Download presentation on lichens. Biology presentation "Lichens. The diversity and importance of lichens." where vegetation is sparse





Synthesis of organic substances

Minerals and water.

Lichens are symbiotic organisms consisting of algae and fungal hyphae.

Algae cells

Mushroom threads

Lichens are photophilous, water-loving, undemanding to the substrate, sensitive to air pollution - biological indicators of air purity.

Lichens grow very slowly - growth per year for cortical - 1-8 mm, for bushy - 1-35 mm.






falling asleep

reindeer moss

  • Destroy rocks
  • They form the soil.
  • The main food for deer in the North.
  • Paints and litmus are obtained from them.
  • Also used in medicine and perfumery.
  • Bioindicators

Cetraria Icelandic

"Icelandic Moss"

  • Yagel grows very slowly: a few millimeters per year.
  • Therefore, the same tundra pasture cannot be used for several years in a row - it is no coincidence that the Sami roamed with their herds throughout the region.
  • If deer eat the whole moss moss, then it takes quite a long time to restore the lichen cover - up to 15 years

Deer looking for reindeer moss in winter

“Does a water cliff protrude from the waves of the ocean, does a piece of rock break off, revealing a fresh, unweathered fracture, does a boulder break, which has lain underground for centuries, everywhere on a bare barren surface the lichen is the first to appear , decomposing the rock, turning it into fertile soil.

K.A. Timiryazev

"Plant Life"

Asahineya Scholander

Graceful cladonia

Leptogium Burnet

Lobaria pulmonaria

The Bible tells of a people who wandered through the desert for many days, knee-deep, drowning in the sand. All supplies taken with them were eaten. Many fell from exhaustion and exhaustion on the hot sand.

In the morning, when the sun began to heat up the sand, the wind suddenly rose. Everyone saw gray lumps rolling along the sand, driven by the wind. A strong gust of wind lifted them up, it seemed that they were falling from the sky.

"Manna, manna! Manna is falling from the sky!” Everyone who could still rushed to collect this "manna". They eagerly ate dry gray lumps, cooked porridge from them and baked cakes.

  • What do you think this manna really was?

In 1772, the Russian scientist P.S. Pallas proved that it was an edible lichen that is carried by the wind over the vast expanses of Africa and Asia Minor.

  • 1 option. Choose the correct statements: The answer is yes or no.
  • Lichens are members of the plant kingdom.
  • Lichens absorb water from the soil through their roots.
  • Algae synthesize organic matter, fungi absorb water and minerals.
  • Man uses lichens in his life.
  • Lichens grow in polluted areas.
  • Option 2. Choose the correct statements: The answer is yes or no.
  • Lichens are a single organism consisting of a fungus and algae living in symbiosis.
  • Lichens can be found in forests, mountains, and meadows.
  • Lichens grow quickly.
  • Paint is made from lichens.
  • Lichens settle only on fertile soils.

Lichen - benefit or harm to a tree?

slide 1


Lichens are usually considered separately from fungi, although they belong to them, being a specialized group. They are quite diverse in appearance and coloration and number 26,000 species united in more than 400 genera. Lichens are an example of an obligate symbiosis of fungi with algae. According to the nature of sexual intercourse, lichens are classified into two classes: marsupials (reproduce by spores that ripen in bags), which include almost all varieties of lichens, and basidial (spores mature in basidia), numbering only a few dozen species.

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Lichen structure

Most lichens consist of a dense bark formed by hyphae, in which there are pores necessary for respiration. The bark allows moisture to be absorbed from the air and protects the lichen from hypothermia or overheating. Under the bark, the hyphae are looser, with algae cells (blue-green, yellow-green or green) located between them. Usually, each type of lichen has its own type of algae. Usually photobiont cells are concentrated along the periphery - closer to the light - forming a photosynthetic layer.

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Diversity of lichens

slide 4

crustose lichens

According to the structure of the body (thallus), scale (crustal), leafy and bushy lichens are distinguished. The vegetative body of scale lichens is the most primitive, it can be granular, porous or in the form of crusts.

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foliose lichens

More developed are foliose lichens, which look like more or less dissected plates.

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fruticose lichens

Bushy lichens are highly organized, having the appearance of bushes, hanging threads or upright outgrowths.

Slide 7

Lichen reproduction

Reproduction of lichens is carried out by sexual and asexual (vegetative) methods. As a result of the sexual process, spores of the lichen fungus are formed, which develop in closed fruiting bodies - perithecia, having a narrow outlet at the top, or in apothecia, wide open to the bottom. Germinated spores, having met an alga corresponding to their species, form a new thallus with it. Vegetative propagation consists in the regeneration of the thallus from its small sections (debris, twigs). Many lichens have special outgrowths - isidia, which easily break off and give rise to a new thallus. In other lichens, tiny granules (soredia) are formed in which algae cells are surrounded by a dense accumulation of hyphae; these granules are easily carried by the wind.

Slide 8

Lichen species

Lichens grow on soil (epigean), stones (epilitic) or tree trunks (epiphytic), receiving the moisture necessary for life from the atmosphere. Some species live in the sea littoral. Settling for the first time in barren places, lichens form humus when they die, on which other plants can then settle.

Slide 9

Lichen cultivation

Lichens have even been found in the barren Arctic deserts and within the Antarctic rocks. Lichens are distributed throughout the world, but are especially diverse in the tropics, highlands and tundra. But in laboratories, lichens die quite quickly. And only in 1980, American scientists managed to “combine” an algae and a fungus grown from a spore.

Slide 10

Lichens are a source of food

Lichens are perennial organisms. They accumulate polysaccharides and fatty acids. Some substances are unpleasant in taste and smell, others are eaten by animals, others are used in perfumery or the chemical industry. Some lichens are raw materials for the manufacture of paint and litmus.

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Lichens as bioindicators

Lichens are bioindicator organisms. They grow only in ecologically clean places, so you will not find them in big cities and industrial zones.

I'm good, I know everything, I will try I will succeed.



Problem question.

Are there in nature

organisms made up of

independent organisms?

What is special about these



The purpose of the lesson: to study the features of the structure, nutrition, reproduction, significance and ecology of lichens as symbiotic organisms.

Attention! Basic concepts:



scale, leafy, bushy.


1. Variety and distribution. Types.

2. Structure.

3. Nutrition.

4. Reproduction.

5. Distribution.









I looked at the bark on the branch

Through chiseled glass:

There in the cells of the white grid

Fish sleep green.


organic matter

water and minerals



Klim conspired with Pakhom

Live together, in a common home:

Klim prepares salt, water,

And Pahom grain, martyr.


Most often by separating pieces

thallus with subsequent growth.

Special groups of fungal cells and


Lichens grow very slowly, growth

their range is from 1 to 8 mm per year (moss moss

grows by 1-3 mm per year).

The average age of lichens is from 30 to 80 years.

Life expectancy is 50-100 years.



Lifeless Antarctica

Sands of the Sahara

polar tundra

The woods


The mountains

bare soil

tree trunks

Sun-lit rocks



blank paper







The Bible tells of a people who wandered for many days

desert, knee-deep in the sand, all the supplies taken with them were

eaten. Many fell from exhaustion and exhaustion on

hot sand In the morning, when the sun began to glow the sand,

the wind picked up suddenly. And they saw how the sand

driven by the wind, gray lumps are rolling. Strong gust of wind

lifted them up, and it seemed that they were falling from the sky. "Manna, manna!

Manna is falling from the sky!” Everyone who still could rushed to collect this

"manna". They eagerly ate dry gray lumps, cooked porridge from them and

baked cakes.

What was this "manna" really?

Features of lichens:

The originality of the form, exchange

substances, growth characteristics and

breeding, habitat

despite their dual

nature, independent



1. Lichens are representatives of the plant kingdom.

2. Lichens are a single organism consisting of a fungus and algae living in symbiosis.

3. Lichens absorb water from the soil with the help of roots.

4. Lichens can be found in the forest, mountains, meadows.

5. Algae synthesize organic matter, fungi absorb water and minerals.

6. Cladonia are representatives of scale lichens.

7. Lichens grow quickly.

8. A person does not use lichens in his life.

Correct statements:


Everyone - pp. 102-106.

Choice task: 1. make a crossword puzzle on the topic "Lichens" (score - "4")

2. “Present the report in an interesting way (in the form of drawings, poems, etc.)

(rating "5")

Tundra plants are the basis of animal and human life. Even lichens are eaten. Moss lichen, or reindeer moss. This is one of our largest lichens, its height reaches 1015 cm. The plant resembles a fancy tree; it has a thick “trunk” and thin “branches”. Towards the ends they become thinner and thinner. If you put several of these plants side by side on black paper, you get a beautiful white lace.

When wet, reindeer moss is soft and elastic. But after drying, it becomes brittle. At the slightest touch, pieces break off from the lichen. With the help of such debris, the reindeer moss breeds. Yagel grows slowly. It increases in height by only a few millimeters per year. REINDEER MOSS

Yagel has many talents. Nobody notices him, but he does his job: he covers the roots of other plants, feeds the reindeer and their owners. Residents use reindeer moss for food, cook jellied meat from it. They say that boiled in milk, it resembles mushrooms. In times of famine, reindeer moss was added to bread. And when there were no refrigerators, meat was covered with lichen so that it would not spoil, and it was stored for a long time. European healers used to treat consumption and whooping cough with a decoction of reindeer moss, and later they forgot about it. Scientists have recently become interested in lichen. They managed to isolate usnic acid, an antibiotic, from it. It kills bacteria, and can even kill TB without harming the intestines. It is interesting that deer unmistakably find it by smell even in winter under a layer of snow.

1 slide

The purpose of the lesson: to study the systematic position, structural features, nutrition, reproduction, significance and ecology of lichens as symbiotic organisms. Attention! Basic concepts: symbiosis, thallus (thallus), fruticose, foliose, scale lichens, lichenology, lichenologist.

2 slide

Lichens are symbiotic representatives of the fungi kingdom. The science of lichens is lichenology, a lichenologist is a person who studies lichens. The internal structure of lichens: lichens are symbiotic organisms, their body consists of algae and fungus. The body or thallus is represented by intertwining fungal filaments and single-celled green or blue-green algae. Suction cups are sometimes formed on mushroom threads, which penetrate into the algae.

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Lichen nutrition: fungus filaments absorb water and minerals dissolved in it. Green algae cells in the light in the process of photosynthesis form organic substances. Lichens absorb the moisture of rains and fogs over the entire surface of the body. On hot days, they dry out so much that they seem completely lifeless, but as soon as the rain passes, they come to life again. Reproduction of lichens. Lichens reproduce mainly by pieces of the thallus, as well as by specialized cells that form inside the thallus and break it, going outside.

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Classification of lichens according to the structure of the thallus: Scale foliose fruticose lichens Kaloplaka Omphalina Cladonia

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Crustaceous lichens have the form of a crust, tightly fused with the substrate (stone, wood, etc.). Lekanora Kaloplaka

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Leafy lichens have the form of a leaf-shaped plate, horizontally spread on the substrate. Lobaria Colemma

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Bushy lichens look like upright or hanging bushes, less often unbranched upright outgrowths. Cladonia Usnea

8 slide

Lichens are found in forests, mountains, parks, squares, meadows, swamps, that is, almost everywhere.

9 slide

10 slide

Choose the correct statements: Lichens are representatives of the plant kingdom. Lichens are a single organism consisting of a fungus and algae living in symbiosis. Lichens absorb water from the soil through their roots. Lichens can be found in forests, mountains, and meadows. Algae synthesize organic matter, fungi absorb water and minerals. Cladonia are representatives of scale lichens. Lichens grow quickly. A person does not use lichens in his life. Results: 9 - 10 correct answers - well done! You did a good job. 8 - 9 correct answers - good, but you need to be more careful. Less than 8 correct answers is bad, you will have to return to this topic again.