How to make money with advertising on a car and what is needed for this. Creation of logos and corporate identity Ecology and Skoda

Depending on whether the car ad is aimed at men or women, the ad emphasizes male or female elements. Consumers often bring cars to life. For men, the car is usually feminine. For women - masculine.

The motives behind car advertising

The motives behind car advertising are quite diverse:

- car ownership is a dream come true, pleasant emotions;

- ownership of a certain car - accessibility for all social categories, or, conversely, only for the elite;

- a specific car means safety, comfort, strength, reliability, beauty, environmental friendliness, efficiency, etc.

Characteristics on which automotive advertising is built

Characteristics that are usually required in the advertisement of the car for sale:

- brand,

- model,

- year of issue,

- Colour,

- mileage,

- power,

- accessories,

- transmission (manual or automatic),

- engine,

- guarantee or insurance,

- price and terms of payment,

- name, phone number, (e-mail).

Keywords relevant in car advertising

- reliable,

- comfortable,

- economical,

- modern,

- retro,

- easy to park,

- environmentally friendly,

- spectacular,

- powerful,

- safe,

- roomy,

- solid,

- sports,

- respectable.

Automotive advertising is often emotional. Therefore, bright colors, informal balance, diagonal lines will be appropriate in it. In family models, it is worth demonstrating traffic safety (belts, pillows, etc.)

An example of non-informative advertising

An example of a “chattering”, non-informative advertisement:

Work for yourself!

Family of cars "GAZelle"

Now such a life. We must spin, we must!

If if you don't catch your luck, someone else will.

If you have arms, legs, a head on your shoulders, please, you will not be poor.

And if you are a "burdock", then you will miss the fact that floats right into your hands!

GAZ - Russian cars

Additional Information:...

Examples of expanded, information-rich advertising

There are many people with big money

who want everything in the world to remain as it is.

But is this enough for success?

After all, time dictates its conditions.

It is no coincidence that the new BMW 7 series has appeared just now. The world is changing, globalization is becoming the main feature of the future, these changes are being felt in Russia as well. The new BMW 7 Series car, in which 35 world-class technical innovations are implemented, has become a symbol of this turning point. iDrive and Dynamic Drive are innovations that cannot be overstated. The same can be said for the first V8 engine with Valvetronic and the first six-speed automatic transmission with an electric shift system. Thanks to its high technology, the BMW 7 Series is extremely dynamic despite its impressive dimensions. But it is not only technical innovations that make this model unique. The new BMW 7 Series not only enjoys well-deserved success and recognition all over the world - it creates new ideas about a status, prestigious car for the true elite of society. This car perfectly demonstrates the worldview of people of modern times.

Dealer Addresses: ...

BMW. Enjoy driving

An unforgettable ride behind the wheel of a BMW 7 Series.

Try the best.

New BMW 7 series.

A unique opportunity: a long test drive in a luxury sedan, a leading car that embodies prestige and emphasizes your high position in society. The instant success of the new BMW 7 Series in Russia has led to an active demand for test drives in the showrooms of official dealers. In order for you to get acquainted with the BMW flagship in a calm atmosphere and at a convenient time for you, we have created a special program. After all, a truly versatile test drive should take place without haste ...

You will have plenty of time to follow the special route and enjoy the fantastic dynamics that Valvetronic's progressive technology gives you. Enjoy the smooth operation of the engine, sharp acceleration and amazing acoustics - qualities that, along with the power increased by 14%, characterize the new generation of BMW engines. Enjoy the power of the 333-horsepower engine. The combination of the brilliant qualities of the new BMW 7 Series will allow you to experience an unforgettable test drive pleasure.

New BMW 7 series. A new philosophy for your life.

Most people perceive their own car as a means of transportation, sometimes a luxury item. But not everyone thinks about the fact that the car can be profitable. Moreover, it is passive. For this, it is not necessary to sit behind the wheel for days, work in a taxi, deliver various kinds of goods, etc.

More and more often in Russia you can find vehicles on which various advertising and marketing proposals are applied. Car wrapping really gives its result for the popularization and brand recognition.

Someone might think that these are cars belonging to the companies and brands that advertise on them. Some may indeed be directly related to a firm or organization. But also advertising, printed on a car, is a new income that is gradually spreading in Russia.

Benefit in such conditions is mutual. The advertiser receives a mobile vehicle on which his slogans, brand name, images of specific products are applied, thereby actively disseminating information. The car owner himself receives material benefits from this. Moreover, the amounts under the contracts can be very impressive. He does not have to travel around the city on purpose, as long as the advertisement works. For active car users, this is not necessary.

Where advertising is applied

Posters, stickers and other variants of images of advertised products or services are always applied in such a way as not to contradict safety rules. That is, they should not block the driver's view.

Stickers are allowed to be applied to almost all stationary elements of the vehicle. The only exceptions are windshields.

Basically they prefer to paste over:

  • hood;
  • doors;
  • body;
  • side parts;
  • rear glass.

Some people prefer to touch only one element by decorating it with ads. Others order a complete set, and then virtually the entire car becomes a mobile billboard. No matter how you look at it, a potential consumer will always notice an advertisement.

How much can you earn

The amount of remuneration for a car owner depends on many factors. Basically, the payment is influenced by the following points:

  • vehicle type;
  • vehicle dimensions;
  • place of registration of the vehicle;
  • year of issue;
  • technical condition;
  • brand;
  • places where ads will be placed;
  • number and size of advertising stickers;
  • the geography of moving the car;
  • the pricing policy of the advertising company.

The larger the car, the more noticeable the advertisement will be. Also, advertisers give preference to cars with registration in the region where the product or service will be promoted. Well-groomed cars in good technical condition are also a priority. The more prestigious the brand is, the more money will be offered to the car owner. Not the least role is played by the places on which the driver will mainly move. The more densely populated the area turns out to be, the greater the benefit from this to all parties.

It is difficult to say exactly how much this or that advertisement costs on a car or per month. But you should understand that an advertising block on the hood or doors of a prestigious foreign car running in the center will cost significantly more than a small sticker on the wing on one side, applied to an old VAZ, the main geography of which is the countryside.

The range of prices for a month of movement with advertising is from 3 to 15 thousand rubles.

How to advertise

If you want to make money by advertising on your car, you should not immediately run to companies specializing in this. It is important to understand that they have a lot of offers, and it is far from the fact that it is the option with your vehicle that will be optimal for them.

The best solution would be to submit your offer to several advertising organizations at once. Step-by-step further actions of the car owner can be described as follows:

  • First, you should go to the websites of companies that have similar offers.
  • Register, follow all instructions provided by the organization.
  • All characteristics of the car must be indicated, photographs are attached.
  • After that, the car is entered into a special database.
  • Sites usually offer options for ad units in which the company is interested.
  • The motorist chooses those options to which he agrees.
  • If the company approves your candidacy, it is required to visit the company's service center directly on the machine.
  • Advertising is applied in the service and a tracker (GPS) is additionally installed.
  • When the term of the contract comes to an end and the parties do not renew it, the stickers are removed free of charge in any convenient service of the organization.

Periodically, the motorist undertakes to send photographs of his car. This is necessary so that the advertiser can assess the current state of the stickers and, if necessary, replace them.

Depending on which company the motorist chooses, the amount of the remuneration itself largely depends.

Not everyone knows about this way of earning money, and not every car owner will agree to such agreements. To attract drivers and somehow reward them, many advertising organizations provide certain advantages. This can be for car services, free car wash, travels on toll roads on preferential terms, etc.

By placing advertisements on a personal vehicle, a person can make good money on it. The main advantage here is that the way of earning is almost completely passive. You don't need to make any special efforts for this.

Many who work according to this scheme do not even change their familiar image life. They go to work every day, take their children to school, go to the region on business, run around the center on weekends, and more. At the same time, a product or service is promoted in parallel, information about which is printed on the car, and the car owner is charged for this. There is absolutely no problem in taking pictures of the car once a week.

Who to contact for advertising

There are several basic search options here:

  • Ask friends and acquaintances. Surely there will be those who have come across this, or know who to turn to.
  • Search the Internet. The simplest, but also the most effective method... This will allow you to select at once all organizations operating and represented in your city. Plus, the sites have the necessary information, terms of cooperation, contact details, etc.
  • Chat with drivers with ads on their cars. Many of them will probably tell you where and how they received the relevant offer. If the driver is friendly, he will show the location of the office, share information about possible earnings.

As you can see, there are options. Do not forget about the usual print media and even banal advertisements on the poles. Start with the most obvious search methods while looking at other possible options.

In most large cities, there are at least a few companies that can offer you money for advertising. Moreover, these can be intermediaries in the form of advertising agencies, or the enterprises themselves or companies dealing with marketing issues on their own.

What are the requirements

To replenish your own budget with advertising on your personal passenger car, it is not enough to simply declare your readiness to paste over the car. Companies impose certain requirements, if they do not meet them, you should not count on actually passive earnings.

Each organization has its own rules, in accordance with which the implementation of advertising placement on a passenger car, truck or commercial vehicle. At the same time, there are several standard requirements that are relevant for almost every advertiser:

  • The motorist is obliged to regularly use his vehicle. He does not have to be behind the wheel, if the car is a family one. The main thing is that the vehicle is in operation.
  • The car must go on those routes that are spelled out in the contract, as well as be sure to visit certain zones agreed in advance. This is why it is important to choose the option that best suits the motorist's daily route. If you live in the suburbs, work in the same place, and under the contract you need to travel around the center, the benefit from such earnings will be extremely doubtful.
  • The vehicle should be kept clean and in good technical condition. Serious are not allowed.
  • The labels and the blocks used must be in good condition. It is necessary to ensure that no scuffs, scratches, dents appear. As the decals wear out, they can be replaced if the contract has not expired.
  • According to the agreement, the car owner undertakes to periodically send photo reports on the technical and visual condition of the car, as well as advertisements. Also, the requirement is not excluded, according to which the driver will sometimes have to visit the office of an advertising organization.

Everything additional rules and the requirements are spelled out in the contract, negotiated between the parties on an individual basis.

Companies engaged in this type of promotion usually have a solid vehicle fleet. At the same time, each machine has its own role. If you need to promote agricultural machinery, fertilizers, seedlings and similar goods, then the main focus is on the suburbs and suburban areas of roads that run near dachas, farmlands, agricultural enterprises. Car parts, wheels, repair services are promoted near car markets, car dealerships, parking lots, etc.

This allows us to state the following. It is not necessary to live in the city center or live in a large metropolis to earn money through advertising on cars. You just need to choose the appropriate advertising option that is relevant to the area in which you travel most of the time on your transport.

How long does it take to pasting

It may take no more than an hour for pasting with advertisements on the rear window of a car. For a complex population of blocks, it takes 2 to 6 hours. Before installation, a thorough body wash is required. This is required so that the stickers sit flat, do not bubble or begin to come off after a short time.

It is not necessary to be in service center... Many companies suggest waiting in the waiting room with coffee and watching TV, or you can go home or do other business and return to pick up your car when all work is complete. Experts will inform you when they finish pasting.

Here it is worth considering one important point... Applying stickers gives the motorist an additional advantage. Especially when it comes to the bonnet, wheel arch area and glass. Such films are strong enough and resistant to wear and tear. They do not harm the paintwork at all. On the contrary, films protect the body and glass from chips, scratches and other minor damages. So, in fact, you get money and free protective film on the body.

When the term of the agreement expires, the advertisement will be removed in the service center, and after the film there will not even be any traces. From the standpoint of the safety of a personal car, such a way of earning is more beneficial than just money.

What are GPS trackers for?

There are 2 main reasons.

  • Control of work. No one will pay money on the basis of trust. After all, then the motorist can stick an advertisement, put the car in the garage for a month, go several times to different locations for a photo, and then get it from the advertiser wages... So that the company knows that their advertising on wheels really works and fulfills the terms of the contract, trackers are installed.
  • Payment depending on the areas visited. Many advertisers have this principle. The more often the car is located in areas with a large concentration of cars and people, that is, in the center, for example, or directly near the required locations, the higher the payment. If the car will mostly stand in the yard, drive along suburban roads, where the number of potential audience is minimal, then the fee will be lower.

How payments are made

There are several options here. But the specific method of payment, dates and conditions for transferring money are discussed by the advertiser and.

Usually, payment is made by bank transfer. Some pay in cash at the organization's office. If the car owner is an entrepreneur or entity, then the method of transferring to the current account is used.

There are also companies that can transfer e-currency. Here, the conditions of a particular company are already taken into account.

Exactly in the same way, the date of calculation is discussed on an individual basis. Some people pay immediately in advance, and the balance at the end of the month. But usually payment is received at the end of the month, when it is possible to summarize based on the number of trips, locations visited during this time by the motorist, and other points.

The question of taxation

There is an active debate as to whether it is necessary to pay taxes for applying various advertisements to your car.

In fact, yes. Only they will have nothing to do with the car owner himself. All tax levies provided for payment individuals are taken over by advertisers. That is, it is the company that ordered the pasting of the vehicle that will pay the state part of the funds.

Therefore, the amount specified in the contract is net profit. No one will take part of the funds as taxes and, in fact, has no right. If the company reduces the agreed salary, referring to taxes, it is better to terminate the contract with it. This is just talking about the bad faith and dishonesty of the organization.

Who is engaged in the production of advertising

Depending on the type of activity, interested in promoting their product or service, some companies may independently manufacture advertising stickers.

But in most cases, enterprises and organizations turn to advertising agencies that carry out a set of activities. The customer stipulates his requirements, gives specific tasks and sets goals for the agency. Those design layouts with an eye to use when pasting certain types of cars.

If the project is fully approved, the search for advertising machines begins. Again, the company itself can search for car owners, how the product or product is being promoted, or an advertising agency. In most cases, this is the second option.

Need for ad permission

Motorists who are potentially interested in such earnings are worried about whether they need to get a special permit if their car has advertisements.

In fact, it is forbidden for the stickers to completely cover the rear window, overlap the lighting devices. You cannot glue anything on the windshield.

There is a widespread myth that if the rear window passenger car advertising will flaunt, for this a serious monetary fine is imposed. Moreover, it continues to be actively imposed in 2019. If you completely block the view, the headlights and light, the sticker will not be, the traffic police officer has no right to apply any sanctions against the driver.

Returning to whether it is legal when advertising is on a car, in 2019 all the same standards apply that have become relevant since 2007. It was then that a new order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs came into force, which canceled the order from 1998. It concerns the placement and distribution of outdoor advertising by means of motor vehicles. All these innovations of that time led to the fact that they canceled the need to coordinate advertising with the traffic police.

The rest is undertaken by the company that installs these stickers on the cars. No one will deliberately glue the blocks in such a way that they violate the law or endanger drivers, passengers and other road users.

The main requirement, relevant in 2019, which concerns outdoor advertising on vehicles, is the area occupied by such units. They must not cover more than 50% of the body. If so, then no additional permits will have to be obtained. And even more so, no manipulations will need to be carried out by the car owner himself.

Advertising by car is a fairly profitable way of passive income. Yes, you can't make a fortune on such a thing. But if you regularly drive a car on business, use gasoline, wear out car parts, then a couple of stickers will make it possible to at least exclude all costs of maintaining and servicing the vehicle from the main family budget. Plus, there will still be earnings on top of this amount.

To agree or not, everyone decides for himself. If you choose the best conditions for yourself, 5-10 thousand rubles will definitely not be superfluous.

As you know, advertising in modern world is also a kind of art - sometimes it costs more money to shoot a small video than one episode of a popular TV series. The recognized leaders in the field of quality advertising are. They can afford to set aside huge budgets for the consciousness of short videos, knowing that they will return in full - if not in the form of sales, then in the form of a positive reputation and widespread discussion. That's why creative advertising cars is worthy of attention not only of specialists, but also of ordinary spectators who want to know Interesting Facts or laugh at the subtle humor inherent in her scenes by the creators.

World leader

Winged engineers

However, Volkswagen's "arsenal" includes not only shocking, but also funny car advertisements. One of them is dedicated to the exclusive, issued by the concern. Father and daughter are driving a Volkswagen, and dad notices that the odometer has passed 100,000 miles. The daughter is not at all delighted with this, but the father says that every time a Volkswagen car travels such a distance, the German engineer grows wings.

Next, we see comical situations that occur at the Volkswagen plant - the engineers do have wings, but they grow at the most inopportune moment. To which the girl replies - apparently, when the car travels 200 thousand miles, a rainbow shines below their backs. Indeed ... Advertising tells us that most of the cars in the world, whose mileage exceeds 100 thousand miles, are produced by Volkswagen.

Motorsport classics

Of course, it has already been proven that the use of sports images is not best advertisement auto, considering the universal and wise use of resources. However, there are “old school” firms that do not want to deviate from the dynamic image of their cars. Accordingly, such amusing videos are obtained.

Thoughtful randomness

She took advantage of the popular plot basis in the form of a "flash mob", that is, events based on a pre-compiled plot, which from the outside looks like a coincidence of circumstances. Traffic was blocked at a roundabout in a large city, witnessed by dozens of people. Five red BMW M235i entered the circle, which were at an equal distance from each other. The girls-traffic controllers stood at each entrance and raised the stop signs.

The professional pilots who were seated performed a truly mesmerizing dance, the figures of which are difficult to follow even on video. People stood with their mouths open and filmed what was happening on cameras mobile devices... The action lasted about two minutes - before the audience had time to come to their senses, the fences were removed, the girls got into the cars and, joining the drivers, drove off into the distance.

Call of the racing track

But the new advertisement for the Porsche Cayman GT4 will be understandable only to true motorsport fans. Strange signs and inscriptions appear in different parts of the city - on the asphalt, in the parking lot, on the garage door. Seeing them, people lower their voices and quickly walk away, taking their children and relatives away. At the same time, a fuzzy silhouette of a sports car is always present in the field of view.

Everything is explained very simply - these inscriptions are part of the canvas of the Nürnburgring race track, painted during the largest rock festival Rock Am Ring. Finally, we see the car itself, the protagonist of the video - a bright yellow Cayman in a special GT4 racing configuration. The voice-over explains to us that his driver does not need to pay attention to public opinion or other conventions, because the main thing is the incredible sensations that it gives people.

Creativity and big budget

However, the most expensive car advertisement was filmed, which used the style of realism. After watching the video, you will be surprised at first - can it really be worth more than $ 6.2 million? However, one has only to imagine how the shooting was carried out, and how many takes were made until the desired result was obtained, the question completely disappears.

Honda marketers have created a unique mechanism in which the parts of the Honda Accord, arranged in a specific order, interact with each other. As a result, the movement, which began with a small gear, drives the suspension springs, the electric fan and even the speakers of the audio system. The result is the lowering of the podium on which the Accord station wagon stands, and the unfolding of the flag with the model name. Such advertising for cars seems unremarkable, but you want to revise it many times so as not to miss the smallest details.

Commercial art

Of course, car advertisements look much better than all the commercials that are shown on the main TV channels every day. However, even in it, only a few videos have creative potential. In addition to the companies mentioned, the leadership in this area belongs to the following companies:

  • Chrysler;
  • Tesla;
  • KIA / Hyundai.

Attempts to attribute human feelings to inanimate objects are always interesting. The authors of the original ad tried to play out a real tragedy in the space of a creative poster. In the previous episode of our "Soap Messenger" there was a nasty anecdote about. This time, the story is even more heartbreaking - the suffering of a young filling machine, who is constantly dynamized by his beloved car.

How hard it is to be a filling machine in the age of technological progress! All cars have become terribly independent and proud of their independence. So the original advertisement proudly tells that your car will often dynamically refuel, because it uses gasoline very economically.

Meanwhile, such independence is not good for a filling machine: the flowers fade, dinner at a restaurant gets cold, but it still does not. Dreams of how he will pour it in and, so to speak, fill it up to the most I can’t, dissipate like smoke from an exhaust pipe. The last thing that remains for the poor machine gun is to shoot from its own pistol (it should be noted that the device is multifunctional: you can both refuel it and shoot from it in case of failure).

The slogan is “Less visits to the pump”. Invented a story about male love and female deceit in the Paraguayan creative agency Nasta / Ogilvy.

Our work is a constant search: we are looking for solutions and forms, associations and images, materials and techniques. The capabilities of our Digimac design studio are not limited to standard tools: draw, sculpt, model, cut, glue - we work with any materials and formats.

Development of corporate identity

We are able to create and emphasize the uniqueness of companies, services and products. We build the right ranks of associations by mixing colors and textures based on your customers' expectations. The images created in the studio make you believe in them, follow them. Your client will distinguish them out of a thousand.

With each of our work, we try to be more useful to our customers and people around us. We treat each project with professional trepidation and interest.

Design Services

We will be happy to develop for you:

  • a unique, commercially effective logo;
  • detailed guideline;
  • a strategically correct and solid brand book;
  • realistic 3D models almost to the point of tangibility;
  • characters ready to come to life and communicate with your consumer;
  • magical illustrations;
  • detailed, clear, profitable presentations for your company.

We blind, glue, make, draw, develop. Anything that will make your business more successful and your customers happier.

Design is our life and work! Digimac Design Studio.