How to sell complex equipment in the construction markets. How to sell industrial equipment - Marketing - Earnings on the Internet - Catalog of articles - Make money easily! Too many decision makers

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If for the successful sale of an ordinary product it is enough to use the classic methods of marketing - advertising, participation in conferences, then the question of how to sell sophisticated equipment remains open for many. To sell IT products or high-tech machines, you need to know the specifics of these industries and much more.

From this article you will learn:

  1. How to start selling complex equipment
  2. How to sell complex equipment, stepping aside from competitors
  3. Internet Selling Strategies

How to sell complex equipment and where to start

First you need to carefully study the product.

  • First, you need to familiarize yourself with the technical specifications in detail.

If the product has features unknown to a wide range of potential buyers, then in negotiations with the client this will become an extra trump card. You need to be as technically savvy as possible - this way you will always find what to answer to the buyer's arguments about the identity of your product with that offered by a competitor.

  • Secondly, it is necessary to determine the beneficial aspects of the product for a particular client.

By calculating the possible savings for the buyer or his profit from sales, it will be easier to negotiate with a person.

To competently sell complex equipment, try using this method. Put yourself in the shoes of a customer, such as the CEO of a company, who decides to purchase equipment similar to yours for his organization.

Get used to his role and start looking for the manufacturer of the product you need. Get a special mailbox. In negotiations, introduce yourself, albeit a little-known, but real company. Collect commercial offers from potential sellers.

After that, analyze all the data sent to you (the easiest way to do this is with a pivot table). Compare the proposed terms of delivery, service, consumables and, of course, the quality of the equipment.

Think about which of the sellers you would sign a contract with? Such tactics will allow you to see the strengths and weaknesses your competitors, as well as to understand what exactly are the advantages of your own firm.

It will become clear what additional offers from your side can be of interest to those customers who are likely to conduct the same market analysis.

Another important point. Many entrepreneurs who decide to sell sophisticated equipment are afraid of competitors: there are many of them and they are incredibly strong. And is it really so?

In this area of ​​business, it is often not the goods that compete, but the sellers. knowing well specifications equipment, you can prove to the buyer that there are no absolutely identical products in your area and the features of your particular product will bring him considerable benefits.

And perhaps the most important thing: you should decide to whom you will sell this complex equipment. Clients who need this technique are of two types. And each of them needs its own approach.

1. The first type of clients– customers who already have these devices and are well aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the equipment.

You can negotiate with such customers only if you know the characteristics of your products perfectly.

The technical nuances of operation can be found on specialized forums. Many people who use this equipment willingly share information. Another option is to look at the production of those of your customers who have previously purchased such products and ask for advice from a technologist.

2. The second type of clients- people who are just planning to start their own business and looking for the right equipment in advance.

When selling complex equipment to such buyers, it should be remembered that these people are unlikely to be familiar with all the intricacies of its operation. Therefore, it is worth bringing them together with a specialist in this matter.

The peculiarity of working with a client here is that a person does not yet understand what difficulties await him, and therefore he has a poor idea of ​​the importance of after-sales service.

You must explain how to maintain the equipment and how often it will have to be done. Be sure to let the client know that by signing a contract with your company, he will save himself from many problems in the future.

How to sell complex equipment, rebuilding from competitors

Only by understanding the advantage of your conditions and products over competitors, you can convince the client to work with you. Attention should be focused on several points.

  • The price of a similar product from competitors.

If it is lower, then why? Can't you make a discount too?

  • Distinctive features of the product sold by competing firms.

Try to find out from buyers - both your own and those who applied to other companies - about the advantages and disadvantages of these devices. Or try to find this information on special forums.

  • Service maintenance.

How much does it cost from competing companies? What guarantees do they provide? What makes your service different? What can you offer the client from what your competitors do not have?

  • The cost of operation, which means the amount of funds necessary for the maintenance and service of the purchased equipment.

If you sell complex and expensive equipment that is not easy to replace, then this indicator plays a very important role.

But the fact of the low cost of equipment can also be turned to your advantage by proving to the client that in the event of a device breakdown it will be easier to buy a new one. That is, no investment in repairs and forced downtime pending bug fixes. Even spare parts will remain.

  • Business characteristics of the goods.

They are no less important than technical specifications. The client will only buy the equipment that is profitable to use. That is, such things as the cost of maintaining the line, the amount of output, time, etc. must be calculated.

If technical data is more important to engineers, then owners are primarily interested in profit. Show the customer that the business features of your product are superior to those of the competition in most respects, and you can assume that the contract has been awarded.

Submit your application

  • Compatibility.

It is profitable to sell sophisticated equipment if it is compatible with the equipment of those brands that potential customers use. Otherwise, it will not work to attract the attention of buyers to your company.

Suppose, in addition to Russian-made machine tools, the market offers expensive European equipment and cheap Chinese equipment. How to interest the buyer in his own, domestic technology? You need to do the following:

  1. Tell the target audience about the existence of your product.
  2. Offer customers a service to replace consumables or worn parts. At the same time, indicate that your company will do this much faster than competitors, since their production is located in another country.
  3. Provide evidence (including visual evidence) that the quality of your equipment is quite comparable to European. While the offered price is lower and the service is better.

To increase sales of complex equipment, you can offer the client some Additional services. For example, you can take on a number of related operations.

  • Install and configure your equipment. Experienced businessmen understand that complex equipment is not easy to install correctly, it takes additional money and time. If you save the client from such worries, then he will prefer your company to others that do not provide such bonuses.

  • Conduct after-sales service. And do it both for free and for a fee. You can, for example, agree on a certain number of free calls per month or offer to service the equipment free of charge for a certain period.
  • Conduct staff training. Simultaneously with the sale of new and sophisticated equipment, it is necessary to offer the client to train employees of his company to work effectively with this equipment. This service can also be both paid and free.

Even the second option will bring you certain dividends: a buyer who, after a deal with you, will not have any problems and increase profits, will definitely contact you again.

  • Give expert advice. By offering the client the best option for selling his products, you will increase his loyalty to your company, which means you can count on further cooperation.

When selling complex equipment, the buyer can be offered the following in addition:

The desire of the buyer is the law for the seller, and if a person wants to personalize the equipment, then why not? The main thing here is not to overdo it. Be sure to check with the customer how confident they are about the need to make changes to the basic set of equipment.

Where to sell technically sophisticated equipment

The first thought that comes to mind is the Internet. Indeed, on the Web now you can sell anything and buy anything. But there is one problem. How would you rate the potential buyer? A solid-looking company website is not yet a guarantee that the company is solvent.

Your manager may be in contact with a seemingly large potential client for months, but in reality it turns out that he is able to afford equipment only in the cheapest configuration. And this is at best.

At worst, he will refuse to buy at all. Therefore, you should not trust the Internet 100%, and in general, it is better to use it as an aid. And in order to assess the prospects of a potential buyer, you should carefully look through industry guides and catalogs, visit exhibitions, read the industry press.

A company that publishes information about itself in expensive industry directories and participates in major exhibitions (and this also requires a lot of money) can certainly become a worthy client. This company clearly intends to develop further, and without the presence of complex and expensive equipment, this is hardly possible.

Suppose you have a list of companies participating in an exhibition. How to proceed in this case? Simply select potential buyers and contact them by phone.

To make communication more trusting, mention the meeting with company representatives at the exhibition and praise the company stand. Take an interest in the results of the event and unobtrusively transfer the conversation to a topic of interest to you.

Of course, it is better to offer and sell complex equipment to a paying client, and industry news can help in determining it. Analyze information about the development plans of certain companies to understand whether they are able to purchase high-tech equipment.

A good source of the information you need is trade magazines. For example, managers of a company selling measuring equipment are looking for new customers with the help of the Gold and Gold Mining publication. Companies that advertise in this magazine are potential buyers of this type of equipment.

To whom to sell complex equipment

The sales of complex equipment should ideally be handled by two people: an experienced manager who has an idea about the features of the product, and an engineer who owns all the technical information, terminology and the necessary numbers.

The latter, by the way, must take a basic course in sales theory in order to clearly know what can be said to the client and what topics should be avoided.

To successfully sell complex equipment, you need to have a good understanding of who you will have to interact with in the client's company. The purchase decision is most often made by a number of specific individuals, described below.

Procurement Specialist

This person is unlikely to pay attention to the additional services you offer, the service provided, etc. He is instructed to find specific equipment, and he is looking for it. If you received a request from a procurement specialist, it is imperative to find out from him who is the initiator of the acquisition. For this:

  • use special terminology in conversation, ask specific questions about the equipment: do your best to achieve, so that the buyer calls a technologist for help.
  • call the company yourself, find the right engineer and tell him about your products. Convince the specialist that the request to the purchasing department should be changed, as your company sells complex equipment that is more suitable for a specific request.

Engineer (technologist)

The cost of equipment for engineers is often not even in second place, but in third place. On the second - technical characteristics, and on the first - how familiar this or that equipment is to them. And it can be quite difficult to convince engineers to switch to new equipment, especially if it is expensive.

No one wants to take risks once again: if such a technique suddenly doesn’t suit something, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to change it. Therefore, in order to sell complex equipment to a client, you need to convince the engineer. It's not as difficult as it seems. Just let him evaluate your devices in action, meet with a technologist who has previously worked with the equipment. For this:

  • organize testing equipment in a special room;
  • talk to an engineer, currently using your technologies, to demonstrate their action to the client. In the case when the business is just spinning up, after making at least one transaction, it is important to agree with the buyer on the possibility of subsequent demonstration of the equipment to other customers.

If you decide to sell new sophisticated equipment that is still little known in a country or a certain region, then be sure to advertise on the Internet, as many potential customers, having learned about new technologies from the media or other sources, begin to look for more detailed information on the Web.

How to sell sophisticated equipment online

So that the further text does not raise any questions and you can freely talk about promotion methods in order to sell sophisticated equipment, let's agree on terminology. For example, no specialized publication, including dictionaries and textbooks, has yet given an unambiguous definition of b2b marketing.

This term is readily used by a variety of Internet resources, but they do not offer a precise definition, dealing only with the description of this activity.

Let's try to figure it out. Without further ado, now the term “b2b” means an ever-growing number of business models aimed at selling goods / services to legal entities, as well as building a dealer network by entrepreneurs in order to resell products to legal entities or individuals (b2c) persons.

A variety of opportunities are used to promote a b2b site.

contextual advertising

Sell ​​complex equipment with this tool marketing can be quite effective. Advertisements in this case are seen only by those users whose area of ​​interest is close or directly coincides with the subject of the promoted service or product.

The most popular services for promotion contextual advertising are Google AdWords, Yandex.Direct and others. They work best in developed markets. But if your service or product has only recently appeared on the market, then a lot will depend on the right keywords.

Think about the phrases your potential customers would use to describe their problem, and use them mostly. For example, not every person may be familiar with the word "video speaker". It would be logical to replace this term with the phrase “live site”, “video presentation on the site”, etc.

Promotion in social networks

Here, targeted advertising will help you sell complex equipment. She works well in in social networks Facebook, Vkontakte.

In order to maximize your target audience, you will also need quality filters or parsing the right people.

These traffic sources will most likely not become the main ones in maximizing ROMII and will give a rather delayed return on ROI, but as a help they will be very appropriate.

Search promotion

Thanks to optimization, the site achieves high positions in search engines for pre-selected queries.

Companies selling sophisticated equipment often pay attention to this source of lead generation in the first place. Search promotion is right for you if:

  1. You have at least three competitors in a group of products or services. However, special attention should be paid to how soon the funds invested in optimization will pay off.
  2. Competing firms sell through the site. If it benefits them, then it will benefit you.
  3. An expert will advise you to optimize whom you have consulted. Evaluation of potential traffic in a particular topic is most often free.

At a minimum, you will need:

  • search reputation (SERM);
  • information directions - description of vacancies and brand, product characteristics;
  • elaboration of the SEO-usability of the project structure;
  • search for related directions for different target audiences for organic traffic.

When selling complex equipment and ordering site optimization, you need to be sure that it will pay off. This can be done in three ways.

  • Simulation. Acquire traffic from the context and see if the data is bringing in customer requests. Organic traffic is larger in volume and at the same time costs much less - 2-10 times.
  • Analytical Modeling. Only an SEO specialist can do this at the proper level.

He will count the funds invested by competitors, develop the project structure, calculate the expected volume of traffic and basic conversion, and lay down usability coefficients. It is recommended to hold a tender among the contractors and assess whether the future results are worth the required investment.

Keep in mind that many contractors may (sometimes even unconsciously) overestimate forecasts. If the project is not being evaluated by a senior specialist, then the numbers given to you are not always justified. Here you will be assisted by an independent SEO expert who can check the commercial proposals that you have received.

  • Benchmarking. Try to find out how much money competitors have invested in optimizing the site and what kind of return they have received in the end.

Marketing within the site

In-site marketing is a fairly new tool, but it is developing very quickly. So that the visitor does not leave the resource for as long as possible, special tools are used, contacts of a person are collected, individual and profitable offers are made to the client.

All this makes it more likely to sell the products offered by the company, including the sale of sophisticated equipment.

The following intra-site tools are the most popular:

  • online consultant (LiveTex, JivoSite, RedHelper);
  • news subscription;
  • the ability to leave applications on the site or the "Callback" button;
  • widgets - smart banners, smartboxes, hellobar and others.

Let's analyze the latter in more detail.

The widget is a complex interactive tool and appears on the site only after the user performs certain actions. A banner, hellobar, or pop-up window may inform resource visitors about promotions and special offers, or may contain a form for collecting contact information.

Useful information presented in a new and original form can motivate a person to take certain actions: make a purchase, use the company's services. Today, to create certain widgets, the WitGet online constructor is most often used.

Email marketing

You can sell complex equipment (as well as any other goods) using email marketing. Emails with advertising are distributed to users' e-mail addresses. Moreover, unlike spam, the client himself subscribes to this mailing list and can easily refuse it - this possibility prevents a negative reaction from the user.

A huge plus of email marketing in b2b is that the addressee is usually the decision maker. At the same time, the letter contains news about the service, tells how it is best to use it, etc.

Thanks to this not too complicated approach, the client gradually gets used to the company, begins to treat it more loyally.

Hidden Marketing

This method is positioned as a non-advertising way to promote goods or services. In fact, advertising is also present here, but in a hidden form. There is no annoying spam for everyone, there are no ads offering to buy this or that product in plain text.

A person learns about the benefits of a product from the words of another user. And when selling complex equipment, in this case, you need to use not specialized open areas, but social networks, forums and blogs.

To effectively promote a company using b2b marketing, take the following steps:

  1. Make your brand trusted. Show certificates, logos of firms that are your regular customers. Showcase testimonials from customers who have already purchased your product.
  2. Create a portfolio. People trust deeds more than promises.

Test period

If you offer your customers a trial period (demo access), that is, they can check the service's performance, then in most cases the decision to purchase the product will be positive.

When selling complex equipment and, in general, working in the b2b direction, it is better to follow just such a policy. This will save you from the long process of coordinating documents and transferring payment. The test period allows you to interest the client so much that it will be quite difficult for him to refuse to purchase the goods.

3 Strategies for Selling Complex Equipment Online

Strategy #1: Finding New Sales Sources

If we consider the path of goods from the manufacturer to the buyer, then the links of the chain will look like this: manufacturer - dealer - b2b-client. The latter can be a store, a consumer or a service user. How can the first two links in the b2b niche increase their sales?

First of all, you need to find new partners, and for this to expand the dealer network. You can go two ways.

The first is to reach out to salespeople who specialize in products like yours and offer them your positions. The second way is to conclude an agreement with those who, for example, do not sell complex equipment, but have suitable customers. Moreover, the latter are persons with the right to make a decision on this issue.

Everything is simple here: ordering building materials and construction works are almost always linked. As well as SEO and website development, sportswear production and various sports clubs. The list is virtually endless. Additionally, you can think of franchising, entering new markets, etc.

To successfully sell complex equipment, you need to be able to interest partners in something. To do this, follow a series of steps.

  • Build a customer base.

In a specific case, you need a list of dealers who work with this product or contact a warm target audience.

It is also necessary to check the quality of traffic (use Similarweb for this or evaluate the visibility for queries in organic and paid results). This will allow you to understand the motivation and determine to whom and how much to offer at the very beginning.

Alternatively, poll your target audience, but it mostly consists of offline companies, the methods of attracting which are somewhat different.

  • Find something to attract a partner.

Show successful cases and testimonials. Make a presentation, send to a potential client email, organize a landing page. Indicate the main points of "win-win partnership", tell about the values ​​of your company. Pay attention to the advantages of the company over other suppliers.

  • Develop a scheme for how you are going to interact with the client.

Offer, for example, to exchange user bases and banners on sites, carry out joint mailings, make general publications on social networks, take part in sponsorship programs together. There may be proposals for franchising, joint recreation or the introduction of employees into the partner's team.

Benefit in any case will be based on the discounts provided or the percentage of sales.

The search for new partners can be safely called separate view sales, occurring mainly through cold contacts. The competition in this type of activity is not too high, but in order to successfully sell complex equipment in the future, it is better to entrust the launch of the process to experienced marketers.

Strategy #2: Position of Power

If you are a monopolist in a niche, successfully sell sophisticated equipment, and can even dictate terms to customers, then you don’t need online marketing in principle. True, such a situation is extremely rare, especially for the "white" business. More often you have to fight for a strong position in partnerships. How to do it?

There is one rule. If a mass advertising campaign of a certain product, not only its sales will increase, but also sales in the corresponding market sector. This rule has an actual subspecies, namely: more and more customers are switching to online shopping - most often from organic traffic.

Based on the above, we can derive a not too complicated formula: by investing certain funds (A) in promotion, you end up with result B, and the market gets C. If you look at the trends, then C may well be more than B.

In order not to lose all 100% of this type of income, the site's rating needs to be raised to the top 10, it is necessary to use contextual and aggressive media advertising. Thanks to your advertising campaign, C will rise in the market, and you have every right to take advantage of the fact that the conversion rates will be higher than usual.

To use this factor to increase sales of complex equipment, make joint marketing plans, promote together. More often, the scheme “The manufacturer receives an offer from the dealer” works here, but there are other options: “Manufacturer to the dealer”, “Dealer to the store”.

Collaboration will bring many benefits to the participants:

  • Each link in the chain will receive a return on any advertising:"Buy online - a type of product - a specific brand - in a specific store." You and your partners can even share online traffic depending on the amount invested.
  • Your position as an organizer is the strongest. The choice of the most profitable strategy largely depends on you. In addition, any supplier likes to work with proactive dealers.
  • You pre-plan the moment of launch, guessing the site’s ranking in the top 3 for key queries, preparing contextual advertising campaigns and media amplifiers.
  • You can strengthen outlets lower order. For example, raise your products in the ranking of listing pages, arrange remarketing advertising campaigns, start doing email newsletters, running contests on social networks, etc.

When you sell complex equipment to customers, help them realize it in turn. Provide blanks, partially pay for the undertakings of partners. Concentrate all work from different sites on one contractor or your own marketing department: it is much more convenient to manage an advertising campaign from one place.

  • You can go much further and start collaborating with competitors on certain narrow topics. In this case, several advertising campaigns are launched from each project at once, but the assortment and prices for goods are consistent.

Marginality becomes higher, respectively, and profit increases. True, these actions are not entirely legal from the point of view of the antimonopoly policy of the state, but hardly anyone follows the top ten sites in search engines. This is how they do it not only in b2c, but also in certain b2b niches.

  • Power up digital marketing in your sector, thereby increasing the number of online orders and improving the sales of sophisticated equipment.

Collaborate with partners: joint ROMI from advertising campaigns overall indicators will be higher. Ask suppliers to pay for your advertising campaign, or at least give you discounts for promoting their products.

Strategy number 3. Monetization through b2c

No matter how much profit the company receives from customers, no one will pass by the bonus of 5–30% received from the b2c direction. These models and systems are different from those that are used offline, but online everything is quite similar to warm orders in b2b.

The amount of such traffic on the site directly depends on the work of marketing. The more effective it is, the more such visitors. There are examples when more than 90% of the entire audience was from the b2c sector, but in any case it was not possible to monetize this traffic.

How to get the maximum profit by selling complex equipment? To do this, you need to take care of the following.

  1. Help customers buy your products.

Here we are not talking about the sale of an FMCG group with a wide distribution coverage to all outlets that are possible.

Is your site not equipped with a "Where to buy?" section? Is there only a list of online stores on the page? Do you display only large chains of stores, and there are no addresses of regional outlets?

The situation needs to be corrected, the whole country should be covered with your stores and dealer branches. It's not too difficult, you only have to spend a few man-days. Equip Resource handy tool select regions, use a map instead of a list of addresses. It is advisable to indicate the opening hours of each point and its telephone numbers.

Make a description of the fastest and easiest way to get to the store, unless, of course, these are not small kiosks, but large shopping centers.

Equip the site with standard features: if desired, users should easily get directions to the desired point or print a map. Highlight store hours.

Give the applications received on the site to your regional partners selling sophisticated equipment. You can even give them access to the "admin panel" by region, but this is the maximum option. If the order came from this territory, then the company working there receives an order by mail, after which its employee calls and agrees on the sale.

  1. Enter into an agreement withb2 c- an online project.

It's not at all difficult to implement. Consult with a digital marketer and select a customer who has good online store and running online marketing. Agree with the person that he will pay you for the traffic that leads to the sale of the goods.

Methods (without details) here can be the following:

  • UTM tags on links. Hide the phone for traffic with your referer behind the "Show" button - track in the analytics of viewing the phone and requests - payment for leads. The amount is usually 10-30% of the average check.
  • A tool on a partner site that records inCRM-information system that the order is from you - with the substitution of the phone number and the amount of "dirty" profit you brought.
  • Appeal to any thematic site hosted on one or anotherCPA-exchange. The staff of the resource cope with all the technical difficulties, of course, for the appropriate payment.

Keep in mind: the more topical your traffic is, the better it converts. If you want to successfully sell complex equipment, then a simple link like "This is our retail store" won't be enough. It is better to use the wording "(Section name) at retail." The same applies to products.

  1. Move clients from b2c to b2b.

An example of an article in the blog of our client "SantekhStandard"

This system appeared on the domestic market not so long ago. People come together to buy goods at wholesale prices. It is likely that this trend will soon affect complex equipment and cars.

Customers will surely pay attention to your landing pages with a similar monetization scheme. Of course, you should not expect them to pay by bank transfer, and the delivery will be not one, but more. But you will begin to solve these questions already with visitors.

There is another option for trend clubbing - crowdfunding. If, according to this scheme, you start selling complex equipment or any other product, then the order will be single, that is, wholesale.

What profit will b2c bring you? Approximately from 3-5 large dealers, but only if your online store takes first place in the top. Remember that with volumes like that of one strong dealer, the margin will be several times higher.

Why selling sophisticated equipment over the Internet is difficult, but interesting

Many digital agencies, SEO firms and advertising specialists are used to working with the b2c segment. And they apply the same scheme even when b2b companies turn to them for help. The solution is standard: website + SEO + contextual advertising.

But if you work in the b2b segment, sell sophisticated equipment and hire such people, then in the very near future you run the risk of realizing that you are paying money for absolutely inefficient work. The traffic is non-targeted, the leads do not become customers, the conversion does not increase. Of course, the question arises: why is this happening?

There are several problems here. Such Internet marketing and b2b companies do not give the expected result for a number of reasons.

Lack of real professionals

There are few of them both on the part of the agencies offering their services, and on the part of customers. The work of marketers in b2b companies often consists of printing business cards and preparing souvenirs, at most organizing events and ordering advertising. How to really promote the company, almost no one knows, and this is often to blame for the youth and lack of skills of the staff.

There are not so many experienced Internet marketing specialists for b2b today. Few people know how to sell sophisticated equipment, and why, if you can promote an online store? Everything is simple there: I made changes to the resource, worked a little with advertising, and the result is immediately visible.

In the case of industrial machinery, the situation is different, the return is often visible only after a few months. This is a long period during which you can move to another position or even lose your job. In addition, this alignment does not contribute to the motivation of employees at all.

The decision on the transaction can take a very long time

The peculiarity of the b2b segment is that the process of concluding a deal can drag on for a very long time: from several months to several years. All this time, if, of course, you want to sell complex equipment to a client, you need to contact a potential customer, not let his interest fade, and fend off objections that arise from time to time.

Under these conditions, it is very difficult to measure the effectiveness of marketing. This means that it is not easy to make the necessary changes to tactical plans.

Segmentation of the target audience is quite complex

If the direction of the company's activity does not raise questions (for example, the production of valves for oil pipelines), then it is quite easy to determine its target audience. It is also clear how to communicate with potential customers.

And if the company works in several directions? Let's say that a siding company that sells it exclusively in bulk has to work not only with dealers and end customers.

It is necessary to conclude contracts with both construction companies and architects who include this material in their projects. Simple communication like “offered - bought” will no longer be enough here.

Too many decision makers

If a decision is made by several people and each of them is a specialist in his field (someone is responsible for finances, someone for the project as a whole, etc.), then there are practically no rash acts. The difficulty here is that if you want to successfully sell complex equipment, then each of these specialists must be convinced.

Let's take an example. The secretary of the head office of medical clinics turned to the Alfa construction company. The company sent a presentation, informed the potential client about its projects, and announced approximate prices.

After the secretary received about 40 information packets from various organizations, she passed all the data to the deputy general director. He selected 10 firms, with which he held preliminary negotiations.

The owner of the network of clinics has already communicated with only two construction organizations. As a result, Alfa won, which was given the task of reconstructing a four-story administrative building into a hospital. But the decision of each of the people in this chain was based solely on their own criteria.

Goals are set incorrectly

B2b companies on the Internet can pursue several different goals: expanding the dealer network, strengthening the brand. Some are working on bringing a new product to the market, others want to reduce customer service and retention costs, others intend to make the brand more recognizable, etc.

In any case, using the Network only for the sake of increasing sales is not a very constructive solution.

Have you already tried many methods of selling complex equipment over the Internet, but the result is far from what you expected? Don't despair, we'll fix it! And our fruitful cooperation with you will begin with a free site audit.

What questions will you find answered in this article:

You can often hear from consultants: sales techniques are the same in all industries, and it doesn’t matter what to sell. In my opinion, this is absolutely wrong. Each product has its own characteristics, especially when it comes to technically complex products - machine tools, production equipment, medical technology. I happened to be engaged in the sale of such equipment (metalworking machines), and in this article I will share my experience.

What you need to know about equipment in order to sell it

First of all, you need to understand the product.

Firstly, it is necessary to study its technical characteristics: non-obvious or little-known technical features can become weighty arguments in negotiations with a potential buyer. If you do not own the technical side of the issue, it will be very difficult to counter the objections of the client related to the fact that you and your competitors have the same product in principle.

Secondly, you need to isolate the benefits that the product provides to different customers, and calculate how much profit it can bring to them - whether it be direct sales revenue or cost savings.

To get started, it's helpful to do the following. Imagine that you are not a seller, but a client - the General Director of a company that has decided to purchase equipment similar to yours. Do everything that this director would do - from finding a manufacturer to collecting commercial offers from potential sellers (for this you will have to register a separate mailbox and introduce yourself as a real, but little-known company). Then compile a summary table of all the important characteristics of supplier companies: equipment, delivery terms, service, consumables. Analyze which seller you would choose if you were a client. So you will see the advantages and disadvantages of your competitors and understand what advantages your company has. It will also become clear what additional offers on your part will make customers who conduct such market analysis choose you.

By the way, about competitors. Do you have them? Many will answer that there are many. However, I think otherwise. When selling complex technological equipment, the main competition is not in the product itself, but in sales skills, the ability to convey benefits and advantages to the client. A complex product with knowledge of the technical side of the issue can be quite easily positioned in comparison with other similar products. There are no absolutely identical products, there is a seller's ability to correctly and at the right time to present the technical advantages necessary for the client and reveal the nuances.

Where to look for buyers of technological equipment

The first thing that comes to mind is the Internet. There really are clients there, and all the main ones are even known. But the fact is that the Network will not help evaluate the future buyer in terms of his capabilities. The site of a potential client (company) may look very solid, but this does not guarantee the company's willingness to pay worthy money for your products. It often happens that a manager spends a lot of time on a seemingly large client, who ultimately buys a product in a very cheap configuration or does not buy it at all. Therefore, it is better to use the Internet only as an aid. Assessing the prospects of clients is based on other sources - primarily on specialized industry directories, exhibition catalogs and industry press.

If a potential buyer is ready to spend money to participate in a reputable exhibition, or places information about himself in expensive industry directories (for example, in the directories of Maksimov's Editions), then this is a good sign by which one can indirectly judge the company's readiness to invest in its development, including the acquisition of expensive technological equipment.

What should you do if you have, for example, a catalog of exhibiting companies in your hands? Select potential clients and call them. At the same time, it is good to mention that you met with a representative of the company at the exhibition: this will make the first contact warmer. Praise the client's booth and start a conversation about how the event went and what the results are. After that, it will be possible to gradually move on to talking about equipment.

Another source of information about the client's solvency is industry news, which deals with the development plans of various companies. Regularly analyzing this information, you will form an idea whether the client has the opportunity to buy sophisticated equipment.

In general, the platforms for promotion are the same as for finding customers - industry media and exhibitions. If information about your company flashes on them, this will form more trust among potential customers. In the sale of equipment in general, and especially expensive technological equipment, trust in the supplier is often more important than trust in the equipment itself, because customers are always afraid of being abandoned in the event of a breakdown.

Participation in exhibitions. I advise you to identify the key exhibitions in your industry. Moreover, you need to focus not so much on the sites where your competitors are located, but on the exhibitions that attract your customers. The fact is that top officials of client companies rarely come to specialized exhibitions (where, in addition to you, there are manufacturers of similar equipment); most likely, they are visited only by ordinary specialists. On the other hand, if you attend exhibitions that showcase your customers' products, you will meet many more decision makers there and be able to negotiate more effectively with them. That's what I did when I was an employee of a company that sold machine tools worth several million euros. I have always insisted on placing at least a small stand at the International Aviation and Space Salon (MAKS). The products of our potential customers were exhibited there and there were very few of our competitors (they participated mainly in the exhibitions "Metalworking" and "Engineering"). I can say that MAKS gave us many times more useful contacts and further contracts than all other exhibitions combined. This event brought together the most influential people from companies - potential customers, who are very difficult to meet in a normal setting.

How to help managers sell equipment more efficiently

Rely on people with a technical background, train them in sales skills if necessary. Techies offering sophisticated equipment to customers will be able to speak the same language with them. There are two things to keep in mind when designing an incentive system for technology sellers.

1. A lot of time passes from the contact to the contract, therefore, if the manager is given a small salary and a commission, he will not be very interested, since he will have to wait for the first commission, perhaps six months or a year.

Given this, I consider a decent salary and a bonus for work (once every six months or a year) to be the optimal motivation. At first, when there are no sales yet, but the volume of work is still large, the bonus can be calculated based on the number, for example, of meetings held or contact details received, and after the start of sales, from the volume of contracts concluded and the percentage of completion of the plan.

Instead of a conclusion

There are a number of features in the sales of complex machinery and equipment, which I also advise you to pay attention to.

1. There are no trifles. Even the largest potential contract may not be concluded due to the fact that you missed a small nuance and it became a stumbling block. Therefore, study all the little things at every stage of working with a client.

2. A lot of meetings and negotiations are held in the client company without your participation. Therefore, your task is to promote not only your product, but also the idea that the specialist with whom you met would sell your equipment within his company and in your absence.

3. Even best product can lose a tender to a weaker one if the manager does not know how to correctly present products, negotiate and build sales steps. Develop your managers, conduct training under the guidance of specialists with experience in selling similar complex equipment.

4. Since you will need to conduct a large number of negotiations with different employees of the client company (starting with the head of the company and financial director and ending, perhaps, technical specialists), you need a broad outlook on issues that are interesting to these people, otherwise you simply will not be able to speak the same language with them. Expand your knowledge in these areas. This will greatly increase your chances of making a successful deal.

Equipment for small business: an overview of new products in the manufacturing market + what equipment is better to choose for a home business + average prices for production equipment across the country + an overview of equipment for small businesses from China.

If your goal is to start your own small business, reviewing the hardware market should be one of your first steps in mastering this business. Idea own enterprise cannot be implemented without a carefully developed business plan, and especially its production and financial component.

Today we will help you solve one of the questions. Consider small business equipment and pay attention to the most promising areas of the market, in which your business will have the highest chance of success.

What should be considered when choosing equipment for a small business?

High performance + moderate price – the best way for a budding entrepreneur. But how to get equipment that satisfies such conditions?

Any area of ​​small business has its own characteristics, which should be considered when choosing equipment for production purposes.

What to look for when choosing:

  • noise level and equipment dimensions;
  • what is the performance of the equipment;
  • build quality and parts;
  • equipment manufacturer's pricing policy and service rates.

In most cases, manufacturers by default give a warranty period of 2 to 3 years, depending on the country of the manufacturer and its brand.

You can buy both at official points of sale and via the Internet - both methods are approximately equivalent in terms of the final price. The floating value will be only the time when the equipment is received by the owner.

6 new equipment for small businesses

Over the past couple of years, the market has been replenished with many interesting production machines, the use of which in small businesses we could not imagine at all before. Technological progress gave impetus to the implementation of non-standard business ideas, the implementation of which required an appropriate approach.

Let's take a look at the most exciting small business equipment innovations and decide which ones are worth your attention from an entrepreneur's point of view.

No. 1. Equipment for aerated concrete.

Application area: building.
Equipment price: 40,000 rubles.

Production of new building materials promising business was, is and will be.

Aerated concrete blocks - a new direction in building materials which has gained popularity in the last 2 years.

The ratio of cost to price makes such raw materials one of the best in their market segment for ordinary consumers. Insulation of residential premises has become available to everyone, and entrepreneurs are successfully developing this area of ​​​​small business and making a steady profit.

What is included in the equipment kit:

  • vibrating sieve;
  • raw material dispenser (sand, concrete, other impurities);
  • forms for obtaining finished blocks;
  • petrochemical component, which includes emulsions and hardening accelerators.

Production technology can have 2 directions: autoclave and non-autoclave. Due to the high cost of non-autoclave, this technology is practically not used in our country.

Imported equipment is too expensive for a small business, especially since the production technology is much more expensive than the autoclave method.

Daily productivity of 1 autoclave, on average, 20-25 m3 of aerated concrete.

There are about 3 types of installations of different configurations and performance, which, accordingly, reflects the price of such equipment:

  • The easiest assembly option is "Aerated Concrete Master" at a price of 26,000 rubles.
  • Next are the various models of Strom-aerated concrete, the cost of which is from 30,000 to 80,000 rubles.
  • The most expensive option will produce about 35 m3 per day.

All equipment is small-sized and quite suitable for small business with minimal rental costs. industrial premises. To service such units, 1-2 people will be enough for the entire workshop.

No. 2. Equipment for the production of paving slabs.

Application area: building.
Equipment price: 500,000 rubles.

One of the expensive types of small business, but it pays for itself in a short period of time. over the past 2 years has become the most popular material for urban improvement and retains a leading position to this day.

City administrations often enter into contracts with private entrepreneurs to supply paving slabs within 1-2 seasons. Such offers are very beneficial for both parties, but do not forget about private traders, who are the main buyers of such products.

What are the ways of making paving slabs:

The most popular technology is hyperpressing. Production Line consists of the least number of stages, which means that the cost of such equipment for small businesses will be lower than when using other technologies.

Processes are 60% automated in all tile production options. To manage 1 line, 1-2 workers will be required, and prices for an economy version of equipment can start at 440,000 rubles.

No. 3. Equipment for the manufacture of stretch ceilings.

Application area: interior decoration.
Equipment price: 300,000 rubles.

In fact, a stretch ceiling is a film coating with impurities to give the finished product elasticity.

In order for the stretch ceiling to acquire the necessary shape, it is stretched on a frame made of profiles. The coating is stretched on special calender equipment, and the production technology itself requires equipment with HDTV.

Popular equipment for the production of stretch ceilings:

A production facility for the development of such a small business should be at least 50 m2, and it is better if it is equipped with an engineering network with the necessary power in the power grid.

The list of additional equipment should include tables for cutting and packing films, racks for storing products, as well as an apparatus for feeding/receiving into the main equipment.

No. 4. Equipment for 3D business.

Application area: design.
Equipment price: from 25,000 to 200,000 rubles.

Printing, binding and other offers in a similar vein have long become classics of the genre, and enterprising people were able to organize their small business in this business and achieve its success.

Progress does not stand still, and now one more can be attributed to a number of standard services -. The West is mastering this direction by leaps and bounds, but in Russia the niche is practically not occupied by anyone.

What can be done using such small business equipment:

  • figurines of animals/celebrities/landmarks;
  • miniature copies of houses and other buildings as souvenirs;
  • design of residential premises.

In fact, there are a lot of areas for modeling in small business, the main thing is to find something that will be in demand in your sales market.

Even medical institutions can become your customers, as a 3D printer can easily create very high quality prostheses. The hand-made industry will also welcome you with open arms with such equipment.

The main advantage of small businesses in 3d modeling is the lack of competition. You can buy 3-4 printers and set up your own production for 300,000-400,000 rubles - this is if you want to have equipment at your disposal that can recreate almost everything.

A more economical option for starting a small business will cost 100,000 rubles. But keep in mind that the higher the cost of the equipment, the higher the accuracy of execution and the quality of the products, and hence the wider the sales market.

No. 5. Equipment for vending business.

Application area: public Utilities.
Equipment price: 30,000 rubles.

By the end of 2017, more than 70% of all multi-storey buildings in the country that are in communal ownership will be equipped with intercoms. Parallel to this news new niche in small business - creating copies of keys for intercoms.

This procedure is performed by special machines. Their distribution and installation may well become a small business that shows a large payback in a short period of time.

How does a vending small business work:

  1. Information is read from the key using a special sensor on the machine.
  2. The client pays for the service through a bill acceptor.
  3. The machine writes information on a new blank and issues a finished copy of the key in a special window.

The compactness of the machine gives an advantage to the entrepreneur - you do not need to spend money on renting premises. Just pay for the part of the wall where you are going to hang the machine and make a profit.

Choose places where the largest number of potential customers passes.

Statistics show that, on average, 75% of citizens make a copy of the key for the intercom every 2 years. In a month, the average number of clients will be at the level of 50-80 people. But keep in mind that the larger the city, the higher the demand for the service.

The cost of a copy is estimated from 120 rubles. Part of the money will be spent on renting and buying blanks, therefore the net monthly profit from 1 machine will be at the level of 4000-6000 rubles.

New equipment for small businesses appear on the country's market every month. Although most of the ideas were originally taken from other countries, enterprising businessmen are able to adapt any business to the conditions of our consumer.

The main problem may be the order of equipment, since manufacturers who have never imported such equipment into the country before will be very careful, which will significantly affect the price of the units. Give preference to ideas that have a place in the market, but do not meet high competition there.

Being a pioneer is commendable, but in the cruel world of entrepreneurship, it is not always rational in financial terms, which is very important in the conditions of doing small business for our country.

Manufacturing equipment for small businesses

Large production equipment and small business - at first glance, these are incompatible concepts. But even in this direction, an entrepreneur can prove himself from the best side and organize his own business, which brings a stable monthly income.

Let's take a look at what small business production equipment is worth the attention of every aspiring entrepreneur who seeks to establish a stable and profitable trading process.

We have selected three production ideas that have high financial attractiveness, and at the same time for which market competition is quite tolerable in any region of our country.

No. 1. Waste processing equipment.

Payback: 5-6 months.
Initial investment: 2,000,000 rubles.
Average profit per month: 400,000 rubles.

Organizing a mini-business related to waste recycling is a good solution in an economic crisis. There is no competition as such. And when processing industrial waste, you can get a financial return of 200-300%.

This direction is supported by the state, which allows saving on the purchase of equipment through special environmental programs.

This small business kit includes:

    Industrial waste sorting equipment.

    The most voluminous item from the entire list.

    Allocate open and closed complexes, designed for different working areas. The average price is 200,000-300,000 rubles.

    Crushing units.

    This may include metal shears, shredders and other crushing equipment. Some equipment has removable attachments to expand your chopping capabilities.

    Prices vary from 20,000 to 70,000 rubles.

    storage containers.

    Used to store raw materials outdoors. Designs differ depending on the storage conditions and the type of waste being processed.

    The price is from 40,000 rubles and above.

    Pressing equipment.

    Used for compression hard materials into cubic or other regular shapes.

    Depending on the type of waste, the equipment may be accompanied by additional nozzles for collecting liquids or soft waste.

    As a result, we get a 20-fold compression, which greatly saves space and makes the processing procedure itself more convenient.

    Such units cost from 40,000 rubles.

    Magnetic separator for screening out accumulations of metal.

    Metal elements are not included in the list of waste that are recycled, therefore, special magnetic shafts, which filter the raw material before feeding it to the belt.

    The price of the units is from 50,000 rubles.

The size of the required production areas is in the range from 100 to 200 m2. At least 7 people can manage the equipment, it all depends on the scale of the business being deployed.

What types of raw materials can be processed:

    The result of the processing of such material will be flex - recyclable materials for the production of various plastic products.

    Glass okroshka goes to industrial plants for remelting and production of glass containers for the needs of other enterprises, or for sale to private individuals.

    Waste paper.

    is a very promising niche for small business in Russia.

    About 40% of waste paper is disposed of incorrectly, because the use of new technologies will not only provide financial benefits, but also help the environment.

Finnish equipment is considered the best in terms of quality, Japan is in 2nd place among manufacturers. Chinese analogues will cost 30-40% cheaper, but the warranty period is much shorter + the quality of work of such units is much lower.

No. 2. Equipment for the production of Lego bricks.

Payback: 3-4 months.
Initial investment: 900,000 rubles.
Average profit per month: 2,500,000 rubles.

Construction, as a small business, will always flourish, regardless of the political and economic situation in the country. Lego brick is a new type of building material that is in high demand due to its convenience in the construction process.

Equipment raw materials:

  • crushed stone - 85% of the mixture;
  • cement - 10%;
  • water - 5%;
  • dyes and other impurities.

To get Lego bricks, you need to mix all the ingredients, form blocks and dry them. Only 2 workers can manage the production equipment, and the workshop area depends on the scale of the business in general.

The minimum list of equipment for a small business for the production of Lego bricks:

  • hydraulic forming machine costing from 700,000 rubles - the main working element;
  • drying chamber - 200,000-300,000 rubles;
  • closed storages for cement and other mixtures;
  • mini-conveyors + dispensers;
  • service equipment (pallets, shovels, etc.).

When choosing equipment for small businesses in the field, focus on the domestic manufacturer - the price / quality ratio is optimal.

If there is stock Money, then the right decision would be to purchase a full-fledged line for the production of the finished product. The cost of one unit is within 2,000,000 rubles.

The advantages of this solution include minimal labor costs for equipment management and a fully automated process for manufacturing Lego bricks.

No. 3. Equipment for the production of furniture.

Payback: 10 months.
Initial investment: 1,500,000 rubles.
Average profit per month: 150,000 rubles.

Small business in this direction is not something new, but there is always a demand for such products. That is why the decision to set up furniture production is financially attractive, regardless of the region where the goods are sold.

    Chipboard furniture.

    Economical alternative to natural wood.

    The production process is an order of magnitude simpler and requires fewer hands to implement.

    Solid wood furniture.

    A resource-intensive way to produce high-quality products that requires dedication on the part of employees and the small business owner himself.

In both options, a common list of equipment will be needed to establish stable production. 80% of the units for working with wood will be machine tools, the price per unit of equipment is 50,000-300,000 rubles, depending on the level of automation and equipment dimensions.

The minimum list of required equipment consists of:

    Panel saw (120 000 ₽).

    Automated control process and high endurance along with good control of the cutting direction make such equipment indispensable in small business related to the production of furniture.

    Edge banding equipment (90 000 ₽).

    The main task is to trim the edges of the parts and ensure that a protective layer is applied to the outer outlines of the chipboard.

    Filler drilling machine (60 000 ₽).

    Accurately drills holes for mounting parts and fitting fasteners on chipboard edges.

    Since the material is very fragile, the work requires concentration and delicacy in execution.

    Milling machine (80 000 ₽).

    High-precision equipment for the furniture business, creating decorative elements for finishing and decorating furniture.

    Planer equipment (120,000 rubles).

    It is used in working with solid wood, giving shape to the finished product.

    Lathe (60 000 ₽).

    Allows you to combine elements of metal and wood, thereby decorating initially nondescript pieces of furniture.

In addition to the list considered, production can be supplemented by other models of equipment. Small business in the furniture industry is a promising area that, with due attention, can become a highly profitable business for you for many years to come.

Equipment for small business at home

What is the difference between equipment for home use and standard equipment for small business? Dimensions - the main indicator when buying units for organizing business at home.

In 90% of cases, an entrepreneur has small industrial areas, which affects the ability to implement large-scale ideas. Maximum productivity for little money is the main goal that you need to pursue if you want to buy equipment for a small home business.

Ideas for small businesses that can be implemented at home, the sea. It is enough to find 1-2 types of equipment and start your own business, based on the demand of the consumer market.

We bring to your attention several actual ideas that do not require large financial costs, and have high payback rates in a short period of time.

No. 1. Equipment for the manufacture of artificial marble.

Price: 300,000 rubles.
Payback: 2 months.

Natural marble is highly valued in decor and decoration, but the high cost has made it a hard-to-find material for ordinary citizens.

The technological process made it possible to create a new kind of artificial stone, which, in terms of its characteristics, is in no way inferior to natural marble, but the cost of such a product is much lower.

There are 3 main technological directions in the manufacture of artificial marble:


    The pre-prepared liquid mixture is poured into molds and placed on a vibrating machine.

    After 12 hours the resulting material is taken out and allowed to harden.

    The mixture is based on quartz sand and other additives, which ultimately give the stone a glossy surface.

    The manufacturing process is similar to casting.

    Acrylic polymers + marble chips make it possible to make a high-strength material out of the mixture, which looks as similar as possible to marble, and has good elasticity.

To open a small business at home, a small set of equipment will be enough. The units do not require special management skills and are generally available at a price policy for almost every citizen of the country.

Small business equipment set:

To give the product the right shape and make decor, use the tooling forms various kinds. This will allow you to get a wide range of exclusive products, and attract more regular customers to your small business.

No. 2. Equipment for an autonomous modular car wash.

Price: from 200,000 rubles.
Payback: 5-6 months.

This type of small business is relevant for large cities. The number of passenger vehicles is constantly increasing, because such a service as car washing is gaining more and more popularity every day.

How to organize a room to accommodate equipment and start a small business:

  1. With the help of galvanized elements, you need to assemble the frame of the future garage (you can use the finished room).
  2. Use sandwich panels to organize your workspace inside.
  3. The flooring must be waterproof and easy to clean.

Today on the market you can purchase both fully equipped portable versions of modular sinks, and designs that require assembly. The price difference is 20-30%.

Basic set of equipment for small business:

The rest of the expenses for a small business for a modular car wash include various kinds of cleaning chemicals and work clothes for staff.

2 people can freely manage such work, and in order to reduce the payback period, it would be the right decision to organize 2 work shifts and make the car wash around the clock.

No. 3. Equipment for the assembly of greenhouses.

Price: from 100,000 rubles.
Payback: 4-5 months.

A small business niche that is relevant in the agricultural sector. Large manufacturers in most cases inflate prices for the finished product, so you, as a private entrepreneur, will be able to compete and grab your share of the consumer market.

Small Business Equipment List:

  • industrial welding machine (from 15,000 rubles).
  • cross-pult with a compress (10,000 - 30,000 rubles).
  • profiling line (average price 250,000 rubles).

The most important equipment in this type of small business is the structural profiling line. high quality assemblies have units from Ercolina and CML. Domestic equipment is cheaper by 20-30% + makes it possible to assemble according to the wishes of the customer.

The considered small business is focused on the assembly of greenhouses from finished polycarbonate. If you want to be completely independent in terms of raw materials, you will need to set up your own production, which will add another 400,00 rubles to the cost of the business.

Small business with compact equipment is available to almost everyone. A small initial investment and a short payback period enable newcomers to get on the path of business and gain business experience for the future development of themselves as a private entrepreneur.

Need more ideas for a small business with inexpensive equipment?

In this video you will find 10 interesting options:

Equipment for small businesses from China - price / quality ratio

China has become a pioneer in the production of mini equipment for small businesses. While the economy is stagnating, private enterprise is flourishing precisely due to the favorable offers of partners from the Middle Kingdom.

Should I buy equipment from China?

The price of equipment is much lower than when buying from a domestic supplier.

The benefit is up to 50%.

Some supplier companies have difficulty in overcoming the language barrier.

You will have to hire a professional translator.

All equipment has a complete package of documents confirming the quality of the products.Long terms of delivery of equipment - from 1 month.
Large selection of equipment, both for small businesses at home and for production workshops.The equipment is not set up by company representatives (in most cases), therefore, additional costs will be required for the final preparation of the units for operation.
In most cases, equipment manufacturers offer to buy raw materials in parallel at a favorable price.

Absolutely all equipment from China for small businesses is popular. The only factor that you should pay attention to is the dimensions of the cargo. If you are ready to wait 2-3 months for the equipment to go all the way and customs, then this option is for you.

To date, there are practically no problems with the purchase of equipment. In any big city there are official dealers who are ready to provide a wide range of equipment for small businesses for every taste.

stable in high demand use various kinds of industrial mini-machines and automatic production lines. Equipment for small business from China, purchased from dealers, will save you up to 40% of the start-up capital allocated for organizing and establishing your own business.

Whatever small business equipment you choose always have a good business plan. Saving on the technical component, you can run into problems in the future, so be very careful about the selection of high-quality production equipment.

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Most managers believe that sales techniques in all sectors of the economy are identical to each other. However, each product has its own specific properties that must be considered when selling. So the sale of technically complex goods - expensive machine tools, production equipment or medical equipment requires a thorough knowledge of their technical features.

How to increase equipment sales?

  • figure it out yourself in terms of the product being sold.
  • Examine all non-obvious or little-known product specifications. This will go a long way in answering customer questions about how your product is better than your competitors.
  • Knowledge of technical specifications. This will allow you, when talking with customers, to calculate how much they will benefit from using your equipment: sales profit or significant cost savings.
  • Put yourself in the place of a potential client(the head of a large company) who intends to purchase technically complex equipment similar to yours. Try to complete all the steps that the head of the company performs: from choosing a manufacturer to analyzing commercial offers from possible suppliers. After that, it is necessary to fill in a summary table of the most significant characteristics of the largest suppliers: equipment versatility, delivery conditions, availability of warranty service, cost Supplies etc.

Such a table will allow you to visually analyze the situation on the market through the eyes of potential customers. You will immediately notice all the most profitable offers, as well as compare the best offers with those sold by you, which will allow you to focus the interlocutor's attention precisely on strengths your offer.

Finding Clients

A traditional search for clients using the Internet can give disappointing results, since a visually solid website of a legal entity does not indicate its readiness to purchase expensive high-quality equipment.

The prospects of a particular client are best assessed with the help of specialized directories, industry press or catalogs of exhibitions held.

Industry news often contains information about the most successful companies that have made good progress in their field of activity. This source of information also contains information about major plans legal entities for its further development.

Lot interesting information can be obtained by browsing popular trade magazines, since the authors and advertisers of these publications are often potential customers of sophisticated equipment themselves.

Product promotion

Since customers are often afraid to be left without technical support in the event of any malfunctions, a long-term relationship of trust between the customer and the supplier is of great importance.

Of great importance is the placement of your advertising in the industry periodicals in a hidden form, since such publications increase the credibility of the information posted. Advertising should not be intrusive and contain your contact details, only the name of the company and the products offered are sufficient.

To promote sales, it is important to distribute on your own industry periodicals containing information about your services: at exhibitions, by mail or at a meeting with potential buyers.

Participation in allows you to find new customers who are ready to invest significant financial resources in the development of the economy. At the same time, special attention should be paid not to exhibitions where your competitors perform, but to events attended by your potential customers. It is desirable to participate in all international exhibitions, since it is there that the people who make decisions on the conclusion of multimillion-dollar contracts are present.