Check tapes for cash registers. Receipt tape, cash register tape, thermal label. Single layer receipt tape

By contacting the company "1C: Accounting and Trade" (BIT), you can purchase not only software and trade equipment, but also all necessary for its correct operation expendable materials... For example, you can quickly buy a receipt tape by calling our managers, and guarantee the absence of downtime for your trade or service enterprise, because customer service can be carried out only by providing them with confirmation of the purchase or the provision of services.

Our company has an extensive network of regional branches and a wide network of offices in the capital, which allows us to be closer to the client. You just need to contact the nearest office of "1C: Accounting and Trade" (BIT) to satisfy all your wishes related to the installation shop equipment and trade automation. For example, if you need a receipt tape in Moscow, choose the nearest one from the list of our offices and contact our professional managers. By purchasing the necessary consumables in BIT, you buy the necessary products High Quality at a reasonable price.

Cash register tape is one of the most demanded consumables needed to keep things running. cash registers, - and therefore the entire store. Therefore, an untimely purchase of a tape can result in serious financial losses. Keep track of how much tape you have left in the store, and purchase high-quality consumables from a trusted partner!

Sale of a receipt tape on favorable terms

  • The assortment includes a receipt tape for various cash registers. Independently or with the help of experienced specialists of "First BIT" you can easily select consumables that match the installed equipment.
  • We sell only high quality receipt tape. You can choose one-, two-layer products for thermochemical, capillary printing.
  • All receipt tape is affordable. You can buy it in the required quantity at the best cost.

Explore the catalog! Do you have any questions? Ask the managers "First BIT". With their help, you will select a check tape of the required type.

Thermo check tape.

There are 3 types of thermal paper weights for the production of receipt tape, rollers for terminals, ATMs and faxes: 48, 55 and 70 g / m². Of course, paper of different weights has different costs, so the selection of the most optimal density directly affects the costs of the organization. Let's try to figure out what density will be optimal for various tasks.

Benefits of 48 density. Paper with a density of 48 g / m² is the thinnest and cheapest of the options presented, which makes it the most cost-effective, which has been proven by the widespread distribution of paper products of this density both in Russia and abroad over the past 5 years.

Besides the cost of the paper, important factor The savings that you can use are the undoubted logistical advantages of rolls made of this paper: with the same tape width and winding length, rolls made of 48 density paper are lighter and smaller than those made of 55 g / m² paper. This means that the videos you purchased will be cheaper to transport and more compact when stored in a warehouse.

In addition, the space inside the cash register, in which the roller with the receipt tape is located, is usually limited in its volume, which means that the lighter the paper weight, the longer the winding length can be used, and the longer your cash register will work without changing the roller. ... On the other hand, if this is not necessary, for the same winding length, a roll of 48 weight paper will have a lower weight than a roll of heavier paper. Consequently, when using paper with a density of 48 g / m², the resource of the cash register increases, since due to the lower weight, the load on the tape drive mechanism is reduced, which means that its wear is minimized.

The 48 g / m² paper has been certified for optimum performance by reputable technology manufacturers such as Apple and NCR. You can watch them here.

Benefits of 55 density. Despite the objective indicators of economy, which paper with a density of 48 g / m² can "boast", still products from it cannot be universal for any type of technology. For large rollers, such as those used in ATMs or POS terminals, 55 g / m² paper is optimal. This is due to the fact that the large dimensions of the rollers inside these devices have a rather impressive weight, and given the specifics of the operation of ATMs and terminals, to avoid the so-called slipping of the receipt tape, it is recommended to use thicker paper.

Also, among the advantages of paper with a density of 55 g / m2, it can be noted that appearance documents printed on this paper are much more representative than on 48 density paper. Therefore, it is recommended to use heavier paper when making fax rollers (fax machines).

Advantages of 70 density. Paper with a density of 70 g / m² in appearance is practically not inferior to paper that we are used to using for ordinary printing on office equipment (laser, inkjet printers). A similar thermal paper is used for the manufacture of rollers in those exceptional cases when the most important thing is what impression the document printed on this paper will make: when using paper with a density of 70 g / m2, the organization deliberately incurs additional costs (the cost of paper, a relatively small a certain diameter of the roller, etc.), pursuing other goals. For example, rollers are made of such paper for printing tickets for railroad, because it is important that the ticket retains its appearance until the end of the trip and the turnstile can read the barcode printed on it without hindrance.

Differences in the thickness of the thermal layer. When choosing thermal paper, it is important to know that in addition to density, there is another important characteristic - the thickness of the thermal layer. It is she who is directly related to the safety of the printed image. The standard thickness of the thermal layer allows you to guarantee the safety of the image for 5 years, subject to the storage conditions of the receipt. But there are also special papers with an extended image preservation period, which allow you to store a receipt for 7, 10 and even 25 years. Such papers are used if the specifics of your business require long-term storage of documents.

Offset receipt tape.

For the production of receipt tape, offset paper with a density of 60-65 g / m² and a whiteness of 90 to 92% is used. Such offset paper in Russia is produced by several pulp and paper mills, the recognized leader among which is Arkhangelsk PPM.

The paper of the Arkhangelsk PPM has good smoothness and low dustiness, therefore the offset check tape made from this paper less than others clogs cash registers, allowing them to be cleaned less often and thereby increasing the service life of the cash register.

High quality equipment.

In addition to the manufacturer of the paper from which the consumables are made, the equipment used for cutting and winding the receipt tape, rollers for ATMs, terminals or faxes, and thermal labels is also of great importance.

The best product quality is achieved on equipment that allows you to make tight winding and even cut without any "lint" or "moss", which subsequently clog the tape drive mechanism, which leads to its premature wear and the need for more frequent cleaning and maintenance of your equipment. A high-quality roller should have a clear geometry, a perfectly smooth cut and sufficient density so that the sleeve is tightly held inside.

It is important to note that the equipment should allow not to stick the end of the tape to the sleeve during winding, because otherwise, when using such a roller in the cash register, problems may arise with the operability of the device after the tape on the sleeve ends: the vast majority of machines are designed for the end of the tape comes out freely, and does not "stretch". In addition, when cutting a roller, it is important that the equipment applies a special signal (or marker) strip to the end of the tape so that the cashier can replace the receipt tape on time. These two significant points make it possible to ensure uninterrupted operation of the cash register, which is especially important for a comfortable business.

The receipt tape is different:
  • by the number of layers,
  • way of printing,
  • width,
  • the outer diameter of the roller (or the length of the belt)
  • the inner diameter of the sleeve.

The type of RECEIPT TAPE is indicated in the technical documentation for cash registers.

In order to help you choose the RECORDING TAPE, you need to know full brand KKT, as well as whether any of its upgrades were made in the TEC.

If the printing unit has been replaced, it is possible that the standard receipt tape for this POS printer model will not work. In this case, you should seek advice from the TSC, in which the POS printer was repaired. The easiest and most reliable way is to measure the width, inner and outer diameters of the receipt tape roller already used in cash register equipment and remember this type.

Typically, the standard size of the receipt tape is designated as follows: "width" x "inner sleeve diameter" x "roller diameter" - for example, 57 x1 2 x 60, all dimensions in mm.

There are several modifications of the receipt tape, below we will consider the most common.

Thermal tape(or thermochemical receipt tape) - consists of one layer of thermal paper, the image on which appears under the influence of temperature, at the moment is perhaps the most common. This receipt tape consists of a single layer of paper coated with a thermosetting coating. The paper used is the same as for the production of fax rollers. The width of such a receipt tape is from 40 to 80 mm. The most commonly used rollers are 40, 44, 57, 80 mm wide. The length of the winding of such rollers is different: from 20 to 500 m and even sometimes up to 900 m. Rollers of large windings are used mainly in terminals for receiving payments and ATMs. The density of the paper base is from 55 to 58 g / m2. sq. Sometimes there are unscrupulous manufacturers who, for the purpose of their profit, wind rollers from thermal paper of lower density, which makes consumers inexplicable, at first glance, problems when operating thermal printers as part of CCPs, terminals and ATMs.

Single layer receipt tape (or offset) - consists of one layer of offset paper. There are 6 sizes of receipt tape in width - 37, 40, 44, 57, 69 and 76 mm. Check tape rollers of the same width differ in outer diameters, which can be from 54 to 70 mm, inner diameters of the sleeve - 12 or 18 mm. In each model of the cash register, a receipt tape of a strictly defined width and a certain diameter can be used to fit in the space reserved for it. The diameter of the bushing is also important - only Samsung KKM can use rollers with a bushing of 12 and 18 mm, since they have a tapered pin for the roller. A prerequisite is the application of a colored (usually red) stripe on the last 5 meters of the receipt tape. The appearance of a receipt tape with such a strip at the exit from the cash register indicates that the receipt tape will soon run out and it is time to change the roller. For the production of a single-layer receipt tape and the top layer of a two-layer receipt tape, both offset paper with surface gluing and a whiteness of 96-100% and writing (newsprint) paper with a whiteness of 92-94% of domestic production are used.

Multilayer or two-layer receipt tape - consists of one layer of offset paper and the second self-copying layer. It is subdivided into a receipt tape with two active layers, which consists of two self-copying layers, and a receipt tape with one self-copying active layer.

On a multilayer check tape, consisting of two layers, the image is applied by one printing unit KKT. The upper layer of the receipt tape is received by the buyer, and the lower layer remains in the cash register.

The upper layer is made of high quality offset paper, and the lower layer is made of special paper with a self-copying layer. A receipt tape is produced with a width of 44, 57 and 76, less often 69 mm and an outer diameter of the roller from 54 to 70 mm. The sleeve is used only with one inner diameter - 12 mm.

Multi-layer receipt tape with two active layers consists of two layers of paper with a self-copying coating. Such a check tape is used in cash registers without a cartridge, it is often used when the POS printer is operating at low temperatures, when the ink of the cartridges freezes, or if replacing the cartridge is more expensive than using a two-active tape. Receipt tape is produced in widths of 44, 57 and 76 mm. A multilayer receipt tape with one active layer is used in cash registers without a cartridge, in the same cases as a two-active receipt tape. It is often used at Samsung POS printer, as it is often cheaper to work on a single-active receipt tape than to buy expensive cartridges that are of poor quality.

Correspondence table of receipt tape to KKT models and thermal printers

KKT type (thermal printer)Type of receipt tape
Thermal printers of machines for accepting payments and ATMs Thermal tape. Width 57 or 80 mm, sleeve diameter 12, 18 or 26 mm and roller diameter 80 to 250 mm. Here a lot depends not so much on the printer model as on design features payment acceptance machines and ATMs.
AMS 101, ASTRA 200F, KASBI 02K, KASBI 02K, KASBI 02F, KASBI 03F, LADOGA-K, MICRO 103K, MICRO 103F, MICRO 104K, MICRO 104F, MINIKA 1101F, MINIKA 1102F, MINIKA 1103F, NEVA 110F, OKA-102K, OKA 600K, FELIX-02K, EKR 2102K, EKR 2102F, EKR 3102K 44 - thermo
AMS 100K, AMS 100F, AMS 110K, AMS 202F, MERCURY 112.1F, MERCURY 115, MERCURY 130, MINIKA 1103F, Orion 100K, RESOLA F, PRIM-21K, SPARK-617TK, SPARK-700TK, Felix RKNI, SHTRIH-MIN K, SHTRIKH-FR-K, ELVES MICRO-K, ELVES-FR-K, EKR 2102K, EKR 3102K, EKR 3102F 57 - thermo
Aura-2, MEBIUS-2K, Mercury MS-K, MiniMax-MK, PRIM-08TK, PRIM-09TK, PRIM-60TK, PRIM-88TK, SPARK-700TK, SP101FR-K, Felix3SK, SHTRIKH-COMBO-FR-K , Barcode-Mini FR-K, BEETLE-K, BEETLE-20K, BEETLEPOS-K, NCR, OMRON, POSprint FP410K 80 - thermo
Mercury 111F, MICRO 105F, Oka A100F, Oka 400F, Oka 500F, OKA 600K, Oka 2000F, Oka 2500F, EKR 3101.1F, EKR 3102F 40 - offset
Oka auto, EKR-2102F, EKR-3102.3F, Samsung ER-4615 RF, Sam4s ER-4615 RK, OMRON (two-station) 44 - offset
AZIMUT-EPSON TM-U950 RK, Mercury 111F, Mercury 112F, Mercury 114F, Mercury 115F, Mercury 120F, MICRO 103F, MICRO 104F, EKR 2102F, Samsung ER-250 RK, SHARP ER-A250RK 57 - offset
Correspondence table of receipt tape to KKT models and thermal printers

Most cash registers have a thermal printer and use the most common receipt tape - thermal tape.

Thermal receipt tape is a thick paper with a thermochemical layer that darkens under the influence of heat from the printer's thermal head, resulting in a programmed black and white image on the receipt. Thermal printing is the most economical way of receiving checks, therefore most cash registers, POS terminals, fiscal registrars, ATMs, payment terminals use this type of printing.

Thermal benefits:

  • there are no expenses for the purchase of an ink ribbon;
  • receipts are printed on a thermal printer at high speed.

The main criteria for choosing a receipt thermal tape:

  • width - from 37 mm to 80 mm, the most common size - 57 and 80 mm;
  • diameter of the tape roll sleeve - 12 mm, 18 mm, 26 mm;
  • tape roll diameter - from 25 to 250 mm;
  • paper weight - from 48 to 55 g / m2.

The instructions for your printer indicate the core dimensions and ribbon roll diameters that are used in the printer. Purchase consumables for receipt printing devices in accordance with the technical recommendations of your equipment.

Receipt tape

Dot matrix printers are often used to print checks and receipts for accepting payments in banks and wholesale trade organizations. In the process of dot matrix printing, the head of the printer strikingly applies an image to the receipt through an ink ribbon, which is packed in a cartridge. The image is made up of many dots.

The dot matrix printer uses classic offset receipt tape. The main criteria for choosing a check offset tape:

  • width - from 37 mm to 76 mm;
  • diameter of the tape roll sleeve - 12 mm, 18 mm;
  • tape roll diameter - from 54 to 83 mm;
  • paper weight - from 48 to 80 g / m2;
  • number of layers.

Advantages of dot matrix printing:

  • offset receipt tape is a cheaper consumable material compared to thermal tape;
  • print quality on a dot matrix printer receipt is more resistant to external influences than on a thermal receipt;
  • ink ribbon for dot-matrix printers of receipts can be two-color, which favorably distinguishes dot-matrix printing from thermal printing;
  • dot matrix printers print "carbon copy" self-copying sales receipts on two-layer or multi-layer receipt tape. A multi-layer tape consists of two or more layers of paper, the top layer is ordinary offset paper, the lower layers are coated with micro-granules of ink, which, when the print head hits the printer, produce a copy of the receipt, the upper receipt is received by the client, the copies remain in the trade organization.

In our online store you can purchase both offset receipt tape and thermal receipt tape of different sizes.

Receipt tape is the main consumable material for cash registers and various cash register equipment... On our site there are check tapes of various types and from various materials - from complex two-layer to simple thermal paper.

Sizes of a receipt tape 80 typical

Description Quantity, pcs. in the box Price rub / video
Receipt tape 80
80x80x18 (winding 79m.) 60 35,00
80x80x26 (winding 75m.) 60 34,50
80x88x18 (winding 95m.) 36 43,50
80x200x26 (winding 538m.) 8 240,50
80x200x18 (winding 542m.) 8 242,50
80х210х18 (winding 600m.) 8 268,40
80x120x26 (winding 190m.) 24 86,00
80x130x26 (winding 220m.) 18 102,00
80x150x26 (winding 295m.) 14 135,50
80x160x26 (winding 332m.) 14 156,80
80x180x18 (winding 423m.) 10 192,50
Cash register of non-standard sizes
112x160x26 (winding 332m.) 8 242,00
57x120x12 (winding 200m.) 30 70,50
57x60x12 (winding 45m.) 140 15,75
57x50x12 (winding 31m.) 192 10,50
57х43х12 (winding 23m.) 252 8,80

Today on the market you can find many types of check tape for POS printer. Such a wide choice is due to the existence of various printing KKM devices, as well as the development of new technologies in the production of consumables.

Receipt tape is produced in small rolls of tape with a sleeve, often referred to as rolls. The rollers can differ among themselves by such characteristics as: outer and inner roll diameter, tape width, tape type. These parameters determine which POS printer model the selected receipt tape is applicable to. It also happens that the same tape is suitable for operation in several POS printer models of the same manufacturer. The width of the tape can be: 37 mm, 40 mm, 44 mm, 56 mm, 76 mm. As for the diameter of the roll of the cash register tape, then the requirements are less critical, since the roll can be simply unrolled if its dimensions do not allow installing it in the compartment for the receipt tape in the cash register.

Changing a roll of a receipt tape is a procedure of threading a receipt tape into a KKM printer. Often this procedure presents some difficulties, therefore, manufacturers of cash registers are trying to produce models, the design of which makes it possible to replace consumables as simply and quickly as possible.
The cash register tape in the process of printing comes out of the cash register, and then it is either torn off, or it is cut off using a special knife installed in the cash register and is given to the buyer. The tape, installed in the place of the control tape, remains in the receipt machine after printing and is wound on a special reel. Upon completion control tape removed from the reel, signed and stored in proper form. How quickly the tape will be consumed depends on the intensity of work on the POS printer.

There are several types of receipt tape.

Single layer cash register tape:

The material for the production of a single-layer tape is ordinary glued offset paper with a density of 80 g / m2. One roll can contain several tens of meters of paper. This type of tape can be used both as a receipt and as a control tape. Note that it is considered a classic check tape, since earlier all cash registers operated using such a tape, although it was made of lower quality paper.

Two-layer (self-copying) cash register tape:

Such a tape is made from special thin paper folded in two layers (inner and outer), therefore it is called two-layer. During operation, the KKM printer makes a print on the outer layer, as well as on other ribbons. After printing, this layer is torn off and given to the buyer as a receipt. On the other (inner) layer, an imprint of the printed information remains and this part of the tape is formed as a control tape, which, as we have already said, is wound on a spool and remains in the PFC. The image on the second layer is formed due to the special properties of the paper, and not from the contact of the material with the ink ribbon of the KKM printer. It's all about the pressure exerted on the paper by the printer's needles, hitting both layers at the same time.

The paper on which the image is formed due to pressure is called strain paper, or capillary paper, because it contains a layer of polymer coating consisting of numerous small air bubbles (capillaries). These bubbles burst under pressure and become visible.

Of course, double-layer cash register paper is suitable for printing on letter and dot matrix printers in which there is a strike phase. The use of such paper greatly simplifies the design of the printer, saves on cartridges and increases the speed of printing a receipt.

Replacing the cash register tape

Nowadays, there is a two-layer paper in which both layers are capillary-coated. This type of tape allows you to print without cartridges, and therefore avoid the problems associated with them.

Both types of double-layer tape never got a simple and accurate name, so they are confused all the time. In order not to confuse our clients, we recommend that they use the following name options: a tape with one capillary layer is called 1k tape ("one ka"), and a tape with two layers - 2k tape ("two ka tape").

Thermal tape, cash register tape for thermal printing

This type of tape is designed to work exclusively in thermal printers. Sometimes there may be defects in the thermal tape - places where the thermal sensitivity of the tape is less than in other parts of it. Note that thermal paper consumables require special storage: they are not recommended to be stored in a warm place, as they can darken under the influence of temperature and become unsuitable for printing, and, even worse, lose information printed on them. The darkening effect due to heating is irreversible, that is, if the tape is cooled, it will not become lighter.

Typical dimensions of the thermal receipt tape

Receipt tape 37 mm (37x60x12) for KKM "ELVES-01-03 F"
Receipt tape 44 mm x 30 m thermochemical (for Felix-02-K, Samsung ER 250/4615, etc.)
Receipt thermo tape 57 mm x 22 m for KKM "SHTRIH-MICRO-F"
Receipt tape 57 mm x 30 m, thermochemical (Shtrih-FR-K, AMS-100K, KKM Elves-Micro-K, Felix-RK, Felix-3SK, etc.)
Receipt tape 57 mm x 40 m, thermochemical (Shtrih-FR-K, AMS-100K, KKM Elves-Micro-K, Felix-RK, Felix-3SK, etc.)
Receipt tape 57 mm x 80 m is used for printing checks in cash registers Shtrih-FR-K, Felix-RK, Elves-Micro-K, etc.
Receipt tape 69 mm single-layer (69x60x12) (Shtrikh-950K)
Receipt tape 76 mm x 54 m capillary two-layer is used for printing receipts in receipt printers of the brands Star, Epson, Samsung, Posifilex, etc.
One-layer receipt tape 76 mm x 54 m is used for printing receipts in receipt printers of the brands Star, Epson, Samsung, Posifilex, etc.
Receipt tape 80 mm x 60 m thermochemical for receipt printers and fiscal registers.
Check tape 80 mm x 80 m thermochemical for Star check printers and fiscal registers.

Custom size