Description of the competition for employment. We are holding a competition to fill a vacant position. Election by competition and election to office: the main differences

How to win a competition and get a job with tough multi-stage selection

Most companies are recruiting in the most disadvantageous way for themselves. Post the usual goofy vacancies. They are trying to attract anyone to work for them - if only they would like to work. As a result, they conduct a bunch of one-to-one interviews. From which sense - zero point, fig tenths. You can easily get a job in such a company. But why do you need a job in a company that even cannot properly select personnel for itself?

Serious companies approach things differently. They arrange a tough, multi-stage selection. Before you send your resume there, no one will even talk to you. However, they will not talk to you even after they receive your resume. First, your resume must go through the first selection stage.

Thus, if there are significant problems in your resume, you simply will not get to a personal interview. You can find some pertinent points in my article “What a sales manager’s resume should contain in order not to be hired” on

If you have passed the selection for your resume, you will be invited for an interview. In the most serious companies, this may not be an individual interview, but a tough competitive selection. Such selection can consist of four stages. And go from three to six hours.

For you, the first sign that the company is serious should be that they ... are not very interested in you as an employee. Why? Because they have no problem recruiting. Their question is how to select the most worthy applicant out of 10-50 candidates for this place... A sure sign that the company is "right" is that there are 5 to 15 people participating in the competition. If 20 or more applicants participate in one competition - most likely, you got into a really cool company. If you are participating in such a competition, you are already in luck. For each applicant invited to such a competition, there are at least 5 applicants who have sent their resumes. This means that four out of five applicants are eliminated at the first stage of selection. So you have already hit the top 20% of the most successful candidates!

However, this is not the time to relax. Most of those who came to the competition will not get the work anyway. Many will not even survive the first stage of the general competitive selection. So, they will go home in an hour, having a lot of sleep.

By the way, already now you can increase the efficiency of the recruitment process. To do this, I will leave you a questionnaire for the competition. Use it!

Receive questionnaires

To successfully pass such a tough selection, you need to understand how it goes. To do this, I recommend that you read the chapter “Selection of fighters” from my book “Building a sales department: from“ zero ”to maximum results” twice in a row (Publishing House “Peter”, 2006-2007). You can also read some useful materials on the topic on our website. On my own behalf, I want to note a few points that you should pay special attention to during a tough competitive selection:

  1. For God's sake, gather information about the company you are going to interview ahead of time! At a minimum, research their corporate Internet site cover to cover. It is not bad if you visit the office of the company, its store or salon in advance. To come to the competition and not know what he is doing this company, absolutely unacceptable. This clearly indicates that you need any job in any company. A serious company does not need such employees.
  2. Obey the competition standards strictly. Many points may not be clear to you. Others may be irritating or aggressive. But all these moments are planned and thought out. They are part of an elaborate technology of rigorous competitive selection of personnel. Please note: the tougher and more thoughtful the company selects, the more it will deal with you in the future. And the more you can learn in such a company.
  3. Don't ask questions unless absolutely necessary. An untimely asked question may be the basis for your immediate withdrawal from the competition.
  4. Don't overcharge. As a last resort - indicate that you are ready to start with the acceptable (and do not ask too much!) In order to make good money later. Accept positively all offers where part of the income is paid as a percentage of the results you receive. Tell them that you would like to receive the bulk of your income as a percentage of the results. And to a lesser extent you are counting on a salary.
  5. If you are applying for the job of a sales manager, you must be able to sell. And they will check it at the competition. I recommend that you seriously practice cold calling and pushing deals immediately before the competition.
  6. If, after a severe selection, you are offered a job, agree and go to this job. On what terms? No matter. After all, those employees who are already in this company somehow earn normal money? And you can. It usually takes 2-3 months to figure out how to achieve success and rise in a given company. And during this time you will surely have an intensive prof. preparation, which for sure will not be superfluous for you.

And the last thing. If you really want to get this job, but cannot agree on the terms, there is a fallback option. Say: “I really want to work for you, and would like to show myself in business. I propose the following: I will work for you for one week free of charge. During this time we will look at each other in action. You will see what I am capable of. We make a decision in a week. If I don't suit you, it's okay. You received a week of my work as a gift. I am not a poor person and I can afford such a small gift. And if I suit you? OK! Then I have the right to try to come to an agreement with you on terms acceptable to me. "

"Human Resources Department commercial organization", 2012, N 6


One of the important factors of the organization's successful activity is the competent selection of personnel. As a rule, it is carried out based on the results of an interview, which can be conducted in several stages. In fact, an interview can be called a competition conducted to assess the professional level of applicants for a certain position. Election by competition for replacement vacant post- one of the types of confinement employment contract established by Art. 16 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this article, we will consider the order in which such a competition can be held in commercial organizations, what documents it should be established and what are its features.

According to Art. 16 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation labor Relations arise between the employee and the employer on the basis of an employment contract concluded by them in accordance with the Labor Code.

In cases and in the procedure established by labor legislation, other regulatory legal acts containing norms labor law, or the charter (statute) of the organization, labor relations arise on the basis of an employment contract as a result of:

Election to office;

Election by competition to fill the relevant position;

Appointments or approvals;

Directions to work by bodies authorized in accordance with federal law on account of the established quota;

A court decision on the conclusion of an employment contract.

Also, labor relations between the employer and the employee arise when the latter is actually admitted to work with the knowledge or on behalf of the employer or his representative if the employment contract was not properly executed.

In order to avoid confusion between the concepts of "election by competition for the filling of the corresponding position" and "election to the position", let us clarify.

Such a basis for concluding an employment contract, such as election to a position, is applied, as a rule, to the management of the organization: director, members of the board of directors or other elected body. For example, according to paragraph 3 of Art. 69 of the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 N 208-FZ "On Joint Stock Companies" (hereinafter - Law N 208-FZ) sole body(director, general director) and (or) collegial executive body (board, directorate) are elected by the general meeting joint stock company if the resolution of this issue is not attributed to the competence of the board of directors (supervisory board). Basically, the term of office of the elected director ( general director) is limited, therefore, as a result of the election, a fixed-term employment contract is concluded with him.

Election by competition to fill the relevant position can be carried out for any position. These can be positions of heads of branches, deputy heads, heads of departments, specialists such as Chief Accountant, lawyer, etc. Legislatively, the obligation to hold a competition for filling certain positions is established for:

V civil servants - Federal Law of 27.07.2004 N 79-FZ "On

state civil service Russian Federation";

V municipal employees - Federal Law of 06.10.2003 N 131-FZ "On

general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian

Federation "and the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;


V scientific teaching staff- Federal Law of 08.22.1996

N 125-FZ "On higher and postgraduate vocational education";


V judges - Law of the Russian Federation of 06/26/1992 N 3132-1 "On the status of judges in the Russian

Federation ";


V workers customs service- Federal law of 21.07.1997

114-FZ "On service in customs authorities Russian Federation "; etc.

By virtue of Art. 18 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, labor relations on the basis of an employment contract as a result of being elected by competition for filling the relevant position arise if labor legislation, other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, or the charter (regulation) of the organization define a list of positions to be replaced by competition, and the procedure for competitive selection for these positions.

Thus, if the organizations are not subject to the norms of these or other regulatory legal acts, the list of positions and the procedure for holding the competition should be determined in the charter (regulation) of the organization. At the same time, it is not clear what provision is meant: a provision as a constituent document, since by virtue of Art. 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a legal entity that is not a commercial organization, in addition to the charter, can act on the basis of a regulation, or a regulation as a local regulatory act of the organization. If this norm refers to the position as a constituent document, then the requirement for a list and procedure for holding a competition creates certain difficulties for the employer of a commercial organization, since it will be necessary to make appropriate changes to the charter. But if you follow, for example, paragraph 3 of Art. 11 of Law No. 208-FZ, in the charter of a joint-stock company, in addition to the name of the company and its location, information should be indicated:

V about the type of society (open or closed);


preferred) shares and types of preferred shares placed



V on the rights of shareholders - owners of shares of each category (type);


V about size authorized capital society;


V on the structure and competence of the company's management bodies and the procedure

making decisions by them;


V on the procedure for preparing and conducting general meeting shareholders;


V about branches and representative offices;


V other provisions provided for by this Federal Law and other

federal laws.

Based on this, the charter does not regulate labor relations (with the exception of relations with the head of the company, its formation and the procedure for terminating powers), but determines legal position legal entity and the relationship between the participants and that person.

In addition, the regulation of labor relations is carried out by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the laws of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, legal acts of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, as well as collective contracts, agreements and local regulations containing the specified norms.

Note. By virtue of Art. 275 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in the constituent documents (agreement of the parties), the duration of a fixed-term employment contract with the head of the organization must be indicated. And if the conclusion of an employment contract is preceded by the procedure for holding a competition, election or appointment to a position, it can also be established constituent documents organizations.

The meaning of Art. 18 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is that the determination of the list of positions to be filled by competition, and the procedure for competitive selection for these positions in the charter (regulation) gives rise to the employer's obligation to conclude an employment contract with the person who won the competition. This obligation arises for the employer only if the list and procedure for holding the competition are determined by law, other regulatory legal act or the charter (statute) of the organization.

Thus, the employer can establish both the list of positions to be filled and the procedure for holding a competition by any local normative act, for example, a regulation on holding a competition approved by order of the head.

Goals and objectives of the competitive selection

So, despite the initial difficulties that an employer will have to face when developing techniques and methods of competitive testing, competitive selection of personnel to fill a vacant position has its advantages over a simple interview. The competition is facilitated by:

Raising the prestige of the position in order to attract the most qualified employee;

Attracting more candidates;

Career growth of employees;

Objectivity in assessing candidates;

A clear organization of the admission process.

The main purpose of the competition is to select candidates most suitable for filling vacant positions that meet the qualification requirements established by the Unified tariff and qualification reference book, job descriptions and competition conditions.

The main tasks of the competition include the formation of a highly professional staff and the improvement of work on the selection and placement of personnel. To achieve the set objectives when establishing the tender procedure, the following are developed:

1. Procedure for notification of the competition.

2. The procedure for creating and defining the powers of the tender commission.

3. Mechanism and methods of conducting competitive tests.

4. Criteria for evaluating the contestants based on the results of the competition.

5. The procedure for informing about the results of the competition.

Competition procedure

So, a competition for filling positions can be announced in the event of vacancies, the formation of new positions or personnel movements in the absence of a full-fledged reserve. In this case, the organization may approve a list of employees who have the right to take the initiative to hold a competition (director of the organization, heads of departments, head of the personnel department, head of the branch, etc.).

The competition can be:

Internal - if only employees of the organization can participate in it;

External - only external applicants take part in it;

Mixed - both are involved.

Let's consider an approximate procedure for holding a tender for a commercial organization, using the provisions approved by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

So, the competition can be divided into several stages.

1. Preparatory stage. The positions for which the competition will be held are determined, an order is issued on the holding of the competition, the timing of its holding, the composition of the competition committee, on the tasks of the competition committee and the personnel department within the framework of the competition. After the order is issued, the tender committee, together with the personnel department, develop the procedure and criteria for the competitive selection. The Commission further acts on the basis of the regulations on it.

2. Announcement of the competition. At this stage, an announcement about the competition is being drawn up, and the question of how to place it is being decided. The announcement can be placed on the website of the organization, various websites of vacancies and job offers of citizens, in periodic print media... In addition, the search for candidates can be entrusted recruiting agencies... If the employer intends to participate in the competition for the employees of the organization, information about the competition is brought to their attention by posting on the internal website or in any other way. this work is usually carried out by the HR department. The announcement of the competition shall indicate:

Name, location of the organization and brief information about it (type of activity);

The name of the vacant position;

Requirements for the candidate;

Place and time of acceptance of applications with the documents attached to them;

List of attached documents, requirements for their execution;

The term, before the expiration of which the documents are accepted;

Date, time, place and order of the competition.

Note. The deadline for collecting documents may not be set. In this case, the acceptance of documents ends when a sufficient number of applicants are recruited.

The documents submitted for participation in the competition include:

Personal statement;

A personally completed and signed application form (autobiography);

A copy of the passport or a document replacing it (the relevant document is presented in person upon arrival at the competition);

Copies of documents confirming the necessary professional education, work experience and qualifications;

A copy of the work book;

Copies of documents on vocational education, additional vocational education, assignment academic degree and academic title, certified personnel services at the place of work (service);

Consent to the processing of personal data.

For your information. Processing of personal data - any action (operation) or a set of actions performed with personal data using automation tools or without using them, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer ( distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction. The processing of personal data is carried out with the consent of the subject of these data to their processing (Articles 3, 6 of the Federal Law of 27.07.2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data").

3. Acceptance of bids. Their reception and registration is carried out by employees of the personnel department. They also provide explanations on the preparation of the application and the attached documents, check the correctness of the application and the documents attached to them, and provide other assistance. It is necessary to provide each applicant with the opportunity to familiarize himself with the terms of the employment contract, general information and the main indicators of the enterprise.

Before the competition, the submitted documents are sometimes checked for the accuracy of the information they contain. If circumstances are found that prevent the filling of a vacant position, the candidate may be denied participation in the competition. Such circumstances include:

Inconsistency of the applicant with the qualification requirements for the vacant position;

Recognition of a candidate as incapacitated or partially incapacitated by a court decision that has entered into legal force;

Deprivation of his right to hold positions for which the competition is being held;

The presence of a disease, confirmed by a medical report and interfering with the performance of official duties.

If the candidate has not submitted the documents in full or has completed them incorrectly, he can be given time to correct the errors. Otherwise, he may also be refused to participate in the competition.

If, as a result of the third stage of the competition, no candidates have been identified that meet the qualification requirements for the vacant position, the employer may decide to re-conduct the competition. If there are two or more candidates admitted to participate in the competition, lists of candidates are formed and all documents are submitted to the competition commission.

Participants of the competition, admitted to its passage, are sent notifications about the date, time and place of the next stage of the competition, the rest - notifications of refusal to participate in the competition.

Note. The commission can also consider documents not provided for in the list, such as recommendations, characteristics from previous jobs.

4. Conducting a competition. At this stage, the tender committee evaluates professional level candidates, their compliance with qualification requirements. In addition, the personal qualities of the candidate, previous work experience, and professional skills are assessed. The competition can also consist of several stages:

1) analysis of the submitted documents. Source documents make it possible to identify the correspondence of education, qualifications, experience practical work, the personal qualities of the candidate to the requirements;

2) preliminary interview with candidates. As a result, a psychological portrait of each candidate is drawn up, and an initial assessment of his personality is given. During the interview, the members of the commission have the right to ask the participants of the competition any questions related to the new job;

3) testing and performing practical tasks. Candidates undergo professional and psychological testing according to a pre-prepared list of theoretical questions drawn up in accordance with the qualification requirements for the position and regulations job description... Tests are used to check the level of knowledge and skills, mental abilities, identify psychological qualities... In addition, candidates may be offered such practical tasks as preparing a report, solving thematic problems;

4) final interview. Its goals are a detailed acquaintance with the personality of the candidate, the motives of his employment, assessment of his abilities and possibilities for adaptation in a new place. During the final interview, the members of the commission form the final assessment of the candidate's professional readiness, his ability to communicate with people, etc. For their part, candidates have the right to outline their concept of activities in the proposed position, justify their priority right to replace it;

5) making a decision on the candidate's victory.

Note. When passing the competitive procedures, all candidates are provided with equal conditions.

After the final interview, the members of the competition committee discuss each candidate, and then vote.

The meeting of the competition committee is considered competent if attended by at least 2/3 of the total number of its members. The decisions of the commission based on the results of the competition are taken by an open vote by a simple majority of votes. The candidate who receives the majority of votes is considered the winner of the competition. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chairman of the competition committee is decisive.

The decision of the competition committee is made and the discussion is held in the absence of the candidate. The Commission can make one of the following decisions - the candidate:

Meets the requirements for appointment to the vacant position;

Does not meet the requirements for filling a vacant position;

Meets the requirements for inclusion in personnel reserve.

The results of the voting of the competition commission are drawn up in a protocol, which is kept by the secretary of the commission, signed by the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the commission who took part in the meeting.

5. The final stage. Participants of the competition are informed about its results, labor relations with the winner of the competition are formalized.

Information about the results of the competition is posted on the website of the organization, and the candidates who participated in the competition, within seven days (another period at the discretion of the employer), are sent notifications in writing about the results of the competition - about the victory or refusal to appoint them to the position and (or) on inclusion in the personnel reserve.

Based on the minutes of the meeting of the commission, the head of the organization issues an order on hiring and concluding an employment contract with the winner of the competition. If the candidate who won the competition refuses to conclude an employment contract for the vacant position, the commission may offer the position to another candidate who received the largest number of votes. If, as a result of the competition, candidates who fully meet the requirements for the position were not identified, the chairman of the competition committee may decide to hold a repeated competition. The documents of the participants of the competition shall be returned upon their written application.

If, according to the results of the competition, several contestants received the same number of votes, their repeated discussion and voting are held at the same meeting. If, as a result of the repeated voting, the votes were distributed in the same way, the materials with the voting results are transferred to the head of the organization, who makes the final decision.

Competition Regulations

So, if an organization recruits employees for certain positions based on the results of a competition, the procedure for holding it should be fixed in a local regulatory act - regulations. When developing a regulation on holding a competition for filling a vacant position, we propose to include the following sections in this document:

1. General Provisions... In this section, you can specify:

Goals and objectives of the competition;

Grounds for the competition (order of the head);

Employees who have the right to take the initiative to hold a competition.

2. The procedure for the formation and work of the competition commission. It is written here:

The composition of the commission, its powers;

Powers of the chairman;

3. Preparation for the competition. This section reflects:

The list of positions for which the competition is (is not) held;

Methods and terms for placing an announcement about the competition;

List of documents submitted by candidates;

Responsibilities of employees of the personnel department (other employees) for the preparation of the competition.

4. Conducting a competition. Indicated:

Stages of the competition procedure;

Criteria for evaluating candidates;

Methods used to test the qualifications and personal qualities of candidates.

5. Final provisions:

The procedure for making a decision by the competition commission;

The procedure for registering the results;

Method and timing of notifying the contestants;

In addition, as annexes to the regulation, samples of tender documentation can be developed: announcements of a tender, applications for participation, notifications of participation (refusal to participate) in the tender, questionnaires, resume, minutes of the commission, etc.

In conclusion, we note that competitive recruitment of personnel for vacant positions provides more opportunities in the implementation of the recruitment process and gives better results compared to the usual recruitment of employees. Therefore, even in a commercial organization, to fill some positions, it is advisable to establish a competitive test methodology.

L. V. Kurevina

Journal Expert

"Human Resources Department

commercial organization "

Signed to print

Any hiring must go according to plan. Your Company has goals. Jobs are allocated for the implementation of these goals. When there are vacant jobs, it's time to hold a competition. Or a competition is held when jobs are not occupied by the right people.

There is often a desire to hire the right person when a good opportunity presents itself. But remember: no free space - no hiring! The priorities are simple: a person for our team, not a team for a person.

For the successful solution of any problem, specific people are needed, personally interested in this - including for the successful holding of the competition. The technology I offer for recruiting staff with a competition based on an assessment center is very effective. But you can't call it simple. You will need a whole team of employees of your company, performing different roles in organizing and conducting the competition.

In fact, you even need two commands. The first team works all the time from the launch of the competition to its holding. They provide the development and placement of vacancies, answers to calls and letters of applicants, selection of resumes, invitation of applicants and work with applicants in the common room directly during the competition. The second team is the jury of the competition. The jury selects the applicants who came to the competition and recruits those whom the Company is ready to employ. Company employees involved in the jury of the competition spend several hours of their time on this in the evening of the day when the competitive selection is held.

Customer. The manager, in whose direct subordination the hired employees will be. For a competition for sales managers, this is the head of the sales department. Sometimes there may be several customers. For example, the head of the sales department and senior teams (supervisors). In this case, the new employees will be directly subordinate to the senior groups. And the head of the sales department will manage the entire division. Another option is a couple of customers: a commercial director and a head of sales.

Decisive person. The person who makes the final decision on hiring employees for your Company. Usually this is the director himself.

Organizer of the competition. The one who is most proficient in the entire technology of the competition. Organizes and conducts the competition "from and to". He develops the texts of vacancies, coordinates the blocks of vacancies. Decides where to post vacancies and what budget to allocate for it. Then he supervises the work of the administrators of the competition. When the date of the competition is approaching and the resume is collected, he participates in the selection of the resume of the applicants, deciding which of them should be invited to the competition. It also plays an important role in the process of the competition. This can be either the head of the personnel department, or the director of development or the commercial director. What if there is no such employee on your team yet? All the same, to organize such competitions, you need an experienced manager who is fully familiar with this technology. For example, you can become one, since you are reading this book.

Competition administrators. In the process of organizing, launching the competition and collecting resumes, they bear the main burden of preparing the competition. It is they who control the placement of vacancies, answer the calls of applicants and their letters. Then they invite selected applicants to your office to complete the competition. In the course of the competition itself, they solve important administrative issues, being present in the common room, where applicants are most of the time. There should be at least two fully trained competition administrators, possessing all the skills and technologies necessary to perform their tasks. Or more. At the same time, the organizer of the competition may concurrently fulfill the duties of one of the administrators of the competition.

Additional members of the jury of the competition. As necessary and as desired. Typically adults, seasoned, experienced and well-versed employees. Also, the jury requires at least one strong professional with serious experience of the job for which we are looking for employees. His experience will be especially important for assessing the qualifications of employees when performing practical assignments. So, if the director of a young Company wants to recruit sales managers, but he himself does not have serious experience in negotiations, he needs to attract some familiar strong and experienced businessman to the jury of the competition. For example, an acquaintance of a commercial director from another Company.

At the stage of launching the competition and further collecting the resume, the organization of the entire process falls on the organizer of the competition and the administrators of the competition. To select the CVs of applicants before the invitation, the customer of the competition may, if necessary, be involved. And during the competitive selection itself, in order to select the most promising employees for us from the large number of applicants who came to the competition, using the assessment center, the customer of the competition, the decisive person and additional members of the competition jury are involved. The competition is held in two rooms: applicants gather in a common hall. And the jury conducts its main work in the meeting room next to the common hall. At the same time, the administrators of the competition are in the common room with the applicants, supervising them and supporting the work of the jury.

First, someone suggests launching a competition. This can be a customer, organizer or director of the Company. A decision is made to launch the competition, after which, together with the organizer of the competition, a team of employees is formed who will launch and conduct the competition. After that, everyone does their part of the work. The organizer and administrators of the competition carry out the current work on organizing and preparing the competition for three weeks from the moment of launch to the first competitive selection. And then another week - until the second competitive selection. The customer of the competition may be involved in the selection of the resume, but this, one way or another, does not take much time. And all the other members of the competition team are involved only during the very multi-stage competitive selection (assessment centers) - twice for several hours. As you can see, this competition technology requires significant costs time and effort of grassroots administrative staff... But the time and efforts of key employees of the Company, especially those who are on the jury of the competition, are spent very sparingly.

What is the smallest number of employees who can organize and conduct a competition for this technology? We need at least one contest administrator. The main burden will fall on him in the process of preparing the competition. The organizer of the competition can insure and, if necessary, replace him. During the competition, the administrator will be with the applicants in the common room, and the organizer will join the jury. Additionally, the jury will need at least one more person. Thus, at least three people will be enough, of which one will be involved only directly during the competitive selection.

What is the optimal number of employees to organize and conduct the competition? We need at least two contest administrators. If both administrators are young girls who do not look status-conscious in the eyes of the applicants, it is advisable to send someone else to the common room for the duration of the competition to strengthen someone else. Desirable - an employee of age, weighty, status type, with extensive experience in influencing people. Not necessarily a manager: an overbearing accountant or financier in her 40s or 50s might be fine. The jury of the competition is optimal - three people. You can do four. The total is 5-7 people: 2-3 in the common room and 3-4 in the jury.

Is it possible that there were more people on the jury of the competition - for example, 5 or 7? Perhaps, but decision making will take longer and the competition will drag on. If there are 10 applicants for such a competition, the difference will be small. But if there are 30 applicants, there is a risk of a serious increase in the duration of the competition.

Particular attention should be paid to the composition of the jury. On the one hand, we definitely need someone on the jury who is well versed in the specifics of the activities for which we are recruiting employees. For example, if we are looking for a CFO, we will need a CFO on the jury - or someone with similar qualifications. And since we most likely do not have our own financial director (since we are holding a competition for recruiting for this particular position), we will need to invite an outside financial director to the jury.

In addition, the jury definitely needs someone of age and status appearance. Not the best way when interviews with job seekers are conducted by a young leader, and alone! Even if there are several people on the jury, and all of them are quite young, the success of recruiting candidates can be significantly reduced.

For example, at the time of this writing, I am 40 years old - and I know that in the eyes of some job seekers I still look too young. Therefore, I try to have one of my colleagues - men (or at least women) over 50, and better over 60 years old - on the jury of the competition with me. Of course, you need a personable appearance and appropriate clothing style. But active participation in the selection of these jury members is not necessary. Throughout the competition, they can sit quietly, listen to applicants, nod their heads and be silent. On the other hand, their life experience, the ability to see and evaluate the implicit moments in the behavior of applicants can provide you with invaluable assistance in the conduct of the competition.

Next, you need to decide on the timing. A full competition for hiring sales managers takes four weeks. It is carried out by a "doublet". In fact, you are running two contests at weekly intervals: one on the third, the other on the fourth week from the start of the event. What if you only need one sales manager? Then it will be enough to accept two or three interns. You can get by with one competition, and the whole process will take three weeks.

Let's see how the full competition goes. For example, on January 20, 2014 (Monday) you finally made the decision that you need sales managers. To get the required number of resumes, vacancies must be posted for three weeks: from January 20 to February 10. Conducting a competitive selection on Monday is not the best option (only Friday is worse). So you are planning to conduct a competitive selection on Tuesday, February 11th. If you post only one vacancy - the date until which vacancies are accepted must be limited to February 10, 2014 (the day after the competitive selection). If you post two or three vacancies in parallel, the second vacancy can be limited to February 11, and the third - February 7 (2 working days before the competitive selection). Applicants should get the impression that you are running 2 or 3 contests in parallel - all for different positions. This means that it will be appropriate that the dates until which the collection of resumes for each of these vacancies is going on are different.

For a reliable result, one competitive selection is not enough. You will post vacancies for another 1-2 weeks after the first competitive selection. Let's say you have scheduled a second competitive selection for Thursday, February 20th. Then the date until which the collection of resumes for the first of the vacancies is going on, from February 10, changes to February 19. For the second vacancy, the date until which the resume is being collected changes from 11 to 20 February. For the third vacancy - from 7 to 18 February.

  • CVs are often brought after the end of the competition: sometimes they are dragged for a whole week after everything was supposed to end. This is also a good reason to conduct a "double" competitive selection in a week or two after the main competitive selection.
  • it takes a minimum of two days to contact all participants and invite them to the competition. To be more effective in inviting applicants, it makes sense to call applicants twice. The first call and invitation of applicants is done 2-3 working days before the date of the competition. The second ringing, the final reminder of the invitation and confirmation of arrival is made on the day of the competition.
What does it mean - admission on a competitive basis?

Among job advertisements one often encounters the qualification "on a competitive basis". As a rule, this means that the employer wants to select the best candidate for workplace and not waste time interviewing those candidates who are obviously not suitable for this position... For this purpose, a preliminary collection of documents containing the necessary information about the applicants is organized. Their analysis allows the employer to select several of the most suitable candidates and invite only these people for an interview to make a decision.

In order to successfully pass the selection, you must:

    understand the requirements that apply to the candidate. This will provide an opportunity to present information about yourself in the right key, draw the employer's attention to your most attractive sides;

    prepare carefully Required documents... They usually include a resume and supporting documents vocational training and work experience. In this case, the main instrument of success is a professionally made resume. This is a kind of advertisement for your capabilities. For help in writing a resume, you can contact a specialist in the employment service. In the next issue of the Labor and Law page, we will also show you how to write a resume correctly;

    those participating in the competition for filling a vacant position are often asked to fill out a questionnaire, which allows them to get Additional information about the candidate;

    sometimes competitive selection is accompanied by psychological testing. This allows you to better judge the character, professional skills, intelligence, conflict, learning and other qualities of the applicant for the position. There are mainly four types of tests used.

    The first type is tests for intelligence, special abilities, abilities and skills. This is a series of tasks related to observation, ingenuity, logical thinking. They are performed temporarily, often consisting of several series. More details about this can be found in the book by G.-J. Eysenck "Know your own IQ."

    The second type is personality questionnaires. With their help, you can find out the type of temperament, certain character traits, emotional and psychological state, professional interests and inclinations.

    The third type is projective techniques, which are designed to determine the psychological characteristics of people and their behavior. The most commonly used tests are drawing, color preferences by M. Lüscher, geometric tests by S. Bellinger.

    The fourth type is "atypical" tests. For example, you will be asked to wait a little, which will result in hours of agonizing waiting for someone or what. During this time, you will be monitored and your reaction will be assessed. In no case should you be indignant. Better to leave politely, referring to urgent matters, or arrange a new meeting.

Let's assume that you have carefully prepared all the bidding documents and have successfully passed the absentee selection stage. Now you will have an interview with the employer, who makes the final decision on hiring. Here everything depends only on you, on your charm, ability to present yourself, to show the will to win.

V individual cases, when selecting applicants for a vacant position, the employer can hold a competition in order to identify the most worthy of the applicants. For teaching staff belonging to the teaching staff, state and municipal employees, the procedure for holding a competition is regulated by law. In other cases, the employer independently establishes the procedure for holding the competition. In addition, the organization must approve a list of positions to be replaced by competition.

Regulations governing the holding of competitions

At the legislative level, the procedure for holding tenders is regulated for:

  1. Teaching staff related to the teaching staff - Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 23, 2015 N 749 "On approval of the Regulation on the procedure for filling positions of teaching staff related to the teaching staff."
  2. State civil servants - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.02.2005 N 112 "On the competition for filling a vacant position in the state civil service of the Russian Federation", Art. 22 of the Federal Law of 27.07.2004 N 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation".

In addition, individual government agencies have developed their own methods of conducting the competition:

  • In the Ministry of Culture - Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated 05.23.2016 N 1134 "On approval of the procedure and terms of work of the competition commission for holding a competition for filling a vacant position in the state civil service of the Russian Federation in the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Methodology for holding a competition for filling a vacant position in the state civil service of the Russian Federation Federation in the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation ";
  • In the Ministry of Finance - Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 21, 2011 N 49n "On approval of the Procedure and terms of work of the competition commission for holding a competition for filling vacant positions in the state civil service in the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Methodology for holding a competition for filling vacant positions in the state civil service in the Ministry of Finance Russian Federation";
  • V Federal Service bailiffs - Order of the FSSP of Russia dated March 29, 2007 N 107 "On approval of the Methodology for holding a competition for filling a vacant position in the state civil service in the Federal Bailiff Service";
  • In the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications - Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation of 03/22/2016 N 116 "On approval of the procedure and terms of work of the competition commission for holding a competition for filling a vacant position of the state civil service of the Russian Federation in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation and methods of holding a competition for filling a vacant position of a state of the Civil Service of the Russian Federation in the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation ”.
  1. Municipal employees - Art. 17 of the Federal Law of 02.03.2007 N 25-FZ "On municipal service in the Russian Federation". The procedure for holding a competition for a position municipal service established by a municipal legal act adopted by the representative body of the municipal formation.

Situations in which the competition is not held

The legislation defines a number of categories of teachers and civil servants in respect of which the competition is not held (for example, for the position of the dean of the faculty and the head of the department).

The competition is also not held when a teacher is transferred with his consent to a similar or lower position in the same structural unit or in another structural unit.

Competition for state civilians is not held in the following cases:

  • When concluding a fixed-term service contract;
  • When appointing to positions of the civil service of the categories "managers" and "assistants (advisers)" replaced for a certain term of office;
  • When appointing an employee to another position in the civil service associated with a transfer for health reasons, reduction of positions or the abolition of a state body;
  • When appointing a civil servant to the position of the civil service, included in the personnel reserve in the civil service.

The competition may not be held for appointments to positions belonging to the group of junior civil service positions.

In addition, it is allowed not to hold a competition when appointing to certain positions in the civil service, the performance of duties on which implies access to information constituting a state secret. The list of such positions is approved by the state authority.

Competition procedure

In most cases, when conducting competitions, approximately the same procedure for holding a competition for filling a vacant position is used.

As a rule, citizens of Russia over 18 years of age, who speak the state language of the Russian Federation and meet the qualification requirements for a vacant position established by law, are allowed to participate in the competition.

For example, to fill a civil service position, it is required to meet the qualification requirements:

  • To the level of professional education;
  • To the direction of training, knowledge and skills that are necessary for the performance of official duties;
  • To the specialty;
  • For seniority in the civil service or work in a specialty.

The competition includes the following stages:

1. The announcement of the competition is posted on the Internet on the website of the employment center, specialized notice boards, the official website of the organization and on the Internet, etc.

Such an ad shall indicate:

Name, main characteristics and information about the location of the organization;

  • Requirements for an applicant for a corresponding position;
  • Date, time of the beginning and end of the acceptance of applications;
  • Address of the place for receiving applications and documents;
  • List of documents submitted by applicants for participation in the competition, and requirements for their registration;
  • Date, time and place of the competition, indicating the start time of the competition commission and summing up the results of the competition.

2. Formation of a special commission for the selection of applicants. The composition of the commission, the procedure and terms of its work are approved by a local act of the organization. The chairman of the competition committee is in charge of the activity. The meetings of the commission are recorded by the secretary.

The personnel service ensures the work of the commission, in terms of registration and acceptance of applications, etc.

3. Consideration of applications. At this stage, the documents submitted by the applicants are considered. We check their compliance with the requirements.

Applicants who have submitted an incomplete set of established documents, or who have violated the deadlines for submitting documents, are not allowed to participate in the competition.

4. Evaluation of candidates. As a rule, the professional level of applicants is assessed on the basis of submitted documents and interviews with applicants.

Additional tests may be established for teachers (for example, conducting trial lectures).

5. Making a decision. At a meeting of the commission, at least 2/3 of the approved composition must be present, otherwise it will be recognized as invalid. The decision of the commission is made by means of a vote. The candidate who receives the maximum number of votes is recognized as the winner.

If several candidates have received an equal number of votes, then the decision is made by the chairman of the commission.

Based on the results of the competition, an act (protocol) is issued on the appointment of the winner of the competition for the vacant position.

Participants of the competition are notified of the decision taken by the commission in writing within 7 days from the date of its completion.

Conclusion of an employment contract

An employment contract is concluded with the winner of the competition. On the basis of which a job order is issued.

For civil servants, the procedure is somewhat different. First, an act of appointment is issued, after which a service contract is concluded with the winner of the competition.

An employment contract with the winner of the competition may be concluded for a specified period, after which the position will again be considered vacant.

List of documents required to conclude an employment contract or service contract:

  • For employees - in accordance with Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - for all employees;
  • For civil servants - in accordance with Art. 26 Federal Law of 27.07.2004 N 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation".

Note: appointment probationary period it is illegal for persons elected through a competition for a position held in accordance with the procedure established by labor legislation and other acts.