Nuclear center. Rfyats-vnief all-russian research institute of experimental physics

Economic development the city is determined, first of all, by the activities of its main city-forming enterprise - RFNC-VNIIEF.

Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics (RFNC-VNIIEF) - federal state unitary enterprise of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom. The institute was founded in 1946 to implement the Soviet atomic project... The first domestic atomic and hydrogen bombs were developed here.

Director - Valentin Efimovich Kostyukov.

At the moment, the institute employs about 24 thousand people. The Institute has a powerful experimental and testing base. This includes a complex for gas-dynamic testing of products and explosives, complexes for mechanical, thermal and climatic tests of nuclear charges and ammunition, irradiation and laser systems, aeroballistic training complex. The computing base of the institute, which has powerful mathematical support, is currently one of the largest in Russia.

History of the enterprise:

The starting point of the history of RFNC-VNIIEF can be considered April 9, 1946, when the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR N 805-327ss was issued on the creation of a KB-11 design bureau at Laboratory N 2 of the USSR Academy of Sciences, one of the most secret enterprises for the development of domestic nuclear weapons. By the same decree, the Deputy Minister of Transport Engineering P.M.Zernov was appointed Chief of KB-11, and Professor Yu. B. Khariton was the chief designer.

Plant 550 of the People's Commissariat of Ammunition, which produced artillery shells, was chosen as the base for the deployment of KB-11. The plant was located in the village of Sarov, Gorky Region, where the famous Sarov Monastery was once located. The heads of KB-11 selected specialists for the first Soviet nuclear center, regardless of their departmental affiliation. Most of the specialists who came to KB-11 in the early years were bright personalities, thought outside the box, and had enormous intellectual potential. In addition to scientists and engineers, a significant contribution to the creation of the first domestic atomic bomb was made by highly skilled workers, without whom it was impossible to implement bold technical solutions.

In just a few years, a high-tech and knowledge-intensive industry was created in a country drained of blood by the war, capable of solving the most difficult tasks to ensure the security of the Fatherland. KB-11 has become one of the leading enterprises in the industry. Already on August 29, 1949, the first domestic atomic bomb RDS-1, created here, was tested. Having mastered the secrets of nuclear weapons, our Motherland for many years ensured the military-defense parity of the two leading states of the world - the USSR and the USA. The nuclear shield, the first link of which was the legendary product RDS-1, still protects Russia. In 1992, by order of the President Russian Federation The All-Union Research Institute of Experimental Physics was awarded the status of the Russian Federal Nuclear Center.

Today FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF is the largest scientific and technical center in Russia, which includes several institutes: theoretical and mathematical physics, experimental gas dynamics and explosion physics, nuclear and radiation physics, laser physics research, the scientific and technical center for high energy density physics and directed fluxes of radiation, as well as design offices and thematic centers, united by a common scientific and administrative leadership.

The rich experience accumulated by RFNC-VNIIEF for more than fifty years of work, scientific and experimental, mathematical and production and technological base, together with highly qualified specialists, allow solving problems not only of a defense nature.

Kostyukov Valentin Efimovich. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology. He was awarded the Order of Honor, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III and IV degrees, the medal for distinction in labor, and the badge of honor "Gratitude of the Governor".

The Russian Federal Nuclear Center is the All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics (RFNC-VNIIEF), a federal state unitary enterprise of the Rosatom State Corporation. The institute was founded in 1946 to implement the Soviet atomic project. The first domestic atomic and hydrogen bombs were developed here.

FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF is the largest scientific and technical center in Russia, which includes several institutes: theoretical and mathematical physics, experimental gas dynamics and explosion physics, nuclear and radiation physics, laser physics research, the scientific and technical center for high energy density physics and directional radiation fluxes, as well as design offices and thematic centers, united by a common scientific and administrative leadership.

The center employs over 20 thousand employees.

IT in the nuclear center

2018: Development of a PLM system for 5 billion rubles


How Russian Railways and the Federal Nuclear Center are jointly developing software

In October 2014, Alexey Illarionov, vice president for information technology and development of the Russian Railways management system, told TAdviser about the main directions of technological cooperation between his company and the Federal Nuclear Center in Sarov (RFNC-VNIIEF). According to him, such cooperation has been going on for many years, and its goal is to combine the experience of partners in the field of creating complex and large information systems to add additional capabilities to the IT infrastructure of railway transport.

One of the systems jointly developed with Sarov specialists is automated system optimization of train traffic management processes and maintenance of railway transport infrastructure based on predictive technologies. The system, in particular, calculates the optimal sufficiency of the resources of the railway infrastructure for the timely delivery of goods in the optimal short time and minimizes the influence of the human factor.

“With the help of this system, taking into account the technological and technical constraints in real time, we calculate the optimal resource parameters to ensure the transportation process. On the scale of a company like Russian Railways, this is very important, since saving even on a small percentage of operations, and there are up to 5-6 million of them per day, means a significant figure in terms of costs, ”explains Alexey Illarionov.

The source material for the development was, in particular, data on the cost of the main technological processes and non-productive losses. The system takes into account such indicators as: current throughput of various sections of the railway network, processing capacity of stations, provision of locomotive crews, optimal train schedule, etc.

This project has a network-wide scale, but so far the system is being tested at a pilot test site - on the Gorky Railway. In the future, it is planned to expand the experimental range to the Northern and Oktyabrskaya railways, and then to the entire network. railways Russia. The system software is deployed in the central data center, and calculations are carried out taking into account the correspondence that is formed throughout the entire railway network as a whole.

For this system, RFNC-VNIIEF specialists help to create an algorithmic basis, layouts, as well as to ensure integration with other systems: for example, with a transactional database in order to receive a stream of information about the progress of operational work. Also for this project RFNC-VNIIEF has developed a special computer complex to support the tasks being solved and on parallel computing.

“It would be correct to call this project innovative and research and development, because the resource optimization tasks that we solve are very complex in terms of computational problems and in the world they are solved on a very limited scale. And taking into account the specifics of Russian railways, many tasks are even more difficult to solve, ”says Alexey Illarionov.

Another major block of joint work between Russian Railways and the Sarov Nuclear Center may be the development of a stack of products based on open source software, both basic and applied, says Illarionov. The former include the operating system platform and DBMS for various tasks (application servers, web applications, etc.), and applied, for example, the system and software for transactional systems.

The fact that RFNC-VNIIEF is developing its own platform products based on open source software, representatives of the nuclear center told TAdviser in May 2014, and Russian Railways also announced its entry into this project later in August.

According to the vice president for IT and development of the Russian Railways management system, this project is still under discussion, so it is too early to talk about the timing of product introduction: a number of organizational and legal issues, including those related to the right to use and modify the source code.

Alexey Illarionov notes that use is one of the possible measures, the use of which in such a large company as Russian Railways makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the information landscape in terms of IT costs, as well as to increase the company's cyber security.

Development of software to replace Windows OS and Oracle DBMS

The Federal Nuclear Center in Sarov (RFNC-VNIIEF) is developing its own OS called "Synergy", the Deputy Director for IT of the Nuclear Center said in May 2014 Oleg Krivosheev... He told TAdviser that this system uses the Linux kernel, and about 70 employees of the nuclear center are involved in its development. The pilot version of the OS "Synergy" is already being used in "special systems".

In addition to the Synergy OS, RFNC-VNIIEF specialists are also developing their own DBMS and hypervisor for virtualization, the Deputy IT Director of the Sarov Nuclear Center told TAdviser. The first is based on the open source PostgreSQL () software, and the hypervisor, like the OS, is based on Linux.

RFNC-VNIIEF is developing this software in order to ensure the independence of the standard information system nuclear weapons complex (TIS YOK). Over time, it is planned to replicate it at all enterprises of the industry, and in the future - to develop on the basis of this system a standard platform for enterprises of the defense industry. Sarov Nuclear Center acts as a testing ground for the use of TIS NWC.

Among the components of the TIS YOK are complexes of systems that provide end-to-end technology 3D design, enterprise, resource and production management. TIS YOK systems are already using domestically developed software to the maximum: for example, 3D end-to-end design technology is based on Ascon software, and the ERP system is based on Alfa System software developed by Informcontact.

OS "Synergy" and its own DBMS will allow to abandon the Windows OS and the Oracle and SQL DBMS, which are used now, Oleg Krivosheev explained to TAdviser. The hypervisor, in turn, should replace the VMware software used in the RFNC-VNIIEF data center, where the TIS NWC systems are located.

According to Oleg Krivosheev, the proprietary software is planned to be certified for working with state secrets and used as platforms for the operation of the main systems included in the TIS YOK, as well as the OS for the AWP of users who work with these systems. As of May, negotiations are underway with Russian software developers in order to ensure that their solutions used in TIS NAOK can work under the OS and DBMS developed by the Sarov nuclear center, he adds.

It is planned to complete the development of its own OS, hypervisor and DBMS, and also to certify this software in 2016, Oleg Krivosheev told TAdviser. He also noted that certification is a long stage, which takes about 9 months.

2013: Start of operation of the ERP-system

In February 2013, Rosatom announced the launch of commercial operation of a typical ERP system at RFNC. Its development was carried out as part of the transformation program information technologies at the enterprises of Rosatom, which in 2010 included the enterprises of the nuclear weapons complex. ...

2011: Program of creation of a typical information system of NWC

In 2011-2014. In the pilot zone of RFNC-VNIIEF, a program is being implemented to create a standard information system (TIS of NWC enterprises). The projects of the program are grouped in such areas as business applications, industrial automation systems - end-to-end cycles, 3D design, IT infrastructure "

Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics (RFNC-VNIIEF)- Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom". RFNC-VNIIEF is the largest research institute in the country, solving complex problems of defense, scientific and national economic significance. Founded in 1946, the institute made a decisive contribution to the creation of nuclear and thermonuclear weapons in the USSR, the elimination of the US atomic monopoly. The first domestic atomic and hydrogen bombs were developed here. The activities of the Institute ensured the achievement of world nuclear equilibrium during the Cold War, and kept humanity from global military conflicts. VNIIEF initiated the implementation of a large-scale program of the Soviet Union to conduct nuclear explosions for peaceful purposes. In 1962, the unique problem of ignition and combustion of thermonuclear fuel was solved in the absence of fissile materials. This was an important step towards the future of thermonuclear energy.

The high scientific and technical potential, the breadth and variety of tasks solved by the RFNC-VNIIEF team are largely determined by the talent and energy of outstanding scientists who stood at the origins of the Institute. The scientific schools they created received further development... This allows you to acquire new knowledge in various fields of science and technology, create new developments and high technologies.

Such outstanding scientists as I. V. Kurchatov, Yu. B. Khariton, Ya. B. Zel'dovich, A. D. Sakharov, N. N. Bogolyubov, M. A. Lavrent'ev, I. E. Tamm, G. N. Flerov, E. A. Negin, S. G. Kocharyants, A. I. Pavlovsky, Yu. N. Babaev, S. B. Kormer and many others. They have created a lot of what Russian science is proud of. The current generation of the Institute's specialists, together with outstanding scientists of the older generation, continues these glorious traditions. Large scientific schools of physicists, mathematicians, designers, experimenters, technologists, chemists have been created and are developing at the institute.

The main task of the nuclear center today is to ensure and maintain the reliability and safety of Russia's nuclear weapons.

RFNC-VNIIEF has a powerful design, experimental, testing, technological and production base, which allows it to quickly and efficiently solve the tasks assigned to it.

RFNC-VNIIEF includes several institutes: theoretical and mathematical physics, experimental gas dynamics and explosion physics, nuclear and radiation physics, laser physics research, a scientific and technical center for high energy densities, as well as design bureaus and thematic centers, united by a common scientific and administrative leadership.

The institute is intensively working to improve technical characteristics nuclear weapons, their effectiveness, safety and reliability. V modern conditions When the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty is in force, the main directions of research on solving nuclear weapons problems are concentrated in the theoretical, design and experimental divisions of the Institute.

The nuclear weapons activities of RFNC-VNIIEF are carried out in accordance with government programs for the development of nuclear weapons and the country's nuclear weapons complex within the framework of Russia's obligations to implement the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and agreements to improve the export control system. The RFNC-VNIIEF quality management system on defense issues has been certified for compliance with the requirements of the current state military standards of the Russian Federation.

The high scientific and technical potential allows RFNC-VNIIEF to expand the field of research and development and quickly master new areas of high technologies, obtain world-class scientific results, and conduct unique fundamental and applied research.

International scientific and technical cooperation has been intensively developing in open scientific areas since the early 1990s.


Sarov (Nizhny Novgorod region)


FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF is the largest research center in Russia, solving the most important scientific tasks of national importance, mainly defense.

RFNC-VNIIEF includes several institutes: theoretical and mathematical physics, experimental gas dynamics and explosion physics, nuclear and radiation physics, laser physics research, a scientific and technical center for physics of high energy densities and directional radiation fluxes, as well as design bureaus and thematic centers , united by a common scientific and administrative leadership.

FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF works in the following areas of activity:

carrying out research, development, calculation and theoretical work in the interests of the country's defense;
complex mathematical modeling of physical processes using modern high-performance computing systems;

development of warheads, different types weapons;
laser physics research;
physics of interaction of laser radiation with matter;
inertial thermonuclear fusion;
radiation technologies and radiation safety;
high voltage technology;
electronic computers, new mathematical techniques and programs;
environmental protection, environmental monitoring;
nuclear power safety;
development and implementation modern means accounting and control of fissile materials;
arms control and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;
technologies for creating new materials;
intensification of production, transportation and processing of oil and gas; medical equipment and instruments.

Benefits and working conditions (unique benefits)

RFNC-VNIIEF is a socially oriented enterprise with great traditions:

1. The first 3 years of work for young specialists is set to a guaranteed level wages, annually indexed upward (in 2019 - 46,500 rubles)

2. The institute has a program for the adaptation and retention of young specialists at the enterprise.

3. Nonresident young specialists are paid lump sum payments for employment (20,000 rubles), as well as travel and luggage transportation from the place of residence to the enterprise.

4. Possibility of continuing education in graduate school.

5. Provision of a comfortable hostel.

6. Possibility of building your own home on preferential terms.

7. Industry-leading benefits package

Opportunities for Students and Graduates

You have a unique opportunity to get the profession of the future at the enterprise, where powerful scientific and technical potential and the richest experience in solving complex non-traditional problems are concentrated. In candidates, we expect to see competence (academic performance in the diploma is higher than 4, and in the major disciplines higher than 4.5 points), dedication, high efficiency in work. The selection of young specialists is carried out at Job Fairs, personal meetings of company representatives with students, as well as through sending a resume to [email protected] Each student is interviewed by phone. Scroll required documents for registration in RFNC-VNIIEF is located on the website in the "Career" section.

RFNC-VNIIEF invites university students, starting from the 3rd year, for educational and industrial practice, pre-graduation practice and diploma design and provides free accommodation.