Job description of the head of the structural unit. Job description of the head of the sales department, job descriptions of the head of the sales department, sample job description of the head of the sales department Job responsibilities of the chief

I approve
General Director of JSC (LLC)
Order N ____________________
from "__" _____________ 200 _

Job description
chief structural unit(department)

(department name)

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Head of the Department (hereinafter referred to as the "Department") provides general management
the work of the Department and bears full responsibility for it.
1.2. The Head of the Department is appointed and dismissed from the
positions of the General Director of the Company.
1.3. The Head of the Department in his work reports directly
To the General Director or, by his decision, one of the deputies
General Director of the Company.
1.4. In his work, the Head of the Department is guided by the current
legislation Russian Federation, Regulations on the ______ Department,
corporate regulations of the Company, orders and orders
The General Director of the Company and this Job Description.

2.1. During absence (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.)
transfer their functions to a deputy or to a person temporarily fulfilling him
duties, after approval of the candidacy by the Director General
2.2. Submit materials, draft solutions and other proposals to
consideration of the Management Board of the Company on issues within the competence
2.3. Receive from the heads of other structural divisions
Society the information necessary to carry out the tasks entrusted to
2.4. Participate in meetings of the Management Board of the Company.
2.5. Make representations to the administration of the Society on work issues
2.6. Submit for consideration by the administration of the Society proposals on
encouraging the employees of the Department, imposing disciplinary sanctions.

3. Job responsibilities

3.1. Organization of the Department's work in accordance with the current
legislation of the Russian Federation, constituent and other
corporate documents of the Company, decisions of its collegial bodies,
orders and orders of the General Director, Regulations on the _ Department
3.2. Providing general management and planning of the work of the Division.
3.3. Ensuring coordination of the work of the Division and cooperation with
other divisions of the Company.
3.4. Informing the employees of the Department about the decisions of the General Meeting
shareholders (investors), the Board of Directors and the Management Board of the Company.
3.5. Signing of documents related to the competence of the Department.
3.6. Consideration of personnel issues in the Department, as well as the issue
advanced training of employees of the Department.
3.7. Control over the quality and timeliness of the performance of official
duties by the employees of the Department.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The Head of the Department bears full responsibility for the quality and
timeliness of the tasks assigned to the Department, as well as other
responsibilities assigned to him by this Job Description.
4.2. If the above obligations are not fulfilled in a given
volume and within the established time frame, as well as in case of violation of labor
discipline, the head of the Department is responsible in accordance with
the current legislation of the Russian Federation and corporate
normative acts of the Company (regulations, rules, instructions).

I have read and agree with this Instruction __________________ ________
(Full name) (signature)

"__" _________________ of the year.

I approve

[position, signature, full name

Leader or other

Official authorized


[organizational and legal form, job description]

organization name, [date, month, year]

enterprises] M. P.

Job description

head of the department for work with real estate [name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The head of the department for work with real estate belongs to the category of managers and is directly subordinate to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor].

1.2. The position of the head of the department for work with real estate is a person who has a higher legal education and work experience in the field of real estate for at least [meaning] years.

1.3. The head of the real estate department should know:

Principles and methods of personnel management;

Fundamentals of housing and land legislation, laws and regulations regulations, regulations, instructions and other documents governing real estate transactions;

Market economy fundamentals;

Fundamentals of psychology, rules for establishing business contacts and negotiating, ethics of business communication;

Real estate market conditions and market research methods, the procedure for collecting and processing information about the real estate market;

Organization of real estate transactions;

Document flow at all stages of real estate construction;

Rules and procedure for registration required documents related to obtaining a building permit, commissioning and registration of sale and purchase of real estate objects;

Basic requirements for real estate objects, technical, quality and other characteristics of real estate objects;

The order of systematization, accounting and maintenance in the control state of documentation using modern information technologies;

Internal labor regulations;

Labor protection rules and regulations.

2. Job responsibilities

The head of the department for work with real estate is assigned the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Planning the activities of the department.

2.2. Control and analysis of the work of the department.

2.3. Participation in the development of the organization's development strategy.

2.4. Organization of work on the development and implementation of technologies and methods for increasing real estate sales.

2.5. Conducting business negotiations.

2.6. Analysis and monitoring of the real estate market.

2.7. Distribution of work among the employees of the department.

2.8. Legal support the process of obtaining land plots for construction, as well as registration of rights to land plots.

2.9. Obtaining a permit for the construction of real estate objects.

2.10. Legal support for the construction of real estate objects (control over the compliance of the work carried out with the received design and estimate documentation, interaction with regulatory authorities).

2.11. Obtaining permission to put real estate objects into operation (preparation of the necessary documents, interaction with authorized bodies).

2.12. Implementation state registration rights to newly erected real estate objects.

2.13. Searching for potential clients, establishing business contacts with them, negotiating.

2.14. Selection of the optimal real estate objects that meet the requirements of the clients.

2.15. Organization of familiarization of clients with real estate objects.

2.16. Consulting clients on all issues related to the conclusion and execution of contracts, as well as the execution of real estate transactions.

2.17. Assistance in the timely execution of documents necessary for clients to conclude a transaction, ensuring their safety.

2.18. Preparation and execution of transactions for the purchase and sale of real estate objects.

2.19. Interaction with authorities and officials involved in the registration of real estate transactions and related procedures.

2.20. Drawing up the established reporting on the work done.

2.21. Resolving personnel issues in the department.

2.22. [Other job responsibilities].

3. Rights

The head of the real estate department has the right to:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided by law.

3.2. Make suggestions to higher management to improve the work of the organization.

3.3. Independently make decisions within the framework of their competence and organize their implementation by the employees of the department.

3.4. Require the management of the organization to assist in the implementation of their professional responsibilities and the exercise of rights.

3.5. Conduct civil transactions and represent the interests of the organization by power of attorney.

3.6. To interact with the heads of departments of the organization, to receive information and documents necessary for the performance of their official duties.

3.7. Monitor the activities of employees subordinate to him.

3.8. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

3.9. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

To become a good leader, it is not enough to know the basic responsibilities of the boss; it is necessary to be a leader capable of managing the energy of subordinates, who can achieve their loyalty in performing production tasks of any complexity.

In this article, you will read:

  • How does a boss differ from a boss
  • Why bosses are divided into good and bad
  • What are the characteristics of a good boss?
  • What are the types of bosses
  • What is the responsibility of the boss
  • What factors affect the boss's responsibilities
  • What rights does the boss have
  • How to behave for a boss who recently took office

In order to function effectively in a managerial position, it is important not only to be conscientious about responsibilities of the chief, but also all the time to improve their skills and personal qualities.

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There is a bonus in the article: a sample letter of instruction for employees that every manager should write to increase productivity.

How does a boss differ from a boss

Chief - a person appointed on the basis of established order on leadership position with an appropriate salary. There is always a staff of several people in the subordination of the chief, and the duties of the chief are determined by the current legislative norms and the order of the enterprise.

Leader is a profession that implies the performance of official duties consisting of formal and informal positions. The specific definition of the status of this profession includes the rights and obligations of the head of the unit in the conditions of the given enterprise. The head of any company can act as a director, chairman of the board or president. It can also be an informal position that does not imply remuneration.

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Understanding what constitutes a managerial position lies in the general scope of concepts. First of all, it is a profession that includes leadership functions. It is determined by the method of management and the powers granted, in which status and authority do not matter much. As for the remuneration, for the boss it is strictly fixed, since the position involves employment under a contract on the basis of an order or an approved order.

The position of a leader also implies work on a voluntary basis, it can be scientific or charitable leadership. The status of such a leader can be informal, since it depends on certain conditions. The boss puts forward his demands in the form of orders, orders, instructions, and the head can submit them in the form of consultations - drawing up projects and proposals.

Distinctive features of the leader and the boss:

- The circle of concepts. A manager is a type of managerial profession, and a boss is a specific official.

- Formalization. The position of the chief implies compulsory employment on the basis of an order or order. Unlike a boss, a manager can be an informal official.

- Reward. The chief is charged a fixed salary for his work, the manager can receive payment for his labor on a voluntary basis.

Good / bad boss: why this division

The most basic definition of the position of a boss is a team leader. A series about bad bosses for many viewers may seem quite realistic, since in everyday life it is the bad bosses that are most often encountered. But there are still exceptions to the rule and good bosses are also found, it should only be noted that ideal bosses do not exist, each has its own shortcomings.

If you look closely, you can find flaws even in a good boss, some of them do not relate to the position held and are simply personal. I must say that a good boss is a relative concept. Many subordinates, working under the leadership of their boss, are not even aware of his merits, they can be annoyed by his exactingness and pickiness. But everything is learned by comparison, and when you have to change jobs and face the method of work of another leader, a reassessment of previous experience comes. The former leader may now seem just perfect, and all his shortcomings may now look like great advantages.

What are the types of bosses

1. Charismatic leader. This is the type of leader who seeks to raise his company to a higher level of development. He is constantly trying to introduce new technologies, to make production modern and successful. The psychological characteristic of such a leader can be attributed to self-confidence, they constantly show their will and do not suffer defeat. A charismatic leader is always ready to listen to the opinion of a subordinate, but will do everything as he sees fit.

2. Diplomat. The type of a competent, calm, benevolent and balanced boss. His work is aimed at conducting collective activities, therefore, under his leadership, employees try to maintain a team spirit.

3. Humanist. For such a leader, the work collective is a big and friendly family. To assign the duties of a boss to a humanist means to create a trusting and friendly atmosphere in the team. In such groups, it is customary to often go out into the countryside, arrange corporate events... Subordinates love him for the lack of strict control and fines, but this does not mean that violations can go unpunished.

  • The structure of the sales department: instructions for the head

4. Democrat. This type of boss always tries to establish a trusting relationship in the team, with him employees will share the responsibility and success of the company. Assignments that are carried out on time and as accurately as possible are always encouraged by a democrat boss in various forms of remuneration.

5. Bureaucrat. The most common type of boss. His orders are never discussed and must be carried out without delay. He always follows established rules, prescribed procedures, analyzes and reports. Providing accurate data and consistent reporting are basic rules in the leadership of the bureaucrat boss. Working under the guidance of such a supervisor, employees observe that all requirements and orders are carried out properly. Usually in the team of the bureaucrat chief, intrigues and discussions are always conducted behind the back. Here everyone is for himself, the team spirit in the team is completely absent.

How to behave with a boss "bureaucrat"

If you want to grab the attention of the Bureaucrat, be sure to show him that your problem is a violation of previously agreed agreements. Write a long explanatory note to prove the solution you are proposing. Show that your decision is approved by all the luminaries and authorities, that it does not involve risk. If you need to meet with the "bureaucrat", be sure to ask him to make an appointment in advance and let him know what will be discussed to give him time to prepare. Do not try to descend upon him like snow on your head. You must agree on the duration of the meeting in advance and adhere to this agreement.

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Slow down before you are in the office of the "bureaucrat" - physically, literally, slow down. Breathe deeply. Express your question slowly and calmly. Start with question # 1. It is very important to go in order and start from the first item on the agenda. If your boss’s gaze becomes absent, then he is no longer listening to you. Take a break. Let him digest the information.

Usually, having come to his senses, the "bureaucrat" asks some insignificant question. Dont be upset. Thank him, write down the question, and continue your presentation until the boss's eyes are blurred again. Then stop again. Wait. Thank you for your question. Write it down. Continue the presentation. With this approach, the "bureaucrat" will not be able to object or veto your idea until he understands what it is, and you do not have to discuss how until you explain what and why.

When speaking with a "bureaucrat", remember that he takes what is being said literally. Don't confuse ideas with facts. If you mention as fact that which is not, as soon as the "bureaucrat" notices your mistake, you are finished. You will forever lose his trust, and he will reject anything you say as unworthy of attention.

10 signs of a good boss

Sign 1. Leader. Any leader can be a good boss only if he is a leader by nature. Leadership means the ability to organize and lead people. To do this, it is not necessary to run with a flag and shout, a real leader just needs to calmly say, and the result will follow immediately. They never strive to stand out, to do something bright and defiant. In a conversation with such a person, you will immediately feel his leadership qualities. Such a feeling of leadership comes at the level of intuition, however, this feeling does not always come immediately, you need to communicate with a person for some time in order to understand his essence of a leader. Many charismatic people, on the contrary, create the impression of a leader, but with further communication it disappears.

Sign 2. An inspiring goal. A good boss will always be able to inspire and set a goal, since he has it all the time. Most often, this goal is not material and serves not only his interests, but the interests of all employees and colleagues. Having a goal that can unite a company or organization is the main indicator of a good boss.

Sign 3. Common principles and values. Each person has personal values ​​and principles, but just having them is not enough. It is necessary that the principles and values ​​are necessarily common in the team, but the most important thing is that the leader never deviates from them. The main criteria for values ​​and principles should be universal human values ​​that serve the society, family and people working in a given team. These include:

- trust and respect;

- the ability to listen and hear;

- always keep your word;

- always be on the protection of your subordinates;

- to observe the law and order in all manifestations and to all without exception.

Sign 4. Positive. In our volatile and dynamic times, everything changes rapidly, and not all changes are pleasant and positive, which leads to stress and anxiety. But if the boss has the ability to maintain positive mood and constantly shares it with others, this can be considered a sign of a good leader. But this does not mean that for this, the boss must constantly rejoice and smile; when solving difficult issues, he can be tough and negative. Sometimes these qualities are necessary for good governance organization, but they should not appear constantly. In good leadership, the main thing is to maintain a balance of negative and positive, with a predominance of good and uplifting positive.

Sign 5. Experience and knowledge. A good boss should always be competent in what he does. It is impossible to imagine a good boss who is not versed in business and shows his incompetent qualities. The main criteria that determine a good boss are experience and knowledge. For a person who has just taken office, it is not necessary to have detailed knowledge of the sphere of his production, but to understand the whole and have general knowledge about the company and production is simply obliged.

Sign 6. Achieves the result. A good boss makes every effort to achieve a positive result, this is the main quality of a leader. Indeed, only if certain results are achieved, the company will be able to develop and compete in the market. People always like to move towards a goal and see the result of their actions. Only under such conditions a real team is being formed.

A manager or boss becomes a real leader only when his team, in spite of everything, moves towards the set goal and achieves the desired result. Of course, mistakes and defeats can happen on the way, but if the leader, together with his team, learns from everything and does everything necessary so that this does not happen again, then in the future they will only become stronger and more successful. But if the team has a tendency to repeat mistakes, then this means that the concept of work is built incorrectly or the leader is not coping with his duties.

Feature 7. Is an example. A good boss always wants to imitate, his actions and decisions unobtrusively become an example for everyone. This is positive communication with his employees, conformity of actions and promises, everything that he says and promises is always fulfilled. Over time, employees begin to copy the behavior of the boss and his attitude towards people; such a team always has a healthy and friendly atmosphere. If the boss is an example to his employees, it is a sign of a good leader.

Sign 8. Says thanks and voices what he doesn't like. Sincere gratitude, decency and politeness should be inherent in a good boss. But at the same time, he is always a good boss, has his own opinion in solving current issues and will make it clear if he doesn’t like something. Working under the guidance of such a boss, each employee will feel like a full-fledged member of the team. In such a team, there is always a feedback from the leader, even if communication implies a negative form, it will take place in a normal and adequate environment. This enables employees to feel respect and their value in the team, coordinate their work correctly and do everything with the maximum benefit for the company. The words of gratitude spoken by the boss in time and correctly presented claims are submitted good example employees and foster healthy team relationships.

Sign 9. Invests in their own. Good leader always understands that his main asset and main resource is his employees. Most of all, he cares about them, their development and well-being. He gives the presentation of any success of the company to his colleagues, and takes mistakes at his own expense. All this is an integral process of company management. Continuous education and development of the company's employees helps them not only become more experienced and stronger in their field, but also feel more confident in everyday life and feel proud from cooperation with such a company.

Sign 10. Actual adequacy. Any boss, in essence, is the same person as the rest, only endowed with certain powers. The boss's views are formed under the influence of the information field and the environment in which he is, and sometimes it is distorted. As a person, it is much more difficult for him to lead a team, because he does not always see a realistic picture of who and what he is in charge of, and the attitude towards him. In the process of leadership, there is a high probability of losing touch with reality, as a result of which the effectiveness and efficiency of the company is reduced. You can also often observe how the boss, having climbed to the pinnacle of his success in the company, begins to lose touch with reality and eventually cease to be so. To avoid such consequences, the boss must maintain an adequate state. Such qualities as self-criticism, self-control, sober self-esteem and a system of processing and collecting information can help in this. This is certainly not an easy and not always pleasant job, but it will guarantee that the boss will not give up his positions and will remain so in the future.

A boss who does not have managerial skills will provide results due to what he knows how to do himself

Alexander Fridman, general manager Savage company, Moscow

In 99% of cases, a boss who does not have management skills will provide results due to what he himself is able to do well. And he knows how to work well, but not to lead. I call this the Icarus syndrome: an employee is assigned functions for which he is not suitable, and at the same time nothing is done to improve his level, they are not taught to use authority.

You will have to make a lot of effort to explain to the line manager: he simply does not have the right to perform the functions assigned to ordinary workers. Otherwise, it turns out that he eats the company's bread for free, since the subordinate's salary is lower. In exceptional cases, of course, the head of the department can help the employee bring the piano to the eighth floor, but it is an malfeasance to constantly do what the rank-and-file employees must do.

It also happens that the newly appointed leader struggles to maintain good relations with his subordinates, which began when he was still on the same rung of the career ladder with them. However, such a desire is fraught with a violation of chain of command, concealment of facts, rallying the team and the line manager against the company's management. Relationships become more important than work. How can I avoid this? The head of the department must establish such a distance so that he does not hesitate to apply to employees those management measures that are required by the interests of the enterprise. If your hand freezes: "It's Vasya!" - it means that the distance was chosen incorrectly.

What are the main job responsibilities of a superior

1) Organizational arrangements for interaction and effective work all departments, divisions, production units. The duties of the chief also include adjusting the focus of the divisions on ensuring the development of the enterprise and improving business processes. This presupposes a scrupulous consideration of market priorities, the implementation of measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of labor and competitiveness of the manufactured product, as well as its compliance international standards, which is an important condition for a strong position in the domestic and import markets.

2) Promotes the company's fulfillment of its obligations to state, territorial and local budgets, funds, as well as to suppliers, buyers, creditors, banks. In addition, the supervisor ensures compliance with the terms of employment contracts and accepted business plans.

3) Organization of production and economic processes based on the latest technological methods and forms management activities justified by the standard regarding the cost of financial and labor resources, the study of market situations and the progressive experience of domestic and foreign companies to improve product quality, economy production processes, capacity utilization and various resources.

4) Works on attracting qualified specialists to work in the company, the rational use of their skills and knowledge, and also contributes to the training and development of the skills of employees, the creation of favorable and safe conditions for labor activity, their compliance with legal regulations regarding environmental protection.

5) Works on the issues of the correct interaction of economic and administrative management methods, on the combination of collegiality and one-man management in resolving current issues, on the implementation of the principles of material interest / responsibility of employees in the performance of personal tasks and the implementation of collective goals, on the tasks of full and timely payment of earned funds.

6) In collaboration with labor collectives and trade unions, using the principles of partnership, works on the development and conclusion of collective agreements, controls labor discipline, promotes the expression of initiative and motivated activity by the employees of the company.

7) Resolves current issues of financial, economic, economic and production activities of the company, within the framework of legislative rights, provides the ability to manage certain areas of deputies, managers of business units, branches and other structural units, ensures the performance of the duties of the head of a department or divisions.

8) Promotes compliance with legislative norms in the process of the company's work and the functioning of its economic and economic relations, and also ensures the attractiveness of the company from an investment point of view for increasing the scale commercial activities, controls the use of legal means in matters of financial management and the operation of an enterprise in market conditions, compliance with contractual conditions, strengthens financial discipline, regulates social and labor relations.

9) Protects the interests of the company in court and arbitration instances, as well as in state authorities.

4 functional responsibilities of the chief

1. Management of subordinates - included in functional responsibilities the chief of any level, in accordance with which he must accept everything necessary for the employees to fulfill their duties in full;

2. Interaction with the company - holding meetings with management, production meetings and conferences;

3. Production of the result - the direction of the leader's actions should be focused on achieving the necessary results;

4. Synthesis and analysis of information is an important condition that ensures the effectiveness of management activities.

What factors affect the boss's job responsibilities

Work specifics. The duties of the head of a department with a narrow specialization presuppose the most close attention to the issues of achieving results. In cases where special knowledge is required to perform managerial functions that other employees do not possess, the boss will have to pay more attention to the work moments, rather than the result.

The degree of the corporate hierarchy. The functional responsibilities of the head of a low-level department imply a higher focus on the result.

The power of power. The level of power of a leader's power affects the intensity of his work (the less power, the more work has to be done). The main goal of a manager at any level is to achieve a result.

Qualification of subordinates. A lower qualification of specialists implies the performance of a higher volume of work by a manager.

Motivation for subordinates. A low level of employee motivation implies that a manager performs a higher volume of work.

Rights vested in a boss

The rights and responsibilities of the chief have a certain relationship. The rights of a manager of any level can be divided into two groups. The first group includes the rights that he has as a participant in the general process in a particular company, and the second includes the rights of the boss, who is the face of the company.

The rights related to the first group are described in Article 21 of the Labor Code and can be described by the following provisions:

The work is carried out on the basis of a contract, the execution, editing and termination of which is initiated by its parties. At the same time, the boss must treat the performance of direct duties appropriately.

The employee is provided workplace ensuring the ability to perform their functions, and conditions that are acceptable for this are created.

The fulfillment of duties takes place for a certain remuneration, the volumes of which are determined by the contract even before the start of work.

The employee has the right to rest, which is determined by standard working hours.

All rights are guaranteed and protected by law, including compensation for damage received while performing direct duties.

There are also certain restrictions on the rights of managers:

The boss cannot participate in strikes, which distinguishes his rights from the rights of ordinary employees.

An employment contract with a manager is concluded for a period that is stipulated constituent documents companies describing the procedures for the competition, appointment and entry into office.

Without the appropriate consent of the authorized persons of the enterprise, the head does not have the right to hold positions that are paid by other organizations.

In the event of a decision on dismissal, the company must notify the manager 1 calendar month in advance, and not 14 days, as is the case with an ordinary employee.

Other categories of leaders' rights, as well as basic responsibilities, are closely related to their immediate activities. An example is the right to participate in the management of a company, the right to conclude employment contracts, negotiate, and perform other functions of a person representing the interests of owners,

Memo for a Newly Informed Chief

So that the newly appointed specialist can get comfortable and begin to fulfill the duties of the head of the department regarding competent management as soon as possible, the following rules can be recommended to him:

1. Every day at the beginning of the working day to analyze the work of subordinates.

2. Remember that each employee is the same person as you, but may have a different mindset. Subordinates can make mistakes or lack understanding of your requirements. Situations where your requirements are fulfilled exactly, only after repeated repetition of them, are not something out of the ordinary. Success means meeting your requirements the first time. This means that you have worked well together.

3. Take time to discuss operational issues with each employee at least once a week. At the same time, employees themselves must tell how and what they do in the process of work.

4. After setting the task, the employee should not be asked the question: "Do you understand everything?" Replace it with a question: "What are you planning to do?"

5. Express approval of the actions of a subordinate in front of everyone, and scold one on one.

6. Monday is not just a tough day for workers. Bad news may await you (one subordinate got sick, another did the wrong task, etc.). Be prepared for such situations, which means, do not overdo it with rest on Sunday "late". Remember, it's best to be calm and rested on Monday.

Information about authors and companies

Yitzhak Adizes, author of theories popular all over the world life cycle organizing and overcoming problems without conflict. American and Macedonian writer, one of the experts in the field of improving the efficiency of business and government activities by making fundamental changes that do not create confusion and destructive conflicts that impede change.

Alexander Fridman, CEO of Savage, Moscow. Business profile: design, manufacture and sale of clothing. Form of organization: LLC (BrandSales). Territory: head office - in Moscow; representations - in Alma-Ata and Kiev. Number of staff: 700. Number of stores: more than 200.

The structure of the job description for the head of the supply department

A detailed job description for any employee, as a rule, has the following structure:

  1. General Provisions.
  2. Functions and tasks.
  3. Job responsibilities.
  4. Rights.
  5. A responsibility.
  6. Mode of operation.
  7. Relationships.

For reference: the legislator does not establish requirements for the content and form of instructions, from which it can be concluded that each employer has the right, at his discretion, to supplement the above sections or shorten them.

Below we will consider the contents of the parts of the document in more detail. Let's start with an analysis of the employee's job responsibilities, since this section in practice raises the most questions.

Responsibilities of the head of the procurement department

The section of the instruction "Job responsibilities of the chief of supply", as a rule, includes the following list:

  • management of the supply department;
  • organization of work to provide the enterprise with the necessary raw materials, materials, etc .;
  • ensuring control over the state of raw materials;
  • development of plans for the material and technical supply of the company and management of their implementation;
  • participation in the conclusion of contracts for the material and technical support of the organization;
  • participation in checking the arrived goods and the safety of their packaging;
  • conducting research on the service market in order to select the maximum favorable conditions for cooperation;
  • reporting on the expenditure of funds, etc.

The list of job duties of an employee may vary depending on the direction of the enterprise, the circle of subordinates to him and the presence / absence of a department in the company that is engaged in similar work, but on a smaller scale (for example, logistics).

The rights and responsibilities of the head of the procurement department

The section of the job description "Employee rights" includes a list of the rights that the employee is vested with for the implementation of the duties assigned to him. In most cases, these include the following:

  • the ability to control the activities of subordinate employees and give them appropriate instructions;
  • representing the interests of the organization in negotiations with third-party companies on issues within the competence of the head of the procurement department;
  • interaction with other departments and services of the enterprise;
  • decision making within the competence;
  • the requirement from the management to create conditions for the implementation of the work process.

In the part of the instruction, which is devoted to describing the employee's responsibility (sometimes combined with a section on rights), it is necessary to reflect information about what the head of the procurement department is responsible for in the framework of his activities. In particular, we can talk about:

Don't know your rights?

  • on disciplinary responsibility (for non-fulfillment or inaccurate fulfillment of official duties);
  • administrative (in case of violation of the norms of administrative legislation);
  • criminal (if the employee commits a crime).

As for the material, then its employee bears within the framework of the agreement concluded with him on material responsibility, in which its volume is prescribed (full, partial, collective, etc.).

General provisions, work schedule, functions and interaction procedure

The section "General Provisions" indicates the name of the position and division - the place of work of the employee in accordance with the approved at the enterprise staffing table, as well as the procedure for the appointment of an employee to the position and removal from it. It is also advisable to determine here the procedure for replacing an employee in his absence and provide a list of regulatory and local acts, the provisions of which he should be guided by in his activities. It is advisable to prescribe in this section the qualification requirements for the profession.

The section "Functions and tasks" tells about the main areas of work of the head of the procurement department and the scope of his activities. It can also indicate specific activities aimed at completing the main task. For example, the main task head of the procurement department - providing the organization with material and technical resources. To do this, he must draw up lists of needs, look for suppliers, etc.

The section "Working hours" includes an indication of the employee's service schedule, taking into account:

  • availability of shifts;
  • weekend work;
  • shifts, etc.

However, if information about this is available in the employee's labor contract, then this section may not be included in the job description.

In the "Relationships" section, you need to specify the order of interaction between the head of the procurement department with other services and departments of the company, if necessary, building a chain of documentation exchange.

The procedure for the development and application of the job description of the head of the supply department

The job description for the head of the procurement department is developed, as a rule, by an employee of the personnel department or an employee who is in charge of labor protection at the enterprise. Further, the document is handed over for approval to the immediate superior of the employee (for example, the director of the department), who, based on the results of consideration, has the right to amend the instructions and express his comments. After revision, the document is submitted for approval to the head of the organization.

The head of the procurement department gets acquainted with the text of the instructions for employment. As a sign of agreement with the terms of the document, he puts his signature either in a specially designated place of the instruction, or in the acquaintance sheet attached to it. If, for some reason, the employee refuses to sign, an appropriate act is drawn up about this.

Note: before refusing to sign the document due to disagreement with certain points, it is advisable to negotiate with the head of the organization and explain your point of view. It is possible that the management will take into account the comments and proposed amendments to the instructions.

If it is necessary to make changes to the duties of an employee in the future, the head of the organization has the right to do this only with the consent of the employee, since the legislator prohibits changing the employee's working function unilaterally.

head of department


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the head (head) of the department (hereinafter referred to as the "Employee") in ________ (hereinafter referred to as the "Organization").
1.2. The employee is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the Head of the Organization.
1.3. The employee reports directly to the __________________ Organization.
1.4. A person who has a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in engineering and technical positions for at least 3 years or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in engineering and technical positions for at least 5 years is appointed to the position of an Employee.
1.5. The employee must know:
- decrees, orders, orders and other guiding, methodological and regulations concerning the production and economic activities of the department;
- specifications and the requirements for the products manufactured by the department, the technology of its production;
- rules of operation and organization of repair of equipment of the department;
- methods of technical, economic and production planning;
- provisions on remuneration;
- fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;
- fundamentals of labor legislation;
- internal labor regulations;
- rules for labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety.
1.6. During the temporary absence of the Employee, his duties are assigned to ___________________________.
1.7. The Employee is subordinate to: _______________________________.


2.1. Supervises the production and economic activities of the department. Ensures the fulfillment of planned tasks, preparation schedules Vehicle and transportation, efficient use of fixed and circulating assets.
2.2. Carries out work to improve the organization of production, its technology, mechanization and automation of production processes, prevent rejects and improve the quality of work, save resources, certification and rationalization of jobs, use reserves to increase labor productivity, reduce labor intensity and production costs.
2.3. Organizes planning, accounting, preparation and timely submission of reports on the production activities of the department, work to improve labor rationing, generalization and dissemination of advanced techniques and methods of labor, the development of rationalization and invention.
2.4. Ensures the technically correct operation of equipment and other fixed assets, adherence to their repair schedules, and safe working conditions.
2.5. Participates in the selection of personnel, their placement and appropriate use.
2.6. Controls compliance by employees with the internal labor regulations, labor protection rules, industrial sanitation and fire safety.
2.6. Provides suggestions for wages, rewards, or penalties for workers.

3.1. The employee has the right:
- to provide him with work due labor contract;
- to provide him with a workplace that meets the state regulatory requirements for labor protection and the conditions provided for by the collective agreement;
- to provide him with complete and reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements at the workplace;
- on vocational training, retraining and advanced training in the manner prescribed Labor Code RF, other federal laws;
- to receive materials and documents related to their activities, to familiarize themselves with the draft decisions of the management of the Organization concerning its activities;
- to interact with other divisions of the Employer to resolve operational issues of their professional activities;
- submit proposals on their activities for consideration by their immediate supervisor.
3.2. The employee has the right to demand from the Employer assistance in the performance of his job duties.


The employee is responsible for:
4.1. Non-performance or improper performance their duties provided for by this job description - in accordance with the current labor legislation.
4.2. Violation of safety regulations and labor protection instructions.
4.3. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the Organization and its employees.
4.4. Offenses committed during the period of carrying out their activities - in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation.
4.5. Infliction of material damage - in accordance with applicable law.


5.1. The Work schedule of the Employee is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the Organization.
5.2. Due to production needs, the Employee is obliged to travel to business trips(including local significance).