Dimitrovgrad Institute of Atomic Reactors. Jsc "gts niiar". Availability of Agreements with higher education institutions


short info

SSC "RIAR" - the largest in Russia and one of the largest in the world research complex of the nuclear industry, which has unique experimental capabilities for performing systemic scientific and technological research in almost all areas of nuclear power development.

Founded (created)

SSC RIAR was founded in March 1956. In 1994, the institute was awarded the status of the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation, preserved to the present by the relevant regulations Government of the Russian Federation.

Work in priority areas and critical technologies for the development of science, technology and technology

Participates in the implementation of priority areas: "Energy efficiency, energy saving, nuclear energy", "Transport and space systems"," Rational use of natural resources ", Advanced types of weapons, military and special equipment and critical technologies: Basic and critical military and industrial technology for creating promising species weapons, military and special equipment; Nuclear energy technologies, nuclear fuel cycle, safe management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel; New and renewable energy technologies, including hydrogen energy; Technologies for obtaining and processing structural nanomaterials; Technologies for obtaining and processing functional nanomaterials; Technologies for monitoring and predicting the state of the environment, preventing and eliminating its pollution; Technologies for the prevention and elimination of natural and man-made emergencies; Technologies for reducing losses from socially significant diseases; Technologies for creating a new generation of rocket-space and transport equipment.

Participation in the implementation of technology platforms

"Closed nuclear fuel cycle with fast reactors", "Radiation technologies".

Innovative projects

Creation of a multipurpose fast neutron research reactor MBIR. Creation of a polyfunctional radiochemical research complex. Technical re-equipment of an experimental fast neutron reactor with a thermal power of 60 MW. Comprehensive modernization and development of the production of reactor radionuclides at SSC "RIAR" to ensure the development of nuclear medicine and radiation technologies. Development of technology for obtaining radionuclide Mo-99 using low-enriched uranium. Creation of the production of the isotope Molybdenum-99. Development of technologies and creation of production of mixed oxide fuel for fast reactors. Production of control and protection rods with increased operational characteristics for operating and innovative nuclear reactors of the 4th generation.

Research experimental base

Six research nuclear reactors; the largest complex for materials science research of elements of cores of nuclear reactors, samples of irradiated materials and nuclear fuel; radiochemical and chemical-technological complexes for carrying out research works in the field of the nuclear fuel cycle; a specialized complex for studying the properties of transuranic elements, radionuclides of high specific activity; development and production of sources of ionizing radiation; complex for processing and disposal of radioactive waste.

Patents, certificates

Patents, certificates - 181, including 51 know-how.

R&D staff

Availability of Agreements with higher educational institutions

National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", Ulyanovsk State University;

Togliatti State University;

Samara State Technical University;

Ogarev Mordovia State University;

Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University;

Volga State Technological University;

Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov;

MSTU them. N.E. Bauman and 14 other institutes.

Basic departments, scientific schools

Two basic departments and six scientific schools.

Main partners

Enterprises and organizations of the ROSATOM State Corporation, industrial and scientific organizations of other industries and departments, foreign enterprises and organizations of the nuclear industry (USA, South Korea, Japan, China, France).

International scientific and technical cooperation

Interaction SSC "RIAR" with foreign partners is carried out within the framework of international agreements and programs coordinated by ROSATOM, as well as under direct commercial contracts.

Short name:


Full title:

Joint Stock Company "State science Center- Research Institute of Atomic Reactors "

433510, Dimitrovgrad-10, Ulyanovsk region, Russia, JSC "SSC RIAR"

The Scientific Research Institute of Atomic Reactors was established in 1956 on the initiative of Academician I.V. Kurchatov for engineering and scientific research in the field of nuclear energy.

In 2008, the institute was reorganized into the Open Joint Stock Company "State Scientific Center - Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Reactors" (JSC "SSC RIAR") and became part of the integrated company JSC "Atomenergoprom" with 100% state capital.

At present, RIAR is the largest scientific research experimental complex of civil nuclear energy in Russia.

The institute has 6 research nuclear reactors, the largest in Europe complex for post-reactor research of elements of active zones of industrial reactors, a complex of facilities for R&D in the field of the nuclear fuel cycle, a radiochemical complex and a complex for radioactive waste management.

The unique multidisciplinary experimental base of RIAR allows carrying out research and production activities in the main scientific areas of nuclear energy:

* development and demonstration in pilot production of innovative nuclear technologies;
* provision of knowledge-intensive engineering services;
* transfer of nuclear technologies to other industries, including nuclear medicine, industry, to solve environmental problems.

The Institute's products are services for irradiation and post-irradiation studies of materials and products of nuclear technology, innovative technologies manufacturing and processing of fuel for nuclear reactors and disposal of radioactive waste.

RIAR is a developer and manufacturer of a wide range of radionuclides and sources of ionizing radiation for science, industry and medicine.

The institute has its own training base for staff training and actively cooperates with regional universities in training, both for the institute and for other organizations in the region.

The institute is conducting environmental work and research to study the conditions for safe isolation in deep geological formations of low-level waste and ground storage of spent nuclear fuel.

The historical distribution of functions in the industry determined the main activities of the institute and the markets for its products. First of all, this is the market of high-tech services related to the implementation of research, development and technological work in the field of nuclear energy using the experimental reactor and non-reactor base of the Institute. It is also the radioisotope market, where the Institute acts as a supplier of a wide range of radioisotope products.

The Institute is constantly developing its technologies:

  • In the field of "Physics and technology of nuclear reactors and safety issues", technologies are being developed for modeling the operating conditions of elements of the active zones of promising power and transport reactors in research reactors, and research is being carried out under these conditions of their service characteristics.
  • In the direction of "Reactor materials science and methods of testing materials and elements of nuclear power plants", the methodology is being improved, methods are being developed and irradiation devices for reactor experiments for testing materials are being manufactured, and the technical base is being modernized.
  • In the direction of "Radiochemistry and Fuel Cycles of Nuclear Power", technologies are being developed for the experimental acquisition of information on physicochemical processes applicable and used for the processing of irradiated materials and spent nuclear fuel, their fractionation, fuel refurbishment and disposal of separated fission products. The target results of these studies are usually new technologies or technology elements that have passed the stages of laboratory and / or pilot-industrial approbation.
  • In the direction of "Production of nuclear fuel and reactor materials" are created and developed promising technologies production of nuclear fuel, including refurbished, and elements of the rods of the control and protection system of nuclear reactors.
  • In the direction of "Radionuclide sources of ionizing radiation and preparations", technologies are being developed for obtaining various radionuclides and for making sources of ionizing radiation from them for medical, technical and scientific purposes.

    29.05.2015 08:33

    1. General information

    2. Content of the message
    2.1. View general meeting shareholders: annual.
    2.2. Form of holding the general meeting: joint attendance.
    2.3. Date, place, time of the general meeting of shareholders: June 30, 2015, Russian Federation, 119017, Moscow city, Bolshaya Ordynka street, house 40, building 1, office number 9, 19 hours 00 minutes.
    2.4. Start time of registration of persons participating in the general meeting of shareholders: 18 hours 45 minutes ..
    2.5. Date of compilation of the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting of shareholders: June 08, 2015.
    2.6 Agenda of the General Meeting of Shareholders:
    1) Approval of the 2014 Annual Report of JSC “SSC RIAR”.
    2) Approval of the annual accounting statements, including the profit and loss statement (profit and loss accounts) of JSC "SSC RIAR".
    3) Distribution of profits (including payment (declaration) of dividends) and losses of JSC “SSC RIAR” based on the results of 2014.
    4) Election of the Board of Directors of JSC "SSC RIAR".
    5) Approval of the auditor of JSC "SSC RIAR".
    2.7. The procedure for familiarization with the information (materials) to be provided in preparation for the general meeting of shareholders, and the address at which it can be viewed: shareholders (their representatives) can familiarize themselves with the information (materials) on June 09, 2015 on business days from 8.00 to 16.00 local time at the address: Russian Federation, 433510, Ulyanovsk region, city of Dimitrovgrad -10.

    Disclosure of annual financial statements on the Internet

    26.03.2015 14:11

    Announcement on the disclosure by the joint-stock company on the Internet page of the annual accounting (financial) statements

    1. General information

    1.4. OGRN of the issuer: 1087302001797
    1.5. Issuer's INN: 7302040242
    1.7. Internet page address used by the issuer for information disclosure: http://www.e-disclosure.ru/portal/company.aspx?id=18477

    Information on holding a general meeting of shareholders of a joint-stock company

    19.01.2015 10:08

    1. General information
    1.1. Full corporate name of the issuer: Joint Stock Company "State Scientific Center - Scientific Research Institute of Atomic Reactors"
    1.2. Abbreviated corporate name of the issuer: JSC "SSC RIAR"
    1.3. Location of the issuer: Russia, 433510 Ulyanovsk region, Dimitrovgrad-10
    1.4. OGRN of the issuer: 1087302001797
    1.5. Issuer's INN: 7302040242
    1.6. Unique code of the issuer assigned by the registering authority: 55411-Е
    1.7. Internet page address used by the issuer for information disclosure: http://www.e-disclosure.ru/portal/company.aspx?id=18477

    2. Content of the message

    2.3. Date of the general meeting of shareholders: February 26, 2015
    2.5. Deadline for accepting voting ballots: February 26, 2015
    2.6. Date of compilation of the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting of shareholders: January 27, 2015.
    1. On the approval of interested party transactions - State contract dated March 29, 2013 No.N.4x. with additional agreements No. 1 and No. 2.
    2. On the approval of interested-party transactions - Agreement on the participation of the Russian Federation in a joint-stock company dated May 14, 2013 No. К.4f.Д028 with additional agreements No. 1-4.
    2.8. The procedure for familiarization with the information (materials) to be provided in preparation for the general meeting of shareholders, and the address at which it can be viewed: shareholders (their representatives) can familiarize themselves with the information (materials) from January 28, 2015 on business days from 8.00 until 16.00 local time at the address: Russian Federation, 433510, Ulyanovsk region, city of Dimitrovgrad -10.

    13.01.2015 17:22

    1. General information
    1.1. Full corporate name of the issuer (for non-profit organization- name): Joint Stock Company "State Scientific Center - Scientific Research Institute of Atomic Reactors"
    1.2. Abbreviated corporate name of the issuer: JSC "SSC RIAR"
    1.3. Location of the issuer: Russia, 433510, Ulyanovsk region, city of Dimitrovgrad -10
    1.4. OGRN of the issuer: 1087302001797
    1.5. Issuer's INN: 7302040242
    1.6. Unique code of the issuer assigned by the registration authority: 55411-E
    1.7. Internet page address used by the issuer for information disclosure: http://www.e-disclosure.ru/portal/company.aspx?id=18477

    Information on holding a general meeting of shareholders of a joint-stock company

    07.04.2015 09:31

    1. General information
    1.1. Full corporate name of the issuer: Joint Stock Company "State Scientific Center - Scientific Research Institute of Atomic Reactors"
    1.2. Abbreviated corporate name of the issuer: JSC "SSC RIAR"
    1.3. Location of the issuer: Russia, 433510 Ulyanovsk region, Dimitrovgrad-10
    1.4. OGRN of the issuer: 1087302001797
    1.5. Issuer's INN: 7302040242
    1.6. Unique code of the issuer assigned by the registering authority: 55411-Е
    1.7. Internet page address used by the issuer for information disclosure: http://www.e-disclosure.ru/portal/company.aspx?id=18477
    2. Content of the message
    2.1. Type of the general meeting of shareholders: extraordinary.
    2.2. Form of holding the general meeting: absentee voting.
    2.3. Date of the general meeting of shareholders: May 12, 2015.
    2.4. The mailing address to which the completed bulletin is sent: Russian Federation, 433510, Ulyanovsk region, city of Dimitrovgrad-10.
    2.5. Deadline for accepting the voting ballot: May 12, 2015.
    2.6. Date of compilation of the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting of shareholders: April 17, 2015.
    2.7 Agenda of the general meeting of shareholders: On approval of an interested party transaction - an additional agreement to contract No. 198/2013 dated November 28, 2013, concluded with JSC NIKIMT-Atomstroy.
    2.8. The procedure for familiarization with the information (materials) to be provided in preparation for the general meeting of shareholders, and the address at which it can be viewed: shareholders (their representatives) can familiarize themselves with the information (materials) on April 20, 2015 on working days from 8.00 to 16.00 local time at the address: Russian Federation, 433510, Ulyanovsk region, city of Dimitrovgrad -10.

    Information on holding a general meeting of shareholders of a joint-stock company

    04.02.2015 08:01

    Notice of holding a general meeting of shareholders of the joint-stock company.

    1. General information
    1.1. Full corporate name of the issuer: Joint Stock Company "State Scientific Center - Scientific Research Institute of Atomic Reactors"
    1.2. Abbreviated corporate name of the issuer: JSC "SSC RIAR"
    1.3. Location of the issuer: Russia, 433510 Ulyanovsk region, Dimitrovgrad-10
    1.4. OGRN of the issuer: 1087302001797
    1.5. Issuer's INN: 7302040242
    1.6. Unique code of the issuer assigned by the registering authority: 55411-Е
    1.7. Internet page address used by the issuer for information disclosure: http://www.e-disclosure.ru/portal/company.aspx?id=18477

    2. Content of the message
    2.1. Type of the general meeting of shareholders: extraordinary.
    2.2. Form of holding the general meeting: absentee voting.
    2.3. Date of the general meeting of shareholders: March 10, 2015.
    2.4. The mailing address to which the completed bulletin is sent: Russian Federation, 433510, Ulyanovsk region, city of Dimitrovgrad-10.
    2.5. The deadline for accepting the voting ballot: March 10, 2015.
    2.6. Date of compilation of the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting of shareholders: February 16, 2015.
    2.7 Agenda of the General Meeting of Shareholders:
    1. On the approval of transactions in which there is an interest - Investment agreement dated 10.05.2011 No. К.4ch.И040 with additional agreements No. 1-6.
    2. On approval of transactions in which there is an interest - Investment agreement dated November 26, 2010 No.- К.2R. with additional agreements No. 1-6.
    2.8. The procedure for familiarization with the information (materials) to be provided in preparation for the general meeting of shareholders, and the address at which it can be viewed: shareholders (their representatives) can familiarize themselves with the information (materials) on February 17, 2015 on working days from 8.00 to 16.00 local time at the address: Russian Federation, 433510, Ulyanovsk region, city of Dimitrovgrad -10.

    Disclosure of the list of affiliated persons on the Internet

    02.04.2015 15:31

    Notice of the disclosure by the joint-stock company on the Internet page of the list of affiliated persons

    1. General information
    1.1. Full corporate name of the issuer (for a non-commercial organization - name): Joint Stock Company "State Research Center - Research Institute of Atomic Reactors"
    1.2. Abbreviated corporate name of the issuer: JSC "SSC RIAR"
    1.3. Location of the issuer: Russia, 433510, Ulyanovsk region, city of Dimitrovgrad -10
    1.4. OGRN of the issuer: 1087302001797
    1.5. Issuer's INN: 7302040242
    1.6. Unique code of the issuer assigned by the registration authority: 55411-E
    1.7. Internet page address used by the issuer for information disclosure: http://www.e-disclosure.ru/portal/company.aspx?id=18477