Parent planning methods are used in dhow practice. Planning the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution. on planning the educational process

Types and forms of planning in preschool

Changes in Russian education encourage teachers to look for new approaches to the implementation of tasks preschool education... The changes affected not only program documents, but also, mainly, the activities of teachers with children. It is known that the first step to action should be planning.

The document remained unchanged, which we focus on in the first place when drawing up the planning of a preschool educational institution. This is the order of the Ministry of Public Education of the RSFSR dated 09/20/1988 No. 41 "On the documentation of preschool institutions."

According to this document, the preschool educational institution usestwo the mainplanning forms: annual and calendar plan .

Annual plan work for the academic year is the most important local act of a preschool institution. It must fully comply with the Federal Law "On Education in Russian Federation», The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO, federal and municipal legislation and be based on modern achievements of pedagogical management, didactics, psychology, etc.

The form of writing the Annual Plan for a preschool educational institution may be different.

    calendar (broken down by month)

    cyclical (contain a certain cyclical nature of work forms),

    text (have a textual description of the content),

    tabular (have tabular writing),

    block-schematic ( divided into certain blocks of work).

But in whatever form the annual plan was written, its first part is "an analysis of the work for the past academic year."

Now I would like to tell in more detail about the planning of preschool teachers.

Teachers traditionally use suchtypes of planning howcalendar-thematic, perspective-calendar, block, complex. A new kind is modular planning. Let's consider each type separately.

Integrated planning educational educational process in age groups - This is planning in accordance with the main general educational program of the preschool educational institution in all educational areas and is an integral part of it.

Such planning is drawn up jointly by the methodologist and teachers of each age group and developed before the start of the school year (from September to May inclusive).

This type of planning is often called complex-thematic. Such planning is in hard copy and must have a cover page.

Perspective planning of the educational process in age groups - this is an advance determination of the order, sequence of the implementation of the educational process for the academic year with the definition of tasks and content for each month. It is based on the main general educational program of a preschool institution.Long-term plan drawn upeducators of every age groupfor a month, quarter, six months or a year (correction during work in the plan of this type is permissible). The long-term plan is developed by educators and specialists independently for one academic year and is carried out on the basis of the curriculum approved by the head.

Long-term planning of GCD is drawn up for each age group, taking into account complex thematic planning.

Now about Calendar-thematic planning educational process in age groups. NS then the advance determination of the order, sequence of the implementation of educational and educational work with an indication of the necessary conditions, the means used, forms and methods.The preschool educational institution establishes a unified structure for calendar and thematic planning.

This planis compiled for two weeks and provides for the planning of all types of activities of children and the corresponding forms of their organization for each day.

This type of upbringing and educational work plan should provide for a reasonable alternation of organized and independent activities of children based on children's initiative and activity, and should also ensure the organization of children's life in three forms:

Directly educational activities;

Unregulated activities;

Free time provided for the child at the preschool educational institution during the day for a free spontaneous play activities and communication with peers.

Block-schematic planning can be presented on one sheet, or each quarter on a separate sheet. With such planning, there is no need to separately write out events for the teachers for a month. This type of planning is more often used by senior educators, methodologists of preschool educational institutions.

And now aboutmodular planning technologies. When drawing up a plan, on the basis of the module, a unified scheme for the distribution of forms of work with preschoolers for a week is created, the teacher only has to write down the name of the games, topics of conversation, indicate the objects of observation, and specify the tasks of work for this period.

The creation of the plan module begins with the distribution of the types of activities organized by the educator with the children, the search for their place in the daily routine.

In order to streamline these arbitrary types of planning, it is advisable to introduce uniform approaches to planning in a preschool institution. This can be done in the form of a local act adopted and approved by the preschool educational institution.

It's no secret that paperwork is often given a secondary role. However, a timely and correct plan can become our first assistant.

You know, looking for quotes from great minds about plans and planning, I realized with some disappointment that most of them make fun of planning, they say, we are making plans, and someone decides for us what the final result will be. But there is one man, Americanbook authorand audio programs on topicsBrian Tracy, who said the following about the plans: "Remember that every minute spent on planning saves ten minutes of your work." And I completely agree with him.

Thank you for your attention! And I wish that your work plans coincide with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education and the current legislation.

11 minutes to read.

Educational activities at preschool educational institutions - perspective and scheduling

It is built on the basis of planning, long-term and scheduling of educational work in the summer is carried out according to the same requirements as during the academic year.

However, when drawing up a plan, one should take into account the specifics of the organization and content of educational work with children in the summer months (the maximum stay of children in the fresh air, the presence of combined age groups, increased attention to hardening procedures, etc.).

Educational activities at the preschool educational institution are reflected by the educator in the summer health-improving period in the long-term work plan for a month and in the work schedule for the day / week. At the same time, teachers can independently choose a convenient form of graphic or text planning with regime moments, types of activities, etc., which must be approved by the pedagogical council of a preschool educational institution.

What is included in the long-term plan of the preschool educational institution?

The long-term plan of work for a month should provide for:

  • distribution of time when organizing the life of children during the day (daily regimen);
  • Timetable of classes;
  • hardening measures, indicating the names of the procedures and hardening norms;
  • complexes of morning exercises and hygienic exercises after sleep for every two weeks;
  • the content of educational work for each week of the month - the topic of classes, other forms of work (conversations, work in nature, observation, DPD, art work, hiking, children's tourism, entertainment, excursions, storage, creative games, etc.);
  • forms of interaction with parents.

The content of the educational process

The schedule reflects the content of the educational process with a group of children for every day. In this case, the educator must ensure the alternation of calm and vigorous activity, the correct distribution of physical, mental stress and rest throughout the day.

To this end, in the calendar plans of educational work, the educator must provide for a rational combination for every day different types and forms of carrying out organized and independent (play, motor, cognitive, labor, communicative-speech, artistic, etc.) activities of children.

Planning of regime moments

The most popular among all forms of scheduling among teachers remains the planning of educational work with regime moments. Applying it, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of various types of activities of children during the day, their duration, frequency and take into account the rationality and expediency of their implementation in a certain period of time.

Morning time

In the morning, it is advisable to plan:

  • individual work (indicating the names of the pupils, the purpose, the necessary materials);
  • conversations on moral, ethical and educational topics with a small group of children;
  • game activity (plot-role, constructive-building, didactic, outdoor games of low and medium mobility);
  • observation of objects and phenomena of the environment;
  • labor orders and duty;
  • work with instilling cultural and hygienic skills;
  • various types of independent activities of children (visual, motor, artistic and speech, and the like).

In the summer, educational activities at the preschool educational institution provide for such planning in order to ensure the maximum stay of children in the fresh air. At the same time, the sequence and duration of different types of activity should be changed, regardless of the weather, the nature of the previous and subsequent activities, age, interests and needs of the pupils.

Stay in the fresh air

The outdoor exposure of children is reduced or not allowed due to unfavorable weather conditions, in particular, such as:

  • strong wind;
  • the air temperature is above + 35C in the shade;
  • downpour, thunderstorm.

Organization of FRT in the morning

In the first half of the day, after breakfast, organized educational and cognitive activities are carried out with the children in the form of classes in various directions: for physical development (daily); cognitive development; communicative speech development; artistic and aesthetic development.

When planning classes, it is necessary to indicate their topic, program tasks, the necessary material and special equipment, the course in the form of a plan.

In the summer, classes should be conducted outdoors whenever possible. Their subject matter, number, duration, frequency are determined depending on the age group of children and a specific educational goal.

Educational activities at the preschool educational institution include the organization of walks. The main time of walks should be devoted to a variety of children's play activities, using all types of games (plot-role, constructive-building, theatrical, didactic, mobile).

Educational activities at preschool educational institutions provide for the use of attributes for games. In the calendar plan, the educator must determine the attributes and toys that are needed for a specific role-playing game, and plan readings of the corresponding works of art and conversations on the content of the game.

These forms of work give the educator the opportunity to indirectly control the independent play activity of children, because reading an interesting work of art arouses in children the desire to reproduce what they have heard in play and contributes to the development of its plot (educators of the younger and middle group should reflect not only the creation of conditions for the deployment of role-playing games, a and techniques for teaching children to act with toys, showing certain game actions, their own participation in children's games; educators of older preschool children should write down techniques in terms of methods, stimulate children to become independent, for example: choosing a topic for a game, distributing roles, establishing positive friendships and the like).

On a walk

On walks in the morning and in the afternoon, it is imperative to carry out outdoor games, including games with elements of sports. It is worth not only offering children familiar games, but also learning new ones with them. Before these games, all children in the group must be involved.

The educator should remember that active participation in outdoor play without coercion creates a joyful mood in children and contributes to the achievement of the pedagogical and health-improving goal of the game.

It should be noted that in favorable weather, it is advisable to carry out 4-5 outdoor games during each walk.

In the heat, when the air temperature is too high, outdoor games must be replaced with calmer activities for children (games with water, with natural materials, etc.).

Activities while walking

In the calendar plan of the educational work of the educator during daytime walks, it is also advisable to provide:

  1. hardening procedures using stationary and portable equipment on the areas of shady canopies, inflatable pools, individual rugs, and the like;
  2. observation of objects, phenomena of the surrounding world and excursions to nature, to museums, other educational institutions(pharmacy, library, shop, clinic, etc.);
  3. creation of conditions for independent activity of children (play, motor, musical, visual, theatrical, cognitive, search and research, etc.);
  4. involving children in various types of collective labor activity(with the whole group or with subgroups), individual and group assignments, in particular:
  • group room cleaning;
  • repair of books, manuals, board games and the like;
  • washing of doll linen, handkerchiefs, ribbons;
  • making homemade toys;
  • labor in nature (on the site, in the garden, flower garden, in the garden);

Entertainment activities

Various entertainments are also being developed, in particular:

  1. physical culture entertainment (twice a month);
  2. puppet, table and other types of theater;
  3. concerts for children;
  4. musical and literary leisure;
  5. dramatization of literary works and the like.
  6. individual work with individual pupils or work with subgroups of two or four children with different semantic areas of pedagogical activity (when planning, it is worth indicating the names of the children, the direction of work, the goal, the necessary material);
  7. children's tourism (hiking, cycling), excursions, targeted walks are planned once a week in the presence of proper natural conditions (forest, park, reservoir, etc.).

On days when planning a hike, a nature excursion, or a targeted outing outside of preschool, you should not take physical culture, because children during such events have the opportunity to satisfy their need for physical activity and receive sufficient physical activity.

Children's educational activities at the preschool educational institution in the afternoon and evening

Children's educational activities in preschool educational institutions in the evening are planned taking into account the content of all children's activities during the day. For the evening, it is advisable to plan those activities that, in their meaning, would contribute to the generalization, clarification and consolidation of the knowledge and skills that the children acquired during the day, in particular, such as:

  • observation;
  • creative and didactic games;
  • collective work and assignments;
  • physical exercises and outdoor games of low and medium mobility;
  • individual work;
  • work with parents of pupils (conversations, consultations, etc.).

Compliance with the methodological requirements for planning educational work and organizing the life of children in the summer, the effective use of the healing forces of nature will give teachers the opportunity to create the necessary conditions for strengthening the health and harmonious development of preschool children.

Approximate distribution of time when organizing the life of children during the day in the summer

Regime moments
third year of life fourth year of life fifth year of life sixth year of life
Morning meeting of children, games.
Morning exercises.
07.30-08.15 07.30-08.20 07.30-08.25 07.30-08.30
Preparing for breakfast. Breakfast. 08.15-08.45 08.20-08.50 08.25-08.50 07.30-08.30
Games, communication, independent activities of children. Preparation for educational and cognitive activities. 08.45-09.00 08.50-09.00 08.50-09.00 08.50-09.00
Organized educational and cognitive activities 09.00-09.30 09.00-09.40 09.00-09.25
Preparing for a walk. Walk. 09.30-11.30 09.40-12.00 09.55-12.15 10.05-12.25
Returning from a walk. Preparing for lunch. Hardening procedures. 11.30-11.45 12.00-12.15 12.15-12.30 12.25-12.40
Dinner. Preparation for sleep. 11.45-12.30 12.15-13.00 12.30-13.00 12.40-13.10
Daytime sleep. 12.30-15.00 13.00-15.00 13.00-15.00 13.10-15.10
Gradual rise.
Hardening procedures.
15.00-15.20 15.00-15.20 15.00-15.30 15.10-15.40
Games, storage, entertainment.
Interest classes.
15.20-15.40 15.20-15.45 15.30-16.00 15.40-16.10
Preparing for an afternoon snack.
Afternoon snack.
15.40-16.00 15.45-16.05 16.00-16.20 16.10-16.30
Preparing for a walk. Walk.
Individual work.
Independent play activity.
Working with parents.
Returning children home.
16.00-18.00 16.05-18.00 16.20-18.00 16.30-18.00

Weekly distribution of organized educational and cognitive activities of preschoolers

Days of the week Estimated time allocation
Groups of young children 2 younger group Middle group Senior group Preparatory group
Monday 1. Physical education
2. Acquaintance with the surrounding world (objective, natural)

2. Physical education
1. Didactic games of logical and mathematical content
2. Music
1. Didactic games of logical and mathematical content
2. Music
1. Didactic games of logical and mathematical content
2. Physical education
Tuesday 1. Music

3. Physical education in the fresh air
1. Visual activity
2. Music
1. Physical education
1. Physical education
2. Development of speech (familiarization with the outside world, speech communication, fiction
1. Physical education
2. Development of speech (familiarization with the outside world, speech communication, fiction
Wednesday 1. Didactic games
2. Physical education in the fresh air
3. Entertainment

1. Physical education
1. Physical education
2. Visual activity
1. Development of speech (familiarization with the outside world, speech communication, fiction)
2. Physical education in the fresh air
Thursday 1. Development of speech (familiarization with the outside world, speech communication, fiction)
2. Physical education
1. Physical education
2. Acquaintance with the surrounding world (objective, natural)
3. Entertainment
1. Music
2. Didactic games for the development of speech

4. Entertainment
1. Music
2. Didactic games for the development of speech
3. Learning safety rules (15-20 min) (Crosswalk)
4. Entertainment
1. Music
2. Didactic games for the development of speech
3. Learning safety rules (15-20 min) (Crosswalk)
4. Entertainment
Friday 1. Music
2. Physical education in the fresh air
1. Music
2. Didactic games for the development of speech
3. Study of safety rules (Pedestrian crossing) (15-20 min)

2. Physical education in the fresh air
1. Acquaintance with the environment (subject, natural)
2. Physical education in the fresh air
1. Acquaintance with the environment (subject, natural)
2. Physical education in the fresh air

The main physical education and health activities recommended for spending with children in the summer

Educational activity at the preschool educational institution provides for health-improving physical activities.

Morning exercises (with corrective and breathing exercises).

Air baths (in lightweight clothes with gradual undressing down to underpants):

  • younger groups - duration from 1 min to 20 min;
  • middle groups - duration from 1 min to 30 min;
  • older groups - duration from 1 min to 40 min.

(the duration of taking air baths should be increased daily by 2 minutes for children of the second health group (weakened); the duration of light-air baths should be started at 1 minute and increased every 2 days by 1 minute).

Walking barefoot indoors, outdoors (on grass, sand, earth, clay, gravel) at the end of the walk.

Recreational jogging around the preschool on treadmills (at the end of the walk).

Walking (3p / week at an average pace for a distance of up to 700m (younger group), 1000m ( middle group), 1500 m (senior group).

Breathing exercises in the open air (relaxation);

Swimming pool: on hot days at an air temperature not lower than + 250C, a water temperature of + 370C and not lower than + 200C. Increase the duration of stay in the water gradually:

  • younger groups - from 30 seconds to 5 minutes (for each day of stay in the water increases by 30 seconds);
  • middle, older groups - from 30 seconds to 10 minutes (for each day of stay in the water increases by 1 minute).

Rinse your mouth with tap water.

Washing hands up to forearms and face with tap water (from the middle group).

Acupressure massage, auricle massage (middle-senior preschool age).

Finger gymnastics, elements of psycho-gymnastics.

Myogymnastics (exercises for the tongue) - from the middle group.

Gymnastics of awakening to classical music (in combination with self-massage of the feet, acupressure, reflexogenic "health path", corrective gymnastics, air baths, breathing exercises, walking barefoot, salt "health path", etc.).

Exercise for the eyes (2-3 minutes from the younger group).

Meditation games, gymnastics for the eyes (2-3 min).

Corrective exercises for the prevention of posture disorders and flat feet, outdoor games (4-5 in the first and second half of the day).

Sand therapy, sound therapy (listening to natural sounds for therapeutic purposes).

Therapeutic and prophylactic physical education classes (2p / week with elements of acupressure, exercises for the prevention of posture disorders and flat feet, plastic shows, respiratory and finger gymnastics, etc.).

Physical education in the fresh air (2p / week).

Pedestrian crossing (from the younger group 1p / week).



Educational planning

in a preschool educational institution

Introduction …………………………………………………………………… 2


1.1 Planning as a management function and a component of professional and pedagogical activity ………………………………………………………… 5

1.2 Specificity of the educational process at preschool educational institution ......................................................................... 13

1.3 Features of planning the educational process in a preschool educational institution. ………..19

Conclusions for Chapter 1 …………………………………………………………… .31

Chapter 2. The state of the educational process in MDOU №14 "Romashka" Kumertau

2.1. Analysis of the state of planning of the educational process in a preschool educational institution ... ... 32

Conclusions on Chapter 2 ……………………………………………………… .... 40

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………… ... 41

Bibliography. …………………………………………………………… .43

Appendix ………………………………………………………………… ..46


Relevance of the topic.

In the context of the instability of the modern world, the crisis of the system of public preschool education in Russia, it is very important for the head of a kindergarten to take adequate operational measures to preserve and develop the institution entrusted to him.

Planning is a key management function, the full implementation of which is one of the main factors that ensure the effectiveness of a manager's activities. That is why the issues of teaching kindergarten leaders the skills of scientific planning of their activities and its effective organization are becoming extremely relevant. Planning allows you to eliminate uncertainty, focus on the main tasks, achieve effective economic functioning and facilitate management control.

With proper planning, it becomes possible to predict the performance of each specific employee, which makes it easier to achieve common goals and objectives. Research in the field of management confirms the direct relationship between the ability to plan and the success of a leader in general.

The essence of planning is to direct the activities of the preschool educational institution to develop solutions aimed at adaptation kindergarten to constantly changing conditions, neutralization of factors that negatively affect the entire system of preschool education as a whole.

Analysis normative documents on preschool education, the study of the experience of managing a preschool institution allows us to conclude that it is necessary to improve the educational process and manage it in new conditions. Analysis of the works of K.Yu.Beloy, L.V. Pozdnyak, A.N. Troyan showed that the problem of the content and implementation of the function of planning the educational process has not been the object of a special study until now, although some of its aspects have been considered in connection with the study organizational and pedagogical activities of heads of preschool institutions.

Analysis of the works of Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, M.M. Potashnik, A.M. Moiseev, P.I. Tretyakov, E.A. Yamburg and others on the management of an educational institution showed that the main attention of scientists is aimed at studying the problems of managing the educational process in a modern school. The technologies for the development of an innovative school proposed in them, of course, cannot be fully used in managing the development of a preschool institution due to its specificity.

Thus, the problem of planning the educational process in a preschool educational institution as an initial link in the education system is currently insufficiently developed. Practical significance of this problem and scientific lack of development make it relevant.

Object of study: the process of managing a preschool educational institution.

Subject of study: planning of the educational process as a function of the preschool educational institution management.

Research hypothesis: The preschool educational institution management process will be effective provided the systematic use of forces, funds, time, human resources to achieve an optimal result.

purpose of work: to study the features of planning the educational process in a preschool educational institution.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. To analyze the scientific-methodical and psychological-pedagogical literature on the problems of managing a modern preschool educational institution.

2. To reveal the features of planning the educational process in a preschool educational institution.

3. Conduct an analysis of the state of planning in a basic kindergarten.

Research methods: methods theoretical research(work with literature, analysis, generalization), methods of empirical research (study of the work plan of a basic kindergarten, planning analysis and development of methodological recommendations).

The practical significance of the study:

The study may be of interest to managers and educators of preschool educational institutions, as well as students of pedagogical educational institutions.

Study structure: the work consists of an introduction, a theoretical chapter, 2 chapters - a practical one, a conclusion, a list of references presented by 32 sources, an application.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of planning the educational process in Preschool

1.1 Planning as a management function and a component of professional and pedagogical activity

Modern pedagogical science seeks to comprehend the integral pedagogical process from the standpoint of management science. Management is an objectively conditioned phenomenon, brought about by the laws and interconnections of the functioning of systems. What is governance?

The encyclopedic dictionary provides the following definition: “ Control- this is a function of organized systems of various nature, ensuring the preservation of their specific structure, maintenance of the mode of activity, the implementation of their programs and goals. " At the same time, depending on the nature of the object, they are distinguished:

a) biological,

b) technical,

c) social management.

Variety social management is the management of pedagogical systems. Let us turn to the specifics of governance in society.

Social management is always associated with people and is carried out on the basis of social laws. It, of course, has much in common with control in technical, biological systems, with the control of various natural processes, but it never mixes with them, does not replace their laws and always retains its essence. In the management of society, it is people who, through certain organizational norms, incentives, etc., control their social relations, behavior and activities. Here, both the subject and the object of management is a person in the entire complex of his aspirations, an active person, purposeful, with his own needs, interests, goals and will. Social management consists in directing, organizing, regulating impact on social processes.

Considering the above, we can say that management in society is a goal-setting, organizing and regulating impact of people on their own social, group life.

Management differs from social self-regulation, which can be spontaneous, occur chaotically, accidentally, arise as a result of an endless clash of interests, which nevertheless create some kind of resultant.

Governed by generally understood as activities aimed at making decisions, organizing, controlling, regulating an object, managing in accordance with a given goal, analyzing and summing up on the basis of reliable information.

Management of pedagogical systems(as a kind of social management) is a purposeful, conscious interaction of participants in a holistic pedagogical process based on the knowledge of its objective laws.

The main management goal: effective and systematic use of forces, means, time, human resources to achieve optimal results.

Objectives follow management tasks, which are solved in a complex and determine the technology for achieving goals. A task is a work or part of a work (operation, procedure) that must be performed in a predetermined way within a predetermined time frame.

The essence of management is expressed through its functions (from lat. functio- execution), in which the range of activities, its content, its types, purpose, role are determined. In other words, the management process is the sequential execution of certain types of activities (functions).

Function- a type of activity based on the division and cooperation of managerial labor, characterized by variety, certainty, complexity and stability.

For the first time, management functions were identified by A. Fayol in the XX century. (planning, organization, coordination, management and control). In the future, the set of management functions was supplemented, expanded and refined.

In 1922 the fundamental work of M.Kh. Mescon, M. Albert and F. Hedouri "Fundamentals of Management". Management is the theory and practice of management in social organizations, i.e. in people's organizations. New areas of scientific knowledge have emerged: "management in construction", "management in education", etc.

In modern scientific literature, there are many different classification schemes for the functional composition of management. In the works of V.G. Afanasyeva, A.I. Kitova, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, B.F. Lomov, R.Kh. Shakurova, V.A. Yakunin and others, the following types of management activities are distinguished: goal setting, planning or management decision-making, organization, control, regulation (or correction).

In the theory of management, the following main functions are distinguished mainly: planning, organization, motivation and control. These four primary management functions are united by interconnecting communication and decision-making processes.

Applying the method of imposing on the generalized composition of functions allocated by social scientists, and comparing them with the composition of those adopted in management, it can be noted that the composition contains common functions(goal setting, planning, organization, control) and functions that are specific, for example, regulation, motivation, incentives.

P.I. Tretyakov defined the composition of the management functions of pedagogical systems from the standpoint of a double approach and established their interconnection and sequence, a phased change of each other, which forms a single management cycle. The dual approach assumes the interconnection of the various functions of the manager's activity. For example, the head of the preschool educational institution not only plans the work of the institution, but also predicts the possible result (planning and prognostic function); not only collects and systematizes information, but also analyzes it (information and analytical function); goals are necessarily dictated by the motive of the activity (motivational-target function), etc.

Among these functions of management as types of activities, the goal is a system-forming factor. Under the influence of motives and goals, the information and analytical basis of the management process is formed. The motivational-target setting is the starting point for forecasting and planning activities, determines organizational forms, ways, means decisions taken, serves as a standard for monitoring and diagnostic assessment of actual results, allows you to implement and correct the pedagogical process and the activities of employees. To implement any control function, all other functions will be involved, since they are interrelated and complementary.

In our work, we will rely on the provisions presented by V.P. Sergeeva. ... Any management activity consists of a sequence of interrelated functions that represent a complete cycle:

a) analysis;

b) goal setting and planning;

c) organizational activity;

d) control and regulation

Let us consider the essence of each of the selected functions and determine the directions of their more effective implementation in the management of a preschool educational institution:

a) pedagogical analysis function in its modern sense was developed by Yu.A. Konarzhevsky. She occupies a special position in management. The management cycle begins with analysis, and it ends with it. The main purpose of pedagogical analysis, according to Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, consists in studying the state and trends in the development of the pedagogical process, in an objective assessment of its results with the subsequent development on this basis of recommendations for streamlining the management system.

Analysis involves the allocation of parts in the object under study, an assessment of the role and place of each part, the connection of parts into a whole, the establishment of connections between the parts.

Without the implementation of this function, it is impossible to specifically, accurately determine the goals and objectives of management activities, make reasonable decisions, effective management activities are impossible. Pedagogical analysis requires intellectual tension of the personality, formed by analytical thinking.

Depending on the content of the analysis, the following types are distinguished:

* parametric;

* thematic;

* final.

Parametric Analysis consists in studying daily information about the course and results of the pedagogical process, identifying the reasons that violate it. The subject of this analysis may be an individual lesson or educational matter, current student performance, or the sanitary and hygienic state of the school. Decisions made on the basis of parametric analysis require prompt execution.

Thematic analysis is aimed at studying more stable, repetitive dependencies, trends in the course and results of the pedagogical process. It allows you to identify the features of the manifestation of individual components of the integral pedagogical process, to determine their interaction. The subject of pedagogical analysis can be a system of lessons, a system of extracurricular activities, etc. The thematic analysis data determine the technology of the final analysis.

Final analysis covers a more significant temporal, spatial and content framework. It includes the study of the main results of pedagogical activity at the end of the academic quarter, year. The final analysis is the basis for the implementation of subsequent functions of the management cycle;

b) goal setting and planning- integral functions of management activities. It is the basis of management and the most important stage of the management cycle at all levels of management.

Applied to the management of a preschool institution planning and forecasting consists in determining the zones of the nearest and future development of the kindergarten in the specific conditions of pedagogical analysis. This is the activity of the participants in the pedagogical process on the optimal choice of real goals, ways to achieve them through a combination of methods, means and influences aimed at the transition of an educational institution to a new qualitative state.

The preparation of a work plan for a preschool institution involves not only the process of drawing up a plan, but also the thought activity of the head to substantiate what needs to be done to achieve the set goals.

Planning must meet a number of fundamental requirements. This is the unity of long-term and short-term planning, implementation of the principle of combining state and general education principles, ensuring the comprehensive nature of forecasting and planning, stability and flexibility of planning based on forecasts.

Planning will be effective if three main conditions are met:

  • an objective assessment of the level of work of a preschool institution at the time of planning;
  • a clear idea of ​​those results, the level of work that should be achieved by the end of the planning period;
  • the choice of the best ways, means, methods that will help to achieve the set goals, and therefore, to get the planned result.

The essence of planning is to determine the main types of activities, activities, the selection and placement of specific performers and in determining the timing of execution. The activities of a preschool institution are regulated by numerous documents. All of them should be taken into account when drawing up a work plan for the year.

In the process of the development of the plan, its refinement and correction takes place depending on the objective conditions. However, the number of such amendments can be reduced to a minimum if the principles of scientific character, optimality, complexity, prospects, and collegiality are taken into account when forming the plan.

A necessary condition for real planning of work is also taking into account the specific characteristics of a particular teaching staff, a preschool institution, the real situation and conditions, as well as the individual characteristics of those who will carry out the planned activities in practice.

When developing a plan, it is important to take into account the results of the past academic year and, on their basis, build a scheme for the development of the institution for a new period.

v) organization of activities is aimed at the implementation of the decisions taken. This function includes: a preliminary set of performers and co-performers, the selection of forms and methods of forthcoming activities and their correlation with the real conditions and capabilities of performers. Organization of activities is the process of bringing people and means together to achieve set goals.

In the structure of the manager's organizational activity, motivation occupies an important place. work ahead... Motivation refers to the process of encouraging oneself and others to act in order to achieve personal goals and the goals of the organization.

d) closely related to all functions of the management cycle control.

In the very general view control means the process of comparing (correlation) of actually achieved results with the planned ones.

In the process of monitoring, you can get answers to the following questions: what have you learned? what should you do differently next time? what is the reason for the deviations from the planned? what impact did control have on decision making? was the impact of the control positive or negative? what conclusions should be drawn to develop new goals?

In order for control to give an objective assessment of the state of affairs, stimulate pedagogical activity, the following requirements must be met:

»Systematic - control should be carried out regularly using a variety of methods and forms;

“Objectivity - verification must be carried out in accordance with the requirements state standards;

»Efficiency, ie the results of control should lead to positive changes, elimination of shortcomings; the competence of the inspector.

The information obtained during the control, in turn, becomes the subject of pedagogical analysis.

Based on the above, we can do output, what control pedagogical systems is a purposeful, conscious interaction of participants in a holistic pedagogical process based on the knowledge of its objective laws, and planning- it is an integral function of management activities. It is the basis of management and the most important stage of the management cycle. Basic aim management is the effective and systematic use of forces, means, time, human resources to achieve an optimal result. management tasks, which are solved in a complex and determine the technology for achieving goals. In the system of preschool education, planning consists in determining the zones of the nearest and future development of the kindergarten in the specific conditions of pedagogical analysis. This is the activity of participants in the pedagogical process on the optimal choice of real goals, ways to achieve them through a set of methods, means and influences aimed at the transition of an educational institution to a new qualitative state. The transition of an educational institution to a new qualitative state in our unstable time is impossible without the activity of all participants in the pedagogical process on the optimal choice of real goals and ways to achieve them.

1.2 The specifics of the educational process at preschool educational institutions

The pedagogical process is considered in pedagogy as a purposeful, meaningful and organizationally formed interaction of the pedagogical activity of adults and children (B.T.Likhachev). It represents a certain system, the components of which are the content, means, methods, forms of interaction between the educator and the educated. The word "process" indicates a stretch in time, and the word "pedagogical" speaks of the focus on transforming the personality of a person (child).

The pedagogical process has a purpose, content, activity and result. And its performers are necessarily two interconnected sides - the one who brings up, and the one who is brought up. At the same time, the pedagogical process is effective only if both the one who acts and the one to whom it is directed is active.

The concept of "pedagogical process" is used in a narrow and broad sense... V broad sense is a set of all conditions, means, methods, etc., aimed at solving one global problem. For example, the pedagogical process of a preschool institution is aimed at the comprehensive education and development of a preschool child. The pedagogical process in a broad sense includes a large, global, task, and a combination of all components of the impact on the personality.

When is the concept of "pedagogical process" used in narrow sense, I mean the concentration of the content of education, its means, methods, forms of organization on some more specific task, for example, the pedagogical process aimed at solving the problems of moral, aesthetic and other aspects of education; or even more narrowly - aimed at fostering honesty, skills of cultural behavior, principles of creativity, etc. So, in a wide pedagogical process, several pedagogical "mini-processes" can function at once. The pedagogical process, aimed at solving a narrow problem, is always a meaningful unit of the general pedagogical process and, despite a certain autonomy, is connected with the latter and depends on it. For example, a pedagogical process is being developed and implemented to foster a culture of behavior. The attention of the teacher (more often of the teacher-researcher) is concentrated on the selection of methods, means, forms of organization that will help solve this problem. But it is realized against the background of other tasks of upbringing and personal development and at the same time with their solution.

This is because that the pedagogical process is about possesses integrity, community and unity.

In a narrow sense, the pedagogical process can be considered from the position of limiting the components of the impact. For example, as a combination of different types of activity: games, labor, educational, sports, artistic activities aimed at solving a specific problem.

Despite some differences, in the development of all pedagogical processes, the same type of stages can be distinguished: preparatory, main, final (I.P. Podlasy).

At the first, preparatory stage of the pedagogical process, the goal, specific tasks are determined, the state of the issue is clarified, the result and the scheme of the process are planned, predicted, methods of influence are selected taking into account the main task, the age of children and the concept of upbringing (at the present stage, this is the concept of a personality-oriented approach, which involves implementation by the educator of the "Declaration of the Rights of the Child").

So, the educator considers it important to educate children of a positive attitude to work. This goal is concretized taking into account the age. Then the nature of the attitude to work in this group is studied, tasks are set in relation to specific children, the components of the impact are selected, and the desired result is formulated. The preparatory stage ends with a plan promising work, adjusted on the basis of clarifying the state of the issue in practice and predicting the result.

The plan is implemented at the second, main stage of the pedagogical process. At the main stage, the pedagogical interaction of the pupil and the educator is carried out, there is constant operational control over the intermediate results. Operational control helps to detect deviations, errors and immediately make corrections, make the necessary additions or changes. A thinking teacher does not hide from the analysis of mistakes, does not delude himself with the first positive results, but finds out their reasons. This stage is therefore called the main one, because it is in the process of its implementation that the set educational and educational tasks are solved.

It is very important at this stage to constantly maintain and take into account the feedback - the child's response to the stimuli.

The third and final stage is for analyzing the results. The analysis took place at the main stage, but now an exhaustive analysis of the reasons for obtaining positive results and the formation of disadvantages is being carried out. The legitimacy of the tasks set, the adequacy of the selected means, methods, and forms of organization are considered once again. It reveals what gave the best result, and what turned out to be of little effect.

Of course, this work is laborious. But without her, the teacher will not become a master of his craft.

There are several principles of building a ped gogic process in a preschool institution:

Take into account the age capabilities of children; rely on the interests of the child;

Solve educational and educational tasks in their unity;

To take into account the provision on the leading activity, the change in activity and the compensatory relationship of different types of activity in a single pedagogical process;

Carry out the interaction of the educator with the children with the leading role of an adult;

Create a natural, relaxed environment in which a free creative personality will develop;

To stimulate in the pedagogical process the educator and pupils to mutual respect and observance of the "Declaration of the Rights of the Child".

Organization of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution... In the history of Russian preschool pedagogy, there have been several options for building the pedagogical process. In the 1920s and 1930s, when the system of public preschool education was just developing, the pedagogical process was based on organizing moments. The whole life of children at certain intervals was centered around organizing moments. Each organizing moment was built on the basis of the following parts of the program: social and political education, labor education, natural history, physical education, muzo, art (these are the formulations given in the program), mathematics. The content of each subsection was revealed and specific forms of work were proposed. At the end of each organizing moment, the content of work with parents was indicated. For example, in the middle and senior groups, it was proposed to divide the entire academic year into four quarters (autumn, winter, spring, summer). There were four organizing moments in each quarter. In the autumn quarter, the following organizing moments stood out: "Organization of the group's life" (duration of study - 15-18 days); “Improvement of everyday life” (duration approximately 18-20 days); "Celebration of the October Revolution" (duration approximately 20-25 days); "Organization of the working room" (the duration of the study is approximately 18-20 working days). Each quarter was scheduled in this way.

The work on organizing moments assumed that at the time allotted for it, the children would receive necessary knowledge, to consolidate them in games, work, visual activity, etc.

This approach to the construction of the pedagogical process had both positive and negative sides. On the positive side, the children had the opportunity to concentrate on certain cognitive material for quite a long time; they developed skills social behavior, worldview.

In the general methodological instructions for work on organizing moments, it is especially noted that the teacher must be attentive to what and how children learn. Here is how it was said about the organizing moment “Celebrating the October Revolution”: “The main feature of this organizing moment is its bright political saturation. Therefore, with insufficient thought through the material proposed for study, it is easy to create an overload, and this will not clarify or deepen, but, on the contrary, confuse the concepts that children already have. This most often happens when children are given a lot of verbal material that is not related to any facts from the life and their own active activities of children "(see: Program of works of preschool institutions. - M .; L., 1932. - p. 3 .). Lawful and Reasonable Direction. However, in practice it was not implemented. And the construction of the pedagogical process on the basis of highlighting the "organizing moments" led to formalism and over-organization of the educational process.

In the future, other forms of building the pedagogical process were used: thematic and complex. The essence of the thematic form lies in the fact that a topic was singled out as the basis of the pedagogical process. Its content was revealed, as a rule, in the classroom. The study of one topic could take place in several sessions. The topic could include other activities related to it in content. The difference between this form and the one discussed above is that one and the same topic could be repeated during the school year and the entire educational process should not be subject to it. The content of the topics could be one section of the program (most often there was a section of social and political education), and other sections were studied in parallel.

"Complexes" - the so-called complex construction of the pedagogical process, characterized by an attempt to establish a logical relationship between different sections. One "complex" included various activities of children or different, but related content.

All these approaches to the construction of the pedagogical process are united by one thing - the desire to group, bring together educational influences, not to scatter them, but to give in a concentrated, purposeful manner. This idea is positive, it meets the characteristics of preschool age. But the principle of concentration cannot be applied to all content at once, and then some aspects of this content become, as it were, secondary, and the teacher's attention to their mastering decreases. The main thing suffers - the versatile development of the personality. In addition, the choice of topics or the content of the "complex" had no scientific justification and was subjective, "gustatory" in nature.

A more modern approach is the organization of the pedagogical process on the basis of highlighting the dominant educational and educational goals. The educational task is put forward as the leading (dominant) goal. Its content is dictated by the peculiarities of the development of children at a certain age stage and specific tasks of upbringing. The dominant goal determines the relationship and hierarchy of upbringing and educational tasks. The order and interaction of different types of activities, multifaceted in content and forms of organization, and uniform in motivation and purpose, depend on the content of the dominant goals. The diversity of content and forms allows satisfying and developing the various interests and abilities of children, and a single motivation is to direct this development into a common pedagogically valuable channel. A distinctive feature of such a construction of the pedagogical process is that the dependence between different types of activity is changing. First, one or the other activity comes to the fore, the most optimal for the implementation of the dominant goal. Other activities are not excluded, but play a concomitant role. For example, in senior group the goal of fostering positive relationships between children has been put forward as the dominant goal. Joint activity is becoming the central form of work with preschoolers, allowing children to exercise in positive relationships. It can be a game, work, organized on the principle of compatibility. As an accompanying activity, classes (ethical conversations about relationships), independent individual artistic activities (the child prepares something for the whole group or makes a gift for a friend), holidays, etc.

Thus, each of the above approaches to organizing the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution has its own positive and negative aspects. Until now, the search continues for the most optimal form of building the pedagogical process in a preschool institution.

1.3 Features of planning the educational process in a preschool educational institution

Currently, preschool institutions can choose priority areas, programs, types of educational services, new forms of work focused on the interests of the teaching staff and parents. The problem of planning is relevant, but at the same time one of the difficult tasks facing preschool institutions, which are opening new forms of preschool education on their basis: short-term stay groups, counseling centers, child play support centers, an early assistance service, and a lekothek.

Planning Is a process of developing sequential actions, the essence of which is to build a system of upbringing and educational work. Consequently, all types of pedagogical activity need planning.

The plan is the main document on the basis of which all the activities of the specialists of the structural unit are organized. Systems approach planning is provided by a strictly thought out structure and content of the plans of all involved specialists. However, it is assumed that in the course of implementation, plans may be revised and adjusted depending on objective conditions.

The set of different types of planning, applied simultaneously in a separate preschool institution, is called a form of planning. Accordingly, the structural unit can also have its own form. Any form of planning can be considered in terms of content, scale of presentation, degree of detail, etc. In terms of timing, the following plan terminology is used:

Perspective, compiled for a long term (year, quarter, month);

Calendar, compiled on short term(week, day);

Cyclogram - a diagram of regularly held events (throughout the year, month).

Considering planning the work of a structural unit in the general system of plans for a preschool institution, the following types of plans can be distinguished.

    Planning the work of the structural unit as a whole, which is drawn up by the head of the structural unit and approved by the pedagogical council of the preschool institution:

division's annual work plan

o long-term plan the work of the unit

specialist's annual work plan

specialist's calendar work plan

    Planning work with a specific group of children and parents is made by the educator (for short-term stay groups and child play support centers):

the calendar plan of the teacher's work

plans for individual, group work (included in the list of documents for the child)

With competent planning, the head of the structural unit has the opportunity to rationally distribute the work of specialists in time and predict the results. This creates the preconditions for the successful organization of a new form of activity.

This can also be facilitated by the preparation of the Program - an internal document of the structural unit. Taking into account the specifics of the conditions and the real situation of a particular preschool institution.

Program Is a document that performs various functions: basis for payment, characteristics professional level teacher, the specifics of the content of the educational process and psychological and pedagogical assistance to the family and the child.

Work program of the structural unit is built on the basis of the development program and the educational program of the preschool educational institution. In our opinion, it can have a similar adapted structure.

1. Explanatory note or introduction (for gradual entry into the content of the program), which reflects:

1.1. Relevance (including the demand by parents for a new form of work in the microdistrict and the possibilities of a specific preschool institution: availability of premises, material and technical base, qualifications and employment of teachers, priority areas of activity);

1.2. Normative legal documents governing the activities of the structural unit.

2. Program and methodological support of work (based on the educational program of the preschool educational institution);

2.1. Purpose and objectives (i.e., what the activity is aimed at, a specific, qualitatively characterized image of the desired result, which determines the strategy and tactics of the educational process, taking into account the interests of parents and society);

2.2. Principles of building upbringing and educational work;

2.3. Methods, techniques, means of working with children and parents;

2.4. Contingent.

3. The content of the work, including materials on the areas of activity of teachers and specialists (what is the amount of information; how is it distributed throughout the year; what information is included in the sections; in what form and by what methods is the work carried out depending on the topic or type of activity, etc.) ). The material can be presented in the form of a detailed text, grouped by age and section with the addition of additional plans, schemes, methodological recommendations.

· An adapted model of the upbringing and educational process during the period of stay of children and parents (distribution in time of various types of activities);

· Thematic or long-term work plan of the educator (for CIPR and GKP);

· Thematic or long-term work plan of specialists.

4. Diagnostics taking into account the directions of activity structural units:

Diagnostics used (name, who developed it, evaluation criteria);

Results for the previous academic year;

The results of the surveys carried out.

4.1. Diagnostics according to the specified problems.

4.1. Diagnostics of readiness to attend a preschool or general education institution.

4.2. Parents' mastery of gaming interaction techniques, etc.

5. Conditions for the implementation of the Program.

5.1. Distribution of responsibilities between employees of the structural unit.

5.2. Working with parents:

· Forms and methods;

· Topics of consultations, questions when applying.

5.3. Components of a subject-development environment:

· Offices of specialists (what);

· Zones (for teamwork, educational games, etc.);

· List of toys and benefits.

5.4. Interaction with society and other institutions (including scientific institutions and medical institutions).

1. Applications (optional).

The program, like the plans of specialists, can be presented in text and graphic forms. This is the most optimal combination, which has been noted by many modern authors considering planning issues. Without a text form, according to L.M. Volobueva, it is impossible to assess the completeness and integrity of the content. Without graphic - to optimally coordinate events in space and time to avoid overloaded weeks of "collision" of events. With graphic planning, it is possible to analyze the systematic nature of activities, consistency, continuity, density of events, the workload of teachers in a certain period of time.

In our opinion, it is with the Program that it is necessary to coordinate current activities and the plans of specialists who concretize, and in individual cases correct or supplement it with activities.

Let's take a closer look at the two main forms of planning: annual and calendar plan. Both one and the other form are used by the manager, the methodologist and the educator. Annual plan the head and the methodologist assumes the organization of the work of the entire team throughout the year. It identifies at least 3-4 leading tasks (the number is determined by the employees themselves). For example: to achieve the implementation of the program on the section "Connected speech" in the classroom and in everyday life; introduce effective methods and techniques for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers; to form the basis of ecological culture by introducing a holistic technology of an ecological-personal approach to a child; systematize the work of introducing the family to environmental education children.

Then the forms in which the annual plan will be carried out are revealed. These can be workshops, contests, consultations, screenings, pedagogical advice, meetings, etc. A separate section of the plan is organizational and pedagogical work (topics of meetings of pedagogical councils, thematic checks, the content of the work of the parent committee, cooperation with the school, etc.).

The design of the annual work plan of a preschool institution can be very diverse. It can be drawn up in any form convenient for a particular teaching staff: schematic-block, calendar (broken down by months), cyclical in the form of work, etc. Focusing on the main content of the activity and its focus on the final results, consider the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution , in which the same sections are present every year. Only the goals and content of the sections change, which are determined by the results obtained.

The annual work plan includes the following sections:

o ensuring health and healthy lifestyle;

o ensuring a high level of upbringing and education of preschoolers in accordance with the program implemented in the preschool educational institution;

o creation of conditions for ensuring the readiness of older preschoolers to study at school; scientific, methodological and staffing of the educational process;

o relationship in the work of the preschool educational institution with the family, school and other organizations;

strengthening the material, technical and financial base.

Events are planned annually in the listed areas of activity, but the goals and objectives are different, depending on the results obtained.

V calendar plan the methodologist already marks the specific dates of the events from the annual plan.

The teacher also plans common tasks for the year for his group. The calendar plan, which can be drawn up for a month, specifies the tasks and the content of the work for the week. There is no single form of plan today. Each preschool institution and even each educator has the right to determine the form of planning that is convenient for itself.

As part of our research, we will consider the variable schedules proposed by V.G. Alyamovskaya.

Train plan- this is a plan of detailed abstracts of developmental activities. These notes are drawn up according to a certain scheme:

1) the structure of the lesson is determined;

2) each of its elements is provided didactically;

3) a chain of models of communication with children is built in each structural block of the lesson.

The figurative name "Train" was given because its notes, "trailers", clinging to each other, form a "composition" - an integral educational system. The teacher, like a locomotive, sets this complex system in motion. Models of notes for developing activities are diverse and depend on the form of organization educational activities.

An approximate model of such a synopsis is presented in Table 1 [Appendix # 1].

From the given model, we see that the partnership style of communication prevails in the lesson: authoritarian techniques are insignificant and their use is justified. Children are given maximum independence, including in assessing their activities. The success of each child is ensured through the differentiation of ways of completing the task, conditions are created for the self-realization of children, they are given freedom of choice and expression of will.

The most valuable thing in this regard is the joint setting of the goal of the activity and finding one's own, meaningful only for the child, personal goal. It often happens that the educator has his own meaning of the activity in the classroom, and the child has his own, while often these meanings do not even touch. Revealing the meanings of each child's activities helps the educator not only to professionally competently implement an individual approach, but also to accordingly organize personal interaction with him.

It is not necessary to follow the literal model given above when compiling notes on the train plan. This model is a kind of "cheat sheet", using which it is important not to miss the most important thing - creating a situation for understanding by children put the problems they face. It is important to challenge the child's abilities and capabilities, his knowledge. He must make sure that his existing experience is not enough for him, and also that with the help of his peers, his own ingenuity, he will be able to solve the problem. Children are always happy to accept the challenge. Try to tell them: "Weak ?!" - and soon you will hear in response: "Not weak!"

The "Train" plan contributes to the accumulation of experience in organizing developmental activities. In this "piggy bank" their various models gradually appear. And when it "turns out to be complete", you can move on to the next alternative planning option - the "Honeycomb" plan.

Honeycomb plan is a kind of matrix, which "fit" the topics of the classes. Basically, this is a kind of thematic plan. But it specifies the subject matter of not one educational course, but several. Such a plan is drawn up for a month in advance.

When drawing up the "Honeycomb" plan, the teacher first, according to the schedule, indicates the topics of physical culture and music lessons, and then distributes the rest of the lessons. The sequence of the classes is set independently, there is no rigid "schedule of classes". According to this plan, children can draw or listen to fairy tales for several days in a row, if the logic of the presentation of the program material requires it. Caregivers are well aware that sometimes interruption of activities is not indicated for the development of children. Of course, children will be able to remember what they did a week ago. But will the required intellectual and emotional mood return? And then - every case should be brought to its logical conclusion. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense to conduct several sessions of the same type in a row.

The main guidelines for drawing up a plan for "Honeycomb" are Basic and Thematic plans of educational courses. The basic plan defines the weekly study load, which the teacher cannot exceed. Thematic plans allow him to normalize the content of educational activities.

When drawing up a plan, one should take into account the weekly and monthly biological rhythms of a person, the periods of his maximum activity and fatigue. The saturation of the intellectual load of classes should decrease by the end of the week, the last week of the month should be "easy" at all.

Usually, the goals and objectives of classes in the "Honeycomb" plan are not indicated, since they are formulated in thematic plans and in the detailed notes of the "Train" plan. But, if the teacher wishes, he can indicate the purpose of the lesson.

The plan is drawn up in the form of a table of 20 cells. One for each day of the month [The model of the “Honeycomb” plan is presented in Appendix # 2].

Plan "Calendar" - this is a plan of basic tasks for the development of the child's personality in various types of activity and the development of the activity itself. It is compiled for the quarter. Plan "Calendar" is a kind of bridge to the development of integrative educational courses. At first, educators considered it the most difficult plan, but as their professional skill grew, there were no problems with drawing it up.

The essence of this planning option is simple. For each type of activity, a list of basic tasks is drawn up. These tasks are grouped according to the degree of complexity and interconnectedness. Then they are distributed quarterly. This does not mean that all the attention of the teacher will be directed to solving only these problems. Everything is done in a complex. It's just that more attention is paid to the solution of precisely these tasks in this period.

After the tasks of each specific type of activity are grouped, it is necessary to determine in which types of activities they will be best solved.

Let us now explain why caregivers find this plan difficult. The fact is that if the "Train" and "Honeycomb" plans were based on previously developed thematic plans, then the "Calendar" plan requires their revision. Basically, a timetable is drawn up first, then a thematic plan for each activity. This work, though troublesome, is rewarding. It teaches to integrate the content of the educational process, expands the pedagogical capabilities of the educator, allowing him to come close to the category of professionals, which we have designated as "guarantors of development."

Making a plan is not difficult (preparation is more difficult!). For each type of activity, a large sheet is started (like two A4 sheets). On the left side of the sheet, the basic tasks of the child's development in this type of activity are recorded, and on the right side - in what types of activities these tasks will be solved: in special classes of this type of activity, in other courses, in the process of playing activity, etc. As you move from one activity to another, coincidences will appear. For example, some tasks for the development of mathematical representations can be successfully solved in the process of activity and vice versa. Such coincidences should be generalized and on this basis an integrative course should be drawn up.

The development of integrative courses allows you to optimize the educational process, as well as free up time for the organization of additional educational services and the free activity of children.

Plan higher trust "Rainbow" allows you to build a model of a graduate of each age group and the shortest way to approach its implementation.

This plan is extremely specific. In it, for each type of activity, it is indicated to which "milestones" of development the children should approach by the end of the school year. The "Rainbow" plan makes it possible to create a visual model of the educational process, to find the best options for its organization. The plan is drawn up for the academic year.

The procedure for developing a plan is as follows:

1. For each type of educational activity (development of speech, visual skills, etc.), the tasks of the development of children are determined. It is indicated how personal experience(knowledge, abilities, skills, habits) they must possess by the end of the school year.

2. Diagnostic techniques are selected, with the help of which it is possible to assess the level of development of children with a sufficient degree of reliability. They should be simple and understandable for every caregiver. On the basis of these techniques, models of game test lessons are developed.

3. The content of activities in each month of the academic year is structured.

The Rainbow plan can be presented as a package of plans for each type of activity [Appendix No. 3, Scheme 1], or it can be summarized in two sections:

1. Development tasks and model characteristics of children.

Experience has shown that caregivers generally prefer the first option, which is shown in Figure 1.

In conclusion, it is necessary to point out that the professional experience accumulated by educators in the development of developmental classes, the presence of various thematic plans, integrated educational courses, the ability to build "educational routes" allow them to successfully organize their pedagogical activities in accordance with the "Rainbow" plan

Mandatory supplements to calendar plans

Whatever version of the plan the educators use, the mandatory appendices to it are:

1. Schedule of the regime of life of children (planned for a week).

2. Content of work with parents (for a month).

3. Observation of the surrounding life and seasonal changes in nature (for a month).

4. Complexes of morning exercises and gymnastics after a nap (for a month).

5. Organization of work with parents (for a month).

6. Work to create a developing environment (month or quarter).

Life schedule schedule is a visual model of how children's lives are organized during the week. It is developed on the basis of the calendar plan by the method of bureaucratic planning (the method of signs and symbols). The day is "divided" into time periods (regime segments) and it is indicated what the children will do during this period, in what form this activity will be organized.

The schedule allows you to see if the day is overloaded, and to adjust the calendar plan for educational work with children / The content of work with parents is planned for a month. It should be indicated on what days and what will be done by each group educator, and what gardening activities will be held.

Observations of the surrounding life and seasonal changes in nature are compiled in the form of a list. It is possible (but not necessary) to specify the tasks of activating the dictionary. Accounting in any form is required. A complex of morning exercises, gels, it is carried out in the fresh air, it is planned in 3 versions: for normal (seasonal) weather, with high humidity, with strong wind; The 4th option is being developed in case of bad weather, when it is impossible to carry out gymnastics in the fresh air.

Work to create and improve the development environment planned for a month or a quarter, in accordance with the personal and creative plans of educators and the preschool educational program. The model of the schedule of the mode of vital activity of children, see Appendix No. 4.

Thus , planning Is a complex process that requires time and coordination of the efforts of all specialists, but built on a real basis, with an integrated approach to solving the most important problems, which largely determines the effectiveness and efficiency of the activities of a preschool educational institution.

Conclusions for chapter 1.

Having studied the psychological and methodological literature on the topic of our work, we came to the conclusion that planning is a key management function, the full implementation of which is one of the main factors that ensure the effectiveness of a manager. It is defined as the advance determination of the order, sequence of the implementation of educational and educational work, indicating the necessary conditions, the means, forms and methods used. With proper planning, it becomes possible to predict the performance of each specific employee, which makes it easier to achieve common goals and objectives. Planning includes:

Target selection;

Determining the means to achieve them;

Choosing a strategy, course of action;

Development of tactics, lines of behavior;

Development of programs, procedures, rules.

The basis for planning the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution is the "Program" according to which the preschool institution operates. Educational program- a document that defines the specifics of the organization of the educational process (content, forms), taking into account the standard of the preschool level of education. This is a model of the educational process. It sets out the multicomponent content of education and consists of an integral series of parts, mutually interconnected.

Planning is based on the following principles:

  • taking into account specific pedagogical conditions: the age composition of the group, the level of development of children;
  • the relationship between the process of education and training;
  • regularity, consistency, repetition of educational influences.

In the next part of our research, we will analyze the state of planning the educational process of the basic preschool educational institution and offer methodological recommendations for developing an annual plan.

Chapter 2. State of the educational process

in MDOU №14 "Romashka" Kumertau

2.1. Analysis of the state of planning of the educational process in a preschool educational institution

In order to solve the problems posed in our course work, we analyzed the planning of the educational process in preschool educational institution number 14 "Romashka" in Kumertau. First of all, we turned to the study of the annual plan of this educational institution. In doing so, we used the methodological recommendations developed by P.I. Tretyakov. and Belaya K.Yu. and materials of the study guide Pozdnyak L.V. and Lyashchenko N.N. For this we have set the following tasks:

1. Make a review of the annual work plan of the preschool institution, having previously analyzed it using schemes 1, 2 and the following questions:

The main tasks of the work of a preschool institution in the annual plan and their implementation in the following sections;

The relevance of the tasks, the concreteness of their formulation, taking into account the working conditions of the kindergarten, the main areas of work of the city (district, village);

Annual plan structure; its optimality; organizational and pedagogical work, its content; work with personnel, its content and focus; activities aimed at improving the quality of work with children, their form and content, the compliance of the planned activities with the main objectives of the plan;

Interrelation of different forms methodical work(Council of teachers, collective views of work, consultations, etc.). Reflection in the annual plan of all areas of methodological work; planning work to create a developing environment; forms of control over the implementation of the planned tasks.

Using the materials of the annual plan, we filled out schemes No. 1 and No. 2 [Appendix No. 5]. The data obtained allowed us to determine the planning strategy, directions of work, the composition of actions aimed at solving the assigned tasks. Next, we have written a review of the annual planning, which is outlined below.

Review of the annual plan of MDOU No. 14 "Romashka", Kumertau

The main tasks the work of the preschool institution in the annual plan are:

  • Protecting the life and health of children, developing skills in the basics of life safety, strengthening the health of all participants in the educational process.
  • Development of creative cognitive abilities of children through the use of the project method.
  • Introducing children to the national culture, instilling in them love for their native land, their native language.

1. Creation of conditions for interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents in order to develop a healthy socially developed personality of a child .

We believe that tasks not labeled in the annual plan are actual character due to the fact that:

· Preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children is the main task of preschool institutions. In the Concept of preschool education, the solution of problems related to the protection and promotion of health is given a leading place. The importance of creating conditions that ensure both the physical and mental health of the child is emphasized.

· The use of the project method in preschool education as one of the methods of integrated teaching of preschoolers, can significantly increase the independent activity of children, develop creative thinking, the ability of children on their own, different ways find information about an object or phenomenon of interest and use this knowledge to create new objects of reality. And also makes the educational system of the preschool educational institution open for the active participation of parents.

The introduction of children to spiritual culture, accumulating in itself the centuries-old experience of the peoples of Bashkortostan, which resulted in ethnopedagogical norms and rules, contributes to the solution of a number of tasks on the formation of a comprehensively developed personality of a child, his moral and ethical attitude to his family, peers, native people and ethnic groups around him ... Original ethnocultural traditions are the moral core, without which the organization of the educational process in the modern preschool educational institution of our republic is inconceivable.

· The problem of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family has recently become one of the most urgent. The changed modern family forces us to look for new forms of interaction, therefore, in the annual plan, new forms of work with the family, innovative technologies in building the interaction of the preschool educational institution with parents in the conditions of the openness of the preschool institution are reflected. In the process of work, the tasks of involving parents in the pedagogical process, psychological and pedagogical education of parents are outlined.

The annual plan is drawn up in a convenient calendar (broken down by months) form and has the same sections, the goals and content of which are determined by the results obtained for the previous year.

This work plan has the following structure:

1. Analysis of the final results of the past academic year.

2. Planning the activities of the preschool educational institution for the next academic year:

oOrganizational and pedagogical work

oWorking with parents

oWorking with the school

oAdministrative work.

3. Application

For these structural components, activities are planned that fully correspond to the main objectives of the plan.

1st part of the plan includes an analysis of educational work for 2008-2009. The analysis reflects:

  • Changes in the teaching staff (results of certification of teachers, qualifications, improving the level of teaching skills).
  • the state of health of the pupils;
  • analysis of the incidence of children and employees during the year, summary data by health groups for the organization of special treatment and prophylactic work;
  • the results of organizing events to involve parents in the active life of the kindergarten;
  • monitoring of physical culture and health-improving work, hardening, organization of rational nutrition, etc.

Here general conclusions are given, reserves for planning activities for the new academic year are determined.

The second part of the plan includes scheduling by sections.

So, the section "Organizational and pedagogical work" includes pedagogical councils, methodological associations, meetings to improve the effectiveness of the pedagogical process, methodological hours with a discussion of schedules and grids of classes, consultations for educators on conducting diagnostic techniques, etc. This section also reflects activities dedicated to significant dates or calendar holidays, organized for all participants in the pedagogical process.

The second section of the plan reflects work with parents. Various forms of work are included here: questionnaires of parents, consultations, work of the parent committee, joint exhibitions of adults and children, participation of parents in project activities, meetings, open days, the release of wall newspapers and other events.

The third section "Working with the school" is represented by the following events: mutual visits by teachers and educators of open lessons at school and classes in kindergarten, excursions, entertainment, conducting talks about school, sponsorship, and a graduation party.

Administrative and economic work includes production and trade union meetings, briefings with service personnel, thematic and control checks, meetings dedicated to organizing events, sanitary and educational work, catering, etc.

In the application the calendar of events dedicated to significant dates (Republic Day, Mother's Day, 65th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War), action plans for working with family and school are presented. The topics of self-education of teachers are also presented. Separately, a work plan for the summer health season has been developed, which includes the sections "Equipment of groups, offices and sites", "Methodical work", "Working with parents", "Control and guidance".

Having studied each of the sections, we came to the conclusion that all the planned activities are interconnected, correspond to the tasks set and are aimed at improving the quality of educational work in the preschool educational institution.

Registration of the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution can be very diverse. It can be drawn up in any form convenient for a particular teaching staff: schematic-block, calendar (broken down by months), cyclical in the form of work, etc. Focusing on the main content of the activity and its focus on the final results, consider the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution , in which the same sections are present every year. Only the goals and content of the sections change, which are determined by the results obtained (K.Yu. Belaya).

The main sections of the annual work plan of the preschool institution

The annual work plan may include the following sections:

1. Analysis of the final results of the past academic year.

2. Planning the activities of the preschool educational institution for the next academic year:

o ensuring health and healthy lifestyle;

o ensuring a high level of upbringing and education of preschoolers in accordance with the program implemented in the preschool educational institution;

o creation of conditions for ensuring the readiness of senior preschoolers to study at school;

o scientific, methodological and staffing of the educational process;

o the relationship in the work of the preschool educational institution with the family, school and other organizations;

o strengthening the material, technical and financial base.

You can annually plan activities in the listed areas of activity, but the goals and objectives are different, depending on the results obtained.

Annual plan of the preschool educational institution should take into account all types of resources, their state, methods and possibilities of use. When starting to draw up an annual plan for a preschool educational institution, it must be remembered that this plan is designed for the entire teaching staff of the institution. It depends on each teacher whether his work contributes to the fulfillment of the intended goals and objectives of the plan.

Therefore, when compiling the annual plan of the preschool educational institution the leader must take into account the personnel potential of the teaching staff, the consistency of positions, the experience of joint work, the social and psychological climate of the institution. The work plan for the final results imposes special requirements on the technology of its implementation. The drawn up plan is discussed and corrected by the teaching staff. This usually happens at a production meeting before the start of the new school year (in August).

Adoption of the work plan of the preschool educational institution means the beginning of activities for its implementation. This assumes that after a short period of time, the team interested in the implementation of the plan meets and discusses the implementation of one of its parts.

An analysis of the plans of the preschool educational institution showed that managers experience the greatest difficulties when formulating goals and objectives. But if the head of the preschool educational institution has comprehensively analyzed the results of the work over the past year, then it will be easier for him to determine the perspective for the next year.

The first section of the annual plan of the preschool educational institution- analysis of the final results of the past academic year - can be drawn up in diagrams with brief conclusions for each subsection.

1st subsection includes analysis:

· The state of health of the pupils;

· Morbidity of children and employees during the year, summary data on health groups for the organization of special treatment and prophylactic work;

· The results of the organization of physical culture and health-improving work, hardening, the organization of rational nutrition, etc. Here general conclusions are given (identified trends in the level of health and a healthy lifestyle), reserves for planning activities for the new academic year are determined.

2nd subsection includes an analysis of the results of the program in all areas. The level of cognitive development of children, social and moral, artistic and aesthetic, physical development, etc. is analyzed. General conclusions are formulated and reserves for increasing the level of program performance are determined.

In the 3rd subsection the level of readiness to study at school of children of the preparatory group is analyzed (the results of diagnostics of the development of children entering school); academic performance of kindergarten graduates who have completed grades 1–3. The following are general conclusions and reserves for increasing the effectiveness of work on this subsection are indicated.

In the 4th subsection the results of professional development and certification of teachers are analyzed; applications of teachers for methodological assistance for the next year (according to the card of pedagogical skills); system of methodical work in a preschool educational institution. The scientific and methodological provision of the educational process is analyzed. General conclusions, identified trends are formulated and reserves for planning work with personnel and equipping a methodological office for the next academic year are determined.

In the 5th subsection the system of interaction with parents is analyzed (based on the results of a questionnaire survey of parents); implementation of plans for joint work of the preschool educational institution and the school; results of interaction with other organizations. General conclusions are drawn.

The results of administrative and economic work, as well as the material, technical and medical and social conditions of the stay of children in preschool educational institutions are analyzed in 6th subsection .

A leader who works creatively, not formally, should set himself the task of improving planning. A well-designed plan allows you to get the job done better. Among the main techniques for improving planning are:

Study of novelties of literature on marketing and management in the education system;

Joint preparation of work plans with educators and specialists;

A detailed analysis of the work of the preschool educational institution, identifying the reasons for the shortcomings and non-implementation of certain decisions;

Personal interest of the manager in planning work for the year;

Collective discussion of plans at methodological events;

Creation of planning exhibitions;

Competent definition of goals - goal setting, their hierarchy;

Development of specific activities to meet the goals;

Developing the skill of pedagogical forecasting (to see in advance the result to which they are striving), etc.

It must be remembered that the annual plan is a living working document that can be subject to correction, adjustment in the course of work on its implementation. Sometimes, over time, a type of work that was not previously planned comes to the fore. We must boldly make changes and additions, not be afraid to deviate from previously planned events. You just need to be able to prove, explain (first of all to yourself) why it is necessary to act this way.

Conclusion on chapter 2.

Having studied the annual plan of educational work in preschool educational institution №14 "Romashka", we came to the conclusion that this plan reflects specific tasks aimed at the development of the kindergarten; the activities of its leader; a clear hierarchy of management objectives, i.e. a system of tasks and goals that determine their subordination and interrelation. The plan is based on deep analytical activities aimed at determining the place of the institution in the outside world. It clearly shows the development strategy of preschool educational institutions: activities aimed at preserving the kindergarten, attracting additional customers, expanding its niche, increasing the competitiveness of preschool educational institutions.

The plan pays attention to the level of professional skills of employees, since it is on them that the solution of the tasks depends.

The task of the head and senior educator is to teach all participants in the pedagogical process the most effective methods planning the work of all links, taking into account the concrete results achieved. This will increase the motivation of planning and the effectiveness of plans for all departments of the kindergarten.


Having studied the psychological - pedagogical and methodological literature on the topic of our term paper, we came to the conclusion that goal-setting and planning are integral functions of management activity, which are also a necessary condition for the development, movement of any pedagogical system, including preschool.

Planning is one of the main factors ensuring the effectiveness of a manager's activities. Planning removes the negative effect of uncertainty, focuses on the main tasks, achieves economical operation and facilitates control.

With proper planning, it becomes possible to predict the performance of each specific employee, which creates the preconditions for the successful operation of a preschool educational institution and facilitates the achievement of common goals and objectives.

In the psychological aspect, the planning is based on the manager's overcoming of stereotypes of thinking: changing the mindset from “global” (abstract) planning to the strategy of drawing up several variants of future scenarios, from a directive planning model to probabilistic development models.

The variety of approaches to the organization of the pedagogical process in modern conditions development of the preschool education system, its personality-oriented orientation, the use of new generation programs naturally require changes in approaches to planning.

The modern planning system of the educational process includes a program for the development of a preschool educational institution, an educational program of a preschool educational institution, the structure and types of final pedagogical analysis, planning the work of a preschool educational institution for a year, a baseline plan, variable calendar plans, an approximate cyclogram of the activities of a senior educator.

In our work, we conducted a theoretical and practical study of the planning system of the educational process in a modern preschool educational institution. We considered variable approaches to overall annual planning and to the preparation of current work plans by educators. We found that planning is preceded by a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the state of upbringing and educational work in a preschool institution, identifying its strengths and weaknesses, identifying urgent tasks for the coming period. The annual plan should be specific, real, covering all aspects of kindergarten life, providing for the continuity and consistency of all educational work, taking into account the results of the activities of the teaching staff over the past year.

Our work is compiled taking into account the professional difficulties and problems arising in determining the structure and content of planning work in a kindergarten, designed to help leaders in determining the perspective aimed at the continuous and dynamic development of a preschool institution.


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Appendix No. 1

Lesson outline model in the "Train" version of the plan

Age group or subgroup of children ________________

the date of the ___________________________________________

FULL NAME. educator ____________________________________________

Topic of the lesson: ______________________________

Purpose of the lesson ______________________________________

Psychological and pedagogical structure of the lesson

Didactic support of the educational process

Supposed communication model

Motivation activity

Didactic methods and techniques of social and cognitive motivation, keywords, description of game situations

Adult - adult or children - children

Joint goal setting (finding the meaning of the activity, its significance in the future or practical orientation. For example, a gift to someone)

Conversation, organizing children's reasoning

Adult - adult

Finding a meaningful personal goal for the child in a common goal

Conversation, interviewing, etc.

Adult - adult

Search for problems

Organization and management independent search(collective and individual search, experimentation, etc.)

Adult - adult

Building confidence in successful problem solving (building on past experience) Creation of situations of recall, repetition of familiar actions, actions by analogy, calling associations, demonstrating similar ones, etc.

Adult - Children

Solving problems yourself

A system of indirect and leading questions that stimulate hypothetical judgments, methods of anticipation (guesswork), challenge the abilities of children, etc.

Adult - adult

Psychological and pedagogical structure of the lesson

Didactic support of the educational process

Supposed communication model

Help, show, explanation at the request of children

Using dictation teaching methods, action patterns, hint

Parents are children

Creation of conditions for self-realization of children

Granting children the right to choose a method of activity, materials for achieving goals, freedom to their own vision of solving a problem, etc.

Adult - adult

Creation of conditions for successful performance of work by all children (individual approach

Differentiated approach to ways of completing the assignment, easier options for activities, personal participation

Adult - adult

Formation of adequate self-esteem in children

Various self-assessment techniques (comparing your work with the work of a master, your previous work or the work of peers, etc.)

Adult - adult

Practical use of the results of activities

Organization of situations (exhibitions, donation, "sale"), decoration of premises, concert, etc.

Adult - adult

Appendix No. 2

Model of the calendar plan of educational work "Honeycomb"

Age group ________ Month ________ Year _______

Compiled by __ _____ ___________

Days of the week

1st week

2nd week

3rd week

4th week


Drawing on the theme "Autumn bouquet"

Section "Basketball" No. 2

Painting on wood

"Gorodets patterns" Section "Basketball"


Comparison of Adjacent Numbers Musical



Measurement of quantities. Game "shoe store" Musical "Choreography No. 2

Speech development

"Tales of Grandmother Alena" ** (ethical conversation) Excursion to the autumn park Physical culture Walk-hike **

Speech development

Elective "The house we live in"

No. 1 Sports

Lesson on simulators number 3

Modeling Filimonov toys Musical

Choral studio


Elective "Merry Economics"

No. 1 Musical

Speech development "Vernissage" No. 2 Construction from

natural material as conceived by children

Speech development

Storytelling " Golden autumn"Socio-psychological training" Learning to manage myself "

Games with children

Running technique control

Rub control


one-step dressing techniques

Child as a coach

Reflection of well-being

Option 1

Option 2. Subgroup lessons

Option 3

Option 1. Development of speech in subgroups

Option 4. Musical activity



Sport games

Sport section

Practicing European eating habits

Focusing exercises, breathing

Practicing the rubbing technique

Monitoring compliance with the rules for the adoption of water procedures

Washing training

Consolidation of self-massage skills

Rules for conducting a table conversation

General games

Speech development

(in subgroups)

Musical activity

Sports leisure

Circle work

Appendix No. 5

Scheme 1

Annual tasks

Plan activities

teachers' councils


open views


thematic checks

manuf. meetings

1. Protection of the life and health of children, development of skills of the basics of life, strengthening the health of all participants in the educational process.

Pedagogical Council number 1.

Ecological and health-improving hike.

Pedagogical Council № 2. "Education of safe behavior in preschool children."

On the protection of life and health of children in the winter.

Measurement carried out for the prevention of road accidents.

Organizer ecological and recreational hike "The second meeting of spring, the call of the birds ».

Worldwide Health Day. Entertainment.

Consultation for "Adaptation of children to the conditions of a kindergarten."

Completed. general parent meeting “Safety of children on the city streets »


“Approaches to determining the optimal pedagogical.

conditions of education is safe. child behavior.

Thematic control: System of work on life safety. Production meeting. Terrorism is a threat to society .

2. Development of creative cognitive abilities of children through the use of the project method.

Pedagogical council Project method in the activities of a preschool institution.

"To help the educator" review methodical.

literature on project activities in a preschool educational institution.

Workshop “Revealed.


interests of preschool children. age »

Master Class. View open classes by the project method Consultation "Types of projects and their use in different age groups . Thematic control. Organization of the stages of work on projects.

Meeting on the results of the implementation of design methods.

3. Introducing children to the national culture, fostering love for their native land and language.

Seminar “Will depict. art. RB as a means of patriotic education "

Completed. event dedicated to the Day of the Republic.

exhibitions of children's drawings

Entertained, dedicated to the Day of Sovereignty.

exhibition "My pedigree"

Organization and holding of the holiday « Shezhere Bayramy »

Consultation for teachers "Tips for novice researchers of shezhere (pedigree)".

Checking the planning of work on familiarization with the art of the Republic of Belarus in senior groups. Meeting on the organization and holding of the Day of the Republic

4. Creation of conditions for interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents in order to develop a healthy socially developed personality.

PMPk Continuity with the family to prepare children for school.

Seminar "Formation of family values ​​in older preschool children (learning to draw up a pedigree)"

Organizer joint exhibitions

creativity of children and parents "Artist - Autumn"

« Celebration of Valor and Courage "dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland

Conducted. Folklore. holiday "Maslenitsa."

Consultation "Adaptation of children to school, problems and solutions"

Survey control. Preparation of groups, classrooms for the academic year.

Consultation for parents "Preparing children for school ».

General parent meeting. About whims and stubbornness

Meeting at the school's choice.

Scheme 2

Density of the plan



Pedagogical Council No. 1, Ministry of Railways No. 1, PMP to No. 1, Primary diagnosis of children. Eco - health-improving trip with children Art. age. Carrying out measures for the prevention of road accidents. Entertainment "Knowledge Day". Drawing up a plan for the joint work of the preschool educational institution and the school. Questioning parents about the organization of paid services. Production meeting. Survey control. Viewing rooms.


Organization of an exhibition of children's drawings. Consultations for teachers. Entertainment dedicated to the Day of Sovereignty "Bashkortostan is my native land". Organization of the exhibition "Golden Autumn has come to visit us" (application from natural material) Conducting autumn entertainment Stand design: "Fire safety", "Rules road traffic". Organization of an exhibition of joint creativity of children and parents "Artist - Autumn" Holding a general parent meeting "Safety of children on the streets of the city ». Excursion for children gr. to school number 9 Attendance by teachers of lessons in grade 1. Thematic control: System of work on the basics of life safety.


Pedagogical Council № 2. "Education of safe behavior in preschool children." Morbidity analysis for the 1st quarter

"To help the educator" is a review of methodological literature on project activities in preschool educational institutions. -

Consultation “Approaches to determining the optimal pedagogical conditions for the education of safe child behavior. - Hosting events dedicated to Mother's Day!

/ plan attached /

Ministry of Railways No. 2. Report on the adaptation of children to kindergarten.

Open views of OBZh classes

Open Day. Acquaintance with the activities of the kindergarten


Workshop-workshop "Identifying cognitive interests in preschool children"

PMPk No. 2. Providing a favorable psychological climate in the preschool educational institution. Development of recommendations.

Preparing and conducting New Year's parties

Competition "New Year's toys from the workshop of Santa Claus"

Organization of the exhibition of children's drawings "Hello, Guest Winter!"

Conducting group parenting meetings.

Design of poster information "About a healthy lifestyle".

Consultation for parents: "The role of teaching the Bashkir language in the pedagogical process of kindergarten"

Meeting "On the protection of life and health of children in the winter."


Master Class. View open classes by the project method.

Discussion of novelties of methodological literature. Exhibition.

Hosting the Winter Olympic Games.

Farewell to the beautiful Christmas tree.

Involvement of parents in the construction of a snow town for children.

Consultation "Organization of family walks".

Attendance by first graders of children gr. Conversations about school

Thematic control. Organization of the stages of work on projects .


Pedagogical Council No. 3. Project method in the activities of a preschool institution.

"Feast of Valor and Courage" dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland.

Exhibition of children's drawings "Our Army is strong!"

Carrying out a folklore festival "Maslenitsa".

The release of wall newspapers, folders-movable in the groups "There is no friend better than dad."

Providing a preschool educational institution with patronage: the construction of snow structures.

Operational control of planning the work of life safety.


PMPk No. 3. Continuity with the family to prepare children for school. Examination of the speech of children. Diagnostics. Analysis of the preparation of documents in PMPk.

Exhibition of children's drawings "This is what she is, my mommy"

Organization of an ecological and health-improving hike "The second meeting of spring, the call of the birds."

Design of the exhibition "My Pedigree"

Medical examination of children of the preparatory group. Collection of basic honey. Data on the state of health of children.

Operational control of the work of educators in organizing classes for familiarizing children with the environment, walking, using didactic games.


Educators' creative reports on projects.

PPO: "Formation of family values ​​in children of senior preschool age (learning to draw up a pedigree)"

April Fool's Day. Entertainment

Winders. "It's interesting to know." Self-education teachers' reports.

World Health Day. Entertainment.

Group parenting meetings with reviewing the final lessons.

General parent meeting. About whims and stubbornness.

Organization and holding of the holiday "Shezhere Bayramy"

Conversation with parents of the school's choice.

Operational control over the implementation of the decisions of the pedagogical council on the observance of the daily routine.

Final control. Program execution


Pedagogical Council № 4. Implementation of the main tasks of the institution.

Ministry of Railways No. 3. Morbidity analysis. Diagnostic results.

Organization of the exhibition in the teaching room: "To help the teacher".

Organization of an excursion to the Park of Eternal Glory

"Victory Day" - literary and musical concert

"We Remember" - entertainment

Parents' questioning. Your opinion about the work of the preschool educational institution.


Briefing on the protection of the life and health of children in the summer

On the transition to the summer mode of operation.

Morbidity analysis.

Final control. .Fulfillment of the program for the year.

Compiled by: educator

Parkhomenko V.S.

Planning in a preschool institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO.

In preschool education today, great changes are taking place, the foundation of which was laid by the state, which is showing great interest in the development of this area. In order to improve the upbringing and education of preschool children, the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education was introduced, SanPiN was approved for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation in preschool organizations, from 01.09.2013. a new federal law “On education in the Russian Federation” was put into effect. The main goal of the policy in the field of preschool education is the quality education of preschool children. Currently, preschool institutions can choose priority areas, programs, types of educational services, new forms of work focused on the interests of the teaching staff and parents.

For the first time in history Russian education FSES of preschool education is a document that on federal level determines what the main general educational program of a preschool institution should be, what it determines the goals, content of education and how the educational process is organized.

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education is due to the fact that it became necessary to standardize the content of preschool education in order to provide each child with equal starting opportunities for successful schooling.

However, the standardization of preschool education does not provide for the imposition of strict requirements for children of preschool age, does not consider them in a rigid "standard" framework.

OOP is a model for organizing the educational process of a preschool educational institution. The main general education program helps the child to master the basic level of preschool education. It is designed to provide the preschooler with the level of development that will allow him to be successful in further education, i.e. at school and must be performed by every preschool institution.

In the current conditions, according to many experts, the role of planning in education management is significantly increasing. Competently compiled models of the educational process in preschool educational institutions serve as a guide for teachers, help to solve the problems of quality education.

A holistic educational process in a preschool educational institution is a systemic, holistic, developing in time and within a certain system, a purposeful process of interaction between adults and children, having a personality-oriented nature, aimed at achieving socially significant results, designed to lead to the transformation of personal properties and qualities of pupils ... The educational process provides each child with the opportunity to meet their developmental needs, develop their potential abilities, and maintain their individuality.

The educational process should:

    Combine the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability;

    Meet the criteria for completeness, necessity and sufficiency;

    Ensure the unity of educational, developmental and teaching goals and objectives of the process of children's education.

The educational process in each educational institution and for each pupil (student) has its own uniqueness and originality, due to the possibility of participation in its design by subjects of different levels - from the state to a specific teacher, parent and child.

To create an optimal model of the educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DL, it is necessary to remember what basic educational models exist in ECE at the present time.

Three models of organizing the educational process in preschool educational institutions

1. Teaching model

In recent years, it has been actively used in ECE centers. The organization of the educational process in a preschool institution is based on the principle of divided educational methods, each of which has its own construction logic. In this model, the adult's position is that of a teacher: he wholly belongs to the initiative and direction of activity. The model is designed for early hard programming of the educational environment in the form of techniques. The educational process is carried out in a disciplinary school-lesson form. The subject environment serves the lesson - the methodology and takes the form “ teaching aids”. The attractiveness of the training model for practitioners is determined by its high adaptability, availability to a professionally trained teacher. To help the teacher, a lot of abstracts are published - developments according to separate methods, the content of which is not related to each other.

2. Complex thematic model

The organization of educational content is based on a theme that acts as communicated knowledge and is presented in an emotionally figurative form. The implementation of the theme in various types of children's activities (“living” it by the child) forces the adult to choose a more free position, bringing it closer to a partner position.

The organization of the subject environment in this model becomes less rigid, the teacher's creativity is included.

The set of topics is determined by the educator and this makes the entire educational process systematic. However, in general, the educational process is aimed rather at expanding the child's ideas about the world around him than at its development. This model is more often used by teachers - speech therapists.

The model makes rather high demands on the general culture and the creative and pedagogical potential of the educator, since the selection of topics is a complex process.

3. Subject-environment model

The content of education is directed directly to the subject environment. An adult is an organizer of the subject environment, selects autodidactic, developmental material, provokes trials and fixes the child's mistakes. The classic version of this model is the M. Montessori system.

The limitation of the educational environment to only subject material and the stake on the child's self-development in this model leads to a loss of systematic character of the educational process and sharply narrows the cultural horizons of the preschooler. At the same time, like the educational one, this model is technologically advanced and does not require creative efforts from an adult.

Conclusion: the features of these prototype models must be kept in mind when constructing an optimal model of the educational process for preschool children. Perhaps using positive sides complex thematic and subject-environment models: unobtrusive position of an adult, a variety of children's activity, free choice of subject material.

Modern requirements for planning educational activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education.

The basis of the educational process is planning. A plan is a project of the pedagogical activity of all participants in the educational process. Planning is a scientifically grounded organization of the pedagogical process of a preschool educational institution, which gives it meaningfulness, certainty, controllability.

Psychological and pedagogical studies of recent years have shown that of paramount importance in planning is not so much the educator's knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of children, but taking into account their personal characteristics and capabilities. Developing, personality-oriented interaction is understood as reliance on the child's personal qualities, which requires the teacher to:

1. constant study and good knowledge of individual characteristics, temperament, character traits, attitudes, habits of children;

2.the ability to diagnose, to know the real level of formation personal qualities, motives and interests of children;

3. timely identification and elimination of the reasons that prevent the child from achieving the goal;

combining education with self-education;

4. reliance on activity, development of initiative, amateur performance of children.

Planning of upbringing and educational work in a preschool institution - one of the main functions of managing the process of implementing the basic educational program - reflects the various forms of organizing the activities of adults and children.

The obligatory pedagogical documentation of the educator is a plan for working with children. There are no uniform rules for maintaining this document, so it can be drawn up in any form convenient for the teacher. However, there are several important conditions that the head of the preschool educational institution, senior educator or teacher must be observed when planning:

1. an objective assessment of the level of their work at the time of planning;

2. highlighting the goals and objectives of planning for a certain period of work, correlating them with the approximate general educational program of preschool education, according to which the educational process is organized, the age composition of the group of children and the priority areas of the educational process in preschool;

3. a clear presentation of the results of work to be achieved by the end of the planning period;

4. the choice of optimal ways, means, methods that help to achieve the set goals, and therefore get the planned result.

An equally important condition for real planning of work is taking into account the specific characteristics of the age group, the specific teaching staff, the real environment and conditions in which educational activities are carried out, as well as the professional competence of teachers.

The plan of upbringing and educational work with children is a document according to which two shift teachers work. Therefore, this is a collaborative model and planning should be collaborative. Planning involves not only the process of drawing up a plan, but also mental activity, a discussion by two teachers of what needs to be done to achieve goals and objectives.

The plan can be adjusted and refined in the course of its implementation. However, the number of amendments can be minimized if the principle of long-term planning and scheduling is observed.

No matter how the plan of upbringing and educational work with children is drawn up, it must meet certain requirements:

be based on the principle of developmental education, the purpose of which is the development of every child;

on a complex thematic principle of building the educational process;

on the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of the pupils of the group;

to ensure the unity of educational, developmental and teaching goals and objectives of the education of pupils, in the process of implementation of which knowledge, skills and abilities are formed that are directly related to the development of preschool children;

the planned content and forms of organization of children must correspond to the age and psychological and pedagogical foundations of preschool pedagogy.

When planning and organizing the pedagogical process, it is important to take into account that the main form of work with preschool children and the leading activity for them is play.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard of DO, the planning of the educational process in preschool education should be based on an integrated thematic principle.

In accordance with the complex-thematic principle of constructing the educational process, the Federal State Educational Standard of DO offers to motivate educational activities not a set of individual game techniques, but the assimilation of educational material in the process of preparing and conducting any significant and interesting events for preschoolers. Learning through the system of classes will be reorganized to work with children on an "event-driven" principle. Such events will be Russian holidays ( New Year, Family Day, etc.), international holidays (Kindness Day, Earth Day, etc.). Holidays are joy, tribute, memory. Holidays are events to prepare for, to wait for. Project activities will become a priority. The criterion that this principle will work, there will be a lively, active, interested child's participation in a particular project, and not a chain of actions at the direction of an adult. After all, only an active person can become successful.

A topic is selected for 2-6 weeks;

All forms of educational work continue the chosen theme;

For parents, brief recommendations are offered on organizing joint child-adult activities at home;

Each topic ends with a final event (exhibition, holiday, sports entertainment, role-playing game, performance, etc.).

How do we understand "complex thematic planning of the educational process"?

First of all, thematic planning is planning in accordance with the approximate basic general educational program of preschool education in all educational areas (physical, social and personal, cognitive, speech and artistic and aesthetic). What tasks does the author set? What conditions? What results should be achieved?

Types and forms of planning

The preschool educational institution uses two main forms of planning: the annual and the calendar plan. The following types of planning are traditionally used by teachers: calendar-thematic, prospective-calendar, block, complex. A new kind is modular planning.

Modular planning takes into account the peculiarities of the work of a modern preschool institution and consists of three interrelated sections:

    prospective scheduling;

    implementation of continuity between preschool and school;

    communication with specialists of preschool education and public organizations.

Pedagogical diagnostics is also connected to planning to assess the achievements of children, the effectiveness of pedagogical efforts, and correct the level of development of children.

Planning principles:

    A complex approach ensuring the interconnection of all links and sides of the pedagogical process;

    building a pedagogical process based on interaction, partnership between an adult and children;

    real consideration of the characteristics of the region, setting, season of the age of children.

The priority direction of management of the pedagogical process is the modeling and adaptation of approximate educational models to the conditions of preschool and preschool groups. The organization of the pedagogical process requires appropriate technologies.

Models of pedagogical technologies:

    individual pedagogical support;

    personal pedagogical support.

Algorithm for planning and tracking results

The algorithm for planning the educational process for the academic year can be presented as follows.

Step one - choosing a basis for building a thematic calendar. This can be planning in accordance with lexical topics that are repeated from year to year ("Seasons", "Adult work", "Road safety", "New Year", "Moscow", "Home and family", etc.) .). Or planning based on a festive and event cycle, which is based on important events in the life of a children's and adult collective (Knowledge Day, City Birthday, Autumn fair, Lantern Festival, New Year, Group Birthday, We Travel, etc.).

Step two - the distribution of topics for the academic year, indicating time intervals.

The topics selected by the educator can be distributed over the weeks. In addition, it is necessary to plan a developmental environment that will help expand the independent activities of children to master the proposed topics.

When choosing and planning topics, the teacher can be guided by the theme-forming factors proposed by N.A. Korotkova:

    the first factor is real events taking place in the environment and arousing the interest of children (vivid natural phenomena and social events, holidays);

    the second factor is imaginary events described in a work of fiction that the teacher reads to the children. This is as strong a theme-forming factor as real events;

    the third factor is the events specially "modeled" by the educator, based on developmental tasks: the introduction of objects into the group that were previously unknown to children with an unusual effect or purpose, arousing genuine interest and research activity: "What is this?", "What to do about it? ”,“ How does it work? ”

    the fourth factor is the events taking place in the life of the age group, “infecting” children and leading to the preservation of interests for a while, the source of which is, as a rule, the mass media and the toy industry.

All these factors can be used by the educator for flexible design of a holistic educational process.

The planning of a thematic week should be based on a certain system of general requirements. First of all, it is necessary to highlight the tasks of working with children in accordance with the program of a specific age group of pupils and the topic of the week. For example: "to expand and generalize children's knowledge about Moscow, the capital of Russia, its history," or "the formation of primary ideas about oneself, family, society, state, world and nature."

Next, you should select the content of the educational material according to the educational program. Think over the forms, methods and techniques of working with children for the implementation of program tasks. Prepare equipment and think over what changes need to be made in the subject-developmental environment of the group (exhibitions, filling play corners, introducing new items, games, etc.).

The issues of organizing and tracking the learning outcomes and development of children within the framework of the thematic week are also of great importance.

The algorithm of the teacher's actions in these areas can be as follows:

the selection from the program and the formulation of the pedagogical goal of the week, the tasks of the development of the child (children);

selection of pedagogical content (from different educational areas);

highlighting the event of the week, the main form of organizing child and adult activities; the formulation of individual teaching, developmental tasks for each child and the group as a whole;

selection of methods and techniques for working with children and with each child separately;

practical planning of teaching activities for every day during the thematic week;

thinking over and organizing the process of discussing the results of living with the children of the event of the week, while it is important to emphasize the role of each child in its preparation and conduct;

fixing the results of the development of educational tasks by children.

Effectiveness of complex thematic planning

According to many experts, complex thematic planning is the most effective in working with preschool children. So, from the position of a senior educator, it allows you to systematize the educational process at a preschool educational institution and combine the efforts of all teachers and specialists, without missing a single pedagogical task during the year.

From the perspective of the educator, this approach gives consistency and consistency in the implementation of program tasks in different educational areas of knowledge, a situation is created when the child uses all the senses, and, therefore, the material is better assimilated.

The child is not overstrained, because there is a constant change of actions and impressions. At the same time, life in kindergarten is understandable and makes sense for children, because they "live" the topic slowly, slowly, having time to comprehend and feel.

The child's consciousness perfectly retains events that are emotionally significant for him. And each time period (in this case, a week) has a culmination point - an event for which the whole group is preparing. It can be a holiday, an exhibition of creative works, a game, a quiz. Living events helps the child to form certain knowledge, skills, abilities in educational areas.

The task of the teacher is to plan the educational process in such a way that, together with the pupil, fully live all its stages: preparation, conduct, discussion of the results. At the same time, it is important that the child has positive emotional experiences and memories. At the same time, in joint activities with the teacher, the pupil makes a step forward in his development.

This method of planning the educational process requires a high level of professionalism, general culture and creativity from the educator. The teacher must be able to integrate educational areas, select the most effective forms of organizing children's activities for solving specific program problems, and also be able to pedagogically reasonably combine different methods and techniques, focusing on the age and individual characteristics of children.

These recommendations will help in strategic, or long-term, planning, which is designed to determine the main strategic goals organization of raising the level of education in a preschool educational institution, as well as a policy and strategy for obtaining and using resources to achieve these goals.

Planning system in a preschool educational institution

Analysis of the planning function in the practice of preschool educational management revealed a number of problems in its implementation, in particular, insufficient awareness by the heads of preschool educational institutions:

The meaning and essence of planning in the management system;

Roles of parents in improving the planning mechanism of the educational process;

The need to create new varieties of plans and planning technologies.

The most important trends in the development of educational planning are:

Transition from centralized and administrative planning to decentralized and democratic;

The transition from planning carried out by a small group of people to

participatory planning, i.e. with broad participation of members


Transition from planning the current functioning to system planning of functioning, development and innovation;

The transition from tactical and operational to planning based on the main goal, the development strategy of the institution;

Transition from in-depth planning into the internal environment, to open and flexible planning, focused mainly on the needs of the external environment.

The ability to analyze the situation, the ability to identify the main tendencies of life and outline the ways of development of the institution are becoming important criteria for the professional skills of a leader.

Marketing research should become the basis for the formation of a strategy, operational planning and solving urgent problems of a preschool institution. Preschool institutions provide additional services practically without studying supply and demand, therefore, the haphazard holding of paid circles, sections, classes in preschool institutions.

At the level of marketing research of a preschool institution, an analysis and forecast of the possibilities of a preschool educational institution, potential, region, city, republic is carried out; the situation is assessed; the patterns and tendencies of development are revealed.

The main principle of the marketing activities of the preschool institution is as follows: a preschool institution must find consumers to whom it wants to provide services, find out their needs, and then organize services that best meet existing needs.

The range of services can be as follows:

Education and training of children attending kindergarten (according to the main kindergarten program, according to additional programs and plans);

The upbringing and education of children of the microdistrict who do not attend kindergarten (according to general program, according to individual plans);

Educational outreach work with the population of the district, city (at the place of residence);

Other types of kindergarten services, depending on its capabilities.

In order to develop a forecast for future activities, it is necessary to answer the main question: "What does the preschool educational institution strive for: to work in a mode of stability or in a mode of constant development and innovation?"

Marketing research should also external analysis, the purpose of which is to provide the institution with a clear event picture of its functioning, development in the past and accurate explanations of the reasons for its current state. The so-called external analysis includes:

Analysis of the environment - the study and interpretation of information about the development of the social environment of a preschool educational institution;

Analysis of the educational market - demand for education - identification of changes: the number of pupils in different preschool groups; the number of preschool inmates in the past, present and future, etc. and "educational proposals" - finding out: the number of registered pupils; the number and types of preschool institutions in the district; availability and forms of innovation, etc.

Consumer analysis - quantitative and qualitative description of consumers: gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status, attitude to education;

Studying the motives that are guided by children and parents when visiting a preschool educational institution, as well as the dynamics and reasons for refusing the services of the institution;

Highlighted positions and directions. For which there are the most significant discrepancies, and thus a set of problems to be solved will be determined;

Analysis of the "image of a preschool institution" - identifying the prevailing public opinion about the institution, the degree of its popularity and prestige among the population, the level of its authority and recognition in the professional pedagogical community;

Complete and comprehensive marketing research can only be recognized after conducting an internal analysis aimed at addressing the following issues;

Was the marketing policy used effectively at the preschool educational institution?

Does the educational services of the preschool educational institution meet the needs of the target groups?

How to evaluate the activities of a preschool educational institution in comparison with other preschool institutions in a village, city, district in accordance with educational requirements?

What are the prospects for a preschool institution in the educational market?

It is necessary to carefully compare the results obtained and the real facts of the activities of the preschool educational institution, to record the degree of discrepancy.

Basic documents for planning the activities of the preschool educational institution.

The planning process must create a certain planning system in which one can clearly see: 1) the main content of the plan; 2) its time section; 3) the person or group of persons responsible for its implementation. The purpose of creating such a system is to guarantee the realism of the plan, and the main task is to transform it into a constantly operating process that takes into account the characteristic, individual features of the institution. This system, as a rule, consists of several layers or levels of plans. Some experts distinguish two, other three levels of planning: - strategic, tactical and operational. The second point of view is more correct.

First level- strategic, or long-term, planning - designed to determine the main strategic goals of the organization, as well as the policy and strategy for obtaining and using resources to achieve these goals. The strategy is a comprehensive plan designed to ensure the implementation of the institution's mission and the main objectives of its activities. The overall strategic plan should become a program guiding the activities of the preschool educational institution for a long time, taking into account the fact that the conflict, constantly changing business and social environment makes adjustments to innovations inevitable .. The main features of strategic planning are:

Inclusion in its content of the main problems of the institution's activities;

Creation of guidelines and framework for detailed planning and current decision-making;

Long-term nature (compared to other types of planning);

Aiming at imparting harmony of internal unity to the activities of the institution;

The objective necessity laid down in this type of planning, a kind of "duty" of the management to activate and modernize the work of the institution.

The second level of planning - or short-term, tactical planning - is the process of developing detailed short-term decisions about what activities should be carried out within the institution, who should be their executors and how these activities should be implemented.

Third level - operational planning is the development of specific actions of people and structures, taking into account all the necessary conditions.

The combination of strategic, tactical and operational levels appears to be complex and systemic.

Strategic planning - the only way to formally forecast problems and opportunities that ensures the creation of a long-term plan; provides a basis for decision-making, i.e. knowledge of what and how the organization wants to achieve; helps to reduce risk when making decisions; helps to establish the relationship and unity of planning goals;

Tactical planning guaranteed to ensure the development of specific plans for the implementation of strategic plans;

Operational planning completes unified system planning, since it is the development of specific actions, taking into account all the necessary resources.

The practical implementation of this method assumes:

Determination of a hierarchy of planned goals, tasks and activities that is understandable and realistically achievable for preschool educational institutions;

Creation of a coherent system of goal-setting (main goals, secondary tasks, control measures), concretizing the main target programs and instructions of the educational authorities;

Establishing a clear analysis of both the work for the year and the design of work for the next period;

Building a system of relationships between long-term, long-term and operational plans while maintaining the possibility of making adjustments;

Clear forecasting of performance results for the planned period, etc.



The main



for 5-10 years

Preschool educational program

The concept of the development of preschool educational institutions

Educational program





Annual plan


Activity grid


educators' plans

Individual development map



new planning


plans image. work



Long-term plans to educate


what plans

Diagnostic development maps

Mandatory conditions:

!) Coverage of all areas of the preschool educational institution;

2) Consistency with external circumstances;

3) Consistency with resource capabilities;

4) Communication with long-term directions in the development of preschool educational institutions;

5) Consideration of priorities in the goals and objectives adopted in the preschool educational institution;

Compiled by:, Methodist of the Cabinet of Preschool and Primary Education GOU DPO BelRIPKPPS