Presentation of the beauty of God's world Sunday school. An open integrated lesson in the spiritual and moral direction "The Beauty of God's World" in the preparatory group. Materials and equipment: computer, projector, presentation "Creation of the World", globe

"Additional educational program" - What is the effect? Effective component Expected results What is the result? Content component The essence of the activity. 5 min Answering questions. What tasks does the program solve? Protection of additional educational program. Representation of the program based on answers to questions. For what? Characteristics of children Duration of the implementation of the educational program Forms and mode of classes.

"Activity of a teacher of additional education" - Modernization of management. Sphere evolution additional education. Innovative scientific and methodological potential. Forms of presentation of the activities of organizations. Control result. The policy of modernization of additional education for children. Development innovation activities. Reforming the educational system.

"Electives" - A three-point scoring system is proposed. Presentation of educational products by students. Functions of extracurricular activities. Logical-semantic model. Multidimensional didactic technology. List of competencies. Criteria and performance indicators. Self-assessment of the level of mastery of skills. Pedagogical function of MDI.

"Additional education" - Integration of general and additional education. Work in the classroom. School education. School additional education. Basic education. Studying proccess. Models of organization of additional education of children in educational institutions. Additional education. Institutions for children. Variations on the theme of INTEGRATION…..

"Organization of additional education" - The content of the work. December. September. August. April. March. Additional education at school. January. May. Clear and coordinated work of the entire pedagogical system. February. Educational program of additional education of educational institution. November. Organization of additional education. June. The documents. Cyclogram of the work of the organizer of additional education for children.

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Travnikov Fedor Dmitrievich Age: 10 years old. R&D: Beauty of God's world. Rainbow. MOU "Gymnasium No. 5", Yubileiny, Moscow Region Teacher: Egorova Maria Sergeevna

The beauty and complexity of God's world R A D U G A

Seven colors in my rainbow... Red is my love, and flour is In the glow of orange candles, Yellow is a sad parting, Green brings me peace - Spring descends to earth with it, Blue calls me to fly, And I joyfully accept. The blue color is near my sea... Now it seethes, now it quietly splashes, And the night wing will descend - Violet stars shine... Seven colors in my rainbow, Seven shades of joy and turmoil, Seven days experienced in a week Until the last, it seems, minutes! Seven colors in my rainbow...

A fiery rainbow is one of the relatively rare optical effects in the atmosphere, which is expressed in the appearance of a horizontal rainbow, which is located against the background of light, high-lying cirrus clouds.

A hazy rainbow is a wide, shiny white arc. So wonderfully refracted and scattered sunlight in very small water droplets of light morning mist. misty rainbow

Lunar Rainbow At night, under the moon, the light is too weak, so it is difficult to see the colors of the lunar rainbow. She appears white. But you can see the colors in this picture. A moonbow (also known as a nightbow) is a rainbow spawned by the moon. The moon rainbow is paler than normal. This is because the Moon reflects less light than the Sun.

What a marvelous beauty! Painted gate Appeared on the way! Neither enter nor enter them. A painted yoke hung over the river. The sun ordered: stop, Seven-colored bridge is steep! The cloud hid the light of the sun - The bridge collapsed, and there are no chips. Multi-colored gate Someone built on the meadow. That master tried, He took paints for the gate Not one, not two, not three - As many as seven, you look. What is the name of this gate? Can you draw them? After the rain happens, half the sky closes. The arc is beautiful, colored It will appear, then it will melt Riddles about the rainbow

The rainbow is a bridge that connects earth and sky. A rainbow is one of the phenomena that is difficult to describe in words. This is an amazing and unforgettable miracle that Mother Nature gave us. How beautiful is our Earth! How much beautiful and unique there is in our world! Let us try to see, notice and enjoy the natural phenomena that God has given us. In the summer I try to visit my grandmother in the village. One day, the boys and I went swimming in the lake. Suddenly, the summer rain suddenly began, and after a while we saw a rainbow. It stretched across the lake with a huge multi-colored bridge. We all shouted: “Hurrah! Rainbow!". From what he saw, everyone became brighter and happier in the soul. And sometimes I think about what word the word "rainbow" came from, probably from the word "joy." So let's smile and rejoice in the life that God has given us. The beauty of God's world. Rainbow.

Tatyana Miganova
An open integrated lesson in the spiritual and moral direction "The Beauty of God's World" in preparatory group

Target lessons: wake up interest children to the world around, as a gift God's man.


Introduce children to the Orthodox understanding world as a good and beautiful creation of God.

Attracting children's attention to a variety of forms of the environment peace, expediency and wisdom of his dispensation.

Introduction to verbal art, development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste.

The development of children's creativity - the ability to reflect in their work the beauty of the world.

Education of a moral sense of a kind, careful attitude to the creations of the environment peace.

Course progress.

We will tell you today, HELLO!

This means we wish everyone

And goodness, and love and health,

To communicate with someone.

In life, give joy to relatives,

We wish everyone happiness in the world!

caregiver: Children, look around you, look out the window. What do we see?

Children: Houses, flowers, trees, sky...

caregiver: Imagine yourself in a meadow. Above us was a blue sky with white clouds. And on the ground there is green grass dotted with marvelous flowers. What flowers do you know? Children, maybe one of you knows a poem about flowers?


The whole earth is huge garden:

Here the grass caresses the eye,

Here are trees, there are bushes,

And, of course, flowers.

Among the grass, you can hear the chirping of grasshoppers, moths and butterflies flutter over the flowers, workers - bees fly. And the earth is big beautiful carpet. And here we are in the forest. Represented? What can you see there?

Children: - Different trees, shrubs ...

What trees do you know?

caregiver: Do you know the poem about trees?

"About Trees"

Birches have white stems

hem on sleeves,

And the Christmas trees have frills

Children list.

caregiver: And the animals?

Children list.

caregiver: Well done. And now let's imagine that we are at sea, more precisely, under water, in the underwater world. What will we see underwater, you know?

"Inhabitants of the Sea"

Dive into the depths of the sea -

Whom you will not find there!

You could easily find

Jellyfish, shrimps, crabs, fish.

Children: Fish, jellyfish, algae...

caregiver: The sea is very Beautiful and has its own huge and rich underwater world of living beings.

And here we are on the plane.


See the plane in the sky

And in the plane that pilot

The steering wheel deftly controls

And flies between the clouds

There is a mountain under the plane

Either a dense forest, or a hole,

That people marvel at the sky,

That hares lead a round dance

If we fly high into the sky, we will see mountains, clouds. And there we are waiting for an extraordinary the beauty. It is cold above, and there is snow on the high mountains, and below, where it is warmer, we will again see many animals, birds, beautiful trees.

Wonderful world around us. Everything that we have named today is all nature. And man is also a part of nature.

"Miracles live everywhere"

The world is filled with miracles

And one of them is ourselves.

Where did all this come from? Could it all just happen?

Let's think together. And we will even spend with you observation: take a sheet of white paper, take pencils. You will draw, but I will not. I will sit, look around and do nothing. Tell me, something will appear on my sheet?

Children: Not.

caregiver: And why?

Children: And you didn’t do anything, didn’t work ...

caregiver: But our drawings and much more that a person makes cannot be compared with amazing nature! The world did not come into existence on its own. Someone had to create it, and create it with great love. Do any of you know who this is?

Children: God.

caregiver: Yes. God created all this. (But listen to the poem, then you can definitely give an answer.)

"Who created our world?"

Everything that is in the world

On my home planet

Under ground, in heaven:

Sea, wind in sails,

Human, dragonfly,

Wolf, hare and goat

Cat, mouse and elephant

Aphids that you can't even see...

No - do not count everything!

All - all - all that is, -

Even the stones along the roads -

The Lord our God created!

Here we have uttered the most important and great word. The world is a creation of God. And everything that we remembered today, everything was created by God. And man is also a creation of God. God instructed man to keep beauty that surrounds us. How do you think a person should relate to nature?

The children answer.

caregiver: Yes, we need to protect our Earth. Maintain order, be kind to animals, take care of plants. Remember, everything on earth was created by God. All nature is a miracle!

A miracle created by nature outside our window. beautiful colors the sorceress took autumn. We can create small miracles with you too. I suggest you make a small picture.

Guys, what can we name our picture? ( « Autumn colors» ).

God is love! With love peace He created beautiful!

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All presentations in this series can be downloaded or transferred to your accounts (either individually or as an archive) on Yandex.Disk and [email protected]

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Presentation slide content.

Slide 2. James Tissot. world creation. God's creation of the world and man
God is the Creator
angelic world
Material world
Slide 3. Scroll. Genesis. This book is called so because it tells us about how “everything began to be that began to be”, i.e. how God called the visible world from nonexistence to existence.
Slide 4. Moses writes the book of Genesis. The author of this Holy Book is the great prophet and leader of the Jewish people Moses. Hidden text: He wrote this book in order to perpetuate the history of the origin of the world and the original fate of mankind, when oral traditions about this began to be distorted and even gradually disappear.
slide 5. The entire narrative of the book of Genesis, which contains 50 chapters, can be divided into three main and essential parts.
First(1-3 ch.) tells about the origin of the world and the fall of the ancestors.
Second(4-11 ch.) sets out the history of primitive fallen mankind, its death in the waters of the flood, reproduction and dispersion throughout the world of post-Flood mankind.
In the third(12-50 ch.) contains the history of the life of the Jewish people.
Slide 6. Aivazovsky I.K. World creation. Chaos. God is the Creator of the world and man.
Slide 7. nature photography. Beauty, harmony, diversityHidden text: The world, considered in its external beauty and internal harmony, is a marvelous creation, amazing in the harmony of its parts and the wonderful variety of its forms.
Slide 8. space photography. "Cosmos" - beauty, order. Hidden text: Even the ancient Greek genius, contemplating a reasonable device in the universe, gave him the name kosmos (kosmos), which means beauty, order.
Slide 9. Cognition of the world - knowledge of the Creator. Hidden text: Knowing the vast depths of space through telescopes and radio telescopes and at the same time penetrating into the world of elementary particles, modern science sees the seal of the invisible Supermundane Mind on everything visible.
Slide 10. Icon "Trinity". Rev. Andrei Rublev, first half of the 15th century. Creator of the world and man - God. Hidden text: It is this Supra-Mundane or Divine Mind, which is revealed in the world and through the world to man, according to the Holy Bible, is not only the organizer of this world, but also its Creator.
Slide 11. bible book. The Holy Bible on its first pages tells us the secret of the origin of this visible world.
slide 12. Aivazovsky I.K. world creation. Time is a form of being of the material world. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1), says the chronicler Moses. Hidden text: In these few words, the truth, immense in its depth, is expressed that everything that exists in heaven and on earth, and therefore primitive matter, has its origin. The word "in the beginning" indicates that the world is not eternal, it is called from non-existence to being God in time, or rather, with time itself. There was no time before the appearance of the world, because time is a form of being of the material world.
slide 13. Photograph of Earth from space. The reason for the origin of the world is the will of God. Hidden text: God is the natural cause of the universe, and without Him nothing could have happened. The world could not come either from "accident" or from "spontaneous generation." It originated from the free decision of the will of the almighty God, who favored from non-existence to call the world to temporary existence.
Slide 14. This decision stemmed solely from the love and goodness of the Creator in order to give the creature the opportunity to enjoy these greatest properties of His Being.
slide 15. Gustave Dore. Creation of light. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God(John 1:1). And so “...He,” according to the divinely inspired psalmist, “said and it happened, He commanded and it appeared” everything (Ps. 32:9). Hidden text: According to the interpretation of the holy fathers of the Church, the creative Word of God must be understood as the Second Hypostasis of the Holy Trinity - the Son of God, through whom, in the words of the Evangelist John the Theologian, "everything ... began to be, and without Him nothing began to be that began to be" (Jn .1,3). Since the second verse of the first chapter of the book of Genesis speaks of the participation of the Holy Spirit in the creation, one can think that God acted in the creation of the world as the eternal Trinity.
slide 16.The world is created from nothing . Hidden text: The creation of the world from nothing or from nothingness is one of the basic truths of the Christian faith. Although the Bible does not contain the word "out of nothing", but it is implied already on its first pages. This word was first introduced into use by the holy fathers and teachers of the Church, in opposition to the then dominant dualistic worldview of many pagan thinkers, who recognized, along with the eternal God, eternally existing matter, from which God then created various forms of the visible world. In turn, the pagan sages objected to the monistic view of the holy fathers and said that something cannot be created from nothing. St. Basil the Great, in response to their objection, explained that God did not create the world out of nothing in the literal sense of the word, but out of "His might." So we need to understand the word “out of nothing” in the sense in which the holy fathers used it. Since there is no change in God, one can think that the image of the world has always existed in His Mind. In other words, the idea of ​​the world has always existed with God, but then, by His all-good will, it received its realization in time.
slide 17. Heavenly Forces (fragment of wall painting of St. Michael's Golden-Domed Cathedral in Kyiv). angelic world.
Slide 18. Collage - earth and sky. God created two worlds: heavenly, earthly. Hidden text: The Bible gives us very little information about the spiritual world. From the context of the entire Bible, the following idea of ​​the spiritual or angelic world can be drawn.
slide 19. Priest Alexander Egorov. Powers of Heaven. The angelic world was created by God before the material world. Hidden text: The Lord Himself clearly tells us about this in the book of Job: “When the stars were (created), all My angels praised Me with a great voice” (Job 38:7).
slide 20. Angel Drawing. Angels are beings thinking, willing, feeling like people, but incorporeal.
slide 21. Gustave Dore. Angelic extravaganza ("Paradise Lost"). The number of angels is very great.
slide 22. Gustave Dore. "Lost heaven". According to their perfections, the angels are not the same and are divided into several degrees. The lowest of the angels is by nature superior to the most gifted man. Hidden text: The fate of the spiritual world is hidden from us, but one event known to us from the Holy Scriptures slightly reveals the secret of this world.
slide 23. Gustave Dore. "Lost heaven". All angels were created by God to be good. They lived in direct communication with God and were in a state of bliss.
slide 24. Gustave Dore. "Lost heaven". And then one of the highest angels, named Dennitsa, proud of his perfections, left obedience to God ...
↓ ... became an evil devil (slanderer), Satan (an adversary) and dragged away many angels subject to him.
slide 25. Gustave Dore. "Lost heaven". Archangel Michael - the leader of the Angels who remained faithful to God ...
↓ ...thrown all the evil angels into hell, i.e. to a place where the saving grace of God is absent.
slide 26. Gustave Dore. "Lost heaven". Thus, boundless pride, which does not allow even a shadow of humility and does not give room for repentance, closed the Kingdom of Heaven forever for the fallen angels...
↓ ... and cast them down into the hellish abyss, where they are kept in eternal bonds of spiritual darkness on the day of the Last Judgment.
slide 27. Photograph of Earth from space. Material world. The material world was created by God in six creative days or creative periods. Hidden text: The Hebrew word day (yom) - means not only our earthly day, but generally an indefinite period of time.
slide 28. Chiurlionis M.K. world creation. The first creative act of God- primary matter. ↓ From the original matter - ↓ all forms of being.
slide 29. Chiurlionis M.K. world creation. Initial state Moses calls the newly created matter:
earth (Hidden text: because the globe was then formed precisely from this primary matter)
abyss (Hidden text: indicating by this its infinity and immensity for the human eye)
water(Hidden text: meaning by this the instability, mobility, rarefaction of primitive matter, in comparison with state of the art matter)
invisible (Hidden text: in the sense of the absence of those specific features and qualities with which matter appeared later, at the end of creative activity, and with which it is observed now)
unsettled (Hidden text: In the sense of the absence of those laws that so wisely and harmoniously determined her life later (“the earth was formless and empty” (Gen. 1.2))
slide 30. Chiurlionis M.K. world creation. There was darkness over the abyss of pra-matter. Hidden text: This expression of the writer of everyday life can be interpreted in the sense that this primary state of pra-matter is inaccessible to human knowledge. This substance is before the human consciousness as an "abyss", not explored and "in depth" and "in breadth".
. « And the Spirit of God hovered over the water"(Gen.1,2). Hidden text: With these words, the writer expresses the idea that the Third Hypostasis of the Holy Trinity - the Spirit of God - prepared this primordial substance for further creative Divine acts.
slide 31. Aivazovsky I.K. world creation. Hidden text: And from this ready-made, primordial, but still unorganized substance, further creation takes place, which took place in the course of six days, or periods, when the omnipotent hand of God, according to the sacred writer of the book of Wisdom of Solomon, creates the world "out of an unshaped substance" (Wisdom 11, eighteen).

"The beauty of God's world"

Senior age group


Formation of moral consciousness and behavior;

Development of moral experiences and feelings.

Main goals:


To begin to reveal to children the basic ideas of Orthodoxy about the structure of the world and its Creator;

Introduce children to the circle of the main Orthodox holidays and the spiritual and moral way of life of their people;

To give initial ideas about the Orthodox church, to acquaint children with the rules of conduct in the church;

Continue to acquaint with Russian folk songwriting;

Develop and expand understanding of the meaning of folk proverbs; etc.


To cultivate a sense of integrity, belonging to the living world, closeness, openness and trust in its Creator;

To teach a caring attitude towards plants and animals, respect for the environment;

Cultivate patience and organization; feelings of the beautiful and sublime, a feeling of reverence for the shrines;

To promote the desire of children to imitate the saint in the virtues of obedience to parents, humility, love for God, people and the Motherland;

To educate in children attentiveness and caring for relatives; etc.


To promote the development in children of figurative perception, a sense of the beautiful and sublime;

To promote the formation of a spiritual and moral personality with an optimistic outlook on life, with a focus on the knowledge of God, forming the highest feelings;

Develop teamwork skills, teach children to do business together, together, harmoniously;

To promote the development in children of the habit of classes, useful activities, non-idle spending time;

To develop in children the ability to yield, negotiate, get along with other children and adults; etc.

The task of forming moral consciousness and behavior is implemented and integrated with all educational areas, especially: "Cognition", "Reading fiction", "Communication", "Socialization", "Music", " Physical Culture"," Artistic creativity.

Materials and equipment: computer, projector, presentation "Creation of the World", globe, illustrations "forest, sea, field, mountains", recording "Noise of the forest, birdsong", album sheet, gouache, brushes.

1. Six days of creation of the world

So, how is the creation of the world described in the biblical books? Let's look at each day step by step:

  • Day 1 In Genesis, the beginning of creation represents the creation of the earth by God. The earth was empty, lifeless, lying in bottomless darkness, but on its surface there was water, over which God's Spirit hovered. Seeing that darkness covers everything around, God created light and separated it from darkness, thereby creating day and night.
  • Day 2. Since the earth was lifeless, God needed to create the sky, which in "Genesis" is called "the firmament." The airspace, according to God's plan, was to separate the water that is under the firmament from the water that is above the firmament, that is, in this way God delimited the near-earth and near-heaven space. The atmosphere of the planet was created.
  • Day 3. The following creations of God are usually called land, seas and flora. Having collected all the water in certain places, God created the seas, and called the land that appeared land. The earth brought forth its fruits: greenery, grass that produced seeds, fertile trees, seeds from whose fruits fell to the ground and grew again.
  • Day 4. On this day the sun, stars and moon were created by God. These "lamps" were needed to control day and night, as well as to determine days, years and times. According to God's idea, "lamps" were also supposed to be conductors of various signs.
  • Day 5. To see how God created the world, just read the description of the fifth day in Genesis. It was marked by the creation of the kingdom of fish, reptiles and birds, which God commanded to be fruitful and multiply, filling the water and the sky.
  • Day 6. The last day of the creation of the world was devoted to the creation of the animal world and man himself. When God created "cattle, reptiles and beasts of the earth", he decided to put his crown of creation - man - over all this. How did God create man? He made him in his image and likeness from the dust of the earth, blowing into his face the Breath of Life. Having created Paradise in the east, he settled a man there and ordered him to cultivate and keep the Garden of Eden, to give names to all animals and birds. How did God create woman? When a man asked God to create a helper for him, God put him to sleep and, taking a rib out of his body, created a woman. The man clung to her with his soul and since then has never parted.

Thus, within six days God conceived and created the earth, animals and people. God blessed the seventh day as a day off, on which, according to Christian tradition, you should not practice physical labor but to dedicate to God.

The whole Earth is a huge garden:

Here the grass caresses the eye,

Trees here, bushes there.

And, of course, flowers.

2. Journey to the meadow. The game "Who is there hiding in the grass."

Children pass the ball around in a circle and name insects, flowers.

3. Walk in the forest. Game "Forest Wonders".

Children pass the ball to each other and name trees, animals and birds.

4. Physical education minute.

Hands raised and shook -

These are the trees in the forest.

Hands bent, brushes shaken -

The wind knocks down the dew.

To the sides of the hand, gently wave -

The birds are flying towards us.

How they sit down, we will also show -

Hands crossed back.

(Children stand freely on the carpet. Movements are performed in accordance with the text).

5. Immersion underwater. Game "Underwater world".

Dive into the depths of the sea -

Whom you will not find there!

You could easily find

Jellyfish, shrimps, crabs, fish.

Children name sea creatures.

6. We climb the mountains. Children look at photographs of mountain vegetation and animals.

7. The circle of the sun is golden ....

The field… The forest is green.

How beautiful is the world around

Created by God.

Children draw their impressions, pictures of nature.

8. Bottom line.

Good and Evil

There is in our world.

Kindness of all people

We can't count.

But all the best

God - He is Good!