Plastic bottle business. Plastic bottles: PET production Plant pet bottles

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How to organize production plastic bottles

The niche for the production of PET containers is still considered more or less free, although competition is growing every year. Starting the production of plastic bottles is becoming increasingly difficult. However, the demand for polymer containers is also growing - the number of manufacturers of beverages and other products that are bottled in it is also increasing. Now you rarely see milk, low-alcohol drinks, beer and lemonade in glass containers. It was replaced by a light, unbreakable and cheap plastic bottle.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs:500-600 thousand rubles
Relevant for cities with a population: no limits
Situation in the industry:the manufacturing sector is saturated
The complexity of organizing a business: 3/5
Payback: 6-9 months

Therefore, we can say that this business will be profitable and it makes sense to engage in it. This is one of the business ideas that can subsequently bring a high and stable income..

Business plan

Every business starts with a business plan. Without laying out the cost and profit calculation figures in front of you, it is impossible to understand how profitable the business will be.

Investment calculation

The initial investment should cover the cost of purchasing equipment, raw materials, renting the premises, paying staff and paying for electricity. It would not be superfluous to provide for the costs of repairing the premises and its arrangement, in particular, a bathroom, a warehouse for storing blanks and finished products and rooms for staff.

Demand analysis

This is one of the necessary conditions for the opening of any production. Is there a similar manufacturer in this city, how does it satisfy the demand for plastic containers, what quality, design and purpose is the container produced. The ever-growing demand for plastic containers is due to their advantages over similar glass containers. PET bottles do not break, they are easy to transport, they are cheaper.

For producers of beverages - bottled water, juices, carbonated drinks, it makes sense to think about opening their own production of plastic bottles. This step can lead to a reduction in the cost of production by up to 20% due to a reduction in the cost of packaging and its transportation from the manufacturer.

In addition, surplus products (plastic containers) can be sold, which will become a source of additional income.

The result of such an analysis will help you navigate the scale of production and, accordingly, determine the amount of the initial investment.


If the consumer of the container - the food manufacturer - complies with the rules for the single use of PET containers, the demand for it will never fall.

The profitability of this business is high because the raw materials for it are quite cheap. In addition, equipment for the production of plastic bottles will begin to pay off even with a batch of a thousand pieces.

Due to the fact that plastic bottles do not need boxes for transportation, and they weigh much less than glass, transportation costs are significantly reduced.

If there is a need to change the shape, color or size of the container, this is done at minimal cost by simply changing the mold.

According to experts, the payback of production is 100%, and the payback period of investments is about 6 months. The initial capital for opening a mini-plant for the production of pet bottles (with medium-capacity equipment) can be no more than 500-600 thousand rubles.

We open a mini-factory

In order to open a mini-factory, you need a room, equipment and personnel who will work on it.

Premises and staff

The following requirements are imposed on the premises (with a small production size):

  • minimum area 30 sq. m;
  • concrete or tiled floor;
  • non-combustible wall material;
  • ceiling not lower than 4 m:
  • availability of ventilation, water-carrying networks and power supply.

With a small production volume, 3 people are enough to service the equipment.

Cost of equipment

The size of the initial capital depends on the capacity of the equipment for the production of plastic bottles, as well as on its manufacturer. Russian or Chinese equipment for pet bottles with a capacity of 700 pcs. per hour is very cheap. The approximate cost will be:

The cost of equipment of well-known European brands will already be from 200 to 600 thousand euros, while machines with a capacity of 24 thousand pieces per hour will cost 1.5 million euros. Such production capacities are justified only with very large enterprises for the manufacture of drinks - lemonade, beer, dairy products or in the production of household chemicals.

The cost of equipment for the production of PET bottles may also depend on the individual characteristics inherent in this particular equipment. These are energy consumption, power, number of heating zones and pressure when blowing a bottle.

Production stages

Manufacturing technology can be single-phase and two-phase.

  • With single-phase technology, mold making and bottle blowing take place on the same machine.
  • With two-phase technology, these stages are performed on different devices.

If you do not plan to produce large batches of bottles, you can stop at single-phase equipment. For larger production, two-phase technology is more suitable.

To apply the two-phase technology, the required preform will be more compact, which is much more convenient for its transportation and storage as a raw material.

Raw material

The raw material for the production of plastic bottles is a preform made from the feedstock - PET (granular polyethylene terephthalate). The preform is a thermoplastic obtained by heating polyethylene terephthalate granules. It does not warp or break when heated again.

The preform is a blank with a fully formed neck. Subsequently, a plastic bottle is blown out of it.

Preform making equipment has nothing to do with bottle making equipment. Therefore, as a rule, their manufacturers do not make preforms themselves, but purchase them as raw materials. Thus, two manufacturers are tied in the technological chain.

Beverage producers do the same, they have also opened lines for the production of PET containers. They prefer to purchase preforms rather than install the entire container production cycle at their own enterprise.

When choosing a supplier of preforms, it is imperative to find out from what raw materials they are produced. If this is a recycled plastic raw material, in other words, waste, then such preforms cannot be used for the manufacture of food containers, but only for technical liquids.


Preforms are:

  • universal;
  • shortened;
  • thick-walled.

Each species produces bottles of different colors and shapes.

Technological process

In the oven, uniform heating of the preform is ensured by its rotation while moving through the oven tunnel. It should be taken into account that PET is a hygroscopic material, therefore, before forming a bottle, excess moisture should be removed from it.

The preform is heated in an oven, after which it is placed in a mold, inserting a steel rod into the neck of the workpiece, through which air will be supplied under pressure. It must be uniform so that the final product - a plastic bottle - does not deform. For this, the blowing time should be minimal, only in this way the melt will evenly disperse along the walls of the mold.

When choosing a compressor, it is desirable to provide for the protection against overheating of the neck. On the preform, it is fully formed, it is already threaded. It is important that it is not damaged during blowing, otherwise the product will be rejected.

The resulting bottle must be cooled. This is done with air or liquid carbon dioxide.

For stability, the bottom is made concave with the formation of a bulge in its central part.

The final part of production is control. The product is checked for leakage, which may be the result of defects in the finished product. After checking the bottles are sorted. Planned marriage can be up to 25% of manufactured products. Then the unusable container is again sent for recycling.

Some production features

One of the costly items in production is the high consumption of electricity. With an equipment capacity of 3000 bottles per hour, 25 kW is spent.

If PET containers are to be used mainly in Food Industry, especially for bottling a perishable product (for example, milk), it is necessary to comply with hygienic requirements for it. This requires the installation of high-quality filters that prevent oil impurities from entering the bottle blowing chamber.

The cost of production directly depends on the preform, more precisely on its mass. The raw material from which a plastic bottle with a capacity of 1 liter and a weight of 35 g is made is considered to be of high quality.

When choosing equipment for the production of plastic bottles, another factor should be taken into account. This is the volume of packaging that is planned to be made. There are machines for the production of containers with a capacity of 200 g to 5 liters. It is impossible to make cylinders for a cooler on them. That is, you must also be guided by the purpose and volume of manufactured containers.

PET bottles can be produced different colors and forms, which will allow beverage producers to make their product recognizable and more attractive to the buyer.

Another benefit of plastic packaging is that it can be recycled.

Sales risks

Risk exists in any business, the production of plastic bottles is no exception. Independent manufacturers need to understand that payback can be achieved with a stable production of 500,000 containers per month. Therefore, seasonal cooperation with temporarily opening beer outlets is not profitable.

It will not be very interesting to open such an enterprise in very small cities and towns where there are no sufficiently large producers of liquids for which plastic containers are used.

It also makes no sense to carry containers over long distances - it will cost the buyer too much due to high transport costs. It is better to look for a sales market at short distances.

It is necessary to take into account the seasonality in the demand for plastic bottles. In the summer months, it will be significantly higher, as beverage producers are working at full capacity during this time.

All of these factors affecting the prospects for production should be taken into account when analyzing demand at the stage of drawing up a business plan.

Business Outlook

Today in Russia the demand for polymer packaging is growing by an average of 8% per year. They are used not only by food manufacturers. Household chemicals are poured into plastic containers; they are used by manufacturers of motor oils and other car care products. In short, the production of plastic bottles beyond the growing demand is simply impossible. Therefore, this business can only grow and develop.

Attachments: from 350 000 rubles

Payback: from 4 months

It is realistic to realize a business idea for the production of plastic bottles with a small start-up capital and even in small town. The demand for these products is significant. And if large enterprises usually provide themselves with PET containers, then it is more profitable for small businesses to purchase finished products. The greatest interest in it arises in the summer, when the population actively buys soft drinks. Consider how to properly organize a business in this area and calculate the possible costs.

business concept

Every year, the demand for PET bottles in the Russian Federation increases by 8 percent. Containers are required not only for drinks. It is also used for detergents, motor oils, other industrial fluids. Plastic bottles are a popular product. But the competition here is rather big, so you should not count on an instant payback.

If you decide to establish such a production, first of all think about who you will sell the products to. your target audience I can be:

  • draft beer merchants;
  • drinking water companies;
  • milk farmers;
  • bottle sellers near healing springs;
  • distributors of detergents for bottling.

Beginners in production should cooperate with small entrepreneurs - large ones produce containers themselves. Look for potential partners already at the stage of drawing up a business plan, because your income depends on sales.

What is required for implementation?

The basis of plastic containers is thermoplastic (PET). This polymer material It is practically eternal, therefore it can be subjected to repeated processing. Actually, new ones are made from old plastic bottles turned into granules.

If you are going to start a business from the moment of recycling, you will need equipment to convert used containers into preforms - blanks for future bottles. It is quite expensive, and at the initial stage, entrepreneurs prefer to buy ready-made preforms - universal, thick-walled or shortened. They allow you to get ready-made bottles of different shapes and sizes.

Also, when calculating the initial capital, the country of origin of the equipment should be taken into account. Domestic and Chinese devices are cheaper. In addition, Western industrial complexes usually designed for high volume production, they are used in large factories.

The minimum production set should include an oven, a mold, a bottle blower and a compressor. Check that the latter has a bottle neck overheat protection system. The blanks are already threaded and cannot be damaged.

Manufacturing technology does not differ in complexity:

15-20 percent of the container usually goes into rejection, it is again sent for processing.

Production premises can be rented away from the center. It should be at least 30 square meters, with high ceilings. To service a small workshop, three people will be required in one shift - a senior foreman and two workers. You will also have to hire a driver with your own transport.

Accounting can be done by yourself using the appropriate Internet resources. Invest in traditional advertising campaign for a small production it does not make sense, a business card site is enough. You will have to look for sources of distribution on your own.

Step by step start instructions

The opening of such a production is expedient in a city where there are no such enterprises yet. A business will be profitable only if there are no competitors nearby. In this case, you can create a business plan, taking into account all possible costs and risks. After that, proceed step by step:

  1. Communicate with possible suppliers of raw materials and potential buyers of products, preliminarily agree on deliveries.
  2. Register officially at tax authority as LLC or sole proprietorship. Aspiring entrepreneurs choose this particular option with the taxation regime of the simplified tax system “Income minus expenses”.
  3. Purchase cash register and register it.
  4. Find a suitable space and rent it.
  5. Purchase and install equipment.
  6. Purchase preforms and caps.
  7. Create a website and agree on the supply of products.

It remains only to hire staff and start a new production.

Financial calculations

The most expensive items are the purchase of preforms and the cost of electricity - a lot of it is required in production. Let's calculate the initial and monthly investments and find out how quickly they will pay off.

Starting capital and monthly expenses

The initial investment should include not only the cost of equipment and raw materials, but also rent with a communal apartment for the first month, as well as wage for the same period. So, how much do you need to save to start:

Initial Costs Amount in rubles
Registration fees 1000
Equipment (bottle blowing machine from 50,000, oven - from 7,000, mold - from 25,000, compressor - from 12,000) 94000
Room rental for the first month with utilities 25000
Cosmetic repair of the workshop and installation of equipment 20000
Costs for the website and accounting for the year 10000
Purchase and registration of a cash register 20000
Salary (two senior craftsmen - 48,000, four handymen - 48,000, driver - 18,000) 110000
Unforeseen expenses 20000
Purchase of raw materials and spending on fuel 50000

Total 350,000 rubles. Monthly expenses, excluding taxes, will consist of the cost of raw materials, utilities and rent, salaries and contingencies. They will amount to 205,000 rubles.

How much can you earn and payback periods

For the profitability of the business, it is necessary to give out at least 6,000 bottles per day. If the enterprise starts working in two shifts, it can produce 200,000 pieces per month. The difference in cost between the finished container and the preform is on average 3 rubles. The final income, excluding salaries, taxes and utilities, will be 600,000 rubles.

Such an enterprise pays off ideally in 4 months, but in reality the terms are lengthened and amount to about a year.

Benefits and possible risks

It is clear that it is unprofitable to open such a business in a remote village - there will not be anyone who wants to buy plastic bottles in large volumes. But if the village is located near the metropolis, it is quite possible to consider such a business idea.

Let's analyze other advantages and possible risks of opening such a production:

Even at the stage of the business plan, take note of the seasonality of demand. In summer, it is several times higher than in winter.

If you approach the development of this idea correctly, then you can make good money in the production of plastic bottles. Initially, the income may be lower than expected. It will take patience and additional funds for safety net.

Production of plastic bottles profitable business. Production is most often carried out in large volumes, as it is in great demand in the market. Such packaging is distinguished by the fact that it is very convenient, cheap and profitable. A large selection of colors is also available. Another advantage is that the product is recyclable.

In the sales market, the number of enterprises producing food, beverages, etc. is increasing every day. Such growth increases the need for packaging. Plants manufacturing PET bottles are not located in every city. And manufacturers often have to buy containers in neighboring regions, which, of course, is very unprofitable.

This industry is very profitable in the market. The demand for plastic packaging is growing every day. However, you should not immediately count on an easy start, since such an industry is strengthening its position every year. Compared to the last century, when few people could have imagined that milk, carbonated drinks and other products would be sold in pet packaging.

Due to low manufacturing costs, this type of business boldly displaces its competitors - glass "brothers". Also, another plus can be considered wear resistance and impact resistance. This simplifies its transportation, even over long distances.

Many factories have stopped buying plastic containers from third parties. They make their own packaging. It saves a lot cash and there is a prospect in expansion, and the resulting surplus can be realized.

What equipment to choose for the production of plastic bottles

PET is used to make plastic bottles. You can also call it - thermoplastic. It does not deform, and does not break down when reheated because PET is a hygroscopic polymer. As the temperature increases, the water that remains inside hydrolyzes the polymer molecules. If such a process occurs, then the strength of the finished material is reduced. To prevent this from happening, excess moisture must be removed.

For the production of plastic containers, special equipment is needed. One of the most important is the preform (a special small blank with a neck obtained from granules). It is of three types:

  • with a thick wall;
  • with a shortened
  • universal.

When using each type, bottles of different colors and shapes are obtained.

For production, you can purchase equipment of different types. The market is rich in variety. Its cost ranges from 400 rubles to several million. The price depends on color, volume and other functions. It all depends on the budget of a novice entrepreneur.

The set of equipment can be completely different. A typical machine includes:

Plastic bottle production technology

In order to make a bottle, PET is subjected to high temperatures. When a certain viscosity index is reached, the resulting mixture is cooled. Then it is placed in a special mold into which a steel rod is inserted. After that, under pressure, air begins to flow. Thus, it is possible to shape the bottle. For stability, the bottom is made convex.

Production of PET bottles.

An important role is played by the pressure that is created in the process of manufacturing plastic containers. It must be the same. It can be achieved if you spend a minimum of time on the process. The melt should be distributed evenly over the walls. This reduces the risk of deformation of the final product.

The cooling process takes place by blowing with the same air as when creating the bottle. It is also possible to use liquid carbon dioxide. At the last stage, all defects are removed. Of the total number of manufactured products, a quarter is defective and is re-processed.

So, the production of PET bottles is carried out in three stages. To begin with, the preform is heated. Heating takes place in a special oven, which is usually included in the package itself. And then the bottle itself is blown.

Production can be:

As is characteristic of the latter species, the preform is much smaller in shape. This greatly simplifies the production and storage of products.


Entrepreneurs involved in the production of glass containers know that it is unprofitable to run a conveyor at low capacities if the batch is less than a million pieces. But the technology for the production of plastic products allows you to turn on the machine for several thousand pieces.

Preforms for PET bottles.

If you calculate how much a glass bottle and a plastic bottle weigh, you can find out the difference in profit. It takes into account aspects such as transportation costs and the cost of purchasing raw materials. PET bottles do not break and do not require the cost of boxes for transportation. Also, plastic is rich in a wide selection of colors. And it does not take much time and effort to change the form.

How to start a plastic bottle business

To start production, there is no need to buy or rent a large room, as the machines are small in size. An average area will be enough (for more capacious equipment). But be sure the building must have good ventilation, and it must also be heated, have water supply and electricity.

Standard room requirements:

  • area - at least 30 square meters;
  • ceiling height must be at least 4 meters;
  • concrete floor or tiled;
  • walls covered with non-combustible material.

How much money do you need to start a plastic bottle business

To get started, you need at least half a million rubles to start. The number of staff is selected individually, but two or three people are enough. Usually one per machine. The quantity of purchased equipment must justify all the offers and demand in the sales market. But if you start production, then all the costs at the initial stage will pay off in the next six months or a year.

Few people know that the equipment used requires a lot of electricity costs. Therefore, you should be prepared for large bills. If plastic bottles are used for products with a short shelf life, then special attention should be paid to the hygienic requirements for equipment.

Depending on the mass of the preform, there may be costs in manufacturing technology. Product High Quality, is considered if the mass of a liter bottle is less than 35 grams. It is on this that the volume of your orders and the income of production as a whole will depend.

How much can you earn

With the organization of work in 2-3 shifts per month, it will be possible to produce 500,000 plastic bottles. The average cost of one plastic bottle is 6 rubles. Thus, within a month, the production income will be 3 million rubles. We subtract expenses from this amount (rent, purchase of the necessary raw materials, staff salaries, taxes, etc.), net profit will be from 800 to 900 thousand rubles.

What OKVED must be specified for the production of plastic bottles

When choosing a code for our production, we turn to section "C" - manufacturing production. In it, code 22.2 suits us, which directly concerns the manufacture of various plastic products.

What documents are needed to open

Despite the fact that the legislation does not prohibit the production of plastic bottles individual entrepreneurs, but still, the best option will be registered as a legal entity - a company with limited liability. Although it will take longer to register, but in this case, the advantages will be a painless expansion of production and the ability to work with large legal entities. For registration you will need:

  • an application for registration of a limited liability company and a decision of the meeting of shareholders to open an LLC;
  • The charter of the company in which the initial capital and information about the director of the company and the chief accountant are indicated.

In addition, it is necessary to provide information about the location of the company (legal address), pay the state fee for reviewing the submitted package of documents, open a bank account and register with the relevant state authorities.

Which taxation system to choose for the production of plastic bottles

It is best to stop at a simplified system, where you will need to pay 15% tax on net profit (income minus expenses). However, this will require you to provide supporting documentation of the expenses incurred by the company. If you choose 6% tax under the simplified taxation system, then you do not need to provide these documents.

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To begin

Plastic beverage containers have recently high demand. You can pour juices, mineral waters, carbonated drinks, beer, and other alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks into it. Therefore, organizing a business for the manufacture of plastic bottles is considered quite profitable. This will require an automated line for the production of bottles, a workshop where it will be located, service personnel. For businessmen who are engaged in the production of various drinks, it makes sense to purchase equipment for the manufacture of containers and independently carry out this process. Thanks to this, you can save up to 25% of the cost of plastic containers.

Features of PET bottles

Plastic bottles began to be produced in the 70s of the last century; DuPont was the first to produce this type of container. At that time, it became a revolutionary invention, and the bottles themselves seriously competed with glass bottles. Today, glass bottles are rapidly being replaced by plastic ones due to a number of reasons:

But plastic has its drawbacks:

  • it passes ultraviolet and oxygen, as a result of which the contents lose their characteristics and the shelf life is reduced;
  • he releases carbon dioxide, which is especially true for carbonated drinks, kvass and beer.

Required raw materials for production


The main raw material is polyethylene terephthalate - PET, thermoplastic. Plastic molecules polymerize under the influence of high temperature - they combine and form larger compounds, this is how the volume of raw materials increases. Dyes are used to give the product the desired shade. During the production process, part of the products is rejected, in this case there will be a high percentage of rejects - up to 25%, it can be processed using it as a raw material. Thus, waste-free production is obtained.


Workshop for the production of plastic containers To accommodate a line for the production of PET bottles, a room with an area of ​​​​more than 40 m 2, a ceiling height of 4 m will be required, while preparing it, the requirements must be met fire safety, since furnaces are used, the temperature of which during operation rises to 200 ° C. Therefore, it is advisable to line the walls and floor with tiles or non-combustible materials, concrete. The workshop must have three-phase sockets with a voltage of 380V. All utilities are required - plumbing and sanitation, air conditioning, ventilation. You will need separate storage facilities for storing raw materials and finished products. For organization small business, focused only on the manufacture of plastic containers, it is not at all necessary to purchase real estate, it will be much more economical to rent production areas.

Production equipment

There are two types of plastic bottle production lines:

  • single-phase, when the process of preform manufacturing and container blowing takes place in one place, while the preform will maintain a high temperature;
  • two-phase, when the preforms are made on one machine, and then the line operator manually transfers and loads them into the blow molding machine. At the same time, the preforms cool down, and the blowing machine needs to heat them up again.

Components of an automated line:

  • PET platform;
  • bake;
  • bottle blowing machine.

The PET platform is designed to form preforms by heat treatment polyethylene terephthalate granules. Specifications:

  • number of nests - 6;
  • mold thickness - up to 240 mm;
  • power supply - 380 V;
  • power - 73 kW;
  • dimensions - 2000 * 950 * 2480 mm;
  • weight - 250 kg.

Conveyor-type oven, as part of the PET bottle production line, is designed for heating preforms. Eight active zones provide uniform heating, so that in the future the product will be blown with the correct shape and the scrap rate will be reduced. Specifications:

  • productivity - up to 1200 pieces / h;
  • power - 8 kW;
  • voltage - 380 V;
  • dimensions - 1270 * 520 * 1220 mm;
  • weight - 260 kg.

There are two types of blow molding machines:

  • for the manufacture of containers with a volume of 0.2 to 5 liters;
  • for the manufacture of containers with a volume of 5 to 19 liters.

Thanks to high speed supply of hot air, the blowing process is carried out very quickly, and the bottle is obtained in the correct form. Specifications:

  • power - 5.5 kW;
  • productivity - 700 pcs / h;
  • blowing pressure - 14 atm;
  • dimensions - 1800 * 500 * 1000 mm;
  • weight - 250 kg.

The cost of the line for the production of bottles of this configuration will be 800 thousand rubles.

Manufacturing technology

Two-phase blowing line

At the first stage of the production cycle, it is necessary to form preforms - blanks. First, the feedstock is heated - polyethylene terephthalate, it comes in the form of granules, which, under the influence of high temperature, increase in volume and combine into a homogeneous mass. Then the hot mass is poured into metal molds, which can be standard, the most common, and can be made according to individual project, then the finished product will have an original design. The filling process should be carried out as quickly as possible so that the molten mass is evenly distributed over the mold. If this step is performed correctly, the finished product will not be deformed.

In the next step, the preforms are cooled with liquid carbon dioxide, or water cooling is also possible. Further, the blanks are sent to the blow molding machine, where, under high pressure, up to 30 atmospheres, the process of bottle formation is carried out. Thanks to high pressure the whole process takes a minimum of time, and the product is obtained in the desired shape and size.

The next step is quality control, all products with visible deformations are subject to withdrawal and further processing. The line for the production of bottles can be supplemented with an automatic shredder of recyclables, defective products. Thus, to make production waste-free and save on raw materials.

Business features

Organization own enterprise for the manufacture of PET containers will not require significant capital investments. To start, you will need no more than 1.5 million rubles.

Heated preform under pressure can take any shape

In the production process, the main cost item will be staff salaries. It will take three workers, a loader, a driver, a manager, an accountant and a manager, it is possible to combine managerial positions into one. Another significant cost item will be utility bills - during production there is a large consumption of electricity, since all equipment has a sufficiently large capacity. There will also be significant water consumption to cool preforms and finished products.

Despite high competition, this type of business is considered highly profitable, the cost of a bottle production line can pay off already within six months of equipment operation, provided that there is a full sale of finished products. This can be achieved by concluding agreements with manufacturers of drinks, juices, draft beer.

Video: PET bottle blowing machine