Are revenue and turnover the same thing? Understanding the company's financial performance. Turnover of the enterprise: methods of calculation and increase Annual turnover how to calculate

Turnover enterprises call it gross income from the sale of works, services, goods. In the field of trade, the expression "turnover" is used. They denote the amount of money received as a result of the sale of goods for a specific period: year, month. Income is defined as the difference between the amount spent on the purchase of goods and the amount of trade.

The turnover of enterprise assets is a continuously renewing process of movement of factors of production in material terms. The turnover of funds covers both the spheres of production and the sphere of circulation: the circulating assets of the enterprise include circulation funds and circulating production assets.

The difference between working capital and fixed assets is that working capital is consumed in its entirety in each production cycle. Their cost is fully included in production costs. Revolving funds are materials, fuel, raw materials, energy, purchased semi-finished products and spare parts.

Circulation funds are money and goods for sale. Monetary funds invested in circulation funds and circulating funds are collectively called circulating assets.

Annual presentation turnover means the amount of income of an enterprise / entrepreneur from its activities - that is, the entire amount of sales of products, goods, services and works for the year. In other words, gross income. Because why calculate the annual cycle as the sum of the gross income of the enterprise?


1. First, define the tier of the annual turnover past periods of your enterprise. If your company is just getting started, take branch statistics and use the example of your competitors.

2. See what inflation forecasts the government gives for the year you are planning. This indicator is strictly indicated when planning the State budget.

3. Enter the correction factor to calculate the annual turnover planned year: you want to leave the cycle at the reached tier - then the correction indicator is equal to one.

If you want to increase the cycle, then you must understand due to what factors this is permissible: due to the conduct of more hostile advertising campaign, by updating products, by increasing prices - determine these factors and draw up a plan for the implementation of activities with reference to the annual plan.

Correct the total you achieved in previous years by the inflation rate of the planned year and by the adjustment rate - the amount of increase or decrease in the annual turnover .

Let's say: over the previous three years, your company's cycle was 3,000,000 rubles a year on average. You have decided that you will increase your annual cycle by 15% this year. Then the expected annual cycle will be: 3,000,000 * 1.15 = 3,450,000 rubles.

The government announced that the expected tier of inflation in the planned year is 7%. We introduce an adjustment for the expected tier of inflation: 3,450,000 * 1.07 = 3,691,500 rubles - this is the planned annual turnover your firm.

Why is it necessary to multiply by the inflation rate, and not subtract it? Do you want to receive the amount of the annual turnover, equivalent to the sum of the average annual turnover for the previous three years. Consequently, if you outline an annual cycle in the amount of 3,450,000 rubles.

And the annual inflation will be 7%, then the real amount of the annual turnover will amount to: 3,208,500 rubles. That is, you will not reach the set result.

5. Now, break down the yearly cycle by month and get your expected sales for the entire month. At the same time, be zealous to consider the features of your activity - do not divide the cycle into equal parts.

Any action, even in such a short period as a year, has its ups and downs. Trace them back to previous years and chart monthly cycles in line with market fluctuations.

Then your plans will be more accurate.

Gross income refers to the total annual income of the company, expressed in monetary terms, and obtained as a result of the production and sale of products. Thus, it is gross income that can characterize the final result of the firm's activities.

The amount of the annual cycle represents the income of the enterprise from its entrepreneurial activity - the entire amount that it received from the sale of products, services or works for the reporting year. That is, in other words, the annual cycle is the gross income of the company.

How to calculate sales revenue?

The strategic development of any organization is based on data on the planned scale of production, the price of implementation.

These indicators are calculated on the basis of historical analysis, taking into account external factors.

The generalizing indicator that characterizes the dynamics of the company's development is the sales proceeds.

Sales revenue is the sum of all financial resources which the company received for reporting period from the sale of goods or the provision of services.

In this case, both the products of our own production and the goods that were purchased for the purpose of resale are taken into account. In addition, property rights can be exercised.

This indicator can be expressed both in cash and in kind (calculated excluding value added tax, excise taxes).

It is this indicator that is taken as the basis for calculating income, various types of profits from the main activities of the company. It does not include expenses or receipts from non-operating activities.

The calculation algorithm is very simple - information on sales volumes and unit cost are taken. If during the reporting period the price has changed, revenue is calculated depending on each such change.

Other income that the company did not receive from the sale of goods is not taken into account.

Revenue calculation formula

This indicator, like the profitability formula, is calculated taking into account the size of the sales performed and the effective value. This does not take into account:

  • the amount of discounts;
  • excise duty;
  • payment of export tariffs (when conducting international activities).

Today, there are two methods of calculation - cash (based on the actual volume of goods sold or services rendered) and accrued (upon receipt of income from the moment the goods are shipped, regardless of receipt of payment).

Generalized calculation formula: TR = Q * P, where

  • TR (total revenue) is the revenue from the sale of goods or services;
  • P is the price of the product;
  • Q is the number of units of the product that has been sold.

This calculation formula is used to assess the activities of the enterprise, to build long-term plans. This information is internal and does not appear on the balance sheet.

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Accrued calculation method: TR = Rem.n (n) + GP - Rem.n (k), where

  • Ost.p (n) and Ost.p (k) - balances of finished products at the beginning and end of the reporting period;
  • GP - the release of finished products that are planned to be sold.

All calculations are expressed in monetary terms (rubles, dollars, euros, etc.).

Calculation examples

The money that entered the company as a result of the sale of a product or the provision of services is called revenue.

They are a means of reimbursing the company's costs, and profit is generated from them.

Also, financial receipts can come from transactions with securities, leasing of objects, etc.

Example # 1

LLC "Hydrosila" released products worth $ 25,000 in June; at the beginning of the reporting period, there were goods worth $ 8,000 in the warehouse. At the end of the month, in fact, there were 12,000 dollars left in the finished goods warehouse.

Calculation formula: TR = 8000 + 25000 - 12000 = 21000 (USD).

As can be seen from the calculation, the proceeds of LLC Hydrosila in June will amount to $ 21,000.

Example No. 2

LLC "Agroresurs" is engaged in the production and sale of agricultural machinery. Data on financial activities companies:

Calculation formula: TR = 2,350,000 * 10 + 1,500,000 * 10 + 1,850,000 * 25 = 8,475,000 (rubles).

The calculation of revenue makes it possible to manage the assortment. V this example it is clear that the company needs to increase the production of potato planters. When making a final decision, you also need to analyze the production costs of each type of product and the average bill.

Balance sheet revenue

When the company has worked for a year, managers and management want to know the amount of revenue, what part of this falls on expenses. It is these indicators that testify to the profitability of assets, profitability.

As you know, the balance sheet is a report on the work of the enterprise for a certain period.

Searching in this document for a string that will display the amount of revenue is useless, since it is not provided.

But almost every section of the balance sheet has data on such an indicator, which can reflect the general picture of the company's activities:

  1. The first section of the balance sheet contains lines such as the residual value of fixed assets, intangible assets, investments in tangible assets. The analysis of such items indicates an increase or decrease in gross profit.
  2. Section "Current assets", which contain the line "Cash and Equivalents", which displays the amount of financial receipts to the cash desk of the company.
  3. Report on the movement of funds.
  4. Statement of financial results, which shows the amount of profit.
  5. Information about borrowed funds.

The balance sheet does not contain a line on the calculation of profitability, but the size of the company's assets and liabilities, which are recorded in the report, and their dynamics may indicate an increase or decrease in revenue. Such data should be a signal for the management - is it worth the company to move in the current direction, change the development strategy, or even think about how to quickly sell the business.

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Revenue is the simplest metric for assessing the health of a company.

Each leader analyzes its size, on the basis of the research calculates other absolute and relative performance indicators, forms a development strategy.

Revenue is the main source of financing for the enterprise, bringing material goods and working capital, necessary companies for further activities and active development.


How retail turnover is calculated

Retail turnover is total revenue commercial enterprise for the analyzed period. It represents the total amount of funds received in the course of the sale of goods. Sales data must be taken from accounting documents.

When analyzing the turnover, one determines its dynamics in current and comparable prices, and also examines the structure of the indicator in the context of product categories.

The ultimate goal of the study is to establish the reasons for the change in turnover and revise product groups.

In any trade organization, an important economic indicator is the turnover. This is the aggregate value of goods sold and profits earned.

The indicator is expressed in monetary terms, regardless of the payment option (cash, bank transfer) and the category of the buyer (individuals and legal entities).

In simple words: turnover - the amount of money received from buyers for a certain period.

This is the most important indicator of the efficiency of a trading enterprise, which is involved in determining other parameters and coefficients.

Economic meaning

The activity of any retail trade organization is aimed at selling goods, where the firm acts as an intermediary to bring material goods to the end customer.

End consumers, by purchasing values, create the main cash flows of the company and bring it maximum income. The amount of money received from buyers forms the turnover.

And the more this value, the better: every company seeks to increase it.

Calculation formula

Calculate the turnover according to different formulas. The simplest one looks like this:

  • C - price;
  • K is the amount.

However, in practice, this method of calculation is rarely used. Exception: trade organizations and individual entrepreneurs offering a narrow range of products.

Revenue data is not calculated using formulas, but is taken from documents. The sources are:

  • accounting accounts;
  • primary documents;
  • statistical reporting.

Data can be obtained on the basis of cash statements and bank statements. In accounting, the proceeds from the sale of goods for cash are recorded using the entry: Dt 50 Kt 46.

Data are taken for a year, quarter, month.

Retail turnover is calculated as the amount of revenue for each day of the reporting period and the difference between the amount of funds in accounts and at the cash desk at the beginning and end of the day:

  • DNKD - cash at the cash desk at the end of the working day;
  • DSKD - money in accounts at the end of the working day;
  • DNND - cash at the cash desk at the beginning of the working day;
  • DSND - money in accounts at the beginning of the working day.

In this case, only those funds are taken into account that are received as payment for goods.

The store may also offer the customer other payment methods, such as installments or loans. These funds are also included in the turnover.

Indicator analysis

Why analyze retail sales? This must be done in order to:

  • track the dynamics in comparison with previous periods;
  • carry out factor analysis;
  • determine the structure of trade;
  • draw conclusions about the validity of the planned values;
  • check the implementation of the plan;
  • determine the size of the break-even sales volume.

Thus, the analysis of the indicator is multifaceted. It is also important to pay attention to its structure. This will allow you to understand which positions bring the maximum income, and which ones are unprofitable and require a revision of the work with these goods.

Analyze the turnover according to the following scheme:

  • compare the plan and the fact, identify the reasons for the non-fulfillment of the plan (if necessary);
  • track dynamics;
  • analyze the composition of trade (by buyers, forms of payment, service);
  • analyze the structure of goods turnover (calculate what share of each group in the total volume);
  • factor analysis is carried out.

The dynamics are calculated at current and comparable prices. Trade turnover at current prices is the aggregate value of the sale of goods. If we subtract from this value the size by which the prices have grown, then we get the turnover in comparable (conditionally constant) prices.

The dynamics of the growth of commodity turnover in current prices is calculated by the formula:

  • TTTs OG - t / o of the reporting year at current prices;
  • TPG - t / o last year.

The essence of the method of calculation in comparable prices is to ignore the factor of growth in value due to inflation, and to obtain real data on the change in sales and revenue. The calculation formula will look like this:

  • TSC OG - turnover of the reporting year in current prices;
  • TPG - last year's turnover.

In a situation where a turnover plan was drawn up, and prices changed in the reporting period, the price index is used. Its formula looks like this:

  • Ts1 - price in the reporting period;
  • Ts0 - price in the base period (taken as 100%).

When analyzing the turnover, it is important to understand what socio-economic phenomena can influence it. The indicator changes depending on:

  • demand- the higher the demand for products in the market, the better they will buy them;
  • suggestions- great competition requires maintaining a certain level of service and prices;
  • pricing policy- the higher the price of goods, the more buyers will pay;
  • taxes- the amount of VAT and excise taxes is included in the price of the goods;
  • cost- the more expensive the goods are from the supplier, the higher the cost of the purchase will be;
  • inflation- over time, prices rise, it is important to take this into account when forecasting the volume of sales.

Consider what the decline and growth of the indicator over the past 2 years can indicate.

Calculation example

The calculation of the indicator and the dynamics of its change is one of the main tasks of the economist of any trade enterprise. For example, let's analyze the indicator of a conditional enterprise, the results are presented in tabular form (download in Excel).

Table 2. Calculation example Structure of the technical unit 2016 fact2017 plan2017 actual price growth price index prices Dynamics of t / o in comp. prices
Food 2 600 3 100 3 650 140,38 135% 1,35 2 703,70 103,99
Toys 1 450 1 780 1 900 131,03 120% 1,20 1 583,33 109,20
Cosmetics 580 640 760 131,03 140% 1,40 542,86 93,60
Total: 4 630 5 520 6 310 136,29 131,67% 1,32 4 792,41 103,51

Based on these calculations, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • at current prices, there is an increase in turnover in all categories - food, toys and cosmetics;
  • in comparable prices, the growth was only in the categories of food (by 3.99%) and toys (by 9.2%). In cosmetics, sales fell by 6.4%.

Thus, the growth in the turnover of cosmetic products in 2017 was achieved only due to the increase in prices; in fact, the volume of sales decreased. But in general, the dynamics are positive in all categories.


Trade turnover is the most important indicator characterizing the activities of any trade organization. It is important not only to know its meaning (in itself it will not say anything), but to apply it to analyze dynamics and structure.

Once it is established that there have been changes, it is necessary to find their reasons. Based on the results of the analysis, conclusions are drawn about the prospects for growth in trade in future periods and the need to change its structure.


How to calculate the average monthly turnover for a current account - an example

Discovering own enterprise, every entrepreneur opens a current account in a bank ─ how to calculate the average monthly turnover on a current account, from which it is formed, it will become clear when you understand why a bank account is opened. It is needed to carry out financial transactions: withdrawing cash, receiving payments for services performed or goods sold.

How to correctly calculate the average monthly turnover on the current account

Every month the settlement account of the entrepreneur carries out incoming and outgoing transactions with money. Average monthly turnover consists of a set of receipts (debit) and expense transactions (credit). Let us consider in more detail the conditions for the origin of the entrepreneur's financial turnover.

What is turnover

Turnover Money a small business or individual entrepreneur is the main indicator that determines the return on investment over a certain time interval.

Any production process needs working capital, which are then included in the cost of production.

Entrepreneurial activity always implies the use of working capital, these are:

  • production stocks of finished products;
  • unfinished construction;
  • the number of products shipped;
  • cash;
  • financial condition of the current account.

Every day, working capital can go through the stages of their application, namely:

    The financial stage, when money is directed to the purchase of materials, fuels and lubricants, raw materials for products, and other needs of entrepreneurial activity.

    The stage of production activity, this previously procured raw material is converted into products for trade.

    The stage of commercial application is characterized by the receipt of financial resources from the finished product.

The average monthly turnover of entrepreneurial activity assumes a balance ─ a balance between the assets and liabilities of the entrepreneur. It is necessary to consider the turnover of incoming transactions (debit), and expense transactions (credit) for the selected period of time, namely:

  • debit turnover ─ receipt of money from buyers, clients for services rendered to the settlement account of an entrepreneur;
  • credit turnover ─ the entrepreneur's spending on the needs of his own production: tax deductions, wages employees, payment to suppliers for raw materials.

A novice entrepreneur always understands all the definitions until he comes across a bank statement, where tax deductions, for some reason, are indicated in debit, and investments are credited, and even a negative balance on the current account.

It is necessary to understand that the statement presented by the bank is its document, not yours.

When a bank accepts financial resources from a client for use, it becomes a debtor to him and the receipt of funds in your current account only increases his debt (bank loan), and writing off money from your account for other operations reduces this debt (bank debit).

Debit and credit, what is it

The debit of entrepreneurial activity is all the assets of the owner of the enterprise for a specific date, these include:

  • positive balance on the account of the entrepreneur;
  • cash at retail outlets;
  • the cost of all unsold goods;
  • the cost of fixed assets (purchased premises for production, equipment, raw materials);
  • suppliers' debts.

Business loan ─ the debt of a businessman, as well as the source from which the asset of the enterprise is formed, namely:

  • unpaid wages of employees;
  • your debts to suppliers of raw materials;
  • rental of premises;
  • unpaid equipment lease;
  • unpaid investment interest;
  • the source for the formation of an asset is authorized capital enterprises.

How debit and credit turnover is applied

  • the debit of the entrepreneur is indicated on the left side of the current account;
  • the right side of the account is reserved for credit transactions.

It depends on what kind of operation the entrepreneur conducts, this is accordingly reflected in one or the other side of his account. The balance (difference between income and expense) on the account is also divided by type, these are:

  • active result;
  • passive result;
  • active-passive balance.

When an increase in value in debit turnover occurs in the account, this indicates a property expansion of the enterprise or an increase in sales from trade, respectively, a decrease in these parameters characterizes the entrepreneur's credit.

It must be understood that passive accounts are needed only to show how the entrepreneur receives money, through what actions it happens.

The balance on debit and credit is usually held by small business accounting once a year, or quarterly, when the balance for the reporting period is displayed. When the balance is zero ─ the debit column equals the credit column, the account is reset to zero.

How to calculate the average monthly turnover

How to calculate the average monthly turnover on the current account, and for what purposes it is necessary, ─ and also when it is recommended to calculate the turnover of a small enterprise, this will become clear when an entrepreneur analyzes the stages of the passage of funds through his own business.

Experts say that when the speed of movement of funds through the stages of production is high, and working capital is circulating quickly, then the profit of entrepreneurial activity grows rapidly. Let's consider how to correctly make the average monthly calculation of turnover, these are:

    This is reflected in the formula: K (turnover) = average monthly profit / asset value.

    The result shows how many turnovers the invested assets pay off, if with each calculation the indicator increases, this means an increase in the company's sales activity.

    The duration of one revolution can be determined by dividing the time interval of your choice by K (revolutions). A decrease in the value would be a good indicator here, which indicates a shorter payback time.

    You also need to calculate the coefficient that shows the fixation of active funds, for this you need to divide the average parameter of the assets involved in the turnover by the profit for the analyzed time interval. This coefficient shows the entrepreneur how much working capital was needed to get one ruble of profit.

    It is also necessary to calculate the operating cycle, which is equal to the sum: how long raw materials and materials are in circulation, how long the products are sold, how many unfinished products are left for the study period, and what is the debt to the entrepreneur from counterparties. By regularly carrying out this calculation, an entrepreneur can track the moment when an increase in the indicator will show the beginning of a decrease in the business activity of his own production. In the same period, the funds of the enterprise will become more slowly circulating.

    Determine the duration of the financial cyclicality. To obtain this indicator from the calculated operating cycle, it is necessary to subtract the duration of the turnover of debts not returned to the entrepreneur. The lower this indicator, the more successful a businessman is in running his own business.

Can the loan be more than the debit

Every day, the bank conducts an operation to determine the difference between a debit and a loan of an entrepreneur on his current account, according to the result, determine:

  • when the difference is positive, ─ says that the debit is more than the loan;
  • if the result is negative, then this loan is greater than the debit.

Ordinary bank agreement for the maintenance of the current account of the leading person entrepreneurial activity implies that:

  • the client always has access to his own funds;
  • the entrepreneur must use his own funds.

From the conditions described above, we can conclude that the bank does not intend to work with a negative result (balance).

It turns out that when there is no money on the account, the bank simply may not fulfill any obligations to pay salaries and other orders of the entrepreneur, which gradually forms a chain of documents and instructions in the following sequence:

    Requirements of court representatives to an entrepreneur for compensation for damage caused in the event of their activities to citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as collection of fees for an obligation to minor children.

    Documentation on the frequency of payments wages, as well as all funds to the dismissed employees of the enterprise, as well as to people working under contracts.

    Tax deductions.

To avoid such a situation, the entrepreneur is recommended to conclude two types of agreements with the bank - a service agreement and a loan agreement.

The bank establishes a credit limit ─ overdraft on the entrepreneur's current account.

This is when there is no money in the entrepreneur's account, he can briefly use bank funds to carry out mandatory payments.

Why does an entrepreneur need to know how to calculate the average monthly turnover on a current account ─ for the correct use of working capital.

This is helped by rationing in production, which means the correct distribution of the use of materials and raw materials, this will give a stable operation of the enterprise.

To do this, use all the data obtained in the process of carrying out the average monthly calculation of the turnover.

The average monthly calculation as an indicator of the company's activity is important for tax office and potential investors.

Experts recommend using the “net turnover” indicator to analyze the movement of funds, which is necessary for entrepreneurial activity, ─ when income transactions are separated from money received as charity.

To determine the net funds in circulation of entrepreneurial activity for a particular enterprise, such indicators are used as: the scale of the activity, as well as what is the need of the enterprise and the features of the direction of the type of activity.

When there is more financial institutions can talk about the wrong use of resources by the entrepreneur, his ineffective activities, and when there is a lack of net capital, this shows the businessman's insolvency in front of his obligations.

The turnover of the enterprise, or turnover, is called gross income - this is the amount of money that the company received as a result of the sale of its product (product or service). Sales revenue, or the turnover of a trade enterprise, is used for reports in statistics.

Financial turnover of the enterprise name the funds received from sales. In trade, the term "turnover" is used, meaning the amount of money that has come in a certain period of time: month, season, year.

Turnover of the enterprise Is the total volume:

  • shipped goods of their own production, work done and services performed by their own efforts;
  • goods sold;
  • sold materials, raw materials, components, fuel that was previously purchased for their use in production.

Company funds turnover- This is the movement of production factors, expressed in material-material equivalent.

The stock turnover of the enterprise covers the production and circulating spheres. The circulating assets of the company, or the cash turnover of the enterprise, is the aggregate of circulation and production funds.

Revolving funds differ from the main ones in that they function fully in all production cycles. Their costs are included in the mandatory production costs. Revolving funds can be materials, fuel, raw materials, energy, purchased semi-finished products and spare parts.

Circulation funds Is a collection of all funds that function in the sphere of circulation: cash, goods for sale, accounts receivable, etc.

The turnover of the enterprise includes the total value of the goods of own production that were shipped, as well as the cost of work and those services that were performed by their own efforts. In addition, the turnover of the organization also includes the proceeds from the sale of purchased goods (excluding VAT, excise taxes and other mandatory payments).

The volume of goods shipped domestic production in the turnover of an enterprise is called the value of products that are produced by a legal entity and shipped during the reporting period or released for sale. Also, the volume of goods shipped is called direct exchange with other legal and individuals regardless of whether there was a receipt of funds to the seller.

This indicator of the turnover of the company is a direct reflection of the commercial activity of the company.

Retail turnover becomes revenue from goods purchased for resale (minus value added tax, sales tax and other mandatory payments), revenue of transferred (shipped) goods of domestic production, income from other activities (for example, from renting premises, vehicles, equipment, etc. NS.). A retailer's turnover does not include income from the sale of its property, plant and equipment, assets, currency, shares and other securities.

Turnover of the enterprise wholesale trade is the proceeds from the sale of goods purchased for resale (excluding VAT and other obligatory payments), from intermediary services (commission of agents with deduction of taxes), the value of the shipped (transferred) goods of their own production, profit from other activities (lease of premises, equipment, transport, etc.). Not in circulation as well as in retail, income from the sale of their funds, financial assets, currency, securities, etc.

Cash flow of the enterprise is the sum of all payments, cash and non-cash, in a specific period of time. This is the name of the individual circuit of the real movement of the company's money. It is based on commodity circulation.

The cash flow of the enterprise consists of two parts:

  • the first arises between companies when selling a product. Simply put, these are commodity payments;
  • the second part of the company's monetary turnover is payments for all other operations that are not related to the product (employee salaries, dividends, taxes, etc.). Do not confuse the concept of "money turnover" with "payment turnover".

When it comes to money turnover, we mean operations related to cash and non-cash payments. Payment turnover are, together with cash, other types of payments: with the help of checks, bills of exchange, etc. That is, the money turnover is part of the entire payment turnover.

How to increase turnover with the help of HR managers: a business idea

HR managers promote various incentive programs in companies and purchase goods from various market segments. The editors of the Commercial Director magazine have figured out what strategy to use in order for your company's turnover to grow at the expense of the HR departments of partner companies.

What are the types of turnover in the enterprise

  1. Cash and money turnover- these are all payments in cash.

In every organization in Russia, regardless of its legal form, free funds must be kept on the account of a commercial bank.

Cash flow of the enterprise, or cash payments, function between legal entities and individuals, individuals, as well as among all kinds of enterprises, organizations, institutions.

Cash payments include all kinds of payments by companies of financial resources to employees. The cash turnover of the enterprise includes wages, scholarships, pensions, cash assistance and subsidies, receipts from the financial system, etc.

Individuals use cash when buying and selling, providing and paying for services. Also, the cash turnover of the enterprise is the issuance of the following payments: wages, scholarships, financial support for military personnel. Banks pay funds within the time period stipulated by the agreement, the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation and the instructions of the NBU.

Cash is issued by transferring from the organization's current account using checks, where the purpose of the amount to be withdrawn from the account is indicated on the reverse side.

Cash that comes to the cash system of the organization per day must be handed over to the bank that serves the company every day. Thus, there is a daily cash turnover of the enterprise.

An organization can leave cash at its cash desks only within a certain limit, the limit of which is set by the bank that serves it. This limit is determined taking into account the specifics of the company's activities, because the amount that will be able to ensure the smooth functioning of the company's capital turnover should remain in the cash desks, starting from the next working day after the cash is deposited.

  1. Cashless money circulation

Non-cash money circulation is called that part of the turnover of the enterprise's capital where cash flows go by transferring them through bank accounts or through mutual claims that exclude the banknotes themselves.

For the most part, the cash flow of the enterprise is carried out by bank transfer. This is because cashless circulation has significant advantages over cash and is more effective both for people in general and for individual economic agents.

Reasons for the effectiveness of cashless payments:

  1. Significant reduction in social distribution costs.
  2. Creation of the necessary conditions for the government to regulate the turnover of the enterprise's capital.
  3. Improving the economic condition of each subject in the cashless settlement system - accelerating the circulation of money gives people a close connection with banks and the monetary system as a whole.

Thus, each participant in monetary circulation is in an advantageous position, paying by non-cash method with banks, as well as within the framework of the monetary turnover of enterprises.

The cashless payment system includes:

  • their organizational principles;
  • system of requirements for the company;
  • formats and methods of calculations;
  • rules of order of payments;
  • accounting documentation required in the financial turnover of the enterprise.

System of non-cash payment principles:

  • settlement in non-cash form is carried out after the provision of services or the provision of goods;
  • both the non-cash money turnover of the enterprise and the settlements of individuals take place with the direct participation of banks and are controlled by them;
  • all non-cash payments are carried out on a voluntary basis;
  • the payer has free funds or the right to a loan.

Requirements to the organization of cashless payments:

  • payments must be timely;
  • conditions must be created to ensure control and discipline of the non-cash financial turnover of the enterprise, including banking agreements;
  • unscheduled cash flows during settlements are unacceptable; it is necessary to bring the moment of providing goods and services with payment as close as possible.

Cashless payment methods:

  • transfer of money from the payer's current account to the beneficiary's account;
  • offset of the claims of both parties.

Types of cashless payments: nonresident, local, republican and interstate.

Nonresident are non-cash financial transactions within the framework of the enterprise's turnover among suppliers and buyers, which are served by banks in different cities. Local cashless payments cash flows between the supplier and the buyer are called when the service is carried out by one or different banks within the same locality.

Depending on the application, including within the framework of the financial turnover of the enterprise, non-cash payments can be made:

  • during commodity transactions for goods and materials after the services provided and work performed;
  • in operations not related to goods and services (tax and other payments to the budget, loans).

Depending on the nature of the settlement documents, including the cash flow of the enterprise, there are the following types of cashless payments:

  • payment requests;
  • money orders;
  • payment orders-orders;
  • checks;
  • letters of credit and bill settlements.

To carry out the financial turnover of the enterprise in mandatory open checking accounts with banks.

  • Performance indicators are the main sensors of the company

They are started by legal entities that are engaged in commercial activities, and citizens carrying out entrepreneurial activities without education legal entity(Unincorporated business).

Funds from it can be independently spent by the account holder. It is possible to produce the following operations:

  • credit the account with financial receipts;
  • write off money at the request of the owner.

To open a current and current account, in order to ensure the financial turnover of the enterprise, the following are subject to submission to the banking institution the documents:

  • statement;
  • state registration of the company;
  • a copy of the memorandum of association for the establishment of the company;
  • copy of the company's charter;
  • two cards with samples of signatures and a seal, certified by a notary;
  • a certificate from the tax office about registration.

The bank has no right not to open an account for a client if future non-cash transactions in the company's turnover have a legal basis.

Depending on the nature of monetary relations the turnover of an enterprise can be:

  • settlement, servicing payments for goods and services, and non-commodity obligations of legal entities and individuals;
  • credit turnover;
  • the financial turnover of the enterprise serving monetary relations.

Depending on the entities between which funds are transferred, in the financial turnover of the enterprise there is a movement:

  • interbank (between banks);
  • banking (among banks and legal entities, as well as individuals);
  • between legal entities;
  • between legal entities and individuals;
  • between individuals.
  • Examination of project documentation: when is it needed and how to carry it out

How to analyze a company's turnover

Based on analytical and accounting, the financial turnover of an enterprise is estimated as the sum of credit turnover and accounts reflecting cash flows in operations, investments and commercial activities.

The financial turnover of an enterprise is the aggregate of cash flows from various cash transactions. This kind of grouping makes it possible to identify the economic efficiency of each of the given directions of the enterprise's turnover. The overall result shows changes in the company's economy, it is checked against the initial and final financial balance on the balance sheet in the accounting department.

If you analyze the cash flow of an enterprise, you can very accurately see what is the difference between the amount of financial flow that took place in the organization in the previous reporting period and the funds received during this time. When is it complex research the commercial component of the company, economic indicators analyzed, taking into account the specifics of financial flows, that is, the total turnover of the enterprise.

This is partly because modern reports reflect economic results that are formed on an accrual basis, not through the cashier. In other words, all receipts and expenditures of the company's funds are reflected in the reporting period after the fact, when they were, regardless of the actual movement of the company's financial turnover.

There is still such a moment. Basically, the receipts and outflows of finance do not have a fundamental impact on the total turnover of funds at the enterprise for the reporting period, since they are considered in the current period as income and expenses. We are talking about the income and expenses of the coming reporting periods, receiving and paying advances, obtaining and returning loans, purchasing fixed assets, financial investments, etc. It is better to analyze not only the financial results of the company's activities and the company's turnover in the reporting period, but also the results expressed in changes in the balance of finance in the period and in their structure.

Can be carried out cash flow analysis in two ways: direct and indirect.

  1. The direct method is to analyze the arrival of funds in the company's turnover (proceeds from sales, etc.) and expenses (payments of invoices to suppliers, repayment of loans, etc.) of finance. In fact, information base for the analysis of financial movements, this is revenue.
  2. Operations associated with the movement of money and the gradual calculation of profits are indirectly identified and accounted for.

Directly analyze the results of operations (financial turnover of the enterprise) during a certain period. These operations can be grouped by three types of activities:

  • operating room - this is sales, advances, payment for the services of suppliers, the conclusion of quick loan agreements and loans, salary payments, settlement with the budget, paid / received interest on loans and borrowings;
  • investments - the company's cash flow associated with the purchase or sale of assets;
  • activities in the financial sector - long-term loans and borrowings, different kinds financial investments, closure of debts for previously received loans, dividends.

Source of information for analysis- this is Form No. 1 "Enterprise Balance" and Form No. 4 "Cash Flow Statement". They can be summarized in the following formula:

d 0 + ▲ + d - ▲ - d = d 1, where

d 0, d 1 - the balance of the company's finances at the beginning and end of the reporting period,

▲ + d - the amount of money receipts for the reporting period,

▲ - d - finance costs.

The cash flow of an enterprise depends on various factors of the company's functioning. Because of this, in this formula, the inflow and outflow financial resources presented in three constituent types, which reflect current, investment and financial activities.

Cash flow structure shown in these formulas:

▲ + d = ▲ tech + d + ▲ inv + d + ▲ fin + d

▲ - d = ▲ tech - d + ▲ inv - d + ▲ fin - d

▲ tech + d, ▲ tech - d - finance inflow and outflow (enterprise turnover) from operating activities,

▲ inv + d, ▲ inv - d - inflow and outflow of investment funds,

▲ fin + d, ▲ fin - d - income and outflow of money from the financial sector.

Cash flow from current activities(▲ those + d) is expressed in proceeds from the sale of goods and services, as well as advances paid by buyers (customers).

Cash flow from current activities(▲ those - d) is payment for goods and services, wages, social contributions, accountable amounts issued to cover the needs of operational work, tax payments, advances from customers and other payments, advances to suppliers, payments on loans and borrowings - that is the aggregate financial turnover of the enterprise for operational needs.

Receipt of funds from investment activities (▲ inv + d) is revenue from sales of basic goods and other property, dividends and interest on investments, receipts from bonds, stocks and other long-term securities. All this is included in the income in the investment turnover of the enterprise.

Cash flow from investment activities(▲ inv - d) assumes equity participation in construction, purchase of securities and long-term cash investments, payment of dividends and interest on shares and other securities, purchase of fixed assets and assets. All this is associated with the expense of the investment turnover of the enterprise.

Cash inflow from financial activities(▲ fin + d) means income from short-term securities, from the sale of pre-purchased securities, from the repayment of loans, etc.

Cash flow from financing activities(▲ fin - d) is a set of purchases of short-term securities, return of payments, etc. Funds from financial activities also play an important role in the company's cash flow.

  • Current assets of the enterprise: concept, management and analysis

5 rules on how to calculate the turnover of an enterprise for a year

Annual turnover means the amount of the company's income (or individual entrepreneur), that is, the total amount from the sale of the product during the year. In other words, the annual turnover of the enterprise is the gross income.

Rule 1.

You need to determine the annual turnover of the enterprise of the previous periods of your company. If your company is at the beginning of its journey, use the statistics of competitors in this industry.

Rule 3.

Enter the correction factor to calculate the annual turnover of the business for the planned year. If you need to leave the company's turnover at the current level - in this case, the coefficient will be equal to one. If you want to increase the annual turnover of the enterprise, you need to think over how factors it is possible to increase it:

  • run a richer advertising campaign;
  • update products,
  • increase prices.

Decide on this and think over step by step how you will implement the growth of the enterprise's cash turnover throughout the year.

It is necessary to correct the result achieved by you in previous years, taking into account the inflation rate of the planned year and with the correction factor. For example, over the past 3 years you have managed to achieve a financial turnover of an enterprise in the amount of an average of about 3,000,000 rubles per year. You want to increase it by 15%. Desired turnover, taking into account the correction factor: 3,000,000 * 1.15 = 3,450,000 rubles. Next, calculate the required amount, taking into account the expected inflation rate in the coming year, it will be 7%: 3,450,000 * 1.07 = 3,691,500 rubles. You have received the sum of the planned volume of the company's annual turnover. We multiply by the inflation rate, but do not subtract it, since the desired amount of annual turnover should be equivalent to the average annual turnover of the enterprise for 3 last years... So, if you want to raise the company's annual turnover to 3,450,000 rubles, but do not take into account inflation at a rate of 7%, your annual turnover will total 3,208,500 rubles. And this is less than the desired outcome.

Rule 4.

Next, you need to break the resulting amount of the company's annual turnover into months, and you will get the expected amount for each of them. Just take into account your specifics, do not divide the turnover into exactly 12 parts. Every activity has ups and downs throughout the year. Analyze the graph of income from previous years and, based on their example, plan each average monthly turnover taking into account market fluctuations. In this case, your plan will be more accurate.

Expert opinion

How to maintain the volume of turnover at the enterprise in the off-season

Mikhail Rybakov,

business consultant, Moscow

Almost every line of business has a time of recession. These periods are very difficult to deal with, it is best to prepare for them in advance in order to maintain the turnover of the enterprise.

If you want to keep sales to a minimum during the off-season, you need to create a direction or choose products that will literally be an alternative to your main product during this period. To support the turnover of the enterprise throughout the year you segmentation. Let's say in the summer offer people tours to Greece, in the winter - Goa or European ski resorts. For spring and autumn, Egypt is better suited as tourism, there is ideal weather at this time. Many firms in the off-season reorient themselves to a different client group: for example, in the summer months there is more interaction with a retail client, in the winter - with a corporate one. This helps to maintain the turnover of the enterprise in the off-season.

If you didn't manage to sell the seasonal product, there is a way out. Arrange a sale, conduct sales stimulation using various marketing tools - use advertising, promotions and discounts. This will not help to significantly increase profits, but this way you will be able to maintain the minimum financial turnover of the enterprise. In retail, for example, open a stock store and sell off leftover products.

To prepare for the off-season, you can use historical analysis. Introduce new technologies, business processes. Finally, train the staff and, if necessary, hire new employees.

So, in order to maintain the cash flow of the enterprise in the off-season, it is necessary, first of all, to learn how to apply the experience of the company (from previous periods) and competitors. Study statistics, analyze customer preferences and take appropriate action. This will help you prepare for unpleasant business events in the off-season.

How to increase the total turnover of the enterprise

This is actually a key question for any organization. Accordingly, the profit will grow from an increase in the total turnover of the enterprise's capital. There is two ways to solve this problem:

  • extensive;
  • intensive.

In the first case, you need to use external resources - to increase the number of sellers, the amount of finance in the company's turnover, the number of clients, dealers, etc. In the second, use the internal reserves of the company.

Due to what will the turnover of the enterprise increase with the same managers, unchanged product and a stable market situation?

  1. Train managers. Training will allow you to increase conversions at all stages of the sales funnel.
  2. Offer your clients special conditions: promotions, gifts, bonuses, etc.
  3. Work on the issue of motivation.
  4. Use new, primarily intangible resources.
  5. Accounting, planning, control to help you.
  • Motivation of sales staff: an algorithm that increases sales up to 40%

How to increase the turnover of enterprises: 8 clever ways

1. What to do if there is no money for gifts to clients.

Congratulate, for example, partners in the agricultural sector on the New Year, not on the eve of January, like everyone else (your gift will still be lost in mass with others), but on March 1, when the agricultural year begins. In other areas, congratulate clients on the start of their fiscal year — many businesses start in the spring.

2. How to motivate employees to fulfill the plan.

Unfortunately, many companies do not disclose their results to their employees. Of course, it is definitely not worth giving all the data, but in order to increase the turnover of the enterprise, it is necessary to convey information to the employees in a generalized way: "The plan has been fulfilled by 85%." It is better to do this visually and somehow unusual. Buy, say, a large glass vase and fill it with tennis balls as you go along with the plan. So your employees will always see that sales are increasing, and they will have more motivation, and you will have an increase in the financial turnover of the enterprise.

3. How to increase the amount of the check.

Practical example. In a door and flooring store, the average bill needed to be increased. Notepads were hung on the chests of the consultants. When a buyer came in, the seller asked: “What is your name? What would you like? " - and wrote this data into a notebook, after which he said: "I will show you where it can be found." This simple innovation allowed us to increase the average check amount by 13%, which increased the total turnover of the company. Another example from a telecommunications sales firm. There, in front of each manager, a sticker was posted with the words: “Sell, damn it! Sell Mobile Internet! ". Interestingly, sales for this company increased by 5%.

4. If your offer is not read.

There are rational people, and there are emotional people. The former better understand the language of numbers, the latter - pictures. For this reason, your quotation must be made for each type separately. The most interesting thing is that the same person, out of simple curiosity, will definitely want to open both in order to compare them. That is, he will read the commercial offer anyway. To increase the turnover of the enterprise, if your commercial proposal is not read, we can recommend comparing it with competitors' proposals. It will be useful to put all the competitors' checkpoints on the floor, and then stand on a chair and look at all this from above - can you see your flyer or does it need to be redone?

5. How to stay ahead of the competition.

Instruct your employees to study the portals of your competitors, their advertising moves, commercial offers - let, say, on Fridays they report to you about what has changed over the week. You can install a magnetic board in the office so that any employee, having learned something new about a competitor, can attach information to the board. If your employees know what is going on with opponents, you can quickly take the right action and can increase the turnover of the enterprise.

6. If employees do not come up with ideas.

Give key employees a book - let them read for a month. After that, each employee must write everything interesting ideas which he read, as well as his ideas on what can be implemented to increase the turnover of the enterprise. There is another method for getting employees to literally bombard you with ideas. Apply the famous brainstorming, only in a destructive manner. Gather your workers and ask them: "What should we do to fail this project?" or: "What should be done to reduce the turnover of the enterprise by three times?" This rather playful presentation will give people courage and a boost to creativity, and you will be given tons of ideas. And then you mark them for yourself with a plus sign.

7. How to increase revenue.

Offer the client three possible options prices. Let's say your product is coffee. When you offer people two options - Grande for 79 rubles. and Tall Grande for 119 rubles, most likely, both types will be sold out about the same. However, when you offer Super Grande coffee as a third option for 149 rubles, only 15% will prefer Grande, and 85% will buy Tall Grande. An alternative with the third option is created so that customers choose the second. But at the store it is worth placing an attention-grabbing sign with the words: "Grande Cappuccino for only 79 rubles." This is a great way to increase your company's turnover.

8. How to make your product sell to as many people as possible.

First, create a set of business cards for each employee, including the courier. And let the sales manager have a business card with the inscription: "Lead Key Account Manager." Second, give a small souvenir to everyone, even those who come to you for an interview. This is done, for example, by the Google corporation - they give each candidate a flash drive, a pen and a notebook at the interview. Thus, you can provide yourself with the effect of word of mouth, which ultimately will increase the turnover of the enterprise.

  • Conducting promotions: how to increase brand and product awareness

How to constantly increase the turnover of an enterprise even after stagnation

Most of the commercial directors say that when the company's turnover grows over $ 2-5 million per year, they have a slowdown in sales growth and a decrease in manageability. When a business grows but stops developing, the previous controls no longer function. What should be done to overcome stagnation so that the company grows and develops successfully?

When introducing new strategy growth and development, you need to clearly define what product, in what markets and to whom you will sell, what is the desired turnover of the enterprise - such an analysis will allow you to fully see the scale of the organization. Actually, this way you can predict the future of your company. It often happens that the current situation in the company is far from the desired one. If you have a gap between reality and your goals, you need to make serious transformations, introduce new technologies - only comprehensive measures will give the necessary growth in the turnover of the enterprise. They should be based on firm positioning and goal setting.

Determination of target market segments and positioning of the company. Having found your target client and a niche in the market, you need to start implementing the appropriate technology, product, quality, logistics, service. Once you clearly segment your audience, you will be able to properly position your organization, tailoring it to the needs of the client. In addition, it will lay a solid foundation for long-term and stable sales growth, which will no longer be random, but become manageable, which, of course, will ensure a good financial turnover for the company.

When a market niche has not yet been chosen, and a positioning strategy has not yet been developed, start it soon, and you will not need to recover from stagnation, you will be able to overtake it, and the turnover of the enterprise will not even have time to decrease.

Goal setting. Why is goal setting necessary? This provides opportunities for the formation of the firm's policy in various directions. Personnel, production, financial, assortment and price - all of them should be based on your goals. If you have them clearly defined, this will motivate you to take action and help you calculate in advance various situations and the financial turnover of the enterprise. Commercial goal setting consists of a triad: market-client, financial-economic and commodity-supply goals.

Market-client the group of goals is primary in the successful and promising business... According to its goals, the organization analyzes what market share and for how long it wants to have, what turnover of the enterprise is necessary for this and how many percent of its customers the firm wants to make its permanent adherents. There are many aspects here: the quality of the structure and dynamics of the customer base development, the level of influence, service and customer satisfaction.

Financial and economic the group of goals includes the volume of sales (realized mark-up, margin), profitability, work with receivables, the amount of costs, the turnover of the enterprise, labor productivity indicators, etc.

Commodity supply the group of goals includes the assortment structure and planning of inventory, optimized selection of suppliers and interaction with them, logistics processes etc. These goals also affect the capital turnover of the enterprise.

Sales simulation is the next mandatory aspect of the strategy for the growth of the company's turnover through its development. Its main goals are the elimination of the factor of randomness in the sales department, greater sales productivity, and the creation of sales management levers. If you are engaged in sales modeling, then the tasks that you set for the department will be realized. A well-thought-out model removes all sorts of contradictory actions in positioning, assortment and logistics. Thanks to her, the turnover of the enterprise increases significantly. As an example, consider two sales models for drug wholesalers. In one company, products are delivered to pharmacy chains once every two weeks - such a model is designed for the purchase of goods in large quantities, respectively, stocks in the warehouse are calculated, demand is predicted, and bonuses are distributed. The company's turnover is quite stable. In another company, the products are delivered four times in one day, they can also bring one pack of aspirin. Here, too, there is an advantage: the customer does not need any miscalculations and forecasts. Each of these models is effective, but their functionality is different, as are the market segments. The difference is not only in delivery, each of the two wholesale companies positions themselves in completely different ways.

The sales modeling process is associated with the entire development strategy of the company and is built in any organization in its own way, depending on the goals, cash flow of the enterprise, etc. One company may even use several models at a time. To implement this, it is necessary to segment the market and cover the needs of each of these segments separately, organizing specifically targeted sales technologies and outlining step-by-step interaction with customers.

Expert opinion

Increasing the turnover of the enterprise through development through the definition of target niches and rational goal-setting

Garnik Kocharyan,

partner and manager of the firm "Salary-Optim"

The company of my partner (regional distributor of the b2b segment) worked very productively, while at the same time it was at the stage of entrepreneurship. Several managers worked in the firm. Most of all we worked with corporations, and the goods were shipped to customers directly from manufacturers. But by a certain point, customers began to centralize supplies and make part of their purchases in the capital. It was obvious that soon the segment of interaction with large corporations for this supplier would be closed. At this point, the transition to the development of new niches for cooperation with small and medium-sized businesses was decided.

Of course, working for corporate customers and supporting small and medium-sized businesses makes a huge difference. These are completely different turnovers of enterprises, different approaches to the formation of sales models, a different assortment and price policy, logistics. We began to form a new client base, and the profitable part from interaction with corporate clients invest intensively in small and medium-sized wholesale. We did a great job: the market was analyzed, competitors were assessed, new tasks were set for the company.

All these changes have led to significant development of the company. A year later, the company's office, which until then was located in one office, occupied the entire floor of a large business center. Today, more than 30 managers work in the sales service alone, there is a strong information system, systematized pre-sale preparation and delivery of goods, warehouses are equipped. Thanks to the growth-through-development approach, the company mastered new segments of the sales market, and it was able to take a significant share of it.

Information about experts

Garnik Kocharyan, Managing Partner, Salary-Optim. Salary-Optim is a consulting bureau, founded in 2003. Specializes in the design and implementation of personnel remuneration systems. The official website is

Mikhail Rybakov, business consultant, - certified project management specialist (CPMS, IPMA). The official website is

We recently conducted a study and found out that more than 50% of our clients in small and micro-businesses do their own bookkeeping. The advantages are obvious - savings. There may be no downsides if the entrepreneur understands financial and accounting... Sometimes this is critical.

Here's a real-life case that illustrates well the importance of being financially literate as an entrepreneur. Once, when filling out the balance sheet, the business owner indicated the balance of funds on the account, the value of goods, the amount of accounts receivable and payable, and wrote the words "Nissan" in fixed assets.

What do you think, the entrepreneur's assets and liabilities have come together, and what would the tax authorities say to this?

Confusion in terms can lead to overpayments or arrears, which can lead to tax penalties. Everyone should understand well and be able to distinguish from each other the main indicators of financial activity: revenue, profit, income, turnover and turnover.

Revenue, income and gross margin

Revenue- the amount of funds received from the sale of goods, works, services. It can be determined by the "by shipment" method, that is, at the time of the actual shipment of goods or the provision of services, or it can be determined by the "cash" method, that is, at the time of receipt of payment. In addition to funds received directly from the sale of goods and services, it may also include income from the sale of valuable assets and other receipts.

In accordance with the regulations on accounting “ income an organization is recognized as an increase in economic benefits as a result of the receipt of assets (cash, other property) and (or) the repayment of liabilities, leading to an increase in the capital of this organization, with the exception of contributions from participants (property owners). "

Revenue is an indicator of financial well-being and a starting point for calculating a company's profit. It can be zero or positive, but never negative.

The concepts of "revenue" and "turnover" are generally identical. In this case, "turnover" can often be used to denote the company's non-cash turnover, that is, the receipt of funds to the current account for goods, works and services sold.

In any case, revenue, income, and turnover are “gross” characteristics that do not take into account the costs (expenses) of the company.

Gross profit is equal to the difference between revenue and expenses (costs) for the main activity (the cost of goods or services sold). The financial result, taking into account the costs in all areas of the company, is called net profit (positive financial results) or net loss (negative).

Company turnover, trade turnover and revenue

Confusion often arises in terms of "turnover" and "turnover". We have already found out that turnover companies are the money that the enterprise has, this term refers to the economy. Trade turnover is a concept from the field of accounting, they denote the amount of funds received from the sale of goods or services.

Turnover should be distinguished from revenue - in addition to direct income from trading, it may include other types of income and income from the sale of property. Thus, the revenue can either be greater than or equal to the turnover.

It is also important whether you calculate revenue on an accrual basis or on a cash basis. As mentioned earlier, in the first case, income or expense is accounted for in the period to which they relate, in the second - when they are directly paid. If the sale is made in installments or deferred payment, then, in the case of cash settlement, revenue and turnover may also differ.

The difference between profit and turnover

If there is nothing wrong with what you call revenue turnover, then it is very important to distinguish profit from turnover, for example, in order not to overpay income tax.

Thus, the concept of "turnover" characterizes how much money a company has in principle, and profit is how much money a company can invest in its own development.

Difference between expense and loss

Cost is all the money a company spends to manufacture and sell its product. These include material costs, salaries and other payments to employees, the cost of repairing equipment and premises, rent, taxes.

When expenses exceed the company's revenues, a loss is generated.

  • Purpose of the article: reflection of information about accounts payable.
  • Balance line number: 1520.
  • Account number according to the chart of accounts: Credit balance 60, 62, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 76.

Accounts payable are the liabilities of the enterprise in the form of amounts reflected in the accounts accounting at the end of the reporting period. These may be advances received for which the company has not yet provided services or shipped goods. Or, on the contrary, the company was going to receive services, but did not pay the money.

What applies to the lender

In addition, accounts payable include:

  • debts to suppliers for works, goods, services;
  • received advances from buyers and customers;
  • overpayment of taxes, insurance premiums, fees;
  • unpaid wages to employees;
  • obligation to the accountable person;
  • obligations to other creditors.

Accounts for accounting

The Chart of Accounts approved at the legislative level is used to carry out settlements on the creditor. In accounting, these types of debts are accumulated on the following accounts:

How to write off accounts payable

When writing off overdue debts in tax accounting, non-operating income is used, since, in fact, the company made a profit without returning its debts. Write-off transactions:

  • Debit 60, 62, 70, 71, 76 Credit 91.1 "Other income" - the counterparty's credit was written off.

The credit card can be written off at the end of the term limitation period, which is determined by Article 196 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, over 3 years. The onset of delay is the day of violation of the terms of the contract for the payment or shipment of goods.

For example, Della LLC entered into an agreement with a contractor to perform renovation works in the amount of 1,500,000 rubles. Under the terms of the agreement, the company must pay an advance payment of 40% of the cost of the repair, and the rest must be paid within 5 working days after the signing of the certificate of completion.

The company has paid an advance payment in the amount of:

  • 1,500,000 * 40% = 600,000 rubles.

The unpaid balance was:

  • 1,500,000 - 600,000 = 900,000 rubles.

The certificate of completion was signed on 01/30/2018, which means that the debt must be repaid by 02/07/2018. However, there was not enough money in the bank account of the company, so it only paid off on 16.02.2018. Delay is calculated in calendar days. The payment to the lender was delayed by 10 days.

Reflection of creditors in reporting

Drawing up the "Balance Sheet" report at the end of the financial year is the direct responsibility of each organization.

The creditor in Form No. 1 is reflected in the liabilities of the balance sheet in the following sections:

  • "Short-term liabilities";
  • "Long term duties".

How to account for arrears by dates

The difference between the sections is in the assessment of the terms of accounts payable. Debt of the firm over 12 months should arise in "Long-term obligations". Accordingly, if the creditor is less than or equal to 12 months, then it is shown in "Short-term liabilities". The return period is calculated in accordance with the terms of agreements with creditors, with the exception of settlements:

  1. With a budget.
  2. With extrabudgetary funds.
  3. With staff.

Payment of taxes and insurance premiums is regulated by federal and regional legislation, depending on the type. The accumulation of tax creditors can lead to the arrest of the bank account and the bankruptcy of the company.

With regard to settlements with staff, the delay in wages entails material and criminal liability. This is established by Federal Law No. 272-FZ and the Labor Code.

How to calculate your credit balance

For example, the subject has debts for settlements with the budget at the end of the year:

From the table it follows that the balance of the organization's debt to the IFTS is 118,000 rubles. However, remembering that for the purposes of correct reporting, it is necessary to show debts in an expanded form, the following will be written in line 1520 of the balance sheet:

  • 110,000 + 10,000 + 80,000 = 200,000 rubles.

The receivable balance on accounts 68.1 and 68.10 will be shown in the balance sheet asset on line 1230.

In general, the presence of creditors is beneficial for the organization, if crisis situations are avoided, since this allows you to dispose of funds for other purposes.

But the consequences must be remembered. Failure to pay off the obligation speaks of a worsening financial situation in the company.

The explanations to the balance sheet, which are approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 66n, provide for the decoding of the movement of accounts payable for the year in Table 5.3. It can characterize the turnover by type of debt in comparison with the data of the previous year.

Debt Analysis Financial Indicators

The turnover of the lender shows the period for which the company can pay off its debts. To calculate the turnover ratio, there is an established formula:

K about = cost of goods sold / average annual credit.

The high value of this ratio indicates the speed of settlements on liabilities, respectively, the larger it is, the better the situation with monetary assets.

However, a decrease in the ratio does not always mean a low security with circulating assets, since the company can pay off the promissory note according to the schedule agreed with the creditors.

The average annual value of accounts payable is calculated as follows:

KZ average annual = (debt at the beginning of the year + debt at the end of the year) / 2.

Also, to assess the turnover, the period of collection of accounts payable is used.

PSKZ = (average annual credit / cost of goods sold) * 365.

The ratio of overdue debts is also important for assessing financial stability. It characterizes the volume of liabilities for which the maturity date has expired more than 3 months ago.

In the balance sheet, the lender is one of the most important indicators of stability economic activity enterprises, therefore, it is necessary to track its dynamics. Uncontrolled growth of debt can lead to a fatal outcome for the company.

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Related References

The company's turnover, also called turnover or gross income, is the amount of funds that the company received after selling its product. Not a single accounting report can do without determining the turnover or sales proceeds. Economists call turnover one of the main indicators of a company's success, because it is directly related to the efficiency of the enterprise. The turnover is calculated per year, month or season. In the material, we will talk about the types of turnover and the features of its calculation.

Varieties of turnover

The turnover of a company is not an unambiguous term, since it includes many sub-items. It can be carried out in one form or another of monetary calculations, calculated for the company as a whole or for a particular area of ​​work. The period for which the data is analyzed is also important. Most often, economists are interested in the company's annual turnover; a twelve-month distance is considered optimal for assessing the state of affairs in a business structure.

A huge impact on modern accounting and reporting in general is exerted by the varieties of annual turnover, made in cash and non-cash form.

Total cash turnover

It should include all cash payments, such as payments by companies of funds to their employees. In addition to wages, the form includes the transfer of scholarships, pensions, cash assistance, grants, receipts from financial systems... Cash is widely used in the sale and purchase of goods and services.

How is cash dispensed?

The system provides for the transfer of funds from the settlement account of the organization using checks, they indicate the amount and purpose. The total turnover can be calculated even for one day, if the funds entering the cash system of the organization are transferred to the bank serving the company every day. Surely, you have come across situations when organizations leave cash at their cash desks.

Such actions are allowed, however, only within the limit set by the bank. This limit is precisely set depending on the turnover and the specifics of the company's work - the question should be answered, how much money must be left in the cash register in order to ensure uninterrupted operation, customer service and users?

Non-cash turnover of a business company

The company's turnover is not only cash, these days, it is, rather, mainly non-cash payments. Such transfers go directly from one account to another and have a number of advantages over the cash payments described above through cash desks. Companies do not need to take additional measures to implement the regulatory function of supervisory government agencies, they lower social costs.

It is known that the improvement of the economic condition of a certain company is understood as the acceleration of the total turnover, which is achieved mainly through a non-cash form. How should non-cash payments be organized? It is important to fulfill them in a timely manner, to ensure that the company's non-cash circulation is under the constant control of responsible persons, to prevent unauthorized movement of funds.

How to calculate the annual turnover of an enterprise?

What does turnover mean, we figured it out, now it's the turn to answer the question, how can you calculate the financial turnover? this work falls on the analysts-accountants of the enterprise, the amount of credit turnover and accounts is used. It allows you to effectively assess the volume of cash flows in transactions, investments and commercial activities.

As mentioned above, the financial turnover of a company is the aggregate of cash flows, all monetary transactions, both cash and non-cash. However, calculations are recommended to be carried out separately for each model described above, even a primary analysis will make it possible to understand how effective non-cash or cash turnover was.

It is then necessary to find out the turnover in order to assess the financial changes in the enterprise, it is compared with the indicators recorded at the beginning of the reporting period and analyzed. The movement of money turnover allows you to see the difference between the value cash flow last year and funds received during the year. Annual turnover is a global parameter; it is used to conduct strategic analytical research.

How to calculate the turnover?

How to calculate turnovers?

An important indicator of the activity of an enterprise or firm is its turnover. It is used to calculate the ROI and the daily rate of movement of funds. Before you know how to calculate turnovers, you need to determine the main indicators that affect them. Working capital is necessary to ensure the production process, as a result of which there is a transfer of their value to the finished product.

Any economic activity involves the use of working capital.

These include work in progress, inventories, finished and shipped products, accounts receivable, cash and money in the company's current account. In the daily activities of the enterprise, they go through several stages of use.

Stages of movement of working capital

  • Monetary. Funds are used to purchase raw materials, components, materials, containers, fuel and other components of production activities.
  • Production. Previously created stocks as a result of the production process are transferred to finished products or semi-finished products.
  • Commodity. To receive funds, it is implemented finished products or semi-finished products.


It is necessary to determine the period for which the calculation will be carried out (for example, for a month, half a year). Most often, the calculation is carried out per year.

You will need to collect data on all sales made during the selected period. For this, the cost of goods sold (P) is summed up.

The value obtained as a result of calculating sales (P) must be divided by the amount of costs (Z).

The result obtained allows you to analyze the success of economic activities.

The larger it is, the more efficiently assets are used and the higher the profitability of production. An increase in turnover will increase profits.

To assess how efficiently the circulating assets are used, their turnover rate is calculated. To do this, determine the time required for the full turnover of funds from the acquisition of materials (money stage) to the sale of products (commodity stage). Comparing the planned and actual turnover, it is concluded that it is slowing down or accelerating.

Rationalization helps to rationally use working capital. It includes the development of reasonable standards and norms for the consumption of materials, raw materials and other means to ensure uninterrupted operation. The simplest method of rationing is based on the use of data on working capital for the past period, which make the necessary adjustments.

To calculate it, you need to divide the turnover for the period under consideration by the number of months in it. This indicator is usually of interest to the tax service and future creditors.