Fastest home internet. What is the best internet connection for a private house? What are the criteria for choosing a provider

The Internet plays a very important role in our life. The average person now cannot imagine his life without him, since he is the main way of entertainment and communication with the world around him. Also, here we must not forget that a fairly large number of people work on the Internet, not to mention various bloggers and Internet celebrities, for whom the World Wide Web is the main and only source of income. That is why the question of choosing an Internet service provider today is quite difficult, and this problem becomes even more tangible when it comes to large cities. That is why it is sometimes very difficult to decide which Internet provider is the best in Moscow.

general information

When it comes to the best Internet providers in Moscow or any other city, first of all it is worth mentioning that the Internet can be mobile and broadband. If everything is clear from the name with mobile, then broadband is exactly the option that people are used to using at home or at work through personal computers, laptops and tablets.

Considering all of the above, it can sometimes be difficult to settle on a particular provider or determine which one is better than the rest. The point here is that companies providing services for accessing the World Wide Web are well aware of the level of competition and are doing everything possible to maximize the quality of their services. Thus, the answer to the question of which Internet provider is the best in Moscow is often based either on the pricing policy of the supplier company or on subjective evaluation criteria. For example, if a user needs a low ping for computer games, then the best provider for him will be exactly the company that will provide him with this service. At the same time, other people only pay special attention to customer service or the stability of the Internet.

Nevertheless, taking into account the above and many other factors, it is still possible to answer the question of which Internet provider is the best in Moscow, but more on that later.

Mobile Internet

If you want to deal with mobile Internet providers, then everything is quite simple here, since today there are only 5 operators that provide you with this service:

  • Beeline;
  • Megaphone;
  • Tele2;
  • Yota.

It is rather difficult to rank these companies, since they all provide almost the same services. However, Tele2 loses out against the rest, as it is the only operator that provides third generation (3G) Internet. All other companies have been providing their subscribers with the opportunity to use 4G Internet services for a long time. As for the quality of communication, it all depends on where the subscriber is. Ideally, all of Moscow should have excellent coverage, but there are areas far from the center where the signal level is noticeably worse.


  1. Speed. High-tech and modern equipment allows the provider to deliver their services of such high quality that an HD-quality movie can be downloaded to your computer in a few minutes.
  2. Customer care. Besides the 24/7 support service, this company took care of its subscribers in the sense that on its official website it posted answers to the most popular questions regarding interruptions in access to the worldwide network.
  3. Additional services. These include: SMS notifications, deferred payment and parental control (you can restrict your household members' access to web pages of a certain topic).


Next in the rating of the best Internet providers in Moscow is Online. In fact, this company is in no way inferior to the aforementioned provider, since it has everything to conquer the Internet services market in the capital. The main advantages include round-the-clock technical support, decent quality of services, urgent connection and much more. In addition, the services of this particular provider are considered one of the cheapest throughout Moscow.

According to reviews, the only drawback here is the need to lay a rather noticeable cable around the room. It often happens that this wire cannot be hidden or disguised in any way. It is worth noting that the cable can be abandoned by installing special equipment and adapters. In this case, it is important to understand that the quality of the connection will drop slightly.


Judging by the reviews, this Internet provider wins against the background of the rest due to the fact that it provides its customers with a free connection to its services. For many residents of Moscow, this fact is decisive when choosing a service provider for access to the World Wide Web. In addition, the authority of the company is also increasing due to the fact that it has been distributing its services since 1996. Fiber optic connection provides high speed Internet for every consumer. It is for this reason that this company occupies an honorable place in the ranking of the best Internet providers in Moscow.


This is a representative of the budget class of Internet providers in the capital. It is worth noting that it is the low price for the Internet of fairly decent quality that is the main advantage of the company. At the same time, one should not think that she has the only one. Judging by the reviews, in addition to the very attractive price-quality ratio, this ISP is quite good in that it has an incredibly polite staff. Highly qualified specialists perform their direct duties very efficiently, and are also always ready to help you in any matter that interests you. You will never be denied installing and configuring any software, and you will receive polite and comprehensive answers to any, even the most primitive, questions.


If you want to understand what is the best Internet provider in Moscow, then it is impossible to ignore Beeline. In addition to mobile Internet services, this company offers its customers the opportunity to enjoy broadband connections of good quality and at high speeds. Judging by the reviews, the main advantages include round-the-clock support and highly qualified personnel who will select and configure everything necessary equipment properly.


Considering the importance of the Internet for modern people, it is not surprising that people pay special attention to choosing a company to provide the necessary services. That is why reviews of the best Internet providers in Moscow made it possible to compile the above rating. Separately, it should be noted that this list is only conditional, because it pays attention to the main advantages and disadvantages of the most popular companies that provide their users with services for unhindered access to the Internet. In any case, determining the best provider depends mainly on pricing policy company and your specific preferences.

The best home Internet should be inexpensive and of high quality - with a stable connection and real speed, which is not less than the one indicated in the tariff. And it must also meet the needs of the subscriber. In the article, we will tell you what criteria should be used to choose a provider in order to get the maximum benefit.

How to know which is the best home internet provider

There are over a thousand providers in the country. On average apartment house in a large city there are, on average, up to nine telecom operators, each of which offers from two to five tariffs. It is impossible to say unequivocally which one is better. They all provide a set of options for their audience. The main thing to do is to understand what criteria are important to you and how much you are willing to pay for them. To make it a little easier to choose, follow the recommendations.

Determine the purpose of the connection

Determine what you need the internet for. The connection speed you need depends on this. Speed ​​affects the cost of the tariff. Do not overpay for unnecessary megabits per second if the real need allows you to use less expensive offers.

The goal can be any - for study, work, entertainment. But you need a more detailed breakdown. If you need the Internet to download abstracts or search for answers to exam tickets, you can limit yourself to mobile Internet at speeds up to 50 Mbps. But if you are studying foreign languages via Skype, while simultaneously watching foreign channels online in HD, you will need a tariff with at least 100 Mbps.

Choose a connection method


The types are distinguished by the physical properties of the cable - copper and fiber optic. The principle of connection is approximately the same - a cable is pulled from the common wire to the house. It is connected either directly to a computer or to a router. The difference between them is the maximum possible internet speed. By fiber optic, it is almost ten times higher.


Provided via satellite, radio towers, Wi-Fi public access points. To connect via satellite or radio tower, the subscriber must purchase an antenna. Depending on the type of connection, the plate is installed on the street or in an apartment. The signal over such networks is worse than over the wired Internet, it is highly dependent on external factors - weather conditions, obstacles in the signal path, interference from other networks. Equipment is often installed along with the antenna to amplify the signal.

Wireless Internet is more often used where it is impossible to connect via a wire, or in conjunction with other services, such as satellite TV.

Count the number of devices

The connection speed is shared among all connected devices. The more of them, the lower the speed that falls on each device.

If you plan to connect multiple computers to the network, consider how much data they will transfer. When torrenting on one device is running simultaneously and an active online game on another, with a tariff speed of up to 50 Mbps, it will be difficult to make a Skype call. The higher the connection speed for the tariff, the faster the actual data transfer on a separate device.

Find out which operators are in your home

Use the search service for operators in your home. Enter the address and get a selection of providers with tariffs and the ability to apply.

If you are going to connect to wired internet, it is best to contact the provider that is already present in the house. It will be faster. In the case of wireless Internet, there is no binding to the exact address.

Find providers that connect your home internet to your address:

Start typing street or city

Evaluate the rates and support of the provider

Estimate the rates of suitable providers. Contact each carrier that suits your needs. Ask questions, learn about the terms of connection. So you will not only receive important information, but also be able to assess the level of the company's work with clients.

Should you trust the ratings of the best home Internet providers?

Exists . For the distribution of telecom operators in places, they collect subscribers' assessments and comments, study the quality of service provision - the work of technical support, the stability of the connection, the dips in the data transfer rate. Usually subscribers' reviews are also given there.

The rating helps to get an initial idea of ​​the services of providers, to determine who is worth working with and who is best avoided. But it is impossible to rely only on the list. Users' assessments are subjective, as are the tasks on the Internet, the regions of residence of subscribers. Perhaps, in your case, the best home Internet from the list will be expensive or too slow, and the operator from the end of the rating will provide good conditions for a moderate fee.

Which home internet is better to choose

Choose the internet that suits your needs and connects easily.

Wired is more reliable - it is stable and provides high speed. Wireless can be connected even in the country, it does not require drilling the walls around front door and often comes bundled with other options like satellite TV.

The speed can also be different. Maximum provides fiber optic cable... Its bandwidth is 1 Gb / s, but routers cut the speed, so the real one is usually less, about 500 Mb / s. This speed is enough to download a series of the series in two minutes, simultaneously play online games on a computer and watch digital TV, and use smart home technology. But if you only use the network to read news in the evenings, you shouldn't overpay for non-consumable megabits per second. The mobile Internet will be enough for you, which can also be connected to a computer.

Therefore, before choosing:

  • Assess your needs.
  • Check the rates of the operators available in your home.
  • Study reviews of suitable providers, look at the positions in the ratings.
  • Contact each operator and ask questions about connection and service.
  • Choose the one that suits you best.

Not sure about the choice? Give up the idea of ​​cooperation with a provider that offers expensive equipment. If you cancel its services a couple of months after connecting, the costs will not be reimbursed to you.

You can find out which Internet is better to connect in your region by ordering a free consultation on our website. Leave your contact details and the operator will contact you shortly.

In Russia, federal operators have practically monopolized the market for backbone Internet networks. They lay out the thickest lines of communication, and then sell the right to use them to local providers. But the lives of the federal players themselves are not raspberries either. In 2014, they must enter every city with a population of 100 thousand people, and by 2018, their presence is mandatory in cities with a population of 8 thousand people. And this is a huge investment, which is unknown when it will pay off and whether it will pay off at all.

Backbone Internet in Russia

The global Internet backbone encircles the entire planet, connecting continents, countries and individual cities. By and large, the backbone network is the same fiber-optic communication lines that bring the Internet to our apartments and houses, only with a higher bandwidth (from 100 Gbps to 10 Tbps when using modern equipment). The construction and maintenance of such networks is carried out either by providers that provide communications directly to subscribers, or companies that work only with providers and do not deal with end users. The first, of course, are more.

In Russia, building cross-border backbone networks and transmitting traffic abroad can only be large federal providers, many of which are not limited to backbones within the country. For example, the RetnNet operator has Internet nodes and lines not only in the west of the Russian Federation, but practically throughout Europe. And the provider "Synterra", which today belongs to "MegaFon", connects Russia only with some countries of Eastern Europe, which are located not far from our borders. Regional (covering a certain region in the Russian Federation) and local (covering only one or a few settlements) providers cannot build their own highways abroad and are forced to use strangers, and traffic charges "drip" into the pockets of federal market players.

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But at the same time, if you think that being a federal provider is easy and profitable, then you are wrong. There are very high requirements for such operators. In particular, they are required to be present throughout the country, in all regions of the Russian Federation. In 2014, they must enter every city with a population of 100 thousand people, and by 2018, their presence is mandatory in cities with a population of 8 thousand people. In any case, this is what the law says today. How realistic is this? It is extremely difficult for even the "thickest" providers to do this. But they are monopolists in the foreign traffic market.

In general, the trends in the development of the backbone Internet market in Russia are as follows: until 2011, providers were engaged in the expansion of networks and the construction of new lines, in 2012 they suspended expansion and began to modernize networks, increase bandwidth, expand channels; switched to the construction of new trunk hubs and lines. The same trend will continue in the current 2014.

Top 10 largest backbone providers in Russia

There are two segments of backbone communication networks in Russia: domestic channels and international channels of the direction "Moscow - St. Petersburg - Helsinki - Stockholm".

Basically, backbone providers are more actively involved in one of the areas, spending more funds and efforts for its development than the other. This is a more efficient way, since you don't have to chase two birds with one stone. For example, the operators RetnNet, Rascom, TTK and TeliaSonera International Carrier Russia are aimed at building highways abroad, while in Russia they have only a few communication lines. But such operators as Synterra, VimpelCom pay more attention to the internal Russian trunk channels.

We present you the 10 largest backbone providers in Russia:

  1. Rostelecom - 500 thousand km of highways;
  2. "Megaphone"(including Synterra networks) - 118 thousand km of highways;
  3. MTS- 117 thousand km of highways;
  4. VimpelCom - 137 thousand km of highways;
  5. "TransTeleCom" (TTK) - 76 thousand km of highways;
  6. "Start Telecom" - 16 thousand km of highways;
  7. "Raskom"- 8.6 thousand km of highways;
  8. Orange Business Services - 8.5 thousand km of highways;
  9. RetnNet- 5.7 thousand km of highways;
  10. TeliaSonera International Carrier Russia - 2 thousand km of highways.

The first five leaders are federal Russian providers that invest huge amounts of money in the development of their networks and are practically monopolists in many segments of the high-speed Internet market in the Russian Federation. Most of the operators from the second five do not provide services to private Russian users, but work more with other providers, leasing their trunk lines.

Top 3 largest backbone providers in Moscow

Naturally, the "thickest" trunk canals stretch from abroad to Moscow, and from the capital, the lines often diverge to regions with less bandwidth. Moscow is a very important hub through which a huge part of Russian traffic passes, and the level of Internet penetration in the capital is much higher than in the regions. This is why Moscow providers need a wider channel.

The three largest backbone providers in Moscow look like this:

  1. Rostelecom - 80 thousand km of fiber optic in Moscow and the Moscow region;
  2. MGTS- 25 thousand km of optical lines in Moscow and the Moscow region;
  3. AKADO Telecom - 18.5 thousand km of communication lines in Moscow and the Moscow region.

How trunk lines are laid in the Russian Federation. Everyman's view

How do trunk channels work? What equipment can withstand the loads required for high-speed transmission of huge amounts of information? What do the backbone cables look like and where are they laid? Let's try to figure it out.

In order for high-speed Internet to appear in Arkhangelsk, Nizhnevartovsk, Nyagan or any other city, you need to stretch a cable to this settlement. Moreover, this cable must be thick and reliable enough to withstand the loads that it will have to endure. And what can we say about the cables connecting the continents ... But no one has ever seen these very thick cables. Well, in any case, the average man in the street will not distinguish an Internet cable from any other, and he is not particularly interested in this.

How Trunk Channels Work

Trunk channels are mainly laid underground, especially since optical fiber is a rather fragile material that is afraid of strong winds, icing and falling tree branches. That is, bad weather has an extremely negative effect on the FOCL. This is precisely why backbone fiber-optic lines are being buried. Unlike local fiber optic lines leading to high-rise buildings and private houses. The latter are laid through the air, along electric poles.

Fiber optic backbones are made up of lines (cables) and nodes (large routers). Most backbone operators today use DWDM technology - wavelength division multiplexing, wavelength division multiplexing. Information in one city is sent to the WDM equipment, where it is compressed to the minimum packet size and sent as a signal to another city, where the reverse process takes place - data unpacking and decryption. Of the equipment necessary for such a process - a multiplexer, a demultiplexer, transponders (the main manufacturers are Cisco, Huawei, Ciena). This technology allows you to transfer large amounts of data in almost one "burst", significantly speeding up the transfer and expanding the channel.

Cable breaks

Trunk cables often suffer from negligent builders and illegal developers who dig ditches and trenches without bothering to find out if any communication or communications line passes through this place. Therefore, providers insure themselves by creating backup channels so that users do not suffer in the event of a cable break in one place.

Since, as already mentioned, cable breaks are a frequent phenomenon, repairing breaks is common. The team arrives at the approximate place of the breakdown and looks for the break point. Usually it is visible immediately, since the fiber itself does not break, there is always an external factor - an excavator, a construction site, a fresh deep trench (after all, the cable is buried to a depth of about 2-4 meters). But if it is impossible to see exactly where the accident is, then there is a special instrument - a reflectometer, which gives an optical impulse and, according to the return time, determines quite accurately the place of the break. Repairmen cut out the damaged piece of cable and insert a new one. During the construction of a communication line, a signal power reserve is laid, because the insert somewhat worsens the transmission speed. By the way, on optics laid through the air, you can see bays with a supply of cable on the pillars. They are just for repairing cliffs. In order not to make cuts, which will worsen the quality of the connection.

Backbone network problems in Russia

The main problem of backbone providers in our country is, in fact, the size of Russia. The fact is that it is not enough to lay a highway, you also need to maintain its normal operation, regularly modernize and repair. And in such a vast territory, it can be extremely difficult and expensive. After all, it is one thing to replace equipment with a network with a length of 100 km, and quite another - 100,000 km.

Therefore, providers often pull to the last with modernization, trying to save money or at least somehow increase the payback of the network. And they repair the network in some sections dozens of times, until the capacity is barely enough. And only when the speed and throughput have completely dropped, they replace the entire section of the highway.

In Russia, providers' investments in the development and maintenance of the backbone network are often huge. Therefore, do not judge the operators harshly, they try to do their best, spending as little money as possible. In addition, they are under pressure not only by economic conditions, but also by legislation that obliges them to lay more and more new trunk lines every year.

The backbone network of OJSC Rostelecom

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Backbone network of the company "MegaFon"

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The backbone network of Synterra, owned by MegaFon