Presentation Ancient people presentation of the lesson for an interactive whiteboard on the world around (senior group) on the topic. Ancient people Ancient people presentations

The most ancient people They communicated with each other, like animals, People have not yet been able to use a variety of talk. They are sounds. The brain volume in communicated with each other, the most ancient man is larger than that of a monkey, but with like animals, much less than that of humans using a variety of our time. sounds. The brain volume of the earliest man was larger than that of a monkey, but much less than that of people of our time. People did not live alone, but in groups, which scientists call human herds. Everyone in the herd, young and old, was engaged in hunting, gathering 2. The most ancient tools of labor. If we could observe a human herd, then perhaps we would see such a picture. People came to the river, it was not thirst that brought them here. They are looking for stones in shallow water. Not everyone takes it. One is thrown away - no good. Another will be raised: is this one suitable? Now you need to sharpen it. The most ancient man took a pebble in his hands - a smooth rounded stone. With blows of another stone, he split the pebbles and sharpened them - it turned out to be a rough tool of labor. But only people knew how to sharpen stones in order to use them to cut clubs or grind digging sticks. The ability to make tools of labor was the main difference between ancient people and animals. 3. How did the earliest people hunt? It is difficult to answer this question precisely. The first people lived on Earth for a very long time! Nowadays, the study of the life of wild animals is being conducted. Observing how a flock of small predators is trying to take away its prey from a large one, scientists assume that the most ancient people could have done the same. Imagine the African steppes two million years ago. The lioness attacked the antelope, lifted it up and wants to drag it away. Noticing this, dozens of hunters from all sides sneak up on the terrible beast. They begin to scream deafeningly, brandish clubs, throw stones at the lioness. And the predator growls in response, releases its claws, bares its fangs, its eyes burn with an ominous fire. But if she is tired of chasing an antelope and has time to get enough, then she will not accept a fight with people. Throwing the carcass, the lioness will hide in the steppe. Here is another ancient way of hunting. Imagine a large herd of zebras peacefully nibbling the grass. People attack animals that flee. Zebras rush like the wind: of course, you can't catch them. But there are sick people in the herd, there are very old and still very young animals. These do not keep up with the rest and lag behind. If the hunters manage to cut off the zebra from the herd, they stun it with clubs, inflict severe wounds with sharpened stones and kill. 4. Mastery of fire. Various dangers lay in wait for human herds. One of the worst was the fire. Imagine, shrubs and grass lit up with lightning, it flared around. All living things are afraid of fire: birds fly away from the fire, both animals and people flee in flight. How did man get hold of fire? Nobody knows that. Perhaps one day, overcoming fear, the daredevils approached the fire. It could be a tree lit in a thunderstorm or burning lava from a volcano. Then a great discovery was made: if you stick a branch into the flame, you will catch the fire! Now he is yours! Bonfires blazed up in the parking lots. The meat baked on charcoal turned out to be tastier and more nutritious than raw meat. A bright fire warmed up on a cold night, dispersed the darkness, scared away wild animals. This is how our ancestors lived. They still had a long way of development before becoming like modern people. Assignment to the house: § 1, p. 8-11. Answer questions on p. eleven.

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Primitive people

The very first people who appeared on Earth were like monkeys.

They walked, leaning strongly forward, so that their long arms dangled below the knees. The man's forehead was low, sloping, and powerful brow ridges protruded above the eyes. His brain was smaller than that of modern man, but larger than that of a monkey. He did not know how to speak yet and only made abrupt sounds.

Deprived of chins, heavy jaws and overhanging brow ridges, Neanderthals looked somewhat bestial, but their brains were larger than those of modern humans.

The first people lived in caves in large groups.

These hominids lived in groups. The males hunted, while the females collected edible plants and took care of the children.

Men made stone tools, including those that could butcher the carcass of a slain animal.

Primitive people successfully hunted elephants, rhinos, wild horses, bison, camels, wild boars, rams and antelopes. Hunting such large animals could not be successful with the primitive weapons they possessed. A group of hunters, armed with stones and clubs, attacked a bear, bull or mammoth. Some of the hunters hid in ambush, while others, waving spears and burning branches, drove the animal to ambush. The ambush was done as follows - they dug a large hole, dug in spears at the bottom, closed the pits with poles and branches

Some of the hunters hid in ambush, while others, waving spears and burning branches, drove the animal to ambush. The ambush was done as follows - they dug a large hole, dug in spears at the bottom, closed the pits with poles and branches

Having fallen into the pit, the mammoth could not get out of there and the hunters finished it off.

Then the killed animal was pulled out of the pit and dragged to their dwellings.

Hunters and gatherers were constantly moving from place to place. At night they slept in caves or built primitive huts out of twigs and animal skins. Females collected firewood. Males made stone tools, including those that could butcher the carcass of a killed animal.

People learned to fish, which saved them when the hunt was unsuccessful.

Most hunters and gatherers lived in small groups of two or three families that could easily feed on large prey, such as mammoth or bison. There was probably a leader in each group who made decisions and made plans. The hunters armed themselves with wooden spears with sharp stone points. When throwing, wooden or bone devices, spear guns were used, which allowed the hunter to throw a spear with greater force

People have found certain types of nuts, fruits, and edible herbs. They discovered that bees collect honey, and with it the food became sweeter. People dug up the ground to find the roots and tubers of plants. Thanks to plant food, it was possible to survive difficult times when the hunt was unsuccessful. However, meat remained the most essential foodstuff.

People have evolved. The hunters were armed with spears, bows and arrows, knives, and for fishing they made fish hooks. They studied the surroundings to understand where herds might congregate or where prey might be hiding. Knowing the environment saved a lot of time and effort and made life easier.

Ancient people learned to sew clothes. They sewed it from mammoth skins. Such clothes looked like a fur coat. Clothes were decorated with beads, colored stones, sea shells. Usually the clothes were made by women. Primitive people who lived in the forests made their clothes from the leaves of trees or grass.

But they were especially attracted by the shores of small and quiet lakes and rivers. There are many such rivers and lakes in the warm tropical countries of Asia. There was clear water, thick thickets rose there, where many plants were edible. This is especially important! After all, the hunters did not always return with their prey, and the communities often starved. On such days, only plants harvested by women were used as food. Women noticed in which places edible plants grow, and began to take care of them - to cut out weeds, to loosen the soil. In the fall, these plants were cut with crooked bone knives with inserted sharp pieces of flint - sickles

Human development

Slide 1

Ancient people Homework: Paragraph 1 2 question in writing, the rest orally Learn concepts

Slide 2

Lesson plan The appearance of distant ancestors The oldest tools of labor Hunting of ancient people Mastering fire

Slide 3

The appearance of distant ancestors The first people appeared about 2 million years ago. The most ancient people lived in warm countries - East Africa. Why do you think the most ancient people lived in hot countries? People had no protection from the cold It was easier to find food and survive Many different types plants and animals

Slide 4

The appearance of distant ancestors In their development, people went through 3 main stages: Australopithecus (southern monkey), his remains were found in South America They were erect, the thumb was opposed, like in humans, to the rest of the fingers

Slide 5

The appearance of distant ancestors The second stage: Pithecanthropus (ape-man), their appearance was more like a man. The brain has grown, the tools of labor are very diverse. They learned how to make a hand chopper, scrapers, chopping chops with one sharp, working edge. Used fire

Slide 6

The appearance of distant ancestors The third stage: Neanderthals (from the name of the Neandertal valley in Germany) - in their structure resemble modern man. The set of stone tools is very diverse, sharp points and points appeared.

Slide 7

The appearance of distant ancestors With the advent of people of the modern type - Cro-Magnons, the process of human formation ends and the history of mankind begins

Slide 8

The appearance of distant ancestors Open the map on page 7, answer the questions: Where did the most ancient people live? Where are no traces of their lives found? How are ancient people different from people of our time? How are ancient people different from monkeys?

Slide 9

The oldest tools of labor Tools of labor are what a person works with. A digging stick is a tool of the most ancient man, with the help of which he obtained food and defended his home. Chopper - stone tool with cutting edges

Slide 10

Hunting of ancient people Gathering They took food from predators Collective hunting - they drove the herd into a gorge, or into a specially dug hole The human herd is the most ancient collective of people in which they worked and passed on their skills.

Presentation to the topic "Ancient people"(§ 1 of the textbook History of the Ancient World for 5 grades) consists of 11 slides containing 3 videos ("Climate change", 01 min 47 sec, "Tools of work", 00 min 22 sec and "Hunting methods", 01 min 16 sec), 10 illustrations and diagrams.

Slides 3, 5, 7-10 have internal transitions.

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The presentation "Ancient People" is prepared as an illustrative material designed to help the teacher use the method of immersion in the past in the lesson.

Each teacher will create his own lesson architecture, but at first we all pay more attention to laying the foundation in the form of basic knowledge and skills.

Slide 4 with the video "Climate change" should show the relationship between Nature and Man.

During the demonstration of the video, the teacher can tell about the changes on the Earth, contributing to the evolution of the human ancestor.

Teacher: The oldest man was very much like an animal, not only in appearance, but also in the ability to adapt to the environment. 8 million years ago, Africa was an impenetrable forest that gave our ancestors food, shelter and protection. But at a thousand-kilometer depth of the ocean, processes began to take place that influenced both the appearance of Africa and the appearance of the human ancestor. Volcanic eruptions moved plates, changing the surface of the earth. Where the future Hindustan collided with Asia, the plates began to creep on top of each other, forming 5-kilometer mountain ranges of the Himalayas. Here, in the mountains, the strongest storms and monsoons were formed, which rained down, and Africa stopped receiving life-giving moisture with the air. The African tropics began to die out, and after millions of years only rare trees remained in the place of dense forests. And the ancestors of man, in order to survive, were forced to stand from all fours to their feet in order to see further during the runs from tree to tree and free their hands for the tools necessary for obtaining food. To survive, the human ancestor was forced to evolve.

Slide 5 "Appearance of an ancient man"

The objectives of this slide are aimed at developing students different forms knowledge. The proposed image of a primitive man is accompanied by the teacher's task - to describe a man, to find differences from a modern man, to conclude why primitive man had just such external features.

In the course of the work, empirical research methods are activated: observation and description, and as a result of analysis based on the knowledge and perceptions of students, conclusions are drawn that carry new knowledge.

The results of students' independent analytical work are checked (and confirmed) by the theses of the slide.

Similar work can be done on Slide 10, which examines the impact on human development and mastery of fire.

Students may be asked to consider how fire affected the lives of primitive people and how people could benefit from it. The transition of the image on the slide also tests (and confirms) the students' reasoning. Moreover, sometimes the conclusions of the students are broader than the theses of the slide.

1. The origin of man. Archaeological excavations indicate that the first humans appeared in East Africa. WHY? Here, in the area of ​​Olduvaysky gorge, the Englishman Evans discovered the remains of Australopithecus a (southern man), who lived about 5 million years ago

The Austalopithecines were small in stature, their body was covered with hair, but they already walked on 2 legs. The release of hands led to the rapid development of the first humans. WHY? Making tools has become the main difference between humans and animals. 1. The origin of man. Scientists call the ancient people who used tools of labor Homo habilis - a man of skill. " Their appearance the volume of the skull has changed dramatically, the superciliary arches have disappeared, the front jaw has decreased, the hair on the body has begun to disappear.

Over time, the ancient people changed the place of their housing. If the Australopithecines lived in trees (Why?), Then the habilis began to build dwellings on their own. Sometimes they drove wild animals out of the caves and settled them in. People lived in herds. Why? 1. The origin of man.

2. The most ancient tools of labor. The main occupation of the ancient people was gathering. But even being content with the gifts of nature, ancient people made tools. Stone was used for their production. The first tool of labor was a pebble-chop sharpened from one edge.

For the production of chippers, people took a rounded pebble on the river bank, and processed it by cleaving small pieces with another stone from a narrow edge. The choppers were fragile and broke quickly, so a lot of them were needed. 2. The most ancient tools of labor.

3.Hunting of ancient people. In addition to gathering, another important occupation of our distant ancestors was hunting. They drove large animals to the banks of the river, to a cliff or into a trap and killed them with stones. A successful hunt made it possible to provide oneself with food for a long time.

Initially, people took fire from trees that caught fire after being hit by lightning. He was strictly watched, and if the fire was extinguished, then the culprits were expelled. This way of getting fire was very unreliable, and people began to look for how to get flame, regardless of nature.

Many tribes used until the middle. 20 century a method known hundreds of thousands of years ago - rubbing 2 sticks. In one, a corner was made, another stick was inserted into it, and as soon as after rotation they heated up, people put up the moss. 4. Mastery of fire.

The use of fire has changed people's lives. Why? The most important consequence was the consumption of boiled or fried food, which led to a sharp leap in human mental development. In a short time, after mastering fire, the ancient man acquired its present appearance. 4. Mastery of fire.

Choose the correct answer- The ancient people who lived in South Africa were named First, the ancient people lived ... The main occupation of the ancient people was ... The ancient people received the first fire ... Pithecanthropus Homo habilis Australopithecus on trees in caves in huts gathering hunting making tools striking stones rubbing sticks from forest fires