Ways to improve the efficiency of school management. Improving the efficiency of preschool education management. The concept and structure of the organization's management system

Sections: Working with preschoolers


Relevance. In order for the managerial activity of the head of the preschool educational institution to be effective, it must be structured. Rely on analysis educational situation in the village, district and parents' requests, to be transformative (according to the research results of L.I. Falyushina) - to be aimed at improving professional skills with the aim of changing and transforming pedagogical activities, and it is imperative to unite all employees of the preschool educational institution. At the same time, it becomes important organizational structure management of the preschool educational institution.

Management of an educational institution is a special activity in which its subjects, through planning, organization, leadership and control, ensure the organization of joint activities of children, teachers, parents, service personnel and its focus on achieving educational goals and development goals of an educational institution.

According to the definition of M.M. Potashnik, the organizational structure of management in a preschool institution is a set of individual and collective subjects, between which powers and responsibility for the performance of managerial functions are distributed. There are regularly reproducible connections and relationships, i.e. the organizational structure of management is a way of dividing the management system into parts and at the same time integrating it into a whole.

To analyze the quality management system in a preschool educational institution and the influence of the head of the kindergarten on it, you can use the methodology of J. Nissinen and E. Vodtilainen with estimates. However, the method of assessing the effectiveness of education management by I.K. Shalaeva, developed on the basis of motivational program-targeted management (MPTsU), which includes the advantages of the rationalistic and behavioral directions of management science. Within the framework of coursework, I had the opportunity to take part in the development of a model for the activities of a preschool educational institution. The criterion characteristics of the functional duties of the head of the kindergarten and the criterion characteristics of the final results of the kindergarten activity were developed. Using the qualimitric rule for assessing the integrative indicator, developed by I.K.Shalaev, I determined the certification rating of the kindergarten and my management activities, which ensures adequate planning and improving the efficiency of preschool educational institutions.

Target: Improving the management efficiency of preschool educational institutions based on the MPCU.


  1. Introduce functional responsibilities in the form of qualimetric standards.
  2. Develop criterion characteristics of the final results of the preschool educational institution.
  3. Assess the effectiveness of management through the expertise of the preschool educational institution.

An object: kindergarten

Item: activities of the head of the preschool educational institution

Research methods:

  1. Methodology of the MPCU.
  2. The method of expert assessments.

Chapter 1. Program-target self-certification of a preschool educational institution

1.1. System analysis of the educational process of a preschool educational institution

Strategic analysis

Socio-psychological state of the team Qualitative characteristics
Attitude to work 60% of teachers are conscious of their professional activities. They are able to organize their work and the work of pupils. They predict the results of their own work, its prospects. The labor process is not always studied. Deep and widespread knowledge of professional work contributes to the development of individual ways and methods of work aimed at achieving indicators of the results of their own labor activity.
Attitude towards work colleagues 80% of teachers have the ability to find adequate means of positive communication with each member of the teaching staff, corresponding to the requirement of pedagogical cooperation.
Attitude to oneself 80% are convinced of the correctness of their professional choice, they know how to organize their pedagogical activities, plan and correct within the framework of the educational program. They have sufficient knowledge of the theory and methodology of preschool education, but preference in work is given to established methods and techniques. There are also difficulties in using modern psychological and pedagogical concepts, technologies, inability to use them as a basis in their pedagogical activity. Difficulties related to the generalization of advanced pedagogical experience are noted (self-esteem of teachers is underestimated, a low theoretical level, dissatisfaction with stimulation).

Tactical analysis

The base of beliefs and the level of implementation of socio-psychological functions Qualitative characteristics
Purposefulness of the team The activity of each teacher is expressed in the desire to implement the program "Programs of education and training in kindergarten." There is an active fulfillment of public assignments, but without much enthusiasm.
The level of education and professionalism. In MDOU kindergarten "Raketa" on the implementation of the "Training and education program in kindergarten”M.A. Vasilyeva employs 10 teachers, including 6 educators, 1 senior educator, 1 music director, 1 German teacher, 1 head. Higher pedagogical education - 40% (4 people), secondary specialized pedagogical education - 60% (6 people), of whom 30% (three people) study in absentia at a higher educational institution. The highest qualification category has 10% (1 person), the first qualification category - 80% (8 people), the second qualification category - 10% (1 person). Pedagogical experience from 5 to 10 years - 20% (2 people); from 15 to 25 years old -60% (6 people); over 25 years - 20% (2 people).

In the team, communication is mutually polite, benevolent, tactful, within the framework of pedagogical ethics.

40% of teachers are distinguished by their ability to build children's activities for the future, they are able to build a model of their own activities; own the content of innovative technologies, have an idea of ​​the modern achievements of science and practice, but are not able to transfer techniques and methods of work from one area to another.

60% possess solid knowledge within the framework of a general educational program, relate to work with interest, but they cannot always adequately predict the result of their own pedagogical activity. Have a positive attitude towards new pedagogical ideas, and do not always implement them in their own practice, without some influence from the administration.

Value-Based Unity Focus on the development of the child's personality, the formation of the child's moral, intellectual, physical abilities.
Stimulation There is moral incentive, with a low level of funding.

Traditional analysis:

We consider the tasks set for the year together with the content, we analyze the positive and negative results and, based on this, the prospects that follow for further activities.

1.2. DOE model

The problem of obtaining a model of a real system was and remains relevant. Models should reflect real systems not only with certain parameters, but also describe the quantitative relationships of their functioning. When applied to control processes, quantitative models should allow for the numerical evaluation of the results of a control action. The model of the activity of the preschool educational institution was developed by the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor I.K. Shalaev.

For successful management and obtaining high results in management activities, a leader must have certain qualities. As special studies and practice of the implementation of motivational program-target management show, the following qualities are in demand:

  • self-actualization (A);
  • ideological and personal values ​​of the leader, convictions, will, courage, hard work, initiative, organization, humanity (I);
  • erudition and growth of professionalism, depth and practicality of mind, knowledge (E);
  • organizational skills and the ability to manage oneself, organizational skills and skills, the ability to read a person, the ability to influence people (O);
  • humanity and personal goals, sociability (H);
  • management style and knowledge of modern management approaches (C);
  • managerial empathy and reflection (R).

Qualimetric standards of professional and personal qualities were developed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor I.K. Shalaev.

The effectiveness of any organization depends on how effectively the management process is carried out. Some leaders (mostly left-brain) choose rationalistic technologies, others (mostly right-brain) - behavioral technologies. I chose the technological parameters of the MPCU as an integrative education of rationalistic and behavioral approaches: sa, Pdc, Rip, cn, so, ck, cf.

The MPCU technology can be expressed by a sequence of management functions:

  • ace- strategic analysis, the subject of which is the socio-psychological state of the team (attitude to work, to fellow workers, to oneself);
  • at- tactical analysis, the subject of which is the base of beliefs for new management tasks and the level of implementation of socio-psychological functions of management;
  • but- traditional analysis, the subject of which is the educational (production) process;
  • Pdc- building a tree of management goals;
  • Rip- development of an executing program;
  • ps- strategic planning, the result of which is the construction of stimulus situations, adequate to the indications of the AC;
  • Fri- tactical planning, adequate to the indications of am;
  • NS- traditional planning, adequate to the indications and;
  • waspsstrategic organization aimed at the implementation of ps;
  • from- the organization is tactical, aimed at the implementation of PT;
  • O- the organization is traditional, aimed at the implementation of p;
  • cop- strategic control, the subject of which is the process of achieving the goal of a stimulus situation;
  • kt- tactical control, the subject of which is the process of achieving the base of persuasion for new management tasks;
  • To- traditional control, the subject of which is the compliance of teaching and educational work with state standards;
  • pc- strategic regulation, aimed at the process of implementing the socio-psychological strategy;
  • rt- tactical regulation, aimed at the process of implementing socio-psychological tactics;
  • R- traditional regulation as a component of the management cycle in relation to the educational process.

Qualimetric standards of the control process were developed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor I.K. Shalaev.

It is known that the social order and functional responsibilities do not depend on the subject of management - they are prescribed to him simultaneously with the order for appointment to the position. Therefore, the parameters for functional responsibilities (f1 - f10) fit into the model of the subjects of management according to the levels. The qualimetric standards of functional and resource support of preschool education developed by us, see in Annex 1, and the qualimetric standards of pedagogical activity developed by us, see in Annex 2 .

At present, I do not aim to develop a graduate model, but in the future such a model will be in demand in practice, as it will ensure the purposefulness of the activities of each member of the team on the formation of certain qualities of the graduate, and will also ensure the continuity of the “DOE - School”, which will increase the efficiency of activities preschool educational institution.

DOW graduate model project

1.3. Examination of the preschool educational institution

By program-target self-certification I mean self-certification, in which the measured parameters are determined by the goal tree (see the goal tree), and the criterion characteristics are determined by the executing program (see the criterion characteristics). At the same time, the age-old questions "do we measure?" and "Is this how we measure?" by virtue of the laws of the MPCU and the rules of qualimetry, they receive their positive permission.

Performance indicators of self-certification of the head of the MDOU d / kindergarten “Raketa” c. Galbstadt of the German National Region - ARZ

1 / Development of professional and personal qualities of management subjects:

10 9 9 10 9 8

Total: 65

2. Technological support of education management:

4Ca 4Pdc 4sp 12so 8sk 3w
9 8 8 10 9 9

Total: 319

3. Functional and resource support of an educational institution:

F1 F2 Form 3 Form 4 Form 5 Form 6 Form 7 Form 8 Form 9 Form 10
8 8 10 8 8 9 9 10 9 10

Total: 89 2 = 178

4. ADR - Qualimetric rule for assessing the integrated indicator of the final results, the activities of the kindergarten team.

D1 2D2 2D3 4D4 3D5 3D6 5D7 7D8 7D9
9 10 9 8 10 9 10 9 9

Total: 312

340 ARA 289 - the interval of indicators of the optimal rating (the team deserves encouragement)

ARZ = 65 + 319 + 178 + 312 = 874

1000 ARZ 850 - the interval of indicators of the optimal rating (the head of the kindergarten deserves encouragement).


- So, as a result of the examination of the performance indicators of the head of the kindergarten "Raketa", the following problems were identified, which fall:

  • the relationship between "trainees" and younger colleagues; excessive desire to assert itself; lack of external or internal motivation for some teachers, etc. To solve problems, it is possible to create stimulating situations using the methods of the MPCU, such as a situation of critical self-assessment, a situation of delegation of initiative, a situation of attitude, etc. these methods allow you to remove the contradiction, unite the team and create a favorable climate in the team.

The research approach is intended to serve the purposes of optimization and improvement of management efficiency. This research management framework helps me to ensure that management decisions are made more informed. It is the decision that constitutes the core of management, since management activity is a system of actions for the preparation, adoption and implementation of management decisions. The objectivity of the assessment of the pedagogical information collected in kindergarten, the evidence of the conclusions drawn and the adoption of an adequate decision in accordance with the set goal is possible on a research basis.

T.I. Shamova formulates the requirements for the school director, necessary for the implementation of this approach in management, I think these requirements can be applied to the heads of preschool educational institutions:

  • sufficient professional competence;
  • knowledge of the essence of controlled processes, patterns of management, psychological foundations of cooperation;
  • possession of methods for collecting, analyzing and evaluating information on the progress and results of controlled processes;
  • compliance with the principles of objectivity and evidence of management information;
  • the ability to implement systemic vision pedagogical process generally;
  • the ability to single out the main link, and acting on it, to reveal the influence of this influence on connections, and therefore on the whole, into which it is included.

The above approaches have one thing in common - to solve the problem of increasing the level of efficiency of kindergarten management. A fundamentally new solution to this problem may not be the autonomous use of one of the management approaches, but their integration. This solution was proposed by I.K. Shalaev in his concept of motivational program-target management (MPTsU) ..


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  2. Vinogradova N.A., Miklyaeva N.V. Quality management of the educational process at a preschool educational institution. Toolkit. - Moscow: Iris press, 2007.
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The article provides an overview of modern educational technologies. Critical thinking development technology, pedagogical workshop, dialogue interaction technology, which are focused on the development of universal educational actions of students.



Modern educational technologies a tool to improve the efficiency of the educational process

"Three qualities - extensive knowledge, the habit of thinking and the nobility of feelings - are necessary for a person to be educated in the full sense of the word."

Chernyshevsky N.G.

Modernization Russian education presupposes the creation of conditions for the further humanization of education, developmental learning, contributing to the improvement of the quality of knowledge and strengthening of the student's personal activity in the educational process. In this regard, the formation of such qualities of thinking and personality as independence, responsibility, self-confidence, the absence of fear of failure, based on the students' mastery of the means of self-regulation of thinking and behavior, acquires special significance.

New technologies are required to match the new educational standards and will allow students in independent search to come to the discovery of new knowledge. The knowledge, skills, and abilities that are acquired during self-discovery will be more solid and conscious, and therefore of higher quality.

In the period of cardinal transformations, increased requirements are imposed on the personality. Therefore, in the construction of the educational process and the interaction of a teacher and a student, it is not the assimilation of the educational process that is brought to the fore, but the formation of intellectual skills, decision-making experience, the formation of students' responsibility for their learning, the ability to control the educational process.New pedagogical technologies of education give impetus to self-realization of students, create an atmosphere of cooperation, increase the responsibility of teachers for the results of their work.

The teacher must be fluent in modern educational technologies so that the learning process is of high quality and increases the child's interest in acquiring new knowledge. Nowadays, when personality-oriented learning is chosen as the priority direction of training, the teacher has the goal of making it, on the one hand, meaningful and practical, and, on the other hand, accessible and interesting.

Metacognitive educational technologies imply a higher level of cognition, denoting the ability for introspection and self-control of cognition and perception of information, translation of external information into internal.

A student in the learning process himself constructs this process, based on real and specific goals, he himself tracks the directions of his development, he himself determines the final result. On the other hand, the use of this strategy is aimed at developing the skills of thoughtful work with information.

Modern researchers in the field of methods for the development of critical thinking, both in the West (D. Halpern, K. Meredith, D. Steal, C. Temple, S. Walter, etc.) and in Russia (M. V. Clarin, S. I. Zair-Bek, I.O. Zagashev, I.V. Mushtavinskaya and others) under critical thinking is understood as a set of qualities and skills that determine a high level of research culture of a student and teacher.

The methodological aspect of the formation of critical thinking is that this technology is a system of strategies that combine techniques educational work by type of educational activity.

This technology involves the use of three stages (stages) in the lesson: the stage of challenge, the semantic stage and the stage of reflection.

Stage 1 - "Challenge" (liquidation of a blank slate). The child asks himself the question "What do I know?" on this issue.

Stage 2 - "Comprehension" (realization of comprehension).

At this stage, the child, under the guidance of the teacher and with the help of his comrades, will answer the questions that he himself posed to himself in the first stage (what I want to know).

Stage 3 - "Reflection" (reflection).

Reflection and generalization of what the child has learned in the lesson on this issue.

The main goal of the technology is to develop students' intellectual skills, reflection, and the ability to work with information.

Philosophers and teachers were the first to show interest in the problem of dialogue interaction in education:

The idea of ​​dialogue was developed by Socrates, H. Gadamer, A. Camus, M. Heidegger, the humanistic orientation of the dialogue strategy was shown by Plato, J. A. Komensky, I. G. Pestalozzi, J.-J. Rousseau, V. A. Disterweg, K. D. Ushinsky.

Each participant in joint dialogue interaction not only realizes the need to acquire the basic skills of a communicative-active personality, but also understands the ways of their development.

At the stage of introducing a new material using this technology, 2 links should be worked out, the formulation of the problem and the search for its solution.

Working with text allows each child to choose a pace of work that is convenient for him and forms his ability to actively perceive and assimilate the information received. At the next stage of the lesson, tasks are exchanged. The third stage of the lesson is aimed at working with new texts. Thanks to the proposed technology, the intensity of the lesson increases, the responsibility of each student for working in a group, and the skills of business communication are formed.

Modern society needs people who take an active life position, who are able to think creatively, make decisions in a situation of choice, and predict the consequences of their actions. Especially in demand is a person who is able to independently build and transform his own life, capable of self-regulation in different situations.

Also, one of the effective educational technologies is a pedagogical workshop for building knowledge. The workshop is a synthetic, multidimensional integrated reflexive educational technology with a probabilistic result, focused on a personal activity approach.Pedagogical workshop as a form, method and thosenology of education did not arise out of nowhere.

Ideas free education L.N. Tolstoy, practicalactivity of S.A. Rachinsky, research by L.S. VygotSkogo, the theoretical legacy of A.S. Makarenko, as well asthe foundations of the philosophical doctrine of J.-J. Russo and modern French epistemologists  followers of theoTheories of Gaston's Knowledge Vashlyara  became the basis for practical modeling, first French, and thenPetersburg pedagogical workshops them.

Orientation of the teacher's workshop holistic personality development, the predominance of this goal over the educational one. The essence of educational goalssearch and self-construction of knowledge. The center of this technology is personality.

The main blocks of the construction of a pedagogical workshop for building knowledge are as follows:

Induction ("guidance", awakening personal interest, creating an emotional mood);

Self-and socio-construction (creating your own product, creating an intellectual product in a group);

Socialization 9 (presentation of lesson 9 created by another participant in a pair, in a group to the whole team);

Reflection ("reflection", recollection of his experience in the workshop: feelings, sensations, emotions, states, breaks).

The main goal of the pedagogical workshop for building knowledge is the holistic development of the personality, the prevalence of this goal over the educational one.

The new goal-setting of the teacher provides a probabilistic result and changes the goal-setting of the student, in which his responsibility for using the provided opportunities grows. The dependence of the result on the quality of the interaction of the workshop participants is increasing.

The proposed technologies use group methods of work, which makes it possible to create a more comfortable environment for the work of students and relieves internal stress from children who are not confident in their abilities.

When organizing educational activities using these technologies, students master various ways of integrating information, learn to develop their own opinions, acquire the skills to build inferences, learn to express their thoughts clearly, confidently, correctly in relation to others.

Working within the framework of these technologies will help students and the teacher to make the process of developing metacognitive skills more focused and effective, and the study of subjects creative and interesting.


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  2. Kuljutkin Yu.N., Mushtavinskaya IV, "Educational technologies and pedagogical reflections", SPb .: SPbGUPM, 2002.
  3. Ivanshina E.V., Mushtavinskaya I.V. “Critical Thinking in Science Lessons. Science at school "- 2004 - №3.
  4. Ivanshina E.V. The use of educational technologies in the study of the course "Science" in high school. Academic Bulletin - 2009 - №3-SPbAPPO.
  5. Selevko G.K. Encyclopedia of educational technologies in 2 volumes. Vol. 1-M. Research Institute shk. Technologies 2006
  6. Stepikhova V.A. Pedagogical in the experience of teachers. Workshops methodological guide4th ed. Add. SPb: S Pb APPO 2005.
  7. Kazachkova T.B. Technologies of dialogue interaction as a means of individual and personal development of students and teachers: Materials of the Sixth Interregional Pedagogical Readings dedicated to the memory of I.Ya. Lerner in 2 hours - Vladimir: VGGU2010 - Part 1.

Annotation: The article provides an overview of a number of sources on the assessment of the effectiveness of management systems. Like any other system, the enterprise management system consists of elements that are combined together for the purpose of functioning, while it is especially important to single out the subject and object of management, the main elements of the management system. The authors show that each element is subject to research to ensure the integrity of the management system research.

Keywords: system, management system, subsystem, enterprise, management functions, management methods, management decisions

Abstract: In clause the review of some sources concerning an estimation of efficiency of control systems is presented. As well as any other system, a control system of the enterprise consists of elements which are incorporated together by the purpose of functioning, thus it is especially important to allocate the subject and object of management, basic elements of a control system. Authors show, that each element is a subject to research to provide integrity of research of a control system.

Keywords: system, control system, subsystem, enterprise, functions of management, methods of management, administrative decisions

Oleg Skopin
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Natalia Nazarova

Vyatka State University
[email protected]

The concept of an enterprise management system

Management is understood as a certain process of such a purposeful influence of the subject on the object of management in order to achieve certain results, which E.V. Libkind, N.E. Ryabikova, V.A. Chepurin.

It should be noted that management and its development is primarily due to the definition of the mission, strategy, values ​​of the enterprise based on the analysis of past experience and vision of the future, and this is the main requirement for creating an effective enterprise management system, as said by Yu. Lekhto, A. Matveenko ...

To create an effective enterprise management system, it is necessary to take into account that the state regulates and controls the right of all citizens to the full use of the abilities and property for running entrepreneurial activity within the framework of the legislation, as stated in the Federal Law of June 14, 1995 N 88-FZ, which speaks of the free choice and creation of a management structure for the management of a particular enterprise.

The effectiveness of the functioning of any economic object, due to the increasing complexity, complexity and strengthening of interconnections, according to I. Galushka, increasingly depends on the quality of the management system.

Improving the quality of the enterprise management system can be achieved by conducting a study of all aspects of activities, including the study of both a controlled system and control subsystems, namely, the study and consideration of the strengths, weaknesses enterprise, production and sales process, financial condition, personnel, marketing.

It is necessary to define the enterprise management system in order to understand the basis for the design and study of the management system.

Stanley Young defines the management system as a subsystem of the enterprise, the constituent parts are groups of interacting people, while the functions of the management system are the perception of the inputs of the enterprise (certain problems) and outputs (the implementation of a set of actions, processes, the result of which will be certain decisions), while income should increase due to the optimization of the relationship of all inputs and outputs from the activities of the entire enterprise.

In the work of V.V. Glushchenko, I.I. understand the control system as a system that is designed to influence the control object, while translating this object into the desired state, giving its parameters and processes certain quantitative or qualitative values, while being a specific hardware, normative, functional version of the implementation of technologies for solving a specific management problems.

As noted by I. Aktashkina, B. Mishin, the enterprise management system is an independent system, but it can be part of a higher order system, while the composition of the elements of each subsystem of the enterprise management system is diverse and depends on the specific content of the organization system.

Like any other system, the enterprise management system consists of elements that are combined together for the purpose of functioning, while it is especially important to single out the subject and object of management, the main elements of the management system. Each element is subject to research to ensure the integrity of the research of the control system.

Elements of the enterprise management system and their study

The enterprise management system includes such elements as management functions, organizational structure of management, management personnel, technical means of management, information, management methods, technology, finance, management decisions.

The study of such an element of the management system as functions is of great practical importance, since they determine the structure of the management bodies of the enterprise, as described in the article "Management functions", while there are general management functions that are mandatory for the successful work of any organization (planning, organization, motivation and control), as well as specific management functions (specific), determined by the object of management.

To control functions modern enterprise include: planning, marketing, entrepreneurship, finance, organization, production, innovation, information and social development.

Any management function, as indicated in the article "The essence of the management function", is implemented "in a complex of management tasks, the solution of which ensures the achievement of production goals and the maintenance of processes in specified states."

It is also important to take into account the fact that the study of the practical implementation of management functions at the enterprise is associated with the study of those tasks to be solved in the course of performing sequential actions by the appropriate management apparatus, note BA Raizberg, L.Sh. Lozovsky, E.B. Starodubtseva. ...
It is also necessary to investigate such an element of the enterprise management system as the organizational structure of management. It is necessary to give a definition, referring to N.I. Kabushkin, G.A. Bondarenko. that the organizational structure of enterprise management is such a set of interrelated and interdependent elements that are in stable relations with each other, and this, in turn, ensures their functioning as a whole.

The organizational structure of enterprise management includes the composition of the organizational structure, the ratio of structure elements, as well as the location of interconnected individual subsystems of the enterprise, while the creation of such a structure is aimed at the effective distribution of rights and responsibilities among all management personnel of the enterprise, which is also an element of the management system and is subject to research ...

As Goldstein G.Ya. notes that while investigating such an element of the management system as the organizational structure of management in order to optimize and rationalize it, it is necessary to analyze (diagnose) the existing management structure and synthesize (design) the management structure, while the task of the analysis is to establish the necessary the level of correspondence between the organizational structure of enterprise management and the conditions of the operating environment, synthesis is used as a determination of the number and composition of structural units of management and certain methods that link them into interaction.

The organizational structure of the enterprise should be constantly improved in proportion to its development, which can be facilitated by the management personnel of the enterprise, as one of the elements of the enterprise management system that requires research and study.

Satoru Takaynagi notes that an enterprise should focus on the participation of management personnel in decisions made directly at all levels of management, in the course of using enterprise and system management techniques aimed at maximizing the use of talents and abilities of employees.

The study of management personnel, as noted by S. Silchenko, should be considered from the point of view of the efficiency of use and management of working time through planning and for interaction with other elements of the management system, since it is the systemic principle that can ensure greater achievement of the goals of the entire enterprise management system.

It is also necessary to investigate the technical controls. In the article "Technical means of management" play a large role in making management decisions, while to obtain higher efficiency, it is necessary to use complex technical means: communications, meetings, demonstration equipment, means of equipping the manager's workplace, means of control. Research of technical means of control, as noted by V.I. Knorring contributes to an increase in the efficiency of management technology, the organization of managerial work and the management process at the enterprise, while using more advanced technology and competent use of it by the manager.
D. Yampolskaya, M. Zonis note that management information should not only correspond to the tasks of the manager, but also be suitable and combined with the applied models of processes, while the information should be significant, that is, influence the decisions made. For all this, an information management system must be organized, which will increase the efficiency of the enterprise management system.

The need for information of different subjects and links of the enterprise management system is not the same, but is determined by the tasks that are solved in the process of managing the subject of management: the head or employee of the management apparatus, which V. Popov notes.

In the study of management information, as noted by B.A. Chub. it is necessary to take into account that in the course of the study: “large volumes of information must be processed within strictly limited time frames; the initial information is subjected to repeated processing from various production points of view and taking into account the requirements of consumers; initial data and results of calculations are stored for a long time ”.
Also, when conducting a study of management information as an element of the enterprise management system, as V.P. Nesterov notes, the basis for making correct decisions in the external, internal spheres of the enterprise is "the availability of reliable information necessary for a correct analysis."

Management methods are one of the fundamental elements of the management system, since it is with their help that it is possible to carry out both the study of the enterprise management system, and it is the methods that ensure the achievement of goals and objectives for the enterprise.

Ignatieva A.V., Maksimtsov M.M. note that "the effectiveness of the study of control systems is largely determined by the selected and used research methods."

For enterprise management to be most effective, it is necessary to apply a systematic methodology, that is, methods systems approach to the organization of management activities at the enterprise. As the author of the article "Management Methods" notes, depending on the variety of management functions, for the implementation of which certain methods are used, such as methods of managing the functional subsystems of an enterprise, performing management functions and making managerial decisions.

As the authors of the article "Methods of researching management systems" note, when conducting research on enterprise management systems, one can use "an extremely wide arsenal of various methods: theoretical, empirical, theoretical and empirical."

Another element of the enterprise management system that is subject to research is management technology. Management technology is defined as a set of interrelated management processes aimed at justifying, developing, making and implementing decisions in management processes. Management technology consists of "informational, computational, organizational and logical operations performed by managers and specialists of various profiles according to a certain algorithm manually or using technical means", it is these components that are subject to research.

As D. Plotnikov notes, the financial analysis and the study of the entire financial activity of the enterprise, and specifically the enterprise management system, can help in an effective and objective assessment of the solvency, efficiency and profitability of the enterprise, as well as identify development prospects and, as a result, make informed decisions.

And, of course, management decisions made in the field of the management system are subject to research. As V. Tsyplukhin notes, most of the decisions are made by managers, but also often specialists are much better versed in the industry than the manager, therefore, the study of managerial decisions should provide a clear delimitation of the areas of decisions made and thereby ultimately increase their effectiveness, otherwise management mistakes can lead to inefficiency of the enterprise management system and the impossibility of its development.

The main characteristics of the research management system are: research methodology, research organization, research resources, research object, research subject, research type, research result, research efficiency.

Avdoshina Z.A. indicates that in order to achieve the set goals of the study of control systems, the object, subject, novelty, practical significance, research methods, limitations and conditions for the use of various methods of control technology, the definition of a problem in the study of processes and control systems, the implementation of a system analysis of direct and indirect factors, efficiency.

Combining all the elements of the enterprise management system, we can come to the conclusion that modern management the enterprise needs a research approach, which will contribute to the dynamism, prospects of management, growth of potential, increased professionalism in making managerial decisions, scientific management.

The structure of the process and methods of research and design of an enterprise management system

Mylnik V.V., Titarenko B.P., Volochienko V.A. pay attention to the fact that the efficiency of any enterprise largely depends on the study of management systems created and rationally constructed using the required amount of investment. Research of management systems allows you to identify the most profitable and effective investment option financial resources into the control system.

The study of the enterprise management system, in general, is also a study, and therefore, it corresponds to the definition given by A.K. Zaitsev. , research as a type of human activity, consisting of recognizing problems, situations, as well as determining their origin, identifying properties, content, patterns of development and behavior, establishing a place in the system of accumulated knowledge, finding ways, means and opportunities to use new ideas, knowledge about the problem in the practice of solving the problem.

"Research of management systems is a type of activity aimed at the development and improvement of management in accordance with the constantly changing external and internal conditions" define it as follows. Ignatieva A.V., Maksimtsov M.M.

E. M. Korotkov says that "it is necessary to investigate not only the processes of the control object, but also the processes of functioning and development of the control itself."

Z. A. Avdoshina says that when conducting research at enterprises, certain goals are set, for the achievement of which it is necessary to analyze and identify existing problems, as well as recommendations for their resolution. The effectiveness of the research of the enterprise management system will be ensured due to the systemic vision of the possession of the scientific categorical apparatus of the research, that is, "assessment of the state, diagnostics, prevention of negative trends, search" bottlenecks"In the management system, defining new areas of activity."

V. A. Dolyatovsky, V. N. Dolyatovskaya presented a scheme of the subject area of ​​research of the control system at the present time (Scheme 1).

Scheme 1 - Structure of the study of control systems

Scheme 1 shows a developed arsenal of methods for studying control systems, using these methods, it is possible to build a model of a control system, assess and diagnose the state of a control system, calculate the characteristics of a control system, make a diagnosis, identify and eliminate organizational problems, which will constitute a methodology for researching control systems.

Shutilov F.V. notes such an important fact as the fact that the study of control systems has the main goal of developing long-term measures aimed at improving the organization, structure, methods of management models, which should be carried out on the basis of a systematic approach, and the results obtained will become basis for restructuring the existing system management.

It is necessary to take into account what AB Bushuev says, namely, "each element of the system converts an external influence (connection from another element) arriving at it into an output influence that enters the next element of the system."

The process of researching enterprise management systems has sequential stages:

"one. Allocation of the object of research (firm, subsystem, division).

2. Determination of the purpose of the research, that is, what result we are interested in.

3. Allocation of control and characteristic variables.

4. Determination of the functions to be analyzed.

5. Determination of criteria for evaluating research results.

6. Determination of the criteria for evaluating the proposed solutions to improve management. "

Z. A. Avdoshina defines a research method as a way of obtaining new knowledge, a direct tool, with the help of which the necessary research is carried out.
Depending on the level of the problem being studied, the goals and objectives of the study, the study of control systems reflects a global (systemic, interdisciplinary, investigated using general scientific methods) or local nature (problems of a small scale with pronounced specificity, are investigated using specific scientific methods).

V. A. Dolyatovsky, V. N. Dolyatovskaya distinguish the existence of four groups of methods for studying control systems:

1. Practical methods of research of control systems: logical; graphic; sociological; parametric; factor analysis; expert analysis; simulation modeling; reflective research methods; testing the control system.

2. General methodology: system analysis; hypotheses and concepts; dialectical approach; techniques for constructing research procedures.

3. Planning and organization of management system research: goal setting and goal structuring; research planning; sensitivity analysis; organization of the research process.

4. Evaluation of research results, diagnostics of the state of the control system: calculation of indicators of the effectiveness of the control system; organization of economic and organizational diagnostics.

ZA Avdoshina refers to the general scientific research methods: "control and diagnosis of problems, system analysis, expert research methods, modeling and statistical research, morphological analysis and functional-decomposition representation in the form of an aggregate, analysis and synthesis of concepts." To private scientific methods: “sampling and methods of sociological research, Delphi, methods of weighted average criteria for evaluating suppliers, Monte Carlo method, testing, parametric method, factor analysis, functional and cost analysis, financial analysis, budgeting, calculation, timing, photograph of a worker time, the Pareto method, and many other methods used in functional management subsystems ”.

Korotkov E.M. points to such a feature of the study that it is not only a function of modern management, but also the style of functioning and certain type on the organization of the activities of the personnel of the entire management system of the enterprise, while the study acts as the main function, a management approach that can ensure the quality of management decisions and as a means of possible improvement.

It is possible to single out the basic principles that must be observed by all subsystems of the enterprise management system in the formation, development and operation, as well as in the study of the enterprise management system: the principle of state legality of the organization's management system; the principle of legal regulation in the creation, functioning and development within the organization; the principle of unity of the theory of management practice; principles of unification of elements; the principle of specialization, universalization of all management processes; the principle of the integrity of the subject and the object of management; the principle of multivariate management decisions; the principle of stability in relation to the external environment; the principle of mobility (adaptability) of the process; the principle of control automation; the principle of development of the management system.

In the process of conducting research and analyzing the work of the enterprise, the state of production and economic activity of the enterprise is studied; production structure of the enterprise; management system and its organizational structure; peculiarities of the enterprise's interaction with consumers, suppliers and other market participants and other important aspects of activities, and especially the enterprise management system.

Bibliographic list:

    Bushuev A.B. Research of control systems. - St. Petersburg 2002.

    Glushchenko V.V., Glushchenko I.I. Research of control systems, Zheleznodorozhny, Moscow region: OOO NPTs "Wings", 2000.

    Doliatovskiy V.A., Doliatovskaya V.N. Research of control systems: Study guide. - Moscow: ICC "Mart", Rostov n / a: Publishing center "Mart", 2003 - 256 p.

    Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary.

    Federal Law "On State Support of Small Business in Russian Federation"(dated June 14, 1995 N 88-FZ)

    Yampolskaya D.O., Zonis M.M. Management. - Publishing house - Neva; Olma-Press - 2003.

    Young S. Systemic management of the organization. Per. from English ed. S. P. Nikanorova, S. A. Batasova. - M., "Soviet Radio", 1972, p. 456.



1 Basic concepts and terminology of management documentation

2 Typical technologies for organizing work with documents

3 Technology of organizing work with documents in the linguistic school "Success" at KGOU SPO KPK

4 Possibilities of using modern computer technologies in office work


1 Modern means of organizing office work and workflow

2 Implementation of document flow of the linguistic school "Success", as a structural unit of KGOU SPO KPK, in the environment of "MS Outlook"

2.1 Features of the system "Microsoft Outlook"

2.2 Solving the problems of accounting and control of execution of documents in the environment "MS Outlook"




Improving the management of production and economic systems, increasing the level of organization and efficiency of managerial work today largely depends on how rationally the office work is put in institutions and enterprises. Enterprise management inevitably requires the creation of many types of management documents, without which it is impossible to solve the problems of planning, financing, lending, accounting and reporting, operational management, staffing of the enterprise, etc.

The main subject of labor of employees of the administrative apparatus is information, and the process of management itself in the technological sense can be represented as a process of information circulation. The main carrier of information in the modern state apparatus is a document. The implementation of the functions of any governing body is associated with the preparation, receipt, and direction of various documents. Consequently, the effectiveness of their management activities is associated with the organization of work with documents. The speed of obtaining the information necessary for making a decision depends on the clarity and efficiency of processing and movement of the document. Late processing of documents, especially financial ones, can lead to negative economic consequences. therefore rational organization workflow, speed and clarity of processing and transfer of documents for execution is always given great attention.

However, the classic, "paper" ways of doing office work and document flow are now becoming irrelevant. Competition is demanding. Any request from a potential client must be promptly satisfied, any management decision taken must be timely implemented, and the processing and movement of a paper document is usually much slower than an electronic document. Therefore, the issue of introducing automation systems for the creation, storage and movement of documents in many organizations is very acute.

Thus, the relevance of the topic is thesis due to the need to improve office work for effective solution management tasks.

Today, the manual system of working with documents is being replaced everywhere by the most rational paperwork on a computer, the basis of which, of course, are the technologies of document management systems.

Indeed, modern world information technology is difficult to imagine without the use of document management systems. Almost all systems to one degree or another are associated with the functions of long-term storage and processing of information. In fact, information becomes a factor determining the effectiveness of any field of activity. Information flows have increased and requirements for data processing speed have increased, and now most operations cannot be performed manually, they require the use of the most promising computer technologies. Any administrative decisions require a clear and accurate assessment of the current situation and possible prospects for its change. And if earlier several dozen factors that could be calculated manually took part in the assessment of the situation, now there are hundreds and hundreds of thousands of such factors, and the situation does not change within a year, but after a few minutes, and the ownership of the applied solutions requires a lot, because the reaction is and wrong decisions are more serious, faster and more powerful than before. And, of course, it is impossible to do without an information model for the production of document management systems.

The use of modern computer technologies and technologies of the document management system in the office work of an organization already today allows:

register documents at various workplaces using local network technologies and distribution of the document management system;

organize the unification of information about documents (both internal and received) of different structural divisions in a single document management system of organizations;

to organize information and reference work on the basis of broad possibilities of information search in the document management system;

organize control over the execution and movement of documents.

The creation of a document management system for an organization as a whole has its positive features in comparison with traditional paper-based ways of doing office work.

The purpose of this work is to organize the information system "Organization documents" in the MS Outlook environment to improve the efficiency of documentation.

The object of the research is the linguistic school "Success" at KGOU SPO KPK.

The subject of the research is the workflow of the linguistic school "Success".

In this work, the task was to create such a system that in as soon as possible and with a minimum investment of financial and human resources for software and hardware can improve documentation. The following research objectives were also set:

Study general theoretical and special literature on the research topic.

Study the materials of the subject area.

Analyze the work of the linguistic school "Success" in the conduct of office work.

Implement the workflow of the linguistic school "Success", as a structural subdivision of KGOU SPO KPK, in the "MS Outlook" environment.

The structure of the thesis is determined by the purpose, objectives, logic of the research, and assumes the presence of an introduction, two chapters consisting of 4 paragraphs in each chapter, a conclusion, a list of references.

The first chapter is devoted to theoretical issues of office work. Here the basic concepts and terminology of documentation are given, typical technologies for working with documents are given, including the analysis of working with documents in the linguistic school "Success", and the possibilities of modern computer technologies in office work are also given.

The second chapter is devoted to the implementation of the "MS Outlook" technology in the "Success" linguistic school. It describes the main stages of organizing the workflow in the "MS Outlook" environment, reveals the features of the system.

Conclusion - the results of the work done have been summed up, the prospects for the development of the information system have been determined.

The list of used literature includes 26 sources.


.1 Basic concepts and terminology of management documentation

The basis of any scientific discipline is made up of concepts-ideas about the general, the most essential, special in the studied phenomena and objects. The discipline that studies the patterns of formation and functioning of systems of document management support is called document management. The terminology of document management includes the terms of document management (DOM), denoting everything that is associated with the processes of creating documents, processing them, searching, storing, using. Traditionally, the field of activity related to document processing is called office work. The term "office work" arose in Russia, according to the dictionaries of the Russian language, in the second half of the XV111 century. and is formed from the combination of the words "production of the case". Its meaning becomes clear if we keep in mind that the term "case" originally meant a question (judicial or administrative) decided by the governing body. Consequently, clerical work was called, first of all, the consideration and solution of cases (issues). The term "business" in the meaning of "collection of documents" related to any issue began to be used later.

The terminological standard defines office work as a branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with official documents. The term "office work" in accordance with GOST R 51141-98 is synonymous with the term "documentation support of management", which entered scientific circulation more than 10 years ago in connection with a change in the organizational and technical basis of office work and methodological approaches to its improvement due to the active implementation in the field of work with documents of computer technology and the emergence of new information technologies for the creation, collection, processing, accumulation, storage, search and use of information. The term "management documentation" emphasizes the information technology component in the modern organization of office work and is formed by analogy with such terms as "software", "information support", "linguistic support", etc.

Office work (DOW) involves, first of all, the creation of documents, or documentation, which is understood to mean the recording of information on various media according to established rules. Documenting is a regulated process of recording information on paper or other media, ensuring its legal force. Documentation is always carried out according to certain rules established by legal regulations or developed by tradition.

Documentation can be carried out in natural language and in artificial languages ​​using new media. When documenting in natural language, text documents are created - documents containing speech information recorded by any type of writing or any sound recording system. A text document created by writing is a traditional paper document or a videogram of a document - an image of a document on a monitor screen.

When documenting in artificial languages, documents are created on machine media - documents created using media and recording methods that ensure the processing of information by an electronic computer (computer).

Documentation tools are important when creating documents - tools used by a person to create documents:

simple tools (pens, pencils, etc.);

mechanical and electromechanical (typewriters, tape recorders,

voice recorders, photo, film and video equipment, etc.);

automation equipment - computer technology.

Depending on the documenting tools used, the documenting methods differ (text documenting, cinema, photo, sound recording, electronic documenting) and the types of documents created in this case.

When using simple tools, handwritten written documents are created (text documents, the information of which is recorded by any type of writing), graphic documents (containing information expressed through the image of an object) and graphic documents (in which the image of an object is obtained through lines, strokes, chiaroscuro) ... When using photographic equipment, photographic documents are created, when using sound recording equipment - phono (or sound) documents, when using film or video equipment - film documents, with the help of computer technology - written documents on paper and videograms, as well as documents on machine media.

The result of documentation is a document - information recorded on a material carrier with details that allow it to be identified. A carrier is a material object used to fix and store speech, sound or visual information on it, including in a transformed form. Currently, the most common carrier of documentary information is paper; along with it, new media are also widely used - magnetic, which make it possible to use computer technology for documentation.

Documentation assumes compliance with the established rules for recording information, which gives legal force to the documents being created. Legal force is a property of an official document, communicated to it by the current legislation, the competence of the body that issued it and the established procedure for its registration.

The legal force of the document is provided by the established. for each type of documents, a set of details - mandatory elements of document execution (name of the author of the document, addressee, signature, date, document number, approval stamp, seal, etc.). Modern requirements for paperwork are fixed in state standards, in particular, the rules for drawing up organizational and administrative documents are fixed in GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork ". The state standard establishes not only the composition of the requisites (there are only 30 of them), but also the zones and the sequence of their placement on the document (see Appendix No. 1). A set of details of an official written document, arranged in a certain sequence, make up the document form. The form is also regulated by the state standard, therefore, for the correct preparation of the document, it is necessary to know not only the details of the document, but also the sequence of their location on the document. The presence of the form, established by the state standard, ensures the unity of documentation and the unity of documentation both within the framework of one institution and in the country as a whole.

In society, documents are the main carriers of managerial, scientific, technical, statistical and other socially significant information. Documents are carriers of primary information, it is in them that information is recorded for the first time. This property makes it possible to distinguish documents from other sources of information - books, newspapers, magazines, etc., containing processed, secondary information.

Any document created in society is an element of a higher-level system and is included in the corresponding documentation system as an element of it. A documentation system is understood as a set of documents interconnected according to the characteristics of origin, purpose, type, field of activity, uniform requirements for their registration. Just as the letters of one language make up the alphabet, so certain types and varieties of documents make up a documentation system. Until now, there is no consistent classification of documentation systems, types and varieties of documents in document management, but the empirically established division of documents into documentation systems is used. The assignment of documents to a particular system begins with the division of all documents into official and documents of personal origin. The latter include documents created by a person outside the scope of his official activity or the performance of public duties; it is the smallest in terms of types and varieties of documentation system, it includes personal correspondence, memoirs (memoirs), diaries.

Official documents depending on the area they serve human activity are divided into management, scientific, technical (design), technological, production, etc. It is the management documents that ensure the manageability of objects within the framework of both the state and a separate organization. These documents are represented by a complex of systems, the main of which are:

organizational and legal documentation;

planning documentation;

administrative documentation;

information and reference and reference and analytical documentation;

reporting documentation;

contractual documentation;

documentation for the provision of personnel (full-time personnel);

financial support documentation (accounting and reporting);

logistics documentation;

Documentation on documentation and information support of the institution's activities;

documentation reflecting the main activities of an institution, organization or enterprise (at a manufacturing enterprise, this is production documentation, in medical institution- a system of medical records, at a university - a system of records for higher education, etc.).

The documents that make up one system of documentation are characterized by the unity of their intended purpose and, as a whole, provide documentation of a particular management function or type of activity.

Documentation support of documents involves not only the creation of documents, but also the organization of work with them. Organization of work with documents is the organization of an institution's workflow, storage of documents and their use in current activities. An organization's document flow is a set of interrelated procedures that ensure the movement of documents in an institution from the moment they are created or received and until the completion of execution or sending. For the purpose of rational organization of workflow, all documents are distributed into document flows: registered and unregistered documents, incoming, outgoing and internal documents, documents arriving or being sent to higher organizations, documents sent or coming from subordinate organizations, etc. A document flow is understood as a set of documents, performing a specific purpose in the workflow process ..

The characteristic of the workflow is its volume. The volume of workflow refers to the number of documents received by the organization and created by it during a certain period of time (usually a year). The volume of workflow is an important indicator used as a criterion when choosing the organizational form of office work, organizing an information retrieval system according to the documents of an institution, establishing the structure of the office management service, its staffing, etc. is ensured by their registration - recording of credentials about the document in the prescribed form, fixing the fact of the creation of the document, its sending or receiving. In addition, registration allows you to control the execution of documents, as well as search for documents at the request of departments and employees of the institution.

Along with the organization of document circulation, the concept of "organization of work with documents" includes the storage of documents and their use in the activities of the institution. A document storage system is a set of tools, methods and techniques for recording and organizing documents in order to search for them and use them in the current activities of an institution. For a document filing system, the most significant concepts are the concepts of "case nomenclature" and "case". The nomenclature of cases is a systematized list of headings of cases formed in the office work of an institution, arranged in a certain sequence with an indication of their storage time, and a case is a collection of documents related to one issue or area of ​​activity and placed in a separate cover.

The terms discussed in this section form the basis
terminology systems for documentation support of management (office work).

1.2 Typical technologies for organizing work with documents

Information and documentation support, being the most important service management function, needs a careful, well-thought-out organization. This function is performed either by special structural units (business administration, general departments, secretariats, offices) in large institutions or by secretaries where the administrative apparatus is not large.

Documents are the information basis for the organization's activities, since it is in them that more than 80% of its information resources are concentrated. The speed of obtaining the information necessary for making a decision depends on the clarity and efficiency of processing and movement of the document. Late processing of documents, especially financial ones, can lead to negative economic consequences. Therefore, great attention is always paid to the rational organization of workflow, the speed and clarity of processing and transfer of documents for execution.

All documentation of the institution is divided into three document flows:

incoming (incoming) documents;

outgoing (sent) documents;

internal documents.

Each of the document flows has its own peculiarity in composition, quantity, processing and movement.

The number of documents of all flows per year will be the volume of the institution's workflow. The size of the workflow is needed to calculate the required number of office personnel, to calculate the effectiveness of the use of mechanization and office automation tools. In general, it shows the workload of the entire management apparatus, since all its employees have to deal with documents.

In the technological chain of processing and movement of documents, the following stages can be distinguished:

reception and primary processing of documents;

preliminary consideration and distribution of documents;


control over execution;

information and reference work;

execution of documents and sending.

Reception and primary processing of documents. The operation is mostly technical. It is carried out centrally by the secretary-assistant, and in large institutions - by expeditions or a specially assigned employee (freight forwarder). Documents can be received by mail, delivered by courier or visitor, received by teletype, fax, e-mail.

Upon receipt of documents, first of all, the correctness of their delivery is checked. Correspondence received by mistake is returned to the sender or forwarded to the addressee. After opening the envelopes, the correctness of the enclosure and its integrity are checked, i.e. the presence of all pages of the document and all attachments. For a fax, it also checks both the total number of received pages, their correspondence to the number indicated on the first sheet of the fax, and their readability. In case of incomplete receipt of a fax message or poor quality of individual pages, the sender is notified of this.

If the documents were received by mail, all envelopes are opened, except for those with the inscription "in person". After opening, envelopes are destroyed, with the exception of letters from private citizens, since the return address can only be indicated on the envelope. Envelopes are also preserved from documents received already overdue. In this case, the stamp on the envelope can serve as proof of the date of receipt of the document. In addition, when you receive an overdue financial document by mail, you must draw up an act on the day of receipt of the document, signed by two employees of the organization (company) and a postal worker.

All incoming documents must be marked on receipt of the document in the organization. It consists of the date of receipt and the account serial number. In addition, it may contain the abbreviated name of the recipient institution. The account serial number of the last document received in the current year shows the total number of received documents.

A typical mistake made in the processing of incoming documents is to mark the receipt only on documents subject to further registration. The rest of the documents (advertising and information letters, invitations and many others) remain unaccounted for, although when they were received, time was spent opening the envelope, familiarizing with the content, determining which of the employees might need the information received, and transferring the document to this employee. In this case, the incoming document flow is indicated as significantly reduced, and the time for processing unaccounted correspondence cannot be calculated.

The receipt is usually stamped by hand or with an electric stamp.

The document received by fax already has a date of receipt. Considering that the fax is usually output on light-sensitive paper, the text on which quickly fades, a photocopy of important documents is taken.

Recently, fax machines have appeared that allow you to receive a document on plain paper and, therefore, does not need to be copied. Similarly, the problem is solved when receiving fax messages on a computer equipped with a fax modem, and then, if necessary, printing faxes on a regular printer. The primary processing of documents ends by sorting them into registered and unregistered. Unregistered documents are immediately sorted by executor or department for delivery. The organization must have a list of documents that are not subject to registration. It is usually placed as an appendix to the clerical instructions.

Distribution of received documents. Preliminary consideration and distribution of documents determines the direct flow of their movement and, accordingly, the speed of delivery of the document to a specific performer, that is, in fact, the time to resolve the issue. Usually in the firm this work is carried out by the secretary-assistant.

In order to preliminarily consider and distribute documents in a qualified manner, you need to know well the functions of structural units and the distribution of responsibilities between performers. The institution must have a classifier of issues of activity with an indication of the performers for each issue. The task of the assistant secretary at this stage is to free the manager from an excessive flow of documents, consideration of secondary issues.

The head should receive documents relating to the activities of the institution as a whole, on fundamental issues or carrying new information, administrative documents of higher organizations. The rest of the documents must be handed over directly to the specialist performers.

Processing, consideration and transfer of documents to performers is carried out on the day of their receipt.

If a document is intended for execution by several structural divisions or persons, then a copy is made from it or the order of execution is established.

Registration of documents. Registration of documents is the most important stage of working with documents and is defined as "the record of accounting data about the document in the prescribed form, fixing the fact of its creation, sending or receiving."

As follows from the definition, registration first of all gives legal force to a document, since it fixes the fact of its creation or receipt. Until the document is registered, has not received its number, it has not been drawn up, it does not seem to exist yet. For example, an order, decree, etc. If the received document is not registered, the institution is not responsible for it, since the fact of receipt is not confirmed.

Registration has three purposes: record keeping of documents, control over their execution and reference work on documents.

All documents requiring special accounting, execution and use for reference purposes, regardless of the method of receipt, are subject to registration. The registration process itself is the removal of indicators (details) from the document to create a database of the institution's documents.

Documents are registered once. In a small institution, a firm, all documents are registered centrally by a secretary. In an institution that has departments, the registration of internal documents is carried out decentralized by groups: in the accounting department, the personnel department, the office. In this case, internal documents must be registered on the day of signing or approval, included on the day of receipt, outgoing documents - on the day of dispatch.

As a rule, the following information is written out from the document during the registration process:

date of receiving;

incoming number (index);

date of the document;

title (what the document is about);

resolution; period of execution;

performer (who works with him);

progress of execution (all transfers of the document are recorded and how it was executed);

Case No. (where the document is placed after execution).

When registering certain types documents, for example, citizens' appeals, internal and outgoing documents, information entered in registration forms is partially changed and supplemented. For example, when registering citizens' appeals, their address is recorded.

The institution has the right, taking into account its specifics, to supplement information about the registered incoming document. For example, the number of sheets, the presence of attachments, etc. are often taken into account.

Typical registration forms can be of two types: magazine and card.

The journal registration system is needed only when the registration of documents comes first, prevents claims from citizens, conflict situations. For example, when issuing education documents, work books, passes. These are, as a rule, documents, the registration index of which consists of a serial number.

You can leave the journal system even when a very small number of documents are received.

In all other cases, this form of registration is outdated, as it complicates the control over the execution of documents and reference work on them.

The card system for registering documents is more convenient. The form of the card (RKK - registration and control card) and the location of the details in it can be determined in the institution itself and recorded in the instructions for office work.

Having drawn such a form of the card on the A5 or A6 format, it is copied on a photocopier, choosing a fairly thick paper. For different registered groups of documents, you can use cards of different colors, color stripes along the top margin or diagonally.

To maintain a card registration system in manual mode, it is necessary to have a circulation of cards for a year and at least two filing boxes for storing cards: in the deadline control card index and the reference card index.

The number of copies of completed registration cards (they are usually called registration control cards - RCC) is determined by the institution. As a rule, at least two such cards are filled in.

The card for the document can be filled out incompletely at first, before the document is handed over to the manager, i.e. without resolution, deadline and performer. After reviewing the document by the head, the card is supplemented, i.e. this information is entered into it.

With clear interaction between the secretary-assistant and the head, if the head looks through the received correspondence in the morning, you can first give the documents to the head for review, and then, having his resolution, fill out the entire registration form.

Having filled out the card, one of them is placed in the deadline card index, the other in the information and reference file, and the document is handed over to the contractor to work with him.

Control over the execution of documents. Monitoring the execution of the assigned task is one of the management functions. In control, one can distinguish control over the essence of resolving the issue and control over the timing of the assignment. Control on the merits of the execution of the order, the resolution of the issue is carried out by the head (institution or department) or specially authorized persons. Control in essence is an assessment of how correctly, successfully, and fully the issue is resolved. Control over the deadlines for the execution of documents is carried out by the secretary or the management documentation support service. Term control can be divided into routine and preventive.

Conducting control requires knowledge of simple methods, techniques and the availability of technical means.

Given the still low performing discipline in the country, all documents requiring execution and response should be put under control.

The deadlines for the execution of documents can be determined by law. For example, for the execution of citizens' requests. In documents received from higher organizations and containing any order, usually the term is indicated in the documents themselves. In administrative documents and decisions of collegial bodies, the term is indicated for each item. On the documents considered by the head, the deadline for their execution is contained in the resolution. To resolve recurring issues in the institution, standard terms for the execution of such documents should be established and reflected in the instructions.

In the appendix to the "State system of documentation support for management" there is a list of typical deadlines for the execution of documents, which must be used when drawing up instructions for the office work of a particular institution.

For documents containing a complex task, long deadlines can be set (several months, six months, a year). In this case, it is necessary to divide the order into stages and control the execution of the task in stages.

The form of control is selected based on the capabilities of the institution. It could be a manual time file.

Term card index. For manual control, registration cards and a filing cabinet with 32 movable (cardboard or plastic) dividers are used. Thirty-one separators are the days of the month (31 days). For the 32nd separator, cards are placed on documents, the deadline for which falls the next month. In the last days of the month (2-3 days in advance), these cards will be placed according to the dates of the new month. Overdue cards are placed in front of the first separator. They stay here until a new, extended due date is indicated.

Having registered the documents in full, the secretary arranges the cards according to the deadlines, that is, puts each card on the number on which the document must be executed. All items of administrative documents are also issued on separate cards. In any form, you can write down on the card and oral instructions from the management.

Thus, the secretary for the deadline filing cabinet can easily know what is due on which day.

One of the main duties of the secretary at the beginning of the working day is to take out the cards for all tasks of the current day from the deadline file cabinet and check if they will be completed today. This can be a personal survey, a telephone survey, etc. If the fulfillment of any task is disrupted and it is necessary to postpone the deadline, this is reported to the manager. The term of performance can only be changed by the person who previously established it.

In addition to ongoing monitoring, the secretary must conduct preventive monitoring. To do this, he will take cards for tasks, the deadline for which expires in 3 days, and will warn each performer about this. Daily monitoring (routine and preventive) creates a normal working atmosphere in the office. Employees are taught that the completion of any task will be required on time.

A systematic check of execution, skillfully and correctly carried out by the secretary, who tactfully reminds that the document is needed on time, that the prosperity of the company depends on the timely resolution of the issue, etc., all the time emphasizes the need for this employee and his work. In addition, the deadline card file helps in planning the manager's working day, since it reflects all the activities and tasks for a given date.

When the document has been executed, a note is made on the back of the card, indicating how the issue was resolved, for what number and when the document was sent. The document is considered executed when the tasks set in the document or specified in the resolution are fully completed. If, in the process of resolving the issue, the document was transferred from one performer to another, all this is also recorded on the back of the card. After removing the document from control, the control card is taken out of the deadline card index and rearranged into the reference card. Control over the timing of execution should be carried out in each structural unit.

From time to time (in large institutions on a monthly basis), analytical reports are drawn up, which indicate how many documents were taken for control, how many were not completed on time, of which for valid and disrespectful reasons.

Information and reference work. One of the main purposes of registration is to create a database of documents of the institution. The secretary-assistant (in a large institution, the service of information and documentation support of management) on the basis of this databank is obliged to answer two types of questions in a few minutes:

who, where, at what stage of work is any document and - in which documents you can find information on a specific issue.

Possession of the entire set of information and documentation resources - the most important task secretary (preschool educational institution). And first of all, for this task, all data on documents is recorded in registration forms.

A reference card file is built from registration cards. A file cabinet needs a long box or several boxes, since cards will, unlike a deadline control file, accumulate throughout the year.

The separators in the reference file will be the names of structural units (if any) or areas of activity in the institution. Inside these sections, it is most convenient to place cards in alphabetical order of correspondents or questions of activity (goods, products, etc.). A separate file is kept for citizens' appeals (proposals, statements, complaints). It is also good to have a separate card index for legislative, regulatory and administrative documents, which is built on a thematic basis.

At the time of registration, as already mentioned above, two cards must be drawn up: one is placed in the deadline control card file, the other in the reference file. This has to be done because a request for a document may come when it is still in work and it will not be possible to quickly make inquiries on the deadline file. Such a request in the allotted 3 minutes can only be performed using the reference file. Consequently, while the document is in work, there are two cards for it - in the deadline and reference card indexes.

After the execution of the document, the card from the timeframe, as more complete and having all the marks on the solution of the issue raised in the document, is rearranged into the reference card index, and a similar card from the reference card index is removed and destroyed or used to create an additional reference card index for searching documents by another search engine. attribute (for example, if the main card index is built on a thematic basis, then the additional cards can be arranged alphabetically by correspondents).

In operational work there are filing cabinets for the current and last year. The general storage period for cards is 3 years. In the card index of legislative and regulatory and administrative documents, the cards remain until the documents are replaced with new ones.

The possibilities of information and reference services have been significantly expanded with the introduction of an automated registration system.

Sending documents. Processing and sending of outgoing documents, as well as receiving and processing incoming documents, are carried out centrally or by a secretary or in an expedition (forwarder).

Having received a document for shipment, first of all, they check the correctness of its execution:

presence of a signature;

the presence of a date (if it is not on the document being sent, it is affixed);

the presence of a title;

the presence of a mark about the performer;

correct addressing;

if the document is intended for a one-time correspondent, the presence of an address;

the presence of all pages in the document and all specified annexes.

These design elements are required when sending a document both by mail and by fax. If the document is executed incorrectly or is not presented in a complete set, it is returned to the contractor for revision.

When a document is sent by mail, it is converted. Documents sent to one address are put together in one envelope. Envelopes are addressed, marked. For regular correspondents, envelopes are prepared in advance. All registration of documents intended for postage is carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of postal rules.

However, in last years With the development of the transmission of documents via telephone communication channels (fax, e-mail), the amount of correspondence sent by traditional mail is constantly decreasing.

The transmission of documents using e-mail significantly reduces the time for transferring information and increases the reliability of delivery.

At the same time, one should not forget that the transmission of documents by e-mail poses the problem of certifying the authenticity of the signature (document authorization), that is, the use of a special program " electronic signature"and concluding a special authorization agreement with each correspondent.

1.3 The technology of organizing work with documents in the linguistic school "Success" at KGOU SPO KPK

In the linguistic school "Success", office management is assigned to the head. linguistic school (as a structural unit). It directly works with all types of documents (incoming, outgoing, internal except accounting) and ensures their processing and accounting.

The procedure for working with documents, as well as their preparation and execution, is described in sufficient detail in the regulatory and methodological documents. For the linguistic school "Success" as a structural unit of KGOU SPO KPK operates general position developed on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and the charter of the college.

This Regulation regulates the activities of the "Linguistic School" Success "" as a structural unit of the KPC. The normative basic linguistic school is the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated June 10, 1992. No. 3266-1 (as amended by Federal Laws), a standard regulation on an educational institution of secondary vocational education, approved by the RF Government Decree of March 3, 2001 No. 160, other regulations governing the activities of an educational institution. In its activities, the linguistic school is guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Ministry of Education of the Khabarovsk Territory, the Charter of the KPC, this Regulation. The linguistic school provides additional educational services in teaching foreign languages ​​to children of preschool and school age, pupils, students of educational institutions. The linguistic school implements intensive, author's creative programs and modern methods of teaching foreign languages.

The goals and objectives are to create favorable conditions for the versatile development of the individual, including by meeting the needs of students in self-education and receiving additional education in the field of a foreign language. In-depth study of foreign languages, history and literature of the countries of the studied language, culture and regional studies. Teaching foreign languages ​​using creative and intensive methods, preparing for admission to Susa and universities. Organization of exchange programs with foreign schools, internships for students and school teachers, participation in International competitions and Olympiads. Organization of cooperation with foreign educational institutions, foundations. Conducting seminars for teachers of foreign languages.

All school activities are carried out in accordance with the developed programs approved by the Ministry of Education of the Khabarovsk Territory, on a pedagogically grounded choice of means, methods and forms of education, taking into account the interests, inclinations and age characteristics of students on a paid basis. The school practices group teaching. The occupancy of groups is 10-12 people. The mode of classes is 2-3 times a week (4-6 academic hours), which includes the practice of speaking and writing, listening, reading foreign literature and additional specials. courses on communication, business, work with the press, drama, etc. Payment per month according to the contract, depending on the intensity of the classes. Payment is subject to change during the year due to inflation. All teachers of the school have higher pedagogical education, experience in teaching foreign languages, work under an employment agreement (contract). The duration of the school year, quarters, weeks and the duration of vacations is determined by the order of the head of the school at the beginning of the school year or by semester. Students take tests 2 times a year in order to check the assimilation of educational material, have the opportunity to participate in the cultural life of the school, hold holidays, and work on individual projects.

The school is located in the educational building of the KPK at Krasnorechenskaya 114A and uses the property of the college on the basis of operational management. The source of funding for the school is:

budgetary and extrabudgetary funds;

gratuitous and charitable contributions;

other sources in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Funds received from citizens for education are sent to a special account of the COD and are distributed in accordance with an agreement between the director of the college and the head of the school. Control over the financial and economic activities of the school is carried out by the director of the KPK.

The school is managed by a head appointed by the director of the KPC on the terms employment contract... The head of the school recruits and plans the strategy for the development of the school. School teachers conduct organizational and educational activities in accordance with the charter of the KPC and this regulation, ensuring the necessary professional level of their activities.

The school is being reorganized, liquidated on the basis of a decision of the Council educational institution COD by order of the director in case of violation of this provision or the charter of COD.

The main document of the organization is a license (1) with a list of professional educational programs, according to which the State educational institution of secondary vocational education "Khabarovsk Pedagogical College" has the right to conduct educational activities (2), as well as the rules for the provision of paid services of the Khabarovsk Pedagogical College based also on general provisions ...

Rules for the provision of paid educational services COD.

General Provisions:

These rules are developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation. "On Education" as amended by Federal Law No. 12-F3 dated 13.01.96 (Article 45); Model regulations on an educational institution of secondary vocational education; The Law of the Khabarovsk Territory "On the procedure for the introduction of paid services by state and local authorities, state and municipal organizations" dated 31.10.96 No. 73; Resolution of the Head of the Khabarovsk Territory Administration "On Approval of the Regulations on the Procedure for Introducing Paid Services by State and Local Government Bodies, State and Municipal Organizations" dated 01.09.97 No. 383; College charter; other regulatory acts of R.F.

The rules determine the order, types of paid educational services, the conditions and procedure for their provision, the obligations of students.

Paid additional educational services are provided in order to meet the educational needs of students, improve the quality of the educational process.

The possibility of providing services of this type is provided for by the Charter of the college and is carried out at the expense of extra-budgetary funds of sponsors, organizations, individuals, incl. parents.

The rules are binding on all employees and students of COD.

Types of paid educational services (3).

Conditions for the provision of paid educational services:

The college provides paid educational services to the population with a license to carry out the relevant educational activities.

Educational services cannot be provided in exchange for and within the framework of the main educational activities financed from the budget.

The income from the specified activities of the college is reinvested in this educational institution at its discretion, including to increase expenses for wages college workers. This activity does not apply to entrepreneurial activity.

The main workflow is made up of orders based on the conclusion of contracts "on the provision of paid educational services" (4). Orders regulate:

composition of study groups;

Teaching Staff;

school schedule;

payment for classes;

and etc. organizational issues (holidays, etc.).

And also there is a journal for recording attendance and progress through which the work of the educational process is monitored, and the teacher's time sheet, according to which employees are paid.

Time sheets and orders are transferred to the accounting department, which, in turn, controls the work of the school and pays for the work of the school staff.

1.4 Possibilities of using modern computer technologies in office work

When they talk about office automation or workflow, they usually mean any Information Technology related to document processing - from the use of word processors to workflow management systems and database management. In a modern institution, the main technological tools for working with documents are computers installed at the workstations of performers and connected to a network. If a computer network covers at least all workplaces of office personnel in structural divisions of an organization, then it becomes possible to use the network to move documents and centrally track the progress of the office process - right up to the work of performers on documents at their workplaces.

In the linguistic school "Success" at KGOU SPO KPK, the computer network does not cover all the workplaces of office personnel, so it is difficult to track the movement of documents and monitor their execution. Basically, all documents are prepared using text and graphic editors, the capabilities of which are discussed below, and then, in the printed version, are transferred to the performers. Thus, it becomes quite difficult to control their implementation. To simplify the task of control, we have developed a system of automated registration and control of execution of documents based on the Outlook program. The advantages of developing our information system specifically in Outlook are also discussed in detail below. The introduction of a computerized document registration system ensures the collection and storage of comprehensive data on all documents of the organization, allows for effective control and conduct information and reference work. Working with documents in Microsoft Word

Modern office work is characterized by the introduction of computer technology into the process of working with documents. The development of technology and new information technologies allows for solving one of the main tasks of office work - creating documents - using various text editors. This environment makes it possible to quickly edit documents, use ready-made forms (templates) in the preparation of basic types of documents, multiple duplication of created documents, and much more.

The main software products used to solve this problem are Microsoft Word, Lexicon for Windows, WordPerfect for Windows. The most optimal work seems to be in Microsoft Word.

The Word text editor is a versatile software environment for working with text documents, designed to make it easier to work with different types of documents. It provides a variety of possibilities, both in the preparation of texts and in the manipulation of ready-made text documents saved on various media. New texts can be formed from fragments of ready-made texts; various objects created in other applications can be embedded in the texts; text documents can be transmitted over communication lines of local and global computer networks.

For the Word editor, the following features can be noted, as a rule, inherent in other word processors:

the use of a variety of fonts and their styles;

use in one document of symbols of alphabets of different languages ​​(Cyrillic, Latin, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, etc.);

editing text and checking spelling (spelling and grammar);

automatic pagination of the document, introduction of page headers (headers and footers), footnotes;

built-in business graphics toolkit (allowing you to include diagrams, drawings, diagrams in the text);

various tools for formatting the finished text (alignment, columns, numbering);

maintaining a stepped multilevel table of contents;

finding and replacing a piece of text;

work with several documents at the same time, including documents from different environments (text, spreadsheets, graphics, databases).

In addition, the Word editor has a wide range of automation tools to simplify common tasks:

work with macro sequences of characters;

autocorrect typing errors;

automatic text formatting as you type (autoformat);

automatic suggestion of the full version of the date, as well as words or phrases from the autotext list after entering the first few letters (auto-completion);

automatic analysis of the document in order to highlight its key provisions, on the basis of which the author's abstract is drawn up;

the ability to create styles;

automatic provision of tips and reference information that you may need during the task (assistant);

the presence of a wizard for letters, calendars, agendas, resumes, envelopes, faxes, facilitating the work of creating documents.

The listed functions of MSWord greatly simplify the work of clerical staff when creating and editing text documents.

Working with documents in MS EXCEL program

Information support for management activities includes technologies for the preparation and processing of various types of documents, in which information in numerical form (financial, accounting, planning and analytical, etc.) occupies a significant place, drawn up in the form of various kinds of tables, forms of statements, forms , lists. In such cases, the use of Excel spreadsheets is very useful, with the help of which you can: work with tables and perform calculations, including very complex ones; build graphs based on the data contained in the tables; create databases and process them.

Numerous publications are devoted to describing the capabilities of MS Excel. Here we will give only some recommendations that can be useful when creating documents and working with them in MS Excel.

The creation of any document in MS Excel, regardless of the version of this program used, it is advisable to start with a description of the general properties using the command File, Properties, Fill in the fields, Title, Subject, Author, Keywords allows you to save time when searching for developed documents.

Tabular presentation of data. The main property of an Excel spreadsheet worksheet is the ability to store different types of data in contiguous cells: text, numbers, or formulas. It is enough to make the cell active and type on the keyboard what you need. The type of data entered is determined automatically. It is intended not only for storing numerical and non-numerical data, but for performing all kinds of operations with this data. Formulas are the essence of Excel. They can be built in a variety of ways.

Graphical presentation of statistical data. In the documentation, along with tables, charts are widely used. They are a convenient means of visual presentation of data and successfully complement tables or even replace them, help in the analysis and comparison of data to facilitate their perception and interpretation.

Excel has two different ways building diagrams that differ in the way they are stored in computer memory: embedded diagrams and individual diagrams. Embedded charts are charts superimposed on the working page and saved in the same file (they occupy part of the spreadsheet). Individual diagrams are independent graphical objects (occupy the entire screen).

To build any diagram, you must specify the data, which will then be presented in a graphical form. The easiest way to create an embedded chart is to use the Chart Wizard. After clicking on the Chart Wizard button, a dialog box appears on the screen, where, after specifying all the data, we get a ready-made chart.

Working with user templates. To save time spent on creating documents, it is advisable to systematically analyze the content of documents and develop their standard forms. The template is the basis for creating a standard document. Execution of the File, New in Microsoft Excel command invokes the offer to select one of the templates for creating a new document.

Headers and footers in Excel. In order to simplify the work with printed documents, it is advisable to use headers and footers. A footer is a field in which you can enter reference or explanatory material, such as file name, worksheet name, page number, current date and time, department name and other service information. Information entered in the header and footer of just one page appears in the headers and footers of all pages. Headers and footers are located at the top or bottom of the page. In Excel, you can use the built-in header and footer formats or create your own. Before printing, you can set their position relative to the edge of the page.

The considered examples of the use of text and graphic editors are mainly used as a means of creating documents. But it is very difficult, with a large document flow in an organization, to search for the necessary information, to trace the relationship of the created document with other related documents. Therefore, at present, for information support of a modern institution, database management systems (DBMS) .ACCESS are increasingly used as a means of creating and operating a database.

Currently, several of the most popular office database management systems (DBMS) are used to create databases in small organizations, but the most popular for many reasons is the Microsoft Access DBMS (or MS Access). Depending on the capabilities of a particular computer and on the version of the installed operating system (Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP), different versions of the DBMS are used (Access 97, 2000, XP).

Access fully implements relational database management. The system supports primary and foreign keys and ensures data integrity at the kernel level (which prevents incompatible update or delete operations). In addition, tables in Access are equipped with data validation tools to prevent incorrect input, regardless of how it is performed, and each table field has its own format and standard descriptions, which greatly simplifies data entry. The fundamental characteristics of any DBMS are the types of data that it can store and process. Access DBMS allows you to use the following data types in records:

Counter: This field is automatically set when a new record is added to the database. The values ​​in these fields are inaccessible to the user and cannot be updated: if any records are deleted, then the counter continues the existing numbering.

Text: This field can contain up to 255 characters of free text. If the field length is not specified, then the default is 50 characters: this field can contain an arbitrary set of characters up to 64K.

Numeric: contains integers and / or fractional numbers and occupies from one to eight bytes, depending on the type (value) of the number.

Date / Time: contains the date in various formats (for example, short format is 12/31/2004, full format is 12/31/04 23:59:59, etc.).

Currency: this field specifies the amount of money with an accuracy of 15 whole and 4 fractional decimal places (in this case, only two decimal places are usually displayed on the screen).

Boolean: These fields contain Boolean values ​​YES or NO.

OLE Object: These fields store objects that have been transferred from other applications (pictures, tables).

If no values ​​are found in the fields during special processing, the system provides full support for null values.

Relational data processing in Access due to the flexible architecture of the system is able to satisfy any need. At the same time, Access can be used as a stand-alone DBMS in the file server mode or as a client component of products such as SQL Server. Besides. Access supports the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) protocol, which allows you to connect to databases in many different formats, such as SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, and even DB / 2 mainframes from IBM.

Access supports transaction processing with guaranteed integrity. In addition, user-level security is provided, which allows you to control access to data for individual users and entire groups.

Microsoft's help system remains the best in the industry for both novice and experienced users. Access provides context-sensitive help that can be accessed by clicking , and the screen will immediately display help information on the issue that interests the user at the moment. In this case, you can easily go to the table of contents of the help system, specific information, the history of previous calls and bookmarks.

The Wizard can turn hours of work into minutes. The wizards ask leading questions about the content, style and format of the object being created; then they automatically build the desired object. Access has about a hundred wizards to help you design databases, applications, tables, forms, reports, charts, mailing labels, controls, and properties. You can even customize the wizards for different tasks. Allows you to import and export files of many well-known formats, including dBASE, FoxPro, Excel, SQL Server, Oracle, Btrieve, many ASCII text formats (including with a fixed line length or a specified delimiter), and See also HTML data. The import creates an Access table; exporting an Access table creates a file in the specified format.

Linking (formerly called attachment) means that you can use external data without creating an Access table. You can make a similar link to dBASE, FoxPro, Excel, ASCII, and SQL data. A very powerful feature — linking Access tables to their external tables and then sharing them — applies to Access tables, dBASE, FoxPro, and SQL Server.

The design windows for forms and reports have the same interface and provide the user with many options. The form or report is designed according to the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) principle. By adding another control, the user sees how the created form changes.

Forms and reports can include labels, text data fields, radio buttons, check boxes, lines, and rectangles, and style them with color and shadow on items. Moreover, you can include entire pictures, diagrams, subforms, and subreports. At the same time, all parameters of data presentation remain completely under the control of the user.

Forms can span many pages, and reports can have many levels of grouping and summarizing data.

Forms and reports can be previewed for a bird's eye view by zooming in. In design mode, you can view the report with dummy data so that you do not have to wait for a large real file to be processed.

The Report Designer is a very powerful tool, with up to ten levels of grouping and sorting. It allows you to create reports showing percentages and totals in just two passes.

One of the most powerful features of Access is also the most important. Relationships let you link tables graphically. You can even link tables that represent different file types (for example, an Access table and a dBASE table). After such a linking, the tables act as a whole, and now you can build queries in relation to any data in them. You can select specific fields, define a sort order, create calculated expressions, and enter criteria for selecting the records you want. You can display the results of a query as a table, form, or report. The user is not required to set up links in advance: instead, it is enough to enter the query designer (for example, when you need to build a specific report).

Queries apply in other cases as well. You can create queries that calculate totals, display grouped tables, and build new tables. You can even use a query to update data in tables, delete records, and add one table to another.

Access uses the same graphics application as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Project. It allows you to create hundreds of types of graphs and charts, customizing them based on your specific needs. You can create bar, bar, pie, surface, and other charts in both 2D and 3D. They can be arbitrarily accompanied by text, decorated different colors and patterns. Values ​​can be displayed in bars or slices of pie charts. You can rotate the diagram images so that they are displayed from any convenient angle. All this is provided by the Access Graph program.

With DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) and OLE (Object Linking and Embedding), you can add all sorts of new objects to Access forms and reports. These objects can be sound, pictures, diagrams, and even video clips. You can embed OLE objects (such as bitmaps) or word processor documents (Word or WordPerfect), or link to Excel spreadsheets. By linking these objects to their database, the user can create dynamic forms and reports, and use the same information in different Windows applications.

Access now provides all the features that enable an application to communicate with the Internet / intranet. With one click, you can save tables, queries, forms and reports in HTML format. A wizard allows even a novice to transfer HTML codes from an object to a Web page, making them available for use by anyone who surfs the Internet. Hyperlinks allow you to access data that is located on a Web page directly from Access forms. Contains over a hundred functions (small built-in programs that return a value as a result of execution) that perform a variety of tasks. There are functions for manipulating databases, strings, numbers in date and time format, mathematical, business and financial. They can be used to create calculated expressions in forms, reports, and queries.

For non-programmers (or power users who simply don't want to program), Access provides macros. They allow you to automate some tasks. About fifty macros make it possible to manipulate data, create menus and dialog boxes, open forms and reports, in a word, automate almost any task. Using macros, you can solve about 90% of all data processing tasks. This is a serious application development environment with a full-featured programming language. Visual Basic for Applications - VBA (formerly known as Access Basic) takes an object-oriented approach to programming and allows the programmer to do almost anything imaginable. It is a powerful structured programming language.

The full-featured development environment supports many powerful modern features: multi-window mode for editing and debugging, automatic syntax checking, breakpoints, step-by-step execution, and even syntax help that displays options for input commands on the screen.

In business or personal sphere often you have to work with data from different sources, each of which is associated with a specific type of activity. Some knowledge and organizational skills are required to coordinate all of this data. Microsoft Access combines information from different sources in a single relational database. The forms, queries, and reports you create allow you to quickly and efficiently update data, get answers to questions, search for the data you need, analyze the data, and print reports.

In the database, information from each source is stored in a separate table. When working with data from multiple tables, relationships are established between tables.

To search and select data that meets certain conditions, a query is created. Queries also allow you to update or delete multiple records at the same time, perform built-in or ad-hoc calculations.

Forms are used to view, enter or change data directly in the table. The form allows you to select data from one or more tables and display it on the screen using a standard or user-created layout.

You can use a report to analyze the data or print it in a specific way, for example, you can create and print a report that groups data and calculates totals.

To automatically perform some operations, macros are used that contain a set of one or more macros, such as opening forms or printing reports. Macros can be useful for automating frequently performed tasks. For example, when the user clicks a button, you can run a macro that prints a report.

Sometimes it is necessary to create your own procedure, which should be launched from any window in the database, or a procedure designed to handle a specific event. A set of such procedures in the Visual Basic language, collected in one program unit, is called a module. There are two main types of modules: class modules and standard modules. Class modules are form modules and report modules associated with a specific form or report. They often contain event routines (such as a key press) and are generated automatically when the first event routine is created. Standard modules contain general procedures that are not associated with any object, as well as commonly used procedures that can be launched from any window in the database.


.1 Modern means of organizing office work and document flow

Requirements for modern office work and document flow. Each document must quickly reach the addressee (otherwise it simply does not make sense). In many cases, the task of delivering the document is assigned to an important government agency - the post office. However, it is still required of the document that it would always be useful and that it could be quickly found at the right time.

When working with a document, you must follow certain rules. Of course, such rules cannot be complicated, but one should agree that such rules should be, and they should be followed. Nobody will argue with this thesis, but unfortunately, in the practice of any organization there are enough annoying (and expensive) examples of non-fulfillment of elementary office work requirements.

All employees should not be expected to be extremely disciplined at all times and to be walking clerical aids. But a smart employee should always know where to get an answer to his questions.

Experience has shown that even in a small office, business rules must be written. Indeed, if you demand and expect order from your subordinates, you should not rely on the collective memory of your employees. It is better to spend two hours once on drawing up a set of general rules than to be constantly upset by the lack of necessary documents and the "stupidity" of employees.

Fundamentals of office work. What should be reflected in the internal rules of office work? It is impossible to foresee everything and there is no need to strive for this, but it is recommended to stipulate some standard requirements in these rules.

First of all - the very list of affairs of the company or division, their designations and names.

It is necessary to indicate who is personally responsible for each of the cases and where these cases should be stored. To avoid confusion, you should install required list officials who must endorse the documents of each of the cases.

It should be established on which computers and in which folders the document files of each case should be stored, who can have access to the files of each case.

The order of work on a document does not always need to be regulated, but good practice requires that a predetermined folder be allocated on each computer for working on current documents. This is very useful when you urgently need to find a file in the absence of its owner. It should be specially stipulated that after approval of the document, its versions should be deleted in order to avoid misunderstandings, and the document file should be moved from the current documents folder to the folder intended for it.

The retention period for documents and associated files should also be agreed.

It is advisable to determine in advance the procedure for the temporary removal of documents from cases (for example, good practice requires that instead of a seized document, a sheet of paper must be inserted into the file indicating who, when and why took the document out of the file).

The procedure for registering documents and the obligatory nature of this procedure should be definitely specified. Usually, documents are registered by forming the document number from the case number and the registration number itself, not forgetting about the registration date.

A copy of the document kept in the file, as a rule, must be signed by the developer and all the necessary visas.

Particularly, the procedure and timing of intra-company distribution of documents should be stipulated, including operational decisions (decisions and orders of managers, minutes of operational meetings, etc.). Who is responsible for this should be indicated.

In the rules of office work, it is recommended to stipulate a list of actions that must be documented using acts of the established form - pedantry of this kind will not alienate conscientious leaders. It is useful to attach samples of standard documents to the rules of office work and, as experience is gained, even indicate the names and location of the corresponding template files of standard documents on computer disks - this will save time, discipline staff and contribute to the formation corporate identity work with documents.

Office work and document management using electronic communications systems. The forwarding of documents is usually trusted by mail. But the development of computer technology over the past decades has led to the fact that the post office of all countries has lost its monopoly on the transfer of information. Minor re-equipment of any computer makes it a powerful communication tool.

This book does not describe the intricacies of electronic communications - this is the business of professionals, and dozens of companies offer their competent services in this area. It is important for us to understand what opportunities are hidden in electronic communications systems.

There are two fundamentally different types of electronic communications devices. While the difference between the two may be completely subtle to the user, it is helpful to know about them.

The first group is designed to support local area networks of computers, the distance between which can be from meters to kilometers. Moreover, each of the computers in the local area network must be equipped with a special electronic device - the so-called network card. In addition, all included in local area network computers must be connected to each other with a special cable, and some additional equipment is required. Its composition strongly depends on the length of the local network.

The second group of devices does not require the laying of special cable networks; it is initially focused on the use of standard telephone communication channels. To use this technology, a computer must be equipped with a special device - a modem, and with the help of this device it must be connected to telephone communication channels. When using modems, the distance between computers and their placement no longer matter - you only need access to telephone communication channels. The world computer network Internet is based on this principle. However, it is necessary to understand that the software developed for the Internet can successfully work in local area networks of computers within the eye. In countries with the most developed electronic communications, a digital signature is already widely used in many areas of activity and even, for example, in corporate production management systems, in computer-aided design systems, in the banking sector. The electronic signature became like this important factor business life, that the US has already passed a law on the procedure for its use, and it, subject to certain conditions, is equated to a traditional signature (however, in US legislation there are only a few legal procedures to which a digital signature will not apply). Probably, the adoption of a similar law in Russia is only a matter of time.

Corporate document management systems. Any document can be presented as a file. And manipulating files, processing and transferring them is what computers do best. Therefore, the logic of the development of events, competition and human genius quickly achieved the fact that now the document can be formed, agreed upon, signed, sent and read without putting it on paper. Since the computer does not forget anything, does not lose anything and does not confuse anything, and the cost of storing information in it is rapidly decreasing, it turned out to be effective to entrust the computers with all the documents of the company in full.

The sum of all the achievements of information technology has led to the emergence of corporate document management systems. To create such a system, it is necessary that the company's employees have access to computers equipped with electronic communications and special software. The corporate document management system allows you to do with documents everything that is done with them in any office work and document management system. At the same time, the corporate document management system provides fundamentally new opportunities available only to computers. This means that within such a system, computers combine all their best qualities for the good of the business.

For example, in such a workflow system, you can put an electronic signature on a document, restrict access to the document, send it to certain employees in a specific order, at any time determine where and at what stage of processing any document is located, and view notes related to the document of employees who processed his.

The corporate document management system is able to understand and correctly used in the company document processing processes. They allow you to describe a typical document (incoming or outgoing), its characteristic details, the order of its processing and the rights of participants in such a process. After that, the process will be automatically followed strictly and accurately. The document will be sequentially transferred from one official to another in accordance with the adopted technology for processing a document of the corresponding type. Each employee will receive a timely notification of receipt of the document sent to him, and he will not have to go anywhere. The document will come along with the necessary comments from employees and an indication of how urgently this document needs to be processed. In the corporate workflow system, the collection of generalized data is greatly facilitated, in which you have to process many documents related to different periods of time and different areas of activity.

Moreover, a document in such systems becomes not only the document itself, a table, a diagram, but also any image (static or dynamic), sound recording, and in general everything that a computer is capable of processing. An example of a static image can be, for example, a drawing of any complexity or an electronic model of a unit, product or structure. A dynamic image can be a simple advertising presentation or even a real video. Recall that the corporate document management system is insensitive to distances and allows, within a single system, according to uniform rules, to work in all branches of the company (including, for example, the Australian and Magadan branches) as if everyone were sitting in neighboring rooms. At the same time, the work will be carried out in real time, that is, a few minutes are enough to send a document over thousands of kilometers.

Of course, a corporate document management system is not a cheap pleasure. But how much can a lost or incorrectly processed document cost in a living matter, how much can timely and accurate information cost? Sometimes it's a matter of the firm's survival. In addition, let's not forget that reducing the cost of computer data processing and storing information in computer memory is one of the most dynamic positive processes in the history of mankind.

Several noteworthy species can be mentioned software corporate document management systems, but one of the undisputed leaders in this market is the Lotus Notes system and a wide range of systems and software products built on its characteristic solutions. This is precisely the range of software systems and solutions, the capabilities of which will have to be understood with the participation of dealers and experts, taking into account the requests of a particular company. It is important to realize that currently Lotus Notes technologies include both application development tools (programs) for distributed (multicomputer) computing environments, and ready-made software products for corporate document management. An example (not the only one) of a software product built on Lotus Notes technologies and providing support for corporate document flow is Domino.Doc..Doc has very wide capabilities for creating and managing documents in a distributed computing environment, providing the reliability characteristic of modern industrial solutions, including the following functions:

development of documents using any Windows software;

support for collective work on documents;

registration of incoming and outgoing documents;

support in the form of documents of any data that can be stored in electronic form;

saving versions of documents;

full-scale means of text search and retrieval of documents; About the creation of standard documents;

support of industrial means of protection and encryption of documents;

ensuring the identification of users and working groups of users in accordance with the hierarchical structure of the organization;

support for working with mobile and disconnected users (for example, with salesmen who have laptop computers and periodically connect them to the network).

Of course, such a complex software system requires skilled tuning and maintenance by specialists, but its high efficiency and flexibility will provide a solution to many of the problems that are key to productive work. For those who are trying to succeed in modern business It is important to understand that in a rapidly changing environment no solution will be good for very long. Tools for setting up corporate document management systems (and, of course, Domino.Doc) allow you to quickly ensure any maneuvers of the company, both in terms of its structure and the specifics of the services provided, with the confidence that confidential information will remain confidential, and accurate and complete information is accurate and complete.

Finishing a brief description of corporate document management systems, you should point out that new software products and solutions are rapidly appearing on this market, and if you are interested, be sure to familiarize yourself with the entire range of software products and services on the market before making a decision.

2.2 Implementation of document flow of the linguistic school "Success", as a structural subdivision of KGOU SPO KPK, in the environment of "MS Outlook"

.2.1 Features of the "Microsoft Outlook" system

Along with the Power Point presentation program, the Outlook Communication Manager is still one of the outsiders of the MS Office suite. Home users almost immediately delete it from the list of installed programs during the installation of the "office". And among the employees of firms and enterprises there are few of those who can take full advantage of the possibilities of this wonderful package.

A considerable share of responsibility for this unfortunate fact lies on the shoulders of the developers themselves - until the release of the latest version, Outlook remained one of the most cumbersome and inconvenient MS Office modules, and the wild number of errors in the localized version pretty much spoiled the mood of domestic users. And this was all the more annoying because, according to the creators' plan, it was supposed to become the center of an office suite and an everyday tool for any user. Today there is every reason for this - the errors have been fixed, and working with the program has become much more convenient than before.

The address book. Contact manager. If Outlook is the "heart" of MS Office, then the heart of Outlook itself is undoubtedly the contact manager. After all, the data from the address book will be used not only by himself, but also by all programs of the MS Office family. Unlike the simple Outlook Express address book, the contact manager allows you to compile a whole dossier on all your colleagues, familiar colleagues. In addition to purely business information, the address book provides special fields for the name of the wife, birthday, wedding anniversary of your colleague or friend. For now, don't worry about why the program needed to inquire about such personal details - just fill out the address book form. We will see later how fully Outlook uses all the information you enter.

Contact Manager allows you not only to create separate records for each recipient, but also to combine them into groups, creating so-called "Mailing Lists" - this feature will come in handy when you need to send the same message or file to all employees of a department in your office.

Email. In Windows, as we know, the junior representative of the Outlook family, Outlook Express, manages e-mail. And he copes with this work almost better than his "older brother". It works more correctly with Russian language encodings other than the standard Windows encoding; it can receive not only personal e-mail messages, but also messages from newsgroups ...

But the point here is not that Outlook Express is good, and Outlook is bad: it's just that the two programs have slightly different "spheres of activity." Oriented to work in a corporate network environment, Outlook allows you to send a message or file not only to the Internet, but also to your colleague on the local network.

You can create messages not only in the built-in editor of the program, as it was in Outlook Express: now any MS Office package can become your "desk". Having created a table in Excel or a text document in Word, you can, without leaving the program, send it to the desired recipient using the "File / Send" menu.

As a package for business use, Outlook has very sophisticated methods of protecting outgoing messages with built-in encryption systems and personalized electronic signatures. For a home user, all these degrees of protection, most often seem excessive, but be sure that when sending confidential data, extra precaution will not hurt. It has Outlook and a filter system for cleaning mail from all kinds of "electronic garbage" - commercial advertising, which is poured into every mailbox in abundance without the consent of the owner.

Fax machine. In the first versions of Outlook, MS Fax was included as a fax client, and it was simply impossible to work with it without tears. With Outlook 2000, the developers decided to correct this omission by replacing their in-house product with a stripped-down version of Symantec Fax.

You can create a fax message directly from the Outlook shell, but it is much more convenient to do it from other MS Office packages - Word or Excel - using the "File / Send" menu already familiar to us. The fax message wizard will allow you to add a beautiful and informative header to your document, and all the necessary information for sending, including the fax number, will be taken from the address book. In addition to sending, Outlook can be configured to receive faxes, both in manual and automatic mode. One of the few drawbacks of the Outlook fax wizard is the inability to send out on a schedule to a large number of users: for this you will have to install an additional full-featured version of Symantec WinFax Pro.

Video conferencing. In the event that your recipient's computer is equipped with at least the simplest Web-camera, you can at any time arrange a "video conference" in real time using the Net Meeting program installed on your computer. And you can call your future counterpart for a virtual "date", of course, using Outlook. The only pity is that in the practice of domestic business, videoconferencing within the office is still relatively uncommon, and bosses prefer to distribute valuable instructions to their subordinates, so to speak in real mode.

Calendar - and not only a calendar, but also a detailed diary with the ability to draw up an hourly schedule even for a whole year ahead. At the same time, all events and meetings scheduled for each day can be divided into categories, and in the future, the schedule for each of them can be displayed on the screen separately. There will be a separate calendar for "business meetings", "meetings", "lunches" and "planning meetings" ... and maybe even "love dates". Of course, there is no such category, but nothing will prevent the user from creating it on their own.

In addition to one-time events, you can also schedule recurring events. The resulting calendar can be displayed in several modes: events for the current day, for a week, for a month.

Tasks. In addition to the calendar, Outlook has a built-in scheduling tool - the task list. In it you can not only describe in detail what should be done and when, but also indicate how long you plan to meet, what is the amount of work, how much it will cost to complete, etc.

Another small, but important detail: Outlook can record the receipt of orders and some other types of electronic documents in a special folder called "Diary".

2.2.2 Solving the problems of accounting and control of execution of documents in the environment "MS Outlook"

1. Launch Outlook by clicking on the button on the Microsoft Office panel or using the Start button:

Start - Programs - Microsoft Outlook

Let's find groups of working folders in the program window.

Keeping track of people in the Contacts folder. The Contacts folder is organized like a database. In it, you can save a wide variety of information: email address, postal address, several phone numbers and some personal information related to the contact person, for example, birthday and anniversary of an event. When you enter a contact name or address, Outlook splits this information into components and places it in separate Fields. We can sort, group and filter contacts by any part of the name or address. Just click the button or select a menu command to send that contact a meeting request, email, or task. When saving information about a contact to a file, the file name can be: first name, last name, organization name, nickname of the contact person, or any other word that will help you quickly find this contact, for example, "caterer". Up to three addresses can be entered for each contact person. One of them can be specified as postal, after which it can be printed on mailing labels, envelopes and used to create letters to several recipients.

When you create contacts in the calendar, a message about the event associated with the contact, such as the birthday of the specified person, appears automatically on the corresponding pages.

Work technology

Let's open the "Contacts" folder.

Let's create a new contact. To do this, click on the "Create" button on the toolbar. A contact window will open

Let's enter information about the contact in the proposed fields on the "General" tab. Some of the fields have buttons that allow you to enter information more accurately. For example, let's click on the "Full Name" button. An additional window for entering a name will open. Fill in the fields associated with the contact's name.

The "Actions" tab will further reflect all actions related to this contact: phone calls, sending messages, and others.

Information about each contact is saved in a separate card. Let's close the contact window and see how the information is presented in the Contacts folder.

We will create several contacts from different organizations with which our company maintains business relations.

8. Let's create several contacts with employees from one enterprise. For this:

double click on the existing contact;

select the command from the menu "Actions" - "Create contact in the same enterprise"; a window will open in which some of the fields related to the address and phone numbers of the company will already be filled in;

we will enter the missing information, and also change, if necessary, the existing ones.

Let's enter the information about the employees of our company into the "Contacts" folder, and, first of all, the information about the director.

Let's change the current view of information about contacts in a folder, using the command "View" - "Current view" and choosing a view from the list provided:

Address Cards

Detailed address cards

Phone List

By organization or others.

Phone call. Keeping track of business phone calls is very important. Previously, with a good organization of work, a special book was used to record telephone messages, which reflected information: to whom or from whom the call was, date, time, text of the message, who received (transmitted). In the Outlook environment, you can automatically create a record of the telephone conversations made.

If you have a modem, Outlook can dial contact phone numbers. At the same time, the conversation time can be recorded in Outlook, which is entered into the Diary. You can also add notes about the conversation there.

Work technology

Let's open the "Contacts" folder. Let's select the contact person to call.

On the toolbar, open the list by clicking on the "Autodial" button or select the "Call a contact" command from the "Actions" menu. Select one of the contact phones from the list. The "New Call" window will open.

Check the box "Create a diary entry every time you call."

Let's click on the "Call" button. If there is a modem, the dialing of the phone number will start immediately and the “Phone call” window will open at the same time. When the modem makes a connection, you can pick up the handset and close the "New call" window.

It is especially important to indicate the parameters of employment if we work in a group and communicate our plans to other participants over the network. Our employment options will help them plan their working hours.

In the "Phone call" window, we will record the topic of the conversation and describe in more detail the content of the conversation. With good qualifications, the secretary can speak and record the conversation at the same time.

Close the window after recording the information about the call in it. When asked by the program "Do you want to save the changes you made?" answer in the affirmative. After that, the information about the phone call will be saved in the contact card and in the "Diary".

Merge the Contacts folder with Word documents. When sending letters, we have to inscribe the recipient's addresses on envelopes, as well as the return address. This work can be done automatically using information from your Contacts folder. To do this, use the "Mail Merge" mode in the Word programming environment.

Work technology

Let's open a new Word document.

Let's execute the command "Service" - "Envelopes and stickers". The Envelopes and Labels window opens.

Let's go to the "Envelopes" tab. We will see fields for inserting the recipient's address and return address. Above each field is an "Address Book" icon.

In the recipient field, click on the address book button. In the window that opens, select the recipient.

In the return address field, click on the address book button. In the window that opens, select the name of the director or other employee of your company, on behalf of whom the letter is sent. Uncheck the "Do not print" checkbox.

To select the envelope size, click on the "Options" button. Select the required envelope size from the list.

To view the inscription on the envelope, click on the "Add" button in the "Envelopes and Labels" window.

The folder to open when Outlook starts. When you start Outlook, one of the folders automatically opens, for example, Inbox, which contains information about the incoming e-mail. However, the user can independently specify the folder that will open when starting a program, for example, Outlook today.

Work technology

Let's start the Outlook program.

Let's go to the Advanced tab and click the Advanced Options button.

In the window that opens, expand the "Open" folder and select the "Outlook today" folder that will open when Outlook starts.

Let's finish working with the program.

Let's reopen the program and make sure that the folder you specified opens on startup.

User configuration. The Outlook software environment allows you to organize both personal work of each employee and group work. Group work assumes the ability to work with the same documents.

To organize group work of employees, it is necessary that the enterprise has a network organized and general rules for addressing and sending files over the network from one employee to another are established. These issues are dealt with by a special employee - the network administrator, who will instruct you at a specific workplace.

Outlook software environment offers three modes of working with mail:

only the Internet;

corporate or for work groups;

no email.

In this section, we'll take a look at the offline capabilities as well as the basic group collaboration capabilities using corporate email or the Internet.

Before starting work in the Outlook environment, we must define ourselves as a user of this program on this computer. This is done by creating an Internet user account. This entry will further define you as the default person responsible for all tasks and assignments in the Outlook environment.

Work technology

In the "Service" menu, select the "Parameters" item.

Let's go to the "Mail delivery" tab.

Let's click on the button "Change the configuration of mail services".

Let's make sure that our computer is set to work with "Internet only" mail. Let's click on the "Cancel" button.

In the "Service" menu, select the "Accounts" item.

In the Internet Accounts dialog box, select the Mail tab.

office work computer technology outlook

7. Let's look at the existing accounts and click on the "Add" button. The "Internet Connection Wizard" will start. Then follow the steps of the "Wizard":

enter a name, for example, Anna Ilyina or your name;

we will indicate the email address, for example [email protected] or your address;

specify the server of incoming messages: mail.ru or your server;

specify the server of outgoing messages: mail.ru or your own server;

we will indicate the account (you can leave the one suggested by the "Wizard") and, if necessary, the password;

set the switch "Method of connecting to the Internet" manually;

finish the work of the "Wizard" by clicking the "Finish" button; the Internet Accounts dialog box reappears with the account you created.

Highlight the created account. Let's click on the "Properties" button. Let's review and, if necessary, change the properties of the account.

Click on the "Use as default" button. Now we have identified Anna Ilyina (or ourselves) as a user of the program.

Let's close the dialog box.

Working time planning work. The secretary's activities are very diverse. This includes the preparation of documents, and phone calls, and the organization of the reception of visitors and much more. This activity related to the solution of current issues is invisible to the uninitiated person. However, the efficiency of the enterprise depends on how successfully and efficiently it is carried out.

In Outlook, all appointments are categorized into the following groups that you already know about: Appointments, Meetings, Events, Tasks, and Phone Calls.

Meetings. A meeting is an event involving one or two persons. The time of the meeting is agreed between them and is reserved in the calendar. The meeting does not require the involvement of resources: a special room, preparation time, material costs. A meeting can be called a daily report to the head, a phone call, and receiving visitors. The important thing is that, as a rule, this is a small business, in terms of the time spent on preparation; it is scheduled for a certain time and is one-sided (performed personally by the secretary) or two-sided (conversation between two).

Work technology

Let's click on the "Moment" time scale, located no earlier than half an hour from the current time;

Let's write down the subject of the meeting and press "Enter".

The meeting will be marked with a special alert icon. The program will automatically sound a signal 15 minutes before the start of the meeting to warn of the approaching meeting.

Let's wait for the sound signal.

Let's change the duration of the meeting:

move the mouse pointer over the upper or lower border of the meeting record (the mouse pointer will change shape);

grab and move the meeting border.

Let's create a few more meetings with different topics for the coming days.

Change meeting options. When scheduling an appointment, you can associate it with a contact. Then information about her will be recorded in the contact details. Based on this information, you can always remember when and what meetings took place with the contact, what they were dedicated to. When scheduling a meeting, we can specify the employment options.

Work technology

Open the meeting options window by double-clicking on the subject or on an empty line in the diary.

Consider the Meeting tab.

Let's do the following:

change the topic of the meeting;

indicate the meeting place;

disable the alert flag;

set the parameters of employment: busy, free, questionable, not at work.

We will link the meeting with a contact. To do this, click on the "Contacts" button at the bottom of the dialog box and in the list of contacts that opens, select the name of the contact person with whom the meeting is scheduled.

Notes and attachments. Usually some business issues are discussed during the meeting. We can make notes in the meeting window, notes, what issues are supposed to be discussed, suggestions on the topics discussed, etc. If a document is being prepared for a meeting, then it can either be inserted directly into the meeting window, or linked to it.

Work technology

Open the meeting window

In the text field for the notes for the meeting, write down the text: "Discuss the deadlines, the number of participants and the range of their questions."

Attach the file created and saved on the computer to the meeting:

click on the "Add file" button (or the Insert menu - File);

find the required file in the browse window and click on the "Insert" button (the file icon will appear in the window).

We can also insert the contents of the file:

select the "Object" item from the "Insert" menu;

in the dialog box, set the "Create from file" radio button;

click on the "Browse" button and select the file name in the dialog box;

close the dialog boxes by clicking on the "OK" button and make sure that the contents of the file appear in the notes field.

Scheduling recurring appointments. In the work of the secretary, there are meetings that are periodically repeated. For example, a report to the director is made at the beginning of each working day, documents are signed at the end of the working day, once a week meetings are held dedicated to planning the upcoming work and a report “On the work done”. All of these types of appointments can be marked as recurring in the calendar. In this case, they will automatically be recorded on the scheduled days.

Work technology

Let's create several appointments in the calendar, which will then be assigned a recurrence attribute (Table 1).

Table 1 - Recurring events

Day of week

"Sign of repetition"


Viewing mail



Report to the director



Signing of documents




every week

Reception on personal matters

every week

Results of work

every week

Let's set a recurrence flag for a meeting:

double click to open the meeting window;

on the toolbar, click on the "Repetition" button;

in the "Recurrence" dialog box, set the necessary recurrence parameters;

close the meeting window and find other dates in the calendar for which a recurring meeting will be automatically recorded.

Scheduling meetings and events. The meeting involves inviting several participants. Outlook allows you to select members from your Contacts folder and automatically send them invitations. This type of work is directly related to the possibility of group work on the network. An event is an all-day activity.

Work technology

Let's open a recurring meeting "Plannerka".

Click on the "Available to Members" tab. When you click this tab, the appointment is automatically converted to a meeting.

To select participants and send them invitations, click on the "Others" button. The address book will open.

Let's select the meeting participants.

In the generated list, click on the send invitation icon next to each participant and select "send" or "do not send" invitations.

When forming the "Contacts" folder, all dates of births and anniversaries are automatically recorded in the diary for the corresponding days as events. Such an entry on the right day will remind us of the need to congratulate a partner, which is a sign of courtesy in business communication. The event is indicated in the header of the diary sheet. Let's go through the diary and make sure that the corresponding entry is made on the birthdays of your employees and partners.

Let's create an event for the whole day "Seminar of Managers":

double click to open a new meeting;

check the box "All day";

set the rest of the meeting parameters: topic, place, date, time, participants.

Create a task. The "Calendar" folder window contains the "Taskbar". A task, unlike an appointment, does not have a specific due date or time. It only has a specific start date and due date. Tasks are stored in a separate folder with the same name. The "taskbar" in the calendar is linked to the "Tasks" folder. You can set the following task parameters:

indicate the topic of the problem;

set a start date and due date;

track the stages of completion: not started, in progress, completed, postponed, pending;

we will indicate the percentage of the task completed;

entrust the task to another performer and monitor the execution;

link the task to a contact;

attach a file or write down notes;

change the view of the task details in the window.

Many of these options are similar to meeting options.

Work technology

Let's consider the presentation of information about tasks in the Calendar folder and in the Tasks folder. They overlap in many ways.

Let's go to the "Tasks" folder.

To create a task, click on the line labeled "Click" - "add an item" - "Task". In this way, we can set the theme, "Due date" and some more parameters "Tasks". We will write down the “Order for the approval of the vacation schedule” and indicate the due date in the drop-down “Calendar”, then press “Enter”.

To enter detailed information about the task, double-click to open the task parameters window.

Let's enter the start date, state, percentage of the task completion. Let's check the alert box.

Let's attach the "Order file" to the task.

Let's create a few more tasks for the next 5 days:

collect information about vacations;

draw up a plan for the seminar;

make a list of seminar participants;

we will send telephone messages to the participants of the seminar.

Assigning the task to another person and monitoring the execution. The secretary not only independently performs the tasks of the director, but can also, on his instructions, assign the task to another employee and monitor the implementation.

Outlook allows you to assign a task to anyone in your Contacts folder. When a task is assigned, it is automatically sent over the network to an employee who becomes the owner of the task. The assigned task is stored in the secretary's folder, who thus has the ability to monitor the progress of its implementation.

Work technology

Let's open the task window "Send telephone messages to seminar participants".

On the toolbar, click on the "Assign task" button. The "To ..." line will appear.

Let's click on the "To ..." button. The window for the recipient of the order will open.

Select the required contact by clicking and move it to the list of message recipients by clicking on the "To ..." button.

Let's close the window and make sure that the selected contact is indicated in the "To ..." line.

Let's close the task window. Outlook will start forwarding the task immediately. After we have assigned a task to another person, we cease to be its owner, that is, we cannot change its parameters. All that remains for us is to control the execution of the task.

Let's see in the Tasks folder how the Tasks icon has changed. A new icon means that the task has been assigned to another person. Tasks in a folder are grouped by responsible person.

Let's create a few more tasks and assign them to different people from the Contacts folder.

Change the presentation of task details. The task details are presented in the form of a table. Column headings indicate the displayed options for the task. The software environment allows you to change the presentation of information about the task. To do this, use the "Current View" item from the "View" menu. If for some reason we are not satisfied with the views offered by the program, we can ourselves set any number of columns in the table, methods of grouping and sorting tasks.

Work technology

Let's open the "Tasks" folder.

In the "View" menu, select the "Current view" item and from the additional menu one of the views.

Let's see how the problem view has changed.

Let's apply other types of representation.

Right click on the title bar.

In the context menu, select the "Change current view" item. The View Details window opens.

Let's look at the contents of the buttons. Change the view using button dialog boxes.

Create a note. A sticky note is a small memorandum. The text of the note can be very diverse: a thought that you do not want to forget; a reminder of something to yourself or another employee; a fresh anecdote that, on occasion, you can tell your partner; quote and more. In a non-computerized office, you can sometimes see this picture. Everywhere - on the table, on the phone, on the wall, on the glass of the window, on the writing device - there are little sheets of paper with some notes pasted over. These are notes. Agree that such an office can give an outsider an idea of ​​the strong employment of employees, however, it looks very casually.

Notes in the Outlook software environment is an electronic analogue of a paper notebook with vouchers. Notes are used to record questions, reminders, and more, usually written on a paper notebook. In addition, notes are useful for storing information that you might need later, such as directions or text that you can paste into other items or documents. Outlook has a special folder in which you can create and save a note and use it on occasion. In addition to these basic features, you can:

associate a note with a contact;

send by mail;


change the presentation of the note.

As you can see, you can perform actions similar to actions with other elements with a note.

You can work by leaving notes open on the screen. Changes made to the note are saved automatically. Then our screen will be filled with notes.

Work technology

Open the Notes folder.

Click on the "Create" button. A yellow note window will open.

Write down the text of the note in the window.

Close the note. It will appear in the form of an icon on the working field of the folder.

Link a note to a contact:

double-click on the icon to open the note;

open the hidden note menu;

select the item "Contacts";

in the list of contacts that opens, select the person you need.

When a note is associated with a contact, information about this is reflected in the "Contact actions" tab. Let's open in the Contacts folder the card of the person with whom you linked the note.

Let's go to the "Actions" tab and, among other actions, find the mention of the note.

Let's explore other features of the note menu. Among others, we will find the Forward command. When the command is executed, a standard e-mail message window opens. We will familiarize ourselves with the rules for sending messages below.

Accounting for work performed. A diary is a document containing a daily list of completed tasks and events that have occurred in the life of a particular person. Diaries were kept in the distant "pre-computer" times in order to be able to reconstruct the course of events.

In the various work of the secretary, it is also necessary to organize the accounting of the work performed. For this, there is a special "Diary" folder in the software environment. Links to all files with which the work was done are automatically registered in this folder; events mentioned in the folders "Calendar", "Tasks", "Notes"; Phone Calls Made.

Some information about the work done can be recorded in the diary manually. The "Diary" folder displays a schedule for working with documents. For each element, a record is created, which reflects the date, time of start of work, time spent on work with the element. You can open the item by double clicking.

Viewing and setting up the Diary. Some items can be automatically entered into the diary. These are messages, meeting requests, replies to meeting requests, canceled meetings, assignments, replies to assignments, phone calls. The diary can automatically include documents created in the following programs: Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Binder, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word and other programs compatible with Microsoft Office. We can indicate the contacts for which we need to make entries in the diary.

Work technology

Let's open the "Diary" folder. During the time that we were working in the Outlook environment, some entries about our work have already appeared in the folder. The entries in the Diary are grouped by type.

Let's look at the groups of records. To view records of the same type, click the button with the (+) sign. To close the group, click the button with the (-) sign.

To specify the types of records, files and contacts for which information should be saved in the diary, in the "Tools" menu, select the "Options" item.

On the "Settings" tab, press the "Options" button for the diary.

In the "Diary settings" window, check the boxes next to the types of items, contacts and files that must be taken into account in the diary.

Recording the event in the Diary manually.

Work technology

Let's open the "Diary" folder.

On the toolbar, click on the "Create" button. The New Diary Entry window (Untitled) opens.

In the "Subject" field, enter a description.

In the "Type" list, select the type of entry to be entered into the diary.

Let's set other parameters, if necessary.

Forwarding messages by email. These days, email is as common a means of communication as telephone and regular mail. Moreover, email is even more preferable for the following reasons:

the message is sent directly from the workplace;

messages reach the addressee very quickly;

not required expendable materials(paper, envelopes, ink);

you can send a letter to several addresses at once;

due to all of the above, time is significantly saved.

In a modern business office, e-mail is an essential attribute, and the ability to use it is the most important professional skill of a secretary and any other employee.

The information transmitted by e-mail is called a message (Mail Message). Messages sent by e-mail are divided into four groups:

Inbox - received by email;

Outgoing - those to be sent;

Drafts - messages in preparation;


There are folders in the main Outlook pane that correspond to these message groups. It is convenient to organize them into a separate group of folders "Mail". To use Outlook to send and receive mail over the Internet, we need an account. We discussed the procedure for creating an account above.

Create and send a message. The Outlook software environment has a standard message box, in which we, like on an envelope, must indicate to whom it is addressed, as well as the subject and content. In addition, we can attach a previously prepared file to the message, insert a picture. If Outlook is not set to send immediate e-mail, then all created messages will be saved in the Outbox folder.

In the Outlook environment, you can set the message sending mode: immediate or on command.

Work technology

Set the message sending mode:

in the "Service" menu, select "Options";

in the "Options" window go to the "Mail delivery" tab;

check or uncheck the Send messages immediately box.

Let's open the "Outbox" folder and click on the "New" button. A message box will open. This window allows you to transfer information in the form of plain text, as well as attach files to the letter:

In the message window, click on the "To ..." button and select one or more recipients from the contact list. We can also choose who to send a copy to (Cc button) and a blind carbon copy (Bcc button).

In the "Subject" field, we will briefly enter the title of the message.

In the working field, enter the text of the message.

To create an attachment, select the "File" item from the "Insert" menu.

In the browse window, double-click the previously created and saved file. The attachment is displayed as a file icon with its name at the bottom of the message window.

To send a message, click on the "Send" button on the toolbar. The message will be sent immediately or placed in the Outbox folder, depending on the mode set.

If we have not set the mode of immediate sending of messages, we must use the "Send" command from the "Service" menu. After the message has been forwarded, the message will automatically be moved from the Outbox folder to the Sent Items folder.

You can combine the actions of sending and receiving messages. To do this, select the Send / Receive command from the Service menu. In the drop-down list, select the item of the account (if there are several of them) on which we want to perform actions. After that, the computer will connect to the mail server, and the messages will be sent. If the mail server has received messages for your account, they will be forwarded to our computer.

Let's create a new message on the topic "Coordination of equipment delivery terms" and address it to the contact.

If we have not finished composing the message or are not going to send it in the near future, we will save it in the "Drafts" folder. To do this, select the "Save" command from the "File" menu.

We can send a message to an address that is not recorded in the "Contacts" folder. To do this, in the "To ..." line, write down the e-mail address explicitly.

View mail folders and messages. As the mail folders fill up, we can see a number next to the folder name in the Outlook pane. This number indicates how many items (messages) are in the folder. We can open a folder, view the list of messages in it, open any message, transfer it to another folder. Attachments attached to messages can be saved separately in other folders on your computer. It is necessary to delete unnecessary messages from the folder from time to time.

Work technology

Let's look at the mail folders in the Outlook pane and determine, without opening the folders, how many items are in them.

To receive incoming messages from the server, select the Send / Receive command from the Service menu.

If we are unable to work with e-mail in the office, we will copy several messages from the "Outbox" folder to the "Inbox" folder. To do this, grab the name of the message and move it to the Inbox icon in the Outlook bar.

Let's open the "Inbox" folder.

The folder is divided into two parts. In the upper part there is a list of messages in the order in which they were received, and some information: from whom, subject, date and time of receipt. To view the message, click on it. The message text appears at the bottom. If there is a paperclip icon next to the message, then the message contains an attachment.

Let's open a message with an attachment. Let's save the attachment separately as a file:

double-click on the message line to open the message box;

in the browse window, select the folder where we want to save the file, enter the file name or leave the one specified, then click on the "Save" button.

Let's delete the message from the folder. To do this, grab the message and move it to the Deleted Items folder icon.

When a lot of items accumulate in the Deleted Items folder, we can empty the folder, that is, permanently delete the items. To do this, right-click on the icon of the "Deleted Items" folder and select the "Empty" folder "Deleted Items" command in the context menu.

Use of signature and business card. In business correspondence, standard phrases are often used to start and end a letter. In Outlook, such phrases are called signatures, although in real life we ​​call the sender's name indicated at the end of the letter a signature. Here the concept of a signature is somewhat broader. The signature can be any phrase that is convenient in the context of this message, which has been compiled in advance and saved with a certain name. We can create several signatures for different occasions and insert them into the message.

In addition to the signature, this application uses the concept of an electronic business card with information about ourselves, which we can attach to the message. The recipient of our message can, based on this business card, create a card with information about us in the Contacts folder. An electronic business card is formed on the basis of an entry from our Contacts folder and, in fact, is an analogue of a contact card with all the information it contains. Therefore, if we want to send to the partner not all, but only part of the information, we need to create a duplicate of the contact card with selected data:

create and insert signatures into a message;

attach a business card to the message;

create a contact based on the sent business card.

Work technology

Let's open the "Outbox" folder.

To create one or several signatures, select the "Options" command from the "Tools" menu.

Let's go to the "Message" tab. Let's click on the button "Select signature".

In the "Select signature" window that opens, click on the "Create" button. The signature creation wizard starts.

Let's enter the name of the signature, for example, “I wish you good luck with your business card” and set the radio button “Start with blank template”. Let's click on the "Next" button.

In the "Change signature" window, enter the text.

Let's attach a business card to the signature:

click on the button "Create a business card from the list of contacts ...";

select the contact name in the list that opens;

click on the "Finish" button.

Let's create a new message.

In the "Insert" menu, select the "Signature" item. In the drop-down list, select a signature.

We will receive new messages using the "Send / Receive" command.

Let's open a message with a business card attachment.

Let's click on the "Paperclip" icon and open the electronic business card that was sent to us. It looks like a contact card.

Let's write a new contact to our folder. To do this, click on the "Save and Close" button. The information will be automatically saved in your Contacts folder. You can further supplement this card with new or changed information about the partner.

Let's open the "Contacts" folder and make sure that there is a new record about the contact.

Formatting the message. So far, we have created messages written in plain text. Many e-mail messages, short and business-like, do not require additional formatting and are therefore written in plain, unformatted text. In addition, such messages take up little memory and take less time to transfer.

However, sometimes it becomes necessary to send a brighter and more colorful message. This is usually associated with some kind of celebration. For these cases, the Outlook programming environment provides advanced options for text formatting, as well as inserting pictures, namely, the use of Microsoft Outlook or HTML formats for preparing messages. When you use one of these formats, a pane appears when you compose a message, similar to the formatting pane of a Word text editor. The purpose of the formatting buttons is indicated on the tooltips.

Work technology

To insert a picture into a message, let's prepare it in advance and save it in gif format in some folder. In the "Insert" menu, select the "Picture" item.

In the window that opens, click on the "Browse" button and in the browse window select the picture file and click on the "Open" button. The name will appear in the picture insert window.

Close the window by clicking on the "Insert" button. The picture will appear in the message box.

Let's send a message.

Sending a reply to a message. It is very important for every person who sends mail to know if their message has been received. The Outlook environment offers the ability to automatically send notifications - short messages to the sender when a message has been received. To do this, you need to set the mail tracking parameters.

In addition to notification, many messages require a response. When sending a response, we can attach the original message or part of it to it so that the recipient immediately understands which message the response came to.

Work technology

Let's open the "Options" command in the "Service" menu.

On the Settings tab, click the Mail Options button.

In the "E-mail settings" window that opens, we will find a field that states that "when replying to a message, include and shift the text of the original message." This field has a drop-down list of other options. However, it is better to leave what the program offers.

Click on the "Tracking Options" button.

Let's check the boxes and toggle them. These parameters will allow us to automatically manage the sending of notifications for received messages. Such notification will indicate the date and time of receipt of the message. We can also find out when our message was received.

Let's make sure that after setting the specified parameters, the Outlook environment will automatically forward message receipt notifications.

To send a reply to a message in the Inbox folder, select the line with the message header.

On the toolbar, click on the "Reply" button. A new message window will open, in which the sender's address will be indicated in the "To ..." line, the text of the original message will be inserted in the message field, the Subject line will indicate: RE: .

We will enter the response text, delete part or all of the original message.

We will send a response.

Organization of work with documents is a key management technology in any institution: from the office small business to a federal department or a huge corporation. Naturally, effective management requires some kind of document management system. The wider the scope and scale of the organization's activities, the more important and independent role is played by the actual office work system.

Until recently, work with documents was carried out mainly through the movement of paper documents and the maintenance of many paper registers and card files. The use of new information technologies in the field of preschool educational institutions allows us to treat office work not as a rigid and conservative mechanism, but as an effective and flexible tool for implementing various kinds of innovations in this area. Currently, the development of information technology has led to the emergence of methods and tools that provide integrated solutions for the automation of office work, allowing you to automate manual operations and search for documents, to control the execution of orders related to documents.

The information system "Documents of the organization" was implemented to improve the efficiency of the linguistic school "Success", as a structural subdivision of KGOU SPO KPK.

In the course of the work, the tasks were solved:

studied general theoretical, special literature on the topic of research and materials of the subject area;

familiarization and study of the structure of the organization, documents and document flow;

implemented document flow of the linguistic school "Success", as a structural subdivision of KGOU SPO KPK based on the MS Outlook software application, which made it possible to achieve maximum results in processing and accounting of documents with minimal costs for software and hardware.

The implementation of the diploma project made it possible to integrate all documents of the organization into the MS Outlook environment, which made it possible to:

organize documents in an optimal way for use;

highlight the main events and remind them in a timely manner (during the educational process);

fully automate the organization's office work.

Thus, to increase the speed and reliability of solutions to problems of office work within the framework of this organization. The advantage of the system is its flexibility, i.e. the ability to customize it for any institution, including any information in the "Contacts" cards that are of interest to the organization itself, as well as the ability to work with other MS Office applications.

The use of computer technologies and office automation technologies is a promising direction and allows you to organize work with the document flow of institutions at a modern level.


1. Andreeva V.I. Office work: Requirements for the document flow of the company. - 3rd ed., Revised and added. - M., 1996.

2. Andreeva V.I. Office work in the personnel service: A practical guide with samples of documents. 3rd ed., Rev. and additional - M .: Intel-Sintez Business School, 2000.

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Andreeva V.I. Samples of documents for office work. - M .: Business School "Intel-Sintez", 1998.

Andreyanova V.V. How to organize office work in an enterprise. - M .: INFRA-M, 1998.

Vasiliev D.V. Office work on the computer. - M .: Striks, PRIOR, 1999.

Vasilyeva I.N. Fundamentals of office work and personal management: A textbook for university students. - M .: Finance and Statistics, 1999.

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Elizavetina T. Office work on the computer. 3rd ed. - SPb .: Peter, 2004, 304 p.

Informatics: Textbook / Ed. prof. N.V. Makarova. 4th rev. ed. - M .: Finance and Statistics, 2001.

Informatics: Workshop on the technology of working on a computer / Ed. prof. N.F. Makarova. 4th rev. Ed. - M .: Finance and Statistics, 2001.

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E.S. Makushnikova


Key words: management efficiency, educational institution, educational services, entrepreneurial university.

Resume: The article discusses theoretical and methodological approaches to improving the efficiency of management of educational organizations.

Keywords: governance, educational institution, educational services, the entrepreneurial university.

Abstract: The article discusses the theoretical and methodological approaches to improving educational organizations management.

In the context of the development of university management and the commercialization of educational services, the terms

an entrepreneurial university, an educational organization of an entrepreneurial type, and others are widely used in European and Russian scientific and business literature. Europe regularly hosts international conferences on entrepreneurship in education. Nevertheless, among domestic scientific and teaching circles, especially representatives of older age groups, the term

"Entrepreneurship" in relation to education and science is met with a negative reaction. The experience of the successful development of European and Russian universities shows that in

modern conditions of a global, highly competitive scientific and educational market, there is no alternative to the commercialization of educational activities and scientific research, and, consequently, an entrepreneurial style of work.

Emphasis on innovativeness in entrepreneurship educational organizations, are done not only by foreign, but also by prominent Russian scientists. Among them: Akhiezer A.S., Lazarev V.S., Potashnik M.M., Sukhorukova L.M., Fonotov A.G. and etc.

Transition to innovative, entrepreneurial regime the work of the university makes serious adjustments to the activities of both the management and the teaching staff. Achievement of this goal is possible only if there are professional pedagogical personnel who have passed through competitive selection and retraining, who are receptive to everything new, capable of creating, possessing strategies for independent search and teamwork skills, having a sense of responsibility and a desire to create, an up-to-date list of key and professional competencies.

Assessing the prospects for the development of universities, how

educational entrepreneurial organizations of an innovative type, it should be noted that there is no alternative to this strategy in the context of the ongoing economic and financial crisis.

The main provisions of the competence-based approach are outlined in the "Concept for the modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010", where one of the main tasks of the education system is the need to form an integral system of universal skills, the ability to act independently and responsibility, that is, key competencies that determine modern the quality of education. The concept of competence was formed in the context of the emergence of a new approach to human resources in the West, which made it possible to fix the emerging need for human adaptation to intensive changes in technology and job requirements. With this approach, competencies are characterized as a general ability that manifests itself and is formed in activity, is based on knowledge, values, inclinations and allows a person to establish a connection between knowledge and a situation, to find a procedure (system of actions) for successfully solving a problem. Unlike knowledge, abilities, and skills that imply action by analogy with a model, competence provides for the experience of independent activity based on universal knowledge.

Nevertheless, all researchers agree that competencies represent a multi-level structure.

A generalizing, integrated approach to understanding competence is presented in the works of Russian scientists. Unlike their Western colleagues, they consider competencies as components of the professional, including pedagogical, culture of the individual.

The structure of managerial competence

education includes the following components: a cognitive component, which includes a system of managerial knowledge. It assumes the presence of certain managerial knowledge, including the foundations of scientific management, helping a specialist to adequately assess real managerial situations, use, find and apply the necessary information to resolve them, as well as develop managerial competence in the process of self-management. The motivational component includes personally significant motives and value attitudes, a positive attitude towards the performance of managerial activities, leadership enthusiasm, a professional interest in managerial work, a creative approach to the work of a manager, the need for constant development and improvement of managerial competence. The activity component includes research, organizational, design skills of a specialist, design skills of a leader, allowing him to implement effective management technologies in the educational space. The personal component is a set of personal characteristics of a leader that are significant for effective management.

The management activity of an effective education manager, due to the complexity and variability of the management process itself, is always creative, creative in nature. The competence-based approach to management not only does not violate this pattern, but, on the contrary, significantly increases the efficiency of the work of management personnel. The reason for this lies in the very mechanism of the implementation of this approach, since the results of managerial activity are directly related not only to the completeness and consistency of managerial knowledge, but to the manifestation of the leader's personal qualities, the ability to act in new situations of professional, personal and social life.

Thus, increasing the efficiency of management of educational institutions presupposes the solution of the following tasks:

Using the elements of practice-oriented learning existing at the university and adapting them to the business environment

Modeling the organizational infrastructure of the university's internal business environment (identifying infrastructural units, determining the sequence of their creation);

Development of a network of infrastructural units reproducing urban infrastructure and functioning according to the laws of a market economy;

Development of a mechanism for the interaction of infrastructure units of the university with structural units university;

Development of educational and methodological support for the use of a functioning internal business environment in accordance with the goals of modernizing the educational process to meet the requirements of the university;

Creation and development of the institute of teachers developing individual programs.

This approach requires systemic changes in the content and organization of the educational process of the university and the implementation of a complex of interrelated resources, terms and stages of transformations, but it will contribute to the formation of competitive advantages due to the emergence of synergistic effects of interaction with the business environment.


1. Glekova N.L., Igolkin S.L. Theoretical problems of increasing the competitiveness of the regional system of higher professional education based on the rationalization of monitoring and information systems... // Territory of Science. 2007. No. 4. S. 442-449.

2. Bagirova M.A., Igolkin S.L., Shinkarchuk A.V. Problems of optimal planning of transport services in the management of a geographically distributed educational system. // Territory of Science. 2007. No. 5. S. 622-628.

3. Igolkin S.L., Bagirova M.A., Shinkarchuk A.V. Creation of models for optimal planning of transport services in the management of a geographically distributed educational system // Territory of Science. 2007. No. 5. S. 637-648.

4. Kustov A.I., Danilova V.V., Migel I.A. Problems of modern vocational education and directions of its modernization // Territory of Science. 2013. No. 2. S. 38-47.

5. Martynov S.V. Costs and principles of financing the education system // Territory of Science. 2013. No. 1.C. 28-35.

6. Mikhailovskaya G.N., Zanin A.N. Implementation of the concept of modernization of education // Territory of Science. 2013. No. 2. S. 47-49.

7. Nazarova G.N. Corporate governance as a factor of sustainable development of an educational institution // Territory of Science. 2013. No. 2. S. 50-53.

Syu's sliver.


Voronezh Institute of Economics and Law

Key words: higher education institutions, competitiveness, management, diversification.

Resume: The article proposes promising directions for increasing the competitiveness of higher educational institutions.

Keywords: higher education, competitiveness, management, diversification.

Abstract: The article suggests promising ways to improve the competitiveness of higher education institutions.

In modern conditions, with a huge variety educational institutions, a separate university, as an independent unit, must be competitive in the education market. Each university decides for itself how and by what methods it will stand out from many other educational institutions.

The development of the education system in the Russian Federation is due to the desire of universities to meet the new requirements for the quality and structure of education. The trends reflecting the development of the education system include: internal diversification of the activities of universities in areas; the transition of international cooperation to a new level, both in the field of scientific research and in the field of education; development of the process of formation of four basic models of a higher education institution; transition of the higher education system to a new multistage structure.