Specialty - Draftsman-constructor: where to study and who to work. Professions of the "human-sign system" Profession draftsman

Construction designer

There was a time when the romance of individual inventors swept over the creation of new machines and structures, who themselves invented, themselves were the main practical manufacturers of product parts, assemblers or direct managers and participants in the manufacture, assembly, testers, etc. Now the work on the creation of machines, in particular on their design, is divided between different and many specialists.

Before the blueprint needed by a worker in the plant's shop falls into his hands, many people will work on this important technical document - copiers, photocopiers, even employees of the technical archive. One of the links in this chain of specialists, uniting design engineers, design technicians, on the one hand, and direct practical manufacturers of the product, on the other hand, is a design draftsman trained in a vocational education institution.

What does a design draftsman do? Let's go to his workplace. It can be located in the design office or in the design department of the enterprise, in the design and research institute.

According to occupational health standards, the design department has good overall illumination. Each workplace, in addition, it has an individual lamp. The room is quiet. All this contributes to fruitful work.

The employee has a special drawing device - a drawing board, which consists of a drawing board and a special mechanical device (pantograph). The latter is equipped with two mutually perpendicular rulers that can be moved in the plane of the drawing board. Thanks to this device, there is no need to use a flight bus (known to every high school student with a T-shaped ruler for drawing mutually parallel lines), triangles, a protractor, and scale rulers.

The design of the drawing board allows you to perform graphic work both standing and sitting. In addition to the drawing board, the draftsman's workplace has other equipment: a desk, a special chair with an adjustable seat height, and a box for drafting tools. A set of drawing tools consists of a set of pencils of various hardness, patterns, various stencils, rulers, squares, and a set. In the drawing room - compasses, ruling pens, etc. Of course, mascara is also available at the workplace.

One of the types of work performed by a design draftsman is drawing working drawings of parts. Let's imagine that a plant is about to start producing a new car. This means that the workers who will take part in its manufacture and assembly must have such drawings in which absolutely everything they need to know will be indicated: a specific grade of material, the required accuracy of processing parts (tolerances, dimensions), the required purity of processing certain surfaces, graphic images of products, parts in the required number of projections. All this information, which gives a comprehensive idea of ​​a particular part, is expressed in the drawing graphically (by means of a schematic image), as well as in the form of text material. Some of the information is given in the form of special symbols. And all this must be done in accordance with strict rules, which are defined in special documents approved by state bodies - in State Standards (GOSTs).

We say: "The workers should have drawings ...", but the fact of the matter is that they do not yet exist. The drawings will appear at the hand of the draftsman-designer, but for now there is a sketch made by the design engineer in front of him. In translation, "sketch" means a preliminary sketch. In our case, this is a freehand drawing without the help of drawing tools. In this case, the sketch is made in the so-called eye scale, at which the proportions of the part and its elements in all the images taken must be ensured, but strict adherence to the scales provided for State standards, No. An experienced worker will be able to make a part according to a drawing made in the form of a sketch. Drawings intended for one-time use (for example, for the manufacture of a trial, prototype details), it is allowed to perform in the form of sketches. A sketch can serve as a document for manufacturing a part. But we are considering a case when the plant started to produce a series of machines. Here we need not sketches, but drawings that meet all the requirements of GOSTs. Therefore, the sketch will serve here as a document not for the manufacture of a part, but for the execution of a working drawing by a draftsman-designer.

A working drawing may not necessarily be prepared according to a sketch, but according to a drawing, in which the detail of interest to us is depicted as an integral part of a product. The design of drawings of parts depends, in particular, on the conditions of the technological process (casting, processing on various metal-cutting machines, etc.).

To build a drawing from a sketch, you need to carefully analyze the features of the latter, highlight the most important geometric relationships in it, mentally separating them from the secondary ones. It is important to outline a plan for constructing a drawing: what to draw first, what - after; what auxiliary lines will need to be drawn, that is, lines that should not be in the final form of the drawing, but which cannot be dispensed with during its construction; it is important to consider which details of the contour are invisible and should be indicated by dashed lines, not solid lines, etc. Constructing a drawing from a sketch does not mean just redrawing it well. This job requires creativity, acceptance of some independent decisions related to the graphic side of the case.

It is very important that the employee is carried away by the world of drawing elements by itself - various lines (solid, dashed, dash-dotted, lines of different thicknesses), fillets, hatching, fonts, inscriptions, conventional signs, etc.

Designers who love their work find and see in drawings not only accuracy and rigor, but also beauty (for example, the beauty of the arrangement of images on a sheet, etc.).

In some cases, the design draftsman must build a sketch or drawing from life himself. Before his eyes is a volumetric detail made by a skilled worker for a prototype product. It is necessary to show observation, carefully analyze mentally the signs of this detail, to determine how its visible appearance will change when it is transferred to the plane of the drawing sheet. Here you need to mobilize knowledge about the rules, methods of projection, which are an important part of vocational training employee. When making a drawing from nature, the design draftsman makes the necessary measurements using the appropriate tools.

Sometimes a design draftsman may only have an assembly drawing, and on it it is necessary to make sketches or even working drawings of the necessary parts of the product. These details have not yet been developed by anyone; this will have to be done independently by the draftsman-constructor. The assembly drawing indicates which parts of the product with which parts and in what sequence should be connected, assembled. But after all, not everything in the new car is new - it is assumed that it will widely use standard parts that have proven themselves in the past, starting with nuts, bolts, ending with kinematic pairs (hinges, gears), etc. And if the design engineers themselves thought about the length and diameter of each bolt, about which steel - carbon, alloy - or maybe brass to make it, it would take too much time (not to mention the fact that these engineers, drowning in details, risked would lose important ideas, ideas about technical characteristics machine as a whole, about possible ways to improve it). The construction of sketches and shop drawings from an assembly drawing is called detailing. Performing this work, the draftsman-designer must show a lot of initiative, resourcefulness, independence and, of course, show versatile knowledge. It offers various reference manuals, sometimes voluminous, multivolume. You need to navigate them well and quickly.

One of the types of work entrusted to a draftsman-designer is the execution of simple assembly drawings, however, these drawings in the conditions of modern technology are still quite complex, and their implementation requires a thorough preparedness of the employee.

In design practice, there are various methods of checking the correctness of a design solution even before all the details are made in kind, in metal. For example, it is important to check the so-called assembly of the designed assembly. To do this, the design draftsman performs a control drawing of the assembly unit (carries out, as experts say, a control assembly, that is, draws an assembly drawing from the working drawings of the parts). This requires from the draftsman knowledge about the construction of assembly drawings, a clear understanding of the interaction of the elements that make up this unit. Based on the analysis of the drawings of the assembly unit, it is possible to identify whether the details of the assembly or assemblies, units during the future assembly will fit each other, if necessary, make improvements to the design project.

In addition to the above works, the design draftsman performs others - he draws diagrams (electrical, kinematic, hydraulic, etc., depending on the specialization profile of the design organization), prepares other design documents - specifications (tables, lists containing information about constituent parts, name, number of parts of a product, elements of a set of products, etc.), a statement. In addition, he makes changes adopted in the design development process in the corresponding documentation. From time to time, the standards governing the design of drawings are revised (simplifications, new symbols are introduced, etc.). In this regard, it is required to update the current design documentation.

Working as a draftsman-designer, a person is constantly improving his knowledge, business qualifications, professionally valuable qualities. This profession requires good visual memory, spatial imagination, clear figurative and concrete thinking, precision of movements. People with low vision need to remember that the work of a draftsman-designer is associated with a strain on the eyes.

The salary of a draftsman-constructor depends on the length of service and qualifications. When the production team fulfills the plan, a quarterly progressive payment, there is a bonus system.

The profession of a draftsman-designer is obtained in the Leningrad secondary vocational schools No. 1, 10, 21, 25, 44, 129 and 137, as well as in technical schools No. 40, 79 and 88. You can continue your education in many technical schools and institutes in the specialties of technology -designer, design engineer.

Do you like drawing? Why is this question? Of course, to consider the next construction profession - a draftsman. Who is that? A draftsman is a person who, by the nature of his work, prepares technical drawings, maps and illustrations based on sketches, measurements and other data. Also, such a worker creates copies of drawings and illustrations for electroplating and printing plates.

Considering everything that was described above, we can conclude that the profession of a draftsman has something to do with creativity. But the creation of drawings does not tolerate fantasy thinking. Interesting? Then read on and you will find out what responsibilities a draftsman should perform in the process.

More about responsibilities

To begin with, such a specialist as a draftsman can find work both in a design bureau and in a manufacturing enterprise, where they are engaged in the manufacture of non-standard products and the development of various new devices and parts.

As for the duties that the draftsman must clearly fulfill, they consist in the preparation and verification of working drawings according to sketches and specifications that are developed by engineers and designers for the manufacture, installation and adjustment of machines and equipment. He is also involved in the creation of drawings for the construction, reconstruction, operation and repair of buildings such as:

  • dams;
  • bridges;
  • and other architectural and engineering structures

It is also the responsibility of a draftsman to use computer-aided design systems to create, edit and print drawings. He will also have to deal with the production of working drawings in digital format.

Yes, before the draftsmen worked exclusively with pencils. Now, thanks to technological progress, the modern worker must be able to use computer or similar equipment in his work in order to provide printed form finished drawing. Also, computer equipment will allow you to digitize cards and any other images at any time.

In addition to all this, the draftsman will have to deal with the preparation and verification of illustrations for reference publications, brochures and technical manuals for the assembly, installation, operation, maintenance and repair of machines or any other equipment, product. The duties of such a specialist also include copying drawings and transferring images to stone or metal forms for printing.

What else is in the scope of a draftsman's duties? He is responsible for the production of graphs and diagrams, assembly diagrams and preliminary type drawings, which are used for the production, installation and repair of electrical equipment in factories, power plants and buildings. In addition, he can be engaged in the creation of detailed working diagrams of equipment and mechanical devices, including those where it is necessary to indicate dimensions, fastening methods and other technical information.

The duties of a qualified draftsman also include the creation of exact copies of drawings, which are already fully prepared, with the aim of making copies later used in workflows. As you can see, everything turns out to be not as simple as it might seem at first. The profession of a draftsman is not only quite difficult, but also responsible. After all, an incorrectly created drawing or diagram can cause malfunctions and more. However, this does not stop those who want to really master this specialization. Therefore, it is worthwhile to talk in more detail about what kind of knowledge is required for this.

What a draftsman should know

It is worth noting that students can start training such a profession as a draftsman immediately after the ninth grade. There are many for this educational institutions- colleges and technical schools.

As for the necessary knowledge, the future draftsman should know:

  • features of design work;
  • organization of work;
  • technical drawing rules;
  • methods of performing drawing and design work;
  • rules for maintaining general documentation and the nomenclature of documents.

In addition to all this, the draftsman must know the internal regulations of the working organization, as well as the parameters and characteristics of the material that is used in his work.

We also add that in our labor activity the draftsman at the end of the training process must be well acquainted with the standardization of quality and the norms that are established by labor protection. It is noteworthy that at the end of their studies or even in the process, draftsmen are often given the opportunity to undergo practical training in production or in a design bureau.

Video. How to read drawings, the most important thing

Class 9
Theme:Professions related to the performance of drawing and graphic works .
Objectives: To share with the definitions: technical drawing, sketch, drawing, diagram; rules for the safe performance of drawing works; carry out sketches, drawings, diagrams.Professions related to the performance of drawing and graphic works
Visibility: "Technical drawing", "Sketch", "Scheme".
Tools and materials: Drawing tools, A4 drawing paper,
Lesson type: lesson in the complex application of knowledge, skills and abilities

During the classes
I. Organizational stage of the lesson.
Checking readiness for the lesson.
Creating a psychological atmosphere for the lesson.
Preparation of the necessary equipment.
Inclusion of students in a business rhythm.
II. Formation of goals and objectives of the lesson, expected results.
Know: - Requirements for the organization of the workplace;
- safety rules and sanitary and hygienic requirements

during drawing work,
- definitions drawing, sketch, technical drawing, diagram.
Be able to: - make sketches, drawings, diagrams
III. Motivation for learning activities.
Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the rules for making a drawing, technical drawing, sketch, diagram, we will learn how to identify them with the help of drawing tools.
IV. Updating basic knowledge
1. Have you ever used such tools in your math lessons? (teacher demonstrates drawing instruments.) What is their purpose? How should they be used?
2. Is it possible to assemble a car, sew clothes, build a house, road or bridge, without knowing how they should look?
3. Was it possible to create these objects or structures if each person depicted them in his own way?
4. Suggest ways to solve this problem.
During the conversation, the teacher concludes that there are general rules for making images of parts, structures and products.
V. Generalization and systematization of knowledge.
1. What types of drawings, diagrams, sketches?
The teacher summarizes the answers.
1. The concept of technical drawing, drawing. Registration rules.
Teacher's story.
At the stage of technical design, based on a sketch created by fashion designers, design artists, draftsmen, and design draftsmen make a technical drawing and a drawing of a designed product.
A technical drawing is an image of an object in proportion, made using drawing tools
A drawing is a document containing a picture of a part and the information required for its manufacture.
Basic rules for drawing up drawings.
The drawing is performed on sheets of paper of certain sizes (for example, 210x297mm or A4 format). The drawing field is limited by a frame.
In a special frame (main inscription) at the bottom right indicate certain information.
2. The concept of a sketch.
A sketch is a drawing made by hand, without the use of drawing tools, without a scale, only observing, by eye, the proportions between the parts of the depicted part.
To correctly sketch the subject, adhere to the following sequence:

1. Get acquainted with the subject, studying its structure.
2. Determine the position of the image in the drawing field.
3. consistently mark and outline the contour of the object.
4. apply extension and dimension lines.
Measure the object and apply dimensional numbers.
5. I fill out the main inscription, which indicates what material it is made of. The scale is not indicated on the sketch.
3. Schemes
A kinematic diagram is an image that explains the principle of operation of a mechanism that conveys movement.
An electrical diagram is an image of the elements of an electrical product or electrical network and the connections between them.
Vi. Application of knowledge, abilities, skills.
Practical work.
Topic: Performing a Technical Drawing
Tools and materials: pencil, ruler, A4 sheet
Sequence of execution.
Perform the technical drawing of the skirt according to the given measurements.
The teacher supervises the work of students and corrects mistakes.
VII. Summing up
- analysis of shortcomings in the work and ways to eliminate them;
- scoring with motivation for completing practical

VIII.Reflection (collective form, conversation)
What new have you learned in the lesson?
What have you learned?
What kind of work did you do?
Compare the actual results with the assignments that were identified for the lesson. (why did you get exactly the same results? What needs to be done to have the best results?)
Where should the acquired knowledge and skills be used?
IX.D \ W. perform a drawing (a sketch of a dress model according to a schematic image of a figure.)

Professions related to the performance of drawing and graphic works.

At all manufacturing enterprises, before making any new type of product, they are engaged in the design of the product and prepare the corresponding drawings. These works are performed by well-trained specialists. The profession of a draftsman-constructor is in great demand at all technical production enterprises. Such specialists are engaged in design work, maintain documentation and draw up drawings.

Many manufacturing companies provide custom manufacturing services. In order to make any non-standard product, you first need to carry out all necessary calculations and prepare a specification with drawings, in accordance with which specialists will produce the necessary parts. There is a constant good demand on the labor market for specialists who are engaged in the preparation of all the necessary documentation, so the draftsman-designer will never be left without work.

There are a lot of design bureaus and manufacturing enterprises in our country they are engaged in the manufacture of non-standard products and the development of various new devices and parts.

The specialty of a construction draftsman requires a lot of responsibility, and skilled workers have the following responsibilities: drawing drawings of parts; maintenance of design documentation; registration of drawing applied documents; taking sketches and converting them into digital format for computers; drawing up an assembly order; drawing up detailing; making adjustments; compilation of tables; product design; performing standard calculations; affixing of symbols;

making notes; adding footnotes and markings to drawings; development of related programs; drawing up all kinds of schemes; filling out statements.

Drawing skills are necessary for such technicians, how , designers, builders, topographers, physicists, engineers, aircraft and mechanical engineers. For the humanities it can be useful for the development of spatial and logical thinking. Today it is difficult to highlight any area human activity, in which the ability to understand drawings or draw them would not be useful.
Geographic and topographic maps, as well as pictures, drawings and diagrams, are essentially graphical representations.
Today, training of specialists in technical
in schools and universitiesnot is too popular, so every student who wants to meet the modern requirements of certain professions can acquire drawing skills on a computer. For this, there are paid courses and computer programs that allow you to automatically design and draw various drawings in two- and three-dimensional images. Typically, drawing is taught to students who understand the importance of these skills, which in the future will give them the opportunity to perform their work with high quality, saving labor time and the nerves of the employer.

Job responsibilities .
Performs drawing works (part drawings, assembly drawings, drawings general view, dimensional and installation drawings and other design documentation) according to sketch documents or from nature in the required scale in ink or pencil in compliance with the drawing rules. Draws up diagrams, specifications, various statements and tables. Draws up drawings, makes the necessary inscriptions and puts down symbols.

Draftsman Must know:
methods and means of performing drawing works, the basics of technical drawing; tools and devices used in drawing; standards, specifications and instructions for drawing up drawings and other design documentation; fundamentals of labor organization; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules and norms of labor protection.

Draftsman Qualification requirements.
Initial vocational education without any requirements for work experience or secondary (complete) general education and special training according to the established program without presentation of requirements for work experience.

In accordance with clause 5.2.41 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2013 N 466 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 23, Art. 2923), I order:

II. Abbreviations used

The following abbreviations are used in this standard:

SPE - secondary vocational education;

FSES SPO - federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education;

PPKRS - training program for skilled workers, employees by profession;

OK - general competence;

PC - professional competence;

PM - professional module;

MDK is an interdisciplinary course.

III. Characteristics of training by profession

3.1. The timing of obtaining an open source vocational education 151901.01 Draftsman-designer in full-time training and the relevant qualifications are given in.

Table 1


* FSES SPE in terms of the requirements for the results of the development of PPKRS is focused on assigning a graduate qualifications above average qualifications for a given profession.

** Regardless of the educational technologies used.

*** Educational organizations that train skilled workers, employees on the basis of basic general education, implement the federal state educational standard of secondary general education within the framework of the PICRS, including taking into account the vocational vocational education received.

draftsman - design draftsman.

The time frame for obtaining a vocational education program on PPKRS, regardless of the educational technologies used, is increasing:

a) for students in full-time and part-time education:

on the basis of secondary general education - no more than 1 year;

on the basis of basic general education - no more than 1.5 years;

b) for disabled people and persons with disabilities - no more than 6 months.

IV. Characteristics of the professional activity of graduates

4.1. The area of ​​professional activity of graduates: performing design and design work, performing technical drawings, sketches and maps based on measurements and other special data, copying drawings and drawings, technical design in industry and construction.

4.2. The objects of professional activity of graduates are:

outline documents;

tools and devices for drawing;

computer technology;

design documentation;


4.3. Trainee by profession 151901.01 Draftsman-constructor prepares for the following activities:

4.3.1. Execution of drawing works.

4.3.2. Conducting the process of drawing and simple calculation and design work.

V. Requirements for the results of the training program for skilled workers, employees

5.1. A graduate who has mastered PPPCS must have general competencies, including the ability to:

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance future profession, show a steady interest in it.

OK 2. Organize your own activities based on the goal and ways to achieve it, determined by the leader.

OK 3. Analyze working situation, carry out current and final control, assessment and correction of their own activities, be responsible for the results of their work.

OK 4. Search for information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks.

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6. Work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, clients.

OK 7. Perform military duty, including with the use of received professional knowledge(for boys).

5.2. A graduate who has mastered the PPKRS must have professional competencies corresponding to the types of activities:

5.2.1. Execution of drawing works.

PC 1.1. To carry out drawings of parts, general arrangement drawings, dimensional and installation drawings according to sketch documents or from nature.

PC 1.2. Draw up drawings.

PC 1.3. Create and draw diagrams.

PC 1.4. Execute specifications, various statements and tables.

5.2.2. Conducting the process of drawing and simple calculation and design work.

PC 2.1. Draw assembly drawings and perform their detailing.

PC 2.2. Sketch parts of simple structures.

PC 2.3. Perform simple technical calculations.

PC 2.4. Introduce changes in the design documentation adopted during the development process and draw up notices of changes.

Vi. Requirements for the structure of the training program for skilled workers, employees

6.1. PPKRS provides for the study of the following training cycles:

general professional;


and sections:

physical education;

educational practice;


intermediate certification;

state final certification.

6.2. The compulsory part of the CDMP should be about 80 percent of the total time allotted for its development. The variable part (about 20 percent) makes it possible to expand and (or) deepen training, determined by the content of the compulsory part, to obtain additional competencies, skills and knowledge necessary to ensure the competitiveness of a graduate in accordance with the demands of the regional labor market and opportunities for continuing education. Disciplines, interdisciplinary courses and professional modules of the variable part are determined by the educational organization.

The general professional training cycle consists of general professional disciplines, the professional training cycle consists of professional modules in accordance with the activities corresponding to the qualification (s) assigned. The professional module includes one or more interdisciplinary courses. When students master professional modules, educational and (or) industrial practice is conducted.

A compulsory part of the professional training cycle of PPMS should include the study of the discipline "Life Safety". The volume of hours for the discipline "Life Safety" is 2 hours per week during the period of theoretical training (compulsory part of educational cycles), but no more than 68 hours, of which 70 percent of the total amount of time allotted for this discipline is spent on mastering the basics of military service.

6.3. An educational organization can use a system of credit units in determining the structure of the PPPRS and the complexity of its development, with one credit unit corresponding to 36 academic hours.

The structure of the training program for skilled workers, office workers

table 2

Index Name of training cycles, sections, modules, requirements for knowledge, skills, practical experience The total maximum study load of the student (hours / week) Incl. hours of compulsory training sessions Index and name of disciplines, interdisciplinary courses (MDC) Competency codes
The obligatory part of the training cycles of PPKRS and the section " Physical education" 756 504
OP.00 General professional training cycle 282 188
As a result of studying the compulsory part of the educational cycle, a student in general professional disciplines should: be able to: analyze technical documentation; determine the maximum deviations of dimensions according to standards, technical documentation; perform calculations of the values ​​of the limiting dimensions and tolerances according to the drawing data and determine the suitability of the specified dimensions; determine the nature of the conjugation (landing group) according to the drawings, according to the calculations performed; to carry out graphs of tolerance fields according to the performed calculations; apply control and measuring devices and tools; know: the system of tolerances and landings; qualities and roughness parameters; basic principles of calibration of complex profiles; fundamentals of interchangeability; methods for determining measurement errors; basic information about interfaces in mechanical engineering; dimensions of tolerances for the main types of machining and for parts entering the assembly; basic principles of calibration of simple and medium complexity profiles; standards for materials, fasteners and normalized parts and assemblies; name and properties of the supplied materials; device, purpose, rules for setting and regulating control and measuring instruments and devices; methods and means of control of treated surfaces. OP.01. Technical measurements
be able to: read and draw up drawings, diagrams and graphs; draw up sketches for workpieces, indicating tolerances and landings; use reference literature; use the specification in the process of reading assembly drawings, diagrams; perform calculations of the values ​​of the limiting dimensions and tolerances according to the drawing data and determine the suitability of the given actual dimensions; know: the basics of drawing and geometry; requirements unified system design documentation (ESKD); rules for reading diagrams and drawings of processed parts; methods of making working drawings and sketches. OP.02. Technical graphics
be able to: read structural, wiring and simple circuit diagrams; calculate and measure the basic parameters of simple electrical, magnetic and electronic circuits; use electrical measuring devices in work; start and stop electric motors installed on the operated equipment; know: units of measurement of current strength, voltage, power of electric current, resistance of conductors; methods for calculating and measuring the basic parameters of simple electrical, magnetic and electronic circuits; properties of direct and alternating electric current; principles of serial and parallel connection of conductors and current sources; electrical measuring devices (ammeter, voltmeter), their structure, principle of operation and rules for inclusion in an electrical circuit; magnetic field properties; DC and AC motors, their structure and principle of operation; rules for starting, stopping electric motors installed on the operated equipment; equipment for the protection of electric motors; short circuit protection methods; grounding, grounding. OP.03. Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
be able to: perform mechanical tests of material samples; use physicochemical methods for the study of metals; use reference tables to determine material properties; choose materials for the implementation of professional activities; know: basic properties and classification of materials used in professional activities; name, marking, properties of the processed material; rules for the use of cooling and lubricating materials; basic information about metals and alloys; basic information about non-metallic, gasket, sealing and electrical materials, steel, their classification. OP.04. Fundamentals of Materials Science
be able to: determine the cutting mode according to the manual and the passport of the machine; draw up technical documentation; calculate cutting conditions by formulas, find by reference books for different types of processing; make up the technological process of processing parts, products on metal-cutting machines; know: basic information about mechanisms, machines and machine parts; name, purpose and conditions of use of the most common universal and special devices; device, kinematic diagrams and principle of operation, rules for adjusting metal-working machines of various types; regulations Maintenance and methods of checking, standards of accuracy of lathes, milling, boring and grinding groups; purpose and rules for the use of cutting tools; angles, rules for sharpening and setting cutters and drills; purpose and rules of application, rules for heat treatment of cutting tools made of tool steels, with plates hard alloys or ceramic, its main corners and rules of sharpening and installation; rules for determining cutting modes according to reference books and the passport of the machine; lifting equipment used in metalworking shops; the main directions of automation of production processes; basic concepts and definitions of technological processes for the manufacture of parts and processing modes; foundations of the theory of cutting metals within the work performed; basing principle; general information about the design of technological processes; the procedure for registration of technical documentation; basic information about complex mechanization, automation and production management; registration rules working documentation in progress. OP.05. General fundamentals of metalworking technology and work on metal-cutting machines
be able to: organize and carry out measures to protect workers and the population from the negative effects of emergencies; take preventive measures to reduce the level of dangers of various types and their consequences in professional activities and everyday life; use means of individual and collective protection against weapons of mass destruction; use primary fire extinguishing means; navigate the list of military registration specialties and independently determine among them those related to the profession received; apply professional knowledge in the course of performing military service duties in military positions in accordance with the profession received; own methods of conflict-free communication and self-regulation in daily activities and extreme conditions of military service; provide first aid to victims; know: the principles of ensuring the sustainability of economic objects, predicting the development of events and assessing the consequences of man-made emergencies and natural phenomena, including in the context of countering terrorism as a serious threat national security Russia; the main types of potential hazards and their consequences in professional activity and everyday life, principles of reducing the likelihood of their realization; the basics of military service and state defense; tasks and main activities of civil defense; ways to protect the population from weapons of mass destruction; measures fire safety and rules safe behavior in case of fires; organization and procedure for conscription of citizens to military service and admission to it on a voluntary basis; main types of weapons, military equipment and special equipment, which are in service (equipping) of military units, which have military registration specialties, related to the professions of open source software; the field of application of the acquired professional knowledge in the performance of military service duties; procedure and rules for providing first aid to victims. 28 OP.06. Life safety
P.00 Professional training cycle 474 316
PM.00 Professional modules 474 316
PM.01 Conducting the process of drawing and simple design work As a result of studying the professional module, the student must: have practical experience: drawing assembly drawings and general drawings; performing detailing of assembly drawings; execution from nature of sketches of parts and assembly drawings of simple structures; performing simple technical calculations; making changes to the design documentation adopted during the development process; preparation of notifications about changes in design documentation; work with computer programs for the preparation of design documentation; be able to: under the guidance of a more qualified specialist to carry out sketches and working drawings for the design of products; draw assembly drawings, general arrangement drawings, dimensional and installation drawings from sketches or from nature, as well as other design documentation; take from nature sketches of simple designs of parts, products; perform detailing of assembly drawings, simple technical calculations based on the initial data in accordance with the developed programs and methods or standard calculations; draw up diagrams, specifications, various statements and tables; make changes in the design documentation adopted during the development process; draw up notices of changes; to draw up drawings: to carry out the minimum required number of images, to affix symbols and dimensions, to make the necessary inscriptions; know: the order and sequence of detailing assembly drawings; rules for applying tolerances, landings, surface roughness parameters, geometric deviations in the shape and location of surfaces in drawings during detailing; basics of design; methods and means of performing drawing and design work; nomenclature of design documents; methods and means of performing technical calculations; manufacturing technology and conditions of technical operation of the products being developed; technical conditions for the operation of the designed products; brands, properties, use of basic structural materials; manufacturing technology of developed products; the principle of choosing materials and blanks in the design of machine parts; types, purpose and procedure for calculating standard parts and structures; requirements for the organization of the workplace of the draftsman-designer; requirements for sketches; sketching tool, measuring tool, measuring technique; the order of execution of sketches; ESKD requirements for the procedure for changes in design documentation. MDK.01.01. Technology of designing machine parts MDK.01.02. Computer graphics
PM.02 Execution of drawing works As a result of studying the professional module, the student must: have practical experience: making drawings of parts, dimensional and assembly drawings from sketches or from nature; execution of drawings, execution of the necessary inscriptions and symbols; drawing up and drawing diagrams; drawing up specifications, various statements and tables; be able to: carry out drawing work (drawings of parts, dimensional and assembly drawings and other design documentation) according to sketches or from nature in the required scale in ink or pencil in compliance with the drawing rules; draw up diagrams, specifications, various statements and tables; to draw up drawings: to carry out the minimum required number of images, to affix symbols and dimensions, to make the necessary inscriptions; know: rules and techniques of geometric and projection drawing; basic techniques of computer graphics; fundamentals of technology in mechanical engineering; the concept of machines and mechanisms and their varieties; the concept of links and kinematic pairs; classification of machine parts for general and special purposes; structural elements of parts; methods and means of performing drawing works; fundamentals of technical drawing; section and cuts and their design in the drawings; types of working drawings, requirements for them; rules for organizing a draftsman's workplace; tools and devices used in drawing; standards, specifications and instructions for drawing up; rules for drawing up drawings; types, ratios and sizes of a standard drawing font; remote elements; designation of drawings of various stages of the project; classification of textual documentation; rules for the preparation, design and designation of statements, tables, specifications; the purpose and procedure for drawing up sheets of accompanying technical documentation; classification of circuits by purpose, by the way they are displayed, by the type of circuit elements and their connections; legend of elements and their connections in kinematic diagrams; basic concepts of hydraulic elements and their symbols on the diagrams; basic concepts of pneumatic elements and their symbols on the diagrams; basic concepts of electrical and electronic elements and their symbols on the diagrams. MDK.02.01. Mechanical engineering drawing
FC.00 Physical culture As a result of mastering the section, the student must: be able to: use physical culture and health-improving activities to strengthen health, achieve life and professional goals; know: about the role of physical culture in general cultural, professional and social development human; the basics of a healthy lifestyle. 68 34
The variable part of the training cycles of PPKRS (determined by the educational organization) 162 108
Total for the compulsory part of PPPCS, including the section "Physical culture", and the variable part of PPPCS 918 612
UP.00 Educational practice 21 weeks 756
PP.00 Internship
PA.00 Intermediate certification 1 week
GIA.00 State final certification 2 weeks

Table 3

The term for obtaining secondary vocational education on PPKRS in full-time education is 43 weeks, including:

Vii. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the training program for qualified workers and employees

7.1. The educational organization independently develops and approves the PPKRS in accordance with the FSES SPO, defining the profession or a group of professions of workers (positions of employees) according to OK 016-94 (based on the recommended list of their possible combinations according to the FSES SPO), and taking into account the corresponding approximate PPKRS.

Before starting the development of PPPRS, the educational organization must determine its specifics, taking into account the focus on meeting the needs of the labor market and employers, and concretize the final learning outcomes in the form of competencies, skills and knowledge, acquired practical experience.

The specific types of activities for which the student is preparing must correspond to the qualification (s) assigned, determine the content of the educational program developed by the educational organization together with interested employers.

When forming the PPKRS, the educational organization:

has the right to use the amount of time allotted for the variable part of the training cycles of the educational program, while increasing the amount of time allotted for the disciplines and modules of the compulsory part, or introducing new disciplines and modules in accordance with the needs of employers and the specifics of the activities of the educational organization;

is obliged to annually update the training program for qualified workers, employees, taking into account the requests of employers, the peculiarities of the development of the region, science, culture, economy, technology, technology and the social sphere within the framework established by this federal state educational standard;

is obliged in the work programs of all disciplines and professional modules to clearly formulate the requirements for the results of their development: competencies, acquired practical experience, knowledge and skills;

is obliged to ensure the effective independent work of students in combination with the improvement of its management on the part of teachers and masters of industrial training;

is obliged to provide students with the opportunity to participate in the formation of an individual educational program;

is obliged to form a socio-cultural environment, create the conditions necessary for the all-round development and socialization of the individual, preserve the health of students, contribute to the development of the educational component of the educational process, including the development of self-government, participation of students in work public organizations, sports and creative clubs;

should provide for the implementation of the competency-based approach to use in educational process active forms of conducting classes with the use of electronic educational resources, business and role-playing games, individual and group projects, analysis of industrial situations, psychological and other trainings, group discussions in combination with extracurricular work to form and develop general and professional competencies of students.

7.2. When implementing PPKRS, students have academic rights and obligations in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation".

7.3. The maximum volume of the student's study load is 54 academic hours per week, including all types of classroom and extracurricular (independent) educational work on the development of PPPCS and consultation.

7.4. The maximum amount of classroom teaching load in full-time education is 36 academic hours per week.

7.5. The maximum amount of classroom teaching load in full-time and part-time education is 16 academic hours per week.

7.6. The total duration of vacations is at least 10 weeks in the academic year for a study period of more than 1 year and at least 2 weeks in the winter period for a study period of 1 year.

7.7. In the discipline "Physical culture", 2 hours of independent study load can be provided weekly, including game types of training (due to various forms of extracurricular activities in sports clubs, sections).

7.8. An educational organization has the right for subgroups of girls to use 70 percent of the study time of the "Life Safety" discipline, allotted for the study of the basics of military service, for mastering the basics of medical knowledge.

7.9. Receiving secondary vocational education on the basis of basic general education is carried out with the simultaneous obtaining of secondary general education within the framework of the PICRS. In this case, the PPKRS, implemented on the basis of basic general education, is developed on the basis of the requirements of the relevant federal state educational standards of secondary general and secondary vocational education, taking into account the vocational vocational education received.

The term for the development of PPKRS in full-time education for persons studying on the basis of basic general education is increased by 82 weeks based on:

7.10. Consultations for students in full-time and part-time forms of study are provided by the educational organization at the rate of 4 hours per student for each academic year, including during the implementation of the educational program of secondary general education for persons studying on the basis of basic general education. The forms of consultation (group, individual, written, oral) are determined by the educational organization.

7.11. During the training period, training camps are held with young men.

7.12. Practice is a compulsory section of the CDMS. It is a type of educational activity aimed at the formation, consolidation, development of practical skills and competencies in the process of performing certain types of work related to future professional activities. The following types of practices are envisaged in the implementation of PPKRS: educational and production.

Educational practice and industrial practice are carried out by an educational organization when students master professional competencies within the framework of professional modules and can be implemented both concentratedly in several periods and dispersed, alternating with theoretical studies within professional modules.

Goals and objectives, programs and reporting forms are determined by the educational organization for each type of practice.

Industrial practice should be carried out in organizations, the direction of activity of which corresponds to the profile of training of students.

Attestation based on the results of industrial practice is carried out taking into account (or on the basis) of the results, confirmed by the documents of the relevant organizations.

7.13. The implementation of the training program for skilled workers, employees by profession should be provided by teaching staff with secondary vocational or higher education corresponding to the profile of the taught discipline (module). Masters of industrial training must have 1-2 categories of worker profession higher than that provided for by the FSES SPE for graduates. Experience in organizations of the relevant professional field is mandatory for teachers who are responsible for mastering the professional educational cycle for students, these teachers and masters of industrial training receive additional professional education under advanced training programs, including in the form of internships in specialized organizations at least 1 time in 3 of the year.

7.14. PPPCS should be provided with educational and methodological documentation for all disciplines, interdisciplinary courses and professional modules of PPPCS.

Extracurricular work should be accompanied by methodological support and justification for calculating the time spent on its implementation.

The implementation of the PPRSI should be ensured by the access of each student to the databases and library funds, formed according to the full list of disciplines (modules) of the PPRSI. During self-study, students must be provided with access to the Internet.

Each student must be provided with at least one educational print and / or electronic publication for each discipline of the general professional educational cycle and one educational and methodical print and / or electronic publication for each interdisciplinary course (including electronic databases of periodicals).

The library fund should be completed with printed and / or electronic editions of basic and additional educational literature on disciplines of all educational cycles published over the past 5 years.

The library fund, in addition to educational literature, should include official, reference and bibliographic and periodicals at the rate of 1-2 copies for every 100 students.

Each student must be provided with access to the library collection sets, consisting of at least 3 titles of domestic journals.

The educational organization should provide students with the opportunity to quickly exchange information with domestic organizations, including educational organizations, access to modern professional bases data and information resources of the Internet.

7.15. Admission to training in PPMSC at the expense of budgetary allocations federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets is publicly available, unless otherwise provided by part 4 of article 68 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation". Funding for the implementation of the CDCP should be carried out in an amount not lower than the established state regulatory costs for the provision of public service in education for a given level.

7.16. An educational organization that implements PPPCS must have a material and technical base that ensures the conduct of all types of laboratory work and practical exercises, disciplinary, interdisciplinary and modular training, educational practice, provided for by the curriculum of the educational organization. The material and technical base must comply with the current sanitary and fire safety standards.

offices, laboratories, workshops and other premises


technical measurements;

materials science;

electrical engineering;

technical graphics;

life safety;

metalworking technologies and work in metalworking shops;

computer class.

Sports complex:


a wide-profile open stadium with elements of an obstacle course;

shooting range (in any modification, including electronic) or a place for shooting.

library, reading room with Internet access;

Assembly Hall.

The implementation of the CDMS should ensure:

performance of laboratory work and practical exercises by students, including practical tasks using personal computers as an obligatory component;

mastering by students of professional modules in the conditions of an appropriate educational environment created in an educational organization or in organizations, depending on the specifics of the type of activity.

The educational organization must be provided with the necessary set of licensed software.

7.17. The implementation of the PPKRS is carried out by an educational organization in the state language of the Russian Federation.

The implementation of PPKRS by an educational organization located on the territory of the Republic of the Russian Federation can be carried out in the state language of the Republic of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the republics of the Russian Federation. The implementation of PPKRS by an educational organization in the state language of the Republic of the Russian Federation should not be carried out to the detriment of the state language of the Russian Federation.

VIII. Requirements for the results of mastering the training program for qualified workers, employees

8.1. Assessment of the quality of the development of PPKRS should include current monitoring of progress, intermediate and state final certification of students.

8.2. Specific forms and procedures for monitoring progress, intermediate certification for each discipline and professional module are developed by the educational organization independently and are communicated to students within the first two months from the start of training.

8.3. For attestation of students for the compliance of their personal achievements with the stage-by-stage requirements of the relevant PPMS (current monitoring of progress and intermediate attestation), funds of assessment tools are created to assess skills, knowledge, practical experience and mastered competencies.

Funds of assessment tools for intermediate certification in disciplines and interdisciplinary courses as part of professional modules are developed and approved by the educational organization independently, and for intermediate certification in professional modules and for state final certification, they are developed and approved by the educational organization after a preliminary positive opinion of employers.

For intermediate certification of students in disciplines (interdisciplinary courses), in addition to teachers of a specific discipline (interdisciplinary course), teachers of related disciplines (courses) should be actively involved as external experts. To make the programs of intermediate certification of students in professional modules as close as possible to the conditions of their future professional activities, the educational organization should actively involve employers as freelance experts.

8.4. Assessment of the quality of training of students and graduates is carried out in two main directions:

assessment of the level of mastering disciplines;

assessment of the competencies of students.

For young men, it is envisaged to evaluate the results of mastering the basics of military service.

8.5. Students who do not have academic debt and who have fully completed the curriculum or individual curriculum for PPKRS are allowed to the state final certification, unless otherwise established by the procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary vocational education.

8.6. State final certification includes the defense of the final qualifying work (final practical qualifying work and written examination paper). Mandatory requirements - compliance of the topic of the final qualifying work with the content of one or more professional modules; final practical qualification work should provide for the complexity of the work not lower than the category of the worker's profession, provided for by the FSES SPO.

The state exam is introduced at the discretion of the educational organization.

8.7. In accordance with Part 6 of Article 68 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" education. Upon successful completion of the specified state final certification by an accredited educational organization, students are issued a certificate of secondary general education.


* (1) Part 1 of Article 15 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326 ).

* (2) In accordance with the Federal Law of 28.03.1998 N 53-FZ "On conscription and military service. "

* (3) Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326.

* (4) Clause 1 of Article 13 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ "On Military Duty and Military Service" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 13, Art. 1475; 2004, N 35, Art. 3607; 2005, No. 30, Art. 3111; 2007, No. 49, Art. 6070; 2008, No. 30, Art. 3616; 2013, No. 27, Art. 3477).

* (5) Part 6 of Article 59 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326 ).

Document overview

The federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education for the profession "Draftsman-constructor" (151901.01) was approved.

The standard is mandatory for use by educational organizations that have the right to implement state-accredited training programs for skilled workers and employees in this profession in Russia.

The characteristics of the training and professional activity of graduates are given. The requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program and for its structure have been determined.