When there will be good work. How To Find A Good Job The conspiracy is strong. While searching for a job

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Working in Moscow from direct employers can provide both a Muscovite and a newcomer with a decent standard of living in the capital. Therefore, everyone wants to find such a job. Today we will talk about how to look for and where to look for such a job. With this knowledge, it will become a little easier for each of our readers to arrange their life in the capital. We cannot employ every reader of ours. But here's to tell the main signs by which we can find it quite well ...

There are a lot of vacancies on well-known sites such as www.hh.ru or www.superjob.ru. But it happens that employers do not respond or immediately reject your candidacy. And this is in Moscow! How to be? It may not be easy, but everything is real!

To search, you need to use the popular job sites -,. For specialists with no experience, sites like and can help.

The unemployment rate is not falling, although the crisis is over. The number of job seekers exceeds the number of employers. Therefore, the latter are chosen from a variety of candidates and understand that it is possible to hire a good employee for a small salary. And not all are considered.

But this does not mean at all that work in Moscow from direct employers is inaccessible for an ordinary person. The main thing is that you are a professional in your field. And you can get a job in a company with a good salary. It doesn't matter if you have "connections" or not. Of course, you will need to show yourself.

Useful video on how to properly look for a job in Moscow:

The first step is a resume. On almost all sites, you can fill out a resume using a ready-made scheme.

The resume should be

  • constructive;
  • reflect your positive qualities;
  • your pros and key skills.

Be sure to mention your career achievements and positions held.

If you don't have experience yet, focus on

  • knowledge of theory;
  • desire to learn;
  • develop.

A detailed and well-written resume is the key to your success in your job search.

How to write a resume so that you will be hired, see the video below:

If your resume stands out from others, you will be invited for an interview. You need to prepare well. Think about the answers to the questions the hr manager might ask you. Read the forums. You may also be asked to take a psychological test, or answer questions in your specialty. You also need to be ready for this.

The last stage of the interview is usually a conversation with the company management or deputy. To which only the best can reach. And it is at this stage that the working conditions and wage.

You will be checked for

  • sociability;
  • stress tolerance;
  • loyalty.

Help from friends and acquaintances

Also, when looking for a job, do not forget to ask your friends. Perhaps a specialist of your profile is required for their company. If you are a good professional, do not be afraid to be obliged for help in finding a job. Perhaps someday, they will need your help.

Work doesn't have to be monotonous. It should be fun.
Any of our readers can get work in Moscow from direct employers, which will be interesting and well paid. The main thing is to set your priorities correctly.
For a successful search, you need

  • the Internet;
  • Email;
  • summary.

If, after receiving your diploma, you understand that you are not happy with your work, that it does not bring pleasure - do not be afraid to change everything! The main thing is that there would be a desire. Imagine your new place of work. What would you like to do? Perhaps your favorite hobby can become not only a source of joy, but also a good source of income.

Now decide on what types of work you want to do. Perhaps you want to work from the comfort of your home. If you need a free schedule, then remote work For you.

  1. Telephone.
  2. Notebook.
  3. Stable internet.
  4. Notebook.

These things should always be at your fingertips. After all, they may be needed at any time. You can also make money at home.

Job search

Beautiful young businesswoman conducting a job interview seated at her desk in her office holding a folder and smiling at the potential female candidate

Recruitment agencies are best avoided. You will only be offered a limited number of vacancies. You can do it yourself. This opportunity is provided by the Internet. Browse the company's website, discussions on the forums to better understand the specifics of the company.

If the vacancy interests you, send your resume. Before the interview, answer yourself the question "Why do you want to work in this particular company?"

Do not trust agencies and companies requiring you to pay any fees.
And you shouldn't quit looking if you can't find a decent job right away. Sign up for courses. Develop! This will only be a plus and will expand your opportunities!

There are many in Moscow vacancies... And the wages are very different from the regions. It is for this reason that many go to Moscow. People are especially attracted to work in Moscow from direct employers. So how in short time to get a job in the capital?

First of all, you need to add your resume to various job search sites. There are a lot of different vacancies on the sites hh.ru, rabota.ru, job.ru. During the search, it is not necessary to be in Moscow. To get started, write a detailed resume based on the site form.

If you are interested in any companies - send your resume. You can shorten your job search time by contacting your employer directly. After all, work in Moscow from direct employers in this case will be received without intermediaries and additional payments. It will take more time to contact the agency. A personal visit is often required and the outcome may not meet your expectations.

Find out everything that interests you about working for this company. If everything suits you, arrange a date for the interview. If you have multiple options, schedule the interview on the same day. Then the time spent looking for a job will be reduced.

At the initial stage, the selection is carried out by the HR manager. If you are invited for a second interview, it means that your resume is interested, and you will be talking with the head of the department. In the future, everything will depend on you!

You need to be very well prepared for the interview. Be sure to wear a suit! Prepare your portfolio. If you have no experience, tell us about your abilities.

  1. Neat appearance.
  2. Knowledge of foreign languages.
  3. Availability of category “B” rights.
  4. Possession of basic and specialized programs.

All these skills will only be a plus for your chances of getting a job!

Many go to Moscow to find Good work... For some, this is an opportunity to improve their financial situation and help the family, and for others - new opportunities for self-realization. There are many vacancies, but difficulties arise in finding housing. Not everyone can afford to rent a house.

There are vacancies for which housing is provided. This happens if accommodation is possible by the way of work. For example, if a child needs a nanny or needs constant supervision in case of illness. And the provision of housing in this case is convenient for everyone.

There are also companies that are ready to provide housing for a particularly valuable employee if he lives in another city. They can provide housing for a surrogate mother. Even considering the high wages.

There are also male professions with the provision of housing - workers engaged in apartment renovation, electricians, installers, locksmiths, etc. Those who come from neighboring countries get a job as a janitor. Since they are provided with housing.
Search is no different. You can also write a resume at hh.ru and rabota.ru.

In the resume, it is necessary to write a phone number and an e-mail address for communication. You can register an email address at mail.ru.

If you have difficulties with registration, you can ask for help in an Internet cafe, you will not be denied.
You can also post advertisements around the city for job search. In it, indicate the name of the vacancy, experience and phone number.

As soon as you decide to change your place of residence, you need to think it over right away. Try to think carefully about everything about changing jobs, finding housing, school. This will save you time and effort.

Now let's talk about how to get a job for mid-level specialists (accountants, managers and others).

To do this, you will need the Internet, a phone or a tablet.


  1. First you need to choose the date when you arrive in the city.
  2. Start your job search a few weeks before.
  3. Be sure to think about what to write in the paragraph - the city of residence.
  4. You can indicate the city in which you currently live. Then your resume will be ignored.
  5. If you indicate the city of Moscow - be prepared for the fact that they may call you on the same day.
  6. During the conversation, you can announce the date of your arrival.

The more interviews you have, the better. You will be more confident in your success. But do not forget that this does not guarantee you a quick job placement. You may get lucky right away, or you may not be in time, and the vacancy will be filled. Therefore, it is best to always have a couple of options in stock.

How quickly a decision about your hiring is made depends on the size of the company. In small firms, decisions are usually made rather quickly. If the company is large, be prepared for the fact that a decision may be made in a week or two. This must be taken into account, especially if you have financial constraints.

As you can see, with the right approach, working in Moscow from direct employers is not a problem. The main thing is to make a little effort and effort.

The most complete description in all details - how to find a good job a strong conspiracy with a strong enough and safe magical effect.

The conspiracy to find a good job is in high demand.

After all, people spend most of their time in the service.

And it's good when you like it, and even contributes to the creation of a pleasant feeling of wealth. But this is not always the case.

People are rushing from enterprise to organization, from one employer to another, and the sense is "zilch".

  • If the work is interesting, then, as luck would have it, the salary is not even worth tears.
  • And if it is highly paid, then all the places are, as a rule, occupied.

How does magic help you in your work?

  • How long can you spin in this maelstrom of losers?
  • And is there a way out of it?

So many people think, sadly wandering to work and back to the house, where nothing pleases.

Have you tried to use magic to solve your problems?

Will you say that nothing will come of it?

The rite of the employer will not force you to triple your salary or to make the disgusting load interesting!

Probably not. Although all sorts of miracles do happen.

Most often it happens quite differently.

The conspiracy to find a good job operates on a different plane.

Do you know what is the reason for all the failures?

Yes, just a person does not know how to believe in himself!

He himself agrees to be ridden, throwing crumbs for food. But everyone by nature has certain talents that are in demand.

Many of us take different paths.

A conspiracy for a good job helps to "open your eyes", turn to the right path.

There, around the bend, anything can happen.

  • some get an offer with a capital letter,
  • others are a miracle in the current service,
  • the third - generally open their enterprise, forgetting about the previous fears.

What to lose, try it!

After all, a magic ritual is not a dismissal or registration of your business. When "the process begins" - there will be time to think.

How to read a conspiracy to find a good job and quickly get a job

Those who want to be led "by the hand" to that position (place) where he can realize all his abilities for a decent pay should be prepared:

  1. In the evening, spread the handkerchief on the table;
  2. Put a coin on top of the tails towards you;
  3. Think about what you want to get for a while.

Attention: If there is no specific plan, then imagine that you come from the service, completely satisfied and a little tired. How joyful and good at heart. Don't forget about the money.

  1. Now say with complete confidence that it works:
“As the sun is next to the Earth, so my luck is always with me. I don’t grumble, I don’t tremble, I’m looking for a place of service. I am a talented and nice person, super serviceable at work. As for the case, I will be honored to anyone. As Yarilo ascends to heaven, so my work will find me. Everything will work out, and the money will multiply. Amen!"
  1. The coin must immediately be tied in a scarf crosswise (with two knots from the corners).
  2. Place it in such a place so that household members do not stumble across it by accident.
  3. And in the morning, be sure to go outside. If you don't have any need, then just wander around the shops, talk to people.

The chance will definitely come up.

Conspiracy 2 to get a good job

This magic works when done early in the morning, at dawn.

You know, “who gets up early, that….”?

Hardworking people usually start at dawn and stop at night. This is what the ceremony is designed for.

For a ceremony to get a good job, buy a beautiful candle, symbolizing the work that you would ideally like to do.

  • If you want to sit in the office - find a candle in the form of a table (chair, computer, handle).
  • If your dream is trade, then the choice is even wider. Buy a camel candle (money).

Light it up and read to the light:

“My business is fastened with flame, the road winds with smoke. There are no fences, no ravines, no holes, no bends in my path. As the flame is straight, so my path is right, it will not turn, it will not betray. As the light flashes, so I have good luck on the doorstep! It was said - do not turn, only my way to work! Amen!"

Conspiracy to find a good job for her husband

Women can magically help their loved ones to find a suitable service.

It takes faith and some free time. Yes, there is still a burning desire for my husband to be happy with both work and prosperity.

  1. On any men's day, go to the Temple. (Read the article - Men's days for a love spell).
  2. Find the Icon of St. George the Victorious there. It is to this Saint that you turn your prayers and prayers.
  3. Put down a candle, ask for grace and family well-being.
  4. And as you are going to leave, then whisper these words:
“The Lord has united us! I thank, I rejoice and I pray, I do not complain! Lord, forgive sins, let go of the family! May the works of my husband (name) for your glory, be rich in joy and good luck! Instruct him on his way, where there will be a merchant of his hands and mind! Let him live by labor, but bring income to the house! Amen"

Conspiracy to find a good job for his son

You need to ask the Universe for a son.

The ceremony is held only on a working day until noon.

  1. Get out on the road, preferably in a park or forest (among the trees).
  2. Have a present for your son with you. For example, a notebook or pen.

This object must correspond to his inclinations.

If he has a passion for a certain profession, then it is better to take what it symbolizes or some tool.

  1. Look in the direction where there are no turns.
  2. Say with the gift in your left hand:

“Angels and Archangels, that they protected me by birth, that they protected the fetus in my womb! To you my pleas and requests! Take my child (name) by the hands, lead in straight paths, righteous and just paths, which the Lord commanded to walk. Bless my child for work that is not idle for health, not dangerous. So that everything is arguing in the hands, and it grows into the wallet. So that the soul of his grief does not know! Amen!"

  1. Be sure to give the gift to your son on the same day. It must be passed from hand to hand.
  2. See how it reacts.
    • If he rejoices, he will soon find his calling.
    • And when he does not like your gift, then he has no serious aspirations in life.

Previously, it was necessary to educate with a "belt".

By the way, this conspiracy is also suitable for finding a job for a daughter.

Conspiracy to find a high-paying job

Agree, today a good, prestigious, highly paid job is an integral part of life.

One of the most important goals of a successful person is to find a suitable job that brings moral satisfaction and financial well-being.

Unfortunately, many continue to diligently do something completely different from what they dreamed about, it is enough to recall the mournful, pessimistic faces of public transport passengers in the early morning.

To find a good job, a lot of titanic efforts are being made, people receive an appropriate education, develop talents, and learn new languages. However, even this may not be enough, especially in modern world... Fortunately, the heavenly powers will gladly help solve problems if you know the right approach. To find a good, high paying interesting work use conspiracies.

Performing a ritual is a big responsibility

Understand that the very first ritual will be quite difficult for a newbie magician, a full-fledged conspiracy to find a job does not always come out the first time. However, the correct approach, strict adherence to the instructions guarantees the success of the procedure. First, decide on the time of the ritual.

Often, conspiracies to find a good job are carried out on the growing moon, unless otherwise provided by the instructions.

Find a suitable place where no one will bother for approximately 20-30 minutes while you carry out the procedure for reading the conspiracy. A few days before the conspiracy is recommended to observe the fast, the room is subjected to general cleaning.

Ideally, the conspiracy must be learned by heart, a rare professional magician reads a spell from a book. As you work, focus on the goal - by understanding it more clearly, you have a greater chance of success. It is recommended not to tell anyone about the plans for the ritual; it is better to keep the procedure itself secret. It is better not to show items that help to find a high-paying job to anyone, unless otherwise stated in the instructions.

Choose any plot you like

The first step is any successful career is the search for a suitable job, the simplest conspiracy with a scarf will help you get the best position. On the new moon, get your favorite scarf. Take your time with the purchase, you may have to go through more than one store to find a suitable one. After acquiring it, bring it home, focus and say the words of the conspiracy 7 times.

It is better to always carry the spoken talisman in your inner pocket.

After carrying out a conspiracy, you do not need to think that the employer will call you on his own.

Start looking for him personally, call the ads, send out your resume. If other conspiracies do not help quickly, try reading the most powerful one. It is quite possible that at first it will seem to you that it did not work, but over time, a stunning result awaits you. It is worth reading it on the first lunar day under natural light, for example, on the street.

After you finish reading the conspiracy, the next day, select an offering (plate, change), take it to the forest. It is desirable that this be a place that people hardly visit.

There you need to break the plate on a stone, sprinkle it with money a little and leave without turning around.

An excellent job search conspiracy is a ritual using a scarf and a coin. It is worth pronouncing it in the evening, it is advisable to choose the day so that a new newspaper with vacancies will be published tomorrow. What this newspaper will be is not important, you can even look for a job on the site. To perform the ceremony, they take a scarf, a large coin. Heads up, a coin is placed on a handkerchief and the words of the conspiracy are read.

What to expect from a conspiracy

Do not expect anything from the conspiracy, if you yourself do not want to find a job, heavenly forces will be powerless to help you. It is impossible to read the conspiracy and prepare to rest on your laurels, waiting for the crowd of employers rushing to you.

But if you performed the ceremony in full accordance with the instructions and at the same time actively call potential employers, send out a resume, learn about work from friends, then the chance of getting a new, good job is close to 100%.

To see this, just start moving in the direction of your dream. And everything will work out.

Conspiracy to work for successful employment

Today it is very difficult to find a well-paid job even for a qualified specialist with experience. If you do not have influential friends or relatives who could help with employment, then you just have to make your way in life on your own. So that your efforts are not in vain, we recommend that you back up your job search actions with appropriate conspiracies.

You can read a conspiracy for work both for yourself and for your husband, son or daughter - the power of white magic is the same for everyone. When performing the rite, sometimes additional items are required (church candles, images of saints, amulets suitable for the Zodiac, a handkerchief). Finding them on sale is easy, so get your merchandise in advance.

How quickly do the consequences appear after reading the conspiracy to work? As practice shows, the activation of positive energy occurs within the next month. However, you should not just rely on magic and not take independent steps. Search for a job, study the offer of employers, declare yourself, prepare a resume - and along the way read proven conspiracies. An integrated approach and belief in higher powers will help you achieve the desired place much faster.

A conspiracy to attract money work

If you have been looking for a job for quite a long time, and can not find it in any way - then they refuse directly, then the vacancy is already occupied, then "we will call you back", etc., use the following tool. On the growing moon, buy a white handkerchief without patterns, on the day of purchase read the conspiracy to work on it:

you can copy the plot here

You should speak a handkerchief 7 times at home, alone. After that, put it in your purse, which you always take with you when you leave the house, and never part with it (until you find a job). When you are hired, the handkerchief should be put in a secret place in the closet, in the farthest corner. It is desirable that none of the household members touch or see him. It is not necessary to use the handkerchief for its intended purpose.

Prayer to be hired

A prayer should be read on Sunday, in church, putting three candles at the icon of Jesus Christ. First read Our Father, repent of all your sins, ask the Lord for all forgiveness, and then turn to Him with a request.

you can copy the text of the prayer here

As soon as you find a job and receive your first salary, be sure to go to church and leave a donation.

Conspiracy to make the interview run smoothly

On the way to the employer, you should pronounce the following conspiracy to yourself:

At the hour appointed by the employer, before entering the office for the upcoming interview, read the following to yourself (the conspiracy must be memorized):

a text copy of the spell here

Reading this slander will help you get the coveted vacancy. This has been verified by many people many times! Follow the recommendations and you will certainly get a good job.

How to help your husband find a job

If a man does not have a job, this has a bad effect on the well-being of the whole family, and often leads to divorce. You should not gnaw and nag your spouse for inactive or unsuccessful job searches, it is better to help him using magical rituals. So you will not only contribute to the employment of your husband, but also save your family.

We offer you an effective job conspiracy for your husband to read at home:

you can copy the plot here

Prayer to Saint Matrona for quick and successful employment of a husband, son or other relative.

Read this conspiracy daily until the person in need finds a job.

a text copy of the prayer is here

Saint Matrona will definitely help you and the person for whom you are praying.

Conspiracy to work so that the boss does not scold

There is one very good method from the nagging of the leadership. Every housewife has a recipe for some delicious cookies. Prepare the dough, light two wax candles. When kneading, read 40 times per dough:

you can copy the spell here

Candles do not need to be extinguished, let them burn to the end. Roll out the dough and cut out various figures from it (in advance, buy a set of molds in the form of all kinds of animals, so that there is a figure of a bull among them). Bake cookies and treat your colleagues and the picky boss the next day. At the same time, try so that the bull (calf) will certainly be at the head. As soon as the cookie is eaten by him (her), expect a quick change from anger to mercy.

Conspiracies to take on a high-paying job

A good job that brings pleasure and at the same time a decent profit is the dream of every job seeker. When the issue of employment is acutely before us, all available methods are involved. Often, in addition to knowledge, education and skills, luck and luck are also needed.

One of the methods to obtain them is to use magic in conjunction with specific actions. Since a person who reads the conspiracy and is inactive has little chance of a positive result. That's why A complex approach most effective in this situation.

How to find a suitable job using white magic?

Viewing vacancies on the employer's websites, sending a resume to various organizations, looking for a job through friends and other steps can be supplemented with magical rites and conspiracies.

The basic rules that must be followed when conducting conspiracies and rituals:

  1. All actions to obtain the fastest possible result are performed on the growing moon... During this period, it is recommended to change the place of work, the choice will be successful.
  • To find a more profitable position with a better salary ceremonies are held on Saturday.
  • Conspiracy to raise money is pronounced on Wednesday.
  • Unconditional belief in the result is required. Conspiracies uttered "just in case" are doomed to failure.
  • Keep your witchcraft secret, otherwise it will not only not be beneficial, but a completely opposite effect is possible.
  • Proven conspiracies and rituals

    On a handkerchief

    You will need a snow-white handkerchief, which can be read three times at home:

    “I whisper and whisper, the servant of God (name) will have good luck on the road, success in work. Wherever I go, I’ll find work there. Not to see me fail, not to hear the word "no". Amen."

    Carry a scarf with you and in about a month you will get what you want.

    While searching for a job

    When going to a potential employer, throw a coin on the road, accompanying the action with the words:

    “I’m not asking for mercy! I'm going on the road! So that your legs don't get tangled! Where I keep my way, I will get help there! Be my road to luck! Amen!"

    Before and after the interview

    Reading this conspiracy will create a suitable situation so that personnel officers do not find fault, and competitors do not interfere, do not meet people who do not like you.

    “Lord God, I am going to work, I want to dress up in your shroud, I will fence myself with a saint's prayer, help me with your help. Help, with a word and blessing, cheer up. So that I would not be afraid of any bosses and be accepted for a good job. My right leg, my right arm, my body is solid, my cause is right. I will go in front of the authorities boldly. I go with Holy Easter, and they are to me with affection. I have a charmed poppy in my bosom that I will say and wish, everything will be like this. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen."

    If you like the job and would like to get a job exactly on it, then read the following magic words.

    It is necessary with you take a chocolate candy and, leaving the employer, say over it three times:

    “Sweet candy, sweet and my life will be. As I eat candy, I will work here, they will accept me, they will be delighted, but they will put a big salary. And I will live sweeter than sweet. Amen."

    At the same time, it is desirable that there are no curious around. Then eat the candy and wait for a call from the personnel officer.

    To be hired

    Light a church candle at midnight and say the following:

    “In the name of the Father I conjure, in the name of the Mother I speak: Let the boyars sit in pairs. They look at me with affectionate eyes. They want to put me in business. As I step out the door, I will find my business. Whether I go to the left or go to the right, and the roads lead to where successful work always awaits. Boyars will meet me, warmly greet me, my talents will be appreciated. They will not replace anyone! Amen."

    This powerful rite is performed for three nights in a row. Then write the words of the prayer on a piece of paper and carry it with you everywhere. It will definitely work if you follow all the rules.

    Magic ritual for water from Vanga

    Read three times for a glass of holy water:

    “Power of water, help me! So that the gold merchants hired me to work, so that they would not offend me with gold, but not deprive me of attention. I will show myself as a master, the best of all masters, a connoisseur, the best of all connoisseurs. Everyone will rejoice and marvel at me, give gold and honors! Amen!"

    After the water is drunk... The result will not be long in coming.

    To be offered a good position

    It will increase your chances, help you to brighten up your talents in the interview. Read after waking up.

    “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I got up early in the morning to pray. Crossing myself, I started to work. With her work, she praised the Lord, knitted, weaved, spun, sewed, embroidered, created a wonderful miracle. As the Lord commanded to live by his labor, to apply my talents to life, so I would live with my talent and take a decent wage for my work. The world is my talent, and I am the golden talent. Amen. Amen. Amen."

    Talisman for finding a money job

    With the help of the following conspiracy, you will create a talisman for yourself, helping to get rid of negativity, as well as find a decent job.

    You will need a small item that is convenient to carry with you... Perhaps it will be a decoration, a scarf, any trinket. Speak over it:

    "Oh my God. I stand before you! I beg you to save me, to fence me off from enemies. I pray to the Holy All host to help and protect. Ivan the Theologian and John the Long-suffering, John the Headless and Ivan the Postitel, Michael the Archangel and Nicholas the Wonderworker. And Praskovya the Great Martyr, Faith, Love and Hope with their mother Sophia. I, the Lord's servant (name), stand under your holy shield. Let it protect and keep me! Amen!"

    Consequences of conspiracies

    Job search plots are purely self-directed and environmentally friendly. Therefore, they often do not have a negative impact. The exception is when you are filled with anger, resentment towards rivals or former colleagues.

    Such an emotional charge will not bring anything good either to you or to those around you; according to the law of a boomerang, you will receive the same answer.

    In the best case, you will not get the desired position, in the worst case, the job will elude endlessly, something like a "crown of celibacy", only in relation to work.

    It is recommended to postpone magical actions until the storm in your soul subsides and the desire to think creatively appears. It is recommended to perform the ceremony in a state of joyful anticipation and emotional uplift, this greatly increases your chances.

    A conspiracy to find a good job

    Stability in life, financial well-being can be obtained by getting a job in a good place. There are legends among the people about the fabulous incomes of people in certain professions, about earnings in large, successful corporations. Unfortunately, not everyone is destined to have a high-paying job. Many can only dream about it.

    Some job seekers generally "fail" already in the early stages of the interview. To evoke the location of the HR specialist, to please the future boss, you can use a special conspiracy aimed at finding a truly attractive place.

    General rules for conducting rituals related to the search for work

    Conspiracy when applying for a job

    • Firstly, rituals aimed at getting a good job should be performed on the days of the waxing moon. This is the best time to take action to increase wealth.

    If you choose the day of the week, then it is worth stopping at Saturday. Saturday is distinguished by its ability to influence choice life path person. Therefore, they choose this day to find the job of their dreams.

  • Secondly, no one should know that a conspiracy is being read. This is necessary so as not to face the destruction of all your hopes, because even accidentally told information about magical actions will have absolutely unpredictable consequences. It may happen that you have already been hired, but still things will go wrong and the job will be lost.
  • Thirdly, you must believe with all your heart that you will be able to find the job that suits you in all respects.
  • Rite of passage with a scarf

    If it takes a long time to find the right job, do not give free rein to despondency, give in to despair. The conspiracy of the clairvoyant Vanga on the scarf will help to get out of the dead end. A new scarf is purchased in the store, its color should be white. Immediately on the day of purchase, a conspiracy for work is read on it 3 times:

    “I whisper, whisper, the servant of God (name) will have good luck on the road, success in work. Wherever I go, I’ll find work there. Not to see me fail, not to hear the word "no". Amen!"

    You need to keep the charmed handkerchief with you, with its help, things will be decided for the better in just a month.

    Rituals on the eve of the interview

    Interview assistance

    If you have an interview, you need to start acting the day before. In the evening they take a white handkerchief and a coin. A coin is placed on the scarf so that the tails are up.

    “As the stars are forever with the moon, so good luck is forever with me. I grumble for good luck, I will find a good place for myself. I am a good fellow (red maiden), glorious and good in any business. I will get used to any business and in any work I will come in handy. As the red sun rises in the sky, so a good place will come to me. And everything will work out in that place. And the gold will grow. "

    As soon as the conspiracy is pronounced, the coin must be wrapped in a handkerchief. The resulting knot is hidden away. If there is no suitable vacancy yet, then the next morning you can go for fresh periodicals in order to quickly find a suitable option. If the interview has already been scheduled, you must boldly go there and believe in success.

    The next conspiracy for work can be used in various situations, only depending on your case, change the final words. You need to choose free time in the morning and start thinking about your desire for work. What can be formulated should be written on a piece of paper. The wishes should be written down concretely, avoiding abstract formulations. When the recording is done, the paper is rolled up and lit with a candle flame. As soon as it lights up, they begin to read the conspiracy for the desired job:

    “My cause is fastened with fire, the road will appear as smoke. No turns, no ditches, no holes. As my path is straight, so is the flame. I speak with a candle, write the words in black on paper. I cannot escape luck, I cannot pass by grace. "

    When these words are said, you need to say your desire that you wrote down on burnt paper. Then they wait until the paper is completely burned out. When only the ashes remain, they collect it and wave it in the wind.

    This ceremony has its own subtleties. In particular, when it does not come out to light a candle right away for the ritual, everything must be postponed until another day so as not to spoil the whole thing.

    Interview conspiracies

    Conspiracy for a good job

    If you were invited for an interview, then for confidence and a successful resolution of the situation, you need to read the conspiracy that will help you get a job. On the way to the place of employment, the words of a conspiracy for a good job are read 7 times:

    “I am walking along the road, in new life I'm coming! The owner liked me, he liked my face, I liked my character, I was surprised by my efficiency. So that everyone is touched, surprised and not happy! God help me, give me strength, confidence and good luck! Amen!"

    After reading them, you can safely go forward and count only on good things.

    When going to a meeting with an employer, it is good to read the conspiracy below. It creates a great atmosphere, fills a person with positive energy, which can attract good luck.

    “I am going as a fisher, I am going in as a merchant. I am a wolf, I am a lion, I am a fox, everywhere I have a ladder. Who is lower than others, and I am always higher than others. Everyone would love me, respect me, invite me to a high position. All my words, be sculpted, strong and tenacious. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen."

    You can turn to another conspiracy for work. It is read three times before visiting the future place of work.

    “I go to the boyars to plow for free, I go to contract, to fall in love with the owner. All to be touched by me, the owners smiled affectionately, fed well, paid well, did not scold in vain and did not beat me. The Lord God is my King, my Supreme Lord. Lord, help. God help me. Lord bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

    Conspiracies for work are very important in the event that several people want to get a job at one place and you feel that other candidates are no worse than you according to objective indicators. Accordingly, your success depends on a trivial case. Therefore, it is imperative to read a conspiracy, for example, such as the one below.

    “As soon as I enter these doors, I will certainly find my luck. The place I want will definitely get it today. "

    These words should be whispered as soon as your hand touches the handle of the interview door. When the words are spoken, you need to go ahead and be sure that everything will be as it should.

    Prayer for a job

    Prayer should be addressed at dawn. You need to read it every day, then you can count on a good job.

    “God help, Jesus, save! Solve help my problem, find a job, get money! To improve my life, to get success! Amen!"

    You should turn to this prayer until you can find the job you need. These prayer words are considered to be very powerful, as a rule, they act very quickly.

    Candle conspiracy

    Conspiracy with candles

    This conspiracy to find a job can be used when there is no certainty that the interview will end in your favor and you can get a good position. You need to take a small candle, light it and repeat the words for as long as the candle will burn.

    “I am riding on a forged chariot, on a golden-haired mare. I go to the place where they are waiting for me, they respect me, they do not offend me with refusal. They will not refuse me either today, or tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, not on any day, not in any month or in any year, everywhere and always glory and honor await me. In contrast, no one will say a bad word, no one will ever deny me anything, always open doors will meet me, everyone honors me, as everyone believes me. Cross by cross, business with a good end! Amen."

    Money job ritual

    The ritual begins with planting a plant. It can be a tree or shrub. It is planted in the ground outdoors or in a flower pot.

    Thanks to a conspiracy that helps to find a good job, this plant will become a symbol of your wealth and financial stability, it will need to be carefully monitored and looked after. The better the plant is, the better your well-being will be.

    You will need

    • The best job sites in Moscow are www.hh.ru, www.superjob.ru, www.joblist.ru, www.ulovumov.ru. Students and young professionals should visit www.career.ru and www.futuretoday.ru.


    Despite the fact that the crisis seems to have passed, the number of unemployed has not become much less. Now the labor market is still the employer's market, not. Therefore, employers, as a rule, are looking for employees slowly - they know that they can always find a decent specialist willing to work for small ones. Accordingly, not all applicants are considered.

    However, this does not mean that it cannot be found. There are companies that are ready to hire a candidate with high salary expectations, as long as he is a real professional. Contrary to the popular myth that in Russia it is now possible to get a good job only through "connections", many people find decent jobs in such companies. To do this, of course, you will have to go through a rather tough selection.

    The first stage of selection is, of course, a resume. Most job sites have a specific form that you need to fill out. Keep your resume simple, concise, clear about your key skills, and strengths... It is especially worth mentioning your work achievements, as well as management experience, if any. In the event that you do not have work experience yet, focus on the good knowledge gained at the university, character strengths and the desire to learn on the job.

    If the employer is interested in your resume, they will call you back and schedule an interview. Before the interview, you should go to the website of the company that invited you and find out as much as possible about it. Try to think about what questions an hr manager might ask a candidate like you. It will be useful to read articles about interviews and thematic forums. Even at this stage of selection, you may be offered a test or asked a couple of questions in your specialty, if, in addition to the hr-manager, a specialist from the department in which the employee is looking for will be present at the interview. So you should be ready for this too.

    The final stage of the interview, as a rule, will be a conversation with a representative of the company's senior management. The most successful candidates reach this stage. At this level, it is important to discuss the details of the work, salary, benefits package. You, in turn, will be tested for self-control, sociability and loyalty.

    Do not forget about other ways of finding a job - ask your friends if they need a specialist in your profile. Few people like to be obliged to other people, but what if you really are a good candidate for vacant post in their company. Do not be afraid to act, after all, you may have to help them someday.