What does it mean to live well. How to start living well. Work on yourself

I am not rich, I do not fly around the world, I do not drink in the company famous people in exotic places, I have neither a sports car, nor a jeep, nor a yacht. And I am very happy. Much happier than seven years ago.

I am not rich, I do not fly around the world, I do not drink in the company of famous people in exotic places, I have neither a sports car, nor a jeep, nor a yacht. And I am very happy. Much happier than seven years ago, when I ate a lot of fried, sweet and constantly felt unhealthy and overweight, when I watched TV and was out of shape, when I shopped a lot and was in debt, when I worked a full-time job. , on which he received quite a lot and did not have time for himself and his loved ones. How did I achieve this? With little tricks.

The truth is, you don't need much to live well - you just need the right attitude.

Here's what I've learned about how to live well with little need:

1. You need very little to be happy.

Some simple, plant-based food, a modest home, a couple of sets of clothes, a good book, a laptop, a meaningful job, and your loved ones.

2. Desire less and you won't be poor

You may have a lot of money and possessions, but if you always want more, you are poorer than the guy who owns little and wants nothing.

3. Focus on the present

Stop worrying about the future and hold on to the past. How much time each day do you spend thinking about the things you do physically in currently? How often do you drive away thoughts of other things? Live now and you will live to the fullest.

4. Be happy with what you have and where you are.

Too often we want to be somewhere else, to do something else, with other people, and no matter what the circumstances are now, we would like to get things that are different from what we have now. But where we are now is a wonderful place! Those with whom we are now (including ourselves) are already flawless. What we have is enough. What we are already doing is amazing.

5. Be grateful for the little pleasures in life.

Berries, dark chocolate bars, tea are simple pleasures that are much better than complex desserts, sugary drinks, fried foods, if you learn to enjoy them to the fullest. Good book, taken in the library, a walk with your beloved in the park, pleasant tension after a short, hard workout, the wonderful things your children say, the smile of a stranger, a barefoot walk on the grass, a moment of silence in the early morning when the rest of the world is still asleep. These are small pleasures for a good life, without the need for anything more.

6. Move with joy, not fear

People go through life under the influence of fear of loss, fear of change, fear of missing something. These are bad reasons to do something. Instead, do things that bring joy to you and those around you. Do your job, not because you need to maintain your lifestyle and you are afraid to change it, but because you enjoy doing something creative, meaningful, valuable.

7. Practice compassion

Compassion for others creates love that rewards the relationship. Self-compassion means forgiving yourself for past mistakes, “heal” yourself correctly (this includes healthy eating and exercise), and love yourself for who you are.

8. Forget about productivity and numbers.

They don't matter everywhere. If you do something to achieve a certain number (goals), then you have lost the understanding of what is really important. If you strive to be productive and fill your days with all sorts of things just to be, it's a waste of time. This day is a gift, and it doesn't have to be overwhelmed with all the possible things - spend time enjoying it and what you do.

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We fuss a lot in life, in a hurry somewhere, we are afraid to miss something ...
And what, in fact, do we want from life? Or do we live by inertia, and do not even pose this question to ourselves? Programmed by general formulations, dogmas, other people's interests, we swarm and do not even realize it -

Yes, we are all different people, but ... Some work hard to survive in this world. Others, having the necessary means, travel to see how others live, especially since they remember from childhood fairy-tale memories that overseas life, food is always tastier and better.

If a person spends his whole life in one place: he lives in the same apartment, city, country, that is, in the same information field, then he has the opportunity to evaluate life, the world around him, using the criteria of his narrow world; experience obtained in a specific place, without the possibility of comparison, and such a person has a breadth of perception, or, if otherwise, the breadth of consciousness, stands only in this narrow range of possibilities.

Therefore, a developing person, seeking the truth, wants, he has a need, to move in order to know the world, to study the realities of different spaces - cities, countries, continents.

Such a person more opportunity to fully experience life, with its diversity, and there is an opportunity to compare how to gain personal experience. And experience is evolution. A positive experience leads to the growth of the Soul, while a negative one leads to its degradation.

How is a positive experience different from a negative one?

From whether you had a good or bad time, or maybe what benefit did you get? Benefit ... benefit ... benefit. What, for us, for a person, is a benefit, what does it consist of? How much money did you earn, how much food did you tempt, how much good or evil did you commit? What is it?

To some, this question may seem philosophical, but to others, I think, the answer may be obvious. This is a purely personal question for each person. And not everyone, as it seems to me, immediately, immediately knows the answer to it. And for someone, maybe this answer sits somewhere deep inside, and he is looking for an answer. The answer to the global question: "What is the meaning of life?"

And really, what is it? And in general, do they need to be confused, if there are so many opportunities and temptations around that take, consume and do not “worry”, as they say?

Our sensations, understanding and conclusions depend on our own goals, desires, and the breadth of the Soul. From how much it contains, and what does it contain? With what “eyes” does she look into the world, what are her evaluation criteria: from the standpoint of evil, good, or ordinary consumerism - to eat and sleep?

Each of us has his own opinion, his own criteria and assessment categories, but in general, we all know for sure that we want to live well!

What is "to live well" for each individual person?

It is good - when I am satisfied that I have eaten my fill, or it is good when I am overwhelmed with the feeling of satisfaction that I have done a good deed today, or I said a warm word to someone, which I put into his Soul hope, or gave him Joy?

What? What? What is life, anyway? What am I living for? And who in general needed it for me to be born, to live ??? Where can I find the answers to these and other, deeper questions to the universe?

All these answers sit in ourselves! You just need to listen to yourself, to your Soul, and not to the Quirky and pragmatic Mind, which, in the pursuit of pleasures and pleasures, will treacherously lead you away from yourself, from your true essence.

And in essence, we are all divine beings, whose goal is to develop ourselves and leave a good mark in the world after ourselves. And in order for each of us to fulfill this purpose, each soul needs to evolve, that is, to grow, to move up the spiritual hierarchy of the universe, according to the laws of which, only good makes it possible to move forward, and evil throws back.

Yes, in yourself! And to understand, the work of this very Soul is needed. Nobody will give you an unambiguous answer, only you yourself, in yourself, can find it. Moreover, this answer will be different at different stages of your life, since it depends on perception and accumulated knowledge at this stage of life.

And let this evolution take place every day, hourly! The thought process, the process of cognition and awareness, has no time or boundaries. It only needs to be launched: to ask yourself a specific question and the space will definitely organize an answer to it, you just need to be careful!

A fleeting thought, someone's comment, TV, the Internet, a newspaper, a book - whatever you like, the answer can come. And the Higher Forces will make sure that you receive it. Well, then it's up to you to decide whether to take this into account, or brush it off, saying “I myself (a) know such nonsense. No, that's not the point! " The answer to any question always lies on the surface. We just got used to complicating things, burdened with fears and selfish, personally our own, ideas. Everything in the universe is much simpler, and sometimes even seems primitive. Sometimes you even wonder how easy it is!

Having embarked on the Path, having begun to cognize oneself and one's role in the universe, decisions, opportunities, insights will open one by one, than to make life more interesting, richer, and give it meaning.

And what is the meaning of human life?

The point is that in everything that is and what is happening, to be able to see, to know the Joy. The joy that "I am!", The joy that "I breathe, I see, I live, I create, and in general I exist!" The joy of seemingly little things - the ability to walk, learn, contemplate. The value of this is not felt on a daily basis, but is taken for granted, but there are people who do not have this opportunity. Think about it when you are sad, when you are overcome by disappointment and depression closes the meaning of life!

Thank God that you have this invaluable opportunity given to him to live, enjoy, be realized, from which to receive Joy!

Despondency has not yet made anyone happy and has not graced anyone's life. It leads back to the abyss, to the degradation of the personality. And the personality must develop to the last breath of his body! Everything that has been worked out, cognized, consciously, will remain in the Soul, and from this all the baggage its next incarnation will begin.

Nothing that has been worked out goes anywhere, therefore, the sense to invest in yourself is very justified. The resource of time, desire, money, opportunities, will return a hundredfold to you in the future, do not even hesitate! Doubts throw a person back, do not allow him to develop, to know the world around him, and therefore do not allow him to evolve.

And if there are such “well-wishers” in your environment, then if you are your own friend, you will make a choice in favor of yourself, regardless of his personality, status, position in society. You, in that case, are simply not on your way with him. And everyone's Path and tasks are completely different, and living for ourselves, and not for others, we follow our own Path, and do not satisfy someone else's envy, needs, and so on.

Live for yourself

To live for oneself is, I would say, a whole science, where it may even seem that it borders on selfishness.

Everything that is done from the standpoint of benefit, first of all, for oneself, based on one's desire and opportunity, in no case will be selfishness, since everyone lives, came here, to live for himself. Learn your lessons, and draw your own conclusions. And if they are made in spite of themselves, in favor of someone's interests, and it does not matter whose, be they children, husbands, parents, then this lesson, experience is not counted. And if a similar situation repeats over and over again, and you all step on and step on the same "rake", then, in the end, they will begin to punish you, and you will also think: "Why am I so unlucky?" ...

It's simple - live, first of all, for yourself, and get the blessings of life, in the form of satisfaction, good health, new opportunities ... The world will definitely respond and send you interesting meetings, new opportunities, the joy of feeling yourself in this world, and other divine manifestations.

Be yourself, and luck will never blow you away,
on the contrary, it will accompany you!

Masks show

Take a closer look around - do you see a lot of open people? Masks cover the faces and Souls of many. On "people" some reactions and emotions, and at home others. Some people live like this all their lives in an artistic state, changing one face to another.

And it's good luck if you live without a mask, openly looking people and life in the face. The mask completely covers a person from the world. He does not see, does not feel, he does not accept the benefits that the Universe presents to him. The social mask closed him, left him alone with his fears, problems, emotions, and only envy gnaws and does not allow him to sleep and live fully.

And who prevents such people from opening up and living fully?

Limiting beliefs infused with childhood by immature parents and social demands. It's time to open up and live for yourself! To love, to rejoice, to admire, to learn, to be interested and to enjoy - to enjoy - to enjoy life!

I am not rich, I do not fly around the world, I do not drink in the company of famous people in exotic places, I have neither a sports car, nor a jeep, nor a yacht. And I am very happy. Much happier than seven years ago, when I ate a lot of fried, sweet and constantly felt unhealthy and overweight, when I watched TV and was out of shape, when I shopped a lot and was in debt, when I worked a full-time job. , on which he received quite a lot and did not have time for himself and his loved ones. How did I achieve this? With little tricks.

The truth is, you don't need much to live well - you just need the right attitude.

Here's what I've learned about how to live well with little need:
1. You need very little to be happy.
Some simple, plant-based food, a modest home, a couple of sets of clothes, a good book, a laptop, a meaningful job, and your loved ones.
2. Desire less and you won't be poor
You may have a lot of money and possessions, but if you always want more, you are poorer than the guy who owns little and wants nothing.
3. Focus on the present
Stop worrying about the future and hold on to the past.
How much time each day do you spend thinking about the things that you are doing physically in the present moment? How often do you drive away thoughts of other things? Live now and you will live to the fullest.
4. Be happy with what you have and where you are.
Too often we want to be somewhere else, to do something else, with other people, and no matter what the circumstances are now, we would like to get things that are different from what we have now. But where we are now is a wonderful place! Those with whom we are now (including ourselves) are already flawless. What we have is enough. What we are already doing is amazing.

5. Be grateful for the little pleasures in life.
Berries, dark chocolate bars, tea are simple pleasures that are much better than complex desserts, sugary drinks, fried foods, if you learn to enjoy them to the fullest. A good book borrowed from the library, a walk with your beloved in the park, pleasant tension after a short, hard workout, wonderful things your children say, a stranger's smile, a barefoot walk on the grass, a moment of silence in the early morning when the rest of the world is still asleep. These are small pleasures for a good life, without the need for anything more.
6. Move with joy, not fear
People go through life under the influence of fear of loss, fear of change, fear of missing something. These are bad reasons to do something. Instead, do things that bring joy to you and those around you. Do your job, not because you need to maintain your lifestyle and you are afraid to change it, but because you enjoy doing something creative, meaningful, valuable.
7. Practice compassion
Compassion for others creates love that rewards the relationship. Self-compassion means forgiving yourself for past mistakes, “heal” yourself correctly (this includes healthy eating and exercise), and love yourself for who you are.
8. Forget about productivity and numbers.

They don't matter everywhere. If you do something to achieve a certain number (goals), then you have lost the understanding of what is really important. If you strive to be productive and fill your days with all sorts of things just to be, it's a waste of time. This day is a gift, and it doesn't have to be overwhelmed with all the possible things - spend time enjoying it and what you do.

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Each of us wants to live in prosperity and harmony with ourselves.

Have site there is no universal advice on how to find happy life... But there are 12 revelations of Internet users who shared their experience and tried to formulate what you need to start doing at 20 in order to live happily after 30.

  • Learn languages ​​(English, French, German, Chinese). This will give you wiggle room. Knowledge of languages ​​can make it possible to live a more prosperous life.
  • Improve memory, improve reading speed - this is will allow you not to get lost in the abundance of information in our rapidly changing world.
  • Negotiating is a skill that is always needed. Not necessarily in business - it is useful even in communicating with loved ones. At least in order not to swear over petty grievances with his girlfriend.
  • Get to know the culture of good nutrition and exercise - it will give you health and wellness, which you can't buy for any money.
  • To love to learn new things, to accustom yourself to read useful and developing literature, even if you don’t want to at all (and it seems that you certainly don’t need it). What for? The brain has to use new neurons in the head.
  • Find reasons for other people's actions. The better you understand what the other person is guided by, the sooner you will find the right approach to it, you can help or benefit for yourself.
  • To be able to drop everything. It's easy to make a mistake at 20, and at 25 too. If you spent best years unnecessary education or work experience that brings little money is better spit on everything and start over. Do not carry on yourself a load that you took by mistake.
  • Keeping calm. By the age of 30, life will have time to ruffle you, and it is important to be able to survive the "dark" periods. If you get nervous, do stupid things.
  • Don't associate living well with money. Believe me, if you do what you love without looking at money, constantly improve your skills, learn new things, get sick and worry about your work with all your soul, you will inevitably become a professional in this very business after a certain amount of time. And professionals are always appreciated.
  • You need to learn how to save money, understand how you generally work with money. Without this, you will only waste them., even if there are a lot of them, and you will not be able to secure your pension, let alone take care of your family and children.
  • For some reason, everyone writes about work. Without her, nowhere. But there is another, no less important side. Look at your family, your parents, close friends 7-10 years older than you. These are the people who help shape your character and worldview. Look and rate: what are they missing? What skills would make their life easier? Those qualities that are not in them, no one instilled in you either. And it is the awareness of them will allow you not to step on the same rake.

    Do not forget close people and especially parents, because time is so damn fleeting. Therefore, try to spend it only on those who are dear to you.

I am not rich, I do not fly around the world, I do not drink in the company of famous people in exotic places, I have neither a sports car, nor a jeep, nor a yacht. And I am very happy. Much happier than seven years ago, when I ate a lot of fried, sweet and constantly felt unhealthy and overweight, when I watched TV and was out of shape, when I shopped a lot and was in debt, when I worked a full-time job. , on which he received quite a lot and did not have time for himself and his loved ones. How did I achieve this? With little tricks.

The truth is, you don't need much to live well - you just need the right attitude.

Here's what I've learned about how to live well with little need:

1. You need very little to be happy.

Some simple, plant-based food, a modest home, a couple of sets of clothes, a good book, a laptop, a meaningful job, and your loved ones.

2. Desire less and you won't be poor

You may have a lot of money and possessions, but if you always want more, you are poorer than the guy who owns little and wants nothing.

3. Focus on the present

Stop worrying about the future and hold on to the past. How much time each day do you spend thinking about the things that you are doing physically in the present moment? How often do you drive away thoughts of other things? Live now and you will live to the fullest.

4. Be happy with what you have and where you are.

Too often we want to be somewhere else, to do something else, with other people, and no matter what the circumstances are now, we would like to get things that are different from what we have now. But where we are now is a wonderful place! Those with whom we are now (including ourselves) are already flawless. What we have is enough. What we are already doing is amazing.

5. Be grateful for the little pleasures in life.

Berries, dark chocolate bars, tea are simple pleasures that are much better than complex desserts, sugary drinks, fried foods, if you learn to enjoy them to the fullest. A good book borrowed from the library, a walk with your beloved in the park, pleasant tension after a short, hard workout, wonderful things your children say, a stranger's smile, a barefoot walk on the grass, a moment of silence in the early morning when the rest of the world is still asleep. These are small pleasures for a good life, without the need for anything more.

6. Move with joy, not fear

People go through life under the influence of fear of loss, fear of change, fear of missing something. These are bad reasons to do something. Instead, do things that bring joy to you and those around you. Do your job, not because you need to maintain your lifestyle and you are afraid to change it, but because you enjoy doing something creative, meaningful, valuable.

7. Practice compassion

Compassion for others creates love that rewards the relationship. Self-compassion means forgiving yourself for past mistakes, “heal” yourself correctly (this includes healthy eating and exercise), and love yourself for who you are.

8. Forget about productivity and numbers.

They don't matter everywhere. If you do something to achieve a certain number (goals), then you have lost the understanding of what is really important. If you strive to be productive and fill your days with all sorts of things just to be, it's a waste of time. This day is a gift, and it doesn't have to be overwhelmed with all the possible things - spend time enjoying it and what you do.