What is the focus of innovation. Functions and types of innovation. Features of innovation. Types of enterprise innovation

Innovation activity is an activity aimed at finding and implementing innovations in order to expand the range and improve product quality, improve technology and organize production.

Innovation activities include:

  • identification of enterprise problems;
  • implementation of the innovation process;
  • organization of innovative activities.

The main premise of an enterprise's innovation activity is that everything that exists is aging. Therefore, it is necessary to systematically discard everything that is worn out, obsolete, has become a brake on the path to progress, and also take into account mistakes, failures and miscalculations. To do this, enterprises periodically need to conduct certification of products, technologies and jobs, analyze the market and distribution channels. In other words, a kind of X-ray of all aspects of the enterprise's activities should be carried out. This is not just a diagnosis of the production and economic activities of an enterprise, its products, markets, etc. On its basis, managers should be the first to think about how to make their products (services) morally obsolete, and not wait until competitors do it. This, in turn, will encourage businesses to innovate. Practice shows: nothing forces a manager to focus on an innovative idea like the realization that the product being produced will become outdated in the near future.

Where do innovative ideas come from? There are seven sources of such ideas. Let's list the internal sources; they arise within an enterprise or industry. These include:

  1. unexpected event (for an enterprise or industry) - success, failure, external event;
  2. incongruence - a discrepancy between reality (what it really is) and our ideas about it;
  3. innovations based on the needs of the process;
  4. sudden changes in the structure of an industry or market.

The following three sources of innovation are external, as they have their origins outside the enterprise or industry. This:

  1. demographic changes;
  2. changes in perceptions, moods and values;
  3. new knowledge (both scientific and unscientific).

The analysis of these situations when considering a particular type of change makes it possible to establish the nature of the innovative solution. In any case, you can always get answers to the following questions. What happens if we take advantage of the created change? Where can this venture take? What needs to be done to turn change into a source of development?

At the same time, of the seven sources of change, the most important are the third and seventh, since they are the most radical.

Process-driven change is far more important than the first two. The old saying goes: "Necessity is the mother of invention." In this case, the change is based on the needs of practice, life. (Replacing manual typing in book printing, preserving the freshness of products, etc.) At the same time, the implementation of this type of change implies the need to understand that:

  • it is not enough to feel the need, it is important to know and understand its essence, otherwise it is impossible to find its solution;
  • it is not always possible to satisfy the need, and in this case only the solution of some part of it remains.

In any case, when solving a problem of this type, it is necessary to answer the following questions. Do we understand what and what changes the process needs? Is the necessary knowledge available or needed to be acquired? Do our solutions match the habits, traditions and target orientations of potential consumers?

The most significant changes, one might say radical, take place on the basis of "new knowledge". Innovations based on new knowledge (discoveries) are usually difficult to manage. This is due to a number of circumstances. First of all, there is, as a rule, a large gap between the emergence of new knowledge and its technological use, and secondly, it takes a long time before a new technology materializes in a new product, process or service.

In this regard, innovations based on new knowledge require:

  • careful analysis of all necessary factors;
  • clear understanding of the pursued goal, i.e. a clear strategic orientation is needed;
  • organization of entrepreneurial management, since it requires financial and managerial flexibility and market orientation.

An innovation based on new knowledge must "mature" and be accepted by society. Only in this case will it bring success.

What are the fundamental principles of innovation? According to P. Drucker, it is necessary to draw a clear line between what should be done and what should not be done.

What do we have to do

  1. Purposeful systematic innovation requires a continuous analysis of the possibilities of the above sources of innovation.
  2. An innovation must correspond to the needs, desires, habits of the people who will use it. You should ask yourself the question: "What should this innovation reflect in order for future consumers to want to use it?"
  3. Innovation should be simple and with a clear purpose. The greatest praise for innovation is: "Look how simple everything is! How could I not have thought of this?"
  4. Innovate more efficiently with little money and few people, limited risk. Otherwise, there is almost always not enough time and money for the numerous improvements that innovation needs.
  5. Effective innovation should focus on leadership in a limited market, in its niche. Otherwise, it will create a situation where competitors get ahead of you.

What not to do

  1. Don't be smart. Innovation will be used by ordinary people, and when large scale is reached, even incompetent people will use it. Anything overly complex in design or operation is almost certainly doomed to failure.
  2. Don't be scattered about, don't try to do several things at once. Innovation requires concentration of energy. It is necessary that the people working on it understand each other well.
  3. Innovate to meet the needs of the times. If the innovation does not find an immediate application, it will remain just an idea.

Innovation is a job that requires knowledge, ingenuity, and talent. It is noted that innovators mostly work in only one area. For example, Edison focused only on electricity. Successful innovation requires hard, focused work. If you are not ready for it, neither knowledge nor talent will help.

To be successful, you need to leverage your strengths, and people need to be serious about innovation.

Finally, innovation means changes in the economy, industry, society, in the behavior of buyers, producers, workers. Therefore, it should always be market-oriented, guided by its needs.

For an enterprise to innovate, it must have a structure and attitude that would foster an entrepreneurial atmosphere and perceive the new as an opportunity. In doing so, it is necessary to take into account a number of important points.

The main organizing principle for innovation is to build a team of the best workers, freed from the current job.

Experience shows that all attempts to turn an existing department into a carrier of an innovative project end in failure. Moreover, this conclusion applies to both large and small businesses. The fact is that maintaining production in working order is already a big task for people who are engaged in this. Therefore, they practically do not have time to create a new one. The existing subdivisions, in whatever area they function, are basically only capable of expanding and modernizing production.

Entrepreneurial and innovative activities do not have to be carried out on an ongoing basis, especially in small enterprises, where such a setting of the case is often impossible. However, it is necessary to appoint an employee who is personally responsible for the success of the innovation. He should be responsible for the timely identification and replacement of obsolete products, equipment, technology, for a comprehensive analysis of production and economic activities (business X-ray), for the development of innovative activities. The employee responsible for innovative activities must be a person with sufficient authority in the enterprise.

It is necessary to protect the innovative division from unbearable loads. Investments in the development of innovations should not be included in the regularly conducted analysis of the return on investment until the new products (services) are established in the market. Otherwise, the case will be ruined.

The profit from the implementation of an innovative project differs significantly from the profit received from the release of well-oiled products. For a long time, innovative endeavors can generate neither profit nor growth, but only consume resources. Then the innovation must grow rapidly for a long time and return the funds invested in its development in at least 5-10 times the size, otherwise it can be considered as unsuccessful. Innovation starts small, but results must be big.

The enterprise should be managed in such a way that it creates an atmosphere of perception of the new, not as a threat, but as an opportunity. Resistance to change is rooted in fear of the unknown. Every employee must realize that innovations are the best way to preserve and strengthen their enterprise. Moreover, it is necessary to understand that innovations are a guarantee of employment and well-being of every employee. Organization of innovation activities based on these principles will allow the enterprise to move forward and achieve success.

Innovation activities can be carried out both within the framework of enterprises by specially created divisions (the so-called internal ventures), and by independent venture (risky) firms.

Internal ventures are small divisions organized to develop and manufacture new types of knowledge-intensive products and are endowed with significant autonomy within enterprises. The selection and financing of proposals received from employees of the enterprise or independent inventors are carried out by specialized services. If the project is approved, the author of the idea leads the internal venture. This subdivision operates with minimal administrative and economic interference from the side of the enterprise management.

Within a specified timeframe, the internal venture capitalist must develop the innovation and prepare the new product or product for mass production. As a rule, this is the production of a product that is unconventional for a given company.

In the Russian Federation, internal ventures have been established at a number of large industrial enterprises, primarily the military-industrial complex (MIC).

A venture capital firm is a small business that specializes in the research and development of innovative ideas that involve significant risk. To develop a promising idea, venture capital of large firms interested in innovation is attracted. A large firm is usually reluctant to develop an innovative idea on its own with significant risk. The consequences of a possible failure are much worse for her than for a small firm. Therefore, the main direction of participation of a large firm in probable research related to the development of innovative ideas is the implementation of risk financing of small innovative firms specializing in such developments.

Small firms are characterized by ease of management, a wide scope of personal initiative, the ability to pursue a flexible scientific and technical policy, and the active involvement of inventors in their activities. This determines the high efficiency of venture capital firms. Many of them make a significant contribution to innovative progress, development of new products, progressive technologies.

The effectiveness of small firms in the innovation process is evidenced by the following data: according to estimates by the US National Science Foundation, for every dollar invested in R&D, firms with up to 100 people introduced four times more innovations than firms with 100-1000 employees, and 24 times more than companies employing over 1000 people. Their rate of innovation is one-third higher than that of large ones, in addition, small firms take an average of 2.22 years to enter the market with their innovations, while large firms take 3.05 years.

The participation of large firms in risky financing in comparison with traditional forms of R&D is due not only to increased returns, but also to their direct economic interest. The fact is that independent small firms enjoy tax and other benefits, receive direct financial support within the framework of government programs to stimulate scientific and technological progress. As a result, at present, venture financing is actively developing in many countries. Venture forms are also being developed to some extent in Russia.

B. Gribov, B. Gryzinov

The teacher is an integral part of the process of his professional development. For those who work in the traditional system, it is enough to master the technique, which is a complex of teaching skills. This alone will allow it to be carried out in full and to achieve certain successes at the same time. However, for the implementation of the innovative activity of a teacher, his professional training is not enough. At the same time, the readiness of the teacher himself to become on the path of improvement is also important.

Definition of the concept

What do we mean by the innovative activity of a teacher? This is something new, if we compare it with the previous one, aimed at improving the quality of education. In general, the term "innovation" in its modern sense means the manifestation of new elements or forms. The synonym for this word is "innovation".

The modern teacher is considered somewhat deeper, while having a broader semantic designation. It is understood as the purposeful work of a teacher, based on understanding his own professional experience by studying and comparing the educational process in order to change it and at the same time receive a better education.

We can say that the teacher's innovative activity is a phenomenon that reflects the teacher's creative potential. If we consider this term from the point of view of its application to the general educational process, then we can talk about its relative youth. And this explains the existence of various approaches to explaining this concept.

On the one hand, pedagogical innovations are understood as various innovations aimed at changing the technology of education and training to increase their effectiveness. But sometimes another meaning is put into this concept. Innovation includes not only the creation and diffusion of innovations, but also changes and transformations in the style of thinking and in the way of activity that are associated with these innovations. In any case, it is something progressive, useful, cutting edge, modern and positive.

Currently, Russia is undergoing the processes of standardization of all levels of education, without exception. This led to the creation of the Federal State Educational Standard. The purpose of this work is a certain unification and availability for widespread practical use of scientifically secured experimental work in education and training. The innovative activity of the teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is designed to bring about positive changes in the existing education system. This is necessary for Russia to enter the international market that offers such services, and to bring the curricula of schools and preschool educational institutions in line with those that are generally accepted throughout the world.

Signs of innovation

The process of introducing various innovations into the education process largely depends on the potential of the teacher himself. How to determine the teacher's readiness for innovative activities? Personality potential in this case is associated with such parameters as:

Having a creative ability to generate and produce new ideas and ideas, as well as to design and model them in practice;

Willingness to be different from existing ideas, new, the basis of which is panoramic and flexible thinking, as well as tolerance of character;

Education and development in cultural and aesthetic terms;

The desire to improve their activities, as well as the presence of internal methods and means that will ensure it.

The teacher's readiness for innovative activities is also understood as having a great capacity for work, the ability to restrain strong irritants, a high emotional status and a desire to approach his work creatively. But besides personal teachers, a teacher must also have some special qualities. These include knowledge of new technologies, the ability to develop projects, mastery of the latest teaching methods, as well as the ability to analyze and identify the causes of existing shortcomings.

Specificity of innovation

The participation of teachers in innovative activities has its own characteristics. It presupposes the presence of the necessary degree of freedom in the respective subjects. Indeed, due to its specificity, the innovative activity of a teacher in preschool educational institutions and in schools is most often carried out by touch. The point is that such solutions are beyond the scope of existing experience. It is also worth noting that today the innovative activity of the teacher in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is regulated and controlled only partially. In this regard, one has to trust the innovator, the researcher, assuming that everything that he undertakes in the process of searching for new solutions and truth will not harm the interests of society.

This approach leads to the realization that freedom of creativity should go alongside the high personal responsibility of a teacher engaged in innovative activities.

The importance of innovation

Is the organization of the teacher's innovative activity so necessary? The importance of this area is due to the fact that in modern conditions the development of education, culture and society is impossible without:

Socio-economic changes, implying the need to update the entire educational system, as well as technologies and methods of organizing the cognitive process in educational institutions of various types;

Strengthening the humanitarization of the content of curricula, which is expressed in a continuous change in the volume and composition of disciplines, the introduction of new subjects that involve a constant search for improved learning technologies and organizational forms;

Changes in the attitude of the teacher himself to the application and development of innovations;

Entry of educational institutions into the system of market relations, which will make it possible to form their real degree of competitiveness.

What, ultimately, caused the need for the development of the teacher's innovative activity? The main reason for this direction is the fierce competition with which every collective that offers services in the field of education faces almost everywhere.

Today, all educational institutions must independently improve their level of work, monitor and be able to predict the situation in the relevant market, and be slightly ahead of everyone, using the latest scientific and technological achievements.

Signs of innovation

What can be said about the participation of teachers in innovative activities? This question is both complex and simple. On the one hand, you can easily identify the latest approaches and techniques that the teacher uses. After all, they differ from those that were used before their introduction. On the other hand, it is very difficult to describe and justify innovative activities. After all, innovation is not just a fixation of a certain fact. Each of the forms of the teacher's innovative activity is a whole system.

Its description must necessarily contain the purpose and content, implementation timeframes, existing problems and their solution. That is, everything that innovation is aimed at. The methods of analyzing the results obtained should also be explained. It is necessary to give an indication of the forms of innovative activities of the teacher.

Classification of innovation

According to their purpose, all the latest implementations in the training system are conventionally divided into:

  1. Are common... These are global concepts found in modern education. They find their manifestation in the optimization of the educational process, the development of humanistic provisions, practical and information technologies, as well as in the organization and management of pedagogical processes.
  2. Private... They take place in cases where the innovative experimental activity of teachers is in the form of author's innovations, developed in accordance with the modern directions of the educational process, and is implemented in a separate educational institution.

By belonging to the educational process, innovative activities are associated with:

  1. With the introduction of an integrated approach into the education system. After all, the traditional system of acquiring knowledge is guided by the already achieved level of technologies and sciences and is not capable of meeting the requirements of a society in its dynamic development.
  2. With the organization of the entire educational process and the introduction of the latest pedagogical technologies, which are the main factor in the development of innovative methods and means of acquiring knowledge.
  3. With specialization and specialization in general education. Such directions presuppose the formation of the necessary conditions for the teacher's innovative activity with its transition to a system of flexible and open continuous individualized teaching of the individual throughout his life.
  4. With the professionalization of existing management activities. This is one of the conditions for the effectiveness and success of innovative directions in educational institutions.

Based on the concept of renewal and the content of educational processes, the teacher's innovative activity is divided into method-oriented and problem-oriented. Let's consider them in more detail.

Method-oriented activity

When applying it, it is assumed that one or another education technology will be implemented. This could be:

Using the latest information technologies;

Application of the principle of integration to the content of education.

In addition, based on the experience of the teacher's innovative activity within the framework of methodological-oriented work, he can use the training:







Within the framework of the use of such technologies, a prerequisite is the preparedness and competence of the teacher, who is able to use such approaches as:

  1. Personality-oriented. It can be achieved through the implementation of a strategy of support and respect, understanding, assistance and cooperation of the preschool educational institution administration in the field of choosing the means and methods of the teacher's work.
  2. Essential. It is reflected in the interaction of teachers with students to develop their abilities in order to form essential systemic knowledge and establish intersubject connections.
  3. Operational and activity. This approach is based on the positions of the Federal State Educational Standard. Students form the ability to act during the educational process, assimilating knowledge through their practical application.
  4. Professional oriented. This is a competency-based approach. It allows students to develop professional attitudes.
  5. Acmeological. This approach is closely related to the essential. It is used in the organization of innovative education with the development of new, as well as updating existing methods and teaching aids. This approach allows students to form creative thinking and contributes to their self-development, self-improvement, self-education and self-control.
  6. Creative and developing. This approach is designed to shape productive thinking. It develops students' creative attitude to their activities, as well as the abilities and qualities of a creative personality, skills and abilities of a scientific and creative nature.
  7. Contextual. This approach allows you to bring the content of the curriculum subjects into line with the state educational standard developed in the country.

Problem-oriented activity

Such innovative processes provide for the solution of a certain type of tasks that are associated with the formation of a high degree of competitiveness in the individual.

At the same time, the activities of the teacher are aimed at developing in students:

Awareness of their personal and social significance;

Ability to set goals for self-complication of problems and tasks, as well as self-actualization, which is a prerequisite for the creative development of a competitive personality;

An adequate sense of freedom and justified risk, which contributes to the formation of responsibility in the decisions made;

The maximum concentration of their abilities in order to realize them at the most suitable moment, which is called "delayed victory".

One of the most pressing problems that the modern education system is trying to solve is the upbringing of a socially competitive person. This concept includes professional stability, social mobility of an individual and her ability to carry out the process of professional development. In doing so, learners must be educated to be receptive to innovation. This will allow them in the future to change their field of activity easier, and to be always ready to move to a new area of ​​work, which is more prestigious.

It is possible to form a competitive personality at this stage of the development of society only through the introduction and inclusion of methodological and problem-oriented innovations in the learning process.

Additional classification

The following types of innovations are also distinguished in the education system:

  1. In terms of scale - federal and regional, national-regional and at the level of educational institutions.
  2. Separate - isolated (local, private, individual, that is, not connected with each other), modular (a chain of private innovations, interconnected), systemic.
  3. By origin - improved (modified), combined (attached to a previously known component), fundamentally new.

Problems of introducing innovations

Often, the conduct of innovative activities is difficult for teachers. This is what affects the need for scientific and methodological support of their work. The formal nature of the pioneering work being carried out, which can often be observed in the OA, is due to:

Low level of basic teacher training;

Formation of the environment of activity in the classical, traditional mode;

A low degree of readiness for innovative activities;

Lack of motivation due to overload;

Failure to determine the most priority area for oneself, which causes dispersion of activities and does not give tangible results.

At the same time, it is impossible to imagine the work of a modern educational institution without innovative methods. But in order to achieve the intended goals, teachers need certain types of support. For some, psychological support is important, for others - an individual consultation with a methodologist or a practicing teacher. One of the prerequisites for innovative work is the availability of a sufficient amount of special educational and methodological literature, as well as the latest material and technical base.

The innovative activity of teachers in the modern education system should become a personal category, a kind of creative process and the result of creative activity. It also presupposes the presence of some degree of freedom in the actions of the relevant subjects.

The main value of the innovative activity carried out by the teacher lies in the fact that it allows the formation of a personality capable of self-expression and the use of his abilities simultaneously with creativity. The difficulties that arise in the process of such work, according to many practitioners, can be resolved on their own.

The main result will be:

The creation of which will ensure the study, sustainable development and further implementation of best practices;

Taking a leadership position of educational institution in the field of educational services;

Creation of a positive image of the staff of the educational institution.

The innovative activity of an enterprise reflects its ability to perceive and use scientific, scientific and technical achievements in order to obtain fundamentally new products, new technologies, organizational, technical and socio-economic solutions of an industrial, financial, commercial, managerial or other nature.

The concept of "innovation" corresponds to the concept of "innovation", that is, the introduction of innovations. Innovations appear as a result of scientific research, discoveries made, inventions in any field. Innovation is the result of introducing innovations in order to obtain economic, social, environmental and other types of effect. The creation and implementation of innovations in production requires the cost of various resources, respectively, capital investment. In the conditions of market relations, any investment is carried out with the expectation of obtaining an economic effect, profit. Innovation is associated with high-risk investments, therefore, an enterprise that carries out innovative activities expects high returns.

The innovation activity of the enterprise is based on the innovation policy, which, in turn, follows from the development strategy of the enterprise. Innovation policy- these are general principles and a set of management, technological, economic measures that ensure the development, creation, implementation of innovations for the formation of competitive advantages, achievement of the strategic goals of the enterprise.

The development of innovative activity occurs under the influence of a complex of factors, among which the most important are:

  • acceleration of scientific and technological progress;
  • budget financing of priority scientific research, which can become the basis for basic innovations;
  • creation and support of research and development organizations that ensure a constant influx of innovations as a product of intellectual creativity;
  • government support for the development of innovation, stimulation of private investment in innovation, in the development of innovation infrastructure;
  • development of an entrepreneurial environment that forms the need for innovation, capable of accepting them on the basis of competition.

Distinguish the following types of innovations:

  • by the degree of radicality (novelty): basic innovations, related to the implementation of major inventions, on the basis of which new generations and directions of technology development are formed; enhancing innovation, related to product modernization, partial improvement;
  • by area of ​​application: product and process. Product innovation associated with the creation and implementation of new technology, the production of new products; process innovation are associated with new production methods or using known technologies in a new application;
  • for the intended purpose: strategic innovation, the use of which provides competitive advantages, market leadership, high income; reactive (adaptive) innovation, implemented by the enterprise after the leader in order to avoid lagging behind in a competitive environment;
  • by area of ​​use: technological, organizational, managerial, social.

The activities of the enterprise for the development, implementation, mastering of production and promotion of innovations include:

  • carrying out fundamental and applied research, development work, laboratory research, design, manufacture and testing of samples of new products, types of new technology, new structures;
  • selection of the necessary types of raw materials, materials for the manufacture of new products;
  • development of technological processes for the manufacture of new products;
  • creation of information support for innovations;
  • improvement of organizational and management support for the production of innovations;
  • formation of personnel support for the development and implementation of innovations;
  • licensing, patenting of innovations;
  • marketing research, development of measures to promote new products to the market.

Any innovation begins with the birth of an idea and has several stages of existence, which together make up its life cycle. Life cycle of innovation is defined as the time interval from the inception of an idea to the withdrawal from production of an innovative product created on its basis (Figure 6.5).

Figure 6.5 - Stages of the innovation life cycle

The life cycle of innovations can be divided into three phases: design, production development, and operational.

The design phase includes fundamental, exploratory and applied scientific research, experimental design work.

The phase of mastering production is the period of release of pilot batches of goods, improvement of technology, and development of the production process regulations. This phase is associated with high costs and high production costs. At this time, marketing activities are very important in order for a fundamentally new product to be introduced to the market and start a market life.

The operational phase is the period of the market life of the innovation. This period, in turn, is usually subdivided into four stages.

The first stage is the beginning of industrial production and bringing the product to the market. At this stage, an increase in production volumes begins, an active formation of demand for new products of the enterprise.

The second stage is an upswing, a rapid increase in production volumes, an increase in income and profits. At this stage, the technological process and organization of production are debugged, the cost of production begins to decline.

The third stage is the stage of maturity and stabilization. During this period, production and income volumes reach their maximum values, production growth rates slow down, and then production volumes stabilize due to market saturation.

The fourth stage is the decline in production volumes, the cessation of production and the market period of the product's life.

Analysis of the life cycle of innovations is of great importance for planning the renewal of production of products, both technically and technologically. At the stage of maturity and stabilization of production volumes of certain types of products, the process of introducing into production and bringing new products to the market should begin. To ensure this, the innovation process must be continuous.

For the development of innovative activities, it is of great importance innovative potential of the enterprise. The assessment of the innovative potential of the enterprise is carried out on the basis of a set of indicators that can be combined into the following groups:

  • scientific and technical: the results of fundamental and applied research, the number of discoveries, inventions, the amount of scientific groundwork;
  • material and technical: the level of technical equipment with experimental equipment for carrying out experimental design work on the creation and implementation of innovations;
  • informational: the volume of information flow serving innovations in the form of scientific and technical, design and engineering documentation, regulations, etc .;
  • personnel: structure of personnel serving research and development work; the number of employees with academic degrees, honorary titles, diplomas; the share of people employed by innovations in the total number of employees;
  • organizational and managerial: the number of innovation management steps, the number of managed innovation projects and information flows;
  • innovative: science intensity of new products; the degree of novelty of products, works, technologies; intellectual product - the number of patents, licenses, know-how obtained as a result of innovative activity;
  • market: the competitiveness of new products; the volume of demand for new products; the number of orders for the implementation of research and development work;
  • economic: economic efficiency of innovations; research costs; the cost of an intellectual product;
  • financial: the amount of investment in research and development, intangible assets; sources of funding for innovation.

Innovations provide an increase in the technical and organizational level of production, which, in turn, is manifested in an increase in the indicators of the intensity of the use of economic resources (labor, means of labor, objects of labor), an increase in production volumes, and an improvement in financial results.

The indicators characterizing the effectiveness of innovation are:

  • increase in production volume;
  • an increase in the share of an increase in production volumes due to the intensification of the use of labor, material, financial resources;
  • reduction of material consumption per unit of production;
  • reducing the cost of a unit of production;
  • increasing labor productivity;
  • growth of capital productivity;
  • acceleration of the turnover of working capital;
  • increase in profit from product sales;
  • increasing the profitability of production.

Along with these indicators, there are indicators of investment efficiency of innovations (see Section 6.7). A feature of evaluating the effectiveness of investment in innovation is that investment costs begin with research and development work.

The beneficial effect of innovation cannot always be measured using economic indicators. In the short term, the introduction of innovations often worsens the economic performance of enterprises and increases production costs. Research and development work requires additional funding. The introduction of new equipment and technologies increases the risk of production activities, often reduces the financial stability of the enterprise due to the high proportion of borrowed funds as part of the sources of financing for innovations. At the stage of mastering a new production, the utilization of production capacities decreases, the costs associated with retraining of personnel increase, and there may be processes of reduction of workers. However, in the long term, innovation provides commercial benefits and increases the competitiveness of the enterprise.

The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1662-r dated November 17, 2008, provides for a transition to an innovative type of development based on building up comparative advantages in science, education, and high technologies. The formation of an innovative economy means the transformation of knowledge, the creative potential of a person into a leading factor in the economic growth of the country's competitiveness. Innovative development involves growth based on:

  • activation of fundamental and applied research and development, a significant increase in their effectiveness;
  • improving the quality of human capital and the efficiency of its use;
  • diversification of the economy, in the structure of which the leading role is shifting to high-tech industries;
  • high innovative activity of organizations (enterprises) based on the development of new markets, updating the range of products, mastering new technologies, creating new forms of business organization.

An innovative type of development requires the creation of the most favorable conditions for entrepreneurial initiative. The state creates the necessary conditions and incentives for the development of innovative activities of private business, but cannot replace business with its own activity. State entrepreneurship is concentrated mainly in the sectors related to ensuring the country's security, in the development of the infrastructure necessary for innovation.

In the entrepreneurial environment, the main actors interested in the transition to an innovative economy are organizations developing new technologies, providing knowledge-based services, as well as enterprises facing intense global competition in need of technological re-equipment, managerial and social innovations.



GOU VPO Ural State Economic University



by discipline: Innovation management on the topic of:

"Innovation process and innovation activity"

Teacher Plakhin A.E.

Student Chemezova A.S.

Group MP-09R



Maintenance ……………………………………………………………………… 3

      The essence of innovation and its content …………………………… .. 6

      Functions of innovation ………………………………………………… .. 9

Chapter 2. Innovation process ………………………………………… .. 11

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………… ... 17

Bibliography…………………………………………. 15


Innovation management- is one of the areas of strategic management carried out at the highest level of the company's management. The purpose of innovation management is to establish the main vectors of scientific, technical and production activities of the company in the following areas of its activities:

    development, improvement and introduction of new products (actually innovative activity);

    further modernization and development of old profitable industries;

    closure of old production facilities.

The term "innovation" refers to the process of transforming potential scientific and technological progress into real progress, which is embodied in new products and technologies.

The end of the twentieth century. led to a broad rethinking of the ways of social development. The concept of economic growth, which approaches the analysis of material production from a purely economic point of view, was applicable as long as natural resources seemed inexhaustible due to the limited impact of human production activities. Currently, society is coming to the understanding that economic activity is only a part of human activity and economic development should be considered within the framework of a broader concept of social development.

The faster social and economic life develops, the more needs arise: at one of the economic conferences held in 2006, a report was presented in which rather amusing data were published, indicating that, according to experts, over the next twenty years the world's largest powers must do the following:

    to feed a new population equal in number to the population of the entire globe in 1940, and at the same time:

    use less chemical fertilizers and biocides;

    to produce as much energy as it was produced in the entire previous history of mankind, moreover, it becomes more difficult to increase energy production and it is necessary to simultaneously eliminate acid rain;

    to meet the 100% increased demand for food, raw materials and industrial goods, while resources are running out and it becomes more difficult to store waste safely;

    generate net real capital on an annualized basis, at least double the current, despite the reallocation of capital by the government for social purposes;

    to radically improve living, working, educational, urban and environmental conditions in both developed and developing countries;

    simultaneously raise the standards of health care in all countries, move from treating diseases to preventing them and limit population growth to reasonable limits;

    increase employment by 30-50%, creating new jobs, largely in the service sector, at the same time increasing productivity enough to keep inflation down;

    complete all the named tasks without irreversible disruption of the natural balance or resource crisis that could lead to war.

The above needs, no matter how you relate to them, represent the actual needs of mankind. We cannot satisfy them by using technologies other than yesterday's - today's technologies. For tomorrow's standard of living to be at least as good as today's in material and social terms, serious inventions, innovations and institutional changes are needed. Because many solutions will require large investments, most of the innovation will appear in large organizations.

In my test, I would like to touch on the following topics:

    What is innovation;

    System of the innovation process;

    Innovative activity.

Chapter 1. Innovation as an economic category.

      The essence of innovation and its content.

By innovation (eng. Innovation - innovation, innovation, innovation) we mean "investment in innovation".

Novation (lat. Novation - change, renewal) is some kind of innovation that did not exist before. In accordance with civil law, novation means an agreement between the parties to replace one obligation they have entered into with another, that is, this result is an innovation.

Innovation is a materialized result obtained from investing capital in a new technique or technology, in new forms of organization of production, labor, service and management, including new forms of control, accounting, planning methods, methods of analysis, etc.

Innovation can also be called an innovative product.

The concepts of “invention” and “discovery” are closely related to the concept of “innovation”. An invention is understood as new devices, mechanisms, tools, and other devices created by man.

Discovery is the process of obtaining previously unknown data or observing a previously unknown natural phenomenon.

The term “innovation” as a new economic category was introduced into scientific circulation by the Austrian (later American) scientist Joseph Alois Schumpeter (J. A. Schumpeter, 1883-1950) in the first decade of the XX century. “In his work“ Theory of Economic Development ”(1911) J. Schumpeter first considered the issues of new combinations of changes in development (ie, the issues of innovation) and gave a complete description of the innovation process.

J. Schumpeter identified five changes in development:

    the use of new technology, technological processes, or new market support for production;

    introduction of products with new properties;

    use of new raw materials;

    changes in the organization of production and its material and technical support;

    the emergence of new sales markets. "*

According to J. Schumpeter, innovation is the main source of profit: “profit, in essence, is the result of performing new combinations”, “without development there is no profit, without profit there is no development”.

Today, the description of technological innovation is based on international standards, the recommendations for which were adopted in Oslo in 1992 (the so-called "Oslo Guide"). These standards cover new products and new processes as well as significant technological changes. Based on this, two types of technological innovation were adopted:

♦ product innovation;

♦ process innovation.

Russian official terms for innovation are the terms used in the Concept of Innovation Policy of the Russian Federation for 1998-2000, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07.24.98 No. 832. These terms are:

    "Innovation (innovation)" - the end result of innovation, which has received implementation in the form of a new or improved product sold on the market, a new or improved technological process used in practice.

    "Innovation activity" is a process aimed at the implementation of the results of completed research and development or other scientific and technical achievements into a new or improved product sold on the market, into a new or

* - data from the article of the site http://ru.wikipedia.org/

improved technological process used in practice, as well as related additional research and development. Considering this definition of innovation, it should be pointed out that there is no concept of development of innovation in it. Innovation activity means the entire innovation process, without exception, from the emergence of an idea to the diffusion of a product. A more precise definition of innovation is as follows. Innovation activity is a process aimed at the development of innovations, the implementation of the results of completed research and development or other scientific and technical achievements into a new or improved product sold on the market, into a new or improved technological process used in practice, as well as related to this additional research and development.

    "State innovation policy" - determination by the state authorities of the Russian Federation and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the goals of the innovation strategy and support mechanisms for priority innovation programs and projects.

    "Innovation potential (state, industry, organization)" - a set of various types of resources, including material, financial, intellectual, scientific and technical and other resources necessary for the implementation of innovative activities.

    "Innovation sphere" - the area of ​​activity of producers and consumers of innovative products (works, services), including the creation and dissemination of innovations.

    "Innovation infrastructure" - organizations that promote the implementation of innovative activities (innovation and technology centers, technology incubators, technology parks, educational and business centers and other specialized organizations).

    "Innovation program (federal, interstate, sectoral)" - a set of innovative projects and activities, agreed on resources, performers and timing of their implementation and providing an effective solution to the problems of development and distribution of fundamentally new types of products (technology).

      Functions of innovation

An innovation is a result realized on the market, obtained from investing capital in a new product or operation (technology, process). When an innovation offered for sale is implemented, the money-innovation exchange takes place. The funds received by the entrepreneur (producer, investor-seller) as a result of such x> 6 change, firstly, cover the costs of creating and selling innovations, secondly, they bring profit from the implementation of innovations, and thirdly, they act as an incentive to create new innovations, fourthly, are a source of financing for a new innovation process.

Based on this, we can say that innovation performs the following three functions:

♦ reproductive;

♦ investment;

♦ stimulating.

Reproductive function means that innovation is an important source of financing for expanded reproduction.

The cash proceeds received from the sale of innovations in the market creates entrepreneurial profit, which acts as a source of financial resources and at the same time a measure of the effectiveness of the innovation process.

Entrepreneurial profit can be used to expand the volume of production and trade, investment, innovation and financial activities. These areas of use of profit are reflected in the "Cash flow plan of an economic entity".

Thus, making a profit from innovation and using it as a source of financial resources is the content of the reproductive function of innovation.

The profit received from the implementation of the innovation can be used in various directions, including as capital. Capital is money used to make a profit. This capital can be used to finance both all investments and, specifically, new types of innovations. Thus, the use of profit from innovation for investment is the content of the investment function of innovation.

An entrepreneur's profit from the implementation of innovation directly corresponds to the target function of any commercial business entity. This coincidence serves as an incentive for the entrepreneur to innovate; encourages him to constantly study demand, improve the organization of marketing activities, apply more modern methods of financial management (reengineering, brand strategy, benchmarking, etc.). All of the above is the content of the stimulating function of innovation.

Chapter 2. The innovation process

An innovation process is a sequential chain of events during which an innovation is implemented from an idea to a specific product, technology or service and spreads in economic practice. Moreover, the innovation process does not end with the so-called implementation, i.e. the first appearance on the market of a new product, service or bringing a new technology to the design capacity. The process is not interrupted because as it spreads in the economy, the innovation improves, becomes more effective, acquires new consumer properties, which opens up new areas of application for it, new markets, and therefore new consumers.

The innovation process is a broader concept than innovation. It can be viewed from different positions and with varying degrees of detail:

    firstly, it can be considered as a parallel-sequential implementation of research, scientific and technical, production activities and innovations;

    secondly, it can be viewed as temporary stages in the life cycle of an innovation from the emergence of an idea to its development and implementation.

Like any other process, the innovation process has its own stages of existence:

During first stage scientific and technical ideas are being put forward. Research work ends with renewal and experimental testing of new methods of satisfying social needs.

On the second stage the implementation of applied research projects is associated with a high probability of obtaining negative results, therefore, there is a risk of losses when investing in applied research work.

On the third stage R&D and design work related to the development of preliminary projects ( Avanproekt- this is a complete system design at the system / subsystem level; usually only a limited number of tests are required at this stage. In addition to the specification of functions and tasks, alternative design concepts are considered, preliminary equipment drawings and workflow descriptions are developed and reviewed. In the detailed design, the preliminary design drawings are made more detailed, revised and brought to the level of components), preliminary design, the release of working design documentation, the manufacture and testing of prototypes.

On the fourth stage when launching into production, large investments are required for the reconstruction of production facilities, personnel training, etc. At this stage of the innovation process, the market reaction to innovations is not yet known and the risks of rejection of the proposed product are very likely. The financing of work at the fourth stage, related to the development of large-scale production of a new product and the subsequent improvement of technology through innovation-processes, will require 6-8 times more costs than the costs associated with research and development. Taking into account the high costs of mastering large-scale production at this stage of the innovation process, the issue of securities is carried out, it will allow attracting additional investments.

Funding for the fourth stage of the innovation process can lead to the organization of the technical development of an uncompetitive product, if nothing fundamentally new is created at the previous three stages. The fourth stage of the innovation process can be viewed as an investment project, because it coincides with the second phase of the product life cycle. On the other hand, if the innovations created at the first three stages of the innovation process make it possible to organize the technological development and commercialization of new products that are numb to foreign analogues, then the state takes a partial part in financing these works.

The innovation process consists of interrelated and interdependent individual elements that form a single complex whole. The result of this process is innovation as a realized, applied change.

Innovative activity - this is, first of all, intellectual activity, and as there are many types of this activity, so there can be many forms of manifestations of innovation.

Innovative activity is associated with the attraction of various resources. The main ones are investments and time spent both on research and development, and on the implementation of design, technological and other work related to the large-scale development of the production of new products. The integral system of innovation includes such constituent components as science, technology, economics and education.

The essence of innovation is understood as its internal content, which is expressed in the interconnection of all diverse properties and relationships, which is found in various forms of existence: scientific, design and engineering, technological activities, experimental developments, work on the development of innovations in production, and their implementation. The content of innovation activity, according to the authors, is the unity of all its constituent elements, properties, internal processes, connections, contradictions and trends. It is expressed in interconnected and effective activities to bring scientific and technical ideas, inventions, developments to a result suitable for practical use, which involves a whole range of scientific, technological, organizational, financial and commercial measures, in their totality, leading to innovations.

Despite the fact that at present there are certain tendencies in the mutual coordination of various theories and generalizing, synthesizing the previous results of the direction have emerged, the final unity in views on the essence of innovation has not yet been achieved. The directions for the development of innovative theory contained in the scientific literature often complement each other, without reflecting the general picture of existing concepts. Domestic developments illuminate to a greater extent not the results of analytical studies, but the possibility of using foreign experience in our conditions.


Any organization, no matter how successfully it functions, should be aimed at mastering new technologies that allow the production of new types of products of higher quality and at the lowest cost, otherwise it will find itself in a crisis situation. In other words, it needs a competent innovation policy.

Unfortunately, at the moment, in Russia the innovation policy is carried out with insufficient control in general and, in my opinion, insufficiently qualified local managers. In the development-production-market chain, our weak links are not so much financing as the lack of technological management skills, i.e. technological innovation management. There are practically no trained specialists in Russia who know the specifics of an innovative product offered to the market and have the ability to work with it in the market. Today's intellectual potential of Russia can become the basis for its revival, if developments come to industry and enter the market. The country will be able to receive through the sale of licenses, developments, the execution of external orders, the implementation of joint international innovation projects, amounts comparable to the country's budget, and this is the revival of the economy, the education of the middle class, the elimination of unemployment.

In my opinion, the solution is not difficult enough: the maximum activation of the enterprise's innovative activity. If the development and commercial implementation of new technical ideas requires a high creative spirit, initiative and dedication of each employee and the entire team as a whole, then the reorientation of the entire work of the enterprise to new competitive types of goods and services, the conquest of new markets for products in modern conditions is impossible without improving the organization of labor and training personnel aimed at making fuller use of the creative potential of the team.


1. Balabanov I.T. Innovation management. - SPb: Peter, 2007

2. Goldstein G.Ya. Fundamentals of Management: Textbook, ed. 2nd, supplemented and revised. Taganrog: Publishing house of TRTU, 2004.

3. Innovation management: Textbook / Ed. Doctor of Economics, prof. L.N. Ogolevoy. - M .: INFRA - M, 2001.

(education, finance, information, etc.) Meso Innovative activity (7)Coursework >> Marketing

Impacts on innovative activity are also diverse. Innovative process- it process transformation of scientific knowledge ...

Innovative activity as the basis for effective enterprise development

Kurt Elena Evgenievna ,

undergraduate Kerch State Marine Technological University.

Modern economic realities indicate that the achievement of success and the goals of an enterprise is possible only under the condition of purposeful innovation, the introduction of new technologies, the implementation of which will create an opportunity to improve the efficiency of enterprises and increase their competitiveness in the market. These circumstances actualize the need for the development of innovative activities, including the improvement and reorganization of activities, the renewal of production, the replacement of some structural elements with others, as well as the addition of existing technologies with new ones.

The main elements of innovation at enterprises are the means of production, organizational development, technological processes, human potential, as well as the manufactured products and their quality.

Innovation is understood as activities aimed at the implementation of experimental developments, the implementation of which will produce a new or improved product, which will subsequently be in demand on the market. In addition, innovative activity involves the improvement or development of a new technological process, subject to its further application in the production activities of the enterprise.

Innovation activity is one of the forms of management activity of enterprise managers, taking into account both the influence of the external environment and the changes in the Russian innovation market, which occur under the influence of general and specific factors.

The basic principles of organizing and implementing innovative activities are reflected in Figure 1.

Rice. 1. The principles of organizing innovation.

The principle of target orientation provides for the need for continuous innovation.

The principle of consistency is understood as a clear organization of innovative activity, which provides for the allocation of clearly defined functions, their performers and the relationship between them.

Adaptability provides for the timely response of the organization to changes in the external environment and the adoption of management decisions aimed at leveling the negative impact on the process of introducing innovations.

Optimality is understood as the creation of a system of interaction between the powers of various performers and the determination of the responsibility of departments.

Profitability is defined as the implementation of innovation activities in such a way that optimal efficiency of the innovation process is achieved, with special attention to the reduction of the innovation cycle while increasing the competitiveness of new products and timely response to the changing needs of potential consumers.

Hierarchy provides for the implementation of effective interaction between the elements of innovation, between the vertical and horizontal levels of the system.

It should be borne in mind that the introduction of new technologies leads to the need to apply adequate changes in the existing forms and methods of organizing management, which determines the further development of innovations in the field of managerial decision-making.

The innovative activity of the enterprise is influenced by general and specific factors.

The most influential common factor is cyclical fluctuations in the economy. Specific factors include the commercial and political conditions for the implementation of specific products of innovative activity on the market, the state of the scientific and technical potential of the production sector.

The mechanism for the development of innovative activity is understood as a set of organizational and economic forms of implementation and stimulation of its implementation, the formation of innovative solutions, methods of their regulation.

The application of this mechanism is carried out at three levels - federal, regional and micro-level (enterprise level).

At the macro (federal) level, a state innovation strategy is being developed, which is manifested in the creation of a favorable legislative innovation climate for both individual enterprises and the organization of a certain industry, and for the state as a whole.

At the regional level, similar issues are being addressed, but taking into account the specifics of specific regions.

At the same time, both at the macro and regional levels, the main decisions should be aimed at improving the regulatory framework in the field of innovation; providing investors with certain benefits and privileges, training competent specialists in innovative activities.

If the innovative development of an enterprise becomes a priority task, then for its implementation it is necessary to make changes in production and sales activities, in the distribution of financial and investment resources and in marketing policy.

These changes should be based on two principles:

- the balance of interests of the consumer and the manufacturer must be respected, that is, the innovative product being introduced must meet both the market requirements and the needs of the enterprise development;

- the investment activity of the enterprise must be carried out continuously.

When introducing innovations, enterprises should take into account that this activity is characterized by a high risk, which must be determined in a timely manner, adequately evaluated and developed effective management measures.

Due to the fact that in the innovation process there are several participants, it becomes necessary to clearly distribute functions and responsibilities between them, as well as to determine the degree of responsibility between them for the decisions made. There is a need for a clear statement of tasks for each of the participants on the timing of implementation and implementation of innovative solutions, limits for spending money on the implementation of innovations.

All this necessitates clear coordination and control of the implementation of innovative activities, and special attention should be paid to the development of legally sound contracts.

Thus, at present, innovations determine the orientation of the enterprise to long-term development, and, consequently, the innovative and strategic activities of the enterprise are completely combined with the development of the market.

Subject to the successful implementation of innovative activities in the process of enterprise functioning, new ideas, improved products, technological processes appear, more improved forms of organization and management of enterprises and various spheres of the economy and its structural elements appear.

However, it should be borne in mind that the methods and scale of solving specific problems of innovation will be determined by the resource capabilities of the organization itself.


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