Scenario of the holiday "autumn fair" methodical development on the topic. "Autumn Fair". Entertainment scenario for older children Entertainment autumn fair in kindergarten

(Children enter to the soundtrack of G. Gladkov's song "Autumn".)


Cheerful house painter at random

Spattered wonderful paints.

And the forest is an autumn outfit

We are attracted as a kind fairy tale.


There in the gold of the maple shines

Purple branch of mountain ash.

And the spruce burns like an emerald,

And the aspens quietly tremble,

And autumn conceals a smile -

September tried not in vain.

(The song "Oh, what an autumn" is performed by V. Zolotarev's music.)


September is gone imperceptibly

The blue of heaven has faded.

October wanders outside the windows

Among the bare birches and aspens.


Nature is ready for sleep

And we will sing and dance.

And meet all autumn amicably:

"Autumn, autumn we ask for a visit!"

(A girl in an Autumn costume comes out.)


I am golden autumn

Bow to you my friends

I have long dreamed of meeting you.

Believe me, I don't like to sit around,

And I feed the winter and feed the spring:

I flow like a river into the bins,

I enter the houses with fragrant punishment,

Bunches of ripe viburnum are my earrings.

And gray rains are my nightingales.

Fairy tales of an autumn day wander through the forest -

Would you be good without me?


We can't live without autumn,

We want to amuse you.


Do you love when I come?

I bring beauty everywhere

And on the ground the carpet is golden.

As soon as you see one in the fall,

Let the forever young waltz whirl you in the dance. (Performed "Dance with Leaves" to the melody of I. Strauss's waltz.)

Autumn: In the fall, all children go to school. Let us also play with you at school and hold a small lesson in which we will learn how well we know autumn vegetables, fruits and berries. My assistants who will ask you riddles will help us to conduct such a lesson. Everyone who guesses the riddle will receive a delicious prize from me. We are starting our competition.

Round-round, sweet-sweet

With striped skin smooth,

And if you cut it - look:

Red-red it is inside. (Watermelon.)

Ugly, gnarly,

And she will come to the table,

The guys will say cheerfully:

"Well, crumbly, tasty!" (Potato.)

In the swamp of sauerkraut,

Painted red

Under the ice cream snow

And put in jelly. (Cranberry.)

Round, ruddy fell from the tree -

It got in our mouth. (Apple)

What a bead here

Hanging on the stem?

You look - drool will flow,

And if you figure it out, it’s sour. (Cowberry.)

Radish sister,

And the taste is not spicy;

And it grows like a cake

With yellow clothes. (Turnip.)

Barrels tied

To the ground by the strings

There are nuts stock

Prepared for us.

We gnawed nuts

Four weeks,

And the walls of the barrels

We ate with porridge. (Pumpkin.)

He never and nobody

I did not offend in the world.

Why do they cry from him

Both adults and children? (Onion.)

In the summer in the garden -

Fresh, green;

And in the winter in a barrel -

Strong, salty. (Cucumbers.)

There is a fruit in the garden,

He's sweet as honey

Blush, like a roll,

And round like a ball.

Just under the very foot

The side swelled a little. (Pear.)

The young lady sat in the garden,

Dressed in noisy silks.

We prepare tubs for her

And half a bag of coarse salt. (Cabbage.)

Not a root, but in the ground;

Not bread, but on the table:

And seasoning for food,

And on the disease - the rule. (Garlic.)

Sits in the ground

The tail looks up.

Sugar can be obtained from it,

Cook delicious borscht. (Beet.)

The golden sieve of the black houses is full.

How many black houses

So many white tenants. (Sunflower.)

For curly tuft

They dragged the fox out of the mink.

Very smooth to the touch,

It tastes like sweet sugar. (Carrot.)

The berries are green

And all praised.

Grow with bones

Hang with tassels. (Grape.)

As in our garden

Riddles have grown -

Juicy and large

These are the round ones.

They turn green in the summer.

They will ripen by autumn. (A tomato.)


There is a third month of autumn:

What a gloomy weather

That rain, then slush in the yard,

And it seems nature itself

Sad about something in November.


And how nice it is in the rain

Whispering with an umbrella together.

And you can even take an umbrella

And dance in the rain

(Performed "Dance with Umbrellas".)


We all come to autumn - magical

Amicably we start a speech,

Choose: poetry or a fairy tale?

Or will you choose the dance?

Are we going to sing or dance?

Or tell a fairy tale?

Autumn: A fairy tale! A fairy tale!


Listen carefully,

Listen, kids!

It will be fun!

Get your eyes ready

Let's start a fairy tale!


On the forest edge in a bast hut

There was a goat with kids ...

(A mini-play "The Tale of the Wolf and the Seven Kids in a New Way" is played out.)

Scene 1

(The goat is about to go to the fair, sings a song to the kids and leaves.)


And the people are going to the fair,

And at the fair, the fun begins.


Everyone hurry to the fair, and invite the guys here.

Start dancing together

Glorify autumn, make merry.

Everything: Fair, Fair! Fun fair.

(General dance.)


Come on, come on!

To whom gingerbread, blush, hot, only from the oven.

Child: But the apples are rosy, juicy.


And I am a beautiful maiden, the braid is green.

And I'm proud of myself!

I'm for soup and for cabbage soup,

For salad and borscht,

In pies and vinaigrette,

And the kids for lunch.

Child: I am white and juicy, I am healthy and tasty.


I am the most useful, in that I give you my word:

Any onion you eat - you will be healthy.


Oh, what vegetables should I choose

For salad, vinaigrette and cabbage soup.

How can I just figure it out and understand

What should I choose for lunch?

(The song "The hostess once came from the bazaar" is sung.)


And at the fair there are swings and painted carousels.

You will support the fun and hurry here as soon as possible.


Hit it with your feet, hit it with your feet,

Dance with us.

(Ditties are performed with dancing.)

Host: At this time, the Wolf is knocking on the kids' house.

Scene 2

(The wolf sings a song in front of the goat's hut, the kids won't let him in).

Scene 3

(The goat returns from the fair. The kids at the interruption tell the Goat about the arrival of the Wolf. The goat praises the kids for not opening the door to the Wolf. The goat scolds the Wolf and explains to him that all the animals should live together in the forest. The Wolf repents and agrees .)

(The final dance of the kids, the Wolf and the Goat to the melody of the Russian folk song "Oh, I got up early.")

Goat: I brought gifts to the kids and all the kids from the fair. My gifts are all very tasty and very useful. They contain many vitamins that will help us not to get sick in winter.

(The goat, the wolf and the kids are handing out gifts.)

Autumn: Thank you, Koza, for the delicious and useful gifts. I also prepared delicious gifts for the guys. This is jam, jams. I invite everyone to a tea party. Bon Appetit.


- to familiarize children with the origins of folk culture, enriching the spiritual world;

- to form creative abilities;

- to foster interest and respect for folk traditions through folk songs, round dances, works of small folklore forms.

Preliminary work: talks about the tradition of holding autumn fairs in Russia after the harvest; practicing a round dance with singing "On the mountain-to-viburnum", songs "Molasses with ginger", "At the fair" and other musical and dance material; learning folk games, fun games; visual activity "Aye, yes, a dress at the matryoshka"; memorizing nursery rhymes, guessing riddles; design of material for parents "Folklore in the life of a child".

Equipment: costumes of the heroes of the holiday.

Children enter the music hall to the accompaniment of Russian folk music.

Leading. Each season has its own turn. Today we will meet with Autumn. This is an amazingly beautiful time of the year. Let's sing a song about how the leaves from the maples are quietly falling, and the flocks of cranes say goodbye to their native land.

Children perform the song "Autumn Forest" (music by V. Ivannikov, lyrics by T. Bashmakova).

Did I say that we will meet with Autumn? Here she comes - welcome.

Children and guests clap.


Hello, friends!

On an autumn day

On a wonderful day

I'm glad to see you!

I will be even more happy if the guys read poetry for me.

Children read poems about autumn (at the choice of the teacher).

In Russia, from time immemorial, they used to feast in my place,

Weddings, fairs played

And they celebrated housewarming.

I came to invite everyone to the fair to show myself and see others. And bring some gifts, have fun. We go to the fair, we sing a cheerful song.

Children perform the song "At the Fair" (music and lyrics by E. Shalamonova).

1st child

To the fair, to the fair

Hurry all over here.

Here are jokes, songs, sweets

Friends have been waiting for you for a long time!

2nd child

What your soul desires

You will find everything at the fair.

All gifts are chosen,

You can't leave without a purchase.

3rd child

Hey don't stand at the door

Come to us soon.

The people are gathering

Our fair is opening.

4th child

You play, my harmonica:

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si.

Admire our guests

How the kids dance!

Children perform the dance "Kalinka" (from T. Suvorova's program "Dance Rhythm for Children").

Autumn... What can you not see at the fair! And what they do not trade! Here are two hostesses selling pickled tomatoes, pickled watermelons. Let's hear what they are talking about.

Daryushka... Hello Maryushka.

Maryushka... Good health, Daria.

Daryushka... Did you make a lot of supplies for the winter?

Maryushka... Oh, a lot, the family is big. (Bends her fingers.) Mamma, papa, Yegorka, Fedorka, Grishka, Gavryushka, Makarka, Zakharka, me, yes, a cat, and a nice potato.

Daryushka... And I did my best. Mushrooms lie in a jar, bathe in oil. And the salads turned out best. In winter, there will be some expanse on the table!

Maryushka... Hey people come here! Buy tomatoes and cucumbers.

Daryushka. But mushrooms and salads, come, do not hesitate, stock up for the winter.

Leading... Oh yes hostesses, oh yes craftswomen.

They say that in autumn bad weather there are seven weather in the yard: sowing, blowing, twisting, muddying, tearing, pouring from above, sweeping from below.

Autumn. By the fall, the harvest has been harvested and stocks have been made. It is not for nothing that the people say: "Father October is cold, but there is a lot to feed." Maidens-beauties and good fellows, sing a merry song.

Children perform the song "Molasses with ginger" (arr. G. Lobachev, arranged by N. Metlov).

Leading... At the fair, fun is salvation from all troubles. Don't be bored, people, start a round dance. Hold hands together, have fun in a round dance.

Children lead a round dance "On Mount Kalina".

Autumn. And the goods at the fair are different. Let's see what they are selling?

1st child

The product is excellent.

Here is a copper samovar,

Himself smokes a smoke,

He himself gives tea to him.

2nd child

Don't go anywhere, everybody come here.

Wonderful, not a commodity.

Look, don't blink, don't open your mouth.

Don't count the crows, buy the goods.

3rd child

Here are toys for the guys

They themselves look at you:

The bear growls

The sparrow squeaks.

Leading. Indeed, the bear growls. Yes, this is not a toy growls, but a real bear appeared at the fair.

Gypsy enters and leads the bear.


Make way, honest people,

The bear is coming with me.


(the roles are played by children)

Gypsy. Michal Ivanovich, did you close the door for the night?

The bear waves his head no.

Why don't you close, al you expect someone?

The bear waves his head yes.

Maybe you are waiting for a good fellow to rub your sides?

The bear lies on its back with both front and hind legs.

A! Are you afraid? Are you waiting for the guys to start screaming? The bear sits down and covers its ears with its front paws: "Oo-oo-oo."

Are you waiting for an old woman to fill your belly?

The bear sits down, strokes his stomach and licks his lips.

But the girls will come, they won't let you sleep.

The bear jumps up and runs through the music hall, and the girls run after him shouting: "Bear, dance."

The gypsy and the bear run away from the hall.

Leading... It is not customary to get bored at the fair. Who bought the goods, and who rode the carousel.

The game "Carousel" is being held.


But the dolls are wooden,

Chubby, ruddy.

In multi-colored sundresses,

We live on the table,

All are called nesting dolls.

1st matryoshka

The first doll is thick

And inside it is empty.

She is parted

In two halves

Another one lives in it

The doll is in the middle.

2nd matryoshka

Open this doll

There will be a third in the second.

Unscrew half

Dense, lapped

And you will be able to find

The fourth chrysalis.

3rd matryoshka

Take it out and look

Who is hiding in it inside.

The fifth is hiding in it

The pupa is pot-bellied.

4th matryoshka

This doll is the least of all

Slightly larger than a nut.

We are, of course, interested

Tell about nesting dolls

But it would be nice to remind:

When are we going to dance?

Children perform the "Matryoshka" dance (from T. Suvorova's program "Dance Rhythm for Children").

Autumn walks around and pretends to be looking for something.

Leading. Autumn, what are you looking for?

Autumn... Yes, they sell every product at the fair, but I don't see any pots. A clay pot for forest berries, for a drink from mountain ash would be useful.

Leading... Why can't you see? Come to any seller, how much is the pot - ask.

Game "Pots"

Children stand in a circle. The "pot" is squatting in front of the "seller".

- How much is the pot?

- For the money.

- How much it costs?

- A head of cabbage, a broom, and a ruble of money.

- I'm buying.

The "pot" runs away from the "buyer" and must have time to return to the "seller".

Leading. How we like to walk around the fair: to see people and show ourselves.

Autumn. Everyone will like this dance, it is called a square dance.

Children perform the dance "Quadrille" (from T. Suvorova's program "Dance Rhythm for Children").

Leading. That's the end of the fair, and who listened to the songs - well done! Each fellow from the garden should have a cucumber.


Yes, while you were listening to the songs,

All the hares ate cucumbers.

Since it didn't work out with cucumbers,

I'll treat everyone to candy.

And we invite everyone to tea with pies.

The group has a tea party.

1 presenter:
Hello dear guests! Hello, good people! Come on in, people! Don't crowd at the gate!

(to the music, children enter the hall and stand near their chairs)

2 presenter:
The people gather - the fair opens
Autumn here and there
On the ground (or the name of the area) fairs go
What is a fair?

1 child:
A place where something is bought or sold.

2 child:

3 child:

4 child:
Autumn is in a hurry - winter is not waiting.

5 child:
The harvest was harvested, the cabbage was fermented.

6 child:
The garden was dug up - the autumn worries were over.

7 child:
And what is there to interpret - it's time to start singing a song.

8 child:
Again autumn, again the birds are in a hurry to fly to the warm land.

The autumn fair came to our kindergarten.

The song is called "Fair".

1 child:
We are naughty guys
We are smart guys!
We invite everyone to the Fair
We sell toys!

2 child:
Well, honest people
Come boldly
Buy a product, do not be shy
Guys, don't yawn
Who wants what, buy!

3 child:
Don't go anywhere, everybody come here "

Wonderful miracle, wonderful miracle, not a commodity
Look, don't blink, don't open your mouth!
Don't count the crows, buy the goods!
All products are good! Anything for the soul!

In chorus:
Containers- bars- rastabars
We will terminate all goods!

Silk, damage, who needs what
Well, I’ll get a nickle as a reward!
Look at the handkerchiefs
Be sure to buy -
You won't find better than these
You can go around half the world!

1 presenter:
And the goods are not simple, they are bought for your courage, for participating in our merry games and amusements.

2 presenter:
And people are going to the fair
And at the fair, the fun begins
Everyone hurry to the fair
Start dancing together!

Song-round dance "Round dance at Kalinushka"


Containers- bars- rastabars
Here are some good products
Triangle, hammers,
Spoons, bells.
Not goods - a real treasure!
Disassemble in great demand!

1 presenter:
Take the goods, let us play!

Children's orchestra "Lozhkari"

2 presenter:
Well done boys! Yes, a good product praises itself.

Here, here, honorable gentlemen!
Who hurries to us -
Gets pleasure!
Samovars for sale
There are shovels, pitchforks, sledges
And candy and bagels!

To whom bagels, drying, cheesecakes
Cockerels on a stick, come take it apart
Buy whatever you want!

We take away without bargaining!

What will you pay with?

Songs and proverbs

(Children say proverbs about bread)

  1. - Bread is the head of everything.
  2. - And lunch is not lunch, if there is no bread
  3. - I am glad to have a tablecloth of bread, he is like the sun on it.
  4. - Do you want to eat rolls - do not be lazy on the stove!
  5. - Bread is a jewel, don't litter it!
  6. - Take bread for dinner in moderation!
  7. - Did the job, and now walk boldly!

Each slice of bread
Smells like a warm sky
And the earth harbored all its strength in bread!
The bread was removed and it became quieter,
Bins breathe hotly
The field is asleep, it is tired -
Winter is coming

Bread song

(Children sit on high chairs)

But what about the fair, but without ditties! Come out, come out and start ditties!


There are many guests at our fair
Many goods from all parishes
Look, look!
There is a bear in the bazaar
Buy any product!

(Music sounds, a guide with a bear enters, walks around the hall and stands in the middle of it)

Make way honest people
The bear is coming with me!
He knows a lot of fun -
There will be jokes, there will be laughter!

Come on, Mishenka, bow down to honest gentlemen, and show science what you were taught, what intelligence you were rewarded with.

(The bear bows in all four directions)

Show me, Mikhailo Potapych, how our girls are going to kindergarten?

(The bear paints lips, twirls, preeners)

And what are the boys in the group?

(Bear fights, growls)

And how did Vanya sleep, was late for kindergarten?

(the bear "sleeps", jumps up, runs)

And how does the teacher walk in the group?

(The bear walks importantly around the hall)

And how does Dunyasha dance?

(Bear sticks out his leg)

Yes, not the same Dunyasha that used to be, but the present one!

(Bear twists it backwards)

Well done! Now bow down and walk to the music!

Thank you, you have amused us. Take from us a keg of honey and a bunch of bagels to boot.

Thanks for the treat, it's time and honor to know! Let's go Mishenka further to amuse the people, and goodbye to you all!

The fair continues
Goods don't run out
Hey buyers, come in -
Have a look at the goods!

Vegetables! Vegetables! Fruits and vegetables!
Vitamins in them - do not count,
You can eat them with sugar.
Grown with love, with a soul!
Come with a big basket!

We will take the goods from you and with the guys and try.

Game "Define the taste"

(Children are encouraged to taste a vegetable or fruit with their eyes closed)

And now another game "Who is Faster"

(Children are divided into two teams. Each team is given its own basket. One vegetable or fruit is put in the middle of the hall. One player is invited from the team. While the music is playing, the children dance, as soon as the music stops playing, you need to take the fruit or vegetable first and put to the basket of your team. Which team has more vegetables in the basket, he won)

Everything is for sale today -
Not without reason is it given!
Eh, the Fair is noisy!
Doesn't order to stand still!
Get up in a circle, sing a song!

Song about autumn

Noon is soon at the gate,
The people are hurrying to the fair!
Look good people:
Marya Danilovna is coming!

(Enters with a basket containing answers and goods)

Marya Danilovna:
Hello kids! Girls and boys!
My respect, good people!

Hello Danilovna! Come in, take a look at the goods, tell me all the news. Where have you been? What did you see?

Marya Danilovna:
I saw that cats live in the nest, fly everywhere!

They're crows!

Marya Danilovna: (takes it out of the basket)
Boiled fly agaric!
Our crow is eared,
It often runs in the garden -
Jump and jump across the footbridge
A tail with a white speck!

Why, it's a bunny!

Marya Danilovna:
A keg of cucumbers for you!
All animals are afraid of our hare.
Last winter in severe frost
The gray hare took the ram away!

Why, it's a wolf! Speak to me!
Stop telling stories!

Marya Danilovna:
Yes, I wanted to joke with you. But now there will be tricky riddles! Who can guess them! It's time for scientists!


The hero is rich
Treats all the guys
Strawberries and blueberries
And white mushrooms
And ripe nuts! (Forest)

An eagle flies across the blue sky
Spread my wings
The sun is covered! (cloud)

Without arms, without legs, trees bend. (wind)

Without a path and without a road
The longest walks
Hiding in the clouds, in the darkness
Only feet on the ground. (rain)

Grow - turn green, fall - turn yellow
Lie down - turn black! (leaves)

And on the hill and under the hill
Under the birch and under the tree
Round dance in a row
Well done in hats! (mushrooms)

Have a seat, Danilovna, rest. Your riddles are good. Really tricky!

Autumn is golden time -
Bright lights of colors!
Like a fun fair
We will read poems.

1 child:

The kids are jumping joyfully through the puddles,
Yellow leaves are circling in the air
Rains are knocking merrily on the glass!

2 child:
And the cranes sang loudly in the sky
They stretch in schools to the south
Who said that autumn is a sad time?
How many bright colors she gives us!

3 child:
It's raining all over the land, the road is wet
There are many drops on the glass, but not much heat.
Birch trees are sleeping in silver, the greenery of the pines is brighter
Because it's a golden autumn outside!

4 child:
Once again, the autumn season whirled with the wind,
Miracle - she charmed everyone with paints!
Look at the carpet of leaves on the doorstep!
It's just a pity that there are not many bright days in autumn!

Song "Autumn, my autumn"

Noise and crush in the bazaar -
Don't break through to the counter!
Everything is interesting here
Here is a place to dance!

General dance

So the sun went down
All goods are sold.
The day ends -
The fair is closing!
Come back to us
We are always glad to guests!

A couple of phrases from us:

To make the holiday more fun, include in the script not only prepared concert numbers, but also independent performances of children (about which parents can be warned in advance so that they learn poems or songs on the theme of autumn and harvest with their children).

Participants of creative performances can be gifted with gingerbread, sweets, nuts, bagels from a festively decorated basket (this can also be done by a peddler).

Diversify the proverbs and riddles of the song, especially if the same script is used in different groups.

Marya Danilovna is an incomprehensible character, so you can replace him with everyone's beloved Baba Yaga, who wandered into the fair and also wants to have fun. You can also choose the heroine of a fairy tale familiar to children so that the children will recognize her immediately.

You can expand the scenario by increasing the number of games and entertainment associated with the fair, adding color to your area, other calls and barkers.

With a slight modification, this scenario can be used on Shrovetide and other holidays during which the fair is held.

Explanatory note

For preschool education especially relevant are the issues of the development of a creatively active personality, its spiritual potential. That is why it is important in the lives of children and in pedagogical process kindergarten include a variety of artistic creative activities. It is in them that each child can express himself most fully and realize his creative activity.
One of the most important means of aesthetic education and the formation of an active creative personality is folk art, which combines oral folklore, musical and visual arts.
In folk art, ideas about the beautiful, aesthetic ideals, and the wisdom of the people are generalized, which are passed on from generation to generation. Through folk art, the child learns the traditions, customs, peculiarities of the life of his people, joins his culture.
Folk art is rich in rhythms and repetitions, it carries specific images, colors, is accessible and interesting to the child, which is the basis for awakening and strengthening the emotionally positive attitude of children towards him. The value of folk art is also determined by the fact that it affects the feelings of the child through the means of expression, and this effect is natural, non-violent. Because of this, it is available to children with different levels of development, and every child gets pleasure and emotional charge from this. It attracts the attention of children, and therefore, on the basis of highlighting elements of folk art, color system, composition, it can be used for the development of the child: the perception of aesthetic attitude and aesthetic assessment, that is, by acting on the sensual sphere of the child, folk art stimulates the development of the creative abilities of the individual.
The period of preschool childhood, as shown by studies of teachers and psychologists (Venger L.A., Gribovskaya A.A., Doronova T.N., Komarova T.S., Sakulina N.P., Shpikalova T.Ya.), is the most sensitive to perception folk art, its use in creative activities.
The success of solving these problems depends on a number of factors. Among them, first of all, in relation to the senior preschool age, can be distinguished:

  • cooperation between the teacher and the child;
  • the use of such means and methods of education and training that would contribute to the development of the child without the dictates and pressure of an adult and without prejudice to the creative manifestations of the child;
  • education and training in full accordance with the level of difficulty of the kindergarten program and the age and individual psychological characteristics of children.

The power of the influence on the child of works of folk art increases if familiarization with them is carried out on the basis of the preschooler's own activities. Based on this, in working with children, it is necessary to ensure that they are not only active listeners and spectators, but also active performers of songs, round dances, dances, music games and so on, were actively involved in the work in the classroom, including in preparation for holidays and entertainment.

"Autumn Fair" (musical and theatrical performance for older preschoolers)

It is very important to acquaint children with Russian folk art, to form knowledge about the Russian national costume, Russian folk songs, ditties, nursery rhymes, to foster love for their native land.
At first glance, the script seems voluminous, but in reality it requires little preparation. You just need to give each group a task on time - to learn the numbers amateur performances, prepare souvenirs from vegetables and fruits, make toys in manual labor classes. The design does not take much time: you just need to put tables covered with beautiful tablecloths or curtains in a row, put “goods” on the tables, write several signs like “Sale of livestock”, “Tea room”, “Rolls, bread, bagels”.

Preliminary work: listening to Russian folk songs, learning folk games, elements of Russian dance; learning poems, songs, playing them out. Decoration of the "Gifts of Autumn" exhibition: tables covered with tablecloths, dummies of vegetables and fruits.

Material: souvenirs, signs "Sale of livestock", "Rolls, bread, bagels", "Tea room", handkerchiefs. Play equipment "Merry carousel". Musical folk instruments: rumba, ratchets, wooden spoons, etc. Screen, Petrushka doll.

Holiday progress:

Children stand at the entrance to the music hall. To the Russian folk melody "Korabeyniki", two barkers run out from different ends of the stage (they are adults who are the hosts of the holiday).

1st buffoon.
Attention! Attention! Attention!
A fun party is opening!
Hurry up, honest people,
The fair calls you!

2nd buffoon.
To the fair! To the fair!
Hurry all over here!
Here are jokes, songs, sweets
Friends have been waiting for you for a long time!

1st buffoon.
What your soul desires -
You will find everything at the fair!
Everyone chooses gifts,
You can't leave without a purchase!

2nd buffoon.
Hey don't stand at the door
Come to us soon!
The people are going -
Our fair is opening!

Fanfare (phonogram) sounds, children enter the hall in pairs, to the Russian folk melody "Ah, you seni" Some of the children sit down at the "counters" with signs.
Children read poetry:

1 child:
We are naughty guys!
We are smart guys!
We invite everyone to the fair!
We sell toys!

2 child:
Well, honest people,
Come boldly
Buy a product, do not be shy!
Guys, don't yawn
Who wants to buy what!

3 child:
Don't go anywhere, everyone come here!
Wonderful miracle, miracle - wonderful, not a commodity!
Look, don't blink, don't open your mouth!
Don't count the crows, buy the goods!
Here are the good products! Anything for the soul!

In chorus:
We will terminate all goods!

1st buffoon:
- And the goods are not simple, they are bought only for your courage, participation in our merry games and amusements.

2nd buffoon:
- And so that you have good mood, guests came to our fair with funny ditties.

Chastooshkas are performed by two groups of children of three (a group of three girls and a group of three boys).

Let's stand, girls, side by side
Let us sing ditties!

Yes, and we, perhaps, will rise,
We will not lag behind our girlfriends!

Children stand in a semicircle: boys on one side, girls on the other.

In chorus:
We will sing ditties for you
Still wonderful,
That old women will go to dance
The old men will dance!

Boys (in chorus):
White girls
Where did you get your fill?

We milked the cows yesterday
Have washed yourself with milk!

1st boy:
Listen, girls,
I will sing a clamshell.
A pig grazes on an oak tree
The bear is steaming in the bath!

2nd boy:
There is a cart on the mountain
Tears dripping from the arc.
There is a cow sitting under the mountain
Puts on boots!

1st girl:
Where are you going, Vanyusha?
After all, a cart without wheels !.
And Vanyusha answers ...

3rd boy:
Harvest oats!

2nd girl:
I'll stamp my foot
Yes, I'll stomp another.
Come to me, Ivan,
Dance with me!

1st boy:
I put my feet on my toes
And then on the heel.
I'll start dancing Russian,
And then squat down!

Children are dancing: a boy squatting, a girl around him.

In chorus:
Oh, we're pretty drunk
Give a new change!
Oh, thanks to the accordion player
For a fun game!

The performers of the ditties bow, run away in a chain in different directions to the Russian folk melody "Kalinka".

And the people are going to the fair,
And at the fair the fun begins
Everyone hurry to the fair, and invite the guys here.
Start dancing together, glorify autumn, make merry!

Children perform the song "Here is Autumn in the Yard" (music and lyrics by S. Yudina) (Appendix 1)
Children perform poems about autumn (in accordance with the educational program being implemented).

- Everyone hurry to the fair, start dancing together!

Children under the phonogram "Years old girl was fetching water" perform a Russian round dance (audio series "Rhythm for children" from 7 to 10 years old).



Come on, come on rosy apples, take juicy ones!
Here is a carrot, here is an onion, a tomato, a vegetable marrow,
And potatoes are the second bread, you and I know that.

Children perform autumn ditties "Whether in the garden or in the garden"

In chorus:

Whether in the garden were we guys in the garden.
Now we will sing to you the ditties that grow in the garden.
We have a good crop, and it has grown thickly:
And carrots and peas are white cabbage.

1 child:
I am a ruddy radish
Bow down to you low, low
Why praise yourself?
I am already known to everyone.

2 child:
I need beets for borscht
And for the vinaigrette.
Eat yourself and treat -
There is no better beet.

3 child:
The story about me is not long:
Who doesn't know vitamins?
Always drink carrot juice
You will be healthy, my friend.

4 child:
The most delicious and enjoyable
Our favorite juice is tomato.
There are a lot of vitamins in it,
We drink it willingly.

5 child:
I am the seasoning in every dish
And always useful to people.
Have you guessed? I am your friend -
I am a simple green onion.

6 child:
Round, ruddy apple on a branch
Adults and little children love me.

7 child:
They came to us from melon
Striped balls.
And the watermelon is instead of a weight,
Let the strong men raise.

Staging of the Russian folk song "Where was Ivanushka?"

Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- Chicken!

- Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- Duck!
- The chicken pecks the grains on the senechka,
Ivanushka sings songs in the gorenka.
- Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- Lamb!
- The hen pecks at the seeds,
The duck goes back and forth through the puddles,
Ivanushka sings songs in the gorenka.
- Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- A cow!
- The chicken pecks the grains on the senechka,
The duck goes back and forth through the puddles,
A lamb in the meadow is chewing grass,
A cow gives milk to children,
Ivanushka sings songs in the gorenka.

Ivanushka dances to the Russian folk melody "Kalinka".

2nd buffoon:
- Tambourines, rumbas, ratchets, spoons! Who wants to play a little? Stand in a row! Choose a row! Nice is nice, but fun for everyone!

Children choose Russian folk instruments. The Russian folk melody "Like ours at the gates" sounds, the children play along.

1st peddler. Who else wants to amuse us at our fair?

The Russian folk melody "Barynya" sounds, the second presenter plays the "bear".

2nd peddler:
Make way, honest people,
The bear is coming with me!
He knows a lot of fun
There will be a joke, there will be laughter! (The bear bows to the audience.)

1st peddler:
- Show me, Mikhailo Potapych, how our girls are going to kindergarten?

(The bear paints his lips, twirls, preens.)

And what are the boys in our group?

(The bear fights, growls.)

And how did Vanya sleep, was late for the garden?

(The bear "sleeps", jumps up, runs.)

And how does our teacher walk in the group?

(The bear walks importantly across the stage.)

And how does Dunyasha dance?

(The bear sticks out its leg.)

Yes, not the same Dunyasha that used to be, but the present one!

(The bear twists his backside.)

2nd peddler:

- Well done! Now bow down and walk to the music! (The bear bows and leaves.)

1st peddler:

- There are many eccentrics in the world, and there are many of them in our city. Where are my weirdos? Hey freaks!

The child reads a poem by Yu. Vladimirov "Freaks".

I sent eccentrics to the bazaar,
He gave the eccentrics dimes.
One penny - for a sash,
Another penny - on the cap,
And the third penny - so.
On the way to the bazaar, eccentrics
They mixed up all the nickels.
Which nickle is for a sash?
Which nickle is for the cap?
And which nickle is it?
After all, you stupid eccentrics
Confused all the dimes!
And Ivanushka, simplicity,
I bought a horse without a tail
I went to get married, I tied a trough,
The trough dangles, the Bride smiles.
The trough fell
-The bride is missing!

1st buffoon:
Come on, guys, come on, girls!
Come out in a row. Let's start playing!

Children play the Russian folk game "Wicker"
To a cheerful Russian folk melody, a doll named Petrushka appears above the screen.

- Hello naughty girls and boys! Do you like to play? Then I'll play Confusion with you now. I will confuse you, and you must answer correctly: girls or boys. Deal?

Parsley makes riddles to children:

Dandelion wreaths in spring
Of course, they only weave ...
Bolts, screws, gears
You will find it in your pocket ...
Skates on the ice drew arrows ...
We played hockey in the morning ...
They chatted for an hour without a break ...
In colorful dresses ...
In front of everyone, measure your strength,
Of course, they only love ...
Panties are afraid of the dark -
All as one, they ...
Silk, lace and toes in rings -
Going out for a walk ...

- Well done! Goodbye! And funny buffoons are coming to replace me again!

1st buffoon:
- “Oh, the box is full, there are chintz and brocade” - this is how the song sung. But with us peddlers, the boxes are already empty.

2nd buffoon:
So the sun went down -
Our fair is closed!

1st buffoon:
Come back to us,
We are always glad to guests!

The Russian folk melody "Kamarinskaya" is played. Somorokhs and children leave the fair.

Scenario of the holiday "Autumn Fair" for children of the senior preparatory group of the preschool educational institution

Author: Kostina Tatiana Nikolaevna, musical director
Place of work: MBDOU No. 220 "Festivalny", Rostov-on-Don

Scenario "Autumn Fair" for senior preschool age

Target: creating a joyful and cheerful holiday atmosphere.
Tasks: To develop expressiveness of speech, musical and motor abilities and creative independence of children.
Description: The script was written for older preschool children, all the roles are played by children.
A script might be helpful music directors, educators, parents.
Children at the festival are dressed in Russian folk and Cossack costumes. All the time, only Russian folk music or stylized music sounded - both performed by children and for the background of the whole holiday.
The script uses a regional component that helps to create the foundations of respect for the traditions of ancestors, pride in a small homeland. The main difficulty in preparing the holiday was to create the atmosphere of a fair, fairground festivities. It was necessary not only to beautifully recite poems, but to call out, shout out, create an image.
When this stage was passed (thanks to the group work of educators), the children began to sell, go for walks, and play at the fair. And, having plunged into the atmosphere of the Russian folk holiday, the children arranged their fair festivities long after the holiday!

Holiday progress:
3 children are included.
1.Hello, dear guests: small and large
Welcome to the Autumn holiday!
As in our city,
Yes in the marketplace
Starts now
We have a fair!
2. Fair! Fair!
Awesome fair!
These are songs, these are dances, this is a sonorous children's laughter.
Games, jokes and fun, enough fun for everyone.
3. As at our gates, there is a disguised people.
And the guys are daring in those gates painted.
They run fast like a snake, they laugh, they bring us fun.

To the accompaniment of Russian folk music, children enter the hall with a snake through the gates and line up in a circle.

1.Children came out to the people,
We stood together in a round dance,
And they dance with the people
"Whether in the garden or in the garden."

The round dance "Whether in the garden or in the garden" is being performed

1.Attention! Attention!
The fair is opening
The people are going!
Please all come through
Don't miss the fair!

Skomorokhs run out.
1 Buffoon: Hush, hush, do not make noise! How many people, look!
Children (rub their eyes): Where ?! Wow!?
2 Buffoon: What kind of gentlemen is this? Where are you from and where?
Children: We are daring guys,
We are naughty guys!
We are going to the fair
We'll take you with us!
1 Buffoon: To the fair ??
2 Buffoon: Wow! And what is she-yar-mar-ka?
Children (one at a time):
- Merry, big!
- Playful, colorful!
- She's loud
- With golden braids!
- Motley and bright ...
Everyone: AUTUMN FAIR!

Song "Fair"

1. How is it conducted in Russia
Ask everyone
All the festivities are folk, bright
They start with a festive fair.
2. We meet fine autumn
We invite everyone to the holiday.
Come see what you like and take.
All the people are having fun; the fair is going all over!
3.Fire fair, bright!
Dance fair, hot!
Look to the left - shops with goods
Take a look to the right - fun is in vain!
4. Hey, merchants, boyars,
Cook the goods!
We want to listen to you,
What can you eat here!

Peddlers come out with goods with baskets, trays.
There are good products
We are not only dear,
What is not, and then we will show!
2. Pins, needles,
Steel jokes.
For one bundle
Pay a piglet!
3. We have everything
As in Greece:
Even overseas spices.
4.Come here buddy
Open your wallet!
There are ratchets and accordions
And painted spoons!
2 buyers take spoons.

1.Wood Girlfriend,
Without her, we are like no hands!
At leisure, merry,
And feed everyone around!
2 wears porridge directly into the mouth
And it doesn’t let you get burned.
Voiced carved
Painted spoons!
3. In Russia, it is always held in high esteem
There were peddlers.
Spoons, ribbons and handkerchiefs
They sold at the bazaars.
4 we won't be you today
Sell ​​these spoons.
We give back the spoons, and dance
We will entertain everyone here!

Dance "Kalinka" (scarves)

1. Here are the nuts,
Good nuts.
Delicious, honeyed,
Let's put on a hat!
2. Vegetables! Vegetables!
Fresh vegetables!
Grown with a soul!
Come with a big basket!
3. Respectable public,
Who needs a donut hole -
Delicious, good.
We give it cheap!

1.The Russian song is open spaces,
On which we have to go all our life,
This is Father - Don at Rostov's.
This is mother - the Volga is on the way.
2.The Russian song is a shepherd,
Joyful, early horn,
Just sit down for a minute, listen -
You will listen, buddy.

The song "There was a birch in the field" is being performed (vocal studio)

1. Come, swoop in!
The goods are not stale!
Hemp ropes,
Resin ropes!
They don't burn on fire
They don't drown in water!
Is the product expensive?
I'll take it inexpensively for an acquaintance,
Come on three hundred.
Expensive. I give two and a half,
And a humpbacked cudgel to boot!
Little, add at least some milk to the kids!
Well, okay, I'll add another penny,
But I'll take it for a reason:
I'll check first
The game is an undertaking.
Now hurry here, the Russian game is waiting for you.
Let's not be lazy, have fun together!
Loud music plays, everyone invites to play!
Come out honest people, in a merry round dance!

A "Ribbon Game" (ribbon) is held
(Game text:
Vanya went out for a walk, began to choose a girlfriend,
My friend began to choose who to give the ribbon to
Bow down, bow down, but hold on to the ribbon
We consider: one, two, three, come on, take the tape!)

1. Come, honest people!
The fair is calling!
The fair will not let you get bored!
Make you sing, dance!
2. Already you are a spinning wheel, you are a spinning wheel,
I'm going to take you out on the street
I will spin and spin
Look at your girlfriends!
3. We are not afraid of work,
We will surely fit in here,
We will gladly go to the dance,
Let's start a dance together.

Dance "Spinning"

1. Fair, fair!
Have fun people!
Someone buys
Someone is selling!
Make way for the honest people,
Don Cossacks are going.

1. Among the Don steppe fields
And the Kuban feather grass,
Where Kuban and Don flow
Cossacks have been living for a long time.
2. A proud and dashing people
Has earned himself the honor:
Courage, courage, courage
Carries on his shoulders.
3. All the customs are countless:
Honor is above the Cossack,
The saber is the pride of the Cossack,
They cannot live without a horse!
4. Without fish soup and without prey,
This is their custom.
And any Cossack is ready
Stand up for Russia!
5.Independent, free
The Cossack family is very proud.
And not for nothing in Russia
Everyone knows the Cossacks.

Dance "Kazachata" (sabers)

1. Autumn decorates parks
Colored foliage.
Autumn feeds the harvest
Birds, animals and you and me.
2.And in gardens, and in the garden,
Both in the forest and by the water
Prepared by nature
All kinds of fruits.
3.Autumn - a noble merchant's wife,
He sells his goods dashingly.
Well get it with a vengeance!

Dance "Seeds" (pairs)

1 people welcome autumn,
We love all her goods.
Come in, merchant Autumn,
To our merry bazaar!
Let's call Autumn together!
All: Autumn, Autumn, we ask for a visit!

Girl Autumn comes out.

I am hospitable Autumn, cover feasts!
Polyushko razdolnoe - brought gifts.
The most important on the table, he will feed everyone in the family.
Cut a lush, round loaf piece by piece.
There is a treat for the children in my basket.
The fruit is fragrant, so delicious!
A boy comes up with a basket of fruits.