Features of the version of prof. Which program is best suited for the personnel department Personnel accounting in 1c

The term "Electronic work books" is absent in Russian legislation. The words "electronic employment history"Means:

  • interaction with employees and submission of a report to them in the form STD-R
  • interaction with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and reporting in the SZV-TD form to the pension fund

The program "1C: Salary and Human Resource Management 8" supports the interaction of the employer with employees and with the PF RF. To do this, a flag has been added to HR documents (Hiring, HR transfer, Dismissal) Reflect in the work book.

Documents in which the flag is set Reflect in the work book are automatically registered in the table Events and are reflected in the SZV-TD report.

Printed form of the document Application for the provision of information about labor activity allows you to issue an employee Notice of changes in labor laws together with selection statement forms. The results of the completed applications in the program allow you to automatically generate an event on the choice of the option for obtaining information.

For employees who have declared their choice to receive information about their work activities in accordance with Article 66.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, information in the STD-R form is automatically generated upon request or upon dismissal of an employee.

Personnel accounting and office work

"1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" provides the HR department with a wide range of opportunities for maintaining personnel records:

  • automatic generation of employee applications and reports on ETC to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the SZV-TD form and for issuance to STD-R employees;
  • registration of employees with whom fixed-term and indefinite employment contracts are concluded, including for remote and seasonal work;
  • registration of hiring and execution of orders for the hiring of an employee or a list of employees, registration of the transfer of an employee to another place of work, registration of dismissals;
  • changing the terms of the contract and issuing orders for the transfer of an employee or a list of employees.

The program automates personnel records management, including filling out unified printed forms: drawing up labor contracts, hiring (forms T-1 and T-1a), personnel transfers of employees (forms T-5 and T-5a), dismissal from the organization (forms T -8 and T-8a), execution of civil contracts: work contracts, contracts for the provision of services, copyright orders. Layouts of printed forms can be edited, if necessary, to create your own printed documents.

According to the traffic accounting data, you can get: actual lists of employees for a specific date with an arbitrary customizable set of details, data on the movement of employees for a selected period, statistical information on the number of employees different categories, average and average number of employees. This information allows the head to analyze the personnel dynamics of the company and individual divisions (the number of transfers, layoffs), track changes in the personnel composition, and timely identify problems in personnel management.

"1C: Salary and Human Resource Management 8" stores all the basic information about employees necessary for personnel work, payroll, personal income tax and insurance premiums:

  • personal data about the employee (name, date of birth, gender, etc.) and identity card data (passport data);
  • TIN and number of the PFR insurance certificate;
  • contact information (phone numbers, email addresses, etc.);
  • information on citizenship, insurance and tax status, data on tax deductions;
  • information about disability;
  • information about education;
  • information about previous employment;
  • family composition;
  • military registration information;
  • information about awards, academic degrees and titles.

In the program, you can create additional details and information (for example, height, weight, clothing size, etc.), as well as attach a photo of the employee, scanned copies of any documents, for example, a resume.

The functionality of "1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8" allows you to meet the requirements of the Federal Law of 27.07.2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" normative documents FSTEC and Roskomnadzor. The program implements the ability to register a number of events, in particular, access and denial of access to personal data, depersonalization of data in the absence of an employee's consent to the processing of his personal data.

Military registration

"1C: Salary and personnel management 8" allows:

  • keep records of all categories of employees subject to military registration, staying in reserve, standing on a special military register, booked for the organs state power, local government or organizations for the period of mobilization, martial law or wartime;
  • generate reports for military commissariats, notices of employment of citizens subject to military registration, sheets of messages about changes, requests for reservations, registration card of the organization, and so on .;
  • indicate information on positions related to flight and lifting personnel and to seafarers when preparing information on the number of employees and reserved citizens.

Staffing table

Maintenance of the staffing table in the program is optional. If the business is small and there is no need to maintain staffing table in the program, you can keep records of employees, fully describing the place and conditions of their work. If the organization subsequently draws up the staffing table in the program, then it will be generated automatically based on the available information about employees, while some adjustments can be made (for example, indicate vacant positions).

In the program, you can establish control of personnel documents for their compliance with the staffing table or refuse it.

The mode of approval of the staffing table by special documents allows you to store the history of its changes. This makes it possible to get the staffing table for any past date and analyze the unapproved (planned) staffing table.

The staffing table in the program is presented in the form of a list of positions. The name of the position is generated automatically according to the scheme "Position, category (category) / Division", but it can be changed or supplemented in any way.

The position of the staffing table is characterized by the working conditions and its payment.

When describing working conditions for a position, you can specify:

  • the right to leave arising from work in this position;
  • class of working conditions (based on the results of the special assessment);
  • arbitrary text description of working conditions;
  • the work schedule specific to this position.

From the position card of the staffing table, you can go to the list of employees who occupy it. When starting work, it is easy to fill out the staffing table according to the current arrangement of employees.

Maintaining the staffing table in the "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" program allows you to:

  • accept and transfer employees, automatically generating a list of charges and their size in accordance with the selected position in the selected division;
  • book staffing positions for an employee;
  • for informational purposes, store information about the specialties that an employee must possess to fill a particular position;
  • when drawing up personnel orders, control their compliance with the staffing table;
  • analyze the compliance of the actual staffing with the staffing table;
  • in addition to the position, describe the place of work by the category (category) of this position;
  • for a unit to determine whether it is formed or disbanded, for a position - it is included in the staffing table or has already been excluded. This allows you to see only the current departments and positions in the corresponding lists;
  • generate for printing a unified form T-3, reports "Compliance and analysis of the staffing table", "Staffing", "Employment of the staffing table" and others printed forms.

Accounting for labor, working hours and absenteeism

"1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" provides accounting of the employee's working time. These data are used to draw up the necessary documents for personnel records and for the subsequent analysis of statistics on the time and reasons for the absence of an employee at the workplace, for accruals and payments in accordance with the actual hours worked.

The program provides opportunities for creating and customizing various work schedules for employees: five-day, six-day, shift; summarized accounting; incomplete work time other.

To fill out work schedules, regulated federal or regional production calendars... You can create standard and individual work schedules for specific employees.

Deviations from the work schedule are registered by documents of absences (vacation; parental leave; incapacity for work; business trip; absenteeism; day off; days of caring for disabled children; absence for other reasons) and overtime (with cumulative time tracking; on weekends and holidays; overtime work). All types of no-show are calculated automatically and taken into account.

When registering overtime work, overtime work and work on weekends and holidays, it is possible to choose a compensation method: day off or increased pay. The leave can be registered by a separate order or added to the vacation. The balances of time off and vacations are taken into account.

On the basis of the schedule and documents on the hours worked in excess of the norm and unworked time, salaries are calculated (accruals that depend on time) and a time sheet is formed according to the unified form T-13

The program allows you to analyze the reasons for the loss of working time, to receive information on the number of employees who were absent for various reasons for a certain period (for example, data on how many employees are on vacation, how many on a business trip, etc.).

The program keeps records of experience: general, for calculating benefits of the FSS, pedagogical, northern, "harmful" and others.

Vacation accounting

"1C: Salary and Human Resource Management 8" supports keeping records of vacation entitlements and calculating the balance of vacations provided to employees in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, collective and labor contracts. The accounting of rights to annual basic (by default - 28 calendar days) and additional holidays has been implemented. For certain categories of employees (persons under the age of 18, employees educational institutions, prosecutors, etc.), the main vacation is extended, and the program allows you to set it to any length. This can be done both for the position of the staffing table and for each employee.

"1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" maintains records of the balances of annual basic and additional vacations. Balance calculation unused vacations is carried out on the basis of the recorded rights of employees to vacations and used vacations. Calculation results for any employee can be displayed as a certificate for any date. In the program, you can not only form a vacation schedule in the T-7 format, but also draw up actual vacations and their transfers from the "Schedule" document.

"1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" provides an opportunity to form vacation lists: in the context of divisions and positions; by a group of employees, for example, by management team. Analysis of the execution of the vacation schedule is available.

In "1C: Salary and personnel management 8", together with vacation pay, you can calculate the salary for the days of the month preceding the vacation, as well as financial assistance for the vacation. In the document "Vacation", personal income tax and other permanent deductions set for the employee (for example, professional contributions or alimony) are calculated, by the amount of which the payment will be reduced. The tax register records the dates of payment of vacation pay and transfers of personal income tax. You can pay vacation pay in "1C: Salary and personnel management 8" together with wages, with an advance payment or in the inter-settlement period

Setting up wage systems, calculating and accounting for wages

"1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" allows you to automatically calculate wages, personal income tax and insurance premiums in accordance with the law, including organizations with a large number of employees.

In "1C: Salary and Human Resources Management 8" all forms of remuneration are implemented: time-based (using monthly, daily and several hourly tariff rates), piecework or using a bonus system. In accordance with the local acts of the organization in the program, you can specify various options for bonuses. You can set up any accrual and deduction: a fixed amount or an arbitrary formula. As a result, in information system for each accrual and deduction, all the characteristics necessary for calculating wages, calculating personal income tax and contributions are established. This allows all calculations to be carried out in accordance with the accounting policies of the organization.

The sizes of all tariff rates are set in rubles with the accuracy specified during the initial setup of the program. The sizes of rates can be determined by rate scales in accordance with the categories of employees. Several tariff rates can be applied to one employee at the same time. During the initial setup, you can specify options for the organization's bonus system.

"1C: Salary and Human Resource Management 8" allows you to calculate retentions:

  • by appointment - trade union dues, writ of execution, paying agent's remuneration, deductions for unworked vacation days, voluntary contributions to NPFs or to the funded part of the pension, deductions for settlements on other transactions, other deductions in favor of third parties;
  • monthly or only when the value of the indicator is entered;
  • in other ways - by a fixed amount, up to a specified limit, or by a formula based on a combination of any data available in regulated calculation methods.

In "1C: Salary and personnel management 8", the control of the limitation of collection is implemented in accordance with the requirements of Art. 138 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Mutual settlements with employees

"1C: Salary and Human Resource Management 8" automates and documents the entire laborious process of paying salaries. Salary can be paid to employees:

  • in advance - as a result of preliminary calculation for the first half of the month, in a fixed amount, as a percentage of the tariff;
  • in the inter-settlement period - vacation pay, material assistance, travel allowances, payment upon dismissal;
  • according to the results of the work for the month.

Payments under GPC contracts can be made in a lump sum or on the basis of acceptance certificates for work stages.

The program allows you to prepare statements for the payment or transfer of funds and automatically fill in:

  • employee lists
  • amounts payable
  • Personal income tax to be transferred.

The program generates the corresponding printable forms or files.

You can pay amounts to an employee by crediting to a card opened within the framework of a salary project, by transferring to a bank account, through a cash desk or a distributor (a person authorized to transfer money). For the convenience of preparing statements in the program, you can configure the method, place of issue and authorized person for the entire organization, for a division of the organization or for an employee.

The program forms in print and electronic form documents required for processing payments to employees different ways... For each method (place) of payment, a corresponding statement is provided.

Bank accounts for employees can be opened centrally - within the framework of the so-called salary project. Moreover, the organization can open several salary projects at the same time. Also, an employee can specify a personal bank account for transferring salaries.

Registers indicating the amounts and applications for opening personal accounts are transferred to the bank, as a rule, in in electronic format... In this case, the file can be sent to the bank via special communication channels, for example, through the "Client-Bank", or transferred on a physical medium (flash card, disk). The format (structure) of the transferred files may differ between banks. Firm "1C" together with Sberbank developed an exchange standard electronic information based on XML technology, which has been supported by other banks. Formation of files in the program "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" is implemented according to this universal standard, which allows organizing an exchange with banks that support this standard without additional settings.

When money is paid or transferred to the account, the withholding of personal income tax is recorded and a document is generated that confirms the actual date of receipt of income by the employee for reflection in the 6-personal income tax report.

Deductions from payroll, personal income tax and reporting to regulatory authorities

"1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" provides for the calculation of contributions regulated by the legislation from the wage fund and personal income tax:

  • personal income tax (personal income tax);
  • insurance contributions to the FSS for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood;
  • insurance contributions for compulsory health insurance to the federal MHIF, contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for compulsory pension insurance;
  • insurance contributions to the FSS for insurance against accidents and occupational diseases.

Personal income tax withholding is calculated automatically for each employee, taking into account information about his tax deductions and tax status:

  • resident / non-resident;
  • a refugee or who has received temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • highly qualified foreign specialist;
  • participant in the compatriot resettlement program;
  • a member of the crew of a ship registered in the Russian International Register of Ships;
  • a citizen of a country party to the Treaty on the EAEU;
  • non-resident employed on the basis of a patent.

Insurance premiums are calculated automatically at various types of rates provided by law, taking into account the insurance status of employees:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • foreign citizens temporarily staying in the territory of the Russian Federation without long-term employment contracts;
  • foreign citizens recognized as refugees, temporarily staying in the territory of the Russian Federation, without long-term employment contracts;
  • equated to the citizens of the Russian Federation (permanent residents, recognized refugees, citizens of the countries participating in the Treaty on the EAEU)
  • foreign citizens temporarily staying in the territory of the Russian Federation, not subject to insurance;
  • foreign citizens temporarily residing in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • highly qualified foreign specialists and their family members permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • highly qualified foreign specialists and their family members temporarily residing in the territory of the Russian Federation.

For positions that provide for early retirement, the calculation is carried out at additional rates that may be established in accordance with special assessment working conditions (SOUT), if it was carried out, or according to the previously valid rules.

Based on the results of accounting for employee income, amounts of calculated taxes and contributions, data on payments to funds, regulated reporting is generated (for submission to the Federal Tax Service, FSS and PFR of Russia), statistical and analytical reporting:

  • quarterly report 6-NDFL
  • certificates of income 2-NDFL for transfer to the IFTS and for issuance to employees;
  • information about the impossibility of withholding tax in the form of 2-NDFL;
  • calculations of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, MHIF and FSS in the form of KND -1151111;
  • report to the FSS NS
  • personalized reporting on forms SZV-M, SZV-STAZH, ADV and other regulated reporting for individuals.

The 1C-Reporting service built into 1C: Salary and Human Resources Management allows literally with one click to generate reports in electronic form, check and send it directly from the program to the regulatory authorities using EDS, track its progress.

ELN and FSS pilot project

A new system of employee benefits payments - directly from the FSS of the Russian Federation - was launched back in 2011. Then the Nizhny Novgorod region and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic joined it. The geography of direct payments is expanding annually.

Funds of the "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" program allow you to keep records of accruals and benefits to the participants of the pilot project and to automatically transfer the registers to the FSS.

The document "Sick leave" provides for filling in additional information to be included in the register for transmission to the FSS in the framework of the pilot project.

From July 1, 2017, medical institutions can issue electronic disability certificates on a par with paper sick leave. The program "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" provides interaction with the FSS for the exchange of information in order to form electronic sick leave.

Any, even a small organization has staff. In order for employees to calculate wages, they must be entered into a specialized program - personnel. Such a program for the personnel department as 1C has become very popular. Of course, this application does an excellent job with the tasks, but it is paid.

Newly opened organizations sometimes cannot afford to install 1c personnel. Therefore, it is recommended to consider other programs that are distributed free of charge, but also do the job well.

Selecting a program for frames

On the Internet, you can find more than a dozen programs that will facilitate the work of a personnel officer. Don't rush to install the first app you see. You need to do a little analysis and then compare all paid and free programs. Most often, HR officers use the following software:

Each of the programs presented above is unique, while all of them are suitable for work personnel services... It should be noted that some of the programs are free, while others are paid.

The 1C Personnel program is designed for personnel records, as well as payroll accounting. The application works with budgetary and self-supporting financing. The program can be designed for organizing employee accounting, registration office space, as well as to obtain reference information on the staff.

The main features include:

  • Payroll preparation;
  • Creation of a staffing table;
  • Personnel accounting;
  • Taxation;
  • Formation of reporting;
  • The ability to track hours worked;
  • Work with wage funds.

The program occupies a leading position in popularity. The only drawback of the application is that it is paid for.

A program designed for personnel records. Thanks to the application, the personnel officer can take into account the employees of the enterprise, as well as form all the necessary orders. The program is paid, it can be purchased for 1500 rubles. If you do not want to pay money, it is recommended to use the free version of the product - Mini-frames. Of course, the free version has been cut down a bit, but its functionality will be enough for the main work.

The main features of the program:

  • Creation of an employee profile, with all the data (name, photo, education, etc.);
  • Keeping a "calendar" of a personnel officer (visits, absenteeism, sick leave);
  • Making report;
  • Printing of the necessary documents.

The program has an intuitive interface, so even an inexperienced user can handle the work. It should be noted that the application also has a network version.

The HR program is the leading free HR application. If you wish, you can purchase a license, the cost of which does not exceed 1000 rubles per year. In this case, you get additional functionality.

The program can keep records of such data as:

  • Taxation;
  • Holidays;
  • Sick leave;
  • Employee card;
  • Business trips;
  • Moving;
  • Debts.

With the "Salary and Personnel" program, you can work not only through a computer, but also through the Internet, that is, a mobile device can be used for these purposes.

This is a free application for staffing. Unlike many programs, "Employees of the enterprise" allows you to manage several organizations at once. To make it easier to work with the application, the developers have provided the ability to work with three accounts: Administrator, User and Guest. In the first case, you can create and edit records. As for the "User" account, it only allows you to fill in already created databases and documents. The guest is only able to view the finished documentation.

The main features of the program include:

  • Capability to capture a camera (to get a photo of an employee);
  • Working with a scanner;
  • Creation of employment contracts;
  • Development of new templates;
  • Creation of orders;
  • Ability to calculate vacation and work experience;
  • Keeping a time sheet;
  • Reminder of the need to undergo a medical examination;
  • Uploading documents to Word and Excel;
  • Sending documents for printing.

The program has network access, which means that several employees can work with it at once. The number of jobs in the program is not limited.

This is a multifunctional program that contributes to the improved performance of the HR department. It should be noted right away that the application is paid, but it can be used in test mode for 55 days. This time is enough to fully study the functionality and understand whether the application is suitable for working in your company.

The main functions of "Personnel Plus":

  • Creation of cards for each employee;
  • Time tracking;
  • Organization structuring;
  • Job classification;
  • Formation of timesheets;
  • Creation of all necessary orders;
  • Calculation of the length of service of an employee;
  • Accounting for the movement of each employee;
  • Creation of templates for any documents;
  • Export of documentation to Excel;
  • Vacation calculation.

This is an incomplete list of the program's features. More details about the functionality can be found on the official website of the developers. It is noteworthy that the application can be installed even on weak computers running Windows XP.

The personnel department is a multifunctional program that can even replace 1C. It should be noted right away that the application is paid. Developers provide budget and government organizations a discount of 30%.

The program's interface is intuitive, so there shouldn't be any difficulties in work. Of course, at first some misunderstandings may arise, since the "Human Resources Department" is equipped with a large number of functions. Over time, all work will be done automatically.

The main functions of the application:

  • Creation of a detailed employee card;
  • Import / Export of data from 1C;
  • Creation of personnel documents;
  • Creation of a staffing table;
  • Calculation of all types of experience;
  • Connection of any type of classifier;
  • Vacation and business trip accounting;
  • Export of data for sending to the FIU;
  • Working with standard reports;
  • Organization statistics (free and occupied units).

In fact, this is not the entire list of what the program can do. You can work with the program over the network. If necessary, you can connect an additional employee, but you will have to pay for each account.

Professional application required for personnel work. Thanks to the "Personnel Business" program, automation is carried out HR administration... The program is aimed at organizations that do not have an independent personnel service.

The program is easy to manage, so anyone responsible for personnel work employee. Even an unprepared "personnel officer" will be able to maintain full-fledged personnel records. The "Business Personnel" version is distributed free of charge. If necessary, you can upgrade to the "Pro" version, but for a fee.

Functionality of the program:

  • Keeping employee cards;
  • Tracking movements and appointments;
  • Staffing table;
  • Time sheet;
  • Length of service calculation;
  • Planning career growth employees;
  • Working with regulatory documents;
  • Printing of the required documents;
  • Creation of text and graphic statistics;
  • Database backup;
  • The ability to maintain reference and regulatory documents.

Thanks to the ability to create queries, you can extract any information from the database. At the same time, a similar procedure can be performed by the personnel officer himself without the involvement of a system administrator.


Don't underestimate free software. They cope with tasks no worse than paid products. Of course, they may have some nuances, but this does not greatly affect the work. From paid products, it is recommended to pay special attention to 1C Human Resources and Human Resources. As for the free software, the Business Staff is an excellent solution. You need to compare software products and then choose what works best for your organization.

Video review of the program

Correct maintenance of personnel data in the 1C: ZUP program is very important. Otherwise, you will encounter frequent errors in documents and reports, for example, when. Many reports from this program are submitted to the regulatory authorities and errors are inappropriate here.

In this step-by-step instructions, we will take a closer look at the process of hiring an employee in 1C 8.3 ZUP revision 3.1.

V this example we use the demo version of the program and perform all actions under the account of the head of the HR department. Depending on the rights available to the user, this functionality may have a different location or may not be available at all.

Let's go to the home page and click on the hyperlink “ The new employee».

Our team provides services for consulting, setting up and implementing 1C.
You can contact us by phone +7 499 350 29 00 .
Services and prices can be seen on the link.
We will be glad to help you!

In the opened card of the directory, select the organization.

Remember that the program has an algorithm for dividing this field into separate details: last name, first name and patronymic. It separates them from each other by spaces. In the case of a double surname, it must be specified through a dash without spaces.

There are three hyperlinks to the right of the full name field:

Personal data, information about education, family, work activity, insurance are filled in according to the corresponding hyperlinks at the top of the form. If necessary, you can also attach a file to the employee's card, for example, with his photo or scanned copies of documents.

When you have filled in all the required information, click "Save and Close".

Directory "Individuals"

After creating an employee in the 1C 8.3 ZUP program, a new individual was automatically created. This reference is located in the "Personnel" section.

An individual and an employee are different things. An individual may not be an employee.

For one element of the directory of individuals, several employees may exist. This is because a person can work in a company not only at the main place of work. He may have several contracts, for example, main, part-time and GPC.

This mechanism is implemented so that, in accordance with the legislation of personal income tax, it is considered common for all places of work for one individual. The rest of the calculations are carried out separately.

For example, an employee works in our organization and this is his main place of work. They are also periodically translated to him. cash under the GPC agreement. Personal income tax should be accrued in total (summed up for both contracts). Accruals will be made separately. The program will include one individual and two employees.

In this regard, it is very important to control the absence of duplicates in the directory of individuals. Otherwise, undesirable consequences are possible with incorrect calculations and with tax authorities... Besides, tax deductions tied specifically to an individual.

In order to avoid these situations when filling in the data (for example, TIN) in the employee's card, if the program finds an individual with the same data, it will display a corresponding message.

If duplicates of individuals appear, contact the program administrator to merge cards with personal data by special processing.

Document "Recruitment"

We have added a new employee to the program. Now we turn directly to the recruitment of an employee. This can be done in 1C ZUP 8.3 on the start page, in the employee's card, or through the "Personnel" menu.

In our example, we will accept an employee from the start page, since those persons who are not hired are clearly displayed there, which is quite convenient.

To do this, select the created employee in the appropriate table and right-click. In the context menu, select the "Apply for a job" item.

In the opened document, some fields were filled in automatically. If necessary, correct them, as well as indicate the department and position.

If you fill out, then the wages will be substituted from it. Let's go to the corresponding tab. That's right, the accrual was filled from the position of the staffing table. This data can be corrected.

If you do not maintain a staffing table, the "Payment" tab must be filled in manually.

ATTENTION: a similar article on 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0) -

Hello dear blog readers. In this article, I started a fairly large-scale overview of the key functionality, a kind of instructions for 1s ZUP... For experienced users of the program, nothing supernatural will be presented here, although it will allow you to put in your head the entire sequence of work in the program, or maybe you are not yet familiar with some useful feature, but have long dreamed of finding it in the program, so it's worth reading. For novice users of "salary" or for those who are at the stage of selection software product, the article will help you navigate the functionality of the program and decide whether it is suitable for automating accounting in your organization.

Opportunity overview payroll in 1s zup will be presented using the example of a payroll in a fictitious organization for January 2014. At the same time, we will analyze the following accounting sections:

In today's article we will look at personnel accounting in 1s zup 8.

Personnel accounting

So, let's begin. The first thing I will do is change the name of the organization, which is automatically generated when creating a clean database. My organization will be called "Alpha" (I will imitate the developers of 1c training materials). To do this, I need to select the "Enterprise" -> "Organizations" menu item and by double-clicking on the line located there, I will open a form for editing information about the organization. I will not go into the details of those fields for filling that are available there, I will only say that it is better to fill out this form with as much information as possible. When generating regulated reporting, this will help us to avoid manually filling in many fields. I will only change the name of the organization and fill in the checkpoint too, since this is a required field.

Now it will be necessary to admit employees to our organization "Alpha". We will employ three people: a director, an accountant and a manager. In our case (as in most others, but there are exceptions), hiring a new employee in 1C implies the creation of a new element of the directory « Individuals"," Employees of the organization "and the document" Employment in the organization ". In order to make life easier for the user, the developers of 1c zup came up with the so-called "Recruitment Assistant". It can be found on the desktop of the program on the "personnel records" tab. It is called "+ New Employee". This assistant allows you to immediately create an individual, employee and document "Employment in the organization".

Moreover, you can make sure that the personnel officer does not see the calculated data, it is not difficult. But that's a topic for other articles.

In our case, there will be no users, so we will see the line “not specified” in the “users” window. Double click on it and you will see a window with a check mark "Use the recruiting assistant", it must be active.

Well, we can finally move on to looking at the work of the "Recruitment Assistant". The first window offers to fill in the "Basic data". I think you can easily cope with these fields without my help, but I only focus on the possibility of choosing a job option as a "full-time employee" or "employee under a civil law contract." In our example, all employees will be full-time employees.

Click "next" and go to the tab for filling out information about the place of work. First, pay attention to the "Create a job order" checkbox. By default, it is active and I would recommend leaving it that way, so that the corresponding personnel document is created. Then you need to choose the type of employment. All three employees will work at our main place of work. The following three fields:

Seminar "Life hacks on 1C ZUP 3.1"
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1s ZUP 3.1:

CHECK-LIST for checking payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self check accounting:

Payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

  • Subdivision - let's click on the icon with three dots and add the “Main” subdivision in the opened empty list of subdivisions. For large organizations and factories, many divisions are created so that it is possible to calculate salaries and form printing forms in the context of workshops and structural divisions;
  • Position - in the same way, we will go to the empty list of positions and add three positions: director, accountant and manager;
  • A work schedule is a program object that allows you to set the schedule in which an employee will work. In our case, everything is simple, everyone works on a forty-hour five-day basis. But at large factories, there are a lot of schedules: shift work, work in the evening and at night (the article talks about this in detail), six-day work, and so on. Therefore, we will create a "Five-day" schedule.

Very short about the creation of the "Five-day" schedule. From the assistant, go to the list of charts by clicking on the three dots button. Let's add new schedule... In the window that opens, write “name -“ five days ”and click on the button“ fill in the schedule ”. A window opens, in which there is a list of templates, kindly created for us by the developers of 1s zup. Select "Five-day" and click on the "Fill" button. The schedule is filled, click OK and select this schedule in the assistant for each of our employees.

In this section, there are still a number of fields:

  • Number of bets - everyone borrows at the same rate;
  • Probation- will not be;
  • Accept from - date of admission. This date is important not only for personnel documents, but also for payroll calculation. It is from this date that the salary of the new employee will be calculated.
  • Data in a group Labor contract important if you are going to print an Employment Agreement. Better to fill everything.

Ultimately, the "Place of work" tab looks like this:

The next tab is "Remuneration". The data entered here will directly affect the payroll calculation. In the field "Basic type of accrual" you need to select the main method of accrual from the directory "Basic accruals of the organization". The developers have predefined five options. I will choose Daily Salary for all of our employees. In the field the size of the salary:

  • 40,000 for the director (Ivanov),
  • 30,000 for an accountant (Petrov),
  • 20,000 for the manager (Sidorov).

Seminar "Life hacks on 1C ZUP 3.1"
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1s ZUP 3.1:

CHECK-LIST for checking payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

The surcharge field is optional. And I will not fill it out. It serves for those cases when, when hiring, it is known that the employee, in addition to the salary, will receive, for example, a bonus - some percentage of the salary. The corresponding calculation type is created and selected in this field. When calculating the salary, the amount of this bonus is automatically calculated. But for now, I will not fill in this field.

In the next tab, additional information can be set: TIN and Pension Fund Number. I highly recommend filling out the FIU number immediately. We will need it when forming regulated reporting in the FIU. There are also links for filling in data for calculating personal income tax and insurance premiums:

  • Citizenship, the right to retirement - all our employees are citizens of Russia,
  • Disability - fortunately no one has,
  • Tax deductions - nobody has.

  • Element of the directory "Individuals";
  • Element of the directory "Employees";
  • Document "Hiring employees of the organization."

And here they are all the fruits of our labor:

Thus, we have made a minimum required list data of personnel records to start working with the program 1s zup. That's it for today! In the next article we will see what the 1c zup program for. Good luck to all!

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In this article, we will look at step by step instructions on hiring an employee in 1C Accounting 8.3.

Before moving on not only to the reflection in the 1C: Accounting program of hiring an employee, but also to other main personnel documents, you need to make some settings for the program.

Go to the "Administration" section and select "Accounting Options".

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In order for us to use the main personnel documents in 1C, it is enough to include only two add-ons.

The first is located in the "General Settings" section. We will indicate that the accounting of expenses for wages, as well as the personnel records we need should be kept in this program. Below, in the section "Personnel accounting", set moisture on the item "Full". This add-on will give us access to basic HR documents, including hiring employees.

Registration of hiring an employee

Creating a new employee

In the 1C: Accounting program, just like in 1C: ZUP, there are two directories: Employees and Individuals. One person can have as many employees as there are jobs in a given enterprise, for example, a main job, part-time job, a GPC contract.

There must be only one individual. Duplicating entries in this directory is unacceptable, since it is according to the entries in it that employees are charged personal income tax.

Employee hiring

Go to the section "Salary and HR" and select the item "Recruitment". If you do not have this item, then return one step above to the initial setting of the program.

In the header of the new document you created, you need to indicate the department, position and organization where you are hiring an employee. The employee you created earlier is also indicated here.

By default, the date of reception is the current date, but we can edit this parameter. The trial period in months can be configured in the corresponding field. Next, you need to indicate the type of employment, which is selected from the drop-down list and is limited to four items.

Now all that remains is to fill in the terms of employment. In the tabular section with accruals, you can specify several types of accruals at once, for example, salary, bonus, etc. In our example, we set the employee only the payment for the AUP salary in the amount of 30,000 rubles.

The procedure for calculating an advance is indicated below: a fixed amount, or a percentage of the tariff. In the field "Conditions of acceptance" you can specify any text.

This document will enter into force after the completion, we will move through the relevant registers of information.

See also the video instructions for registering an employee on the staff: