Starlink exclusive 50. Starlink - personal account. Registration and login to your personal account

Or just left-click on one of the above links.
A search bar will appear in front of you. Google search bar example:

Enter a keyword or phrase such as "seaside vacation" into the search bar. Then press the Enter key on your keyboard. You will see a list of Internet resources, which contains the phrase "rest by the sea." Left-click on the link you need and you will be taken to the Internet resource found by the search engine.

What is sms alert?

This is a service that allows you to receive via SMS up-to-date information about the state of your personal account, as well as messages about promotions and special offers, to the number you specified mobile phone... More details on service descriptions.
You can activate the service through or in the Contact Center by phone: 8 (495/499) 290-36-66.

I want to connect a second computer to the Internet. What do I need for this?

You need to install additional hardware -. You can use our offer for installing a router (details can be obtained by calling +7 (499/495) 290-3999 around the clock), or you can purchase a router yourself. Instructions for setting up can be found in the section "setting up equipment".

What will happen to the speed when the second computer is connected?

The connection speed will be divided between computers in proportion to the load and the order of calls to the external network.

Can I organize wireless access myself at home?

Yes it is possible. However, we recommend using ours for organizing WI-FI access in your apartment. You get Starlink compatible hardware (router) that provides wireless Internet connectivity to all computers, laptops and other compatible devices in your home. You can get detailed information in the Contact Center by phone +7 (499/495) 290-3999 around the clock.

Is it possible to work on the network via VPN (Virtual Private Network)?

Yes, you can work with VPN with other networks (for example, with your corporate one) from our network.

What can be found on the Internet?

On the Internet you can find any useful information: books, articles, news, weather forecast, new music and movies, as well as classmates, old friends and much more.

We recommend that you visit the following Internet resources:
1) is the most popular site in Russia for communication and finding friends.
2) - a site designed to find classmates, classmates, old friends.
3) a site containing a huge number of video recordings of concerts of famous performers, speeches of politicians, show business stars, etc.

What functions will be available to me through My Account?

Video instructions for installing and configuring the Internet Censor program

What is IPv6?

Since September 2009, Starlink has been the first Internet provider in Russia to provide network connectivity based on the next generation IPv6 protocol for its users.

IPv6 is seen as the main protocol for the future "Internet 2.0" and the transition to IPv6 is seen as a major driver further development global network.

Today, the Internet operates on the basis of the IPv4 protocol (Internet Protocol version 4), but its address resources are practically running out - a sharp increase in Internet users around the world, an hourly increase in Internet resources and the massive spread of mobile communication devices has led to the fact that free There are fewer and fewer IP addresses literally every day. According to experts, the IP addresses of the fourth version will run out in just 1.5-2 years. The current IP address is 32 bits, but IPv6 has increased the address to 128 bits. With the introduction of IPv6 in Starlink networks, the pool of IP addresses has already been significantly expanded to meet the needs of the future.

Starlink actively supports the implementation of the IPv6 protocol and is one of the first Internet providers in Russia to provide network connectivity via IPv6 for its users. We care about our subscribers and strive to provide the Internet of a new generation. With us you can be sure of the future!

For more information, please contact our operators by phone 8 (495/499) 290-39-99 or at.

Why doesn't the ISP protect my computer from viruses?

According to the clause of the offer agreement 7.1.7. Appendix 2 ()

To the Public Offer (Offer) on the conclusion

Communication services agreement:

The subscriber undertakes:

Independently ensure the protection of the user (terminal)

Equipment from unauthorized access and malicious computer


We understand that for many subscribers it is difficult to ensure the protection of their computer, therefore, together with the company
Doctor Web offers the Antivirus Dr. Web

If all the same your computer was infected with malware, then you can call our service department by phone 8 (495/499) 290-36-66
More details:

Connect the cable of the provider to the INTERNET port of the router, the cable from the computer to one of the 4 LAN ports of the router.

Type in the address bar of your browser the address of the router, by default it is

In the window that appears, select "Web Configurator"

In the window that appears, create and enter a password for accessing the router's settings. It is necessary to remember the password to access the settings of the router for its further configuration.


In the menu that appears, click " Broadband connection "

A MAC address is a unique address for your device, router, or network card.

In the same menu, in the "MAC-Address" item, you need to select "by default"

Then we press the button "Apply"

Alternatively, you can select "enter manually" and enter the previously registered MAC -address, if you know it, in the format "11: 22: 33: 44: 55: 66"

Also click "Apply".

After applying these settings, the Internet should work. Check the Internet functionality by opening, for example, in a new window. Proceed to the section "Setting up Wi-Fi" If the Internet does not work, then most likely an additional PPPoE connection is used in your house. Accordingly, you need to configure PPPoE.

PPPoE setup

In the top menu, select "PPPoE / VPN" click "Add connection"

In the menu that appears, fill in the items "Description", "Type (protocol)", "Connect via", "Authentication Method" in accordance withFig. 1.
Items "Username", "Password" should be filled in in accordance with the agreement.

Fig. 1

Information on the fields "Username" and "Password" from PPPoEconnections can be found around the clock with the Technical Support Operator by phone. 8-499 \ 495-290-366-66

After entering all the data, click "Apply"

After applying these settings, the Internet should work. Check the Internet functionality by opening for example in a new window.

Wi-Fi setup

In the lower menu, go to the "Internet" item

ATTENTION!!! The items "2.4GHz access point and 5GHz access point" are configured in the same way, except for the item "Network name ( SSID) ". For example, for "2.4GHz Access Point" the network name will be Test2.4 Gthen for the "5GHz Access Point" the network name will be Test5 G.

The network key must be at least 8 characters long.

Items "Network name ( SSID ) "And" Network key "are filled in at the discretion of the user. It is necessary to remember the information for further connection to your router by Wi - Fi.

Items "Network protection" and "Enable WPS "Must be configured in accordance withFig. 2

Fig. 2

After entering all the data, click "Apply"

Your Wi-Fi network is now set up and ready to go. Only people who know your network key can connect to it.

Connect the cable from the provider to the WAN port of the router, the cable from the computer to one of the 4 LAN ports of the router

We configure the router from the computer on which the Internet was connected before purchasing the router

1. Type in the address bar of your browser the address of the router, by default it is

2. In the window that appears, enter the username and password (by default, the username and password are admin) and click Log In

3. Go to the Main-WAN menu. In the Connection Type field, select the connection type DHCP Client or Fixed IP. Click the Clone MAC Address button. We save the settings with the Apply button. For Ostankino and Alekseevsky districts, the IP address and the DNS server address must be specified manually (Static IP).

Attention!!! If you have a new access system (you do not connect Starlink VPN or Starlink PPPoE from your computer), then after setting up this menu you do not need to set up an additional connection (PPPoE setting) and you must go directly to menu 5 “WiFi Settings”.

4. PPPoE setup

In the Main-WAN menu, in the Connection Type field, select the Russia PPPoE connection type. In the User Name field, you must enter your login (specified in the agreement), then in the Password field, enter the Internet password (specified in the agreement) and then confirm it in the Retype Password field. In the Auto-reconnect field, select Always-on. We save the settings with the Apply button.
For the Severny, Degunino and Dmitrovsky districts, you must use Russia PPTP, or Russia L2TP connection:
Server name for Russia PPTP - vpn. Site
Server name for Russia L2TP -

5. WiFi setup

To configure WiFi, go to the Wireless section and select the Basic item
On the page that appears, you can change the name of your WiFi network from the standard "TRENDnet" to something else, according to your taste. For example: Starlink_WiFi. Make sure the Wireless checkbox is Enabled and the SSID Broadcast checkbox is also Enabled.

6. Further, in order for only you to have access to your WiFi network, you need to enable protection. Protection is carried out by encrypting the radio signal using a code word.
There are two types of encryption: WEP and WPA2. Since WEP encryption can be cracked fairly easily and quickly if desired, we recommend that you use WPA encryption. To do this, select WPA in the Authentication Type field.
After choosing, we open the second part of the page, in which we need to specify the same code word with which the signal of your WiFi network will be encrypted. The code word must be between 8 and 63 characters. Enter the passphrase in the Passphrase field, then confirm (re-enter the passphrase) in the Confirmed Passphrase field. To avoid unnecessary problems, enter the code word in Latin.
Click the Apply button.

D-Link DIR-300 / NRU

Please note that DIR-300 / NRU routers with H / W version no lower than B1 and no higher than B3 are supported (indicated on the bottom side).

Dear Subscribers! For the correct operation of this router in our network, you need to update the firmware:
Firmware version 2.05 for D-Link DIR-300 / NRU

Configuring the router

1. Open your browser, type in the address bar and press Enter... The following window should appear. Enter in the "Login" field: admin, leave the "Password" field blank. Click the Log in button.

2. Click on the "Manual Internet Connection Setup" button to start setting up your connection.

3. The connection settings window will open. In the "My Internet Connection Is" field, select Russian L2TP (Dual Access). Check the box next to "Dynamic IP". Click the Clone MAC Address button. In the Server IP / Name field, enter In the field "L2TP Account / L2TP Password" you need to enter your username and password, respectively. Select "Connect Mode Select" select "Always". Click the "Save Settings" button.
For the Ostankino and Alekseevsky districts, you must select the Static IP connection type:
IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway and DNS server address must be specified manually.

Attention!!! If you have a new access system (you do not connect Starlink VPN or Starlink PPPoE from your computer), then in the "My Internet Connection Is" field, select Dynamic IP (DHCP), click the Clone MAC Address button, save the settings and go to menu 4.

4. Next, you need to open the "ADVANCED" menu and select the "Advanced Network" item. In the window that opens, check the boxes "Enable WAN Ping Response" and "Enable Multicast Streams". Next, click the "Save Settings" button.

5. In order to use the local resources of our network, you need to configure static routing on your router. To do this, select the "Routing" item and add routes. You can see the current routes here. As a gateway (gateway) you need to specify the gateway address, which is indicated in the act (issued upon connection). Add a route:


Subnet mask:

Gateway: Your gateway

Add another route:

Interface: WAN (Physical Port)


Subnet mask:

Gateway: Your gateway

6. Next, let's configure the wireless network on the router. To do this, select the "SETUP" section and then the "Wireless Setup" item. Click on the "Manual Wireless Connection Setup" button.

7. On the page that appears, you can change the name of your WiFi network from standard dlink to something else, according to your taste. For example: Starlink_WiFi. It is necessary in the WI-FI PROTECTED SETUP section to uncheck the Enable item. Next, make sure that the Enable Wireless item is ticked and the Enable Auto Channel Selection box is also ticked.

Further, in order for only you to have access to your WiFi network, you need to enable protection. Protection is carried out by encrypting the radio signal using a code word. There are two types of encryption: WEP and WPA2. Since WEP encryption can be cracked fairly easily and quickly if desired, we recommend that you use WPA encryption. To do this, in the WIRELESS SECURITY MODE field, select Enable WPA / WPA2 Wireless Security. After choosing, we open the second part of the page, in which we need to specify the same code word with which the signal of your WiFi network will be encrypted. The code word must be between 8 and 63 characters. Enter the code word in the Network Key field. To avoid unnecessary problems, enter the code word in Latin. Click the Save Settings button.

Now your WiFi network configured and ready to go. Only those people who know your network passkey can connect to it.

Congratulations! The setup is complete!

Now all your computers will be able to access both the Internet and local network resources at any time.

D-Link DIR-300 / NRUb5

Dear Subscribers! For the correct operation of this router in our network, it is recommended to update the firmware from the official website.

Connect the cable from the provider to the INTERNET port of the router, the cable from the computer to one of the 4 LAN ports of the router.

Configuring the router

1. It is recommended to configure it through the web interface. To get into it, open your browser (Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox) and enter in the address bar
In the window that appears, enter:
Username - admin
Password - admin
Click "LOGIN".

2. The message “The default password is now set.
For security reasons, you are advised to change your password. ”. Click "OK", set a new password for access to the web interface and click "Save".

3. Enter again:

Username - admin
Password - set by you
Go to the Network-> Connections menu and click the "Add" button under the table.

4. Configuring PPPoE when automatically obtaining a local IP address (DHCP)

Attention!!! If you have a new access system (you do not connect Starlink VPN or Starlink PPPoE from your computer), then you need to go directly to the Wi-Fi connection settings menu.

  • Connection Type: PPPoE
  • In the MAC field, enter the number of your network card (you can find it out in the state of connection by local network, or by calling the support service at 741-36-66.
  • PPP username (PPP Username): Your login from the contract
  • Password: Your password from the contract
  • Confirm Password: Repeat password
  • Authentication Algorithm: Auto
  • Enable IGMP
  • Leave the rest of the fields as default.

We save the settings with the (Save) button and the Restart button, reboot the router

Attention! For the Severny, Degunino and Dmitrovsky districts, you must use a PPTP (server address: connection.

5. In the line with the created connection, put the point "Default gateway" and click "Save" in the upper right corner.

6. Setting up Wi-Fi on the router.

Go to the Wi-Fi => General Settings menu and check that the "Enable Wireless Connection" checkbox is checked.

  • Hide hotspot - do not check the box
  • SSID - write down the name of the wireless network. Latin letters and numbers can be used
  • Country - leave RUSSIAN FEDERATION
  • Channel - instead of AUTO, set any channel from 1 to 11
  • Wireless mode - you can leave it unchanged or choose another mode
  • Maximum number of clients - you can set the maximum number of wireless clients. If set to 0, the number of clients is unlimited.

Click on<<Изменить>>

  • Network Authentication - It is recommended to set WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSKmixed encryption
  • Encryption key PSK (wireless network password) - you can use the default key or set your own (from 8 to 63 characters, you can use Latin letters and numbers)
  • WPA Encryption - Select TKIP + AES
  • WPA key renewal period - leave unchanged

Click "Change"

9. For the final saving of the settings, select the "System" menu in the upper right corner and click "Save and Restart"

The setup is complete!

Asus WL-500gp V.2 / rt-n10 / rt-n12 / rt-n13 / rt-n15

Setting up equipment for your access system

The money was given out in a month, so everything is fine, only the contract says, which was signed by the son, you need to notify them 15 days in advance, and the money is then given out in 10 days, but not in a month, there is not even such a law, money is given out immediately.

The master called. Pushed me into 1 port in the Dlink switch, it hung on an old switch. Everything works fine now. It's a pity you can't edit your review.

The network constantly disappears for a day - they do not pick up the phone or they pick it up and report that there is a problem at the moment at your address - wait a day, everything should work. Or, if the Internet appears after 5 minutes, they shrug their shoulders and say there are no problems at the moment! I inform you that there were problems, but the provider just doesn't care about you as a client. They can check ports, ping you. To say - at the moment everything is working, there are no problems, and the fact that their equipment hangs there is ancient, they cannot.

I am grateful to the provider for low prices and high internet, as well as the ability to connect to television.

I have been using it for five years already. It used to be fine, but Last year it is something. Movies are unrealistic to watch, but about online games, in general, there are constant departures, after midnight there is no speed. The calls are answered that they are changing something, equipment or something else. But not a whole year, right? I left on the site: "Call back", but no answer, no greetings. Very sorry. Address: Shmitovskiy proezd, 44. Already, according to the instructions, the router was changed. All the same, there is no speed, the set-top box and a couple of phones are working at the same time. Do something. We are waiting, can't we wait?

Here is a counter of negative and positive reviews. Do not get fooled,)) but take a look when ALL positive and negative reviews were written. For 2016, there is NOT a SINGLE really positive review, but all negative ones are for 2016. The month of April hit Starlink's coffin, when the administration of the resource took an unprecedented step - extending to almost everyone who asked reporting period for 2-3 weeks, all because the services that were provided this month cannot be called the Internet ...

To be honest, I do not care at all that someone is attacking you there, ddos ​​attacks and other nonsense, why I get a service of disgusting quality for my money. In no case would I recommend this provider to anyone who appreciates their nerves and money. If you are unable to defend against DDOS attacks, maybe you shouldn't be in this business? Where is your security service? Will you wait until the horrible hackers stop attacking you or do something in the end? You are the most finished ...

In Starlink since the end of 2010, but alas, he is not the same. The last couple of months, frequent problems with the Internet - either a complete lack of connection, or the speed is floating, and with it the stability of access to certain network resources. With such problems, it makes no sense to call those. support - short beeps, or simply do not pick up the phone, apparently a lot of calls, but that doesn't make it any easier. The email is also silent. When communicating on the form, messages are often deleted, allegedly not related to the topic of discussion. Guys...

PIN: 051973 Within the next 4 days, after contacting the service for help technical support, the technical support service did not restore my lost router settings. They are fed with promises - tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. The Internet constantly freezes, the speed does not correspond to the one stated in the contract, the quality of services is disgusting. Before that, there was Internet from MGTS, the Internet was constantly working. For weeks he could download torrents without turning off the computer. And here is a complete mess. It turns out in vain I fell for the ad ...

During the next 4 days, after contacting the technical support service for help, the technical support service did not restore my lost router settings. They are fed with promises - tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. PIN 051973. The Internet constantly freezes, the speed does not correspond to the one stated in the contract, the quality of services is disgusting. Before that, there was Internet from MGTS, the Internet was constantly working!. I could download torrents for weeks without turning off my computer. And here is a complete mess. It turns out in vain I fell for the ad ...

The impression that all the good reviews are self-PR of the office. There are constant disconnections, which slow down not only my work, but also end negotiations with colleagues and partners on Skype. Frankly extortionate price for services, while more than once I checked the real connection speed when downloading data from the network: not a damn thing does not correspond to my 800 rubles a month. Separate opus: those. support. The flow in the center of the call is a typical phenomenon, but when three operators are trying to figure out how to leave ...

Initially, we agreed on one price for ip-telephony. For two weeks we tried to conclude with them at this price. We bought equipment, hired a person. At the time of the conclusion, it turns out that the price is completely different, at times higher than the promised one. Starlink frankly framed us in terms of time, money, in general, everything. As a result, they urgently had to look for a replacement for this provider. I do not advise anyone to work with them. Or if you want to work with them - immediately ask for a contract with agreed prices. Don't be fooled ...

I called the technical support service and asked: "How much should I pay for the Internet?" They answered: "670 rubles." I asked again, just in case, again they answered 670 rubles, took exactly 670 rubles and went to pay. I enter the pin code, the amount on the screen is 760 rubles, I had to return home to take the missing amount. How could you be so wrong? Dear employees, learn arithmetic, or at least a simple count to 100.

I have been using the company's service for over a year. Initially, everything was fine, there were some nuances with a drop in speed, but they reacted to the complaint, corrected something. Then, at the beginning of October, Starlink had an accident, well, it happens that everyone has something to do, he was waiting for elimination. They eliminated ten days, gave two weeks of free use (thanks), only after the accident was eliminated, the speed dropped from the declared 65 Mb / s to 10-15 in places to 2-5 Mb / s, I called on October 18 and asked to fix the problem. And today, November 3 ...

As was the boorish Izmailovo ru, DS Telecom remained on the same profile, the connection is cut off once a week. SMS messages about problems are sent to someone, but not to someone. You write and say as if something will change.

Super mega provider! I'm glad I'm using it. Thanks! I don't know how I used another provider before.))) I also want to note the quality of the download, it's just space))).

We posted our flyers in the elevator (on the lamp), on each floor - on the doors. The leaflets cannot be scraped off; the adhesive remains on the surface anyway. How can you work with a company that treats its potential clients this way, stupidly shitting in their house?!?

Our organization LLC "Profpostavki" has been using Starlink services for about 2 years. Tired of constant problems with the Internet, several times a week (and sometimes 2-3 times a day) the connection is disconnected! It has become almost a tradition for us to regularly call technical support with the question: “When will the Internet be?”, And receive a polite answer: “There are technical problems, the foreman has left or is already working, we apologize. Please let us know if it is possible to achieve in the center of Moscow that ...

Normal speed, good quality. I can say that in my practice this is the best provider so far. Before that, three were replaced, there was something wrong everywhere, there were many complaints on various occasions. Here, for eight months, there are no special complaints. Everything works fine, so I understand WHAT I'm paying for, and this is essential.

Procedure and connection diagram for Starlink networks

After determining the possibility of connecting to Starlink networks, engineers come to your house and pull the cable through the floors to your junction box in the switchboard. After carrying out the preparatory work for pulling the cable, you will be notified by phone about the readiness to bring the Internet to your apartment and you choose a convenient time to continue the work. At the appointed time, a master will come to you and, within an hour, will lead a cable into the apartment, connect it to a computer and organize a connection to the Internet.

How to connect and configure Starlink Internet on multiple computers?

If you have several computers (stationary PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones, game consoles, etc.) and you want Internet access on all devices, then you need to order a router (router), preferably wireless, connect and customize it. Pay attention to the fact that if you purchase and configure a cheap router yourself, then you can later not be surprised and think about the questions - "Why is the Internet slow?" constantly go astray "and the like. Contact the professionals who will select you high-quality equipment that meets all the necessary requirements.

How can you find out actual speed Internet access?

The actual speed of access to the Internet must be measured directly through the main cable. Connect the cable to the computer and check the network access speed using a special software or online utilities for measuring the speed of access to the network, of which there are a lot on the Internet.

How do I keep my network safe?

We will not go into the details of what unsecured networking might turn out to be for you. Main elements of security safe work in the network: antivirus, secure wireless network, licensed updatable operating system and programs, as well as prudent use of the sites.

What to do if the internet doesn't work?

There can be many reasons for the lack of Internet access. Here are some of them: problems from the provider, the cable is broken in the entrance or at your house, the necessary drivers are missing, access is blocked by viruses, the router settings are out of order, and much more. Determining the exact cause over the phone can be difficult. Most often, a visit of a specialist is required to diagnose the causes.

What if some sites don't work?

If some sites do not work, then there may be only three reasons for this:

  • access to some sites is blocked by malicious code on your PC
  • access to the site is blocked by Roskomnadzor
  • the site simply does not work for technical reasons

In the first two cases, we can help you restore the functionality of a number of sites.

Internet provider Starlink is one of the most famous and popular providers in Moscow and the Moscow region. The coverage area of ​​this telecommunications company covers almost the entire territory of the region, offering high-quality and fast internet not only for regular users, but also for new customers who are waiting for the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of interactive entertainment at the highest possible speed. A distinctive feature of the Starlink operator is the fastest possible processing time for an application and an Internet connection. The master will come to you on the day of treatment or the next day, you do not have to waste time on tedious waiting.

Starlink tariff plans:

Internet provider Starlink offers flexible tariff plans designed to meet the needs of both ordinary users and active customers with a huge number of devices in need of a dedicated broadband connection. The cost of the minimum possible speed - 60 Mbit / s - starts at 499 rubles, for standard and usual 100 Mbit / s you will have to pay 899 rubles. This is a fair price for the quality of services - Internet from the Starlink company is considered one of the fastest and most stable connections, whose speed does not depend on the degree of load on the channel and does not undergo a decrease during peak loads.

Special offers and special promotions from StarLink

It is not so easy to attract customers with just a stable Internet, therefore Starlink Internet provider offers special service packages and promotions for both new customers and regular users:

  1. Possibility of connecting high-definition interactive television with equipment rental.
  2. Comprehensive internet service packages and digital television allowing you to save money and connect several services for the price of one.
  3. Subscribing to antivirus software at reduced prices thanks to the partner program with most antivirus laboratories in Russia.
  4. Special promotions and loyalty programs for regular customers, reducing the cost of the subscription fee and allowing you to save additional funds. In addition, it is possible to arrange packages, the price of which includes free rental of telecommunications equipment!

Internet provider Starlink is one of the most popular providers in Moscow and the Moscow region. Join the satisfied customers of Starlink right now and apply for a stable high-speed Internet connection using the site!

Users planning to order an internet connection must first submit an application. This can be done on the website of any provider. In the application, you must indicate the desired rate, as well as your personal and contact information. In addition, the customer can order a number of additional services... In particular, he will have access to services such as SMS notifications of completed transactions and tariff changes, a real IP address, as well as Wi-Fi setup and antivirus subscriptions.

After the connection process is completed, the user will be able to log into Personal Area Starlink. Here, ISP customers will be able to take advantage of a range of amenities and services. One such convenience is the ability to pay subscription fees directly from your account. For this, two main methods are used - through a bank and a mobile phone. In the first case, payment is made through MasterCard or Visa bank cards. At the same time, the system does not charge an additional commission from the account owner. But crediting funds through mobile operators Beeline, MTS, Tele2 and Megafon requires an additional commission. The size of the commission depends on the terms of cooperation of the mobile operator.

As for other payment methods, here it is worth paying attention to the possibility of making a payment through Sberbank. To do this, you need to generate a receipt in your personal account. For correct design the receipt will require filling in the following fields: PIN, contract number, full name and address of residence of the payer, as well as the amount and date of payment. It should be emphasized that Sberbank also charges an additional commission. In your account, you can also pay for services by bank transfer. To do this, it is enough to generate a template receipt.

Login to your Starlink account

In order to enter your Starlink personal account, you need to go to the official website of the provider and enter your PIN / login and password. In the event that the user has forgotten his password for the account, he has the opportunity to recover it by contacting the 24-hour contact center. After that, representatives of the contact center should provide their full name, the number of the agreement with the Internet provider, PIN, passport data, as well as the connection address. Thanks to this data, the operator will help the client recover the lost password from the account.

Registration in your Starlink account

Customers who choose to use high-speed internet to download large files or HD movies can reap even more benefits. Registration in your Starlink account provides for the presence of such useful services:

  • Promised payment. Clients who have exhausted the funds limit for own account, can go to their account and make a request to include the Internet in debt. You can also make a similar request by contacting support.
  • SMS notification. In the settings of your personal user account, you can set the SMS notification option. Thanks to this option, you can always be aware of the current account status, the latest special offers, etc. In addition, such a function will constantly notify customers about the use of funds in the account.
  • Parental control. This service helps parents prevent their children from accessing inappropriate content on the network.

Starlink account authorization

Many potential users ask a reasonable question - why do they need authorization in their Starlink personal account? The answer to this question is the number of benefits that this ISP provides. After logging in, first of all, you can get a high-quality high-speed signal that will allow you to download even the largest files, listen to your favorite music online, watch movies, communicate in video chats, etc. In addition, it is worth talking about the responsiveness of technical support. Authorized users can count on qualified assistance from experienced professionals around the clock who provide support on a variety of issues.

Login / password recovery from personal account

To recover confidential registration data, you need to contact the round-the-clock hotline Starlink by phone +7 (499/495) 2903999. When communicating with a service employee, you should indicate your PIN, full name, contract number, passport information, connection address. Therefore, you should prepare for the conversation in advance. It is important that you have a service connection agreement and a passport at hand.


If there are difficulties with the services or use of your personal account. For help, you should contact support. Individuals can get advice by calling 8 495/499 290 3666, legal - 8 499 682 7282. Before calling, you should clearly formulate a question on the problem. It is important for the operator to explain in detail what difficulties the user encountered when working with his personal account.

Personal account functionality

Internet service provider Starlink has created a personal account for its clients as information system allowing you to use the services of the company with maximum comfort. With the help of the LC, each client can:

  • control the balance of the personal account;
  • receive information about what invoices were issued, services - paid;
  • find out about the consumption of Internet traffic and so on.

Starlink uses exclusively high-tech fiber-optic equipment from Cisco Systems in its own network. Thanks to this, customers get access to the network at a level of up to 2 Gb / ce ?. This speed allows you to download movies and heavy files in a short time. For example, a movie in high quality HD can actually be downloaded in just one minute.

Provider services

On the main site, users have access to an extensive, maximally detailed database of various solutions for legal, individuals... The cost of services is average for Moscow. At the same time, various promotions are systematically held for the provider's clients, discounts are given on services, which can be found in your personal account.

The following useful services are available to clients:

  • Promised payment - if the funds on the internal account are completely exhausted, in this case, you can contact the support service and leave a wish to turn on the Internet. Also, this problem is solved in your personal account. You need to go there and press the required button.
  • An SMS message will be sent to the client in case of need to top up the balance. Also, notifications inform about the current state of the account, special offers, promotions, etc.
  • Parental control is a fairly convenient service that allows you to prevent access to the network and harmful content for young children and adolescents in accordance with the pedagogical views of parents.
  • Antispam - this service is self-learning and intelligent. It will help the Internet user to get rid of viral mail.

Starlink internet connection

After the Starlink Internet connection options have been identified, the company's engineers will visit the client's house and run the cable through the floors to the client's junction box located in the electrical panel. After the completion of the preparatory work on laying the cable, the client will receive a notification by his phone number regarding his readiness to lead the network to the apartment. The Starlink master will visit the client at the appointed time and, within an hour, will bring the cable into the apartment, connect it to the computer, and configure the Internet connection.

Security, confidentiality

All customer data transmitted over Starline's internal networks is protected from fraud. The company's channels are protected, so nothing threatens the information.

It is quite easy to ensure the safety of working on the Internet. To do this, you just need to use a modern antivirus with an updated database. It is also important that the wireless network is protected, using a licensed OS with constant updates. In addition, surfing sites on the Internet must be carefully and deliberately. Do not visit resources with questionable web content.

Internet starline does not work: reasons

In fact, there are many reasons. It happens that the provider has problems, the cable breaks at the entrance, there are no drivers, access is blocked by viruses and so on. In this case, you should immediately contact the support service and tell the specialists about the problem. Perhaps the master will go to the place and figure out what really happened. Assistance to the Starline client will be provided immediately, as this is implied by the service agreement and the provision of network services. The reasons for the lack of the Internet will be announced after the diagnosis of the malfunction.