Entrepreneurship courses. MBS Business School: seminars, advanced training courses, business trainings for managers and industry specialists. Free office: a network of coworking spaces

How to get free and preferential staff training for SMEs?

In Moscow, there are several types of preferential education for SMEs:

1. Free training programs for SME employees and start-up entrepreneurs

The State Budgetary Institution "Small Business of Moscow" with the assistance of the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship implements training programs for employees of small and medium-sized businesses. Participants can be beginners or experienced entrepreneurs who want to expand their knowledge in the chosen field, improve the skills of employees or acquire useful contacts in a professional environment.

Who can take part in the programs?

  1. Managers and employees of small and medium-sized businesses.
  2. Government civil servants of the city of Moscow responsible for supporting, developing and regulating the activities of SMEs.
  3. Aspiring Entrepreneurs:
  • retired servicemen and adult members of their families;
  • student youth;
  • women who have returned from parental leave, or persons who are on parental leave;
  • persons with disabilities.
  • Participants of the Presidential Program for Management Training.
  • How much does it cost to join the program?

    Education is free. All expenses are compensated by the Moscow Government. For some types of educational programs, training may be partially paid.

    All educational programs are conducted by experienced teachers in courses designed specifically for entrepreneurs. All courses have a practical focus.

    After completing the training, you will learn how to correctly draw up a business plan, how to attract customers for business development, how to properly manage a company and get other useful knowledge that every entrepreneur needs.

    How to get trained in the program?

    • select the program of interest on the portal mbm.ru in the section "Education";
    • complete the registration process;
    • enroll in a program of interest;
    • get a link to download directions;
    • send the necessary documents to the organization conducting the training;
    • come with a printed referral to the educational institution offered by the Program.

    After checking the correctness of the submitted documents, a representative of the educational organization will contact you and invite you to study.

    2. Presidential Management Training Program

    To make your learning on how to start your own business from scratch as convenient, fast and efficient as possible, the Entrepreneurship Institute offers a distance learning format for completing the course “How to Start a Business”. The leading and most popular to date, distance learning for small businesses provides remote study of the course program from anywhere in the world. After paying through your personal account on the website, you will be given access to all tasks and lessons of courses for beginner entrepreneurs in Moscow at the MBA CITY Business Academy, and you can study the program at a convenient pace and schedule.

    Experienced specialists of the Institute of Entrepreneurship of the MBA CITY Business Academy will definitely provide you with professional and highly qualified support, and will be happy to answer all the questions that have arisen during the study.

    Timely completion of the course "How to start your own business" will give you the opportunity to successfully start your own business and learn how to professionally manage an enterprise. This is your opportunity to learn everything you need to know about your own business.

    The cost of the training program for start-up entrepreneurs is quite low for the opportunity to get an education in the highest paid field of activity, improve your knowledge and skills and master an interesting profession. Small business courses are your chance to expand your opportunities for professional growth and increased income. After the first lesson, you will be able to draw up a business plan and start putting it into practice, and your professional income will grow many times over! To complete the training program “How to start your own business” means to become a sought-after and certified specialist in the field of entrepreneurship.

    Although training at the MBA CITY Business Academy takes place remotely, you will still receive a state-recognised Certificate with an international application on completing the course “How to open your own business”, and this document will become a significant plus for your manager’s resume and an excellent confirmation of the acquired professional knowledge.

    License for educational activities No. 038379

    The program of the training course "HOW TO OPEN YOUR BUSINESS"

    1. The concept and classification of entrepreneurial activity
    1.1 Types of entrepreneurship
    1.2 Features of individual entrepreneurs
    1.3 Creation of a joint venture

    2. How to choose a business area
    2.1 How to justify starting a new business
    2.2 What is included in the founding documents
    2.3 New company registration procedure
    2.4 Need for licensing

    3. Organization of management in the company
    3.1 Functions of company management
    3.2 Company business plan
    3.3 Mechanisms for ensuring the work of the company
    3.4 Company termination procedure

    4. Forms of organization of activities of legal entities
    4.1 Classification of legal entities by form of business

    5. The concept of competition
    5.1 Role of monopolization
    5.2 The essence of antitrust regulation
    5.3 Increasing competitiveness indicators
    5.4 Analysis of the company's competitiveness

    6. How entrepreneurial solutions are created
    6.1 Area of ​​acceptance of entrepreneurial ideas
    6.2 Implementation of entrepreneurial ideas
    6.3 The role of the economy in business decision making

    7. Ways to organize your business
    7.1 Where to get new ideas
    7.2 Ways to creatively solve problems
    7.3 New product development
    7.4 Buying a business
    7.5 Ways to organize a joint business
    7.6 Peculiarities of redemption with sub-loan

    8. Ways to draw up a business plan
    8.1 The essence of the business plan
    8.2 Gathering information for the business plan
    8.3 Business plan structure
    8.4 Implementation of the business plan

    9. Secrets of Entrepreneurial Success
    9.1 The role of capital in business success

    10. The essence of entrepreneurial risk
    10.1 Types of business risks
    10.2 Business risk analysis
    10.3 Business risk mitigation techniques

    11. Fundamentals of personnel management
    11.1 Identification of staffing needs and recruitment
    11.2 Education and training of employees
    11.3 Career of company employees
    11.4 Ways to motivate employees

    12. Marketing service in the company
    12.1 The need for a marketing service in a company
    12.2 Organization of the marketing service in the company

    13. The concept of goods in business
    13.1 Stages of the product life cycle
    13.2 Information support of goods
    13.3 Organization of the supply of goods

    14. Business partnerships
    14.1 Types of cooperation in business
    14.2 Types of cooperation in production
    14.3 Types of cooperation in the exchange of goods
    14.4 Types of transactions in trading
    14.5 Types of financial cooperation

    15. Pricing regulation
    15.1 What affects the price level
    15.2 Determining the company's pricing policy
    15.3 Setting the price of export and import goods
    15.4 Price factor
    15.5 Product quality factor

    16. The essence of the company's innovative activity
    16.1 Features of the company's innovative activities
    16.2 Analysis of the effectiveness of innovations
    16.3 Technological innovation

    17. Company profit structure
    17.1 Sources of company profits
    17.2 The role of trade secrets

    18. Features of small business
    18.1 Economic features of small business
    18.2 Challenges faced by small businesses
    18.3 The essence of state support for small businesses

    19. Business loans and insurance
    19.1 The concept and features of leasing
    19.2 The concept and features of factoring
    19.3 The concept and features of franchising
    19.4 Company insurance

    20. Company bankruptcy
    20.1 Declaring an enterprise insolvent
    20.2 Features of the bankruptcy procedure
    20.3 Bankruptcy liquidation procedure
    20.4 Sale of assets of a bankrupt company

    21. Organization of associations of organizations
    21.1 Features of financial and industrial groups

    22. The essence of state regulation of entrepreneurial activity
    22.1 The need for state regulation of entrepreneurship
    22.2 Understanding the effect of accelerated depreciation
    22.3 What is included in the budget
    22.4 Role of the public sector
    22.5 Features of the state. balance of payments regulation
    22.6 Features of the state. labor market regulation

    23. Personal qualities of an entrepreneur
    23.1 What is entrepreneurial and organizational capacity
    23.2 How to shape economic thinking
    23.3 How to organize your working day

    24. Legal aspects of entrepreneurial activity
    24.1 Laws governing privatization
    24.2 Business laws
    24.3 Features of protecting the rights and interests of organizations in court

    25. Evaluation of profit and profitability of the company
    25.1 The main indicators of the company's profit
    25.2 The main indicators of the profitability of the company
    25.3 What affects the profit and profitability of the company
    25.4 The need to analyze the profit and profitability of the company
    25.5 Ways to measure company profits
    25.6 Methods for assessing the profitability of a company

    For residents of Moscow, a distance learning program "Modern Entrepreneur" was organized - advanced training courses in the areas of "Marketing" and "Entrepreneurship".

    Participation in the program free, financed by the Government of Moscow. Muscovites who have and are receiving higher or secondary vocational education can participate.

    The program lasts one month and does not imply a break from the main work. Upon completion, a certificate of advanced training of the state standard is issued.

    The program is being implemented by the Moscow Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship, the State Budgetary Institution "Small Business of Moscow" and the Moscow State Industrial University.

    Within the framework of the program, there are two types of advanced training - the courses "Entrepreneurship and business model building" and "Marketing to meet the needs."

    The study consists of two parts - remote (virtual) from November 1 to November 16, and full-time (in the classroom) from November 22 to November 30.

    In the remote form, there will be independent study of materials, watching video lectures in the amount of 6 academic hours (45 minutes each) per course and participation in webinars. All webinars will take place over the weekend. Participation in webinars is an important point, since the probability of passing to the second, full-time part of the training depends on it. Webinars for each listener - 21 academic hours per program.

    Full-time training - one weekend (Saturday + Sunday). Upon successful completion, a certificate of advanced training in the relevant profile will be issued.

    What you need to do to enroll in the program

    1. Choose one of the two (or both) courses of the program:

    2. Register for the program on the GBU MBM website:

    a) Fill in all the fields of the opened form and click on the "REGISTER" button. You will receive an email notification of registration with further instructions.

    Teaching business through courses, seminars, programs and business trainings is gaining popularity. Increasingly, people are realizing that the growth of their income from employment is very limited and are going to learn the basics of business, opening and managing, organizing business processes and development. The most famous players in this market are Business Youth, Synergy, Like-Center.

    At the same time, business trainings have a polar reputation, there are a lot of positive and negative reviews on the Internet. Some call them a scam, while others consider it the best way to learn how to do business. They cover different topics: they help to find an idea for starting a business and create a company from scratch, they tell how it is done. There are paid and free, offline and online courses for beginners and experienced entrepreneurs in various fields. Read my personal ranking of the best business courses in 2019. At the end you will find links to free courses.

    1. Business training from GreenSales and Petr Ponomarev

    3. Antistartup - online course by Arkady Moreinis

    Once upon a time, Arkady Moreinis and Evgeny Chernyak launched their own IT companies, and then decided to invest in startups and make money on it. It turned out that the ideas of novice startups about business are too far from reality and they have to be trained from scratch. This is how the Antistartup online course appeared, which dispels illusions and directs entrepreneurs in the right direction.

    The cost of the course is from 90,000 rubles. Duration: 8 weeks of active learning + support. Antistartup program and details at this link.

    4. MZS or "A million for a hundred" from Business Youth

    The BM premium program is not for those who are just starting out. MZS for those who already have a stable income and seek to increase it. They promise, albeit with reservations, an increase in income at least twice. Duration: 2 months. Details and registration.

    5. Training program TSEKH from Business Youth

    The workshop is one of the most massive business trainings from one of the most famous business schools. Business Molodist offers to master the tools for starting a business and put them into practice. Term - 2 months. Details and registration at this link.

    6. Online course "Entrepreneur" from the Like-center

    The Center for Entrepreneurship Development offers a hands-on online business course. Details and registration.

    7. Business Plant School of Business Synergy

    Another three-day intensive for starting a business, but already from the Synergy business school. The offline event takes place in Moscow, but you can participate online from anywhere in the world. After three active days, participants will be accompanied for several months on a special platform. You can sign up and learn more.

    8. Courses in business and management from Netology

    Searching and downloading business courses on torrents is not relevant. Today there are free projects or individual classes. For example, in Netology, a separate block of programs and courses is dedicated to business and management, including some for free. You can check them out at this link.

    9. Business environment from Sberbank

    The Business Environment platform has collected the knowledge and experience of successful entrepreneurs and business coaches from the most popular business schools. For the most part, the content on this site is free, but at the same time of a fairly high quality. Follow this link and check for yourself.

    10. IIDF pre-accelerator

    The Pre-Accelerator course of the Internet Initiatives Development Foundation will help you learn business as a system quickly, free of charge and effectively. This is an online course, but very practical - it is designed for startups who quickly work through a project, its prospects and investment attractiveness by watching video tutorials and filling out a questionnaire.

    Then this questionnaire is considered by the fund's specialists in order to invite worthy projects to the accelerator, to give investments, a place to work, mentors in exchange for a share in the project. The course includes such topics as: product, economy and demand, team, competitors, market and promotion. Record.

    Until now, people who have not understood and accepted the digital realities of the modern world are looking for courses in their cities: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Rostov, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Omsk and other cities.

    It seems to me that the best experts today are still concentrated in Moscow, but at the same time they strive for maximum coverage in the regions via the Internet, so I think that it is not worth signing up for any local courses.

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    Private entrepreneurship and small business are those areas of economic activity and economic attention that are now focused on by both the Government of the Russian Federation and individual people who want to improve their well-being in this area. To implement this activity, it is necessary to have certain knowledge and skills, which can be learned by taking courses for small business entrepreneurs or by enrolling in seminars for small businesses, which are often held online. In these classes, you will learn about all the steps that you need to go through in order to be able to open your own business quickly and within the framework of current legislation. The trends of the current economic situation in the country are such that small business is becoming a fairly promising area. There are plenty of pitfalls when opening and registering a small business, and in order not to encounter them before this procedure, it is better to be trained by small business entrepreneurs from an experienced teacher who has experience in this activity.

    "City Center for Additional Professional Education" conducts practical training and vocational training for entrepreneurs. These training courses are designed for those who wish to open their own business, successfully run and develop it.

    The curricula of the courses are designed for those who wish to engage in entrepreneurial activities without special education and any initial knowledge and experience in this field. will help students to gain the necessary knowledge, practical advice and sequence of actions for organizing, maintaining, controlling and developing their own business.

    Training for start-up entrepreneurs is also carried out with the active study of the programs 1C: Salary and personnel management 8.3, 1C: Accounting 8.3, which will automate the work of maintaining accounting, tax and personnel records, as well as payroll accounting.

    What will I get after completing the Entrepreneurship Course?

    After completing the course, or after passing a seminar for small businesses, you will, firstly, feel confident in yourself and in your abilities, recharge with positive energy, which communication with an experienced teacher will help you discover in yourself. Secondly, you will have a clear picture of all your actions and movements that you need to make in order to open your small business. The checklist created in the lessons will help you with this, which will contain the basic rules and useful tips for going through this or that step in your economic activity. Thirdly, most small business seminars in Moscow provide support in the most sensitive issues that a student may have after training during the implementation of practical actions. And of course, a diploma on completion of this entrepreneurship course will also help you, as a document certifying your competence.