There should be a profession. How to choose a future profession: advice to graduates. What to do if there are no ideas

It is difficult to consciously choose a profession at a young age, so the decision is usually made under the influence of parents or "for the company" with friends. For many graduates, the main thing is not to choose a job they like, but to get at least some kind of diploma. How to approach the choice of a profession.

How do you most often choose a profession? Choosing a profession is not an easy task, but the time comes when it still needs to be done. As the classic wrote, “My years are growing, there will be 17. Where to work for me then, What to do?”. He lists many professions and sums up: "All jobs are good - choose the taste."

But, as they say, the more choice, the more difficult it is to make it. Moreover, since the time when V. Mayakovsky lived, a century has passed, and many new professions have appeared, which at the beginning of the last century were not even suspected.

And it is especially difficult to do it at a young age. Often young people choose a place for further study or work for the company - a friend or girlfriend entered, and I follow them.

Although the choice is for young people who have just graduated from school, most often made by their parents. First of all, they proceed from their financial capabilities, the presence of connections and the size of the competition in this or that higher educational institution... Often it is the highest - those who go to work with us after graduating from school are looked upon with regret: either they lacked intelligence, or they had money.

Often, when choosing a profession, "boys and girls, as well as their parents" are guided by the "" future profession, stopping at the most monetary, for example, a doctor or lawyer.

The children themselves, even those who have reached the age of majority, usually have a poor idea of ​​what exactly they will do after graduation. For example, a girl who entered the university at the Faculty of International Relations, when asked what the essence of her future work would be, answered: "I will be all so beautiful to travel around the world."

The main thing for many graduates is not to choose a profession to their liking, but to get at least some kind of diploma. And only then they start looking for a job, even if, according to the proverb, "endure - fall in love." “At work, you need to earn money, and here it is interesting or not interesting” - this opinion can be found all the time.

When buying things, let the same shoes, we go around several stores, try on several pairs until we find the right one. As for the choice of a profession, many are less responsible.

On the other hand, there are many examples who understood what they really want to do only at a relatively mature age. For example, the classic of American literature Mark Twain started out as a pilot on a steamer, and the British writer George Orwell as an officer in the colonial police.

It is curious that recently there has been a tendency towards retraining - young people do not want to put up with an unloved job and sometimes change their profession radically. Among my acquaintances there is an opera theater soloist who once graduated from vocational school and worked as a mechanic; a former medical student who became disillusioned with the profession and became a class master who is happy to renovate apartments; a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture, Polytechnic, retrained as a psychologist; former historian turned designer.

According to statistics, teachers, engineers and the military are most often retrained, and among the most popular professions that they choose again are financier, psychologist and manager.

How to choose a profession “out of love” so that you do not start everything from scratch later?

Although the work on career guidance has been carried out from the first grades primary school, completely relying on the fact that someone will give us a solution is not worth it. Moreover, with the development of the Internet, you can collect information yourself, how to make a choice, from which criteria to proceed.

1. We pass the tests

N. Pryazhnikov's vocational guidance test checks the level of readiness for a particular profession. First comes the list labor actions, among which you need to choose those that a person is able or not capable of performing, and of them - the most attractive and unattractive for him. For example, “talk a lot, speak in front of a large audience”, “draw, draw”, etc. Then there is a list of 74 professions, opposite each one indicates the skills necessary for it. Conclusions are made on the basis of scoring.

With the help of the test by E.A. sign system or human-human. There are 20 pairs of questions, and from each pair you need to choose the activity that we would prefer if we had only 2 possibilities.

J. Holland's test, which allows to determine the professional orientation of the personality, tests "Anchors of a career", "Map of interests", "Drawing of a person", "Am I ready to choose a profession?" and many others - the more we go through them, the more accurate and correct our choice will be.

2. Determine the type of personality

When choosing a profession, it is important to know your own, because completely different ones are recommended.

An introvert who has chosen a communicative profession that will require him to communicate with a large number of people can easily acquire a professional burnout syndrome due to his lack of excess vital energy.

According to psychologists, it is important for introverts to focus on a separate area of ​​work, to perform an autonomous task. Before they delve deeper into solving it, introverts need to independently, in a calm environment, without the intervention of colleagues or management, ponder it, and only then begin to act. They do not like to be distracted by extraneous tasks in the course of work - this drives them out of themselves.

Introverts also prefer to recover wasted energy alone.

Taking into account these characteristics of introverts, American psychologists recommend such professions for them as a programmer, accountant, lawyer, financial or marketing analyst, auditor, scientist, writer, farmer, etc.

By the way, there are quite a few introverts among the leaders of large companies - their inner strength and a tendency to think well about every action allowed them to climb to this top.

3. Make a list

Let's make a tablet of three columns. We will call one of them "The World of Professions" - here you need to write down the professions that attract us.

In the second, we will write down "Desires and motives" - what exactly attracts us in the profession we like (its relevance, prospects career growth, salary, comfortable working conditions). You should be honest with yourself and not neglect your motives, otherwise they will remind you of yourself in the future.

The third column "My possibilities" will make you think about your temperament, character, abilities. The type of activity that we want to do must match our psychological type, because each profession requires a certain set professional qualities... The designer must have imaginative thinking, the driver must be attentive, etc.

And at the last stage, we choose a profession that matches our desires and capabilities.

4. Communicate with people

The same models, beautifully made up, combed and dressed, who walk the catwalk with a beautiful gait, are forced to endure many restrictions for the sake of their profession. The future doctor goes through stages of training that the faint of heart cannot withstand. A girl who thinks that she will become a favorite teacher for many may not imagine that she will not always have pleasant communication not only with children, but also with their parents.

Each profession has its own costs, and it is better to familiarize yourself with them in advance.

Choosing a profession is a very important and responsible step, on which your future well-being largely depends. Therefore, before making a final decision, you need to decide in which area you would like to work. In this article we will try to figure out how to choose the right profession so that it brings not only material, but also moral satisfaction.


There are various reasons for choosing a particular profession. They can be roughly divided into external and internal.

External reasons include:

  • The influence of the environment;
  • The opinion of parents and friends;
  • Fear of judgment;
  • Desire to succeed.
Internal reasons largely depend on the character of a person, his inclinations and abilities. For modern young people, the main motivation is the prestige of the profession. In principle, this is a good motive, but it should be remembered that there is a trap in it. In our time, legal and economic specialties are very popular. But the fact is that in the future the demand for such professions may sharply decrease, so it is hardly reasonable to rely only on prestige when choosing a future direction of activity.

The second place in the list of motivation when choosing a profession is wage... Some young people believe that the most important thing is good earnings, and who to work is not so important. But this is wrong, since high salaries often do not provide for the growth of qualifications. According to psychologists, the most important thing is interest in the chosen area of ​​activity. In this case, work will become your favorite thing and will bring moral satisfaction. Now you know why it is so important to choose the right profession for your character and abilities.

Another important point is the availability of training. It is advisable to get an education in your city, since it is too expensive to travel distant lands.

Main selection criteria

To understand how to choose the right one future profession, it is necessary to objectively evaluate different specialties. This will help you identify their advantages and disadvantages.

To do this, you need to answer the following questions:

  • Interest in the profession. Work that you don't like will not bring satisfaction and joy. Over time, it will become a source of depression and constant stress for a person;
  • The possibility of self-improvement and creative development. People who have chosen the right profession feel comfortable and confident at work. Therefore, before making a choice, you need to identify your talents and find an application for them;
  • Salary. If you receive little money, you will have to earn extra money somewhere or even change your profession. Interest in a job that does not bring a normal income quickly disappears, so a person tries to find her as soon as possible worthy replacement... To prevent this from happening, first decide how much you want to receive, after which you can start choosing a profession. For example, you can learn how to become sales representative in my city. Such specialists receive a good salary and a percentage of sales. But in order to work in this specialty, you need to have the gift of persuasion and be able to communicate with clients;
  • Remember that only you should make the final decision, not your parents or numerous advisors.

Analyzing our skills

Remember what subjects were given to you without difficulty in school. For example, if you liked law, you can learn and acquire such a specialty.

Think about which activity attracts you the most. Professions such as carpentry, electrical installation, car repairs bring good income. Other skills can also be turned into work, such as being able to cook or selling. Ask about how to become a sales manager from scratch or a chef and work your way up in that direction. These are quite popular and highly paid professions that imply rapid career growth.

Analyze your communication skills. If you easily come into contact with strangers, you can learn how to become an insurance broker. This specialty is in demand on the labor market in any economic conditions. In addition, working as an insurance broker brings a good income.

Career guidance test

This is a very useful thing that allows you to objectively assess your own interests. The career guidance test can be easily found on the Internet or in psychology test books. Many people undergo it at home, but it is best to do this in consultation with a psychologist. The specialist will help you understand the test results and decide on the choice of your future profession.

Also, ask about how to create a resume for a job. This will help you find a suitable vacancy without any problems in the future.

Rules for choosing a future profession

Do you want to know how to choose the right profession and not make a mistake? Everything is very simple.

Make your final decision and start preparing for training.

The most common mistakes

Rating of professions. The demand for different specialists changes from year to year, and you will have to spend a lot of time on training. Therefore, you should not pay special attention to the constantly changing rating.

We follow in the footsteps of our parents. Of course, there are exceptions when several generations in the same family successfully work as doctors or teachers. But if a person does not have any inclinations for a particular profession, he will never become a highly qualified specialist.

Perspectives. A person's success depends not only on the chosen specialty, but also on his knowledge, experience and personal qualities. A good builder can open his own company in a few years, and a cleaning lady can become the owner of a cleaning company, since their main capital is knowledge and experience.

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Consider some useful tips on how to choose the right profession:

When choosing a direction of activity, do not forget to consider three important factors:

  1. “I want” is your favorite activities and interests;
  2. “I can” - health status and talents;
  3. "It is necessary" - the demand for the profession in the labor market.

If you consider these important points, the choice of profession will be successful.

Explore different specialties and decide which ones are in demand in your area.


Focus on your personal plans regarding their future. Think about who you see yourself in five, ten and twenty years. To choose is to define your lifestyle. Often, the characteristics of different specialties are judged by their external manifestations. For example, the famous is shown on television, he is known and respected by students and many doctors, and healing seems to be a tempting and noble cause. But in order to achieve this position, you need to spend a lot of time standing at the operating table, sacrificing your health and personal life. You need to be ready at any time to go to a patient who needs your help. Therefore, in order not to be mistaken, collect information about different specialties, study the specifics of future work.

Explore your inclinations. Those areas that you especially like not according to the level of income of individual people, but precisely because of their occupation. If you like alpine skiing, you should not go to study for, because this specialty is in demand. It is better to develop in your favorite direction and find an instructor position for yourself, or some other related specialty.

Think about your abilities. Not only explicit, but also hidden, which could appear in you. If you love literature and art, you are unlikely to succeed in becoming a talented engineer. Look at yourself as if from the outside - do you have a tendency to generalize or do you like to put everything on the shelves? If you like to think globally and easily perceive a large amount of information, you will make a good analyst, economist, or high-level leader. To work in these specialties, it is necessary to be able to think strategically. And if you like to dig into the little things and pay great attention to the details of the process, you perform all the actions sequentially, step by step - you have a good chance of becoming a doctor, accountant or engineer. Those. you are able to work in areas where meticulousness and diligent execution of every action is required.

Determine the source of your motivation in evaluating events, whether it is internal or external. That is, how do you know how well you did a job. If the assessment of your work by the people around you matters to you, then external motivation prevails in you. You will become a designer, waiter, musician, administrator, and representative of those professions that provide for the implementation of instructions drawn up by other people. And if you apply your own criteria for evaluating your work, then your internal motivation prevails. You rarely listen to the opinions of others and are responsible for decisions taken... You will make a representative creative professions- a musician, artist or poet. And also you will feel comfortable in the role of the head of the procurement or sales department.

When choosing a profession, be guided not by the opinions of others, but by your vision of the future. Those professions that were "fashionable" 15-20 years ago may no longer be in demand, because technical progress does not stand still. Collect as much as possible more information about various specialties, "try" them on yourself and make an informed choice.

"How to choose a future profession?" - sooner or later every person asks such a question. Choosing a profession is not easy, but necessary. After all, a happy and successful life largely depends on the work that a person does.

How to choose the right profession? First of all, you need to weigh the pros and cons, evaluate different professions in terms of their pros and cons. Consideration should be given to the following questions:

  1. Interest in the profession. Though small, but it should be. Uninteresting work brings neither joy nor satisfaction. But it can cause stress and depression. Do you need it?
  2. An opportunity to develop abilities and talents. People who find a profession that meets this criterion feel like fish in water at work. Reveal your talents and try to find application for them in your future profession.
  3. Wage. If they pay little at work, you will have to either look for a part-time job, or change your profession. Interest is lost in a profession that does not bring a good income, and people try to quickly find a replacement for it. If you do not want this to happen to you, seriously think about how much money you want to receive, and in accordance with this, look for a profession. But there is one more thing to remember. It is about career development. Many professions (such as bartender, waitress, dancer, etc.) provide an opportunity to earn easy and quick money. But in these professions, career growth is not provided, which means that over time the dancer will receive the same amount as she received when she just started working. And the work, for example, of a bank employee, at the initial stage can be estimated much lower. However, over time, when the seniority is gained, this person moves up the career ladder and gets more and more every time. Therefore, if the job suits you, but you are unhappy wages, learn about career opportunities and prospects. With good and conscientious work, you will soon receive more than you were originally offered.
  4. Professionally important qualities... You should not go to the singer with a bad voice, and the astronauts - with a weak heart. Each profession requires from a person certain abilities, knowledge and skills and qualities. Considering different kinds professions, think about what qualities a person should have in each of them. Then ask yourself: “Do I have these professionally important qualities? Will I be able to work well and enjoy this kind of work? "
  5. The fifth criterion is the demand in the labor market. It is no secret that there is now an oversupply of economists and lawyers. Consequently, it is difficult for people with such a specialty to find a job. When choosing a profession, assess the chances of future employment. To do this, you can search for statistics on the Internet. From it you will learn what professions the society needs today.

It is clear that you need to evaluate professions from different angles, but how to choose the right profession that is right for you? First, the future profession must be desired. Do not give in to pressure from parents, relatives and friends. The choice of your profession is your personal choice. After all, it is you who will have to work wherever you go, and not the numerous advisers. Secondly, you must assess your capabilities and abilities. The better you think them over, the better you will be able to imagine which profession is most suitable. Consider the following:

  1. Psychological qualities. On the future work You should feel psychologically comfortable. Rate positive traits and think in what profession they are most in demand. But don't forget the downsides as well. Either the future profession should take them into account, or your shortcomings should not interfere with your work.
  2. Knowledge, skills, abilities. Assess your knowledge base. Answer yourself to the questions: “What can I do best? In what area do I have strong knowledge that I can apply in my work? "
  3. Education. Most professions require a certain level and type of education. And you must have the appropriate education. If there is none, then you need to learn.
  4. Physical qualities. Assess your physical condition, and then choose from the offered professions the one that is most suitable in terms of physical parameters. It is foolish, especially at a young age, to choose a job that ruins health. You can change your profession, but you can't buy new health. Remember this.
  5. Employment opportunities. This includes the demand for professions in the labor market and the opportunity to get a job in a certain place. For example, you have a rare specialty. But the place where you live does not require such specialists. The way out is to move to another place and get the desired profession there. The choice of profession also depends on the lifestyle, place of residence, working conditions. Choose for yourself the work that you can do without breaking your life.

A profession that meets all or at least most of these criteria is most suitable for you. Often we want our work not to burden us, but to bring pleasure and satisfaction. People who are looking for this often ask the question: "How to choose a profession to their liking?" The best way- turn your hobby into work. Masters of their craft, who achieved great success, were delighted with their work, because they were doing what they loved. If you love sewing, but you don't have enough knowledge, go to sewing and sewing courses. Add to your knowledge a little talent, imagination and desire - and you will create great things that people will gladly buy from you. If you have a hobby that can generate income, achieve a high degree of skill from yourself and turn your favorite occupation into work. Well, if there is no such hobby, read the above recommendations for finding a job. They will also help you find a profession you like.

Recently, the process of choosing a job has itself become a job that certain people do. They help to choose a profession to different people for a certain amount. How to choose a profession for free? To find suitable profession, it is not at all necessary to pay someone. Other methods will help you as well. These can be special articles, advice and recommendations from loved ones, relatives, teachers, psychologists. This also includes psychological tests and career counseling tests. Tests of the first type will help you understand your own personality, identify your pros and cons, which plays an important role in choosing a profession. Various options for career guidance tests can be found on the Internet, where they are completely free. Having passed such a test, you receive an analysis of your abilities and a list of recommended professions. It is better to pass several of these tests.

But, of course, the problems of choosing a profession are mainly the problem of schoolchildren, because many of them do not even know who they want to be and do not understand the intricacies of different professions. How to choose a profession for a child? Here are some tips:

  • Parents should not put pressure on the child. He will choose his future profession himself. You should also not require your child to choose a profession at an early age and prepare for it during the rest of the school years. A young child has many interests, and they change over time. Wait until the child firmly decides what is most interesting to him, and until he proves it with his behavior.
  • Help him. A child may have many talents, but he does not always know about them. Offer your child various interesting activities, circles, sections. Let him try himself in many ways. The more he does, the more talents he can discover in himself. But again, there is no need to force someone to do something.
  • When the child has a strong interest in any occupation, field of science, etc., consolidate it. To do this, offer him educational literature, CDs, films. Talk with your child about his interests, offer him professions in which he can develop them. Tell your son or daughter about different professions, draw his attention to them. Let him learn more and then choose what he really wants and can do.

The question of the future profession is especially acute after school, because this is the time to define oneself in adulthood. How to choose a profession for a student?

  • It is better to choose a profession in the upper middle classes. Then there will be time to prepare for the future profession, and in many schools, specialized education begins in the senior grades.
  • Soberly assess your "want" and "can". Try to find the profession that best combines your desires and capabilities.
  • Read the information about those professions that will be in demand by the end of your vocational training. These predictions are made by analysts and can be found on the Internet. Choose from the professions in demand, then the question: "how to get a job" will not be a problem for you.
  • Don't be afraid to choose what you want. If grandmother, grandfather, mom and dad are doctors, and you don't have a heart for this at all, do not give in to persuasion. Remember - you live with this profession, not them.
  • Take some career guidance tests. They will help you identify areas of work in which you will be most successful. They are available on the Internet, and you can also find them at school, for example, from a school psychologist.
  • If a profession or several professions have been chosen, look for people who already work in this field and talk to them. So you will get a look at the profession from the inside, you will learn not only its advantages, but also its disadvantages.
  • Read the first half of this article carefully. There are several useful tips looking for a future job.