What is sleep gas? Diethyl ether carbon dioxide Diethyl ether to carbon dioxide

vut 25-08-2006 11:04

Tell people, is the soporific gas the same as for anesthesia or is it more powerful?

Scout 25-08-2006 11:06

B52 try in the shower

vut 25-08-2006 11:31

did not understand?!

vut 25-08-2006 11:32

or is B52 the same?

PALACH 25-08-2006 16:41

not at all the same as for anesthesia ... "gas for anesthesia" by this term in the common people is usually called a mixture of nitrous oxide (NITRO) with oxygen and carbon dioxide, where nitrous oxide at high concentrations is anesthetizing in small exciting (laughing gas) oxygen for breathing " the patient "and carbon dioxide for contractions of the respiratory system, ie, the function of automatic respiration. It's just that a mixture of oxygen with carbon dioxide is called carbogen and is used for sponge anesthesia. And the fighting, as you said, "SLEEPING GAS" is a nerve-poralitic poisonous substance that introduces a person into a state of either liturgical supply, or not deep loss of consciousness, therefore all these substances are not universal and in a large percentage of cases lead to death. If you just need a sleeping gas, then it can be diethyl ether or chloroform mixed with carbon dioxide, which will "knock out" a person for a couple of minutes.

vut 26-08-2006 14:10

PALACH I threw you a message in a personal message, can you answer?

PALACH 26-08-2006 16:35

how do I know? hmm .... a strange question .. in this world, it seems, there is nothing secret left except for commercial secrets, literature is fully available and will find such things somewhere from the period 1900 to 1960. but the compositions of the nerve agents are still secret because they are a relatively new class of nerve agents. For example, diethyl ether is just an almost completely dehydrated ethyl alcohol, and this ether has an older name for sulfuric ether by the way it was first obtained with the help of sulfuric acid. And carbon dioxide, I repeat, causes involuntary contractions of the respiratory system and forces a person to take deep involuntary breaths with this mixture, which causes a short-term loss of consciousness for about 2-3 minutes, completely muscle control returns after 30 minutes. and this type of weapon-atomizer, if it were created would be much more humane than the first-generation electric shock weapon on the stun gun effect, that is, on the painful effect (now the electroshocks of the Western production on a different principle of the device.) For example, the advantages of sleeping pills as a citizen first of all, it is cheapness due to the simple device of the sprayer and the components of the mixture and, unlike pepper spray, there is no irritating effect, since if you sprinkle a normal criminal and not punks in the eyes, then he may not go blind and can cause your lethal effect. BUT there are also not enough resources, it is, first of all, the danger of criminal use, since it is very effective. a gas mask can serve as a protection against this type of weapon.

lexey 28-08-2006 17:26

For example, diethyl ether is just an almost completely dehydrated ethyl alcohol, and this ether has an older name for sulfuric ether by the way it was first obtained with the help of sulfuric acid.

Well, actually, diethyl ether is a simple ether obtained by subtracting a water molecule from two alcohol molecules. Sulfuric acid serves to bind water.

SUNtehnik 29-08-2006 09:24

"Sleep gas" is when you fart in a dream

Sorry, could not resist

extractor 30-08-2006 08:39

Donkey 01-09-2006 21:04

What is B52?

extractor 01-09-2006 23:05

probably a bomber ?!

lexey 02-09-2006 12:09

quote: Originally posted by Donkey:
"but the compositions of nerve agents are still secret because this is a relatively new class of nerve agents."
Not entirely new: first appeared in 1937, and not entirely secret: in the book by V.N.Aleksandrov, V.I. provides a detailed description of the properties and methods of obtaining nerve agents.
What is B52?

Yes, and the effect of them is not entirely sleepy ...

Donkey 03-09-2006 01:55

"B52 try in the shower"
"probably a bomber ?!"
Wingspan, m ----- 56.39
So what size should the shower be?

lexey 03-09-2006 11:22

* So, what size should the shower be? *
Probably general ... and if you also start the engines ...

vut 03-09-2006 16:42

Then what is the composition of anesthetic gas in medicine?

vut 03-09-2006 16:42

oh forgot, already written!

PALACH 04-09-2006 20:23

Donkey here the compounds of nerve agents are still secret because it is a relatively new class of nerve agents "
Not entirely new: first appeared in 1937, and not entirely secret: in the book by V.N.Aleksandrov, V.I. provides a detailed description of the properties and methods of obtaining nerve agents.

yes yes yes you will practically never do it like this for general acquaintance with these little books, because even everyone knows what an atomic warhead is like (if you don’t know, I can tell you) but try to make it !!!

Donkey 04-09-2006 21:43

quote: Originally posted by PALACH:

yes yes yes you will practically never do it like this for general acquaintance with these little books, because even everyone knows what an atomic warhead is like (if you don’t know, I can tell you) but try to make it !!!

I have not tried to get sarin in the kitchen myself, but I think it is not particularly difficult. After all, there is a reaction of the formation of organophosphates from non-toxic substances in the projectile during its flight with a fairly high yield (70-80%) in binary ammunition.
An atomic bomb can be made at home (or rather, not the bomb itself, but all the necessary devices for it):

“There is a declassified report by American intelligence about a unique experiment conducted about forty years ago. The experiment proved that in the early 60s, nuclear weapons could have been created by any physicists of any level with the help of data published exclusively in the open press. In just three years, three young graduates of American universities were able to produce - David Dobson, David Pipkorn and Robert Selden, who had never before dealt with the problems of creating a nuclear weapon. " http://exeline.info/lofiversion/index.php/t274.html

It is simply impossible to obtain a radioactive isotope of uranium-235 with an enrichment of 90%, or a radioactive isotope of plutonium-239 with an enrichment of 94% at home (you need a plant with an enrichment line several kilometers long or a nuclear reactor), and it is not easy to buy or steal fissile materials (so far even the millionaire bin Laden failed)

lexey 05-09-2006 11:32

The point is not even whether you can get it or not, but the fact that nerve agents do not have a hypnotic effect ..

PALACH 06-09-2006 20:15

I am aware that nerve agents do not obsess the sleepy effect, but depress the central nervous system or block it. but he finds the manufacture of a nuclear bomb in the kitchen and I'm talking about the same thing that you can do everything, but getting the components is not realistic without a couple of evergreen lemons ...

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yuy acid; by esterifying it, malonic acid diethyl ester (malonic ester) is obtained. When it interacts with metallic sodium, sodium malonic ether is formed; acting on it with ethyl bromide, ethyl malonic acid diethyl ester is obtained. Finally, by saponifying the latter and decarboxylating the resulting ethyl malonic acid, ethyl acetic acid, or butyric acid, is obtained.

Obtaining diethyl ester of malonic acid (malonic ester). Monochloroacetic acid is taken as a starting material for the production of malonic ester, which is converted into a potassium salt and acts on it with potassium cyanide.

2C1-CH2-COOH + K2CO, 2C1 -CH3-COOK + CO, + H20 C1-CH3-COOK + KCN KC1 + CN-CH2-COOK

This produces the potassium salt of cyanoacetic acid. By heating the latter with absolute alcohol and sulfuric acid, malonic acid is obtained; under the conditions under which the reaction is carried out, both carboxyl groups are esterified, as a result of which diethyl malonic acid ester is immediately obtained

CN- CH3-C- OK + 2C2H5-OH + H3S04 O * C2H6-O-C-CH2-C-O-C2H5 + NH4KS04

When working with potassium cyanide, you should be careful, remembering about its extreme toxicity and the ability to release hydrocyanic acid under the influence of carbon dioxide.


Monochloroacetic acid 23.7 g (0.25 mol)

Potassium carbonate 19 e (0.14 mol)

Potassium cyanide 18 g (0.28 mol)

Absolute alcohol 50 ml (0.85 mol)

Sulphuric acid; ether; sodium carbonate; calcium chloride

In a porcelain cup, monochloroacetic acid is dissolved in 50 gallons of water and, with low heating (up to about 50 °), neutralized with potassium carbonate (or sodium carbonate). To the resulting solution of potassium chloroacetic acid (under draft), with thorough stirring, very slowly add finely ground potassium cyanide and gradually increase the heating. The reaction is accompanied by strong foaming of the mass. At the end of the reaction, the mixture is evaporated by heating as quickly as possible with stirring in a sand bath until the viscous brownish mass is heated to 135 °.

The resulting product is quickly ground into a powder in a mortar, transferred to a 250 ml flask equipped with a reflux condenser, and poured into 10 ml of absolute alcohol. Then, through the inner tube of the refrigerator, a cooled mixture of 50 ml of absolute alcohol and 40 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid is gradually poured with stirring; continuing frequent stirring, heat the mushy mass in a water bath for 2 hours.

Upon completion of heating, the flask is quickly cooled, 50 ml of water are added, the undissolved salt (potassium sulfate) is filtered off on a Buchner funnel, the filter cake is washed with ether, and the filtrate is extracted with the same ether in a separatory funnel. The ether layer is separated and the solution is extracted once more with a fresh portion of ether. The combined ether extracts are washed first with a small amount of water, and then with a solution of sodium carbonate until the acid reaction disappears. When flushing with sodium carbonate, the funnel should not be closed with a plug at first, as carbon dioxide is liberated abundantly.

The washed ether solution is dried with calcium chloride (or anhydrous sodium sulfate), the ether is distilled off in a water bath, and the residue is distilled on a grid using an air cooler.

Exit about 22 g.

Pace. bale. malonic ether 195 °; beats weight dl ° 1.0553; refractive index by "6 ​​1.4159.

Obtaining diethyl ester of ethyl malonic acid (ethyl malonic ester). When malonic ether interacts with sodium al-coholate, sodium malonic ether is formed, which with ethyl bromide gives ethyl malonic ether:

C2H5-O-C- CH2-C-O-QH5 + QH5-ONa

O O> C2H5-o-c-CH-C-O-C2H5 + c2n5-on II! II

С2Н5-О-С-СН-С-О-С2Н5 + С3Н5Вг

С3Нb-О-С-СН С-О-С2Н5 + NaBr


Malonic ether 16 g (0.1 mol)

Sodium metal 2.3 g (0.1 grammatome)

Ethyl bromide 15 g (0.14 mol)

Absolute alcohol 30 ml (0.5 mol)

Ether; sodium sulfate

In a round one-bottomed flask with a capacity of 150 L, connected to a reflux condenser and a dropping funnel (Fig. 42), sodium is dissolved in alcohol. After cooling through an addition funnel, malonic ether is gradually added with stirring, and then ethyl bromide is added dropwise. The mixture is heated in a water bath for 1-2 hours. until the alkaline reaction disappears (a sample of the mixture is applied with a glass rod to wet turmeric paper).

Alcohol is distilled off under slight vacuum (at a temperature of 40-50 °).

The residue after distilling off the alcohol is dissolved in a small amount of water and the reaction product is recovered by shaking it three times with ether, using 20 ml of ether each time. The combined ether extracts are dried with anhydrous sodium sulfate, the ether is distilled off, and ethyl malate ether is distilled from a small distillation flask with an air condenser.

Exit about 15 g.

Pace. bale. 206-208 °; beats weight afQ 1.004.

Saponification of ethylmalonic ether and