A festive concert for mother's day at school. "Saturday Night" is a Mother's Day concert in elementary school. Mother's Day Concert for School

Script of the concert for "Mother's Day"

Music is playing_

lead number 1

I believe that a woman -

An earthly miracle!

Which on the Milky Way

Not to be found

And if a woman -

Holy word,

That is thrice sacred -


Lead 2. Good day!

Lead 1. Good afternoon, our lovely and beloved mothers. It is to you that today we give all the beautiful and warm words.

Lead 2. There are words in this world that we call holy. And one of the holy, warm, affectionate words is the word "mother". The word that the child speaks most often is the word "mom".

Poems whole class

Lead 1: The word at which an adult, gloomy person will smile is also the word "mother". Because this word carries in itself warmth - the warmth of a mother's hands, a mother's word, a mother's soul.

Lead 2: Today, on this festive day - Mother's Day, the day of the dearest person - we congratulate all women who have had such a happy and difficult fate at the same time - to be a mother.

Girl song

Lead 1

And now, dear mothers Competition If tomorrow to school for the whole week to name the schedule of grade 4

Lead 2: Playing with primordial power

Mother nature created the world,

And, apparently, she invested

All beauty and grace!

Lead 1 : History is stubbornly silent

We hear the names of men

And the woman remained a mother

And we honor her for that!

Scene by Jalov and Mavrikov

Lead 2: Every second three people are born in the world, and they, too, will soon be able to pronounce the word “mother”. From the first day of a child's life, the mother lives with his breath, his tears and smiles. Mother's love is as natural as a lilac bloom, like the first spring rain. The sun warms the earth and all living things, and her love warms the life of the baby.

Lead 1: But most importantly, the mother introduces the child to her homeland. She puts her native language into his mouth, which has absorbed the wealth of reason, thoughts and feelings of generations. She fills his life with spiritual strength, helping to comprehend eternal values. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the kindest and most affectionate hands in the world.

Contest- shifters
1. "Bar of the Sad and Confused" ("KVN")
2. "Cold Twenty" ("Top Ten")
3. "Looking for you" ("Wait for me")
4. "Your Garden" ("Our Garden")
5. "Village" ("Town")
6. "Evening parcel" ("Morning mail")
7. "Be quiet, hated balalaika" ("Play, beloved accordion")
8. "Good morning, old ladies! "(" Good night, kids! ")
9. "With the help of another operator" ("My own director")
10. "Dumb dumb" ("The smartest")
11. "Asteroid Factory" ("Star Factory")
12. "Male grip" ("Female gaze")

Lead 2: Mama! Mama! You, most likely,

Can't only do one thing

You don't know how in the evenings

We complain of fatigue.

Lead 1:

And, although it is not easy for you at times,

You don't know how to forget about us.

And where would we not go after

On the roads, on the ends of the earth,

Light always touches us

Dear mom's hand.

Lead 2: Beloved grandmother, mother with experience!
I wish you happiness on mother's day
And you didn't even think to be sad
Live without hiding your wishes!

Let everything that you want come true
May strong health come in life!
May any mom for sleepless nights
The Lord rewards with his generous hand!

Scene "Three Moms"

Lead 1: A mother's love for her children is the most sacred feeling in the world. After all, how many proverbs have been put together about this!

It is warm in the sun, but good in the mother.

The bird is happy with spring, and the baby is happy with its mother.

Maternal anger, like spring snow, and it falls a lot, but it will soon melt.

Mother's affection knows no end.

Lead 2: The impetuous century is taking us somewhere,

In the hustle and bustle, we sometimes forget about

That mom is not a foundation, she is a person,

The person who holds the house.

Lead 1 Meet, for you ditties

Stretch the fur, accordion,
Eh, play it, play it.
Hear the truth about mothers
And don't talk.

Mom washes - I dance
Mom cooks - I sing
I'm in the house for mom
I will help a lot.

The sun will only wake up in the morning
Mom is already at the stove.
I made everyone breakfast
So that both me and you grow up ..

The family just ate
Mom takes the vacuum cleaner.
Will not even sit in a chair
Until it clears everything up.

Here the apartment sparkled
Dinner is approaching.
Mom sighed heavily:
There is no minute to rest.

Let's say to moms we "thank you"
For such hard work.
But children like us are cheerful
They just won't find it.

Lead 2 . It's no secret that the most important wealth for a mother is her children.

Lead 1 . Life shakes us around the planet:

Here today and there tomorrow.

But mom will meet with a smile every time

When we come to the home gate.

Lead 2: Mama! We wish you, dear,

Health, warm days, kindness!

And know: we need you like that

Like a ray of the sun, like air, like water!

Competition Answer questions

Lead 2: The power of maternal love! Who will measure it? There is an old saying: "A mother carries a child for 9 months under her heart and all her life in her heart." Without selfless motherly love, there would be no human relationship. It is from the depths of maternal love that the best human qualities are born in children.

Lead 1: Many nights have passed without sleep,
Worries, worries are countless.
Bowing down to you all dear mothers
For what you are in the world


Son: I will now speak with my mother in verses on the day of the holiday.

Mom enters with heavy bags.

Son: I can't even find words,

Well, how can you, mom,

To carry gravity in wallets

Ten kilograms?

I look, it’s just light again

You're from the supermarket ...

Mom: So what to do? Give me some advice?

Son: Go twice, mom!

Lead 1 ... Once again, we congratulate you, dear mothers. And we want you to know that FUN we love you. A song is sung for you "Thanks Mom"

The moon rose stealthily
Illuminated the firmament.
Babies in their cribs
Take a break from the hassle.
And caring mothers
They don't sleep until midnight
And they sit quietly next to
With a motherly kind look
They look at their children.

Thank you, mothers, for the kindness,
For tenderness, affection and warmth!
For the life that they gave us
Thank you mothers!

Mothers, affectionate mothers!
Happiness that we have you!
We trust you with secrets
And secrets without embellishment.
By their achievements
We are in a hurry to please you,
For love and understanding
For patience and attention
We say "thank you" to you.

Thank you mom for the kindness
For tenderness, affection and warmth!
For the life that they gave us
Thank you mothers!
Thank you, mothers, for every hour

That you forgive us everything
Thank you mothers!

I've been dreaming for a month.
He hasn't slept for a long time.
And once he confessed to us
That sad for mommy.
And in the lonely sky
And it's alarming sometimes.
We fall asleep calmly
Because we know for sure:
Mom is always nearby!

Thank you, mothers, for the kindness,
For tenderness, affection and warmth!
For the life that they gave us
Thank you mothers!
Thank you, mothers, for every hour
When, worrying, you are waiting for us,
That you forgive us everything
Thank you mothers!

Lead 1. With this our concert has come to an end, we wish you all the very best! Accept our gifts

Mother's Day Concert Script - 11/23/13

Developed Art. counselor Eshcherkina Svetlana Viktorovna

Fanfare sounds

Lead 1 .Light with myriads of stars skies,

And in this burning - majesty of heaven ...

But the greatestcreation of nature

A woman appears - a miracle of miracles.

Vedas 2. I believe that a woman - such a miracle

What you can't find on the Milky Way

And if “beloved” is a holy word,

That is thrice sacred - "woman-mother".

Ved. 1. Hello dear guests! Today we gathered in this hall to congratulate the dearest, sweetest and most beloved mothers and grandmothers on the holiday, because you are the culprit of our today's holiday dedicated to International Day Mother.


Vedas 2. Today is our beloved holiday

Cheerful, kind, gentle, sweet.

For mothers we will sing songs

Let's dance and read poetry.

Ved. 1. The word for greeting is given to the director of the Burya school, Elena Evgenievna

Vedas 2. There are words in this world that we call holy. And one of these holy, warm affectionate words is the word "MAMA".How much kindness, care, peace, hope in this word!

Ved. 1.Because this word carries in itself warmth - the warmth of a mother's hands, a mother's word, a mother's soul. And what is more valuable and desirable for a person than the warmth and light of the eyes of a loved one?

Vedas 2. Yes, only my mother fully knows what a child's character is. She experiences our every prank, every comment that we receive from the outside. And our transitional age ?! Only when we grow up do we understand how many gray hairs on my mother’s head appeared at this nasty transitional age of ours!

Ved. 1. And how much strength and anxiety falls on our mothers if we suddenly get sick. Only they are able to stay awake at night, watch our beds, heal us, pray for us and at the same time smile to calm us down.

Vedas 2. How often mother's requests seem trifling and ridiculous to us: dress warmly, don't get your feet wet, have lunch properly, wash your hands ... But only mothers know how hard it is to correct all our stupidity afterwards.

Ved. 1. To you, the people most dear to us, is dedicateddance "Eh, Cossacks!"

Ved. 1. The human race begins with the mother, and it continues with the mother. Mother and child are two inseparable threads both in trouble and in joy

Vedas 2. Contrary to the volatile fate

Artists have glorified for centuries

Not a girl with a crown on her head

And a woman with a child in her arms.

Vedas 1. Poem "A woman with a child in her arms"read by Yarish Ekaterina

Vedas 2. There are many good words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and more tender:

Of two syllables, the simple word is "mom".

And there are no words dearer than it!

Ved. 1. This word sounds the same

In various earthly languages.

Whispers: "Mom!" - a caressing child,

Dozing off in her arms.

The first step and the first fall

And through his tears he calls his mother,

Mom is the true salvation

Only mom can save you from pain.

Vedas 2. "Mama" - this is the name of the wonderful song , which will be performed by the guys of the 2nd grade for their beloved and caring mothers.

Veda .1. Mom teaches us to take the first steps in this world, to open our hearts to kindness and love, from her we take valuable life advice in adulthood. It was mothers who gave us confidence in the world around us, the confidence that we are loved - disinterestedly and sincerely. And for this we are infinitely grateful to you, dear mothers.

Vedas 2. And our grandmothers ?! Our next word of gratitude is addressed to you, affectionate and caring! If not for your kind and sensitive hands, would we have grown as you see us here?

Ved. 1. Our grandmothers! How many times in your life has your wisdom helped and will still help us. You will always give advice, find time to listen to us ...

Vedas 2. And you will never advise a bad one. We trust you and love you. For many children, the grandmother became the second mother. May you live quietly and peacefully. And we will try not to upset you over trifles.

Ved. 1. For all mothers and grandmothers - this cheerful children'sdance "Quadrille".

Vedas 2. Mama! What a good word!

Mom is ready to be around all the time

In a moment of misfortune, she is always there,

It will support you with a smile, a word, and a look.

Ved. 1. Will share hopes, comfort, understand

In life, he will confidently walk alongside.

You can always believe her without looking back,

It is not difficult to entrust any secret to her.

Vedas 2. To you, the most beloved, dear, the only one is given song "Mom" students of grade 11 "A"

Ved. 1. The first time, looking at her baby, mom already knows: he is the best, the most beautiful, the most beloved. No matter how old we are, mothers will love us as firmly and tenderly as in childhood.

Vedas 2. To you, relatives of our mothers of a guest from the 9th school of h. Marina Kazymova gives laborsong "Lullaby".

Ved. 1. And only over the years do you begin to appreciate more and more the love of your mother, you understand that you always need your mother, her affection, her look. Everything beautiful in a person is from the rays of the sun and from the heart of the mother. Mom is a soul, warmth, love.

Vedas 2. This word is a call and an incantation

In this word there is a soul.

This is the spark of the first consciousness

Frisky smile of a kid.

Lead 1 .You, our mothers, have come to congratulate the guys from grade 2b - ditties.

Vedas 2. Mama! How capacious, how beautiful this word is. It is addressed to the one that gave life, and the life of each of us in childhood is made up of small, sometimes imperceptible grains of mother's tenderness and care.

Led. 1 Song, which will now be performed by Elena Screamer and Tatyana Klintukh, is called"Mama".

Vedas 2. Peace on earth and the happiness of children -

The most important thing for mothers!

Ved. 1. We grow up. The hour comes for everything.

But from a young age until the very end

With the beating of the heart it beats forever in us

The word "mom" born of love!

Vedas 2. You, the kindest and gentlest mothers, Oganesyan Elena and Pavlyuk Alena, givesports dance.

Ved. 1. And now it will soundpoem "Mom", which will be read by the senior counselor Eshcherkina Svetlana Viktorovna.

The boy chose the rose carefully,
So that the rest do not wrinkle,
The saleswoman looked anxiously:
Help him, not help him?

With thin fingers in ink
Bumping into flower thorns
Chose the one that revealed
Petals in the morning today.

Raking my change out of my pockets
To the question - who did he buy?
I got embarrassed in a very strange way:
"Mom ..." - whispered barely audibly.

Birthday, she's thirty today ...
We are very close friends.
Only now she is in the hospital,
Soon I will have a brother.

Ran away. And we were standing with the saleswoman,
I am over forty, she is over fifty.
Women should have been born
To raise guys like that.

Ved. 1. For you, our relatives and beloved ones,this wonderful funny number -dance "Rock-roll"

Vedas 2. On a short, beautiful autumn day, poems are dedicated to mothers, they talk about love and fidelity. Poets and musicians praise a woman whose name is Mother, whose name is love, whose destiny is to give Life, Joy, Dream.

Ved. 1. "Mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles"

Vedas 2. Mother's heart, it kept us warm

On the days when it was not easy for us

It only knew the mother's heart

Where are we, near or far.

Mother's heart, it alone was waiting for us

Even if no one was waiting.

Ved. 1. From a pure heart to our mothers, with love and joy we givesong "Mom's heart"performed by Gaiduk Daria and Derid Julia

Gentle background music sounds. A boy, a girl, 2 boys and 2 girls go up to the stage. The presentation "Mom's Heart" is being demonstrated without sound.

Boy : Anyone who lives in this world

To love who can think and breathe

On our blue planet

There is no dearer word than mother.

Girl: Thank you, dear mother,

For kindness, for affection and love.

I was disobedient and stubborn,

But you, with patience, forgave everything again.

First youth: Over the years, becoming an adult, my feelings are stricter.

Suddenly you begin to understand with your heart.

There is no person closer and dearer.

Than a woman whose name is Mother.

First girl: She is with you in joy and sorrow

She is with you, even if you are far away.

And how much is hidden in her gaze -

Heart, maternal warmth.

Second youth: Hurry to her through the years and separation.

To comfort her and hug her.

Kiss your hands with great love.

That woman whose name is Mother!

Second girl: We are our mothers, dear mothers

Hearts and lives will be given without words.

They are truly saints for us,

It doesn't matter that there are no halos around the heads.

Vedas 2. We walked different roads in life

It doesn't matter how many winters and how many years

But this truth has long been known:

There is no person dearer than mom.

Ved. 1. We bow to all mothers for selfless love. Kindness, by the hands that do good and justice on Earth, adorn life, fill it with meaning, make you happy.

Vedas 2. We bow to you, mothers, for your great maternal feat.

Ved. 1. We bow to you for your concern.

Vedas 2. For your understanding and patience.

Ved. 1. For your cordiality and for the fact that we have you.The children on the stage bow and leave.

Veda .2.Be always beautiful and loved! May your children give you strength and happiness! Life goes on because you are on Earth!

Ved. 1. Mothers will be happy, which means that the family will be strong, the children will be healthy, Russia's present and future will be prosperous.

Ved. 2 Peace, kindness, prosperity to you, our mothers!

Ved. 1. And at the end of our festive concert, an incendiarydance "Evry-bari".

Vedas 2. Our dear mothers and grandmothers,Thank you for the attention. Be happy and healthy!

Scenario of the holiday on "Mother's Day" "Through the pages of children's fairy tales"

Target: create an atmosphere so that the children understand that the most important thing is mom.
1 Create a fabulous, festive atmosphere.
2. to please the performance of mothers., To introduce children to the beautiful.
Event progress: festive concert.
The stage where the event will take place is decorated with posters "Happy Mother's Day", "Beloved Mom!"
There are flowers, balls. Pre-selected music included.
The first hero mother appears on the stage:
Mama: What a good day today! The sun is bright, perhaps even it knows what a holiday it is today. Let's go with our daughter to rest somewhere.
Daughter runs out
Daughter: Hello Mom! What a wonderful day. I'm going for a walk with my friends. (runs away)
Mom lowers her head and leaves. The sound of a strong wind.
Two fairies run out.
Fairy 1: Can you imagine she forgot.
Fairy 2: you need to do something about it. Oh, let's enchant them. We will send mom to school for a holiday. And the girl is enchanted in the forest. Let him see how all the children have prepared for the holiday.
Wave magic wands.
Fairies: one, two, three, the wind whirl around the change.
Scenery with a forest appears. Hut on chicken legs. A girl appears.
Girl: Oh, where am I? What a miracle? And what kind of hut is this?
Girls run out from behind the screen.
1. grandma-hedgehog: ha, look who it is to us has wandered. Surround her sisters.
2b.f .: look how pretty, tasty and sweet.
3 headstock: it will be a good gift for mom for a holiday.
Everything: grab hold her.
Tie up the girl.
Dance of the hedgehogs.
Girl: What time have you danced, well let go.
Hedgehog grandmothers: aha now, mom will come soon. And we'll roast you for a festive dinner.
Girl: what is your holiday?
Hedgehog tanks: how, what kind of holiday? Today is mother's day.
Girl: how did I forget. Mom was offended. Girls let me go. You have a good dance for mom. And my mother is all alone there, I also want to congratulate her.
Hedgehog grandmothers: Okay, since then let's let go.
Girl: You know, mom, it's a normal day
I can't live without you!
The word mom is so familiar
Talk to us from the first days!

One has only to look closely -
The whole world will warm around
With the warmth of my mother's heart
Gentle, kind hands ...

Our troubles and adversities
Retreat before you
It becomes clearer to us every year
How are you fighting for us!

Mom, - there is no friend dearer -
Do you believe in our every takeoff!
Who else will help you ?!
Who else, like you, will understand ?!
A red cap runs out to the meeting.

Little Red Riding Hood: song.
"The best word in the world"
Walk the whole world around -
Just know in advance:
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender than mom's.
You will not find eyes in the world
Affectionate and stricter.
Mom to each of us
All people are dearer.
Mom, mom is the most beautiful word in the world.
Mom, mom gives warmth and a smile to children.
Mom, mom, I share joy and sadness with you,
Mom I love you!
No matter how much you look around
But in winter and summer
Mom is the best friend
There is no better mother.
I want to wish you
And goodness and light.
Let about my mother
The whole planet knows!
Girl: hi. Are you that little red riding hood? Treat yourself to a pie.
K. sh .: you, what pies? I'm bringing a cake to my grandmother to congratulate.
The wolf runs out
Wolf: you are already here Beanie. Let's go congratulate grandmother. I prepared a verse for her.
There is so much room in the world!
The world is illuminated by millions of stars!
There are seas with millions of shells in it,
There are forests in it with a million cuckoos,
There are meadows in it with a million blades of grass,
Ladybirds, horses and pigs.
Only mother alone ... But the universe
With her, not the Universe, but FUN!
Girl: how can I get home.
A voice is heard behind the scenes.
- magic shoes will help. Find Dorothy. You take her shoes and bang your heels. And you're at home.
Girl: thanks of course. And who are you? Come on, show yourself. Stop scaring me.
Ivan: scared. This is me, Ivan Tsarevich Jr. I took the hat from my father's safe. I went to pick flowers for my mother, so that no one would notice. I wanted to make a surprise. Yes, I met my sister-in-law, the swans, and they dance for a feast for the eyes. So I asked them to help with congratulations. See how they dance.
Dance of the swans.
Girl: your swans dance well. I'll go look for Dorothy.
The scenery changes. On the scenery there are beautiful trees, somewhere in the distance is a castle.
A song is heard. The girl Snow White is singing.
1. "You are the most beautiful"
Familiar places again
Where life is like a street is empty.
Like a warm rain, you suddenly come through
You will return a good fairy tale to me.

You are the most beautiful, kind, dear,
You are the most beloved, my mother.
You are the most beautiful, gentle, clear,
But the most distant, my mother.
That day was like me:
As sad as me.
I will wait, search for words
And quietly repeat again:
The river is running out of time.
You are so close and far away.
Unable to wait when again
I can tell you again:

Girl: what a beautiful song.
Snow White: I prepared this for my mother, Snow White.
Girls in smart dresses run out. Boys in suits.
Children: here you are, where is Snow White. We knocked off our feet, lost you. Mom needs to run to congratulate. And who is this?
Girl: Yes, I'm not who. On the way. I'm looking for Dorothy to ask for shoes.
Snow White: Dorothy, so she and Toto are at home in Kansas.
Girl: so what should I do?
Children: and you go to the Great Wizard.
Girl: thanks, and who are you all?
Children: you don't recognize us. we gathered from all the kingdoms to congratulate our mothers of queens: Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Marya princess.

Everything in the forest is noisy, singing -
Mother's holiday is coming!
Everyone needs to discuss:
Shall we give mothers what?

The monkey dads will say:
- We will buy bananas for mothers!
To cook all year round
Banana compote for us.

Hamster dads will say:
- We will buy hooks for mothers!
To day-day to night
Sweaters were knitted for us!

Daddy-bears will say, say:
- Let's buy-we will buy covers for mothers!
Let's buy jars, roots -
Let the mothers cook the jam!

Well, the bunny is at the edge
Rushing into the distance, ears outstretched,
Hey, wait! Where are you going?

- I'm in a hurry to buy flowers!
After all, why give hooks?
Eh, you bears, hamsters!

For moms to rest
So that birds flutter like birds,
Let's love mothers!
Let's give them flowers!

So stop thinking a lot!
All for me on the road, the road!
For a gift - the very hour!
Mothers are waiting for us with flowers.

And where to get flowers - we will find!
Let's go to the mothers with them in the forest,
Mothers' holiday - after all, it's a big day ...
We love mom with all our hearts!

Girl: how great you are all. Well, I'll go further.
Ivan: take a ball from dad got. Will bring you to the right place without any problems.
The girl leaves the song, but no one is missing.
Sometimes the morning is so foggy
The day is as dark as night.
But mom will flicker into consciousness
She will be able to help me.
And immediately the sun shines brighter
How do you remember the cute features.
A hotbed of warmth and kindness.
It's so good that there is in the world
A hotbed of warmth and kindness.
Sometimes you want so much in the evening
Talk to you in silence.
But our meetings are fleeting
We're all in a hurry
We're all in a hurry
But our meetings are fleeting
We're all in a hurry
We are all in a hurry.
I know life is not easy.
But my dream is about one thing:
In your eyes, darling.
To never see tears
In your eyes, darling.
And immediately the sun shines brighter
How do you remember the cute features.
It's so good that there is in the world
A hotbed of warmth and kindness.
It's so good that there is in the world
A hotbed of warmth and kindness.
Fairies appear.
Fairy 1: how do you think she understood everything?
Fairy 2: I think yes.
Fairy 1: then let us shorten her path.
With a wave of their wand, new castle decorations appear.
The girl comes out.
Girl: Well, here's the castle. Ay. Someone is here.
A loud voice is heard.
- who dared to disturb me? Where the screen drops the head is big.
Girl: hello help. I really want to go home. I need magic shoes.
Wizard: Well, why did you come to me. I have no shoes.
Girl: but you are a wizard, a great wizard.
Wizard: hahaha.
A sorcerer comes out from behind the screen.
Wizard: I am the dark wizard Rumplestilsken. But I can help with the return home. You’ll make a deal with me and you’ll be home in no time.
Girl: yeah, I read fairy tales. And I know that you are not the most positive hero.
Rumple: don't worry on a day like this, I won't ask anything terrible. You will dance with me. You will please my mother.
Waltz music sounds.
Rumple: Thanks. One two Three. Change this world, find yourself next to your mother. The girl closes her eyes and opens her next to her mother.
Girl: mommy happy mother's day you love. I thought for a very long time what to give you and decided to give a song, and my friends will help me.
The final song "Good Tale" is played
A kind fairy tale with a good ending ...
Blue stars are burning over the pond.
Gray hare, meeting spring,
Silence guards in the dark forest ...
You sang these happy songs
You have warmed my heart forever
Sweet mother, sweet mother
Dear mom ...
A good fairy tale - parental home ...
The star above the pond has quietly gone out.
Somewhere under the shade of the grass of a quinoa
Traces of the gray hare have disappeared.
Only a dewy drop of childhood
I inherited your song
Sweet mother, sweet mother
Dear mom ...
“... Prince Ivan sat on a wolf,
gray wolf and galloped -
skips the blue forests,
sweeps the lakes with its tail.
How long, how short did they gallop -
suddenly sees Ivan Tsarevich tower,
and in the mansion there is the Firebird ... "
A good fairy tale in the soul of the shore ...
I will light blue stars in the sky.
I will wake up the sleepy wizards
I'll find the gray rabbits in the forest.
In the evening I will rise over the quiet field,
I will hear your gentle voice again.
Sweet mother, sweet mother
Dear mom ...

Scenario of the holiday for Mother's Day "THANKS TO THE WOMAN, Whose NAME IS MOTHER"

Technical training aids:(presentation), videos, photo materials.
Scene decoration: on maple leaves carved from Whatman paper, sayings about a mother's woman, balloons (in the form of a heart), the inscription Mother's Day.
- fostering a sense of love, respect and respect for the mother
- expanding students' knowledge about the celebration of Mother's Day in Russia and in the world;
- develop memory, artistry
Preparatory work:
- Learning poems, scenes, songs for the holiday,
- Design of the exhibition of portraits of mothers "My dear Mom!"
- Making flowers from colored paper.
Event progress
Lead 1: Hello dear friends, good afternoon to all gathered in
Lead 2: Thank you for coming to us in spite of your deeds and concerns. Today the holiday is dedicated to you - mothers.

Lead 1:
Mother's Day is a great holiday
For all ages, for all ages.
It is very important for everyone -
And words are not enough to express.
Lead 2:
Mother's Day is the Day of all loved ones,
Day of primordial beauty.
He is unique in everything,
You owe him your life.
And what is a mother for our children? Let's find out! We invite our students!
1 reader

Beloved mother, I congratulate you, On mother's day, happiness, I wish you health! Let you, my dear, are lucky in life, Let you be joy And happiness will find!
2 reader You are the most beautiful, You are the nicest. On the tender sun And like the moon. I give you a smile, I give you a big flower: I want you to flutter Always like a moth. 3 reader Go around the whole world around, Just know in advance. You will not find warmer hands And more tender than mom's. 4 reciter You will not find warmer eyes, Affectionate and stricter. Mother to each of us All people are dearer.
Lead 1: According to statistics, three people are born in the country every second. From the first year, the child needs the care of the mother, and for the mother, the child becomes the meaning of life.
Lead 2: Mom, mommy, mommy ... What a gentle and affectionate word.
Lead 1: Every child needs it, no matter how old he is two or forty years old. No matter how adults, strong, smart children become, a mother will always remain a mother, and children will always be children.
Performance of the song "We are shaking in the cradle"
Lead 1: Mother is a miracle of the world. With her endless readiness for self-sacrifice, she gives the child a feeling of tenderness and security with her voice.
Lead 2: We love our mothers. All of them are the best, kind, smart, beautiful for us.
Lead 1: Mother will endure everything, forgive everything. But if there were no war, every mother conjures about this, because war gives rise to hatred and fear.
Lead 2: We want to appeal to the mothers of our boys. They have a special mission and a special title: they are mothers of future defenders of the Motherland. And we want to wish them that their destinies and the destinies of their sons never enter scary word"war".
Lead 1. It will sound for them song "Mother and Motherland".
Lead 2: Mother's Day is celebrated in Russia relatively recently. Although, in fact, this is a holiday of eternity: from generation to generation, mother is the main person for everyone. Becoming a mother, a woman discovers in herself best qualities: kindness, caring, love. In Russia, this holiday is celebrated on the last Sunday of November.
Lead 1: How many of us say warm words to our mothers on this day? We remember them when we feel bad, we remember when they have a birthday, and on other days?
For you, dear mothers, it comes true dance of the theater studio "Luchiki"

Lead 2: For a mother, the main thing is children. Children are the flowers of life, they are like a rainbow, like the rays of the sun, like a gentle breath of the breeze.
Lead 1: Singers of all times and peoples have the most cherished words - about their native land and love for a woman.
A woman is the keeper of not only home, family hearth, but also humane, beautiful, healthy national customs and traditions, native language and folklore, the spirit of the earth and eternity.
Lead 2: Dear mothers, please accept a musical gift Song "Ave Maria"
Lead 1... Mom, Mom! How much warmth this magic word conceals, which calls the person closest, dear, the only one. Mother's love keeps us warm to old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, she endures all our troubles with us, she gives us life.
Lead 2... Therefore, she is sometimes strict, exacting, because she understands her responsibility for her son or daughter, wishes them well and happiness.
Mother is the child's first teacher and friend, and the closest and most faithful. We do not always appreciate the work of the mother, we express our love and gratitude. But nothing warms the soul so much as the kind, affectionate words of a daughter or son.
Lead 1. Dear mom sounds for you Poem "Do not offend mothers"
Lead 2. No matter how adults children grow up, they will always remain children for mothers. Children, scattered from the parental nest, sometimes have no time to call and come. And the mother's heart hurts.
Lead 1: Is it so easy to be a mother? No. This is very hard work. After all, a mother is responsible not only for the physical condition of her child, but also for his soul. And no matter how old you are, you always need a mother, her affection, her look, and the more your love for your mother, the happier and brighter your life.
Lead 2.
Speaks to team of spoon-makers "Russian souvenir". Dance
Lead 1: For a mother, children are the most precious thing on earth. A mother's love for her children is boundless, disinterested, full of selflessness. Mom always remembers her child, wherever he is.
Lead 2: We, like a mammoth from a cartoon, drift on the ice floes of fate and strive to warm ourselves in our house, near our mother.
Song of the Mammoth.
Lead 1: Dear parents of mom and grandmother today we have not just a concert, but also competition program... Therefore, we ask you to take an active part in the contests. We want to invite 2 teams of mothers and daughters to the stage. (Moms and daughters come out).
Game 1. Game "Litter - clean up". The game involves two couples, in each pair - a mother and a child. Mom is holding a bucket of small toys. At a signal from his mother, he quickly pours the toys from the bucket onto the floor. Then they pass the bucket to their child, and he tries to collect the toys as quickly as possible. The winner is the couple who finishes cleaning first.
Lead 2. And to participate in the next competition, 2 teams of mothers and sons are invited
2. Game "Decorate your mom".
In the middle of the hall there is a table with accessories: hats, scarves, beads, clips, hairpins and so on. Moms sit on chairs around the table. At the signal, the children begin to "decorate" their mothers with everything that is available, then the participants demonstrate the result. Those present appreciate the work with applause.

Lead 1: And now a musical gift for the winning team.
Lead 2. We are proud of our mothers and rejoice at their achievements. But much more - to the fact that they cook deliciously, create coziness in the house, warm everyone with their cares and love. After all, the most important thing in the life of every person is his family, which gives him support for his whole life, and the main thing in the family, of course, is his mother. Lead 1: Let's not limit ourselves to congratulations on this day, but just try to make the life of our mothers a little easier and more festive every day.
Lead 2. Appreciate your mothers, give them moments of joy and always remember that we are all in an unpaid debt to them.
Lead 1... Dear mothers, please accept a musical gift
Lead 2. May all sorrows go out in the light of days,
May all maternal dreams come true.
We wish you always to illuminate
Make way for life with the light of kindness.
Lead 1.
Bow to you, dear mothers,
For your hard work, required work.
For all the children that you raised
And those that will soon grow up.
For your affection and attention,
For sincerity and simplicity.
For courage and understanding,
For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness.
Lead 2.
Dear moms, look at the screen.
We want to give a few minutes of bright memories of the happiest moments of your motherhood. Then, we invite you to take a look at our small art gallery, appreciate the work and love of your children.
(The soundtrack of the song sounds "Mom - my dear")
Personal photographs from the pupils' family albums are projected onto the screen.
Lead 1. Our holiday has come to an end. Thank you for your attention! See you.

Municipal educational institution additional education children

Fryanovskaya children's School of Music Shchelkovsky municipal district of the Moscow region


concert dedicated to the Mothers

"Dedicated to my beloved mother"

Compiled by:

Efimova Anna Sergeevna - teacher

piano class,


piano department



To acquaint students with the history and customs of celebrating Mother's Day in our country and abroad.

Develop the creative activity of students, curiosity.

To bring up an attentive, caring, reverent, respectful, caring attitude towards the mother, the willingness to help her at any moment.


multimedia device, presentation;

audio cassette with the soundtrack of the song, with the sounds of nature;

posters on the blackboard, pictures of moms.

Event progress

On November 30 we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day. In Russia, they began to celebrate this holiday relatively recently. Although it is impossible to argue with the fact that Mother's Day is a holiday of eternity: from generation to generation for every person, mother is the most important person in life. Becoming a mother, a woman discovers the best qualities in herself: kindness, love and care.

A new holiday - Mother's Day - is gradually taking root in Russia. It is celebrated on the last Sunday of November, paying tribute to mothers' work and their selfless sacrifice for the good of their children. And this is correct: no matter how many good, kind words mothers are told, no matter how many reasons they come up with, they will not be superfluous.

Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day takes a special place. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. On this day, I would like to say gratitude to all Mothers who give children love, kindness, tenderness and affection. Thank you!

And let our beloved children speak warm words to each of you more often!

Children's performance:

Mother's Day is a solemn holiday.
Day of joy and beauty.
All over the Earth he gives to women
Your smiles and flowers!

I smile like a mother. I also frown stubbornly.
I have the same nose and the same hair color!
I am shorter, but still the eyes and nose are alike!
Mom and I are keeping up. So similar - they say.
Only mom looks right, I left and right,
And I also look back!

I don't want to argue with you, you trust me like this:
My mother is the best, the best in the world!
Mom fries pies, mom glues masks
And he tells me stories every night.
And her song "Bayu-Bayu" is also known to all.
Mom will only sing, I immediately fall asleep.

The most beautiful word on Earth is mom. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most faithful and sensitive heart - love never extinguishes in it, it will not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are, you always need a mother, her affection, her look. and the more your love for your mother, the happier and brighter your life. "

And now the vocal group of the school will congratulate you.

How is this holiday celebrated in other countries?

In Australia, Mother's Day is celebrated on May 11th. Australian Mother's Day coincides with the American one - the second Sunday in May - and is celebrated in a very similar way.

Australians use this day to express their sincere gratitude and appreciation to their mothers. Adults give serious gifts, kids - flowers and cards.

As in the USA, in Australia the tradition of wearing a carnation flower on this day has taken root. A colored carnation means that the mother is alive - healthy, white flowers are applied to clothes in memory of the departed mothers. In addition to their own mothers, children thank and congratulate their grandmothers, as well as all the women who raised them and took care of them with no less love. Another great holiday tradition is that children prepare breakfast for their mothers and bring them directly to bed, along with flowers and gifts.

On May 11, Mother's Day is also celebrated in Italy. On this day, all the children of Italy bring flowers, sweets, small gifts to their mothers in order to once again express their love and gratitude to them.

Children are the most precious thing for a mother. The happiness of a mother is in the happiness of her children. There is nothing in the world more disinterested than her love. Mom is the first teacher and friend, and the closest at that. She will always understand, comfort, help in difficult times, protect from trouble. There is no person in the world dearer and closer than mom.

A. Barto "Mom"

It was morning in a quiet house

I wrote in the palm of my hand

Mom's name.

Not in a notebook, on a piece of paper,

Not on a stone wall

I wrote on my hand

Mom's name.

It was quiet in the house in the morning,

It got noisy in the middle of the day

What have you hidden in the palm of your hand? -

They began to ask me.

I opened my hand:

I kept my happiness.

And now students of our school, your children, will congratulate you with your musical performance.

Students' speech.

Leading:The most terrible and tragic thing for a mother is to lose her child. This is probably why the mothers of the whole world hate wars - after all, they take the lives of their sons.

No one could wait for their children from the war as expected by their mothers.

V. Zhukov "Mom"

In the breaks of the walls, the flame hums and dances,

There is a war on the home side ...

Silent, sleepless like a memory

The old mother bent over me.

Hot ash burns her gray hair

But what is fire if a son is in a dull delirium?

It so happened that a mother comes to her son

Through bitter smoke, misfortune and misfortune.

And the sons go ahead stubbornly,

They are faithful to their native land, like mothers ...

That's why the simple word "mom",

Saying goodbye to life, we repeat.

Bowing their heads in front of the mothers, whose children fought for the Motherland and in honor of the 70th anniversary of the battle near Moscow, the vocal ensemble of teachers "Inspiration"


Mama! The most beautiful word on Earth is "MAMA!" This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages ​​of the world.

Mama! Close your eyes and listen, and you will hear my mother's voice. He lives in yourself, so familiar, so dear. It cannot be confused with any other. Even when you become an adult, you will always remember my mother's voice.

Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the most gentle and affectionate hands that can do everything. And in the faithful and sensitive heart of a mother, love for her children never goes out, it does not remain indifferent to anything.

Mama! You little did not know how to speak yet, but she understood you without words. I guessed that it hurts, what you want. Mom taught you to speak, walk ... Mom read the first book.

Leading:And no matter how old you are - 5 or 50 - you always need a mother, her care, her kindness, her participation, her affectionate look. And the more your love for your mother, the more joyful and brighter her life! Happy holiday, dear mothers!

Performance by the senior choir of the school.