Types of cash register breakdowns - what to do if the cash register breaks down? Execution of the contract for the maintenance of the CCT, the log of calling technicians and registration of the work performed. The CCM device is disabled due to problems encountered

We all know that technology does not last forever. If you don't follow it, the device will become unusable in a few years. It is worthwhile to repair the KKM carefully, taking into account all the requirements, because this is an accounting technique, without it the outlet will not stand for a couple of days (of course, if there is only one cash register in the store).

We will tell you what to do if cash machine broken.

The main reasons for the breakdown of the cash register

You can determine why the cash register is not working on your own. The main thing is to carefully examine the equipment. Or a service technician can do it for you.

Basically, cash register equipment breaks down due to the fact that:

Important: if you accidentally damaged the seal of the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service or the production label, contact the specialists! Such apparatus is considered broken and invalid.

Remember also: if the fiscal memory has been erased, then such damage may even be brought to administrative responsibility.

It is worth considering the operation of cash register equipment if it:

  • It prints the receipt and receipts incorrectly, or does not print at all.
  • The equipment does not turn off or turn on.
  • Information about the sale of an item is not saved.
  • Keyboard, printer stopped working properly.
  • Receipts are displayed, but without important information, for example, details.

Contact the specialists, they will help you set up the equipment or recommend how to properly deregister the cash register, and they will also choose the latest modern technology for you to meet your requirements for work.

All the nuances of repairing a cash register in a central heating center - what to foresee and what to prepare for?

If you purchased a cash register at a specific service center, then you should contact the same organization for repair. If it does not work, then do not hesitate and call other specialists, for example - v.

The sooner you contact the masters, the faster the cash register will be repaired and the point of sale will begin to operate completely.

Remember the important nuances:

1. Repair cannot be carried out by a private master!

All cash register machines are serviced in the centers without fail. If you contact a private trader, then further problems may arise with the equipment and its repair, because it is not a fact that the master will have a license to carry out renovation works KKM and he was trained. What should the cashier do if the cash register breaks down?

Follow these instructions:

  1. Report the breakdown to your line manager.
  2. Try it yourself together with it to fix the error and solve the problem.
  3. Contact the specialists of the technical service center if it was not possible to fix the POS printer.
  4. Conduct a damage assessment with the foreman. After repairing the equipment, sign the Certificate of Completion of Services and other important documents. The specialist must indicate on paper the cause of the breakdown and the way to eliminate it.
  5. When removing the seal from the device, be sure to contact the tax office with the documents: an extract that the KKM has been repaired, the conclusion of the master.
  6. Obtain a tax permit to remove the seals. This must be done within 3 days!
  7. Pay for the services of specialists.
  8. After the permit is issued, you have 15 working days to bring the equipment into working order.

Of course, it is better to put the equipment in order in a few days in order to get the work done. point of sale... Experts will help you solve all the problems, please contact us!

During the period of operation of the CCP, it is quite possible that emergency situations arise that can lead to various kinds of malfunctions. At the moment of the onset of such a situation, you need to turn off the cash register, call the manager (or his substitute) and try to solve the problem - to identify the malfunction and its cause.

If suddenly incomprehensible data is printed on the checks, it is necessary first of all to look at the impressions of the check on the cash register tape. If checks, on the contrary, do not come out, try to get together any check, the usual, the so-called zero. " The correct amount should be located on its back (as usual, the amount in words, but the pennies in numbers). When a breakage problem occurs cash register tape, after a thorough check and identification of the absence of gaps in the numbering, you need to sign the place of the break.

If, due to the occurrence of a malfunction, further continuation of work with the cash register is impossible, then it is worth registering the end of the work shift. In the journal of the cashier-operator, the time interval and the reasons for the end of the working day are noted. After that, the person in charge applies for help to the service department of the TEC, with which an agreement was concluded for Maintenance of this particular cash register.

At such a moment, you need to make the appropriate entries in the Register of calls of technical specialists and registration of work performed (it is entered in the form No. KM-8). After a thorough inspection, the maintenance specialist enters the data in the Journal (name, machine sealing data and stamp imprint), and also indicates the cause of the breakdown and the actions performed.

In the event of a malfunction of the cash control counters or the electronic part of the CCP, the car must be sent for repair work to the CTS. In accordance with this situation, a log entry is made. This entry is confirmed by the signature of a specialist. In addition, this record must also contain the signature of the manager, or an employee who has the authority to sign.

After identifying the need for service repairs, an act is drawn up on taking readings from the cash register tape and summing cash counters. Such readings are taken at the time of the transfer of the CCP for repair. If the malfunction of the CCP was corrected and eliminated by the representative of the CTC, in this case, the act is not drawn up. Otherwise, the act must be drawn up in at least three copies. A prerequisite when drawing up an act, it is that the cause of the breakdown, its nature is indicated, and records are made about which details were affected at the time of the check, and also if the cause cannot be established on the spot, but only in service center- this is also marked in the act.

In addition, this document should contain notes on the readings of the summing cash and control meters before and after the repair. At the first visit to the TEC specialist, the indications are indicated that were before the repair, at the time of the appearance of the malfunction and the completion of the work. The act is drawn up only with the participation of a representative of the tax authority, he certifies it and checks the data for compliance with reality. He signs the act, they also put signatures - a representative of the TEC, a cashier-operator, as well as a manager or a responsible person. The signature is additionally confirmed by the seal of the organization, as well as by the stamp of the tax authority. Only then can you proceed to subsequent warranty service and repair work.

At the end of the repair work of the cash register, the specialist of the service center indicates in the act the number of the shift report and the total readings of the totalizing counter at the time of the return of the device to the owners. The act is also confirmed by signatures and seals. One copy is given to the head, the second remains at the service center, and the third copy is sent to the tax authorities for information. The last two documents are additionally attached with certified copies of checks, their purpose is to assure the reliability of the data. KKT receives a filling and then it becomes ready for subsequent work.

Broken fiscal memory

If the device has a breakdown related to fiscal memory, then such a problem does not have a quick and easy solution... Actions are carried out in strict accordance with the specially developed Rules for replacing the fiscal memory of cash registers. They were approved by the decision of the State Interdepartmental Expert Commission on cash registers dated October 11, 2000.

The replacement of such a cash register memory occurs only after an official document from the tax authority, which contains the permit. Such a document is obtained from the tax authority, in which it is registered. To obtain this kind of document, you need to make a formal request to the tax office. It is necessary to attach to the application a copy of the decision from the TEC, where the need for repair and replacement of memory is spelled out. The tax authorities issue such a permit. The replacement process must be attended by a service center specialist himself, an entrepreneur or company manager, as well as a representative of the tax office.

If a serious accident or breakdown suddenly occurs, when it is not possible to establish the contents of the memory, the data on the cash settlements carried out by the cash register and the number of replacement reports are determined by the previous fiscal reports, control tapes, as well as by the cashier-operator's logs. If the data is still possible to establish, they must be attached to the documents.

After obtaining the mandatory permission to correct the breakdown, the cash register is taken to the repair center. It is worth noting that under the terms of the contract, the specialists of the TSC must provide warranty or post-warranty service within thirty-six hours in the urban space, and if it is a rural area, then within seventy-two hours. When the unit is handed over for repair, a replacement must be provided and the tax authorities informed.

During the period of routine maintenance, an inspection of all parts and their serviceability is provided.

Elimination of minor malfunctions when working on a cash register

In the event of a malfunction, the cashier must:

Turn off the CCP, call a representative of the administration, determine the nature of the malfunction

In case of unclear printing of the check details, check failure or breakage of the control tape, together with a representative of the administration, check the check imprints on the control tape, sign the check (if the check does not come out, it will receive a zero one), indicating the correct amount on the back. When the control tape breaks (ends), it must be refilled, the ends of the tape must be drawn. The break points of the control tape are drawn up in the same way as at the beginning and end of a work shift, but with an indication of the break time. The cashier is forbidden to work without a control tape or glue it in places of breakage.

In case of impossibility of further work due to a malfunction of the machine, the cashier, together with a representative of the administration, draws up the end of work on the cash register in the same way as at the end of the shift, with a mark in the book of the cashier-operator. If it is impossible to eliminate the malfunction by the cashier, the administration calls the mechanic of the Central Service Center

A sudden stop of the machine is possible with the following errors in the actions of the cashier: double pressing of keys, overflow of the machine memory when entering the price of goods, violation of the sequence of data entry, the amount of cash of the buyer is less than the cost of purchases, etc. In such cases, it is necessary to press the "Reset" button, and the blocking of the machine is removed. If this operation did not bring the machine out of the blocking state, it is necessary to check whether the operation started is completed. If the machine has not returned to working condition, work must be suspended, call the administrator, formalize the end of work and call the mechanic.

Execution of the contract for the maintenance of the KKT, the log of calling technical specialists and registration of the work performed

Regardless of the method of purchasing the CCP, the organization is obliged to conclude an agreement with the technical service center. In the first case, this contract is concluded immediately at the time of purchase of the cash register, in the second, you will have to take the purchased cash register directly to the service center. In the third case, the purchase and sale of a CCP is often made directly through the CCP, where the device was delivered for maintenance, but even if the cash register is sold by the previous owner himself, you need to make sure that there is a mark from the tax authority on the removal of the CCP from the register at the place of previous registration, as well as in the fact that an additional sheet has been drawn up to the passport of the KKT version in the form given in Appendix No. 8 to the GMEC Decision on KKM dated 04/18/2002 (protocol No. 2 / 67-2002), and the new owner will also have to conclude an agreement with the technical service center ...

The logbook for recording calls of technical specialists and registration of work performed is used in organizations in the following cases:

If it is impossible to eliminate the malfunctions by the cashier, the administration calls a specialist in the technical service center for cash registers (mechanic, programmer, specialist in electronics, control systems);

Conducting scheduled technical inspections by a technical service center specialist, including checking the state of the mechanisms of the electronic and software parts of the cash register, eliminating minor malfunctions.

The journal is kept by a specialist of the technical center, who makes notes about the work performed and is kept by the head of the organization or his deputy. A record is made in the journal about the sealing and the content of the stamp imprint. If it is necessary to repair cash control counters or the electronic part of the cash register, an appropriate entry is made and indicated to the management of the organization about the need to send the cash register for repair to the maintenance center. The corresponding record is confirmed by the signatures of the specialist of the technical service center and the person in charge of the organization on the acceptance of work on the repair of the CCP.

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1. Requirements for the use of KKM

2. Requirements for check details

3. Documentation requirements

4. Signs of POS printer malfunction

5. Operational requirements for KKM

6. Aesthetic requirements for KKM




One of the most important types of commercial and technological equipment are cash registers. This is due to the fact that more than 90% of the turnover is registered on the cash register.

To establish high-quality traffic accounting Money, to exclude the possibility of theft and increase the throughput of trade enterprises, this most important type of equipment must meet a number of requirements under the control of state fiscal authorities.

This paper describes the requirements for the use of KKM, to the details of the check, to the documentation, as well as signs of failure of the KKM.

1. Requirements for the use of KKM

In all organizations and enterprises, only serviceable cash register machines with long-term and non-volatile storage of information in the fiscal (control) memory can be used.

Before using the KKM, you must make sure that it:

· Approved for use in accordance with the classifier;

· In cases established by the State Commission on KKM, has application programs;

· Equipped with visual control means (holograms) " State Register"And" Service ";

· Is registered in the technical service center (TSC), which annually (in January - February) is obliged to carry out a serviceability check;

· Registered with the tax authorities.

After the expiration of the application period, due to exclusion from the register, the KKM must be deregistered with the tax authorities, and from that moment it is prohibited to use it.

2. Requirements for check details

Previously, the requirements for the details of the check were limited only to the reflection in it of the cash register number, the Date of receipt of cash and the amounts received. Now instead of cashier's check the buyer (client) is allowed to issue an attachment (applied) document posted through the cash register and reflecting, like a check, the following details:

· Serial number of KKM;

· Serial number of the check;

· Date and time of purchase;

· The cost of the purchase or service;

· A sign of the presence of fiscal memory.

The order is established KKM application with fiscal memory - while receipts, control tapes and other documents must have special signs. It is forbidden to use such cash register machines in non-fiscal mode or by a failed fiscal memory block.

3. Documentation requirements

On all KKM, a control tape is mandatory, and for each KKM, a Cashier-Operator's Journal is kept separately, entered by the tax authority.

The control tape, the journal of the cashier-operator and other documents confirming the conduct of monetary settlements with customers must be kept at the enterprise within the terms established for the primary accounting documents. But at least 5 years. The head of the organization is responsible for ensuring their storage.

check cash register machine

4. Signs of POS printer malfunction

Currently, a specific list of PFC malfunctions is provided.

KKM is recognized as defective if it has:

· The seal of the central heating center is missing or damaged;

There is no marking of the manufacturer or one of the methods of visual control, as well as if the cash register:

· Does not print, prints illegible or incompletely prints the required details on the receipt, control tape or other documents stipulated by the technical requirements for the cash register and their fiscal memory;

Does not allow obtaining data contained in the fiscal memory and necessary for control tax authority;

· Applies applications that are not approved by the commission for use by a specific POS model.

5. Operational

In order for the KKM to be admitted to work, it must meet such requirements as:

· Compliance with the design of the machine to the type of commercial enterprise, the method of sale, the level of prices for goods;

· Simplicity of design, providing ease of use and repair;

· Impeccable accuracy of calculations;

· high performance;

· Reflection of the type of operation and the results of calculations;

· Clarity of indications of the indicator mechanism;

· Reliability in work;

· Ability to document transactions;

· Registration and accounting of data to study consumer demand and obtain commercial information;

· Compact design and low weight;

· The lowest cost and price;

· Ergonomics of the keyboard;

· Compatibility with computer systems;

· Availability of an interface.

6. Aestheticrequirements for KKM

These requirements include:

· Actual design;

· High quality of finishing materials;

· Correspondence of proportions and finishing to functional purpose;

· A harmonious combination of color solutions with the interior of the sales area.


Summing up the results of the work, the following conclusions can be drawn: no trade enterprise can carry out its normal activities without cash register equipment. KKM ensures correct accounting of funds and clear control over their safety. Buyers spend time on purchasing goods depends on it. Cash registers provide clarity, simplicity and correctness of calculation, control over the conduct of cash and settlement operations, accurate accounting of cash receipts, increase the productivity of cashiers, reduce to a minimum the possibility of errors in calculations, provide information on the volume of sales of goods and the number of serviced buyers by the hours of the work shift.

In order for the KKM to perform its tasks clearly, quickly and without errors, it must meet all the requirements discussed above.


1. Arustamov E.A. Equipment of enterprises (trade): tutorial... - M .: Publishing House "Dashkov and K", 2000. - 451s.

Posted on Allbest.ru


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1 ERRORS KKM (excerpts from standard instructions) AMC 100 E PU no paper E NP no purchases E EP there are purchases E OGR limit amount E 24 change exceeded 24 hours AMS 100F Version 16 (malfunction) Fault code Feature Error writing EPROM 005 Malfunctioning RAM 006 Violation of information in ROM (mismatch of checksums) 009 Malfunction in the circuit for forming a pulse of TPG printing 010 No connection with FFP 011 No free space in FFP Error when writing information to FFP Violation of control information block in EPROM Malfunction of access to the EPROM interface (shorting of pins chips) When trying to write a purchase, a distortion was detected in free space. microcircuits

2 05 Malfunction of RAM 06 Violation of information in ROM (mismatch of checksums) 07 Error writing the product database 08 Error reading the product database 09 Malfunction in the TPG print pulse shaping circuit 10 No connection with the FFP 11 No free space in the FFP Error when writing information to the FFP Violation of the CC of the control information block Hardware malfunction of the I2C interface When recording a purchase in the EZ, non-empty cells were found No KKM number Three faulty records in the BFP Transition of the clock microcircuit through the century AMC-100K E EE KKM error with EKLZ E 50 no connection with EKLZ E 51 no coincidence reg ... EKLZ numbers E 52 no coincidence of shifts ON 0 enter PFC number (clean FP) Code Fault characteristics 01 Write error in EEPROM 02 Read error from EEPROM 03 Write error in clock microcircuit 04 Error read from clock microcircuit 05 Malfunction of RAM 06 Violation of information in ROM (mismatch of checksums) 07 Error writing the goods database 08 Error reading the goods database 09 Malfunction in the TPG print pulse formation circuit 10 There is no connection with the FFP 11 There is no free space in the FFP 12 Error when writing information to the FFP 13 Violation of the CC of the control information block

3 14 Hardware malfunction of the I2C interface 15 Non-empty cells were found during the purchase record in the EZ 16 No KKM number 50 No connection with the EKLZ, EKLZ is faulty or missing 51 Mismatch of the registration number of the EKLZ 52 Mismatch of the shift number in the FP and EKLZ 98 In the BFP 3 faulty records were found 99 The transition of the clock microcircuit through the century. Error codes returned by the EKLZ, and their decoding: Fault code EKLZ error type: incorrect format or command parameter. ECLZ: Invalid State. EKLZ: accident. EKLZ: failure of the KS (cryptographic coprocessor). EKLZ: the temporary resource of use has been exhausted. ECLZ: full. ECLZ: Incorrect date or time. ECLZ: no data requested. ECLZ: document overflow. In case of ECLZ errors 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, the printer displays - the number of the command, the ECLZ state, including the state of the flags: The state of the flags before activating the ECLZ: Flag_a = 0 Flag_s = 0 Flag_d = 0 Flag_w = ​​0 Flag_f = 0 Flag_i = 0 Flag_t1 = 0 Flag_t0 = 0 State of flags after closing the archive: Flag_a = 0 Flag_s = 0 Flag_d = 0 Flag_w = ​​0 Flag_f = 1 Flag_i = 0 Flag_t1 = 0 Flag_t0 = 0

4 KASBI 02F Possible malfunctions and ways of their elimination In the process of work, constant monitoring of the condition of the machine is carried out. If any discrepancy or error is detected in the operation of the equipment, a sound signal is issued and a corresponding message is displayed on the indicator. Any pressing of keys not described in the algorithm of the machine, violation of the sequence of pressing keys or pressing two or more keys at the same time does not block the machine and does not perform any action. A self-test is provided to identify possible malfunctions in the machine. When the KKM is turned on, the information reliability is checked and the hardware is tested: the keyboard is checked; checking indicators; operability of RAM; the reliability of the control information block in the EPROM; reliability of information in ROM programs; communication and reliability of information in the MFP Note - Any operation of writing to the MFP and EPROM drive is accompanied by a control reading with a comparison throughout the entire time KKM work... If one of the tests is completed, the name of the malfunction is displayed on the indicator, in the event of which the machine is blocked. ATTENTION! In the event of a blockage of the machine, contact a technical service center (TSO) specialist. The description of the faults is given in Table 1 Table 1 The cashier's indicator shows FF OVERFLOW RAM FAILURE ROM FAILURE Cause of the fault The maximum possible number of shift closings was performed Corresponding microcircuit is defective Corresponding microcircuit is faulty PFC operation blocking yes yes yes

5 Table 1 The indicator of the cashier shows FAULTY TPU ERROR. RECORDS IN FP OSH. RECORDS IN EPZU VIOLATION INF. In the FP Cause of the malfunction Incorrect operation of the printing device The information was not written to the fiscal memory or it was distorted the information was not written to the EPROM or it was distorted Unauthorized writing to the fiscal memory POS printer operation blocking yes yes yes yes The following warning messages are issued during the operation of the cash register , which serve to draw the operator's attention to his incorrect actions. In this case, a complete blocking of the operation of the machine does not occur. The list of these messages is given in Table 2. Table 2 The cashier's indicator shows NO PURCHASES AMOUNT INCLUDED! CLOSE SHIFT! ERROR FROM FI FIELDS Reason for the appearance of a warning message Attempt to obtain information with an empty check buffer Attempt to change the configuration when the initial amount has been entered, it is necessary to display a control tape on an already existing record of closing the shift, another record is being made NO PAPER! end of paper in TPU no VIOLATION. INF IN RPZU DOES NOT ENOUGH CASH. NO CASH The cash register tries to recover the data (if the test is successfully completed, further work is possible) an attempt to return amounts exceeding the cash in the cash register an attempt to return any amounts in the absence of cash in the cash register FISKAL. IMPOSSIBLE. there are purchases or 16 fiscalizations / re-registrations were carried out Blocking the operation of the cash register no no no no no no no no

6 Table 2 The cashier's indicator shows LOW CASH! NO FISCALIZATION OF KKM BLOCKS. CHANGE PASSWORD Reason for the warning message an attempt to withdraw amounts exceeding the proceeds for the entire period of operation of the cash register (more than a non-resettable total) The cash register is in non-fiscal training mode. The cash register is blocked by the tax inspector. F (version of the KKM 03 model) MACHINE BLOCKS During operation, the EKKM monitors the correct execution of operations by the user. If the user violates the order of performing certain operations, a sound signal is heard. In some cases, user error will cause the machine to lock up. In this case, a message about blocking is displayed on the indicator. Table 12 contains the blocking designations and methods of their elimination. Table 12. Messages about interlocks Designation Type of violation Elimination method Е ПУ Break (end) of paper Fill the tape or press the TPG of the tape or the TPG is not pressed into the BTP. (see item 4). If the previous document is not completely output, press the "TOTAL" key. Document EGG NP Attempt to output the Z report when the control tape buffer is empty. EGG EP Prohibition of this operation if there are sales in the buffer of the control tape. EGG 24 The duration of the work shift since the registration of the first sale has exceeded 24 hours, or the control tape buffer overflowed. E 30 Department key pressed, will be printed from the beginning. To release the lock, press the "Reset" button. The machine will return to the initial state of the "Cashier" mode. Before performing a prohibited operation, it is necessary to remove the Z report (see p. 7.2). It is necessary to remove the Z report (see clause 7.2)

7 to which sales are prohibited. Е ОГС Sales amount exceeded maximum amount authorized for sale in this department. E PP Overflow of revenue by department per shift. Е НС There is no connection with the PC or the "Operational storage" device Е Нп The requested product code was not found. E But there is no requested quantity of the item. E ZAPR A ban was received from the PC or the "Operational storage" device to carry out this operation. Press the "Reset" key and enter the allowed amount. Cancel or close the current check and remove the Z report. Check the communication channel with the PC, the connecting cable and the EKKM settings required for joint work with the PC or the "Operational Storage" device. If errors are detected in the operation of EKKM, a message with a malfunction code is displayed on the display: E XXX The values ​​of the malfunction codes are listed in Table 13, if a malfunction is detected, you must call a service specialist.

8 Table 13. Table of codes of malfunctions. Code Fault characteristic Fault elimination method E Violation of information in ROM or Call the master on the "Master" controller. E Error writing EPROM Call the master E Failure of the date in the timer Call the master E Failed writing of the serial number Call the master of the machine in the FFP or EPROM E No communication with the FFP Call the wizard E Overflow FFP Call the wizard E Error writing information to the FFP Call the wizard E Error programmable parameters Call the wizard MERCURY 115K Error messages Message to Explanation Actions by the indicator Err 001 Bus failure I 2 C Contact the service department ROM HENOR Program checksum failure Restart the POS printer. Inform service Err 003 Timer malfunction Enter date and time. Call the service department NP HENOR Malfunction of the fiscal memory memory NO NOR Malfunction of Data Flash Err 006 Defective or unformatted Data Flash Call the service department Err 007 Violation of data structure Err 008 Timer RAM failure Err 009 Error during recovery after emergency shutdown Err 010 Date not programmed Program date Err 011 Invalid date Err EL01 Parameter error during data transfer to ECLZ Err EL02 Incorrect ECLZ state Err EL03 ECLZ error message Contact

9 Err EL04 Cryptoprocessor faulty service Err EL05 EKLZ time resource exhausted Err EL06 EKLZ overflowed Err EL07 Date / time error EKLZ Set the correct date Err EL08 No requested data in EKLZ Refine request Err EL09 Overflow of EKLZ registers are not the same Err EL10 DK to the service department Err EL11 EKLZ not activated or wrong Err EL12 Shift numbers in FP and EKLZ do not match EL NENOR EKLZ not connected or defective PU NENOR Malfunction of NBU printing device No check tape Load ribbon OVERHEAT Printhead is overheated. Cool the KKM. ONd D Thermal head retracted Move the head. AP Power failure. The battery is discharged Switch off the machine. Charge the battery Err 025 Receipt buffer overflow Execute OSG Err 026 Invalid operation Err 027 Operation aborted Err 028 Input error Err 029 An attempt to sell an item by a code in mode 0, or a return by a code, when only total return is allowed Press the "C" key to continue, Err 030 Payment or refund: the requested amount is not available Err 032 Critical error in the receipt buffer Contact the service department CHECK OSG The shift is not closed. Close the OSG shift IN BASE The report with cancellation on the base has not been completed Post the OSG on the base of goods or services Err 036 Register overflow Close the receipt. If the error is repeated when opening the next receipt, perform cancellation. Err 037 Attempt to sell to a closed section Err 038 Mismatch between the types of the section and the operation Err 040 The item in the database is blocked Err 041 Attempt to sell a fractional part of a piece item on the basis of Err 042 The server does not respond Err 043 Error in the exchange protocol with the server Err 044 Refusal to process the request by the server Err 045 Invalid value of the product code> 1000 Err 046 The product is not found in the database Err 047 There is not enough money when calculating change Err 049 Tax or tax group is not programmed To cancel, press "C" Check connection with PC To cancel, press "C"

10 Err 050 Error in tax base Err 051 FP overflow Err 052 FP error Err 055 Error writing to FP Err 057 Non-fiscal mode Err 058 No ECLZ registration in FP Contact Err 060 Fiscal record is corrupted by service Err 062 No serial number Err 064 Incorrect time Enter time MICRO 103K (104K) Error messages. E incorrect operator actions. TU password is incorrect. P bit overflow. The contribution amount is less than the sale amount. E07 absence of a receipt tape. E38 invalid date. E66 shift is not closed. Code Error name Further actions operator errors E01 * EKLZ is faulty or not installed Contact the TEC E02 * Errors when testing the RAM area or an error - // - control of information in the service area of ​​the RAM E03 * Error in the safekeeping of cash and operational registers Contact the TEC E04 * Processor testing error - // - E05 * Check sum error during ROM testing - // - E06 * Printer error, thermal head is open Perform visual inspection and cleaning of the PU, close the thermal head. If the error persists after switching on, contact the service center. E07 Lack of receipt tape Load a new roll E08 * The voltage is removed from the power supply unit early when Turning off the machine E09 * Error in information about the programmed RAM prices See clause 6.10 E10 * Error in control of information in the area of ​​the convolution RAM Contact the TEC of the program E11 Change duration exceeds the allowable time Execute Z1-report E12 * Foreign EKLZ Set EKLZ activated as part of the E13 machine Attempt to enter a date earlier than the last date Enter the correct date

11 E14 * her entries in the FP. Timer error, the set date is less than the date in the FP, an error when confirming the current date in the Z1-report Inconsistency of the serial number of the machine with the serial number of the machine in the FP Contact the Central Service Center Contact the Central Service Center E15 * FP is faulty, not set or not initialized - // - E16 Overflow FP - // - E17 When switching to the fiscal reporting mode, it was not returned to the Z mode and the Z1-report was executed, execute the Z1-report E18 * Error when testing the FP control circuit and Contact the TEC indication E19 * EKLZ is faulty or activated - // - to a non-fiscalized machine E20 The machine is not fiscalized - // - E21 The report "Request of the shift results" in Z1 is not printed - Execute the report of the results of the shift report E22 The machine has detected an error that blocks Contact the TEC to continue work E23 E23 EKLZ new, alien, activated earlier or new - // - E24 No access to the fiscal regime, car without number Enter the tax inspector password E25 The archive in the previously used EKLZ is not closed Contact the Central Service Center E26 Error while testing the RAM area (in - // - technological mode E27 The number of the closed shift in the FP does not equal the number - // - of the closed shift in the EKLZ E28 The number of the Z1-report does not equal the number of the closed shift - // - in the EKLZ E29 Number Z1 -report does not equal the number of the closed shift - // - in FP E30 Work on the machine is prohibited before entering the date or was Enter the correct date an attempt to enter a date earlier than the date of the last entry in FP E31 No cashier or administrator access Enter cashier or administrator password E32 Date and time correction is prohibited until Z1- Execute Z1-report of the report (there was a purchase) Е33 The number of purchases in one receipt is 15 Complete receipt Е34 Barcode list overflowed Delete unused barcodes Е35 Checksum error when working with barcodes Delete faulty barcode Е36 Destroyed the parameters of the fiscalization of the FP Contact the Central Service Center

12 Е37 The parameters of ECLZ activation are destroyed Contact the TEC E38 The date in the timer exceeds the date of the last document See clause 10.3 in the ECLZ by the amount more permissible Errors of the driver of the exchange of the machine with the ECLZ E50 The capture of the ECLZ of the SCL line exceeds the permissible Contact the TEC time E51 ECLZ does not confirm the reception byte - // - E52 Capture of ECLZ line SCL exceeds 100 μs during - // - transmission or 300 μs when receiving information E53 Zero procedure length - // - E54 Capture of ECLZ line SCL exceeds 1.5 s during - // - transmission or 30 s when receiving information E55 Checksum error when reading from EKLZ - // - E59 * Exceeding EKLZ timeout time - // - Errors of the EKLZ flag byte E60 Difference between the command code and flag t at d = 1 - // - E62 Archive closed Е63 EKLZ not activated / activated Contact the Central Service Center (inconsistency with the set flag) E64 The "report" flag is not cleared - // - E65 The document is open / closed (inconsistency - // - with the set flag) E66 The change in the ECLZ is not closed See p E67 Irrecoverable ECLZ error Contact in the TEC E68 The number of the end of the period change is less than the number of the shift Set the correct number of the beginning of the shift period E69 The specified shift number is missing in the EKLZ / FP - // - Errors in the response code EKLZ E70 Attempt to close an unopened shift when Contacting the TECO overflow EKLZ E71 Incorrect format or parameter of the Turn-off command KKM. When repeating, contact the TEC E72 Incorrect ECLZ state Contact the TEC E73 Failure of the EKLZ - // - E74 Failure of the cryptographic coprocessor (CS) E75 The time resource of using the EKLZ is exhausted - // - E76 EKLZ is full - / / - E77 Invalid date or time E78 No of the requested data Enter the correct document number E79 Document overflow / negative total Contact vto Notes. 1. * - the error is printed on the tape and blocks the operation of the machine until the malfunction is eliminated. After troubleshooting, you must turn off / on the machine. 2. When two or more keys are pressed simultaneously, a continuous beep is heard.

13 signal with blocking of information input until the keys are released and the indication goes out. 3. If, in the process of issuing a check, the machine detects an error with the code "E71" - "E79", then the message "EKLZ FAILURE - OSH.7X" (x = 2 9) will be automatically printed and the check will be canceled. Errors arising when writing information to the FP If an error occurs, a long beep is heard, and the corresponding error codes are displayed on the indicator in the fifth and sixth digits: 01 - unauthorized entry in the FP; 02 - fiscalization and four re-registrations were carried out; 03 - initial information is in the FP; 04 - information is not recorded in the FP; 05 - an error occurred while entering the fiscalization (re-registration) parameters; 06 - more than twenty zones are not suitable for entering information; 07 all EKLZ activations were carried out; 08 error in writing the fiscalization level in the line of EKLZ activation. If it is impossible to complete the procedure with the actions described in the operator's manual, turn off the machine, remove the tape from the tape end sensor, close the thermal head and, by pressing the D key, turn it on. The machine will unlock and write in the ECLZ the message "UNLOCK DD / MM / YY HH: MM", which will be printed when the current control tape is requested. With the standard development of the procedure for printing a receipt after an emergency power outage, it is prohibited to use this technique. ORION-100F Error codes KSA In case of incorrect operator actions or malfunction of KSA units, the indicator displays an error message in the form No code, sound signal Incorrect operator action 00 Program error 01 Memory error 02 Fiscal memory defective 03 No paper, lever not pressed 04 The battery is discharged 05 Printer overheating is a general symptom of an error: + Check overflow (check registrations exceeded) ± Counter overflow or negative result

14 ORION 100K No code, sound signal Incorrect operator action 00 Program error 01 Memory error 02 Fiscal memory is faulty 03 No paper, lever is not pressed 04 Battery discharged 05 Printer overheating 06 Failure or absence of EKLZ + Check overflow (exceeding 20 check registrations) ± Overflow of counters or negative result SAMSUNG 250 Errors 250 Disp./PC External manifestation Disp. Disp. Disp. Disp. Error o0 (+ sound.message) Error o1 (+ sound.message) Error o2 (+ sound.message) Error o3 (+ sound.message) Explanation of the message Overflow. The limit of the daily GROSS-TOTAL is exceeded The sequence of actions is violated Entering the wrong password for access to the FP. 3000 entries of Z-reports have already been made in the FP. and enter the correct password to access the FP. Replace the fiscal memory block (Only read fiscal Notes is possible Cashier! Cashier! Mechanic! Tax inspector! Mechanic!

15 Disp. Disp. Disp. Disp. Disp. Disp. Disp. PU Error o4 (+ sound message) Error o5 (+ sound message) Error o6 (+ sound message) Error o7 (+ sound message) Error o8 (+ sound message) Error o9 (+ sound message) Error o10 (+ sound.message) = VOLTAGE DROP = More than 24 hours have passed since the first registration of the purchase Failure to write-read when accessing the FP after 3 checks! Fiscal memory disabled Display disabled No paper Printer disabled or paper tape jammed in the printer RAM failure, unauthorized FP replacement Message every time you turn on reports!) Press RESET and carry out a daily Z-report, unlocking the cash register! Replace the fiscal memory block (Only reading fiscal reports is possible!) Connect the FP, check the connections between the FP and the processor board processor Press RESET and load the paper tape into the printer Connect the printer, (eliminate printer failure), fix the paper tape Carry out technological zeroing (after checking the RAM power and changing the FP) Normal message every time the cash register is turned on Cashier! Mechanic! Mechanic! Mechanic! Cashier! Cashier! Mechanic! Cashier! PU = Write error Read-write failure Replace mechanic block!

16 fiscal. memory = when accessing the FF of the fiscal memory! Supplement for K 11 - EKLZ is disconnected (disconnected) from the KKM. This error is accompanied by a message printed on the printer: CONNECT EKLZ; 12 - EKLZ accident; 14 - close the archive: a message about the need to close the EKLZ archive and its subsequent replacement; The archive is closed in the EKLZ connected to the KKM; 2. To re-register, replace EKLZ EKLZ is not activated. SAMSUNG4615 Samsung ER-4615RK, Sam4s ER-4615RK errors Display o1 - The sequence of actions is violated. Or mismatch in the number of shifts in FP and in EKLZ Open money box... See machine. option 24. Press RESET, close DY, continue work. o4 - Operations INCOME and EXPENDITURE are not completed. Press RESET, complete the INCREASE and FLOW operations, press TOTAL / NAL 05 - An attempt to complete a multi-check operation without pressing DEPARTMENT CHECK. Press RESET, TOTAL / NAL Overflow in calculator mode. o7 - Error while programming mode passwords. Press RESET, repeat programming par. dir. o8 - Error while programming date / time. Press RESET, repeat programming. o9 - Failure to write-read when accessing the FP. o10 - Z-report checksum failure. o11 - It is necessary to remove the Z-report. o12 - Entering the wrong password for access to the FP.

17 о13 - Entry of the date preceding the already completed Z-report. o14 - Waiting for the entry of the access password to the FP. o15 - More than 24 hours have passed since the registration of the first purchase. o16 - Attempt to reprogram option 10. (Impossible) o17 - Attempt to correct date / time with Z-report not removed. o18 - Incorrect exit from the fiscalization mode. o19 - The daily GROSS TOTAL limit has been exceeded. Press RESET, go to dir. Z, press 100, SUBTIT. o22 - RAM failure or unauthorized replacement of FP. o24 - An attempt was made to perform a discount when selling goods with different taxes. o99 - Password entry, inconsistent serial number. NB - no paper IF - The movement of the print carriage is impeded. heads. RFP - It is required to load a backing document into the printer, or the factory password has been reset. numbers during technical zeroing, or the backed document sensor is simply clogged. UBR - Remove the backing document from the printer (or garbage from the sensor) PAR - Enter the cashier password (or press the CASHIER1 (2,3,4) key) PAR1, PAR2, PAR3, PAR4 - enter the password accordingly. mode Printout on PU Error # Disabled FP. Error # Attempt to program the master a second time. room. Error # Attempt to carry out the fifth re-registration. Error # 3650 records have already been made in the FP. Error # Failed to write-read when accessing the FP. Error # Z-report checksum failure. Error # The daily GROSS TOTAL limit has been exceeded. Press RESET, go to dir. Z, press 100, SUBTIT.

18 ----- Errors EKLZ o31 - EKLZ is disconnected from KKM. Accompanied by printing on the printer "Connect EKLZ". o32 - EKLZ accident. o33 - EKLZ is not activated. o34 - close the archive. o35 - The archive is closed in the EKLZ connected to the KKM, or for rereg. required replace EKLZ, or the zero total of the check POS printer errors with PTS o20 - overflow of the total for a separate RPLO o24 - you cannot perform a cash discount from the sale after registering goods with different taxes. o25 - the password for setting up the operation with the fuel dispenser has not been entered. (in dir. "Reg." 3999 [CONV1]). o26 - the check cannot be canceled by pressing the FULL EXTRA button if the check contains RPLU registrations. o27 - the fuel dispenser is programmed as a department and a PLU with the same number. o28 - errors in the printing format of the department / plu / rplu or errors in the parameters of the department / PLU for the fuel dispenser (there is no format for printing, there are no parameters for the fuel dispenser, etc.). At the gas station, it is treated by giving the "Stop" command to all dispensers (CONV1, FULL STATE). o29 - excess of the permissible amount pr and the calculation of the loading DOSE (estimated DOSE> 999 liters) destroyed RPLU DB invalid fuel dispenser status invalid KKM command in the dispenser error return 0 liters (dispenser) when manually returning from the dispenser the balance did not match the dispenser failure when paying with a magnetic card not the amount of the fuel dispenser has already been loaded or there was no sale. invalid fuel dispenser number.

19 227 - error when exchanging with the fuel dispenser error when paying with a plastic card error when working with scales error when sending a copy of the counter. ribbon line RPLU is damaged timeout when receiving a command length of RPLU is exceeded when receiving from the keyboard the RESET key is pressed when entering from the keyboard RPLU is absent in the database error when receiving a block error when transmitting a block no response within 10 seconds the RESET key is pressed while waiting for a command RPLU is already in DB non-zero totals DB RPLU DB overflow RPLU in KKM incorrect sequence of commands non-identifiable error KKM. KKM "SHTRIH-MINI-K" versions 01 and 02 Errors and malfunctions Error messages Error messages are accompanied by a short beep, and the KKM display shows: or ENNN where NNN is the error code, and the lower line of the display contains a short description of the error. To clear the error code from the display and return to the POS printer operating mode, press the [C] key. Below is a list of errors that can occur when working with POS printer: Code Description 001 Incorrect format or command parameters * 002 Incorrect ECLZ state * 003 ECLZ alarm * 004 Cryptographic coprocessor alarm * 005 Time limit for ECLZ use * 006 ECLZ overflow *

20 007 Date or time are not correct 008 No data requested in ECLZ 009 Check buffer overflow 021 Hardware error * (hardware failure of a peripheral device) 022 No installed memory * (register memory not installed, cash register is blocked) 023 Memory not initialized * (memory not initialized registers) 024 Initialization prohibited * (initialization prohibited until the micro button on the board is pressed) 025 Missing FP * (there is no fiscal memory block or communication with it is broken) 026 Connection error * (connection error via communication channel with external devices PC, scanner) 027 Out of paper (the message "ROLL" on the display) 028 Check is not open (this operation is not possible in the state of a closed check) 029 Incorrect value (incorrect value of the entered value is greater or less than the allowable one) 030 Check is open (this operation is not possible in the state of an open check) 031 Invalid quantity (incorrect value of the entered quantity) 032 Invalid price (incorrect value of the entered prices) 033 The client's amount is less than the total of the check (the amount of money deposited by the client was entered incorrectly) 034 A discount / markup was introduced (this operation is not possible, since a discount / margin has been entered) 035 The operation is prohibited in the table (the operation is prohibited in the POS printer programming table) hours have expired (completed 24 hours from the beginning of the shift, the display shows the message "24 HOURS") 037 The reversal amount is more than the total of the check (the entered reversal amount is more than the total of the check) 038 Overflow of the inventory of the balance of goods (the register of the balance of the goods is full, further registration of this item is impossible) 039 Missing EKLZ * (EKLZ block is missing or communication is broken with it) 040 Violation of cash control (violation of cash control, for example, the refund amount is more than cash at the cash desk) 041 A shift is open (operation or entry into the mode is not possible with an open shift) 042 The EKLZ number does not match the record activation * ( registration number of the connected ECLZ does not match the number of the last activated ECLZ) 043 ECLZ is not activated * (operation is not possible, since the ECLZ is not activated) 044 The ECLZ archive is closed * (the operation or entry into the mode is not possible, since the ECLZ archive is closed) 045 Operation is impossible without the ECLZ * 046 Incorrect type of payment 047 POS printer is not fiscalized * (the operation is not possible, since the POS printer is not fiscalized) 048 The last record in the FP is incorrect * (the last record in the fiscal memory is damaged, its content does not match the checksum) 049 Point re-entry is not possible ( re-entering a point when entering a quantity or amount is not possible) 050 A non-sectional key was pressed (when entering an internal product code, pressing a sectional key is mandatory) 051 Overflow of 10 decimal places (an error occurs if the number is exceeded) 052 There is no internal product (registration by internal product codes is impossible from - for their absence) 053 Invalid section number (section number is set incorrectly)

21 054 RAM error * (appears during the RAM test at power-on, if an incorrect value is read from the RAM cell) 055 FP overflow * (there are no free fields left in the fiscal memory to write changeable totals) 056 Divergence of the numbers of FP and ECLZ shifts * 057 Attempt to activate an already activated EKLZ with an open archive 058 An attempt to activate an already activated EKLZ with a closed archive 059 Alarm FP * 191 Invalid fuel dispenser number 192 Invalid fuel dispenser command in this state of fuel dispenser 193 Invalid checksum Note 1: When error messages appear, marked with an asterisk "*" , you should call a specialist TEC. Note 2: Errors 191, 192 and 193 are present only in POS printer version 02. Note 3: Errors with numbers greater than 200 are returned by an external server program. See the documentation for the software for a description of these errors. Attention! If errors E048 and E059 occur, the KKM is blocked; after turning off / on the power, the indicator will display error E059. In this case, the POS printer is blocked due to an FP accident. Malfunctions and their elimination The POS printer does not respond to keystrokes: 1. The POS printer is turned off, turn on the power. 2. A command is being processed, wait until the end of the current operation. 3. The cash register is out of order, contact the TEC servicing this cash register. When the keys are pressed, nothing is shown on the display: 1. KKM is off, turn on the power. 2. A command is being processed, wait until the end of the current operation. 3. POS printer is waiting for confirmation of the operation (on the bottom line of the display "С-00") confirm the operation with the [00] key or refuse to perform the operation with the [С] key. 4. The POS printer is waiting for the section number to be entered (on the bottom line of the POS printer display there is a symbol "c" in the left digit), enter the section number or refuse to perform this registration with the [C] key. 5. KKM displayed an error code, press the [C] key. 6. The cash register is out of order, contact the TEC servicing this cash register. KKM does not enter the mode: Incorrect mode number or password, specify the mode and password. The POS printer constantly asks for a password (immediately after turning on the power): The POS printer is blocked, because an attempt was made to enter the tax inspector mode, but an incorrect tax inspector password was entered, enter the correct password for the tax inspector. Nothing is printed on the check, the paper is skipped normally: 1. Thermal paper is not loaded in the cash register, or the thermal paper is not suitable for technical parameters, replace the paper. 2. Thermal paper loaded incorrectly Load thermal paper correctly.

22 3. POS printer gives an error “Roll” (No paper), but there is paper: the paper has formed a “wave” wind up the roll of paper so that there is no “wave”; the printer is out of order, contact the service center that maintains this POS printer. POS printer does not skip the paper when you press the key: 1. "Jammed" paper, release the paper. 2. A command is being processed, wait until the end of the current operation. 3. The cash register is out of order, contact the TEC servicing this cash register. EKR 2102F Possible malfunctions during operation Error messages During operation, messages on the machine may appear informing about cashier errors or malfunctions of the machine. Data on errors are given in table 1. Table 1 Message Cause Elimination methods In 2 positions Incorrect operator actions - Press the reset key of the indicator of the "C" Invalid operator actions (an attempt to punch more than 10 purchases in one check) and repeat the operation Press the reset key "C" and close the check by pressing the "IT" key. Make the next purchase with the next check. In the third, counter overflow. Call the wizard for storing accumulated amounts of the NBU. The receipt is over or Insert paper and control tape. Press the "PI" button. device If the message does not disappear, call the master of RES. P? Press "IT", continue work according to Cashier is turned on for the first time.

23 networks, re-enable the LEVER The thermal head is not pressed Press the thermal head and press the "PI" key OVERHEAT Thermal printer overheat Turn off the cash register and let the thermal printer cool down NP HENOR Fiscal device ROM ROM is defective. Turn off the cash register and call the master. When you enter the cash register mode or the print report mode, a message will appear: PROGRAM THE DATE of the master. Typical malfunctions and methods of their elimination Malfunctions arising during the operation of the machine are given in table 2. Table 2 Name of malfunction, manifestation and additional probable cause Methods of elimination signs 1. The machine does not turn on; h in accordance with OM 2. The machine has printed a line and beeps when any key is pressed. The check has been opened Press the "C" key, and close the check 3. The machine does not extinguish Register is overflowed Call the wizard daily information and total accumulations the GHA1 message appears 4 The check does not come out Incorrectly installed Insert the check hole correctly on the paper of the cash register cover 5. The disc does not work - The battery is discharged - Put the machine on play or hardware charge for 20 minutes and turn on the failure again. If the problem persists, check the indicator unit.

24 cations. Operating the machine at low temperatures may result in poor contrast and display response times. 6. Machine repeatedly Discharged battery - Recharge or replace spontaneously or empty battery. Turns off and turns on the voltage of the mains supply to the machine and call these wizards (restarts) or turns off when the EKR-2102K is working Possible malfunctions during operation Error messages During operation, the machine may display messages informing about cashier errors or malfunctions of the machine ... Error data are shown in Table 1.

25 Table 1 Message Cause Elimination methods In the second position of the indicator In the third position Incorrect operator actions Incorrect operator actions (an attempt to punch more than 30 lines in one check) Overflow of accumulated counter amounts The receipt tape has run out Press the reset key "C" and repeat the operation Press the reset key " C "and close the check by pressing the" IT "button. Make the next purchase with the next check. Call the NBU repair specialist PU REZ.P? AP NP NENOR Failure or failure of the printing device The machine is turned on for the first time The storage battery is discharged (with built-in storage battery) In case of a decrease or dips in the supply network The fiscal memory device is not connected or is faulty RAM is faulty Insert a receipt tape and press the PI key Press the PI key ". If the message persists, call a repair technician Press" IT ", continue to work according to Charge the battery Switch off the machine and re-enable the RAM repair technician. RAM repair specialist RAM is defective. NECORR STATUS EKLZ ROM is faulty The EKLZ command is incorrect Invalid time, date The EKLZ of a repair specialist of a repair specialist is faulty Re-issue the document. In case of frequent repetition of the error, call a specialist to check the reliability of the EKLZ connection Check the correct date and time set in the machine

26 EMERGENCY ECLZ EMERGENCY ECLZ ECLZ TIME EXPECTED ECLZ ECLZ EXTENDED ERROR DATE AND TIME NO DATA RECORDED ECLZ defective ECLZ use is over ECLZ overflow time Error when entering the date or time In ECLZ, there is no specialist to replace the requested archive data to close the archive EKLZ Call a specialist to close the archive and replace EKLZ Call a specialist to close the archive and replace EKLZ Enter the correct date and time Repeat the request to read information from the EKLZ indicating the correct range (value) of the sample cash mode or print report mode the message is displayed: PROGRAM DATE then turn off the machine and invite a technician to repair the machine. If in the cash mode the following message is printed: ERROR FOR WRITING IN THE ELECTRONIC JOURNAL, then execute the financial (daily) report with cancellation "OSG1". If the message repeats, turn off the machine and invite a repair technician. If the following message is displayed in the cash register mode or in the report mode: TIMER FAILURE! then reprogram the date. If the message repeats, turn off the machine and invite a repair technician. In the event of an error situation that changed the content of the machine's cash registers, or when performing a general cancellation operation, the machine's cash registers are forcibly reset to zero (the indicator shows the message "RES.P?"), And then restore their values ​​according to the information stored in the ECLZ. When you press the IT key, the message is displayed: DATA FROM ECLZ RECOVERED BY OP. X where X is the operator number.

27 If in the cash register mode, when the communication of the machine with the ECLZ is broken, upon the command to complete the document (in the ECLZ, the document is completed), the message is displayed: ECLZ MISSING OR DEFECTIVE, you must turn off, check the connection of the machine with the ECLZ, and then turn on the machine. If, after turning on the machine, the display shows the message: AP, it is necessary to reset the machine, for this: turn off the machine, remove the XS1 shunt connector according to 2.3, put on the XS1 shunt connector after 30 minutes, turn on the machine. The indicator will display: CUT P? After pressing the IT key, the data from the ECLZ will be restored. Typical malfunctions and methods for their elimination Malfunctions that occur during the operation of the machine are shown in Table 2.

28 Table 2 Name of malfunction, manifestation and additional symptoms 1 The machine does not turn on 2 The machine has printed a line and beeps when you press any key 3 The machine does not extinguish the day information and the GHA message 1 appears 4 The receipt does not come out of the check hole on the machine lid 5 Does not work indicator 6 The machine spontaneously turns off and on (restarts) or shuts down during operation Probable cause The battery is completely discharged The receipt was opened The register of total accumulations is full The receipt tape is incorrectly installed The battery is discharged or the machine is faulty The battery is discharged or the mains voltage is low. 8 hours in accordance with the OM Press the "C" key, and close the check Call a repair specialist Insert the receipt tape correctly 1 Check the operation of the machine from the 220V network. 2 Call a repair technician. Note When operating the machine in low temperatures, the image contrast may deteriorate and the indicator response time may slow down. Charge or replace the battery. Switch off the machine and call a repair specialist. Actions in case of falling into emergency operating conditions. Emergency operating conditions of the machine should be considered: - break (end) of the receipt tape; - power failure (power failure). a) break (end) of the receipt tape. If the receipt tape breaks, the message "NBU" appears on the indicator in any mode of registration of printed documents.

29 To continue work, fill the receipt tape according to Appendix A and press the PI key. Further actions depend on the operating mode of the machine. If the receipt tape breaks when the receipt is issued, close the receipt and repeat the receipt by pressing the POV key. If the receipt tape breaks at the time of registration of the daily allowance financial report, after pressing the PI key, it cannot be repeated. It is recommended to make sure that there is a receipt tape in the machine before drawing up a report. Note If option 7 (option for setting linked reports) is set to "1" and the receipt tape breaks between reports, then after installing the tape, press the PI key, and then the IT key. The next check will start printing; b) power failure (power failure). In the event of a power failure, turn off the machine and, after restoring power, turn on. When the power is turned on, as well as before the execution of the report with blanking, the machine compares the values ​​of the monetary registers with the information stored in the EKLZ. If a power failure occurred during the execution of a check, then after turning on the machine, the check is canceled. If an accident occurred while printing out the daily financial report, then after turning on the machine, it goes into cash mode. Reprint the daily financial statement. If an alarm occurred at the time of printing the results of closing a shift from ECLZ when executing a report with blanking, then when power is restored, printing the results of closing a shift from ECLZ starts anew with the message: OFF. EKR 3102K POWER SUPPLY Error message During operation, the machine may display messages informing about cashier errors or machine malfunctions. Error data are shown in Table 2.

30 Table 2 Message Cause Methods of elimination INVALID TRANSFER Counter overflow Call a repair specialist, reset the accumulated amount of this counter Insert receipt tape and NBU The receipt tape has run out press any key "PI" Press the "PI" key. If the message does not disappear, CRU PU Failure or failure of the printer call a specialist for the repair of the device. Continue work according to paragraph 2.6. CUT R The machine is turned on for the first time No communication with the print controller of the repair specialist EG BPU Fiscal memory device of the repair specialist is faulty or there is no markup of the repair specialist NP NENOR RAM is defective or a microcircuit is installed less than the required repair specialist of the EG RAM volume Error of the specialist's ROM checksum repair Switch off the machine and let the hardware timer cool down to the thermal printer EG ROM Overheating of the thermal printer A. HOUR NENOR OVERHEATING

31 EG EPROM EG HOUR RAM NEUS EG NP.RAZ EG NP.ZAP EP NENOR EPZ NO EP PERP Switching between ROM banks does not work Timer malfunction RAM malfunction or RAM size is less than the allowable Fiscal memory marking error Error writing to fiscal memory EKLZ does not work The ECLZ number differs from the required one (the ECLZ was replaced without reactivation). Typical malfunctions and methods of their elimination Malfunctions arising during the operation of the machine are shown in Table 3.

32 Table 3 Name of malfunction, manifestation and additional symptoms 1. The machine does not turn on 2. The machine has printed a line and beeps when you press any key 3. The machine does not extinguish the day information and the message REV. on the cover of the machine 5. The indicator does not work Probable cause The power supply unit is faulty The receipt was opened The register of general accumulations is full The receipt tape is incorrectly installed The power supply unit is faulty. tape Call a specialist for repair of the machine Actions in case of falling into emergency operating conditions The emergency operating conditions of the machine should be considered: - break (end) of the receipt tape; - power failure (power failure). a) breakage (end) of the receipt tape When the receipt tape breaks, the indicator displays the message: NBU in any mode of registration of printed documents. To continue working, fill the receipt tape according to the recommendations of Appendix A and press the P key. Further actions depend on the operating mode of the machine. If the receipt tape breaks when the receipt is issued, close the receipt and repeat the receipt by pressing the POV key. If the receipt tape breaks at the time of drawing up the daily financial report, after filling the receipt tape and pressing the P key, the printout will continue, but the report cannot be repeated. It is recommended to make sure that there is a receipt tape in the car before drawing up a report; b) power failure (disconnection of the mains supply). In the event of a power failure, turn off the machine, and after the power is restored, turn on. If a power failure occurred while issuing a check and the printed line was not completely printed, then after turning on the machine, the message “* POWER LOSS *” will be printed on the check, the operation at which the failure occurred will be repeated, after which the cashier can continue cash transactions.

33 If a power failure occurs while printing a daily financial report, then when the machine is turned on, the report will be printed again automatically with the words "* POWER LOSS *". ELVES-MICRO-K Error messages are accompanied by a short beep and the POS display shows: E HHH, where ННН is the error code. Press the [С] key to clear the error code from the display and return to the POS printer operating mode. 8 Invalid price (amount) 10 Invalid quantity 11 Exceeding the amount of the operation in the section 12 Impossible to reverse the last operation 13 Reversal by code is impossible (the check contains fewer items with the specified code) 14 Impossible to repeat the last operation 17 Invalid product code 60 Invalid tax group 99 Operation canceled 102 Wrong mode 103 No paper 112 Document closed in ECLZ 113 Document reprint error 114 Zero check amount 115 Accumulation less than refund or cancellation amount 127 Overflow during multiplication 128 Operation is prohibited in the settings table 129 Check total overflow 132 Check buffer overflow 133 Cash overflow registers 134 The amount deposited by the client is less than the amount of the check 135 The return receipt is opened the operation is impossible 136 The change has exceeded 24 hours 137 The sales receipt is opened the operation is not possible 141 The control tape buffer is not overflowed 150 The amount of the check on the section is less than the reversal amount 151 The change amount is not calculated 152 There is no money in the cash register payments 153 Change is closed (unopened), operation is not possible 154 Check is closed operation is impossible 155 Check is open operation is impossible 156 Change is open, operation is impossible 160 FP error 161 FP data error 170 No data in FP 185 No rights u1076 to access the mode (operation) 190 FP overflow 191 Software error 193 Software failure

34 195 POS printer memory is not initialized 196 Communication error with EPROM 197 Clock error 198 I2C bus error (bus busy) 201 No communication 205 Error restoring state after a failure (power off) 210 Communication error with EKLZ or EKLZ missing 211 Incorrect format of command or parameters of EKLZ 212 Incorrect EKLZ state 213 EKLZ alarm 214 EKLZ crypto-processor failure 215 EKLZ time resource exhausted 216 EKLZ overflow 217 Incorrect date or time transferred to EKLZ 218 No requested data in EKLZ 219 Overflow of the total document EKLZ 221 Unknown error number ECLZ is not activated 223 ECLZ is already activated 224 Archive ECLZ is closed 225 Change in ECLZ is open 226 There is no record of activation of this ECLZ in FP (ECLZ is activated as part of another KKM) 227 This ECLZ is not the last 228 Shift results error 255 The key is not supported in this mode of operation of the KKM ... "WAB 04RK" ERRORS AND MALFUNCTIONS Error messages Error messages are accompanied by a short beep, and the POS printer displays: EHHH, where ННН is the error code. Press the [RESET] key to clear the error code from the display and return to the POS printer operating mode. Code Description 001 Incorrect format or command parameters * 002 Incorrect ECLZ state * 003 ECLZ alarm * 004 Cryptographic coprocessor alarm * 005 ECLZ time limit expired * 006 ECLZ overflow * 007 date or time incorrect 008 no data requested in ECLZ 009 check buffer overflow 021 hardware error * (peripheral hardware failure)

Table 1 Message Cause Remedy methods In the second position Incorrect actions - Press the reset key "C" and the indicator move repeat the operation Incorrect operator actions Press the reset key "C"

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