Theatrical performance based on Chukovsky's fairy tale "Fly - Tsokotukha" for children of the senior preparatory group of the preschool educational institution. Staging of K. Chukovsky's fairy tale Mukha-Tsokotukh "in a new way. Scripts for puppet shows based on Chukovsky's fairy tales


Development of children's speech skills through theatrical activities.

In a playful way, remember, repeat and consolidate the content of KI Chukovsky's fairy tales.


To consolidate the idea of ​​children about the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky, to show the children the wonderful world of the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky, their wisdom and beauty.

Encourage children to enjoy meeting their favorite fairy-tale characters, to teach them to understand the humor of his works.

To improve dialogical speech, intonational expressiveness.

To develop memory, attention, the ability to expressively, emotionally read poetry, works.

To cultivate faith in good, friendship and love, in triumph over evil, to participate in literary dramatization.

Material: costumes - fox, dog, aibolit, butterfly, bee, grandmother, moidodyr; hats - cat, mouse, bear, crocodile, grasshopper, ant, cockroach, elephant, jackal, rolling pin, cup, irons, sparrow, sun, hare, monkeys; toy - a hare, an ax, a stove, dishes, a samovar, a washcloth, a jar of honey, jam, money, 2 telephones, an envelope, a flashlight, 2 tables, firewood, a tree stump, a house.

(children enter the hall to music)

Leading: Hello guys, dear guests!

For the holiday to work out, all the guys need to know:

You can stomp, have fun, dance and laugh!

And you can clap your hands, you can jump and jump.

Pamper? No, not worth it! And no need to talk in vain!

We will clap, we will sink! We'll jump! And let's dance!

Raise your handles higher, higher, higher up to the skies.

And shake it a little - you get a whole forest!

And now let's sit down together, let's not hide ...

Adults will say: - Wait! Where are our kids?

Leading: Guys, do you like fairy tales? Do you want to go with us on a fabulous journey through the tales of K.I. Chukovsky? Or maybe you know what tales K.I. Chukovsky wrote?

enters to the music of Barmaley:

"I am bloodthirsty, I am merciless, I am the evil robber Barmaley!

And I don't need any marmalade or chocolate, but only small children! "

Barmaley: How beautiful, elegant, joyful you are, where are you going?

Leading: We are going on a journey through the tales of K.I. Chukovsky.

Barmaley: I won't let you into a fairy tale until you guess my riddles!

  • the bears rode on a bicycle, followed by the cat backwards:

and behind him are mosquitoes on a balloon,

and behind them crayfish on a lame dog (cockroach)

  • the sun walked for a while and ran away behind a cloud,

I glanced at the hunky in the window, it became dark in the hunt (stolen sun)

  • and the chanterelles took matches, went to the blue sea, lit the blue sea,

the sea is on fire, the whale ran out of the sea (confusion)

  • cockroaches came running, drank all the glasses,

and the insects are three cups each, with milk and a pretzel (fly - tinkling)

  • and then the herons called: - please send drops:

we ate too many frogs today, and our stomachs ached! (telephone)

  • the blanket flew away, the sheet flew away, and the pillow flew like a frog. galloped away from me (moidodyr)
  • kittens meowed: "We are tired of meowing! We want to grunt like pigs! (confusion)
  • and next to them, hippos grabbing their tummies: they, hippos, have tummy pains (aibolit)

Leading: Dear, kind Barmaley, let us through as soon as possible.

Barmaley: Well, guys, well done! All the riddles were guessed.

I will, I will be kind! I'll bake pies and pretzels for the kids!

I will give away pies for free, treat children with krendnly, rolls.

Let the lovely kids go to the fairy tale!

Well, I have to go. goodbye friends!

Leading: Thank you. Barmaley! And we are going on a fabulous journey. KI Chukovsky wrote not only fairy tales. but very interesting, funny, unusual poems. In one poem of KI Chukovsky there are incomprehensible words. this poem is called "Kotausi and Mousei"

Staging of the poem "Kotausi and Mousei"

Reader: Once upon a time - there was a mouse Mousey (the mouse runs out)

And suddenly she saw Kotausi.

Kotausi has evil eyes, and evil ones are pretentious teeth (the cat shows its claws, gets up, sneaks up on the mouse)

Kotausi ran up to Mousei and waved his tail:

Kotausi: Ah, Mousey, Mousey, Mousey.

Come to me honey Mousey

I'll sing you a song. Mousey, wonderful song, Mousey!

Reader: But clever Mousey answered:

Mousey: You won't fool me, Kotausi!

I see your wicked eyes and wicked ones - wicked teeth!

Reader: So clever Mousey answered. and rather run away from Katausi! (runs away from the cat)

Staging of the poem "The Fly in the Bath"

Leading: There was a fly in the world and one day she decided to take a bath in the bath.

Reader: A fly flew into the bathhouse, wanted to take a steam bath (a fly arrives)

The cockroach chopped wood, flooded the bathhouse for the fly (chopping wood, drowning the bathhouse)

And the shaggy bee brought her a washcloth (a bee arrives with a washcloth)

The fly washed, the fly washed. fly steamed (washed)

Yes fell, rolled, and hit (falls)

Sprained a rib, twisted a shoulder.

"Hey, goosebump - ant, call - ka doctors!"

Grasshoppers came and gave drops to the fly.

The fly has become, as it was, good and cheerful.

And rushed along the street again to fly (flies away)

Leading: Good doctor Aibolit! (doctor enters)

He sits under a tree.

Come to him for treatment

And a cow. and wolves, and a bug, and a worm and a bear!

Everyone will heal, the good doctor Aibolit will heal!

And the fox came to Aibolit.

Fox:"Oh, I was bitten by a wasp!" (the doctor treats the fox) Thank you, Aibolit! (leaves)

Leading: And he came to Aibolit watchdog:

Watchdog:"A chicken pecked me in the nose!" (heals watchdog). Thank you, Aibolit! (leaves)

Leading: And the hare came running and screamed (the hare came running)

Hare: Ay, ay! My bunny, my boy got hit by a tram!

He was running along the path, and his legs were cut.

And now he is sick and lame, my little rabbit!

Leading: And Aibolit said:

Aibolit:"Don't worry! Serve it here!" (heals the bunny)

I will sew him new legs, he will run down the path again! "

Hare:"Well, thank you, Aibolit!" (runs away)

Leading: Suddenly from somewhere a jackal galloped up on a cable:

Jackal:"Here's a telegram from Hippopotamus! Come, doctor, to Africa as soon as possible."

And save our kids, doctor! "

Aibolit:"What is it? Are your children sick?"

Scakl:"Yes - yes - yes! They have tonsillitis. Scarlet fever, cholera, diphtheria, appendicitis, malaria and bronchitis!"

Come sooner, good doctor Aibolit! "

Aibolit: "Okay, okay, I'll run, I'll help your children!"

Leading: An old woman - she lived in a grubby hut, did not wash the pans, the floors were not chalk (Fedora enters)

Fedor: "Oh, you, my poor orphans. My irons and pans!

You go home, unwashed, and I will wash you with water.

I will clean you with sand, pour boiling water over you,

And you will again, like the sun, shine,

And I will bring out the filthy cockroaches, I will sweep the Prussians and spiders! "

Leading: And the rolling pin said:

Rolling pin: "I feel sorry for Fedor."

Leading: And the cup said:

Cup: "Oh, she's a poor thing!"

Leading: And the irons said:

Irons: "We are not enemies to Fedora!"

Fedor: "I won't, I won't offend the dishes,

I will, I will be dishes, and love and respect! "(Hugs, leave).

Leading: Suddenly from my mother's bedroom, bow-legged and lame,

Runs out the sink and shakes his head (runs out the dirty boy)

Moidodyr: "Oh you, ugly, oh, you dirty, unwashed pig!

You are blacker than a chimney sweep, admire yourself:

You have wax on your neck, a blot under your nose,

You have such hands that even your trousers have escaped

Even pants, even pants ran away from you.

I am the great Washbasin, the famous Moidodyr,

Wash basins chief and washcloths commander!

Leading: He struck a copper basin and uttered:

Moidodyr: "Kara is a baras!" (crocodile enters)

Crocodile: "Go away - if you go home, but wash your face,

And not how I get it, trample it down and swallow it! "

Leading: It is necessary, it is necessary to wash in the mornings and evenings.

And not to pure chimney sweeps shame and disgrace! (leave)

Leading: Fly, Fly - Tsokotukha, gilded belly (fly arrives)

The fly went across the field, the fly found the money.

A fly went to the market and bought a samovar!

Fly:"Come, guests, I will treat you to tea!"

Leading: The grandmother came to the fly - a bee. Fly - I brought honey to Tsokotukha!

Fly: Butterfly is a beauty, eat some jam or don't you like our treat?

Leading: Suddenly some old spider (a spider runs out)

They dragged our fly to a corner.

He wants to kill the poor, to destroy Tsokotukha!

Fly: "Dear guests, help! Spider-villain hack to death!

And I fed you, and I gave you drink,

Do not leave me in my last hour! "

Leading: Suddenly a small mosquito flies from somewhere,

And a small flashlight is burning in his hand.

Mosquito: "Where is the killer? Where is the villain? I am not afraid of his claws!"

Leading: He flies up to the spider, takes out his saber, and cuts off his head at full gallop!

He takes a fly by the hand and leads to the window.

Mosquito: "I hacked the villain, I freed you.

And now, my soul is a girl, I want to marry you! (fly away)

Elephant: Chocolate

Elephant: Yes, that way five or six poods: he can't eat more, he's still small!

Leading: And then the crocodile called and asked with tears:

Crocodile: My dear, good, send me galoshes, and me, and my wife, and Totoshe.

Have I sent two pairs of excellent galoshes?

Crocodile: Ah, the ones you sent last week,

We have eaten for a long time and are waiting, we will not wait,

When will you send a dozen new and sweet galoshes to our supper again!

Leading: And then the bunnies called:

Hares: Could you send gloves?

Leading: And then the monkeys called:

Monkeys: Please send your books!

Leading: Darkness fell, do not go outside the gate:

Whoever got on the street got lost and disappeared.

The gray sparrow is crying!

Sparrow: "Come out, honey, hurry!"

It's a shame for us without the sun - we can't see a grain in the field! "

Leading: Here the hare came out and said to the bear:

Hare: "It is a shame for the old man to roar - you are not a hare, but a bear.

You go, clubfoot, scratch the crocodile,

Tear him apart, rip the sun out of his mouth! "

Leading: The bear came up quietly, pushed him lightly

Bear: "I tell you, villain, spit out the sun soon!

Otherwise, look, I'll catch it, I'll break it in half.

Will you, ignorant, know our sun to steal! "

Leading: But the shameless laughs so that the tree shakes!

Crocodile: "If only I want, and I will swallow the moon!"

Leading: "The bear could not stand, the bear roared,

And a bear swooped down on the evil enemy.

He crushed it and broke it! "

Bear: "Serve our sun here!"

Leading: The crocodile got scared, screamed, shouted.

And from the mouth of the toothy sun fell out, rolled into the sky!

Everything: "Hello, the sun is golden! Hello, the sky is blue!"

Leading: Fairy tales have begun to have fun and dance on the lawn, joyfully meet the sun! "

Dance: "Colorful game" (everyone is dancing)

Leading: And our journey through the tales of K.I. Chukovsky has come to an end. Thank you all for your attention, thank you very much!

Scenario of a musical and theatrical holiday based on the tales of K.I. Chukovsky

(For older preschool children)


    Formation in children of an emotional attitude to the works of K.I. Chukovsky;

    Introduction to moral culture;

    Development of creative abilities in preschoolers;

Equipment:costumes of the characters: Fedora, Aibolit, Jackal, Moidodyr.

(Children with a presenter to the music of Y. Levitin "Exit the moidodyr")

Host: Hello dear children and adults. Today we have a holiday dedicated to the work of our beloved and dear writer, a meeting with the heroes of K.I. Chukovsky.

Children, do you like the tales of Korney Chukovsky?

Children: Yes!

Host: What fairy tales do you know ???

Children: "Moidodyr", "Fly-Tsokotukha", "Cockroach", "Fedorino grief", "Barmaley", "Telephone", "Stolen Sun", "Confusion", "Doctor Aibolit", "Crocodile".

Host: Do you want to go on a journey through the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky?

Children: Yes, we do.

Host: Today we will go on an amazing journey through the tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. You will have to overcome many trials, and if you cope with most of them, you will be able to receive an award at the end of the journey as "Connoisseur of fairy tales by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky." Do you agree? Then let's go. First, we will sail on the ship, and the captain of our ship will be Gleb.

(The leader chooses the captain (child), puts him at the helm.)

Captain: Full speed ahead!

(The soundtrack "the sound of the sea" sounds. Children read poetry, performing movements.)


Seagulls are circling over the waves

Let's fly after them together.

Foam splashes, the sound of the surf,

And over the sea we are with you.


We're sailing on the sea now

And frolic in the open!

More fun to rake

And catch up with the dolphins!

(Children alternately make swimming movements with their hands: turns to the right, stretching, arms forward.)


How nice it is to swim in the sea

Bank on the left, bank on the right!

Sea, sea ahead

Above the bridge, look!


To sail even faster

We need to row faster!

We work with our hands

Who will follow us?

(Children do the "rowing" movement.)


Attention! Ahead on the course is the island. But the ship cannot go further - it is too shallow.

Host: Therefore, we will get there by boats.

Relay "Boats (boats)" (dishes and Fedora runs backstage to change clothes)

Two teams line up. The child takes a picture of the boat, and runs over to a certain line, then runs back and passes the boat to the next participant. The facilitator announces whose team completed the task faster. Children sit on high chairs.

Host: Children, sit on the chairs. And in what fairy tale we got, we will now find out with you.

(Cheerful music sounds, "Fedora's exit".)


Hello honest people!

I don't like peace.

Though I am old and weak

But young at heart.

I do not like to clean

I should sing, joke, dance!

Why is it so sad all around

Is the house boring, dusty, empty?

(The music "Funny exercise" by T. Suvorova sounds. Fyodora runs for the "dishes") (Fyodora sits on the chair tired.)


Sieve rides through the fields

And a trough in the meadows,

Behind a shovel broom

I went along the street.


What? Why?

I don’t understand anything?


This is a fairy tale about

How the miracle happened

She ran away from Fedora

Dirty dishes.


Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!

Come back home!

Hey you silly plates

What do you jump like squirrels?


We'd better be lost in the field

But we won't go to Fedora!

Host: But the kettle whispered to the iron:

Host: And the saucers began to cry:

Saucer: Isn't it better to go back?

Frying pan:

Look, who is toiling there?

Sitting, crying, sad?

Dishes (children in chorus):

Yes, it's by the fence

Our hostess is Fedora!


But a miracle happened to her

Fedora has become kinder.


Oh, you, my poor orphans,

My irons and pans,

You go home unwashed

I will wash you with water, the key!

I won't!

I won't!

I offend the dishes

I will, I will be the dishes

And love and respect


Laughing pots

Samovar winked.


Well, Fedora, so be it,

We are glad to forgive you!


And the saucers were delighted



And dance and laugh



(Crockery and Fedora perform the dance of the samovar "Oh, you canopy ...".)


Well it's time to say goodbye

It was fun with you.


Good hour!

(Fyodora says goodbye and leaves with the dishes backstage.)

(Doctor Aibolit and the jackal leave to change clothes.)

Host: It's time for us to move on. The next tale is very far away.

Let's fly - as we are on an airplane.

(The soundtrack "Airplane Noise" sounds.)

(Aibolit sits down under a tree and sits.)

Host: Here we are. Let's see, what kind of fairy tale is this?

(The child comes out and reads.)


Kind doctor Aibolit,

He sits under a tree.

Come to him for treatment

Both the cow and the she-wolf

Both a bug and a worm,

And the bear.

Heal everyone, heal

Good doctor Aibolit.


Suddenly from somewhere a jackal

He rode on a mare.

(The soundtrack sounds, "The horse is galloping".)


Here is a telegram for you

From the hippo.

(Aibolit reads the telegram.)


Come doctor

To Africa soon

And save me doctor

Our kids!

What? Really?

Are your kids sick ?!


Yes Yes Yes! They have a sore throat

Scarlet fever, cholerol,

Diphtheria, appendicitis,

Malaria and bronchitis.

Come soon,

Good doctor Aibolit!

(The jackal rides away on a horse, Aibolit takes the suitcase and walks along the palm tree and begins to treat the animals.)

Host: Both the children are happy and happy.

I arrived! I arrived! Hooray! Hooray! (Children in chorus.)


Ten Nights Aibolit

Doesn't eat, drink or sleep.

Ten nights in a row

He heals the unfortunate animals.

And he puts, and puts them thermometers.

Guys, let's help the little animals get to the aibolit.

Relay "Carry the animal to the cone and go around it."


So he cured them,

So he cured the sick,

And they went laughing,

And dance and indulge!

(Children take colorful sultans and dance with Kukarella-sha-la-la-la.)

Children: (in chorus)

Glory! Glory to Aibolit!

Glory to the good doctors!

Host: And now it's time to move on. We'll take the train with you. Oh, how interesting, in what kind of fairy tale we will fall with you.

(The soundtrack sounds, "Train") A dirty boy runs out to the music of "Dirty" at the choice of the musical director.


The blanket ran away

The sheet flew away

And a pillow like a frog

Galloped away from me.

I’m for a candle, a cut in the stove.

I’m for the book, that run

And skipping - under the bed.

I want to drink some tea

I run up to the samovar,

But pot-bellied from me

I ran away like fire!

Child: (runs out)

God, God, what happened?

Why is everything around

Spun, spun

And it rushed head over heels.


Suddenly from my mother's bedroom

Bow-legged and lame

The washbasin runs out

And shakes her head.

(To the music of Y. Levitin "The exit of the moidodyr".)


Oh you nasty, oh you dirty

Unwashed pig!

You are blacker than a chimney sweep

Admire yourself.

You have wax on your neck

You got a blot on your nose

You have such hands

That even the trousers ran away

Even pants, even pants ran away from you!


Early in the morning at dawn

Mice are washing

Kittens and ducklings

Both bugs and spiders.


You didn’t wash alone

And remained muddy,

And ran away from the dirty

And stockings and shoes.


And now brushes, brushes

Crackled like rattles

And let's rub and condemn me.


My, my chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!

There will be, there will be a chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!


And then the soap jumped (soap comes out)

And grabbed the hair

And whirled, and washed,

And bit like a wasp.


Long live fragrant soap,

And the towel is fluffy

And tooth powder

And a thick scallop.


Let's wash, splash,

Swimming, diving, somersaulting.

In a tub, in a trough, in a tub,

In the river, in the stream, in the ocean.

And in the bath, and in the bath, always and everywhere!

Children: (in unison.) Eternal glory to the water!

(Music at the choice of the music director sounds, the characters leave).

Host: So our journey through the tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky has come to an end. You know very well the tales and poems of this wonderful author. This concludes our journey. Look, the native shore is already visible in the distance. Finally, I wish all of us to visit Peredelkino, the Chukovsky Museum. There you will learn even more about this amazing person, visit his amazing house, where you can sit on a crocodile, see the "barking cup", Moidodyr, the very phone that the Elephant called and many other interesting things. And do not forget to take with you the old shoes, boots, from which you have already grown, as there is really a Miracle Tree at the gate. And for participating in such a wonderful holiday, you guys get medals "Expert in K. I. Chukovsky's fairy tales", and children who participated in the drawing competition of Uncle Korney's fairy tales receive certificates for participation.

Irina Averina
The script of the play based on the tales of K. I. Chukovsky

Hello colleagues!

At the moment I am working with older preschool children and one day my children and I came up with an idea. Invite to visit play children of the younger group from a neighboring kindergarten.

We made an invitation card for our play, on a walk with the children, they took the invitation to our neighbors, the children were delighted, accepted our invitation with joy.

We have begun preparations. Together with the children, we made the "Magic Book". Parents helped make costumes for fairy tale... I suggest scenario of our tale it is composed of three fairy tales K... AND. Chukovsky"Confusion", "Fedorino grief", "Moidodyr".

Scenario of the play based on the fairy tales of K... AND. Chukovsky

Educational tasks:

Continue to acquaint children with the work of K.I. Chukovsky

Promote the development of children's creative activity in accessible types of musical performing activities

Developmental tasks:

Continue to develop the ability to convey your attitude to the content of a literary phrase by intonation, gesture, facial expressions;

Strengthen the ability to take on various roles in accordance with the plot of a work of art, use attributes, costumes, tools;

Educational tasks:

To foster a culture of communication with peers in the joint actions taken;

Continue to foster the need to look after the appearance, cleanliness and order.


Piano, music center;

Multimedia equipment, laptop;

costumes for children: suit for Fedora: apron, shawl; suit for Moidodyr,

scenery for fairy tales: (samovar, ladles, spoons, combs, washcloths, basins, pillow, tablecloth, broom, etc., a book with stories fairy tales: "Confusion", "Fedorino grief", "Moidodyr".

Action one

Leading: Guys, you love fairy tales? Look, I have a magic book in my hands, all the pages are alive in it, we open the first the page:

Animals run out: kittens, ducklings, pigs, chickens

Music sounds, animals dance. At the end of the dance, the animals begin to misbehave. The music dies down, the animals are together unhappy and sad they say:

To-to-e-lo! To-to-e-lo! To-to-e-lo.

Ved. - Kittens mewed!

Kittens: We are tired of meowing!

We want, like piglets,

Ved. - And after them the ducklings.

Ducklings: We don't want to quack anymore!

We want, like frogs,

Ved. - The pigs mewed.

Pigs: Meow meow!

Ved. - The cats grunted.

Kittens: Oink oink oink!

Ved. - The ducks began to croak.

Ducklings: Kva-kva-kva!

Ved. - Chickens quacked.

Chickens: Quack-quack-quack!

Ved. - Sparrow galloped (a sparrow runs out)

And the cow moaned.

Sparrow: Moo-oo-oo-oo!

Ved. - The bear came running

And let's roar.

Bear: Ku-ka-re-kuuu!

Ved. - Only a hunch was good

(a hare comes out, walks between the animals, threatens them with a finger)

Didn't meow or grunt,

He persuaded foolish animals.

Hare: (addressing the audience)

Who is commanded to tweet - do not purr!

Who is commanded to purr - do not tweet!

Do not be a cow a raven,

Do not fly frogs under the cloud!

(sits on a chair, shaking his head and lamenting)

Ved. - But funny animals -

Piglets, cubs,

They play pranks more than ever

They don't want to listen to the hare!

(to cheerful music, the animals, holding hands, dance and have fun, then the animals sit here in the meadow, the music continues to play, but quieter)

Ved. - The fish walk across the field.

(two fish by the handle are walking along stage)

Toads fly across the sky.

(two frogs run along stage, waving their hands)

The music fades.

Ved. - And the chanterelles took matches,

(on tiptoe, stealthily, two chanterelles come out with a box of matches)

We went to the blue sea,

They lit the blue sea.

(fire jumps out of the sea, chanterelles run away in fright, fire dances)

Ved. - The sea is burning with a flame,

A whale ran out of the sea.

Whale: - Hey, firemen, run!

Help, helpeeee!

Ved. - Long, long crocodile

He extinguished the blue sea.

(Crocodile extinguishes the sea from buckets)

Pies and pancakes and dried mushrooms.

Ved. - Two chickens came running,

Watered from a barrel.

(chickens watered)

Runnin 'pussies

Drizzle from a bowl.

(kittens run out and water)

Ved. - All the animals came running,

Watered, watered.

(all the animals run out, stand up one after another, water)

They extinguish, extinguish, not extinguish,

Pour in, do not pour.

Here the butterfly flew

(a girl runs out,

She waved her wings

The sea began to die out and went out.

(the butterfly rises to other animals, the fire joins)

Ved. - The animals were delighted!

They laughed and sang!

(funny music sounds, animals dance a free dance)

Leading: we open another page of our book.

Look at the scum, do you know who this is?

and the heroes come to life.

The music sounds Fyodor comes out

Second action

Fedor: (points to an uncleaned table)

I don’t want to wash the dishes - I’d better forget about it!

Oh, to sleep at least an hour, turn on the barrel.

(takes a broom in his hands, but changes his mind)

You ought to sweep the floor and shake the napkins ...

Everywhere there are crumbs, dust, and rubbish.

If only someone swept it up!

(Looks in the mirror)

When did I wash? Either today or yesterday?

Oh, come on, guess what, I'd better go to sleep!

(Sitting at the table puts his head on folded hands)

Good how! Bye Bye! Sleep, Fedora, sleep!

(Falls asleep)

Veda: Oh no no no! Even the dishes were going to leave Fedora, she was offended and did not want to live with her. Will Fedora be left all alone?

Children "dishes" run out, take dishes from Fedora's table, quietly run around the circle


potpourri to music by Mozart

(At the end of the dance, they gather in the middle "Whisper")

1st: We need to run, friends,

You can’t stand it any longer!

2nd: I can't live like this anymore,

I don’t want to be friends with her!

3rd: We are poor, poor unfortunate dishes

It's very, very bad for us, friends, to live with Fedora!

4th: There is dust and dirt in this house

Let's leave immediately now!

Everything: Farewell, Fedora Egorovna!

(They go one after another and condemn)

Veda: What a misfortune happened!

Well, Fedora excelled!

And the soul doesn't hurt

Only groans and sleeps!

(Fedora smacks sweetly in a dream, turns over on the other side)

But then Fedora wakes up and sees no dishes, jumps up, grabs a broom, stands confused, burst into tears.


Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!

Come back home!

Hey you silly plates

What do you jump like squirrels?


We'd better be lost in the field

But we won't go to Fedora!

(going in circles to the music, slower, slower)

(Fedora goes behind the screen, comes out dressed, combed, stands by the fence)

Leading: But the kettle whispered iron:

Leading: And we cried saucers:

Saucer: Isn't it better to come back?

Frying pan:

Look, who is toiling there?

Sitting, crying, sad?

Dishes (children in chorus):

Yes, it's by the fence

Our hostess is Fedora!


But a miracle happened to her

Fedora has become kinder.


Oh, you, my poor orphans,

My irons and pans,

You go home unwashed

I will wash you with water, the key!

I won't!

I won't!

I offend the dishes

I will, I will be the dishes

And love and respect


Laughing pots

Samovar winked.


Well, Fedora, so be it,

We are glad to forgive you!

Leading: And the saucers were delighted



And dance and laugh



(Crockery and Fedora perform the dance of the samovar "Oh, you canopy ...".)


Well it's time to say goodbye

It was fun with you.


Good hour!

(Fyodora says goodbye and leaves with the dishes backstage.)

Act three

Leading: and we open the next page of our book.

a dirty boy runs out to the music "Dirty" at the choice of the music director.


The blanket ran away

The sheet flew away

And a pillow like a frog

Galloped away from me.

I’m for a candle, a cut in the stove.

I’m for the book, that run

And skipping - under the bed.

I want to drink some tea

I run up to the samovar,

But pot-bellied from me

I ran away like fire!

Child: (runs out)

God, God, what happened?

Why is everything around

Spun, spun

And it rushed head over heels.


Suddenly from my mother's bedroom

Bow-legged and lame

The washbasin runs out

And shakes her head.

(To the music of Y. Levitin "Moidodyr exit".)


Oh you nasty, oh you dirty

Unwashed pig!

You are blacker than a chimney sweep

Admire yourself.

You have wax on your neck

You got a blot on your nose

You have such hands

That even the trousers ran away

Even pants, even pants ran away from you!


Early in the morning at dawn

Mice are washing

Kittens and ducklings

Both bugs and spiders.


You didn’t wash alone

And remained muddy,

And ran away from the dirty

And stockings and shoes.

Leading: he hit the copper basin and cried out:

Moidodyr: KARABARAS.

(brushes run out, the dirty one gets into the basin)


And now brushes, brushes

Crackled like rattles

And let's rub and condemn me.


My, my chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!

There will be, there will be a chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!


And then the soap jumped

(soap comes out, joins the brushes)

And grabbed the hair

And whirled, and washed,

And bit like a wasp.

(brushes and soap go away, girls put on a clean T-shirt on a dirty one)

All stand together in a semicircle


Long live fragrant soap,

And the towel is fluffy

And tooth powder

And a thick scallop.


Let's wash, splash,

Swimming, diving, somersaulting.

In a tub, in a trough, in a tub,

In the river, in the stream, in the ocean.

And in the bath, and in the bath, always and everywhere!

Children: (in chorus.) Eternal glory to the water!

(Music at the choice of the music director sounds, the characters leave).

Leading: So the pages of our magic book have ended

I wish you to be beautiful, healthy, wash your hands and dishes, then no one will ever run away from you.

Theatrical performance based on KI Chukovsky's fairy tale "Fly - Tsokotukha" for senior preschool children.

Ivanova Elena Vladimirovna, teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 34", Ivanovo
Description: this theatrical performance was held within the framework of the final event under the project "Country of KI Chukovsky's Tales". When preparing the performance, special attention was paid to working with parents. They were not only passive spectators, but also actively helped: they created the scenery, sewed costumes, came up with the design. There were no empty seats at the premiere of the fairy tale. Relatives and friends came to support the little artists. Well, the guys, feeling such a serious support, spoke from the bottom of their hearts.
Of course, not all poetic texts of a personal composition (borrowed from the Internet), but, as they say, each artist sees differently. We have got our own, unique, musical fairy tale.
Maybe this experience will come in handy for someone, and you and your senior preschool children will stage a similar performance.

Target: development of the creative abilities of older preschoolers by means of theatrical activity.
Tasks of the priority educational area:
"Artistic and aesthetic development":
develop an aesthetic attitude to the world around; to develop a sense of empathy for the characters of works of art; to give the opportunity to realize the independent creative activity of children;
stimulate the development of creative, search activity, independence of children;
To form in children and adults a steady interest in reading works of fiction, to develop the skills of a literate reader through joint activities;
to involve children and parents in joint design - activities for modeling costume elements, decorations, attributes.

Educational objectives in the integration of educational areas:
"Cognitive development":
Develop children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation;
To foster a cognitive interest in the work of Russian writers (K.I. Chukovsky)
Broaden the horizons of children.
"Social and communicative development":
familiarization with generally accepted norms and rules.
to develop an emotional and volitional sphere, a sense of collectivism, responsibility for each other;
to form positive relationships between children in the process of joint activities;
"Speech development":
activate and improve vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, sound pronunciation, coherent speech skills, melodic and intonational side of speech, tempo, expressiveness of speech.
foster a culture of verbal communication, self-respect, a conscious attitude towards their activities;
"Physical development":
develop coordination of speech with movement;
develop general motor skills.
Preliminary work:
reading and viewing the tales of KI Chukovsky, considering illustrations for fairy tales;
memorizing poetic texts, discussing characters' images;
preparation of means of theatrical expression (scenery, costumes, masks).
Production of posters, invitation cards for guests.

Characters: adults: 1st Storyteller, 2nd Storyteller, children: 1st storyteller, 2nd storyteller, Fly-Tsokotukha, 2nd Bees, 2nd Fleas, 4th Butterflies, 2nd Cockroach, 4– e beetle, 3rd Ladybugs, Spider, Mosquito, Dragonfly.

Scenery for theatricalization: house for Fly, costumes for characters, samovar, flowers, a barrel of honey, drying, postcard, gift box, box of chocolates, boots, saber, flashlight, table setting, stereo system, recordings of musical fragments and compositions for dancing, backing track Flies.

Children enter the hall to the music, stand up in a semicircle.

1st Storyteller:
One simple tale
Or maybe not a fairy tale,
Or maybe not simple
We want to tell you.
We remember her from childhood
Or maybe not since childhood,
Or maybe we don't remember
But let's remember.

2nd Storyteller:
Fairy tale, fairy tale, joke,
Telling it is no joke.
To make a fairy tale from the beginning
Like a river babbling
So that all the people are in the heart
Her mouth opened.
So that no one, neither old nor small
At the end I did not doze off,
We wish our children
No feather, no fluff!
Attention! Begins ...
Together with children: Fly Tsokotukha!

1st storyteller:
One tablet, two tablets -
There will be a ladder.
Glory to the word put it folding -
There will be a song.
And ring by ring -
There will be a knot.
Let's sit next to you on the porch -
There will be a fairy tale.
2nd narrator:
Fly, Fly - Tsokotukha
Gilded belly.
The fly went across the field.
The fly found the money.
Fly went to the market
And I bought a samovar.
Mukha comes out to a Russian folk melody

I am Fly-Tsokotukha, I dress up quickly,
After all, I am waiting for guests!
All my friends, girlfriends, will come running from all around.
I have a lot of different sweets for my guests.
I went to the market and bought a samovar.
I'll treat my friends to tea, and everyone will come in the evening.

The fly sings a song.
Words for the backing track:
1.Come, come,
I'm waiting for you at exactly six,
Come running, crawl
If you don't have wings.
Chorus: Puff-puff-puff
The samovar is boiling.
Steam is let out of the pipe - 2 times.
2 fireflies sparkle brightly
This is a festive fireworks display.
And wonderful gifts
My friends are carrying it to me.
Chorus: the same 2 times
1st storyteller:
Friends flock to Fly,
They are in a hurry to Tsokotukha.
Everyone came to the holiday
They brought flowers and gifts.
Bees run out, dance a welcome dance.

Hello, Fly-Tsokotukha, gilded belly.
I - the neighbor's Bee brought you honey.
Oh, how clean, sweet and fragrant he is.
She also brought you flowers from her native meadows.
They give the Fly honey and flowers.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
How good the gifts are!
They pass and sit down.
Fleas jump out to the music and dance vigorously.
Here we are: flea friends.
We give you, Fly, boots.
And the boots are not simple -
They have gold clasps.
Legs will dance
Knocking heels.
They give Fly a pair of boots.
Ah thanks!
So glad!
Come in and help yourself!

Butterflies "fly out" to the cheerful plastic music, whirl, dance.
1st Butterfly:
We are butterflies - minx, funny game.
We flutter through the fields, through groves, through meadows.
Well, fly butterflies, and look at Fly,
How beautiful her outfit is, and her eyes are burning with fire.
2nd Butterfly:
We fluttered everywhere
We heard about the holiday.
We congratulate you,
We glorify from the heart!
Butterflies give a big postcard.
Pass this very hour
There is a place for you too!

2nd storyteller:
The cockroaches came running.
All the glasses were drunk.
With milk, with a pretzel.
Today Mukha-Tsokotukha is the birthday girl.
Dance of cockroaches

1st cockroach:
We didn't just come
And they brought gifts!
Flowers are different -
Yellow and red!
2nd cockroach:
Take a bouquet from us,
Treat us to sweets.
And we will glorify you,
We wish you health!
Give flowers to Fly.
Ladybugs "fly in", dance for the Fly.

Hello, Fly-Tsokotukha,
Gilded belly.
We came to visit you,
They brought gingerbread and bagels as a gift.
Give the treat.
A dragonfly flies to the music
Dragonfly has arrived
Only the thunderstorm ended.
We will sing songs
Let's eat a cake
And then dance
And fireworks!
Gives the birthday girl a gift box.

Oh thank you Dragonfly
You rather come in
Find a place.
Everyone is sitting at the table
Tea is drunk and eaten.

Beetles appear, hold canes in their hands, perform a dance "solidly".

Hello, Fly - Tsokotukha!
We are horned beetles
Solid, rich.
We give you, Fly - a light
Bouquet of beautiful flowers.
Well, how are you.
Legs themselves are torn to dance.
Thank you, thank you my dears!
Sit down at the table, the samovar is ready.

The Spider appears to loud music. The fly hides behind the house, the guests cover their heads with their hands and tremble.

I am pauchische, long arms.
I came to Mukha, I came to Tsokotukha.

2nd storyteller:
Suddenly from somewhere flies
Small mosquito.
And it burns in his hand
Small flashlight.
Dance of the Mosquito with a lantern and a saber.

I am a brave mosquito, a daring fellow.
Where is the Spider, where is the villain.
I'm not afraid of his claws.
I'm not afraid of the Spider, I will fight the Spider.

A spider appears with candy.
I am not evil, not evil at all.
Flies are beauties, I don't eat.
For you for a festive dinner
I brought delicious sweets.
This treat is just delicious.
Gives candy, goes to the guests.

Well done! It would be like that long ago. Fly, don't be afraid, keep celebrating.
Komarik takes Fly out, holds his hand.
Fly, you are a soul maiden
I want to marry you.
I'll take you by the wing - wing
We will fly away with you far.
Dance of the Fly with the Mosquito

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow kindergarten of combined type No. 994

Scenario of a theatrical production based on the tales of K. Chukovsky

"Miracle Tree"

Developed by:

senior educator - O. V. Klyapka,

music director - Naukhatskaya E.G.,

educators - N.V. Krylova,

Milenko T.V., Didyk O.V., Sigitova M.B.

Lovnuzhenkova Z.D., Dmitrieva G.A.

Goal and tasks:

  • Involvement of parents in the public life of the kindergarten
  • Introducing children to verbal art, including the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste
  • Building interest and reading needs
  • Replenishment of literary baggage with fairy tales, poems.
  • Develop a sense of humor in children.
  • Creating a positive emotional climate in adult-child interaction

Characters (parents):
2 presenters (dressed as a boy and a girl),
Fly Tsokotukha,
Performance progress:

(Music sounds ………………………………….)
1 lead:

We believe in miracles since childhood

And we read fairy tales

Today we are with you, friends,
We celebrate the birthday of Korney Chukovsky.

2 lead:

Let's open our favorite books

And again, let's go from page to page:

It's always nice to be with your beloved hero

Meet again, make friends stronger:

1 lead:

We will knock on a visit to the fairy tale,

We will meet many miracles in it,

They walk in a fairy tale of fables,

And there is a lot of magic in it.

(Music ………………………………………..)

2 presenter:

Like ours at the gate
The miracle tree grows
Miracle, miracle, miracle, wonderful miracle.
Not a leaf on it!
Not a flower on it!
And stockings and shoes,
Like apples!
That's what kind of tree
Wonderful tree
Hey guys
Bare heels
Torn boots
Ragged galoshes.
Who needs boots
Run to the miracle tree. (Run up to the tree)
What happened to the Miracle Tree?
Look, friends ..
Something has changed in fairy tales.
The leaves have not grown in vain.

Miracle tree:
Oh guys, help,
Help our fairy tales!
The pages in the book are messed up.
And the heroes are all confused.
How to tear off a magic leaf -
you will find yourself in Chukovsky's fairy tale.

1 presenter: (looking at the book):

Barmaley disappeared from Aibolit
He got into a fairy tale with the Fluttering Fly!

(tear off a leaf, fall into the fairy tale "Fly-Tsokotukha")

(Music, fly dance)
2 presenter:

Fly-Tsokotukha: Fly, Fly-Tsokotukha,
Gilded Belly!
The fly went across the field,
The fly found the money.
Fly went to the bazaar
And I bought a samovar:

Fly Tsokotukha
Come cockroaches
I'll buy you some tea!
Cockroaches came running
All the glasses were drunk
And the insects -
Three cups each
With milk
And a pretzel:
Today I am a fly
Birthday girl!

1 presenter:

Dear fly,
tell me soon
It seems to us, to you in a fairy tale
Accidentally hit Barmaley ...
Fly-Tsokotukha: Barmaley?

(Music, Barmaley exit)


I am Bloodthirsty.

I am merciless

I am the evil robber Barmaley!

And I don't need any marmalade

no chocolate, but only small ones,

Yes, very young children!

2 presenter:

You won't eat us, Barmaley,
After all, you are in a fairy tale not in yours!


Oh, yes it's a fly,
Fly Tsokotukha!
Oh, help, do not ruin,
Take me to my tale!
I'm afraid of spiders and bees
Mosquitoes make me itch!

1 presenter:

Promise us not to offend anyone!
And do not scare the little kids!

Oh, I'll be kind! I will love children!
Don't ruin me! Have mercy on me!
Oh, I will, I will, I will be kind!
I will, I will respect adults!
I will never offend you guys!

2 presenter:

Tear off a piece of paper
Get into your fairy tale! (tears off a piece of paper, falls into the fairy tale "Aibolit")

(Music, Dance "Africa")

1 presenter:

Walked along Africa,
The dates were torn off,
Well, Africa!
That's Africa!

2 presenter:

Saddled Rhino
Ride a little
Well, Africa!
That's Africa!

1 presenter:

With elephants on the move
We played leapfrog.
Well, Africa!
That's Africa!

2 presenter:

Oh, sits under a tree ...
Is this Doctor Aibolit?

Sits with his face turned away in Aibolit's clothes, turns - it's Gryaznulya.


I didn't wash at home
And suddenly he found himself in Africa ...
Small children
No way
Don't go to Africa
Walk to Africa!
Sharks in Africa
In Africa, gorillas
In Africa, large
Angry crocodiles
They will bite you
To beat and offend, -
Do not go, children, to walk to Africa!


Oh you ugly, oh you dirty
Unwashed pig!
He is blacker than a chimney sweep
Admire it:
He has wax on his neck
There's a blot under his nose
He has such hands
That even the trousers ran away
Even pants, even pants
Run away from him!

1 presenter:

You need to be friends with soap and a brush!
The boy is ashamed to be dirty!


I promise not to be lazy
Everybody put in and wash clean!
Only you can help me
Take me home soon!

2 presenter:

Tear off a leaf -
Get into your fairy tale! (tears off a piece of paper, leaves)


Save, save the sick animals!
Find, find Aibolit soon!

1 presenter: (looking at the book):

In the tale of "The Stolen Sun" your Aibolit.
In the dark, he can't see the road!

(tear off a leaf, fall into the fairy tale "Stolen Sun")

Dance with candles

2 presenter:

Over there in the big river
Crocodile lies
And no fire burns in his teeth
The sun is red
Stolen sun


I'm lying on the river
I keep the sun in my teeth
All I lie and lie
And I look at the sun.

1 presenter:

We tell you:
Crocodile villain
Give us the sun soon
It will help us along the way
Aibolit is faster to find
Crocodile: Okay, okay, don't make a noise
Here's the sun for you, take it.
They won't let you get warm!

Aibolit comes out

So the sun has risen
Everything became light around.
But I got lost on the way
The road can no longer be found.
“Oh, if I don’t make it,
If I get lost on the way
What will become of them, of the sick,
With my beasts of the forest? "

2 presenter:

We, Aibolit, will save the animals
We will take you to them in a fairy tale!
Tear off a piece of paper
And get into your fairy tale!

Miracle tree:

Thank you guys
They helped our fairy tales!
On my branches again
The shoes are growing!

1 presenter:

Like ours at the gate
The miracle tree grows
Miracle, miracle, miracle, wonderful miracle.

2 presenter:

Not a leaf on it!
Not a flower on it!
And stockings and shoes,
Like apples!

1 presenter:

That's what kind of tree
Wonderful tree!

2 presenter:

Girls and boys
Always read books
1 presenter:

Always love books
Boys and girls!

All heroes:

We love and know Chukovsky's tales.
We read these tales with pleasure.
So that it was more fun for you to live,
Grandpa invented them all ...
all: ROOT