We must change the world for the better, and we, the leaders, are responsible for this.

October 11, 2016, 17-30
Moscow, 2nd Baumanskaya, 5, MSTU im. N.E. Bauman, Main building (Slobodskoy Palace), aud. 433.

The Engineering Entrepreneurs Club, which unites not only students and developers, but also representatives of real business, invites Viktoria Petrova, Chairman of the Expert Council of PeopleReorle Group of Companies, Deputy General Director of Basic Element Group of Companies (2011-2014) to an open lecture. During her career, Victoria has led thousands of teams, supervised the Olympic construction site, participated in the creation of the world's largest aluminum producer, more than once became the best HR Manager of the Year according to Kommersat. In her lecture, Victoria will cover the following questions:

  • How an excellent student learned four foreign languages ​​and changed her medical career to a professional manager
  • The Iron Lady. How a beautiful woman can fulfill herself in a harsh manufacturing business
  • Why caring employees are the main source of business growth
  • If you want to manage something, then you must know it thoroughly. Exit to the gembu
  • How to reduce from 30% to 60% of costs in the enterprise. Rationing, optimization, systematization and regulation of business and production processes.
  • Managerial work is not standardized. Is it so?
  • Construction and development of a production system
  • Withdrawing unprofitable enterprises to profit
  • The Role of Mentors in Career and Business
  • Football, hunting, beadwork, poetry evenings, step dancing. The role of hobbies in a professional career


Chairman of the Expert Council of the PeopleReorle Group of Companies
Expert in operational and operational business performance

Professional activity:

  • 1992 - 1995 Halliburton Company (servicing oil and gas fields);
  • 1995 - 2001 Bristol-MyersSquibb (manufacture and sale of pharmaceuticals);
  • 2001 - 2011 UC RUSAL (metallurgy) - HR Director;
  • 2011 - 2014 Basic Element Company (diversified holding) - Deputy General Director;
  • 2013 - 2014 JSC Glavstroy (construction).

Membership in the boards of directors:

  • 2010 - 2013 OJSC GAZ Group (production of cars and special equipment);
  • 2011 - 2012 En + (energy, metallurgy);
  • 2011 - 2013 Basel-Aero (airport management);
  • 2012 - 2014 JSC Glavstroy (civil and infrastructure construction);
  • 2011 - 2013 Ingosstrakh IJSC (insurance, financial services);
  • 2007 - 2012 NPF Big Pension Fund;

Social activity:

  • 2011 - present Time Expert Council of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives under the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • 2010 - 2016 Russian Trilateral Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations under the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • 2005 - 2011 International Aluminum Institute (IAI), Occupational Health and Safety Committee. London, Great Britain;
  • 2007 - 2011 AMROS (Association of Russian Metal Producers);
  • 2007 - 2009 Association of Russian Managers, Human Resources Committee


  • Management Center Europe (Belgium), HR Management;
  • University of Michigan (USA), LeanOffice;
  • Vlerick Leuven Management School Gent, Lean Operations;
  • GASIS, Human Resources Management;
  • RUDN University, General Medicine.

Selected interviews and publications

  • Vedomosti, "How to spend." Victoria Petrova: I recommend to everyone the Toyota Memorial Museum of Industry and Technologies ", 10/17/2016.
  • SNOB, Victoria Petrova: I cannot pass by if I see that something could be done better. 04.09.2015
  • Forbes, Why caring employees are the main source of business growth. 21.07.2014
  • Do you know what labor productivity was at the Sochi Olympics? PeoplePeople, 03.03.2014
  • Vedomosti, Praktika: Business cares what happens next. 02.07.2013
  • Production Management Portal, Victoria Petrova, Basic Element: Our people will not stop there!
  • How to properly cut staff. PeoplePeople
  • What is a corporate university for? PeoplePeople
  • How to reduce personnel costs by an average of 20-30 percent? PeoplePeople


If you want to manage something, then you must know it thoroughly.

Many employees of management companies have the illusion that they are managing something. In fact, everything is quite a bit different: they do not manage anything in the sense that all processes - the product or service itself, due to which the company thrives, - are formed in production premises, where ordinary employees work. Ordinary employees work the way they think is right, and equip the organization around them. What high managers, who have never been on the floor, at the gemba, do not know or guess about. Therefore, we very quickly realized that if you want to manage something, you must know it thoroughly, and you can only know it thoroughly when you come to the production sites and understand what is happening there. We began to apply this practice: for example, in the companies of Basic Element, orders were issued that at least 25% of the time a manager should spend at the gemba. 25% of working time is more than one day of the week, in which you can do a lot. So, after leaving the organization with all my management experience, I decided that the most interesting thing was to do organizational improvement, operational and operational efficiency. I created a special company PeoplePeople... Any of our projects begins with the fact that we go to the gembu. We not only teach this to others, but practice, first of all, it ourselves - without a visual audit of the enterprise, without bypassing workplaces, without talking with employees, without understanding what is happening at each workplace, we do not move further.

An example of an exit to the gembu:

Often in consulting projects it happens that the customer cannot formulate the goal of the project and does not understand what he wants. For example, there was one customer, the CEO of a manufacturing company. We talked with him for a long time about different things, and I asked: what is required of me? What task do you set me? He thought and said: I need political will. Me: oh, we are entering the water in which I can hardly help you. He explained that there are huge orders for him, which he cannot handle. Me: Let me come to your gembu, see the entire production chain and understand where the problems are. We arrived at the production, which was in an absolutely chaotic, neglected, ugly state. The enterprise was 17 years old. And during this time, everything that could be done wrong was done: equipment was placed incorrectly, areas interact incorrectly with each other, material and human flows constantly collide, people interfere with each other, they do not help and do not work in a team; busy smashing each other to smithereens. Naturally, in this situation, normal manufacturing process is not possible. We explain to everyone the simple rules for building production chains.

What projects do you run most often?

Most of our projects are dedicated to labor organization and labor management. Stable statistics have been formed, which fit into a certain framework, from which we can conclude that this is a regularity. So, even in companies that are not ordinary in their management practices, where they have already dealt with optimization and reductions, you can still find from 30 to 60% opportunities to reduce costs. Why is that? Because we do not have, with very rare exceptions, labor standards at enterprises, each employee during the working day is basically left to himself: he decides what he will do today, how much he will do, what quality he will receive, and so on. Even where they confidently declare that everything is normalized for them, I ask you to show how it works in practice. To what extent do workers of basic specialties fulfill the norms? I’m not asking this question for nothing! I get the expected answer - from 140% to 900%! What does this mean? That the norms are grossly underestimated! When you are interested in what kind of norms are used, it turns out that these are the very norms published for this type of activity in 1984. They were stupidly transferred to automated system enterprises, and the people happily receive bonuses for exceeding the norms. Naturally, such norms must be adjusted. There are several methodologies on how to do this. We apply them and bring everything to reasonable levels.

About the norms of administrative and managerial personnel:

When we talk about rationing, labor - you need to do the same with regard to administrative and management personnel. There is an opinion that managerial work is not standardized, but this is not so! Management activities it is perfectly decomposed into separate actions, we already have a library of standards, which describes the actions of managers - for example, a shop manager, a production director of an enterprise, a production director management company... Naturally, there is a difference, but standard actions are the basis. We discuss our data with managers, find a balance together. At first, lawyers liked to argue with us: they put their hands on their hips and said: how can you normalize us? We cannot imagine how many contracts we will receive per year for approval! We do not agree: there are norms for everything! For example, a routine contract contains 80% of standard operations and must be prepared by you within a certain period of time. Norms are a very interesting tool. He says, for example, that it is possible to evaluate the contract for two hours, but not for two and a half hours! And if you don't do this job in two hours, there must be some good reason or you don't have the qualifications to do the job. Then the question is - why are you applying for the remuneration of a highly qualified specialist?

Three lessons from my professional career

Lesson one - set ambitious goals for yourself. It's funny to hear in some large companies that they pride themselves on a 2% improvement in any given metric. This is a mathematical error, not your merit.

Lesson two - never let yourself rest on your laurels. because what led you to your current success is no longer enough to sustain that success. Our organization survived, it went through these difficult times and is returning to the positions that it had. But if managers lose their critical perception even for a moment, they will lose the ability to ask themselves the question: "What else needs to be done for our company to develop and grow?" - they risk repeating this story.

You can conduct as many cosmetic programs as you like to measure satisfaction, to conduct cultural or sporting events jumping in bags. But the most important thing that exists in an organization is its economy, based on a clear understanding of the client, product, and business model. If she staggers, if it is not clear what the company will look like tomorrow, then everything else simply does not matter. The crisis very quickly returned us to this basic level: we began to think about what kind of bricks the foundation of the organization is made of, what measures and tools must be used for the effective construction of this building.

As a final point, I’ll like to mention President Kennedy’s statement that I love: "Do not think what your country can do for you, think what you can do for your country"... It is not for nothing that our company was called Russian Aluminum. If you have noticed, there are not many companies in Russia that have the word "Russian" in their name. The shareholders who created the company have always emphasized that they are primarily patriots of this country and form what the people of this country need.

Over the years, I have conducted thousands and thousands of job interviews with a wide variety of people. I can say that there is a certain bias towards consumerism, when a person comes to the organization, expecting that he should be provided with good workplace, a salary that covers his needs or somehow amuses his ego, and at the same time he should not be strictly asked. This approach is absolutely unacceptable. In an organization, we gather in order to achieve the goals of the organization, and for this we need to work hard. I really liked the statement of Fyodor Ovchinnikov, the founder of “ Dodo Pizza»: « the main task any company, any business is to change the world for the better, and the duty of this company is to make a profit. " This echoes what Kennedy said many years ago. We must change the world for the better, and we, the leaders, are responsible for this.


The Association of Managers, together with the Snob project, is preparing the book Time. Affairs. People. 2005-2014. The best of the TOP-1000 Russian managers ”. This book contains interviews with outstanding managers and businessmen who have been awarded different years the Aristos Prize. Others also talked to them. We publish excerpts from interviews included in the book.

Viktoria Aleksandrovna, what conclusions have you drawn from your professional career? Try to formulate three lessons.

Lesson one - set ambitious goals for yourself. It's funny to hear in some large companies that they pride themselves on a 2% improvement in any given metric. This is a mathematical error, not your merit.

Lesson two - never allow yourself to rest on your laurels, because what led you to your current success is no longer enough to sustain that success. Our organization survived, it went through these difficult times and is returning to the positions that it had. But if managers lose their critical perception even for a moment, they will lose the ability to ask themselves the question: "What else needs to be done for our company to develop and grow?" - they risk repeating this story.

You can run as many cosmetic programs as you want to measure satisfaction, cultural or sporting events, or jumping in sacks. But the most important thing that exists in an organization is its economy, based on a clear understanding of the client, product, and business model. If she staggers, if it is not clear what the company will look like tomorrow, then everything else simply does not matter. The crisis very quickly returned us to this basic level: we began to think about what kind of bricks the foundation of the organization is made of, what measures and tools must be used for the effective construction of this building.

C So, the first is not to be content with little, the second is to always remember about economic results. And the third lesson?

The last point I will mention is President Kennedy's statement, which I really like: "Don't think what your country can do for you, think what you can do for your country." It is not for nothing that our company was called Russian Aluminum. If you have noticed, there are not many companies in Russia that have the word "Russian" in their name. The shareholders who created the company have always emphasized that they are primarily patriots of this country and form what the people of this country need.

Over the years, I have conducted thousands and thousands of job interviews with a wide variety of people. I can say that there is a certain bias towards consumerism, when a person comes to an organization, expecting that he should be provided with a good job, a salary that covers his needs or somehow amuses his ego, and at the same time he should not be strictly asked ... This approach is absolutely unacceptable. In an organization, we gather in order to achieve the goals of the organization, and for this we need to work hard. I really liked the statement of Fedor Ovchinnikov, the founder of Dodo Pizza: “The main task of any company, any business is to change the world for the better, and the duty of this company is to make a profit”. This echoes what Kennedy said many years ago. We must change the world for the better, and we, the leaders, are responsible for this.

Who would you call your teachers in your career? Not only in HR, but in business in general, in economics, in management?

If you want to hear a specific last name, first name and patronymic, then this is Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska. Since leaving Basic Element, I thank him every day. Because Oleg Vladimirovich has an undeniable pedagogical talent. He teaches his top managers to jump into rings of fire and always makes them master this skill flawlessly.

More generally, there were a lot of teachers. I worked with leaders and workers of our enterprises, with leaders of trade unions and government bodies. Many of them gave me invaluable experience of interaction, broadened my horizons.

I can't help but remember a young worker at a pulp and cardboard mill who was packing ready-made boxes. They were stacked flat. He took this stack, took a few steps, put them on the car. Young guy, twenty-seven years old. I ask: "How much weight do you carry per shift?" He says, "Three tons." - "What about your spine?" While he does not bother him, simply because he is young, he has high compensatory capabilities that keep him afloat, but after a while this will make itself felt in the most negative way. What is the problem? Incorrectly organized workplace. We discussed this with the management of the enterprise, together we figured out how to make sure that the worker no longer drags weights on his hands. Since then, my frenzied passion for improving production efficiency and the quality of jobs began. I cannot pass by if I see that something can be done better, more efficiently. That worker made me think about it, he is also my teacher.

As far as I know, you know and love the kaizen system.

Yes. This is the essence of my professional activity.

C When did this craze happen?

This happened at RUSAL, again at the suggestion of our main shareholder. He was the first to bring consultants from Toyota to Russia and began to develop a production system at his factories. At first, his requirements were not very clear to me. It seemed to me that everything was going great with us, we were already increasing productivity. Now I believe that no company can live without a system of continuous improvement. This is not kaizen in pure form... This is often just common sense: what we should do to ensure the best result of the company and what we should not do, which is an obvious loss, an obvious "muda", which must be resolutely abandoned. According to my observations, each Russian organization in this sense, just a Klondike. Even if labor productivity is increased by 10-15%, they will simply not catch up with us as a country. The reserves of efficiency are enormous.

With many, this system evokes an ironic attitude: there are many funny Japanese words like the aforementioned "muda".

You know, I am against dogma. I don't like the abundance of Japanese terms, but whether or not to use them depends on the level of development of the organization we work with. Having already left the "Basic Element", I restructured a sewing production near Moscow. Simple Russian women and seamstresses work there. If I went there and said: now we will have kaizen, gemba, muda, kanban, andon - I think we would not budge to this day. The production was in chaos, the right leg did not know what the left was doing. It was necessary to put things in order, to create a production line. But we explained this in understandable Russian words. We have doubled productivity. And now, when they get used to working according to the new rules, I will double the productivity and revenue at that site. Then, probably, it will already be possible to move on to both kanban and andon. But for everything, adequate tools must be used, you know?

Since you were engaged in HR under the conditions of the Russian state and Russian legislation. If you were given the opportunity to personally change something in Russian labor legislation, what would you change?

I would abolish life-long employment, which in our country is essentially enshrined in labor legislation. Our labor legislation is formulated in favor of the employee, and the employer must try very seriously to somehow balance the entry points of both sides. Modern workers - those who come to work - must understand that the organization has its own goals, separate from the goals of the employee. And that when they come to work, they agree on some rules of interaction that must be followed.

C More or less clear.

And if we talk about legislation in general, then I would, for example, create serious advantages for small and medium-sized businesses in order to stimulate entrepreneurship. This is our traditional problem. The number of small and medium-sized businesses that emerge and remain afloat is negligible compared to the machine that is run by the state or organizations with state participation.

C Only the laziest and fattest MP did not say that he wants to pass a law that stimulates small business, but how should this look in practice?

You know, we recently discussed this issue at the Agency for Strategic Initiatives. According to the results of a survey of small and medium-sized businesses, it turned out that they lack working capital... Not even the start-up capital, which helps to start, but in the process of activity there is not enough turnover, there are cash gaps. Many businesses do not experience this. There is a traditional "valley of death", when you start, invest, but don't earn yet. About 90% die there. It is necessary that there be some mechanisms of cheap loans, for example, for the payment of wages and rent of premises, equipment, which would help companies go through these difficult times.

I believe there will be more entrepreneurs. We have now entered the phase when new children have become adults - "children of 1991", who do not have our barriers. They see the world as it is, and if they want to do something, they just start doing it. That's all.

C Among many people who have been involved in entrepreneurship since the 1990s, there is such an arrogant belief that business is generally a fundamentally different level of personal responsibility than any hired labor.

Yes, that's how it is.

C Do you want to stand up for managers from the height of your career experience now? They are not second-class people at all.

And I don't think they need protection. Just, you know, people are different, they have different inclinations. If you look at this question philosophically, I think that each of us is sent here to fulfill our task. That is, we do not choose the task, it is predetermined to a certain extent, it must be implemented. There are people - born entrepreneurs who have not worked for a single day in their lives. No one.

C Who are you?

And from me, you see, it turned out to be a mix. What is an entrepreneur? This is a person who feels with his skin where money is, where you can earn. That is, he sometimes does not really know how to describe it, but he is sure: we need to do this, chickens, for example, breed, sell. What chickens ?! Why chickens ?! And he can't even explain it. And it can earn.

I am not one of those people. I don't have this skin-like feeling of money. I understand how it is possible to set up a business, how to properly systematize and structure it so that it still gives a profit at the end. Therefore, I am a different type of entrepreneur.

C That is, you give priority own business, even though the most important peaks of your career are associated with hired management?

I hope that my greatest achievements are expected in the next five years. After I left “Basic Element” I met one of our foreign top managers, he asked: “Victoria, where are you? What are you doing?" It took a long time to explain, and I told him: "You will learn everything from the newspapers."

With you - professional worker HR and at the same time a woman who has reached high career peaks, so you can certainly competently answer the following question: is there professional discrimination against women in top management positions in Russia?

In a word, without going into the daily details of the life of each organization, then yes. At least many times in my life, when I was given a task to select a manager, I heard: "We need a general director, or a production director, or a finance director - just not a woman."

C That is, there are no other restrictions at all?

Well, yes. I mean, you know the rest of the profile yourself, we don't have to tell you. Not a woman. I tried to clarify: why, in fact, not a woman? In my understanding, a qualified woman would dance no worse than a man. They said to me: we are swearing here, we have our own peasant intercourse here, we are top managers of a large bank, we can go hunting together.

From the bath ...

Bathhouse, vodka, all boyish entertainment. That is, again, a distant rebound from the situation when a person is assessed by his professional skills and the best professional is hired. Therefore, if we say from this point of view, yes, there is discrimination.

For all that, Russia has not bad indicators at all in terms of the number of women leaders who are included in the highest bodies of collegial management of companies. We have this tradition - women in leadership positions, for example, in financial institutions... But if we take an aspect like wage, we will immediately see that women in similar posts receive less than men. If this fact is considered discrimination - and this is a traditional feature of it - then yes.

Do you see this as a problem that needs to be solved, or is it just such a historical fact?

I think yes, it happened historically. Whoever needs it will break through this glass ceiling.

S And this lucky woman will have to listen to mat, go to the bathhouse and drink vodka?

Believe it or not: once I had a lecture at the Kaliningrad School of International Business. After a hard day of lectures, the organizers took me to the Curonian Spit, and on the way they start asking me about my hobbies: what do I fill my rare leisure with. I sincerely begin to tell that I love football, hunting, mountain skiing, extreme jeeping to volcanoes ... My interlocutors' eyes widen. They look at me in horror. And suddenly I realize that I am listing traditional male occupations.

And I ask myself the question: why did it cut me so? And then I remember that these rare recreation opportunities happened with the top team, where, except for me, all the men. Naturally, the types of activities were chosen by the majority of those interested. And the minority happily obeyed the majority.

S Once you said in an interview that you embroider icons with beads. Is it such a subconscious correction of the gender role after leaving RUSAL? A subconscious desire to return to yourself?

By the way, since then I have really gone very much towards the realization of my feminine essence. And I embroider with beads, and we arrange girls' poetry evenings. Now I dance step, which I have not done before. But I no longer go hunting, for example - I don't have a suitable company right now.

C The facts indicate the seriousness of the psychological trauma suffered with subsequent overcompensation.

There was no injury. Hunting - it was both hard and great, there is simply no such opportunity anymore. Now if I have it again good company, I will go hunting with pleasure. For a pheasant, e.g. C



Ingosstrakh will not pay dividends for 2011

The shareholders of Ingosstrakh IJSC today, May 10, at the annual meeting decided not to pay dividends for 2011, and to leave net profit in the amount of 2.316 billion in the form of capitalized profit. This was said in a statement. In addition, the shareholders elected the Board of Directors as follows: Oleg Vikhansky, Mikhail Volkov, Andrey Elinson, Artem Leontyev, Svetlana Sokolova, Valery Khokhlov, Vera Kurochkina, Victoria Petrova, Oleg Mozgunov. Ingosstrakh has been operating in the international and domestic markets since 1947.
link: http://wikidigger.ru/

Ingosstrakh will leave the 2011 profit in the amount of 2.3 billion rubles undistributed

As a result, on Thursday, May 10, the shareholders approved a list of 9 people - representatives of Basic Element, which included: Victoria Petrova, Oleg Mozgunov, Mikhail Volkov, Andrey Elinson, Artem Leontyev, Valery Khokhlov, Svetlana Sokolova, Vera Kurochkina and Oleg Vikhansky ...
link: http://www.ankorinvest.ru/news.php? id = 38166

Victoria Petrova has been appointed Deputy General Director of Basic Element Company

Victoria Petrova was appointed Deputy General Director of Basic Element Company. In this capacity, she will be responsible for personnel policy and development social programs enterprises of the Group. Prior to joining Basic Element, Victoria Petrova headed the HR Directorate of United Company RUSAL.
link: http://www.basel.ru/media/news / 2011 / kbe_25_04_2011 /

The company "Basic Element" conducts training for top managers in the "School of CEO"

Basic Element has completed the first module of the SEO School program. The teachers were deputies Director General of Basic Element Andrei Elinson and Viktoria Petrova, as well as HR Director Oksana Nazarova.
link: http://www.basel.ru/media/news / 2011 / kbe_3_11_2011 /

Basic Element Company: “We know firsthand about the lack of engineering personnel”.

The first international youth industrial forum "Engineers of the Future -2011" was visited by Victoria Petrova, Deputy General Director of Basic Element.
link: http://www.soyuzmash.ru/mol/ nindex.php?

Charitable exhibition and sale of paintings and handicrafts by young artists and craftsmen from 15 orphanages in Russia was successfully held at Basic Element

“Now in Russia about 650 thousand orphans live in orphanages, - said Victoria Petrova, Deputy General Director of the Basic Element Group. - On the one hand, it is painful to see that very few people need good, creatively developed children in our country. On the other hand, the fact that they are so smart, diligent and handy gives us, as an employer, new opportunities. Therefore, we plan to start a program to attract children from orphanages to work at our enterprises. "
link: http://www.basel.ru/media/ news / 2011 / basel_27_12_2012 /? printversion = true

Mayor of Saransk discussed with representatives of the company "Basic Element" issues of social partnership

On August 26, the Head of the Administration of the city district of Saransk Vladimir Sushkov held a meeting with representatives of the delegation of the company "Basic Element", who arrived in Saransk on a working visit. Deputy General Director of the company Viktoria Petrova and heads of structural units"Basic element" responsible for the social sphere of the enterprise and staffing.
link: http://www.vsar.ru/2011/08/ mer-saranska-obsudil-voprosy- socpartnerstva /

Youth Intensive: Closer to Success!

The seminar was opened by Victoria Petrova, Deputy General Director of Basic Element. She invited the participants to an open conversation about their moods and expectations and spoke in detail about Basic Element's youth policy aimed at helping in adaptation and career planning, as well as developing social initiatives and fostering not only professional but also moral qualities in employees. These purposes are served special projects"New Generation" programs already operating at many enterprises of "Basic Element".
link: http://www.vkm-steel.ru/news. php-nid = 248.htm

Dmitry Peskov: It is necessary to make pilot implementations of professional standards in the activities of key market players

Victoria Petrova, Deputy General Director of the Basic Element Group of Companies, shared her experience of the successful implementation of professional standards at the enterprises of the holding. In her opinion, this system is the key to improving the professional efficiency of not only the middle, but also the management staff of the company and can only be created by the forces of internal competent divisions of the organization, and not brought in from outside.

When successful implementation the system will contribute to the creation of production rates, and this is billions of rubles of income, - Ms. Petrova emphasized. - The employer wants to pay only for those professional skills and abilities in which he is interested. Dmitry Peskov cited as an example the figure recently announced by the Prime Minister Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, as a basic indicator for the Russian economy - 20 million new jobs.
link: http://asi.ru/news/1397/? PAGEN_1 = 9

The SAZ was visited by a delegation of the Basic Element company.

On August 25, 2011, Viktoria Petrova, Deputy General Director of Basic Element, paid a working visit to the enterprise. On the trip, V. Petrova was accompanied by Oksana Nazarova, Director of the Human Resources Directorate of Basic Element, and the Director of the Department for Regional and social policy of the Basic Element company Elena Pustograeva.
link: http://www.stroyteh.ru/ publication / SAZ

"Expert RA": the introduction of a unified professional standard will help in overcoming the staff shortage

Victoria Petrova, Deputy General Director of the Basic Element Group, noted that the introduction of corporate professional standards in her company has fully justified itself from all sides. “The introduction of the new system gave us the opportunity to ration the work of workers, middle managers and even managers. The corporate professional standard allowed us to manage more efficiently financial flows company and clearly understand what and to whom we are paying. I hope that our successful experience will serve as a guide for other companies as well, ”Petrova said.

Deputy General Director
LLC "Company" Basic Element "

Victoria Petrova graduated with honors from the Faculty of Medicine of the Peoples' Friendship University with a degree in General Medicine.
Second higher education in the specialty "Personnel Management" she received in 2000. at the State Academy for Advanced Training of Investment Sphere Employees (GASIS).
Passed HR programs at Management Center Europe (Belgium, 2000) and INSEAD (France, 2003).
In 2005. passed the certification program "Lean Office" at the University of Michigan, USA.
In 2010. studied under the Lean Operations program at the Vlerick Leuven Management School Gent (Belgium).

Professional activity
At Basic Element, Victoria Petrova is responsible for personnel policy and the development of social programs for the Group's enterprises. Prior to joining Basic Element, Victoria Petrova headed the HR Directorate of United Company RUSAL. Previously, she worked for the American company Bristol-Myers Squibb, as well as in the Russian offices of leading American companies, including Halliburton and Belcom.

The main projects implemented in the Basic Element Group of Companies under the leadership of Victoria Alexandrovna Petrova
... "Rationing of the RCC number";
Performance-based motivation program;
Creation of an integrated training program for senior managers ("School of CEOs");
Formation and development personnel reserve in a group;
Youth Program "New Generation";
Anti-alcohol program;
Formation of an effective system of internal communication, incl. introduction of a single intranet portal for the Group;
Creation of an integrated distance learning system (DLS);
Creation of functional academies of the Group: analysts, financiers, managers responsible for strategic development, commercial activities and so on;
Development of single-industry towns, incl. programs: "Training of municipal employees", "Promotion of vocational training for orphans, resocialization of prisoners, etc .;
Other projects.

Other activities:
Member of the Management Board of RUSAL 2001-2009;
Member of the Management Committee of the Packaging Business of UC RUSAL 2009 - present time;
Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Novokuznetsk Aluminum Smelter, (2002-2006); Chairman of the Personnel Committee of the Company (2005-2009; 2010 - present); Member of the Steering Committee for External Relations (2005-2009);
Member of the HR and Remuneration Committee of OJSC GAZ Group, 2010 - present;
Member of the Board of Directors of the non-state pension fund "Socium" (2005-2007); Member of the Board of Directors of the non-state pension fund "Big Pension Fund" 2007 - present. time
Chairman of the Occupational Safety Committee and Member of the Health Protection Committee of the International Aluminum Institute (IAI) 2005 - 2011;
Member of the Board of the Association of Russian Metal Producers (AMROS);
Member of the tariff commission for the conclusion of the Industry tariff agreement with the Mining and Metallurgical Trade Union of Russia;
Member of the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations;
Member of the Committee on Personnel Policy of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs 2009 - present. time;
Chairman of the Human Resources Committee of the Russian Managers Association 2007-2009;
Co-chairman of the Expert Council of the PeoplePeople company;
Member of the editorial board of the journal "Personnel Service and Personnel" (2010 - present);
Member of the Board of Directors of JSC Glavstroy;
Member of the Board of Directors of Ingosstrakh IJSC.

Academic activities
Courses: "Corporate Social Responsibility", "Human Resources" and "Implementation organizational changes»At the GSB MSU;
Personnel Management course at the Kaliningrad Institute of International Business;
The course "Strategy and place of the personnel management service in the organization" - Saturday school personnel officers of the National Union of Personnel Officers;
Course: "The role and place of the personnel management service in modern company»At the HR4HR School of HR Managers.
Awards "Aristos" of the Association of Russian Managers as the best HR director in 2006, in 2008. and in 2010
The best HR director according to AssMen in 2003-2004.
The best career in business and government in the 5th year according to AssMen for 2000-2004.
Laureate of the rating of 1000 most professional managers in Russia in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009.
Medal "For Merit" of the National Defense Fund "Parade" 2007.
Albert Schweitzer Medal of the European Academy natural sciences;
Honorary Cross "For Merit" of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences;
Bronze Medal of the Order of Confucius, 3rd degree for contribution to Russian-Chinese strategic cooperation, 2010
2nd place according to the results of the IX annual rating of influential business women in Russia according to the magazine "Company".

creation of training programs;
loves to visit manufacturing enterprises, was very much in many countries, got acquainted with the organization of labor and the development of the production system

Owns three foreign languages(English, French, Spanish).