Tariff regulation and forms of remuneration in construction. Labor rationing in building a house Labor rationing in construction example


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1. Tariff regulation of wages in construction

Basic the task of tariff regulation of wages is to establish the optimal proportions between the measure of labor and the measure of consumption. Tariff rationing serves the tariff system, which is a set of rules and regulations that ensure the planning of the wage fund in estimates and the differentiation of wages of workers in contractor organizations, depending on the quality and working conditions.

Accounting for the quantity of labor aims to reflect in wages the duration of labor over time, as well as the intensity and intensity of labor per unit of time. The amount of labor is taken into account through technical rationing, which involves the use of time standards, production standards, service standards, from the level of implementation of which, i.e. the amount of payment depends on the degree of intensity of work.

Accounting for the quality of labor reflects its complexity and qualifications of the employee, the conditions in which the labor process is carried out, including the severity and hazard to health. Accounting for the quality of labor, or qualitative differences in labor, has as its ultimate goal the provision of equal pay for equal work, regardless of the specifics of the content of specific types of labor. This goal is achieved with the help of the tariff system as a tool for regulating wages at the production and other levels of personnel management.

One of the fundamental principles of the organization of remuneration is its differentiation, i.e. establishing the necessary differences in the wages of employees, determined by taking into account the quantity and quality of labor expended, the efficiency and results of labor activity.

The tariff system provides differentiated remuneration of employees depending on the following criteria: the complexity of the work performed; working conditions; labor intensity; responsibility and significance of the work performed; natural and climatic conditions for the performance of work.

The tariff system is a set of regulatory documents that regulate payment in various areas: by categories of employees (workers, employees, managers, specialists, technical performers); by professional and qualification groups; by sectors, sub-sectors, industries and activities; by levels of complexity and working conditions; across the territorial regions of the country.

The tariff system includes the main elements with the help of which the tariff conditions for remuneration of employees of enterprises and organizations are formed: tariff scales; tariff rates (rates of remuneration); tariff-qualification reference books; official salaries; qualification directory of positions of employees; as well as the coefficients of regional regulation of wages of employees of budgetary sectors.

The tariff scale is a scale consisting of a certain number of tariff categories, their corresponding tariff rates and tariff coefficients. It is characterized by a range of tariff coefficients - the ratio of tariff rates of extreme categories and tariff coefficients - the ratio of tariff rates of all categories of the tariff scale, reduced to the lowest category or to the average level.

Tariff rate - the specific wages of a worker, which is due to him for the performance of established production tasks in jobs that correspond to his qualifications. In construction, uniform hourly tariff rates were established for pieceworkers and timeworkers.

The Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Working Professions (ETKS) is a systematized list of works and professions of workers intended for labor rating, including work rating and workers rating.

The billing of work determines the correspondence of the work to the professions and qualifications of workers and its assignment to the appropriate pay group, depending on its complexity, nature, working conditions and the characteristics of the given production in which it takes place.

The tariffing of workers is the assignment to workers of each specialty of a certain tariff (qualification) category corresponding to their qualifications.

The system of differentiation of remuneration at enterprises includes various types of surcharges and allowances, including those compensating for additional labor costs of employees in conditions that deviate from normal, as well as taking into account increased labor intensity, surcharges for working at night, on weekends and holidays, allowances, associated with the special nature of the work performed, for length of service (continuous work experience), allowances for persons with academic degrees, titles, special merits, etc.

The tariff part of the wages of an employee today in construction is 60-70% of the nominal (accrued) wages. When determining the remaining amount of wages at enterprises (bonuses, compensation and other payments), tariff regulation methods are applied to a small extent and are calculated on other grounds.

The type, remuneration systems, tariff rates, salaries, bonuses, other incentive payments, as well as the ratio in their amounts between certain categories of personnel of specific enterprises (contracting construction organizations) are not regulated by the state, are determined by them independently and are fixed in collective agreements.

The system of tariff regulation in construction combines all levels of wage management in construction:

determination of the contractual (estimated) amount of funds for wages for the facility (construction project);

Formation of the wage fund for employees of a construction organization for the annual program of contract work (for the planned period);

Differentiation and organization of wages in the contracting organization by employees (specialties and qualifications), by periods and objects.

Initial salary planning is carried out in the estimated calculations for construction projects based on estimated tariffs and the total labor costs of workers on the project:

3P cm \u003d T cm × 3 slave

where: 3P cm - wages of workers in the estimated cost of building an object, rubles;

T cm - the average (estimated) tariff rate of wages for workers in the estimated calculation for a specific facility, rub./hour-hour;

3 slave - labor costs of workers according to the estimated calculation, h.-hour. Currently, labor costs according to the estimate are determined in a generalized form, without dividing by specialties and qualifications of workers

The purpose of the estimated construction cost planning is the formation of a full wage fund for the construction project, and tariff regulation in production conditions ensures the differentiation of workers' wages in contract construction organizations.

The principles of continuous planning and compliance of management functions in construction link these tasks into a single system through the wage rates of construction workers. The rule of unity of management functions provides that the actual costs attributed to wages must be equal (or close) to the planned amount of funds for these purposes.

The administrative-command provisions of tariff rationing are preserved by the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation in the Methodological Regulations for determining the amount of funds for wages (MDS 83-1.99). The estimated system recommended by the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation is based on linking the estimated wage rates to the level of the subsistence minimum (poverty level) and to the 1986 tariff scale that is uniform for all construction workers (Decree No. On the improvement of the organization of wages and the introduction of new tariff rates and official salaries). Until now, the Soviet tariff system of remuneration in construction has remained unchanged, the range of the tariff scale, tariff coefficients and rank classification have been preserved.

This situation not only does not meet the objectives of market pricing, but its application in practice has led to serious negative consequences in the development of the country's construction complex, the main of which are significant deviations of the planned in the estimates and the actual wages of workers in real construction. As a result of the introduction of administrative recommendations in the construction industry, part of the wages went into the shadow, semi-criminal area of ​​the economy, trust in estimates was lost, and corruption pressure in the industry increased.

The problems of tariff regulation should be considered in a unified system of remuneration but separately at two levels: differentiation of wages at the enterprise and estimated planning of the wage fund in contract construction contracts.

At enterprises, tariff systems are set in the organization itself based on its own interests, motivations and capabilities. At the same time, general scientific and methodological principles and rules for constructing tariff scales are used, as well as industry-wide and federal conditions and restrictions on the classification of work and working specialties.

In the estimated rationing, the tariff rates of wages are determined by the agreement of the parties, and the methods for determining the contractual level of rates should take into account both the capabilities of the customer and the needs of the contractor, i.e. modern methods of monitoring the regional labor market should be used.

2. Tariff scales of wages for construction workers

Tariff rationing identifies the following factors of influence (in order of priority) in the construction of the tariff system of remuneration: the average level of wages in the system (absolute value); the structure of the range of wage rates for industry workers; ranking of rates according to the professional composition of workers; differentiation of rates of each specialty by qualification categories.

Diagram 1 shows the main characteristics of the tariff system: the average level and range of tariff rates; the ratio of wages by specialty and category. All indicators are linked into a general system of tariff regulation of wages in construction, used both for the purposes of planning wages in the estimated cost, and for distributing labor costs among performers in a contractor organization.

Differentiation of wages at enterprises is carried out in the order established in the reference book (ETKS) - first, workers are divided into specialties and professions, and then, within each specialty, by qualification categories. The tariff system of labor remuneration at the enterprises of the construction industry includes a vertical tariff scale, which organizes the differentiation of wages by working specialties, and a horizontal tariff scale, which specifies the level of remuneration of specialists by qualification categories.

In market conditions, construction is defined as an activity of a civil law nature, where the only legal and legitimate grounds for determining the cost of future construction are the provisions and rules agreed by the parties and enshrined in the contract. In the system of market relations, an agreement between the customer and the contractor on the average wage for a specific project (contractual tariff rates) is a necessary and sufficient condition for solving the main estimated (planned) and production problems of remuneration for workers and employees in the construction of this facility.

Diagram 1

Factors of influence and priorities of the tariff system of remuneration

The main factor influencing the level of wages is the average level of the tariff system. According to the value of the absolute value of the average tariff rate (or average wage), on the one hand, it is possible to determine the estimated amount of wages for workers under the project, on the other hand, the calculated characteristics (tariff coefficients) make it possible to obtain unambiguous values ​​of the planned wage for workers of any specialty and qualification category within the established tariff system.

The next most important influence on the wage level of any worker in construction is the form and structure of the range of the tariff system. The most important parameter of this level of influence is the determination of the ratio between the average level of tariffs and the boundary indicators - the minimum and maximum wages.

The gradation of wages by working specialties, professions and positions, in today's conditions, is the main parameter of the tariff system of remuneration, the most prone to market influence. It is possible to evaluate the work of workers of different specialties only on the basis of a comparison of the necessity and usefulness of their work in the labor market. This circumstance predetermines the mandatory conduct of a full-fledged market monitoring of wages by profession.

The least influence on the level of wages in the tariff system is provided by the differentiation of wages by qualification categories. The possibilities of the rank grid in changing the level of wages are insignificant, are within the limits of the cost of labor in one specialty and practically do not affect the amount of wages for the construction object as a whole.

However, at present, discharge tariff rates are the main category in determining both the amount of wages in the estimates of the cost of construction, and in the organization of wages in contracting activities.

The traditional model of the tariff system, which has been in force to date, establishes a single wage scale for all professions of workers in construction with a range of 1.8 (the ratio of the maximum and minimum rates).

Such a range in wages determines the egalitarian model of income differentiation of the population, which is used in the administrative-command system of public administration, and leads to "equalization" in wages, without stimulating the development of the country's economy. The moderate (market) model assumes a range of incomes of the population in the amount of (6-8): 1, which can be considered as a guideline in determining the range of the modern wage rate system in construction.

In the planned economy, unified tariff scales for wages were established for all sectors of the national economy. The tariff system of remuneration, specified in the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of September 17, 1986 No. 1115, is still in force at the present time without change. In the estimated prices of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation FER-2001 and TER-2001, the wage rates for construction workers are adopted according to this resolution, in which the range of wage differentiation coefficients is - 1.8.

Today, the country uses tariff scales with a large number of digits, for example, the 18-digit Unified Tariff-Qualification Scale for budgetary organizations. Such tariff scales combine the wages of workers, employees, specialists and managers into a common system. Such a system is suitable for centralized distribution and management of wages, but is not acceptable and not possible in civil market relations, for contracting activities in construction, although Gosstroy of the Russian Federation in MDS 83-1.99 strongly recommended an 18-bit grid for construction.

The idea of ​​unifying wage rates for the public sector and for civil law relations at free enterprise enterprises throughout the country as a whole is not new and returns the construction complex to the system of administrative command management, does not correspond to a market economy and directly contradicts the Constitution, Civil and Labor legislation.

The optimal number of categories in the tariff scale, tested in practice in today's conditions and provided with a regulatory infrastructure, is 6-8 categories, traditionally accepted in construction.

When developing branded conditions for remuneration, enterprises have the right to maintain previously developed and existing inter-digit ratios of tariff rates in a 6-digit tariff scale (table 1) or accept any other tariff conditions for remuneration.

Table 1

Tariff digit grids of estimated and regulatory bases in construction

Regulatory indicators

Qualification ranks









Tariff coefficients









Tariff rates (rubles/hour-hour)






Tariff coefficients









Tariff rates (rubles/hour-hour)






Tariff coefficients







Enterprises have the right to independently establish any types and systems of remuneration, their differentiation by categories of employees and the appointment of incentive payments depending on the goals of production, staff motivation and financial capabilities of the enterprise.

The problem of differentiation of wages at the enterprise largely depends on the validity of the applied tariff system and, first of all, on the tariff coefficients.

The quality of tariff coefficients is determined by the objectives of the company's remuneration system, staff motivation and objective working conditions. The number and absolute values ​​of the coefficients in the pay scales depend on the following parameters: the range of pay scale coefficients; the number of tariff categories in the grid; forms of change of coefficients in the range.

The range of coefficients is defined as the ratio between the maximum and minimum wage rates in the tariff system adopted at the enterprise. As a rule, the minimum rate in the form of a coefficient is taken as one, hence the value of the range is equal to the maximum coefficient in the tariff scale.

The range of pay scale coefficients basically establishes the degree of wage differentiation between employees of the same specialty (or group of professions) in an enterprise. It is also possible to establish a single tariff scale for all working specialties with a common range of tariff coefficients.

The values ​​of the absolute and relative increase in tariff coefficients are given in the tariff scale in order to analyze its internal structure. At the same time, the relative increase of each subsequent tariff coefficient in comparison with the previous one shows by what percentage the level of payment for work (workers) of this category exceeds the level of payment for work (workers) of the previous category. The magnitude of the absolute and relative increase in tariff coefficients is important for ensuring the correct differentiation of wages for workers, depending on the tariff and qualification category of the work they perform. The degree of increase in tariff coefficients should correspond to the degree of increase in the qualification level of workers assigned to a higher category.

The number of categories in the tariff scale determines the number of categories (levels) for wages between the maximum and minimum wages at the enterprise. A large number of categories in the production grid (more than 10) makes it difficult for a specialist to advance through the hierarchy of remuneration, and its growth in categories is insignificant. This reduces the motivation of employees to improve their qualifications and skills. A small number of categories (less than 4) also does not stimulate the employee and makes it difficult to improve the qualification level.

The form of change in the coefficients in the range depends on the tasks that the enterprise solves by differentiating tariff rates and determines the types of tariff scales that differ in the nature of the change in tariff coefficients from category to category.

The most characteristic and representative are the following types of tariff scales:

with a progressive absolute and relative increase in tariff coefficients;

with a constant absolute and regressive relative increase in tariff coefficients;

with a regressive absolute and relative increase in tariff coefficients;

with a progressive absolute and constant relative increase in tariff coefficients;

A graphical representation of the change in tariff coefficients by tariff scale options is shown in Diagram 2.

An analysis of standard forms of tariff scales shows the impossibility of practical application of grids of the type. The high increase in tariff coefficients and, accordingly, the tariff rates of the lowest categories, with a decrease in the increase in wages with the achievement of higher qualifications, does not meet the requirement for a constant increase in the professional training of personnel.

In practice, branded tariff scales are accepted with the characteristics of the diagram between the curves and . The parameters of the tariff coefficients correspond to the indicators of the tariff scale adopted in the estimated and regulatory base for construction in 1984 (Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Council of Ministers of the USSR, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated December 26, 1968 No. 1045), and the parameters for changing the coefficients correspond to the tariff scale adopted in the estimated and regulatory base for construction of 1991- 2001 (Resolution No. 1115 dated 17.09.86).

Diagram 2

Types of tariff scales with coefficients depending on the main parameters of the system

The most simple and understandable in the development and application are tariff scales of the and type, for which we present the complete scheme and formulas for calculating the parameters.

Type 2 - linear dependence of changes in tariff coefficients. Uniform and constant growth of absolute values ​​of tariff coefficients. The value of tariff coefficients by categories (K ρ ) calculated by the formulas:

K ρ \u003d 1 + A × (P-1), A \u003d P max | P min -1,

where: K ρ - tariff coefficient for the category (p) in the tariff scale;

R - number of the current category in the tariff scale;

R min - number of the minimum digit (1);

R max - number of the maximum category in the designed tariff scale.

Type 4 - exponential dependence of changes in tariff coefficients. Uniform relative increase in coefficient values. The cost of increasing qualifications for each subsequent tariff category is calculated according to the principle of compound interest (exponential function). The tariff coefficient for each category (p) in the tariff scale is calculated by the formulas:

The tariff coefficients calculated in this way, for the accepted range - 1.8 in a 6-digit grid, correspond to the coefficients adopted in the 1984 estimate and regulatory base:

K 6 \u003d 1.125 5 \u003d 1.8; K 5 \u003d 1.6; K 4 \u003d 1.424; K 3 \u003d 1.266; K 2 = 1.125; K 1 = 1.00

For the practical application of tariff scales for differentiating wages in enterprises, an important indicator is the concept of an average category and an average tariff rate. In diagram 2, for the middle of the range in the variant, the skill level corresponds to the third tariff category, in the tariff scale option - to the fourth category, and in the tariff scale of the variant, the middle of the range of coefficients corresponds to the middle of the tariff scale (digit = 3.5).

Thus, when comparing different tariff systems and when forming tariff scales for the purposes of salary planning (estimated tariff scales), it is necessary to focus on the middle of the range, and not on the average tariff rate, as is mistakenly done. The middle of the range and the average tariff rate (middle category) are the same only in grids with a linear dependence.

There can be no categories with fractional indicators in production tariff scales. This is contrary to the concept of categorization and discrete change and measurement of the skill level of personnel.

In practical work, average wage rates are often used, which can be obtained from the tariff coefficients of the designed tariff scales with reduction coefficients. The reduction coefficient is taken for the average value of the range, and the reduced tariff scale for average wage rates is calculated by dividing the tariff coefficients by the reduction coefficient calculated as the ratio of the tariff rate of the average tariffication level of construction work to the tariff rates of each category.

3. Tariff wage rates for workers

The tariff rates of workers are the absolute amount of remuneration of labor of various groups and categories of workers per unit of time for the fulfillment of labor norms (labor duties), expressed in monetary terms. Tariff rates can be used in meters: month, shift, hour. The ratio between these indicators should be taken according to calendar data for the current year or according to averaged data for a number of recent years in the amount of: 1 month = 21.6 shifts = 167 hours (for a 40-hour working week).

It is the tariff rate that determines the wages of workers (for time workers - when determining the amount of payment for hours worked, for piecework workers - when determining piece rates).

The ratio of wages of workers of different specialties (at the minimum or average rate) is established only at the enterprise itself. The procedure for the formation of tariff rates of remuneration for specialties and qualifications is mandatory fixed in the collective agreement.

Tariff wage rates are established for all categories of the tariff system adopted in the organization: for specialties - in the professional tariff scale and for qualifications - in the digit tariff scale.

The formation of tariff rates of wages for specialties, professions and positions (vertical tariff regulation) is the main element of differentiation of wages for workers in construction.

The tariff coefficients of the vertical wage grid - by profession, are calculated as the ratio of the average wage at the enterprise and the average rates adopted for workers in the relevant specialties.

Table 2 provides a variant of the system of tariff coefficients and the corresponding wage rates for individual specialties of construction workers. The tariff scale for the professions of workers was developed based on public data on job vacancies in St. Petersburg in 2006.

table 2

Table of firm tariff coefficients and rates by specialties of construction workers

Name of working specialties

Tariff coefficients



Construction workers - total average







asphalt concrete worker



concrete worker



















Assembler for the installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures



Finisher station wagon






Electric and gas welder






Construction electrician



The average salary of construction workers by specialty is taken (conditionally) for the average salary of the 1st construction worker in the organization (fixed in the collective agreement) in the amount of 12.5 thousand rubles per month. The average salary of a construction worker includes payments from all systemic sources of wages (excluding taxes) in the organization at the beginning of the planning period.

If there is a tariff scale for professions (a vertical of tariff rates) and an average (calculated) wage rate for an organization established at any time, tariff rates for professions are determined automatically by multiplying the average rate by tariff coefficients.

Determination of wage rates by categories (horizontal of tariff rates) in the corporate tariff system consists in multiplying the value of the tariff rate (minimum or average) for the profession by the corresponding tariff coefficients for qualification categories.

Table 3 calculates the current tariff rates of wages for the category system of the estimate base of GESN-2001 based on the current average wage of one worker - 12.5 thousand rubles per month.

Table 3

Tariff rates of wages according to the digit grid of the estimated regulatory base GESN-2001

Indicators of the discharge system of remuneration

Qualification ranks

Tariff coefficients (to the 1st category)







Tariff coefficients (to the average, 4th category)






Tariff rates (rubles/hour-hour)







Tariff rates (rubles/hour-month)







Tariff rates are set for each tariff and qualification category on average for all construction workers or individually for each construction specialty.

The size of the tariff rate of the first category cannot be lower than the minimum wage provided for by the Federal Law.

At enterprises of any form of ownership, the value of tariff wage rates differentiated by profession and category depends primarily on the financial condition of the enterprise and is set individually in accordance with the accepted tariffs in a collective agreement or in contracts with employees.

4. The procedure for the development of branded tariff conditions for remuneration of workers

The development of tariff conditions for remuneration at a particular enterprise consists of several interrelated stages:

1. Determining the level of average wages in the contractor for the planned period;

2. Formation of tariff coefficients for specialties (vertical wage rates);

3. Development of a grid of tariff coefficients for qualification categories - categories (horizontal rates);

4. Calculation of basic wage rates;

5. Verification and control of the developed proprietary system of tariff wages.

1. The average level of remuneration of construction workers in contractor organizations is set at the level achieved in the previous period and taking into account the current and future capabilities of the organization in labor costs.

The average level of wages is determined on the basis of reporting materials on actual data, the provisions of the collective agreement and the prospects for the development of the enterprise, its economic and financial condition.

The average current tariff rates calculated on the basis of the actual data on remuneration for the previous period include the costs of all systemic types of remuneration in a construction organization. Current wage prices are wage fund rates (payroll for workers) that combine tariff, bonus and compensatory wages for workers in construction.

The average level of tariff rates in absolute terms is taken taking into account the ratios of the tariff and over-tariff parts of the corporate wage system that have developed in the organization. When determining the average tariff rate for an organization, it is advisable to focus on the optimal share of the tariff in wages for the current level - about 60-80%, with its subsequent increase to the pan-European standard (at least 90%). The tariff part of the average wage becomes the base rate for differentiating the wages of workers in the organization.

In this example of designing a corporate wage system, the base tariff rate is set in the organization based on the planned average wage of workers for the planned period and the level of the tariff part in the total amount of wages. In the example of calculating the corporate system, the average salary is taken in the amount of 12.5 thousand rubles. per month, and the ratio of tariff and bonus parts of wages is set as 80 and 20%. The base rate of the company's tariff wage system is 10.0 thousand rubles. per month (12.5 × 0.8 = 10.0).

2. Tariff ratios of wage rates for specialties are established at the enterprise by groups of professions. The list of specialties and their grouping are individual for organizations and are established in the personnel management system based on the main tasks of production.

The tariff ratio of wage rates for specialties is calculated by the ratio of the accepted size of these rates and the average wages of workers in the organization (tariff part) for the planned period.

As a calculation example, the data of the professional tariff scale presented in Table 2 are taken, according to the data of regional monitoring of the labor market.

3. Tariff coefficients according to the level of qualification (ranks) are developed in the company's tariff scale of remuneration in accordance with the tasks to be solved and the requirements for personnel.

In practice, it is possible to expand the existing 6-digit grid by adding new categories of the minimum and maximum wage levels with the formation of an 8-digit grid.

It is also recommended to increase the range of tariff coefficients in company tariff scales by category from 1.8 in the traditional grid to 3.0-4.0 in real conditions of wage differentiation in contractor organizations. Variants of such branded tariff scales are presented in Diagram 3.

The tariff grid reflects a power-law dependence of the growth of tariffs by categories, the grid is a linear dependence. In branded tariff systems, it is recommended to use tariff scales of the type .

Such a construction of a proprietary tariff scale - the addition of up to 8 digits while maintaining the 6-digit part of the traditional form and a range of coefficients equal to four, allows:

use the general rules for calculating coefficients for unskilled workers (who have not passed certification);

payment for the advanced skills of a specialist can be taken into account at the rates of the tariff system, and not in a subjective bonus form.

According to the calculated data, a proprietary grid of tariff coefficients for the qualification categories of construction workers is being developed.

Table 4

Grid of firm tariff coefficients for the qualification categories of construction workers



6 bit grid


8 bit grid


Tariff coefficients of the 6-digit system (to the minimum rate - 1 category)






Tariff coefficients of the 8-digit system (to the average rate - 5-digit)







Diagram 3

Branded tariff scales by qualification categories of wages

The average digits for tariff scales are taken for the middle of the range (according to diagram 3) with rounding to the nearest whole digit, because in industrial tariff regulation, the fractional value of the discharge does not make sense.

Digits 2-7 of the corporate tariff scale correspond to the categories I - IV the traditional grid and the current characteristics of jobs and working professions in the ETKS, which allows them to be used without changes.

Category 1 of the branded 8-digit grid (for unskilled workers) makes it possible to include apprentices, trainees and, most importantly, "guest workers" - hired workers from other regions and foreign construction workers who do not have building licenses in the system of tariff regulation of wages. The level of the rate of an unskilled worker is set independently by the enterprise and is within 0.5-0.7 of the wages of a skilled worker I -th category according to ETKS.

The highest category in the proposed tariff scale is assigned individually to highly qualified craftsmen in their specialty. The level of such tariff rates is set outside the formula for calculating the coefficients for the remaining categories.

4. The calculation of tariff rates of wages for the current period for a worker of any specialty (s) and any qualification (p) is determined in the projected corporate tariff system according to the formula:

T s. R. \u003d T bases × K c × K p × K d,

where: T cf - the tariff rate of a worker in the specialty (c) of the category (p), rub./hour-month;

T bases - the base wage rate is the organization's average wage of workers for the planned period, rubles per hour-month;

K s - the coefficient of the tariff scale by specialties, is taken according to table 2;

K r - the coefficient of the digit tariff scale, is taken according to the data of table 4 (for the 8-digit scale);

K d - coefficient that takes into account additional wages according to the systemic conditions of remuneration (stimulating and compensating payments).

Coefficient (K d) allows you to adjust and include in the tariff rates of the corporate system additional payments for specific working conditions of individual specialists, for whom allowances are set by the administration of the enterprise. For example, the calculated rates are applied for time workers, and for piecework workers, a multiplying factor of 1.07 is introduced (7% is half the increase in the coefficients of the tariff scale). B coefficient (K d) you can include allowances for work in difficult and hazardous conditions, work at height, allowances for mobile and mobile working conditions, etc.

In the example of calculating the corporate tariff system of remuneration, a base rate of 10 thousand rubles was adopted. and the tariff coefficients of tables 2 and 4 were used. For the 1st category (unskilled workers) and the 8th category (highly skilled workers), tariff rates are calculated for all specialties at the same level based on the characteristics of the digit grid according to diagram 3.

Based on the accepted initial data, a proprietary tariff system of remuneration is being developed (Table 5) for normal conditions for the production of construction work without stimulating and compensating wage payments.

Table 5

An example of a proprietary tariff system for remuneration of construction workers

Name of professions


but professions

Qualification ranks

Odds by category




















asphalt concrete worker










concrete worker


















































Installer of internal sanitary systems










Installer of external pipelines










Assembler of steel and reinforced concrete structures










Finisher station wagon




















Electric and gas welder




















Construction electrician










5. Verification of the developed proprietary tariff system for regulating wages at the enterprise includes the following work:

- verification of the minimum rate in the company's tariff system for the allowable minimum wage in the given territory;

- verification of the compliance of the normative payroll fund (according to the tariff and bonus systems) and the total wages in the estimates for the contract work program of the planned period.

In accordance with the current legislation, the minimum wage of an employee at an enterprise cannot be lower than the subsistence level of the able-bodied population in a given territory. The lower level of tariff wages in the corporate grid is 2,700 rubles per month. Taking into account bonus and compensation payments, the total salary of a low-paid unskilled worker will be 3,375 rubles (2,700/0.8 = 3,375), which exceeds the subsistence level of the able-bodied population in the region for this period - 3,334 rubles per hour-month.

The adopted corporate procedure for wage differentiation should correspond with the planned wage fund for construction workers at the enterprise, which is determined by multiplying the base wage rate by the number of workers and the working time fund in the planning period. The normative payroll fund of the enterprise is compared with the estimated wages for the facilities included in the program of contract work for the planned period.

V. Grunstam


Part I. Designing Labor Cost Rates

1. Substantiation of the new rationing system in construction

2. Processing the results of normative observations

3. Designing the elements of the labor cost rate

4. Designing the composition of the link of workers

6. Construction of the process harmonogram

7. Calculation of production norms of labor costs and prices

Part II. Development of a work process map



The main tasks of labor regulation are:

Development and implementation of scientifically based norms and standards for labor;

Identification of reserves for the growth of labor productivity, loss of working time, shortcomings in the organization of labor and production and, on this basis, the development of organizational and technical measures to improve the organization of labor;

Implementation of labor standards;

Control over the development of labor standards and the accumulation of materials for their revision.

The most important direction in improving the organization and regulation of labor is the automation and computerization of this work in a single cycle with automated design of technological processes and organization of labor, both at the stage of designing technological processes and in existing production.

Part I. Designing Labor Cost Rates

1. Substantiation of the new rationing system in construction

The change in the economic formation in Russia and the change in the conceptual foundations of economic management have led to contradictions between the requirements of the new market order of investment and construction activities and the old forms, rules and methods of administrative planning and management of construction production.

Naturally, the most important elements of the old administrative-command system of rationing and pricing in construction are dying off, the links between planned procedures for determining upcoming investment, construction and operating costs are being destroyed.

It becomes impossible to fully use the basic principles of market economy within the framework of the old administrative rules: - monitoring of market prices; optimal cost planning; taking into account the conjuncture of the labor market, machines and materials; forecasting the costs of the life cycle of the investment object.

Currently, there is no clear, transparent concept and even reasonable proposals for scientific and methodological foundations for the formation of estimated and regulatory bases and individual estimated standards that reflect market conditions in planning and managing the investment and construction process and reproduction programs for the reconstruction and repair of fixed assets.

While there are no generally accepted definitions of the basic concepts of estimated rationing in the new conditions, there are no modern definitions of traditional provisions that can be used in the new system, and there are no formulations of market elements of estimated rationing and pricing in construction.

Currently, it is required to define goals and develop a methodology for achieving them based on market postulates, substantiate the real and most promising areas for reforming the system and forecast the possible consequences of these changes for the construction economy.

The time has come for preparation, discussion and recognition by experts of conceptual solutions, identification of current changes in the system and determination of the future market order of resource rationing in construction.

2. Processing the results of normative observations (time series)

Cover panel preparation

We determine the coefficient of dispersion of the series:

Kp \u003d Amax / Amin

Cr \u003d 19/8 \u003d 2.375

If Kr>

1nAi 2-(AI)

E rel \u003d Ai N - 1 * 100 \u003d 1/117 * ((9 * 1657-13689) / (9-1)) *

Since the root mean square error is 10.57, which is unacceptable, it is necessary to exclude one of the extreme values ​​from the ordered series by calculating two values ​​K1 and Kn:

K1 \u003d (Ai-A1) / (Ai-An) \u003d (117-8) / (117-19) \u003d 1.11

Kn \u003d (Ai-A1Ai) / (An Ai-Ai) \u003d (1657-8 * 117) / (19 * 117-1657) \u003d 1.27

Since K1< Кn, то исключению подлежит первый член упорядоченного ряда А1, а именно 8.

Finding the root mean square error from the updated data:

1nAi 2-(AI) 2

E rel \u003d Ai N - 1 * 100 \u003d 1/109 * ((8 * 1593-12321) / (8-1)) \u003d 7.13%

The root mean square error corresponds to the allowable error.

We find the scatter coefficient of the series:

Cr \u003d 19/9 \u003d 2.1

Asr = 109/8 = 13.62


Name of elements

Labor costs, man-min.

2. Slinging


If Кр>2, then verification and improvement is carried out according to the method of relative mean square error.

1nAi 2-(AI) 2

E rel \u003d Ai N - 1 * 100 \u003d 1/63 * ((9 * 465-3969) / 8) * 100

8,24%<10% , где 10% - это допустимая относительная средней квадратической ошибки, для цикличных процессов, имеющих в своём составе более пяти цикличных операций.

This root mean square error is acceptable.

Asr = 63/9 = 7

Panel laying


If 1.3<Кр<2, то улучшение ряда происходит по методу предельных значений.

An< Ai-An+ K (An-1 - A1) \u003d (70-10) / 8 + 1 (9-6) \u003d 10.5

10<10,5 -значения ряда не выходят за максимальное предельное значение

A1 > AI-A1- K (An - A2) = (70-6) / 8-1 (10-6) = 4

n-1A1>4- series values ​​do not go beyond the maximum limit value

Asr \u003d 70/9 \u003d 7.77

Panel alignment.


If 1.3<Кр<2, то улучшение ряда происходит по методу предельных значений.

An< Ai-An+ K (An-1 – A1) = (63-9)/8+1(9-5)=10.75

n - 14<10,75- значения ряда не выходят за максимальное предельное значение

A1 > AI-A1- K (An – A2)= (63-9)/8-1(9-6)=4.25

n-15>4.25 - the values ​​of the series do not go beyond the maximum limit value

Both values ​​correspond to an inequality, so none of the values ​​in the series can be excluded.

Asr = 63/9 = 7

Name of elements

Labor costs, man-min.



If 1.3<Кр<2, то улучшение ряда происходит по методу предельных значений.

An< Ai-An+ K (An-1 – A1) = (25-4)/8+1(4-2) = 4.625

n - 12<4,625- значения ряда не выходят за максимальное предельное значение

A1 > AI-A1- K (An – A2)=(25-2)/8-1(4-2)=0.875

n - 12>0.875 - the values ​​of the series do not go beyond the maximum limit value

Asr = 25/9 = 2.77

Solution supply.

Name of elements

Labor costs, man-min.

1.Solution supply

If 1.3<Кр<2, то улучшение ряда происходит по методу предельных значений.

An< Ai-An+ K (An-1 - A1)=(27-4)/8+1(4-2) = 4.875

A1 > AI - A1 - K (An – A2)=(4-2)/8-1(4-2)=1.125

n - 14>1.125 - the values ​​of the series do not go beyond the maximum limit value

Both values ​​correspond to an inequality, so none of the values ​​in the series can be excluded.

Asr = 27/9 = 3

3. Designing the elements of the labor cost rate

Name of operations of operational work

Operation product unit

Average cost per operation

Transfer Factor

Labor costs for the main process meter

Panel preparation


Panel laying

Panel Alignment


Solution supply

4. Designing the composition of the link of workers

Labor costs person min

Option 1(KTP)

1.Panel preparation

Rigger -3 p.

2. Slinging

Rigger -3 p.

Panel laying


Panel Alignment




6.Solution supply

Installers -4 p-2.

Total person-min.

by time,%

According to KTP

Р workers=(pi*ki)/ ki= (3*1+4*1)/2= 3.5

Rwork = ( pi*ti)/ ti = (3*20,62+20,54*4) / 41,16 = 3,49

The difference between the category of work and the average category of workers is 0.01, which means that the choice of the composition of the link is correct.

Name of operational work

Discharge according to ETKS with indication of pages

Minimum number of performers

Labor costs person min

Distribution of labor costs according to the qualifications of performers

Option 1 (ENiR)

1.Panel preparation

Installer -2 p.

2. Slinging

Installer-2 r

Panel laying

Fitters r

Panel Alignment

Fitters r


Fitters r

6.Solution supply

Installer -2 p.

Total person-min.

by time,%

According to ENiR:

Р workers =(pi*ki)/ ki) = (2*1+3*1+4*1)/3 = 3

Rwork = ( pi*ti)/ ti = (20,62*2+10,27*3+10,27*4)/41,16=2,75

The difference between the category of work and the average category of workers is 0.25, which means that the choice of the composition of the link is correct.

Building a process harmonogram

Characteristics of the tower crane KB-100.OA-1C

Average lifting speed of the structure Нср = 18 m,

The average speed of lowering the load - Vop = 5 m / min,

The average speed of lifting the load - Vpod \u003d 26 m / min,

Horizontal movement speed – Vper = 31 m/min,

Boom turning speed - Vpov = 0.6 rpm,

Boom rotation angle - α = 120,

Average travel distance – Lcp = 4 m

Crane operation elements:

1) T1 - time of lifting the load

Nstr - safety height = 2 m.,

Kv - crane utilization factor over time = 0.85

T1 \u003d \u003d (18 + 2) / (26 * 0.85) \u003d 0.995 min.

2) Т2 – time of lifting the hook to the safety height

T2 \u003d \u003d 2 / (26 * 0.85) \u003d 0.9049 min.

3) T3 - hook lowering time

T3 \u003d \u003d (18 + 2) / (26 * 0.85) \u003d 4.7058 min.

4) T4 - the time of rotation of the boom to the projected angle

T4 = = 120 / (0.85 * 360 * 0.6) = 0.6535 min.

5) T5 - the time of movement of the crane from the warehouse to the installation site

T5 \u003d L \u003d 4 / (31 * 0.85) \u003d 01518 min.

6) T6 - the time of lowering the structure to the safety height

T6 \u003d\u003d 2 / (5 * 0.85) \u003d 0.4705

Based on this: Tper \u003d T5 + T4 + T1 + T6, and Tobr \u003d T5 + T2 + T3 + T4

Tper = 0.1518 + 0.6535 + 0.995 + 0.4705 = 2.2708

Tobr \u003d 0.1518 + 0.9049 + 4.7058 + 0.6535 \u003d 6.416

To build a harmonogram, a table of initial data is compiled in the following form.

Initial data for constructing the harmonogram of the process according to ENiR.

Name of operational work

Labor costs person min

Profession rank and number of performers

Duration of operations min

1.Panel preparation

Installer -2 p.

2. Slinging

Installer-2 r

Panel laying

Installers r r

Panel Alignment

Installers pp


Installers pp

6.Solution supply

Installer -3 r-2.4r.

1. Building a process harmonogram

Initial data for constructing the harmonogram of the process according to the CFT.

Labor costs person min

Profession rank and number of performers

Duration of operations min

1.Panel preparation

Rigger -3 p..

2. Slinging

Rigger -3 p.

Panel laying

Fitters r

Panel Alignment

Fitters r


Fitters r

6.Solution supply

Installers -4r-2

Designing the value of technological breaks (according to ENiR).

Ptp \u003d (TP / (OR + TP)) * 100%

TP - the value of technological breaks, in man-min.

OR - time of operational work, in man-min.

TP \u003d 2 people * (13.62 + 7) + 1 people * (3.88 + 3.5 + 1.385 + 1.5) \u003d 51.51

Ptp \u003d (51.51 / (41.16 + 51.51) * 100% \u003d 55.6%

Ptp: OLN - 10% and TP - 45.6%

Designing the value of technological breaks (according to KTP).

Ptp \u003d (TP / (OR + TP)) * 100%

TP \u003d 1 person * (13.62 + 7) + 1 person (7.77 + 7 + 2.77 + 3) \u003d 41.16

Ptp \u003d (41.16 / (41.16 + 41.16) * 100% \u003d 50%

Ptp: DOL - 10% and TP - 40%

Since the value of the technological break according to the KTP is less than the value of the technological break according to the UNiR, then further calculations and the development of a map of the labor process will be carried out according to the data obtained by the KTP.

6. Calculation of production norms of labor costs and prices

The numerical characteristic of the norm of labor costs for the implementation of a unit of finished products NZT, man-hour is calculated by the formula:

Nzt = Thor* 100 (100-(Npzr+Noln+Ptp))*60

Tor - total labor costs for the implementation of elements of operational work, man-min.

Npzr - standard for PZR, in% of the normalized labor costs;

Noln - standard for rest and personal needs;

Ptp - design size of technological breaks,%

NZT = 41.6*(100/(100-((4+10+40)*60)) = 1.6 man-hour

The norm of time per unit of finished product is defined as:


K is the number of people in the team.

Hvr=1.6/4=0.4 hour/person

The production rate is calculated by the formula:

Nvyr \u003d Tsm * K / Nzt

Tsm - the established duration of the work shift, hour

Hvyr=8*4/1.6=20 panels/shift

When the process is carried out in stages:


Сav - the average tariff rate of the workers of the link, defined as a weighted average value.

Сi-tariff rate of the corresponding category

Ki-number of workers of this category


P=0.7175*1.6=1.148 c.u./piece

II. Development of a work process map

The scope and effectiveness of the application of the labor process map (KTP)

As a result of the application of forms and methods of labor organization, labor productivity indicators, when compared with similar indicators for the ENiR, have been significantly improved.

The output per 1 man-day was 20 panels, while the figure for the ENiR is 9.4 panels per 1 man-day. Labor costs for the installation of the panel amounted to 1.6 man-hours, in accordance with the ENiR, this figure was 1.84 man-hours per slab.

Overfulfillment of the norms was achieved through a more rational division and cooperation of labor, which made it possible to distribute work in accordance with the level of qualification of workers, and ensure the fullest use of their time. Thanks to the rationally selected composition of the link, the amount of technological interruptions was minimized, which made it possible to significantly reduce labor costs, and, consequently, compared with similar indicators for the ENiR.

Process preparation and conditions

Prior to the installation of structures in the design position, all work on the installation and permanent fixing of the external and internal wall panels must be completed. When laying the panels, the alignment of the front surfaces of the panels must be ensured. The embedding of seams and mounting units should be carried out after checking the correct installation of structures, the correct connection of elements in the junction nodes and their permanent fixing, and the implementation of an anti-corrosion coating of welded joints.

The norms provide for the laying of floor slabs and coatings dry or on a bed from a ready-made solution.

Installation of slabs is provided with the help of slings or special traverses, slinging at the required number of points, and using a tilter for slabs with an area of ​​​​more than 10 m 2. When installing floor slabs in brick buildings, the standards take into account their fastening with anchors to the walls and to each other. The norms provide for the laying of slabs with their lifting by the piece.

Preliminary storage of structures in on-site warehouses is allowed only with appropriate justification. The on-site warehouse should be located in the area of ​​the crane installation. Transportation and temporary storage of products in the installation area should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of state standards: the parts, as a rule, must be in a position corresponding to the design, if this condition cannot be met, provided that their strength is ensured. Parts must be securely fastened to protect against tipping, longitudinal and transverse displacement, mutual impacts against each other or against the structure of vehicles. Fastenings should provide the possibility of unloading each element from vehicles without violating the stability of the others. Reinforcement protrusions and protruding parts must be protected from damage. The factory marking must be accessible for inspection. Dragging is prohibited. Parts should be installed, as a rule, from vehicles or enlargement stands.

Before lifting the panel, check:

Compliance with its design brand;

The condition of embedded products and installation risks, the absence of dirt, snow, ice;

Availability of the necessary connecting parts and auxiliary materials at the workplace;

Correctness and reliability of fastening of load-handling devices.

Slinging of mounted elements should be carried out in the places indicated in the working drawings, and ensure their lifting and supply to the installation site in a position close to the design one. If it is necessary to change the places of slinging, they must be agreed with the organization - the developer of the working drawings, slinging in arbitrary places, as well as for rebar releases, is prohibited.

Mounted elements should be lifted smoothly, without jerks, swinging and rotation, as a rule, using braces. The structures should be lifted in 2 stages: first, to a height of 70-80 cm, then, after checking the reliability of the slinging, further lifting should be carried out.

The use of linings provided by the project to align the position of the stacked elements according to the marks without agreement with the design organization is not allowed. Mounting elements to be installed must be securely fastened prior to bridging. Until the end of alignment and secure fastening (temporary or project) fastening of the installation element, it is not allowed to rely on overlying structures on it, if such support is not provided for by the PPR.

Work process map. Installation of cover panels

Efficiency of using the map for KTP for ENiR for KTP 2

Production per man-day, panels 9.1 9.4 20

Labor costs for panel installation, pers. - hour. 0.88 1.84 1.6


Installers IV category (M1, M2)

Rigger III category (T)

Tools, fixtures, inventory:

1 Mounting crowbar 2

2 Steel construction hammer

3 4-branch lanyard

4 Box - a container with a solution

Before starting work, you must:

Finish laying the vapor barrier.

Deliver the necessary tools to the workplace

Workplace organization scheme

Process technology and labor organization

Name of operational work

Labor costs, man-min

Duration of operations, min.

Brief description of the technological process

1.Panel preparation

M1, having climbed onto the bridge of the slab truck, inspects the coating panel, mounting loops and, if necessary, cleans the panel from dirt and concrete sagging.

2. Slinging

At the signal of M1, the crane operator delivers the branches of the sling to the cover panel. M1 rafters the panel and gives the command to the operator to pull the branches of the sling. Convinced of the reliability of the slinging, M1 departs to a safe area.

3.Panel laying

M2 and M3 take it at a distance of 70-80 cm from the supporting surface and orient it in the right direction. The driver smoothly lowers the panel to the place of laying.

4.Panel Alignment

M2 and M3 check the correct laying of the panel and straighten it with crowbars to the design position


At the signal of one of the installers, the crane driver loosens the sling, and M2 and M3 unsling the panel

6.Solution supply

M2 gives a signal to the driver to lift the box - a container with a solution. Next, M2 and M3 direct the box to the prepared installation site.


1. Rationing of labor of workers in construction. Under the editorship of E.B. Point. M.: Stroyizdat, 1985 - 280 p.

2. Maps of labor processes in construction production.

3. Uniform time standards and prices for construction and installation works.

4. Construction machines and equipment: Reference manual. - Beletsky B.F. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2002 - 592 p.

5. Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Occupations of Workers. Section: Construction works, M.: Stroyizdat, 1989-450 p.

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BPOU NGO "Omsk College of Transport Construction"

Specialty 270802 "Construction and operation of buildings and structures"

Course work

On the topic: Rationing and wages in construction.

Completed by a student of group 3-21P

Sharova I.S.

Checked by: Kalashnikova G.N.

1.2 The content, essence and functions of labor rationing in construction

1.3 Meaning, tasks and principles of labor rationing

2. Organization and remuneration in construction

3 . Quantitative characteristics of personnel

4 . Qualitative characteristics of personnel

5 . Workers' wages. Brigade and tariff-free system

6 . Labor productivity


labor rationing construction wages

1. Essence, functions, content, tasks and significance of labor rationing in construction

1.1 The emergence and development of labor rationing

Rationing labor is a social phenomenon. It is generated by the development of production and science and is subject to the objective economic laws of the mode of production on the basis and within which it is carried out. Throughout the history of pre-capitalist forms of economic relations, the simplest form of costing has been used - the lesson. A lesson is a norm that must be completed within a certain period of time. The size of the given lesson was based on individual work experience and often developed spontaneously I. Morozov. Scientific organization and regulation of labor at construction enterprises. Donetsk "NEDRA" 1994 p - 111.

The development of manufactory caused such an organization of production, in which the technological process of creating products turned from an individual into a collective process. It was divided among a large number of performers into partial (working) processes. The division of labor made it necessary to establish lessons for certain types of work, for the professions of workers. Ensuring the continuity of the production process required coordinating the productivity of individual jobs and subordinating them to a single pace of work.

The first documents on the regulation of labor in the field of construction in our state date back to 1843. The published “Ordinary Regulations for all general work carried out in fortresses, civil buildings and hydraulic structures” was the first generalization of work experience. The “Lesson Regulations” formulated the conditions for determining the lesson: the physical strength of the worker; degree of skill to work; number of workers per day.

In the process of development of the capitalist mode of production on the basis of the machine industry at the end of the 19th century. prerequisites for the emergence of technical regulation of labor were created. F. Taylor was its founder. He set the task of establishing a lesson on the basis of engineering calculation in a detailed study of labor processes by elements (analytical method). The division of the labor process into its component parts (operations, techniques) allowed him to find a combination of techniques that made it possible to perform work with the highest labor productivity. Until 1918, the Urgent Regulation continued to operate. In 1909, M.M. wrote about the productivity of workers in the construction industry. Protodyakonov in the article "Mason's Productivity". In conditions of manual labor with the use of primitive tools, labor productivity was significantly low. The goal is to present the labor productivity of a worker as a function of a number of factors, i.e. in the form of a formula by which you can set the value of the norm for any specific conditions. MM. Protodyakonov, even after 1909, returned to the issue of rationing construction work.

In modern conditions, there is a new system of labor rationing, based on the provisions:

Labor standards should be established on the basis of scientific data, taking into account the progress of technology;

The production of maximum output with a minimum of labor input should not be achieved on the basis of excessive intensification of labor and deterioration of working conditions;

All our achievements in the field of labor organization and rationalization of production must be reflected in labor standards;

Labor rationing in construction has become the basis of piecework wages, a means of measuring the work of individual workers and regulating wages within the enterprise.

1.2 Content, essence and functions of labor rationing in construction

Essencerationinglabor- Establishment of the objective value of the cost of working time in specific conditions. For various types and nature of useful labor, these costs find their expression innormslabor: the norm of time, the norm of production, the norm of service, the norm of equipment productivity, the norm of the number of employees.

People in the practical activity of creating use values ​​always deal with concrete useful labour. Therefore, the subject of labor rationing is the process of specific useful labor, i.e. conscious, purposeful activity of a person to create use values ​​that he needs for life.

Mainfunctionsrationinglaborare: distribution according to work, scientific organization of labor and production, production planning, evaluation of the labor activity of individual workers and teams, which serves as the basis for moral and material encouragement and dissemination of best practices.

Planning production must improve, but for this it is necessary to know exactly the value of all elements of the production process and have a reliable tool for measuring them. Such an instrument can only be a labor norm, which objectively determines the necessary costs for the production of products (or work) for specific conditions. Consequently, the rational conduct of production is impossible without labor standards.

study and analysis of working conditions and production opportunities at each workplace;

study and analysis of production experience to eliminate deficiencies, identify reserves and reflect best practices in labor standards;

designing a rational composition, method and sequence of performing elements of the labor process, taking into account technical, organizational, economic, physiological and social factors;

Establishment and implementation of labor standards;

1.3 Meaning, tasks and principles of labor rationing

Maintasksrationinglaborconsistinvolume in order to justify the necessary and sufficient value of the cost of working time per unit of output in specific conditions; to design rational methods of work; systematically analyze the fulfillment of labor standards to reveal production reserves; constantly analyze the implementation of labor standards to reveal production reserves; constantly study, generalize and disseminate production experience, revise the norms of labor costs as working conditions change. The solution of these problems will make it possible to facilitate the work of workers, increase labor productivity and increase the volume of production. The regulation of labor is the basis of the scientific organization of labor. Without justified labor standards, it is impossible to organize and wage a struggle for every possible saving of working time. With the help of the methods used in the regulation of labor, losses and unproductive expenditures of working time are singled out. By studying labor movements, the most economical, productive and least tiring methods of work are developed. This contributes to the growth of labor productivity. Further improvement of the organization of labor is impossible without improving its rationing.

Also, the regulation of labor is the basis of the organization of wages. The establishment of labor standards aims to guarantee society a certain productivity of labor, and the worker a certain level of wages. According to the performance of labor standards, the labor activity of each employee is evaluated and his work is paid. Without labor rationing, it is impossible to implement the economic law of distribution according to work.

Rationing labor is important means organizations construction production. The organization of production is the management of the process of production of material goods, i.e. establishing interaction between the labor force and the means of production to achieve the maximum economic effect in specific conditions. Through the organization of labor, the influence of labor rationing on the organization of production is manifested.

Scientifically based labor standards make it possible to evaluate the results of the labor activity of each employee, each team and compare their results. Only by comparison are leaders and laggards revealed.

Scientifically substantiated labor standards, correctly reflecting specific conditions, ensure an increase in labor productivity. If labor standards are too low, they can give rise to complacency or pessimism, which negatively affects the results of productivity; if the standards are too high, they are not feasible. In both cases, the growth of labor productivity will be hampered. Thus, all changes in the organization of labor and production, equipment and technology of work are reflected primarily in labor standards. And the level of labor standards is an indicator of the level of organization of production and labor at the enterprise.

Labor rationing is the basis of labor planning. For long-term, current and operational planning, a whole system of norms is used: norms for the consumption of materials, fuel energy, norms for the productivity of machines, norms for the expenditure of working time. Thus, labor standards play an important role in the system of norms used in planning at the enterprise. Drawing up a plan for labor and establishing labor costs in accordance with the volume of production is impossible without scientifically based labor standards. Greater independence of enterprises in matters of labor planning enhances the interest of teams in the implementation of scientifically based labor standards.

Mainprinciplesrationinglaborinconstructionbecome: division according to labor, scientific organization and planning of labor and production. Taking into account the social significance of labor rationing, economists and organizers of the construction industry in our country, when establishing labor standards, refer to socially normal production conditions that ensure the average intensity of labor and the preservation of the main productive force of our society - working people. It is believed that the established labor standards must be carried out by every qualified worker without any harm to his health. Therefore, the following principles should be taken as the basis for labor rationing: scientific validity of labor standards; equal intensity of labor standards for the same work in identical conditions; the preservation of the main productive force of society - the working people; participation of workers in the establishment of labor standards. Rationing of labor at a modern construction enterprise. Toolkit. - K .: CJSC "Accounting Bulletin". 2002 - 71.

The scientific validity of the norms is ensured by the fact that labor standards are established taking into account the requirements of the objective laws of nature and society and take into account natural, technical, organizational, economic, physiological and social factors. They must change as the conditions of production develop and change, correspond to the achieved level of technology, organization of labor and production. The labor norm acts not only as the value of the necessary expenditure of working time, but also as an expression of the labor duties of each participant in production.

2. Organization and wages in construction

Organizationlabor- these are methods and forms of connecting people and technology in order to achieve a beneficial effect of labor activity.

Exists3 maintasksinterconnectionslaborandproduction:

Economic tasks - provide improved use of labor resources, saving all types of resources, increasing labor productivity, improving the quality and specifically the ability of construction products and production efficiency.

Psychophysiological tasks - limiting the intensity, creating favorable and safe conditions, etc.

Social tasks - ensuring, increasing the content, diversity and prestige of work, fair and full pay and discipline.

There are two main types of brigades in construction:

Specialized - are created from workers of the same profession or specialty to perform homogeneous technological operations.

Complex - they organize from different professions and specialties to perform a complex of technologically heterogeneous, but interconnected works.


The tariff system is a set of standards by which the level of wages of various categories of workers is regulated depending on the qualification level, on the conditions, the severity of the intensity of the work they perform.

Tariff rates are the amounts of remuneration for work performed, expressed in monetary terms, depending on its complexity or the qualifications of the employee per unit of working time.

The tariff scale is a scale consisting of a certain number of tariff categories and the corresponding tariff coefficients.

ATconstructionexist2 mainformspaymentlabor:

Piecework is a form of remuneration for an employee, in which earnings depend on the number of units of production produced by him or the volume of work performed, taking into account the quality, complexity and working conditions.

Time-based - depends on the duration of work and the qualifications of the employee, regardless of the amount of work performed.

Piecework is divided into:

1) direct piecework;

2) indirect piecework;

3) chord.

Time is divided into:

1) simple time-based;

2) premium.

Direct piecework wages - wages are determined by the product of the amount of work on the rates.

Indirect piecework wages - used to pay auxiliary workers and depends on the development of the main production.

Lump-sum remuneration - a system in which the performance of a set of works is paid according to a piece-by-piece order issued before the start of work, which indicates: the amount of work, terms, start, end of work, the amount of wages at an enlarged complex price for the entire amount of work, depending on the quality of work performed and the reduction of standard time.

3. Quantitative characteristics of personnel

1) listnumber- this is an indicator of the number of employees on the payroll on a certain date, taking into account those accepted and retired on that day.

The movement of payroll employees is a change in payroll due to hiring and leaving for various reasons.

2) Yavochnayanumber- this is the estimated number of employees who must come to work to complete the production staff, that is, the turnout number is the payroll minus employees on vacation, business trips, etc.

3) Averagenumber- is determined per month by summing the number of payroll employees for each calendar day of the month, including weekends and holidays, and dividing the amount received by the number of calendar days, this indicator is used to calculate labor productivity, average wages, and staff turnover.

We definenumberworkersenterprises:

Production and industrial personnel (PPP) - 120 people

Number of working days - 30

Number of holidays and days off - 8

Dismissed - 24

Accepted - 45

1) The average number of PPP:

H average list \u003d 3717/30 \u003d 123 people

2) Absence from work for various reasons on working days:

Vacations - 342/22 = 15.5

Diseases - 237/22 = 10.8

Absences for good reasons - 48/22 = 2.2 people

Absenteeism - 14/22 = 0.6 people

Total: 28.6

3) The attendance of workers on working days:

The average list of absenteeism - 123-28.6 = 94.4 people

3) The coefficient of the payroll of employees:

To list. = 123/94.4 = 1.30

5) Frame movement:

To turnover on reception = 45/123 = 0.36

Retirement turnover = 24/123 = 0.19

6) Staff turnover rate:

Go to current frame = H uv. according to own.zh. + H for nar. / avg. List. Compound

K tech. frame. = 24/123 = 0.19

Table 5

The payroll of the initial.

Frame movement

payroll of the end.


Yavoch num.


4. Qualitative characteristics of personnel

It is determined by the degree of professional and qualification suitability of its employees to achieve the goals of the enterprise and the production of work.


economic (complexity of work, qualification of workers)

personal (discipline, skills, conscientiousness)

organizational and technical (technical equipment)

socio-cultural (collectivism, social activity)

Balancepersonnel- this is the payroll at the beginning of the reporting period plus the number of employees accepted at the beginning of the reporting period minus those who left for the reporting period, as a result, the payroll number of employees for the reporting period is obtained.

Fluiditypersonnel- characterized by the number of employees dismissed of their own free will or absenteeism.

Staff turnover rate:

Coefficientgeneralturnover- the ratio of the total number of hired and retired workers to the average number of employees is determined. Coefficientturnoveronreception- is determined by the ratio of the number of employees hired to the average number of employees.

Coefficientturnoveronretirement- is characterized as the ratio of retired workers to the average headcount.

Coefficientconstancypersonnel- the ratio of the number of employees on the payroll throughout the year to the average headcount.

Coefficientfulfillmentpersonnel- the ratio of the number of hired to the number of retired.

regulartimetable- this is a document that is annually approved by the head of the enterprise and reflects the professional qualification structure of employees, indicating the position and salary.

5. Wages of workers. Brigade and tariff-free system

Brigadiersystempaymentlabor- depends on the quantity and quality of construction and installation works carried out by the entire team.



exceeding the average labor productivity in the brigade with
good quality of work;

the growth of professional skills, the application of theoretical and practical knowledge to improve the efficiency of the team;

initiative to master and apply progressive methods
labor, high-quality performance of production tasks;

activity while maximizing the use of equipment, introducing new technology and advanced technology;

systematic performance of work in related professions and professions of higher qualification;

assistance to young workers in mastering the profession,
fulfillment of production tasks, etc.


low intensity, expressed in lagging behind the general
team growth rate;

low professional level, negatively affecting
on the productivity and quality of the work of the brigade;

non-fulfillment of specific production tasks and orders of the link, foreman and foreman;

mismanagement of material and energy
resources, their overspending;

violation of safety regulations, industrial sanitation,
fire safety, labor discipline, etc.

1. The breakdown of the staff into groups and the actual hours worked for the reporting month (calendar - 30 days; weekends - 9 days; workers 21 days) see table 1.

2. Reference of the main production indicators for the reporting month. see table 2.

3. Bonus indicators (from payroll):


For the implementation of the plan in kind - 30%

For overfulfillment of the plan (+0.5% for each 1% overfulfillment);

For overfulfillment of production norms in physical terms (+1% for each 1% overfulfillment of norms).

Table 1

PPP staff by group


Number of actual outputs

Actually worked people/shifts


Incl. weekend


Workers: pieceworkers: masons, plasterers - painters, assemblers

Time workers: electric fitters welders crane operators transport workers joiners carpenters drivers auxiliary workers

Total workers (including time workers)




3 4 4 4 2 2 2 7




3 3 3 3 2 1 2 3





25 25 27 23 22






3 4 4 6 2 1 6 6




72 75 75 81 46 22 54 135

AMS including: managers specialists employees Total AMS:

Total RFP:

table 2

The name of indicators




% completed

% growth to the fact before. lane


Volume of construction and installation works, total: Incl. in physical terms: finishing works masonry installation of metal structures

Thousand rub.


cubic meters
















Number of SPPs

Development of PPP

Fulfillment of production standards by pieceworkers: finishing work, masonry, installation and commissioning

sq.m/out sq.m/out sq.m/out

24,5 +3,09 +23,0

154,6 151,5 165,7

38,4 +34,8 +44,5

Additional task (increase in construction and installation works)

The total amount of bonus payments should not exceed 50% of the wage bill at direct piece rates.


The total amount of bonus payments should not exceed 30%

FZP at direct piece rates.

Salaries (engineers and employees):

For the implementation of the construction and installation plan for the whole enterprise - 20%

For overfulfillment of the plan - +0.5 for each 1% overfulfillment;

For the increase in the production of PPP - for each 1% overfulfillment + 1%

The total amount of bonus payments should not exceed 40%

FZP for AUP salaries.

4. KTU for an award and an additional task:

Table 3

No. p / p

State by group

Basic KTU

Current KTU

Increasing rates

Down rates

Final KTU


Pieceworkers: masons assemblers finishers

0,34 0,50 0,04

0.03 per completed add. tasks. +0.05 overdraw production standards

0.03 for non-issue. additional tasks. -0.05 failed production standards -0.02 marriage -0.03 absenteeism -0.02 nar.TB

time workers

0.02 per completed additional tasks

0.02 for non-payment add. ass -0.05 down vyp. to the base year -0.01 overestimation. mat

A) direct salary for the site as a whole (Zpr.):


Zpr. (sd.) = fact. issue Slave. In kind. Unit/m * piece rate

1. Finishers: 26000sq.m. *RUB 1,333 = 34568 rub.

2. Bricklayers (masonry): 4000 cubic meters * 79 rubles. 365 rubles = 317460 rubles.

3. Installers (metal construction): 13500 cub.m. * 38 rub. 095 rubles =514283 rub.

Total direct salary of pieceworkers: 866311 rubles;


Rev.(corr.) = Fact. repeat output * average fare. Consumption rate

Zpr. (corr.) = 510 out. * 150 rub. (for 1 exit) = 76500 rubles;


Zpr. (salary) \u003d (all cat. AUP according to the staff list) \u003d 52500 rubles;

Total direct salary per section:

Zpr. (straight) = Zpr. (sl.) + Zpr. (corr.) + Rev. (salary)

Zpr. (straight) \u003d 866311 + 76500 + 52500 \u003d 995311 rubles.

B) Additional payment for work on weekends for all categories of PPP (paid in double amount)

1) Finishers

(Fund Zpr. Direct: number of Fac. Work. Out., people / cm.) Otrab. Ex. Days * pers. Slave. In the output Days = (34568: 378) * 6 * 11 people = 6035 rub.

2) Bricklayers (masonry): (317460: 528) * 3 days * 7 people = = 12625 rub.

3) Installers: (514 283: 250) * 4 days * 4 pers. = 32,912 rubles.

TOTAL additional payment to pieceworkers for work on weekends will be

6118 + 14 204 + 32 912 = 53 234 rubles.

Time workers: (76,500 rubles: 510 days off) * 3 days. * 28 people = 12,600 rubles;

Employees: (52,500 rubles: 445 out.) * 3 days. * 3 people = 1062 rubles;

TOTAL payment for work on weekends for the site: = 53,234 + 12,600 + 1,062 = 66,896 rubles.

C) Bonus fund:


1) finishers:

bonus for the implementation of the plan - direct salary * 30%;

premium for overfulfillment fee - direct salary * (3.1 * 0.5 = 1.55%);

premium for overfulfillment of output standards = direct salary * (54.6 * 1.0) = 54.6.

Total % for all bonus rates for finishers: 30% + 1.55% + 54.6% = 86.15% limited to 50% (according to the bonus regulation): 86.15 - 50% = 36.15% not taken into account for the calculation of bonus amounts from the payroll source. As a result, the premium fund for the direct fund of finishing works for plasterers, painters will be:

Direct salary * 50% = 34568 rubles. * 50% = 17,284 rubles.

2) Bricklayers (masonry):

bonus for the implementation of the plan = direct salary x 30%;

premium for overfulfillment of the plan = direct salary * (6.7x0.5 \u003d 3.35%);

bonus for overfulfillment of output standards = direct salary x (51.5% * 1 = 51.5%).

Total % per weight bonus rates for masons: 30% + 3.35% + 52.5% = 84.85% with a cap of 50%. As a result, the bonus fund for the direct fund of masons will be:

317460 rub. * 50% = 158730 rubles.

3) Installers.

The total amount of bonuses for installers will be:

514 283 * 50% -257 142 rubles.

TOTAL bonus fund of pieceworkers will be:

17 528 + 178 571 + 257 142 \u003d 453241 rubles.


For overfulfillment of the construction and installation plan (0.5% x 19.6 = 9.8%);

For the growth of output (1% x 6.2% = 6.2%).

The total percentage of bonuses for time workers: 20 + 9.8 + 6.2 = 36%. Premium percentage limit 30% (36%).

TOTAL bonus fund of time workers will be:

RUB 76,500 x 30% = 22,950 thousand rubles

AUP warehouses:

For the implementation of the construction and installation plan - 20%;

For overfulfillment of the plan - 0.5 x 19.6 \u003d 9.8%;

For the growth in the production of PPP - 1% x 6.2% = 6.2%.

The total percentage of bonuses for AUP (from payroll): 20 + 9.8 + 6.2 = 36%. With a limit of 40%.

TOTAL bonus fund for AUP will be:

RUB 52,500 * 36% = 18,900 rubles.

TOTAL premium fund for the site:

Pieceworkers (453,241 rubles) + time workers (22,950 rubles) +

AUP (18,900 rubles) = 495,091 rubles.

D) Bonus fund payable, taking into account KTU (increasing and decreasing indicators):

1) Bricklayers: basic KTU - 0.34,

overfulfillment of production norms --- +0.05;

violation of TB -- 0.02;

absenteeism - 0.03.

Final KTU - 0.37 (0.34 + 0.03 + 0.05 - 0.02 - 0.03);

2) Installers: basic KTU -- 0.50,

performance of an additional task of construction and installation works -- +0.03;

overfulfillment of production norms -- +0.05;

absenteeism - 0.03;

TB disorders -- 0.02.

Final KTU - 0.53 (0.50 + 0.03 + 0.05 - 0.03 - 0.02);

3) Plasterers and painters: basic KTU - 0.04,

performance of an additional task of construction and installation works -- +0.03;

fulfillment of production norms - +0.05;

marriage at work -- 0.02;

absenteeism - 0.03;

TB disorders -- 0.02.

Final KTU - 0.06 (0.04 + 0.03 + 0.05 - 0.02 - 0.03 - 0.02);

4) Timers: basic KTU - 0.07,

completion of an additional task -- +0.02;

absenteeism - 0.03;

TB disorders -0.02.

Final KTU - 0.04 (0.07 + 0.02 - 0.03 - 0.02);

5) Salaries: basic KTU - 0.05,

completion of an additional task -- +0.05;

growth in output compared to the base year -- +0.05;

overspending of materials - 0.01.

The final KTU is 0.14 (0.05 + 0.05 + 0.05 - 0.01).

E) Bonus fund to be paid, taking into account the KTU by PPP groups :

Total premium fund for the section x Total KTU for each group = Premium due

masons: 495,091 * 0.37 = 183,184 rubles. installers: 495,091 * 0.53 = 262,398 rubles. plasterers and painters: 495,091 * 0.06 = 29,705 rubles. time workers: 495,091 * 0.04 = 19,804 rubles. salaries (AUP): 495,091 * 0.14 = 69,313 rubles. TOTAL accrued premium, taking into account KTU by groups: 564,404 rubles.

E) Full calculation of wages for the section due to be paid to employees for the reporting month.

Table 4

Average PPP salary : (1,666,782: 107) = 15,577 rubles.

masons (513269: 28) = 18331 rubles;

installers (809,593: 12) = 67,466 rubles;

finishers (70308: 18) = 3906 rubles;

time workers (108,904: 28) = 3889 rubles;

Okladnikov (AUP) (122 875: 21) = 5851 rubles.

6. Labor productivity

Performance labor- this is the amount of production in physical terms created by the worker per unit of time.

Performancelaborinconstructionmeasuredthree methods:

1. cost (price);

2. natural;

3. regulatory.

1) Cost method:

Ssmr - estimated cost of smr K and - number of employees

2) Percentage fulfillment of the production rate:

In f - actual output In n.pl - standard planned output

3) Natural method:

Vn -- the output of a worker in physical terms; Vн - the volume of a separate type of work in natural measurements; H - the number of workers for this type of work.

4) Estimated production rate:

T cm - the duration of the shift K h - the number of members of the link N - the labor rate


1. Avseenko A.A. Petrov Yu.N. Economics, planning and management in construction. M. 1990

2. Antonov A.M. Dinges E.V. Petrov Yu.N. under. Re. Garmanova E.N. Construction. Organization, planning, management M. 1998

3. Avramov A.I., Raigorodskaya B.C. "Rationing of labor in construction and in the road sector": textbook / MADI (STU). M., 2004.

4. Akimov V.V., Makarova T.N., Merzlyakov V.F., Ogai K.A. Economics of the industry (construction).

5. I.S. Stepanov. Economics of construction. Moscow: Yurayt, 2002.

6. I.V. Sergeev. Enterprise economy. M.: INFRA, 2003.

7. I.I. Sklyarenko, V.P. Prudnikov. Enterprise economy. M.: UNITI, 2003.

8. V.V. Zhideleva, Yu.N. Captain. Enterprise economy. M.: Finance and statistics, 2003.

9. V.D. Ardzinov. Organization and wages in construction St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004.

10. I.S. Turevsky. Industry economics. M.: INFRA - M, 2007.

11. V.A. Shvandar. Enterprise economy. M.: UNITI, 2003.

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    The essence and significance of labor rationing. Scientific validity of the norms, taking into account the technical and technological capabilities of production. Establishment of the required number of personnel as a form of normalization of working hours. The system of standards and labor standards.

Labor rationing is the establishment of a measure of labor costs for the manufacture of a unit of output or the production of a quantity of products per unit of time under certain organizational and technological conditions. Labor rationing is the basis for production planning, organization of labor and wages. It is necessary to start developing technically justified production standards for the technological process only after making sure that there are no existing standards for it. For this, the collections of ENiR (unified norms and prices) and VNiR (departmental norms and prices), as well as MNIR (local norms and prices) in related construction organizations are carefully reviewed. In the presence of such norms, there is no need to develop a new norm.

In connection with the rationing of working time, concepts are introduced about the production norms of labor: labor intensity, norms of workers' time, labor costs and output.

The labor intensity of construction and installation works is the amount of labor of workers expended in rational production conditions for the implementation of high-quality construction products. Labor intensity is measured in man-hours or man-shifts per unit of output.

The norm of workers' time is the amount of time set for the performance of a unit of output by workers of the corresponding profession and qualifications, working with the correct organization of labor and production. Time standards are measured in hours or shifts per product meter.

The rate of labor costs - the amount of labor costs established for the performance of a unit of output by workers of the appropriate qualification with the correct organization of labor. Labor input rates are measured in man-hours or man-days per unit of output.

Production rate - the amount of quality products performed per unit of time by workers of appropriate qualifications working under the required conditions. Production rates are measured by physical units of products produced over a period of time (hour, shift).

When designing technically justified norms, the costs of working time during a shift are divided into two groups: normalized (operational and preparatory and final work, costs for technological breaks, rest, personal needs) and non-standardized (direct and hidden losses of working time).

The method of normative observations is based on obtaining the values ​​of labor costs with the help of visual observations carried out at workplaces. During observations, the costs of labor or time are fixed, and at the same time, the significance of the factors influencing the change in the labor intensity or duration of the elements of the normalized process is noted, the amount of work performed is measured.

Normative observations differ in the degree of coverage of the normalized process, the method and accuracy of recording the expenditure of working time and labor costs, as well as the form of measuring products. Observations are recorded manually on forms. There are the following forms of visual observations: photo accounting (mixed, graphical, digital) - covers all types of working hours spent during a shift with an accuracy of recording time up to 1 minute, differs in the nature of recording time and labor costs by process elements and the number of workers; timing (selective, cyclic, continuous) - characterized by the individual nature of time recording for each normalized process element with increased recording accuracy of 0.1 ... 1 s, differs in the duration of the shortest process element (up to 10 s); techno-accounting - carried out according to an enlarged nomenclature of elements with a group recording of time and labor with a recording accuracy of 5 ... 10 minutes, etc.

The value of the norm of labor costs is determined in the end by empirical dependencies based on data obtained as a result of standard observations. The calculation of the price for the implementation of the accepted unit of the process meter is made by multiplying the average hourly tariff rate of the link by the full value of labor costs. The tariff rate is the main element of the tariff system - the basis of the organization of wages. Under this system, for each skill level of a worker, a category is established with an appropriate hourly wage rate. The average hourly tariff rate of a link is determined (for a six-digit grid) by the formula
Сav = (C1n1+C2n2+…C6n6)/(n1+n2+///+n6), where С1, С2,…, C6 - hourly tariff rates according to the current tariff scale; n1, n2,…,n6 - number in the link workers I, II, ..., VI categories.

In construction, depending on the type and nature of the work performed, the possibility of accounting for and evaluating the time spent, two forms are used, wages (piecework and time).

Piecework wages provide for such wages in which the worker receives wages depending on the amount of work performed by him and the established piece rates per unit of good-quality products, expressed in natural meters (m 2, t, m 3, etc.).

Teams of teams and individual workers can be rewarded primarily for the timely completion of production (normative) tasks and the delivery of work, the quality of the projects and SNiP that meet the requirements, as well as for the performance of other performance indicators provided for by the regulation on bonuses. The amount of the bonus is up to 40% of the amount of piecework earnings.

For piecework workers, a piece-rate remuneration system is recommended, which provides for the issuance of a piece-by-piece task approved by the head of the construction organization to the team for the technological stage, complex or facility as a whole, indicating the start and end dates of work, working hours, wages and a specific amount of bonus. The cost of working time and the amount of wages are determined on the basis of aggregated and complex norms and prices or for construction. The bonus is paid out of the payroll in the amount of 40% of piecework earnings. When performing work on technological re-equipment and reconstruction of existing production facilities or on a rotational basis, the amount of the bonus increases to 60%, and at individual construction sites it is established by appropriate decisions.

The violations of the requirements of the project and SNiP committed by the brigade must be eliminated within the calendar period for the chord assignment at no additional charge. The distribution of the bonus in the brigade is made according to the assigned categories, hours worked, taking into account the coefficient of labor participation.

Time wages for the performance of the established task provides for wages for the worker for the time actually worked at the current tariff rates, depending on the category assigned to him. Such payment is applied in the absence of a price for this type of work or the impossibility of accounting for the latter. For the fulfillment of tasks on time and ahead of schedule or for the uninterrupted maintenance of production sites, teams, machines, subject to the fulfillment of the monthly plan, time workers may receive bonuses in the amount of up to 40% of the tariff rate paid from the wage fund of the construction organization.

Labor productivity in construction is one of the main indicators of the effective activity of workers, which is determined by:

  • - output - the amount of construction products produced per unit of time (m 3 / h, m 3 / shift, m 2 / shift, etc.);
  • - labor intensity - the cost of working time (person-hour, person-day, etc.) per unit of construction products (m 3, 1000 m 2, etc.).

The lower the labor costs per unit of time, the higher the productivity of labor, which is quantitatively regulated by technical regulation.

Technical regulation is the development of technically and economically sound norms for the labor costs of working or machine time and the consumption of materials per unit of construction products during a detailed study of construction operations. Currently, GESN (state elemental building standards), ENiR (uniform norms and prices), VNiR (departmental norms and prices) and the norms used by construction industry enterprises when using new and unique technologies are equally applied in construction, the regulation of which by other documents not installed.

Norm of time - the amount of working time required for the manufacture of a unit of high-quality products by workers of the corresponding profession and qualifications (man-hours, man-days). In the event that the norm of time is given for a link or brigades, then the actual time of work is determined by dividing the norm of time by the number of performers.

Norm of machine time - the amount of working time of the machine (mach-h, mash-cm) required to produce a unit of good quality products.

Production rate- the number of high-quality products produced by the worker per unit of time (m, t, m 3, m 2, pieces, etc.).

The norms of time and norms of production are interconnected, they can be used to determine the productivity of workers and the composition of the link. There are several types of time limits:

Elementary - set time standards for only one production operation;

  • - enlarged - combine a number of production operations;
  • - complex - cover a complex of processes.

Labor costs (machine time) for the amount of work are determined by the formula:

Where i is the norm of time per unit volume, adopted according to the ENiR

or GESN-2001, V- the scope of the construction process.

Labor costs (labor intensity) for the amount of work in man-days (machine-shift) are determined by dividing the labor intensity calculated in man-hours (machine-hours) by the duration of a work shift of 8 hours (7 hours).

The duration of the construction process is defined as:

Where P- number of shifts per day; R- the number of workers in the link (team) per shift.

Note: When calculating the labor intensity for the development of technological maps, it is advisable to use the time standards according to the ENiR. When developing calendar (network) schedules and cyclograms, it is preferable to use enlarged time standards (GESN-2001).

When determining the total labor intensity of work on an object, it is necessary to separately take into account the transport work for the delivery of materials to the working area, since in the norms for the production of basic works, transportation costs are taken into account only within the working area. Calculation of labor intensity for transportation is carried out by placing on the construction plan of places for storing building materials and structures, mechanized installations for the preparation of concrete and mortar, other materials, as well as places for enlarged assembly of structures.

The total number of labor costs for the facility also includes the costs associated with the performance of work to ensure safety. When calculating the costs for these purposes, an increase in the volume of work is provided, for example, slopes during excavation or fencing of elevator shafts, balconies and loggias in the process of their construction. Despite all the care in compiling the nomenclature of work, it is usually impossible to fully take them into account when determining the total labor intensity. Therefore, it is recommended to increase the total complexity of the object by 3-5%.

The definition of the accepted labor intensity of work should be made taking into account the achieved productivity of individual teams and links, but not more than 5-15%, in order to avoid disruption of the work schedule and rise in price.

When drawing up a production schedule, it is advisable to use cost estimates for a set of works with the calculation of labor and financial costs per unit of measurement of the main type of work. In this case, the range of works is reduced, and standard costs are determined with greater accuracy. Such calculations contribute to the introduction of progressive forms of organization and remuneration.

One of the effective conditions for the construction of buildings and structures is the correct calculation of labor costs and wages for the amount of work assigned to the team. It is important to note the need for multiple use of calculations. Since this helps to improve the rationing and remuneration of labor in teams, it reduces labor costs for calculating the volume of work performed.

The main stages in the preparation of estimates are:

  • a) Definition of initial data and working conditions. Such conditions may include natural and climatic conditions for the construction of a building or structure; methods of delivery, storage of building structures and materials; the accepted technology for erecting a building or structure; used machines and mechanisms, etc.
  • b) Calculation of the scope of work is carried out for each type of main and auxiliary work with a final meter (floor, apartment, building, etc.). The results of calculating the amount of work are entered into special statements, which indicate the list, composition, units of measurement and the amount of work corresponding to the instructions given in the GESN or ENiR. Sheets of calculations of the volume of work are necessarily attached to the cost estimates.
  • in) Drawing up estimates labor costs and the amount of wages are also made separately for each type of work or for a specific element with a final meter (floor, apartment, building, etc.). Calculations reflect the scope of work, time norms and prices per unit of work, labor costs and wages by type of work. For operational control, in some cases, consolidated standards are established.

Example 1 Determine the rate of output of a link of workers per shift when concreting foundations for columns. The volume of the foundation is 9.0 m 3, the method of compacting the concrete mixture is a deep vibrator.


  • - According to ENiR 4-1-49 Laying concrete mix in structures, section A. Arrays and separate foundations, we determine the composition of the link: concrete worker of the 4th category - 1, concrete worker of the 2nd category - 1.
  • - We determine the composition of the work: reception of the concrete mixture; laying the concrete mixture directly at the place of laying or along the trays (trunks); leveling the concrete mix with its partial transfer; compaction of the concrete mixture with vibrators; smoothing the exposed surface of concrete; rearrangement of vibrators, trays or trunks with their cleaning.
  • - According to the table. 1.72 (Table 1 according to ENiR) we determine the norm of time H -0,33man-hour per 1.0 m 3 of concrete when the concrete mixture is supplied by a crane

in tubs, conveyors, a concrete pump into a structure with a volume of up to 10.0 m 3.

Table 1.72

Norms of time and prices for 1.0 m 3 of concrete or reinforced concrete in business

Concrete supply method

Crane in buckets in a structure with a volume of m 3, up to 3

Crane in buckets in the design of the volume

Crane in buckets, conveyors, concrete

pumps in a design with a volume of m 3, up to 10

Those. daily output during concreting of five foundations will be 92.8% of the norm. Therefore, the daily rate should be the concreting of six foundations 6>

Example 2 Determine the composition of the link of installers, if the labor intensity of work on the installation of the structure is 4.8 man-hours, and the cost of the machine (crane) is 1.2 machine-hours.


The composition of the assembly line will be:

Example 3 Determine the complexity and duration of work on the installation of 10 metal roof trusses with a span of 24.0 m and a mass of up to 3.0 tons, the work is carried out by one link in one shift.


According to the table GESN 09-03-012-1, the norm of time for the installation of roof trusses will be:

installers i -25.53 man-h",

crane operation H vr - 4,92mash - h

The labor intensity of installers for the amount of work will be:

The labor intensity of the crane will be:

The composition of the link of installers

We accept a link of assemblers of 5 people, the average category of workers is 3.4.

The duration of the installation of trusses is defined as

We accept 6 days, therefore, the link of installers should work with an overfulfillment of the plan by 3.5%.

The scope of work for the installation of roof trusses includes: installation and fastening of roof trusses; scaffolding; anti-corrosion coating of welded seams.

Example 4 Determine the duration of work on the installation of foundation wall blocks. The scope of work is 150 units of FBS type blocks weighing up to 1.5 tons, depth - 3.0 m. Work is carried out in summer in two shifts


  • - According to GESN 07-01-001-2, the scope of work for the installation of foundations includes: preparation of the foundation; formwork device; sealing joints;
  • - The norm of time for the installation of foundation blocks is: For installers 91.58 man-hours;

Crane driver 35.38 man-hours;

Unit of measurement - 100 pcs.

The complexity of installation for the entire scope of work will be:

For installers Q = H ep V = 91.58-1.5 = 137.37 man-hours

For the crane operator Q = d V = 35,38 1,5 = 53,07person - h

- The total labor intensity of work in days will be:

The composition of the link of installers is taken according to the ENiR or calculated:

We accept a link of assemblers from 3 persons: the assembler of the 4th category - 1 person; installer 3 category - 2 people.

The average category for HPES is -3.3.

The estimated duration of the installation work will be:

Example 5 Determine the rate of production of a link of workers for one shift for the development of soil manually. The soil is loam, with a specific gravity of y \u003d 1700 kg / m 3. The scope of work is 0.8 thousand m 3 .


  • - According to GESN 01-01-049-1 The time limit for manual excavation is 430.36 man-hours. per 1000 m 3. The average category of workers is 2.5. The composition of the link accept 2 people.
  • - The rate of production of a link of workers per shift will be:

Table 1.73

Production for general construction and finishing works

Name of works


Production per 1 person/cm

Civil works

The device of the underlying layer of sand and gravel mixture

The device of the underlying concrete layer

Driving piles with a diesel hammer

Pile head felling

Concreting of monolithic structures with rotary hoppers, up to:

Concreting of monolithic structures with truck-mounted concrete pumps up to:

Installation of monolithic walls and partitions up to:

100 mm 150 mm 200 mm 300 mm

Waterproofing with roofing material of horizontal surfaces

Waterproofing with roofing material of vertical surfaces

Paint waterproofing with hot bitumen

Cement waterproofing with liquid glass

Installation of reinforced concrete foundations weighing up to: 2.5 t 5.0 t

1 item

Installation of reinforced concrete columns of one-story buildings weighing up to:

1 item

Laying w/concrete girders, beams

1 item

Installation of columns of multi-storey buildings

1 item

Installation of reinforced concrete trusses with a span of up to 12 m

1 item

Installation of reinforced concrete trusses with a span of up to 18 m

1 item

Installation of reinforced concrete trusses with a span of up to 24 m

1 item

Installation of reinforced concrete beams and crossbars weighing up to 3.0 t 10.0 t

1 item

Installation of reinforced concrete slabs of coatings and ceilings with an area of ​​up to:

1 item

Installation of reinforced concrete wall panels up to:

1 item

Installation of sandwich wall panels

1 item

Installation of external wall panels

Sealing device

Laying w / concrete lintels

1 item

Installation of plinth panels

Installation of interior wall panels

Installation of partitions

Installation of ventilation units

Installation of stairs and landings

1 item

Installation of metal trusses

Installation of metal structures with enlarged blocks

Installation of metal columns

Installation of metal beams

Installation of crane beams

Installation of other metal structures

Brickwork of external walls

Brickwork with thermal insulation boards

Brickwork partitions

The device of partitions: - plasterboard - plaster concrete - from glass blocks

  • 7.0 4,4

Rafter installation

The device of a working flooring from boards (crate)

Sheathing with boards

Thermal insulation device

The device of rolled roofs on bituminous mastics

Roofing device with built-up roofing material

Roofing from asbestos-cement sheets

The device of a roof from a professional flooring

Sheet steel roofing

Metal roofing device

Filling in window openings

Filling doorways

Installation of balcony blocks

Installation of loggia plates

Stained glass installation

Glazing of window frames/doors

Wall insulation with heat-insulating boards 5 = 150 mm

Finishing work

Painting wooden surfaces with oil paints

Painting of metal structures

Wall cladding with ceramic tiles

Plasterboard wall cladding

Wall papering

False ceiling device type "Amstrong"

Floor preparation device

Installation of skirting boards

Plank floor installation

Arrangement of parquet floors

The device of floors from a chipboard (OSB)

Linoleum floor installation

Installation of floors from ceramic tiles

Installation of cement floors (screeds)

Mosaic floor tiles

Mosaic device

Cast iron floor tiles

Installation of mosaic-concrete floors

Installation of asphalt concrete floors

The device of polymer floors

Facing of facades with ceramic tiles

Painting of facades with water-based compositions

Wall cladding with siding

Facade plaster