Download presentation military industrial complex. Defense industrial complex of russia. What is MIC

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Military-industrial complex of the Moscow region

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Definition of the military-industrial complex and its composition, industries and features of placement
Military industrial complex (MIC) - a set of research, testing organizations and industrial enterprises that carry out the development, production, storage, putting into service of military and special equipment, ammunition, ammunition, etc., mainly for state power structures, as well as export.

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The military-industrial complex includes: - research organizations (their task is theoretical developments); - design bureaus (KB) creating prototypes ( prototypes) weapons; - testing laboratories and proving grounds, where, firstly, prototypes are "fine-tuned" in real conditions, and secondly, testing of weapons that have just emerged from the factory walls; - production enterprises where the mass production of weapons is carried out.

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The military-industrial complex consists of several main branches: - Production of nuclear weapons - Aircraft industry - Rocket and space industry - Production of small arms - Production of artillery systems - Military shipbuilding - Armored industry.

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In fact, all significant cities of Russia became centers of military production, where it was closely associated with "civilian" mechanical engineering, the chemical industry and other industries. The most famous of them, Arzamas-16, can serve as an example of a closed city.

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MIC of the Moscow region
Nuclear weapons complex - part of the Russian nuclear industry

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The aviation industry is located, as a rule, in large industrial centers, where finished products are assembled at headquarters from parts and assemblies supplied by hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of subcontractors. The main factors in the location of manufacturing enterprises are the convenience of transport links and the availability of qualified work force... And the design of almost all types of Russian aircraft is carried out by the design bureaus of Moscow and the Moscow region.

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The rocket and space industry is one of the most knowledge-intensive and technically complex industries. Research and development organizations of the industry are concentrated to a large extent in the Moscow region. It develops ICBMs (in Moscow and Reutov), ​​rocket engines (in Khimki and Korolev), cruise missiles (in Dubna and Reutov), ​​and anti-aircraft missiles (in Khimki). And the production of these products is scattered almost all over Russia. ICBMs are produced in Votkinsk (Udmurtia), ballistic missiles for submarines - in Zlatoust and Krasnoyarsk. Booster rockets for launching spacecraft are produced in Moscow, Samara and Omsk. Spacecraft are produced there, as well as in St. Petersburg, Istra, Khimki, Korolev, Zheleznogorsk. The military space forces and all unmanned spacecraft are controlled from the city of Krasnoznamensk (Golitsyno-2), and manned ones - from the mission control center (MCC) in the city of Korolev, Moscow Region.

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NIIEM OJSC (Istra, Moscow Region), - MZEMA OJSC (Moscow), - PKP Iris OJSC (Rostov-on-Don), - NPO Novator OJSC (Mirny, Arkhangelsk Region) , - CJSC "Novator" (Istra, Moscow region).

The concept of the Defense Industrial Complex of Russia (the military-industrial complex, in educational publications the Military-Industrial Complex, the military-industrial complex) is a set of research, testing organizations and industrial enterprises that carry out the development, production, storage, putting into service of military and special equipment, ammunition, ammunition, etc. . item mainly for state power structures, as well as for export.

Public Policy Administered Russian Federation are: defense and security; defense production; determination of the procedure for the sale and purchase of weapons, ammunition, military equipment and other military property; production of poisonous substances, narcotic drugs and the procedure for their use; Article 71, Constitution of Russia

On December 1, 2000, Putin signed a decree according to which the Committee of the Russian Federation on Military-Technical Cooperation with Foreign States (KVTS) was formed federal body the executive branch to regulate and control the export of arms.

In 2006, the Russian state program for the development of weapons for years was approved, which provides for the purchase and development of military equipment for the Russian army. A total of 4.9 trillion rubles were allocated to finance this program during its operation.

In 2006, the Military Industrial Commission was formed under the Russian government. The commission was entrusted with the tasks of implementing the state military-industrial policy and issues of military technical support defense of the country, law enforcement and security of the state.

The State Armaments Program for the period of years was adopted, for the implementation of which more than 19 trillion rubles were allocated.

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Study the structure of the military-industrial complex (MIC) Introduce the products of the Russian military-industrial complex Determine the geography of various branches of the military-industrial complex Give a concept of conversion Discuss the problems and prospects of the military-industrial complex

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The military-industrial complex (MIC) of Russia is a powerful system of enterprises and institutions of science and technology that produce military equipment, weapons and ammunition. The terms "military industry" and "defense industry" are also used as synonyms for the military-industrial complex.

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The military-industrial complex includes: research organizations (their task is theoretical developments); design bureaus (KB), creating prototypes (prototypes) of weapons; testing laboratories and proving grounds, where, firstly, prototypes are "fine-tuned" in real conditions, and secondly, testing of weapons that have just emerged from the factory walls; manufacturing enterprises where the mass production of weapons is carried out.

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Safety of the location of production facilities, taking into account the flight time of missiles and aviation from abroad Duplication - the location of backup enterprises in different regions of the country Concentration of production and research and production associations of the military-industrial complex in Moscow and around it, where Russia has the right to create and build up anti-missile defense means.

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Production location safety Science intensity High qualification of personnel Transport factor

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Branches of the military-industrial complex Nuclear weapons complex Aviation industry Rocket and space industry Production of small arms and artillery systems Armored industry Military shipbuilding

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The nuclear weapons complex is part of the Russian nuclear industry. It includes the following productions. 1. Extraction of uranium ore and production of uranium concentrate. In Russia, only one uranium mine is currently operating in Krasnokamensk (Chita region). Uranium concentrate is also produced there. 2. Uranium enrichment (separation of uranium isotopes) takes place in the cities of Novouralsk (Svedlovsk-44), Zelenogorsk (Krasnoyarsk-45), Seversk (Tomsk-7) and Angarsk. 45% of the world's uranium enrichment capacities are concentrated in Russia. With the decline in nuclear weapons production, these industries are increasingly export-oriented. The products of these enterprises go to both civil nuclear power plants and the production of nuclear weapons and industrial reactors for the production of plutonium. 3. Manufacturing of fuel elements (fuel rods) for nuclear reactors is carried out in Elektrostal and Novosibirsk.

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4. The production and separation of weapons-grade plutonium is now being carried out in Seversk (Tomsk-7) and Zheleznogorsk (Krasnoyarsk-26). Plutonium reserves in Russia have been accumulated for many years to come, but nuclear reactors they do not stop in these cities, as they provide them with heat and electricity. Earlier, a large center for plutonium production was Ozersk (Chelyabinsk-65), where in 1957, due to a failure of the cooling system, one of the containers in which liquid production wastes was stored exploded. As a result, the territory of 23 thousand km was contaminated with radioactive waste. 5. The assembly of nuclear weapons took place in Sarov (Arzamas-16), Zarechny (Penza-19), Lesnoy (Sverdlovsk-45) and Trekhgorny (Zlatoust-16). The development of prototypes was carried out in Sarov and Snezhinsk (Chelyabinsk-70). The first atomic and hydrogen bombs were developed in Sarov, where the Russian Federal nuclear center... 6. Disposal of nuclear waste today is one of the most difficult environmental issues... The main center is Snezhinsk, where waste is processed and buried in rocks.

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The aviation industry is located, as a rule, in large industrial centers, where finished products are assembled at headquarters from parts and assemblies supplied by hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of subcontractors. The main factors in the location of manufacturing enterprises are the convenience of transport links and the availability of skilled labor. And the design of almost all types of Russian aircraft is carried out by the design bureaus of Moscow and the Moscow region. Geography of the aviation industry

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The only exception is the Beriev Design Bureau in Taganrog, where amphibious aircraft are produced. Anti-submarine aircraft - amphibian Be - 12 Multipurpose aircraft - amphibious A - 40

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Bombers - a combat aircraft designed to destroy enemy ground and sea targets Long-range (strategic) Front-line (tactical) TU-22 MZ SU-34

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Fighter - combat aircraft for the destruction of enemy aircraft and unmanned vehicles SU - 35 SU - 37

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Attack aircraft - a combat aircraft designed to defeat, mainly from low altitudes, small and mobile land and sea targets - SU - 25

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Military transport aviation is designed for the transportation of weapons and military equipment, landing AN - 72 AN - 22 AN - 12 AN - 26 AN - 124

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Naval aviation is designed to destroy the enemy's naval forces and provide cover for naval groupings. IL - 38 SU - 33 YAK - 141 YAK - 38

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The rocket and space industry is one of the most knowledge-intensive and technically complex industries. For example, an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) contains up to 300 thousand systems, subsystems, individual devices and parts, and a large space complex - up to 10 million. Therefore, there are much more scientists, designers and engineers in this field than workers. Ballistic missile R - 21

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Research and development organizations of the industry are concentrated to a large extent in the Moscow region. It develops ICBMs (in Moscow and Reutov), ​​rocket engines (in Khimki and Korolev), cruise missiles (in Dubna and Reutov), ​​and anti-aircraft missiles (in Khimki). And the production of these products is scattered almost all over Russia. ICBMs are produced in Votkinsk (Udmurtia), ballistic missiles for submarines - in Zlatoust and Krasnoyarsk. Booster rockets for launching spacecraft are produced in Moscow, Samara and Omsk. Spacecraft are produced there, as well as in St. Petersburg, Istra, Khimki, Korolev, Zheleznogorsk.

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Air defense - a set of measures to repel strikes various means air attack of the enemy. Launchers of the anti-aircraft missile system S - 200 S - 75 S - 125

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Anti-aircraft missile launchers SAM - "Volna" SAM - "Favorite" SAM - "Kub - MZ"

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In Russia, now the only operating cosmodrome is in the city of Mirny, Arkhangelsk region (near the Plesetsk station). Anti-aircraft missile systems are tested at the Kapustin Yar test site Astrakhan region... The military space forces and all unmanned spacecraft are controlled from the city of Krasnoznamensk (Golitsyno-2), and manned ones - from the mission control center (MCC) in the city of Korolev, Moscow Region.

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The most famous and widespread type of small arms produced is the Kalashnikov assault rifle, which is used in at least 55 countries (and in some it is even depicted on the state emblem).

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The main centers for the production of small arms are Tula, Kovrov, Izhevsk, Vyatskiye Polyany (Kirov region), and the leading science Center located in Klimovsk (Moscow region). Automatic rifle Tokarev VT - 40 Carbine "Tiger" Submachine gun PP - 93 Geography of small arms production

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Geography of artillery systems Artillery systems are produced mainly in Yekaterinburg, Perm, Nizhny Novgorod Tunguska-M anti-aircraft gun and missile system Msta-S self-propelled howitzer

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Naval artillery - consists of armaments of ships (naval artillery) and coastal missile and artillery troops (coastal artillery) - artillery mounts AK - 100 AK - 130 AK - 630 M

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Armored industry. Historical features of development. The armored industry was one of the most developed branches of the military-industrial complex. Over the last period at factories the former USSR 100 thousand tanks were produced. Now a significant part of them are subject to destruction under the Treaty on the Limitation of Arms in Europe. Before the revolution, despite the presence of several original projects, tanks were not produced in Russia (only two prototypes were built). On the basis of domestic and mainly foreign cars, the Izhora, Putilov and Obukhov factories in the leading machine building unit of the country - the Petrograd one - assembled armored vehicles.

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During the civil war, the production of armored vehicles, including half-track ones, continued. The first small series of light tanks (15 units) was built at the Sormovsky plant in Nizhny Novgorod in 1920. A captured French tank was used as a sample. As a result of the development of the concept of the first Soviet tank at the Leningrad plant "Bolshevik" (Obukhov plant) in 1927-1931. The first large series of light tanks MS-1 (900 units) was produced, and in Kharkov, the leading industrial hub of Ukraine, at the Kharkov Comintern Steam Locomotive Plant (KhPZ) in 1930, the production of a small series of T-24 medium tanks was organized. Since the beginning of the 30s. began large-scale production of tanks based on advanced foreign models.

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During the Great Patriotic War the geography of domestic tank building expanded sharply, especially to the territory of the Urals and the Volga region. The T-34 tanks, which found the most widespread use in the war, were produced at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant in Gorky, as well as at the Stalingrad Tractor Plant (STZ) and Uralvagonzavod in Nizhny Tagil. " The Ordzhonikidze Moscow plant was evacuated to Sverdlovsk, the Leningrad Kirov plant to Chelyabinsk, and the Voroshilov Leningrad plant to Omsk and Barnaul. There was the main production of armored vehicles. In the postwar years until the end of the 80s. continued mass production of armored vehicles. The main centers of tank building remained Nizhny Tagil, Omsk, Kharkov, Leningrad, Chelyabinsk.

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Of the four Russian factories tanks are now produced only at two - in Nizhny Tagil and Omsk (T-80U tanks), and factories in St. Petersburg and Chelyabinsk are being redesigned. Armored personnel carriers (APCs) are produced in Arzamas, and infantry fighting vehicles (BMPs) - in Kurgan. Medium tank T-34 Light tank BT-7 T - 80 KV - 2

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Geography of military shipbuilding Military shipbuilding is difficult to separate from civilian, since until recently the majority of Russian shipyards worked for defense. The largest shipbuilding center since the time of Peter I is St. Petersburg, where about 40 enterprises of this industry are located. Almost all types of ships were built here. Nuclear submarines were previously produced in Nizhny Novgorod and Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Currently, their production is preserved only in Severodvinsk. Other centers of military shipbuilding are a number of cities on the rivers where small ships are produced (Yaroslavl, Rybinsk, Zelenodolsk, etc.)

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Anti-submarine ships - anti-submarine surface ships Anti-submarine cruiser Small PK - 204

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Landing ships - surface warships for the transport and disembarkation of amphibious assault Hovercraft Landing assault boat

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Conversion - the transfer of military production to the production of civilian products. The defense complex developed and produced not only military equipment. For example, in 1989, the share of non-food consumer goods and civilian products in the total production of the defense complex was 40%. This, in particular, was facilitated by the transfer in 1987 to the defense complex of enterprises of the reformed Ministry of Light and Food Industry... There are frequent cases when the share of military production at the enterprises of the defense complex did not exceed 10%, and a number of enterprises belonging to the defense ministries did not produce any military products at all.

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For a long time, the defense complex was provided in a priority order with financial resources, scientific and technical personnel, material resources... During November-December 1991, the sectoral management structure of the military-industrial complex was dismantled, the State Commission of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on military-technical issues, which played an important role in the old sectoral structure of industrial management, was liquidated. The privatization program occupied an important place in the government's plans to transform the defense complex. In accordance with this program, the demilitarization of the manufacturing sector of industry and the R&D sphere was planned to be carried out on the basis of the development of non-state forms of ownership and entrepreneurship, the reduction of state subsidies and the curtailment of inefficient industries and enterprises, and the gradual lifting of restrictions on foreign competition.

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The main tasks in the field of conversion at this stage were to preserve the most important elements of the production and scientific and technical potential of the enterprises of the Russian defense complex, their maximum use for the reconstruction of the economy, the development of the social sphere, for the creation of import-substituting industries, and the expansion of the country's export opportunities. Enterprises deeply specialized in the production of weapons and military equipment, the conversion process at which is extremely difficult, as well as large research institutes and design bureaus, where the most complex and expensive equipment is concentrated, which could only be used for the development and testing of samples of weapons and military equipment, were planned to be transformed into state-owned enterprises and basic state scientific and technical centers.

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Russia inherited 80% of the USSR's defense industry. This means that the degree of militarization of the economy turned out to be higher in comparison with other republics of the former Soviet Union. True, the number of people employed in the military-industrial complex has decreased to 5.4 million people, but it still remains excessive. Thus, the share of those employed in the defense industry is 23.5% of the total number of employed in the country, and about 2 million people are now producing weapons and military equipment directly. As of the beginning of 1999, the Russian military-industrial complex included about 700 research institutes and design bureaus of a defense profile, as well as 1,700 enterprises and organizations and eight industries. In addition, more than 1,500 subcontractors in 10 CIS countries are associated with them. The objects of the defense industry produce 20% of the total volume of machine-building products in the country.

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The military-industrial complex enterprises are located on the territory of most constituent entities of the Russian Federation extremely unevenly. Some districts and more than 70 city-plants, including closed administrative-territorial formations, are completely dependent on the operation of the complex, since there are practically no other areas of employment in them. Regions with a high share of employment at the enterprises of the military-industrial complex form a great potential for mass migration of labor to other regions, which, in the absence of sufficient investment in the production and housing and communal sectors, creates economic and social tension. Therefore, in these regions it is important to take into account the local employment opportunities for workers released from the defense industries. Russia inherited some of these difficulties from the Soviet Union, and some of them are the result of economic policy mistakes.

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However, the main problem of the military-industrial complex is scanty funding. In this area, generally accepted in world statistics are indicators of annual military expenditures per one soldier and one resident of the country. In 1997, expenditures per serviceman in Russia amounted to 14 thousand dollars, and in the USA - 176 thousand, in Great Britain - 200, in Germany - 98. In the same year, military expenditures per capita were: in Russia - 233 dollars, in the USA - 978, in the UK - 578, in Greece - 517 dollars. Actual costs state budget for defense needs in 1993 amounted to 4.4% of GDP; in 1994 - 5.6%, in 1995 - less than 4%, in 1996 - 3.5%, in 1997 - 2.7%. At the same time, the volume of GDP itself has been steadily declining.

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The steps taken recently to straighten things out in the military-industrial complex, including a number of organizational and financial measures, have begun to yield positive results. Thus, in 1998, a relative stabilization was outlined in the defense industry of the Russian Federation. In particular, the total volume of output for 8 months amounted to 97.2% against the same period in 1997, including 92% for civil and 107% for military, which indicates an increase in the share of the latter. At the same time, a fairly significant increase in production took place in the rocket and space (119.9%) and radio industries (109%), the situation in the aviation (90.1%) and ammunition (93.3%) industries stabilized.

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The defense-industrial complex of Russia is a powerful system of enterprises,
producing military equipment,
weapons, as well as ammunition

The composition of the defense industry complex

Design bureaus;
Research organizations;
Testing laboratories and
Manufacturing enterprises;
Civilian products.


Complex products;
High technical level;
Qualified personnel;
Every 10th resident of Russia
associated with the defense industry;
High defense costs →
lower living standards;
Closed cities.

Defense industry sectors Nuclear weapons complex

Mining of uranium ores;
Uranium enrichment;
Assembly of nuclear weapons;
Disposal of nuclear waste.

Aviation industry

Accommodation in large
industrial centers;
Everything is designed by the Moscow Design Bureau and
Moscow region. Taganrog in the form

Rocket and space industry

Most knowledge-intensive and technically
Production of products in almost all
Cosmodromes - Baikonur, Plesetsk and
Anti-aircraft missiles are tested on
landfill Kapustin Yar.

Artillery and small arms

Kalashnikov Mikhail
Timofeevich - used by 55 countries
the world;
Small arms production centers
weapons - Tula, Kovrov, Vyatsky
Polyany, Izhevsk, Klimovsk;
Artillery systems -
Yekaterinburg, Perm, Nizhny
Novgorod, Volgograd.

Armored industry

In the past, one of the most developed
Tanks are produced in factories
Nizhny Tagil and Omsk;
Armored personnel carrier - Arzamas;
BMP - Kurgan.