Current contests for drawing and decorative art. International competition of arts and crafts for children and teachers. Evaluation of works and award documents

Photos and videos of crafts, modeling, embroidery, etc. are accepted for the competition. In order for the work to receive the maximum number of points in this nomination, it is better to photograph it in high quality.
Your work may be performed masterly, or it may be amateur, but on the other hand, it is such that at first glance it is clear that the author's soul is invested here. When evaluating competitive works not only the technique of execution comes to the fore, but also the originality of the idea, the materials used, and the independence of execution.
Works created from factory blanks (a toy sewn from blanks, painted plaster figures, etc.) are singled out by the jury in a special sub-nomination and evaluated separately from the original works.
We draw your attention to the need for the author to match the age category specified in the application. The works of young children can be performed in conjunction with parents, however, we strongly ask you to indicate this in the comments to the application, and then all worthy works will be noted.


  • Modeling (for young children)
  • Application (for young children)
  • Wallow
  • Floristics
  • Interior decor
  • Souvenir
  • Soft toy
  • Quilling
  • Origami

Preservation and development of folk traditions:

  • Folk doll
  • Folk toy
  • Embroidery
  • Lace making
  • Crochet
  • Patchwork plastic
  • Embroidery ribbons
  • Guilloche
  • Embroidery
  • Beads (panels, paintings)
  • Beading (women's jewelry)
  • "Carving" and "painting" (wood, fabric, glass, metal)
  • A product made of natural material (clay product - small plastic, relief, high relief, layer, plaque, medal, pottery, willow twig and vine, pine root, grass, birch bark, wood chips).

Founder and organizer of the Competition - All-Russian Creative Association "Academy of Talent"

Age categories of participants

The competition is held in several age categories, from preschoolers to adults. The author of the application chooses the age nomination on his own, however, we draw your attention to the need to match the age of the author to the age category specified in the application. Works of young children can be performed with parents, however, we strongly ask you to indicate this in the comments to the application, and then all worthy works will be noted.
3-5 years
6-9 years old
10-14 years old
15-17 years old
18-25 years old
From 25 years old

Evaluation criteria

  • artistic and aesthetic level
  • author's degree of professional skills
  • complexity of work
  • accuracy and workmanship
  • topic disclosure

Photos and videos of arts and crafts are accepted for the competition

Participants and requirements for competitive works

Anyone can take part in the All-Russian competition for children and adults:
children- preschoolers, schoolchildren, school groups, students, members of creative associations, circles, studios, centers of creativity, art schools and other children's organizations of the Russian Federation. Age - from 6 to 18 years old.
adults- independent participants, teachers of educational institutions of the Russian Federation of all types and types, educators and specialists of institutions preschool education of different types, teachers additional education.
Competition works can be performed individually or by a creative team.
Children's works are sent to the competition by the teacher, educator or parents of the child - the participant of the competition.
Videos or photographs (in digital form) or scanned copies of works are accepted for the competition. Photos can be taken with a camera or taken with cell phone... Images must be clear and of high quality.
The participant can send one or several works to the Competition at will.
Competitive works, at the request of the participants, can be accompanied by a small comment in the registration form (there is a special column for comments).

Terms of the competition

Works for the All-Russian competition "New Names" are constantly accepted. Every day, the work is handed over to the jury members, who give marks and determine the winners.
Diplomas are issued only in in electronic format... After submitting the application and paying the registration fee, the results considered by the jury are sent every Wednesday and Saturday during the week.

Conditions for participation in the competition

  • 1. Choose a nomination
  • 2. Fill out the competition application
  • 3. Pay the registration fee in accordance with the number of entries submitted for the competition.

Evaluation of works and award documents

Competition works are assessed by the jury of the Competition. According to the results of the competition, Laureates 1,2,3 places and a Diploma, a Participant are determined.
All participants of the competition receive diplomas: prize-winners of the competition receive diplomas of laureates, diploma winners, participants - diplomas of participants.

Organization fee payment

The registration fee for each competitive work (for 1 image) is 100 rubles.
If a participant sends several images (photographs) to the competition, they are paid in accordance with the number of entries: 2 works - 200 rubles, 3 works - 300 rubles. etc.

Since childhood, each of us has a hobby. With age, some lose interest in their hobby, others improve and become professionals in their field. All-Russian contests of arts and crafts are remote events for those who know how to create with their hands, who want to show their best works and get a well-deserved assessment, reward, praise for what you have done. If you are also friends with any craft, you should definitely try to realize yourself. Then go ahead, for victory and glory, because in the 2016-2017 academic year, our schoolchildren and teachers, educators and preschoolers, teachers of additional education and all children studying in circles and at home are waiting for the newest exciting contests of decorative creativity, where you can present children's crafts and serious work for adults.

All-Russian contests of children's applied art in the 2016-2017 academic year

Each event, which is held within the school or remotely, has its own goals. All-Russian festivals and contests of arts and crafts held for children and adolescents in 2016 contribute to the revival of interest in folk culture, art, and spiritual values. Such events are recognized as an effective means of human development, regardless of how old he is.

V different times people drew attention to the huge role of fine and decorative arts in the upbringing of the younger generation. Makarenko and Sukhomlinsky, Shatsky and Bakushinskaya, Blonsky, Sakulina and other scientists and teachers spoke about the fact that folk art can induce beauty in a child. Today, additional education works in this vein, which is considered the main tool for the development of the creative potential of schoolchildren and preschoolers.

The main difference between the All-Russian contests of arts and crafts in 2016 for children is that the scope of the event is significantly extended, unlike city or school ones, and everyone has the right and the opportunity to take part in the event if he likes it. An environment is created that allows each child to show their creativity. By participating in contests in the 2016-2017 academic year, you can get the coveted victory, or you can simply realize yourself, declare yourself and increase your own self-esteem, both in the eyes of your own and your friends, classmates, and teachers.

Our boys and girls can participate in youth and children's all-Russian competitions of arts and crafts and drawings from early childhood. The earlier the child begins to create, the more chances he has to achieve success. Therefore, the smallest participants in such contests are preschoolers. They are trying to do something on their own, sometimes they are helped by educators, parents, but it is worth it for the child to enjoy participating in a new event and look forward to summing up the results and receiving a certificate or diploma. Perhaps, over time, such an active participant in remote events will be able to take part in international youth competitions or festivals of drawings and arts and crafts and conquer the world.

Types of works for the competition of arts and crafts

The creativity of children using DPI can be developed in different directions. Some people prefer to work with paper, while others prefer to get chic work using clay or beads. It is important for every child to find their own way of depicting, to master their technique. Decorative items can be made from those materials that are at home and with which you are accustomed to work. Products made in the following techniques are accepted for competitions:

When performing work, it is important to remember that the product must be neat and consistent with the stated theme. The work must be completed before being sent to the competition, give it a name.

Doing work with their own hands, each child puts a piece of his own soul into it. It is clear that parents always want the product to be kept in a home collection. The advantages of distance all-Russian contests of arts and crafts are also that the work does not need to be sent. It remains with the author, a photo of the finished work is sent to the organizing committee of the competition. It's a good idea to add a description to the image. This will make it more understandable for those who must pass their verdict.

Contests of arts and crafts for teachers and parents in 2016

Not only children, but also adults love to create. Turning to folk art, the teacher not only studies the national culture. During such classes, the teacher improves his skills. This is especially important for preschool educators, teachers primary school, teachers of creative disciplines (MHC, art).

It's great if on weekends or weekdays we have time for creativity. In their free time, teachers and educators are engaged in creative activities. Why not submit these wonderful works to the All-Russian competition of artistic and visual arts and crafts? So you can declare yourself, and earn a participant's diploma.

How to properly arrange the work for the All-Russian remote competition of applied art

The finished work of the participant of the competition will receive its well-deserved assessment only if it is correctly framed and sent to the organizers of the event in a timely manner. But here, too, there is nothing difficult if you act harmoniously or ask for help from a teacher, who is often the head of the work:

  1. Competitive craft must have a name. It must be indicated in the application in the line provided for this. For example, the Easter miracle.
  2. The work must be photographed so that it looks decent and can be considered by the jury. It is not necessary to use reflex camera but the quality of the provided image should be good. There must be no foreign objects in the photo. If the product is difficult, then you can submit several photos by photographing the craft from different sides. You should not send several photos when it comes to drawings, paintings, applications. If there is a competition of master classes for making a work, every step is photographed.
  3. Requirements are imposed on the photo. They should be High Quality, you cannot process them in special programs. Photos must be free of any watermarks. Next to the craft, there may be a label indicating the name of the author and the title of the work.
  4. Text description finished work optional, but always welcome. Sometimes a few words reveal the product so much that the viewer changes his mind about what he saw. Descriptions can be made in any form. Often, works are accompanied by small poems, amazing riddles and even laughs.

Anyone can participate in the festival and competition of creative works, but when submitting your work, remember that it should please the eye of the viewer, teach something, educate. Works of unworthy quality and inappropriate to the topic are not published on the site and are withdrawn from participation.

Vologda Regional Branch of the All-Russian Children's public organization"Public Small Academy of Sciences" Intelligence of the Future "organizes All-Russian art competition "Fine Arts" .
Objectives of the competitiona :
- identification and support of talented children, adolescents and youth;
- increasing interest in creative activities in the field of fine arts;
- raising the level of professional skills of teachers;

1. Terms of participation in the competition .
The competition is attended by students of general education, music and art schools, art schools, art studios, houses of creativity, houses and palaces of culture, other creative associations, students of secondary and higher professional educational institutions... Individual and collective works are accepted. Participants who have received the maximum number of points for their work will become laureates of various degrees of the competition. They will receive diplomas of laureates of various degrees. All other contestants will receive a participant certificate.
The teachers who prepared the contestants will also be awarded with special certificates. Educational institutions, if 10 participants of the competition become LAUREATES, they are awarded a special diploma.
Results of the competition (diplomas and certificates) will be sent within 15 days after receiving the competition work (electronic diplomas and certificates by e-mail, paper ones - by Russian Post at the address of your educational institution).

2. Features of the competition .
The competition is held remotely, on a free topic, in the following areas:
1. Portrait
2. Still life
3. Landscape
4. Genre painting
5. Historical picture
6. Computer painting
7. Abstract composition
8. Avant-garde painting
9. Animalistic genre
10. Fantasy
1. Thematic sculptural composition
2. Easel sculpture (head, bust, figure, sculptural group: man, animals, plants)
3. Fairy and fantasy sculptural forms
4. Relief sculpture (reliefs, bas-reliefs)
5. Installation
6. Abstraction
1. Poster
2. Academic drawing
3. Portrait
4. Still life
5. Landscape
6. Engraving
7. Book graphics
8. Fantasy
1. Painting
2. Embroidery
3. Textiles (batik, lace, prints, etc.)
4. Dolls
5. Thread
6. Burnout
7. Ceramics
8. Felting
9. Decorating
10. Paper and plastic
2.5. "THE PHOTO"
1. Documentary photography
2. Interior photography
3. Portrait (faces)
4. Architectural photography
5. Urban space
6. Landscape
7. Street photography
8. Philosophical style
1. Casual wear
2. Folk style
3. Special clothing
4. Avant-garde style
5. Exclusive clothing
6. Modern clothing
Participants submit to the competition no more than one work in the nomination. Contestants can take part in one or several nominations at the same time. Evaluation of works is carried out for each category and age group separately.
The competition is held in the following age groups: 5-7 years old; 8-11 years old; 12-15 years old; 16-18 years old and older; mixed age.
The Expert Council of the competition is formed of highly qualified specialists who gather to evaluate the work as they accumulate, but at least once every 10 days.
Evaluation Criteria for Competition Entries:
author's handwriting
artistic taste, originality
compositional component
color scheme, coloring
possession of the chosen technique
aesthetic appearance and design of work
quality of execution and accuracy
the complexity of the item or artwork

3. Requirements for entries
Works can be submitted to the competition in two versions:
3.1. Photographic image in electronic form (JPEG format). A series of photographs taken from different positions is allowed for a more detailed study of the competition work. The volume of one image is not more than 15 MB. It will be sent to the competition by e-mail.
3.2. Original work ... It is sent to the competition by Russian Post. In this case, at the request of the author, the competition work after peer review, can be returned to the author as well by Russian Post.

4. To participate in the competition, you must send the following to the organizing committee from September 1, 2019 to August 25, 2020:
- Completed registration card... The registration card form is posted on our website. In reg. the card must indicate all the details of the competition work. Pay attention to the correctness of filling out the registration card, because it is according to the data from it that award documents will be formed;
- Competitive work;
- Copy of financial document(receipt) on the transfer of a targeted registration fee in the amount of 350 rubles for each individual work in one nomination, 450 rubles for each collective work (from 2 to 6 participants) in one nomination with a diploma on an electronic medium; 450 rubles for each individual work in one nomination, 550 rubles for each collective work (from 2 to 6 participants) in one nomination with a diploma on paper, which will be used to pay for the examination of works, the production of diplomas for participants in the competition and teachers, invoices and office equipment costs. The quality of the diploma is indicated on the registration card.
If the work is sent by Russian Post and the contestant wishes to return it back, in this case the registration fee must be increased by the amount of postage that was taken by the Russian Post when sending to the competition + 20%. In this case, the receipt and electronic version applications must be sent by e-mail. This information must be indicated on the registration card.
Targeted financing of the competition can be carried out by both organizations (by bank transfer) and individuals (through a bank). If you need an agreement to pay the fee, please send the full details of your institution together with the application.

5. Send the materials of the competition (optionally):
5.1. Electronic options by email address : [email protected]
5.2. Originals of works on the mailbox : 161300, Vologda region, Tot'ma, Post office, On demand, VRO ODOO MAN "Intellect of the future"

6. Contact phone number for inquiries : 8-921-715-63-80, receiving calls from 8.00 to 21.00 Moscow time. (seven days a week).

7. Bank details for transferring funds :
Recipient: VRO ODOO "MAN" Intellect of the Future ", INN 3518003782/351801001,
account 40703810900210000015
Beneficiary's bank: PJSC Bank SGB, BIK 041909786, k / s 30101810800000000786.
Purpose of payment: targeted registration fee for participation in the "Fine Arts" competition (full name of the participant), excluding VAT.
Note: The organizers carefully observe copyright, therefore the materials sent to the competition are not exposed for public viewing on the Internet, are not printed or transferred to third parties. After summing up the results of the competition, they are archived, stored in electronic archive organizations are disposed of within 6 months and further. Competition materials will not be published without the written consent of the authors.
We invite you to actively participate in the competition and wish you good luck! Organizing committee.

All-Russian competition of arts and crafts for children "Traditions and Modernity" is a set of activities to popularize arts and crafts and identify young talents in this area.
The competition is held in the following nominations: batik, embroidery, author and folk ceramics, carpet weaving, costume and textile doll, lace-making, wood carving, wood painting, felting, artistic processing birch bark; as well as in three age categories: 10-12, 13-14 and 15-18 years old. The theme of the competition is free.
Within the framework of the events, training master classes will be held with broadcast on the Internet on various types of arts and crafts. These master classes will be decorated with separate educational video lessons that will be of interest to both teachers and students as teaching materials and a wide range of viewers.
Students of the additional education system from all over the country submit their works for the competition. The first stage is the level of institutions (in different regions of the country). Here the selection of works worthy of taking part in the All-Russian competition takes place (according to local experts). The second stage is preliminary selection; photographs of products and applications from institutions are provided for it, from which the jury selects works for the final stage. The third stage is a product competition. The organizing committee of the competition is provided with the originals of the products invited at the end of the 2nd stage. The selection is carried out by a competent jury consisting of leading teachers, winners of the All-Russian competitions "The best teacher of a children's art school", "50 best children's art schools", as well as artists of decorative and applied arts - members of creative unions. Based on the results of the experts' work, a round table will be held with the approval of the resolution.
As a result of the competition, a catalog will be published, which is especially important, because for an artist his high results are confirmed by the publication of his work. The catalog will be sent to the winners as well as the country's most significant libraries. Compilation of the best products in printed edition can also serve as a visual-methodological aid.
The final event is the closing of the competition with the presentation of diplomas and catalogs to the winners. Winners and awardees who did not attend the presentation will receive their materials by mail.
For the purpose of popularization, handouts will be issued - calendars, information booklets, as well as postcards with the products of the winners of the competition. Visual printed materials are especially important for the visual arts.
Target audience of the project are students and employees of institutions of additional education for programs of arts and crafts.
At least 1,500 people are planned to participate in this complex of events, including students and their teachers - participants of the competition, as well as visitors and teachers of master classes, viewers of Internet broadcasts and visitors to the exhibition.


  1. Identifying talented children enrolled in arts and crafts programs
  2. Popularization of arts and crafts with the translation of the values ​​of this type of creativity and its artistic features

Substantiation of social significance

Problem 1. The accumulated base of children's decorative and applied art products is not exhibited outside of their region, and often of the municipality, despite the fact that it is in this creative direction that the deep aesthetic values ​​of the peoples of Russia are preserved.
Problem 2. In Russia, there is no system of exhibitions of decorative and applied orientation in children's art, and, as a result, this layer remains unexplored, and its cultural potential is not disclosed.
Problem 3. Over the past decades, there has been a negative trend of deep confusion in various social groups between decorative and applied art and various options for children's leisure creativity such as crafts, souvenirs, installations, and so on. Because of this, the essence of decorative and applied trends in art is "blurred".
Problem 4. Contests held today, including arts and crafts, as a rule, do not take into account the peculiarities of this type of creativity of children. Most types of dpi require a long (up to six months) manufacturing of products, while often a preparatory stage is allocated for thematic competitions up to 2 months. There are also frequent restrictions on nominations and sizes; many contests are paid. All this significantly limits the possibility of mass participation of children in the competition movement.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Culture (, more than 40,000 students study in arts and crafts programs in children's art schools; at the same time, some of the children, studying in fine arts programs (more than 350,000 children), also study different kinds dpi. This contingent will be supplemented by students different forms additional education, subordinate to the Ministry of Education.

To solve the above problems, an All-Russian competition of decorative and applied art of children will be held with a final exhibition and a series of master classes with a detailed analysis of the features of decorative and applied art and its differences from other types of creativity. An infographic about the content of the dpi will be created and a handout for popularization will be issued.

Today, of course, there are contests that include the nomination "arts and crafts", for example, "The underwater world through the eyes of children", "Unicum", "Traditions of Holy Russia", "Zhigulevskaya palette" and others. Each competition is interesting and distinctive in its own way, but with many of their advantages, the disadvantages indicated above in each of them are easily traced.

Geography of the project

At least half of the regions of Russia

Target groups

  1. Gifted children and youth in the field of arts and crafts
  2. Teachers and students of the system of additional education for children in arts and crafts

Address: Moscow, Gostiny Dvor, Ilyinka street, 4.
Opening hours: 11: 00-20: 00

There are two forms of participation: VERY and ABSOLUTELY.

There are two forms of participation in the competition: VERY and ABSOLUTELY.
All declared for competition program works are exhibited at Gostiny Dvor and are open to a wide audience of visitors. Correspondence works are exhibited in the form of photocopies, and an art book (the organizing committee independently prints the sent files and places them in the general exposition). Correspondence and full-time works are evaluated by the jury members and have equal rights.


Section "Art Decor":

Section "Art Processing":
1) Carving and engraving
2) Paintings (except for enamel art)
3) Enamel art

Section "Art Object":
1) Ceramics
2) Glass
3) Metal
4) Stone
5) Dolls and toys
6) Souvenirs and gifts
7) Objects made of natural materials (other than those indicated above)

Section "Fashion":
1) Decorations
2) Accessories
3) Headwear
4) Costume as an art object
5) Shoes as an art object


a) full-time participation: the size of the canvas - up to 3 meters on the larger side (if the work is more than 100 cm, then the cost of participation is recalculated in proportion to the occupied area);
b) absentee participation: a file of at least 200 dpi, up to 15 Mb

3) Registration of competitive works:

a) All works must be provided with a label-inventory (label 7x3 cm, in the lower right corner, on the front side). The label includes: a) surname, name of the author (co-authors) b) city c) title d) nomination e) technique of execution f) dimensions g) year of creation.
b) For full-time participants: each competition work must have fasteners / hooks for hanging on a vertical panel or fasteners that prevent the object from collapsing.
c) For correspondence participants: Competition works are submitted to the organizing committee in the form of photographs (at least 10 * 15 cm) or files in .jpeg or .tiff format; not less than 200 dpi, not more than 15 Mb.

All work submitted for the competition program (full-time and part-time) are open to a wide audience of visitors and are evaluated by an expert council (jury).
To evaluate the competitive works, the Organizing Committee forms a jury (national and international). The national jury evaluates the works in the exposition, the foreign jury participates in the evaluation of the competitive works in two ways - in person and in absentia. The jury is formed from reputable representatives of the art world, means mass media, art critics, dealers and art gallery managers.