Lego birds from Thomas Poulsom. Fantastic animals. creative ads for los angeles zoo big lego animals

For your child. Already at the age of 3, the daughter collects her "monsters", devils, angry birds Made from classic Lego pieces. True, they are not yet recognizable "for the uninitiated", but her interest, passion, immersion in design each time serve as confirmation that the choice was the right one.

It turns out that I chose LEGO not only for my daughter, but also for myself :) While she is small, from time to time I sit down with her and collect characters for her game. And it's very addictive! First, we redid all the crafts from the instructions, and then ... The process of inventing is so exciting that I created a separate blog for Lego projects, an Instagram account and Facebook group. Subscribe, it will be interesting!

Yes, there are Lego sets with animal figurines, but in my opinion, making them yourself is much more interesting!

In this review I will show some of our animals. My daughter loves animals in general (but she loves even more when her mother plays fairy tales with these animals). Below the photos there will be links to photo instructions on my blog. There, in some instructions there is a list of cubes that will be needed for assembly, some do not, but everything is clear from the context. Cubes and blocks can be replaced with similar ones. Yes, some types of bricks cannot be found in any set ... in this case, you can come up with your own “modification” or simply assemble another craft.

All the crafts below are made from blocks from three LEGO sets: 10662, 10693, 10696. You can use other sets with similar bricks.

The list of animals will be updated.

LEGO Animals

Giraffe and Piglet (Standard)

Lion (standard, instruction):

Deer (we came up with it ourselves, in a team with Santa) - how to do it.

Crocodile (played according to the book Ma-Tari-Kari) - instructions.

Dove - it took a lot of gray blocks of various shapes. Instruction.

And this is a parrot (maybe you won’t have parts for the tail, they rarely come across in sets, I don’t remember which one we have) - instructions. I made it according to my daughter's drawing, so it's an exclusive model :)

Lego fish

Shark (from standard instructions). in the Labyrinth, in Ozone). At the time of writing, Ozone had a special price for this edition. Lego sea books, you can choose the taste of the child.

The books are suitable for children ages 8 and up. detailed instructions not there, but there are many large photographs of various assembled "constructs". Yes, you probably won’t have all the parts to assemble, but you can make adjustments to the models based on the available Lego blocks.

Books are not cheap, but a child who is fond of a designer will appreciate such a gift!

Thomas Poulsom (Thomas Pulsom) from the UK, a gardener and a great bird lover in the past, has assembled an original series of birds of different species from Lego birds cubes. This idea was so liked by all visitors to the special site Lego Ideas that in the shortest possible time it collected 10,000 votes and thus gave a start to the development and mass production of such a constructor.

And it all started just over two years ago, when Thomas Pulsom decided to collect a bird zoo consisting of several species of birds from the favorite game of millions of children around the world Lego. Thomas offered bright and colorful bird figurines to the Lego company. But according to the rules established by the company, before starting to consider any project, at least 10,000 Internet users of the company's website must vote for it. 10 birds were put up for voting. All the birds proposed by Thomas were very liked and quickly gained the necessary 10,000 likes. The three birds that received the most approval will go on mass sale in January 2015. The colorful box with the image of three birds turned out to be quite impressive in size, consisting of 580 parts.

On this author interesting idea not going to stop. His dream is to create at least 100 varieties of birds in the near future. By the way, 70 pieces are already ready and waiting for their missing brothers. And then Thomas will show the whole world all his new collection. And with what enthusiasm and speed he works on the collection, we will see very soon. According to the author himself, it takes from one to several days to create one Lego bird, and it all depends on how many parts this bird consists of. The variety of birds that Tom collects are varied and chosen purely for the beauty of their plumage. But the first, of course, were the bird species that live in the parks and gardens of Great Britain. Since Thomas himself has watched these birds more than once and knows everything about their life and habits.

While we surround ourselves with monitors, smartphones, keyboards, refrigerators and cars, we forget how real, live and warm animals and birds- how an elephant trumpets, how an owl hoots, how a lion roars ... This idea is clearly and beautifully displayed creative advertising prints and video from fantastic animals created for Los Angeles Zoo.

Some people don't take the idea very well. zoos: it seems wrong to them that animals languish in cages. However, in good, large zoological parks, such as arch in los angeles, the area on which the animal lives practically coincides with the area of ​​its natural range. But this is not even the point, but the fact that zoos remain almost the only possibility for ordinary person see amazing animals not on TV, in a BBC documentary, but for real.

In a creative ad for the Los Angeles Zoo, designed by the agency RLR Advertising from Pasadena, depicted fantasy animals- an elephant from monitors, keyboards and system units, a gorilla from pencils and crayons, an owl from letters, magazines and newspapers. The message of these masterfully executed posters is simple and clear: in our memory, the real outlines of animals are gradually being erased, being replaced by what we come into contact with more often - office supplies and household appliances. The idea reminds .

The only way to improve the situation is to go to the zoo. Fantastic animal prints - part advertising campaign , started by the new management of the Los Angeles Zoo, to increase attendance. Also, as part of this campaign, unusual promotional videos like this one about life white alligator:

Unfortunately, the natural environment is becoming more and more iron heel of mankind. Some animals, for example, deer david, and do live only in zoos, and many species in the near future will remain only behind the glass or bars of enclosures. It is unlikely that the state of affairs will be corrected, or even - only by a well-thought-out policy of the world community to preserve natural landscapes and protect protected lands. And then we can admire not, but real tigers, elephants and gorillas.

Olga Leonidovna
Lesson on legoconstruction "Owl, owl - a smart little head" for a senior preschool age

Lesson on legoconstruction on the topic" Owl, owl - smart little head promotes children's interest in wildlife.

Occupation is aimed at developing the abilities of children in the constructive-playing activity of the developing system " lego".

The relevance of the topic is due to the importance of forming in children a careful attitude to the animal world of nature. Relevance is also related to technology legoconstruction as a way of forming children's knowledge about the world of birds. When constructing a model of an owl, you can later use it in a game situation, creating various situations.

The novelty of the topic is associated with a lack of literature, manuals for teachers on legoconstruction.

Target classes- expanding children's knowledge about the life of an owl in the forest, about its habits and methods of movement through the construction of an owl model using " lego".


1. Consolidation of children's ideas about the life of birds;

2. Development of the ability to work according to the proposed instructions (schemes);

3. Development of the ability to design as shown by the teacher;

4. Consolidation of the skill of quantitative counting within 10, the color of the spectrum;

5. Development of fine motor skills, logical thinking, attention, creative thinking;

6. Development of the ability to work in a team;

7. Education of respect for the animal world.

Materials and equipment: multimedia installation, screen, constructor " lego", illustrations depicting an owl, diagrams for assembling an owl model, a video clip "The lives of the inhabitants of the forest" (owl) .

Forms and Methods: conversation, riddles, questions and answers, independent (practical) Job, Information Technology(demonstration of the video, analysis of the work.

Lesson progress


Invented by someone simply and wisely

Say hello when meeting: Good morning!

Good morning sun and birds!

Good morning smiling faces!

And everyone becomes kind, trusting.

Let be good morning lasts until the evening!

I:- Guys, do you think birds greet each other (children's answers) I think yes. Let's check this during the game "Bird vote".

How to say hello, for example, sparrows (answers children: "Chirik-chik-chik")

And the roosters (children's answers : ku-ka-re-ku)

Cuckoos (children's answers : coo-coo)

crows (children's answers : kar-kar)

Well, OWLS (children's answers : woo)

I:- Guys, and now we will play a little with you!

I will give you riddles, and you will guess them.

How-Kar-Kar! How-Kar-Kar!-

That's the whole repertoire.

Announces the crown of the maple

With your singing. (Crow)

She sleeps all day, but flies at night.

His big eyes sparkle.

Her keen hearing and attentive gaze

They will find frogs and mice in the grass.

Revolves around her head

And say: "Uh-huh" to us forest. (owl) + PRESENTATION!

Well done boys! All riddles solved.

And let's make an owl model from " lego" constructor?

But before we start our owl model, we will play the game "Who is the fastest attentive". To do this, we will approach the magic boxes and find the bricks of the desired color.

To complete the assignment on your own interactive whiteboard-PROMPT.

So let's get started guys.:

I:- Well done boys. completed the task.

Why do you think you and I need bricks of different colors?

(children's answers.)

Practical activities. (aimed at the independent activity of children and their reasoning)

I: - We will make a model of an owl according to the scheme.

The diagram will be shown on the interactive whiteboard.

I: - Guys, who needs help - raise your hand, I'll come to you

Something I'm tired of. And you? Guys, I suggest you take a break and try to play the role of an owl.

flew funny head owl. - Run in place.

Here she flew, flew, - Waving straight arms to the sides.

Sat down on a birch

She turned her tail, -Turns the body to the right, to the left.

I looked around - Circular rotations head.

She sang a song - Tilts of the body forward, backward, to the right, to the left.

And flew again - Easy run.

Branches parted,

Invited to the house.

(can be replaced with interactive physical min)

And so guys, our " Owl - owl"ready. Let's see how we did the job. Guys - you are great!

Guys, what new did you learn about the owl?

What did you like the most about lesson?

I: - And so our the owl is ready! Show guys your owls.

(children demonstrate their owls)

Guys, our lesson has come to an end.

Thank you guys, you were very attentive today and very tried. I liked working with you.


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