Very interesting statuses. New beautiful short statuses with meaning Interesting statuses on any topic

Interesting statuses decide for the user social network there are many hidden problems at once: they attract attention, help friends and acquaintances learn better about a person's character and preferences, provoke communication and the development of polemics on his personal page, contribute to the development of interest in the user's personality from strangers, etc. But the most important thing on this list, of course, is the attention that interesting statuses can attract.

All people want special attention, not just a "passing glance", but purposeful interest... Moreover, it is better, if not only in appearance (although this is also important), but in personality, in character, in soul. After all, beauty leaves, appearance changes, and, in the end, for a spiritualized person, physiological interest is only a small part of the needs. Much more important and valuable is what is hidden in the depths of the soul. This is why interesting statuses are so important to many people. They allow a person to open up and show themselves from a new side.

All interesting statuses can be divided into several main types:

Interesting Facts(from history, geography, economics, of course, psychology, etc.).

Personal inferences that seem important and unusual to a person

Notes (excerpts from books, articles, etc.)

News (new unusual events and discoveries, etc.).

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The most pleasant acquaintance in my life began with the words "Beauty, let me give you a mirror, you will admire yourself)"

no, well, how can a physiology teacher be treated with respect after he starts a lecture on reflexes with the words "I think you all know that a reflex is not only a wonderful group .."

An inadvertently open mouth reduces your IQ by exactly half.

Tell me what kind of phone you had before, and I will tell you what phone your mom has now.

Mom: "What are you protecting yourself with?" Daughter: "By moral principles, mom!"

How these sites are highlighted in time *. Right at the moment when the ancestors enter the room ...

I need someone who will love me, will not be offended by any nonsense ... Ma-am, buy a dog ...

A cat will never make friends with someone who is not able to love her. Cats are never wrong about people.

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if you, starting from this day, monthly invested a small amount in the shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies ...

And it doesn't matter if you have any initial capital now or not.

Agree that even if you just save a certain amount of money every month, in 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase ...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples when a person, having set a clear goal for himself, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read that right, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if you add financial control and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? Under such a scheme, it is possible to create capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will bring 120,000 rubles a month in the form of interest.

To some, this money will not seem so impressive, but if at the moment there are no savings, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, it is possible, if desired, to refuse hired work.

People with initial capital and high income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if you, starting from this day, monthly invested a small amount in the shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies ...

And it doesn't matter if you have any initial capital now or not.

Agree that even if you just save a certain amount of money every month, in 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase ...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples when a person, having set a clear goal for himself, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read that right, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if you add financial control and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? Under such a scheme, it is possible to create capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will bring 120,000 rubles a month in the form of interest.

To some, this money will not seem so impressive, but if at the moment there are no savings, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, it is possible, if desired, to refuse hired work.

People with initial capital and high income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if you, starting from this day, monthly invested a small amount in the shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies ...

And it doesn't matter if you have any initial capital now or not.

Agree that even if you just save a certain amount of money every month, in 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase ...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples when a person, having set a clear goal for himself, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read that right, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if you add financial control and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? Under such a scheme, it is possible to create capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will bring 120,000 rubles a month in the form of interest.

To some, this money will not seem so impressive, but if at the moment there are no savings, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, it is possible, if desired, to refuse hired work.

People with initial capital and high income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if you, starting from this day, monthly invested a small amount in the shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies ...

And it doesn't matter if you have any initial capital now or not.

Agree that even if you just save a certain amount of money every month, in 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase ...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples when a person, having set a clear goal for himself, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read that right, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if you add financial control and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? Under such a scheme, it is possible to create capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will bring 120,000 rubles a month in the form of interest.

To some, this money will not seem so impressive, but if at the moment there are no savings, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, it is possible, if desired, to refuse hired work.

People with initial capital and high income,

It is more interesting to know what they are silent about, and not what they are shouting about ...

A person loves to talk about his illnesses, and yet this is the most uninteresting thing in his life.

Bitch is a word derived from vulture, and it feeds on carrion. A woman proud of such a definition does not understand the meaning of the word.

With the arrival of the first spring days, something elusive penetrates the air, touches your cheek, responds throughout your body, and the body comes to life.

Sometimes after reading interesting article in the newspaper, I sincerely regret that it cannot be circled with the mouse, copied, and sent to a friend.

In everyone's life there are moments when one should throw himself into the abyss in order to finally make sure that he always knew how to fly ...

How can you say goodbye to someone you can't live without? ... I didn't say goodbye, I didn't say anything, I just left ... at the end of that night I decided to move on.

For some reason, an honest conversation arises only after drinking a bottle of intoxicating!

A prudent wife! If you want your husband to spend his free time next to you, then try not to find so much pleasantness, pleasure, modesty and tenderness in any other place.

Do I want to go to the cinema? I want to give you a son, live with you all my life and die in one day! And in the cinema, no, I don’t want to!

Love, love with all your might !!! But don't forget to be loved !!!

Men can never comprehend women, but they study them with great interest.

Sometimes you send a person with passion ... and then you worry whether you made it or not ...

An interesting conversation - an expander for the brain.

When a storm is approaching, some are speechless with fear, others run as fast as they can ... and still others spread their wings and fly like eagles ...

I wonder which of my 305 friends in Odnoklassniki will come to the rescue in difficult times ???

You want to ruin the relationship - start categorically advising and giving recommendations to those who do not ask you about it ...

He has talentedly manipulated women since he noticed that they are most attached to men who know how to listen, show tenderness and make people laugh.

Despair is a waste of precious time.

The advantage of online communication is that no one interrupts you ...

It happens sometimes. You know, this is the syndrome of the fool. When it seems that he really loves.

Even in the heat of an argument, you need to think about reconciliation,

I so want to see you, hug to look into your eyes, forget all quarrels and resentments, and be with you FOREVER !!!

When I die, when I die, when I go into a cold coffin ... Then you don’t need to love me, love now, while I live!

Emphasized indifference is also a sign of attention.

When the paths are not the same, they do not make plans together ...

Darling, can you imagine, today I called you all day, and there was some kind of fool, she did not pick up the phone.

You can't prove much to the back of a leaving cat)))

Yesterday they sang songs in the chat all night, today my fingers hurt ...

High feelings and strong serious relationships can be achieved only with sincerity and purity !!! It is not possible to "build" anything on deception, divorce and intrigue !!!

When a friendship suddenly arises between a dog and a cat, it is nothing but an alliance against the cook.

If you want to get a funky girl, then, be kind - match.

To love when you are not loved is like answering when you are not asked.

If your spouse stopped talking to you, then she began to understand you without words ...

I do not want to offend you, you are a dear person to me. But I can’t offend myself, I’m dearer to myself!

Words are the seeds of thought, and depending on the time, place and depth, one can assume that it will sprout: a fragrant flower, or an ordinary weed ...

And if I confess for a minute, I miss you so damn well ...

Still funny women ... write the status that they are loved, sweet, simply priceless for their man, and at this time he ... calls his mistress and invites her on a date !!! DON'T HAVE !!!

If you don’t know me, don’t talk behind my back ... if you hate me, don’t say hello to me ... Take your PONTS away, they don’t need anything ... We were created by the ALMOST and only HIM can judge !!!

Girls, thank you very much for the pleasure that I get from reading your statements, which are familiar and painful, some touch me to tears, others cause a smile.

She felt good with her husband, and she set him up as an example for her lovers.

Yesterday I come home, and my wife and her lover. And their eyes are so cunning. I went into the kitchen - and it is: they drank all the compote, you bastards!

If your thoughts are not interesting to anyone, then your thoughts are about no one but yourself.

He broke my wings and did not allow me to fly higher than him, now he is not there and I soar so high above him that he became just an insect ...

The fortress, which is negotiating, is already close to surrender.

Grief must be experienced alone, but joy - in order to fully experience it - must be shared with another person.

Everyone himself outlines the boundaries of his circle, in the center of which is the point of no return.

Humanity has existed for thousands of years, and nothing new can happen between a man and a woman.

Life is not the days that have passed, but those that are remembered!

Don't open your arms to people - don't help them crucify you.

Relationships happen only between two people, and if someone fatal third came from the outside and ruined everything, then this relationship was lousy.

You have to be able to leave. Leave at the moment when you are either brought back or simply not released.

There are messages after which the heart beats faster ... and hands tremble on the keyboard ...

Always say what you think and do what you think is right - this is your life and no one can live it better than you!

Signs of attention lead to the acquaintance of strangers ...

The Lord endowed men with a brain and a penis, but did not give them enough blood for both to work at the same time.

There are two blind people in the world. because you don't see how much I need you. and I, because I do not see anyone but you.

It is much better to be a joyful madman than a sullen clever one.

If they called you on the intercom and asked an idiotic question: "Are you at home?", Do not get annoyed and calmly answer: "Yes, and where are you?"

If he is afraid to approach you, then you are dearer than those to whom he easily approaches.

Very interesting statuses