist of the MCU UO, director of the Center for Youth Affairs)

Deputy director by VR: There were many different events in your school days that are still going on. The results of the main ones will be introduced to you by the director of our painting, Oksana Frantseva.

words of congratulations and awards from the school principal

Music plays and s cinema panoramas. A director appears on the stage with a chair in his hand, actively gesticulates, evaluating the scene, an assistant runs after him, a bundle of script sheets in one hand, a cup of coffee in the other hand.

Director: Fine! Wonderful! More light here. Where are the flowers? There must be flowers here! (Turns to the audience) Who is in our hall? Parents ... Important guests ... Teachers ... Children ... So swap those two. Comb the boy's hair.

Assistant director: (showing sheets)- This is the sixth and final version of the script.

Director: I need a film about childhood, about school, about the last day, about this one, like him, which is such a "ding-ding" - and everyone is crying.

Assist .: About the last call? Here in the finale! Read here! Music sounds, everyone has stopped ...

Director: Yes ... Beautiful ... In some places, even brilliant ... but I will do better (mechanically crumples the leaflet with the ending and puts it in his pocket). Everything, we will shoot impromptu. I see it. The camera is in place. Props to the studio! Light to the site. Leading a couple. Make-up for the actors, validol for the assistant. Coffee for me. There will be a stage, an auditorium there. The stars will play here!

Assist .: What stars! They won't come here!

Director: We are in the eleventh school, and here are all the stars! So! Ready! Attention! Motor!

Clapperboard: Film about the school "Farewell tour" Series 1 "Official" take 1

(the music is solemn and the presenters begin)


Today the school bell will ring

Which will not be quite common.

The thread of that usual sequence will be interrupted,

When the lesson was replaced by a lesson.


Noises, worries, graduation class,

The school ship raised the sails.

And now their path is completely different.


Once upon a time, eleven years ago,

When the trees were golden

For you, there was a holiday of the First Call -

Under its trill you entered the class for the first time.


Today you worry a little

And the old school hall is full of friends

The day of the Last Call has come to you

Today YOU say goodbye to school!


Dear graduates! Today a special bell will ring for you, it does not look like the calls that you heard earlier.


Today in front of us in this film

You are assigned the role of graduates.

"Farewell tour". And I think she

Will be remembered for a long time, forever.


You played different roles -

Child, adult, student,

The teachers dreamed of playing ...

And today is the role of a graduate.

Leading: The graduates have been preparing for today's role for 11 years and during this time they have even slightly changed in appearance, but have not lost their talent!

Leading: Your younger friends from the Musical Lounge vocal group are in a hurry to congratulate you on this holiday.

1 song "Favorite School" performed by a vocal group

Director: Great ... I like it .. very good start .. I think that in our film a little nostalgic memories will do the trick.

Assist .: Yes please!

Clapperboard: Series 2 "Nostalgic" "take 1" First time in first grade ", or" How young we were. "

Leading: First recollection. It was September 1st, your first day of school, first grade. In a word, everything is first.


Do you remember the beginning of September?

Big bouquet and anxious mom's look

And the first page of the ABC book

Has opened the gates to the kingdom of knowledge for you.


And the trembling of children's clumsy hands,

With what difficulty was the word given to the pen!

But your first teacher is a good friend

Always came to your aid again!

Leading: Eleven years ago you were met and brought to your first lesson by your first teachers. And today they came to your holiday and are proud of you.

Leading: First teacher! Everyone remembers his name for life. And now we ask you to remember and name the names of your first teachers.

Leading: We invite to the stage your first teachers Nakhalova Elena Leonidovna, Pimankina Elena Viktorovna and Shcheglakova Zinaida Grigorievna.

Music plays and the first teachers enter. Teachers give parting words to graduates. They are given flowers.

Congratulations from the first teachers

Leading: Today, your first teachers continue to educate kids, the same curious fidgets that you once were.


Let the bad weather pass by

And the world will become brighter for you.

Accept the wish for happiness

From your little friends.

Meet the first graders!

The melody of the song "What do they teach at school" sounds, the first graders come out.

Congratulations from first graders

1. We could not sit in the classroom,

They came to you for a holiday today.

We are not just Seryozha and Lena,

Imagine, we are your shift.

2. Look at us, because recently quite

You were just like us

You came to first grade,

It was difficult for all of you

And now you are strong and slim.

3. I wish all graduates

Start your morning with exercise.

And do not upset neither dads nor moms,

And health was in order!

4. I wish you all to develop brains,

So that thought always beats with a key in them.

And study, and work only for "five",

Not surrendering to difficulties at the mercy.

5. I wish you not to lose gaiety,

Not discouraged in any trouble,

And then life will give you a "five"

Revealing the rainbow above you.

6. I want to wish you more

Fruitful creative impulses.

With a heart so that they do not go to the doctor,

Instead of drops - you love poems.

(They give each card-hearts)

7. So that you can do,

You will need strength.

And trust me friends

You can't live without water!

Not that simple water

She is from school number 11.

(Hands over a bottle of water.)

8. And the second gift to you

Also unusual:

We give you the air of the school,

Very useful.

(Passing balloons.)

9. Concluding our speech,

We wish you to cross the mountains,

Soar into the clouds, sail all the oceans

In chorus. Until next time, happy journey!

Music. First-graders leave and the dance group "Eternal Movement" immediately leaves.

Leading: For you, the dance group "Eternal Movement".

Dance number from the group "Perpetual motion"

Director: Observing the composition of the script of our film, the most fun and interesting years school life.

Assist .: New subjects, new teachers, class teachers, time for exams and experiences, love ...

Director: enough ... We're not filming Santa Barbara.

Clapperboard: Series 3: "Moral" Double 1 "Wonderful school years!"


It all starts with a school bell.

Desks sail away on a long journey.

There will be more abrupt starts ahead

And they will be more serious, but for now ...

Leading: In the meantime, school, lessons, exams. Every day to school. As many as 11 years!

Leading: Unique 11 years, where one day is not like another, where not only lessons, tests, but also time for fun, jokes and much more ...

Leading: Statistics show that over 11 years of school life, a student attended an average of 8600 lessons and listened to a symphony of 19200 calls, wrote 900 tests, and filled up 12 kilograms of paper. And all these material and moral difficulties were shared with you by a man of a courageous and risky profession - your class teacher! Today is her holiday too! And we invite Elena Anatolyevna Zotova to the stage.

A word from the class teacher E.A. Zotova.

Leading: Today all the wishes of good luck sound to you dear graduates.

Leading: Well, here you are parting with the school today and from that moment on, your friends become the head of children's life at school, your shift is 10th grade!

Leading: And they, too, rush to the stage with the words of congratulations and wishes of good luck!

Word to 10th graders


2 song "Favorite teacher" performed by a vocal group

Director: Yes, well done! Do you know, I think that something is missing in our film!? ... if we include parents in our script, it will be very nice ...

Assist .: Well, if you think so ..

Director: Yes, I think so ... ..and we will do it ... This is how the motor was assembled:

Clapperboard: Series 4 "Sincere" take 1 "Under a reliable wing" or "Parents' house - the beginning of beginnings".


Today, both fathers and mothers are happy.

It seems to them: everything! And there are no more problems!

And school programs are somewhere in the fog,

And school bows, and a school buffet ...


Stepped into life. And this important step

Like a journey across an unknown planet

And behind the back is the parental hearth.


Look, you are the best in the world

Yesterday's girls, boys.

Parents, be proud! Your children

Beautiful, young, worthy and smart!

Leading: Dear alumni parents, you have the floor!

Congratulations from the parents of graduates

Leading: For you the vocal group "Musical Lounge"

3 song "We wish you good luck" performed by a vocal group

Director: We do everything very nicely, sincerely, tearfully ...

Assist .: Almost every film has lyrical or tragic farewell scenes.

Director: So we come to the final part not only of our film, but of the whole school life.

Clapperboard: Series 5th final "Response" dulb 1 "From Bell to Bell, or School Years are Over"


A school song on the air

Anxious heart clenched

The sadness of these songs is understandable:

That’s the end of childhood.


Saying goodbye to school with sadness,

A piece of her magic

They promise to keep in the heart

The culprits of the occasion.


Confused and happy

Now they are sitting in front of us

And the feelings are unique

Unable to express in words.

Leading: The main characters are invited to the stage! Graduates, you have the floor.

Alumni block.

(after the performance, the graduates remain on the stage, stand in a semicircle, the presenters come forward)


In the rain or in the heat

But on time

Each new spring

There is a final call.


He's an exam like,

He's like a new dawn

He sums up the results

School years lived.


You can't get away from these minutes,

And each of you is familiar with this feeling.

And, therefore, not only school childhood

Leaves you with this call.


Links over the past and present

Over everything that you have saved and that you have not saved,

The rings are over your leaving childhood

Sad, farewell last call.

Deputy director for VR: The film has been shot. Only the credits remained. Let these titles be the last bell that will run from hand to hand of our graduates. And the one who 11 years ago gave your first school bell Maria Lyubimova will finish this run.

(the school waltz sounds and the graduates take turns ringing the bell and passing it to each other)

Last call

Director: Stop! Cut! Uraaaaa !!!

Assist .:

The hour has come to say goodbye to school

And your graduation year is over.

Forever into the distance along a cheerful path

Now your childhood is gone.

Deputy director by VR: The right to be the first to leave our hall is given to our main characters - graduates. Good luck!

(music sounds and graduates leave the hall)

The school porch should be decorated according to the theme. Balloons, flowers, ribbons, interesting bright posters.

A Graduate and a First Grader are sitting on the steps.

Why are you sitting so sad?

First grader (taking a deep breath):
Childhood is over, so I'm sad.

What do you mean! You are still ahead! How small you are!

First grader:
I was little, and now I am already an adult, independent.

You know, you are somewhat like me. I, too, had such a shirt in the first grade, and the same belt ...

First grader:
Not surprising. After all, I am you in childhood.

How so?

First grader:
I just went to say goodbye. Perhaps we will meet again in photographs and in memories, but I will never be able to repeat myself. Promise me something.


First grader:
Never lose hope!


(The first grader gets up, shakes hands and leaves, the Graduate also gets up and enters the school. The presenters appear)

Childhood is the most wonderful, funniest and most interesting stage in the life of every person. It can be completely unpredictable, intriguing, exciting, but childhood is always filled with happiness and joy.

I never wanted to grow up. As a child, there were cartoons, games in the yard, sleeping at lunchtime and delicious buns in the school cafeteria.

Do you remember the blankets on the chairs? Do you remember how your mom led you to first grade?

Of course! You know, I overheard a little here. The graduates have a ship, and they are going to swim through the expanses of childhood, and then go to new life... What I thought, maybe we are with them?

It will be interesting! Just where are our graduates? And who will be the captain?

And there will be several captains. I am happy to invite 11-A grade graduates under the guidance of (Name of the class teacher) take your place on the ship!

(Graduates go under musical accompaniment... Depending on the number of classes, the phrase is repeated)

So dear graduates, are you ready to set sail?

(graduates respond in chorus)

I heard that ships have their own vows that bind the crew members! I suggest we get one too.

Graduate 1:
I swear to always help my classmates and like their posts on social media!

Graduate 2:
I swear to always communicate with my schoolmates, not only on the Internet, but also on the street!

Graduate 1:
I swear to meet with my classmates regularly and discuss the latest developments!

Graduate 2:
I swear to always be beautiful to celebrate our release!

Graduate 3:
I swear to be the smartest at university to help my high school friends if needed!

Graduate 3:
I swear to be the most agile and fastest athlete to glorify my favorite school!

Graduate 4:
I swear that I will never forget my school days and will write a memoir about them!

Graduate 5:
I swear to always respect classmates and adore classmates!

Graduate 4:
I swear to always visit my teachers!

Graduate 5:
I swear to always come to visit for tea at the dear (F.I. About the class teacher)!

Graduate 6:
I swear to always congratulate my classmates on all the holidays and birthdays!

Graduate 7:
I swear to always support my schoolmates in difficult times!

(All graduates in chorus: We swear! We swear! We swear!)

So, we have decided on the oath. What's next?

(Graduates sing Tatyana Ovsienko's song "The sea is worried once")

Graduate 1:
I remember that as a child, my mother read me fairy tales,
We sang songs together with my mother,
How quickly time flew by
Graduation is coming soon.
I remember how they laughed loudly
On a swing in the yard
We sewed the dolls for diapers,
Childhood, I want to see you!

Graduate 1:
To plunge into childhood again,
Play football with your dad
Before I had time to look back,
In the past, everything is now in mine!

Graduate 2:
I miss toys
I want to go back to my childhood
Where there are cartoons, cheesecakes,
Where sometimes I sleep during the day!

Graduate 3:
I will wave my hand to childhood
I will always miss
There was a golden time
Will never come back!

Graduate 2:
You need to say goodbye to childhood
We raised the sails
Wave your hand to him
Remember at least sometimes!

Graduate 4:
Our ship is ready
What lies ahead of us
There's a lot to learn
Childhood, come visit!
Come in memories
About happy bright days
Childhood, I already miss
Grown up fast so!

The little ones have come aboard! They have some very important business. Should we listen to them before shipping?

(First graders lined up near the porch)

First grader 1:
We came to congratulate you,
Wish you success, happiness,
We wish you to smile!

First grader 2:
You are leaving today,
We want to promise you
What school we will look after
We will replace you!

First grader 1:
We will do all the lessons
We will always obey
You set an example for us,
Come back sometimes!

First grader 3:
Go sailing today
It will probably not be easy for you
But for school, don't worry,
Everything will be fine here!

First grader 2:
We want to give you as a keepsake,
We are a bell and a magic ball
So that you do not go astray,
To smile more often!

(First graders give graduates small bells and balloons)

Graduate 1:
We want to thank you kids,
For your warm and kind words,
We want to ask you too,
So that you always try!

Graduate 2:
We have prepared a charter for you,
We ask him, observe,
Love, take care of your class,
Never forget about friendship!

(Graduates present each class with first-graders according to the charter, which they have prepared in advance. It is better to make it on a large Whatman paper in the form of a bright poster. Roll it into a tube and tie it with a ribbon. You can “age” the paper to make it look more interesting. It's a matter of imagination)

Guys, do you remember how you came to your first grade? Do you remember who helped you overcome your fears, who introduced you to the Primer? Of course, your first teachers, and they could not let you sail without their parting words.

(First teachers read)

Graduate 1:
Thank you for your tenderness and warmth,
Bow to the floor to you, we will not forget you,
We were good in first grade
And we want to come back again now!

(Graduates sing a song to the tune "Goodbye Moscow!)

Song .
Verse 1.
It's getting quieter in the corridors
The school fairy tale of miracles is melting
Goodbye, our first teacher,
We leave the warmth of our hearts!

Parting now
We part for a while
We will run to you,
Kiss, hug.

Verse 2.
Pardon our first teacher,
That we offended you sometimes,
Sorry, we ask, sorry,
But, you remember the combat class.

Friends are parting
Part and for a long time
We will remember you
Don't forget your class only!

I remember that very often in my childhood I dreamed about distant countries, about travel. I read books for hours and imagined a world full of adventures and events. So this is what, I propose to raise the anchors and set off on our first voyage!

Raise anchors! Full before! See what an interesting island, oh, I see mermaids! Mermaids to starboard! Mermaids!

(A dance group appears in front of the porch (students of grades 4-5))

Pupil 1:
We won't let you pass so easily,
We will not let go without a gift,
You are talented, beautiful,
You are our graduates!

Pupil 2:
Do not judge the dance strictly
After all, our tails are in the way,
Come to school more often
We will be very much waiting for you!

(Girls dance dance)

At the rate of the parent island! More passengers on board!

Graduate 1:
I remember my mother took me to first grade,
I held her tightly by the hand,
She carried a briefcase in her other hand,
And I was dragging my doll!

Graduate 2:
Mom then tied a bank for me,
So huge and beautiful
There was fear in my eyes
But, I'm afraid, I didn't tell my mother.

Graduate 1:
I remember dad gave instructions,
He asked me not to run or fight,
I put a bruise on the first day then,
I had to give up the prefix.

Graduate 2:
I remember doing my homework
As my mother checked all the mistakes afterwards,
I drew the map upside down
She scolded me a little.

Graduate 3:
We owe everything to our parents,
Bow for work, for understanding, education,
We always rush to you for advice,
And we share with you joys and sorrows!

(Several parents are invited to the porch, who are reading)

It's always so touching, so beautiful. With what tenderness every word, every wish was pronounced. And now we are sailing to Principal Island and Teachers Island!

(Graduates, and. Director, head teacher, several teachers give ceremonial speeches)

Have you noticed how fast our ship is sailing? Over the horizon you can see the island of "Waltz"!

(Graduates dance their last school waltz)

See how unnoticed we docked to the Island of the Homeroom Leaders. I think we will drop anchors here, but only for a while, because a distant country called "Life" awaits us!

Graduate 1:
You protected our class from all adversity,
You saved us, you always helped us,
A new horizon is calling us
We will never forget you!

Graduate 2:
The last bell rings
Calls us into the distance today
We won't go to class
And say goodbye to the school!

Graduate 3:
You are in our heart forever
We will always remember you
You are our dear person,
We all shout "Hurray" to you!

(Graduates shout three times "Hurray" to their class teachers)

(The class teachers sing a song to the tune "The earth is empty without you")

Song .

The hallway and the classroom will empty
The grass will also turn green,
Only I will be alone, without all of you,
And you, conquer life,
The sea of ​​your hopes and desires.
It was also empty here then,
When the last class went on its way
I also cried for them,
My soul is torn apart by sadness!
How to live now without your eyes
How can you be without your smiles,
My best class has matured,
A new life is waiting for you now!
The schoolyard will empty out without you
If you can, then you come in ...

Graduate 1:
How much our school means
How sad it is to leave
We will return to it one day,
To teach your children!

Graduate 1:
Let's go back to childhood, we are at the desk,
Let's enter our favorite schoolyard,
Holding back tears, we will not cry
Let's put things aside for later!

Graduate 2:
In time, I will bring my son here,
Or maybe my daughter, it's not up to me to decide,
I'll show everyone at school
I will remember all the moments.

Graduate 2:
Or maybe I'll come back here
I can teach geography,
I will plunge into the world of childhood,
I will ask homework.

Graduate 3:
Or maybe I, or maybe we,
We will be able to keep warm
Those carefree days
How good it was in childhood!

Graduate 4:
Our ship is on its way
Great things await us
And we are all ships,
It's time for us all to raise the sails!

Graduate 4:
We need to let go of childhood
Save the remnants in memory
The last bell will ring
Goodbye and see you soon!

(By tradition, the graduate puts a first-grader on his shoulder, which rings a bell)

Graduate 5:
So the farewell bell rang
You grew up quickly with you,
I propose goodbye
Give flowers to all teachers!

(All students present flowers and stand near the porch)

Graduate 5:
Are you ready to say goodbye to childhood?
Let him go for a while,
You will raise the balls to the sky,
And release the thread to the sky!

(Graduates release balloons into the sky)


Good afternoon, dear guests! The historic day for the school has come again - May 25. And how good it is that such a holiday happens in spring, blooming, joyful, always new.

For our graduates, this spring is a confident and promising start.

And in the school annals one more page was filled.


Today the school bell will ring

Which will not be quite common.

The thread of that usual sequence will be interrupted,

When the lesson was replaced by a lesson.


Noisy, worried, graduation class,

The school ship raised the sails.

And now other ways await him.


Let's greet the brave

The stormy school years of the past storms.

Those who walk the road of victories into life, -

Solemn and important graduates!

Fanfare is playing.

Presenter: For 11 years, graduates, as a sign of respect, standing
met the teachers entering the class. Let us stand today to meet those who leave school in the big world.

Let's greet the graduates of 2016 at the "Last Call" holiday.

- Grade 11 and class teacher Olga Grigorievna;

(Music. Graduates solemnly pass in front of the guests and take a place on the stage)


The festive event dedicated to the holiday of the "Last Call" is considered open

(the anthem of Russia sounds)


Once upon a time, eleven years ago,

When the trees were golden

For you, there was a holiday of the First Call -

Under its trill you entered the class for the first time.


Today you worry a little

And the old school hall is full of friends

The day of the Last Call has come to you

Today YOU say goodbye to school!


Dear graduates!

Today a special bell will ring for you, it does not look like the calls that you heard earlier.


This call for you is the boundary between childhood and adulthood. And now you will hear the words of parting words on behalf of those who accompany you into adulthood.


School is a small state

And each school has its own laws.

In order not to go astray

To set the motion vector -

The school has a fair and strict director

Presenter: in order to announce the order for admission to state certification, it is provided to the school director


(speech by the headmaster) (graduate hands over flowers)


We have a lot of guests today -

Graduates, colleagues, friends,

Came to touch the school doorstep


But we have a special guest -

He didn't go to first grade here

But we are not indifferent to him,

And he congratulates us personally.


_________________________________________ came to congratulate you today(graduate hands over flowers)


You have severity with kindness

Intertwined so subtly.

Probably, it was given to you from above,

Restless hear the fight

The sonorous hearts of children.

Today on our holiday it is very pleasant to see the guardian of discipline, the legislator of the schedule, and just a charming person - our head teachers, Natalia Viktorovna and Ruzina Rizovna, Tatyana Kuzminichna

The head teacher reads out the order on the rules for conducting exams, the number of students admitted to the final certification. Speaks parting words.

(Graduate gives flowers)

The song sounds _________________________________

(graduates sit down)

Host: Let the bad weather pass by
And the world will become brighter for you
Accept the wish for happiness
From your little friends

(Music. First graders enter)

1st: All their students are remembered by these walls
Trill hilarious calls before recess.
The walls of the chronicle are kept under layers of paint
Here are the names of the guys, signatures, tips

2nd: Every wall tells us about childhood at school
If you look closely, there are your names.

3rd: You, of course, have not forgotten how once upon a time the first time
Together with their mothers, they entered their now beloved class.

4th: You did not understand anything in that very first year
And the textbooks were often flipped backwards.

5th: Only the school is not accidentally called "a good home"
Now we will reveal a secret to you - wizards live here!

6th: They teach here warmth and affection, at the behest of the soul
Very soon, as if in a fairy tale, the kids grew wiser.

7th: Even mothers did not recognize their children at this hour
Here they are - admire them!

8th: Is it really your Ksyusha, Natasha, Oli, Dasha
On this day, to the delight of everyone, did they become adults at all?

9th: For many years you came to the school doorstep
It was difficult for your teachers.

10th: Good luck! Step forward - the roads to happiness await you
Just do not forget the house that is called school.

All: "We will remember you"!

(Music sounds. First-graders give toys to the graduates and the class teacher of the 11th grade.)
11th grade creative number

There is a table and three chairs on the stage. On the table drinks "Cola", "Pepsi", chocolate. At the table, facing the audience, three girls are sitting, dressed in modern clothes.


We will tell a fairy tale for you,

Let it fly through the valleys and fields,

We will lead a tale from Pushkin,

Only new motives in it.

Three maidens by the window

We spoke in the evening.

The first girl says.

The first girl.

If I were a queen

I'd like to spin Max,

Marry him to yourself.

The house is huge, with a mezzanine,

Near the house - poplar,

There are carpets and pianos

How much crystal is in the pile!

Polish furniture in the kitchen,

Superfood stuff

YES! The wallet swells with money

Six hundredth "Mercedes"!


The average girl says.

Average girl.

If I were a queen

I would any time of the year

I was only engaged in fashion

By its slim figure

I had three sheepskin coats:

Mini, maxi - which is cooler,

And only Guchi perfume!


Tell us, girl, to us

Do you have finances for your dreams?

Average girl.

I'm alone with mommy

I'm alone with my daddy.

They themselves are very happy

Buy me all the outfits!


The third girl says.

Third damsel.

Once in class, out of boredom,

I noticed the teacher at the blackboard,

I listened, suddenly began to understand

And it is reasonable to write something in a notebook.

At home I decided to open a textbook,

To set off the topic to teach,

And somehow strange, it became interesting to me,

And it seemed not enough to get a "threefold".

So, I'm tired of just walking

To dance to the acid at discos.

I don't want to depend on mom and dad

I decided to study well

Open your own business and become a craftswoman.

And let the suitors dry and wait

Until I graduate from my institute.


That's the end of the fairy tale,

It's up to you who is great !!!

Host: And now a little history. The creative activity of the heroes of today's celebration began in 2005 with the comprehension of the basics of reading, counting, spelling. By the end of the year, the basics were comprehended, as evidenced by the handwritten inscription of one of the then first-graders made on the ABC book: "To find the diminished - you need to add the subject to the predicate!"

Presenter: Excavations revealed a large amount of used chewing gum, most of it under the covers of student tables. Many boots were found - runners who escaped from their masters and a lot of invisible hats that were never found by their parents. Later, unidentified flying objects began to appear: balls, bricks, etc. Young geniuses successfully passed on their skills and abilities to the next generations of schoolchildren.


Do you remember was around

A sea of ​​colors and sounds.

From my mother's warm hands

The teacher took your hand.

He introduced you to first grade

Solemn and respectful.

Graduates go on stage (1 representative from the class):

During the days of celebrations and inconspicuous everyday life -

Unknown in what year, in what region -

We will not forget to remember with a kind word

Your first teacher!

Thank you for your word, for science,

For the hard work of mastered the basics,

For that call that foreshadowed parting,

For a bright moment and an eternal heart call! ..

Flowers are presented to the first teachers.


You will remember all the teachers

But, there is one, and everyone agrees on that,

What is dearer and dearer after all,

For you, your own homeroom teacher


To you, our spiritual inspirer,

He taught us how to live.

To you, our coolest teacher,

We are ready to devote an ode.

You shared so generously with us

With your warmth of the heart.

We argued with you, were angry,

We tried to run home.

But wisely you got your hands on

All the power over our class suddenly.

And who will hardly say against it -

You are a loyal and reliable friend.

Protected before the authorities,

They scolded a little for pranks,

Taught to value friendship ?!

You are the coolest, the coolest,

Stay a mother to us forever!


The floor is given to the class teacher of the graduates:

Music sounds __________________________________________________


Well, how not to remember today about those

Who shared with us joy, sorrow, laughter

Who collected every day for school

And sometimes he burned out of shame for us ...

Parents! We are nowhere without you!

Any trouble with you - it doesn't matter!

And joy is so full to have fun!

After all, with us to-o-o-o-lgo at the university you still have to study ... (all together)


The floor is given to the parents of graduates.

Parents: parting word

Today is graduation, which means

The door has opened for you to the adult world,

And on this day we laugh and cry -

You have become very big now!

We all remember how babies

You came to school 11 years ago,

How, first trusting your mother with your satchel,

They carried the bouquet solemnly in their hands!

Since then you have changed a lot,

Such adults cannot take our eyes off!

How much did you learn at school -

Here the start was given for a glorious journey.

And you will build your own life,

From your perseverance and hard work

Everything depends, but remember, we are with you,

Parents will always support you!

And know, we respect your choice,

May everyone find their own way for themselves,

Congratulations to everyone on graduating from school,

Good luck and may you all be lucky!

The song sounds _________________________________________________

Congratulations to the parents of the flock.


Not in words, but according to the old tradition,

Which tomorrow's life matches

You just have to be born as a teacher,

And only after that become!
Host: Our dear teachers, you are strict and affectionate, wise and sensitive, led us through the years of childhood and adolescence.

We invested in everyone a particle of our heart, our love, made sure that our knowledge and skills grow from year to year, help us find our place in life. We are sincerely grateful to you for the knowledge and work invested in us.


Our dear mentors,

Our lovely teachers!

You are not magicians, your labors are hard,

But without you the earth would become scarce!

How much we owe you:

You can't even count everything.

We are bound by invisible threads

It’s true, it’s not flattery.

Teachers, we ask you to rest a little,

You are tired of standing at the blackboard for so many years.

Graduates every year take the road away from you,

Didn't the whiskey turn white from those partings?

We know that with us it was not easy for you at times,

But now we have almost become adults.

Into this adult life we ​​will take with us

The warmth and love of your bright soul.

You taught us life at every lesson.

We were sometimes scolded and sometimes praised ..

Oh, how stupid we were after all!

And how much we have understood just now!

Dear teachers!

I want to wish you happiness

Health, smiles, kindness,

To make you more beautiful tomorrow

Than a week ago than yesterday.

So that the warmth in the soul does not fade away,

To pound and pound my heart.

And such great happiness

So as not to hug him with your hands!

For the eternal multiplication table

For giving us the Earth,

But that we are all your continuation,

Thank you for everything, teachers!

You loved all of us equally

My love, sharing equally with everyone,

For the fact that you sculpted people out of us,

Thank you for everything, teachers!

And it was not kinder and stricter than you,

When we discovered the world from scratch

For the fact that we are a little bit like you,

Thank you for everything, teachers!

Now fate will teach us lessons

School lessons have come to an end.

Let's leave the world's best teachers

Pieces of noble hearts!

Thank you we say today

And to their dear parents

For their kindness and care

For angelic work and patience

For help in everything and always

Today is your excitement

We share in full.

The song sounds _______________________________________


Greetings, grade 11 creative.

Stage (on the stage there are desks at which the students are sitting, the teacher enters with the magazine)

Teacher enters: Hello guys! Thank you for coming…

- Why are you so few today? (Opens magazine, starts roll call).

- ______________? .. Here ... ____________? .. - Still sleeping. He came yesterday!

— ______________________..

- What are you, ___________________! Only the second lesson! He comes to the third!

- Ah! Yes Yes…

— __________________?..

- _________ studies at the institute on Tuesdays, in the commercial, in the third year ...

- ____________? .. Zarinochka! Are you here?

- I'm leaving after this lesson. We are leaving for Cyprus today.

- Good good…

— ____________________?

- He can't come, his car broke down.

- But he lives in the next house?

- He's stressed ... He's worried ...

— __________________?..

- Have _____________ exemption from exams. Why would he go to school?

— _____________________?..

- _____________'s leg hurt, but __________________________________ went

see him off to the doctor ...

- Well, it turns out, everyone has good reasons.

Let's write down the topic of the lesson ...

(The bell rings, the students run out of the class).

Teacher in the hall:

- Something I had little time today ...


The last time the bell rings for you.

The bell of hope and the bell of goodbye.

And the minutes of parting are approaching.

And ahead is the confusion of the roads.


And the sun shines in the sky as before,

But childhood has its own time in life.

And now the bell rings for the last time

The bell of goodbye and the bell of hope.

Graduates come on stage and sing a song.

- The long-awaited moment has come.
- Friends, there will be no more lessons!
- No need to prepare for them ...
- Freedom!
- Soon we will pass the exam ...
- We must pass!
- And we will go beyond the threshold of the school….
- Let's become adults!
- But for some reason it's sad ...
- Why be sad? Let's give the last call!
- Yes, you can give a call. So the first grader is already ready ...
A first-grader with a bell is on the stage.
- The right to give the last call together with the first grader is given …………………… ..
The graduate takes the stage.
- Well, are we calling?
- And I suggest that others call. So that we understand that this is the last call.
- And who do you propose?
He takes the bell from the first grader and goes to the class teacher.
- Svetlana Petrovna, give us the last call.
Cl. hands. gives a call.
- Thanks. And now the first grader!
- Wait. We need to fix it. (To the Director) Call, Olga Nikolaevna, please, for us!
The director gives a call.
- Thanks.
- Dear teachers! Our dear parents! Graduates!
- Official! Traditional! Last call….
All graduates stand up. A first grader with a graduate gives a call, after going through the entire hall, they stand in the center of the stage (graduates ring their little bells from their seats)
So the last bell rang ...
The first grader runs into the hall again, calls again and runs away.
- What was it?
- It was a test call! Graduates, on stage!
Graduates perform a SONG, several couples spin in a waltz, then the waltz turns into a flash mob: they begin (waltz), then the rest are connected with modern motives.
The first grader enters the hall: And now the last bell, which will take you to a new adult life. (The general bell rings, the students, accompanied by the class teacher, go out into the school yard)

The material contains a script for the ceremonial part High school prom for students in grade 11. The script includes the presentation of each student, in poetic form, upon going on stage, as well as a script for the teachers' speech. It is necessary to take into account that at the end of the evening, graduates release balloons into the sky, saying their dream, so you need to purchase balloons for each student in advance. Balloons before the start of the evening can be tied to the chair of each graduate. The material can be used by organizing teachers, deputy directors for educational work. The material contains a script for a solemn lineup for grade 11 students "The Last Bell". The lineup includes teachers, parents, and 10th grade students. It should be noted that during the line-up there is a transfer of school symbols from graduates to grade 10 students. The symbols are the torch of knowledge and the key to the school, they need to be prepared in advance, as well as the preparation of students who will transmit and receive them.

Last call in grade 11.docx


Scenario of the festive lineup "The last bell in grade 11" (fanfare sounds) Teacher organizer: Good afternoon to everyone present! We welcome students, teachers, parents and guests. Today, in ______, we are solemnly sending the 11th grade crew into open space to meet exams and adulthood. We meet! The first teacher _____________________ and the class teacher ___________________ lead their pupils, pupils of the 11th grade, into the hall. Students enter the hall to the music. Gulyash NA: The crew of the spacecraft has been undergoing serious training for 11 years on the basis of school No. 71. Experienced mentors were engaged with the children. During this time, 150 kg of chalk, 2300 pieces of general notebooks, 2 million 300 thousand nerve cells, 150 cubic meters of ink were spent, 880 thousand pies were eaten in our buffet, 120 thousand cubic meters of compote and tea were drunk. Ved. 1. Good, fine, today, We had this day, the Vedas. 2. The school has a premiere today. Our last school bell. Ved. 1. Exams, rest, study Flicker in their turn. Ved. 2. And we will wave a sad hand to the outgoing school year. Ved. 1. We strive for happiness and believe: Farewell to the school meeting is a pledge. Ved. 2. The school has a premiere today. Our sad Last bell. Teacher organizer: Attention! The Final Call for Students __________ Ceremonial Line is open. The anthem of Russia is played. Teacher organizer: Here they are, and they still seem to be our little children, a little agitated, a little alarmed by the unusualness of the current celebration. The sweet carefree childhood is over, you have exams, a graduation party, and, of course, adulthood with its worries, anxieties, joys and sorrows. On behalf of those who went with you all the school way, who thought about you, yesterday strangers, now relatives, who in the ringing silence of the school after the last lesson pondered your questions and weighed their answers, on behalf of the teachers to you, according to tradition, addresses head teacher ______________________.

Speech by the headmaster of the school. Veda 1: It's time to say goodbye to the school desk, the Blackboard, the textbook and the expensive class. To be honest, it hurts us now, of course, to leave the house that has become dear to us. Ved. 2: The word for greeting and reading the order on admitting students to exams is given to the deputy director for educational work Having played on the school stage for so many years, We will go to life to play other roles. Ved.2: We played different roles: Child, adult, student, We dreamed of playing a teacher ... Once in a lifetime ... the role of a graduate. Ved. 2 School, wonderful school years. 11 years ago we came to school with wide eyes, expecting a miracle. We were like blank white pages on which you, our teachers, wrote your text, created a person. Over the years, we have had 12 thousand lessons, more than 120 textbooks, and they contain more than 25 thousand pages. On average, from home to school and back, over the years, we have covered a distance of 3,500 kilometers, 25 thousand calls have rang for us, and today the last school bell in our life will ring for us. Veda 1: Our school teachers! We treat you like parents! But our class teachers are especially dear to us! Vedas 2: A word of greeting is given to the class teachers: Speech of the class teachers Vedas 1: Do you remember, many years ago, When I entered the school for the first time, Your teacher met you with a kind look. And you opened a new textbook. Vedas 2: Let long days and years pass, After all, his work was not wasted in vain: He taught us to write and count, And to understand the beauty of nature,

Veda 1: He put a lot of energy into us, foolish people. After all, no one has canceled kindness yet ... Teacher first, we now want to hear from you a vital mandate. Speech by the first teachers. Vedas 2: Who is next to you in moments of joy and trial, who gives you all the warmth of his heart, all his love and care? Of course, these are the closest and dearest people - mothers and fathers. Vedas 1: Parents cannot predict what awaits their children in this world, But every father and mother Wish only happiness for their children. Vedas 2: To those who say goodbye to the school, To those about whom the rumor is making noise, To the Sons and Daughters who have stepped into their youth, Relatives and friends have come, To say the words of farewell. Veda 1: The word for parting words is given to the parents Speech by the parents. Vedas 1 Our path was never strewn with roses, because there was no room for them. This place was occupied by: Pechorin's searches and Tatiana's suffering, syntax and punctuation, biquadratic equations and triangles named after Pythagoras. Vedas 2: The periodic table and that happy apple that fell on the head of thinking Newton. And also continents and oceans, battles and battles, crosses and races. Vedas 1: Our main task has been to partake of the tree of knowledge all these years. We ate, and some got indigestion. Vedas 2: We tried to destroy the granite foundation of science and as a result, together, we gnawed a huge hole in it. Veda 1: From where the trade winds constantly came through us, so many of us have chronic runny nose. Veda 2: And despite all this, we are still as cheerful and cheerful as we were 11 years ago. Veda 1: In these 11 years a whole life has fit. Vedas 2: This life would be boring and joyless if we were not accompanied by our teachers - reliable comrades, excellent advisors. Veda 1: They tried to put their souls into us without a trace, although we could not always appreciate the good and light that the school laid in us.

Veda 2: And today we have the opportunity to express all words of gratitude, appreciation, love, respect to you, our dear teachers. Veda 1: So, let the declaration of love ceremony be considered open! Speech by students of grade 11. Teacher organizer: Dear graduates, you are leaving your native school forever, and new guys will come to replace you, who will keep the traditions you started and follow you along the difficult road of life. The word for congratulations is given to the pupils of the 10th grade. Speech by tenth graders. Teacher organizer: Attention! Following the traditions of our school on the last line, graduates pass on the symbols of the school to tenth graders. The right to transfer the key to the school is given to a student of grade 11 __________ The right to take the key to the school is given to a student of grade 10 ________ Educator: The right to transfer the torch of knowledge is given to a student of grade 11 _____________ The right to take the torch of knowledge is given to a student of grade 10 ___________ Teacher organizer: Attention! Graduates will get ready for the transfer of the symbols of the school! Pass the symbols! Transfer of school symbols to music. Teacher organizer: The most solemn, exciting moment of our holiday is coming. For you, dear graduates, the last school bell will ring. Remember this moment. The right to give the last call is given to a student of grade 11 ______________ and a student of grade 1 ________________ Give the last call to graduation __________! The last bell rings. Veda 1: Everyone has hopes, expectations Look at life, do not deceive! And at this hour in the silent hall