A message about the future profession. Professions report. Composing my future profession is a cook

"My profession is my future"

The moment of choosing a profession comes in the life of every person. This is a responsible step that everyone must take on their own. As a child, we dream of becoming a teacher, policeman, doctor, driver, actress, singer, astronaut, and even a president. Playing in childhood into adulthood, there are no impossible tasks for us. But time passes and childhood leaves, forgetting to wave his hand at parting. Before we even had time to look back, we approached the threshold of adulthood. There will be no more games. But no one will take our dream away from us. All we need to take with us into adulthood is a childhood dream.

A dream is the beginning of all professions. Someone wants to travel and write books, someone wants to become a chef and open a restaurant, someone wants to become a designer and come up with their own clothing collections, and someone wants to convey knowledge to children. do you want to be.

The world of professions is diverse and amazing. And every profession is important. There are no important and unimportant professions. All of them are needed, just in different ways in demand. The choice of a profession should be treated responsibly and deliberately, because you will need to associate with it your whole life. As the ancient philosopher Confucius said: “Choose a job to your liking, and you will not have to work a single day in your life.” After all, doing what you really like is very cool. Get pleasure and joy from your work. Your work will reflect you as a professional in this matter, as you will put a piece of your soul into it. Just imagine how “cool” it is to wake up with the thought that today you will do a lot of new things. But if you choose a profession that you don't like, you will never get that pleasure from it. Neither prestige nor high wage will not bring you that simple joy. You will wake up with the thoughts: "Back to work, when it's already vacation." And you will live from Saturday to Saturday in anticipation of a vacation. You will not be able to feel that there are many bright moments in life, because your work will be a routine for you and you will perform it automatically. This is how your whole life will pass, in anticipation of the weekend and vacation. Don't let this happen! Choose a profession that you like, so that you like it and benefit from it.

I am in ninth grade and am starting to think about my future profession. I am responsible for choosing a profession, since the choice of a profession determines your further path. I want my profession to be interesting for me not only when I study, but also after graduation. Because many people like to study, but they don't like working in this activity, and they go to work outside their specialty. In my future profession, it is important for me that it be interesting for me. All professions are so different, but they are connected in one thing: no matter what job you choose, it is important what benefit you will bring to the people of the country!

At the opening of our vocational guidance camp. We also promised to place three best works, but could not resist and singled out four: Alesya Karvatskaya, Nadezhda Bulavskaya, Daria Belaya, we also congratulate you!

Anna Okovitaya

GUO "Gymnasium of Beloozersk"

Throughout our lives, we constantly have to choose something. From the usual daily questions to global problems... The two most important choices that each person makes in their lives are the choice of a partner and their future profession.

Probably each of us asked the question: "What do I want to become?" This question is one of the most difficult. Indeed, there are so many professions, but you need to choose one! And you have to make the right choice so that you can enjoy what you are doing later. Nevertheless, sooner or later, everyone begins to realize what he would like to do all his life.

I am in ninth grade, but the question of choosing a profession has been worrying me for a very long time. From an early age I dreamed of being either an astronaut, then a doctor, or an actress ...

I remember how I dreamed as a child of becoming a veterinarian and treating animals. I brought home almost every kitten I liked, fed homeless puppies. A little later, I realized that it is not so easy!

The second profession that I have been passionate about for many years is the profession of a teacher. To be more precise, they are teachers of the Russian language and literature. I really liked the lessons of my teacher, Tatyana Nikolaevna: she presented the material in an interesting way, asked unusual homework assignments. And she always praised everyone who tried. Maybe that's why I fell in love with the Russian language and literature so much. Then I realized that a teacher is not only an interesting, but also a very difficult profession! There are about thirty people in one class, each one needs to find a special approach. And if there are several classes? Then the work is even more difficult! And if you consider that you have to prepare for each lesson, fill out various papers ... Yes, it is difficult for our teachers.

My dad works as an engineer, but he is not very happy with his profession. He often tells me that as a child he had a dream - to draw. But his parents forbade him this occupation, saying that he was unlikely to find a place for himself with such a profession.

My mother chose her profession, also relying on the opinion of her elders. She dreamed of becoming a lawyer, but her parents advised her to become a doctor. And my mother did not mind, because she always dreamed of helping people!

Yes, parents play an important role in our destiny, but we must choose. After all, it is for us then to study and work in the chosen specialty.

To be honest, I still haven't been able to choose who I want to become. But I have several options: psychology and journalism. What attracts me to these professions? I'll tell you now.

I became interested in psychology at the age of twelve. Then for the first time in my life I went to summer camp where she met a very interesting woman. This was our psychologist, and she ran all kinds of games and tests with us every Tuesday. I really liked to analyze life situations, to look at people and their actions in a different way. But most importantly, I enjoyed listening to others and helping them. After all, how sometimes it is important to look at the situation from a different angle! This is where a psychologist can help. Thinking that a psychologist will solve all your problems is wrong. The psychologist will only analyze your story and give advice, but you will solve your problems yourself. Anyone who decides to become a psychologist should be able to listen to others. Nowadays, not everyone can boast of the ability to listen! But how important it is.

The profession of a psychologist still attracts me, but I am hampered by various doubts. A small salary, frequent emotional stress, life with the problems of other people - these are far from all the possible disadvantages of this profession. There are, of course, more advantages - communication with people, moral satisfaction, personal growth, and so on. The profession of a psychologist is one of the most popular today.

Another profession that attracts me is journalism. As far back as I can remember, I have always loved reading and writing. I learned to read quite early and read everything: newspaper articles, children's poems, signs on the doors, detective stories, fairy tales. At the age of twelve, I had already read more than half of the books in the school library! Of course, after reading so much literature, I myself wanted to write something! I didn’t like small stories, because they didn’t seem completely finished to me. So I decided to write my own "novel". Honestly, re-reading my work now, I understand how naive it was. However, the "novel" I wrote at twelve consisted of thirty chapters!

I always wrote something. Personal diaries, descriptions of nature, my thoughts, some events - this drew me in. I wrote dictations better than anyone in the class, and in writing essays I had no equal! I loved to participate in various competitions, where my stories and poems were sent. And I was insanely happy when I did something.

I dreamed that mine future profession was associated with writing texts. And when I learned about journalism, of course, I became interested in it. Just think - you can ride in the most different countries, communicate with a variety of people, interview. And the most important thing is to write. I think this is what attracted me to journalism.

But I am constantly plagued by doubts. What if it's not mine? What if I'm actually not that good at writing essays at all? What if…

Yes, I guess I'm afraid. I'm afraid to make a wrong choice. It's so difficult! But it's so important ...

As I said above, the choice of a profession is one of the most important. There are a lot of professions, so making the right choice can be difficult. But you shouldn't shut yourself up, let alone choose the profession that you don't like. You should not choose a profession at the insistence of adults, for a company with friends, for the sake of a large salary or because of popularity. The most important thing is that you like what you do. As Confucius said: "Choose a job for your liking, and you will not have to work a single day in your life." I completely agree with this statement.

I hope everyone can make the right choice and enjoy their chosen specialty. And in conclusion, I want to present a couple of lines that came to my mind:

Choosing a profession is a tricky business.

After all, you only need to choose one!

I remember my mother really wanted

So that you choose yours correctly.

Was so prosperity, a lot of communication,

You were successful and happy, but here:

You think very often and for a long time

What will you become? What could you do?

You know, the time of doubt will pass soon.

And, suddenly waking up in the morning, at dawn,

Throwing away the swarm of thoughts and delusions,

You will understand who you need to become!


Karvatskaya Alesya Vladimirovna

School No. 27 Grodno

A profession is a joy.

Consider yourself lucky with her!

But if she becomes a burden,

Search again will be destined.

E. L. Karvatskaya

Undoubtedly, the choice of profession can be influenced by the type of temperament, and the pedigree, and the foundations of life. How else? Everything taken together gives the total sum of the terms. Here real example my family. My grandmother worked all her life at school as a teacher of the Belarusian language. Mom, her sister, dad's aunt also teach in schools. We have a dynasty! One profession united my family.And what awaits me in the near future? Yes, both I and my peers face an important choice. The main thing is to be able to realize yourself in your profession. And how to choose it correctly so that there are no disappointments later? Choosing a profession is a non-standard task, because everyone solves it for himself. I know one thing that a favorite thing is happiness. And how you want to be happy! Therefore, one should not rush, but think over, weigh and calculate everything. Of course, uncertainty, unpredictability scares a little. How to get around them? And to become happy ... After all, V. Nemirovich-Danchenko said: "Exceptional happiness for a person is to be with his constant favorite work." We must remember: experience accumulates over the years, and the most important thing that we really should have is interest.It's nice to know that our experience is not only downs, but ups as well. Whatever we do, whatever conclusion we come to, we are obliged to benefit for ourselves. Knowledge is our wealth, what makes us us and it is they that influence the choice of a profession in the first place.As for my life path, then it is not yet definitively defined. Many times I saw him in different ways, but already at the beginning of this school year, I began to see him more clearly. Every day my strong desire to get to know the world grows, to discover Interesting Facts about the countries and people who live there. The study foreign language and its nuances is a long but sure way to understand the culture of the people, their worldview and traditions. And how different we are from those who live in other parts of our vast planet! For example, if you literally translate the phrase “I have butterflies in my stomach,” the English will think that you are excited about something, and when you are in a Japanese restaurant, do not be surprised if someone starts sipping soup: this is an indicator of politeness.I have no doubt that there are many things I still don't know in the world, and this is an important reason why I want to study it. Perhaps I have already decided on a specialty - Linguistic support of intercultural communications. Translation theory, world literature, language of mass communication ... Everything that I want to study and everything that I can study in this specialty!And that is precisely why I do not regret that I started to study English on my own. And how many tests I have passed thanks to this! I attended the English language Olympiads. It brought an unforgettable experience! And, of course, experience. She took part in a competition held by the British Embassy in Minsk. It really attracts me! Yes, sometimes it is not easy, but life is interesting because it is full of difficulties! From time to time I involuntarily ask myself: "Is this mine?" and immediately answer: “Yours! You just have to work harder. " Being in the process of learning is an integral part of my life that strengthens my spirit, inspires and motivates me. One has only to be distracted, and I immediately succumb to the blues of inaction. It's boring to live yawning!I love to set goals, and even more I love to achieve them! These can be both minor and important goals that take weeks or even months to complete. Do you know what's the funniest thing? They are all feasible! Therefore, it is foolish to argue that due to some factors, you should give up goals. Vice versa! Due to some factors, you must find another way to achieve them. It may be more difficult, but then you will definitely realize that it was worth it.And what are the conclusions that suggest themselves? If you have not yet decided what to become, then you should not worry about it, even if all your friends have already made this important choice. So your time has not come yet. Remember that each bud blooms on its own, in its own time. Therefore, you cannot bend the petals, you cannot make a sudden, and in most cases, wrong, choice. The decision will come with time, and if it has already come, then hold it tight and do not let go.

Nadezhda Bulavskaya

School No. 71 of Minsk

As a child, I was asked many times what I want to become when I grow up. Being in kindergarten, I answered that I wanted to be a princess, in the first grade - a hairdresser, and in the fourth grade - an architectural designer. My preferences changed at a breakneck pace, and only in high school was I able to consciously approach this issue. I can say that it is very difficult to do this, because the choice of a future profession is perhaps one of the most responsible steps in life, on which not only further material well-being depends, but also peace of mind and comfort. Sometimes you need to apply all your diligence and attentiveness for this.

Having opened an impressive list of various professions, you can get a little confused. Lawyer, geophysicist, marketer ... how to choose from several dozen specialties the one that suits you ideally? This is unrealistically difficult!

The famous Chinese thinker Confucius once said: "Choose a job for your liking, and you will not have to work a single day in your life." So it is: the profession should captivate, capture, interest, impress. Doing what you love, you may not notice how time flies by. You can go further every day, revealing more and more new facets of your capabilities. You can achieve success and become a truly happy person. This is what became a priority for me when choosing a specialty.

The career guidance tests at school helped me determine my preferences and figure out what I want to connect my life with. Now all conditions have been created for applicants: open days, various trainings, courses that motivate their students to enter universities are held. I think the most important thing is the desire to move on, because without incentive and sincere interest, even ten most experienced tutors will not be able to help a lazy student accumulate knowledge and gain high scores in exams.

Of course, one should not forget that it is necessary to sensibly assess the demand for a future profession. After all, if specialists with such a diploma are valued in the labor market, they are provided with a high salary, career, and even a lot of remarkable advantages.

Often the greatest obstacle to making the right decision is the opinions of others. When a person hears statements from the side, like: “Why do you need to be a translator? You speak terribly English! "Or:" What kind of a chef you are, you will poison all people! " Stop! But for whom does he choose what he will connect his future life with? For your classmates, your parents, for your friends? No. He chooses the right path only for himself. You can enroll in English courses and improve your pronunciation, buy a thick cookbook and learn how to cook culinary masterpieces! If the desire to do something is real, then all negative circumstances simply disappear. The deaf Beethoven composed magnificent sonatas, the blind Asadov wrote incredible poems! The list can be continued for a very long time, but these people are an example of the fact that the impossible can be done for the sake of what you love.

I chose journalism as my future profession. This is exactly that bright and multifaceted direction in which you can show all your abilities, constantly expand your horizons, get acquainted with new interesting people, learn about the loudest and most discussed events, live a life full of impressions and enjoy what is happening around. High passing scores and a fairly large competition for me are just an indicator that I have chosen a really prestigious and popular specialty. I hope that I will be able to plunge headlong into this incredibly interesting world of mass communications, without which our life does not seem complete.

Daria Belaya

School No. 40 of Minsk

Be the one you needed when you were younger ...

My name is Dasha and I am not an alcoholic, I am finishing 11th grade. During my studies at school, I never learned how to write essays, but this is not a reason to refuse to participate. I don’t know where to start, so I’ll start from the beginning.

"From the follicle in the ovary, a mature egg comes out into the abdominal cavity ..." Stop! Too long ago, so my story will drag on for 17 years.

As a child, when all the boys wanted to become astronauts, and the girls - their wives, I didn’t want anything. I studied mediocre at school, I was only interested in one subject - man and the world. There are two reasons for this: first, I could get an assessment of my knowledge, and not accuracy or behavior, and second, I studied what surrounds me. What difference does it make to the product of fifteen by thirteen, or what tools did the first people use? Nobody explained the meaning of this knowledge, and the textbook is built on the principle of "memorize-retell". But you can feel the warmth of the sun or watch the stars from the window in the most real reality.

In the sixth grade this subject was no longer there - biology appeared. This was the hardest lesson. They tell you something like "plants photosynthesize, photosynthesis is the formation of oxygen from carbon dioxide." How it happens you will not know, because "you will study this in detail in high school, and now there is no time." Of course, at that time there was the Internet, but I was not allowed to use a computer. There was another new subject - computer science. Then they finally began to explain something. Almost. We have 45 minutes, a computer and two pages of assignments. I got it in time - you get 9, I didn't get it in time - 4. After a year of hard work I get the maximum mark. Any work I write 30 out of 30 in 15 minutes, I know not only "how", but also "why" the computer works. A year later, I was sent to the Olympics. Everything is going well, I can apply for a programmer. But I do not want.

Under the influence of my parents, I still go to the physics and mathematics class. New teachers, new friends. Life doesn't suck that much. The first six months. Then it gets sick. I understand that I was completely wrong with the direction and I use all my strength to convince my parents to transfer me to another school. At this time, I completely abandon classes, only occasionally reading textbooks. And at this time I come across an explanation of everything. True, only. If you also type additional literature. It turns out that oxygen is just a by-product. And cells are also dividing different ways... Each phase of the division is described, unfortunately not in all details. But this is already another reason - scientists have not fully investigated it. Perhaps it is you who will make the scientific breakthrough. Everything falls into place and ... I understand that I want to link my profession with this science. I just understand and do nothing - the lack of a magic pendel is obvious.

So we come to the moment of "now". In November, I started to prepare. In December, not without effort, she received the highest score for the test. In January, she confirmed her knowledge in new school and began to panic, because there were two more subjects to pass, and there the horse was not lying around. Taking a leaf and a pen, I drew up a plan. Great plan. I think that I will be able to tighten the theory to the end of the third quarter, and throughout the fourth I will repeat the material and solve more tests. I think that I will get 220 points required for admission to a pedagogical university. For me, this is a rather big figure due to the average score and a small amount of time.

As you can see from this story, I'm not perfect. I am far from ideal, its complete opposite. I just WANT TO BECOME A TEACHER. "Low salary", "you are a servant" - I do not agree with these arguments. I think that this is the merit of everyone - how they will perceive him. I want people like me to have a place where they will feel good, where they will be welcome. I know that there are many such people, among my acquaintances more than half thought about suicide because of their studies. And not because of low grades, lack of focus, or any difficulty. From DESTRUCTION, when you do not know who you are, why you came to this world, that you really succeed. I want the spark of knowledge not to fade out even for a minute, so that after receiving an education, the children continue to be interested in something, so that they love what they are doing. The desire to work as someone cannot be “bad” or “good”. There is no shame in sweeping the streets or working as a cashier. My friend gave up her childhood dream of working as a veterinarian and entered the history faculty simply because it is not prestigious to study at an agricultural university. I want every child who comes to school to want to learn not for grades or a “new computer”. So that every little person learns something important FOR YOURSELF, and not for quick exams. Of course, it is easier to make tests or “just sit” rather than prepare new, special, material for each lesson, but what is the point of learning then?

Output? I just want to say that I consciously go into pedagogy. I want to make people happy, and the world is a little better.

Thank you for the attention.

If it is difficult to choose your future profession alone, go ahead.

Was the material useful to you? Then do not forget to put "I like" in our social networks.

My future profession is a doctor.
My future profession - a doctor - is the most necessary, the most important for a person. What could be more valuable than life and more essential health? And that is why a person has no right to be a bad doctor, since it is the doctor who is entrusted with the most valuable thing - health. Studying at a medical university is a long process, at least 6 years. It is not easy to study from the very first years, and you should calculate your strength in advance. One missed lecture can cost the patient his life in the future - this should not be forgotten for a minute. Responsibility is the main character trait of the future doctor. The subjects will be extraordinarily difficult. The medical student is simply obliged to perfectly understand biology, chemistry. You will not be able to relax. The profession of a doctor is much more complicated than it seems at first glance, and much more interesting. Many represent her only on TV shows, but in life everything is not at all like that. The future doctor must be patient, understanding, merciful. Patients come across different, but you need to be extremely polite with everyone. Moreover, the daily work of a doctor is very difficult - every day you have to make decisions on which someone's fate depends. Therefore, it is extremely important to become a real professional. A doctor is pride and responsibility. From the first year, all students are told that every time they put on a white coat, they take on certain obligations. It is not without reason that this has been one of the most prestigious professions since ancient times. Not everyone can be a doctor. This is truly a calling. This profession is suitable for those who sincerely want to help people who know how to empathize, those who are hard-working. If all these qualities are combined in one person, then he has a chance to become a real Doctor with a capital letter.
The name of the first outstanding physician of antiquity, Hippocrates, whose knowledge and art of treating people not only saved many lives, but also conditioned the development of medicine, will forever remain in history. The Hippocratic Oath is a medical oath that expresses the fundamental moral and ethical principles of a doctor's behavior, as well as the commonly used name for an oath taken by anyone who is about to become a doctor. The Oath contains 9 ethical principles or obligations:
... obligations to teachers, colleagues and students;
... the principle of no harm;
... the obligation to help the patient (the principle of mercy);
... the principle of taking care of the patient's benefit and the dominant interest of the patient;
... the principle of respect for life and a negative attitude towards euthanasia;
... the principle of respect for life and negative attitudes towards abortion;
... commitment to renounce intimate relationships with patients;
... commitment to personal improvement;
... medical secrecy (confidentiality principle).

The message about professions for children can be used in preparation for the lesson. Telling about professions will help children choose their future.

Professions report

Profession - the main occupation, labor activity.

Sometimes the profession is called the community of all people engaged in this type of work. These people work in different parts of the country at different enterprises in different institutions, and, of course, not everyone knows each other by sight. But they are busy with one thing, it brings them together. People of the same profession are engaged in one business, have similar interests, knowledge, skills, lifestyle.

There are a great many professions on earth. Currently, there are more than 8 thousand professions, and this list is constantly updated. Most likely, you have not heard about their overwhelming majority, and about many you have a very vague idea.

Some professions disappear and some appear. More recently, such professions have appeared:

1. Web designer
2. Programmer
3. Blogger
4. Trend Watcher
5. Community manager
6. Style consultant
7. Nano-medic

But I would like to tell you in more detail about professions that have been relevant for a long time.

A story about the profession of a pilot

A pilot is a very daring profession. There are pilots who fly on passenger aircraft, there are those who fly in cargo. And there are pilots who fly small planes: extinguish fires, scatter fertilizers, deliver food and letters to polar explorers. The pilot must lift the plane up into the air and, at the end of the flight, smoothly land it on the ground. Devices help him to control such a colossus. They show how fast the plane is flying, what the weather is overboard, they also warn the pilot about problems. In the cockpit with the pilot, the navigator, mechanic, stewardess, and on the ground - the air traffic controller.

Story about the profession of a DOCTOR

A doctor is a very difficult and ancient profession. The doctor should know a lot about the structure of the human body and its work internal organs, to be able to understand the symptoms (signs of illness), but there are a lot of diseases in the world. Of course, now doctors have assistants - special devices, for example, x-rays (it was invented by physicists). Doctors need it to make a diagnosis. These devices are very complex, and the doctor must be able to handle them. And most importantly, a real doctor should be kind, feel sorry for his sick patients and try very, very hard to help them recover.

A story about the profession of METALLURGER

Even in antiquity, people made different things from metal: weapons, dishes, jewelry, and today you simply cannot do without iron. It is made from iron ore, which is melted in huge furnaces. The resulting metal is poured into special molds by metallurgists, in which it solidifies. Ingots are obtained in the form of large bricks. They are used to make metal products. Parts of planes, trains, cars and even the hooks on which we hang our clothes are all made of metal smelted by a metallurgist.

A story about the profession of an ENGINEER

Highly the right profession both in the city and in the countryside. Engineers help scientists, doctors, miners, creating new devices, motors, pumps, machine tools and other useful equipment. Engineers know everything about technology: what it hurts, how to treat it. Engineers work together with inventors. The inventor invented and drew on paper, and the engineer must calculate everything from this drawing and make a drawing. According to these drawings, the workers will assemble the required machine by parts. The testers will test this machine and report to the engineer what is good and what is bad in it, and he will eliminate these shortcomings.

A story about the DRIVER'S profession

The driver drives cars and trucks and buses, when working on buses, it monitors passengers' compliance with the exit and boarding rules, eliminates problems that have arisen along the way. The profession of a driver is very interesting. But it is simple only at first glance. First, the driver must know the rules well road traffic, so as not to violate them and do not miss the road signs. Secondly, he must know the structure of the car in order to be able to repair it: after all, if his faithful horse breaks down somewhere along the way, then the driver will have to repair it himself, not counting on the technical assistance car. In addition, the driver must know the brands of all cars, and there are a huge number of them: Zhiguli, Volga, Mercedes, and BMW.

The story of the profession CARPENTER

Many people think that a carpenter is the same as a carpenter, but you should not confuse the two different professions... The only thing that unites them is that they work with wood. The carpenter makes furniture and other products from wooden boards and other materials, and also decorates them with wood carvings. And where does he get all these materials - wood planks, panels, etc.? All these things are made by a carpenter. The material for them is mainly coniferous wood, from which, after processing, the carpenter makes logs, beams, boards, plates, plywood sheets, wooden slabs and other standard wooden structures, from which the joiner will then make various products, for example, furniture.
A carpenter is also engaged in woodworking, and he can work with the help of carpentry tools or use special machines - it all depends on the scale of the construction. For the construction of large objects, wood processing is carried out on woodworking machines, and with a small amount of work, the carpenter does everything himself. His main tools are a saw, an ax, a plane, a chisel and others.
Having processed the wood, the carpenter starts making various products and parts from it - building materials... He also works on the installation of various timber structures. Piling, laying wooden foundations, erecting wooden walls and partitions, floors and roofs - all this is part of his work.
To become a carpenter, you need to get a special education, know geometry, mathematics, physics, chemistry and be a responsible person: after all, the stability and service life of a building depends on the quality of the carpenter's work, and therefore the life of many people.

An essay on the topic "My future profession" can be devoted to the profession that the graduate plans to acquire after completing his studies at school.

Medicine as the meaning of life

Recently, the prestige of this profession has increased significantly. Someone is attracted by stable and high salaries, someone likes to help people. We offer a short essay on the topic "My future profession is a doctor."

Why i want to be a doctor

To begin with, I have always dreamed of becoming a doctor. At the age of five, she treated dolls, brother, mom, dad. In kindergarten, I had with me an “alarming suitcase”, in which, in addition to a bandage, cotton wool, there were “injections” from pencils, “medicine” in the form of sweet candies. I have always been attracted by doctors with snow-white gowns, unusual smells, and benevolent smiles.

To the constant questions of adults about who I want to be in my life, I answered, without thinking, that only a dentist. Realizing that such a serious profession requires strong and high-quality knowledge, I tried to study at school only for "good" and "excellent". Time flew by quickly, but the dream of becoming a doctor not only did not disappear, but also became the meaning of my life. After successfully passing the final exams in chemistry and biology, I entered the medical institute. Ahead is a long and difficult student life filled with interesting meetings. If you believe in yourself, your dream will surely come true.

Teacher - this sounds proudly

An essay on the topic "My future profession" can be dedicated to this noble profession. We offer a small fragment of an essay related to pedagogical activity.

Among the many professions, in my opinion, the most noble and humane is teaching. What attracts me to her? The opportunity to give the warmth of your heart to other people, to transfer knowledge to the younger generation. The teacher must have authority with his pupils, be an example for them to follow. V modern world there are so many technical devices and devices that are aimed at replacing the teacher's work.

Despite the emergence of electronic textbooks and tutors, the teaching profession does not cease to be relevant and in demand among modern adolescents. Since childhood, I have planned to become a teacher of English language, go for an internship in European countries, participate with their children in various competitions and conferences. I want to finish my essay on the theme "My future profession is a teacher" as follows: do not be afraid to dream, because our desires are material. I will definitely become a real teacher of a foreign language, which children will love, respect by colleagues, and appreciate parents.

Features of vocational guidance at school

An essay on the topic "My future profession" is offered by class teachers who develop courses related to vocational guidance for children.

According to new educational standards introduced in general education schools, vocational guidance was introduced as a mandatory course in the ninth grade. As part of this course, children not only get acquainted with various areas of activity, but also undergo special tests that allow them to identify their predisposition to a certain type of profession.

Particular attention is paid to identifying the type of temperament of graduates. Child psychologist together with class teacher helps the child to make the right choice of the direction of future professional activity, taking into account his interests, the needs of the parents, the peculiarities of intellectual and physical development.

An essay on the topic "My future profession" can become one of the areas of work, an opportunity to get to know the child's dream more deeply. The received information (at the request of the child), the teacher can tell the parents of the pupil, so that they help the son or daughter to realize the dream.


Any mini-essay on the topic "My future profession" is associated with the childhood dreams of a child. All adults once also wrote about their desire to become teachers, astronauts, pilots, and police officers. Among the popular and demanded specialties that modern schoolchildren write about in their works, the leading positions belong to lawyers, doctors, economists, and singers.

Mayakovsky's poem "Who to be?", Created by the poet in the early twentieth century, does not lose its relevance in the century computer technology and innovation. At a certain point in his life, any person thinks about who he wants to see himself in his adult life. What to look for when making this choice? First of all, it is necessary to select such a direction of your activity, which would bring satisfaction and joy. Any job has certain advantages and disadvantages, so the choice is up to the graduate.