Tariffs what. Maintenance of cash registers ASC dialog-universal Repair of cash equipment consumables

We, Fiji-Service LLC, are the ASC (accredited/authorized service center) of all major CCP manufacturers.
According to the requirements of most manufacturers service cash registers must be carried out in accordance with the ETD (Operating Technical Documentation).
Responsibility for the timely maintenance of the KCM and repair is borne by the User of the KCP.

To service the CCP, the manufacturer recommends contacting the ASC, since regular qualified maintenance
will maintain the performance, safety and reliability of operation cash register in accordance with the parameters set out in the ETD.
Failure to comply with the conditions for conducting periodic serviceability checks, maintenance and repair entitles the manufacturer and (or) ASC to limit the warranty period and (or) refuse the user to repair the CCP free of charge.

As part of the Maintenance Agreement (MS), we:

  • We carry out warranty / non-warranty repairs

  • Technical support 24/7

  • We control the transfer of data to the OFD

  • A full range of services for registration, configuration and training

  • Timely replacement of the fiscal drive

  • We carry out field maintenance work online cash register s

  • We work under a contract for the maintenance of KKM

  • Checkout update software

if there is a technical possibility, we connect the CCP to the electronic service of the manufacturer, which allows us to remotely and, accordingly, promptly solve a lot of issues related to the operation of the CCP.

Advantages of CCP service in Fiji-Service:

The works and services listed above are carried out by highly qualified professional specialists who own the latest technological advances in the field of servicing cash registers, periodically undergoing training / retraining on the basis of the manufacturer;

We have essential tool and equipment designed for the correct and rapid performance of the work and provision of the services listed above;

We have the most latest information maintenance and repair of CCP;

We have the opportunity to promptly contact the manufacturer in case any additional information is needed;

We use original spare parts backed by the manufacturer's warranty and have them in stock.

How will the maintenance of KKM change in 2019? Does an entrepreneur need to conclude an agreement with the CTO? How much do the services of the largest technical centers cost? In this article, we answered in detail these and other popular questions about working with CCP.

Additional central heating services

TsTO: registration and maintenance of KKM

TsTO stands for the technical service center for cash registers (KKM).

Such centers are engaged in the sale, installation and further maintenance of cash registers (CREs).

A modern cash register has a universal form: it is directly a cash register itself (with or without a check printing function) and its virtual component, in which data on financial transactions are accumulated. In the future, data on financial transactions come under the jurisdiction of the Federal Tax Service with the help of fiscal data operators.

The use of online cash desks significantly helps the tax authorities to track the level of income received by the entrepreneur and control the amount of tax payments in accordance with this level.

Discover more possibilities with the Business.Ru online cash desk and evaluate its advantages:

  • Registration of sales and printing of fiscal receipts;
  • Work in EGAIS;
  • Distribution of electronic checks;
  • Compliance with 54-FZ;
  • Discount and bonus cards;
  • Compatible with more than 50 models of fiscal registrars, barcode scanners, scales;
  • No permanent internet connection required.

According to Law No. 54 “On the Application cash register equipment, all enterprises retail(IP, LLC) are required to install cash registers and connect an online cash register (some categories of entrepreneurs until mid-2018, the rest - no later than 2019).

Learn more about switching to online checkout

In this regard, many businessmen have a lot of questions about the work of cash desks, central service centers, etc. Let's try to figure it out.

54-FZ allows you to abandon the central heating

According to the amendments to this law, introduced by 290 FZ, an entrepreneur may not use the services of a specialized center (CTC), but contact any other service that provides such services.

If earlier this norm (the presence of an agreement with the CTO) was mandatory, now only an agreement with a fiscal data operator (an organization that has received permission to process fiscal data) is mandatory.

The entrepreneur has the right to maintain, repair and carry out other manipulations with the CCP without the involvement of CTO employees.

How the work of the CTO has changed with the transition to online cash desks

Modernization and high technologies leave their mark on the work of all technical centers, forcing them to keep up with the times.

Professional automation of goods accounting in retail. Tidy up your store

Take control of sales and track the performance of cashiers, outlets and organizations in real time from any convenient place with an Internet connection. Form the needs of outlets and purchase goods in 3 clicks, print labels and price tags with a barcode, making life easier for yourself and your employees. Build a customer base with a ready-made loyalty system, use a flexible discount system to attract customers during off-peak hours. Operate like a big store, but without the cost of specialists and server hardware today, start earning more tomorrow.

The essence of the work of the CTC has not changed. However, now, in order to service online cash desks, which have become much more complicated and require special knowledge and skills, the central service center needs to have highly qualified specialists (system administrators, programmers, IT specialists, etc.) on its staff.

Therefore, many KKM technical service centers began to intensify their recruitment of such employees, as well as to upgrade their equipment and introduce a new service.

It was also noted that part of the entrepreneurs refused the services of the Central Technical Service, giving preference to IT companies or replenishing their staff with a new unit - a system administrator.

What can CTO offer?

The competition in the DH market is currently quite high. Especially after entrepreneurs were allowed to completely refuse their services.

Each KKM technical service center is looking for the most beneficial solutions for themselves and their customers in order to distinguish their company and get their own place in the market.

Today, KKM technical service centers offer a wide range of different services in the KKT maintenance segment. Let's get acquainted with them in more detail.

TsTO services for the installation of new cash registers

There are situations when it is not possible to modernize an entrepreneur's existing cash equipment due to its strong moral obsolescence, and then there is a need for new cash registers.

CTO employees provide services for installing, connecting, adjusting and configuring the operation of the cash register, registering a new cash register.

The cash register itself is essentially an online cash register, since all data on transactions performed (checks issued, received Money etc.) are immediately visible on the Internet.

Many entrepreneurs use a prefabricated structure as a CCP: the cash register itself and the printer, because it is much cheaper than purchasing a CCP on the "all in one" principle.

CTO employees can also provide installation services for this prefabricated structure.

TsTO consulting on the transition to new rules

Many entrepreneurs have faced serious difficulties caused by a simple misunderstanding of existing laws. The CTO specialists provide information and advisory assistance to such businessmen.

They provide customers with answers to questions:

  • what is an online cash register for, how does it work,
  • how to register it
  • what sanctions to expect from the tax in case of non-compliance with the law,
  • how to connect and how to work at the cash desk and more. others

With the online checkout from Business.Ru, you will not lose profits in the store during refurbishment and setting up new software.
Our specialists will promptly deliver and set up the equipment, teach you how to work in the program in 1 hour.

Specialists of the KKM technical service center explain to their clients the legal norms and legal justifications for the mandatory use of KKT.

Also, the CTO advisory services may include a fee required documents for further registration of the cash desk on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

Support of the KKM technical service center

It consists in the constant maintenance of the cash register:

  • ensuring the stability of the Internet connection (not to be confused with the services of telecom operators or Internet providers, the DTC maintains stability only at the expense of its own forces and capabilities),
  • timely processing and transmission of data to the operator of fiscal data,
  • elimination of technical problems and failures,
  • repair and replacement of equipment in accordance with the terms of the contract,
  • briefing and demonstration of equipment in operation,
  • constant consulting of users on the work of CCP,
  • replacement of the fiscal drive,
  • assistance in the preparation of fiscal reports,
  • regular diagnostics to identify and eliminate violations in the work.

If necessary, the CTO carries out work to modernize the cash register: changes the firmware and installs an update.

Additional central heating services

To attract additional customers or increase the loyalty of existing CTOs can offer their customers:

  • training in the skills and principles of working with online cash registers (very convenient for those entrepreneurs who have never worked with cash desks at all before or are used to the “old ones”);
  • for other TSCs - assistance in conducting accreditation for the purpose of assigning the right to provide a range of services for servicing cash registers;
  • provision of services for the repair or replacement of CCP on weekends and holidays or even round-the-clock work and technical support for users;
  • sale and repair of additional equipment and accessories for org. equipment (printers, routers, modems, etc.);
  • trade automation services, namely: selection and installation of software, selection of automation schemes;
  • diagnostics and examination of CCP;
  • registration of all documentation related to cash registers (passports of the cash desk and ECLZ);
  • cash register diagnostics;
  • conducting the Internet (selection of a provider providing services at the optimal ratio of prices, quality and technical capabilities);
  • connection of an online cash register on a turnkey basis (a full range of services from Internet access to outlet and up to monthly maintenance and technical support of the user on any issues);
  • examination of CCP (possible only if there are appropriate licenses and certificates confirming the right to engage in this activity).

CTO cash register insurance

The CTO can also act as an intermediary if the owner decides to insure their property, in this case CCP.

Comprehensive trade automation at a minimum cost

We take a regular computer, connect any fiscal registrar and install the Business Ru Kassa application. As a result, we get an economical analogue of a POS-terminal as in a large store with all its functions. We enter goods with prices in the Business.Ru cloud service and start working. For everything about everything - a maximum of 1 hour and 15-20 thousand rubles. for the fiscal registrar.

CCP insurance provides compensation for the cost of equipment as a result of such insured events as: fire, explosion, natural disaster, breakdown as a result of a violation of the stability and correct operation of the Internet connection.

Unfortunately, no CTO can provide insurance in case of data loss or failure. Only careful and very scrupulous work on diagnosing software and network equipment can help here, but even this is not a guarantee of protection from incorrect operation of the Internet itself or flaws in the development of equipment.

Suffice it to recall the sad case with the cash registers of the Shtrikh-M Group of Companies that occurred in Russia in December 2017, when the failure of the cash register was massive and swept across the country.

Everywhere, in all cities, in shops, at gas stations, service stations, retailers of cellular networks, online cash desks simply stopped functioning.

It should be noted that the cash registers of this manufacturer are far from "bad" or "faulty", because they were used by entrepreneurs throughout the country.

However, even the large manufacturer GK Shtrikh-M turned out to be powerless in the face of a technical failure of this magnitude, because the breakdown also affected cash registers from other manufacturers: Electro-RR LLC and Trinity LLC.

To conclude or not an agreement with the CTO in 2019

There are no legal requirements or regulations obliging an entrepreneur to enter into an agreement with the CTO.

The company that will provide services for the repair, maintenance, installation of KKM, you can choose yourself.

An entrepreneur can even hire an advanced and well-versed IT specialist or programmer who is well versed in the specifics of CCP maintenance, who will ensure the proper functioning and operation of the online cash register.

  • timely elimination of breakdowns and technical malfunctions (delay or trading without checks can result in a fine of 30,000 rubles for the entrepreneur);
  • the KKM technical service center sells only licensed equipment (included in the register of cash registers) that meets all the requirements of the Federal Tax Service (when working with an unknown intermediary, there is a risk of running into a marriage or a fake);
  • availability of all necessary spare parts and components for each CCP sold by them;
  • the probability of encountering an unscrupulous or unskilled specialist is much less in the CTO, since the organization is responsible for its employees, as well as for the prestige and good name of the company;
  • significant time savings: in the event of a breakdown or technical failure, there is no need to feverishly call all centers and invite craftsmen, the CTO will provide the master itself within the time specified in the contract;
  • regular prevention of malfunctions, providing the equipment with a long service life.

Of course, there will always be opponents of the CTC and those who consider the above reasons to be insignificant and, having calculated and compared the cost, decide to turn to a non-specialized center or to a single master.

That is why Law No. 54 leaves the right to choose a service company at its own discretion. After all, there are those who do not conclude any contracts at all, they simply connect the cash register, set it up and work.

However, it is worth remembering that in case of incorrect operation of the CCP, fatal errors or financial losses may occur.

Authorized service center Dialog-Universal provides services for technical support and repair of cash registers. Our managers will assist in choosing a cash register that meets the specifics of your company, the specifics and requirements of the business ( organizational form and applicable taxation systems), prepare a CCP technical support agreement and select the most convenient mode of such service for you in accordance with the Service Level Agreement.

Among our advantages over other companies is a full range of services for the maintenance of cash registers (CCP), 1C: Franchisee status and extensive experience. The purpose of our ASC is to provide the highest quality and comfortable service, as well as qualified advice on all issues related to the operation of cash registers. The masters of our technical service center are real professionals who have not only a wide range of special knowledge, but also sufficient practical experience.

Maintenance of online cash registers, fiscal registrars and smart cash registers is carried out by specialists of the authorized service center DIALOGUE-UNIVERSAL on behalf of manufacturers of cash registers with preservation of factory warranty obligations.

ASC KKT has the necessary spare parts, special equipment and tools, and most importantly - qualified specialists. Service and repair work is carried out on site or in our workshop. The replacement of the fiscal drive (FN) is made on the day of the appeal.

Employees of the TsTO KKT will provide you with qualified assistance in registering cash registers in the personal account of the taxpayer on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

Frequency of maintenance of cash registers

The maintenance schedule varies for different types of equipment and the needs of your company. We offer options for monthly and quarterly maintenance of cash registers, depending on the load and complexity of the equipment used.

V individual cases annual office maintenance is practiced, when the CCP owner independently brings the equipment for maintenance to our service center.

The list of works includes: external inspection of equipment, testing the level of performance of all units and blocks of equipment, checking the correctness, clarity and completeness of displaying on cash receipt the necessary details. In addition, when carrying out maintenance of cash registers, the specialist will definitely clean and lubricate the mechanical components, after which he will check the installed version of the software, install visual control tools. The final stage of work is sealing the case of the cash register and filling in the necessary documentation.

Technical support of cash register equipment includes:

  • scheduled preventive work
  • diagnostics and testing
  • software upgrade and update - cash register (front-office)
  • cleaning of external surfaces
  • cleaning and lubrication of components and mechanisms with partial disassembly of the device
  • warranty and post-warranty minor, medium, major repairs
  • commissioning, registration, registration and deregistration in tax office
  • consultations of cashiers-operators on work with the cash register and the cash program

Terms of technical support vary


Time of providing technical support (8 hours a day on weekdays / 12 hours a day on weekdays / 12 hours a day on weekdays and weekends / 24/7 service without days off and holidays);

Response time to the Customer's request (the time during which the request is transferred to the direct executor, who resolves the issue remotely or travels to the scene of the incident);

The time of localization of incidents (the time spent on restoring the operability of equipment, software or connecting equipment from a replacement fund);

Additional options (providing a replacement fund, delivery of equipment to a service center for repair and from repair, on-site repair at the Customer, delivery of consumables and accessories).

Tariffs for technical support, service and repair of cash registers

Tariff plan technical support contracts "Zero Doubt" Economy "Autonom" "FR" "Complex"


autonomous cash desk

fiscal registrar

fiscal registrar,
computer, keyboard,
Barcode Scanner,
money box,

cash register software 1C, Frontol, Stroke:Cashier


Quarterly fee

Annual payment

Total payment per year

Services under the contract

Monthly Maintenance

Quarterly Maintenance

Fulfillment of warranty obligations under the warranty of the CCP manufacturer

Provision of a service center guarantee for all CCP units for the entire period of operation

Telephone consultations in the mode " hot line» and information service on the application of CCP

Connecting CCP:

Connecting to a computer and setting up a computer-KKT connection;

Connecting to a computer and setting up a barcode scanner;

Connection cash drawer;

Connecting cash register to 1C, Frontol, Stroke: Cashier.

Incident response time, working hours

Maximum repair time

Departure of a specialist for diagnostics, adjustment and repair of CCP

Delivery of a faulty CCP to the SC for repair and delivery of the CCP to the installation site after repair

Equipment repair and adjustment works

Troubleshooting on site

Diagnostics of the communication channel with OFD, setting up communication with OFD

Easy repair in the center

Average repair in SC

Repair difficult in the center

Spare parts at the expense of SC

Updating the system software of the KKT (flashing the system board)

Price list setting up to 100 items

Registration / re-registration / deregistration of cash registers with the Federal Tax Service

Adding cash registers to the personal account of the Federal Tax Service, receiving notification of assignment registration number KKT

Scheduled replacement of the fiscal drive (13 months / 36 months)

Training to work with CCP in the office of the SC

Qualified EDS for registration of cash registers and OFDs

Registration / re-registration of cash registers with the Federal Tax Service is carried out at the office of the SC and includes:
  1. connection of CCP to the Internet (if technically possible)
  2. assistance in registration / re-registration of cash registers in the personal account of the Federal Tax Service
  3. programming of internal tables of CCP settings
  4. programming up to 3 products to the CCP database
  5. entering registration data into the cash register and setting up communication with the OFD
  6. Registration of cash registers in LK OFD
Planned replacement of FN (fiscal drive):
  1. Departure of a specialist at the place of installation of CCP
  2. Physical change of the fiscal drive
  3. Connecting CCP to the Internet (if technically possible)
  4. Assistance in registration / re-registration of cash registers in the personal account of the Federal Tax Service
  5. Re-registration of cash registers in LK OFD
  • Simple repair - repair by software or firmware
  • Medium repair - repair by replacing units and blocks
  • Complicated repair - hardware repair of units and blocks

Explanation of abbreviations:
KKT - cash register equipment
stand-alone cash register - cash register, carrying out settlements without the use of a computer
fiscal registrar - CRE, performing calculations using a computer
SC - service center, an organization authorized by the CCP manufacturer to carry out work on technical support, maintenance and repair of CCP
Specialist - employee of the SC
FTS - Federal Tax Service
LK FTS - Personal Area the owner of the CCP on the site nalog.ru
OFD - Fiscal Data Operator
LK OFD - personal account of the CCP owner on the OFD website

Tariff "Standard"

The Standard tariff includes the following services:

  • repair of CCP at the installation site
  • collection/return of the CCP to the service for repair if it is impossible to fix the problem at the installation site
  • participation in the loyalty program

700 r. per month

  • 1785 p. (595 rubles / month) service for over a year
  • 1575 p. (525 rubles / month) service for over 2 years

6 months

630 rubles per month

  • 3213 r. (535.5 rubles / month) service for over a year
  • 2835 r. (472.5 rubles / month) service for over 2 years

12 months

560 r. per month

  • 5712 r. (476 rubles / month) service for over a year
  • 5040 r. (420 rubles/month) service for over 2 years

Tariff "Economy"

The "Economy" tariff includes the following services:

  • remote maintenance of cash register
  • telephone consultations on any issues related to the operation of CCP

500 r. per month

6 months

450 r. per month

  • Loyalty program is not valid for this tariff

12 months

425 r. per month

  • Loyalty program is not valid for this tariff

Diagnostics of KKM

Bring your cash register to our CCM center for diagnostics! Diagnostics will allow you to determine the life of the cash equipment, possible malfunctions, assess the technical condition of the cash register.


  • One-time diagnostics in our service or with a visit to the client

Why do you need maintenance online KKM (service contract)?

Technical cash register service (KKM service ) is produced by our technical service center ().

Without a contract for the maintenance of the cash register with the central heating service, you will not be registered with the tax office. In the event of a breakdown of the cash register, our CTO will carry out KKM repair. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the CTO will repair the KKM within 36 hours. The IFTS and the supplier of KKM are notified about the repair of KKM. A mark is made in the passport of the cash register.

As part of the agreement, there is a quarterly mechanic's departure CTO for maintenance of the online cash register, so that it does not break at the most inopportune moment. The mechanic of our central heating center will come to you, where he will conduct an external inspection of the cash register, check the correctness of the displayed required details on the check, will test your device and seal the JOURNAL of "call accounting technical specialists and registration of completed works.

A range of services for the maintenance and repair of cash registers

Company Cash Center carries out repair and maintenance of KKM in the city of Moscow. Our employees have developed an optimal range of services aimed at commissioning cash registers, maintaining them in working order, as well as troubleshooting and repair. When drawing up a maintenance contract, we take responsibility for the selection of a cash register, the preparation of the necessary documentation, its registration with the Federal Tax Service, scheduled maintenance and repairs. If you conclude a service agreement, then the specialists of our center:

  1. select for you the best version of the cash register, prepare everything for its registration, seal the new cash register or check the presence of a seal on the existing cash register;
  2. prepare CMC for commissioning;
  3. check the integrity of the device, as well as its mechanisms;
  4. carry out cleaning from dust and dirt;
  5. check the operation of the printer and its settings;
  6. check the quality of transmission of characters and symbols on the display;
  7. carry out maintenance of the software installed for the purpose of transferring information between the computer and the cash register;
  8. will reveal the level of wear of the battery and restore its capacity.
  9. Everything said works will be carried out within the terms established by the contract at a time convenient for you. Regular maintenance and adjustment of the cash register will allow specialists to timely identify malfunctions and wear of mechanisms, and, accordingly, prevent breakage of cash registers.

    The cost of maintenance services for cash registers is low and varies depending on the list of works and the number of cash registers in the organization. Flexibility of conditions will allow each company to choose the best service option.