Business plan on a medical topic. How to open a medical center from scratch. Gynecologist of the highest category

The time when medical services were absolutely free and were provided only by specialized medical institutions is long gone.

V currently citizens are increasingly giving preference to private medical clinics.

There are several reasons for this:

  • the cost of the service in a commercial center is not much higher than in a state institution;
  • the level of service in the hospital leaves much to be desired, which cannot be said about a private organization.

Market and Competition Analysis

An entrepreneur planning to open his own clinic or diagnostic center should be aware that both the state and potential clients put forward several high requirements to the subject of the medical services market, therefore, the beginning of a successful and productive activity is impossible without familiarization with the legislative documents, a thorough analysis of the existing market and accounting. many underlying factors.

Before proceeding with the official registration of your own institution, you need to pay attention to the choice of a suitable profile that brings the greatest amount of profit. That is why an analytical section should be placed at the beginning of a business plan, in which information should be reflected:

  • on the saturation of the market for paid medical services in the region / city;
  • about the demand for a particular therapeutic service;
  • on the effectiveness of such a center;
  • on the cost of services in greatest demand.

A detailed analysis of the market is necessary to determine the most promising areas of activity for the future private clinic, based on which the optimal location of the institution, initial and monthly costs, as well as the expected profit will be determined.

No less important is information about existing competitors and potential customers, since without this it is impossible to determine the desired position in the market.

Interesting information about the opening of this type of activity is presented in the following video:

Production plan

The future profit largely depends on the favorable location of the clinic, because many people prefer the institution that is located not far from home.

So, the highest level of income will go to the clinic located next to an elite new building, whose inhabitants are wealthy people. Conversely, it is hardly worth counting on the success of the center if it is located in a residential area erected fifty years ago.

Finding a suitable place is not so easy, because you need:

  • efficiently distribute the area in accordance with the functional plan (treatment rooms, treatment room, resident room, a room where staff can relax, bathrooms for employees and visitors (preferably 2 - male and female), sterilization, reception, cloakroom, rooms for administrative staff(director, accountant), etc.);
  • assess to determine the amount Money required for repairs, because the institution must be equipped with all communications (requirement of Rospotrebnadzor).

In addition, one should not ignore the existing competitors and the estimated future development of the area. Based on the available resources (financial, personnel, client, technical, administrative), it is necessary to determine the level of the future clinic - premium, business or economy.

The purchase of equipment is the most expensive part of the project, since medical devices and devices have never been cheap. For example, the purchase of a high-quality ultrasound scan will cost about 160 thousand dollars, and the price of equipment for conducting analyzes ranges from 10 to 70 thousand dollars. Customers currently appreciate high quality and it is for him that people are willing to pay money, therefore, the equipment must meet this requirement.

At the beginning of the activity, you can resort to purchasing used foreign-made equipment - it is of high quality and lasts a long time.

Opening your own clinic involves hard work for several years (at least 2-3 years) and only after that you can count on a stable income.

Financial plan

The business plan includes a description of the financial costs required for the opening and stable operation of the institution. Their value largely depends on the planned type of activity.

Consider the monthly costs for a small diagnostic laboratory:

  • rental payment - 40,000-60,000 rubles;
  • salary - about 100 thousand rubles. (laboratory assistant, biologist, laboratory technician, laboratory assistant, administrator, cleaner);
  • tax deductions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund - about 30 thousand rubles;
  • utilities - 10 thousand rubles;
  • purchase Supplies- 15 thousand rubles;
  • transportation costs - 15 thousand rubles;
  • for other expenses - 10 thousand rubles.

The magnitude capital investments also depends on the expected level of the institution, the equipment and furniture purchased, and the necessary repairs. The amount of investment in a large private clinic can reach tens of millions of rubles.

Organizational plan

The range of services depends on the chosen line of business:

  • Diagnosis of diseases:
    • analyzes;
    • consulting receptions;
    • X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, etc.
  • Treatment:
    • hospital wards;
    • dentistry;
    • surgery;
    • gynecology;
    • urology, etc.

If difficulties arose when choosing a direction, then you can analyze the success of your competitors. Services that are not in their price list can be safely included in your own.

Quite successful is the opening of a single-industry center specializing in the provision of any one type of activity (testing, gynecological services, etc.).

A significant advantage of such an institution is the fact that much less finance is required to open it. In addition, over time (as your profits grow), you can gradually introduce new services.

The organization's staff is completely dependent on the range of services. For example, carrying out laboratory tests requires the hiring of a laboratory assistant and 1-2 laboratory assistants, and the provision of gynecological services requires a gynecologist and midwife, etc. In addition, it is necessary to provide for the presence of accompanying personnel. So, you cannot do without a director, administrator (registrar), accountant and cleaner.

Launch Schedule

It is imperative to indicate the calendar sequence of actions. So, opening such a business involves going through the following stages:

  • search for investors - 1 month;
  • selection of suitable premises - 2-3 weeks;
  • official registration of activities - 2 weeks;
  • receipt - 2 months;
  • signing (if you don't have your own) - 1-3 days;
  • holding renovation works- 1-2 months;
  • purchase necessary equipment and consumables for it - 1 month;
  • recruiting qualified employees - 1 month;
  • holding advertising campaign- one month before and after the opening.

That is, everything needs a minimum 7-8 months.

Marketing plan

Healthcare requires effective advocacy because:

  • a potential client should form a complete picture of the center as a whole and of each service provided separately;
  • information should not be neutral, but positive;
  • the consumer must clearly understand what service he will receive in the clinic, how much he will need to pay for it, what qualifications the doctor has and what impression previous clients have received.

The implementation of the above tasks should form the basis of an advertising campaign. The use of one or more of the following communication tools is encouraged:

  • a corporate website where you can place all the information of interest to the consumer (personnel, price list, operating hours, directions, etc.);
  • TV advertisements (for example, a local TV channel that broadcasts to a given region);
  • advertising in the immediate vicinity of the institution (billboard advertising, pillar, sign, etc.);
  • transit advertising (posters placed on municipal urban transport);
  • direct mail (sending advertising to the consumer's mailbox in the form of a leaflet).

Risk analysis

The implementation of each business project involves the possibility of unforeseen risks. The potential risk is fraught with the legal environment, as well as the political and economic situation in the country. Russian legislators at the local or regional level often revise tax and financial right, and also make changes to the procedure for passing some licensing procedures, which can both facilitate and complicate entrepreneurial activities.

The manifestation of an economic crisis or increased political sanctions are not uncommon, which negatively affects demand.

Of course, we must not forget about the wear and tear of equipment and a possible natural disaster.

A business plan for a private clinic is the most important document at the stage of preparing a business and a step-by-step guide for an entrepreneur. How to develop an effective business plan, what points must be included in the document and how to open your own clinic (maybe a whole multidisciplinary medical center) from scratch - we will consider further.

Stages of opening a private clinic

A business plan for a private clinic should cover all stages of preparation for opening. This is the only way a businessman will be able not to lose sight of a single important detail and clearly control the launch of the project. First, you need to draw up a business resume and carefully analyze the market for the presence of competitors, the needs of the target audience and the possibility of reaching a good profit. Then it is worth taking up the choice of premises, the buying process or drawing up a long-term lease agreement, repairing and purchasing the necessary equipment. But this is only in general terms. An example of a business plan for a private clinic with calculations will be presented below.

The most important thing for successful business development is to define the specialization of the center. To take as an example a business plan for a private clinic, you can open a dentistry or other institution - medical centers differ only in the range of services, and all other registration procedures will be similar. It is desirable to have a medical degree, but this alone will not be enough to start successful project... A businessman must have organizational and entrepreneurial skills.

Drawing up a business plan

A dental clinic business plan with calculations is a ready-made guide to action. Therefore, the preparation of the document must be approached with all responsibility. A business plan for opening a private clinic should include the following sections:

  1. Title page. It is necessary to indicate the name of the project and state the essence in one phrase, indicate the actual and legal addresses, contacts of managers.
  2. Privacy Statement. If the business plan of the dental clinic falls into the third hands, then on the second page the restrictions on disclosure, copying and dissemination of information should be stated.
  3. Business plan summary. The section summarizes the main points, resources required and expected results. Ready business plan dentistry or a clinic providing services should arouse the interest of investors and show the potential for investments. This is the main goal of this part of the project.
  4. Information about the enterprise. It is necessary to present information about the enterprise in more detail. Imagine legal form organizations, analysis of the company's work for the previous period (if any) or relevant marketing research, information about partners, suppliers and so on.
  5. or products. Describe in detail the services offered, the required permits (licenses and certificates). Diagrams, drawings and photographs are very welcome.
  6. Marketing. Analyze the sales market for services, provide information about competitors, give them comparative characteristics, do a SWOT analysis and identify the factors that may affect demand.
  7. Organizational plan. Expand in detail organizational structure and give a description of the management system, indicate the requirements for the qualifications of hired personnel.
  8. Financial section... This is one of the most important sections. It is necessary to reflect all the costs of preparing and implementing the project, as well as calculate the payback and expected profit, describe cash flows (costs, revenues, taxes, profits, and so on).
  9. Guarantees and risks. It is necessary to analyze the possible risks associated with the implementation of the project, and the strategy for their minimization.
  10. Add-ons and applications. In this part, documents are attached that were used to develop a business plan for opening a private clinic.
  11. Marketing research.

Center specialization

It is important to study the market for medical services in a certain locality to accurately determine the needs and ability to pay of the population. Traditionally, the most popular are gynecology and reproductive health, urology, ophthalmology, cosmetology and dentistry. A business plan with calculations should clearly define the specialization.

There are separate centers that specialize in laboratory research, which is also profitable. These laboratories are best located near large government hospitals or in the city center. At in great demand in big cities, you can think about a project of a multidisciplinary medical center with the involvement of a large number of specialists of different profiles and providing patients with a full range of assistance.

Choice of organizational and legal form

An obligatory item in the business plan of a private clinic is the choice organizational form... Before starting work, you need to register as a legal entity (with it, in the future, it is necessary to create a health care institution) or an individual entrepreneur. An individual entrepreneur in this area can open a private entrepreneur without appropriate education, but in this case, it is necessary to hire qualified specialists to serve patients.

Room selection and renovation

The premises can be owned or long-term leased. It is better to choose a spacious building at the intersection of main streets, in the city center, in crowded places, near metro stations, and so on.

It should be convenient to get to the medical center by public transport and a private car. The location can attract a certain group of clients: for example, elderly patients can be expected in a medical center in residential areas, and if you buy a building near new buildings, then the clients are likely to be middle-aged people with children.

When planning the location of the center, you need to take into account building codes, as well as all requirements for ventilation, quartzization, lighting and ventilation. different types offices.

The area depends on the list of services. For dentistry or a small center for receiving tests, only 25-40 m 2 will be enough, but a multidisciplinary private clinic will occupy a building of 2000-3000 m 2.

When developing a design project, it is worth moving away from the standard blue and white walls, which resemble state clinics, because clients will feel uncomfortable and remember the district hospital (although the level of quality of services is noticeably different).

Clinic room design

Use calm color combinations and warm colors. Adequate lighting is required, both artificial and natural. In addition to patients, specialists, an administrator and other staff will be at the clinic every day, so the working conditions should be comfortable.

As for furniture, you will need an ordinary office, as well as medical equipment and equipment. Cabinets, shelving, tables and racks must be made of durable materials. It is necessary to buy sofas for the reception, armchairs and chairs for the offices. The color of the furnishings should be in harmony with the overall design of the premises.

Purchase of equipment

This is the most expensive item of expenditure when opening a private medical clinic. High-quality equipment has to be ordered from abroad at a fairly high price. Any clinic will require serious investments in the purchase of equipment. Dentistry and gynecology need special chairs, ultrasound or X-ray, in the laboratory - devices for examining the material, and so on. It is important that when equipping offices, you need to use the norms for the table of technology for special-purpose products, which is approved by the Ministry of Health.

Computers and software

You will definitely need computer equipment and appropriate software. You need to purchase a sufficient number of system units, monitors, network equipment and accessories. In some workplaces, laptops or tablets will be more appropriate. This will provide an opportunity for communication with clients: many private clinics today send patients research results and other information by e-mail or remind them of an appointment in instant messengers.

For computer equipment to work, you need to purchase software. Need programs for accounting, personnel management, electronic document management... The customer base must be stored in a specialized program. Records should be kept of the clients' health, the procedures performed, the research, the treatment prescribed and its results.


In the business plan of a private clinic (the ultrasound room is supposed to be done with all other diagnostic services, or simply small laboratory, it doesn't matter), it is imperative to reflect the expected staff of health workers: doctors and nurses with the appropriate qualification level... The qualifications of workers must be necessarily confirmed by certificates and diplomas, and other official documents. This will be required when obtaining a business license.

After the opening of a private clinic, it is the professionalism of the doctors that will determine whether patients will visit your center. Often people do not go to a specific clinic, but simply to a doctor with good reviews... The level of satisfaction does not depend on the smile of the administrator (although politeness in communicating with clients must be present), but on whether the health problem has been resolved.

Licensing procedure

To obtain a license to carry out medical activities, you need to prepare large set documents and submit directly to the licensing authority or through the website of "Gosuslugi". For receipt, a state fee of 7,500 rubles is provided. The list of documents differs for legal entity and individual entrepreneur.

Advertising campaign

Before opening a medical center, it is necessary to conduct an advertising campaign. In the business plan of a private clinic, this stage should also be described point by point. It is necessary to educate the target audience about the benefits of the new medical center. You can use the usual advertising methods, for example, banners, posted on the streets and on public transport, flyers, publications in special editions. More modern methods of advertising include search and contextual advertising on the Internet, media. It is imperative to create a high-quality corporate website. At the initial stage, it would be good to launch a discount program and actively use a variety of promotions.

The cost of opening a medical center

In general, the costs of opening a narrow-profile clinic include:

  • rent and repair of premises, purchase of consumables;
  • legal registration, obtaining a license;
  • purchase of equipment, machinery, special software;
  • costs of an advertising campaign.

The final cost depends on the size of the clinic and the list of services to be provided to clients. It is important to take into account the cost of rent, because if you are located in a large room, then it can be very high.

Let's take as an example the financial part of a dentistry business plan for two chairs. It is necessary to rent a room (about 80 square meters will be enough), purchase two chairs, hire 6 doctors and an administrator. Such an office can serve up to 12 patients a day, and with an average cost of 1,600 rubles per person, the gross profit will be 720 thousand rubles.

The purchase of the necessary equipment and repairs will cost 2.5 million rubles. Monthly expenses will amount to approximately 450 thousand rubles. This amount includes rent of premises, public services and salaries of specialists. In addition, you need to consider the cost of consumables. It will turn out to be about 100 thousand rubles a month.

Total net profit will be about 200 thousand rubles. per month. The payback period for such a small dental clinic will be about a year.

Business without special education

Today, a medical business can be opened without an appropriate education - the law permits. Another thing is that it will be quite difficult to deal with a project without knowing the specifics of the work. When it comes to opening a private clinic on a franchise, then companies prefer to cooperate with professional doctors and may refuse to sell a franchise to a person without medical education.

The need for quality, highly qualified medicine creates many opportunities for the creation of centers for the provision of medical care. But like any other business, the medical one also needs planning. A medical center business plan will allow you to open a profitable and interesting business and not go bankrupt.

It is not only a person with the appropriate education who can open a business for the provision of medical services. But also the one who possesses the necessary skills and information necessary to launch a medical center into operation. First of all, you need to collect as much as possible more information about the activities already existing on the market medical organizations and various clinics. Then determine which market segment will be the target audience.

Before you open a medical center from scratch, you need to decide on the types of services provided and the types of assistance provided:

  1. A specialized clinic provides services to patients with certain types of diseases, for example, an oncology clinic.
  2. The multidisciplinary clinic treats different types diseases and injuries.
  3. The Diagnostic Center provides services for the diagnosis and detection of diseases, but does not provide treatment.
  4. The presence of block structures, such as dentistry, traumatology, gynecology, and so on, is a priority for large cities with a large number of clients.

Instructions on how to open and what is needed for this

There are a number of steps to go through in order to open a private health center.

Stage 1 - execution and preparation of documents

Unlike many other types of business, medicine requires a license to provide services of this kind. This is a vivid example of the fact that medical practice is a very serious matter and only trained personnel can deal with it.

Collecting all the necessary data is an example of the fact that medical services are a very complex process, since the application procedure can take several months, and the decision on whether to issue a license or to refuse will have to wait no more than sixty days.

Stage 2 - finding a room

At this stage, there is an important task - to find a suitable room in which you will have to open the center. The building should be located in a walkable and easily accessible place. There is no need to force patients to travel long distances. An example of a good location is next to a hospital campus where public health services are provided. People who are tired of standing in lines at free institutions are willing to pay to get the help they need, this is a fact.

The premises of the center must correspond to the services provided. Dentistry requires much less space than a trauma clinic. You should also provide for the presence of special rooms, which should be in every medical facility.

Stage 3 - purchase and installation of the necessary equipment

The biggest expenses are spent on the purchase of modern high-tech medical equipment. Its cost, depending on the type of services provided, can reach huge amounts. None of the clients will want to spend money on services that are provided using old or unreliable equipment. In this regard, it is impossible to save on the purchase of devices.

Stage 4 - recruiting

Only highly qualified certified professionals with experience should work in the medical center. Ideally, the employee should complete an internship abroad and hold several continuing education certificates.

For a small clinic, the following state is suitable:

  1. Two therapists working in shifts.
  2. Two nurses assigned to one of the doctors.
  3. Chief Accountant.
  4. Administrator.

If you are just opening, then such a staff will provide the required minimum of clients, and then it will need to be expanded, attracting more and more new specialists.

Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

At the stage of preparation for the opening, it is advisable to conduct a massive campaign to attract customers:

  • for example, issue booklets;
  • place banners in crowded places;
  • engage in newspaper and television advertisements.

The main task is to get clients to talk about the new center.

Financial plan

The costs of opening a medical center are quite high:

  1. Repair - 140,000 rubles;
  2. Rent - 120,000 rubles;
  3. Purchase of equipment - 2,500,000 rubles;
  4. Purchase of medical instruments and other necessary supplies - RUB 350,000;
  5. License - 15,000 rubles.

Potential risks

When starting such a business, the following points should be considered:

  1. The provision of medical services is associated with direct work with the population. In this regard, the reputation of the institution can be destroyed by just one negative review of the work of doctors. Therefore, the attitude towards customers must be perfect.
  2. Price policy must match the level of demand. You should not break prices at the beginning of the journey, as this can play into the hands of competitors.
  3. Medical errors can lead to license revocation and center closure.
  4. The saturated competitive environment in the medical services market can attract valuable personnel, which will hurt the prestige of the organization.

The opening of a medical center is associated with a large number of all kinds of risks. Therefore, at the planning stage, it is worth paying great attention to crisis management and internal management of the institution.

Video "The idea of ​​creating a medical center"

From this video you will learn how to correctly draw up a business plan for opening medical institution.

It is impossible to draw up a business plan for a medical center without analyzing the wound, its structure and saturation in a particular locality. A sample business plan outlines the main points that need to be reflected in the study.

For development good business plan medical center, it is necessary to analyze the market size and study the market structure paid services the population. To do this, you can conduct both your own research and use the available information from specialized publications and reference books. Additional analysis is carried out on the voluntary and compulsory health insurance markets. The document describes the concept of the medical center and its main points.

The nature of the center

Paid medical services:

  • Physiotherapy procedures;
  • Massage (hygienic, medical, sports, cosmetic);
  • Reception of a neurologist.

Key employees of the center

Director: higher legal education, organizational skills, ability to work with computers and medical equipment. Chief accountant: higher education in economics, computer skills, work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years.

Engineer: higher technical education, computer skills, at least 3 years of experience with medical equipment. Neuropathologist: higher medical education, work experience in the specialty for at least 5 years.

Staffing: Name of positions Number of units. Official salary (rate), cu

  • Director 1 800
  • Chief Accountant 1 550
  • Engineer 1 500
  • Neuropathologist 1 500
  • Masseur 4 500
  • Nurse 1 400
  • Mistress sister 1 250
  • Note: massage therapists - for 1/2 of the official salary (rate);
  • Neuropathologist - for 1/4 of the official salary (rate).


Clients: There are no key figures involved in making decisions when purchasing the company's services. The nature of the demand: for the first year, presumably, services will be provided for a total of 120,000 rubles. Financial base: methods of financing the company: authorized capital.

Information management systems: accumulation, systematization and storage of primary documents in the context of indicators necessary for management and control over economic activities center, as well as to compile accounting statements, is made in accordance with the current instructions for office work. Operational and settlement information is stored in the form of a database on the company's computer.

Stock level: no stocks of raw materials. Sales plan: pricing policy.

List of established prices:

  • Physiotherapy procedure - 100 rubles;
  • Massage session - 1,000 rubles;
  • Neuropathologist's appointment - 750 rubles.

The procedure for determining prices: these prices are set in accordance with the current pricing instructions. Price = (Cost + Profit) X VAT According to the Instruction of the State Tax Service Russian Federation of December 9, 1991 "On the Procedure for the Calculation and Payment of Value Added Tax" (issued on the basis of the RSFSR Law "On Value Added Tax" of December 6, 1991) as amended by amendments and additions No. 1 of August 21, 1992, No. 2 of January 29, 1993, No. 3 of August 31, 1993, No. 4 of March 16, 1994:

V. List of goods (works, services) exempted from tax. 13.

The need for medical services is growing every year. According to the forecast, the market volume by 2021 will grow to 2.865 billion rubles. from the current almost 2.5 billion rubles. According to the results of a study by MAR Consult, conducted in 2017, more and more Russians are willing to pay for high-quality medical services: both for simple tests and for the appointment of specialized specialists.

In these conditions, the opening of a private medical clinic has great prospects even in a highly competitive environment. The implementation of such a project will require a fairly large investment on the part of an entrepreneur, taking into account the important features of this area of ​​business.

V this business In the plan of the medical center, we will describe a short organizational plan, we will touch on the points necessary for the success of the case. At the end of the article, for review, an example of calculating the payback is proposed.

Directions in the work of the medical center

The range of services offered in medical centers depends on their profile and the scale of the clinic.

An approximate list of services:

  • primary and secondary reception of specialized doctors;
  • preventive examinations;
  • traumatology;
  • laboratory research;
  • X-ray examinations;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging);
  • tomography;
  • colonoscopy;
  • FGDS and others.

From highly specialized areas:

  • children's;
  • cardiological;
  • ophthalmic;
  • surgical (including plastic surgery), etc.;

Plastic surgery is now one of the most lucrative lines of business.

The more profiles a medical clinic includes, the more investment and highly qualified personnel will be required.

We open a medical center: step by step instructions

Here is a brief organizational plan for opening a medical center.

The first step is to conduct a SWAT analysis, assess all the opportunities, risks, strengths and weak sides business. It should develop on the basis of a clear document (business plan), which will describe the entire sequence of actions and development prospects.

After analyzing, making a decision about starting a business and finding investment capital, the entrepreneur begins to take real action.

  1. Chooses the organizational and legal form of activity, launches the licensing process.
  2. Finds and prepares a room for an object.
  3. Searches for experienced staff.
  4. Purchases and assembles equipment.
  5. Coordinates the mechanism of the institution's work, the interaction of all staff.
  6. Organizes a large-scale advertising campaign for the new medical clinic.

A private medical institution can begin work after the 5th stage of the plan has been worked out.

What you need to start a business

The largest initial cost item is the purchase of equipment. Of course, when buying equipment, you need to look for the best price offer, but you should not save on it. The quality and ultimately the success of a private health / rehabilitation center depends on the equipment.

Table 1. The size of the initial costs for opening a medical center.

The work is supposed to be in a city with a population of 1.5-2 million people. The additional costs include the costs of utility bills, promotion, preparation of premises, etc. The amount of tax deductions is not taken into account in the calculation.

The documents

Initially, the entrepreneur will have to choose the organizational and legal form of activity: individual entrepreneur or LLC.

When registering, indicate OKVED codes 2 from group 86 "Activities in the field of health":

  • 86.21 "General medical practice";
  • 86.22 "Special medical practice";
  • 86.23 "Dental practice";
  • 86.90 "Other activities in the field of medicine."

When providing inpatient medical services, the documents indicate 86.10 "Activities of hospital organizations", if massage services- 86.90.3 "Activities of massage parlors".

To work, you will need to obtain licenses. Before applying for licensing, you need to take into account all the requirements, prepare premises, purchase equipment (with certificates), employ staff, etc. The licensing itself will take a lot of time - at least about six months.


When choosing a complex of premises, several factors must be taken into account: transport accessibility, human traffic, and the cost of rent.

It is best to rent a room at the intersection of traffic flows, the presence of people: the new medical center will be noticed faster, the influx of new customers will be higher. This is not necessarily the central part of the city (where rents are always high). It is advisable to open near state medical institutions.

It is imperative to prepare the premises, make repairs: from appearance a lot depends on the medical clinic. The more prestige and comfort the clients feel, the higher the trust in the institution will be.

During the selection and preparation of the premises for the medical center, the requirements of SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations carrying out medical activities" are taken into account.


Careful selection of the health center employees is essential - this is very important. Qualified employees will help in solving the problem due to which customers turn to the company. This will lead to meeting the needs and improving the image of the clinic.

For experienced doctors, the likelihood of making a mistake in making a diagnosis and determining treatment is much lower than for workers with insufficient experience.

Employees have a responsibility to communicate with customers in a respectful manner.

The list of employees depends on the profile of the clinic. First you need to get hold of the following specialists:

  • gynecologist, 1 specialist;
  • cardiologist, 1 specialist;
  • pediatrician, 1 specialist;
  • ultrasound cabinet specialist, 1 special;
  • dentist, 1 specialist;
  • therapist, 2 special

You will need administrators, nurses and laboratory assistants (if analysis and diagnostics services are available), an accountant and cleaners (orderlies). The staff is only 16 people.


Clients are received in several separate offices, where specialists will work and the required equipment is installed. Most of the initial capital will be spent on the purchase of the latter.

You need to buy high-quality samples of equipment that will give accurate results of analysis and diagnostics. The success of the entire business depends on the quality of the selected equipment, therefore it is not worth saving on this item of expenses.

An approximate list of equipment:

  • complex equipment for cardiological, gynecological, pediatric and therapeutic rooms (1.20 million rubles);
  • equipping a dentist's office (700 thousand rubles)
  • ultrasound machine (650 thousand rubles);
  • quartz lamps (50 thousand rubles);
  • laboratory equipment (thousand rubles);
  • purchase of additional tools, consumables, refrigerators (350 thousand rubles).

Total - 3.350 million rubles.

Common services

When compiling the list, data from the research of the company MAR Consult were used.

In the first place are dental services. Clients are willing to pay for better treatment, more expensive drugs, and perfect dental treatment equipment.

Secondly, it is the delivery of tests (blood, feces, urine, etc.). Private clinics use more modern and sensitive laboratory technology than government agencies.

Thirdly, this is the reception and consultation of specialized specialists. Often qualified doctors work in private medical centers - this allows them to receive more money for their work.

Fourth, massage. The popularity of this area has grown literally over the past 7-8 years. In clinics, people are looking for massage masters.

Financial plan: profitability and payback of the medical center

The initial cost is RUB 4.940 million.

Prices depend on the qualifications, specialization of the doctor, the sequence of the consultation, etc. To calculate the revenue, let's refer to the cost of the services offered by the center:

  • initial consultation with a gynecologist - 1,500 rubles, 150 times a month, a total of 225 thousand rubles.
  • initial consultation with a cardiologist - 1600 rubles, 180 times a month, a total of 288 thousand rubles.
  • initial consultation with a pediatrician - 1,700 rubles, 270 times a month, a total of 459 thousand rubles.
  • ultrasound examination - 1300 rubles. (average), 150 times a month, a total of 195 thousand rubles.
  • initial consultation, dental treatment - 2500 rubles. (average), 200 times a month, a total of 500 thousand rubles.
  • initial consultation with a therapist - 1200 rubles, 360 times a month, a total of 432 thousand rubles.

Total for the month - 2.099 million rubles.

You can earn so much if the clinic is developed and known to people. You can develop an institution in about 1 year, subject to an active advertising campaign. The calculation takes into account only the prices for initial consultations, subsequent appointments also bring a lot of money.

The total amount of monthly expenses is 1,340 million rubles.
Net profit (in developed condition) - 759 thousand rubles.
Under such conditions, the medical center will pay off in 6.5 months, plus a year for development. The clinic will go to zero in 18.5 months.

Table 2. Economic justification business ideas.

Business risks and cons

Working in the field of medicine has certain risks.

  1. Decrease in the welfare of citizens. People with a higher income level turn to private medical centers, that is, a narrower the target audience... In the context of the economic crisis and falling real incomes, the flow of customers to the establishment may decrease.
  2. High competition. For the most part, people prefer to go to free public clinics and hospitals. In part, this leads to a churn of potential customers. At the same time, more modern private medical clinics are opening - that is, direct competitors capable of "intercepting" clients.
  3. Unprofessional staff. An incorrect diagnosis and incorrect treatment may not only fail to give the client the desired result, but also worsen his condition. It threatens at least negative consequences for the image of the center, and even by court proceedings or even revocation of the license.

The opening of a medical center in the current conditions of popularization of paid medicine is very beneficial. After reaching zero, the business will bring a good income to the owner. But the entrepreneur needs to prepare: to achieve the goal, you will have to take into account many risks; only with a thoughtful approach can you really achieve success in this business.