Communications department. Regulations on the Public Relations Department. Office of the President of the Russian Federation

1.1. The public relations department, being an independent structural unit of the enterprise, is created and liquidated by the order of [name of the position of the head of the enterprise].

1.2. The department is directly subordinate to [the name of the position of the head of the enterprise].

1.3. The department is headed by a chief appointed and dismissed by the order of [name of the position of the head of the enterprise].

1.4. In its activities, the department is guided by:

Legislation Russian Federation;

The charter of the enterprise;

By this regulation;

1.5. [Enter what you want].

2. Structure

2.1. The composition and staffing of the public relations department is approved by [the name of the position of the head of the enterprise], based on the specific conditions and characteristics of the enterprise, as advised by the head of the department and in agreement with the [personnel department, organization and remuneration department].

2.2. The department includes groups of specialists for interaction with state and municipal authorities, for work with funds mass media and public organizations, citizens; press center (PR specialists, editors, consultants, other specialists).

2.3. The division of responsibilities between the employees of the department is carried out by the head of the public relations department.

2.4. [Enter what you want].

3. Tasks

The public relations department is responsible for the following tasks:

3.1. Information representation of the enterprise in state and municipal authorities.

3.2. Providing information on the activities of the enterprise to interested parties.

3.3. Interaction with the media, public organizations for timely informing the public about the most important events in the activities of the enterprise.

3.4. [Enter what you want].

4. Functions

The Public Relations Department performs the following functions:

4.1. Planning and organization of information programs about the work of the enterprise.

4.2. Creation of a system of sources of business information.

4.3. Analysis and generalization of primary business information, development of forms for its presentation.

4.4. Formation of an objective view of the enterprise in the public with the help of the mass media.

4.5. Representation through the media of the attitude of the enterprise to economic, environmental, social and other issues.

4.6. Preparation of messages, comments and analytical reviews for the media on the content of decisions of the company's management, on the holding of seminars, conferences, forums.

4.7. Distribution in the press, on radio and television of materials on the main directions of development of the enterprise, the socio-economic situation of the enterprise and the industry as a whole, the achievements of the enterprise in scientific research.

4.8. Generalization, analysis and communication to the management of the enterprise of materials published in the press and devoted to the enterprise and the industry as a whole.

4.9. Organization of press conferences, round tables, meetings and interviews with representatives of the media on topical issues current activities enterprises.

4.10. Responding to critical remarks made to the enterprise (preparation of speeches, press conferences and messages in the media).

4.11. Preparation of video films, creation and replenishment of video and music libraries about the activities of the enterprise and its divisions.

4.12. Ensuring interaction with centers for the study of public opinion and drawing up their own programs to study and determine public opinion about the activities of the enterprise.

4.13. Carrying out events to connect users to external and local networks exchange of information.

4.14. Consideration of letters from citizens, organization of their verification, preparation of relevant proposals, as well as organization of reception of citizens.

4.15. [Enter what you want].

5. Rights

5.1. The Public Relations Department has the right to:

Request and receive from the divisions of the enterprise documents and information necessary for the department to perform its functions;

In agreement with the head of the enterprise, attract specialists for the preparation of materials in the media;

Make proposals on the need to send department specialists;

Convene and hold meetings on issues within the competence of the department, attract employees of the enterprise to participate in them;

Participate in the formation of orders and the development of contracts necessary to perform the functions assigned to the department.

5.2. The head of the public relations department signs and endorses documents related to the establishment of contractual relations with the media, public opinion research centers, etc.

5.3. The head of the public relations department has the right to make proposals for the relocation of department employees, their reward for successful work as well as suggestions for overlay disciplinary action on employees who violate labor discipline.

5.4. [Enter what you want].

6. Relationships (service connections) **

To perform the functions and exercise the rights provided for by this regulation, the public relations department interacts:

6.1. With all divisions of the enterprise on the following issues:

Preparation of materials in the media (obtaining clarifications from the company's specialists, technical consultations, reports on the implementation of plans, opinions of employees on messages in the media about the enterprise, etc.);

- [write in what you want].

6.2. With [economic department, department of material and technical supply] on questions:

Provision of office equipment, equipment, stationery;

Provision of repair of office equipment, video equipment, etc .;

- [write in what you want].

6.3. With ACS services for development and implementation information technologies and the use of computer technology.

6.4. WITH legal department on legal issues related to the preparation of materials for placement in the media, as well as bringing to justice the media that posted false information about the company.

6.5. From [name of structural unit] on issues:

- [enter what you want];

- [write in what you want].

7. Responsibility

7.1. Responsibility for the proper and timely performance by the department of the functions provided for by this regulation is borne by the head of the public relations department.

7.2. The head of the public relations department is personally responsible for:

Organization of the department's activities to perform the tasks and functions assigned to the department;

Organization of prompt and high-quality preparation of materials for placement in the media;

Reliability of information provided by the media and other interested parties;

Compliance with the regime of access to information that is a state, commercial and official secret, as well as the use of this information by employees of the department for official purposes;

Selection, placement and activities of department employees;

- [write in what you want].

7.3. The responsibility of the employees of the department is established by the job descriptions.

7.4. [Enter what you want].

Head of structural unit

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]


[official with whom the regulation is agreed]

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

Head of the legal department

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

The main activities of the Department for Relations with Religious Organizations are strengthening interfaith peace and harmony, interaction with religious organizations, preventing conflicts on religious grounds, promoting the realization of citizens' rights to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion.

Currently, in the city of Moscow there are 1,154 religious organizations representing 47 confessions (594 - Orthodox religious organizations, 560 - Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist and others).

In total, there are about 1,200 churches and chapels of the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow (including detached churches, house churches inside buildings, monastery churches, chapels), including:

517 - free-standing temples and temporary temples-chapels, in which regular services are held,

15 - monasteries.

There are 5 officially registered mosques and 5 Jewish synagogues in Moscow. Muslims and Jews also have prayer rooms in rented or private premises.

Other denominations (Old Believers, Catholics, Protestants, other Christian denominations, Eastern religions and new religious movements) have more than 60 separate buildings and complexes. In addition, many religious organizations (primarily Protestant) rent premises for meetings and services.

The Department provides assistance to the main religious organizations of Russia operating in the city of Moscow: the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), the Russian Orthodox Old Believers Church, the Russian and Novo-Nakhichevan Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Muslim religious organizations, the Congress of Jewish Organizations and Associations in Russia, the Federation of Jewish communities of Russia, the Buddhist traditional Sangha of Russia and others in holding events, implementing socially significant projects.

Main directions of activity

  1. support for interreligious, interfaith and interethnic peace and harmony;

Moscow is the multi-confessional capital of the Russian Federation. Religious communities of the absolute majority of Russian religions and confessions operate in it. For Moscow, freedom of religion, tolerance, respect for traditional values ​​have always been and remain among the most important priorities.

The Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow sees the main goal of its work to maintain interreligious, interfaith peace and harmony, to preserve that unique rich religious and cultural environment that has been developing in the city for centuries. Today there are all conditions - both regulatory and organizational - for the full-fledged interaction of the city and religious associations. Moscow has developed a long-term practice of fruitful interaction between religious organizations and the city's executive authorities in various areas - these are joint measures for the protection of religious sites - historical and cultural monuments, educational and awareness-raising projects, cooperation in the social sphere.

The Moscow government is pursuing a policy aimed at maintaining an atmosphere of interethnic, interreligious and interfaith peace and harmony in the city, and fostering a respectful attitude among residents to the customs and rituals of people of different cultures and religions.

It has become a good Moscow tradition for the joint participation of representatives of major religions and confessions in major city events. Representatives of religious organizations take part in festive events dedicated to the memorable dates of the Great Patriotic War, the Day of the City of Moscow and the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Organization of the Moscow International Forum "Religion and Peace" (held since 2013).

This expert platform was created as a center for discussion of the practical interaction of religious associations and government bodies in the public space. The Forum became the first such large-scale project in the field of state-religious relations in two decades.

On October 23-24, 2019, the V Moscow International Forum "Religion and Peace: Religion and Ecology" was held.

The forum was attended by representatives of the highest clergy of the main confessions, leading domestic and foreign scientists - religious scholars, anthropologists, sociologists, as well as leaders of public associations.

According to participants and experts, the Forum "Religion and Peace" has become one of the largest discussion platforms in its sphere, where topical issues of interreligious relations, consolidation of society, support and development of peacekeeping and charitable initiatives of believers are discussed in an open dialogue.

The experience of holding the Forum was approved by the Commission on Religious Associations under the Government of the Russian Federation.

  1. rendering assistance to religious organizations in holding religious holidays, socially significant and spiritual and educational events;

The department and other executive authorities of the city provide assistance to those registered in established order religious organizations during mass religious holidays and events, such as Christmas, Epiphany, Easter, memorial services at the Butovo training ground, religious processions on the Day of Slavic Written Language and Culture and St. Peter's Day (Christian), Eid al-Adha, Eid al-Adha (Muslim) , Hanukkah (Jewish) and others.

The Department assists in holding the largest public forum of the Russian Orthodox Church "International Christmas Educational Readings", which is attended by more than 10,000 representatives from all Russian regions and guests from abroad. The purpose of the Readings is to strengthen traditional Russian spiritual and moral values ​​in conjunction with the course of social development today.

V Orthodox Book Day(March 14) The Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, together with the Moscow Government, is implementing a set of festive events of a cultural, educational and social nature. Within the framework of the holiday, about 300 cultural, educational, educational and social events are held annually at the city, district and district levels.

The program of the holiday also includes open lessons, dedicated to the history of printed Christian books, in secondary schools of the city of Moscow.

In addition, the prefectures of the administrative districts and the administrations of the city districts organize mass cultural events: literary evenings, seminars, lectures and talks, meetings with priests and writers, contests, exhibitions, book fairs, reading contests and charity events.

Every year the Moscow Government participates in the organization of events Day of Slavic Written Language and Culture:

A festive concert in honor of the Day of Slavic Written Language and Culture on Red Square (May 24)

The laying of flowers by the ambassadors of the Slavic states at the monument to Cyril and Methodius on Slavyanskaya Square.

Other cultural, scientific and educational festive events: music concerts, lectures, seminars, exhibitions, literary and musical evenings, competitions and other events in Moscow cultural institutions, schools, libraries, parks of culture and recreation (more than 200 events in total).

Exhibition-forum "Orthodox Russia" - to the Day of National Unity "(opening November 4). The Department and other executive authorities of the city provide assistance in solving organizational and technical issues of the exhibition-forum, take a significant part in financing this largest church-public event.

When bringing revered icons to the exhibition-forum, the executive authorities of the city of Moscow assist in creating the necessary material, technical and organizational conditions for mass visits by pilgrims, ensuring security and law and order at the event.

The exhibition is visited annually by 150-300,000 Muscovites and guests of the capital.

The Moscow government assists the Russian Orthodox Church in holding the largest mass social and religious events: prayer services, festive religious processions, memorial services. In 2012, the city services provided an organized prayer service in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior on April 22 in defense of traditional values ​​with the number of participants up to 50 thousand people. In the same year, a memorial action was held at the cathedral in honor of the 200th anniversary of the victory of Russia in Patriotic War 1812, which was attended by more than 10 thousand people.

In the holy month of Ramadan for Muslims, which precedes one of the main holidays of Islam - Eid al-Adha, on Poklonnaya Hill, with the support of the Moscow Government, the Tent of Ramadan cultural and charitable event organized by the Spiritual Directorate of Muslims of the Russian Federation is held annually. During the month, charitable iftar dinners for fasting Muslims and all comers are held every day, information and cultural events telling about Islam, about the traditions and culture of Islamic countries and regions of Russia.

Traditionally, the Moscow Government provides the necessary assistance to Muslim religious organizations of the city of Moscow in the preparation and conduct of the main, especially revered holidays of Islam: Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Adha.

During the holidays of Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Adha, measures are taken to ensure security and public order, medical support, and the organization of sound reinforcement of services. Upcoming changes, including in the routes and timetables of ground public transport, are covered in the city mass media.

V last years festive services are held not only in all Moscow mosques, which cannot accommodate all believers on the days of festive services, but also in specially designated alternative temporary places outside Moscow mosques.

Together with religious organizations, the city annually hosts dozens of other social, cultural, spiritual and educational events for Moscow residents and guests of the capital.

  1. Assistance in mass pilgrimage of citizens to revered shrines and relics;

The Moscow government provides assistance to religious organizations registered in accordance with the established procedure in bringing venerated religious relics and relics to the city.

The major events in the spiritual life of Moscow in 2011 - 2019 were the bringing of Orthodox shrines - the Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos (2011), the Gifts of the Magi (2014), the Cross of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called (2015), particles of the relics of St. Nicholas of Myra, the Wonderworker (2017). The total number of citizens, Muscovites and guests of the capital who came to venerate these great shrines amounted to more than 900, 400, 200 thousand and 1 million 850 thousand people, respectively.

In connection with the appeals of religious organizations, the Moscow government has created an effective model for the participation of sectoral and territorial executive bodies, law enforcement agencies, and all city services in ensuring normal conditions for pilgrims to queue up at shrines.

An operational headquarters is being formed to organize access for believers to worship brought religious shrines and relics, which includes representatives of relevant departments of the Moscow Government, law enforcement agencies, religious and other organizations.

In accordance with the developed scheme of the event, safety is ensured road traffic and the protection of public order (together with the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow with the involvement of military personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the National Guard of the Russian Federation).

Pilgrims are provided with:

Trade at social prices,

Distribution drinking water in hot weather,

Health care,

Air-conditioned buses for leisure,

Portable compact toilets,

Reception of disabled people on a preferential basis,

Prompt informing of pilgrims.

Thousands of Orthodox volunteers work at the events.

The Commission for the Improvement of Legislation and Law Enforcement Practice of the Council for Interaction with Religious Associations under the President of the Russian Federation approved the positive experience of the Moscow Government in assisting religious organizations in providing conditions for the access of believers to worship brought religious shrines and relics.

  1. participation in the implementation of the Federal Law of 30.11.2010 N 327-FZ "On the transfer of state or municipal property to religious organizations for religious purposes";

The procedure for the transfer to religious organizations of religious property that is in federal ownership, property of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or municipal property is determined by Federal Law No. 327-FZ of 30.11.2010 "On the Transfer of State or Municipal Property of Religious Purpose to Religious Organizations."

In accordance with Article 6 of the Federal Law, the basis for considering the issue of transferring state or municipal property for religious purposes to a religious organization is authorized body a statement by a religious organization, to which are attached documents substantiating its right to transfer property. The list and procedure for issuing these documents is defined in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 26, 2011 No. 325 “On the list of documents substantiating the right of religious organizations to receive state or municipal property for religious purposes and the procedure for their issuance”.

The authorized authorities are defined in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 26, 2011 “On federal bodies authorities authorized to exercise certain powers in order to implement the federal law of 30.11.2010 No. 327-FZ "On the transfer of state or municipal property for religious purposes to religious organizations" and in the order of the Moscow Government "On measures to implement the Federal Law of 30.11.2010 No. 327-FZ "On the Transfer of State or Municipal Property of Religious Purpose to Religious Organizations."

The Department provides consultative assistance to the religious organizations of the city of Moscow registered in the established manner in matters of implementation of the Federal Law of 30.11.2010 No. 327-FZ "On the transfer of state or municipal property to religious organizations for religious purposes."

  1. participation in a program to assist religious organizations in carrying out repair and restoration work at cultural heritage sites of religious significance ;

Churches, monastic ensembles and other places of worship - monuments of history and culture - are restored in Moscow every year. In recent years, with the financial participation of the Moscow Government, repair and restoration work has been carried out at more than 135 objects of various confessions.

Functions of the state customer and the main manager of budgetary funds for the costs of repair and restoration work at cultural heritage sites of religious significance located in state property assigned to the Department of Cultural Heritage of the city of Moscow.

A religious organization wishing to receive financial assistance from the budget of the city of Moscow to carry out repair and restoration work at objects of cultural heritage of religious significance, sends an application for the next year to the Department of Cultural Heritage of the city of Moscow in advance with the attachment of design estimates and other necessary documents.

The Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow provides religious organizations registered in accordance with the established procedure with consulting assistance on participation in this program.

  1. interaction with religious organizations of the city of Moscow on issues of their activities;

The Department provides consulting assistance to religious organizations registered in the established manner in the city of Moscow on a wide range of issues related to the competence of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow.

A religious organization registered in the city of Moscow in accordance with the established procedure can sign up for a consultation with a specialist of the Department by phone: 8-495-633-60-91 (through the reception of the Department).

  1. Major educational projects

"Orthodox Encyclopedia"

The Orthodox Encyclopedia Church Research Center is implementing a major international cultural project - the release of a specialized reference publication Orthodox Encyclopedia, which provides comprehensive information on the entire history of Orthodoxy, its current state, and also acquaints readers with other Christian confessions, non-Christian religions, phenomena of science, culture, philosophy, art, politics, which are somehow connected with religion. The encyclopedia lays special emphasis on church life in the twentieth - early. XXI centuries, since this information is practically absent in the reference literature.

The Board of Trustees of the "Orthodox Encyclopedia" (chaired by the Mayor of Moscow) is one of the governing bodies of the publication of the multivolume "Orthodox Encyclopedia". The executive secretary of the council is the head of the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the city of Moscow.

The Moscow government provides significant support to the publication of the "Orthodox Encyclopedia" and the implementation of a number of programs within the framework of this project - television, cinematographic, Internet and others.

Makariev Prizes

The Moscow government is doing a lot to support academic science as the most important component of the state's innovative development. In 1995, with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia, the Moscow Government together with the Russian Academy of Sciences revived the Metropolitan Macarius Prize - one of the most prestigious awards in Russia from 1882 to 1917. It was awarded not only to theologians, but also to scientists of other specialties for outstanding achievements in various fields of knowledge and fundamental sciences.

Prizes and awards are presented to the winners of the competition in five nominations:

History of the Orthodox Church;

Russian history;

History of Moscow and Historical Local Lore;

History of Orthodox countries and peoples;

Tutorial or tutorial representing a contribution to science in one of the existing nominations.

The Expert Council of the Makariyev Foundation consists of secular and church historians, specialists in the history of Moscow and the history of Russia, representing the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University, the Moscow Theological Academy, and the Orthodox Encyclopedia Central Research Center.

The awarding of the revived Makariyev Prizes shows that stimulating research in the most important areas of humanitarian knowledge, attracting young scientists to them (youth prizes), contributes to further development Russian historical science.

  1. The program for the construction of Orthodox churches in the city of Moscow;

Since 2010, a program for the construction of Orthodox churches has been implemented in Moscow. The initiator of the program is the Russian Orthodox Church, which is the customer of the construction. In 2011, the Foundation for Supporting the Construction of Churches in the City of Moscow was created, which accumulates financial resources required for the implementation of the program.

The Board of Trustees of the Foundation was headed by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and Moscow Mayor S.S. Sobyanin. The Board of Trustees includes representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Moscow Government and large commercial and construction organizations. The department carries out ongoing monitoring and analysis of the construction of new temple complexes and the creation of new Orthodox parishes in the city.

City executive authorities, city design institutes, construction organizations, benefactors. Meetings on the implementation of the program are held weekly, as well as Saturday detours and meetings at construction sites under the chairmanship of the advisor to the Mayor of Moscow, adviser to the Patriarch, deputy The State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation V.I. Resin.

With the support of the Moscow Government, new churches were built and temporary churches were installed, and parish activities began. Underway social work, cultural and charity events are held for residents. The parishes organize clubs for children and adults.

The Department, together with the Russian Orthodox Church, organizes an annual open-air exhibition “Life and social activities new parishes ”in order to present to Muscovites new opportunities for cultural and moral development that have opened up in Moscow districts thanks to the active work of Orthodox communities at new churches.

The Moscow government is also making its contribution in the form of a comprehensive improvement of the territory around each church. These are lawns, landscaping, walking paths, benches, and, of course, a playground. The temple enriches the infrastructure of the area, creates conditions not only for prayer, but also for the quiet rest of the residents.

Identifying and justifying the place of the PR department in the functional structure of the organization is a problem for the management of a company or structure, while, as a rule, the need for it is recognized. If, in the most general terms, the role of PR in the activities of an organization is to harmonize the relations of a given organization with its public, then raising the question of the place of PR in the functional structure of an organization involves considering some mechanisms for ensuring such an organization.

The structure of an organization in management is understood as a logical relationship between levels of management and functional areas, built in such a form that allows you to most effectively achieve the goals of the organization.

An organization, depending on its scale and functional focus, can include in its structure a wide variety of PR departments, which can be classified on two grounds. First, in terms of structure, PR departments, departments, bureaus, groups, sectors, etc. can be distinguished. Secondly, by the nature of the tasks being solved, the following PR departments can be distinguished: collection and analysis of information; monitoring publications; preparation of special PR events; preparation advertising campaigns and individual promotions; interaction with the media, etc.

Emelyanov S.M. schematized an approximate typical structure of PR-departments of a large organization (Table 1).:

Table 1. Approximate typical structure of PR-departments of a large organization

According to Scott M. Cutlip and his co-authors based on the well-known book "Public Relations. Theory and Practice," the creation of PR departments within organizations was and is carried out ambiguously and often spontaneously. It all depends on the specific situation in which this or that organization finds itself (crisis situations, disruption of communications, loss of control over personnel, etc.)

The typical nomenclature of positions in a department is as follows:

· Senior link - PR director (aka vice president of PR in the Western manner), head of PR department;

· Middle level - manager (or senior manager) for PR, heads of areas (research, creative, working with the media, etc.);

Junior link - assistant PR manager, specialists such as sociologist, analyst (sometimes in one person), copywriter (testers), speechwriter (writes speeches, speeches and reports to the management), designer, Internet specialist, etc. Note that the category of specialists is often "borrowed" - invited from outside to one project or group of projects.

Summarizing the advice of experts, Gundarin M.V. argues that it is possible to reduce the department to four people: the head of the department and part-time speechwriter, the media manager (copywriter, distributor of information and news), the manager for special projects (does everything else) and the secretary-clerk. And such a state can afford to maintain the most economical and prudent manager of a small company.

To western corporate codes stand out such job duties employees at various levels of the corporate PR hierarchy:

PR Director:

- Together with senior management, develops PR tasks and strategies to create a favorable corporate image of the company;

- Forms the concept of planning, development and application activities corporate policy;

- Develops methods and programs for the implementation of PR;

- Analyzes information about the position of investors, trends in the field of joint-stock ownership;

- Keeps track of the main trends in the field of information resources;

- Monitors the dissemination of internal and external information;

- Improves and controls budget execution.

PR manager:

- Participates with the top management of the company in the development of corporate objectives and bringing them to the attention of persons both inside and outside the organization to create a favorable corporate image;

- Deals with the definition, development and implementation of the PR strategy; participates in solving issues related to PR;

- Gives answers to complaints, inquiries and requests for information that strengthens or maintains the company's image;

- Controls the provision of information about the company to both internal and external media;

- Takes part in meetings to approve the budget for advertising campaigns;


- Participates in the planning, preparation and distribution of advertising information related to the company through newspapers, others periodicals and audiovisual media;

- Prepares written messages, speeches and personal messages;

- Develops the concept of interaction between the company and representatives of the press, radio, television, local organizations, shareholders;

Naturally, in each specific case, the list of responsibilities must be adjusted. By the decree of the Ministry of Labor and social development RF № 59 in 2003, a "new" profession was established in Russia: a public relations specialist. She is included in " Qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and other employees ".

Below is a typical job description PR manager and typical job responsibilities that fully contain the requirements for a PR specialist. The decision to include these instructions in this manual was also made because many company leaders do not quite clearly understand the responsibilities of public relations specialists and tend to burden them with additional tasks or limit them in performing their work, and in case of failure, make complaints. Therefore, it would be good for a novice PR manager to immediately draw certain boundaries of what he can and should do, and what is better to assign to other employees.

Job responsibilities of a PR manager

PR manager:

- organizes work on public relations and mass media;

- manages the staff (department) of PR-specialists or other employees of the company subordinate to him, distributes tasks between them, controls the implementation of the tasks assigned to them;

- develops a strategy for communication with representatives of the public and the media, general outlines corporate identity companies, an action plan for the formation or correction of the corporate culture image of the company, a draft thematic and financial plan for the work of PR specialists;

- develops a plan for conducting PR campaigns, makes forecasts of the impact on the company's image of certain planned actions;

- determines the budget for PR campaigns;

- develops ways to represent the company's attitude to economic, political, environmental and social issues, to information about the main directions of development of the enterprise, the socio-economic situation of the enterprise and the industry as a whole, the company's achievements in scientific research, etc.;

- organizes press conferences, briefings, media kits, backgrounds, interviews of company executives in the media;

- organizes the preparation of press releases on the company's activities, corporate bulletins, other information materials about the company's activities for the media, prepares public reporting documents for the company;

- analyzes the external environment in order to study the attitude to the company's activities, organizes polls, questionnaires and interviews with the public in order to identify a real attitude to the company's image and policy;

- organizes interaction with centers for the study of public opinion and draws up its own programs to study and determine the opinion of the public about the activities of the company;

- informs the company's management about the results of a public opinion poll (consumers, media, government officials, partners and clients, etc.);

- analyzes the social, economic and political aspects of society, develops forecasts for the future and identifies unfavorable trends in advance;

- analyzes the inquiries of the media and other members of the public about the company's activities, gives recommendations to PR-specialists on the coverage and interpretation of certain events in the company;

- uses news stories to benefit the company's image from attracting public attention through the press without direct advertising;

- analyzes proposals for the company's participation in organizing various actions (exhibitions, press conferences, presentations, round tables, festivals, charity events, etc.), gives an opinion on the possibility of joint participation in PR-actions carried out by third-party organizations;

- uses in his work any necessary means of bringing information about all successful promotions of the company to the potential audience (consumers, shareholders, investors, etc.) on which the prosperity of the company depends;

- analyzes the effectiveness of the conducted PR-campaigns;

- summarizes, analyzes and brings to the attention of the company's management media materials about the company (goods, services), not initiated by the company and the company's PR staff;

- reacts to criticism of the company (prepares response speeches, press conferences, organizes explanations and commenting on criticism in the most effective forms);

- organizes trainings for the management of the company on interaction with the media, representatives of the public;

- analyzes the PR strategies of competitors, identifies their strengths and weak sides, organizes polls among employees of the company to obtain materials on the need for internal corporate PR-actions (to improve the personnel policy of the company, prevent internal conflicts, etc.);

- develops proposals for improving the structure and interaction of PR staff with others structural units companies;

- organizes the work of the company's PR-archive;

- submits reports on the work done to the management of the company.

- If there is a need to expand the department, then experts advise to start it all the same gradually, with a combination of positions. Thus, a media relations manager can simultaneously fulfill the duties of a journalist and a specialist in the creation and dissemination of operational information, and in some cases, a specialist in working on the Internet. Marketing information can be ordered from either the appropriate department in your organization, or outside organizations... Hire a designer on an hourly basis.