Deadline is not scary! What is the Meaning of the word deadline

Deadline is the deadline or deadline for something: the completion of work of any kind, the deadline for the order, the final date for the submission of the material, and the like. This word comes from the English "deadline", which literally means "death" and "line" ("dead" and "line"). In this case, the deadline is a date or time limit. And the English word "dead" is used here for a reason. It further emphasizes that the appointed date and time are final - this is a kind of "death line".

If we talk about the spheres of application of this term, then it is used almost everywhere. For example, in sports, a deadline is the time until which it is required to finish a match or a game, as well as the last day when a player has an opportunity to on their own move to another team or club. In medicine, this term is used to fix the maximum possible date for the implementation of any therapeutic measures. For example, in order to indicate the deadline In the field of advertising, the deadline is used as a limit of the period of validity provided to potential buyers, customers or partners. This is necessary in order to once again provoke the consumer to take immediate action, to stimulate in this way to make a purchase.

If we talk about the use of the term "deadline" exclusively in the business sphere, then today experts in the field of effective work time management distinguish several main types of deadlines. The first is an urgent type, which means such a work (or order) that must be completed as quickly as possible. The implementation of tasks of this type always takes much more effort than usual, so they are often associated with getting double the reward. The second type is a phased deadline associated with the gradual delivery of several orders or gradual completion different types works. In this case, only after approval by the customer (employer) of the current stage, it will be possible to proceed to the next one. And the third type is periodic. A repeating deadline is the principle by which most journalists or advertisers work, when, for example, every Monday they need to turn in new material to the management.

Every modern person is faced with this or that type of deadline during his life. In order not to constantly think about the fact that the deadline is approaching faster and faster when such a situation arises, there are a few little tricks. First, if possible, you need to divide a large work (order, project) into several parts. Secondly, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the goal and clearly plan all the stages to achieve it. Thirdly, it is very important to ensure that the surrounding space (room, table) is clean and tidy. If there is order around, then there will be no confusion in thoughts, which means that it will be possible to think over everything well and make the right decision without fear of the upcoming deadline.


What is Deadline

Deadline is borrowed from of English language a term that means the last line of execution of any work or task. The word Deadline is in most cases used in relation to a job or task that implies clear and established lines of change. Literally translated from English, the term "DEADLINE" means: " dead line", or " extreme line», « deadline», « deadline», « limit», « The Last Frontier».

DEDLINE what does it mean in simple words - definition.

In simple words, the Deadline is short period of time before handing over the work to the customer. It is worth noting that the deadline is often set several days or weeks earlier than the actual deadline for the completed work. This is done so that performers, who may not have worked too hard on the project or paid due attention to the deadlines, can muster their strength and complete the work.

Quite often, it is during the deadline period that various tests, checks and "polishing" of the project are carried out. Thus, the performers leave a certain amount of time for themselves for various modifications, edits and elimination of defects.

In addition, the set deadline contributes to the improvement of the employees' performance. So to speak, this is a kind of incentive - not to relax, the deadline is approaching. According to some psychologists, workers who regularly work in a planned format with fixed dates perform better due to more effective work brain.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the term "Deadline" can be used in two versions:

  • Conditional Deadline- this is the deadline for the delivery of the work, artificially set in advance of the actual delivery.
  • Real Deadline- this is the real and final deadline for the delivery of the work, which cannot be extended and disrupted.

The word DEADLINE, examples of use.

Real deadline.

Quite often, this term is commonly used in journalism. The editor instructs the journalist to write an article on a specific topic. The deadline in this case will be, for example, the day before the release of the newspaper issue in which this article will be printed.

In speech, it can sound something like this:

- Marina help me with this interview.

- I'm sorry I can not. I have a DEADLINE, I still need to make a few edits.

Hello dear readers! Welcome to the blog!

Deadline - what does it mean? Previously, this word could only sound at work, but now it is increasingly used outside of work. What exactly does the word deadline mean? How to translate? How to use it correctly? You will find out in this short article.

Deadline - translation?

Word Deadline comes from english Deadline, which literally translates as “ dead "+" line », that is « absolutely, firmly "+" line, border ".

From such a categorical combination of 2 words, it becomes clear that we are talking about the very « deadline » , O « extreme line » , O « dead line » , which cannot be entered.

Deadline - what is it, the meaning of the word?

Deadline is the deadline (usually the date) for the completion of any one task or an entire project.

Experts in the field of effective management note that in those companies where it is customary to set and control interim and final deadlines, employees work more productively.

In what areas is the term Deadline used?

  • In advertising a limited term offer is often used. This encourages the customer to make a purchase decision faster. Advertisers call this offer: an offer with a deadline.
  • In the field of project management Deadline is probably the most popular word because projects usually have an implementation plan that the entire team follows. In this plan, Deadlines are scheduled, both for intermediate tasks, and the final Deadline for the delivery of the project to the customer (for example, the development and transfer of software to the Customer).
  • Journalists The deadline is usually periodic. For example, every Monday a journalist must submit a material (article) for publication.
  • In business Deadlines are urgent and phased. Urgent Deadline often involves double payment to company employees, as it is associated with the fact that the order must be completed as quickly as possible. A phased Deadline involves breaking down a large task into subtasks. The management monitors the implementation of intermediate tasks.
  • In sports there are also deadlines, for example, the deadline before which a player can transfer to another football team.
  • We can say that the term Deadline is absolutely applicable to all areas of activity... When we compose our own, we also indicate deadlines. And if the goal has no deadline, then it is not a goal, but a dream.
If the goal does not have a deadline (= deadline), then this is not a goal, but a dream

Examples of the use of the term Deadline in everyday life.

  • Sorry, I can't go to football with you today, I need to finish my diploma. Tomorrow is the deadline for its delivery ...
  • I'm afraid I will be left without a fee, because I have overdue the deadline for submitting a series of articles ...
  • Our boss sets us absolutely unrealistic deadlines ...

I recommend reading Tom DeMarco's novel Deadline »

This is a project management novel. If you want to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of project management, want to understand what it means from the inside to work on large projects, in IT companies, if you dream of working as a project manager or business analyst, or are already working in this area, be sure to read this novel.

I myself have worked on large projects and I can say that the author managed to convey the atmosphere of the project very realistically, atmosphere of life in a state of constant Deadlines!

The book can be read online for free. Here's a link: Tom DeMarco's "Deadline Novel About Project Management" free download >>>

You can quickly familiarize yourself with the book right in the article:


Hopefully the article "Deadline - what does it mean?" proved to be useful to you. You can use the term Deadline to emphasize your erudition.

I wish everyone easy deadlines in the implementation of ideas and projects!

Read the blog to find out how to change your life for the better!

Finally, I suggest you watch this useful video, how to spend time wisely with maximum benefit, how not to waste time:

Many people know firsthand what a deadline is. In most cases, this concept is encountered at work or during training. Setting deadlines for the completion of something in modern language sounds like setting a deadline, for violation of which, depending on the conditions, penalties can be imposed.

Deadline - what is it?

Often people ask the question - what does a deadline mean? This is a term that means a deadline for doing something. Borrowed from the English language - the word deadline is translated as "dead line", or "limit". It can be represented as a time or date. A similar concept is used at work, during training, when submitting any documents, or, for example, abstracts for participation in a conference. This introduction of timelines disciplines people and allows them to draw up a schedule for the production of work.

What is a hard deadline?

Failure to meet the deadline can have adverse consequences. Which - depends on the field of activity for which the deadlines were set. Deadline can be divided into two categories:

  1. Soft- when, by agreement with the customer or the management, some deviations from the established contract are possible, for example, the accrual of a lower bonus or the number of points.
  2. Hard- in which violation of the established deadlines is unacceptable.

Deadline and its functions

It is important to note that the concept of a deadline affects the psychological state of a person. The closer the date of the report, the more intensively the work of the brain begins. The modern author T. Ferris called this feature Parkinson's law - with a decrease in the time spent on doing something, the efficiency of the work process increases. This is the law of the deadline.

The main function of this practice is to comply with production plan, increasing the efficiency of a person, saving his own time, health and nerve cells. There are many examples when meeting deadlines is beneficial for both the contractor and the customer. It functions in economic activity and in the educational process.

Deadline and procrastination

It's important to stick to the deadline in all circumstances. For people who suffer from procrastination - a manifestation of a tendency to delay and postpone the execution of any business, it does not matter whether it is urgent or not, this is not typical. This psychological diagnosis can cover all spheres of a person's life, which leads to adverse consequences. Setting strict time intervals with punishment for breaking them can be a good motivation for people with. The reasons for this tendency may be the following:

  • low self-esteem;
  • getting pleasure from the process, focusing on it, and not on the result;
  • the desire to prove something more in words than in deeds;
  • striving for perfectionism, or, conversely, for self-restraint.

Deadline and redline

Some people still know what deadline means, but there is a less common term - redline. It denotes a certain intermediate point in time until the deadline, after which it is possible to give a fair assessment of the results already prepared. In a way, this is an imitation of the final period with an interval to correct existing shortcomings.

This practice is sometimes applied when writing thesis... For example, intermediate intervals for writing individual chapters or calculations are indicated, and the deadline in this case is a few days before the defense of the diploma. When the goods are delivered, there is a margin of time for checking and picking the order. Redline is the date of receipt of the goods from the warehouse, and the deadline is the date of issue to the customer.

Deadline - what to do?

To complete a specific task - not to miss the deadline at work, you can use some recommendations:

  1. All dates should be marked on the calendar.
  2. You need to set limited periods, not giving yourself time for extraneous things.
  3. You shouldn't do several things at the same time.
  4. You can split the deadline for subtotals.
  5. When completing a task, you should not be distracted by external stimuli.
  6. If there is an opportunity to complete the work today, it is better to do it - tomorrow another task may appear.
  7. You can think about doing your free time after completing the work in the prescribed period.

Everyone decides for himself what a deadline is, when and at what pace to complete everything. Some people are good at several things at once, and someone cannot concentrate on one. Setting an end date is one way to discipline a person and improve manufacturing process, and few will say that this is not required in the modern rhythm of life.

Updated 10/05/2017.
The word "deadline", literally translated from English (deadline) means "dead line" and is used to indicate the deadline for the performance of an action, after which this action already loses its meaning. For example, you are in a hurry so as not to miss the train, but after the time of its departure has come, you can no longer rush - the train has already left!
This term is often used among programmers to describe the general mood in the development team on the eve of a project's deadline.

Often there is a situation where 90% of the volume of work remains for the last 10% of the time allotted for the project. If the team meets on time, everyone will receive bonuses, gratitude and other benefits from their superiors. And if not, the company will face penalties, and a wave of all sorts of troubles will roll from top to bottom. Everyone is in a hurry, sitting at work nights and weekends, getting nervous, already looking for those to blame for a possible failure. All of this need not be described to any person dealing with the implementation of projects. It is enough for him to say: “We have a deadline!”. And he will understand everything.

What is a deadline?

Deadline (deadline) - this is the final, approved deadline for the project. Or, simply, the end date or time when the action should be completed, otherwise, if you overdue and overstep this line, then the action will no longer make sense. It will be useless.

The deadline is set for good intentions. It is clear that any work should be planned, that tight deadlines should stimulate performers to work more intensively. All this is true, but only if the timing is right. If not, then the effect may be the opposite. When the time allotted for the execution of work is unrealistically short, such an attitude may develop: “Why try - we will not be in time anyway!”. And if the deadlines are too high: "And where to hurry - we still have a lot of time!" As a result, the same situation develops 10 - 90%, and the deadline will be severe.

That is why the role of the project manager is so important in any project. He must be able to realistically estimate the scope of work and the time required for their implementation. Breaking down the work into stages, he assigns intermediate deadlines to the performers, strictly controlling their observance, not allowing the performers to relax, but also making sure that the speed of work does not compromise the quality. If the work can be organized in this way, the deadline will not turn into a nightmare, and will be completed on time.