Business on paving slabs. Mini workshop for the production of ceramic tiles: how to open a business? Equipment and raw materials

When ennobling any territory, one cannot do without a convenient and beautiful road surface. The production of paving slabs as a business: profitability, a plan with calculations of income and costs in an overview for start-up entrepreneurs.

Advantages and disadvantages

Paving slabs are a popular building material for arranging paths and playgrounds in a wide variety of places:

  • city ​​parks, squares, roads, squares;
  • the area in front of shops and other business enterprises;
  • courtyards in private and apartment buildings.

Competition in this sector of the economy is very high, but huge volumes of consumption allow all manufacturers of high-quality paving stones to make a profit.

Entrepreneurs are attracted by the following points:

  1. Lack of permission to start a business.
  2. Simplicity of legal registration.
  3. The need for a small number of employees.
  4. Uncomplicated technological process.
  5. Opportunity to receive additional income from providing tile laying services.
  6. High level of profitability.

The negative sides include:

  • Seasonality - most of the production falls on the warm season, since a small volume is carried out in winter construction works.
  • One-type and monotonous work - in this regard, staff turnover is possible.
  • Expensive equipment - paving stones on a large scale are manufactured using machines that cost up to half a million rubles.

You can download a business plan for the production of paving slabs with calculations by.

Business plan

In order not to miss anything when starting a project for the manufacture of paving slabs, you must adhere to the following action plan:

  1. Marketing research market.
  2. Study of tile production technology.
  3. Registration of the company.
  4. Premises for rent.
  5. Purchase of equipment and materials.
  6. Search for workers.
  7. Organization of advertising and sales.
  8. Profitability calculation.

To save time, you can do several things in parallel, such as buying equipment and hiring workers.

The owner of the production of paving slabs may need a business plan in case of involvement borrowed money- bank loan or non-commercial loan.


There are many varieties of tiles on the market that differ in characteristics and production methods. It is expensive and risky to start from scratch producing several types at once. It is better to determine the most demanded product and only after the enterprise begins to bring stable profits, to expand production.

You can identify a sales leader both on your own and by ordering a research from a marketing company. Also at this stage it is necessary to determine the lower and upper limit of the price of tiles in order to be able to compete without prejudice to their own business.

Another option is possible: if, when analyzing the market, any niche turns out to be free, then if there is demand, you can take a strong position in the production of unique products.


There are three main types of coverage:

  • Ordinary concrete slab, which is used for pavement and walkways. Color and shape can be very varied, even with 3D designs.
  • Polymer plastic tiles. With the help of additives, it is given the necessary properties - frost resistance, reinforcement, water resistance. Polymer tiles have a longer service life, are easier to handle and more pleasant to use than concrete.
  • Soft paving slabs. Basis for production - shredded car tires... Such a coating is used in the arrangement of sports grounds, outdoor pools and other traumatic places. The tile can withstand a wide temperature range, is highly resistant to adverse environments, and has a non-slip rubber surface.

In production, two approaches are used:

  1. Vibration casting is a simple and cheap method of making tiles that are not very durable and of high quality. First, a concrete mixture of cement, crushed stone, sand and additives is prepared in a concrete mixer. Then the mixture is poured into molds on a vibrating table, which works until the tile surface is moistened. The molds are dried on pallets in a room for two days, then they are heated for several minutes to 60 ° C-70 ° C to remove the tiles on a vibrating table. In the process of heating and knocking out the matrix, cracks and chips can form on the paving stones, especially if unskilled labor and cheap equipment are used.
  2. Vibro-pressing and hyper-pressing - expensive equipment is used for this method, but the tiles are also of high quality. As in the case of vibratory casting, a molding mixture is prepared, which is compacted with a vibropress or hydraulic press. Such tiles are dried for 8-9 hours in a natural way or 5-6 hours with hot steam. Since manual labor is minimized, there are practically no defective products.

To produce high-quality tiles, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • When used for the first time, polymer forms are treated with a special anti-static agent. In the future, it is advisable to apply lubricant with emulsol and, after finishing the manufacture of tiles, rinse with 7% hydrochloric acid solution.
  • To preserve moisture in the tile during drying, it is covered with a film. But then the drying time increases.

Finished paving stones are carefully placed on wooden pallets, fixed with foil and tape. Store tiles in a dry, warm and well-ventilated storage area.

Legal registration

The owner of the company can register as an individual entrepreneur or open a company with limited liability... Next, you need to register with the Federal Tax Service and social funds. The simplified taxation system makes it possible to submit reports once a year with the payment of tax as a percentage of the volume of proceeds and fixed social contributions.

No special permits are required to conduct business. If it is necessary to issue the customer with a quality certificate for tiles, you need to provide a sample of the product to the certification service.


The production of paving slabs as a business cannot be carried out at home - for the location of equipment and storage of finished products on an industrial scale, a room of at least 70 square meters is required. m. In the industrial zone of any city there is a free workshop or a suitable warehouse at an affordable price.

Basic requirements for a mini-plant:

  1. Availability of communications - water supply, sewerage, electricity.
  2. Insulated premises and availability of heating, if it is planned not to stop production during the cold season.
  3. Change house for workers or the possibility of independent arrangement of the living area.
  4. Separate sites for production and warehouse.
  5. High ceilings.
  6. Access road adapted for freight transport.

It is advisable to find premises near wholesale depots selling raw materials for production in order to save on delivery.

Equipment and raw materials

The list necessary equipment any production technology includes:

  • concrete mixer (2 pieces are needed to make two-layer tiles);
  • matrices of various types in the amount of 150-200 pieces (there are metal, plastic, wood, silicone);
  • container for washing forms;
  • a heated container for removing tiles from the matrix;
  • tile drying racks;
  • pallets for storing finished products;
  • tools and accessories for packaging;
  • scales;
  • hydraulic trolley for moving pallets with tiles.

Depending on the method of making paving stones, you will need:

  1. Vibrating table.
  2. Hydropress.

New equipment is quite expensive (from 100,000 to 500,000 rubles), used equipment is 30-40 percent cheaper. A vibrating table and iron molds can be made on their own if you have experience in mechanical engineering and the ability to work with metal. But at the same time, the production technology and the quality of the finished product are called into question.

If you have free start-up capital, you can purchase a ready-made tile production line for 800,000 rubles. - 1,000,000 rubles.

Raw materials for concrete paving stones are cheap and affordable. Recipe for making 1 sq. m. of paving slabs 6 cm high:

This is the most common composition among manufacturers. Also, in the manufacture you can use crumb rubber, glue, wire mesh, polymers, clay.

An important point: in order to obtain consistently high-quality products, the components for the preparation of the mixture must be of the same brand and manufacturer.


The number of workers required in a paving plant depends on the planned output. For example, for production by vibrocompression method 50 sq. m. of sidewalk pavement per shift, 3 people will be required:

  • worker at the machine;
  • handyman;
  • loader.

Administrative work, sales of products and accounting at the enterprise can initially be performed by the owner. Once the plant becomes profitable, it makes sense to hire specialists.

Special attention should be paid to safety precautions, to provide workers with overalls and protective equipment.

Sales of products

For a novice entrepreneur, the main buyers of paving slabs are owners of private houses and retail outlets... To receive an order from a construction company, it will be necessary to certify the product.

The first clients may be acquaintances or relatives who need to improve the territory. You need to search for orders through advertisements in local newspapers, construction press, information portals on the Internet. Participation in specialized trade fairs and contacts with supply agents of construction companies gives a good result.

Occasionally, customers receive orders for stacked tiles. To provide turnkey services, you can conclude a contract with an installation organization or hire workers for each case.

To attract large customers, you need to make discounts, for example, when buying a certain amount of products, offer free shipping and give a guarantee for operation.

Video: how to start a paving slab business?

Economic calculations

To determine the amount of investment in a tile project, you need to make a cost-income calculation and calculate whether it is profitable to do this business.

The launch of production using the vibrocompression method includes the following costs:

Half of the investment is made up of the cost of purchasing equipment. Vibration casting technology does not use expensive equipment and you can start a business with 700,000 rubles in stock. - 750,000 rubles.

Fixed costs in the manufacture of paving stones per month, they consist of:

Cost of 1 sq. m. of paving slabs will cost an entrepreneur 280 rubles. In the course of work, additional costs may arise for equipment repairs, product certification, incentive payments to employees, etc.

The plant's income will depend on the volume of production and sales of tiles. Presumably, at a production rate per day of 50 sq. m. paving stones and sales of 80% at 600 rubles., the monthly turnover will be:

With such calculations, the investment will pay off in 4 months - this is a very high rate for production. If, in addition, provide tile laying services, then the profitability will be even higher.

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Almost everyone dreams of starting their own business. Indeed, it is very tempting to work for yourself, manage money independently and plan activities. However, choosing a profitable area can be very problematic. But those who decided to start organizing the production of building materials with the help of vibropressing equipment did the right thing: paving slabs, curbs, wall stones are now in great demand, this is a really profitable enterprise that does not require huge costs.

However, before starting a business, you need to imagine how much investment will be required and in what time frame the business will begin to generate income. Let's take an example of an organization.

Paving slabs manufacturing business plan

Now we will figure out what to think about before starting the production of tiles.


The area of ​​the enterprise depends on the scale of production and the type of vibropress. So, a powerful one requires a territory of 250m² - only 160m².

Production can be located in an industrial zone or in the countryside. There are no special requirements for the premises, the main thing is that it is comfortable and warm to work in them.

Certification and licensing e

The business plan for the production of paving slabs does not provide for any licenses and certificates. No license is required for the production and sale of tiles, products are not subject to certification.


The main thing that is needed for the production of tiles is a vibropress. He alone is capable of performing many functions. The maintenance personnel are only required to monitor the equipment and perform some actions (add substances, remove pallets, etc.). Even if the installation is small, for example, "Condor" vibropress, it is enough to organize the production of tiles in large volumes. Equipment cost - from 420,000 rubles to 3,100,000 rubles.


The number of employees depends on the equipment. Traditionally, the business plan for the production of paving slabs determines the minimum number of service personnel - 2 people, the maximum - 5. Special knowledge and skills are not required, vibropresses are easy to operate, you can learn how to handle them in one day.

Production cost

The calculation of the cost of products is based on the cost of one cube of concrete (approximately 16m² of tiles is obtained from it). Then a certain percentage of the cost of rent and maintenance of the premises, salaries of employees, electricity, etc. is added to the resulting figure. Based on the results of all costs, the cost per square meter of tiles is calculated.

Concrete tile is a beautiful, comfortable and durable material, and therefore it is not surprising that it is in demand. Recently, it has been successfully replacing asphalt pavement - both in urban landscaping and in private construction. Demand clearly exceeds supply - city yards, sidewalks, squares, park alleys and summer cottages require high-quality and practical coverage.

Of course, city administrations, as a rule, cooperate with large manufacturers who have long and seriously settled in this market. But small construction companies and private traders most often order paving stones from small enterprises. The paving slab business is the very niche that you can still occupy and feel comfortable at the same time, despite the considerable competition. In addition, such entrepreneurship does not require high start-up investments, but pays off rather quickly, even with small volumes.

Will paving stone production be profitable?

In order to correctly and accurately answer this question, you should study the supply and demand in the pavement market in your locality:

  • How much and at what price competitors offer paving slabs, what additional services they provide.
  • Do you have a lot of potential clients: dacha cooperatives, repair and construction teams, etc.
  • Who will supply raw materials: if there are no granite and sand pits nearby, they will have to be bought in other regions, and this will inevitably increase the production cost.

If you have determined that the market saturation is relatively low and allows the new player to count on a sufficient number of orders, you can start opening a business. For a start, it is better to give preference to small production: if large orders appear, it will be possible to buy additional equipment and "expand".

Company registration

Fortunately, no license or certificates are required to manufacture paving slabs. To get started, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. If you want to confirm the high quality of your products, you can go through the voluntary certification procedure, but, as already mentioned, there is no need for this.

What to produce

There are several types of paving slabs:

  • clinker,
  • vibropressed,
  • vibrated.

The clinker room is considered the most expensive of all. To make it, you will need special equipment and high quality clay. Needless to say that for small business, which has just appeared on the market, such costs will be unreasonably high. In addition, the market for such tiles is quite narrow.

The right decision for a novice manufacturer would be to turn to a more democratic form and start making paving stones using the vibration casting method. In terms of quality and price, this is the best option, and consumers who are looking for durable and inexpensive paving slabs usually prefer this one. The vibration casting technology itself is one of the simple ones, and the cost of tiles produced by this method is low.

Vibro-pressed tiles are also strong, durable and aesthetically pleasing, but they are more expensive to manufacture.

In addition to the tiles themselves, buyers should be offered borders, decorative elements, facing stone: it is always convenient to purchase everything you need in one place.

Laying tiles can also be a related service - this will help the buyer to purchase the exact amount of material, and the manufacturer - to receive additional profit.

Workshop for the production of paving slabs

The organization of production should start with the search for a suitable premises. The requirements for it are not so high. It must be heated (for the production of tiles, a special temperature regime is required). Communications are required - centralized water supply and electricity with the ability to use a voltage of 380 V.

The place where the workshop will be located does not really matter, so inexpensive buildings on the outskirts will do. The area of ​​the room can be small, from 60 sq. meters, it depends on the capabilities and planned scale of production.

For the production of paving stones, you will definitely need a drying room, where the floor must be warm, and the air temperature must be maintained at 35-40 degrees. You will also need to allocate a small warehouse for storing finished products.

Equipment and personnel

When the premises have been selected, you can proceed to the procurement of equipment and recruitment of personnel.

For the production of tiles you will need:

  • 1-2 concrete mixers,
  • stripping table,
  • shaping vibrating table,
  • special plastic molds.

With this set of equipment, you can start the production of square and shaped paving stones, decorative fences, curbs, facade tiles and slabs with gutters.

To produce 30 sq. m of tiles per day, three people should work at the enterprise in one shift. These can be ordinary workers - there are no special requirements for their qualifications. Their responsibilities will include compliance with the recipe and technology for mixing concrete, filling out forms and sending the tiles to the pressing tables, and then to the drying room.

In the "hot" season, when a lot of goods are required, you can hire employees for temporary work.

Raw materials for tiles

Paving slabs must comply with GOST: meet the requirements for strength, frost resistance, hygroscopicity, etc. Tiled flooring should last 25 years or more. To achieve this quality, you will need not only to comply with the production technology, but also to use good raw materials.

To produce 30 sq. meters of tiles, you will need:

  • cement - 0.8 t;
  • concrete plasticizer - 2.3 kg;
  • sand-granite mixture - 2.5 tons;
  • pigments.

It is necessary to agree on the supply of sand and crushed granite with the management of the mining quarry - it is better directly, but it is also possible through an intermediary company.

It is better to buy cement and pigments of the same brand, especially if a large order is being executed, otherwise you may encounter the problem of color mismatch of tiles in different batches.

Search for buyers

To show the product with your face, it is better to make several demo samples so that potential buyers can see what the coating will look like. However, the product catalog will not hurt - colorful booklets with information about the benefits of tiles in general and yours in particular will definitely come in handy.

You can also personally offer your products to managers or suppliers of repair and construction teams. Advertisements will help to find customers - both in the media (newspapers, magazines, on Internet sites), and simply in cottage villages.

Costs and benefits

To launch a production line of 30 sq. m of paving slabs per day, it will take about 200-250 thousand rubles. excluding the cost of buying or renting premises for a workshop.

Cost of production 1 sq. m of tiles averages 250 rubles, taking into account the cost of raw materials, electricity and wages workers. Average price per sq. m of tiles for sale - 350-450 rubles.

Thus, provided that the product is quickly sold, the paving slab business can recoup the investment in 2-3 months.

Due to its reasonable price and high quality, paving slabs have become one of the most popular building materials. It is used for the arrangement of streets and private areas. Every day the demand for the product is increasing, while there are not so many manufacturers of this material in the country. This is a great chance to start your own paving slab business. A well-written business plan will help you achieve great success in this activity.

Today, the production of paving slabs is considered the most promising and affordable direction. But like any other activity, this business has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • small budget;
  • lack of a license (in accordance with federal law, paving slabs are classified as goods that are not subject to registration);
  • simple production technology;
  • ready sales market;
  • good profitability and quick payback;
  • there are no strict requirements for the premises.

The disadvantages of a business include the following:

  • big competition;
  • the need to comply special conditions storage of tiles;
  • constant search for clients;
  • loss of customers due to the manufacture of low-quality products (both non-compliance with the production technology and the use of low-quality equipment can become the reasons for the marriage).

Registration and documents

This business does not require special certificates. To open it, you just need to register as individual entrepreneur(IP). But if you plan to expand production in the future, then you should register an LLC (limited liability company).

You can contact specialized bodies and get a document there confirming the quality of your product.

Full list required documents looks like this:

  • birth certificate;
  • passport;
  • a document confirming the place of residence;
  • TIN and certificate of assignment of TIN;
  • certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur (or LLC);
  • EGRIP record sheet;
  • product quality passport;
  • certificate of conformity of goods to GOST.
With a certificate of conformity, you will increase your customer base and be able to compete in the market

The choice of technology for the production of paving slabs

Before opening own business, you need to decide on the type of tile. The main difference lies in the production technology. At the moment, there are three ways to make paving slabs.

Vibration casting

This production technology is very simple and consists of the following steps:

  • lubrication of forms;
  • preparation of the mixture;
  • casting;
  • excerpt;
  • stripping.

Vibro-cast tiles can withstand small loads, so they are usually used for flooring a soda path or a small facade near the house. It is not recommended to place these products on avenues and roads. The service life is 5 to 10 years. The average price on the market varies from 380 rubles per sq. m.

The main equipment used for vibration casting


This technology is significantly different from the previous one. The whole process of work consists of 3 stages:

  • preparation of concrete;
  • formation;
  • drying of products.


  • high strength of finished products;
  • high frost resistance;
  • complies with the norms and requirements of GOST under No. 17608–91;
  • high performance tiles;
  • the workflow can be automated;
  • low cost (compared to vibration casting technology);
  • more economical than the production of vibrocast tiles;
  • purchased vibropresses can be used for the production of other building materials, which makes it possible to expand the business.

There are practically no drawbacks to this technology, with the exception of the high cost of equipment. Vibro-pressed tiles are excellent for placement on the roadway. She is able to withstand heavy loads. Service life from 50 to 100 years. The average price on the market ranges from 450 rubles per sq. m.

Clinker technology

There are two production methods for clinker tiles:

  1. Semi-dry pressing. The material is pressed on special equipment, and then fired in an oven at a temperature of 1100 to 1500C °. In this case, the original product is not dried. After firing, the finished product has a low density and strength. But thanks to this, clinker tiles have low thermal conductivity, which allows them to be used as a heat-insulating material.
  2. Extrusion technology. An extruder is used for production. This device is a "grinder" through which wet clay is passed. The tiles are shaped using a vacuum press. Then the workpiece is thoroughly dried and fired in a furnace (at a temperature of 1100–1500C °). Most clinker slabs are made using this technique. Due to this, they have a high density and strength, are resistant to mechanical stress and have a long service life.

The disadvantages of making tiles using clinker technology include:

  • complex work process;
  • expensive project;
  • small market for products.

The service life is not limited. The average price is 280 rubles per sq. m.

Room selection

One of the advantages of this business is the ability to open an enterprise in any room convenient for you. However, when choosing, you must consider the following factors:

Necessary equipment and raw materials

For production, you will need the following equipment:

  • concrete mixer;
  • molds for pouring plates (rubber, polyurethane or PVC);
  • forms for gutters and curbs;
  • packaging machine;
  • hydraulic rocker;
  • reinforced PVC film;
  • vibration table;
  • vibropress;
  • stripping table;
  • racks;
  • pallets (pallets);
  • clay kiln.

The main raw materials for the manufacture of paving slabs are:

  • sand;
  • cement;
  • crushed stone;
  • dyes;
  • mineral supplements.

Vibrating press for the production of paving slabs

Shop employees

When recruiting personnel, the planned production volume should be taken into account. At the first stage, a team of 3 people will be enough, which, if necessary, can be increased.

V job duties employees include the following:

  • shipment of raw materials;
  • preparation of the solution and filling the mold;
  • control of technology and support of products in the production process;
  • drying of the created semi-finished products;
  • storage and dispatch of finished products.

The staff should be hardworking, conscientious and proactive, since the future of your enterprise depends on these qualities. Payment for labor can be made in piecework or fixed form.

Income and expenses

Investment costs:

Total: 1,430,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses:

Total: 95,000 rubles.


To achieve profitability, it is necessary to make a calculation of the products produced and set such a markup on the product that will pay off the monthly costs.

Don't forget that the price of your product must be competitive.

During the production of 1 sq. m. of paving slabs it is necessary:

  • cement - 37 kg - 85 rubles;
  • sand - 90 kg - 20.7 rubles;
  • crushed stone - 30 kg - 9 rubles;
  • mineral additives and dyes - 1.48 kg - 16 rubles;
  • tax (UST-26%) - 31 rubles.

Cost - 152.79 rubles.

The planned volume of production at the initial stage is 8000 sq. m. Based on this, the daily production rate will be 400 sq. m. m.

Average price of 1 sq. m. of paving slabs - 300 rubles.

The volume of proceeds, subject to the sale of the entire batch, is 2,400,000 rubles.

Net profit: 2,400,000 - 1,222,320 - 95,000 = 1,082,000 rubles.

The payback period will be 6-7 months.

Is it profitable to open

The financial calculation results prove that this activity is very profitable. Despite the large investment costs, your business will pay off within approximately 6 months. The specific time frame depends on the quality of the goods produced and the properly organized marketing policy.

Manufacturing of paving slabs(video)


Municipal organizations and individuals pay a lot of attention to the improvement of the territory, for which they often use paving slabs. Thanks to this, the business for its production is considered promising and profitable. The main thing is to correctly draw up a business plan and take into account possible risks. Good luck!

Modern construction is not complete without paving slabs, so many entrepreneurs are setting up their own production of concrete products. In order to fully and accurately assess the profitability, to compare the advantages and disadvantages of such a business, it is necessary to study this issue thoroughly.

Paving slab production: niche assessment

Paving slabs are in high demand in any region of the country. It has the widest assortment not only in shades, but also in shapes, configurations, sizes. With its help, you can create true masterpieces on the streets of the city and private territories. Therefore, the production of paving slabs is considered the most profitable business in our time.

In order for your tiles to be successful, you must adhere to the basic manufacturing techniques. The performance characteristics must be met:

  • resistance to frost and high temperatures;
  • strength;
  • endurance to mechanical stress;
  • durability, and more.

If we evaluate the sales niche, then the most popular is vibropressed paving slabs. For example, ordinary paving stones are the best sellers - they are bought in 60 cases out of 100. The rest of the types are distributed approximately the same - 20-40%.

Characteristics of the most popular types of paving slabs

Vibropressed... It is made from a concrete mixture. During production, special vibrocompression equipment is used. Refers to the most common. Possesses high quality indicators and a wide range.

Vibrocast... It is made according to the previous method, but with the difference that the tile is not subjected to pressing, but is made by casting on vibration equipment. Also of the demanded type, possesses high quality.

Polymer-sand... Polymeric substances are used in the manufacture. Differs in the widest range of shades and textures. It is possible to imitate stone, wood, slate and other natural materials. Durability is at a high level.

Glowing... Such tiles are not the bestseller, as they have a high cost. Most often it is bought for private territories. Good quality indicators, used mainly for decorative purposes.

Rubber... In production, rubber raw materials are used. A distinctive feature is anti-slip properties. The quality is high.

Any manufacturer at the initial stage of starting a business is engaged in the manufacture of exclusively vibro-pressed and vibrated paving slabs. The fact is that such a building material requires a minimum of capital investment and has a high level of return. In 2-3 months, you can fully return the invested funds and get the first profit.

You can get acquainted with the technology of production of vibropressing paving slabs by watching the video:

Advantages and disadvantages


  • payback rate;
  • the opportunity to earn 100-200 rubles per 1 sq. m. products, and this is a significant amount, since the buyer immediately purchases a large number of tiles;
  • a wide range of sales - from individuals to government agencies;
  • there is no seasonality in sales, since modern paving slabs can be installed in any weather conditions.


  • expensive equipment;
  • the need to invest initially large amount of money;
  • will have to rent premises for the production workshop.

How to start the production of paving slabs: costs at the start

Before you start your own production of paving slabs, you need to calculate the costs at the start, that is, to determine the amount of capital investment. First of all, it is calculated production cost... Tiles are made of flat-cement concrete and a special plasticizer, which improves quality indicators. A cubic meter will cost you about 2800-3000 rubles. From a cubic meter, you can make about 15-17 square meters. m. paving slabs. Thus, the average cost of 1 sq. m. tiles will be at least 170 rubles.

Do not forget about spending on electricity, wages for workers, renting premises. There may be others as well. production costs ... Therefore, you need to add at least 50 rubles to 170 rubles. Therefore, your paving slabs will cost you 220 rubles for at least 1 sq. m. There is an opportunity to purchase raw materials cheaper, but in this case, pay special attention to quality indicators.

Be sure to think about employees who will need to pay their salaries at the end of the month (week). Initially, you do not know how quickly the sale will go, so the amount for wages you should have in stock. If a small production is planned, for example, in a workshop of 50 sq. m, then it will be enough for you to hire only 2-3 workers.

Provided that you find buyers in short time, the production profitability will be 150%. To do this, at the initial stages, tiles can be made from inexpensive materials.

Registration and certification

For your business to be legal, you need to register. In case of small production, registration as an individual entrepreneur is possible. This will make it possible to choose a profitable and simplified taxation system, which will amount to only 6%. No special certification is required for paving slabs, which further simplifies the task. However, the majority of buyers require to provide them with a quality certificate, so it is advisable to order it additionally. To do this, you need to contact the certification service and provide them with samples of each of your products. The service checks the degree of moisture resistance, strength, resistance to various temperature extremes. Resistance to mechanical stress, fading in the sun and color retention must be taken into account.

Organization, equipment

To properly organize your business, you first need to purchase the appropriate equipment. It must be reliable and of high quality. If the required amount is not available, it can be rented at the initial stages. You will need the following:

  1. For vibro-pressed paving slabs you need vibropress... The price for foreign manufacturers is about $ 20,000. You need to purchase it additionally concrete mixer, the cost of which is $ 5,000. You will also need punch for $ 3,000.
  2. For the manufacture of vibrated paving slabs, you need to buy a special vibrating table... Its price is only $ 4,000. Concrete mixer can be purchased for as little as $ 600.
  3. You cannot do without forms. One the form costs from $ 1 to $ 8.
  4. Forms should be washed after each use. Therefore, you will need large capacity... Here you can use a regular bath. But if you decide to get a professional model, it will cost you at least $ 1,000.
  5. To store finished products, you need to buy special pallets.
  6. Purchase Desktop where you will remove the paving slabs from the mold.
  7. You will also need a device for tensioning the clamping bands, staples, PP tape, stretch film, forklift.

Premises for a warehouse

The premises for the warehouse and the production itself can be rented or purchased. It must meet certain requirements:

  • the presence of heating, since the production requires an air temperature of 15-40 degrees;
  • central water supply;
  • electricity with a voltage of 380 volts;
  • the minimum area should be 50 sq. m;
  • ventilation.

Purchase of raw materials

In order to avoid unnecessary costs, it is necessary to correctly procure raw materials. For example, for the production of 30 sq. m. of paving slabs, you need to buy 0.8 tons of cement, 2.3 kg of plasticizer, 2.5 kg of sand-granite mixture and coloring pigments in the entire palette. Finding a supplier is easy enough. You can independently contact the management of the mining quarry. This method will prove to be the most beneficial. If this is not possible, you can find an intermediary company, and there are a lot of them today.

  1. Try to purchase cement, pigments and other components from one manufacturer. This is especially important for the pigment, since each manufacturer has unique shades of the same color.
  2. The storage area must be well ventilated and free from high humidity.
  3. Fractions of crushed granite should be at least 5 mm, maximum 10.
  4. The most popular plasticizer is C3.

When choosing a supplier, be sure to ask about their reputation and experience in the market. Remember, it must be reliable and proven.

How to implement? The most common ways

In the process of opening a production of paving slabs, take care of preliminary advertising. After all, this is how you can interest a potential buyer. Initially make tile samples different forms, sizes and shades. Create a product catalog, order brochures, which will contain information about the product, its advantage, assortment.

The most common and reliable ways of selling products:

  1. It is best to post information on Internet sites.
  2. It is advisable to create your own website.
  3. You can also find customers through advertisements in a newspaper, magazine, on television, etc. It is especially important to place an advertisement in a specialized construction publication, since it is the consumer audience that reads it.
  4. Order advertisements in public transport, from a route taxi to the subway.
  5. Hang up advertisements in suburban settlements and in areas of the private sector, especially if it is an elite microdistrict.
  6. A fairly popular method of self-advertising is participation in specialized exhibitions.
  7. You can use the mailing list.
  8. Organize a point of sale (even at the place of production).
  9. Experienced manufacturers can also use an unusual marketing ploy. For example, suggest a company or government agency free service. That is, you will pave the paving slabs in front of the building completely free of charge. In return, you must be provided with advertising.

The main consumers of paving slabs

Who most often buys concrete products:

  1. Construction companies of any type, purchasers for the construction of municipal facilities, fulfillment of other types of orders.
  2. Private persons.
  3. Legal entities.