Download a presentation on the history of writing. The history of writing and its appearance. And be famous





* syllable letter






One of these additional means of communication, which appeared in ancient times, is writing. The history of writing is one of the important pages in the history of the development of human culture. Knowledge of this history is necessary, because it allows you to visualize how a person walked along the path of progress.


One of the first types of writing was knot writing. The color, shape of the nodules, the order of their location were strictly determined and had a certain conditional meaning.


A pictogram is a type of writing in which the statement is conveyed in its entirety by using a system of interrelated drawings.


What information do you think the pictogram conveys?


Gradually, elements of symbolism appear in the drawings. Thus begins the transition to idiography.


Various materials were used for descriptive writing.


clay tablet


After 1500, a more convenient form of writing was developed in Hellas - a syllabary. Orientation to the syllable made it possible to confine ourselves to a relatively small number of characters.

All these types of writing did not survive the competition of the alphabet, which was first invented by the Phoenicians. A certain order of letters was borrowed by the Greeks. The Greek alphabet was the source for all Western alphabets.


The invention of writing made it possible

Accumulate knowledge;

Communicate them over long distances;

Pass them on from generation to generation.

Kazakova Oksana Evgenievna

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU secondary school №46, Ulyanovsk

"History of Russian parliamentarism" - Zemstvo. History of Russian parliamentarism. The State Duma. Slide #5: The Senate. Zemsky cathedrals. Boyar Duma. Congress of Soviets. Veche.

"Old Russia" - Three generations: father with son and granddaughter. Boriso-Gleb Monastery, Torzhok. Old man 84 years old, 66 years in the service. Tiled stove in the Prince's Terem, Rostov the Great. The city of Suzdal and the river Kamenka. Belozersk. Church of the Resurrection. Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Mozhaisk. City of Tobolsk. Cathedral, Suzdal. For yarn, the village of Izvedovo.

"History of the Kuban" - Klyuchevskoy created the first local history museum. Enrolled in the Cossacks of the village of Severskaya. Studying the history of the region. Compiled a unique archaeological map of the Kuban. From 1922 he was a professor of statistics at the Ukrainian Academy of Economics in Podebrady (Czechoslovakia). I.D.Popko. Korolenko was born in the village of Pavlovskaya in the north of the Kuban region (1).

"History of the Russian State" - Basic knowledge. Topic 6. The Russian Empire in the late XIX - early XX centuries. M., Infra - Code. 1996. In 2 volumes. M. Norma. 2003. 7. Goals and objectives of teaching the discipline. M. Prospect. 1999. Course of lectures. The sphere of professional use is jurisprudence. 9. Show what measures were taken by Nicholas I to further strengthen the autocracy.

"The lesson of parliamentarism" - the State Duma of the Tomsk region. Competition "History, experience and lessons of parliamentarism in Russia" to the 100th anniversary of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Competitive works are presented on the pages of the scientific and educational Internet project "Tomsk and Tomsk residents in the history of Russian parliamentarism". "History, experience and activities of Russian parliamentarism" to the 100th anniversary of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

"The development of parliamentarism in Russia" - Methodological guide for the preparation and conduct of elections to the Youth Parliament of the district of Murom. "Youth Duma of Russia". Information-analytical reference. Results of a sociological survey of leaders and members of youth parliamentary structures of the Russian Federation. Public youth parliament of the Ryazan region, 2004.

There are 26 presentations in total in the topic

In very distant times, when people could neither read nor write, they kept their thoughts, laws, traditions in their memory. Those who told stories were called "narrators". They have always been welcome guests at feasts. To the sounds of the lyre, the harp, people listened to their story ...

PICTOGRAPHY "pictorial writing", a way of conveying information through the image of some objects or events. It is considered the oldest stage in the development of writing. Pictograms can be any rock carvings or inscriptions or drawings scratched on bones, painted on skin, etc.

In the north of Spain there is a cave with the beautiful name of Altamira; for the first time, drawings left by primitive people were discovered on its walls. Nowadays, there are many such art galleries around the world. These are the first books in the history of mankind - "stone books". Ancient hunting scene Image of a bull

Petroglyphs (Greek petra - rock, glyphe - carving) are images of animals, birds, fish, boats, people and incomprehensible signs carved on stones and rocks. Karelian petroglyphs are outstanding monuments that are world famous. "Stone Chronicle", "Bible of the Stone Age" - that's what the researchers call them.

In the Asian city of Pergamum, a replacement for papyrus was found. Thinly dressed sheepskins served as a new material for writing. This is how parchment appeared. It favorably differed from its predecessors, it could be bent, cut, sewn ... Sheep skin made a long way to become a book ...

Cai Lun “Take old rags, wads of cotton wool, pieces of fishing nets, tree bark, throw it all into a vat of water and shake until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. Strain this slurry through a mesh, roll it out in a thin layer and let it dry ... "

“He who does not know how to write cannot appreciate what a great and hard work this is. It destroys vision and bends the back. Therefore, O reader, turn the pages slowly, and be careful not to keep your fingers on the text. An ignorant reader who destroys a book is like hail that destroys a crop."

Dyak Ivan Fedorov is the founder of book printing in Russia. His "Apostle" is a true example of the remarkable printing art of that time. The whole life and work of Ivan Fedorov, as far as we know it now from scarce and fragmentary information, was imbued with a desire to develop national culture and education.

The cover is the face of the book. It can be soft, then it is called a “cover”. Paperbacks are usually thin books, the pages of which are held together with a paper clip, like your notebooks. Or maybe from hard cardboard and then it is called "binding". The binding gets thick books with a large number of pages that are difficult to secure with simple staples.

The book block consists of paper sheets collected in notebooks, in a certain order and fastened together. The place where the notebooks are fastened in the finished book is called the spine. Pieces of colored ribbon - kaptala - are glued on top and bottom of the spine. In modern editions, the captal is preserved, rather, according to tradition and serves to decorate the book.

The flyleaf is a double sheet of paper that connects the book block to the binding cover. Translated from German, flyleaf means "before typing" Frontispiece is a drawing placed on the back of a flyleaf. Translated from French means "look in the forehead"

The title page is one of the first pages of the book, anticipating the text of the work. The main output information is placed on the title page: the name of the author, the title of the book, the place of publication, the name of the publisher, the year of publication. Sometimes additional information is put on the title page: the names of the persons who participated in the publication, the responsible editor, translator, etc.

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lecture for grades 5 - 7 Completed by: Grigoryeva E.Yu. MOU "Secondary School No. 82", Saratov


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1. Introduction. 2. Types of writing. a) pictographic writing; b) ideographic writing; c) syllabary; d) alphabetic-sound writing. 3. Russian alphabet a) the appearance of writing in Russia; b) Glagolitic; c) Cyrillic; d) Peter's reforms; e) reforms of 1917; e) modern writing.

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Writing is the greatest human achievement. The history of writing goes back to antiquity. Different nations have different numbers of letters. So, for example, in Russian - 33, in Armenian - 39, in Cambodian - 72, and in the alphabet of the Otoka tribe - 11 letters. Today there are about 5,000 different languages ​​and dialects in the world, but not all of them have a written fixation.


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The story tells about four types of writing: a) pictographic; b) ideographic; c) syllable; d) letter-syllabic.

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Pictographic or picture writing appeared in prehistoric times. Many drawings that have come down to us have not yet been solved. Examples of the modern use of pictography are road signs for drivers and pedestrians.

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Pictography was replaced by ideographic writing (a whole concept was designated by one sign). Objects were represented by signs-symbols. The drawings served as a reminder, but there was no writing in the literal sense.

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Later, in Egypt, India and Japan, a syllabic letter appeared (the system sign is a syllable). It was used along with Chinese characters. The syllabary was cumbersome, as it mixed verbal and syllabic signs.

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Alpha-syllabic (phonetic writing) refers to the second millennium BC. e. This letter reflects the phonetic composition of the language.

Phonetic writing became the basis for the writing of many peoples.

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In the Old Russian state, writing appeared in the 9th century on the basis of the Byzantine writing system. The authors of the Slavic font were the monks Cyril and Methodius. Slavic writing had not one, but two alphabets: Cyrillic and Glagolitic. slide 13


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The name Glagolitic comes from the Slavic word "verb" - to speak. The Glagolitic was widely used in Moravia and Bulgaria, but occasionally in Ancient Russia. The Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabets completely coincide in composition, order and meaning of the letters, but differ sharply in the shape of the letters.


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"Cyrillic" was named after one of the two brothers. The Greek letter was taken as the basis and supplemented with new signs reflecting specific Slavic sounds. The letters of the alphabet were also used in digital terms.

Cyrillic graphics gradually changed over the centuries: the number of letters decreased, their style was simplified (charter, ligature, semi-typist, cursive).

The history of postal writing spans not only centuries, but millennia. The origin of the letter was caused by the need to exchange information. The first letters were sent only for military purposes and were widely distributed in Assyria, Persia, and Egypt. Then foot or horse messengers were used, which would now be called couriers. Yes, modern representatives of this profession have a lot to learn, since, for example, in Ancient Greece they ran 55 stages in an hour, which is approximately 10 km, and in one flight - stages. The most famous and organized was the history of writing in Ancient Rome. Julius Caesar created a state post office, and the transportation of letters became streamlined: there were large and small postal stations where the drivers could rest and spend the night, change horses.

Knot writing is considered one of the oldest methods of secret writing. This type of encryption was a cord or rope with knots tied in series on it. Each knot had its own location on the cord and, sometimes, differed from neighboring knots in the way it was tied. Most often, combinations of knots corresponded not to letters or syllables, but to whole concepts. For example, two knots together meant the word "yes", three knots - "no", four knots - "danger", etc.

Birchbark letters - letters, notes, documents of the 11th-15th centuries, written on the inside of a separated layer of birch bark (birch bark). The possibility of using birch bark as a material for writing was known to many nations. Ancient historians Cassius Dio and Herodian mentioned notebooks made of birch bark. The American Indians of the Connecticut River Valley, who prepared birch bark for their letters, called the trees that grew in their land "paper birches."

Parchment had a number of advantages and only one disadvantage. The advantages were the extreme strength and durability of the material. The ink on the parchment could be washed off and reused. The service life of parchment was determined by the mechanical strength of the dressed leather and was, in fact, unlimited. A book written on parchment could be rolled up, folded in two or four times. The parchment did not darken, did not dry out, did not crack or break. Sheets of parchment could be sewn together, obtaining sheets of very large size. It was possible to stitch sheets of parchment, bind them into codices in notebooks of 4 sheets and, accordingly, 16 pages. The disadvantage of parchment was the laboriousness of production, which led to its exorbitant high cost.

The clay tablet is the oldest writing instrument that has existed almost unchanged for millennia. Clay tablets appeared where the first writing arose, in Egypt and Mesopotamia. They were wooden boards with a layer of raw clay on the front surface. They wrote on a clay tablet with reed or bone sticks. The plate was then dried. Due to the fact that the layer of clay was thin enough, the tablet did not crack when dried and remained intact for quite a long time. The inscription was erased by wetting the tablet with water and the clay surface was leveled. If the writing had to be preserved for a long time, the tablet was burned in a kiln. The inscriptions on the burnt tablets did not deteriorate over time.

LETTERS IN PICTURES It is known that people first learned to draw, and then write in letters. If it was necessary to write "tiger", then people would draw a tiger. It was necessary to write "hunting" people painted the hunter and the beast. On the walls of the caves where ancient people lived, many such drawings were found. It so happened that ancient people left letters-stories for posterity, although they did not know how to write. And sometimes the whole biography of a person can be read on him: many peoples have a custom to decorate their body with drawings and patterns.

Pigeons of special breeds are distinguished by an excellent memory, attachment to the nesting place and excellent navigational abilities. Dovegrams were used for military and civilian purposes. Knowledge of the amazing characteristics of pigeons in ancient times gave people the idea to use them to quickly convey important written messages. They were called "pigeons". The breeding and selection of pigeon "postmen", mainly for military purposes, was specially carried out in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, in the Roman Empire and other states. Many pigeons "served in the army" in later times. So, carrier pigeons delivered more than a million letters during the Franco-Prussian war. Pigeons from German-sieged Paris flew with dispatches through shrapnel and gunfire. Therefore, the birds flew to the dovecote sometimes wounded and even blinded. To intercept the feathered couriers, the Germans sent "squadrons" of falcons to the front, and the pigeons began to die one by one. But the French were helped by an original solution to the problem - they supplied the pigeons with a weapon of intimidation by attaching tiny whistles to their tails. And the falcons, although they were very hungry, became afraid to attack the whistling birds.

In ancient times, they did without envelopes at all. The messages were written on wax tablets, they were folded in pairs facing each other and tied with a cord, on which they put a seal. The content of the letter was indicated by the color of the seal: wedding invitations were indicated in white, and tragic messages in black. Paper envelopes appeared in 1820, and before that, correspondence was written on paper, then folded in a certain way and sealed.