Vacancies at Corus Consulting CIS. Sending reports to fns, pfr, fss, and rosstat Sphere courier personal account

Exchange of a full range of electronic commercial documents accompanying all stages of ordering and delivery of goods directly from the customer's accounting systems.

Full control of the goods delivery process

Exchange of a full range of electronic documents in the format of the Federal Tax Service, accompanying all stages of delivery and return of goods, mutual settlements, directly from the accounting systems of customers.

Storage of electronic accounting documents.

The manufacturer places data on its products and forms its own sales channel for each distributor, fills it with an assortment and sets prices, provides distributors with access to their personal account with personal product catalogs, price conditions.

Distributors generate orders and reports on sales, balances in relation to the agreed range.

Allows you to quickly and reliably synchronize product information across all sales channels: retail chains, distributors, online stores, own retail.

Processes and stores logistic parameters, pricing conditions, consumer properties, media data and permits.

Instant registration of batches of manufactured products Formation and cancellation of veterinary certificates immediately at the time of shipment and acceptance of goods in relation to the shipping documents

Monitoring and correcting documents in real time

Maintenance of the process of financing monetary claims with the participation of the buyer of the claim (factoring company or bank), the supplier of the goods (the creditor) and the buyer of the goods (the debtor).

Transparent and secure automated three-way interaction of the participants in a factoring transaction, assignment and confirmation of the rights of a monetary claim.

A full set of electronic documents accompanying factoring operations in EDI and FTS format

Balance and others financial indicators

Won and placed government contracts

Report for closing risks to the Federal Tax Service and the head

Affiliates, relationships of companies and their owners


Lawsuits, register of unscrupulous suppliers

Select and purchase tickets at the best prices, arrange hotel reservations, transfers, travel documents, generate accounting reports

Convenient travel management and control of travel expenses within the organization

Exchange of a full range of electronic commercial documents accompanying all stages of ordering and delivery of goods directly from the customer's accounting systems.

Full control of the goods delivery process

Exchange of a full range of electronic documents in the format of the Federal Tax Service, accompanying all stages of delivery and return of goods, mutual settlements, directly from the accounting systems of customers.

Storage of electronic accounting documents.

The manufacturer places data on its products and forms its own sales channel for each distributor, fills it with an assortment and sets prices, provides distributors with access to their personal account with personal product catalogs, price conditions.

Distributors generate orders and reports on sales, balances in relation to the agreed range.

It allows you to quickly and reliably synchronize information about goods in all sales channels: with retail chains, distributors, online stores, and your own retail.

Processes and stores logistic parameters, pricing conditions, consumer properties, media data and permits.

Instant registration of batches of manufactured products Formation and cancellation of veterinary certificates immediately at the time of shipment and acceptance of goods in relation to the shipping documents

Monitoring and correcting documents in real time

Maintenance of the process of financing monetary claims with the participation of the buyer of the claim (factoring company or bank), the supplier of the goods (the creditor) and the buyer of the goods (the debtor).

Transparent and secure automated three-way interaction of the participants in a factoring transaction, assignment and confirmation of the rights of a monetary claim.

A full set of electronic documents accompanying factoring operations in EDI and FTS format

Balance sheet and other financial indicators

Won and placed government contracts

Report for closing risks to the Federal Tax Service and the head

Affiliates, relationships of companies and their owners


Lawsuits, register of unscrupulous suppliers

Select and purchase tickets at the best prices, arrange hotel reservations, transfers, travel documents, generate accounting reports

Convenient travel management and control of travel expenses within the organization

Sphere Courier- solution electronic document management for factoring companies, their clients.

2015: Sphere Courier 21.0

Corus Consulting CIS, a 100% subsidiary of Sberbank, launched in September 2015 a version of the service Sphere Courier 21.0"On the exchange of legally significant electronic documents(EDO). Version 21.0 implements the functionality of centralized document management for companies with a branch structure.

The "Sphere Courier 21.0" functionality is also available in similar service EDF E-invoicing, which is provided directly on the portal " Sberbank Business Online»For organizations that are clients of Sberbank. The Sphere Courier and E-invoicing services are full analogs, and the developer of both services is Corus Consulting CIS. The difference lies in the target groups of customers served either at Sberbank (E-invoicing) or at other banks (Sphere Courier), the company explained.

With the introduction of the Sphere Courier 21.0 version, it became possible to centrally administer the access rights of the central office employees to the documents of the branches. A particularly popular functionality will be end-to-end access to documents of the entire branch structure for such persons as Chief Accountant and general manager, according to Corus Consulting CIS. To view and sign documents, this officials you no longer need to re-authorize when switching from documents of one branch to documents of another. All documents of the branch structure are available in a single window interface. At the same time, accounting employees from branches can order and remotely receive an electronic signature along with employees of the head office for document management of their particular branch, the company emphasized.

“The possibility of end-to-end signing of documents increases the efficiency management activities for companies with a branch structure. It is no secret that the need to deliver paper documents from branches to the head office and back significantly slows down many business processes. Now this problem can be easily and gracefully resolved with the help of the electronic document management service offered by our company, ”said Dmitry Gavrilov, head of the project department at Corus Consulting CIS.
“The formation of interconnections between the movement of electronic documents within a large company is laid down when registering a branch structure in the Client's Personal Account (LCC). For this we have introduced significant changes in the software `Personal Account` for the services` Sphere Courier` and E-invoicing. This is the 7th version of this software", - said Mikhail Rechkunov, project manager of the LCC of the company" Corus Consulting CIS ".
Igor Zelenko, Commercial Director of Corus Consulting CIS, listed the new features of the E-invoicing functionality intended for Sberbank clients: legal entities who are users of the Sberbank Business Online portal. The bank's clients can not only order, but also remotely receive legally significant certificates from the bank on issues that interest them. "

Modern companies exchange thousands of contracts, acts, invoices, invoices with counterparties. Documents, as a rule, are sent by mail in a printed form, but this is expensive and inconvenient, resources are wasted on printing and delivery. Therefore, intercorporate document flow is gaining more and more popularity - the exchange of legally significant documents in electronic form.

Primary documents are generated in the accounting system and then agreed in the EDMS (electronic document management system). Some documents are immediately created in the EDMS, for example, contracts. For the exchange of electronic documents are used exchange services, and the EDMS must be able to interact with these services. This enables companies to build an end-to-end process from the creation, approval of documents, to their sending to the counterparty and receiving a response.

DIRECTUM connectors to exchange services allow directly (without roaming between operators):

  • send and accept invitations to exchange with counterparties;
  • send documents to counterparties together with electronic signature;
  • receive documents from other organizations;
  • retrieve data about contractors and their addresses from services;
  • load historical data, if previously work through the exchange service has already been carried out.

The DIRECTUM system acts as a single point of exchange for documents. For employees, exchange with counterparties through different services is the same. They receive and send documents in the DIRECTUM interface.

In addition, DIRECTUM provides convenient means for storing, searching for documents, preparing for inspections in regulatory authorities or for reconciliation with counterparties.

Connector description

A connector is a set of components for integrating the DIRECTUM system with a specific exchange service.

Together with the module "Exchange with counterparties" the connector provides an easy start of external document flow. The connector is installed on a computer running DIRECTUM Interchange Systems Integration (DISI). This service connects to the exchange service through the connector.

If your counterparties use the services of different EDI operators, you can simultaneously install several connectors to the exchange services:

DIRECTUM provides connectors to services:

  • Synerdocs(DIRECTUM company);
  • Diadoc(SKB Kontur company);
  • VLSI(Tensor company);
  • SPHERE Courier(company KORUS Consulting CIS).

The rest of the services are supported by roaming.

The connector to Synerdocs is included in the standard delivery of the DIRECTUM system. Connectors to Diadoc, VLSI and SPHERE Courier are supplied as technical solutions.

Business effect

Connectors to document exchange services allow you to:

  • Reduce the complexity of entering documents into several systems: DIRECTUM EDMS and exchange service. Each connector automatically syncs data with the service.
  • Reduce the cost of training employees. Documents are sent and received in the familiar interface of the DIRECTUM system. This allows you to build an end-to-end processing process, during which the internal workflow flows smoothly into the external one.
  • Ensure integrity and legal significance transferred documents.